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21 -7 T7` IV --7-- a I flo. .-7r7 R pmoje R C"IU " R 0 kt~EK T'Rom 6H lj~-IS6\olif MOTO 86458 S/056/60/039/006/050/063 B006/BO63 AUTHORS: Firsov, 0. Bul Chi TITLE: Bresestrahlung of Slow Electrons Interacting With Neutral Atoms PERIODICJLL: Zhurnal sk:perimentallnoy i teor*ticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, N . 6(12), pp. 1770-1776 TEM A theoretical study has been made of bremastrahlung arising from the collision of slow elect---one (E e< 3 ev) with neutral atoms. Above allt it is shown that the br*mestrahlung cross section may be represented as a function of the elastic acattering cross section of electrons by atoms. The absorption coefficient of bremestrablung has been calculated as well. In the introduction, the most important formulas are presented, including an expression for the intensity of radiation emitted by the electron-atem system: 2 41 4 1 12 . 4Z206 r 0dir'0 2 S V Qb r.dro Qab 2 3 3 3c' 3m 0 r0 Card 1/4 88458 Dremastrahlung of Slow Electrons Interacting S/056/60/039/006/050/00 With Neutral Atoms B006/BO63 r Q ab (10 (Z+l)f f ?b T adT I ... dT Z ,r0is the radius vector of the inciding electron. This formula holds for the case where the system passes from state a to state b, and may be used to caloulate the matrix element of the dipole moment which is determined by the behavior of Q ab inside the atom. The calculation of this matrix element requireR an exact a~~lution of the Schro"dinger equatioii with the potential 2 e2 Ze U + i-o ril 2 i-o .0 kj It has been shown that, at least in the classical theory, the radiation is emitted chiefly from the atom when the electron is at distances in the order of atomic dimensions. In first approximation, the disturbance of the atom by a slow electron manifests itself in the polarization of the atom. If the period of natural oscillations of the atomic dipole (-10-16 sec) is very small compared to the time of flight of the electron through the atom (Y e< 108cm/sec) thn dipole undergoes an adiabatic C&rd 2/4 88458 Breasstrahlung of Slow Electrons Interacting 3/05Y60/039/006/050/063 With Neutral Atoms B006 B063 I '-* --" --R variation and d - aE - aeir/71, where a im.tbe polarization coefficient, and i~ is the radius vector of the inaident electron in the nuolea--,, system. e. 2. an .. 3 j2 4. In addition, For central collisions, d - ae/r "41 - -2sai/r + 6as /r (4EO/e')r in, where r -3- 10 -8 am is the value at which r-rmin a .. min d/ r passes through a minimua.~Honeoj classical approximation shows that, if r is in the order of some atomic radii, the radiation is emitted primarily from'the atomic dipole. Peripheral collisions lead to similar results. lff*xt, the calculation Of < I >ab is discussed, anal several velations are derived. The istensity-of radiation occurring in,& gas comp6sed of neutrwl atoms and electrons is studied, and the.folloving .relations are obtained for the absorption ooefficient'a(-O,k, ) or a(tY,E) -which are.definid as the probability that an energy of the Kequeney V is &b 3 2sorbed by one electron (per am gas, per see): &(Y,k *ka- n X2103 dd and &(4',E) -' 5-8 .22, (0) n 3/2 Mkb at dy m at ~E) Card 3/4 884 Bremostrablual- of Slow Elea-trans Interacting 3/056 60 039/006/050/063 Vii" Nev-'tral Jttoms B006 B063 + Pinally, this,results obtained here &::e compared J wz), with the- radilation occurring GA ions and it is fouIR4 that at ttmperaturea below- (7-8);,1o3, OK-,betw-een '.10-2 mm Hg,' the rocUktton of -a gas is determined by the oollisions between electrons. and -atoas. L. 16 Biberman, V.-RomanbvV M~'.ShmVshkeviah, and ~,Babikov are mentioned. There are 1 figure and '6''referinoes:" 4Soviet, 1 US, and 1 German. SUBMITTED: July 20, 1966 Card 4/4 TITLEs Slow-elect.ron.iloattoring from PERIODICALs Zhurnsl 'ekspiAmental I.noy,l to r*t1ohookc~y.fisiki, v. ~449 0 no# 10 639 225 -i-229* TEXTs The oner Opondonce of thip-total ic att oring, dross' soict i6n for gy eleotrons of E-~I ov-jo oalculated for, the Oitse':df-a dipolii-fiold'of-the scatterer atom$, Thil.ibtsiaotjo6, 'Pot en'tial Is, agedned; to ~s' of - fbe'forn 2 3/ir4, *hir t U- o a Is-the.-polerizibility and a Bohr is - radius On in. r0-6 dia;ing y(r) - rR(j)0, where:-R(i) is the radial. part or.thi ways fuliotion ct-1/4 1/2 2 : :- ' ' - ; . with I - 09 and x r #'ind-p kaI&:O*e'9bt&ivs aSohr6dingipr 2 i 1,+ I/X4 equation of the f6 )V, 01 (3 or Z*10 kain(P14). where 6 in the zero sca'ite-rinj phase. Righor ph"" are neglected. (3) 0 .." . ..::: - . is invariant with reipict,io-Ahe subititu Ono X 'A and ipw Then' f or x4l and t;~, Ione o0tainsY i B sin(pf.- + andtf.w BZ ain(P/Z + j) and'~-+ Card 1/3 8/056163/044/001/038/067 Slo,p-elootr6n.'scatteri'ag".fr6a 'tons JD I o2/s I a6 For x >> I and:0 a iz(ft' 6' 6 til' k 'A US I* *_. x cod 7p for ior > Ilse The. Gross sokitiog Is-then calovigtod p > 1 *8 and, A,. -tan: t-1 from thi relation a 0 k +i dan'41thor be dateraleet 0 f rom a point of. the. d(B) ourve'ot.. ft'omi: tfie- binding iontrg'y', of the'segative ion. The moan,electiron collision.freqUency-in the gas. is determined fi~u cc bot olver: ~1-1 dist'ribut ion. - The where x N/T r,eeults of - nuser'icil. izew0ise are' in' ~ good,- agressent wit h the-experiniental a(E) ourves. There,..'.4irlo.: Ifig, urt a*tkd.-i toble~ SUBMITTEDs July Caid 3/3 77-7-777 lD__ O.-Balrovy '-for Ah Aopio,' abd---:for' sAwlstamce InAhe vor'k~." orig art uW hap,; 33 fo=ulas. -AM3CCIATI N" none -Kfi 00 Sul , CCIDE; :AS . 1: --- --- - 7-~, -5 A_ f ...... . -J~ %i :!fj _____QMlSION-NR-.~ AP500875,q AMOR- Wniov j~ :B -Mi J CrKbisw -X i -'amo --:46ctron: A60~ S=l ~ft -k le i~tate of coWdifig a3kal~~, C W-9 in 48, 1965, rsqy_~ ,teorwti&*Eko~ fizikil v spwimenta ~'7WTC-.TIVGS-.-. alksai h" fin te, a sta -term diMerences oal state, emhwigm cross seatim, evchanp inter -action veth6d ~~Of L. - -Pi ~Qxv- kov and L.~ IP. Fitayevs)dy (DAN EM v. 3.51, 82T- (19613) _31.s tlli'asymprtotL~Ily exacct value of the iffer- 6ed to, a-MICUL-2te ence of the symeb%ical and antisymrictriwl ".ea. for tun a_jkaj,~ne_rwtal at-cm sepamted by larTe distanoes. The obtained valm of tlw term dif ference is then used to calcLOAte lirs c"xs section f4or the exStanp of electrms and the proba- bility of varlatim -of,the tryperlins-stat&:upon p*lUsim- of tbdse atorma It is &Uo~Aiown tm-t-- `1_ U, i w-, od'h'am 1A, 'Of 74we atow prevai3a cver the Vcm der jp tawtim WaalE Intawtim fmm st vmy Zarp dUtmvm lerbmm rjualni. "rDne airtliom am card 1/2 ve- PR -ffw .4t 003 % silf fT is. rd 7,. ~7 Y_ L ACMMQN M5024TC UR/0056/65/049/003/0841/6014- A4 AUMOR:. - Sairnol 6-0 "TV's K~* TMX Disinfegration of StoaWpartic' electric field and by Ole 6t SOUM: Zhurnal eksperimental I ncW' i teoreticbeiskoy fiziki, v. 4.9, no. 3, 1965, electron detachment, electron affinity, negative ion, ale TOPIC TAGS, ctron lipact, hydrogen ion, 'AWMCT: The decay of an atomic particle in a constant homogeneous elecrric field 1;1..__%_'__ ~is considereA. , An arMtotically exact (in the Unlit of small field strengths) ex- "Pression is obtaine4 for the probability of electron detachment per unit time, The result obtained is used for determining the bind Lng energy of an electron 1br a nega- tive helium ion (the experim*ntal dependence of the ion lifetime on the strength of the external electric field In which it decays io utilized). The electron affinity lof a -helium stom is found to be , 0. 06 t 0 1005 air - A calculation is made of the cross Isection for dlein~egration of S,negative ion by electron impact resulting An liber Ition of an o-elebtron It is assumed that the oross section to large compared with C d 1/2 ar 7 22U-wM ~CICESSIOI HH: AP5024705 Itbe nharacteiistic size of U6-aegitive ion band that the impinging eleetti6n-,bovei -classical orbit. Those assugptions are justifled,by the results. Two nidbaiiams ;0f.disintegration of a negative ion are considei4w "squeezing" of a weakly Uound e1iiatron'of the negative ion by*Atbe static field of the impinging electron'g.-ti Ad Ats- reloval as: 4--meat -of vari6kibu-An time of the--field of ihe incident -Olectron.,-_1 6, - : 1 s ahmm that at high oolliei6n velocities the.. atteond mechanism yi0lde a rolih .'Jwh:~ch corresponas -to the Dorn,ap"proximation. Thit dependence of thel-djointeigrati section o the velocity of the incident elitatron'is compared with the results of -other calculations. Orig.., art has: -2 fIg"res- .nd 32 formulas. ICS) OCIATION: none ASS suawinum 16marO.` 00 SUB CODZI NP OVI '004- 01:2 -ATD PRESS: -M W ACC MR, AP5024706 SOURCE 170DE.I: UR/0056/65/049/003/6~5-2/6~t6 AUTHOR: ChibiBCV, M.4i. ( 7, ORO: none t TITLE: Adhesion of electrons to atoms In triple collisions SOURCE: Zburnal eksperi'mentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no, 3, 1965, 852-856 TOPIC TAGS: electron colliston,, atomic structure, capture cross section ABSTRACT: The probabilities for adhesion of electrons in trjele eol- -lisions of the type e + A + B and e + e + A (A, B - arbitrary monatom-ra systemyare expressed In terms of the corresponding cross sections fcr the disintegration of the atom:~c systems A- and B-, by an atom and an electron, using the principle of detailed balancing. It is shown that adhesion of electrons to neutrel atoms in triple encounters is more probable than photo-adhesio'n at target-gas densities 1013 -- 1015 am-3, which indicates that the probatility of the adhesion of electrons to neutral atoms are several orders of magnitude larger than obtained by card- 1/2- L 12083-M 1ACC NR' AP9;024706 H. Masse3r (Nesative Ions, Cambridge Univ. Press 1~50) and R. A. Smith (Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soo. V. 32, 482, 1436 . The pressure and temperatu re ranges in which the rate of the reaction e + e + A - A + e are greater than those of the reaction e + A + A - A- +-A in a gas,in thermal equilibrium. Author thanks B M* Smirnov and 0. B. Firsov for numerous discussions. Orig. art. ]Jat/ 12 formulas 6 CODB:.20/ SUBM DATEs l6Mar65/ uAW MW SOV: 008/ OTH REF: 003 Cc~d 1/2 CHIBISOV, K.K. Keehanization In coal mining of steeply dipping seams. 'Ugol' Mr. no.11:30-32 N '59. (MMA 13:3) 1,GlavW Inshener shakhty Is. 1. Markes tresta Ordzhonikidze. (Coal mines and mining) CMBII~py~ TKACHENKO, Ye.l., red. _,S~FPY Ivanovich I z~ ~-. ' , ; [Work, search, inJtiative] Truds Poiskv initalativa. Volgograd, Nizime. Volzhakoe kn12.hn0e Izd-vo, 190;5, 54 P. (MIRA 18:12) GRITSAY, Aleksandr Petrovich; IVANOV, Nil Dranovich; rQRTROV- jAjJJ&L-"tri:ywdch: V )VA, I.Yre., red.; GAM'TTO. -TexEn. reoF- V . .1 [Working capital of socialist industrial enterprises) Obo- rotnye sredst-va sotsialistichookikh promyshlennykh predpri- iatii. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 84 p. (MIa 16:10) (Capital) CHIBISOV, V.D., kand. ekonom. nauk, dotsento NAGORNYKH, I.A., aspirant. .4 - ;-- -- .1 --- --- --- - Organization of and norm setting for the working capital in the shoe industry. Ko2h.-obuv.pram. 5 no.10:8-10 0 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kharlkovskiy univeraitet imeni Gor'kogo (for Nagornykh). CKBiSOVP V.D., dotsent, kand. ekonom. nauk,- NAGCRIIYKH, LA., a9T.-Irqn4,- Organization and working capital nom settIng for the -daterial. reserves in the enterprises of the textile indu5try. --ekst. prom. 24 no.8;78-80 Ag 164. (MUM4 17--W) 1. KharIkovskaya akademiya imerd L.A. Govorova (fo-- Oh�bisov). 2. Dar'kov8kiy universillet (far, Neq;ornykh)j. ZAKq L.A. ; CHIBISOV V V.; NAGWWTv W.K. 9 otv. red. ; ORWVAp I.A.,q red.; tekbn. rW. [Test programs for ithe BM-2 computer] Tentovye prograww dlia mashiM EESK-2. Moskva.. Vychislltell~i tsontr AN SSSR9 1961& 24 p. OMIU 1418) (Electronic digital pomputere-Testing) CHIBI _-V.V.; SKRYAGIN, V... oty. rid.; ORLOVA,, I.A., red.; .1. -qqV POPOVA, N.S., takhm. red. [Wwaction of square roots b7 the BESH-2 machine.] Operataiia izvlechenlia kvadratnogo kornia na mashine BESK-0. Moskva Vychislitellnyi tsentr IN SBSRp 19J2. 24 p. (MIRA 16:61 (Electronic digital computers) ULDIANOVAt T.Mj; 1,14TIPOV~ I.N.; CH1B&026-'Lj. otv. red. ['Almrk at the control dook of the BR3M-2 computer; programmer's handbook.] RabotA za pulltm HESM-2; posoWe dlia pror-amaistov. Moskva# 1905. 31 po (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Vychislitel~nyi tsentr. Standartnpi i tipovyie programmy BESM-2., no.10) (MIRA 113:8) CHIBISOV, Ye* This factory section vi3l become a a at shop. Mest.prou.i khWeprompe 1 no.2/301-33 N-D +I. (MIM 14:4) (Moscow-Plastics industry) (Commmint Party of the Soviet Union-Party work) CHIBISOV Ye stepa into the futuree Mest,prum.i khud.promys. 2 no.3:20-21 Mr 161. (mm 14:4) (Agricultural machinery) CHIBISOV, Ye. _(I(. Yaroolavlf) At a oall's pace. Ment.promoi kbad.promys. 2 no.5z27 My 161. . WRA 34: 5) (Taroglayl-Construction industry) CHIBISOV, Ye. (g.pushklno, Maskovskoy obl.) Neighbors help each other. 14est.prom.i khud.promys. 2 -no-7:2-3 J3. '61. (MIRA 15:1) (Moscow-Metallurgical plants-Labor productivity) (Socia2ist competition) CHIBISIDV, Ye. (g.Makqyevka,. Stalinskoy oblasti) Glass factory of Makeyevka, Hest.prom.i khud.promyo. 2 no.10: 9-10 0 161. (MIRA 14: 11) 1. Spetsiallnyy kcrresponder-t-zhu=a1a "Meatnaya promyshlennost i khudozhestvemyp promysly". (Makeyevka-Glase factories) FEYGENBERG.9 1.~L (Moskva); FOGIBKO,, N.I. (Khar'kov);._rHTR 5CVP_YU.N. (IiDokva); KAMIMKAYA, P.Z. (Llvov); CHALISOf, M.A. Discuosione Frota::-ud,pnikh* 9t298-3M 161. (MBA .15:2-) (NMALniaws) CHIBISOVJ, YU.K. . .......... 1- Disorders in psychic functions and their restoration in reactive states. Prob md.psikh.10: 65-80 161. (mm 1617) i,PSYCHOSIS) (HYSTERIIL) CHIBISOV, Yu.K. Functional personality dissociation syndrome in the clinical aspects of reactive states. 'Yudy Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.psikh. 27:292-299 161. (MIRA 15:10) 1. TSentrallnyy nauctino-iseledovatellskiy institut sudebnoy psikhiatrii imeni V.P.Serbskogo. Dir. - dotsent G.V.Morozov. (PERSONALITY, DISORDERS OF) (MRENSIC PSYCKATIRY) CHIBISOV Yu K Structure and dynamics of the "animallstle" syndrome in the framework of various types of the course of chronic hysterical reactions. Probl. obshchei I sud. psikh. no.14:197-213 163. (MM 18:9) KANAVETS, P.Iof GHMIM, V.I.1 Thermographle Investigation Of fluxed ore4uel granules prepared by the method of chemical catalysis. Trudy IGI 22231-34 '63, (MMA 16111) -Z .1f f.X01hery Ile MaX. Q~Culllll~.. a; AW" uf tL anditm s )f m6cows that iht maln lensaticii raf ivticlei up'n wi-uc~i ii ae-rachm,nt CA KANAVETS, P.I.; CHIBISOVAV K.I,; CHMNM,, V.I.1 MUMIM, F.W, The2sographic invostigation of coal irariulas for the PM-pose, or studying their beb&vior during #ejual decomposition. TxvW IGI 22tl36-146 1639 (MIRA 16:11) MRD'.)J,'RU'30V, L.S.;CHrBISOVA 0 S Variations In quality of normal wlaRsen during the production season. Sakh.prom. 3? no.9:4-9 S 158. 04IRk 11-11) f 1. Stallnekeya gruppovaya laboratorlya, k Oblanves) FRIZYUK S.C.; RATjYDVA. V.K~ PTFKLERp L.B.;. S-limple meth~A of analyzing fluore8cein-protein conjugates. Vop. vir"as. 9 no.5-.631-634 S-0 164. (MIR-A 18t6) I. Ynstltu~ virusolog-IL.' iment 'Alvanovskego (dir... daystv-1telinyy ch-l-m AM S:3SR prof. V.M. Zhdanov.) AMA SSSR, ll-loskva. -1-54964 65 v .19- M V J A 4- C ACCE.S$ION NR: AP501.2100 UR/0191/,ra 5/000/005/0005/0-307 678, 674,01:53 6. 495:543. 87 2 urskma, iB. Ml %rtzhkove., A, 9.r*, -Chiblaova, Ye. 1.1 Gintsbeiz, E. G.: Z. V. 54 'wE::. -131 astlcbeski3 ?nPAs) ---------- 7- h ~-Wlybydro ~Ia t9 slurat polyester, _PAY;Iister a i~ eT t uxidati-e degm&tion, fjt3i-ene eopolymerization, cycloh(manone peroxide, cobalt j nVUbmate, polyesterbardfinimg ~The IluvrIfig polyeit is d'6&PoI3dIetbyJbDe I PACT. .0 Wars Stu glyco msleate~succlnatel 1. 0:0. 5-0. 5 ~polyester 1), pdlyeth~4ea* e glycol maleate dil6enate 1. 0:0. 5:0. 5 (PolyeBter and po.- lyhydrophthalate 1. 0:0 - 4:0. 6 (polyester DI). The I Oyesters were also hardened by copol:(merization with otyrene in the, presence of a reducing system of cyclobexanone and cobalt naphtbeamte, The oxidation kinetics of the polyesters were followed by q ;iure in the system. The thermal oxida-lion of the non- ~bV I hieb -~:Mwg X-av a 15iiti-aiuca, __9 _ _ g Zq id AP -0 j/j 7 -5 ;Z-~'. I ~A F7~ _JU7WAS- Plal -;lr narcienneu poiyester Tcs=~~- rolyesTer --'a eu '&eeze outth *--8--- aAkti~' roftets and d(itermbi-e the tber-mal o6d'dation i it possible to e egr 'P kinetics only from the absorptior of oxygen in the system; induction periods werv olibserved at the ond of whicti the reaction displayed autoacceleration, TM8 indicated a radical-cbain jmedhanism. proceeding with degenerated brauching. T1 e oxidation oi it 81 N i !t, solution of polyester EII to which organic stabilizers hail been added also indicated this mecbaAsm. The bffluenco of vsx1ous initlaWrz used fvr the hardening of uw-aturated polycsters was manifested only itt high temperatures (abourt 260C). The products of the thermal o)ddation of polyester III were identified. Orij,,, ail. has: 7 fipree a-i'-, taMe. A&S-CCIATIO-Mi.' N~ o-b-e,-,- A 1 ~21;66_66, - 4(i)/-. WPWAi97060 ACCESSION NR:, AP6024508 UR/9191/65/000/010/0042/0044 t! AUTHOR: Gintsberg. E_G.. ChibisovaLle. 1. ;,'KovarskM, B. M. TT' Po laioara~htc investigation of the products of thermo- oxidative destruc tionIff 'polyester resins bapq# on majefe and chlorendic anhydrides and ethylene gly,,::ol SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 10,,1965, 412-44 TAPS; -eta I& n, polye stic --~olaro raphic analysis, oxidativ degradatio e- chemical mec an cs in - AL daft4v yen er;~res were analy6ed-polarcigraphibkIly to' help. establish the -mechanics - of-the __ destrue- i'tiveprocess. The -polyester Investigated was based on diethylene gl~ycol,maleic and chlorendic- anhydrides 0. 1:0. 4-0. 6 molar ratio), cured with benzoyl peroxidlel-- e- In a and diethanolamin tyrene (30% styrene in th Wtial solutions). It eat- le was h -initial oxygen pressure of 200 nun Hg. Form- ed at 240C for 1 4 hours under an aldehydei acetd.dehyde, benialdehyde and maleic acid were identified. No fumar 1/2 .!kCC NR AP60067ii SOURCE CODE: UR/0303/6'6/000/001/0004/0009 AUTHOR: Sorokin, M. F.; Chibisova. Ye,_J, IORG: none iTITLE: Polyester varnish resins containing anhydride of 1,4,5,6,7,7-hexacblorobicycle-,' :-(2,2,1)-S-heptyl-2,3-dicarboxylic acid ISOURCE: Lakokrasochnyye iraterialy i ikh primeneniye, no. 1, 1966, 4-9 TOPIC TAGS: phthalic anhydride, polyester plastic, varnish, paint, lacquer, polycon- densation, aliphatic alcohol, polyhydroxy aliphatic alcohol ABSTR/iCT: Kinetics of the polycondensation of the anhydride of 1,4,5,6,7,7-bexachloro-' bicycl.o-(2,2,1)-5-heptyl-2,3-dicai,boxylic acid with el:hyleneglycol, glycerine, and xy- I litol was studied in the 140-2300C range. The molar ratios of anhydride to glycol were7 of 1:1 to 1:2.5 and the reaction duration was 2-6 hr. The properties of the reaction products as coatings were compared to those based on phthalic anhydride. The rates of the polycondensation reaction and the energies of activation are graphed and tabulated.! It was found that this polycondensation is a two-stage reaction. The first of these stages is fast, almost independent of temperature, and leads to the formation of the acidic esters. The second stage, h 'ighly temperature dependent, was found to be a sec- ond order reaction. The activation energies of the polycondensation reactions involv- UDC; 667.633.263.3 Card 1/2 ACC NRt AP6006717 ing glycerine and xylitol were found to be 17-18 kcal/mol and that glycol was found to be 14.5 kcal/mol. All the polycondensation acid numbers than those of the corresponding products based on is claimed that these polycondensation products lead to higher paints than tho a based an pbthilic anhydride. Orig. art. has: /II ISUB CODE: 07,7 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF; 004/ involving ethylene- products have lower pbthalic anhydride. It quality varnishes and 8 figures, 6 tables. 0TH REF: 005 2 EWTI(Layn _W: c8792=6 C 7ACC NR& AP-GOi6852 C')) SOURCE CODE3 UR/0191/66/000/009/0042/0045 AUTHOR: ChQisova, Ye, I Kqyarsk~Za, B. M. Pehenitsyna, V. P Puzakova, Z. A.- 'KaganovaD Ye. h. ORG% none TITLE: ]~tMqdation of unsaturated polyesters SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy% no. 9, 1966, 42-45 TOPIC TAGS: polyester resin, pyrolysis, oxidation, polyester plastic, phthalic anhydride, synthetic material ABSTRACT: The kinetics of thermal and oxidative 'LegEqdationAf polyesters based on ethylene glycol and maleic anhydride and on dichloroliydrinpentaerythrite and malei~_ and phthalic anhydrides were studied. The kinetics of thermal degradation were studied in the 200-4001C range by followi ng the pressure drop in the,system and by IR spectros- copy. Oxidative degradation was studied in the 180-:2400C range and at an initial oxy- gen pressure of 200-500 mm lig. The low values of the activation energy of thermal degradation in all polyesters indicate that the process proceeds via a complex mecha- nism. The involvement of the free radical:type inte:rmediates in the thermal degredatic is suggested. The IR spectra indicate that thermal degradation in polyesters involves the cleavage of the C-0 bonds of the eater groups. The IR spectra showed that the UDC. 678.019.3 : [678.67416415221448+ Card i io . +fi7Q_A7U1q99'uUR'ft9n *I L 08ri,99-67 ACC NR. AP6030852 products of the oxidative degradation of the polyesters contain acetaldehyde, formalde- hyde, benzaldehyde, ancl maleic anhydride. It is ccmcluded that the oxidative degrada- tion m-achanism in polyesters involves an attack of oxygen on the a-carbon of the styrene-group and the subsequent formation of hydrciperoxide-type*intermediates. Un- saturated compounds were also detected in the prodirats, of oxidative degradation of the polyesters. Orig. art. hass 7 figures a.nd 1 table. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATEa ON, ORIG IMPt 003/ OTH IMF: 005 Card 2/2 not ACC NRI AR6032315 SOURCZ CODr,.* UR,10081/66/000/010/SO37/SO37 'AUTHOR.: Sorokin M. F.; Chibisova, Ye. I. TITLE: The synthesis and study of polyesteirwith chlorendic anhydrides polyantomic alcohols SOURCE: Ref. zh. Xhimiya, Part 11, Abe. 10S249 REP SOURCE: Tr. Moak. khtm. tekhnol. in-ta im~ D. 1. Alendeleyeva, vyp. 48, 1965, 208-213 TOPIC TAGS: polymerization, polycondensation, multiatomic alcohol, chlorendic anhydride, polyester ABSTRACT: A study was made on the reaction of polycondensation of chlorendic anhydride with polyatomic alcohols (ethylene glycol, glycerin and xylitol) in different ratios of the initial substances. A study was also made on the effect of the reaction time and temperature on the process of condensation polymerization of chlorendic anhydride with polyatomic alcohols. It was found that during con- densation polymerization of chlorendic anhydride or phthalic anhydride with the above alcohols, the reaction occurred more rapi 1y wit. chlorendic acid. [Transla- A tion of abstract) rd Ill SUBCODE: 07/ CRIBIZOT, G.A., Imahener. 161W Preventing landslides. Fat.1 put.khcs. no.4:38-40 AP '57. (LwAslides) CHIBIZO.V. 0.A.. inoh. More attention ahould be paid to the roadbed. ftti i put. khoz. no.4:13,-12 Ap '59- (MIRA 13:3) (Rail-roade-Haintouanos and repair) CHIBIZOV, G.A., inzh. SlIzination of trad. heaving is the most important problem. Put' I Put.khos. nn.12., - -5 D 1 59. (MIFA 13 :4) kRailroads-Track.3 OUBIZOV, G.A., inzh- - -------- ,wr Roadbed protection in reservoir ar, . Put' i pat.khoz. 4 no.6: 16-17 j'e l6o. (MIRA 13:7) Pailroade--Maintonarc-., and repair) -.OHIbIZQL_qjAj,*.jnzh.; KOROLIKOV~ N.M.., inzh., retsenzent; VOROTNIKOVA, L.F.., tekhn. red. [Maintenance of earth dams] Soderzhanie zemlianogo po-otna. Moskva.. Izd-vo "Transport," 1964. 258 p. (MIRA 17:4) CHIBIZOV, G.A., iuzh. Stab5lization of Volga slopes. rut' i put.khoz. 0 16o. P (Volga Valley-Shore protection) 4 no.iO;5-8 (MIRA 13:9) CHIBIZOV) G.A.., :Lnzh. Improve the qua2ity of roadbed construction eM maintenance. FaV i paukhoz. 6 no.5:40-41 162. (MIRA 1594) (Rai3-roads---Tra(*) CHIBIZOV, GrIgoriy Alekseprwich-_ CHISAV M.T., kand. tekhn. nauk, AMPAS retsenzent; IXIMj Z.I., insh., reteensent; MRDSHIN, P.V.I, dots.g r#Soo$mt;SMEMApA.I.,;USENKO,N.A., teklib,red. [Mechanized methods of eliminating frost heave]Mekhanisiro- vannye spon ikvidataii puchin; opyt puteitsev Vostochno- Sibirskoi, Ouo-Urallskoi i Zapadno-Stbirskoi dorog. Mo- skva, Tranisheldorisdat, 1.963, 55 P* (MRA 16:3) (Prozen iround) (Railroads.-Construction) A r, )pt,~ca.-, (cbr3f SWOW) rethcd fi~r rif copper. Zrliir. CJ7:~ Nov. KUZNETSOVA, BYKFOkfSKIY. Ya.A.~ LICCHrMlEV, L,i~ !- SOFCL,(~TA, I hill-Bl7j-111,41 L-A. S.Ye.~ IL Bohavior of' refractories in 'lurnae.~s Of oxygen suspensi~-,n w,,e2r,ing. TSvat. -met. 37 no.1-1,.,52-58 N 164. (MIRA Dui4) I. A. "HaterJ,al on tlk~. ld.~tor,., of roun tfs r--nd -i tali e7 :,njta,ion j-n n-i n t r . I it r r J.Pn Stit-7 Pu lj!~Ihi.n-~ iouRl-, L,hro,,!-h U~! 0 , i ,liceil Lj.t:~ra Lurt. Z-tj,jj -j crlirnl 1P.:.t. 1a; si, for ~Icr T, i 1956. (Dissmrt,ition for ti.,e Degree of Cm-lidatc iln "a-z-ical L,,f-.icIlccr)p SO: Knizhm~,-n Ictopi-- , N~-, 23, 19~56. CHIBOV, A.V. (Poltava) Intimating water quality In reservoirs. Tod.i san.takh. no.6:1-3 Je 157. (KLRA 10:7) (Water-Auslysis) CHIBOV.A.V. . , ;1r. - Sealing cast Iron bell-siouth pipe joints with steel shavings. Vod. I san.takh. no.6:19 S155. (KLRA9!1) (Water pipes) CHIMTf A*T. (Poltava) 141 Me pmtloo of pluning and operating reservoir water Intakes@ Yodel man,tskh. no.6:26-29 Je 16o. (Km 13:6) (Watir-svff2y engineering) QMM=O-a. TZOMMOGY PMIODICALs EPUIZMPESZBT. Vol- ht no. 6v 1955. Chibevesky, B. Infamstion am POUsh central h8atiDg sYstswe Ps 10.0- Monthly Ust of Bast lurqwam Accessism (UAI) LC9 Vol. 8, No. 21, February 1959, Unclass. WORKIEWICZ, Jadwiga; CRIBOWSKAO-Aleksandra; WD)DARCZYK., Stefan Conge,nital poikiloderwa (Thomson). Ann. univ. Lublin sec. D 15: 331-346 '(1) 1. Z Katedry i Kliniki Derr,-,ato1ogicznej Wydzial-u Medycznej w Lublinie Kierownik-. prof. dr med. Cze3law "I'l-ii-Na., i z Zakladu Radiologii Wydzialu Lekarskiego Akade:Aj MedYcEwj V Lublinie Kierownik: z prof. Kazimierz Skorzynsld. (SKIN dis) CHIBOWSKA, Al,eksandr,a,, WOJTKIEWICZ, Jadwiga Osteopoikilosia in the w-arse of Polkiloden-ma Congenita-le (Thwasonlv discase). lu-m. univ. L.Ablin sec.D 35047-353 t60. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Wydzialu Lelarskiego Almdemii Modycmej v Lublinie Kleroiadk: z. prof., Kazinierz Skorzynski i z Utodry i Kliniki Darmatologiamej Wydzialu Lekarskiego Mmdemii Med~czne,j w Lublinic Kierownilt: prof. dr jued.' Czeslaw Ryll-Nardzewski. (SKIII dis) (BONJES DISEM)ES c-ampl) P 0 L,#-'q D 7 K.VFICZ, kszof rnd CHr-r30W3.KA, Alskmandm, Dermatology Clinic ( .0foslaw [doosasod]) and tho Dapartment ot Pisdiology Zak,. .1 R&dfologiezily) (Director, Prof. Dr. Kazimiert SKORZYNSk-T), both at the LM rAk-adani& Madyema, Medical Academy] In Lul~-Lln "Trir,lo rmorxous Luetio Aneurysm a,-' tk% lhoraclio Aorta. C'Mse 110purt.." !~.'Arsftlw 11*1.,,ki ~"qdnik Leka~rski, Vol 17, No 48, 26 Nov 62, [Authors' Briglish summar A easo of triple onor luetic. anourysm of the thor&cia aarta is reported.. t"itorior fragments of the right 4th ribs woro a-e- s tro yed. Attention is drawn to the sise of fhvi anet:,rysm, signlobs course of the dinease, an-d coaxistence of three aneurysms of the thoracic artary. 7he aneurysm appeared because of th6 irisufficietir, troatpiont of a lue'vlo infoo- tion 50 yov,,ra ago, Of the eight roforanQ94, on* is Eng- lish, one Germw,,, ono FUsular, and fiTe Poliah. --4 MICHALOWSKI,, Roman ; CHIBOWSKA, Maria Lipidophilia of the palate, preceding conditions and level of some lipids in The blood serum. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.28zIO60-1063 13 - 20 Jlt'64 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej AkademjLL MedyazneS w Lublinie; kierowniks doo, dr. med. Roman Michalowski. CHIBOMI, Daniell OMSIO Mahal Neoplastio metastases to the heart. Ann.UnivLublin; 3ec. D 14: 79-86 159. 1. Z latedry Anatonii Patologicznej Wydzialu Lekarskiego Akkae,mii Hadycznej w Lublinie Xierownik: Prof. dr mgd~ ~-~ (HEART neopi) --- CHIBOWSKI. pakt2l; KLENIEWSKI, Andrzej Ichthyosis congenita. gravis. Report on two cases. Ann. Univ. Lublin see. D 15~249-261 160. L Z Katedry i Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Wydzialu Lekarskiego kkaden,ii I'ledycmaj w.Lubinie Kierownik: prof. dr-mad. Stanislaw Makhburg. (ICHTHYOSI3 in inf & child) TYNECKI, Joz0f; CHIBOVSKII Deniel;,LONGIN, Luty; ZDZISLAw, Krusqnskj A case of corLhrenital toxoplasmosis. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.33:1312-1313 13 Ag 162. 1. Z II Klinild Ghorob Kobiecych i Polo=Uczych AM w Lublinie; kisrownik: prof. dr med. Jozef Tynecki i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Lublinie; kierownat prof. dr md. Stanislaw Mahrbarg. (TOXOPLASMOSIS CONGENITAL) MARKIEW1G27, Danuta; CHIBOWSKI, Daniel A case of meningeal carcinosis with unusual cellular reactions of the cerebrospinal fluid. Neurol. neurochir. psychint. Pol. 14 no.1:75-77 Ja-F 164. 1. 7. Kliniki Chorob Nerwowych Akademii Medycznoj w lublirie (Kierownik: prof. dr.'W. Stain) i z Zakladu Anatomii, Patologicznej Akademii Medycznej (Kierownik: prof. dr. S. Mahrburg). CZOCHRA, Marian; CHIBOWSKI, Daniel Bilateral neurilemmona of the acoustic nerve associtt.ted with an abortive form of Reek1inghausen's disease with tha presence of blastomatosis in the medulla oblongata. Neurol. n6larochir. psychiat. Pol. 14 no. 21247-252 Mr-Ap 164. 1. Z Oddzialu Neurochirurgii przy Klinice C~,,)rob Nerwowych AM w Lublinie (Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr W.Stein; Kierownik Oddzinlu: doe. dr. H.Kozniewska) i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Lublinie Rierownik Zakladu: prof. dr S.Mahrburg). CHIBOWSKI. Daniel An imimino,histochemical, investigation of the cells of Ehrlich's asaites carcinoma. Inn. Univ. lublin. seat. D 191429-439 164 Morphological changes of the cells of Ehrlichts experimental ascites carcinoma in the course of immunological lysis. lbid-- 1,65-478 1. Katedra i Baklad Anatomii Patologicznej, Ifydzial Lekarski AM w Lublinis, (Kierownikz prof. dr. med. Stanislaw Mahrburg.) CIIIEV,,WqKA, Maria p baschka'a sclerederia in a 6-year-old girl. Pediat. Fol. 39 noo8--'375--?78 Ag 164 1, Z~ 11 Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademli Medycznej w Lublin'a (Kierowniks doe. dr. med. A. Gebala) 1 2; Xliniki Derma,.o!C- gi,-znej Akademii Yiedycznej w Lublinie (Elerownik: doe. dr. mod* Ra MichalowskJ), PUGACRAV, A,W.; CRIBISOV9 V,qIq Nov STU-1,9 fertilizer spreader. Trakt. i oellkhozmash. 30 no.6., 28-29 je o6o. (HIU 13: 11) - 1. TSontralluaya mashinoispytatellnaya otantsiya. ~ (Fertilizer spreaders) 124-57-2-2532 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekh.-.nika, 1957, Nr 2, p 143 (USSR) AUTHORS: Patrikeyev, A. V.. Chibrikin--M. V. T IT LE: On Fatigue Testing of Wood (K voprosu ob issledovanii drevesiny na ustalost' ) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vopr. dreve,-,Inovedeniya. Muscow- Leningrad, Goslesbumizdat, 1953, pp 64-71 ABSTRACT: A testing technique is propounded for fatigue testing of wood (the shape of a specim'en: and a fastening method therefor, the number of stress cycles per minute, the maximal number of cycles, a schematic design for a testing machine, etc. ) The fatigue limits found in the investigation of pine and beech amounted to 22-25% of the ultimate static strength for static tangential flexure. 1. Wood--Fatique 2. Wood--Test methods A. F. Rozhnyatovskiy Card 1/1 z; Ov/9-1 -5 -1 --17/119 ~X, THOrS vinyevodskiy, V.V., Molin, Yu.:-.T. and ChibrUcin, V.14. ?I TIS Electron Parwaagnatia Resonar -a Spe~c", with Various Substituents (Spektry elektrannoro parawagnitnoco razonansa Cr-arouatichaskikh Fic:jx-,dimealys razzlichay-A Z:imostitolyami) MIODICAL Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol 5, 1Tr 1, 'op 90-92 (USSA) AMURACT: The present note reports continuation of the work described in Ref 1-2 on olectron paramapetiu- resonance spectra of 6olutionj of (C6H6)2 GrI, (C(~15 - CCiHll)2 CrI, (C6H5 . C6H5)(Cf5Hj,)Jr1 and (C6H,5 - 06d5)2 CrI. These compounds are denoted 1. 1! '. III and IV respectively in the present note. The pirpo3o of the woric -was to find the effect of substi-tutiori of the distribution of d-ansity of unpaired electrons. Isopropyl alcohol, acetone, pyridine and water were used as solvents. All measurenixits were mado at rO-:,'~l t0llDerattara using & spectrometer working at 9300 Me/s. The i3oau]--,tio-a dopt~-, of the magneti-a field was 2 Oe. The 6-factor, t1-..3 to-;~al lino-width in Oe, the separation of the hyperfina structure caiupcaant- (AH) and the number of resolved hyporfine str,~ctare (h.f-a-) Card 1/2 for tao compoujids I-IV in isopropyl alcohol are given ii-, tho table EloQtron Farwaagnetic Resonanca Spectra of Or-Aramatic Compounds witi, Various SubstitjerA3 on p 91. The consistency of g and AH in ti-to series cf compaands I-IV indicates that introduction of a substituent into the benzene ring does not materially change the distribut-icn cf density of unpaired ele~ttroas betneen Or and the benzene rings. Improvement of the resolution of the spectrum (see the figure on -p e2) on going from the canpound I to the compound IV -was observed. "Th,.3 aithors nake the following conclusions. (1) In dilute solutions the h-f-s- component vidth ceases to depend on concentration below a certain concentration which is different for different solvents. (2) The width of h.f.a . componants in dilute solutions depends on the nature of the solvent. (3) On increase of the solution con=itration the h.f.s. disappears at different concentrations in difforent solvents. The main reason for the disappearance of the h.f.s. is the axchan6o interaction betwean. paramagnetia particles. The authors thank Professor G.A. Razuva-yev (Gortktr Institute of Organic Chemistry) and Professor F. Hein (Inotituto of Inorganic Chemistry, Jana, Bastarn Gard 2/2 Germany) for supply of the compounds studi8d. Thera a:~s I figare, 1 table and 5 references, b of which are Amarica-u and 2 Soviet. =OGLITION.: Institut khimiches1coy fiziki, AN SSSR (Inctitate of Ch,-iai--al Physics, Acad emy of 8 ciences of the U 3 .3 R v) 1. Metalorganic compoimds-Speetro- SUBIZ-TTSD January 27, 1958 graphic analysis 2. Matelorganic compoundr,-111'alpetic pro ties 3. Cyclic compounds-Properties 4. Chromium .per iodine conpounds-Properties 24 -M, 5 (4) A!13THORS: Bubnov, N. N., Sorokirt, Yu. A., SOV/48-23-10-35/39 Solodovnikov, S. P., Chibrikin, V. M. TITLE: Investigation of the Dibenzene-chrome Derivatives by the Method of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 10, pp 1263 - 1264 (USSR) ABSTROT: In earlier papers (Refs 1-3) it has already been, shown that in highly diluted dibenzene chrome solutions the interao'6ion be- tween the unpaired electron and the protons of the benzene rings,. which are in dixe_,3t connection with the metal (chrome-) atom, manifest themselves by a distinct hyperfine structure of the spectrum of paramagnetic electron resonance. It has already been shown that the introduction of a substituent into the benzene ring influences neither the g-factor of the compound nor the amount of the hyperfine splitting (3-~�O-5 Gs). It was further found that the dissolving temperature, the nature of the solvent or that of the substituent introduced into the benzene ring influen-ries the width of the hyperfine structure component. Further investigations concerned the spin density Card 1/3 distribu',_J:o-i of the unpaired electron in the molecule, the Investigation of the Dibenzene-chrome DerivatJves by SOV/413,;L-3-10-35/39 the Method of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance hyperfine splitting, as well as the width of the hyperfine structure component. In 'his :connection, several details, which were obtained from referenoes 1-8 are briefly discussed. Further investigations concerning hyperfine splitting were carried out with the cation of dibenzene chrome with cyclo- hexyl substituents in both rings. It was found that at low temperatures of the solution of this compound an additional triplet splitting (1+0.5 Ga) of each hyperfine structure com- ponent occurs. It is caused by the interaction of the unpaired electron with two protons of a cyclohexyl substituent. An in- vestigation of the influence exerted by various factors on the width of the hyperfine structure component gave the fol- lowing result: A considerable dilution of the solution with a reduction of temperature loads to a monotonic improvement of the spectral resolving powAr,, i.e. the width of the hyperfine structure component decreaaea. In some solvents (e.g. alcohols) an anomalous temperature dependence of the spectral resolving power is found; this might be explained by a complex formation between the dibenzene chrome aations and the molecules of the Card 2/3 Investigation of the Dibenzene-chrome Derivativ-es by SOV/48~-23-10-35/39 the Method of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance solvent. There are 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicher,koy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Phys'ics )f the Academy of Sciences, USSR).,Institut khimii pri Qorlko~.~.Bkom gose universitete (Institute of Chemistry at Gor'kiy State Univerol,ty) Card 3/3 5(4)t 240) SOY/76-33-13-37/39 AUTHORS: Bubnovy N. N., Chibriking V,, M. TITLE: Or, the Temperature Dependence of the Width of the Component of Superfine Structure in Electron Paramagntitic Resonance Speotra PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33P Nr 8, pp 1891-1892 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to clarify the mechanism of the extension of the component of superfine structure, the effect of temperature on the spectrum of the electron-paramagnetic resonance of the cations of chromium dibenzene (C6 H6,'~,Cr+ (I) and chromium-bis- diphenyl 1(C6H5)2 Or+ (II) was investigated. The studies were J made with conoenArated solutions (more than 0.02 mol/1) (solvents - ethanol, pyridine, acetone) by means of a spectro- meter with a high-frequency modulation of the magnetic field (Ref 5)- It was observed that at the gradual lowering of temperature the -width of the superfine structural component (A H) of (I~ and (IS) is constantly reduced, and,reaches a minimum at -50, -80 C- When the temperature is lowered beyond that, the width increases again. In all solutions of (1) and * Card 1/2 (11) investigated, two additional lines were observedn They SOV/76-3;-9-37/35 On the Temperature Dependence of the Width of the Component of Superf'-ne Structure in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra came about by a superfine fission at the Cr53 isotope. It is stated that there exists an anisotropy of the g-factor a.-id a superfine siructure in the chromium--aromatio compoun, Besides the temperature reduction, there are two more re _;one for the extension of the com;onent of superfine structure: One is due to the formation of stable complexes or solvate shells, and the other one is in no connection with the exchange interaction. In order to solve thin problem it will be neces.- sary to carry out studies with diluted solutions in which the latter effect is negligible. It is ascertained -that a temperature reduction may cause a better dissolution of the superfine structure than a dilutiong and if this comes about it can be observed with less sensitive instruments. Finallyg the authors thank Yu. N. Molin, A. I. Burshteyn and V. V, Voyevodskiy. There are 2 figures and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR,Institut khimicheskoy fizikiMoekva(A--ademy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow) SUBMITTED: August 25, 1956 Card 2/2 "67-0/00 67923 SOV/20-129-5-33/64 Lit" AUTHORS: Voyeyodskiy. V. V.? Corresponding Member, AS USSR, Solodovnikov, S. P., Chibrikin V X TITLE% Investigiktion of the Spectra of the J~lectron Paramagnetic ReagnIne (e.p.r) of the Negative Ions of Some Aromatic and Heterocyclic Compounds PZRIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, Nr 5, pp 1082-1084 (USSR) ABSTPACT: The purpose of this papar was to investigate the electron mobility along the syste=6 of conjugate double bonds and sat- urated bonds by means of the e.p.r.-spectra. The authors in- 40stigated the e.p.r.-spectra of some benzene derivatives. The ion radio-ale were produced by the reaction of the compounds dissolveT--li-nn 1,2-dimethoxyethane with metallic potassium, Low temperatures were applied for very unstable ions (down to -700). The e.p.r.-spectra of the following benzene derivattives were -discussedi cumen (Fig 1), qclohexyl benzeneJ tert. isobutyl benzone I to uene 14 ethyl benzene. IThe i)pectrum concisted of 5 linev, vi ypetfine structure and binomial intensity dis- Card 1/3 txibution. The observed 5 lines were explained by the inter- 67923 SOV/20-129-5-33/64 Inveatigation of the Spectra of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (e.p.r.) of the Negative Ions of Some Aromatic and Heterocyclic Compounds a.otion of the unpaired electron with4 equivalent H-atoms. in the toluene anion (Fig 2) each of the 5.1ines is separated into P components due to the interaction between the unpaired electron with 3 a-protons and the proton in p-position. In the investigation of the spectra of o-, m-, and p-xylene more detailed results were obtained than had been given in reference4. The measurement results and the calculated spin densities of the unpaired electron are summarized in table 1. To investi- Lf/ gate the transmission of an electron along the chain of the conjugate or saturated bonds the e.p.r.-spectra of the anions of stilbene, azoxybenzene, and dibenzyl were investigated (Fig 3). In stilbene the possibility of a delocalization of the electron along the benzene ring and along the chain of the conjugate double bonds was proved. The apectrum of azoxybenzene H H 0 showed that the replacement of the bridge -C-C- by -N-N- does not reduce the mobility of the electron over the entire molecule. Card 2/3 Also in dibenzyl the electron does not remain localized to one 67923 SOV/20-129;5-33/64 Investigation of the Speotra,of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonanc (e.p.r.) of the Negative Ions of Some Aromatic and Heterocyclic Compounds ring but changes between the two rings with a frequency of the order of magnitude 10-7 _ 10- 8 am- 1. To check the influence of the heteroatoms on the spin density the e.p.r.-spectra of the pyridine and quinoline anions were inveiitigated. From the R,yridinelspectrum it is concluded that a spin density differing from zero exists in the N-atom and in the a-, P- and y-C-atoms where the a-, 0- and y-proton are not equivalent. There are 3 figures, I table, and 4 references. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Fhysios of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)7 SUBMITTEDi August 31P 1959 Card 3/3 M 155114 2ZO5 9/020 efy$100610131020 B1 03 B217 3 Sl- YB AUTHORS; Nesmeyanov, A. ff., Academician, Korchak, V. V.,Correspeading Member AS USSR, Voyevodskiy, V. V., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Kochetkova. N. S., Bosin, 3. L., klaterikova, R. B:j Bolotnikova, T. ff., Chibrikin, V. M..-snd Bazhin, N. M. TITLE: Synthesis and some optical-magnetio properties of poll- ferrocenes dsrivativssi_~__ PERIODICAL; Doklady Akado mii nauk SSSRj v. 137, no. 6, 1961t 1370-1373 TEXT: The authors studied the magnetic propertien of ferrocene 1) of the pdlyferrocenylone:)(Table 1, nos. 1-6), 2) the polydiisopropyl- ene (Table 1, nos the polymethano- and 4) the polyethLno- ferroc : 7;.. ' 3) polyferrocones (Table n 9-13). They were synthetized by: k) Poly- re-combination. . To I). and 2). 1 jpols forrocene (or o*f its diisopropyl homolog) was treated with I mole tertiary butyl reroxide in nitrogen atmosphere at 2000C.1 1) and 2) are assumed to be, formed as follows: the Butoxyl and methy! radicals formed during peroxiete decomposition separate the hydrogen from ferrocene (or the *-hydrogen). The radicals thus formed -Cari 1/(,S- S/02 37/oo6/013/020 synthesis cnd some ... B I 039?2IT recombine and form linear 1) or 2)t esaily soluble in benzene. An in. soluble polymer (Table 1, nos. 5-6) with a two- or tridimensional network struoture is formed simultaneously. The converalon of forrocone to high- molecular products aMDUnted to 25%. lJou, 1-) hav-a a softening temperature of 290-3000C and are a dark-red powder, whereas nos. 5-6 had their softening temperature at about 4000C and were light-yellow. B) Polyalkylenation of forrocene by mothylene chloride and i.2-dichloroothane in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. Aluminum chloride solution in 50 ml of di- halogen alkane was added gradually to 40 gforrocone dissolved in 250 ml dry dihalogen alkane, The mixture was stirred f9r 6 hr at the boiling tempora- ture of the solvent. The next day, 10 g aluminum chloride in 25 ml dihalo- gen alkane were added and treated for 6 hr as above. The mixture was decomposed by ice and HOI and *treated with sodium sulfite. The obtained 3) and 4) were well soluble in benzons, differed, M-wever, by their solubility in ether. Table I shove the molecular weighte, the always equal g-factor and the magnetic characteristics of all subetaneve produced. The decomposi- tion temperature of 9-13 was 115-1200a. All substances are amorphous powders, nos. 9 and 10 light-yellow, no. 11 grey-brown. Nos. 10 and 11 are of a chemical composition similar to that of no. 9 (pAntaothenodiff*rrocan Card 2/16's- Synthesis and some ... 23854 /61/137/006/013/020 BIO~,/B217 They consist possibly of 2 and 4 moleculfa similar %o the latter, connected by ethane bridges. 4-5 methylones in tho molecule of nos. 12 and 1) belong to 2 f*rrocone radicals. not contain halo-on. The infrared spectra of no$- 9-13 have frequencies within the range 1000-1100 cm-1. To I). Derivatives 1) haVing a x-oonjugation bet%:ten the ferrocene links give a signal the electron paramagnotioremonance-(*-j_r)~ similarly to the poly- aromittic hydrocarbons. This cannot be explained oy the presence of a corresponding quantity of the oxidized form of the forricinium'cation. Table i shows that also polymers in which the.feracens links are separated by the -CH.-CH27 group give an e. p. r'. signal. 1:k is known that the delocalization of the unpairsil electrons between t6 two phenyl rings Is not: Prevented by this group. In the substances described here. which give an a. P. r. signal, this signal is the smaller, the smaller the number of Jerrocene links is. This signal vanishes in 2). Polymers with a low molecular weight give no e. p. r. signal 'in the solution (bonzene), but in solid state. This is explained'by the fact that the intramolecular interactions cause In solid state a conjugation of the adjacent polymer molecules. This causes for its part an 9. p. r. signal.* All polymers Oard Vfk5- 23654 5/020/61/137/006/013/020 Synthesis and some B103/B217 giving this signal show a single symmetrical line of the e. p. r, of the Lcrenz type. The 1) obtained from th-e reaction A yields a wide a. p. r. line of 120-160 oersteds, its width bAng dependent on the polymer atructure. This line becomes broader on reducing the measuring temperature. Its width is changed moat considerably in low-molecular iialymers. The authors believe the nature of the measured signals to be unclarified, they cannot maintain that the number 11 of the unpaired electrons per I member, deter- mined by a comparison with the standard, corresponds to their actual number. N may, however, be a certain characteristic of the magnetic properties of the system. (nou. 2-4); N roaches an anomalous size in the Insoluble tt polymer its. 5. This Is assumed to be connected with a collective effect of the forromagnotic type. The ultraviolet (tTV-) spectra of 1) dissolved it, A-octane, whic4 give an o. p. r. signal In solid state, differ from the ltraviolot spectra of such that give no signal in solid state,. In the first Calls the UV-speotrum agrees completely with that of ferrocene dis- Usolved in CCl'. It was proved for these spectra (Ref. 7) that the charge 4 tranefcr takes place here-under formation of an ion pair For CCI-. on the 4 oontrary,.tbe UV-epeotrum of such 1) that give rko a. p.,r. signal is similar Card 4N MINE 234 54 S/02q/6i/137/oo6/013/020 Synthesis and some ... B103/B217 to.that of ferrocine in a. noutral.oolvent (a-octane), i. e. under conditions*- under which the charge is not transferred. Finallyj the authors point out that their results concerning,the UV-3peetra apparently confirm the iipseudoferromagnetism" of the polynucleotides and of the polyaroma:tic hydrocarbons (Refs- 5 and 8). There are I figure, I table., and 8 references, 7 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloo. The only reference to English-language publication reads as follows: J. C. D. Brand, Ref- 7:' Trans. Farad. sec., 539 894P 1957- ASSOCIATION: Institut clementoorganicheBkikh soyedlneniy Akademii nauk SSSR' (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the Academy of Scidncea*, USSR) SUBMITTED: December 20, 1960 Legend to Table'l. I) Current number, 1-4) linear polyferrocenylene, 5-6) insoluble polyferrocenylons, 7) polydiisopropylferrocene, linear, 8). like 7, insoluble -11) condensation products of ferrocene with Di-1,2- It' chloroetheas, 19-131~-qith methylene chloride, 14) ferricinium II) Subetanae,-III motecular weight* IV) g-facior, V-VI) linceatvioind;h, oar'stedl Card VfOr - --1 68329 24,3400 SOV51-8-1-36/40 AUTHORSs Vetchinkin, S.I., Solodovnikov, S.P. and Chibrikin, V.M., TITLE i Distribution of Spin Density in the Chromium Dibentene Cation F3RIODICAL.- Optika I spektroskopiya, 196-0. Vol 8, Nr 1, pp 137-140 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Chromium dibenzene, is a representative of a new type of compounds known as sandwich type compounds. In these compounds the metal atom is not bound to a single carbon atom but to the wholan system of an aromatic hydreearbon (Refs 1, 2). The present paper deals with distribution of the spin density in- the chromium dibenzene cation. The spin density was found from the hyperfine structure (h.f.s.) from electron paramagnetic resonance (&.p.r.-) spectra of strongly diluted solutions of the chromium dibenzene cation and solutions of chromium dibenzene cations with loopropyl and cyclohoxyl substituanto in both benzene rings. Fig 1 shows the e.p.r. spectrum of the chromium dibenzene, cation obtained in an acetone solution at -700C. From the ratio of the h.f.s. intensities and the constancy of the hyperfine splitting (3.6 � 0.5 0e) it follows that the unpaired electron interactswith protons of both benzene rings; all twelve protons in these rinGs act 'in the same way. Voyevodskiy, Molin and Chibrikin (Ref 7) found that Card 1/3 in#-.roduction of a hydrocarbon substituent did not alter the tuagnitUde 68329 SOVI51-8-1-36140 Distribution of Spin Density In the Chromium Dibenrene Cation C,-Nrd 2/3 of the hyperfine splitting &nd that the niuiber of the h.f.s. components represented the number of the remaining protons in both benzene rings. A more detailed Investigation carried out by the present authors showed that in the spectrun of the chromium dicumene cation (Fig 2, at -900G) each component of the ring proton h.f.s is split, into a triplet with a separation close to 1.0 Oe. This additional triplet splitting is due to splitting on both ot-protons of the isopropyl substituants. Similar effects were observed in the case of the chromium dibenzene cation with a cyclohexyl oubstituent in both benzene rings. Bubnov and Chibrikin (Ref 8) reported additional hyperfine splitting in the spactrum of the chromium dibensens cation in solution, which vas ascribed to intoraction of the unpaired electron with a magnetic moment of the Cr53 isotope which is present In the natural chromium. This -was also found by the present authors and is shown in Fig 3; the hyperfina splitting between the h.f.s. components of chromium amounted to 19.0 Oe. All the a.p.r. spectra reported by the authors were recorded with a spectrometer described earlier (Rof 9). McConnell and Chestnut (Ref 11) suggested an indirect interactlon to explain hyperfine splitting of the proton of the C--H group and showed that this splitting is proportional to the spin density at the p.-orbit of the cLtrbon atDm in the C--H Proup. In the first approximation the co6fficient of proportionality Q., between the hyperfine splitting and the spin density ie const-stat for all arom~~c 68329 Diste,Ai-.ition of Spin Density in the Chromiun Dibenzene Gation SOV/51-8-1-36/40 radicals and Ion-radicals. If it is assumed that the coefficient CA is the same in metal-aromatic-compounds, then the observed proton hyperfine splitting (3.6 Os) shows that the spin density in the pt-orbit of a single carbon atom Is 0.16. Since all protons are equivalent, the spin 4onsity at all the carbon atoms is the same. It follows that theli'4n density in theT; system of both benzene rings is equal to 1.92. In order to reduce the total spin density of the whole molecule of the chromi%im dibenzene cation to unity we have to assume that the spin density at the atomic orbits of chromium is 0.92 and its sign is opposite to the sign of the density at the benzene rings. The requirement of normalization of the spin density to unity follows from the fact that the chromium dib-snzeae cation has only one unpaired el ectron (Ref 5). The authors show that other evidence (Refs 12, 13) also supports the suggested spin density. Acknowledgments are made to Yu.A. Sorokin and G.A. Domrachev for preparation of the compounds stTi-led-There are ~-Higures and 15 references, 9 of nhich are Soviet, 4 English and 2 German. q1 SUENITTED: June let, 1959 Ca rd 3/3 31755 S/058/61/000/011/006/025 /.2 7 A058/A101 AUTHORS: Semenov, A.G.,,Chibrikin, V.M.. TI.MZ: Concerning the limit frequency of a superheterodyne electron para- magnetic resonance spectrometer PERfODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal.. Pizika, no. 11, 1961, 129, abstract lIV255 (V sb.. "Paramagnitn. rezonanjP, Kazan', Kazansk.. un-t, 196o, 150 - 152) TEM Analysis of the causes limiting the sensitivity of superheterodyne electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometers (low-frequenoy fluctuation of -the conversion resistance of the crystal mixer, the reciprocal frequency fluctuation of the principal and the heterodyne klystron and.the frequency fluctuation of the principal klystron) shows that for the senbitivity of the spectrometer to approxi- mate the theoretically possible sensitivity, It is necessary to decrease the ef- fective relative frequency' fluctuation .5 v / v of the principal klystron, i.e. to replace the reflex klystron by a more stable source of microwave oscillations. For eliminating the effect of reciprocal frequency fluctuation it is suggested that instead of xising a separate heterodyne klystron, a part of the energy of the Card 1/2 31755 S/058/61/000/011/006/025 Concerning the limit frequency ... AG58/AIOI principal klystron be utilized by using a balanced modulator and separating out- side-frequency oscillations at its input. Yu. Yablokov .r [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 2/2 W -W~~-44 AMC ACCEISI iiR AP4043786 0 19 6 4 0 0'6 1 7 3 1 !1 -q j-,-AUTHOK: -Bszhini~ -If* -4--. ----thibrlkll~ V, V. Vi- -14. iloyevoJskftv, res n n a v,v C E. v v n k n rno 1 e k u I y a r n y * y e a o y e dn e n i yav6n c19 b 4 1478-1482 TOP lt-TA-GS i can-jugated--p-al-ymers , electron paratnagne tic resonance polymer electron paramagnetic renonance, po.,imer frop !rIAI-~I- jug4ted double bond systett ABSTRACT! 0clymars with coni-,sroted bo-dls I/A N n WhE 7 ard 1/4 3p Apa m,- _5 21 -7 T7` IV --7-- a I flo. .-7r7 R pmoje R C"IU " R 0 kt~EK T'Rom 6H lj~-IS6\olif MOTO 86458 S/056/60/039/006/050/063 B006/BO63 AUTHORS: Firsov, 0. Bul Chi TITLE: Bresestrahlung of Slow Electrons Interacting With Neutral Atoms PERIODICJLL: Zhurnal sk:perimentallnoy i teor*ticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, N . 6(12), pp. 1770-1776 TEM A theoretical study has been made of bremastrahlung arising from the collision of slow elect---one (E e< 3 ev) with neutral atoms. Above allt it is shown that the br*mestrahlung cross section may be represented as a function of the elastic acattering cross section of electrons by atoms. The absorption coefficient of bremestrablung has been calculated as well. In the introduction, the most important formulas are presented, including an expression for the intensity of radiation emitted by the electron-atem system: 2 41 4 1 12 . 4Z206 r 0dir'0 2 S V Qb r.dro Qab 2 3 3 3c' 3m 0 r0 Card 1/4 88458 Dremastrahlung of Slow Electrons Interacting S/056/60/039/006/050/00 With Neutral Atoms B006/BO63 r Q ab (10 (Z+l)f f ?b T adT I ... dT Z ,r0is the radius vector of the inciding electron. This formula holds for the case where the system passes from state a to state b, and may be used to caloulate the matrix element of the dipole moment which is determined by the behavior of Q ab inside the atom. The calculation of this matrix element requireR an exact a~~lution of the Schro"dinger equatioii with the potential 2 e2 Ze U + i-o ril 2 i-o .0 kj It has been shown that, at least in the classical theory, the radiation is emitted chiefly from the atom when the electron is at distances in the order of atomic dimensions. In first approximation, the disturbance of the atom by a slow electron manifests itself in the polarization of the atom. If the period of natural oscillations of the atomic dipole (-10-16 sec) is very small compared to the time of flight of the electron through the atom (Y e< 108cm/sec) thn dipole undergoes an adiabatic C&rd 2/4 88458 Breasstrahlung of Slow Electrons Interacting 3/05Y60/039/006/050/063 With Neutral Atoms B006 B063 I '-* --" --R variation and d - aE - aeir/71, where a im.tbe polarization coefficient, and i~ is the radius vector of the inaident electron in the nuolea--,, system. e. 2. an .. 3 j2 4. In addition, For central collisions, d - ae/r "41 - -2sai/r + 6as /r (4EO/e')r in, where r -3- 10 -8 am is the value at which r-rmin a .. min d/ r passes through a minimua.~Honeoj classical approximation shows that, if r is in the order of some atomic radii, the radiation is emitted primarily from'the atomic dipole. Peripheral collisions lead to similar results. lff*xt, the calculation Of < I >ab is discussed, anal several velations are derived. The istensity-of radiation occurring in,& gas comp6sed of neutrwl atoms and electrons is studied, and the.folloving .relations are obtained for the absorption ooefficient'a(-O,k, ) or a(tY,E) -which are.definid as the probability that an energy of the Kequeney V is &b 3 2sorbed by one electron (per am gas, per see): &(Y,k *ka- n X2103 dd and &(4',E) -' 5-8 .22, (0) n 3/2 Mkb at dy m at ~E) Card 3/4 884 Bremostrablual- of Slow Elea-trans Interacting 3/056 60 039/006/050/063 Vii" Nev-'tral Jttoms B006 B063 + Pinally, this,results obtained here &::e compared J wz), with the- radilation occurring GA ions and it is fouIR4 that at ttmperaturea below- (7-8);,1o3, OK-,betw-een '.10-2 mm Hg,' the rocUktton of -a gas is determined by the oollisions between electrons. and -atoas. L. 16 Biberman, V.-RomanbvV M~'.ShmVshkeviah, and ~,Babikov are mentioned. There are 1 figure and '6''referinoes:" 4Soviet, 1 US, and 1 German. SUBMITTED: July 20, 1966 Card 4/4 TITLEs Slow-elect.ron.iloattoring from PERIODICALs Zhurnsl 'ekspiAmental I.noy,l to r*t1ohookc~y.fisiki, v. ~449 0 no# 10 639 225 -i-229* TEXTs The oner Opondonce of thip-total ic att oring, dross' soict i6n for gy eleotrons of E-~I ov-jo oalculated for, the Oitse':df-a dipolii-fiold'of-the scatterer atom$, Thil.ibtsiaotjo6, 'Pot en'tial Is, agedned; to ~s' of - fbe'forn 2 3/ir4, *hir t U- o a Is-the.-polerizibility and a Bohr is - radius On in. r0-6 dia;ing y(r) - rR(j)0, where:-R(i) is the radial. part or.thi ways fuliotion ct-1/4 1/2 2 : :- ' ' - ; . with I - 09 and x r #'ind-p kaI&:O*e'9bt&ivs aSohr6dingipr 2 i 1,+ I/X4 equation of the f6 )V, 01 (3 or Z*10 kain(P14). where 6 in the zero sca'ite-rinj phase. Righor ph"" are neglected. (3) 0 .." . ..::: - . is invariant with reipict,io-Ahe subititu Ono X 'A and ipw Then' f or x4l and t;~, Ione o0tainsY i B sin(pf.- + andtf.w BZ ain(P/Z + j) and'~-+ Card 1/3 8/056163/044/001/038/067 Slo,p-elootr6n.'scatteri'ag".fr6a 'tons JD I o2/s I a6 For x >> I and:0 a iz(ft' 6' 6 til' k 'A US I* *_. x cod 7p for ior > Ilse The. Gross sokitiog Is-then calovigtod p > 1 *8 and, A,. -tan: t-1 from thi relation a 0 k +i dan'41thor be dateraleet 0 f rom a point of. the. d(B) ourve'ot.. ft'omi: tfie- binding iontrg'y', of the'segative ion. The moan,electiron collision.freqUency-in the gas. is determined fi~u cc bot olver: ~1-1 dist'ribut ion. - The where x N/T r,eeults of - nuser'icil. izew0ise are' in' ~ good,- agressent wit h the-experiniental a(E) ourves. There,..'.4irlo.: Ifig, urt a*tkd.-i toble~ SUBMITTEDs July Caid 3/3 77-7-777 lD__ O.-Balrovy '-for Ah Aopio,' abd---:for' sAwlstamce InAhe vor'k~." orig art uW hap,; 33 fo=ulas. -AM3CCIATI N" none -Kfi 00 Sul , CCIDE; :AS . 1: --- --- - 7-~, -5 A_ f ...... . -J~ %i :!fj _____QMlSION-NR-.~ AP500875,q AMOR- Wniov j~ :B -Mi J CrKbisw -X i -'amo --:46ctron: A60~ S=l ~ft -k le i~tate of coWdifig a3kal~~, C W-9 in 48, 1965, rsqy_~ ,teorwti&*Eko~ fizikil v spwimenta ~'7WTC-.TIVGS-.-. alksai h" fin te, a sta -term diMerences oal state, emhwigm cross seatim, evchanp inter -action veth6d ~~Of L. - -Pi ~Qxv- kov and L.~ IP. Fitayevs)dy (DAN EM v. 3.51, 82T- (19613) _31.s tlli'asymprtotL~Ily exacct value of the iffer- 6ed to, a-MICUL-2te ence of the symeb%ical and antisymrictriwl ".ea. for tun a_jkaj,~ne_rwtal at-cm sepamted by larTe distanoes. The obtained valm of tlw term dif ference is then used to calcLOAte lirs c"xs section f4or the exStanp of electrms and the proba- bility of varlatim -of,the tryperlins-stat&:upon p*lUsim- of tbdse atorma It is &Uo~Aiown tm-t-- `1_ U, i w-, od'h'am 1A, 'Of 74we atow prevai3a cver the Vcm der jp tawtim WaalE Intawtim fmm st vmy Zarp dUtmvm lerbmm rjualni. "rDne airtliom am card 1/2 ve- PR -ffw .4t 003 % silf fT is. rd 7,. ~7 Y_ L ACMMQN M5024TC UR/0056/65/049/003/0841/6014- A4 AUMOR:. - Sairnol 6-0 "TV's K~* TMX Disinfegration of StoaWpartic' electric field and by Ole 6t SOUM: Zhurnal eksperimental I ncW' i teoreticbeiskoy fiziki, v. 4.9, no. 3, 1965, electron detachment, electron affinity, negative ion, ale TOPIC TAGS, ctron lipact, hydrogen ion, 'AWMCT: The decay of an atomic particle in a constant homogeneous elecrric field 1;1..__%_'__ ~is considereA. , An arMtotically exact (in the Unlit of small field strengths) ex- "Pression is obtaine4 for the probability of electron detachment per unit time, The result obtained is used for determining the bind Lng energy of an electron 1br a nega- tive helium ion (the experim*ntal dependence of the ion lifetime on the strength of the external electric field In which it decays io utilized). The electron affinity lof a -helium stom is found to be , 0. 06 t 0 1005 air - A calculation is made of the cross Isection for dlein~egration of S,negative ion by electron impact resulting An liber Ition of an o-elebtron It is assumed that the oross section to large compared with C d 1/2 ar 7 22U-wM ~CICESSIOI HH: AP5024705 Itbe nharacteiistic size of U6-aegitive ion band that the impinging eleetti6n-,bovei -classical orbit. Those assugptions are justifled,by the results. Two nidbaiiams ;0f.disintegration of a negative ion are considei4w "squeezing" of a weakly Uound e1iiatron'of the negative ion by*Atbe static field of the impinging electron'g.-ti Ad Ats- reloval as: 4--meat -of vari6kibu-An time of the--field of ihe incident -Olectron.,-_1 6, - : 1 s ahmm that at high oolliei6n velocities the.. atteond mechanism yi0lde a rolih .'Jwh:~ch corresponas -to the Dorn,ap"proximation. Thit dependence of thel-djointeigrati section o the velocity of the incident elitatron'is compared with the results of -other calculations. Orig.., art has: -2 fIg"res- .nd 32 formulas. ICS) OCIATION: none ASS suawinum 16marO.` 00 SUB CODZI NP OVI '004- 01:2 -ATD PRESS: -M W ACC MR, AP5024706 SOURCE 170DE.I: UR/0056/65/049/003/6~5-2/6~t6 AUTHOR: ChibiBCV, M.4i. ( 7, ORO: none t TITLE: Adhesion of electrons to atoms In triple collisions SOURCE: Zburnal eksperi'mentallnoy I teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no, 3, 1965, 852-856 TOPIC TAGS: electron colliston,, atomic structure, capture cross section ABSTRACT: The probabilities for adhesion of electrons in trjele eol- -lisions of the type e + A + B and e + e + A (A, B - arbitrary monatom-ra systemyare expressed In terms of the corresponding cross sections fcr the disintegration of the atom:~c systems A- and B-, by an atom and an electron, using the principle of detailed balancing. It is shown that adhesion of electrons to neutrel atoms in triple encounters is more probable than photo-adhesio'n at target-gas densities 1013 -- 1015 am-3, which indicates that the probatility of the adhesion of electrons to neutral atoms are several orders of magnitude larger than obtained by card- 1/2- L 12083-M 1ACC NR' AP9;024706 H. Masse3r (Nesative Ions, Cambridge Univ. Press 1~50) and R. A. Smith (Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soo. V. 32, 482, 1436 . The pressure and temperatu re ranges in which the rate of the reaction e + e + A - A + e are greater than those of the reaction e + A + A - A- +-A in a gas,in thermal equilibrium. Author thanks B M* Smirnov and 0. B. Firsov for numerous discussions. Orig. art. ]Jat/ 12 formulas 6 CODB:.20/ SUBM DATEs l6Mar65/ uAW MW SOV: 008/ OTH REF: 003 Cc~d 1/2 CHIBISOV, K.K. Keehanization In coal mining of steeply dipping seams. 'Ugol' Mr. no.11:30-32 N '59. (MMA 13:3) 1,GlavW Inshener shakhty Is. 1. Markes tresta Ordzhonikidze. (Coal mines and mining) CMBII~py~ TKACHENKO, Ye.l., red. _,S~FPY Ivanovich I z~ ~-. ' , ; [Work, search, inJtiative] Truds Poiskv initalativa. Volgograd, Nizime. Volzhakoe kn12.hn0e Izd-vo, 190;5, 54 P. (MIRA 18:12) GRITSAY, Aleksandr Petrovich; IVANOV, Nil Dranovich; rQRTROV- jAjJJ&L-"tri:ywdch: V )VA, I.Yre., red.; GAM'TTO. -TexEn. reoF- V . .1 [Working capital of socialist industrial enterprises) Obo- rotnye sredst-va sotsialistichookikh promyshlennykh predpri- iatii. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 84 p. (MIa 16:10) (Capital) CHIBISOV, V.D., kand. ekonom. nauk, dotsento NAGORNYKH, I.A., aspirant. .4 - ;-- -- .1 --- --- --- - Organization of and norm setting for the working capital in the shoe industry. Ko2h.-obuv.pram. 5 no.10:8-10 0 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kharlkovskiy univeraitet imeni Gor'kogo (for Nagornykh). CKBiSOVP V.D., dotsent, kand. ekonom. nauk,- NAGCRIIYKH, LA., a9T.-Irqn4,- Organization and working capital nom settIng for the -daterial. reserves in the enterprises of the textile indu5try. --ekst. prom. 24 no.8;78-80 Ag 164. (MUM4 17--W) 1. KharIkovskaya akademiya imerd L.A. Govorova (fo-- Oh�bisov). 2. Dar'kov8kiy universillet (far, Neq;ornykh)j. ZAKq L.A. ; CHIBISOV V V.; NAGWWTv W.K. 9 otv. red. ; ORWVAp I.A.,q red.; tekbn. rW. [Test programs for ithe BM-2 computer] Tentovye prograww dlia mashiM EESK-2. Moskva.. Vychislltell~i tsontr AN SSSR9 1961& 24 p. OMIU 1418) (Electronic digital pomputere-Testing) CHIBI _-V.V.; SKRYAGIN, V... oty. rid.; ORLOVA,, I.A., red.; .1. -qqV POPOVA, N.S., takhm. red. [Wwaction of square roots b7 the BESH-2 machine.] Operataiia izvlechenlia kvadratnogo kornia na mashine BESK-0. Moskva Vychislitellnyi tsentr IN SBSRp 19J2. 24 p. (MIRA 16:61 (Electronic digital computers) ULDIANOVAt T.Mj; 1,14TIPOV~ I.N.; CH1B&026-'Lj. otv. red. ['Almrk at the control dook of the BR3M-2 computer; programmer's handbook.] RabotA za pulltm HESM-2; posoWe dlia pror-amaistov. Moskva# 1905. 31 po (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Vychislitel~nyi tsentr. Standartnpi i tipovyie programmy BESM-2., no.10) (MIRA 113:8) CHIBISOV, Ye* This factory section vi3l become a a at shop. Mest.prou.i khWeprompe 1 no.2/301-33 N-D +I. (MIM 14:4) (Moscow-Plastics industry) (Commmint Party of the Soviet Union-Party work) CHIBISOV Ye stepa into the futuree Mest,prum.i khud.promys. 2 no.3:20-21 Mr 161. (mm 14:4) (Agricultural machinery) CHIBISOV, Ye. _(I(. Yaroolavlf) At a oall's pace. Ment.promoi kbad.promys. 2 no.5z27 My 161. . WRA 34: 5) (Taroglayl-Construction industry) CHIBISOV, Ye. (g.pushklno, Maskovskoy obl.) Neighbors help each other. 14est.prom.i khud.promys. 2 -no-7:2-3 J3. '61. (MIRA 15:1) (Moscow-Metallurgical plants-Labor productivity) (Socia2ist competition) CHIBISIDV, Ye. (g.Makqyevka,. Stalinskoy oblasti) Glass factory of Makeyevka, Hest.prom.i khud.promyo. 2 no.10: 9-10 0 161. (MIRA 14: 11) 1. Spetsiallnyy kcrresponder-t-zhu=a1a "Meatnaya promyshlennost i khudozhestvemyp promysly". (Makeyevka-Glase factories) FEYGENBERG.9 1.~L (Moskva); FOGIBKO,, N.I. (Khar'kov);._rHTR 5CVP_YU.N. (IiDokva); KAMIMKAYA, P.Z. (Llvov); CHALISOf, M.A. Discuosione Frota::-ud,pnikh* 9t298-3M 161. (MBA .15:2-) (NMALniaws) CHIBISOVJ, YU.K. . .......... 1- Disorders in psychic functions and their restoration in reactive states. Prob md.psikh.10: 65-80 161. (mm 1617) i,PSYCHOSIS) (HYSTERIIL) CHIBISOV, Yu.K. Functional personality dissociation syndrome in the clinical aspects of reactive states. 'Yudy Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.psikh. 27:292-299 161. (MIRA 15:10) 1. TSentrallnyy nauctino-iseledovatellskiy institut sudebnoy psikhiatrii imeni V.P.Serbskogo. Dir. - dotsent G.V.Morozov. (PERSONALITY, DISORDERS OF) (MRENSIC PSYCKATIRY) CHIBISOV Yu K Structure and dynamics of the "animallstle" syndrome in the framework of various types of the course of chronic hysterical reactions. Probl. obshchei I sud. psikh. no.14:197-213 163. (MM 18:9) KANAVETS, P.Iof GHMIM, V.I.1 Thermographle Investigation Of fluxed ore4uel granules prepared by the method of chemical catalysis. Trudy IGI 22231-34 '63, (MMA 16111) -Z .1f f.X01hery Ile MaX. Q~Culllll~.. a; AW" uf tL anditm s )f m6cows that iht maln lensaticii raf ivticlei up'n wi-uc~i ii ae-rachm,nt CA KANAVETS, P.I.; CHIBISOVAV K.I,; CHMNM,, V.I.1 MUMIM, F.W, The2sographic invostigation of coal irariulas for the PM-pose, or studying their beb&vior during #ejual decomposition. TxvW IGI 22tl36-146 1639 (MIRA 16:11) MRD'.)J,'RU'30V, L.S.;CHrBISOVA 0 S Variations In quality of normal wlaRsen during the production season. Sakh.prom. 3? no.9:4-9 S 158. 04IRk 11-11) f 1. Stallnekeya gruppovaya laboratorlya, k Oblanves) FRIZYUK S.C.; RATjYDVA. V.K~ PTFKLERp L.B.;. S-limple meth~A of analyzing fluore8cein-protein conjugates. Vop. vir"as. 9 no.5-.631-634 S-0 164. (MIR-A 18t6) I. Ynstltu~ virusolog-IL.' iment 'Alvanovskego (dir... daystv-1telinyy ch-l-m AM S:3SR prof. V.M. Zhdanov.) AMA SSSR, ll-loskva. -1-54964 65 v .19- M V J A 4- C ACCE.S$ION NR: AP501.2100 UR/0191/,ra 5/000/005/0005/0-307 678, 674,01:53 6. 495:543. 87 2 urskma, iB. Ml %rtzhkove., A, 9.r*, -Chiblaova, Ye. 1.1 Gintsbeiz, E. G.: Z. V. 54 'wE::. -131 astlcbeski3 ?nPAs) ---------- 7- h ~-Wlybydro ~Ia t9 slurat polyester, _PAY;Iister a i~ eT t uxidati-e degm&tion, fjt3i-ene eopolymerization, cycloh(manone peroxide, cobalt j nVUbmate, polyesterbardfinimg ~The IluvrIfig polyeit is d'6&PoI3dIetbyJbDe I PACT. .0 Wars Stu glyco msleate~succlnatel 1. 0:0. 5-0. 5 ~polyester 1), pdlyeth~4ea* e glycol maleate dil6enate 1. 0:0. 5:0. 5 (PolyeBter and po.- lyhydrophthalate 1. 0:0 - 4:0. 6 (polyester DI). The I Oyesters were also hardened by copol:(merization with otyrene in the, presence of a reducing system of cyclobexanone and cobalt naphtbeamte, The oxidation kinetics of the polyesters were followed by q ;iure in the system. The thermal oxida-lion of the non- ~bV I hieb -~:Mwg X-av a 15iiti-aiuca, __9 _ _ g Zq id AP -0 j/j 7 -5 ;Z-~'. I ~A F7~ _JU7WAS- Plal -;lr narcienneu poiyester Tcs=~~- rolyesTer --'a eu '&eeze outth *--8--- aAkti~' roftets and d(itermbi-e the tber-mal o6d'dation i it possible to e egr 'P kinetics only from the absorptior of oxygen in the system; induction periods werv olibserved at the ond of whicti the reaction displayed autoacceleration, TM8 indicated a radical-cbain jmedhanism. proceeding with degenerated brauching. T1 e oxidation oi it 81 N i !t, solution of polyester EII to which organic stabilizers hail been added also indicated this mecbaAsm. The bffluenco of vsx1ous initlaWrz used fvr the hardening of uw-aturated polycsters was manifested only itt high temperatures (abourt 260C). The products of the thermal o)ddation of polyester III were identified. Orij,,, ail. has: 7 fipree a-i'-, taMe. A&S-CCIATIO-Mi.' N~ o-b-e,-,- A 1 ~21;66_66, - 4(i)/-. WPWAi97060 ACCESSION NR:, AP6024508 UR/9191/65/000/010/0042/0044 t! AUTHOR: Gintsberg. E_G.. ChibisovaLle. 1. ;,'KovarskM, B. M. TT' Po laioara~htc investigation of the products of thermo- oxidative destruc tionIff 'polyester resins bapq# on majefe and chlorendic anhydrides and ethylene gly,,::ol SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 10,,1965, 412-44 TAPS; -eta I& n, polye stic --~olaro raphic analysis, oxidativ degradatio e- chemical mec an cs in - AL daft4v yen er;~res were analy6ed-polarcigraphibkIly to' help. establish the -mechanics - of-the __ destrue- i'tiveprocess. The -polyester Investigated was based on diethylene gl~ycol,maleic and chlorendic- anhydrides 0. 1:0. 4-0. 6 molar ratio), cured with benzoyl peroxidlel-- e- In a and diethanolamin tyrene (30% styrene in th Wtial solutions). It eat- le was h -initial oxygen pressure of 200 nun Hg. Form- ed at 240C for 1 4 hours under an aldehydei acetd.dehyde, benialdehyde and maleic acid were identified. No fumar 1/2 .!kCC NR AP60067ii SOURCE CODE: UR/0303/6'6/000/001/0004/0009 AUTHOR: Sorokin, M. F.; Chibisova. Ye,_J, IORG: none iTITLE: Polyester varnish resins containing anhydride of 1,4,5,6,7,7-hexacblorobicycle-,' :-(2,2,1)-S-heptyl-2,3-dicarboxylic acid ISOURCE: Lakokrasochnyye iraterialy i ikh primeneniye, no. 1, 1966, 4-9 TOPIC TAGS: phthalic anhydride, polyester plastic, varnish, paint, lacquer, polycon- densation, aliphatic alcohol, polyhydroxy aliphatic alcohol ABSTR/iCT: Kinetics of the polycondensation of the anhydride of 1,4,5,6,7,7-bexachloro-' bicycl.o-(2,2,1)-5-heptyl-2,3-dicai,boxylic acid with el:hyleneglycol, glycerine, and xy- I litol was studied in the 140-2300C range. The molar ratios of anhydride to glycol were7 of 1:1 to 1:2.5 and the reaction duration was 2-6 hr. The properties of the reaction products as coatings were compared to those based on phthalic anhydride. The rates of the polycondensation reaction and the energies of activation are graphed and tabulated.! It was found that this polycondensation is a two-stage reaction. The first of these stages is fast, almost independent of temperature, and leads to the formation of the acidic esters. The second stage, h 'ighly temperature dependent, was found to be a sec- ond order reaction. The activation energies of the polycondensation reactions involv- UDC; 667.633.263.3 Card 1/2 ACC NRt AP6006717 ing glycerine and xylitol were found to be 17-18 kcal/mol and that glycol was found to be 14.5 kcal/mol. All the polycondensation acid numbers than those of the corresponding products based on is claimed that these polycondensation products lead to higher paints than tho a based an pbthilic anhydride. Orig. art. has: /II ISUB CODE: 07,7 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF; 004/ involving ethylene- products have lower pbthalic anhydride. It quality varnishes and 8 figures, 6 tables. 0TH REF: 005 2 EWTI(Layn _W: c8792=6 C 7ACC NR& AP-GOi6852 C')) SOURCE CODE3 UR/0191/66/000/009/0042/0045 AUTHOR: ChQisova, Ye, I Kqyarsk~Za, B. M. Pehenitsyna, V. P Puzakova, Z. A.- 'KaganovaD Ye. h. ORG% none TITLE: ]~tMqdation of unsaturated polyesters SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy% no. 9, 1966, 42-45 TOPIC TAGS: polyester resin, pyrolysis, oxidation, polyester plastic, phthalic anhydride, synthetic material ABSTRACT: The kinetics of thermal and oxidative 'LegEqdationAf polyesters based on ethylene glycol and maleic anhydride and on dichloroliydrinpentaerythrite and malei~_ and phthalic anhydrides were studied. The kinetics of thermal degradation were studied in the 200-4001C range by followi ng the pressure drop in the,system and by IR spectros- copy. Oxidative degradation was studied in the 180-:2400C range and at an initial oxy- gen pressure of 200-500 mm lig. The low values of the activation energy of thermal degradation in all polyesters indicate that the process proceeds via a complex mecha- nism. The involvement of the free radical:type inte:rmediates in the thermal degredatic is suggested. The IR spectra indicate that thermal degradation in polyesters involves the cleavage of the C-0 bonds of the eater groups. The IR spectra showed that the UDC. 678.019.3 : [678.67416415221448+ Card i io . +fi7Q_A7U1q99'uUR'ft9n *I L 08ri,99-67 ACC NR. AP6030852 products of the oxidative degradation of the polyesters contain acetaldehyde, formalde- hyde, benzaldehyde, ancl maleic anhydride. It is ccmcluded that the oxidative degrada- tion m-achanism in polyesters involves an attack of oxygen on the a-carbon of the styrene-group and the subsequent formation of hydrciperoxide-type*intermediates. Un- saturated compounds were also detected in the prodirats, of oxidative degradation of the polyesters. Orig. art. hass 7 figures a.nd 1 table. SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATEa ON, ORIG IMPt 003/ OTH IMF: 005 Card 2/2 not ACC NRI AR6032315 SOURCZ CODr,.* UR,10081/66/000/010/SO37/SO37 'AUTHOR.: Sorokin M. F.; Chibisova, Ye. I. TITLE: The synthesis and study of polyesteirwith chlorendic anhydrides polyantomic alcohols SOURCE: Ref. zh. Xhimiya, Part 11, Abe. 10S249 REP SOURCE: Tr. Moak. khtm. tekhnol. in-ta im~ D. 1. Alendeleyeva, vyp. 48, 1965, 208-213 TOPIC TAGS: polymerization, polycondensation, multiatomic alcohol, chlorendic anhydride, polyester ABSTRACT: A study was made on the reaction of polycondensation of chlorendic anhydride with polyatomic alcohols (ethylene glycol, glycerin and xylitol) in different ratios of the initial substances. A study was also made on the effect of the reaction time and temperature on the process of condensation polymerization of chlorendic anhydride with polyatomic alcohols. It was found that during con- densation polymerization of chlorendic anhydride or phthalic anhydride with the above alcohols, the reaction occurred more rapi 1y wit. chlorendic acid. [Transla- A tion of abstract) rd Ill SUBCODE: 07/ CRIBIZOT, G.A., Imahener. 161W Preventing landslides. Fat.1 put.khcs. no.4:38-40 AP '57. (LwAslides) CHIBIZO.V. 0.A.. inoh. More attention ahould be paid to the roadbed. ftti i put. khoz. no.4:13,-12 Ap '59- (MIRA 13:3) (Rail-roade-Haintouanos and repair) CHIBIZOV, G.A., inzh. SlIzination of trad. heaving is the most important problem. Put' I Put.khos. nn.12., - -5 D 1 59. (MIFA 13 :4) kRailroads-Track.3 OUBIZOV, G.A., inzh- - -------- ,wr Roadbed protection in reservoir ar, . Put' i pat.khoz. 4 no.6: 16-17 j'e l6o. (MIRA 13:7) Pailroade--Maintonarc-., and repair) -.OHIbIZQL_qjAj,*.jnzh.; KOROLIKOV~ N.M.., inzh., retsenzent; VOROTNIKOVA, L.F.., tekhn. red. [Maintenance of earth dams] Soderzhanie zemlianogo po-otna. Moskva.. Izd-vo "Transport," 1964. 258 p. (MIRA 17:4) CHIBIZOV, G.A., iuzh. Stab5lization of Volga slopes. rut' i put.khoz. 0 16o. P (Volga Valley-Shore protection) 4 no.iO;5-8 (MIRA 13:9) CHIBIZOV) G.A.., :Lnzh. Improve the qua2ity of roadbed construction eM maintenance. FaV i paukhoz. 6 no.5:40-41 162. (MIRA 1594) (Rai3-roads---Tra(*) CHIBIZOV, GrIgoriy Alekseprwich-_ CHISAV M.T., kand. tekhn. nauk, AMPAS retsenzent; IXIMj Z.I., insh., reteensent; MRDSHIN, P.V.I, dots.g r#Soo$mt;SMEMApA.I.,;USENKO,N.A., teklib,red. [Mechanized methods of eliminating frost heave]Mekhanisiro- vannye spon ikvidataii puchin; opyt puteitsev Vostochno- Sibirskoi, Ouo-Urallskoi i Zapadno-Stbirskoi dorog. Mo- skva, Tranisheldorisdat, 1.963, 55 P* (MRA 16:3) (Prozen iround) (Railroads.-Construction) A r, )pt,~ca.-, (cbr3f SWOW) rethcd fi~r rif copper. Zrliir. CJ7:~ Nov. KUZNETSOVA, BYKFOkfSKIY. Ya.A.~ LICCHrMlEV, L,i~ !- SOFCL,(~TA, I hill-Bl7j-111,41 L-A. S.Ye.~ IL Bohavior of' refractories in 'lurnae.~s Of oxygen suspensi~-,n w,,e2r,ing. TSvat. -met. 37 no.1-1,.,52-58 N 164. (MIRA Dui4) I. A. "HaterJ,al on tlk~. ld.~tor,., of roun tfs r--nd -i tali e7 :,njta,ion j-n n-i n t r . I it r r J.Pn Stit-7 Pu lj!~Ihi.n-~ iouRl-, L,hro,,!-h U~! 0 , i ,liceil Lj.t:~ra Lurt. Z-tj,jj -j crlirnl 1P.:.t. 1a; si, for ~Icr T, i 1956. (Dissmrt,ition for ti.,e Degree of Cm-lidatc iln "a-z-ical L,,f-.icIlccr)p SO: Knizhm~,-n Ictopi-- , N~-, 23, 19~56. CHIBOV, A.V. (Poltava) Intimating water quality In reservoirs. Tod.i san.takh. no.6:1-3 Je 157. (KLRA 10:7) (Water-Auslysis) CHIBOV.A.V. . , ;1r. - Sealing cast Iron bell-siouth pipe joints with steel shavings. Vod. I san.takh. no.6:19 S155. (KLRA9!1) (Water pipes) CHIMTf A*T. (Poltava) 141 Me pmtloo of pluning and operating reservoir water Intakes@ Yodel man,tskh. no.6:26-29 Je 16o. (Km 13:6) (Watir-svff2y engineering) QMM=O-a. TZOMMOGY PMIODICALs EPUIZMPESZBT. Vol- ht no. 6v 1955. Chibevesky, B. Infamstion am POUsh central h8atiDg sYstswe Ps 10.0- Monthly Ust of Bast lurqwam Accessism (UAI) LC9 Vol. 8, No. 21, February 1959, Unclass. WORKIEWICZ, Jadwiga; CRIBOWSKAO-Aleksandra; WD)DARCZYK., Stefan Conge,nital poikiloderwa (Thomson). Ann. univ. Lublin sec. D 15: 331-346 '(1) 1. Z Katedry i Kliniki Derr,-,ato1ogicznej Wydzial-u Medycznej w Lublinie Kierownik-. prof. dr med. Cze3law "I'l-ii-Na., i z Zakladu Radiologii Wydzialu Lekarskiego Akade:Aj MedYcEwj V Lublinie Kierownik: z prof. Kazimierz Skorzynsld. (SKIN dis) CHIBOWSKA, Al,eksandr,a,, WOJTKIEWICZ, Jadwiga Osteopoikilosia in the w-arse of Polkiloden-ma Congenita-le (Thwasonlv discase). lu-m. univ. L.Ablin sec.D 35047-353 t60. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Wydzialu Lelarskiego Almdemii Modycmej v Lublinie Kleroiadk: z. prof., Kazinierz Skorzynski i z Utodry i Kliniki Darmatologiamej Wydzialu Lekarskiego Mmdemii Med~czne,j w Lublinic Kierownilt: prof. dr jued.' Czeslaw Ryll-Nardzewski. (SKIII dis) (BONJES DISEM)ES c-ampl) P 0 L,#-'q D 7 K.VFICZ, kszof rnd CHr-r30W3.KA, Alskmandm, Dermatology Clinic ( .0foslaw [doosasod]) and tho Dapartment ot Pisdiology Zak,. .1 R&dfologiezily) (Director, Prof. Dr. Kazimiert SKORZYNSk-T), both at the LM rAk-adani& Madyema, Medical Academy] In Lul~-Lln "Trir,lo rmorxous Luetio Aneurysm a,-' tk% lhoraclio Aorta. C'Mse 110purt.." !~.'Arsftlw 11*1.,,ki ~"qdnik Leka~rski, Vol 17, No 48, 26 Nov 62, [Authors' Briglish summar A easo of triple onor luetic. anourysm of the thor&cia aarta is reported.. t"itorior fragments of the right 4th ribs woro a-e- s tro yed. Attention is drawn to the sise of fhvi anet:,rysm, signlobs course of the dinease, an-d coaxistence of three aneurysms of the thoracic artary. 7he aneurysm appeared because of th6 irisufficietir, troatpiont of a lue'vlo infoo- tion 50 yov,,ra ago, Of the eight roforanQ94, on* is Eng- lish, one Germw,,, ono FUsular, and fiTe Poliah. --4 MICHALOWSKI,, Roman ; CHIBOWSKA, Maria Lipidophilia of the palate, preceding conditions and level of some lipids in The blood serum. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.28zIO60-1063 13 - 20 Jlt'64 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej AkademjLL MedyazneS w Lublinie; kierowniks doo, dr. med. Roman Michalowski. CHIBOMI, Daniell OMSIO Mahal Neoplastio metastases to the heart. Ann.UnivLublin; 3ec. D 14: 79-86 159. 1. Z latedry Anatonii Patologicznej Wydzialu Lekarskiego Akkae,mii Hadycznej w Lublinie Xierownik: Prof. dr mgd~ ~-~ (HEART neopi) --- CHIBOWSKI. pakt2l; KLENIEWSKI, Andrzej Ichthyosis congenita. gravis. Report on two cases. Ann. Univ. Lublin see. D 15~249-261 160. L Z Katedry i Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Wydzialu Lekarskiego kkaden,ii I'ledycmaj w.Lubinie Kierownik: prof. dr-mad. Stanislaw Makhburg. (ICHTHYOSI3 in inf & child) TYNECKI, Joz0f; CHIBOVSKII Deniel;,LONGIN, Luty; ZDZISLAw, Krusqnskj A case of corLhrenital toxoplasmosis. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.33:1312-1313 13 Ag 162. 1. Z II Klinild Ghorob Kobiecych i Polo=Uczych AM w Lublinie; kisrownik: prof. dr med. Jozef Tynecki i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Lublinie; kierownat prof. dr md. Stanislaw Mahrbarg. (TOXOPLASMOSIS CONGENITAL) MARKIEW1G27, Danuta; CHIBOWSKI, Daniel A case of meningeal carcinosis with unusual cellular reactions of the cerebrospinal fluid. Neurol. neurochir. psychint. Pol. 14 no.1:75-77 Ja-F 164. 1. 7. Kliniki Chorob Nerwowych Akademii Medycznoj w lublirie (Kierownik: prof. dr.'W. Stain) i z Zakladu Anatomii, Patologicznej Akademii Medycznej (Kierownik: prof. dr. S. Mahrburg). CZOCHRA, Marian; CHIBOWSKI, Daniel Bilateral neurilemmona of the acoustic nerve associtt.ted with an abortive form of Reek1inghausen's disease with tha presence of blastomatosis in the medulla oblongata. Neurol. n6larochir. psychiat. Pol. 14 no. 21247-252 Mr-Ap 164. 1. Z Oddzialu Neurochirurgii przy Klinice C~,,)rob Nerwowych AM w Lublinie (Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr W.Stein; Kierownik Oddzinlu: doe. dr. H.Kozniewska) i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Lublinie Rierownik Zakladu: prof. dr S.Mahrburg). CHIBOWSKI. Daniel An imimino,histochemical, investigation of the cells of Ehrlich's asaites carcinoma. Inn. Univ. lublin. seat. D 191429-439 164 Morphological changes of the cells of Ehrlichts experimental ascites carcinoma in the course of immunological lysis. lbid-- 1,65-478 1. Katedra i Baklad Anatomii Patologicznej, Ifydzial Lekarski AM w Lublinis, (Kierownikz prof. dr. med. Stanislaw Mahrburg.) CIIIEV,,WqKA, Maria p baschka'a sclerederia in a 6-year-old girl. Pediat. Fol. 39 noo8--'375--?78 Ag 164 1, Z~ 11 Kliniki Pediatrycznej Akademli Medycznej w Lublin'a (Kierowniks doe. dr. med. A. Gebala) 1 2; Xliniki Derma,.o!C- gi,-znej Akademii Yiedycznej w Lublinie (Elerownik: doe. dr. mod* Ra MichalowskJ), PUGACRAV, A,W.; CRIBISOV9 V,qIq Nov STU-1,9 fertilizer spreader. Trakt. i oellkhozmash. 30 no.6., 28-29 je o6o. (HIU 13: 11) - 1. TSontralluaya mashinoispytatellnaya otantsiya. ~ (Fertilizer spreaders) 124-57-2-2532 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekh.-.nika, 1957, Nr 2, p 143 (USSR) AUTHORS: Patrikeyev, A. V.. Chibrikin--M. V. T IT LE: On Fatigue Testing of Wood (K voprosu ob issledovanii drevesiny na ustalost' ) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Vopr. dreve,-,Inovedeniya. Muscow- Leningrad, Goslesbumizdat, 1953, pp 64-71 ABSTRACT: A testing technique is propounded for fatigue testing of wood (the shape of a specim'en: and a fastening method therefor, the number of stress cycles per minute, the maximal number of cycles, a schematic design for a testing machine, etc. ) The fatigue limits found in the investigation of pine and beech amounted to 22-25% of the ultimate static strength for static tangential flexure. 1. Wood--Fatique 2. Wood--Test methods A. F. Rozhnyatovskiy Card 1/1 z; Ov/9-1 -5 -1 --17/119 ~X, THOrS vinyevodskiy, V.V., Molin, Yu.:-.T. and ChibrUcin, V.14. ?I TIS Electron Parwaagnatia Resonar -a Spe~c", with Various Substituents (Spektry elektrannoro parawagnitnoco razonansa Cr-arouatichaskikh Fic:jx-,dimealys razzlichay-A Z:imostitolyami) MIODICAL Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol 5, 1Tr 1, 'op 90-92 (USSA) AMURACT: The present note reports continuation of the work described in Ref 1-2 on olectron paramapetiu- resonance spectra of 6olutionj of (C6H6)2 GrI, (C(~15 - CCiHll)2 CrI, (C6H5 . C6H5)(Cf5Hj,)Jr1 and (C6H,5 - 06d5)2 CrI. These compounds are denoted 1. 1! '. III and IV respectively in the present note. The pirpo3o of the woric -was to find the effect of substi-tutiori of the distribution of d-ansity of unpaired electrons. Isopropyl alcohol, acetone, pyridine and water were used as solvents. All measurenixits were mado at rO-:,'~l t0llDerattara using & spectrometer working at 9300 Me/s. The i3oau]--,tio-a dopt~-, of the magneti-a field was 2 Oe. The 6-factor, t1-..3 to-;~al lino-width in Oe, the separation of the hyperfina structure caiupcaant- (AH) and the number of resolved hyporfine str,~ctare (h.f-a-) Card 1/2 for tao compoujids I-IV in isopropyl alcohol are given ii-, tho table EloQtron Farwaagnetic Resonanca Spectra of Or-Aramatic Compounds witi, Various SubstitjerA3 on p 91. The consistency of g and AH in ti-to series cf compaands I-IV indicates that introduction of a substituent into the benzene ring does not materially change the distribut-icn cf density of unpaired ele~ttroas betneen Or and the benzene rings. Improvement of the resolution of the spectrum (see the figure on -p e2) on going from the canpound I to the compound IV -was observed. "Th,.3 aithors nake the following conclusions. (1) In dilute solutions the h-f-s- component vidth ceases to depend on concentration below a certain concentration which is different for different solvents. (2) The width of h.f.a . componants in dilute solutions depends on the nature of the solvent. (3) On increase of the solution con=itration the h.f.s. disappears at different concentrations in difforent solvents. The main reason for the disappearance of the h.f.s. is the axchan6o interaction betwean. paramagnetia particles. The authors thank Professor G.A. Razuva-yev (Gortktr Institute of Organic Chemistry) and Professor F. Hein (Inotituto of Inorganic Chemistry, Jana, Bastarn Gard 2/2 Germany) for supply of the compounds studi8d. Thera a:~s I figare, 1 table and 5 references, b of which are Amarica-u and 2 Soviet. =OGLITION.: Institut khimiches1coy fiziki, AN SSSR (Inctitate of Ch,-iai--al Physics, Acad emy of 8 ciences of the U 3 .3 R v) 1. Metalorganic compoimds-Speetro- SUBIZ-TTSD January 27, 1958 graphic analysis 2. Matelorganic compoundr,-111'alpetic pro ties 3. Cyclic compounds-Properties 4. Chromium .per iodine conpounds-Properties 24 -M, 5 (4) A!13THORS: Bubnov, N. N., Sorokirt, Yu. A., SOV/48-23-10-35/39 Solodovnikov, S. P., Chibrikin, V. M. TITLE: Investigation of the Dibenzene-chrome Derivatives by the Method of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheakaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 10, pp 1263 - 1264 (USSR) ABSTROT: In earlier papers (Refs 1-3) it has already been, shown that in highly diluted dibenzene chrome solutions the interao'6ion be- tween the unpaired electron and the protons of the benzene rings,. which are in dixe_,3t connection with the metal (chrome-) atom, manifest themselves by a distinct hyperfine structure of the spectrum of paramagnetic electron resonance. It has already been shown that the introduction of a substituent into the benzene ring influences neither the g-factor of the compound nor the amount of the hyperfine splitting (3-~�O-5 Gs). It was further found that the dissolving temperature, the nature of the solvent or that of the substituent introduced into the benzene ring influen-ries the width of the hyperfine structure component. Further investigations concerned the spin density Card 1/3 distribu',_J:o-i of the unpaired electron in the molecule, the Investigation of the Dibenzene-chrome DerivatJves by SOV/413,;L-3-10-35/39 the Method of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance hyperfine splitting, as well as the width of the hyperfine structure component. In 'his :connection, several details, which were obtained from referenoes 1-8 are briefly discussed. Further investigations concerning hyperfine splitting were carried out with the cation of dibenzene chrome with cyclo- hexyl substituents in both rings. It was found that at low temperatures of the solution of this compound an additional triplet splitting (1+0.5 Ga) of each hyperfine structure com- ponent occurs. It is caused by the interaction of the unpaired electron with two protons of a cyclohexyl substituent. An in- vestigation of the influence exerted by various factors on the width of the hyperfine structure component gave the fol- lowing result: A considerable dilution of the solution with a reduction of temperature loads to a monotonic improvement of the spectral resolving powAr,, i.e. the width of the hyperfine structure component decreaaea. In some solvents (e.g. alcohols) an anomalous temperature dependence of the spectral resolving power is found; this might be explained by a complex formation between the dibenzene chrome aations and the molecules of the Card 2/3 Investigation of the Dibenzene-chrome Derivativ-es by SOV/48~-23-10-35/39 the Method of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance solvent. There are 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicher,koy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Phys'ics )f the Academy of Sciences, USSR).,Institut khimii pri Qorlko~.~.Bkom gose universitete (Institute of Chemistry at Gor'kiy State Univerol,ty) Card 3/3 5(4)t 240) SOY/76-33-13-37/39 AUTHORS: Bubnovy N. N., Chibriking V,, M. TITLE: Or, the Temperature Dependence of the Width of the Component of Superfine Structure in Electron Paramagntitic Resonance Speotra PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheakoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33P Nr 8, pp 1891-1892 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to clarify the mechanism of the extension of the component of superfine structure, the effect of temperature on the spectrum of the electron-paramagnetic resonance of the cations of chromium dibenzene (C6 H6,'~,Cr+ (I) and chromium-bis- diphenyl 1(C6H5)2 Or+ (II) was investigated. The studies were J made with conoenArated solutions (more than 0.02 mol/1) (solvents - ethanol, pyridine, acetone) by means of a spectro- meter with a high-frequency modulation of the magnetic field (Ref 5)- It was observed that at the gradual lowering of temperature the -width of the superfine structural component (A H) of (I~ and (IS) is constantly reduced, and,reaches a minimum at -50, -80 C- When the temperature is lowered beyond that, the width increases again. In all solutions of (1) and * Card 1/2 (11) investigated, two additional lines were observedn They SOV/76-3;-9-37/35 On the Temperature Dependence of the Width of the Component of Superf'-ne Structure in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra came about by a superfine fission at the Cr53 isotope. It is stated that there exists an anisotropy of the g-factor a.-id a superfine siructure in the chromium--aromatio compoun, Besides the temperature reduction, there are two more re _;one for the extension of the com;onent of superfine structure: One is due to the formation of stable complexes or solvate shells, and the other one is in no connection with the exchange interaction. In order to solve thin problem it will be neces.- sary to carry out studies with diluted solutions in which the latter effect is negligible. It is ascertained -that a temperature reduction may cause a better dissolution of the superfine structure than a dilutiong and if this comes about it can be observed with less sensitive instruments. Finallyg the authors thank Yu. N. Molin, A. I. Burshteyn and V. V, Voyevodskiy. There are 2 figures and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR,Institut khimicheskoy fizikiMoekva(A--ademy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow) SUBMITTED: August 25, 1956 Card 2/2 "67-0/00 67923 SOV/20-129-5-33/64 Lit" AUTHORS: Voyeyodskiy. V. V.? Corresponding Member, AS USSR, Solodovnikov, S. P., Chibrikin V X TITLE% Investigiktion of the Spectra of the J~lectron Paramagnetic ReagnIne (e.p.r) of the Negative Ions of Some Aromatic and Heterocyclic Compounds PZRIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129, Nr 5, pp 1082-1084 (USSR) ABSTPACT: The purpose of this papar was to investigate the electron mobility along the syste=6 of conjugate double bonds and sat- urated bonds by means of the e.p.r.-spectra. The authors in- 40stigated the e.p.r.-spectra of some benzene derivatives. The ion radio-ale were produced by the reaction of the compounds dissolveT--li-nn 1,2-dimethoxyethane with metallic potassium, Low temperatures were applied for very unstable ions (down to -700). The e.p.r.-spectra of the following benzene derivattives were -discussedi cumen (Fig 1), qclohexyl benzeneJ tert. isobutyl benzone I to uene 14 ethyl benzene. IThe i)pectrum concisted of 5 linev, vi ypetfine structure and binomial intensity dis- Card 1/3 txibution. The observed 5 lines were explained by the inter- 67923 SOV/20-129-5-33/64 Inveatigation of the Spectra of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (e.p.r.) of the Negative Ions of Some Aromatic and Heterocyclic Compounds a.otion of the unpaired electron with4 equivalent H-atoms. in the toluene anion (Fig 2) each of the 5.1ines is separated into P components due to the interaction between the unpaired electron with 3 a-protons and the proton in p-position. In the investigation of the spectra of o-, m-, and p-xylene more detailed results were obtained than had been given in reference4. The measurement results and the calculated spin densities of the unpaired electron are summarized in table 1. To investi- Lf/ gate the transmission of an electron along the chain of the conjugate or saturated bonds the e.p.r.-spectra of the anions of stilbene, azoxybenzene, and dibenzyl were investigated (Fig 3). In stilbene the possibility of a delocalization of the electron along the benzene ring and along the chain of the conjugate double bonds was proved. The apectrum of azoxybenzene H H 0 showed that the replacement of the bridge -C-C- by -N-N- does not reduce the mobility of the electron over the entire molecule. Card 2/3 Also in dibenzyl the electron does not remain localized to one 67923 SOV/20-129;5-33/64 Investigation of the Speotra,of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonanc (e.p.r.) of the Negative Ions of Some Aromatic and Heterocyclic Compounds ring but changes between the two rings with a frequency of the order of magnitude 10-7 _ 10- 8 am- 1. To check the influence of the heteroatoms on the spin density the e.p.r.-spectra of the pyridine and quinoline anions were inveiitigated. From the R,yridinelspectrum it is concluded that a spin density differing from zero exists in the N-atom and in the a-, P- and y-C-atoms where the a-, 0- and y-proton are not equivalent. There are 3 figures, I table, and 4 references. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Fhysios of the Academy of Sciences, USSR)7 SUBMITTEDi August 31P 1959 Card 3/3 M 155114 2ZO5 9/020 efy$100610131020 B1 03 B217 3 Sl- YB AUTHORS; Nesmeyanov, A. ff., Academician, Korchak, V. V.,Correspeading Member AS USSR, Voyevodskiy, V. V., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Kochetkova. N. S., Bosin, 3. L., klaterikova, R. B:j Bolotnikova, T. ff., Chibrikin, V. M..-snd Bazhin, N. M. TITLE: Synthesis and some optical-magnetio properties of poll- ferrocenes dsrivativssi_~__ PERIODICAL; Doklady Akado mii nauk SSSRj v. 137, no. 6, 1961t 1370-1373 TEXT: The authors studied the magnetic propertien of ferrocene 1) of the pdlyferrocenylone:)(Table 1, nos. 1-6), 2) the polydiisopropyl- ene (Table 1, nos the polymethano- and 4) the polyethLno- ferroc : 7;.. ' 3) polyferrocones (Table n 9-13). They were synthetized by: k) Poly- re-combination. . To I). and 2). 1 jpols forrocene (or o*f its diisopropyl homolog) was treated with I mole tertiary butyl reroxide in nitrogen atmosphere at 2000C.1 1) and 2) are assumed to be, formed as follows: the Butoxyl and methy! radicals formed during peroxiete decomposition separate the hydrogen from ferrocene (or the *-hydrogen). The radicals thus formed -Cari 1/(,S- S/02 37/oo6/013/020 synthesis cnd some ... B I 039?2IT recombine and form linear 1) or 2)t esaily soluble in benzene. An in. soluble polymer (Table 1, nos. 5-6) with a two- or tridimensional network struoture is formed simultaneously. The converalon of forrocone to high- molecular products aMDUnted to 25%. lJou, 1-) hav-a a softening temperature of 290-3000C and are a dark-red powder, whereas nos. 5-6 had their softening temperature at about 4000C and were light-yellow. B) Polyalkylenation of forrocene by mothylene chloride and i.2-dichloroothane in the presence of anhydrous aluminum chloride. Aluminum chloride solution in 50 ml of di- halogen alkane was added gradually to 40 gforrocone dissolved in 250 ml dry dihalogen alkane, The mixture was stirred f9r 6 hr at the boiling tempora- ture of the solvent. The next day, 10 g aluminum chloride in 25 ml dihalo- gen alkane were added and treated for 6 hr as above. The mixture was decomposed by ice and HOI and *treated with sodium sulfite. The obtained 3) and 4) were well soluble in benzons, differed, M-wever, by their solubility in ether. Table I shove the molecular weighte, the always equal g-factor and the magnetic characteristics of all subetaneve produced. The decomposi- tion temperature of 9-13 was 115-1200a. All substances are amorphous powders, nos. 9 and 10 light-yellow, no. 11 grey-brown. Nos. 10 and 11 are of a chemical composition similar to that of no. 9 (pAntaothenodiff*rrocan Card 2/16's- Synthesis and some ... 23854 /61/137/006/013/020 BIO~,/B217 They consist possibly of 2 and 4 moleculfa similar %o the latter, connected by ethane bridges. 4-5 methylones in tho molecule of nos. 12 and 1) belong to 2 f*rrocone radicals. not contain halo-on. The infrared spectra of no$- 9-13 have frequencies within the range 1000-1100 cm-1. To I). Derivatives 1) haVing a x-oonjugation bet%:ten the ferrocene links give a signal the electron paramagnotioremonance-(*-j_r)~ similarly to the poly- aromittic hydrocarbons. This cannot be explained oy the presence of a corresponding quantity of the oxidized form of the forricinium'cation. Table i shows that also polymers in which the.feracens links are separated by the -CH.-CH27 group give an e. p. r'. signal. 1:k is known that the delocalization of the unpairsil electrons between t6 two phenyl rings Is not: Prevented by this group. In the substances described here. which give an a. P. r. signal, this signal is the smaller, the smaller the number of Jerrocene links is. This signal vanishes in 2). Polymers with a low molecular weight give no e. p. r. signal 'in the solution (bonzene), but in solid state. This is explained'by the fact that the intramolecular interactions cause In solid state a conjugation of the adjacent polymer molecules. This causes for its part an 9. p. r. signal.* All polymers Oard Vfk5- 23654 5/020/61/137/006/013/020 Synthesis and some B103/B217 giving this signal show a single symmetrical line of the e. p. r, of the Lcrenz type. The 1) obtained from th-e reaction A yields a wide a. p. r. line of 120-160 oersteds, its width bAng dependent on the polymer atructure. This line becomes broader on reducing the measuring temperature. Its width is changed moat considerably in low-molecular iialymers. The authors believe the nature of the measured signals to be unclarified, they cannot maintain that the number 11 of the unpaired electrons per I member, deter- mined by a comparison with the standard, corresponds to their actual number. N may, however, be a certain characteristic of the magnetic properties of the system. (nou. 2-4); N roaches an anomalous size in the Insoluble tt polymer its. 5. This Is assumed to be connected with a collective effect of the forromagnotic type. The ultraviolet (tTV-) spectra of 1) dissolved it, A-octane, whic4 give an o. p. r. signal In solid state, differ from the ltraviolot spectra of such that give no signal in solid state,. In the first Calls the UV-speotrum agrees completely with that of ferrocene dis- Usolved in CCl'. It was proved for these spectra (Ref. 7) that the charge 4 tranefcr takes place here-under formation of an ion pair For CCI-. on the 4 oontrary,.tbe UV-epeotrum of such 1) that give rko a. p.,r. signal is similar Card 4N MINE 234 54 S/02q/6i/137/oo6/013/020 Synthesis and some ... B103/B217 to.that of ferrocine in a. noutral.oolvent (a-octane), i. e. under conditions*- under which the charge is not transferred. Finallyj the authors point out that their results concerning,the UV-3peetra apparently confirm the iipseudoferromagnetism" of the polynucleotides and of the polyaroma:tic hydrocarbons (Refs- 5 and 8). There are I figure, I table., and 8 references, 7 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloo. The only reference to English-language publication reads as follows: J. C. D. Brand, Ref- 7:' Trans. Farad. sec., 539 894P 1957- ASSOCIATION: Institut clementoorganicheBkikh soyedlneniy Akademii nauk SSSR' (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the Academy of Scidncea*, USSR) SUBMITTED: December 20, 1960 Legend to Table'l. I) Current number, 1-4) linear polyferrocenylene, 5-6) insoluble polyferrocenylons, 7) polydiisopropylferrocene, linear, 8). like 7, insoluble -11) condensation products of ferrocene with Di-1,2- It' chloroetheas, 19-131~-qith methylene chloride, 14) ferricinium II) Subetanae,-III motecular weight* IV) g-facior, V-VI) linceatvioind;h, oar'stedl Card VfOr - --1 68329 24,3400 SOV51-8-1-36/40 AUTHORSs Vetchinkin, S.I., Solodovnikov, S.P. and Chibrikin, V.M., TITLE i Distribution of Spin Density in the Chromium Dibentene Cation F3RIODICAL.- Optika I spektroskopiya, 196-0. Vol 8, Nr 1, pp 137-140 (USSR) ABSTRACT; Chromium dibenzene, is a representative of a new type of compounds known as sandwich type compounds. In these compounds the metal atom is not bound to a single carbon atom but to the wholan system of an aromatic hydreearbon (Refs 1, 2). The present paper deals with distribution of the spin density in- the chromium dibenzene cation. The spin density was found from the hyperfine structure (h.f.s.) from electron paramagnetic resonance (&.p.r.-) spectra of strongly diluted solutions of the chromium dibenzene cation and solutions of chromium dibenzene cations with loopropyl and cyclohoxyl substituanto in both benzene rings. Fig 1 shows the e.p.r. spectrum of the chromium dibenzene, cation obtained in an acetone solution at -700C. From the ratio of the h.f.s. intensities and the constancy of the hyperfine splitting (3.6 � 0.5 0e) it follows that the unpaired electron interactswith protons of both benzene rings; all twelve protons in these rinGs act 'in the same way. Voyevodskiy, Molin and Chibrikin (Ref 7) found that Card 1/3 in#-.roduction of a hydrocarbon substituent did not alter the tuagnitUde 68329 SOVI51-8-1-36140 Distribution of Spin Density In the Chromium Dibenrene Cation C,-Nrd 2/3 of the hyperfine splitting &nd that the niuiber of the h.f.s. components represented the number of the remaining protons in both benzene rings. A more detailed Investigation carried out by the present authors showed that in the spectrun of the chromium dicumene cation (Fig 2, at -900G) each component of the ring proton h.f.s is split, into a triplet with a separation close to 1.0 Oe. This additional triplet splitting is due to splitting on both ot-protons of the isopropyl substituants. Similar effects were observed in the case of the chromium dibenzene cation with a cyclohexyl oubstituent in both benzene rings. Bubnov and Chibrikin (Ref 8) reported additional hyperfine splitting in the spactrum of the chromium dibensens cation in solution, which vas ascribed to intoraction of the unpaired electron with a magnetic moment of the Cr53 isotope which is present In the natural chromium. This -was also found by the present authors and is shown in Fig 3; the hyperfina splitting between the h.f.s. components of chromium amounted to 19.0 Oe. All the a.p.r. spectra reported by the authors were recorded with a spectrometer described earlier (Rof 9). McConnell and Chestnut (Ref 11) suggested an indirect interactlon to explain hyperfine splitting of the proton of the C--H group and showed that this splitting is proportional to the spin density at the p.-orbit of the cLtrbon atDm in the C--H Proup. In the first approximation the co6fficient of proportionality Q., between the hyperfine splitting and the spin density ie const-stat for all arom~~c 68329 Diste,Ai-.ition of Spin Density in the Chromiun Dibenzene Gation SOV/51-8-1-36/40 radicals and Ion-radicals. If it is assumed that the coefficient CA is the same in metal-aromatic-compounds, then the observed proton hyperfine splitting (3.6 Os) shows that the spin density in the pt-orbit of a single carbon atom Is 0.16. Since all protons are equivalent, the spin 4onsity at all the carbon atoms is the same. It follows that theli'4n density in theT; system of both benzene rings is equal to 1.92. In order to reduce the total spin density of the whole molecule of the chromi%im dibenzene cation to unity we have to assume that the spin density at the atomic orbits of chromium is 0.92 and its sign is opposite to the sign of the density at the benzene rings. The requirement of normalization of the spin density to unity follows from the fact that the chromium dib-snzeae cation has only one unpaired el ectron (Ref 5). The authors show that other evidence (Refs 12, 13) also supports the suggested spin density. Acknowledgments are made to Yu.A. Sorokin and G.A. Domrachev for preparation of the compounds stTi-led-There are ~-Higures and 15 references, 9 of nhich are Soviet, 4 English and 2 German. q1 SUENITTED: June let, 1959 Ca rd 3/3 31755 S/058/61/000/011/006/025 /.2 7 A058/A101 AUTHORS: Semenov, A.G.,,Chibrikin, V.M.. TI.MZ: Concerning the limit frequency of a superheterodyne electron para- magnetic resonance spectrometer PERfODICALi Referativnyy zhurnal.. Pizika, no. 11, 1961, 129, abstract lIV255 (V sb.. "Paramagnitn. rezonanjP, Kazan', Kazansk.. un-t, 196o, 150 - 152) TEM Analysis of the causes limiting the sensitivity of superheterodyne electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometers (low-frequenoy fluctuation of -the conversion resistance of the crystal mixer, the reciprocal frequency fluctuation of the principal and the heterodyne klystron and.the frequency fluctuation of the principal klystron) shows that for the senbitivity of the spectrometer to approxi- mate the theoretically possible sensitivity, It is necessary to decrease the ef- fective relative frequency' fluctuation .5 v / v of the principal klystron, i.e. to replace the reflex klystron by a more stable source of microwave oscillations. For eliminating the effect of reciprocal frequency fluctuation it is suggested that instead of xising a separate heterodyne klystron, a part of the energy of the Card 1/2 31755 S/058/61/000/011/006/025 Concerning the limit frequency ... AG58/AIOI principal klystron be utilized by using a balanced modulator and separating out- side-frequency oscillations at its input. Yu. Yablokov .r [Abstracter's note: Complete translation) Card 2/2 W -W~~-44 AMC ACCEISI iiR AP4043786 0 19 6 4 0 0'6 1 7 3 1 !1 -q j-,-AUTHOK: -Bszhini~ -If* -4--. ----thibrlkll~ V, V. Vi- -14. iloyevoJskftv, res n n a v,v C E. v v n k n rno 1 e k u I y a r n y * y e a o y e dn e n i yav6n c19 b 4 1478-1482 TOP lt-TA-GS i can-jugated--p-al-ymers , electron paratnagne tic resonance polymer electron paramagnetic renonance, po.,imer frop !rIAI-~I- jug4ted double bond systett ABSTRACT! 0clymars with coni-,sroted bo-dls I/A N n WhE 7 ard 1/4 3p Apa m,- _5