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s/144/60/000/010/005/010 E194/E355 The Use of Analogue Computers to Investigate the Commutation of DC Machines ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektricheskikh mashin i apparatov Novocherkasskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (Department of Electrical Machines and Apparatus, Novocherkassk Polytechnical institute) SUBMITTED: August 17, 1960 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy elektricheskikh mashin i apparatov Novocherkasskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (for Sinellnikov) 2. Kafedra elektricheskikh mashin i apparatov Novocherkasskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta (for Nazikyan and Chernyavskiy). 3. nachallnik laboratorii vychislitellnykh mashin Novocherkassko~3o politeknicheskogo, institut (~or Klemenov). ( lectric calculating machines) (Electric machinery--DireAct Current) Card 14/A (Commutation (Electricity)) 4033 CHERNYAVSKlYp F. YE. Pobeda sotsializma i unichtozhenii protivo polozhnosti m6zhdu gorodom i derevney v SSSR. 14.p 195/+. 16s. 22sm. (Akad. obahchestv. nauk pri Tok KPSS. Kafedra polit. ekonomil). 220 ekz. B. to. - (54,56661) CHXWAVSXIY, G.A. ?,,., , Now method of penicillin treatment of otitie-antritis in young children. Vest. otorinolar. no-5:65-67 Sept-Oct 1950- (CIn 20a) lo Of Moscow Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital (Head Physician - N. Go Zaleskver; Scientific Consultant -- Honored Worker in Science Prof. B. S. Freobrazhenskiy). 1. CIMMAYSITY, 0. A. 2. tim (6oo) 4. Diphtheria 7. Isol"ed diphtheria of the bngue and of the fourth (lingual) tonsil. Vest. oto-rizi., 14, no. 6, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress. March 1953, Unclassified. CIMRNYAVSKIY. G.A., kandidat maditsinakikh nauk; SMIRNOVA, D.N. Certain negative factors in antibiotic aerosol therapy. Vast. oto-rin. 16 no.1:17-19 Ja-F '54. (MLRA 7:3) 1. Iz bol'nitsy No.Z Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya SSSR (nauchnyy rukovodital' - deyetvitellnyy chlen Akademii maditsinskikh nauk SSSR professor B.S.Preobrazhenskiy i professor M.N.Yegorov). (Aerosols) (Penicillin) (Streptomycin) CERPTA ITEDI J~W-~Voj.1118 O.R.L. Aug 58 Q a 1.406. COMPLICATIONS dAUSED 13Y ANTROPUNCTURES IN INFANTS (Russian text) - Chernyavsldy G. A. Moscow - VESTN. OTO-RINO-LARING. 1957, 6 (41-44) The author describes a lethal outcome after an antropuncture: the death of a two- month-old child from air emboly after air was pumped through a needle inserted into the antrum.. The author warns that contrary to his previous statements the correct position of the needle in the antrum should in no case be determined by pumping air, but by the injection of an indifferent liquid. POPOVA, L.K.; CHEMUAVSKIY, G.A.; BIJRAVTSEVA, G.R. Problem of prolonged intratracbeal artificial respiration In paralysis of the respiratory muscles. [with summary in 'French]. Zhur.nevr I psilch. 158 no.2:223-228 158 (MIRA 11:5) 1. Institut nevrologii (dir. - prof. N.V. KonovRlov) ANN SSSR I 1-ya, klinicheakaya infektsionnqya bollnitsa (glqvnyy vrech N.A. Znleakver). Moskva. (IMRVES, SPINAL, diseases, polyradiculitis causing resp. parelysis, intra-trnchenl prolonged artif. reap. (Rue)) (ARTIFICIAL USPIRATION intra-tracheal prolonged in resp.paralysis in polyrndiculiti MIS)) 4! POPOVA. I.M., kand. mod. nauk.; CHgRMVSXIY, kand. mod. Role of tracheotomy in respiratory disorders in a=te poliomyelitis.. Vest. otorin. 21 no.2-.67-71 Mr-Ap 959. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Iz Instituta nevrologii ANN SSSR (dir. SSSR prof. N.V. Konqvalo*) i I Moakovskoy boilnitsy. (TRAGEU , Burg, tracheotomy in DOliO (Rue)) (POLIOMMITIS, BULBAR, surg. tracheotomy (Rae)) - deyBtvitel'W chlen AAN klinicheakoy infektaionnoy --CHERFYAVSKIY, G.A.; BLYUMMALI, K.V. Diagnostic errors in laryngeal diphtheria in children. Vest. otorin. 22 no-4:81-84 Je-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:12) (LARYNX-DISEASES) ANISHCIM14KO, G.B.; GOLUBKOV, V.V.; NIKITENKO, K.I.; CH9q9ALW__Y,-G.A. Magnetotelluric sounding in central Turkmenia. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.11;1652,-1658 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geofizichoskikh metodov razvedki. (Turkmenistan-Electric prospecting) -.CMMAVSKIY., G.A,,; GUGUNAVAj G.Te. Mqpetot-eUvrio soxmding in Georgia. 12m. Ali SSSR. Ser. eofis. no.1047-151 Ja 163* fm8IFA 16:2) 1, Voesoyuznyy nauobno-issledovatellsIdy institut geofiziki i Institut geofiziki AN C&d2fmkoy SSRo (Georgia-Meetromagnetic prospecting) BERDICHEVSKIY, M.N.; CHERNYAVSKUY G.A.; BUKIINIKASHVILI, A.V.; GUIG1,11,11AVA, G.Ye.; ...... """' V-.T-.;TMSMT-j7 -.- Results of magnetotelluric investigations in Georgia. Razved. i okh. nedr 30 no.4':35-39 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Vsesovuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geofizicheskjkl metodov razved-ki (for Berdichevskiy, Chern~avskiy). 2. Institut geofiziki. AN GruzSSR (for Bukhnikaghvili, Gugunava, Kebuladze, lashkhi). ACCESSION NR: AP4043140 S/0049/64/000/007/1061/1066 AUTHOR: Gugunava, G. Ye., Chernyavskiy, G. A. TITLE: Use of absolute ellipses in the analysis of variations in the natural electromagnetic: field of the earth SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Serlya geofizicheskaya, no. 7, 1964, 1061-1066 TOPIC TAGS: terrestrial magnetism, magnetotelluric field, geomagnetiBM, geomagnetic field, geomagnetle variation, - electromagnetic field variation ABSTRACT: A number of authors have recently suggested the possibility of using absolute ellipses in the analysis of variations in the magnetotelluric field. The theoretical basis for this method has not yet been developed and no special investigations have been made in this field in the Soviet Union. In this article, the authors have used data from magneto- 11 telluric investigations in the Georgian SSR in an attempt to explain the prospects for usinq H absolute ellipses for analysis of variations in the tolluric and geomagnetic fields. From 11.among the existing methods for the construction of absolute ellipses the authors selected the method of mean density of vector variations. The basis of this method is the asalimp- tion that, during a p"cular period, the mean statistical tellurio field is described by 0. curve close. to an ellipse (K.- Kantas. - Development in the Newest Geophysical, Reseuch Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043140 Method, Acta. Geophys. Sinica, Peking, 5, No. 2, 1956). Absolute ellipses were con- structed using the intermediate- (T = 10-70 see.) and long-period (T - 300-2000 see.) parts of the spectrum of variations in the telluric field. Each of the ellipses, - representing: a mean statistical telluric ellipse, is characterized by three elements: aximuth of the ;j: semimajor polarization a3ds of the telluric field, eccentricity and area. The character- isties and behavior of these elements and their information content are discussed. Analysis of magnetotellurJo field variations by this method revealed that the aximuth of the polariza- tion axis and eccentricity of the ellipse are statistically the most stable of the elements characterizing the variations. There were definite relationships between these,two ele- ments and the geological structure of the work region. Their study in different'parts of the variadons spectrum makes it popsibl, ei to obtain a rough idea concerning the degree of non- uniformity of the geoelectric profile at different depths. For We time being, no direct relationship has been discovered between the area of the absolute ellipse and thd'geological,_ structure of the region. "This study was done under the direction of M. N. BerdichevBldy and V. V. Kebuladze. Or art. has: 6 formulas and 4 figures., jj ACCESSION NR: AP4043140 ASSOCIAT -ION: Vsesoyuzny*y nauchno-issle-dovatel'sIdy institut geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki'(All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geophysical Exploration Methods);, Institut. geofiziki, Akademiya nauk GruzSSR (Institute of Geophysics, Academy 6f Sciences, Georgian SSR) SUBMITTED: 02Jul64 ENCL. 00 SUB CODE: ES NQ REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 003' ard CHM'YAVSK~T,j. q!~~gjy,__,Ivznov-Ich; ARIU40V A.L., red. - 9 - - I t _-.11 I- --,; '. ----.- ~ J P [For a cheap fish- collection of economic and method- ological articlesi V pokhod za deshevuiu rybu,- abornik ekonomicheskikh i metodicheskikh statei. IUzhno_ Sakhalinsk, Sakhalinskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 119 p. (YIRA -18:5) CR"NUVSKIY. G.M. - - --- I ve initiative of mosses in public welfare in villages. Sov. zdrav. 16 no.6:6-10 Je 157- (MMA 10:8) 1. Glavu" sanitarayy vrach Belogorodakoy oblasti (RURAL CONDITIONS public welfare in Russia) MUM, A.Ya.; CHEMAVSKIY.. G.V. Geology, and gil and gas potentials of the northern part of the margidI4 cis-Ural trough. Geol.nefti i gaza 7 no.2s8-14 F 163. .~k. (MIRA l6t2) 1. Ukhtinskoye geologicheskoye upravleniyee (Ural Mountain region-Petroleum geology) (Ural Mountain region-Gas, Natural-Geology) STET M K09 A.V.j CHERNYAVSKIY9 G.V. Cyanine dyeap derivativeo of 2-methylanthratinon-Ulp 2't,594)- imidazole. Ukr.khim. zhur. 27 no.2:237-240 61. (MIRA 14:3) 'I.Ki7evskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. T.G. Shevchenkot kafedra organicheskoy khimii. (CyanJme dyeo) KORNEV, K.A.; SHRUBOVICH2 V.A.; MOZDOR, Ye.V.1 CHMWAVSKIr.- Condensation of o~ -4,+Joroothylbutyl other with naphthalene, aoenaphthens.. and rbwmnft~rene. Ukr. khim. ishur. 29 no.49 432-435 163. (MIRA 16W 1. Institut, khWi polimerov i monomerov AN UkrSSR. (Ethers) (Aromatic compounds) KORNEVP K.A.; SHRUBOVICH, V.A.; CHERNUP-M, G.V. Copolymerization of some derivatives of dib3rdronaphtbalena and dihydroacenaphthene with maleic anhydride. Ukr. khim. zhur. 163. (WRA 16:11) 1. Institut kbilnii polimerov i monemorov AN UkrSSR. EM LL~~ -~E -- r .. -1, -;, !"', 'A, ~horriqtr"- - T, 5,-~ n A'-; F ~ul Uw ~Ii~n ACCESSION NR: AT5002o6l Card 112 21 22J,,-n64 ,-Card ACC, NRt AP6010833 SOURCE CODE: UR/0073F66-/d-3Yj6d 0260/0268 AUTHOR: Chernyavksiy, V. Dvorko, G. F. Shrubovich, V. A.; Grishin, 0. M. ORG: Iqstitute of Organic -Chemistry, AN UkrSSR (Institut organicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Reactivity of cycloolefinsyin addition reactions.l. Kinetics and mechanism of iodine addition to cyclobexene in dimethylformamide, SOURCE: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, v. 32, 1966, 260-268 TOPIC TAGS: reaction mechanism, reaction kineticst cyclohexene ABSTRACT Cycloolefins are'promising monomers for the production of heat-resistant 'Dolvmers, The relationship between their reactivity and their structure has not been studied sufficiently to date. The purpose of the present work was to study the reactiv*ity of the double bond in cycloolefins toward heterolytic addition, in relation to the structure of the unsaturated compound. It was found that the addition of iodine to cyclohexene is an equilibrium process described by the kinetic equation: v k31C010][1212 k2(C6Hj0-I2j[I21- exeneland HI. The equilib- The diiodide generated decomposes slowly into iodocyclo rium 1-1 + 12 13 in dimethy'lformamide is displaced almost the right. Card 1/2 ACC NR AP6034402 SOURCE CODE: TJR/0021/66/000/010/1312/1314 AUTHOR: Kachan, 0. 0. --Kach'an, A. A.; Chernyavslkyy, H. V. --Chern avakiy G. -V. ; Shrubovych, V. O.--Shrubovich, V. A. ORG: Institute fo~- the Chemistry of Macromolecular Compounds, AN URSR (Institut khimi.i visokomolekulyarnikh spoluk AN URSR) TITLE: Photochemical crosslinking of polyethylene in the presence of some sensitizers SOURCE: AN UkrSSR Dopovidi, no. 10, 1966, 1312-1314 1 TOPIC TAGS: crosslinking, polyethylene crosslinking, polymer chain, polyethylene, sensitizer ABSTRACT: The integral coefficients of diffusion and the respective diffusion activation energies of chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, and tetrachlor ethylene are .detcr mined at temperatures of 20, 40, and 60C. A calculation is made of the relations of the probabilities of destruction and crosslinking of polymer chains on irradiation of polyethylene films in the presence of chloroform, carbon tetra chloride, t etrachlor ethylene, and benzophenone. The quantum yield of transverse ACC NR' AP6034402 bonds in polyethylene at lambda = 2537 A in the presence of benzophenone is 0. 07 and with tetrachlo*r ethylene it is 1. 17. The article was pres\ented by A. I. Brodskiy, Member of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR. Orig.. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. [Based on authors' abstract] [GC] SUB CODE: 07. 20/ SUBM DATE: 09Nov65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 005/ .Card.--2. CHERHYAVSKIY, G. YA. Che-.nyavskiy, G. Ya. "A comparative evaluation of certain modern methods of early diaf7nosis of Claucoma, under clinical conditions." LIvov State Medical Inst. LIvov, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in 1"Iedical. Science) So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 25, 1956 CHERHYAVSKIT. Me. ~Sli=erule for converting data from four types of Maklakov's tonometer to mercury column millimeter values. Oft.zhur. 12 no.1:40-42 157-' (HLRA 10:8) 1. Iz kliniki glaznykh bolezn' (zav. - prof. A.M.Rodigina) ey LIvovskogo meditsinsk,ogo instituta (BY2, INSTRUNINTS AND APPARATUS FCR) CHERNYAVSKIY, G.Ya. dhnnge in the sensitivity of the cornen in glaucomn. Oft.zhur. 13 no.2:90-94 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz kliniki glasnykh bolezney (zAv.-prof. A.M.Rodiginn) Llvovskogo maditainakogo Institute. (GLAUCOMA) (CORNBA) CIWZfYAVSl[IY,,-q*Ya., Sunglasses. Zdorov's 5 no-7:31 J1'59- (MIRA 12:11) (SUN GIASSSS) '. .-GEOMVBKIY, (;.Ys Peculiar clinical picture of a melanoma of the chorold. Oft. zhur. 14 no.3:180-182 '59. (MIRL 12:6) 1. Iz kafedry glasnykh bolezney (2aV. - prof.A.M.Rodigina) I'vovskoe,o meditsinskogo instituta i glaiikonnogo kabineta Lsvovskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (KU"OKk) bux-MMMS) GHMYAVSKIYJ, G.Ya., Glaucoma. Zdorovle 7 no.6:le-19 Je 161. (14IRA 14:7) (GLALUCOMA) C!E-RNYAVSKIYT--Grigoxiy-YAkoxle3EIch; KHVATOVA, A.V., red.; BASHMAKOV, os-s " G.M... tekhn. red. [What should be knovn about glaucoma]Chto nado znat' o glau- kome. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 25 p. (MIRA 16:2) (GLAUCOMA) 1014111 -r, 16 A NIXAVOROV 11; /~~VSKIY, I. .p, - ,I.: -4 ~ I :, At the Institute of lconomics of the Academy of Scienceff of the White Flussian S.S.R. Vop. eikon. no.1l.-153-155 N 15% (MIRA 11:2) (White Rassia-Mconomics-Study and teaebing) CHERNYAVSKIY, I., inzh.; KURTSMAN, M., inzh. Concealed removable electric wiring in large-panel apartment houses. Na stroi. Ros. 3. no.106-37 A 162. (NM 16:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy gosudarstvannyy proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut, Moskva. (Electric wiring, Interior) CH3RNYAVSKIY, I.; SIMAXOV, G. Building plane are at the enntar of attention. Sov.profsoiuzy 8 no.2:45-46 Ja 160. 04IRA 13:2) 1. Predsodatell meatkoms. instituta "Girpoatroyindustriya" (for CharmVavskiy). 2. Zammatitell predsedatelya mesticom instituta. "Giprostroyindustriyall (for Simakov). (Precast concrete construction) CHERMSKI-L-1, - - Assembling molding units. Na stroi. Ros. no-5:28-30 My t6l. (MIRA 3 4:7) 1. Glavnyy tekhnolog otdela Instituta Giprostroyindustriya. (Novosibirsk-Precast concrete) PA 20/49T61 ..USS/Engineering Sep 48 Engines, Diesel Engines, Gas 'Conversion of V2-300 Diesel Engines to Operate on atural Gas," I. A. Chernyarskiy, Ural Motor N I Factory, 6j pp ,"~nerget Byul" No 9 Folloving must be modified to change V2-300 Dispels to natural gas: (1) Intake mantfold, (2) fuel pump and governor, and (3) control system. Concludes Ahat when this has been done, the V2-300 can satisfy all requirements of petroleum industry. Calculates saving effecteA. ift 20/49T61 CHRMAVSKIT.I.A. Standardization and luorovements In tractor mechanisms. Ayt. trakt. prom. no.6:3 Je '55. (MM 8: 9) 1. Helitopollskiy institut mekhanizatsit sellskago khozyaystva (Ttactors--Standards) CHMMVSKIY. I.A., inzh.; SINAIRV, B.V., inzh. Improving dies for pressure easting of short-circuited rotors. Strol, i dor. mashinostr. 2 no.1106-37 N 157. (MIRA U.-l) (Blectria motorsl (Die cagtingl KARAVANOV, A.G.., prof. (Kalinin); FEYGELI, I.I. (Kalinin); .~mlinin) _RHPWAWM,-:k, Fmotional state of the.thyroid gland in the early stages of pregnancy and i=ediately after an abortion. Probl. endok. i gorm. 9 no.3:102-106 Yq-Je 163. (KIRA 17:1) 1. Iz kafedry akuaherstva i ginekologii (zav. - prof. I.I. Feygell) i kafedry fakulftetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.G. Karavanov) Kalininskogo maditsinskogo instituta na baze Kalininskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - zaaluzhennyy vrach RSFSR A.A. Sokolov), AVSKIT IOGO Extragenital endmetriosio, lbirugiia 36 no.,206-89 F 160. (ENDDMETRIOSIS) (MIRA 13t12) ANILOVICH, V.Ya., inzh.; CRIWAVSKIY, I.Sh. .-- f ..-I - Calculations for valve springs of tractor engines. Trakt. i sallkhozmah. no.22:14-17 D '59. OURA 13:3) 1.Xharlkovskiy traktorny7 zavod. (Tractors-Nngines-Valves) ANILDVICH. V.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk; GORODETSKIY, I.M., inzh.; DYU-IN 0, inah.; FEDOROV, YU.I., inzh.; C.HERNYAVS14Y I.Sh. Investigating the dynamic loads in the transmission of the T-25 (T-74) tractor during starting. Mekh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz, 21 no.3:1-4 163. (NIRA 16:8) 1. KharIkovskiy traktornyy zavod. (Tractors-Transmission devices) CHEWAVSKIY, I.Sh., insh. . I Increasing the loading capacit3r of the transmission of crawler tradtors of the 3-ton class, Trakt, i selikhozmash, no,ltl2-14 A 165. (MIRA 180) -ORMAVSKIT, I.Sh., inzh.; DYU IN YU (iiu Ying-yul., inzh.; GALAKTIONOV, D.S.,, ~- ......" Effect of the rigidity of caxd~n shaft on dynamic loads in tractor transmission. Mashinostroenie no-4:99-100 JI-Ag t65. (MIRA 18 3 8) AYZENSHTAT, S.Yu., inzh.; BARKAN, V.M.2 inzh.; KURTSMAN, M.Do. inzb,; POZNYAKOV, N.V., inzb.; CBERVYAVSKIT -1,,S.,__-inzh.; SHTEYNBERG, A.S., Jmzh.; MILISHTEYN, D.S., inzh., red.; KASHTANOV, F., red.; STEPANOVA, N., tekhn. red. [Concealed electrical wiring in 1-464A-series large-panel apartment houses] Montazh skrytoi smeniaemoi elektroprovodki v krupnopaneltnykh zhilykh domakh serii 1-464A. Pod red. D.S- Mil'shteina. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR, Red. proiz vodstvannoi lit- ry, 1962. 75 P. (MIJU -15:6) 1. Elektrbmontazh no.18, turst. (Electric wiringp Interior) 16(l) AUTHOR: Chernyavskiy, I.Ya. SOV/140-59-4-24/26 TITLE: The Product Integral in a Lie Group PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikhuohebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1959, Nr 4, pp 198 - 223 (USSR) ABSTRACTi The author develops the theory of the product integral in a Lie group. � I deals with the properties of the product in- tegral in a topological group with unit and with Hausdorff topology ; five theorems on the existence and on the con- tinuity of the product integral are proved. � 2 gives sufficient conditions for the existence of a product integral in a Lie group and on its continuity. The author obtains a system of differential equations for the calculation of the integral. The paper contains 12 theorems, 2 lemmata, and 9 definitions. The author thanks V.V. Vagner for advices and assistance.- There are 10 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 3 American, 1 English, 1 French, and 1 Italian. ASSOCIATION: Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N.G.Chernyshev- skogo (Saratov State University imeni N.G. Chernyshevskiy) SUBMITTED: October 27, 1958 Card 1/1 CHERNYAVSKIK, I.Ya. -w- - Mltiple integrals in topological groups. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav,,; mat. no-5:102-111 161. (KEU 14:10) 1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni N.G.Chernyahevskogo. (Integrals, Maltiple) (Topology) GHERNYAVSKIY, I.Ya. Shrinkage of slag melts. Lit. proizv. no.8:24,26 Ag 163. (NMA 16: 10) CHERNYAVSKIY, I.Ya. Determining volume and location of abrinkage cavities in slag castings. Lit. proizv. 5t18-19 My 164. (MIRA 180) CHERN-FAVSKly, !.Ya.; PISAFENEO, A.A.; MiLLIER, 3.1-1. Slabs from in slag melts for floors of industrial buildings. Lit. proizv. no.11:42-43 N 164. il;~-,RA 18:81) CMUWAVSXIY, Lys. In Klov enterprises. Log.prom. 18 no.12:39-41 D 158. Milk 11: 12) (Kiev--Industrial management) L 606S 1~~ IJP(c) JD ACCE68ION NR: APP1257V- UWO1811651007ID01155211,556 AUTHOR#.;: _Xzvozchikov A.; X6sman, M. S.; Cher skiya K, A. TITLE: Fluctuations of the pbotocurrent in PbO photoresistors." 1?, T SOURCE: Fizika, tverdo0telai v. 71 now 5) iF651111552-1556 TOP1C.TAGS*_1 ri ead.oxidep photocurrentp. photoresistorp -volt ampere characte sticj oscillation I ABSTRACT: - The authors obs u r erved pre-breakdown current oscillations onthe s pe I Unear section' of the volt-ampere characteri f polyierystaliline StiC (B _ 104 V/CM) 0 lead oxide. They were able to obtain fluctuaticns of the photocurrent at.relative-: ily low voltage tcorresponding, to'the start of the sublinear dependence of the cur- rent on the voltage vhen the field exceeds 5 x 102.V/cm). These oscillations arise;i when the illumination is turned on and vanish vhen it is turned off. If the volt-' age is increased the 9cillations set in also in darkness if the circuit is closed) .9 . 0 but their axTlitude . increases when the. light is turned on. In the latter case -the oscillations exist only during the growth of the dc component of th therefore e photocurrent and sto'Dwhen a certain current, is reached. The higher the photoelec-~ tric sensitivity of Vsie. samplep the easier it was to obtain stable oscillations ~t lower voltages.. It. is concluded that the condition for the occurrence of oseilla- V7 Card 1A_ -7- A' COMSION tionwis the prqap ce,of a-strong fiei~-and-of exciiition ";i"the carriers`b~- ~Ai'e light or-aifielde%'Y ..Co ni- e tn r ;o~i reduc a e field-intensity near the elect o ilaktie's 4Avien -thit proces si and the current flucAuations 66erved'i coiiducit'~rs 1n itromig ".fielde -aa4 connected with the filling "d depletion of 0. traps..Are -pointed Orig.~. art-*: hms:1 2 figuresv ILI ASSOCIATION-, t. Lenftiiidakii omudarstvenW ped ogicheskiy institut im. A. X. Gertsena .-(Lenimgr&* St bgical Instituteil _ ; Muromokiy pedagogiches1dy iii.Atitut,-,,:~,lmwomsk-,Pad)akogicaI %ftvt1t"e) Y SmaTm: isnova."., ENCL: '00 SUB CODE SSj,0P OEM-:' 001V .7 7", 7%, v ?L Fi E a i~,tl t~~ pt A lug E F t 3 t N4 .13 i :2 ..A 312"H15 P I He .3 Aim AC; rz V.1 3 ail! V UV tote 5u IL VALfTER A.K.; VATSETI P,I.; KOLESNIKOV, L.Ya - TONAPETYAN, S.G. tTonapetiani, S H J- CHER0AY9XLYJ"*tCherniavs'kyi., K.K.1; SHPETNYY, A.I. tiviv O.I.j Neutron yield in the reaction Be'9(t.. -n). Ukr. fiz. zhur. 6 no,,4:457-460 JI-Ag,Ml. (MIRA 14-9) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut AN USSR, g. KharIkov. (Nuclear reactions) (Neutrons-Emission) VILITERY A.K.; VATSET, F.I.; NOLESNIKOV, L.Ias; TOUPETYAN S.G,, CEFdWUVSKIY SHPETE113, A.I. 1 .9 Neutron yield fron U6 10 no.6:577-586 To (ts n) and LO (t, n) reactions. 161, Atom.energ. (KM& 14:6) (Neutrons) (Lithium,-Isotopes) (Raclear reactions) VAL I TER, A.K.; VATSET, P.I.; KOLESNIKOV, L.Ya.; TONAPETYAN, S.G.; CHMiMVSKIY K K - SEPETNYY, A. I. Neutron yield in the reaction of tritions with fluorine and aluminum nuclei. Zhure-eksp. i teor; fiz. 40 no-5:1237-3-243 My 161 k (MIU 14:7) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN Ukrainakoy, SSR. (Nuclear reactions) (T-ritone(Tritium ions)) -(Neutrons-Measurement) KIDINY I.N.; MOZZHUKHIN, Ye.I.; TSEPAYEV, V.A.; CHERNYAVsKjy, K.S. Kinetics of the induction heating of porous iron, Izv, vys, ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no,1:152-156 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. -..I- - - "..' QHX=,AVSVITt 3~91 ingh, , Centralized freight tranoportation in 11-oooov Provinoe. Avt. transpe 37 no97112-14 JI 157. NIRA 12:10) Meow Proviuas-Tran'sportatiotp Aut;motive) GONCHAROV, S.P.; KITSINKO, V,V,; 14ARLMIS, L I.; GHMWAVSKIY, L.G.; RZHAVSKIY, N.A., kandidat takhnichookikh na-57:'OF99MR10" ~.,Vs, M. Ye., inzhener, rodaktor; MATRYEVA, Ye.N., tekhnichaskiy redaktor; SOEDIDVA, T.F., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Measurements of strains and stresses; handbook) Imerenis napriazhenil i usilil; spravocbnoe posobis. Moskva, Goo. nauchno- takhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1955. 66 p. (MI-RA 8:9) (Strains and stresses) aMMUFTATSKrY,L.G., inshener; ' SOV,D.I., Inzhener .-Veffew , Overall mechanization of stripping work in mines. Kekh. trud. rab. 9 no. 7:21-22 Tl '55. (KIRA 8:9) (Strip mining) c OBLU j L, 0. *Conveyor system for the transportation of piece goods" by N.P. Ikbno, W.I. Zyrianor, and G.A. TFirkunov. Reviewed by L.G. Cherniavskii. Xasi.-zhir. prom. 29 no.3:42-43 Mr 163. (MIRA 3.6:4) (conveying nachinery) (Ikbzio, N.P.) 4yrimor, x.E.) TRr)mnov, G.A. ACC NR, APOSQ21814 -S-O-"JR--C-E-C~ODE--.-Olf/OVIS/6C/006/012/0094-/0094-1 CA) 11NNENTOR: Vasillchenko, G. S.; Chernyavskiy, L. L.; Romanov, V. S.; Skoromnaya, I.; Martlyanov., N. S. ORG: None ,.TITLEz An installation for strength tests of the working wheels in high-speed ;.Turbines. Class 42, No. 182913 [announced by the Central Scientific Research Insti- itute of Technology and Machine Building (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy in- stitut tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniyo SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlenny~e obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 12, 1566, 94 TOPIC TAGS: turbine rotor, test facility ABST-14CT: This Author's Certificate introducea an installation for.strength tests of the working wheels in high-speed turbines.. The unit contains's turbine drive,.vacuum chamber with cylindrical wall surrounded by an annular-jacket, and a device.for in- duction heating of the components being teisted. A drive shaft passes through the cylindri'cal. wall of-the vacuum chamber for holding the part to be tested. The ro- tational velocity of the part being tested is increased by mking the turbine drive in the form of a centrip6tal-flow air turbine vith the component to be checked moun- .ted on'its drive shaft. :ar~ 1/2 uDc: 620-172.253:620.1,05 lv-rair turbiae; 2--drive shaft; 3;,-part being teated 'SUB d0ft: SUBM DATE*. igjui65. 2/2 AUMS&KIR97, L.A.; AKSINOVA, Z.I.; ARMITIW, S.P.; AFAUSITIff, UL.; BOUSUIM, L.A.; BURKOV, M.S.; BffAWV, V.A.; VZLIKANOV, D.P.; Y]WHOVSKIT. I.A.; GOBIODU, I.M.; JAVIDOVICH. L.N.; 13GTOWA, G.N.; 91IM-WOV, P.P.; KAIARJKHOV, F.V.; KOTASNIK, P.A.-; XMIN, A.P.; KRAHAPJMO, G.V.; KEAJZE, I.L.; KUR&W, A.N.; OSTROVSM, N.B.; PASHINA, S.N.; SIMIKIN, N.V.; TAXANOV, A.T.; TIKHDMIELOY, A.K.,; ULITSKIY, P.S..; USH&KOV, B.P.; PILIPPOV, V.K.; CEEWJLVSKIr L.K.; CHUDINOV, A.A.; SEWLTAKOV, S.I.; TIKffOMMV, N.N. Petr Valerianovich Kaniovskil; obituary. Avt.tranop- 37 no.4:57 Ap 159. WRL 13:6) (Kaniovskii, Petr Valerianovich, 1881-1959). GVOZDEV, Anatoliy Fetrovich . C Y Leonid' rkurt evich; SMIRixv, O.S., red.; STRYMOVA, NJ.,. red.; GAIAKTI I, , - Ye.N.9 tekhn, redo (Organizing a centralized operation service]Organizatsiia tsentralizovannoi ekspluatatsionnoi sluzhby. Moskva., Avto- tranaizdato 1962. 79 P. (MIRA 15.9) (Transportation,, Automotive) CIERNYAVSKIY, M. Chernyavskiy, M. - "The skin p,,lands of the external auditory ductu and ear cancer", Sbornik rabot Studench. nauch. o-va Kh;rlk. med. in-ta, No. 8, 190, P. 23-28. 50; U-h110j 17 July 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 19, 190). With-a creative spark. Ckhr. truda i sots. strakh. 3 no.5:47-48 my 16o. (MIRA 33:12) (Chelyabinsk--Tractor industry-Hygienic aspects) CHlRNXAVSLU,-H,,,-inzh.; ZEILENIS-,,P., inzh.; WOV~ L.., inzh.,- BURYUKOVICHs D... Jnzh; OVSEM4KOl B.v Uzh. Mash-reinforced concrete goes into production. Stroitell 8 no*5:5-6 My 162. (MM 15:7) (Precast concrete) 'Do 41 . .1 re 90 U *00 M. A. ChernyavAd. Torromi i th a baltelliv ctiating. The pilic-i ate cleaned In 25~ W1 IW' St 50-1,64, F111W with C144 110). livultallivil lit a WKIS m4n.. dried. Ili ed to a twkelite IKAn.. allowril t'. drain. and heated taT.Pduce Fwlynicrization of the csiating. High-duty pipes me coted twice, first in W-30% take. life Wn, and then In a 4GW~,, soln. The first dipping 1, 1! COO followed by beating at 130% the 2nd by heating at 100'. The heating whedult is given. M. thwil sit, -I-! LIIII&AILAI CLAISIFKATION __ITALLURGICAL -0 0 Ice* too too t a a v u so it I 91M 4 0" 0 An L S a w CHIRNTAVSKIY, M.I.; SHBYRIN, B.Ya. Sanitary and bygienic effectiveness of cleaning metalwork by the hydrosand blasting method. Gig. i san. 22 no.9:80-82 S '57. (MDA 10:12) 1, Is sanitarao-opidemiologichaskoy atantaii Kominternovskogo rayons Miarlkova. (IMUSTRIAL HYGINKS hygienic & sanitary aspects of cleaning of metals by hydrosand blasting) CHHWAVSKIY M.L. YERMAKOV, A.R. (KharIkov) Painting in an electrostatic field and hygienic aspects of the work* Gig.truda i prof.zab, 2 no,3:57-59 MY-Ja 158 (mmA iiiQ 1. Gorodskaya sanitarno-epidemiologicheskaya stautsiva i Volozavode (S-PRAY FAMING--HYGINNIC ASPECTS) Q4~RrjkV3M. U~Iw (Maarlkov) Chemical-dehydration of foundry molds and coren so a factor in improving working conditions. Gig.truda i prof. zavo' 2 no.4: 49-50 Jl-Ag '58 (MM 11 t 9) 19' Sanitarno-spidemiologicheakaya stantsiya Kominternovskogo rayonao (FOUNDM-HYGIMIC ISPECTS) 0 CM,'Rl?TAVSKrL', 14. (g. Hubtsovsk, Altayekly kmy) Autboritative connittee. Okhr.truda I sots. Ej tral.-h. no.4:27-29 1) '58. (MIRA 12':1) Ohibtsovsk-Industrial hyglenn) ZAYTSEV, B.:-,CHIJ KIY!- 14'. (g. Sverdlovsk) Demands of sanitation are satisfied, Okhr,truda i sotsistrakh, no.6:66-67 D 158. OGRA 12:1) (Svordlovsk-Industrial h7gione) CMNYAVSKIT, M.I., TALPALATSKATA, M.L. (Ihartkov) Sanitar7 and hygienic 'aspects of air in schoolrooms. Vrach.delo noo*7:751 J1 158 (KM 11 :9) (SCH001HOUSS-HRATING AND VMILATICN) CHFJWAVSKIY, M. Two years later. Okhr.truda I Boto.utrakht S '59- (Rlpa--Industrial hygiene) no.g-.4o-42 (14IRA 13--l) CEMMVSKIY, N.I.,, sanitarnyy vrach; SHEYNIN, B.Ya., sanitarnyy vrach; - - - --MI apidemiolog Control of influenza in industrial enterprise. Gjgj eau. 25 no.472-74 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Iz NedikD-sanitarnoy, chasti Khar'kDvakogo zavoda transportnogo mashinostroy,eniya imeni V.A* Nalysheva. (rmuzm Prev. & control) GaWN, Z.D.; CHIMUVSKIYj H.J. (Khartkov) Teaching labor hygiene in the 12th term at the Sanitation and Hygiene Faculty of the Kharkov Medical Imtituts. Gig. tmft i prof. zab, 4 no.2:36-37 P 160. (MM 15:3) (KHARKOV-INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE--STUDY AND TEACHING) CHERNYAVSKIY, M.I., sarxitarnyy vrach Work of industrial and sanitary physicians in the preventive supervision over the production of machinery. Gig.i san. 26 no.12:56-59 D 161. (MIRA 15.9) 1. Iz sanitarno-epidemiologicheskoy stantsii Kominternovskogo rayona Kharikova. (MACHINERY INDUSTRY-HYGIENIC ASPECTS) LF P -1 C .4, , N Y AV S Nk YJ t - M Subject : USSR/Ilydraulic Engineering Construction AID P - 1743 Card 1/2 Pub. 35 - 2/21 Author Chernyavskiy, M. M., Engineer Title On the use of prefabricated reinforced concrete in hydraulic construction Periodical Gidr. stroi., v.24, no-2, 3-5, 1955 Abstract The increase in the number of factories of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and parts is reported and their use is advocated, especially in the erection of temporary construction trestles, ramps and scaffolds. The possible economies in using concrete instead of steel are strongly stressed. The article mentions that over 20,000 tons of steel were used at the construction of steel trestles at the Teimlyanskaya, Kuybyshev, Stalingrad and Usti-Kamenogorok construction Bites. Out of this amount only 12,000 tons of steel can be of any further use. Recommendations for the unification and Gidr.- stroi... v.'24,, no.2, 3-5, 1955 AID P - 174~ Card 2/2 Pub. 35 - 2/21 standardization of reinforced concrete trestles are offered. A table comparing steel and reinforced concrete trestles for the Kakhovka Power Plant is included. The article is accompanied bY 7 diagrams and a photo. Institution: None Submitted : No date CHnNAVSKIY, M.Ij. inzhener. Wf? .WWAOMIW- OF IN , - Scaffolds made of precast reinforced concrete for concrete transport. 13st,i zhel,-bet, no.1:18-22 A 156. (MLRA 9:4) (concrete construction) (Sestfolding) C.EEMAVSKIY. M. 14. er 0 - - - ~*,'-- Special' mach ine f or loading crushed 9 t one. Makh. trud. rab.10 no.11:40- 41 N 156. (MIR& 10: 1) .(Stone. Crushed) (Loading and unloading) CE3RWAVSKIT, M.M., inzh. Precast concrete for building concrete carrying scaffolds and bridge cranes. Gidr.stroi. 26 no.10:29-32 0 '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Concrete,,ponatru-0tion) (Cranes, c ,4rricka, etc.) I LUKWANOV. F.V,-; CE3MfiYAY�EM_" .- .; XARP, Te.M., red.; LARIONOT, G.Te., [Kakhovk,a Hydroelectric Station] Kakhovskaia gidroolektrostantsiia. Moskva, Gos.energ.lzd-vo. 1959. 182 p. (MIFLA 12:8) (Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station) VORONKOV, A.Ye.; SOLOVIYEVA, M.F.; SUKHOV, L.V.-, TREVYAKOVA, M.I.; CHFMffAVSKIY, X.M. Use of a device for the automatic measurement of Ionization and momentum from tracks of relativistic particles. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 9 no-4:75-77 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR. VYGODOMOV9 G.V.p protil GOIDVCHINSKAYA, Ye.Sv prof.; LEMHEMOI! to.L,, kand. med. nauk; MINHAYWVAp 'G.S. v kandx" fam.nauk;,ROZBNTSVBYG# P*Yee 1~ kazid. farm.nauk; TCMINGASO A*Ya"&, prof kand.filol.nauk; ESKIN, I.A.9 doktor biol.nauki prof.; OB67MOVA, A.N., red.; S&CHIWp K&Kov tekbno red* [Stats pharmaeopoeia of the-Unfon of Soviei Socialiet Republi6s] Gosu- darstvennaia farmakopeia Soiuza Sovetskikh Sotsialistichookikh Respublik. Izd.9. Moskyap Gos.izd-vo med.3-it-ry Medgiz, 1961. 910 P, (MIRA 14:6) 1.- Russia(1923- --U-S.S.R-.)MJiAsterotvo zdravookhranen4%. 2. Deyotvitall- n4yy olden AMN SSSR (for'Vygodchiiov). 3. Daystvitelinyy chlen AN Fatanskoy SSR (for Tomingao) (PhArmaeopoeias) GU.RNYAVSKIY, M.N. Some basic problems of the Latin and Rpsian nomenclature in the 9th edition of the State Phamaeopoeia'of the U.S.S.R. Apt. delo 21 no.2s23-26 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 150) (PliARMAGOPOEIAS) CHMIMVSXIYI M.V. cosisof Intraperitoni&l Nar ;14s." Thesis for degree of Cand. Vetetinary, Sci. Sub 25 VAy 50, Wscow Che#icotechnological Inst. of the Meat Industry -4 Pep,52, Dissertatiohs Presented for Degrees in Science and ~agineerinjz in Moscow in 1250 From Vechernyaya Moskva Jan-Dee 1950. USSR / Diseases of Parm Animals. General Problems. R Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 22, 1958, No 101311, Author --RL- Inot K)scow Technological Thatitute of Meat and Dairy Industry. Title Tongue AnaeathetizaLion in Cattle. 0:.,J~g Pub Tr. blosk. tokhnol. in-t iziyasn. i =lochn. prola-sti, 1958. vYP., 7,96-99. Abstract Simultaneous blocks of by-poglossal and mandibular nerves pre- vent tonCn.te injuries inflicted by teeth during mastication. The nerves are block,~d bilaterally. The hypogl:)ssal nerve is blocked by inserting the n,2edle between the hyoid, uvula and the lower jaw branches at the level of the posterior orbit m gin -xntil the lateral edge of the hyoid is reached 'the depth of the acupuncture is 3-4 cm). 5-45 ml. of a 3 percent novocain solution are injected bilaterally. The Card 1/2 USSR / Diseases of Farm Animals. General Problems. R Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Mol., 1,1.:) 22, 1958, No 1013111- mandibular nerve is blocked by inserting the needle direct- ly under the suborbital arch bulge in the middle of the line drawn from the postero-inferior orbital edge to the mastoid process which may be palpated at the basis of the auricle. The needle is directed 6-8 cm. deep through the maxillary cleft slightly backwards until the pterygoid is reached. The same novocain solution in a 10-15 ml. dose is injected bilaterally. After the nerves are blocked, a temp:-,rary pa- resis of massaters and of the tongue, as well as anaesthe- tization of the tongue take place. This permits the manual exploration of the oral cavity and the pharyngeal atrium without tising the faucial device, and the performance of tongue surgery. -- I. I. Magda. Card 2/2 CMMUAVSKIY, M.:V. kand voterinarnykh nauk 0 Anesthatization of the tongue in cattle. Vaterinariia 36 no.q: 45-46 3 '59. (MIRA 12:12) loMoskovskiy tekhnologichookiy institut pyasmoy i moloohno7 promplaennosti, (Anesthesia in veterinary surgery) C 4& dotsent Topography and puncture of the diverticuls, of tendon-sheatho-of flexors in the digital area in cattle. Veterinariia 38 no.6:64-65- -Te 161. (KMA 16t6) 1. Hogkovskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut myasnoy i zolochnoy promyshlonnosti. (Cattle-Anatomy) (Tendons) (Extremities (Anatomy)) OffmW89vt N. 29004 Opyt izgotovleniya sbornykh zhilykh demov iz gipso-smollnogo materiala ("SK"). Arkhitektvra i Btroit-va, 1949, No. 8, S. 22 SO: Letepial Zhurnallnykb Statey, Vol. 39, Moskva, 1949