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W I? u, c :3 e C-17 po r at !~,no c. v t rf; ILIE~OV V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; GERTSEV, V.V,, aspirant Gas-liquid chromatography of boric acid esters. Nauch- trudy MTILP no.29sl3l-132 164. (MIRA 1824) 1. Kafedry organicheskoy khimii, analiticheskoy I. neorganichoskoy khimii Moskovskogo takhnologichaskogo instituta legkoy promyshlennosti. CHESUNOV,_j!.~!k_jftpdq tekhn, nauk, doteent Gas chrftatographv of viscous polyzwr goilltiors. Nauah. trudy MTILP no,29LI33-135 064. (MIRA ISW 1. Kafedra neorganicheskoy i analitiehaskey khimii Hookovskogo tekhnolcgichookogo instituta legkoy proVehlonnosti. BARAMBOYM, ~. Kox doktor khimicheskikh nauk, prof.;.~HESUNOVAx A. 0.1 inzb. Method of increasing the strength of thread Joints of parts made with porous polymer wterials. Izv. v3rBe ucheb. Zara; takh. leg. prom. no.095-102 962. (MIRA 15--10) 1. Mookovikiy tekhnologichaskiy institut legkoy promyshlennosti. Rekmendovana kafedroy fizicheskoy i kolaoidnoy khinii. (Boots and shoes, Rubber) SAtffLIN. P.; CHI"AYZV, A. Mechanizing the production of catgut. Maz.ind.SSSR 31 n0-1: 33-34 ,6o. (KLRA 13:5) 1. Xazanskiy ketgutnyy z&vod. (Xazan--Catgut) -7 ;Rwvma~ .. Oi~ 17 a I E A .~: MUM IIM - ---- - -W-1 I .- -f~ r 'i .1 ~ UEM/Physics - Waveguides 21 Jul 51 "Problem of Z11mloating the Reflections in Wave- guides of Va:riable Cross Section," B. L. Rozbdestvewkiy, D. N. Chetayev 'Tok Ak Hauk SSSR" Vol LXXIX, No 3, pp 427-430 Considers a rectangular waveguide with variable cross section and proposes a constructive (design) method for ellml ting reflections caused by the inhomogeneities of its form. Shove that if a wave- xu4A is filled vith an inh-.- gereaus medium whose abaracteristics are connected in a definite ==Wr v:LtA the inn. geneity of its form, then reflections of waves of the type Hno can be completely elIxImted. Submitted by Aced B. A. Vvede=kiy -JA mLy 31. 21M90 Z5 CHETAYLY, D. N. Geomagnetism Divsertation: "Study of Unsettled Syvtom of fil"tromagnetic Fields in Nonhomogenous Media." Cand Phys-gath Sci, Geophysics 1nat, Depaitment of PhysicomathemtIcal Sciences, Acad Sci UiSR, Oct-Doc 1953. (Vestnik Akademii Nauk, Moscow, gar 54). SO: SUM 213, 20 Sep 1954 ~ e, CAW d Irrc! e I r1 :4 USSR / Aooustios. Bound Vibrations and Waves Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, Ho 5, 1957, No 12668 J-2 Author i Chetayev, D.J. Inst i Geophysical Institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR Title iEffoot of Velooity of Subsonic Stream on the Radiation Im- pedanae of a Piston with Infinite Flange. Orig Pub iAkust. zh., 1956, 2, No 3, 302-309 Abstraot It is show that the calculation of the acoustic impedance of a piston vrith an infinite flange, radiating from a mD- ving medium, can be reduced to the calculation of double integrals. An analysis is made of the active and reactive portion of the radiation impedance of a reotangular piston. The results of the calculations are given in tables. The Cl Card 1/2 CHBUYKV, D.N. ...Wmw one theorem of electric prospecting. Izv.AN SM.Ser.goofiz. n9.4: 473-474 Ap 156. (an 9:8) 1. Akadomiya nauk LSM, Geofisichoskly Institut. (Prospecting--Geophysical methods) CHITA33T, D.N. Theory of pulse soundings based on the application of direct current In an ungrounded loop. Izv.AN SM.Ser.goofis. ne.5: 595-598 Vq 156. (UM 9-8) 1. Akadenlya, nank SSM, Goof Isicheekly institut. (Prospecti W -Geophysical methods) (Electric currents--Grounding) A, 4' AUTHOR: TITLE: Chetayev, D. N. 60-32-1/3 Computing Nonstabilized Electromagnetic Fields in Nonhomogeneous Media (K raschetu neustanovJLvshikhsya elektromagnityWkh poley v neodnorodnykh sredakh) PERIODICAL: Trud Geofizicheskogo instituta Akademii nauk SSSR 1956' Nr 32, pp 3-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author discusses the work of A. N. Tikhonov, who given a general method of solving problems in the pro- pagation of nonstabilized electromagnetic fields in bedded conductive media. The calculation of a non- stabilized field induced by a current pulse of arbitrary form and with a cable of any shape is redueed to a detemination of a stabilized field when direct current is switched into an element of the cable. Tikhonov and Card 1/2 AUTHOR: Chetayev, D. N. TITLE: -On_-a-`converse problem in pecting. (Odna obratnaya 49-5-14/18 the theory of resistivity pros- zadacha teorii elektrorazvedki). PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geofizicheskaya" (Bulletin of the Ac.Sc., Geophysics Serie7s_,_1_75?, NO-5, pp. 677-6?9 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The effect of topography on resistivity prospecting was treated by various authors (1-6) for a number of special cases. In the present paper a converse problem is considered, namely, given the field function it is desired to determine the topography. It is shovm that the associated mathematical problem is'essentially the same as the main converse problem of aerodynamics (8-10) i.e. the problem of the form of the profile of a wing if the magnitude of the velocity is known at each point of the latter as a function of the length of arc. The difference between them 6onsists in that in the hydrodynamic case one deals with a closed contour. The problem for a contour extending to infinity with a regular function W(z) was considered by Nuzhin (11). The present problem is solved Card 1/2 by an essentially analogous method. Using the expressions obtained in the present paper it is possible to compute the 49-5-1.4/18 On a converse problem in the theory of resistivity pros- pecting. (Cont.) relief of the surface in the case of a homogeneous medium. It is possible that a comparison of this with the real relief could be useful in the interpretation of the data obtained in resistivity prospecting. There are 11 references, 8 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: November 26, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Ac.Sc. U.S.S.R. Institute of Physics of the Earth. (Akademiya Nauk SSSR Institut Fiziki Zemli). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Chetayev, D. N. 49-6-11/21 TITLE: Analytical interpretation of data from resistivity prospecting on complex relief using the method of the natural field. (Analiticheskava interpretatsiya dannykh pri elektrorazvedke metodom yeatestvennogo polya v usloviyakh slozhnogo rellyefa),, FMIODICAL: (Bul tiva. Akademii N c.5c., Ueopnysics beries pp. 794-799 (U.S.S.R.) Geofi Laa it N0061 ABSTRACT: The following problem is considered: given the values of electric potential measured over a curvilinear surface, the position of an ore deposit lying under the surface has to be determined. As a first approximation the deposit giving rise to the field is considered to be in effect a dipole and a medium is taken as uniform and isotropic. The method of solution of the inverse problem of aero- dynamics (Tumashev et al., Refs.8 and 9) is employed in the solution of the present problem. The solution is formulated in such a way that given an anomaly with a well-defined bearing, it is possible to determine the position of the ore deposit and the direction of its polarisation. The moment Card 1/2 of the effective dipole is also calculated. The method 46, 49-6-3-1/21 Analytical interpretation of data from resistivity prospecting on complex relief using the method of the natural field.(Cont.) provides an automatic check on its own applicability. There are 2 figures and 11 references, all of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: January 22, 1957. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physics of the Earth, Ac.Sc., U.S.S.R. (Akademiya Nauk SSSR Institut Fiziki Zemli). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 03 Y c L/ 49-58-3-8/19 AUTHOR: Chetayev. D139. TITLE: On Determining Thermal Coefficients by Means of the Method of Linear Instantaneous Source (K opredeleniyu. termicheskikh kooffitaiyontov metodom lineynogo mgnovennooo istochnika) YERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 19539 Nr 3, pp 363-364 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A method is described of calculation of the thermal con- stants on the basis of measured results for the case of a line source for which the calculation formulae cannot be expressed in elementary functions. For eliminating the basic disadvantage of the method of the instantaneous s-.)Urce, a source is investigated which acts uniformly during a cer- tain time interval To . It is assumed that the inflaence of the sources themselves on the heat propagation can be dis- re-arded as well as the influence of the finite lan-ths of 0 0 the heat source. Formulae derived and the res-oective re- lations are plotted in the graph (Fig.1). By ---ieans of such graphs, which need be plotted only once, it is possible to determine the coefficient of heat conductivity, Ic , and the coefficient of tomperaturo conductivity, a I by -.._io_~ns Card 1/2 of simple equations, using experimental data. There is 1 49-58-3-8/19 On Determining Thermal Coefficients by Means of the Method of Linear Instantaneous Source. figure and 3 Russian references. ASSOCIATION: Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Physics of the Earth (Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut Fiziki Zemli) SUBMITTED: November 26, 1956. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 212 AUTHOR: 24gjaje~~D SOV/49-59-1-8/23 TITLE: The Inverse Problem in the Theory of Electrical Prospecting of Non-conducting Seams which Emerge on the Surface (Obratnaya zadacha teorii elektrorazvedki neprovodyashchikh plastov, vykhodyashchikh na poverkhnost') PERIODICAL: Izvesti-ya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya. Geofizicheskaya, 1959, Nr 1, PP 73-82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author applied Tumashev and Nuzhin's method of solution of the inverse boundary problem in aerodynamics (Refs 3,4) to two-dimensional inverse problems in the theory of electrical prospecting. He discussed the effect of the surface topography on the flow of uniform direct electric current (Ref 1) and on determination of the position and polarisation of an ore deposit which was represented by a linear dipole (Ref 2). The present paper extends the work reported in Refs (1) and (2) to electrical prospecting in the case of non-conducting seams which emerge on the surface and which lie parallel to topographic horizontals. The problem can be stated Card 1/3 as follows: to find, from the values of electric current SOV/49-59-1-8/23 The Inverse Problem in the Theory of Electrical Prospecting of Non-conducting Seams which Emerge on the Surface measured along an uneven surfacel the position of a perturbing body on the assumption that it is a thin non-conducting seam, which emerges on the surface and which lies in a uniform medium. The author shows that there is only one solution of this problem, i.e. only one distribution of electric potential along the surface satisfies a given set of actual surface conditions. Consequently, electrical prospecting methods which use direct current may be applied to find more exactly the position of seams discovered by drilling. Analytical interpretation of the results of measurements of the el4ctric current makes it possible to discover when this method is applied incorrectly. If wrong assumptions are made, the calculated surface topography does not agree with the actual topograpkir and the mistake becomes obvious. Card 2/3 SOV/49-59-1-8/23 The Inverse Problem in the Theory of Electrical Prospecting of Pon-conducting Seams which Emerge on the Surface There are 12 references, 8 of which are Soviet, 2 Japanese, 1 Italian and 1 French. A380CIATION: Akademiya nauk 835H,Institut fiziki Zemli (Ac. Sc., USSR, Institute of Earth Physics) SUBMITTED: December 3, 1957 Card 3/3 CHETAUN, D.N. Effect of the elasticity of the medium on the radiation resistance of a piston in a screen. Akust.zhur. 5 no-4:501-503 159. (MM 3A.-6) 1, Institut fiziki zemli imeni 01,Xu.Shmidta, Moskva. (Sound)' S/049/59/000/1-2/018/027 E032/E393. AUTHOR: Chetayev, D.N. TITLE: On o ving VWeT'-A'V'e-r e Problem in the Theory of Electro- magnetic Sounding 7 - PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Alcademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1959, Nr 12, pp 1864 - 1866 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The algorithm of the analytical interpretation of the data of electromagnetic sounding in the case of the disturbances of the field caused by a vertical magnetic dipole is described. The direct problem is considered for a cylindrical symmetrical field with the components Eq, B r and B z calculated from the Maxwell formula (1) as Eqs (11), (12) and (13), respectifely. The latter equation can be written as Eq (19) for z = 0 . The inverse problem is considered for a given component Bz (r,O) (Eq (19)). Thus, the function (21) is obtained for the boundary conditions, Eq (22), which can be utilised in Eq (23) to define the conducti-ity as a Cardl/2 0 s/o49/59/000/12/018/027 B032/E391 on Solving the Inverse Problem in the Theory of Electromagnetic Sounding function of o(z) , the final form of which is given as Eq (42). There are 2 references, 1 of which is Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya naulc SSSR lnAitut fiziki. Zetitli (Institute of Physics of the Earth, Ac.Sc.USSR) 0 SUBMITTED: June 20, 1959 Card 2/2 s/09/6o/ooo/oo4/013/018 E032/E314 AUTHOR: Chetayev, D,N. TITLE: Determination of the Coefficient of Anisotropy and the Dip Angle of a Uniform Anisotropic Medium From the ICAL4,11,1r el kwjVdfW e IjaVM Vg~magnetic Field a ad of. the u PERIOD Izve emii na I I-V geofizicheskaya, 196o, mo. 4, pp 617 - 619 TEXT: Consider the half-space zl-\ 0 (Fig. 1) filled with a uniform anisotropic conducting medium having an angle of dip a . Let the resistivity in the direction of the x, y and z axes be ,-t (longitudinal resistivity) and j (transverse .n resistivity). It is jBsumed that the natural electromagnetic field can be represented in the form of a plane wave incident V/C normally on the half-space. Resolving this wave into two components polarized in nratually perpendicular directions, one can consider separately the waves in which the electric field lies along the x and y' axes. When the electric field lies along the x axis, the wave will be propagated in an effectively isotropic medium having a resistivity f_~ . The problem therefore reduces to the consideration of the case where the Card 1/3 S/049/60/000/004/013/018 EOJ2/P3j4nisotropy and the Dip Determination of the Coefficien b Angle of a Uniform Anisotropic Medium electric field is in the perpendicular direction. In this case the field inside the conducting anisotropic half-space will only have the components B xv E y abd R z . The Maxwell equations in the x, y, z system attached to the principal axes of anisotropy are then given by Eq. (1), where the resistivity is anisotrople but the dielectric constant and the magnetic permeability are isotropic. It is assumed that the dielectric constant is zero,and the displacement currents can be neglected in comparison with conduction currents, then the volume density of charge q = 0 The Maxwell'equations will then simplify into the form given by Eq. (3). If the displacements current are neglected not only in the conducting medium but also (at sufficiently low frequency) in air also, then the problem consists in the solution of the field equations in the conducting half-space only. The boundary conditions are such that the field must vanish for z' tending to infinity and the normal component of the current density must also be zero on the surface z' = 0 . It is shown that the solution for B is of the Card 2/3 x s/09/6o/ooo/oo4/013/018 E032/E314 Determination of the Coefficient of Anisotropy and the Dip Angle of a Uniform Anisotropic Medium form of the plane wave given by Eq. (6). In fact, Eq. (6) satisfies Eq. (5) with the wave number given by Eq. (7). The y and z components of the current density are given by Eq. (8) and it follows from the boundary conditions that ilz vanishes identically. Thus the condition on the surfaces is automatically satisfied and Eq. (6) is the solution. The electric field is then given by Eq. (10). Finally, the impedance is given by Eq. (13)- Measurement of this impedance, with the electric field in the two perpendicular directions as mentioned above, will thus yield the coefficient on anisotropy and the dip angle. There are 1 figure and 6 references: 5 Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Alcademiya nauk SSSR InsLLtut fiziki Zemli (AS SSSR Institute nf Physics of 4-u- V-rth) SUBMITTED: July 29, 1959 Card 3/3 AUTHOR: TITLE: Chetayev, D. N. 4;>213 S/057/62/032/011/005/014 B100102 The field of a low frequency electric dipole situated on the surface of a homogeneous anisatropic conducting semi- space PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnioheskoy fisiki.,,v. 32, no. 11, 1962, 1342-1348 TEXT: An electric dipole of moment 11 exp(itzt) lies horizontally on the interface z - 0 between a nonmagnetic conducting medium and air. The conductivity tensor satisfies d~ x W LY yy 40 at, Oza a d.; and Cj is so small that the displacement current can be neglected both in the conducting medium and in the air. As in a paper of V. A. Fok (ZhRFKhO, Ch- fiz-, 58, 356, 1926; Ann. d PhYs ,;v1179 401, 1933) the problem is t solved by-the help of a vector ;oten a Z(Ax, Ot Az); div The system !!IA. _*_!nA, _*._.PA. oxg aV2 O's (5) Card 1/6 V 3/057/62/032/011/005/014 The field of a low frequency,.... B104/B102 d'A (OZ2 is set up and a solution is sought in the form CD A.= J&r)X(z, k)dk, C' A.= 1' (9), 1,(Ir)Z(z, X)dk. in cylindrical coordinates whose z-axis passes through the dipole. With the solution stated in this form, determination of the vector potential is reduced to the problem of finding the indppendent functions X and Z. For an anisotropic assispaco the formulas: X 2, T-. V5 (15) and Card 2/6 S/057/62/032/011/005/014 The field of a low frequency ... B1041B102 z k2 e- (16) are obtained whereby the solution of the problem in reduced to quadratures. With the help of the expressions A. (LS- k1t aF ".'F 2xks dz' 401 di3 (19), :n-_ 2--k! Jz ds 00 2n 0 (22) and a'F _S_z S)]. _L (23) 2mal Jxdz r, ds Card 5/6 S/057/62/032/011/005/014 The field of a low frequency B104/B102 for the potentials in which the Sommerfeld and Fok integrals CO WX S=IJO(Xr)e-RV"+k' kI (17) and CO F= I jo (Xr) e-Ov"' 0 as well as ri (21) are introduced, the electromagnetic field is obtained by curl Card 4/6 S/057/62/032/011/005/014 The field of a low frequency B104/B102 gradl with the help of the tabulated functions. For the purpose of geophysical investigationa, formulas 3jdly 'e-kr (I -i- kr -o- k?rl 3 and 2r3,r3 kr I e,, ysl- v V, (.v -kr :E,= 311,y e 3 3 Card 5/6 S/05 62/032/011/005/014 The field of a low frequency %oo B1 04Y33102 are derived, giving the surface values of the components 3ZI EX , and Ey The first term in these formulas corresponds to an isotropic medium with conductivity at, and the second term is the correction for the anisotropy. SUBMITTED: July 17t 1961 Card 6/6 C HSTAIEV . D. N. Now method for Bolving the principal problem of the theory of dipole electromagnetic soundings. Geol.i geofiz. no.2:11&-122 162. (MA 154) 1. Nagnitnaya laboratoriya AN SSSR, Moskva. (Electromagnetic prospecting) CHETAUJ,-Dj. Field of a low-frequency electric dipole situated on the surface of a uniform anisotropic oonducting half-space. Zhur. tekh. fis. 32 no.11:1342-1348 1 162. (MIRA 15til) (Dipole sownts) S/109/63/008/001/009/025 D266/D308 aq, .'.kUTHOR-. 'TITLE: A method for solving the axially symmetric problems~of the electrodynamics of,.gyrotropic media PERIODICAL: Radiotlekhnika. i elektronika', vi 8, no. 1, 19.63, 64-72 Assumina -icit time variatiori and eliminating-the scalar TIEXT exp, potential by.,~he-geaeralized Lorentz condition. di4~ A where Card 1/3 S/1 0 63/008/001/006/025 Phase distribution of ... D266YD308 radiation patterns do not-belong to this class the first problem is to approximate the givens radiation pattern by functions from We This is done by finding an approximating polynomial and multi- M plying it by a suitably chosen auxiliary function. The author c9lls attention to the fact that -only the absolute value of the radiation pattern is specified and one is free to choose the phase'distribu- tion. It is investigated whether the number of terms in the Fourier expansion (which always contains a finite number of terms) can be reduced or the convergence improved by a judicious choice of the phase distribution. The answer to both questions was found to be negative. However, by changing the phase of the radiation pattern the relative complexity of the phase and amplitude distribution functions changes as well. It is suggested that the phase of the radiation pattern be chosen in such a way as to make the amplitude distribution function easily realizable. The mathematical condi- tion for the existence of a,number of phase radiation patterns re- quires that the approximating polynomial must have complex roots. _As an example the synthesia of a cosecant radiation pattern is qa-d 2/3 S/1 09/63/008/001/009/025 A method for solving ... D266/D308 k2(D + BAZ (17) P C (isa TZ_ IQF_ 0 where E is the off-diagonal element of the permittivity tensor a and Ao = - 6(D /6r. Separating*the variables in 9 and in A z, the partial differential equations are reduced to ordinary differen-- tial eauations with constant coefficients which can be easily' Sol- ved. In problems concerned with waveguides filled with a*gyrotro- pic medium a combination.of these solutions must be sought which will.satisfy the boundary.conditions. The,application of the me- thod is illustrated in an example where-exact integral tepresenta-. tions are obtained for the pJtential of -the electromdgnecic.field -magnetic: dipole located over the plane of a vertical electric and surfac.e of vertically polarized plasma, SUB14ITTED: March 5, 1962- ~Card 3/3 CHETAYEV, Do No Method for solving Odgyrzmtrical problems of the vlevh-o- dynantics of a gyrotropic medium. Radiotakh. i siektron. 8 no.I--&4.P!72 Ja '63. (MIRA 11;--I) (IjectrodynMicg) (Plasm(Ionized gases)) L 130 EWT(I)IM(OADIS -tEC(b)-2/kSM-2 AFFIC/ASD/ESN3/ ---7ssD AFRE ---Ft--4ftabo-~4 ACCESS Ms AP3001,339 S/0057/63/033/006/'0'754/0757 MHOR4. Chetayev, D. N. TITLE: On a.~ipolelabove, a gyrotropia medium SOURM: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fialkit v. 33p no. 6p 1963# 7 54-757 TOPIC TAGS: electromagnetic fields., eyromagnetic media., plasma ABSTRACT:- The elect romagne ticfield of a vertically directed dipole (electri c or magnetic) in vacuo above the infinite plane horizontal boundaz7 of a bomo- i geneous medium, characterized by a constant Hermitian dielectric tensor in which the two horizontal diagonal components are equal and the mixed horizontal- vertical components vanish, is calculated. The result is applicable to a &vromeenetic medium and, when space dispersion may be neglected.. to a uniform plasma. t\ The calculations are performed by. solving Maxwell I a equations for the complex potentials by a separation of variables which leads to a solution in the form of a Fourier-Beesel integral involving the Bessel function of zero order. Orig. art. has: 39 formulao.- ASSOCIATION: none itard J/h L 3200h-66 EXT (1) 1JP(c) _mri A/) " _f" 4;14" ACC NR: AP6013164 SOURCE CODE: UR/0387/66/000/004/6045/0051 AUTHOR- - Chetm4y v, D. N. 13 ORG: Institute of Physics of the Earth, AcadeTy of Sciences,SSSR (Institut fizi)li zemli, miya nauk SSSR) i/ TITLE: A new method for the solution of electrodynamic problems in nisotropic media SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika Zemli, no. 4. 1966, 45-51 TOPIC TAGS: anisotropic medium, gyrotropic. medium ABSTRACT: Plane, homogeneous, anisotropic layers of two-axial type were investigated by reducing the Maxwell equations to an ordinary differential equation. It was shown that the method can be successfully applied to the solution of analogous prob- lems in the gyrotropic media. By expressing a tensor of conductivity of an aniso- tropic medium in matrix form, and taking into consideration the generalized Lorentz conditions, a nonhomogeneous differential equation with constant coefficients was obtained. Where the anisotropic. medium fills in the half-space (z>0), the equation Card 1/2 ..UDC:____550.837.6 L 32oo4-66 ACC NR: AP6013164 will give the generalized solution after the application of the Laplace transforma- ,tion. Orig. art. has: 31 formulas. SUB CODE: 08,20/SUBM DATE: 26May65/ ORIG REr: 012/ OTH REF: 006 Card ACC NRi AP7006058 SOURCE CODEt UR/0387/66/000/010/0048/0061 AUTHORS Chetayev, D. N. ORGt InVMMV;3"oY~9ca of the Earth# AN SSSR (Institut fiziki zemll AN SSSR) TITLE: Electromagnetic potentials In layered-antsotropic media SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. FIziki zemli, no. 100 19669 48-61 TOPIC TAGS: electrodynamicag larentz transformation, partial derivativet anisotropic medium SUB CODE: 20,12 ABSTRACTs This paper gives a method for solution of electrodynamic problems for layered-anisotropic media using normalization relations generalizing the Lorentz condition. It Is shown that the earlier used normalization relations derived by A. N. Tikhonov and the author are In a definite sense the optimal generalized Lorentz conditions and are equivalent from the point of view of the possibilities of field deter- mination. For.both optimal conditions the author has derived general representations of the components of the vector potentials, coinciding with an accuracy to the gradient transformationo In both cases the com- ponents of the potentials are expressed through four solutions of two homogeneous equations In spiond-rdpr Partial derivatives; two solutions are relnted by a first-order differential relation. The method is applicaile to the solution of the new problem o! the low-frequency dipole at the surface of a half-space, filled with a homogeneous sloping-layered anisotropic medium. This problem corresponds to a model of medium used Card 1/2 ACC NR, AP7006059 for Interpretation purposes in electrical prospecting of slanting homogeneous anisotrop IC deposits. Orig. art* has$ 80 formulas. 'ripass 39,1867 i Card 2 2 UDCs 550.837.6 CTORNYEV. 11. G. Deceased Born - Dec 6, 1PC2 Died - Oct 17, 10,59 Mechanics See IM CHETAYEV, Nikolay Gurlyevich; ROZALISKAYA, N.I., red. (Stability of motion] Ustoichivost' dvizheniia. Jzd.3. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 207 p. (MIRA 18:12) ARBUZOVI A.Ye.,, akad.; VAVIIBV, S.I., akad.j VOLIFKOVICII, S.I., akad.; KOCHINA, P.Ya.,, akad.; LANDSJURG, G.S., akad.; LEYBENZON, L.S., akad.; PORM-KOSHITS, A.Ye.,, akad.; SMIRNOV, V.I., akad.; FESKIKOV, V.G.., akad.; CHERNYAYEV,'V.I.p akad.; KAPUSTINSKIY, A.F.; KORSHAK~ V.V.; KRAVKOV, S.V.y NIKIFOROV, P.M.; PETROV, A.D.; PREDVODITELEV, A.S.; FRISH, S.E.;,.2H.ETAYEV,-WCj.-; GWUTOV, V.K.; SHOSTAKOVSKIY, M.F.; KUZNETSOV, I.V., red.; MIKULINSKIY, S.R., red.; MURASHOVA, N.Ya., [Men of Russian science; essays on prominent persons in natural science and technology: Matbamat-Ics, mechanics, astronomy, pbysicss chemistry] Liudi russkoi nauki; ocherki o vydaiushchikhsia deiate- liakh estestvoynaniia i tekhniki: matematika, mekhanika, astronomiia, fizika,, khimiia. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo firAo-matem. lit-ry, 1961, 599 P. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Chleny-korrespondenty AN SSSR (for Kapustinskiy, Korshak, Kravkov, NikJ-forovp Petrov, Predvoditelev$ Frishp Chetayev, Cbnutov, Shootakovski-y). (Scientists) CHETAYEV, P. M. 32360 MWOVSKIIJ, St So I CIETAM P. M. Novyy variant Kapillyarnogo Yqetoda Dlya Izmyeryeniya kh lzmyenyeniy Povyerkhnostvolgo NatyazhyeWa i Yego Primyenyeniye. Kolloipnyy Zhurnal, 1949, Vyp. 5o s. 359-62 SO: Letopial Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. CHETAUvo P. M* 23015 Ob anowdiyakh v tooperatwwq savisizoati poverkhnostnogo natjazhaniya. Tn*. Miarlk. lhim. - Tekbnol. rn-ta In. Kirava. vyp. 7, 1949, C. 17-21 SO UMPISI NO. 31j, 1949 CtJF-TAI m - 0 a owl ,,ow st"W no OAS 411W Car" at is tbi 3 oo'l *owl *0 -J~ F#Ott 'mis 6.0 A New FE-1 Temp-Slare ~-Aii and P. W fare Teo-low- (in Russian,) %- S' Uruo I of llb)l'i- w,l Fok"(11 Khlmll O'"'m V, g:j. j)jv. 111111, p. 1421-MM ki'lf,niv 44 4119mill", Allwl 01W thr v on the -y( 0 cunt' point of the m-ObWL-PO "n7` hic modification. A tiltmIrt-tknal into Vdation oftif m,%v effm is Ptt~ ,k] M tlKin. of the H(Plld '"Itra in the ok it o( th- ", IUK 1.1aft, alml tlW tht%XY of nsakrular P041114nilly. 1 Is A"-SL. ALLtINSKAL LITIENAUNk CLAIWICAVON 1" as it a -it 4 .49 a. U, a 0 0-0 0_0 e 0 e e-, 0 0 .010 a ~0' S 0. 0 L!o 0 0 0 *'* a M ~ N&MLAW I x as a AN 4 3 Is WIN 000 0~6 0 WA. e a CHETAYEVY P. M. IISSR/Fhysies - Temperature Physics - Option Jul 49 "Characteristics of Temperature Dependence of the Refractive Index of Light in Fluids," S. S. Urazovskiy, P. M. Chetayev, Khar1kov Chemicotechnol Inst imeni S* M. Kirov, 2j pp I'Dok-Ak Nauk S&W Vol LXVII, No 2 Measurements of the temperature dependence of te refractive index of light in many substances showed clear deviations from1he linear path of this dependence, expressed by definite breaks corresponding to points of molecular, polymorphic conversion. Data given is considered sufficient proof of the presened. of such conversion if liquid phases. Submitted by Acad P. A. Rebinder 23 Apr 49. ]A 54/49T110 UM/Chemistry - Phase Conversions Dec 51 "CharActeristics of the Temperature Dependence of Certain Thermodynamic Functions of Surface j L4. I a of Liquids," P. 14. Chetayev, Xha Ikov Layer "Zhur Piz Xhie Vol XXV, No 12, PP 3-455-1459 On basis of temp dependence of surface tension of benzene, caled tbermodynamic.-functions of its surface layer (conen of total surface energy surface entropy, and sp heat cond of surfacei. Found that dependence of functions on temp =Lkes __U 19=16 :OSSR/Cheuistry Phase Conversions Dec 51 (Coutd) possible to establish connection between struc- tural conversions of vol phases at phase convert. sion points of a liquid and processes of change of analogous jstructures occurring,in surface layers. I69MIEVA ,-V.G. , So-called solf-recovery of bone cynts resulting from Rathological fractures* Ortope trays@ L protake 21 no, 9:30-33 S 160s (MM 13:12) lolz Ukminskago nauchno.-isoledovatellskogo inatituta ortopedii i tra=&tolqgU Imeni M.I. Sitenko (dir. - chlon-korrespondent AMN SM prof. F.P. Novachenko). (FRACTURW) (DDNF&3--DISWI$S) ?IATSKEVICH, N.D.; PHSTA71VA, V.G. Treatment of a cmgenital disloc4itim of the hip in nevborn infants. T=dy Ukr. nauche - ioale inst. ortop. i travm. no.15-.95-100 F59 (MIRA 16t12) 1. Iz Ukrainskogo naucbno-issledovatellskogo institute. ortope- dili i travilatologii imeni prof. M.I.Sitenko (dir. - chlen- korrespandent AMff SSSR prof. N.P.Novachenk). emmenn-V, 0. A. 33125 HaVidenicheskiye Riaraktaristike, Maslyanykh VyIdyuchateley Tips Nkp-35 Vestnik Elektrc- prow-sti, 1949, No 10, co 11-13 SO: Letopial Zhurnallnykh Stateys, Vol. 45, Moskva, 1949 Circuit Brea kers Electrical Equipment- Jun, 49 "XYPe NEP-35 High-Speed Substation Oil Breaker," G. A. Chetchuyev, Engr, Uralelektroapparat Plant, 5 pp, "Vest Elektro-Prom" Vol XXJ' no 6 Gives operating data for new type W-35 .,'breaker: rated voltage 20 - 35, rated cur- rent 600 - 1,006 amps, interrupting capacity ,"430"000 - 750,000 kva, speed 0.08 see, cur- ~zvnt -Interrupting capacity 12,,900 amps, 1-sec 58/49T45 icity (Contd) Jun 49 ~current capacity 17,300 amps. Details con- ABtruction. Small dimensions and weight of "I~reaker, together with a suspension-type operat- Ing mechanism, considerably simplify the found&- tion required. 4W "/49T4!5 MR/kngineering - Circuit Breakers Oct 49 Electric Power "Mchanical Properties of Type W-35 Oil., Breakers," G. A. Chetchuyev, Engr, "Uralelektroapparat" Plant, 2 pp "Vest Elektro-Prom" Vol XX, No 10 Subject breakers reviously described feee: FDD- Per Abe 58/49T4y. Present article gives their ckaracteriatics, as obtained from type tests, which vill e~sble users to check the breakers on reassembYy after repairs, etc.. Includes six graphs. 153M1 The Ural Electrical Machine-building Plant 479 COV9UGE: The book contains a brief history of the construction and development of the Ural-.-Electrical Machine-building Plant and a detailed description of the progress achieved in designing and building various kinds of machinery including water-wheel generatorspa-c and d-c electrical machines, transformers, high- voltage equipment, mercury-are rectifiers and machines for the electrification of the national economy. Plans for the future development of the plant and of the production of the electrical industry ingeneral are also discussed. The book Is the seventh issiled In the series "Iz istorli mashinostroyeniya na Urale" (Hiftory of Machine-building in the Urals) which will contain a total of ten books. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS., Foreword 3 Ch. I. Construction and Development of the Plant 5 Card 2/3 The Ural Electrical Xachine-building Plant 479 Ch. 11. Ural Water-wheel Oenerstors Ch. III. Improvement of Electrical Machinery Ch. IV. Development of Transformer Construction at the Plant Ch. V. Production of Mercury-arc Rectifiers Ch. VI. High-voltage Systems Ch. VII. On a Scientific Basis Ch. VIII. Work, Study and Leisure AVAILABLE: Library of Congress JJP/ksv 8-5-58 15 38 60 77 96 115 121 Card 3/3 7 T I ACC Chctchll~fcv, G. A.; Polo' MVkin, MG: none T IT 12 Ax cquenching device for an oil tank Yu- P- switch. Class 21, No. 184310 SOITi CE -1z obrot prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 46-47 TOPIC TAGS: electric switch, Gk-J~C, ABISTUCT. This Author C*rtificate presents an are quenching device for an oil tank sl"*itch With multiple contact brea1king, an arc quenching network displaced relative to -40 cylinder axis, a movable contact bridge, and & piDton attachment. To Increase t7ho roliabi'lity of operation, '.he contact rods are connected witIn tho contact briddq bj ball-and-soc'Xet joints (see Fig. 1). Disconnecting springs are located between' the contact rods. The piston attachment is built in along the cylinder axis and controls a reguiated support mounted at the center of the contact bridge. Hinged covers on the exhaust.slots are provided with hydraulic dampers. 99L(!-1 2 Imcl 621.316-542-064.25-OZ7.3 V L 09266-67, AP 6029 864 Fic,, 1 1 contact bridge; 2 - U i) 1; 3 - contact all-and-socket joint' rods; 4 - disco-Lnecting spring; 5 4reoplated support. 6 piston atliachement rod; 7 - Pistk attach- ment; 8 - arc quenching network; - hinged cover; 10 hydraulic damper r Orig. art. has: I diiagram. SUB CODE. 09, 13/ SUBM DATE: 041jay0'4 -E 1 vi .'i i 1,,J 0! Pv" '7 L.HBTGHUYBVA. T.A. (leningrad) -Mwff Retroporitoneal poeudocqxma of the appendix (with su=ury in Anglish]. Arkh.pat. 19 no.5.*6446 157. (KLIRA 10s8) 1. 1z kefedr7 patologichaskoy anatowit (sav. - prof. M-A.Zekharlyev- skaya) I Isaingradekogo meditsinskogo, iaptitute imeni aked. I.P. Paklove (APPMIX. neoplasms peoudomWxom, ntroperitonsel) (ADXNWARGINOVA, case reports retroPeritoneal pesudovWxosm of appendix) XITRWANOVA, Ye. I.., 0!!~ ~A, T ~~ , Ganerallsed lyWhopanulowtoole with atezioals of the larynx, Vest.otorin. 20 no*291U-123 Kr4p 158. (XIVA 12:11) 1. Is kafodry bolesney ukha, gorls I no" (sav. - prof.V.P. Undrits) I kafedry palologichaskoy anatomil (sav. - prof. X.A.Zakhulyevsk"a) I Lealngmlskogo maditainskogo Instituts. (HMXINIS DISIM, coimpliRma)) larynVal otenonle (TARM stenomis In lWgkin's din. (Rue)) BABOHINAt ;.Pt-; CHEMOWAt T.A. Netastases from cancer of the jejw= into the brain and spiml cord oimmlatinglabes dorealis, Sbor, trudb loon. nauclfm. ob-va nevr, i paikh. no.6156-0 '59. (MIRA 13 s 12) 1. Iz kafedry nerv bo-lq (sav. prof. D.K. Bogorodinskiy) .rykh kney i kafedry patologibbeskoy anatamii (mv, - prof* M.A. Zalcl-- 'yevalaya) 1-go Leningradskoga meditsifiskogo inatitut imeni akademika I.F. Favlova. (JLTUNUM--CANCER) (BRAIN-MCER) (SPINAL CORD--JWCER) CHETCHUYEVA~_Z,,A. (Leningrad, 2p Zagorodnyy prosp.p 13, kv-34) Ag~-eozmected changes in the venous valves of the lower extremities. Arkh4 anat. gist.i embr. 38 no.1:63-74 Ja 6o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Kafedra patologicheskoy anatomii Nav. - prof. M.A.?akharlyevskaya) I Lenin skogo meditsinskogo instituta im. akad. I.P.Pavlova. EXTRMITIES9 LOWER-BLOOD SUPPLY) (VEINS) cdt low Wiv~liscellaneous - Theses Card 1/1 Pub. M - 29/31- Authm see TWU I Authorts-referonces on theses I vest. mash. :10P 110-111.0 Out 54 Abstract The follMng technical theses were submitted for evaluation: 1) 11Iivv6stig&tion.c;fAhe Electrical Trestnent of Stainless Steel Pro- pellers", by N. R. Chatirkini 2) "The'Influence of Certain Elements of a ReversIVIM"MMIUMITIM on Its Cavitational Characteristicolk, by I. N. Filator; and 3) "The Effect of the Rigidity of the S~-I-D System on Vibrations during Machining", by N. G, Latyshev. Institution : Submitted t 1. ALANILk, 0. M. BUKH, Ya. L. BLOO, A. X. OWTUA, L. 1. DO]VAN . z KMAIINER T. V. KMUIADZE,, V. K. KOYAVA, Ye. V. KOLOKEYETIS, V. 0. KGRIDZE-J. I -.1. 1.: PIVE~M, M. I. TYASTO `:,~.-Ic Ray Effects During Magnetic Storms - ,ort submitted for the 8th Intl. Conf. cFLi Cosmic Rays (IUPAP), Jaipur 1-adis, Dec 1963 Chetka, W. Technical progress in the 5-Year Plan ODZIEZ. (Centraine Zarzady Przemyslu i Ponczosmiczego) Lod-z. Vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 1956 of the fancy-goods industry. F. 77 Dziewiarskiego, Odziezoweg-,o SOURCE: EM LC Vol. 5, no. 7, July 1956 c[j-z7y.A I W1 CHETKA, W. The production of galalith buttons; experiences from Czacbvslovakia. P. 215. Vol. 7, no. 8, Aug. 1956. ODZIEZ. Lodz, Poland. SOLIACS: East Europeans Accessions List (EEIAL) Vol. 6) "~O. 4--Aprjl 1057 t, 91 1" MW t. ,.. . CHETKA, W. The production of galalith outtons; experiences from Czechoslovikkia. (Conclusion) p. 276. Vol- 7, no. 10, Oct. 1956. ODZIEZII, Lodz, Poland. SUU.iCE.- East Europoan Accessions Lis,U ~'-.EAIJ vol. 61 :",-. 4--April. 1c,)57 CHETKARIZOV, M. Popov, V., Chetkarov, 1-1 "The Specific Resistance and Piurcin- riote.-Aial of ~,oard =.L from Bulgarian I'llica." P-53 (GODISET.'1K, M'jiR`TIK' I 'MY-4, Vol. 47, l'o- 1, 191591 u -- - A I 51-1951/52, Sofiya.) 7 SO: Monthly List of East kxropean Accessionsp Vol. 3, No. 3 , -ibrary of Congress, Mcrch, 1954, Uncl. 621-314.26 6 Z' -314-2~ 1401. Frequenc7 multi-plir--ation b7 satarable ?v e t.5y kk. aNa u is give-n. flie invaTs c%f tne irequency rrui tipi iers r Abst. i I z 77 r #?I, t r---m p f e r -q -,~r ca vI- nc, ae~-enz on size an i zation f--t-r. poor 4eff''ic~It'%noy. CHM-AROV, M. ; STOIANOV, G. Moutftc aonductivity of selenium with an admixture of iodine. p. 251. GODISHNIK. KATERKATIKA I FIZIKA. Sofiia,, Bulgaria, Vol. 50, No. 1 1955/56 (Published 1957) Monthly Idst of East Accession (MI) LC, Vol. 99 No. I Januar7 1960 Uhcl. CHEWAROV, M. ------ Electric conductivity, dielectric losses and disruptive field of the multilayer mica insulators. p. 261. OODISHNIK. MATEHMATIKA I FIZINA. Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. 50, No. 1 1955/56 (Published 1957) Monthly List of East Accession (EEAI) LC,Vol. 9 No. 1 January 1960 Uncl. AUTHOR: Chetkarov, M. L. 57-28-5-7/36 TITLE: Concerning the Modification of the Ionization Energy in Im- purity Semiconductors (Otnositellno izmeneniya ionizataionnoy energii v primeanykh poluprovodnikakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 5, pp. 962- -964 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is known, that thelionization energy for the itnlimited di- lution of the~mpurity centers in semiconductors can be express- e4 ed by the formula by Rydberg: It was found, that Wo 2L the ionization energy decreases with an increase of thellcon- centration of impurity centers (Refs 1-3). In the present pa- per a new explanation of these effects is given on the basis of the theory of thermo-electrons as proposed by Frenkelt (Ref 6). Here, a semiconductor was investigated, which exhibited impurity centers of the donor - and accept.or type evenly di- stributed with the concentration W. It was assumed, that the- se impurity centers poss6se identical ionization energy W and are distributed in such a way, that they form a lattice with the constant N-1 in the respective medium with a dielectric Card 1/3 constant JE. N-ISdenotes the mean distance between any two cen- Concerning the Modification of the Ionization Energy in Im- 57-26-5-7/36 purity Semiconductors tero A and B (figure 1). r and (N-%-r) denotes the distance of an electron -kor hole respectively)- from A and any other center B Using these denotations the electron energy with respect to A can be represented as 62 1 1 2gq# //& U(r) + 19 ). It possesses a maximum &WN w4e NIA -r at r N-41312. Therefore the ionization energy of th4impurity M 2NA3 centers at this concentration will be W - Wo - 40C If an homogenuous field Z is acting upon a valence electron (hole), the rempoctive potential energy of th+lectron with respect to A will eqrl -eEr hence we can rewrite (2) as follows: UW + eEr G r N--JO-r This formula possesses a maximum at the electric field strength: + 1 and has a real meaning, if ~ri_ (N-1i -r I 2 )2 M. M r -If the field is weak, BUO, that is to rm2~N-4/3/2 Card 2/3 m Concerning the Modification of the Ionization Energy in Im- 57-28-5-7/36 purity Semiconductors ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 3/3 In this ease for the electric conductivity the formula is ob- tained: 6 A exp Wa 2kT 402NO/i/E ). If the field is strong, rm < N-fJ. The ionization energy in this case is given by: .p( W'- _SE~ A ex 2ye 6). The ionization energy of the impurity 2kT centers according to their concentration can be determined from formula (6) or more exactly from n - 6/ue by measurements of the conductivity or of the Hall constant.Formula (8) repres- ents the law by Frenkell. It is assumed in the here given con- clusions, that the ionization energy remains constant and that the dielectric constant does not vary with the concentration N of thelimpurity centers. There are 2 figures and 8 referenc- es, 4 of which are Soviet. Sofiyakiy fizicheakiy inatitut,Bolgariya(Sofia Physics In- Btitute, Bulgaria) July 22, 1957 1. Crystal structure--Analysis 2. Semiconductors--Electrical properties S/058/61/000/012/038/08'j A058/Alol AUTHOR: Chetkarov, M. L. TITLE: Concerning photoelectret theory PIMODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 12, 1961, 326, abstract 12R195 ("Izv. Fiz. in-t s ANYeB", 1960, no. 8, 33-51, Bulg., Russ., Engl. summary) TEXT: The theory of polarization and kinetics of electric processes in photoelectrets has been developed. It is assumed that part of the electrons generated in conduction bands gradually fall into traps on the surface of dielectrics, owing to which there arise a double electric layer and photoelectret polarization. Photoelectret-polarization emf is calculated. The nascent photo- electret polarization gradually decreases the voltage acting on the photoelectret, and causes a decrease in density of the photopolarization current and reverse- photodepolarization current J. If a photoelectret formed at a certain tempera- ture is heated, part of the current carriers localized in its surface traps recombine with the centers which created them with the result that photoeleotret- polarization emf decreases. It is shown that j and its Initial value decrease Card 1/2 Concerning photoelectret theory incident to heating. It was established that or on heat treatment. These inferences were experimental data. There are 22 references. S/058/61/000/012/038/083 A058/Aloi j does not depend on temperature V-11" found to be in good agreement with -., V. Ly-ubimov [Abstracter's notet Complete translation] Card 2/2 0 le 2/000/003/069/092 A061/A101 =0 ChetYarov, M. L. TITLE: The effect of temperature on photoclectret state PERTODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Pizika, no. 3, 1%72, 23, abstract 3E'185 ("Dokl. Bolg. 1UP, 19050, v. 13, no. 5, 515 - 518, English; Russian summary) T=1: The approyAmate temperature dependences obtained for the emf of pola- rization and photodepolarization current are in fairly good agree-men'. with ex- perimental data on the photoelectret from rhombohedral S (Nazlidakov, G., and Kashukeyev, N. "Izv. B'11g. MI. Otd. fiz.-matem. i teldin. n. Ser. fiz.", ;/01. 1352, A~- Y. 3, 103). The formula presented for the drop of the emf of polarization in the dark agrees with the drop curve observed in the paper (1RZhFiz, 1957, no. 8, 20293). V. Vakedonskiy [Abstracterts note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 CHETKAROV, M.L. Kinetics of the e.m.f. of high-voltage polaripation in di- electrics. Fiz. tver. tels, 3 no.8:2193-2196 A 161. Ila 14:8) BO -A - 1. Sofiyakiy wiveraitetp. V (Polarization (E16 iricity)) (81o;jItawtive force) (Dielectrics) 27271 S/181/61/003/008/001/034 3 4/. BI 02 /3201 AUTHOR: Chetkarov, M. L. TITLE: Theory of photoelectrets PERIODIOALa Fizika tverdogo telat v,3, no.8, 1961, 2197 - 2201 TEXT: The photoelectret state has been experimentally observed on sulfur crystals as well as on other dielectric materials and semiconductors. Not all the rules governing this phenomenon, however, have yet been clarified theoretically. The author presents new theoretical data based on the results of his previous investigation (FTT, III, no.8, p.2193). It is assumed that during the illumination of a photosensitive dielectric or of a semiconductor plate of thickness d and with dielectric constant ~gt- Corr a part of the electrons excited in the conduction band drops, under the action of Voltage U, into surface traps with the energy level Ws. This leads 1) to an increase of induced electric charge on the condenser plates above the amount of electricity proportional to their Card 1/4 27271 Theory of photoelectretB S/181/61/003/008/001/034 B102/B201 size, and 2) to the appearance of volume charge and of a double layer with the maximum thioknessAdwhich is determined by the total number of traps that can be filled. This thickness corresponds to the polarization capacityAC =SS/6d, where S denotes the illuminated area of the electrode. The specific conductivity of the material changes, due to absorption of photons, bydcr= c--~rd, where crdenotes the specific conductivity under illumination, and O'd'is the dark conductivity under otherwise equal conditions. Under certain conditions 0-~O so that,&-~:~w In addition, a---d6 = aI, where I denotes the illumination intensity in w/cm 2, and resistance R - d/c-S. Using the results of the previous investigation, P(t) = U(1-G)f1-expL-()t1-OE-Itj is obtained for the emf of photoelectret polarization, and j1 (t) = ai1E~~"(1-G) exp for the density of the photopolarization current, where 1 1 denotes the illumination intensity in case of polarization. When t - 0 and t =00, then j 1(0) = aI1E and Card 2/4 27272 Theory of photoelectrete S/181/61/003/008/001/034 3,102/B201 11 (00) - aI1E& wheref rom a and Ocan be determined. For sulfur single crystals, 9 ranges between 0-5 and 0-7- Similar relations may also be considered to exist for photo-depolarization. If the photoelectret is formed at temperature To, the amount of electricity absorbed in 4cwill be proportional to the number N of traps filled at this temperature. Then, after a temperature increase to T, N 1 electrons of a total of N trapped electrons will pass over into the conduction band and recombine. N 2 - N-N1 electrons remain in the traps. N 1 . A(T)exp(-W a/kT). Since N 1 - 0 for Toy A(T0) - 0; at melting temperature T m, A(TM ) - C(T M-T0). The following holds for the electrons remaining in the traps: N2IN - 1 - N11N - 1 - T-TO exp --KL !M:Z- - 1 -vL, which is equal to the T M-T0 k TmT ratio of the emf of the photoelectret polarization for T and T 0' Thus, Card 3/4 27271 Theory of photoelectrets S/181/61/003/008/001/034 B102/B201 P(t,,T) - (1-.L)P(t, To ); J2( 0,T) - ('_0L)j2( O,TO) and 'd J2 - J2( O#TO) _j2(O IT) -*tj2 (OJO) are found for the photo-depolarization current density. For T~TO, oL- 0 and J,(O,To)-= JI(O,T) - aI 1E. If a dielectric is photopolarized during the time t 1 kept for some time in the dark at the same or a higher temperature, the.residual polarization of this photoelectret will drop exponentially with time. The results for rhombic sulfur single crystals (We = 0.366ev) are in good agreement with experimental data. G. Nadzhakov and V. M. Fridkin are mentioned. There are 4 figures and 14 references: 10 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-blor- The two references to English-language publications read as follows- H. Kallman, B. Rosenberg. Phys. Rev.97, 1956, 1955; B. Kurrelmeyer. Phys. Rev-309 6931 1927; ASSOCIATION: Sofiyakiy universitet Bolgariya (Sofia University, Bulgaria) SUBMITTED: December 2, 1960 Card 4/4 L-2252 3/502;/61/CC9/001/001/007 B 125/B102 AUTHOR: Chetkarov, 191. L. TITLY: On the kinetics of the electromotive force of high-voltage polarization in dielectrics SOURCE: Bulgarnka. akademiya na naukite. Fizicheski institut. Izvestiya na Fizicheakiya insti.tut s ~.INSB. v. 9, no. 1, 1961, 5-24 'T3XT: An analytical formula for the high-voltaGe polarIzation is deduced, and is used as a basis for explaining the vari*ous effects of the electrical conductivity Jn dielectric crystals.. There are three Dossible ways in which a polarization capacity can &rise: (1) the electrically positive traps in the surface layer gradually fill up when a voltage U is applied to the n-type dielectric. This giv Is rise to a polarization double -layer with the additional capacity &C a n Se S/2017-0, .,,here nSis the concentration of these traps, e is the elementary ch:..-Ce, S is the surface area of the electrode, and is the energy level of the trap..-The Card 1/5 B/503/61/009/001/001/007 On the kinetics of the... B125/B102 stationary value of the electromotive force of hiig-h-voituge polArization increases with 4nereasing concentration of the traps. The outcome of the exneriments performed b 'M'. F. loffe, K. D. Sinelnikov, and V.1-T.Gokhbex,, (ZhRIMO, 58, 105, 1926~, and the diffusion of impurity atoms from the cathode into the layer of the crystal near the electrode, can be explained in this way. ~121) The- additional capacity for a dielectric with the conductivity a., = e"LPp and with electrically negative traps on its surface is given by 6C - n,-e2 S/2(10-11). p and tP denote the concentration and the mo:bility of the holes, n; is the concentration of the traps on the surface, (WI-11) is the energy level of this trap. In the case of mixed n and p-type conductivities, the polarization capacity is AC=- nsn"2S 2 tnsW'+ n;w) ~ W. (-S + ns) livhere',N' is the width of the forbidden band. When an electric field E E and U >U the .c C c f ormulas Card 3/5 B/50YO61 /009/001/001/()07 on the kinetics of the ... B125 B102 NO = U1.0 -0) (1- e e7-"'-4"~-'). (44~, (45), W 0 - 6) (1 - e (1-0) 1 t, (46) '2 VE- (1 - 0)(I - e-0 a )e are valid in the place of (28), (30), and (34). The dielectric loss angle tg a to RCO 1 (72) Tj --9)1 + ;jW_ -C2 0 has its maximum at the froquonoy Op 6)2 (an= -MC-O (73) 0 Card 4/5 B/503/91/009/001/001/007 On the kinetics of the ... B125/B102 Y., hen 2 9(1 _ 0 ) 2 >(RC 0) 2. There are 9 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-matemptichoski fakultet pri Sofiyakiya d"rzhaven universitet (Division of Physics and Mathematics at the Sofia--. State University). SUBMITTED: October 14, 1960 Card 5/5 9 AU'PiIUR: TITU,: 8/181/62/004/008/038/041 B108/B102 Chetkarov, 14. L. Superposition of high-voltage polarization o. m. f. in di- electrics PB~IODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 8, 1962, 2279 TS-',Tt In an earlier paper (FTT, 3, 2193, 1961) the variation with time of tho high-voltage polarization e. m. f., P( t), was established; P(t) - UO - 4). 0 - Oxp(4(1-J40t1C)). For this it was assumed that the polar capacity A C -xSlhd be gradually charEed through the intrinsic resistance R - d/V-S. C /4 C = dd/d is 0 the ratio of the geometric capacity Co a eSId of a capacitor to its polar capacity. The above relation is now generalized to.the case of repeated Jumps of applied voltage U and electrical conductivity 6. This is done by using the law 6f undisturbed superposition of voltages. A jump at time t1 will mean an increase in voltage from U to U U + 4U1. With reference Card 1/2 S/181/'62/004/008/038/041 Superposition of high-voltage ... BlOBIB102 to the current density, also the electric field strength will increase fro;n E to E E + A El. In the case of d jump in conductivity, the same holds true for T. 1f several jumps in U and Ooccur, the above formula will contain '6ums of the type TJ + AU + '6U and tho time t in the 1 2 t exponential function will have to bo replaced by tho sum t + t' + ... of 1 the times at which a jump occurs. ASSOCIATIONj Sofiyskiy uniVeraitetp Bolgariya (Sofiya University, BulEaril~ SUBL:ITTEDs March 6, 1962 Card 2/2 GEETIM(NIS M. ................. I- Consecutive.superposition of the electromotive force of high- voltage polarization in rhombic sulfur, Doidady UN 16 no.5.* 481-1,84 t63. 1. Predstaxleno chl. korr. E. DzhakG7yM. CHETKAROV, M., ROUSSEVA, V. [Ruseva, V.) Photoelectret polarization In monocrystals Of CUS(4~5H2O in UV light, DoklFdy BAN 17 no.2-109-112 164. 1. Submitted by Academician G.Nadjakov (Nadahakov,, G.1, Member of the Board of Editor3, "Doklady Bolgarskoy akademii naukff. SOV/109-3-7-17/23 AUTHORS:Xislov, V. Ya., Sviridov, V. T., Chetkin 1.1 TITLE: A Non-Slowed Wave in the System Consisting of a Coaxial Helix and a Centre Conductor (Nezamedlennaya volna v sisteme I iMaksiallno raspo-lozhennvkh spirali i tsentrallnogo provod- nika) PERIODICJAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 7, pp 964-966 (USSR) AB3TRACT: The radius of the helix is a and its windin- angle is The radius of the centre conductor is c . It is assumed that the helix satisfies the usual boundary conditions, while the boundary conditions for the centre conductor are ey-mressed by Eqs.(2) and (3), where jil is the permeability of the centre rod, cr is its conductivity and w is the angular frequency. By employing the above boundary conditions the dispersion equation of the system is in the form of Eq.(4), where 101 0.01 K, are the modified Bessel functions; k is the wave number, is the propagation constant, and e and 'IL nre the permittivity and permeability of free s ace. if ya4gl and yc