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3/109/62/007/005/021/02-1 Emission line width of a maser D230/D308 can extrapolate the curve towards zero-intensity beam and obtain a value for the initial frequency band width. Expressions are obtained for the maser pass band in terms of the mean transit time of the mo- Leirooo' lecules through the resonator, the self-excitation parameterv and for the amplification factorp in terms of detuning with respect to line peak frequency. Two cases of maser were investigated experinen--; tally, (i), using a beam of ND molecules, (ii) using a beam of UR 3 3 molecules& For the grid-type beam source 0.05 mm thick and aperture' 0.05.x 0.05 mm, the line-width for RD was equal to 800 c/s, for 3 0 the resonant length 40 cm and temperature 300 K; this is twice the calculated valuee In the case of NH 3 the line-width was 5 kc/s, for the resonant length 80 mm and temperature 300 OK; this is 2*5 times the calculated valueo Linear pass band narrowing was observed for both Inasoral this was from 750 to 20 c/a for IM3 ands from 4~5 ke/a to 100 c/o for IM . Deviation from linearity was not observed, The 3 measurements showed that for a beam formed by a channel with large aperture (dia, 2 mm and length 10 mm) the emission line-width in- I .Card 2/3 3/109/62/007/005/021/021 Emission line width of a maser D230/D308 creases considerably only for those pressures in the beam source which secure the maximum power output. Useful discussions with H.G. Basov and G.M. Strakhovskiy are acknowledged. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P.N. Lebedeva AN SSSR (Inoti-, tute of T;hysics im, P.Ne Lebedev AS USSR) SUBMITTED; October 119 1961 .Card 3/3 STRAKHOVSKIYP G.M.; CHEREMISKIN, IN. Characteristics of masers. Trudy Fiz. inst. 21:68-106 16-'0 (MIRA 16:8) (masers) L 16029-66,. FBD/EVJT(J)/EEC,' W-2/Tffi&(k)~IEVIA(h) IJP(c) %,IWWlrr, ACC NR: AP6007012 SOT. CE COL%: UR/0051/ror,/020/002/03t~2,/0344 AUTHOR: Cheremiskin. 1. vi,. Makiyev, V. g. Sobo3.ev, I., V. ORG- none MTLE erime"-Ital determthatiOW-of th jight amplification factor in a gas dis Exp e charge SOURCE: Optika I spektroA cPiY 20, zio. 29 19669342-344 a V. TOOIC'TAGS -laser, laser, emission, helium neon lase gas dischargej gash r .21, q q r S- T- 4q, MSTRA&: The authors .in a gja s s- study the coeffident of light amplification cbpr s in-uous e - di je u ing a source with a cont lission spectrum for modulating tT- T Uir S ,.charge and a. receiver consisting of a'spectroscope, a pbotomultiplier,'and a synchro-' nous detector. A brief description of the: experimental equipment is given. The in- ..tensity of Spontaneous emission on the line being studied was measured and used as the initial value for the signal reading. The light soxr-,ce was then switched on anu - ''amplified by population inversion in the discharge tube or attenuated in thti absence :of population inversion. For small amplification factors (or absorption coeffi- icients) the,change in the indicator readings is proportional to the amplification Cad UDC: 621.37S 9 531V KASIYANOV, P.I.; CIMREMISKIN P.A. Role of veterina.-7 specialists izi the successes of the collective farm. Veterinariia 37 no.9:27-30 S 160. (14-W 14:11) 1. Predsedatell kolkhoza "Zavety Illicha", Kirovskoy obl. (for 'Kaslyanov), -.2, Glavnyy veterineamyy rrach Novo-Vyatskogo rayona, Kirovskoy oblasti (for Cheremiskin). Oreterinariaro) ~Y4/EWP(t)/ETC(m)-6: TjP(c) JDAIW/GG ACC. NR: AP606491~. .,.,SOURCE CODE: UR/0056/66/050/001/0058/6061 .:';__.;~jQberemisina, L. V. 5 AUTHORS: -3sakadze Dzb S*,. ---------------- ademy of Sciences Georgian S .1.-ORG; Institute of Physics, Ac - S R __M (Institut fiziki Aka Lt naUR GrUzinskoy 6611) ~:TITLB: Some features of the twisting of quantum and classiedl liquid s -z) SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki,,v. 50, ~-no. 1966, 58-61 -TOPIC.TAGS: liquid helium quantum liquid, vortex, rotation, fluid: i dynamics ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (ZbETF v 46, 1563,,1964) dealing with differences in thedepth of the.meniscus -produced Nelium Ilon one hand, and helium I and water on the Iother. In the pre ent investigation the measurements are repeated and the depth is measured not visually, as in the first study, but rapby. Theftequency oftbe measurement is also changed by pbotog from every 15 seconds to'everY 3 seconds. The photography method Card 1/2 .1 -- CHREEKISOV. B.H. Zffect of growing conditions in fall on the transformation of durum wheat Into soft wheat. Agrobiologita no.2:285-287 *-AP '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Donskoy sonRl'nyy nauchno-isoledovatel'skly Institut sellskogo khosraystva. g.Rostoy-na-Donu. (wheat) OWN ISOV, F. (RO5tOV-Aa-DDAU) Nov forms of oomerce In Rostov Province. Sov. torg. 34 00.10-30-31 o 16o. (MRA 13: 10) (Rostov Province-Retail trade) wp(c ACC NR, AI'70016d sOIJItC.,,' CODE: ~ii/o'02.'5/66/ood/60'?/OOC~/0009 AUTHOR. Choromisov. Io (Ongdnoor; Dopartmont chiof) ORG: Sciontific Rosoarch Instituto of Hoavy Electric I-lachino Duilding (14auchno- is:;locloiato-l:t*S-Iii~i--iri~tii,~i-pi~'iiiiihiliiid'oloktio-- M'ishifib~stri'OyWh~)~Jkj MIZ : Potier giant SOURCO: Naulca i zhizn', no@ 7. 19~6. 6-9 TOPId TAGS% cloctric power production. thernoolectric. potter plant, turbine cooling AnMIACT; - Since 05% of *the electric power produced in the USSR is produced in Uormai electric stations, and since the amount of equipwnt and capital ,required per kilowatt of power pxvducod*is reduced with increadng size of :3-ndividual turbines, it is natural that the tendence in the U5511 today is to ;increasing individiial turbine capacity. increasing unit production of power I :without increasing size,' however, treans increasing current level. This cl-eates a problem in cooling. The latest solution has boun cooling by high I pressure hydrogeni, forced through hollow copper conductors in rotor and stator*. Now, (the , for the first tins,, a five hundred thousand kilowatt turbogenerator -type TGV-500) has been deaigwd wing water cooling with distilled water circulating throuGh'the hollow conductors. The turbagenerator operatea at '3000 rj~% and the distilled water circulAting within the rotor @OTWAkOtOrs L o87o4-67 ACC NRs AL,7001642 roaches a presewm of 150 atme After testing is completed,, this elect;-ic power giant Will 90 to the NAUHDVSX4XA Regional Electric Pmer Station* orig* art* 4 figureso CJPRSI 37.8nJ SUB CODE: 3.0 SUBH DATEs none 2/z not. PERNYAKOV, S.; ARMEVICH, Ye.; CTT=-fISOV.- K., Eng. 2. USSR (600) 4. Ventilation 7. Ventilation of attics in reside~itial buildings through slotted vents. Zhil. -kim. khoz. 3, No. 2, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, April 1953. Unclassified. PZWAKOV. S. L. starshiy nbuchun sotr dnik; iaITUIGH. N.M., starshiy nauchryy sotrit"; CHERAISOV. K.M., stax6hiy nuuuhW sotrudnik. Incroasing the durability of roof constructions and attic ceilirgB. Gor. khoz.Mosk. 27 no.8,.116-19 Ag 153. (MIJU 6;8) 1. Akadenlya kommnallnogo khosvaystya iment X.Dftafilova. (30041) (Ceilings) CHO, REIIISOV, K. 1% "An Investigration of the Temperature-Hurdctity Course of the Wooden Roofs of'',w Cand Tech Sci, Acad of Ccmmuml Econorw imeni X. D. Pamfilov, 6 Dec 54. (WIj 24 14ov 54) Survey 'of Scientific and Teelm-Lical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No* 5a, 2 Jun 55 CHEJ~t~-MI,SOV, PMYAXOV. Ye.T.. kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk; CMUMISOV. K.N., inshener. Durability of roofing sade of cast Iron plates. Stral.prom 32 no.6: 30-4p Jel '14., iNMA 7%6) 1. Aicadei4i4knunallmi-op khosymystva i1s. KeD.Nefilova. (Rooflug, Iran and stool) CHIMISOT, I., kandi"t tekbalcheekUh asuk. *~'-,~e~~,~P~~--~,~ Improve the heating of attic roof*. 2hil.-kow.khos. 6 ao-3:15-18 '56. (KM 9:8) lauchjWy notrulalk Akedmil kommusal'nogo, khozyaystva. Oteers) O'l AMYNICH, R., starshty nauchnyy notrudnik; GHMMISOV, K., starehiy nauqb3q7 notrudzdk. Floor construction for stmm baths and laundries. Zhil.-kon, khos. 6 no.8:24-25 156. (MLPA 10.';2) 1. Akedemiya komawmmllniMp khomysletva. (Floors. Concrete) ARIYBVICH, B.; CWMINGSOV. 1. Using glass blacks to increase humidity In establishments providing public services. Zhil.-kem.khos. 7 no.9:20-21 (KIR& 10:10) (Glass construction) (HusIdIty) CHRMIS"P..*-N-,.."Id&t.told,iniabookikh mauk. .1 Is &P&Amzt how*$. Ger. khes. Reek. 31 as.2- -26 7 157. - - (KrAA IOA) ( m*w-4kV&ftp*&t- houses) (Insulation (3"t)) - CIMIUMISOV, K.M.,, k&nd.tekbn.nauk., dotsent Ways to improve the operational qualities of sloped reinforced concrete roofs. Trudy 14IIT no.voli6-129 162. (MMI 15:7) (Roofingp Concrete) ARIYEVICH, Eleozar Moi3eyevich; GORBACHEV, Vladizir Vasill.vevich; CHEREMISOV. K.M.. red. (Designing and operating baths] Proaktirovanis i eksplu- atatelia ban', Moskva,, Stroiisdat,, 1965. 241 P. (MIRA l8tl2) CHMMISOV, Noge, red.; ROWOVAv NeVe, vedushchi3r red.; TROFIMOV. A.V., [For an Increase In output fz" present industrial space operational experience of the-colleative of the leningrad Ykabine Plant of the Ministry of the Petroleum Industry] Z& uvelichenle vypusla produk- tail s sushchesivuiushchikh proizTodetyannykb ploshebadel; oj.Tt raboty ~:DllektIT&'L9n1zgzvAskogo =khaniches1cpgo zavoda Minister- stva. neftianol prownbleanosti. Hoskra, Goo. nwachno-tekhn. izd- To neft I gorno-t~pllvnol lit-r7, 1954,55 pe (MIR& U:g) ilfficlency, bdustrial) (Nachine-ehop practice) GfMREMISOVY V.P. Vibration spectra and structure of certain oxides in the crystallim md vitreous states, Trudy Piz. lanst. 253153-208 164. (KMA 17W CHEREMIN., S.S. Forests of the upper Tilyuy Valley. Trudy last. biol. IAFIN OM no.7:243-259 16.1. (MIU 31415) - (Vilyuy Valley-Forsots and forestry) AREHIPOV. A. (Bollshoye Mt1rashkino, Gorlkovskaya oblaot'); KUTUZOV, VAleriy (Cherkeask, Stavropollakly ktay); CHMMKHI.N. Tu. Jg.Nakhodim. Primrskly kray). Young helpers of firemen, Posh.delo 4 no*12:16-17 D 158. (MIRk 11:12) 1. Fachallnik Ynnombeskoy dobrovollnoy potharnoy drushizor shicoly Flo.6 (for Kutizzov). 2. Starshly inapaktor posharwy chastl (for Chereaktin). (Firemen) (Youth) 30(l) SOV/26-59-5-28/47 AUTHOR: Cheremkin, R.G. TITLE: Ovis Canadensis in Yakutiya PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 5, PP 10? - 108 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The author describes the wild "snow" ram living on the elevated grounds of Yakutiya (Sakkyryrakiy, Vericho- yanskiya Bulunskiy, Tomponakiy, Oymyakonipkly, Mom8k!.y and Verkhne-Kolymakiy rayons). This animal lives in small flocks headed by an old ram. In winter it keeps to high rocks, in 'summer to the edge of the forests and rivers. It loses its thic'k coat in May -- June and becomes brown-grey. In win- ter it changes back to ruddy-grey. Its average weight is 40 to 50 kg. Its meat is very tasty and nourishing. The hides are used for making chamois (suede), sleeping bags, etc. Mushrooms are its Card 1/2 favorite food. There is 1 photograph. SOV/26-59-5-28/47 Ovis Canadensis in Yalcutiya ASSOCIATION: Kafedra anatomii sel1skokhozyaystvennykh zhivotnykh Yakutskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (The Chair of Anatomy of Agricultural Animals at the Yakutsk I State University) Card 2/2 .C AH*,A.,.A..ALeningrad) WROWN, S Changes in the capillary bed of thii liver In fetuses and new- born of white rate In asphyxia. Arkh. pat. 25 noo7t53-61163 (MIRA l61l2). 1. 12 laboratoril, noinallnoy i patologieheakoy fiziologii (zave - prof* Nol-Garzr"heval i laboratorli normal Inoy i pa- tologichaskoy morfologii, (zave - prof* B.T.Kulyabko) Insti- tuta akusheretya i ginekologii ANN SSSR (dire - Prof. M.A. %trov-cw1akor). CHEREMNYKH, A.A. (Leningrad, S-124, ulitsa Krasnykh Tekstil'shchikovP 3110J. 5) Quantitative changes in the capillary channels of the liver in fetuses of white rats during the transition to extrauterine life, Arkh. anat., gist. I embr. 45 no.7:108-115 Je 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Laboratoriya normallnoy i patologicheakoy fiziologii (zave prof. N.L. Garmesheva) i Laboratorii nomallnoy i patologicheskoy morfologii (zav. - prof. B.V. Kulyabko) Instituta akusherstva i ginekologii, AMN &SSR, Leningrad. RALHAROV g,~Ay4bramovich; 0 -INYIM, Alekearir Ivanovich; radaktor; MEDUMIT, L.Ia. , Cr SOSULIHI, V.N.. [The modeling and cutting of men-3 suits and coats] Modelirovanis i konstruirovanie mushokol verkhnei odezhdy. Izd. 3--e dop, i Perm!, Moskva, Gosenauchno-takhnisd-vo Hinisterstva pronpUenufth tovarov shiroko 0 potrablonlia SM, 1955. 234 p. fluiloring., ,SPIRION1191,.AlIe~~ksandr ~Ivano~vich; ~SAKAROV, Grigoriy Abremovich; RAZRASH. Isaak Takoylevich. dotsent; VINOGUMV, S.K., retusenzent; IMAIKIRA. T.r.. red.; MXDVMXv, L.Ts., [Designing of women's clothing] long truirovanis xeridmi sheaskal odashdy. Moskva, Gos#zwuchno-tekhn.lzd-vo lit-ry po legkol pro~- myshl.. 1959. 142 p. (KIU 13:9) (Dressumldnj~-Pattern design) 3W AUTHOR: Cheremnykh, 0. D., Junior Staff Member SOV/154-59-4-9/17 TITLE: Determination of Current Directions and Speeds on the Surface During the Floating of Drift Ice According to the Data of Aerial Photographs (Opredeleniye napravleniya poverkhnostnykb struy i skorostey techeniya na rekakh v period ledokhoda po materialam aerofotos"yemki) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Geodeziya i aero- fotos"yemka, 1959, Nr 4, PP 71-78 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In their treatises,(Refs'l.2) Rodionoy and Malyavskiy present- ed a method for the photogrammetrical eialuation of aerial photographs of river surfaces. By this method it is possible to determine the speed and the direction of superficial currents. For this purpose floaters are,uBed which are photo- graphed at fixed intervals. Here the author describes such an experiment which he made at one of the great rivers of the USSR in order to obtain preliminary hydrological characteris- tics for the planning of large-scale hydraulic constructions. The investigations were made at two different parts of the Card 1/3 river, each part being 100 kilometers long. -Determination of Current Directions and Speeds on the SOV/154-59-4-9/17 Surface During the Floating of Drift Ice According to the Data of Aerial Photographs In the spring of 1954 aerial photographs were repeatedly taken from these two parts and so it was possible to record the characteristic stages of the beginning ice flow. The photographs were taken from an airplane of the "L1-211 type by.means of a AFA-TE camera with fk - 100 millimetereq with a size of 18 )( 18 centimeters and a time photo recorder. The fore-and-aft overlap amounted to 60 to 80 % according,to the velocity of flow.,In order to facilitate the field work it is suitable to make a diagram. With the river width, the ceiling and the scale of the map given, the most favoxable focal distance of the objective of the aerial camera is determined according to this diagram (Fig 2). It is recom- mendable to use aerial cameras with fk - 35 to 55 millimeters since it is possible to take photographs of parts of a river with a width of 1,800 meters even if the ceiling is only 600 to 900 meters high. If the stretch of the river to be inves- tigated is very long and has many bends it is divided into Card 2/3 straight-lined subsections. The beginning and the end of the Determination of Current Directions and Speeds on the SOV/154-59-4-9/17 surface During the Floating of Drift lee According to the Data of Aerial Photographs aerial photograph is made together with the reading of the waterlevel mark by the hydrologist on duty. The investigations made in the office work are described.'A method is suggested how to obtain cartogr'ame of the directions of surface cur- rents according to the data of the aerial photographs. The work showed that the use of aerial photographs for hydraulic investigations considerably increases.their accuracy and efficiency, and besides gives a complete picture of the state of the river. Better results can be obtained if helicopters Are used for this purpose. There are 7 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: InStitUt geOgrafii Akademli nauk SSSR (Geographical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: October 14, 1958 Card 3/3 aov/lo-5o-5-12/25 AUTHOR: Sil9nitskaya, V. I. ard~~~~ TITLE: On Methods of Measuring the Speed of Ice Motionof the Surface Parts of Certain Antarctic Glaciers From Data Obtained by an Aero-Photographic Survey Carried out Twice PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geograficheskaya, 1959, Nr 5, pp 90-95 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe how, by photogrammetric pro- cessing of two aerial photographs of the same E;la- ciers the second photograph taken 12 1/2 months later, the speed of ice motion in the surface parts of' Ant- arctic glaciers can be calculated. The coorclinated photogrammetric processing of photographs of the R. Scott and V.A. Obruchev Glaciers, obtained in 1.956 and again in 1957 by the section of aero-photographic sur- vey of the Rompleksnaya antarktichesk.-~7a ekspeditsiya AN SSSR,(Multi-purpoee Antarctic Expedition of the ILS USSR)q Card 1/4 was done by plane phototriangulation conducted with SOV/10-59-5-12/25 On Methods of Measuring the Speed of Ice Motion of the Surface Parts of Certain Antarctic Glaciers From Data Obtained by an Aero-Photo- graphic Survey Carried out Twice simultaneous inclusion in a thus-obtained rhombic net of all identical points on th4dentified glaciers' sur- faces. This processing was done in the Stereofotogramm- etricheskaya laboratoriya (Stereophotogrammetric Labo- ratory) of the Institute of Geography of the ALI; USSR under the direction of V,I. Avgevich. After reducing the free photogrammetric nets to the scale of the baseq all working centers of the processed aerial photographs and all auxiliary photogrammetric, points were transposed on the base. As a result of processing of two photographs of the same glacier taken at; 12 1/2 months interval, the identical points on the photo- grammetric base were doubled and the distance between them represented the vectors (chart 1) which character- ized the direction and the dimensions of a lineal shif- Card 2/4 ting of identical points which occurt-ed during the SOV/10-59-5-12/25 On Methods of Measuring the Speed of Ice Motion of the Surface Parts of Certain Antarctic Glaciers From Data Obtained by an Aero-Photo- graphic Survey Carried out Twice mentioned interval. From the measured dimension of each vector, the time factor being known, the speed of each identified point on the ice surface could be calculated. Then, using this data, isoline of equal velocity lines could be traced which would de- te=---ine the zones of equal surface velocities of the ice motion. Taking into consideration a compound error margin occurring in the course of processing and transposition of identical points, there is a possible error of � 0.56 m. in the calculation of the monthly speed of the ice surface motion. The method of ealeulating this error is desoribea in del-ail. The names of L.D. Dolgushin and Yu.I, Fuki- Card 3/4 na are mentioned in this article, There is 1 chart, SOV/10-59-5-12/25 On Methods of Measuring.the Speed of Ice Motion cf the Surface Parts of Certain Antarctic Glaciers From Data Obtained by an Aero-Photo- graphic Survey Carried out Twice 1 graph, 2 tables and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut geogiafii AN SSSR (Institute of Geography of the AS USSR). Card 4/4 TSTETKOV, D.G~.; CH ZMNTKH.--QD. _, Using F.V.Drobyshev's reduction printer without pantogmph. Good. i imrt. no.9:36-40 S 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Aortal photograpeetr7) 14-- r. . - luejOksing the scope of thi ~wX of the SD-1 stereoeaph. Good. i kart. ne.6:48-50 Je f63.. . I , (KRA 16:9) (Stereoscope) CHEREMNYKH, G.D. New sibilities for using aerial photograpby in glacio- logical research. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no.6:09-94 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut geografii AN SSSR. OPARIN, A.I.9 akadevik; STUDITSKIY, A..N., prof.; NAUMOV, N.P., prof.; KOVALISKIY, V.V.; YLJROVA, I.L., dots.; PLATONOV,G.V., porofo;KAGAWOV, IT.M.; MUN, A.Ye., dots.; MEDVEDEV, N.V., prof.; YAKIMOV, V.P., kand. biol. nauk; ZHUKOV-VFMZ11NIKOVj N.V.; BONDARENKO, P.P.,, prof.; MYSM, I.N., prof.; TRIBULEV, G.P.9 dota.i TSARBGORDDTSI!',V, G.I., dots.; DOBROKHVALOV, V.P., kand. biol. nauk; NAZDOVSKIY, V.I., prof.; VIKTOROVA, V., red.; MMIMUKH, I., mlad. red.; 1JIMOVA, L., [Studies on the dialectic of living nature) Ocherk dia- lektiki zhivoi prirody. Moskva, Sotsekgiz,, 1963. 527 p. (miRA :L6..:L2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sellskokho- zyaystvenrykb nau1c imeni V.I.Unina (for Kovallskiy). 2. Doystvitellnyy chlen P14V SSSR (for Zbukov-Verezhnikov). (Biology-PhilosopIV) UTLIN. SeLem profs', SMSDTIR, X.Ya.,-prof.v II&,YTAIT. V.I.. aspirant. Obanges In the placenta In pregna nv subjects vith nephropathy [With summary in ftglishle AkuW* i gins 34 no*5:65-69 S-0 158 (MIRA n 110) I* Is kafedry akkahtretva I ginakologii (sav, - prof* S.L. reylin) I Wedry gletologif(sar. - prof. NoTa. SOVOtin) Norosibirskote neditsinakogo Institute,' DIS;;=. in pre&me placental changes (Rue)) (PUCRICA9 pathole In kidney din. (Rue)) A CHERVOMH1 L.N.; NAUMOVAp A.N. Soil temperature conditions and the tomato crop. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. biol. no.3:452-457 Hy-Je 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Institute of Microbiology' Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.p Moscow. (TOMATOES) (PLANTSV EMCT OF SOIL TDIPERkTURE ON) C k ?- - 0- V, t^ / k f,I(_' P. AUTHOR: TITLE: Cheremnykh, L. P. 2o_2_W/~D PERIODICAL: Acid Mucopolysaccharides of the Chorion of Animals Displaying Primitive Placentation (Kislyye mukopolisakharidy khoriont zhi- votnykh s primitivnoy platsentatsiyey) Doklady All SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, Nr 2, pp. 312-314 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The particularities of the stroma of the connective tissue and the permeability of the chorion of primitive placentas art! only to a small extent researched. These questions are, howevex, im- portant not only for the understanding of the exchange mechanism between the embryo and the mother of animals with a primitive placenta, but are also able to throw a light on some unexplained problems of the permeability of complicated haemochorial placentas (among these also of the human placenta). The substances mention- ed in the title are here of special interest since it is known that the permeability of the fundamental substance of the connec- tive tissue is connected with them. In recent time investigations were carried out in order to study the Pystem hyaluron aci-1-hyal- uronidase in the human placenta. The hyaluronidase quantity in- creases with advancing pregnancy, whereas the quantity of the high-polymeric acid mucopolysaccharides decreases simultaneously. The author tries to study the question given in the title in va- Card 1/2 rious stages of the pregnancy of sheep (desmochorial placentation Acid Mucopolysaccharides of the Chorion of Animals Displaying 2b62-42/50 Primitive Placentation. type). If the results of present paper are compared to the co- gnitions of the author gained by former investigations it can be concluded that i4he chorion connective tissue of animals with a primitive placentation much more highpolymeric mucopolysacchari- des are contained than in the human chorion where they form con- siderably finer structures. The quantity of the highpolyweric acid mucopolysaccharides decreases, however, in the human ahorion as well as in the chorion of animals with a primitive placerttation with the advancing pregnancy. Stmultaneously the quantity of the depolymerized mucopolysaccharides increases. The reduction of po- lymerity of the substances forming a part of the fundamental sub- stance of the connective tissue leads obviously to an increase of the permeability of the latter. There are 4 figures and 8 referen- ces, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Novosibirsk Medical Institute (Novosibirskiy meditsinskiy in- stitut) PRESENTED:: June lo, 1957 by N. N. knichkov, Academician SUBMITTED: March 22, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 USSR / Human and Animal lHorphology, Normal and Patho- S_ logic -- HistochowistxY Abs Jour; Bcf Zhur-Diol., NO 13, 195S, 59803' Author Vinogradov, V. V.; Ch,.~romnykh, L. P. Inst Not giv~_;n Tistocht-mical Dctc:(-.tion of Acid. Titl,; It Alothod for th,.; II lxlucopolysaccharidi~s Orig Pub: Byul. ekspzim. biol. i mDditsiny, 1957, 435 YO 11 124-125 Abstract: For moro complate histochumical demonstration of acid mueopolysaccharidos, tho authors hav(,~ dcxolo- pod a modification of Hall' s iac;thod. Thu most im- portant factor doturmining tho~ succoss of thc; r~~ac- tion is tho amount of thu- colloidal f(~rric acL;tntu Card 1/2 USSR / Fluman and Animal 11orphology, ~Ioi:Laal raid Patho- S-3 logic -- lHistochc2mistry U Abs Jour: Ruf Zhur-Biol., !To Y4, 1958, 598o'-, j I rGagont. Colloidal iron hydroxid%.-; is obtainod by adding 6-12 willilit,rs of a solution of iron ch- loridQ in drops to 100 milliliters of boiling dis- tillod wantor. The dialyzi-d iron hydxoxid%^;- is mixod in a ratio of 3:1 or 2.1 with 2 *.,! acutic acid. Tho authors havt; iner,,asud th,.; tim,,; of tho processing of thu propar[Ltion with thij forric aciAat,:; reagent and thc; potassium furrocyani&; solution to 20 to 25 minut~-.s. It is rcxommundi~d that th,.; farric acutato rvag~.;nt b~~ wnshi~d out with a 2 H solution of - L ac-Aic acid. .4, 1-4 p,~rcent so- luction of 1,~ad acutatu (or a 0.5 p,~xcDnt solution of ncotic acid) in 6 perc,;nt formilin should b~; usQd as thu fixativu inst(,ad of Carnoy's fluid. --B. 11. Popova Card 212 CHEREMNYKH, L. P.: Master Med Sci (diss) -- "The morphology and permeability of the blood vessels and the basic amorphous substance of the chorion of man and certain mammals". Novosibirsk, 1958. 19 pp (Novosibirsk State Med Inst, Chair of Histology and Embryology), 250 copies (KL, No ~, 1959, 146) CHERDRMH, L. P., DASMVICH, V. S. "Cytophotometric Research on the Content of DNA in the Nuclei of Cells of the Animal Organism*" report submitted for the First Conference on the problems of Cyto and Histochemistry, Moscow, 19-21 Dee 1960. Institute of Cytology and Genaties Siberian Division Acadeny of Schances USSR, Nwasibirsk. VIVOGRADOV, V.V.; D014SKIKH, N.V.; SUBBOTIN, M.Ya.; Comparative evaluation of the methods of histochemical detection of mueopolyeaccharides in the tisaws of provisory organs of man anti mammals, Arkh. anate gi,-A. i embr. 4Z no.l,.103-109 Ja 162. (MIPA 15:,'+) 1. Kafedra gistologii (sav. - prof. M.Ya. Subbotin) Novosibirskogo moditsinskogo iwtituta. Adres avtorovs Novosibirsk, Krasnyy prosp., 58,, Kafedra gistologii i embriologii Navosibirskogo gosudarstvemiogo meditsinskogo instituta. (POLISACCHARIDES) (CONNECTIVE TISSUES) CHEMN-YKHI L.P., kand.mad.nauk; PERELIMAN, R.M. V:Linicomorphological comparisons in chronic primary tuberculosis of the lungs in ebildren. Probl. tub. no.2.74-.79 164- (MIRA 17--12) 1. Novosibirskiy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut tuberkuleza (dir. M.V.Svirezhev). KAGALOViKlYt G.M.; CBEREMT4YKH, L.P., Pathohistologicol changes in the bronchi at the site of trans- section during pulmonary resection for tuberculosis. Probl. tub. 42 no,8z70-74 (MIRA 18021) 1. Novosibirskaya gorodskaya protivotuberkuleznaya bollnitsa No.,26 (glavnyy vrach V.V.Semenova). Ae VIYUKOVA, R.N., kand. med. nauk; CHEREMNYKH L.P. Results of lung resections in patients with fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis in relation to the genesis of the cavern. Probl. tub. 42 no.lOs25-29 164. (MIRA 18sll) 1. Protivotuberkuleanyy dispenser (glaynyy vrach F.G. Grigorenko) Kirovskogo rayons, Novosibirska i Novosibirokiy nauchno-isaledovatell- skiy institut tuberkuleza (direktor - kand. med. nauk M.V. Sv~,rezhev). W IRMIKYAKI, S.V.; CHFJUWXM c- Device for masurownt the amount of vater absorbed by absorption ve-U0. Izv.vys.udwb,sav.,- gaol. i razv. 5 no.5:lo9-n5 My 162. - (KIPA 15:6) 1- lAuingrad8kiY 90ruV institut imeni. G.V. Plekhanova. (Mine drainage) - SKRYLINIKOV, G. (Kuybyshev); KONOVALOV, V. (Gorlkiy); KUPRIYANOV, N., inzh. (Tuapse); YAKOVLEV, V., inzh. .(Tuapse); CHABANENKO, A. (Kemerovo); I STRULI, B. (Voronezh); BOGDANOlf, L. (Barnaul); C tekh- affm informator (Krasnyy SuliwRostovskoy obl.); SER-EGINA, Yu. (Orel); TOKARI, S.; TISHCHENKO, A. (Kiyev); CHAYKA, D. (Kiyev) Advertisement board. Izobr. I rats. no.10-.10-11 163. (MBU 17s2) 1. Rabotnik kabellnogo zavoda, g. Saransk, Mordovskoy ASSR (for Tokar'). KOCHMIN, 0.-. 101ONTSBY, L; MALIOVANOV, D.; KAMVIGH, N.; 11ATS , A.; ZROMMUIN, D.; ZZDOTOV, A. Remrks on the book Oftchines and equipment In mining.9 Vol. 1. amining equipsient.0 F.O.Dolko and others. Xaviewod by G.Kochergin, N.Chereveyki, 1.1ozontsev, D.Nallovanov. I.Nalevich, A.Pats, KiLealk, D.Zhokhlovkiu, C&.FodotoT. Ugoll 29 no.11:46-M 154. (KM 7:11) 1. GlavzWy mekboulk Upravlenly& po' strottelletva sbakht v Doubsess Prini- sterstva, ugolluoy prouWablesnosti GSSR (for locbergin). 2. GlavW kon.- struktor GlaystroyaskMalsatell (for Cherewykh). 3. Ikelmllnik otdola novykh mshIn W= (for Kozontsov). 4. Direktor Institute Giprosbaftto-. utroymash (for MlloT&uov). S. Gl&vW lazhener Giproshokhtastraymah& (for Nalevich). 6. Nacb&JL$nik otdolov Giproshakhtostroymasba (for ftts, lesik & Mifthiovk1s). 7. GlavzVy konstruktor Giproshakhtostroymashm, (for Fedotov). 1,74ml-Mining mchinary) (Boiko, P.O.) I?EYGIN,L. inzhener; CHBREKIFM K. luzhener Now bits forlhe rotary drilling of large diameter boreholes. Kast.ugl. 4 no.5:20-22 My 155. (KLRA 8:7) (Boring sachink7) 1.14 CMMRKffM, Mikhail Inokentlyevich; ZITATSZIT,Te,T.. redaktor; PR(ZCROT- -Vn.-'*MA.VeskIy rodaktor [PneumtIc loaders of the BM type] PnevastIcheskis gruschiki tips, BCh. Moskva, Ugleteftisdat, 1955. 27 P. (KUU 9: 1) (Coal-handling machinery) 'Prokhodehik" rock loader. Shakht,otrot. n0-5:21 NY '57. (NLRA 10:7) (Mining maebinei7) KALIOTANOV. D.1., kand.tekhn.ank.; LIDSKIT, B.N., red.; PRUZRIM. TA., red.- CMMWM# Kelso redo; CHICHWq 9 L.T.. red.isd-va; [Mechanization of drifting in ulne construction] Nekhemi- satsila gormprokhodchaWkh rabot pri stroltelletva shekht. Xogkva. Ugletekhlsdat. 1959. 293 P. (NnA 121s6) (Coal mining unchinery) CHEMNYXH,N.. inshener Aeronautics today. Tekh.vol. 23 no.8:14-19 Ag'55- (NWA 8:11) (AeronanticB) Subject TM/Aeronautics Card 1/1 Pub. 58 - 17/19 Author : got given Title : Now books AID P - 3132 Periodical Iryl. rod.9 .80 249 Ag 1955 Abstract This is a brief review of a book: Cberemkh X and Shipilovs A. F. Mozbuskiy - sozdatell ~~-*Ieta (A. F. Mozbayvkiy W=iot~v~~ - Creator of the First Aircraft in the World) Moscow# 1"). Institution x None Submitted z No date /EPA J, aa Ll ~iccisklli m AP500 958 2 0/0209/65/000/001 /0077 a one Iramiet DX ABSTRACT: --,;ful, Use of' "test is -UT. L 21297_~ :ACCESSION 1 AVD002556- -te e. WM*61 at - the W-2. t .-was.~-ccdetructed Its:thrust was wiii to ! -d- a :,D 39,.the-rpiojet-was_mounte --upon:an-~ inegni. ofa~,dyn=oeter d~iio lto5i ah~.'~ - -ptudi irai,cpnduoted to determine- the flight:atability Dr the plane (arr~.ji~ were then conducted with th igrute4 g the ramjet#-,Testq_ eramjet. increase of, speed from 32O-MOzkM/hr to 338-362 Im/hr was observed. By August 1940:the: W-4v'It a- simila'r but. la~germodel)- wits ready for trials. It was mountedlon an 1-153 aironift ~nd produced va hicirease in speea, of 51 km/hr. In 1W 1941 -:Vras begun to: a'day)t, the use oVthe'J'aster military aircraft. Tests werD ' eventually conducted using aircraft -models 1-207t Yak-'1o and Yak-7,-but the Germw . invasion of Ithi~ SSSR slowed~,th6.: progress of development. Additional participant ~9~: mentioned.-B Maal A. . Mal I Alko-i ol evyki-trp A. Gonsovsk a Bi 11 r6 JLJ 2UHUISQYQ~1; 1_;L'AWMM ZILIAM0 11, 12- tp G.- L. Hikitin, and K, Putilov. Qrig,_ J . Ass,OCIATION.:, b1sinatim, 00'. ENOM W SM CODE i 11R -0 ..REP SM~ No. 00 nimiv~~ ODD-- !rb. A 2 2 ~79 7:11 AKHM&OV, A.P.; BLINOV, P.I-; BOLOTIN, V.F.; BORODIN, A.V.; GAVRIN, P-P.; ZAVOYSKIY, Ye.K.; KOVAN, I.A.; OGANOVV M.N.; PATRUSHEV, B.I.; PISKAREV, Ye.V.; RUSANOV, V.D.; SVIOLKIN, G.Ye.; STRIGANOV, A.R.; FRANK-KAMENETSKIY, D.A.; CHER:-IWKH, P.A.; CHIKIN, R.V. [magnetoacoustic resonance in a plasma] Magnito-zvukovoi rezonans v plazme. Moskvap In-t atomnoi energii, 1960. 23 P. (MIRA 17:2) as, /Via A. p Lao p I., so otin, V. v0 xly. T..- D. A.- ZjjQramsw`jtn, r. AA., TMX: A ...... _ to 'he Masis, ii\ T PUIODICAL3 Zhura&l 'kpe'. .14,11any I teoresich..koy fi.Lki. 1960, "39 To 3 M pp. 55"" e1. T TM; The authors anted to study the pwn.tratl- f oscillations into .,.at,. the glasse, sahle& P1406 trwase,ersally to a stati.aso field. Froo, 79' t prmsx. h- a course Similar to S`WbwusV1%W1:&Ic&.l P1&Lztt1QZr,vILth tbh.jmd if r ... e that the " "I 1~1 ., :it j;2/& a, 0t tget. pr9 1. f..ti,. her of,. Mit"M 4 T4 'ef -h a'is a dizensLoal *a, Ro the strength T"o. O"mrs.terIzue the typ. of oscillation Card 1/4 I.,;. -tic flat tht density of the plame"' IJ llb:.~O.Y'114 frequency, and 12 the radius of tt. pl-sua cy In4 r. Th. I J- wit$en down for the radl~l ";litcio of the plal motion velocity. vr a, ., - (I . strength of the magnetic &1%.M&ting h/ffo woi/f4 of field, "Ph'. ba.a velocity or the -- 4%ic field). The lateraott:0. Of an leatra guatic bleb.freqoncy field W with a cold pl- as :Xperla""tally Investigated In a cylinder in the presence of an exist quasts t to sm"ti. fL:14 16. Fig. I -ho- the *.ban. or the apparatus used fo:tt t' as P. risent . To oma Such arperiz:autal. series the alternating 12.5 Hc/vec, at' field h" & frequ;:;y .1. 1. another series the ;cy was Th- PI-SAM, 910. .44 recorded by .."a of an I(?=.ig) photox%atLplier and an OK-17"(01-ITZ) oscilloscope, .hit he a:tration of hieh-frequ ... y oscillations Into the the SlItuds distribution of the magnetic allorn:tIng studiod he "A of a sagretLo probe. The wzprIswnt more conducted helium, argon, and air at an initial pressure of Care 214 10-4 of nos. 2,3 shot lb&t,r Summand appear to the range lletew,es 300 o*ratods end 5 kI *oersteds. M. 4 shows the offset of~rowomadcs an the spectral lines of hydr:cOn. Th@" In 6 404,011dence, of ths &2P1ttu4Q lEr at %he magnetic r9soneAc field an the, amputudw of the 1-ft.1d. Fig. 5 Shows %be spatial dialitbutLas of the, aeptitude, ar at the r field in hydrogen and nanc above a fine structure. areas As W be Seim from tic. 6, the r.::"":* TUO efteattla being further Investigated. A gas temperature of 2.5 aw Sam Z..l o4 frum Us Doppler broadening of the H, line (Fies. 7,S) sorTeeponding to 0.8 A. Experi.ental data for Rr confirmed the validl /I of equation (1). x9perlsents sith arg n at frequencies above In hybrid fee "any 71~14*4 as appreciable a. compared .,q , h: affect jobs%er"d oilb fre%q#R4100 below the hybrid frequency. ?hi author. 4409" that the sprearing oscillations propagated obliquely. not perpendicularly to 16. This was *ccfirmed by sessurement of %be composest of the magnetic flo%4 J~p (PLC. 9). The authors thank Aced lotaa# for interest displayed in the work. There 1,01, 4 r"reredoes.. 2 3ovI*18 1 U30.144 1 German. A CON 3/4 512111173D, April 2. 1960 AFONIN; I. P.; GAVRILOV, B. I.Y ZAVOYSKIY, Ye. K.; KMANOV, F. V..; MAX31NOVP G. F.; FLAKHOV; A. G.; CHERRMKHp P, A.; SHAPKIN, V. Ve ~ 1-1W-aa54QMT-W The experimental plasma apparatus C-I with screw magnetic fields. Atom. onerg. 14 no.2210-150 F 163. (HBA 16t 1) (Plasma(Ionized gases)) (Magna-tic fields) SOURCE COD& 6165IW2~ OCO 0598/0402 4 AUMOR: Bil P. _a_MtoyL L. P. Chei~n~. k A, ORG: hone ENTITLE: Ble6tron,heatInt. in the TWI 1 installation SOURCE. Zhurnal eksperimental"noy I teoreticheakey fiziki. rialm Y redaktiijyu. Prilozhenlye, V6 ?Plno.-el 19650 39&402, TOPIC TAGS: plasma beativgy pla_sma~'Injection, plasm electron temperature,, plasma scceleratlon~ a microwave pin ma/ ms ABSTRACT:. The autbore d1scuss results obtained h-tbe TN I Installation (1?1g.J),, which was cqristructed to heat the electronic"66'rap'o-tent 2L-s-ki-asma by means cif a bigh. frequency sback circuit. The quasistatic. field Ho reacbed a maximum-vithin t; psec, after which lt decreased vith a Mmseetime constant. The mirror ratio was 2. 1be- of JL maximum valul* #he field, center of the trap was 8 koe. The' plasaa was in. Jected in the trap by a coaxial Injector.vith electrodes ziade of deuterium-Impregnated titanium. P. Ir varying the,injector 'voltage It io possible to vary the plasma density from ne > 2 x 1021-' cM-3 to: ne < 101-1 cm-3. A single-turn loop with frequency, Iv Mc at a. voltage :uc., = 120 kv on a. capacitor Cc a 3 x 10-43 F produced a field of H = 900 ne. Py vairying,t.he -tize interval between the operation of the high-Prequency loop.and the application of tbe.-m Iagnetic fieldp it vas possible to study the heating of the electrons ait different R/Ho, It was expected that the electrons with n. 2 X. 1012 ca-3 imuld be hestal to Te 3 kev.. and that further adiabatic compression Cord 1/2 _ACC NR__:__A_'p_5o;A0_24_ vacuum acuum w6uld raise Vie tftiperature. to -30 key0 The ;7 "t - A A-Awl experiment - had shoim that the cold: ga f filling the tr'ap chamber decayed as a rs:e:suit of recombination with a time constant -rc 300 Psee 0 Not more than 10% of the I high- f! frequency field energy goes into plasma beatin9j, and the, authors 1. data,bave so far Pho not'confirmed-:tbe donclusion tha,t--tuibulent h6ating_ of a J~I#SMEL' by.meand of a shock c Fig. 1. Diagram of TH-1 installation., ircuit is highly effective. The x-rays Solenoldp 2 - high- f~requengr' shock of energy. -26 klev emitted from the chamber ~Circuit, 3 - vactfuiA CAse chamb&r 4 after the clooling,of the circuit are due to ~Pia or the presence (if an accelerating mechanism am inject p 5 - grid-probi'OV X_ ray dertector and do not prave tbe -existence of high elec- tron temperattires. ' Authors tbankIeG.Ke za- qg-esting the _1 R-e-re-e-t -=the workp mid L* L Rad&Jc6wp':Q. No. VOYS for MM" tople and A. V. Corde _GbWn and Lo. V. Korabley for useful disewsions& OrIg.6 WAG IFaso. 3 figures# L~~ -66=1 got ~Mm elm VAM 074465/ COU MWO 00? 10 Cird RA ~L 203864-66: EWT(l)//ET0(f)/EPF(n) 2/Z~ic*i) IJP(c) AT ACC MI: A76WI561 SOURCR CODE: UP/3136/65/ODD/912/,DOOI/0008: AUTHOR: Blinov, P. 1. Gavrilov, B.'I.; ZakatM, L. P.; Cheremnykh'i P.. A. ORG: Tnatitute of Atomic Ene im. I. V. Kurchatay stitut atomnoy energii)R)' -(In atI6 +o 61ec~rons in, the TN-1 ~~isi t!ton TITLE: Ile SOURCE: Moscow. Institut.atcmicy.energii. Dokladyp TAE-912., 1965. Nagrev 1-8 elektron6 Y ustanovke n-1 I Topic TAM plasma heating.. electron temperature, plasma injection, magnetobydro-1. dynamics,. plasma wave propagation, plasma Alacharge.. x ray emission/ TN 11 2-, t Y q4-4-4- i*ABSTRACT:.- :The authors describe Ji apparatus TN-r (Fig. 1), designed for heating -~he~ electronic component of a 321asma~by means of a high frequency.shock circuit. The 1 quasistatic field reached a maximum within 5.0 msec, after which it dropped off with a time constant of 20 msec. The mirror ratio was 2, and the maxim=:field in. the center of the trap was 8 koe.- A single-turn loop with frequency 3-5 Ifts with a discharge of 3 x 10-8 F capacitor at a voltage of 320 kv, produced a field of 900 oe. The plasma was injected in traps by means of a coaxial injector.. The plasma demnsity could be varied from 2 3c 1013 to 1011 by varying the Injector cm voltage. The heating was investigated in the electron density region 1012--1013 -sham that a radial magnetolWdrodynamic wave propag;%ted in caf T1ie tests have 'Ca rd- 1/3 L~2~59246 EWT(1)/ET(;(f)/EpF(n)_2/EWG(m) IJP(c) AT. ACC NRs k~1558 SOURCE CODE: UP/3136/65/000/907/0001/0035 AUTHOR%, Blinow-, P. I.; Gavrilov, B. I.; ChezmmZkh P.AL;. Yashin, 11. M. NJ ORG: none nZ* Erfect o Tr f a ibelica field on the obmic beating of plasma in the S-1 Installation -:-SOURCE:' Moscow. Institut atconoy eilergii. Doklady, UZ-907s 1965. Viiyamiye vintovogo polya na micheakiy nagm p1azmy v ustanofte, 5-1. 1-35 TOPIC TAC4:: helical tic field, electron beam, plasma discharge,, magnetic trap, -plaSMa hea-ting ABSMACT: Authors attempt to explain the role of an helical magnetic field: in the develo stabili- pment of a plasma discharge and retention of plamid in a rap, az zationof the plasma filament. -Based on the analysis of the first results of the experiments, a mmiber of changes have been introduced into the S-1 installation. Add:Ltional conductors baveLImproved.the compensation of the lateral component of the magnetic field, so that the deflection of-the electron beam after one turn -along the axia of the chamber (L'= Q7 cm) did not e=eed 1,5 mm- Mms the lateral cmponent of a quasi-static magnetic field did not exceed 0.025~ . Inside the ch er vere installed two diaphragnS L Vith varying diameters from 5 L to 8 cm, vithaat disturbing the vacuum, in order to limit the discharge aperture Additional resistance ranging from. Cwd 1/2 L 25592.,66 L 41031-66 EWT(1) IJP(c) AT ACC NRt AP6013723 SOURCE CODE: UR/0089/66/020/004/0310/0315 AUTHOR: Blinov., P. I.; !Gavrilov.. B. I.; ChereM!L", P. A4 Yashln. N. M. ORG: Done TITLE: The Influence of the helical mammetic fteld on ohmic plasma heatinK in the S-1 installation SOURCE: Atonmya energlya, v, 20, no. 4, 1966, 310-315 TOPIC TAGS: plasma conductivity. plasma confinement, plasma heatinge helical magnetic field ABS77tACT: Ohmic plasma beating experiments showed earlier that the temperature and confinement time of the plasma depend strongly on the transverse component Hkof the mag- netic field (L. A. Artsimovich, K. B. Kartashov, Dokl. AN SSSR, 146, 1305. 1962). In the present work, which was. complete In 1963, the authors investigated experimentally the In- fluence of a helical triple-thread magnetic field (with HJ=O) on the development of the dis- charge. and the magidtade of the conductivity and the position stabilization of the plasma beam. Results in the form of diagrams cover the voltage and current oscillogramB. the pressure dependence of the development time and maximum current, and the time dependence of plasma 1/2 UDC: 533.9 L. 41033-66 ACC NR l AP6013723 conductivity, electron concentration, and current. Plasma radiation diagrams are also givei. The electr to a conduci _W temperabare of 20-30 eV and ionic temperabire of 10 eV correspond tivity of 10 units (cpe system). Ite helical field improves the coDdiUons for the developmdat of the discharge and the heating of the plasma. while the confinement time of the plasma. re- main the same. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and 6 figures. BUS CODE: 20/ SUBK DATE: USep65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF-. 002 2/2 pop CHEREmylgi M~~ -gi V The"'Xiorbalikha prospektir4r party in a party of communist labor. R*Wd,i okh, nedr 29 10~.l-.62-63 Ja 163. (N:1RA 16:2) 1e Z&p&dw4IbLrsIdy torritorialtzVy komitet profeasiomllnogo moyuma rabocklich geologoraiwWochrifth rabpt. (Korbalikha region-Prompecting) L 000754)7 ACC NR, A136030b08 ~Wk- COU': ViI6424-1661 AUTHORs Cheremnykhoo S. V, (Xoscow) ORG: none TIM,. Some problems of stability of a rigid body with a liquid filler SOURCE: Inshenernyy shurnale Hekhanika tvardogo tela,, no* 3. 1966j, 33-39 TOPIC TAGSa stability criterion, vibrationj, solid mechanics,, viscous fluid, motion mechanics ABSTRACTt The two-dimensional perturbation moo 4,9n of a rigid body with two axis574- M metric cavities partially filled with a liquifts analyzed. The cavities are oriented. in such a manner that their longitudinal axes fall along the principal moment, of inertia axis'. In the analysis,, only the fundamental vibration mode for the liquid is considered. The linearized perturbation equations of motion for the solid-liquid system are written, and stability criteria are developed for the motion. These correspond to two cases where viscous dissipation in the cavity is at first excluded and then included. For each case the analysis is done first with the assumption that the partial oscillation frequencies of the liquids in both cavities are equal,, than subsequently generalized to the case where they are unequal. Solutions are obta:~ned numerically, and the results shown graphically. For the cases where viscous ~,,~RI.TRng!,-L-,,-inzhener-mekhanik Some'operating f"turee of the B6" and m on the motcrAip Gkrovekwe Isch', tranap. 19 no.8t42-43 Ag 060* (KMA 14:3) 1. 'Teplokbod.821crawsks Namskogoparokhodetwas (Marine diesel ukpn") Selection and arrangement of party and government personnel during the fourth five-year plan. Trudy Perm. farm. inst. no 1:3-23 'r)9. UaU 15: 1) 1. Permakiv farmateevtIcheakiy institut kafedra marksizzwi.-leninizma, TC51UNIST PARTY OF THE SOVIIH UNION-FARTY WORS) (AGRIGULTURE) SHKLIARO F. R.; TIMOFEM, V. N.; Prinimali"uchastiye: PAKHALUYL'V, K. M. P ifth. ; KOROLEVO N. M. 0 inxho -6 - CHMRWKH laborantj GEWIMOV, G. I., laboran laborant; RlUZHKMZVA, T. M., laborant "rimental investigation of the regenerative heat exchangw process. Sbor. nauch. trud. VNIIMT no.8:119-136 162. (MIRA 16:1) (Air 'eating) (Rea Preheaters-7 t-Transmission) Kolovp V.v insh.; SAKHAROV, S.., insh.; SUBBOTIN, I., insh.9- CHEBAMM, 746. insh.; - KARYASO. B. insh.; WSHCHMINO V., insh.; BORMONA-9- T.p 0:1 FMWJZLITSYN, ILAngh.; GARMSH, V., inab.;, GOIDV-'11Al V.0 insh. Now deTelopwnts in bdldl* ~#ractlee, Not stroi.. Roo. 4 no.1:7#118,14#18p -'~6100 ja 163. (MIRL 16:3) (Building-Thebmlogical inwTatlonx) Yf M. .4 1 v a 9 Of .1 IN V 11 ill H 111 SOV/IIZ-59-3--6373 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal., Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 3. p 301 (USSR) AUTHOR: ~ertj!ayl~h, Yu. M. TITLE: Methods for Determining the Rate Capacity of Lead Starter-Type Storage Batteries (Metodika opredeleniya privedennoy yc-.,akasti evintsovykh starternykh akkumulyatornykh batarey) PERIODICAL- Avtotrakt. elektrooborudovaniye, 1958, Nr 2, pp 39-45 ABSTRACT: Since the lead-storage -battery capacity increases with increase in electrolyte temperature, the battery capacity measured under an actual temperature should be reduced to that at 300C by the formula Qt 030 1 + 0.01(1 30) 9r where tor is the average electrolyte ternpbrature during discharke; 0.01 is the temperature coefficient of capacity. To analytically determine the average Card 112 SOV/112-59-3-.6373 Methods for Determining the Rate Capacity of Lead Starter-Type Storage Batteries electrolyte temperature during discharge, an equation is derived which, after simplification, has the form of tk tn' tAr 1! tk + -3 where tk in the final temperature, tn is the initial temperature. 1. A. S. Card 2/2 1" )4.3500 AUTHOR& Cheremnykh, Yu.N. SOV38-23-6-7.111 TITLE: On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions of Parabolic Equations PERIODICALs 12vestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya matematicheakaYa,1959, Vol 23,Nr 6v PP 913 - 924 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the domain G, the boundary of which consists of the inter- val la,b] of-the x-axis and of two non-intersdeting smooth curves x - %f (t), x - tp (t) (t) < (t) t >, 0) the author considers the eq,~ation (1) Lu 9 a(x,t)u xx + b(x,t)ux + C(X,t)u ut 0 -where 1.) a(x,t),b(x,t),c(x,t) G.C(0) in G M 2.) a(x, t)>, a0>09 c(x,t)!EO, b(x,t),e-B in G (a 0 , B---O-constants). The author investigates the behavior of the solution vanishing Cara 1/ 3 Ll~~ On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Solutions of SOV/38-23-6-7/11 Parabolic Equations on x -tp(t) and x - W(t) for t---)oo. Altogether he gives 7 theorems, e.g. s Theorem. 1 s Lot the boundary of G consist of the axis t (40), of the straight line x - E -/ k (1.08 (nr /2 Y 2 There are 4 referencest 2 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The English- language references aret L. Nirenbergq Comm. Pure and Appl. Math,jk,- 167 (1953), A. Friedman, J. Mthl,and Mech., 8, no. 1, 57 (19591- ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lo.m.onosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTEDs November 15, 19619 by TeGo Petrovskiyp Academician SUBMITTEDj November 49 1961 Card 2/2 ACCF.SSION*NRs AP4040945 3/0020/66/156/005/1037A00 AMHM: Cheremny*kh. YU. No It TITLE: The behavior of solutione'to the fir3t bou;Aary value problem for some quasi-limar parabolic equations SOME: AN SSSR, Doklady*, ve 1569-noo 5' 1964* 1037-1040 TOPIC TAGSt analysis univariat~.*quitions multiv"te'oquations second.order equations, second ardor paribolic equation, second order elliptic oquation~.qussl-- linear parabolic equations degenerate ~erabolla equation ABSTRACTs The author dwiyes. the :upper bounds which are unifarm in 4, f~r the absolute value of.the solution:u (X,. t,,'4 ) to t7h; problem ar he 0 us on - (*). f t q ti (univariate) V. -0 and Us equatitva (nuitivir"te)i + on f 0. (x, t. u) 2) The solution to u (xv t;rf a 'Is'apribri: assumed to be.axistant. The I& lo inequali-i ties Card 1/2 :IACCESSION NRs AP4040945 and m (a) < c4m/711-113 C, - 14) are valid for the generalized solutions u (x, t).E u (x, t, o) for degenerate quasi-linear parabolic equations which-are obtained as the,limit of tba*classical' solutions to equations (1) and (2).-.,1nequalities.0) and (4),are proved by a technique wh:Lch was used by-Ye Me 1kandis in qualitative theory of elliptic and pa,ra,~ bolic second order equations '(DAN' .123, No. 5 (19~8) 787); W, l4j No. 1 (85) 8 (1959), 21). "In conclusidn, author expresses his sincere thanks to Ye. Mi'Landis ior helpful disousgion." Orig. 'art. has: 16 equations. ASSOCIATION. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenxir*y universitet im. Me Vo Lomonoaovs (Moscow State Uaiversity) ENGGL: 00 SUBMITTEDs WanU* SUB CODEs W~ -,NO REF SOV; 03.1 CTBIM t 000 Card 2/2