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FLIMANOT, Ivan Petrovich; GIURUWXXXN _,#_T;#dimir Aleksandrovich; PAPM1, Sergey Vladlmiro;i'o-h~-' FAE&R, dli~~.TONOVA, TO.N., (Handbook for automobile drivers] Spravochnik shofera. Izd.4-e, ispr. NoBkva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo X-va avtomobilinogo transports i shosseinykh dorog RUSR, 1960. 288 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Automobile drivers-Handbooke, manuals, etc.) ZAKIN, Ya*kov Khononovich., kand. tekhr-j. nauki.~IIEIWAYKIII, V.A., otv, va vypusk; PONSKAYA, G.D., toklui. red. (Methods of analyzing the maneuvering characteristics of autonobile trains; construction of trajectories of curvilinear motion] Metody analiza manevreraWkh svoistv avtopoazdov; postroenie traektorii krivo- lineinogo dvizheniia. Moskva, Avtotransizdat, 1961. 42 p. (KIRA 14: 11) (Automobile trains-Dynamics) NEFEDOV, Aleksandr Fedorovich- CHEODYKIN V.A., otv. za vypUsk;SWVA,A.P.,,red.; **I GAIAKTIONOVA, YeQNqj 1-ZiE. ~reK [Selectring the efficient total weight of an automobile train] Vybor ratsionalinogo obshchego vesa avtopoezda, Moskvaj kvto- transizdat, 1961. 35 flutamobile trains-) (MIRA 15tl) 04~~ ~,-,Yladimir Aleksandrovich; VLASKO, Yuriy Mikhaylovich; DUBROVSK1Y-,-Ye-;Vw-i- red.; ATROSHCHENKO, L.Ye., tekhn. red. [New Soviet motor vehicles] 0 novykh otechestvennykh avtomobi- liakh. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1962. 45 p. (Novoe v zhizni, naukep tekhnike. IV Seriia: Tekhnika., no.3) (MIRA 15:6) (Motor vehicles) RYTCHENKO, Viktor Ivanovich;.CHERNYAIKIN-._..V.A.. fk; GALAKTIONOVA, Ye.N., tekhn. xsd.-, --- (Repair of the electric equipment of motor vehicles] Remont elektrooborudovaniia avtomobilei. Moskva, Artotransizdat, 1963. 254 P. (MIRA,16:4) (Motor vehioles--Electric equipment) SABININ, Androy LlekaandrovJoh; JILEK11.0'OV, Ivan Petrovich; CHERI.,'YAlKIIi,,,,I,Iekf3an-irovi-ch ; YAKCVLEV, G.11.~ ~~a. - - [Manual for the driver of the second class] Ucbebn:Lk she- fera vtorogo klansa. Moskvaj Transportp 1965. 393 p. (mimk 18-9) BOV112-57-5-10298 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 5, p 103 (USSR) AUTHOR: Chernyk, M-. A. TITLE: On the Problem of Influence of the Armature -Circuit Inductance of a "Generator -Motor" System Upon the Transient Phenomena (K voprosu o vliyanii induktivnosti yakornoy tsepi sistemy "generator-dvigatel, na perekhodnyye protsessy) PERIODICAL: Nauch. zap. L'vovsk. politekhn. in-t, 1955, Nr 34, pp 129-138 ABSTRACT: In the analysis of transients, it is assumed that both the generator and the motor are equipped with compensating -field windings and that the generator magnetic circuit is not saturated. Furthermore, at variance with most published investigations, the armature -circuit inductance is assumed to be L 0-0. The operational differential equations set up for the case of a unit impulse at the system input are solved by the Laplas transformation. Transient curwent and transient rpm of the motor (dependent on time) serve as solutions of the equations. An analysis of the solutions shows that an oscillatory Card 1/2 SOV/112-57-5-10298 On the Problem of Influenc e of the Armatur e -Circuit Inductance of a I 'Generator - phenomenon can arise if 4T >6 , where T is the electromagnetic time constant of the armature circuit, (9 is the electromechanical time constant of the motor. The above expressions have been used for calculating motor current and rpm curves plotted against time for a system that has the generator field-winding electromagnetic time constant TV a 2.72 sec, 0 - 0. 0424 sec, and T of four alternate values: 0. 0050, 0. 0 106, 0. 050, and 0. The investigation has shown that two different effects of the inductance should be distinguished: that of the mechanical transient, i. e. , on the motor rpm curve, and that of the electrical transient, i. e. , on the armature -circuit current curve. While the firat effect is insignificant, the second is es.sential and is more pronounced for lower ratios of Tv/T. Thus, in the above calculation with Tv/T - 2. 72/0.05 = 55, the deviations of current curves with and without an allowance for the inductances are as high as 50% at the initial portion of the transient and as high as 2076 in the maximum-values region. At the same time, the rpm curves for both cases practically coincide. Card 2/2 CHERNYK, M.A... Electromagnetic time design constant of a d.c. machine and methods for decreasing it. Izv. vjvs.' ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 5 no.21233434 162. (KRA 15-3) (Electric machinery--Direct current) CHERNYKH, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; KISTANOV, N.S., kand.tekhn.nauk . Recharging natural limans. Gidr. i mel. 16 no.1:12-17 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) USSR/Geopbysics - Water Reservoirs Jun 51 "Experience in the Construct ion and Use of Reservoir tt ZXcavations, A. A. Chernykh, Cand Tech Sci "Gidrotekh i Meliorat" No 6, pp 44-50 Describes unique so-called reservoir -excavations first built :in the Kursk territory in central chernozem regions: area 10,000 sq m, capacity 35,000 cu m, depth 1.2 m, height of embankment 2.5 m. Gives rate of filtration in cm/day vs tize in days for variously treated earthdam-type reservoirs. . Antifiltration measures are very important in the 186T34 USSR/Geophysics Water Reservoirs (Contd) Jun 51 struggle to prevent excessive loss of water from canals and reservoirs. Attempts to study such measures. CHERIPMI, A. A. and PETROV, E. G. "local Snow Water Irrigation of Forest Belts)" Gidr. i Mel.) 4, 11o.7, 1952 (-' ~x c k% V-\ ':~ V ',- V\. , A- * ('~- - PETROV, Yevgeniy Grigorlyevich; SOIA)VIYEVI V.A ; ORLOVA, V.P., redaktor; GIMEVICH, M.M., tekhni. [Snow water irrigation and the accumulation of moistureJ Limannoe oroshenie i vlagonakoplenie. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-rr, 1956. 165 P. (Irrigation) . (MI&A 10:6) j 99-6-119 AiTHOR: Chernykhq A.A,, Candidate of Mechanical Sciences and Alatort- elf, E.G., candidate of Mechanical Sciences TiTLE: Complex Utilization of Run-Off Water on the Kolkhoz Imeni Kalinin; Saratovskaya Oblast, (Komplekanoye Iapollsovanie Stoka v Kolkhoze Imeni Kalininaq Saratovskoy Oblasti) PERIODICAL: "Gidrotekhtika i Melioratsiya" 1957# No 6, pp 3-10, (USSR) ABSTRACT: Conservation and use of run-off water in the arid aouth-eastern territories in of great importance for farming. The Dergachev Machine Tractor Station of the Saratov- Ablaelt together with the Kolkh02'Imeni Kalinin carried out a complex utilization of run-off waterg in which the following points were taken into considerationt 1, Reducing of run-off water and retain- ing of snow by means of deep contour plowing in connection with plowing of parallel flat ridges. 2. Construction of dame for regular irrigation- 3- Building of dams for flooding of estuaries (liman). These water conservation measures increased the yields considerably, reduced soil erosion and were inexpen- sive as compared with large scale irrigation projects. Water Card 1/2 for irrigation purposes will be siphoned out of the reservoirs. 99-6-1/9 Complex Utilization of Run.:Off Water on the Kolkhoz Imeni Kalinin, Saratouskaya Oblast. Expenditures for the building of estuaries ranged from 47 rubles to 90 rubles per hectare. Additional 5 kolkhozes in the Saratov Oblastt are being improved by the Dergachev Machine Tractor Station in the same manner. The article contains 4 figures and 2 photographs. ASSOCIATION: Dergachev Machine-Tractor Station (Dergachevskiy MTS)- Saratovskaya Oblast') AVAILABLE% Library of Congress Card 2/2 PMOV. Te.G., kand. sel'skokhozyuystvnnnykh nuuk)- CHRRNM A.A., knnd. tekhn. nauk. Basin snow-watqr Irrigation In the Kazakb SSR.'Zemledel,Ae 6 fi6.11:68-72 It 158. (MIRA, li:11) (Kazakhstan--Irrigation) PBTaOV, Ye.G., k&n&-sel'BkOkhoxYa7stvennykh ; tekhn-nauk, ALATORTSM, TO.I., kand.takhmnank Measures for utilizing anov-vater runoff in the agriculture of the steppe sone;',vork practices of the Dergachl Yhokine-Tractor Station. Trudy VNIIGiM 32t29-35 159. (MIRA ij.-8) (Saratov Province-Irrigation) CHERNYEH, A.A., kand.telchn.nauk Basin snow-water irrigation of corn in the trans-Volga region. Gidr. i mel. 13 no.2:8_14 F 61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidratekbniki i malioratsii im. A.N.Kostyakova. (Volga Valley--Corn (Haize)--Irrigation) SYROMYATNIKOVA, Z.A., kand. tekhm. nauk; CHERNYKII, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; ZAYKIN, A.I., inzh.; IVANOV, Saturation irrigation on large checks. Gidr. i mel. 16 no.9:10-21 s 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Vsesoyuznvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gid-rotekhniki i melioratsii imeni A.N. Kostyakova (for Zaykin). 2. Yuzhnyy gosu- darstvennyy institut po proyektirovahiyu vodokhozyaystvennogo i meliorativnogo stroitel'stva (for Ivanov). TTSHEPAW, Te.D.; IVANOVA, Iffect of d,l-cycloserine on the process of transmination. Biul. eksp.biol.i med. 47 no.8.52-55 Ag 159. (MIR& 12:11) 1. Iz IDstituta farmkologii i khimioterapii ANN SSSR (dir. - deyst- vitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR V.V. Zakusov), Moskva. Ptedstavlena. deyetvitell- nym chlenom AHN SSSR V,V. Zakusovym. (CYCIDSMM Pharmacol.) (LIVIM metab.) (GIUTAMATZS metab.) (PYRUVATBS metab.) CHERNYKH, A,R., bulldozerist Device for removing the semiaxles of a tractor. Strol. truboprov. 9 no.8t25 Ag 164. (MM 17:1-2) 1. Nizhneudinakiy uchastok Stroitellnogo upravleniya NO-5 treat& Omsknefteprovodstroy. 09MYKH Aleksandr Vladirairavich, prof.; RHYNGOLT, S.I.p red. [Fow~r base uf U.S.S.R. electrification; a taxtbook on the e::onomir-s of industry] Energeticheskaia baza elektri- fikatsii SSSRS uchebroe posobie po ekonortike pron7sblennouti. Illosk,va, Vses. zatoolmyl finansovo--ekon. in-4., 1961. 306 p. (MIYU 2.8-.4) CBEHIM11, A.V., prof.; IJEIY.%OVA, Ye.V., red. [Oil and gas industry of the U.S.S.R.] Neftianaia i ga- zovaia promyshlennost' SSSR. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 132 p. (MIRA 27:8) FERDINAND, Ya.M. (Rostov-na-Donu); Prinimall uchastiye: MARISOVA, A.P.; BRAYNINA, R.A.; MARGULISp L,A.; WASNENKO, A.M., KOVALEVSKAYA, I.L.; TELESHEVSKAYA, E.A.; SO\T LEVA, S.V.; KALININA, K.I.; KOVALEVA, N.S.; IVANOVA, M.K.; ARENDER, B.A.; KUCHERENKO, R.A.; MANATSKOVA, K.S.- OLEYNIKOVA, L.T.; KIBARDINA,.Yu.A.; GRIGORIYEVA, K.S.; SEMENIKHINA, L.G.; CHERNYKH E.I.; DOROFEYEVA, V.M.; SHEVCHENKO, Ye.N.; ABRAMO'VA, O.K.,-_5=1SXA!kP S.D.; PETROVA, Z.I.; MAKHLINOVSKIY, L.I.; KUZIMINA, A.I.; AL'TMAN, R.Sh.; MARDERER, R.G.; YENGAtYCHEVSKAYA, L.N.; CHIRKOVAP M.N.; TERESHCHENKO, N.I.; SHELKOVNIKOVA, M.A.; PROKOPENKO, V.V.; BEKiBM`SHKVk, Ye.Q4.; BARANOVA, T.V. Effectiveness of specific prophylaxis with alcohol divaccine against typhoid and paratyphoid B fever in school-age children. Zhur. mikrobiol., 6pid. i :!xmun. 41 no.l,-23-27 Ja 164. (MIRA 18:2) ir 3. IL. 1 '2 "The use of' preparations of ~cuivc tic; m: Lts of' randon nw:, thoron to trtat i:atieril s vith n. c-ct, oils pol-mt`,ri ti-- 0', un- detenainrd ilcalti! U.-S-3-t. Grlni.rn! inzt of Spa Sti,id- ies. Moscov, 195K. (Dissertziti.on for the Dje,-rec oi Cnndir~ate 41i Medical S"ciences). Soilrc,c: KnizImaya letoDis' 'No. 26 19156 1~ 0, c ow (',HKMM, G.A.- 0 Treating infectious polyarthritio of unknown etiology with bandages containing active radon and thormn. Chernykh, G.A. Vop. kur., fizi6ter. i lach. fiz. kul't. 22 no.1:43-49 Ja-F '57 (MLRA 10:4) 1. Iz terapevticheakogo otdolaniya kliniki TSentral'nogo instituta kurortologii (dir.-kandidat meditsinskikh nauk G.N. Pospeloval (ARTHRITIS) (RADON-THERLPEUTIC USE) ' (THORON-TEVAPBUTIC USE) TRRTIYAKOV, A.F.; SHCMIPDTIYIBVA. Ye.S.;-CHZRNM.-G.,A.; IMEM-A , Kh. (Moskva) New method of therapy using alpha-radiating radioactive isotopes (thorium C,' thorium 01). 37 U0.10:105-109 0 '50,~ (KM 13:2) 1. Iz radiologlebookoy laboratorii (saveduyushchiy - prof. U.S. Shohopotlyeva) TSentral,nogo instituts, kurortologii (direktor - kand. med.nauk G.N. Pospelova). (THOR= radioactive) SPEWSKIYX N.I., Prof.; DANENKOVp Ya.I.p kand.medonauk; CHERNYKH, G.A, (14oskva) Postoperative indications and sanatorium and spa tberapy of patients following mitral acamissurotmy. 39 no-5t 8"5 !if 161. (MIRA 105) l.'Iz terapevticheskoy kliniki (zave - prof. N-1. Speranskiy) TSentrallnogd instituta kurortologii i fizioterapii Ministerstva zdravookhranoniya SSSR (diro - kandomed.nauk G.N* Pospelova)o (HITRAL VALV&-SURGERY) SPERANSKIY,N.I, I prof. j -CIMMKH, G.A. ---" Sanatorium and health resort treatment of patients with a persistent form ol'' hypertension* Vop kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kullt. 27 no.,0307-311 JI-Ag'62 (KMA 16M) 1. Iz kardiologicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. prof. N.I.Speranskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta kurortologii i fizioterapii (direlctor G.N.Pospelov-a). CHRR4 0 1 - E!?1.9-UJJSPBNSKIY, II.M.,radaktor.; ANDRIANOV, , -XIL-arAcox ,t&" B,.I.,takhnicheskly redaktor - [Military service is an honorable obligation of the Soviet citizen] Voennaia sluzhba - pochatnaia obiazannost' grazhdanina SBSR. .Moskva. Izd-vo DOSkAF. 1956. 54 p. (MM 10:4) (Military service, Compulsory) z ci !V' v . "k . Gurrants Groving Seyanets Krandalya carrants from scud. Les _i step-' L, no. 9, !~--52. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, D., M2 1U5;1-, Uncl. 'UjdR7t'%~est'r'y*"0-' Yqir~i; acid FD-966 Card 1/1 Pub . 50 - 9/19 Authors Zhavoronkov, 11. M., Corr Mem Acad Sci USSR; Babkov, S. I. Martynov, Yu. M., Chernykh, G. N. Title Investigation of the Absorption of Nitrogen Oxides with alkaline solu- tions in columns having a regularly distributed filling Perioclical Xhim. prom., No 7, 410-423 (35-39), Oct-Nov 1954 Abstract Outline experiimntally established relationships which can be used in the design of industrial equipment for the absorption of nitrogen ox- ides at a high linear velocity of the gases containing these oxides. Describes the design of a horizontal absorber for that purpose. Four references, all USSR, 3 since 1940. Institutions: Physico-Chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov and Moscow Chemico- Technological Institute imeni D. I. Yiendeleyev ZHAVORONKOV, N.M.; BABIKOT, s.I.; ORLOV, V.ia., tand.kbimiebeskikh uauk; ~ SMODYNSErlY, K.I., kar-A.L-himlabeskikh nauk; S"RTUGOTA, W,W*; SOKOLISKIY, 1~roductlon and uses of stsble isotopes. Kh1m.nauka i prom. 4 no.4:487-498 159. (HIPA 13:8) (Isotope separation) (isotopes--inaustrial applications) CHERNYKH, G. N., STRUTSOV, L. V., BJABKOV, S. I. and SHAVOiONKOV, N. M. "Die Kinetik der Isotopenanreicherung in vielstufigen Kolonnen." %port nresented at the 2nd Intl. Conf. on Stable Isotopes. Fast German Academy of Sciences Inst. of Applied Fhysical Material Leipzig, GDRp 30 Oct - 4 Nov 191, CHERNYU, G.N., inzh. Experimental investigation of stresses and elastic deformations 6f the 6ChRP 25/34 marine diosal enging Orankahaft. Sudostroenis 29 no.lls23-25 N 163a (MIRA l6tl2) hornvkh, V. "Ij,.rr0viT'F J-OC,131 il-.Vses by the Introduoti f- rlov Rnc,~ Horses 1111lev ColKlitions of t"-,2 Ang'arq Rr~i-i"I" (Irkutsk Oblast) Vclt-rinary hcadeiV, Min higher rdlac-tion UJJh. voscot., 19555 ~Iis- sf,,rtation for the doCree of Canii-date in Nr-rlvujtiirR1- S-icnces-, SO: Knizhnaya letoris' 'No- 27, 2 JUIY 1-1055 -1 --I:. GMU~,'UZOV, I., brigndir malyarov; CHMKR. I., brign4ir mnlynrov. - The foremen spook. Stroltel* no.6til Jo '57. (HLRA 10:9) (Spray painting) CHMUM. I.. brigadir malyarov Mobile platform for exterior finishing of window apertures. Ra stroi.Mosk. I no.9:28 S 158- (MIRA l1-,12) (Windows) iUTHOR9 Chernykh, 1. 107-&46/62 TITLEs HF Radio Reosiver Blook (VysokoohastotniY blak d1ya radi6priyem- nike). PERIODICALs Radio# 1957t # 89 PP 43-46 (USSR) ABSTRAM This article describes in detail the circuit diagram, the de- sign and the adjusting of a HF radio receiver block, which can be used in radio amateur receivers, record players and TV- receivers. This block has the same oharacteftstioB as the HF-units of the 2nd class receivereq but its sensibility and selectivity have been Improved. It allows reception by a 5-Position commutator in LW# MW and SW bands. For better tuningg the SW band is di- vided in three sub-bands of 19-25, 25-36 and 36-75 m. The band- widths can be selected at will by the amateur. The sensibility is 50 P v in all frequency bands and the selec- tivitY is 40 db in the neighboring channel, i.e. the same as Ahat of the industrial 2nd class receivers in the mirror Card 1/2 channel. 'ITTLEt RF Radio Receiver Block (Vy.sokoohastotniy blok dlya.radiopriyem- nika). 107-8-46/62 The power can be supplied by a rectifier of 150-250 v. In this case, the rectifier will have a current of 25-28 ma. It is preferable to tune the block with a "?'C(-611 generator and a higb-ohmic a.c. voltmeter (for instance "13KC-7"). This article contains 6 figures, 1 table and 2 Russian references. INSTITUTIONt Not indicated PRESE~MED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress. Card 2/2 CREMK.Hil I., ekonomist We, have many potentialo. A4.t=6p. 4 -njJ:48 Ag 162. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Khabarovskoye krayevoye planovoye upravleniye. .(Khabarovsk Territory-Transportation, Automotive) 'Qu-s! R, ChLV,PiKh) 1. P., (>-nd llpd 5ci "Data for itlie anu labora-,,ox-y diagnosis of lep-tosp-'rosis illi hlTra-Ata anu Bait Kazak.,.sU-,Pi 4 IL lw~, ml 11-bl6sts," Jlluia-Ataj, 1960) 17 pp (inslituee ul' :;istitute of -,-i PatholoU; in-~titute of Glinical anu -xperinental of the Acaoe%~v of Seionci:s K,,.zaldi SSIL) (KL, 39-b0, 11b) CRUM, I.V. Summation and correlation blocks of the unified system of automatic control, signalling and regulation. Priborostroenie no.11:14-15 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Electronic control) .i '- ~ . Computatuion of cupola structures, supported 'bypillars hnstantless theory). "Inzhinernyy Sbornik" By Academay of Science of the USSR, Departi-Ient of TecluAcal Sciences, institute of Lechamics. 1955. jj~ $A\ CHERNM,K..F. (Leningrad) Design of cupolas resting on columns (based on the momentless theory) Insh.sbor. no.21:74-78 155. (NW 8:11) (Domes) Chernykh, K. F. - "Certain Questions on the Complex Transformation in the Theory of Envelopes (Sheila)." Leningrad, Order of Lenin State U imeni A. A. Zhdanov, Leningrad, 1935 (Dissertation for the Dsgree of Candidate in Physicomathematical Sciencesi SO: Knizhnaya Lathopisl, No 24,11 June 1955, Moscow, Pages 91-104 C ~I C I? W Y K11 . AI. F, AUTHORt Chernykht K. F. 20-6-7/47 TITLEt On the Conjugate Problems in the Theory'of Thin Shells(O 60- pryazhennykh zadaohakh teorii tonkikh oboloch(~k). PMIUDICAL; Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 117, Nr 6, Pp. 949 - 951 (USSR) -ABSTRACT: The present paper shows that the proportj of conjugation can also be used in the theory uf thin shells. The author first for short assumeo that the central surface of the shell is bounded by a closed line with the curvature a, a const. Besides the prob- lem is considered unidimensional and Poissun (Puasson)'s coeffi- L cie t equal to zero. The notution was tal -en over from V. V. No- V022 ov (reference 3). The generalized Hook (Guk)'s law valid for this case and the functions of tension U, V, Yr (functions of Lurlye-Golldenveyzer) are given. Then the author gives expressions for the complex displacements and strains. On the edge, as is the custom, the moments of stress gene3alized -according to Kirchhoff (Kirkhgof) or the generalized components of the deformatiun of the vector of the torsion of the boundary element are given. The 4 quantities given here cowpletely dett~rmine the deformation of the boundary element. Especially the conditions for a stiff edge are given. Finallj the author be3ide the deformed fundamental state card 1/2 investigates the state characterizable by the complex displace- On the Conjugate Problems in the Theory of Thin Shells. 2o,.6-7/47 _J ments ~Up 59 w. Two boundary conditions are investigated here: 1) static-,,eometrical quantities are given on the edge. Then in conjugate problems tile boundary conditions go over to conjugate conditioi-,c. Especially the conditions of the stiff edde then go over into the conditions of the free edge. 2) in the fundamental problem the displacements u - uO, v - vo w = w0, t$0 are ~,iven on the edge. The fixing conditions u-v.w= 40 go ov~~r to the c~)nditions of the free edge. The properties discussod here are closely connected aith the static -geometrical analogy and aake it possible imZediately to virite down the solution of the conjugate problem when the solution of the fundamental problem is knoin. When the boundary conditiona are formulated in a complex foria, the boundary oonditioiis of the conjugate problem are of the same type. In this sense sucif a problem Lmy be called a col-ijugate one. The simplifying limitations assumed here may without great difficulties also be omitted. There are 3 Slavic references. PRESEINUDs 11~ay 23, 1957, by V. I. Smirnov, Academician SU3MITTED; May 17, 1957 AVAILABLE. Library of Congress Card 2/2 NOVOZHILOV, Valentin Volentizovieh- OHERNM, X.F., nauchnyy red.; KAZAROV, Tu.S.. red.; tir.:-wfekhn. red. LTheory of elasticity] Teoriia uprugosti. Goa.soiuznoe izd-vo sudoetroit.prozUshl.. 1958. 369 p. (MIRA 12:3) (Elasticity) AUTHORt Chernykh, K.P. (Leningrad) 40-22-2-11/21 TITLEs On a Variational Principle in the Complex Theory of Shells (0 variatsionnom printsipe kompleksnoy teorii obolochek) PERIODICALs Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika,19589Vol 22,Nr 2, pp 236-244 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the calculation of shells of complicated form often the shells have to be decomposed into single, simpler-parts. In the -perrforma-nee of the calculation the formulation of the transition conditions between the simpler parts then is usually difficult, since the complex functions have to be de- composed into their real and'imaginary parts. In the present paper the author avoids this difficulty by formulating and calculating the real boundary conditions as a variational problem. He introduces the notion of the complex energy and proves a minimum property of its moduluo. In the calculations it is assumed that the boundaries of the shell coincide with principal lines of curvature, furthermore the Poisson coeffici ent is set - 0. For a material of shells satisfying the law of Hooke then the equations following from the con- ditions of equilibrium and from the conditions of compatibil- ity are set up* Card 1/2 The very complicated general equations are simplified for the On a Variational Principle in the Complex Theory of 40-22-2-11/21 Shells case of two symmetrically loaded shells of revolution of equal thickness which are connected with each other along a parallel circle. It is referred to the fact that the theory can be also ge- neralized without principal difficulties to the case that the Poisson coefficient does not vanish and that the boundariea of the shell do not coincide with principal.directions of euz- vature. There are 4 figures, and 3 Soviet references. SUBMITTEDs December 28, 1956 1. Bodies of revolution--Theory Card 2/2 AUTHOR: TITLE, PERIODICA L: jzvo,~, Y- ABSTRACT: ;l 0 D Ft 1.13 1 .3 L ;-2 FJ the (13. 1. 17 ed The 5 3 . y O'A d el 0 in L. Ll S/ The 1,~ei5sner Ez(jua~ Jcm in Lffia lw-ase -) L - , . (3) tkia tha.ckness of t*--,(:) shall varie,--, smootsh`~,; a ~raall tenins of' )VIR an, in - C Qlap ar-li0r)n with unity, -hoi, 1. u t ll,~ ; L 1-1J P,-,. -i-~ tho rad il ~t 1..," 0 f cu I-v! hlrii. Thttr equa Ola -, ~ . I Am. To.l. I;.?- N J ob t- i'l-l("d -vllich iz aa-.:Li. g~,,~ bit I 'e i: sric r R e f 2' L n oon,,.' j. of a shF-1-1 Th -,' th e of rOL'a n c t -runeju-ion cora~csp V . - 4 cn mt-- (1' tJ tl"C - cm- r, !~q L:'-- i n c;, I tbn -D C; 0 C t:j-37 d a c C d o 1, v, e d'. I 2/2 Therr? --re 2 f lu L e n~ Sovi e t. and 1 i~, w-UBE'ITTLED: S 4ij 4 iq o ir -0 0 hl j6 0 19, ip ZI CHUHM, X.F.(Leulngrad) Saint-Venant's problem for thin walled tubes with a circular axis. Prikl.mat.i makh. 24 no-3:423-432 My-Je'60.(HIRA 13:10) (Elastic plates and shells) S/124/62/000/005/040/048 D251/D308 AUTHOR: Ch e nykh7--KF,_ TITLE; Conjugate problems of the theory of thin shells PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal. Ylekhanika, no. 5, 1962, 7, abstract 5V40 (V sb. Probl. mekhaniki sploshn. sredy, M.o AN SSSR, 1961, 499 - 503) ' TEXT: By conjugate problems are understood two problems such that their solution may be obtained in some sufficiently elementary form in a mutually single-valued relationship, from which, if the solu- tion of one is knoim, the solution of the other may be easily ob- tained. The author gives a simple method of establishing the con- cept of conjugate problems on the linear theory of thin elastic shells, based mainly on the well-known fact of the existence of the statico-geometric analog- LAbstractor's note; Complete translation] _Card 1/1 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/6o14 Chernykh, Klimentiy Fedoslyevich Lineynaya teortya obolochek. Ch. 1: Obshchaya teoriya (Linear Theory of Shells. Pt. 1: General Theory) [Leningrad] Izd-vo Leningrad- skogo'Univeraitetap 1962. 273 P. Errata slip Inserted. 4000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Leningradskiy ordena Lenina gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova. Ed.: Z. I. Tsarlkova; Tech. Ed.: S. D. Vo4olagina. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and scientific workers dealing with the stress analysis of thin-walled structures. It may also be used as a textbook by students In advanced courses and aspirants specializing In the theory of elasticity. COVERAGE: The book gives a systematic explanation of the principles of the linear theory bf thin shells) as well as solutions to a Card 1/0 Linear Theory of Shells whole series of problems which arise in the practice of calcu- lations. The author's exposition of the linear theory of shells includes a number of special features. The relations of the theory of shells are successively derived from the equalities of the three-dimensional theory of elastT-cit- jrelated to a triorthcg- o n a-1 system. of coordinates connected with the middle of the shell surface. A further development of V. V. Novozhilov's complex method is used in the exposition. The membrane solution Is re- garded as a particular solution of the general problem of moments. A number of Illustrations demonstrate the convenience and suite L ability of basing the exposition on the equations of the theory of shells in the complex form. This method facilitates the trans- formation of the equations of the theory of shells and the qualitative investigation of the properties of their solutionso and makek it possible to Include In the number of solutions some problems of practical interest. The following personalities, all of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Leningrad University, are mentioned: V. A. Gavrilov, V. Ya. Pavilaynen, and V. V. Ponyatovskiy. There are 191 references, the majority of which are Soviet. dard 2/# NOVOZHILOV, Valentin Valentinovich; FINKELISHTEYN, R.M., kand, tekhn, nauk., reteenzent; CHERNYKH, KFLs nauchnyy red.; KLIOIUNA, T.A., red.; FRUMM21, P.S., tekhn. red. [Theory of thin shells] Teoriia tonkikh obolochek. 2.., dop. izd. Leningrad, Sudprom , 1962. , 430 p. (FlIn 15:6) gi(Ezlastic plates and shells) NOVOZHILOV, V.V. '"RMMH, K.F. jwr A , " ~g fqxi. Calculation ipvolving shells under concentrated stress. Isal. po uprug. i plast. no.2:48-58 163. (NIRA 16;8) (Strains and stresses) CHERNYKH) K.F.; SHAMINA, V.A. Theory oftoroidal shells. Part 1. Issl. po uprug. i plast. no.2v247-w346 163. (Elastic plates and shells) (KRA 16:8) CIERNYKH K.F. (Leningrad) ..... ...... : Dpoign of zero-torque roofa with- a polygorml p1tin. Jzv.AN Mekb. I mashinostr. no.4-.3J#7-148 Jl-j%g 163. (MIRA 17:4) L 24510-6r 7,11T (m) /T/E'4P W/EWP (b) Pp- A1,CFSS i ON N71'. AYc :-'0? -71 16 ~.,Lfne,ntiv F-(~ooslvcvirh Chern)*.'n). Linear t.'iccr': nr chc'~'_F. pt. 2: SOF; r o r Yvr TOPIC TAGSi shell theory, elasticity the o r-y F n--POSF AND GOVERAGEt This book pres-t-s -r- of shella: thermoel&qtic stresses, c onc ~u i~'Ion bas4,c relalions in she-.-- 4.s Vor -,ne convenience of principles of tensor andy-sis and the, enrinp,-rs anri re5parc,-FIrs ronce-ned w,- 31.r1,ct1,;res. :r, aonition, 1*1 can Ler\- classes and graduate students specia.117t'~~ Card 1/2 AGGESSION NR AM5OD2716 TABU OF CONTENTS fabridgedli 10 Foreword - 3 Ch. VII. Tensor formalism in shell theorv. of surface theori Ch. VIII. Relationships of shell theon, ix, 7---- of a verieral- t-y-pe Ch. -X. General theorems. Variation ar.- P~-- .h. X-. k Jex r E67-;ations 4n comp, lislocati Gh . XII. Yoruentless theory - 186 Ch. XIII. Asymptotic ana-lysis of shell. the-7- -~r-ns. Basic t-j-,,en slr;--S-~ Yarvina3 efrect -- 225 SI-resses -c.'e-I~,Ke shells 24~ NO JREF 51-jV; 131 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4034318 8/2753/6 4/000/00310003/OOZ3 AUTHOR: Cherny*khp K. F. TITLE: The momentless theory of shells SOURCE: Leningrad. Univereltet. Hatematiko-makhanicheskiy fakul'tat. Issledavaniya po uprugosti i plastichnosti, no. 3, 1964, 3-23 TOPIC TAGS: mechanics, shell, thin shell, moment theory, momentleas theory ABSTRACT: The author points out that the momentleas theory of shells is, in gener- al, much simpler than the moment theory, and that, moreover, for a sufficiently broad class of shells, the momentless method gives the correct idea for the taste of construction of the shells. The most difficult ptoblem of the present time is the determination of the applicability of the momentless theory and an estimate of the accuracyof the momentless solution. The present paper deals-with the following two questions; (1) When is it possible (or necessary) to use a momentless solution in exchange for a particular solution by the moment method, (2) For what kind of conditions can the momentless solution provide as full a solution, in terms of generality, as the moment solutio,'n. The author shows that the momentless method is applicable, with no lose in.accuracy compared to the moment mothodg in the case Card 1/2 6 ACCESSION NR.- AT4034318 of: a) smooth shall geometry (where the curves of mean surf-ace and thickness are smooth, i.e., not increasing when the function is differentiated); b) smooth sur- face loading; c) a mean surfstee not consisting of a neighborhood of ordinary points. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 93 formulas. ASSOCUTION: Matematiko-mochanicheskiy fakull tat 1eningradakogo universiteta (Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, laningrad Univarsfity) SUBEITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 30Apr 64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: M. NO REP SOV,. 006 MIM.. 000 Card 2/2 CHERNM,,_,6Z.- (Leningrad) Simple edge effect and the division of boundary conditiona in the linear theory of thin shells. Izv. QJ SSSR. Mekh. no.l: 89-98 ja-P 165. (MIRA i0':5) AIL(- NKII "bUU_1U.L* SOURCE~CODE: UR/0120/66/000/001/0090/0091 AUTHOR..*, Vedekhin, A. F.; Pavlov, Yuq P." C~hernykh, L. P. ORG:. none .TITLE: Selection of scintillators for q2eters used in rec .ording gamma radiation in plateau conditions SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika.ekisperimenta, no. 1, 1966, 90-91 TOPIC TAGS: scintillator, crystal phosphor, gamma detector, scintillation counter, ,alkali halide, sodium compound, iodide, thallium ABSTRACT* The authors study the counting characteristics of gamma detectors with various types.of scintillators as well as the variation in plateau as a function of .the dimensions and basic indices of-the scintillators: luminescence yield and resolu- tion with respect to Cs137. FEU-35 and FEU-13 photomultipliers were used for measure- ments in an-installation consisting of pickup, amplifier, high voltage unit and scal- The y-radiation sou.rce was a C'S137 preparation in a lead collimator. Industrial .scintillators produced by the Irkutsk Chemical Canbine were studied. T~-_ specimens included both inorganic (NaIeTl Csl*Tl and KI-TI) and 9 yorganic (stilbene,?toian, naph thalene, anthracene) types and a plastic scint'llator4Ppacked with magnesium oxide re ,flector. It was found that thallium-activated sodium iodide is the best scintillator UDC: 539.16.07 .,d 1/2 L 2 AC.C NRt AP60107815 for counters operating in plateau conditions. A scintillator made of this material measuring 30 mm in diameter and 20 m long has a resolution of 18.5% with respect to CS137. The length of the plateau is practically independent of the radiation energy when these crystals are used for.recording y-radiation with an energy of >60 kev. A reduction in the length of the plateau is observed with a decrease in energy below this.point. CsI-T1 and KI-T1 crystals show a satisfactory plateau for specimens with a diameter less than or equal to that of the photomultiplier and a length less than or,equal to V2 the diameter* These crystals have a luminescence yield of 0.9 or more. -A comparison of the results of measurements on the FEU-35 and FEU-13 photomultipliera showed that the relative length,of.the plateau for the FEU-35 is approximately twice that for the FEU-13 with the same-type scintillator. --SUB CODE: 16/ SUBH DATE t~~,: 06Jan65/ ORIG REF 001/ OTH REF, _-002 I;,C rd 2/2 WAS STUKACH, A. G.; LEKARENKO, Ye. M. [deceased]; 7YKOV, Yu. S.; POKROVSKAYA, G. N.; BOGOMOLOV, Yu. I.; CHERVYKH, K.P Increase in width and the coefficient friction during the shape rolling of nonferrous metals and alloys. TSvet. met. 36 no. 11:65-69 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) ACCESSION NR: AP4029706 S/0136/64/000/004/0061/0063 AUTHORS: Stukach, A.G.; Lyashkov, V-B.; Lekarenko, Ye.M. (Deceased); Pokrovskayaj G.N.; Zy*kovs Yu. S..; Cherny*kh, K.P. TITLE: Deformation resistance During Impact Testing SOURCE: Tsvetny*ye metally*j no. J+, 1964, 61-63 TOPIC-TAGS: deformation resistance, impact test,'static test, fric- tion press hot rolling, alloy, copper, brass, zinc, bronze ,-ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the deformation resistance of :"M-l" copper, "TsO" zinc, "N1" nickel, "L62" brass, "BrUl", "BrOTs4i 1"BrMts3-l", "BrB2" and "NMZhMts28-2,5-l,5" bronze and ffNKh9ff chrome specimens. Impact tests approximated the service conditions during hot rolling. 2.5 mm long'cylindrical specimens with a 20 mm diameter-were reduced by 50% at a rate of deformation of 10 M/sec A 60-ton was used in combination with an electric fur-' nace equipped with a Silite resistor. A study of the hardening dia: grams showed that the hardening curves ascend sharply at low temper atures for most of the speci.6ons submitted to increased deformation. Card ACCESSION NR: AP40297o6 This shape of the curves is characteristic of high-melting and complex alloys. Low-melting resistant alloys show a peak which falls, off as the degree of deformation is increased and deformation re- sistance declines (zinc) "BrBZ bronze alloy). For "L62" brass and copper the work hardening is eliminated above 700C owing to'the high rate of recrystallization. These findings stand in good agreement iwith the results obtained by other authors. Bronze alloy "BrOts4-3" and "BrKDlff specimens were reduced at a rate of 0.045 m/sec in.a series of static tests. This tremendous increase in the rate of deformation resulted in an increased specific pressure and, conse- quently, the deformati:6n resistance of "BrOTs4-3" specimens was tri- j pled. The same dependence was observed 'in "BrKD1" specimens'. The results of static tests showed their unsuitability for the calcula- tion of the industrial processes which occur at high rates of de- ;:.-formation. Changes in the rate of deformation by about 1.5 to 2 Itimes do not affect the deformation resistance. Thereforal the spec-":- tific pressures obtained at a 10 m/sec rate are applicable to similar rates. The orig. art, haz;" 3 figures& Card 4141 L 1W, -65 t 7 7) FIWA ad AC Eq S N' ';R: A;'!.,-, A R 1' 10 K 1- OV TITLE: E lect rns ag melting.of mone' -.sve no. -V-'S: mr-i-I motal, monel met,-,* 7 T M. F. A Metal 41120t~ jine rracks --Vhe --man h --,6 tj~~ -ingots waeO-10% low r th an that of the consumable electrodes. 'No loss of rt*'~- I U . t,L 4 Mt-, I I e( Mont ~hd Lonivi icaLions conne( Cord 112 L 1W-dj3-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4045413 has* 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUB1,11TIED: 00 ENCL,-. 00, SUB CODE: ~IM NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: -,,i, Card 2/2 KAM111, A.A.; T.UKLIN, G.G.; CHERIrM, N.S.; CIMUrM, J,. T Observations of the transit of Mercury across the sun's disk on May. 6, 1957, iu Irkutsk. Astron. tsir. no.181:16-17 Je 157. NIRA 13-3) l.Irkutskaya gorodskaya astronomicheskava observatoriya Gosudarstvellnogo univeraiteta im. Zhdanova. Nercury (Planet), Tranalt od XULAGIN, S.G.; KOVBASTUX, L.D.; DAGAYEV., M.N.; ROZENBLYUM, N.D.; Y]WRCHKEIKO, 1.7.(Irkutok); KAVVIN; A.A. (Irkutsk): KONSTANTINOVA, T.G. (Irkutsk); . I , V.A. (Irkutsk); KMIN, G.T. (Irkutsk); SAtCNOTA, Z.G., (Irkutsk); CHEt3i , L.I. (Iikutsk); C 'N.B. (Irkutsk); MIKIDOEIICHF- a". _.rf~MTEN, V.A.; TMGNTOTA, W.S. (Leningg'ad); PIROTA, I.B.t B00CHITHA, O.D.: KHASIT, L.A.: KLTAKOTKO, M.I.: PAR=AGO, P.P.; 89CHMINA-SAMOTWA, I.S.; MASZVICH, A-G.; RTABOT, Tu.A.; BROHNGLOT, V.P.; PEM19, TU.G.; minvar: D.Ta.; 7.11DUSLIT, V.T.; TORONTSOV-VBLITAXINOT, BOA,; ZIGMI, F.Tu.; BAMIN,, P.I.,,; RA IN, I.Te., red.; AMA OV, SON*, I [Astronomical calendar] Astronomicheskii kalendarl. [A yearbook; Tekable section for 19591 Ezhogodnik.' Paromennais'ohaetts 1959. Re'd.kelleglia' PrI. Bakulin i dr. Kooky&, Gos.izd-Ts f~ziko- mstom.lit-ry, 1958. 370 P- (Tessoiusnoo astr9nome-goodesicheskoe abohobsetvo, no.60 (MIRA 12:2) 1. GeBudarstvanneys astronome-goodesichaskoye obehohostva (for lulagin, KoTbanyuk, Momidevich). 2. Moskovskoys Weleniya Vessayusnogo astro- somo-goodesichaskego obehahostva (for Degayov, Razenblyu?, Bronshtez, parova). (Astronomy--Yearbooks) SHCHUKARETs ").A,; VASILIKOVA, I.V.; PERFIWVA, I.L.; CHEMM, L.V. Enthalpy of vanadium trichlorido formationo Zhureneorgkbim. 7 zio.7; 1509-1511 J3. '62o (MIM 16'. ) .3 (Vanadium.cbloride) (Heat of foxmation) '. - LILIGH, L.S.; CHERNYKH, L,V.; 311,AI,YCTN, VIM. Solubility in the systems Ca(Cl04)2 - lIC104 - 1f20 and Cd(C!04)2 - HC104 - H20, Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no.12:2773-2777 D 163. (YIRA 17:9) , M CHERNYKH. assiatent, I -~, Air curtains of gates. Trudy Uralopolitakh.inst. no.85:136-142 160. (KMA 14: 8) (Air curtains) 7- N618 UISAM/ Oherdstt~ Solid Card, 1/1- Pub.: 116 26/29 Authors S,KuznetsoV, V. I.; Govorovap P.; Fadeycheva, A. G.; Gigell, T.:B.; and ~Chernvkh, M~ K Tit-La. Complex utili:,,atidn of brown coal in the Ukr. SM. Part 13) Tar a from semicoking of smilt coal:with the solid heat carrier semicoke Periodical~ I- h r ~n/6, W4-809, Dec 1955 Wr . kbim. z u Abstract the solid heat-carrier (semi- tars obtained by:semicoking of.brown coal wi coke) were found to offer a higher yield of benzene and lower yield of paraf fin fractions as.compared with tar obtained during the semicoking of the very T 11 products same coal with a gaseous heat carrier. 1he primary decompositio during the semicoking of. brown coal with a solid heat carrier - semic6ke - submit to cracking to 4 greater extent than dul-ing semicoking with a gaseous heat carrier. Aie in*cr'ease in fractions in tars of unsaturated compounds was found to be, due to cracking. The phenols obtained from such fractions.. offer a somewhat lower-,yield of phenol-cresol fractions; and the paraffin yieldiB much lower. Tables; graph. institution Acad -Of Sc., Ukr,.. SSR, .Inst..of Heat Power Engineering, Lab. for Chem. PIroc. .Submitted- June 17, 1955 MAGIDOVICH, Iosif Petrovich; MUGS, S.N.2 red - CIIERNYIM M P * I *'7-Y!~-~S ~,E.N. , mladshiy red.; KISELB7A, Z.A., red. kart; tekbn. red. [The history of the discovery and exploration of North America] Istoriia otkrytiia i issledovaniia Severnoi Ameriki. Moskva Gos. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1962. 475 P. (19RA 15:3~ (Worth America-Discovery and exploration) SUSHKINA, Nadezhda Nikolayevna; PROKHOMEEVA, S.Ya., red.; _gI-MRITY191, M.P.. m1adshly red.; KOSHEIIEVA, S.M.9 tekhn. red. [There are volcanos, whales and ice along the path3Na puti vulkany,, kity, 11dy. Moskvay Geografgiz, 1962, 157 (MIRA 15:49 (Kurile Islands-Description, Geography) (Spitsbergen-Descriptilon, Geography) (Chukchi National Area-Description, Geography) KREPS,.Yevgeniy Mikhaylovich; PROKHODTSEVA, S.Ya., red.; CRERNYKH M.P , red.; RISELEVA, Z.A., red. kart; 'T tekhn. red. (The "Vitiazt" in the Indian Ocean] "Vitiazl" v Indiiskom okeane. Moskva, Geografgiz, 1963. 275 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Indian Oce&n-Oceanographic research) DITI-UR, Andrey Borisovich; -ROMASHOVA., V.D., red.; CHERNYKH,.-M.P., m1adshiy red.f-MALCHEVSKIY,.G.N.p red. kart; VII~-SKAYA, .91 E.N.y tekhn. red. (To the countries of tin and amber] V strany olova i iantaria. Moskva, Geografgiz, 1963. 70 p. (MIRA 16:12) (PIVtheas, rf Massilia) (Explorers) 9 SEMINSKIY, V., tokar'; CHERNYKH, N., stqrshiy val'tsovshchik, Geroy Sotsial- isticheskogo TrdaA- - Green light to the council of efficiency promoters! Sovj profsoiuzy 17 no.20:31-32 0 '61. KRA 14:9) 1. Zavod "Krasnyy ekskavator", g. Kiyev (for Seminskiy). 2. Verkh- Isetskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod, p. Sverdlovsk (for Chernykh). (Suggestion systems) 0 "Cleaning the Blades of Gas Turbines)" by V. Parfenov and N. Chernykh., Grazdanskaya Aviatsiya,, No 11, Nov 56) p 24 The development of intercrystalline microscopic fissures along the edges of the metal surface grains of jet engine gas turbine blades, with subsequent deeper penetration due to thermal and mechanical stresses, re- sults in blade failures. The unsatisfactory results of removing the chrome and aluminum, oxide film by-other methods led to the development of a chem- ical reagent, R-77, which consists of 4.3% nuob(z~ic~(Plu~dc) acid (sp wtl.1,34-J -4) ~,and 19.2% nitric acid (sp vt. 1.3-1.4) in water. *.The compound formed by tbe action of the reagent can be easily cleaned with a hairbrush and a ttream of water. Any flaws can then easily be detectM vith a binoculat lens. It is staled that R-77 has no effect on nonoxidizing metals. Slade ;stability is not reduced. Elovever, blades made of EI-437 type alloys are negati4irely affected owing to the ~dgorous consumption of the rea&nt and prolonged pickling. The temperature of the reagent should be held to tithin. 25-300, and the picklIng time should not exceed 40 minutes. ZOZj I*Gs; CHMMHp N.A. Comoarative study of Far Eastern and Eaot European lilies-of-the- xaLiey. Bot. zhur- 46 no,4:562-569 Ap 161. (MIRA .14:3) (Lilies-of-the-va-Uey) 1-1 o v zOzI I,G.; CHFMM, N.A. Biology of Eriosymphe longifolia (Fisch.) DG. Dokl.AR SSSR 138 no*3:699-701 MY 161. (MM 14:5) 1. Khartkovskiy nauabno-issledovateliskiy Icbimi o- armtsevtichaskiy institut. Predstavlefio akademikom V.N.Sukachevyme (Fenila) CHERNYKH. N.I. ApproxLmation of functions by, polynomals with connections. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.21290-293 Mr 165, (INURA 18~5) 1. Sverdlovskoye otdelaniye Ifatimaticheskogo instituts. im. V.A. Steklova All SSSR~ Siibipltted -Docembor 2. 196,t. ZIJBOVj V.V.; AXTIPINAt Ye.N.; UMRNYK4.. N.N. ~Gmperature dependence of the magnetostriction of certain ordering alloyao Izvo vvas uchebe zav; fiz no.1:0-51 t63. ~MIRk 160) 1. Kuybyshevskiy industrial'W institut imeni Kuybyahava. (Magnetostriction) (Alloys) SOV/137-58-11 -23714 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 11, p 263 (USSR) AUTHOR: Chernykh, N. P. TITLE: Effect of Hydrogen on the Creep-rupture Strength of Some Steels (Vli- yaniye vodoroda na dlitellnuyu proclinost' nekotorykh staley) PERIODICAL- DokI. 7-y Nauchn. konferentsii, posvyashch. 40-letiyu Velikoy Oktya- br'sk. sots. revolyutsii. Nr 2. Tomsk, Tomskiy un-t, 1957, pp 74--75 ABSTRACT: The author proposes a technique for the investigation of creep-rup- ture strength and creep in a gaseous or liquid medium flowing under pressure. A description is given of the construction and operation of an apparatus for testing pipes for creep-rupture strength under shop conditions. Results of testing of E1579 steel in an HZ medium under laboratory and shop conditions are adduced. The author points out that the method widely used up to present time for investigating the effect of H4 on the properties of steel with saturation of the surface of the specimens with H2 in. special- a:dtpclaves or under electrolysis does not reproduce the actual conditions of the H2 effect on metal operating under conditions of creep. Therefore the strength charac-- Card 112 teristics obtained in such investigations do not represent the actual SOV/1 37-58--11-23714 Effect of Hydrogen on the Creep-rupture Str~ngth of Some Steels (cont.) strength of the metal and cannot be used as a basis for stress analysis. L. G. Card 2/2 1UTHORS: SOV/139-58-4-16/30 Molchanova, V.D. and Mill, M. I. TITLE: Long Duration Strength of Certain Steels Subjected _to the Pressure of Hydrogen and Nitrogen (Dlitellnaya prochnost' nekotorykh staley pod davleniyem vodoroda i azota) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Fizika, 19583 Nr 4, pp 97-104 + 1 plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: Paper presented at the 7th Scientific Conference of the Tomsk State University, November, 1956. Some equipment of the petrolep industry has to operate at temperatures of 400 to 5~O C with pressures of 325 and 700 atm. in presence of hydrogen and other gases. Under such conditions the material is in a state of creep and several instances are known in which sudden brittle failure of the steel of such apparatus occurs after long duration operation in presence of hydrogen under pressure. It was found that the metal in such apparatus became brittle and decarburized. This problem has been extensively investigated in numerous countries. According to Class (Ref 10), the rate of decarburisation is Card 1/7 proportional to the stress in the tube walls, the long SOV/139-58-4-16/30 Long Duration Strength of Certain Steels Subjected to the Pressure of Hydrogen and Nitrogen duration strength of tubes in the presence of hydrogen under pressure is lower than in presence of nitrogen under pressure, also,addition to hydrogen of moisture and other gases affects the long duration strength of the steel. On the basis of analysis of published wonk and taking into consideration experience gained in hydrogenation plants in 1955, the Irkutsk Branch of NIIKhDAMASh decided to investigate the influence of gaseous media on the long duration strength of high temperature steels. The basic aim of the investigations was to determine the limit long duration strength of such steels in a gaseous medium to obtain more accurate stressing data, since such data are not available either in Soviet literature or in foreign literature. The second aim of the investigations was to study the nature of the action of hydrogen in steel in the state of slow plastic deformation. Solving the main task necessitated establish- ing the influence of hydrogen on the long duration strength at various temperatures and pressures and various stress Card2/7 states. The choice of the test rig was such as to obtain test conditions for the metal resembling as closely as SOV/139-58-4-16/30 Long Duration Strength of Certain Steels Subjected to the J>ressure of Hydrogen and Nitrogen possible those pertaining to the hydrogenation equipment and particularly to the tubes. The through flow of hydrogen was provided for removing corrosion products (methane) which may appear as a result of the interaction of hot hydrogen and the steel. For elucidating the influence of hydrogen pressure on the properties of steel under creep conditions and for determining the long duration strength of the tubes under the pressure of the media being processed, an original pilot plant set-up was produced in accordance with a design patented by one of the authors of this paper (Ref 15), a diagrammatic sketch of which is shown in Fig.l. The equipment was designedwith the following considerations in mind: there should be a possibility of testing the tubes under conditions approach- ing normal operating conditions, i.e. the flai must be ensured of various media through the tubes; it must be possible to investigate the tubes at various temperatures, pressures and with various media; it should be possible to Oard3l? ensure long duration operation at a given regime maintain- SOV/139-58-4-16/30 Long Duration Strength of Certain Steels Subjected to the Pressure of Hydrogen and Nitrogen ing accurately the temperature and the pressure; it should be possible to test simultaneously several specimens under mutually independent test conditions; the test rig must be safe to operate. The hydrogen or nitrogen is fed from a 600 atm industrial system through valves into a vessel intended for equalisation and for inter-mixing the gases, whereby the pressure is recorded on a self-recording pressure gauge. The gaseous medium is made to flow from this vessel into a collector vessel which feeds simultaneously six tube specimens each of 1000 mm length and an external diameter of 14 to 35 mm. The specimen is placed into a chamber furnace representing a protective tube of the heat and hydrogen resistant steel E1579. The temperature is automatically maintained at a desired value. The chemical compositions and the mechanical properties of the investigated steels are given in Tables 1 and 2. The measured times to failure as a function of the stress are graphed in Fig.3 and entered in Table 3. By extra- Card4/7 polation of the graphs, the limit long duration strength SOV/139-58-4-16/30 Long Duration Strength of Certain Steels Subjected to the Pressure of Hydrogen and Nitrogen was determined for the steel EI579 subjected to the pregsure of hydrogen and nitrogen; for a temperature o~ 550 C and a pressure of 600 atm these values (in kg/mm were as follows: after 10 000 hours - 17 for hydroSen and 24 for nitrogen; after 100 000 hours - 7 for hydrogen and 16 for nitrogen. Fig.2 shows the outside view of tubular0specimens of the steel 3OK12AA after fracture at 550 C caused by differing long duration load conditions; Fig.6 shows a photograph of an oval tube of the Steel 20 which failed after 2 hours at a hydrogen pressure of 600 atm at 500 C. Figs. 4 and.5 show micro-photos of the structure at various states of the material. The results of the work are summarised thus: 1. A test rig was built and tested which is intended for investigating the long duration strength of tubes under pressure produced0by any flowing medium at temperatures between 0 and 700 C and pressures up to 1000 atm. This set-up enables investigating pieces of tubes as well as welded tubes to determine the long duration corrosion Card5/7 strength under the influence of the pressure of a SOV/139-58-4-16/30 Long Duration Strength of Certain Steels Subjected to the Pressure of Hydrogen and Nitrogen flowing medium. 2. Testing the long duration strength of tubes under the effect of the pressure of a flowing medium Dermits determining more accurately the qualitative and quantitative indicesfbr operation of tubes under normal operating conditions (strength, corrosioni diffusion), 3. The long duration strength of tubes made of the steels E1579, ~OKWA and Steel 20F lower if subjected to hydrogen under pressure than if subjected to nitrogen under pressure and the difference increases with the test duration, as can be seen from the values quoted above. It was established that an increase in the stress of the tube wall brings about an increase of the speed and depth of decarburization. Card 6/7 SOV/139-58-4-16/30 Long Duration Strength of Certain Steels Subjected to the Pressure of Hydrogen and Nitrogen There are 6 figures, 4 tables and 16 references, 9 of which are Soviet, 4 English, 3 German. ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i konstruktorskiy institut kh.imicheskogo mashinostroyeniya, Irk-utskiy filial (All-Union Scientific-R`66eax~dh- ahd Design Institute of Cheinical'Engi-nebring., Irkutsk Branch) SUBMITTED: February 7, 1958 Card 7/7