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December 31, 1967
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AUTHORSs Gellfand, I.M., Frolov, A.S. and Cbentsoy,H.N. SOY/140-58-5-4/11-
TITLEs Calculation of Continuous Integrals With the Monte-Carlo Method
(Vychisleniye kontinuallnvkh integralov metodom Monte-Karlo)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 1958, Nr 5,
PP 32-45 (USSR)
ABSTRkCTs This is a survey consisting of 10 paragraphs and a summary.
The application-of-the Monte-Carlo method for the calculation
of integrals of high ( even of denumerable) number of variables
is discussed in mazy aspects. The Soviet contributions
(Bakhvalov, Korobov, the authors, Kolmogorov, Soboll) as well
as the western contributions in this new direction are ap-
preciated. The authors present some interesting examples
(diminution of dispersion, determination of the trajectory
for the Brownian motion etc.). In the text 4 Soviet and 7
American papers are mentioned.
ASSOCIkTIONs Matematicheskiy institut imeni V.A.Steklova AV SSSR (11athe-
matical Institute imeni V.k.Steklov AS USSR)
SUBMITTEDs December 6, 1957 (Date of Lecture_,Leningrad)
Card 1/1
16(1) Pon I BOOK UPWITATZON sovI26
TOOfOrAznYY Mt*Mtlchookly 8'rood- 3rd, Moscow, 1956
TrINRY. t. 41 Xretkoye 004~rzhMtyo "ktatonnykh 4okladov. Doklady
10041tr~ ft uchonykh (Transactions of the 3rd All-UnIon Mathess-
%Ital Con forance In Moscow. vol. ki Summary of Sectional Reports.
*aoarts o f For*lgn Scientists) Moscow, ltd-wo AN 833M. 1959.
9 4T p. 2, 200 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agoncyl Akadostya mauk SSU. MatonatIchoskly institut.
Vad1s. 5d.z. 0.M. Sheychanka; SditorIAL Board: A.A. Abramov, V.0.
N110 yanakly A N V"Illyov D.V. Medvedev, A.0. ftahkis, S.M.
G: Postnikov
: BE)
ftftl .
kov. F. L. 911yonav, T.A. aspenakly. 0.C. Chotayov. 0. To.
Aftilov, NO A.S. ShIrMOT.
s this book to Inteniked for mathematIcIsno and Ph7diclats.
commAces This book is value* 1w or the ?rgasecti=& or the Third All-
Valon MathemstIcal Conference, hold in June OW July 1956. "a
Sook is di-vided intolti67 ?he first part contains ma-
t** Of the PAPOVS Presented by S0WI0t GoItntlStO At the Can-
t4PRO40 that Were hot Included in the r1rat two volume W. The
second Part Contain$ the text of reports submitted to the Odltor
by non-Soviet scientists. In those C"Se When the non-Soviet set.
Ontlet did not submit a copy of him paper to the editor, the title
of the paper to cited And, It the pa"r was printed In a previous
volume. referenas 16 SAAO to the appropriate volume. The papers,
both Soviet and non-Soviet, cover various toplem In number theory,
algebra, differential and integral equations, function theory,
functional analyfles probability theory~ topology* mathematical
probiammi or nechonlas and physics, computational wathematles,
"'thenatical logic and the foundation& or mathematics, and the
history or Mathematics.
BrIang formlas In telephony
IrItKan arbitrary distribution law of the duration of can-
SIM a scow). Distribution of the first positive
a iiqiinie or independent rarAce values TO
1110scow). on the asymptotically best
use at a paramoter TI
section on Topology
_j&1_jNg&cow) and To. n. sairmov (Moscow). On the
-Iww a none on a note 72
ton at
TorrouckvIckL-r.A,-(Ltanovo) And To. S. TIkhoalrova (Iranovo).
Onlanchl.k. *caw). Cohowlogles of the space of paths
Card 14,/14
c a
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002 0
J1 5 1 9. . " 43
~o 1. 11 Nov 2- g 1. .2 g- .0 -E
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'am a . .23
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4 C--Al T-S 0 V
H -108
AUTHORs Chentsov,
TITLEs On quadrature formulas for functions of infinitely many
PERIODIOALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Hatematika, no. 1, 1962, 39,
abstract 1V181. ("Zh. vychisl. matem. i matem. fiz.11, 1961,
1, no. 3, 418-424)
TEXT: quadrature formulas for classes of functions with a denume-
rable sequence of arguments are examined. It is shown that, if the func-
tions of the class are equivalent with respect to each of the variables,
there exists for each quadrature formula with a finite number of inte-
gration knots a function of the class so that the relative error of the
integral of this function is greater than 50%. It follows that acceptable
quadrature formulas can only be constructed for classes of functions
which are not equivalent with respect to the variables. A class of
functions of infinitely many variables is defined, which corresponds to
certain functionals of the trajectories of a Wiener process. For this
class of functionst the minimal size of the remainder of the quadrature
formulas is estimated from below. A quadrature formula is constructed
Card 1/2
On quadrature formulas for functions ... C111/G222
for which the estimate of the remainder approaches the possible minimum L-e
from above. It is pointed out that, if a quadrature formula with a re-
mainder of O(N-6) for 13)0 0 is desired, it is necessary to restrict
the class of functions under consideration by requiring the functions
of the class to have any derivatives of arbitrary high order. Here N
is the number of integration knots.
[Abstracter's notez Complete translation
Card 2/2
_AUTHORBT~_:-~!Le'~punskiy, 0. I~, Strelkov, A. S., Frolov, A. S.,
Chentsov, N. N.
TITLE:. The propagation of the y-radiation of a prompt point source
in air
PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiyap v. 10l no. 5, 1961, 493-500
TEXT: The present paper gives a calculation of the propagation of an
infinitely short gamma radiation pulse (6 pulse) in air space oonsider:d
_.,as-ijifinite. The calculation is made by the Monte-Carlo method. The
initial"gamma radiation energy is assumed to be I Wev and the density f
air to be 1.29-10-3 g/bm3. The point source considered emits isotropically.
The direction of motion of one of the quanta emitted by the source and
suffering collision is described by the Klein Nishina indioatrix. A,
special method is developed for the solution of the transcendental equation
obtained. The absorption of the quanta is taken into account by a weight
factor. A quantum packet thus moves along a trajectory; each trajectory
is followed till the weight is only just 10-4 times the initial weight.
Card 1/ 5
The propagation of the y-radiation of a... B102/B214
The object of the calculations is to determine the quantity 4kJim i-e- the
energy transferred at a distance R k from the source in the *time ti- t J+I
through a unit area perpendicular to the flux by gamma quanta of energy
Ei- Ei+1 whose directions of motion make an angle Gm -9 m+1 `ith the radius
vector of the point of observation. The intensities 1 0 - lkjiw/"tj" tam
can be determined from �kjim* The following numerical values are taken
as the basis of the calculations: 1) Rk - 250, 500, and 1000 m corresponding
to poRk -243, 4.08, and 8.12 free pathB; 2) 1 0, 0.1259 0.250, 0.500,
1.06, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00, 4.00, oopseo; 3) E 1 -0, 0.0625, 0.125, 0.250,
0.500, 1.00 and 2.00 Nev; 4) OM -09 10, 40, 90, 1800. The applicability
of the method was checked by comparison of the build-up factors obtained
by integration of 1 0 The result is
Card 2/5
- S10891611010100510051015
The propagation of the y-radiation of a ... B102/B214
, m (g~k) 1 250 (2-03) 500 (4.06) 1000 (6.12)
Monte-Cnrlo 3.69 7.57 21.8
method Ref. 6 3.6 7-5 18.6
(Ref. 6: H. Goldstein, J. Wilkins. Rept. U. S. Atomic Energy Comm., No- 40,
3075 (1955)). The investigation of the time dependence of the pulse of the
gamma source (scattered quanta)for observation points at diffe--ent
distances shoved that the pulse became broader vith increasing distance.
The duration of the decrease of energy amounts to 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 psec,
respectively, for R = 250, 500, and 1000 m. The unit of intensity is
taken to be the intensity during 0 -0.125 psec. The absolute values of
the intensity in this interval over the whole spherical surface for these VY
three R values are 1.43, 0.41, and 0.0088 Mev/psec, respectively. The
investigation of the time energy spectra for different distances showed
that for a given time interval at R>250 m the form of the spectra remain
practically unchanged. The investigation of the time dependence of the
energy for different R values showed that for t >1-1.5 psec the mean
hardness of the radiation remains practically unchanged (50-60 kev). From
Card 3/5
The propagation of the y-radiation of a... 3102/B214
a comparison of the I(t) curves in given solid angles for different
R values it is found that the decrease of intensity at Q< 900 is delayed
with increasing distance. With increasing t and 0 and a given R k the
spectra become softer. Table 2 gives the numerical data for -the angle
distribution of the scattered gamma radiation; Table 3 gives the same for
the total intensity. An estimate of the accuracy of the calculation of
the time dependence of the intensities gives for t =1 jisec 15-20 %, and
for t >1 Psec 40-50 %. For the time dependence of the energies the
situation is analogous. The authors thank I. M. Gellfand for collabora-
tion. There are 6 figures, 3 tables and 8 references: 6 Soviet-bloc
and 2 non-Soviet-bloc.
SUBMITTED., July 7, 1961
Legend to the Tables: 1) 9 in degrees, 2) R in meters; the intensities
are given in
Card 4/5
GROLOV, A.S. (MDBkVa); GHMSOV, N6N. (Moskva)
Use of a Honte Carlo method in solving definite integrals
depending on the parameter. Zlnw.vycb.mat.i mat.fiz. 2 no.4:
714,-717 J1-Ag 162. OUU 15:8)
(Integrals., Definite) , (Probabilities) -
Geometry of a "manifold" of prolebility distribution. Dokl. AIN SSSR
158 no.3:543-546 S 16,49 (MIRA 17:10)
1. Predstavleno akademikom A.N.Kolmogorovym.
AUTHOR: Chentsovg__N,--B,__
TITLE: Estimation of an unknown distribution density from
PERIODICAL: Akademiya Aauk $SSE.. Dokladyg v. 1.479 no- It 1962, 45-48
TEM The unknown density p(x) - dp/d~, of the distribution prob ability P
for the random quantity f with respect to the measure tL to approxisated
by a random polynomial 9*(x) defined as followas
11%,(x) - P(X)D 2 (X) - p(X)112 + W - a ) 2. (4)
T- (ak kn
Here, the functions n n (x) are the projections of p(x) onto certain'
spaces E n9 the numbers a kn are the coefficients of the components of
(x), and the numbers 0~ are mean values of tbe'independent observations
n k
~(x ) of the quantity t. Several estimsteB of 11dwo - po 2 are
Card 112
Estimation of an unknown distribution ... B112/BI02
PRESENTED4 May 21, 1962, by M. V. Keldysh# Academician f
SUBMITTEDs may 15, 1962
Card 2/2
ACCESSION NR: AT4019064 S/0000/63/000/000/0289/0303
AUTHOR: Avayev, V. No ,-Yegor6ir, -.Yu-.'-A--,"'Or16v, Yu. V.. Frolov, A. So tsov, No No
..TITLE: Computation and analysis of the chitacteriatics of a-spectrometer with a.boron-.
hydrogen scintillator
SOURCE: Voprosy* fiziki zashbhity* reaktorov;.'sbornik statey (Problems in physics of
reactor shielding; collection of articles). Moscow, Gosatomizdat, 1963,
!TOPIC TAGS: nuclear reactor, reactQr shielding, spectrometer efficiency, xylene borate
iscintillator, phonyloyclohmmeboratescintillator, radiation dosimetry, scintillation
spectrometer, boron hydrogen sciptillator, neutron energy, yield nucleus method, twin
sensor spectrometer, neutron Spett3r0lneter
ABSTRACT Among the methods for dete ining th e* energy of fast neutrons, the authors
call particuiar attention to the yield nuclerumsmethod, noting that a special position in this
method is occupied by scintillation. spectrometers. - Twin-sensor fast-neutron spectrometere~
are described and their operational principlesare briefly analyzed. It is pointed out that
fast-neutron spectrometers with two sensors can operate only with collimation of the neutrons
*;ieamo The limitations imposed by this circumstance, particularly with reference to the
study of fist-neutron spectra behind shielding, are noted. The subject of spectrometers i
2/5 0.
with one hydrogen-containing sensor is introduced. The discriminatidn of the garhma-back
ground in these spectrometers is accomplished through the difference in the glow time of
the- scintillator when excited by: pro tons and electrons. It is further noted that s ctro-
meters with a single hydrogen-containing sensor are capable of operating without a eoUima-
tiork device. 'The lower bound4y of the measured ne4tron energy levels is normally not less!~
than 0. 7 Mev. While such instruments have been used for a wide variety of test purposes,
the author observes that spectrometers with a hydrogon-containing sensor -cannot be used
for measurements against a high gamma-backgrouad.. 7be single-sensor scintillation
spectrometer, thescintillator of which contains hydrogen and boron, andwhich was proposed
by Marshall (Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. j 27, 11 (1952)), is described in detail and its ad-
vantages are analyzed.' It to noted, however, that the data necessary to permit ihe actual
construction of such a spectrometer are lacking inthe available technical literature. 7'he
following values in particular, are unknown: 1) the'efficiency of the apecirojileter as -a
function of the energy of the neutronG; 2) the efficiency as a function of thevolume of the
scintillator and the ratio of the hydrogen and boron concentratiops in it; 3) the -tima distribu-
tion of the pulses from the alpha-particles (with the time read from the moment of the firsi
scattering of the neutron); 4) the energy resolution of the spectrometer as a function of the
ener,,y of the neutrons. NotinVIhat attempts haNe been made to supply this lacking
I he
tion manually by n~eans of the. onto Carlo method, the results of which have made It
~:-ACCESSION NR: AT4019064
possible to- draw cerjain useful coincluisions leading to an Initiatton of work on the design of
a spectrometer, the author calls attintioh to the failure of the manual method of calculation
to provide a complete ~picture of the required characteristics and the great arn6unt of time
such computation techniques necessarily conswme. The present article, therefore, reports
deWiled computations of the characteristics 'of a bornn-hydrogen scintillation-type -spectro-
meter, conducted with the aid'6f an electronic computer. In individual sections of the paper.
the author discusses the formulation of the problem, the actual computation of the spectro-
meter characteristics, the fuiidamental block-diagram of the program used to tarry out the
ctrometer characteristie computation described in the article and, finally, sin analysis
of the results of the computation, on the~basis of which all the laws characteristic of a
spectrometer with a boron
-hydrogen scintillatDr are explained. The author learned, among,,
Other things, that: 1) Spectrometer efficiency as a function of the resolving time of the
icoincidence circuit has a maximura value, the position of which (on the various. graphs and
ent for scintillators of different dimensions and com-
~urves plotted in the article) is diff6r
position; 2) Spectrometer efficiency is directly proportional to the concentration of boron,
nuclei: 3) 7be efficiency maximum is'more distinctly expressed for scintillators with'a
higher concentration of boron nxiclei; 4). The efficiency maximum is less clearly expressed
for large volume scintillators: 5) The efficiency maximum is less clearly expressed for a
cylindrical scintillator than for a spherical one with identical diameters of the. sphere and
cylinder base, and is shifted j(fi the direction of greai~r coincidence l'ircui't resolving time. 'I
The results of the computation and analysis of the ch#racterisUes ofa. sci0illation
Spectrometer with a boron-hydrogen scintillator shoWed that, of all the coi6positions,
consider;ed, the most suitabld,is a mixture.of equal-p'arts of xylene (4imethylbenzene).or
phenylcyclohexane with trimethyl borate with boron P10 enriched to 80%, Oured into a
vessel 80 mm in both diameter and height. 7'he rer,61ving time of thq coincidence circuit
in this case should be equid W approximately 1. 6 midrosooonds. Onjhe basis 6f the study,
the block-diagram of the speqirometer shown in Tiguie I of the Enel6sure~ was adopted for
development. In order to reduce the niunber of random coincidences, a single-6hannel pulse:
amplitude inalyzer was introduced into the spectrometer control circuit. Origi'art. has:
11 figures- and 13 formulas.
2 3 4 5 9 12
6 7 7 10
14 13
Fig. 1'- Proposed block diagram of a boron-hydrogen scintillation spectrometer:
1) C - scintillator; 2) K il, - cathode follower; 3))U_1-~ photomultiplier;
4) r, yc - preamplifier; 5) Yc - amplifier; G) /71 Yc - linear ampliffer;
7)r.3- delay line; 8) CC - coincidence circuit; 9) ~& - blocking unit;
10) ~ X - electronic key;.11) CA - single-channel pulse amplitude analyzer;
12) PO - regulating. monovibrator; 13) 0 - limiter; 14) AA - multichannel,
pulse amplitude* analyzer..
Card 5/5--
T.-. 1733!~~ (d)/g/F(c)/tPF (n)-2/EW (m),/FCC (v)/BDS
pr-4/ps-4, Fc-4, Fur4
ACCESSION NR: AP3004886 SIOIZO/63/000/00410039/0045
AUTHOR: Avqy~ev, V.W.; Ytgorov, Yu. A.; Orlov, Yu. V.; Frolov, A. S.;
TITLE: Fast-neutron spectrometer with borane scintillator
'-,SOURCE: Pribpry*i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 4,19630 39m45
TOPIC TAGS: spectrometer.1ak-neutron spectrometer, borane scintillator,
-scin tillator
ABSTRACT: Fundamental characteristics of the fast-neutron spectrometer with
one primary detector were calculated on a computer by the Monte-Carlo method.
Detailed calculating procedure is illustrated by a char "Ps eudo -random
numbers of the type suggested bY N. M. Korobov were used in the calculations.
The accuracy of the calculations is. held to be 115% or better. - Made for three
scintillitors, the calculations permitted determining efficiency, proper energy
Categoriesof mathematical statistics. Dokl. AN SSSR 164
no.3:511-514 S 165. (MMA 18:9)
1. Submitted Februar7 25, 1965.
Seventh All-Union Conference on Low Temperature F)Voics.
Usp. fiz. nauk 72 no.4:817-826 D'60. O-IIRA 13*-11)
(Low temperature reaearch)
CHENTSOV, R.A. Cand. Tech. Sci.
Dissertation: "Variation of the Electrical Resistance of Tellurium Monocrystals in a
Transverse Magnetic Field at low Temperatures." Inst of Physical Problem, Acad Sci
'USSR, 27 Feb 47.
SO: Vechgpnya Mos)U,, Feb, 1947 (Pmject #17836)
slow aw"m d Tagus
sop stem it. A. (%Mt-T
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pitai. low It -
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5. - - AWA
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,wk as the "a do t p. .. B. H.
Saw Tue at * He
KUSMIIR. Y11.M.; AHISTOV, G.A.; CHMSOV. H.A. Eauttiorsh KumnSOV, v..A., irZhener-
kapitun [reviewer]. MOWNWOM". wwlqlw--
Shortcomings of three booklets (OSoviet electronic microscopy" IU.M.Kushnir;
O.Vor a materialistic world ontlook In astronomy,6 G.A.Aristov; Iftsics of
low temperatnres,* R.A.Chentsov. Reviewed by V.A.Kuzneteov). Nauku I
zhizut 20 no-7t47-48 J1 153. (MI-RA, 6:7)
(Science-Bibliography) (Kiishnir, 1U.M.) (Chentsov, A.A.)
(Aristov, G.A.)
USSR/Physics Low temperature heat conductivity
Card 1/1 : Pub 146-22/22
: Chentsov, ]~- A.
V=vitylf phosphorous bronze at helium temperatures
i teor. fiz
: Zhur. eskp. 27, 126-128, iq i954
: Letter to the editor. Heat conductivity of bronze at low temperatures
was measured by a method described. Results are presented in graphs
and tables. Finds that the dependL-nce' of the heat conductivit.X upon
tenp&rature, between 1.7 and 2.70 K, is cubic: k- (1.1/1000) V W/cmi.
.grad ; at lower temperatures the dependence is not so fast. -6 ref-
erences including 3 foreign.
: Institute of Physical Problems, Acad. Sci. USSR
: February 6, 1954
Pube ne 2/14
Authors Chentsovs R Ao
Title The-characteristios of a light H63 isotope at low temperatures. Patt 1.
periodical, Uap*:fiz. nauk 5V1p 49--00p Jan 19
:Abstract The low-temiperature aharacteristics. of ordinary helium isotopesi this
diffusibility-of HeOp,~metbods of enriching He with the light izotope and -
the derivation of pure HeJ are reviewed. Tha str~ictural diagram of He3s,
the properties of, liquid HO and liquid He3 - He4 solutions are discussed.
~It is stated.that liquid helium at low temperatures represents a weakly
excited quantum system thelthermal energy in which is connected with, the
individual excitation quanta the number of which increases with the rise
in temperature. At temperatures below 10 K the predominant role is played
by.excitationss, called phonones - audio oscillations of ultra-high-
frequency. Excitations of a different type - rotons with a square arA not
linear dependence of energy upon the impulses - assume a predominant, role
USSR / Physics of Lov ~emparatures. D-5
Abs, Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1957, No 9055
Author : Chentsov, R A
Title : MUdy 0 e Physics of Lov Temperatures (Second All-U-
nion Conference in Leningrad).
Orig Pub : Vestn. AN SM, 1956, No 10, 99-102
Abstract No abstract.
AUTHOR: Chentsov, R.A., Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences,
TITLE: A Magnetic Refrigerator Producing Temperatures Below 10K
(Magnitnaya kholodillnaya mashina dlya polucheniya 'temperatur
nizhe 10K)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1957, No 12, PP 85-87 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author gives a detailed description of a magnetic refriger-
ator of cyclic action for obtaining temperatures of from 10K
to 0.250K developed by Messrs. Arthur D. Little Inc., Cam-
bridge, Mass. The performances of the machine (Figure 1)ere
based on the utilization of peculiarities in the behavior of
certain paramagnetic substances in temperatures ranging close
to absolute zero.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
C~I~IVT5ov g,4,
CHWT~Oy iz.-mat.nauk
1-0~ -
NagnetI6 refrigerating machine for obtaining temperatures below
10 1. Priroda 46 no.12:85-87 1) 157. (XIBA 10:12)
(Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)
(Low tmperature research)
CEWSOT. JLA. C translator] 4
. . . . . . ....................... 11 ...
Nuclear cooilng Qrm "Nature," 177, 460, 1955) by N.Kurti and
ot6re. Translated frm the Inglish by R.A.Chtntsov. Usp'fIv. 61
no.1:45-51 J& 157. (i& 10-2)
.(Low teMperature research research) (Nuclear physics) *
(lurti, 1.) (Robinson. F.N.G.) (Zinon. P.) (Spor, D.A.)
C/'Y ~A/
TITW: A Magnetic Machine for the Production of Extremely Low Tmperatures.
(Magnitnaya mashina dlya poluchmdya everkhnizidhh temperatur,
PUIODICAL: Uspekbi Fiz.Nauk, 1957, Vol 61 o Nr 2, PP 303-307 (U.S.S.R.)
Received: 4 / 1957 Reviewed: 5 / 1957
ABSTRACT: It was only recently that the construction of a permanently acting
magnetic refrigeration machine ma successfully accamplished. This
machine serves for the production and we (for experimental pur-
poses) of temperatures below 10 K (up to Oo250 K); it in based an
the utilization of strong thermal effects an the ocoasion of the mag-
netization and demagnetization of some paramagnetic salts at low
temperatures. The operation of the machine in discussed on the basis
of a T-S diagram of such a salt.
First, the problem is investigated as to what happens in the case of
a single magnetization and demagnetization of the salt. Magnetization
is accompanied by the liberation of heat.
Application of a sufficiently strong magnetic field (t--10.000 firsted)
leads to the transition of the ions responsible for the paramagnetism
of the salt from various states into one single state which corres-
ponds to the orientation of the magnetic momenta of 0.1 ions along the
field. This "transition7 increases the "order of the salt, i.e. it
diminishes its entropy. In the case of adiabatic demagnetization
Card 1/2 the temperature aeoreases considerably, practically down to same
HamErm Br:
Card 7/2
?A - 2289
A Magnetic Machine for the Production of Extremely Low Tempemtures.
tenth or hundredth parts of a degree Kelvin. (Also the record value
of 0,00120 K me obtained in this manner). For magnetic refrigeration
"magnetioally diluted' salts must be used, in which the ions with
magnetic mament are rather wide apart from one another. The thermal
effect of adiabatic demagnetization is very considerable: Thus it
would be possible with I g of such a paramagnetic salt to coal several
kg of diamagnetic substance from T 10 K to extremely low tempemtures.
The mode of operation of such a machine is described on the basis of
a drawing. In the course of such a realization of such a scheme in
praotice attention atust be oonoentrated on the problem of the variable
thermal contacts, of the 'Akeya* K, and K2. These contacts must satisfy
very rigorous demands. The easiest method of building such cyclical
machines is based upon the considerable dependence of a supraconductor
(e.g. lead) on the intensity of the magnetic field in which it in
located. In conclusien the machine developed b DOUNT and Arthur D.
LITTLE is discussed in short. (3 illustrat=f-
Not given
Library of Congress
AUTHOR: Chentsov, R.A., Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences
TITLE: Nuclear Magnetic Cooling (Yadernoye magnitnoye okhlazhdeniye)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958,rNr 5, PP 75-77 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Description of former and present magnetic nuclear cooling
methods and achievements based on British and American
There are I photo and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet,
1 British and 1 American.
ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy institut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy informatsii gosu-
darstvennogo nauchno-tekhnicheskogo komiteta Soveta ministrov
SSSR i akademii nauk SSSR (All-Union Institute of Scien-
tific-Technical Information of the State Scientific-Technic-
al Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers and the USSR
Academy of Sciences)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1 1. Nuclear cooling - Magnetic factors
AUTHOR. Chentsovi R. 53-1-7/8
TITLE: The ~;_O~tronl he Superconducting Element of the Future
Calculating Machine (Kriotron, sverkhprovodyashchiy element
budushchikh vychialitellnykh mashin)
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Fizioheskikh Sauk, 1958, Vol. 64, Nr 1, pp. 193-195
ABSTRACT: The word "kryotron" is derived from the Greek word kryos
coldness, the suffix "tron" indicates the application of
this device in electronic circuits (which here means in
calculating machines). The kryotron utilizes the interruption
of superconductivity by a magnetic field. The practically
used form of this apparatus consists of a piece of tantalum
wire, 3 cm long and somewhat over 0,2 mm in diameter, on
which a layer of insulated niobium wire of about 8o microns
in thickness is rolled up. Tantalum and niobium are super-
conducting elements. The principle of the kryotron is based
upon the various critical temperatures with regard to the
superconductivity of tantalum and niobium. Compared with a
Card 1/3 thermionic valve, a kryotrongi. g. has the following
The Kryotronp the Superconducting Element of the Future 53-1-7/8
Calculating Machine
characteristic features: It permits the passage of the
main current in both directions and the interrupting action
of the control current does not depend on the direction of
the control current. For the operation of the kryotron it
is essential that the main current is greater than the
control current. Now something is said about the operation
of the kryotron in the circuit of calculating machines. By
means of kryotrons all logical schemes, which are used in
the calculating devices, can be constructed ("and", "or"
etc.). The main elemento which guarantees the memory in the
scheme, is a certain combination of two kryotrons, which
here is more closely described. Then the author discusses
a circuit, which is not very complicated, for registering
and accumulating the zero and the one. The kryotrons can
also be used-in a multivibrator circuit. The application of
kryotrone in calculating machines has among other, the
following advantages: Easy and cheap production, little
need in space, low current consumption . The operation at
helium-temperature of course is somewhat unusual, but no
problem at the present state of technology. Maybe the
Card 2/3 kryotron will be the first serious technical application of
The Kryotron, The Superconducting Element of the Future 53-1-7/8
Calculating Machine
superconductivity. There are 1 figure and 1 reference which
is Slavic.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
AUTHOR: Chentsov, R. 53-1-8/8
TITLE: The Separation in Strata of the Liquid Isotopes of Helium
at 7ery Low Temperatures (Rassloyeniye rastvorov zhidkikh
izotopov geliya pri ochen' nizkikh temperaturakh)
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Fizicheakikh Nauk, 1958, Vol. 64, Nr 1,
pp. 195-196 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A temperatures above 10 K, liquid He3 and He4 are
completely soluble in one another. It was interesting to
examine, if this is valid still in case of further
approach to the absolute zero. Because of the very
intensive zero motion in liquid helium one would expect
that the mutual solubility in the liquid mixtures Re3 _He4
will be retained unto the absolute zero. The authors
performed experiments with a small-variable magnetic field,
which made it possiblc to observe the resonance signal
directily at the oscillograph. These measurements were
performed in the temperature interval of from 1,2 to 0,25 K.
These extremly low temperatures were produced by the method
of the adiabatic demagnetisation of a paramagnetic salt.
Card 1/3 These investigations furni3hed the following results: At
The Separation in Strata of the Liquid Isotopes of Helium 53-1-8/8
at-Very Low Temperatures
temperati4res below 0,7 to 000K the tested solutions of
Re3 - W (which contained 40 and 6o% Re3) separated in
strata into 2 phases, in which the concentration of Re3 is
different. The lighter phase (which contained a higher
percentage of the lighter isotope) was on top in the con-
tainer, the other one below. The authors could ascertain the
approximate shape of the complete phase-diagram of the
solubility in the NO - He4 -system. The diagram has, in the
coordinates T - x. (temperature - concentration), the shape
of a deformed parabola w;th the apex at T - 0,83'K and 3
x - 61% He3. At T - 0,25 K the heavy phase contains-7% He
and the light one -1o% Re4. The extrapolation of the diagram
towards T - 0 does not dbagree with the hypothesis of the
separation in strata of the solutions HO - He4 into pure
isotopic phases at the absolute zero. Thus obviously every
liquid mixture He3 - He4, in case of sufficient cooling
down, separates into 2 phases, the composition of which in
case of further approach to the absolute zero approximates
the pure HO and He4. Subsequently a short report is given
on works by other authors, dealing with the same subject.
Card 2/3 This phenomenon has, without doubt, also great theoretical
The Separation in Strata of the Liquid Isotopes of Helium 53-1-8/8
at Very Low Temperatures
importance. There are I figure and 4 references, 2 of
which are Slavic.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
Fourth All-Union Conference on Low Temperature Physics. Usp. fiz.
nauk 64 no.4-.781-789 AP '58. (MIRA 11:7)
(Low temperature research)
AUTHOR: Chentsov, R. 53-64-4-10/11
TITLE: From Current Publications ( Iz tekushchey literatury)
New Kind of lbuor7 Appsr&tus Based on Superconductivity
(Novyy vid zapominayushchego ustroystva, osnovannogo na
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi Fizicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Vol. 64,
Nr 4, pp. 796 - 796 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author shortly reports on two English works by James
W. Growe (Dzh. V. Krou) and D. A. Buck, published in J.Appl.
Phys. 289 Nr 9, 1069 .-nd Proc. I. R. E. _4A, Nr 4, PP~ 482-493.
There Z~ 2 references, both English.
Card 1/1
,AVftRt. Chentsovo R. sov/53-65-3-10/11
TITU& On the Direct Determination of the Spectrum of Elementary
Excitation Iin Liquid Helium II (Pryamoye opredelenVe spektra
014MOntarafth vmbumbdeniy v zhidkom gaiii II)
PEMODICALs UspeW fizicheskikh nauk, 1958. Vol. 65, Nr 3, PP. 545-546 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The author given a short survey of acme Russian and American
publications concerning investigations of the properties of Uquid
He 11. The following Russian works are discussed: The works by
P. L. Kspitsa (Ref 1) and L. D. Landau (Ref 2) on superfluidity
and elften" excitation (EE), by V. P. Pe8hIWv (Ref 3) and
Land u (Ref 4) on the energetic ES spectrum (domain of, pbonons of
the :pectrum) E = ap, o velocity of sound; the following holds
within the domain of the n4iman of the EE: Z =A + (p-P.) 412 F;
the values of those parameters are dbtained from the specifia
beat of He II and the 20'velooity of sound according to -1
1. M. KhsI&tdJtov (Ref 5); 4 = 8.9cX, p. = 2,
~L = i -72.10-24g ( fV., 1/4 of the He mass) . These spectra were
Card 1/2 found by N. N. Bogolydboy (Ref 6), Peyriman (Ref 7) and others.
On the Direct Determination of the Spectrum of
. ementar7 Excitation in Liquid Helium II
Further, some American worim are discussed (Refs 7-12). There
are I figure and 12 references, 6 of which are Soviet.
1. Helium (Liquid)--Properties 2. Spectroscopy 3. Mathematics
Card 2,/2 . ~
AUTHOR: Chentsov, R. SOV/53-66-2-8/9
TITLE: From Current Literature (jz tekuslichey literatury)
Direct Detection of Optical Oscillations of the Crystal
Lattice of a Solid Body by the Method of Neutron Scattering
(Pryamoyo obnaruzheniye optichoskikh kolobaniy kristalli-
cbeskoy reshetki tverdogo tela matodom raoseyaniya neytronov)
PERIODICAL; Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk,1958, Vol 66, Jfr 2, PP 347-346
ABSTRACT: This is an abstract from 8 publications. The contents, with
the exception of a reference made to Ponerancliuk's theory
of the scattering of neutrons on crystals (1938, Ref 2)1
was obtained from Western publications. (The 2. Soviet ref-
erence concerns a translation of Born's book on the "Dynamic
Theory of Crystal Lattices", which ras published in Moscow.
There are I figure and 0 references, 2 of whic1i are Soviet.
Card 1/1
24(0) SOV/53-67-4-7/7
AUTHOR: Chentsov, R.
TITLE: The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low
Temperatures (5-Ye Vaeaoyuznoye somshchaniye po fizike nizkikh
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1959, Vol 67, Nr 4, PP 743-750
ABSTRACT: This Conference took place from October 27 to November 1 at
Thlisi; it was organized by the Otdeleniye fiziko-matemati-
cheskikh nauk Akademii nauk SSSR (Department of Physico-
mathematical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences, USSR),
the Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Academy of Sciences,
Gruzinskaya SSR), and the Tbilisskiy gosudarstvennyy uni-
versitet im. Stalina (Tbilisi State University imeni Stalin).
The Conference was attended by about 300 specialists from
Tbilisi, Mosedw, Khar1kov, Kiyev, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, and
other cities as well as by a number of young Chinese scientists
at present working in the USSR. About 50 lectures were deliver-
ed which were divided according to research fields. - I. Liquid
Helium. Reporis were delivered by the researchers of the
Card 1/11 Laboratoriya nizkikh temperatur TGU (Laboratory for Low Tem-
The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low Temperatures
peratures of Tbilisi State University) under the supervision
of E. L. Andronikashvili: D. S. Teakadze, Yu. G. Mamaladze
and S. G. Matinyan spoke about the investigation of the damp-
ing of rotational oscillations of a single disk in Ile II in
dependence on the rotation rate. G. A. Gamtsemlidze spoke
about the influence exercised by the state of the disk aur-
face on critical rate and on the damping of its oscillations
in the tranacritical range. V. P. Peshkov (IFP AN SSSR -
Institute for,Physical Problems AS USSR) spoke about further
investigations of the boundary between superfluid and non-
superfluid helium (discovered by himself) in a heat flow.
This boundary characterizes the density- and temperature jump.
Nang, Wei-yen, X. If. Zinov'yeva and V. P. Peshkov spoke about
investigations at extremely low temperatures (down to 0 .5 K)
which were attained by the method of the evacuation of
He3_vapors., Milan , Wei-yi6n investigated in the interval
0-57 - 26'07 K the phenomenon of the temperature jump (dis-
covered by P. L. Kapitsa in 1941) on the boundary of a solid
(in this case Cu) by means of He II; for the thermal resistance
not the T3-law but aT~-lav holds,*ere n=24+0.1. Zinovlyevd and
Card 2/11 Peshkov investigated, among other things, also-the phase
The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low Temperatures
diagram of J1e3 dissolved in J1e4 (20 - 891-1.). V. L. Ginzburg
(FIAN) gave a report on the phenomenological theory of He Il
in the region of the X-point in consideration of quantum
effects (the theory was developed by himself and by L. P.
Pitayevskiy). B. T. G l1km n (IAE AN SSSR - Institute for
Atomic Energy, AS USSR delivered a sho t report on the
theory of phase transition in liquid HX 1. 11. Lifshits
and D. G. Sanikidze (KhFTI AN USSR - Khar1kov Physico-techni-
cal Institute AS UkrSSR) investigated the melting of solid
He3 on the basis of Landau's theory of the Fermi-fluid and
found that melting pressure as a function of temperature has
a minimum at 0-50K (Pomeranchuk-effect). The comprehensive
discussion was held under the supervision of P. L. Kapitsa.-
II. Supraconductivity. 13 lectures were delivered on this
field of which two were experimental and the others theoreti-
cal. Reports on experimental investigations of 3upraconductivity
were delivered by Yu. V. Sharvin and V. F. Gantmakher (IFP)
and N. V. Zavaritskiy (IFP). The former investigated the
structure of the intermediate state in monocrystals of pure
Card 3/11 tin, the latter measured the thermal conductivity of different-
The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low Temperatures
1y shaped orientated cylindrical gallium samples at
0 U
0-1 - 4.2 K. A. A. Abrikosov, L. P. Gor1kov and 1. 14. Khalat-
nikov (IPP) theoretically investigated the behavior of a
superconductor in the high-frequency field. V. L. Gineburg
and G. F. Zharkov (FIAN) dealt with the microscopical-theory,
and Ginzburg discussed among other things the part played
by fluctuations in phase transitions of the aelconld-kind.
1. M. Lifshits (KhFTI) showed that it follows from the modern
theory of supraconductivity in consideration of the aniso-
tropy of metals that, in principle, the e'xistenc~ of supra-
conductors is possible which are supra-conductive only with-
in a limited range of temperature (and not at all temperatures
below the critical ones). B. T. Geylikman and V. B. Kresin
(IAE) investigated the electron- and phonon thermal conductivi-
ty of supraconductors by means of the microscopical the=y at
temperatures that are not very near absolute zero. 14. V. Buykov
and L. E. Gurevich (FTI AN SSSR) spoke about the surface
energy an the boundary between the supraconductive and normal
phases. D. 11. Zubarev and Yu. A Tserkovnikov (Matematicheskiy
institut AN SSSR - Mathematics Institute AS USSR) dealt with
Card 4/11 the thermodynamics of the supraconductive state (Froehlich-model)t
The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low Temperatures
V. V. Tolmachev (111AN) investigated the problem of collective
excitations in a aupraconductor. D. V. Shirkov (Obl'yedinennyy
institut yadernykh issledovaniy - Joint Institute of Nuclear
Research) spoke about consideration of Coulomb-interaction
of electrons in semiconductors. The problem of consideration
of the Coulomb interaction was discussed by Chen' Chlun-hsien
and Chou, Hsi~-hsin ' (MU). - Ill. Galvanomagnetic Phenomena.
(10 lectures). 1. 14. Lifshits and V. D. Peschanskiy MPTI,
Khar1kov rhysico-technical Institute, Khar1kov University)
showed that the most important part in connection with the
galvanomagnetic properties of metals is played by the concrete
form of the Fermi surface of conductivity electrons. N. Ye.
Alekseyevskiy (IPP) spoke about experiments he carried out
together with Yu. P. Gaydukov. He investigated the variation
of the resistance in the transversal magnetic field at helium
temperatures of Aug Cu, Pb, Ta, Ga, 11a and (together with
T. 1. Kostina) of Bi. Ye. S. Borovik and V. G. Volotskaya
(KhFTI) investigated the galvanomagnetic properties at low
temperatures of chromium and zirconium and found that the
resistance of chromium grows with field strength without at-
Card 5/11 taing a saturation value. L. S. Kan and B. G. Lazarev (KhFTI)
The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low Temperatures
investigated the resistance minimum in gold at low tempera-
tures and found that if the sample is heated, the minimum
disappears. Yu. P. Gaydukov (IFP) said in this connection
in the course of the discussion that the minimum effect does
not occur in gold in the case of vary pure samples; the dis-
appearance of the minimum is explained by the plastic deforma-
tion of the sample at helium temperatures. Y. Ya. Azbell
(KhFTI) gave a report of his work in connection with the
quantum theory of the high-frequency resistance of metal in
a constant magnetic field at low temperatures. M. I. Kaganov
and V. M. Tsukernik (KhFTI) spoke about a theoretical inves-
tigation of the influence exercised by thermoelectric forces
upon the skin effect in various conductors. B. I. Verkin and
B. N. Aleksandrov (XhFTI) spoke about measurements of the
electric resistance of thin wires made from highly-pure
tin, indium0and cadmium, and computed the free length of
path at 4.2 K in these metals as amounting to 1/3 to 2/3 mm.
N. B. Brandt (MCU) and B. I. Verkin and 1. 11. Dmitrenko
(KhFTI) investigated the influence exercised by the hydro-
static pressure (of 1000 atmospheres absolute pressure) upon
Card 6/11 the behavior of metals at low temperatures and investigated
The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low Temperatures
the quantum oscillations of the magnetic susceptibility of
bismuth at 1.6 - 4.20K. G. Ye. Zillberman and A. M. Kose-
vich (KhFTI) gove a theoretical explanation of the fact that
already relatively small deformations exercise considerable
influence upon oscillation effects in metals. IV. Magnetism.
A. S. Borovik-Romanov (IFP) delivered a report on investiga-
tions he carried,out of the anisotropy of the weak ferro-
magnetism in monocrystal samples of the antiferromagnetic
MnCO (the effect of anisotropy was predicted by the thermo-
dynalical theory developed by Dzyaloshinskiy). In the course
of the discussion R. A. Alikhanov (IFP) spoke about neutrono-
graphical investigations he carried out of the magnetic
structure of MnCO 3 and FeCO at low temperatures. P. L.
Kapitsa stressed the impoAance of the method based uDon
Dzyaloshinakiyls theory. N. M. Kreynes (VNIIFTRI), whose
lecture was read by A. S. Borovik-Romanov, reported on measure-
ments carried out by him (in the IPP) of the magnetic aniso-
tropy of the antiferromagnetic CuSO47ana COS04 -monocrystals.
Card 7/11 Ye. A. Turov (IFM AR SSSR, Sverdlovsk) spoke about his theore-
The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low Temperatures
tical investigations of the magnetizability, the susceptibility,
the specific heat, and the resonance frequencies of anti-
ferromagnetics and weak ferromagnetics. A. I. Sudovtsov and
Ye. Ye. Semenenko (KhFTI) spoke about measurements of the
electriciesistance of iron in magnetic fields in a wide tem-
perature range with simultaneous plotting of the magnetization
curve. N. V. Vollkenshtayn, G. V. Fedorov, E. V. Galoshina
and M. I. Turchinskaya (IF1.1 AN SSSR) spoke about measurements
of magnetization,and the Hall effect of polycrystalline sampleag
nickel and Ni311n at low temperatures. Ye. I. Kondorskiy,
V. Rode, U. Gofman and Chang, Shou-chlun (TAGU) gave a report
on susceptibility measurements on nickel and its alloys vith
copper at low temperatures; T. I. Sanadze (TGU) uvoke about
the spectrum of the paramagnetic resonance of Tb-) in terbium
nitrate at temperatures of liquid hydrogen. M. I. Kaganov
and V. M. Taukernik (KhFTI) dealt with the kinetic phenomena
in ferromagnetics at low temperatures and with calculation
of relaxation time; A. I. Akhiyezer, V. Barlyakhtar and S.
Peletminskiy (KhFTI) carried out a theoretical investigation
of the relaxation of the magnetic moment in ferrodielectrios;
Card 8/11 Vlasov (IFTA AN SSSR) showed that a linearly polarized elastic
The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low Temperatures
(ultrasonic) wave of a frequency of 109 cycles when passing
through a ferromagnetic substance in the direction of the
magnetic field, is subjected to a turn of the polarization
plane of the order of jo-3 - 1o-4 radian/cm oersted. M. 1.
Kaganov pointed out that in this connection yet another
phenomenon may be observed, namely the resonance absorption
of ultrasonics if the wavelength is equal to the radius of
the Larmor orbit of the electron. . V. Various Questions.
One of the most interesting lectures delivered at this Con-
ference was that by 1. A. Gindin, B. G. Lazarev, Ya. D.
Starodubov and V. I. Khotkevich (KhFTI) on the polymorpb4SM
of metals at low temperatures; P. L. Kapitsa commented on this
topic during the discussion. R. F. Bulatova, V. S. Kogan and
B. G. Lazarev (XhFTI) investigated the system hydrogen-deuterium
by the methods of low-temperature-radiography, thermal analysis,
and the visual observation of crystallization. Kh. 1. Amirkhanov,
Sh. Kh. Amirkhanova and R. 1. Bashirov investigated the thermo-
magnetic properties of compounds of the type
Card 9111 AIIIBV and AIIBVI , and dealt with the phenomenon of the "photon
The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low Temperatures
wind" predicted by Gurevich; the investigation was carried
out at the Dagestanskiy filial AN SSSR (Dagestan Branch, AS USSR).
N. M. Reynov and A. P. Smirnov (LFTI - Leningrad Physico-
technical Institute) gave a report on the measurement of the
electricity limit of tin- and indium. polycrystals at very
low temperatures 0 0K), and N. M. Reynov and N. I. Krivko
(LFTI) spoke about attempts made to find the expected diamag.-
netic resonance on polarons in cuprous oxide. G. R. Xhutsishvili
(TOU i Institut fiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR - Tbilisi State
University and Instituteof Physics AS Gruzinskaya SSE) carried
out a theoretical investigation of the Overhauser effect in
non-metals. Lomkadze investigated the electron- and nuclear
(proton) resonance in diphenylpicryl hydracyl at helium tem-
perature. B. N. Samoylov spoke about experimenj5,he carried
out concerning the orientation of Co6o_ and Au -nuclei
(in iron) at extremely low temperatures. B. P. Zakharchenya
and Ye. F. Gross (LFTI) investigated the absorption spectrum
of a cuprous oxide crystal in the magnetic field at helium
temDerature and observed the effect of magneto-optical oscil-
lations. V. P. Peshkov and M. P. Malkov gave information con-
Card 10/11 cerning scientific work of Soviet scientists in foreign coun-
The Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physics of Low Temperatures
tries (zagranichnayn nauchnaya komandirovka), and E. V.
Shpollskiy spoke about the abstracting journal "Fizika".
The head of the departmert fbr problems of the physics of low
temperatures, Academician P. L. Kapitsa and the President
of the Academy of Sciences Gruzinskaya SSR, Academician W. I.
Muskhelishvili closed the Conference. The 6. All-Union Con-
ference on the Physics of Low Temperatures will be held
in June and July 1959 in the city of Sverdlovsk.
Card 11/11 uscow-D-0,946
TITLE: VI. All-Union Conference on Low-temperature Physics
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fisicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol. 71, go. 2, PP. 339-347
TEXT: The above-mentioned conference took place from June 27 to July 2,
1959 in Sverdlovsk. About 50 lectures were delivered, which are dealt
with in the present article. About 300 scientists attended the conference,
among them 200 from Russian towns (Moscow, Leningrad, Khar1kov, liyev,
Tbilisi, Sukhumi, Krasnoyarsk, Dubna, etc.), scientists from the Chinese
People's Republic, Poland, and Hungary. The Conference was opened by
Academician P. L. Kapitea before an audience of 900 persons. He gave a
survey on the present stage of low-temperature physics and spoke about
the historioal.development of physics in Sverdlovsk. The general topic,
ferromagnetiNd antiferromagnetic properties,of matter at low tempera-
tures was dealt with by S. V. Vonsovskiy, Yu. P. Irkbin, and V. a.
ShavroQ of the Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR Tnati tp nf ma+01
Physics of the &6 US.3R) (Hall effect in ferromagn'etice), N. V. Vollkamhteyn
Card 1/9 n L11/
VI. kll-Union Conference on Low- S/053160/071/02/06/011
temperature Physics B006/BO17
and G. V. j2dorov of the Institut fisiki astallov (Institute of Metal
Physics (experimental investigation of the temperature dependence of
the Hall effect in pure f9rromagnetice)v Te. A. 11rov and A I. MitaAk__
of the Institute of Metal Physics (theoretical investigation of the
temperature dependence of $he constants of anisotropy on ferromagnetic
crystals of varying symmetry), A. S. Borovik-losanoy and T. To-
_DzZaloshinekijy of the Institut fizicheakikh problem AN SSSR (Tinalituts
for Physical Problems of the AB US W -(experimental and theoretical in-
vestigations of i0somagalotism % antiferromagnstic cobalt- and manganese
fluoride; samples preparea byjLL:XLjikhavjov of the Institute for
Physical Problems), Te. A. Turov and V. To. Vzdorjiov,,-of the Institute
of Metal Physics (theory of weak ferromagnetism in rare earth ortho-
ferrites of the XeFO03 type (Me - rare eart.helement between Sm and Lu));
A. 3. Borovik-Rozanov (investigations of the magnetic properties of
cobalt sulfate, which have been carried out by Fi M. Kreynes at the
Institute for Physical Problems); Ye. A. Turov and N. G. Gunsynov of
the Institute of Metal Physics (magnetic resonance frequency in w*akly
ferromagnetic rhombohedral crystals by taking Into account anistropy);
V. V. Tolmachev of the Hatematich*skiy institut AN SSSR (VAIJULM111-Al I
Card 2/9
VI. All-Union Conference on Low- 5/053/60/071/02/06/011
temperature Physics B006/BO17
Institute of the AS USSR) (mathematical theory of ferromagnetism); M-
Kostryukova of the MOU (Moscow State University (measurements of the
specific heat of nickel-, zinc-, and mixed nickel-zinc ferrites (20% Ni));
R. A. Alikhanoy of the Institute for Physical Problems (neutronographic
studies of antiferromagnstic nickel fluoride); N. V. Vollkenshteyn and
M. I. Turchinakaya of the Institute of Metal Physics (experimental investi-
.gation of the anisotropy of magnetization of a disordered Ni Mn alloy at
the temperature of liquid helium); 0. S. Calkins, and L. A. C=nikova
(Mau) (measurements of the temperaiure dependence of the resistivity of
ferromagnetic alloys (Cu-Ni))l Ye. I. Kondorski-y, 0. S. Galkina, and
L. A. Chernikova, (MGU) (anomaly of the el tric resistivity of Cu-Ni
alloys near the Curie point ( a small maximum above the Curie point));
Ye. I. Kondorskiy and V.L. sdo~_(IGD) (influence exercised by a uniform
compression on saturation magnetization and the resistivity of iron,
nickel, and some ferromagnetic alloys at low temperatures); V __Ye. Rode
(NGU) (measurement of the susceptibility of Ni-Cu and Ni-kl alloys in
fields up to 7000 oersteds in the paraprocess region). In a discussion
M. I. Kaganov made remarks on this.subject. - The following lectures
were delivere4 on superconductivity: S. V. Vonsovski7 and M. S. Svirskiy
card 3/9
VI. All-Union Conference on Low- 3/053160/071/02/06/011
temperature Physics B006/BO17
of the Institute of Metal Physics (criteria of superconductivit 1. B.
Borovskiy of the Institut metallurgii ftnstitufe-"F~e a ur Inv-esti-
gations of the fine structure of X-ray spectra of a number of super-
conductive compounds). In the discussion, N. Te. Aleksegavakig spoke
about the correlation between critical temperatures and atomic radius of
the second metal in bismuth alloys. V. L~ Ginzb of the Fizicheskiy
institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute of the AS (comparison of
experimental data with the Ginzburg-Landau theory of macroscopic super-
conductivity). In the discussion, S. Ye. Alekseyevskiy pointed to the
fact that the data on the critical fields of films obtained by B. K.
Sevastlyanoy of the Institut kristallografii AN SSSR ( natitute of
CrystallogZaRhy of the AS USSE) are in good agreement with data published
by Zavaritskiy. L. P. Gor'kov pf the Institute for Physical Problems
also spoke about the Ginzburg-Landau theory. S. V. Vonsovskiy and M. S.
Svirskiy of the Institute of Metal Physics (superconductivity of ferro-
magnetic metals); 0. F. Zharkov of the Pkkvaics Institute of the AS USSR
(superconducting and intermediate states of ferromagnetic superconductoreA
Ao I. Shallnikov and H. I. Ginzburg (MGU) (critical magnetic fields and
critical temFe-ratures of thin films); M. N. Mikheyeva of the Institute
Card 4/9
VI. All-Union Conference on Low- S/053/60/071/02/o6/oil
temperature Physics B006/BO17
for Physical Problems and N. To. Alekseyevskiy took part in the dis-
cussion. Yu. V. Sharvin and V. F. Gantmakher of the Institute for
Physical Problems tNe-pendence of the penetraiion depth of the magnetic
field in superconductors on the field strength); D. V. Zavaritskiy of
the Institute for Physical Problems (results of now measurements of
thermal conductivity of gallium at 0.1-4.20K); P. A. Bezuglyy, A. A.
Galkin, and A. P. Korolyuk of the Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR
TI-nstitute of Physics Wd Technology of the AR-M-33H) (investigations
of ultrasonic absorption in superconductive tin as dependent on the
crystallographic direction); N. N. Zhuravlev, 0. S. Zhdanov, and N. To.
Alekseyevskiy (MGU) (superconductivity =Oismuth compounds). The follow-
ing scientists spoke about the electronic properties of metals at low
temperatures: N. Ye. Alekseyevskly and Yu. P. Gaydukov of the Institute
for Physical Problems (investigations of galv;nomagnotic properties as
a method of investigating the Fermi surface 6 metals); I. M. Lifshite
and V. 0. Poschanskiy, Institute of Physics and Technology of the
AS UkrSSR and Khar,kovski uni e sitet (Kharlkov University) (theory of
galvanomagnetic phenomenal; Ye: ;. Borov1k and V. F.-ToTo7skaya of the
Institute of Physics and Technology of TFe AS UkrSSR gaivanomagnetic,~
Card 5/9
VI. All-Union Conference on Low- S/053/60/071/02/06/011
temperature Physics B006/BO17
phenomena in indium and aluminum at high field strengths); I. V. Lifshits
of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS UkrSSR--(Poas]Lble
anomalies in galvanomagnetic effects in the high-pressure range); L_ S_
Kan and B.. 0. Lazarev of the Institute of'Physics and Technology of the
AS UkrSSR results of experimental investigations of zinc- and tin
crystals concerning the influence exeroin i by pressure x! resistivity
at low temperatures)i G. Ye. Ziltb and 1. 0. Knlilr r1kov)
(theoretical investigation of quaTtum oscillations of the electron
yield in the photoeffect an a function of the magnetic field); A. A.
Galkin and A. P. Korolyuk of the Institute of Physics and Technology of
the AS UkrSSR and of the Institut radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN SSSR
(Institute of Redioenginserinir and Electronics nf the AS ULU~ (fluctua-
tions of the ultrasonic absorption coefficient in zinc-, tin-, and
bismuth ~iystals in the magnetic field at.low temperatures); N. B.
'Argaa (W4TO (investigations of the magnetic susceptibility of bisaut-g-
at 0.05-0.1 WK in the fields of up to 13000 oersteds); B. N. Aleksandrov.
B. I. Verkin. and I. V. Svec""AL-Pf the Institute of Physics and
Technology of the AS UkrSSR (magnetic susceptibility of monocrystalline
indium-, lead-, and tin samples in a wide temperature range); A. I. Verkin/
Card 6/9
VI. All-Union Conference on Low- 5/053/60/071/02/06/011
temperature Physics ' B006/BO17
and I. No Dmitriyenko of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the
AS UkrSSR kdependence of the period of susceptibility fluctuations in
tin single crystals on pressure). - In the field "polymorphism, semi-
conductors, and other problems", the following scientists took the floor:
I. A. Gindin, B. G. Lazarevq Ya. Do Starodubov, and It. I~ rhotkayinh-."t
the Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS UkrSSR (phenomena of
low-temperature polymorphism)i B. 0. Lazarev, Teo Ye. Semenenkoq and
A. I. Sudovtsev of the Institute.of Physics and Technology of the
AS UkrSSR (beryllium superconductivity and its low-temperature poly-
morphism); B. No Samoylov, B. V. Sklyarevskiy, and 'Xe, P. Stenanov
of the Institut atonnoTenergii AN SSSR (Iqstitute of Atomic Energy of
the AS UgSR) (investigations of nuclear polarization pj weakly magnetic
elements). In the discussion, 1. V.-Kogan reporte aimilar experiments
conducted at the Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut (Leningrad
Institute of Ph o
ysics and TechnoL_fiZj. K. B. Vlasov of the Institute of
Metal Physics of the AS USSR (theoretical investigations of the
rotation of the polarization plane of elastic waves in metals); N. I.
-Irpivko, A. I. Gubanov, and K. M. Bevnov of the Leningrad Institute of
Physics and Techno.Lo-gy- of the AS USSR (investigations of diamagnetic V
Card 7/9
VI. All-Union Conference on Low- S/053/60/071/02/06/011
temperature Physics B006/BO17
resonance Of Cu20 crystals at temperatures of liquid helium). Three
lectures were delivered by S. S. Ihal-vt and 1. N. Timchenko, I. V.
Mochan and T. V. Smirnoza-9 as well,as by Yu. 1. 0brazteov, al Of then
(with one e_xception) of the Inetitut polupro"dnikoy AN SSSR (Institute
for Semiconductors, AS ~US!SR . They reported o~ problems c0 ected with
the increased number of current carriers in semiconductor ccording to
an effect predicted by.-L, E. Gurevich. G. Te. Pikus and M. L. Sir -
(theoretical investigations of the Inrluence of mechanical deformation
on semiconductor properties); 1. M. Lifshits and M. I. Kaganov of the
Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS UkrSSR 7theoretical in*esti-
gations of electron resonance in somiconductors)t I. N. Lifshits,
X. P. Malkov. S. S. Shalyt. and A. 1. Orloy reported on the work of the
symposia of the Conference. 1. A. Kvaenikov and V.. V. Tolmachev of the
Mathematics Institute of the AS USSR tapplication of methods of the
theory of superconductivity to problems of the fundamental state of an
antiferromagnetic body); Z. Golyasevioh (Poland) of the ObOyedinenny
institut yadernykh issledovaniy (joint Institute of Nu6lear Rese
(problems of interacting fermions); L. P. Pitayevskiy. Yo. N. Lifshits.
and I.-Ye. Dzyaloshinskiy of the Institute for Physical Problems tprop-L/
Card 8/9
VI. All-Union Conference on Low- S/053/60/071/02/06/011
temperature Physics B006/BO17
erties of helium II films); Yu. 0. Mamaladze and S. G. Matin-vig of
Tbilisskiy universitet (Thillef University) (theoretical investigations
of the influence exercised by rotation on the attenuation coefficient
of oscillations of a disk in He 11); B. N. Yesel-son of the Institute of
Physics and Technology of the AS UkrS3R kapplica Mon of adsorption coal
pumps for producing low temperatures); N. B. Brandt (NGU) (simple spring
balances with a sensitivity of 0-05 milligrams and a method of producing
high pressures at low temperatures); A. G. Zelldovich of the Joint
Institute of Nuclear Research (ionization chamber of 5P liters); I- M.
Kurova (11GU) (properties of high-purity germanium between 300 and 2-50K);
1777Zavaritskaya (temperature dependence of the p-n junction in
germanium, investigated by_A&JL& u1 I. A. Gind
_L_.1; in of the Institute of
Physics and Technology of the AS UkrSSR (influence exercised by a preced-
ing plastic.deformation of commercial iron on its mechanical properties
at low temperatures)l N. K. Reynov and J. P. Smirnov of the Leningrad
Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS SSR (limits of elasticity
of tin and indium single crystals at - 0.10K). P. L. Kapitea delivered
the final speech. The VII All-Union Conference on Low-temperature Physics
will take place in Khar1kov in June and July 1960.
Card 9/9
AUTHOR: Chentsov, R.
TITLE: Seventh All-Union Congress on Low-temperature Physics
PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 1960, Vol. 72, No. 4, PP. 817-826
TEXT: Congresses on low-tbmper&t-4re__phYsic5 are held annually in the
Soviet Union. From June 23 to June 28, the Seventh Congress was held at
Kharlkov. The cryogen laboratory of FTI AN USSR (Institute of Physics and
Technology of the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR) offered useful material to
the 400 delegates. More than 100 lectures were delivered. Among the
participants in the congress were prominent Soviet scientists, specialists
in the field of low-temperature and solid-state physics: Academicians
P. L. Kapits'a, L. D. Landau, I. V. Obreimov, Member of the AS UkrSSR
B. G. Lazarev, Corresponding Members of the AS USSR N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy,
S. V. Vonsovskiy, I. U. Lifshits, and others. The Congress was opened by
the head of the Institutes of Low-temperature. and Solid-state Physics
of the Academy of Sciences USSR, Academician P. L. Kapitsa, who, among
other.tbings, stressed the growing demand for liquid helium and the
Card 1/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S/053/60/072/004/006/006
Low-temperature Physics B029/3056
imminent investigation of polymers at low temperatures. Liquid helium:
V. P. Peshkov (IFP AN SSSR - Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy
of Sciences USSR) suggested a mechanism for disturbing the superfluidity
of helium II in capillaries with circular cross section, and he also gave
a formula for the contribution of the critical velocity vs. L.D. Landau
and 1. M. Khalatnikov made comments on this paper. According to R. A.
Chentsov, a change in the character of the disturbance of superfluidity
may be expected at frequencies of morel than -103 - 1o4 cps. Yu.G.
Mamaladze gave a report on several papers concerning the experimental and
theoretical investigation of vortices in superfluid helium. All these works
were carried out at the Institut fiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR (g.Tbilisi)
(Institute of Physics of the AS Gruzinskaya SSR). E. L. Andronikashvili
and D. S. Tsakadze investigated the axial torsional vibrations of a light
disk suspended in rotating helium II. D. S. Tsakadze and K. B. Mesoyed
made similar investigations for a heavy disk. Yu. G. Mamaladze
theoretically investigated the mechanism of the damping of a disk, where
two elastic waves with oppositely directed circular polarizations are
produced in vortex filaments. Yu. G. Mamaladze and S. G. Matinyan solved
Card 2/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S/053/60/072/004/006/006
Low-temperature Physics B029/BO56
the set of hydrodynamic equations for rotating helium II. Guan Vey-yant
reported on measurements of the temperature jump on the interface between
helium Il and lead, tin, and other solids. This work was carried out at
the IFP AN SSSR (Institute of Physical Problems of the Academy of Sciences
USSR). This phenomenon was discovered by P. L. Kapitsa, and a theory was
developed by Khalatnikov. I. L. Bekarevich and I. M. Khalatnikov (IFP AN
SSSR) theoretically predicted a temperature jump on the interface between
solid and He3, like*in He IL V. P. Peshkov,in this connection considers
measurements at 0.010K to be necessary. T. P. Ptukha (IFP AN SSSR)
reported on the determination of diffusion coefficient and thermal con-
ductivity. Superconductivity; P. A. Bezuglyy and A. A. Galkin (FT1 Ali USSR)
reported on new measurements of the anisotropy of absorption of ultrasonic
waves by tin. According to L.D. Landan, the formula derived from the
isotropic theory for the energy gap of superconductors gives only a rough
mean value. According to 1. M. Lifshits and M. I. Kaganov, the formula
derived in consideration of damping has the same exponential form as the
formula hitherto used. A. A. Abrikosov and L. P. Gor1kov (IFP AN SSSR)
developed a theory of superconductors with paramagnetic impurities in low
concentrations. P. L. Kapitsa, L. D. Landau, 1. M. Lifshits, N. V.Zavanit-
Card 3/ 14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S/053/60/072/004/006/006
Low-temperature Physics B029/BO56
skiy, and M. Ya. Azbelf took part in a discussion on this lecture,
S. V. Vonsovskiy, B. V. Karpenko (Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR,
g. Sverdlovsk)(Institute of Physics of Metals of the AS USSR, Sverdlovsk)
and M. S. Svirskiy (Chelyabinskiy pedagogicheskiy insti.tut - Chelyabinsk
Pedagogical Institute) delivered a theoretical lecture on the interrela.-
tion between superconductivity and ferro- and antiferromagnetism.
A. A. Abrikosov and L. A. Fallkovskiy (IFP AN SSSR) theoretically
investigated the Raman scattering of light in superconductors. N. V.
Zavaritskiy (IFP AN SSSR) reported on an investigation of the thermal
conductivity of the hexagonal metals zinc and cadmium, and some other
superconductors. B. K. Sevastlyanov and V. A. Sokolina (Institut
kristallografii AN SSSR i MGU - Institute of Crystallography of the AS
USSR and Moscow State University) spoke about investigating the magnetic
properties of thin films of tin and indium. The corresponding experimental
data were evaluated on the basis of a theoretical paper by G.F. Zharkov
(PIAN - Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences).According to
N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy, the outlines of a solution to the problem of
measuring the magnetic moment of thin films were first observed in the
above paper. L. D. Landau, B, G. Lazarev, and others took part in the
Card 4/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on
Low-temperature Physics
discussion. A. M. Kolchin, Yu. G. Mikhaylov, N. M. Reynov, A. V.
Rumyantseva, A. P. Smirnov, and V. N. Totubalin (FTI AN SSSR,g.Leningrad
Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences USSR,
Leningrad) reported on an investigation of the destruction of the super-
conductivity of thin tin layers by current. B. G, Lazarev, Ye. Ye.
Semenenko, and A. I. Sudovtsov (FTI AN USSR) gave a report on investi-
gations of the electrical conductivity of beryllium films, which were
condensed onto a cold backing. According to N. V. Zavaritskiy5 also the
measurements carried out at IFP (Institute of Physioal Problems) showed
that jo-7 to lo-5 cm thick iron films, which were condensed at the
temperature of liquid helium, have a finitely great resistance and show
no superconductivity. According to Ye. A. Nikulina, N. M, Reynova, and
A. P. Smirnova-(FTI AN SSSR), iron films precipitated at T-r)OK with a
thickness of io-5 cm are superconductive. N. Ye. Al'ekseyevskiy, B. G.
Lazarev, P. L. Kapitsa and other scientists took part in the discussion.
There is agreement on the fact that this problem requires furt~her
experiments. III. Thermal Properties of Metals We to Electrons,,
N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy, Yu, P. Gaydukov (IFP AN SSSR), I. L', Lifshits
(FTI AN USSR)j and V. G. Peschanskiy (Kharikov Unive_rsat-y) delivered a
Card 5/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S/053/60/072/004/'006/006
Low-temperature Physics B029/BO56
lecture on "The Shape of th.~, Formi Surface of Tin According to Data of
Galvanomagnetic Measurements". L. 1). Landau, Ye. S. Borovik, M. I.
Kaganov, and others took part in the discussion. E. A. Kaner (Institut
radiotekhniki i elektroniki AN USSR, g. Kharikov - Institute of Radio
Engineering and Electronics of the AS UkrSSR, Kharlkov) spoke about his
studies in which the theory of absorption of ultrasonic waves in pure
metal was developed in detail. A. A. Galkin and A. P. Korolyuk (FTI AN
UkrSSR and IRE AN USSR) reported on experiments on the absorption of
ultrasonic waves by tin, indium, and zinc in a magnetic field. I. M.
Lifshits, N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy, P. L. Kapitsa, M. 1. Kaganov, and
others took part in the discussion. M. S. Khaykin (1FP AN SSSR) spoke
about the discovery of an oscillatory dependence of the surface resistance
of a metal on a weak magnetic field (-6 oersteds). Yu. S. Sharvin (IFP
AN SSSR) mentioned in the discussion that lie, together with V. F.
Gantmak-her, made the saine discovery at a frequency of 1,9 1.1c/sec on a
cylindrical tin specimen in a longitudinal magnetic field. 1. 1d. Lifshits,
M. I, Kaganov, B. G. Lazarev, M. Yaz Azbell, P. L. Kapitsa, and L. D.
Landau took part in the discussion, 1-4. Ya. Azbell (FTI AN USSR) submitted
a paper, in which a new resonance effect in pure metals at, high frequencieB
Card 6/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on VOW61D/0-1
Low-temperature Physics B021)/BO56
was described. M. S. Khaykin (IFP AN-SSSR) reported on an investigation n-11
cyclotron resonance on tin by Feans of a highly accurate method of
frequency modulation. According to I. M. Lifshits, this is the first
paper in which cyclotron resonance does not appear as a purpose iti itsulf.
A. A. Galkin, M. Ya. Azbel', and.others took part in the discussion.
M. Ya. Azbell (FTI AN USSR) reported on a paper concerning the possibility
of' aezermining the Fermi correlation function ~(p,pl) of a Fermi fluid.
S. V. Vonsovski-f, N. V. Vollkenshteyn, Yu. F. Irkhin, G. V. Fedorov, and
V. P. Shirokovskiy (Institut fiziki metaBov AN SSSRj g. Sverdlovsk -
Institute of Physics of Metals of the AS USSR, Sverdlovsk) gave the
results of a comprehensive experimental investigation of the anisotropy
of the Hall effect of the ferromagnetics Ni, Co, Gd and Ni 3Mn. N. B.Brandt
(MGU) reported on the influence exerted by the addition of lead to bismuth
upon the energy spectrum of electrons. This effect was studied with the aid
of quantum oscillations of magnetic susceptibility. Yu. A. Bychkov (IFP
AN SSSR) spoke about the theoretical investigation of the influence
exerted by impurities upon the quantum oscillations of magnetic suscepti-
bility of metals with a quadratic dispersion law. According to I, M.
Card 7/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S/053/60/072/004/oo6/006
Low-temperature Physics B029/BO56
Lifshits, this paper demonstrates the applicability of the quantum-field
theory to investigations of the electron structure of metals. IV, Low-
temperature Magnetism: Ye. 0. Guseynov (Institut fiziki AN Azerbaydzhanskoy
SSR; g. Baku - Institute of Physics of the Azerbaydzhanskaya SSR, Baku),
V. Ye. Naysh, and Ye. A. Turov (Institute of Physics of Metals of the
AS USSR, Sverdlovsk) delivered a lecture on the magnetic properties of
ferromagnetics with a nonc6llinear distribution of the magnetic moments
of their sublattices. According to S. V. Vonsovskiy, this work permits
the measurement of some constants. N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy and G. A.
Smolenskiy took part in the discussion. A. S. Borovik-Romanov and V. I,
Ozhogin (IFP AN SSSR) investigated the magnetism of a CoCO3 single crystal
at 1.3-3000K. L. L. Landau, M. I. Kaganov, G. A. Smolenskiy took part in
the discussion. N. M. Kreynes (IFP AN SSSR) reported on the investigazion
of weak ferromagnetism in the anhydrous sulfates CoSO 4' CUSO4of the
transition group. A. S. Borovik-Romanov, Ye. A, Turov, and N. Ye,
Alekseyevskiy took part in the discussion. D. I- Astrov (VNIIFTRI,g.Moskva)
spoke about the newly discovered magnetic moment in the action of an
electric field upon matter. This phenomenon has already been predicted by
Card $/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S/053/60/072/004/006/006
Low-temperature Physics B0291BO56
L. D. Landau and Ye. M. Lifshits, and, according to I. Ye. Dzyalozhinskiy,
this effect must occur in Cr2o 3* L. D. Landau, N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy,
G. A. Smolenskiy, and A. S. Borovik-Romanov took part in the discussion.
A. I. Akhiyezer, V. G. Barlyakhtar, and S. V. Maleyev (FTI AN USSR)
developed a theory of the elastic and inelastic scattering of slow
neutrons in ferrites and antiferromagnetics. The discussion (A. S.
Borovik-Romanov, L. D. Landau, and others) dealt with the possibility of
distinguishing between the effect caused by spin waves and scattering
involving phonons. A. 1. Akhiyezer, V. G. Barlyakhtar, G. I. Urushadze,
and S. V. Peletminskiy (FTI AN USSR) spoke about their papers on the
theory of relaxation phenomena in ferromagnetics and antiferromagnetics,
Yp~ A. Turov and M. I. Kaganov took part in the discussion. The latter
emphasized the necessity of experimentally investigating the non-resonance
absorption of high-frequency energy by solids, in order to determine
various mechanisms of interaction. P. T. Mina (IFP AN SSSR) spoke abouL"
measuring the relaxative absorption of electromagnetic energy in the
antiferromagnetic CoCl 2' N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy, A. S. Borovik-Romanov,
Ye, A. Turov, M. I. Kaganov, and G. A. Smolenskiy discussed a possible
Card 9/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S/053/60/072/004/006/006
Low-temperature Physics B029/BO56
absorption mechanism, Yu. A. Izyumov and Ye. A. Turov (Institute of
Physics of Metals of the AS USSR, Sverdlovsk) spoke about the theoretical
investigation of the ferromagnetic resonance line in metals, L. I.
Buyshvili, G. R. Khutsishvili, and 0. D. Cheyshvili (Institute of Physics
AS Gruzinskoy SSR, Tbilisi) explained the theory of magnetic relaxation
in a ferromagnetic metal, which is considered to be composed of magnetic
ions and conduction electrons, V. Various Problems (Nuclear Resonance,
Spectroscopy, Experimental Technique, etc.): 1. 11. Lifshits (FTI AN USSR)
spoke about theoretical investigations of the kinetics of the formation of
an ordered phase from the original disordered phase in a transition of
the second kind. According to V. S. Kogan, the kinetics of the ordering
of the alloy Fe Al, which was annealed at 3000C, agrees with the opinlon
expressed by 1. 1. Lifshits. According to A. S,'Borovik-Romanov, domains
are observed in antiferromagnetic carbonates. I. V. Obreimov stressed the
great importance of 1. Id. Lifshits' work and mentioned the successful
application of topology to some importanL problems of modern physics.
V. S. Kogan (FTI AN USSR) spoke about the results obtained by X-ray
structural analysis (carried out together with R. F. Bulatova and B, G.
Laznrev of FTI AN SSSR) and neutron-diffraction studies (carried out
Card 10/ 14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S/053/60/072/004/006/000'
Low-temperature Physics B029/BO56
together with B. G. Lazarev (UPTI), G. S. Zhdanov and R. P. Ozerov
(Fiziko-khimicheskiy in-t, g.Moskva - Institute of Physical Chemistry,
Moscow). V. P. Peshkov, S. V. Vonsovskiy, P. L. Kapitsa, and I. M,
Lifshits took part in the discussion. A lecture by 1. A. Gindin.
B. G. Lazarev, and Ya. D. Starodubov (FTI AN USSR) deail with the mechani-
cal properties of lithium in connection with its polymorphous transforma-
tion at low,temperatures. P. L. Kapitsa, N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy, N. V.
Zavaritskiy, and M. S. Svirskiy participated in the discussion, which
dealt mainly with the formation of low-temperaturc phases~ A lecture by
0. N. Trapeznikova and I. A. Sagava (LGU - Leningrad State University),
which was read by 0. N. Trapeznikova, dealt with the specific heat of
chain-like structures at low temperatures, Yu, S. Karimov and 1. F.
Shegolev (IFP AN SSSR) spoke about the investigation of proton resonance
on a free diphenylpierylhydrazyl radical at temperatures of 1.5-300oK
and 500-3000 oersteds. I. V. Obreimov, B. N4 Samoylov et al. took part- in
the discussion. D. A. Kichigin (IRE AN USSR) gave a report on the electron
resoiiance in oxygen-adsorbing co*als (anthracite etc.). A. A. Galkin and
I. V. Matyash (FTI AN USSR, IRE AN USSR, Kharikov) spoke uuuut. tnf:~
investigation of magnetic nuclear resonance on adsorbed hydrogen,
Card 11/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S/053/60/072/004/006/006
Low-temperature Physics B029/BO56
N. G. Koloskova and U. Kh, Kopvillem (Kazanskiy un-t - Kazan' University)
gave a report on the theoretical investigation of ultrasonic nuclear
induction at low temperatures. This phenomenon was predicted by AlItshuler.
1. V. Obreimov and N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy took part in the discussion.
D. Kh. Amirkhanova spoke about two studies of galvanomagnetic and
thermomagnetic effects in semiconductors at low temperatures. These
studies were performed at the Institut fiziki Dagestanskogo filiala
AN SSSR g. Makhachkala (Institute of Physics of the Dagestan Branch of
the AS USSR, Makhachkala). D, Kh. kmirkhnnova and R. I. Bashirov, when
investigating n-type InSb at 20-120'JK, discovered an effect of the
quantization of the electron energy spectrum in a magnetic field. Kh. I.
Amirkhanov, R, 1. Bashirov, and Yr., D. Zakiyev investi6ated the Hall
effect and the change of resistivity in n-luype InSb at 770K. A. V. Kogan;
V. D. Kullkov, L. P. Nikitin, N. M. Revnov, I. A, Sokolov, and M. F.
St-ellmakh (FTI AN SSSR, Leningrad) reported on their investigations
of such nuclei as had been orientated at low temperatures. N. Ye.
Alekseyevskiy and B. N. Samoylov took part in the discussion. L.P.Zverev,
M. M. Noskov, and M. Ya. Shur (Urallskiy gos.un-t,g.Sverd1ovsk - Ural
State University, Sverdlovsk) delivered a lecture on the rxcirc;n
Card 12/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S/053/60/072/004/006/006
Low-temperature Physics B029/BO56
absorption edge in cuprous oxide. V. V. Yeremenko and L. I. Chuyko
(Institut fiziki AN USSR, g. Kiyev - Institute of Physics of the AS
UkrSSR, Kiyev) investigated the change in the absorption spectrum of
Cu20 in the case of uniaxial compression (T = 200K). I. V. ObreimoT,
A. F. Prikhodiko, I. M. Lifshits, and others took part in the discussion.
Ye. S. Borovik and A. G. Limar' (FTI AN USSR) spoke about the production
of pulsed magnetic fields up to 200000 - 300000 oersteds in coils cooled
by liquid hydrogen. N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy and I. V. Obreimov took part
in the discussion. Yp. S. Borovik then spoke about three studies performed
at the FTI AN USSR on the technology of low temperatures; together with
B. G. Lazarev and I. F. Mikhaylov he developed a high-vacuum hydrogen
condensation pump. B. G. Lazarev and M. F. Fedorova built new types of
low-temperature, high-vacuum adsorption pumps, B. N. Yesellson and A D.
Shvets used the carbon-adsorption pump to obtain temperatures below 10K
by evacuating the vapor of a helium bath, N. Ye. Alekseyevskiy and 1. V.
Obreimov, in the discussion, stressed the great practical importance of
this research device. N. N. Mikhayiov (IPP AN SSSR) reported on the
carbon-resistance thermometer for low temperatures developed by him and
Card 13/14
Seventh All-Union Congress on S10531601072100410061006
Low-temperature Physics B029/BQ56
A. Ya. Kaganovskiy. According to B. G. Lazarev, many of such thermomete:-3
are used at UFTI. I. G. Fakidovj B. N. Samoylov, and A. i. Sudovts~'v
took part in the discussions Academician 1~ V, Obreimov stressed the
great success of the Congress and, in the name of all participants,
thanked the collaborators of the FTI AIN USSR and all other pers-onz having
contributed to the work of the Congress. The next, i.e., the Eighth
Congress will take place in the summer of 1961,
Card 14/14
[Action of thermal effects an the response speed of the
superconducting elements of a coinputerjVIiianie teplovykh
effektov na. bystrodeistvie sverkhprovodiashchikh eler.Rntov
vychiBlitellnoi mshiTq. Mockvap IT14 i VT M SSSRs 19.61,
45 (~MU 15:9)
filectronic calculating machines) (Superconductivity)
Chentsov, R. A.
Vliyaniye teplovykh effektov na bystrodeystviye everkhprovodyashchikh
elementov vychIslitellnoy mashiny (Action of Thermal Effects on
the Response Speed of the SuperconductiAg Elements of a Computer)
Moscow, 1961. 45 P. (Series: Elektronnyye vychislitellnyye
mashiny) 500 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Institut tochnoy mekhaniki I vychislitellnoy
tekhniki Akadexii nauk SSSR.
Contributors not mentioned.
PURPOSE: This booklet In intended for scientists and engineers
concerned with the development of computers. It may also be
used as a textbook by students taking courses in computing
engineering at schools of higher education.
Card 1/,4;~-
Action of Thezzal Effects (cont.) SOV/6310
COVERAGE: The role of thermal elements Is investigated, especially
a specific example of the trapped flux superconduction memory
element, the activeI(switching) part of which is formed by a
film of,tin deposited on glass, crystal quartzor sapphire base.
Data are given on the thermal properties of all these materials
at low temperature. Numerical appraisals of basic thermal
effects are derived In Ch. 2.- Some means of preventing damaging
action of these,effocts are described in Chs. 3 and 4. Although
numerical data concern a limited number of materials. the re-
sultn obtained seem to be significant. The methods
of appraisal and ways to eliminate damaging effects may be
applied to other materials, as well as to cryogenic (or even
noncryogefte) elements. No personalities are mentioned. There
are 11 refere--ces.- 3 Soviet and 8 English.
Card 21$,K--'
-63 c
L 10L44 EPR/EPF( )/NT,(1)/EPF(n) ~/EWP(q)/EWTW/BD~ FFTC/ASD/
P(C)/SSD:, Ps-4/Pr-4/Pu
,.;ACC S/017
S ION M: AP300044 0/63/006/005/0099/CI05
j 47
Chentsov R
AUTHOAt Berkovichi So Yao; Golovistikov, P. P A.
TITLE:i Calculation of non-steady-state heat transfer from film ~o substrat
SOTJRCE:'- Inzhenernoa-fizicheskiy zhurnal., v. 6s no, 5., 1963 99-lo5
i~~ j~f
TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer.. superconducting thin film,:computer memory device.,
storage crystal substrate,, amorphous substrateo thermal conductivity., memory
ABSTRACTj Mny thin-film elements liberate heat during operation and the resulting
ribe in temperature may affect the performance of the element. TUs is particularly~
tr4e of elements working at low temperatures., for example superconducting memory
-Plements in computers. It istherefore of interest to determine the time dependence,,
ofithe temperature of the film on the heat released.' Th stated mathe~
e problem is
matically in equations (1) through (3) of Enclosure 1. An explanation of symbols
us6d in equations is given in Enclosure 2. A. method of solving this problem is des-'
I i aribed (Berezin., I* So; 7.hidkov,, He Po., Ifetody vych:Lslen:ly., 2. F:Lzmatgiz, 1960). Re-.
sults obtained on an electronic computer for thin films used in superconducting mem--~~
cry devices are discussed. It is shown that when the film is deposited on a crystal-
line sill1strate (sapphire) with high.thermal diffusivity., the thermal resistivity of
Card 1/1
(deceased];_SEEPP, Ya.P.; SUVOROVA, L.I.; ZASLAVSKAYi,_t~.I.;
[Malisauskas,V.1; PAgECIINIK, P.P.; BUGARTEXICH, V.S.;
GUNIOVSKIY, I.A.; SEIEM, S.I., red.; 1JUKURA, N.I., red.,
TSITKO, I.A., red.; VOLKOVA, V.V., tekhn. red.
[Material incentives for developing the collective farm produc-
tion] Material0noe stimulirovanie razvitiia kolkhoznogo pro-
izvodstva. Moskva,, Izd-vo Z SSSR, 1963. 326 p. (111IRA 16:12)
1. Akademlya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki. 2. Institut eko-
nomiki All SSSR (for Laptev, Teryayeva, Suvorovas Zaslavskaya,
Sidorova, Karnaukhova). 3. Sredneaziatskiy gogudarstvenr*,y uni-
versitet (for Sapillnikov). 4. Komi filial 21 SSSR (for Chentsov).
5. Institut ekonowilci Z Estonskoy SSR (for Sepp). 6 Bashkirtvkiy
filial A14 SSSR (for Grekova). 7- Institut ekonomiki A14 Belo-
russkoy SSR (for Tonkovich, Kovalevskiy). 8. Inotitut ekonomiki
AN Uzbekskoy SSR (for Ibragimov).
(Continued on next card)
C:;7I-F,'iTS')V, S. D. PA 19T78
USSR/Teletypevrri.ters Jui 12416
Telegraphy, Hi.-h speed
"Significance of Shortened Contacts," S. D. Chentsov, Candidate of Tech Sci,
L. V. 13clostotskiyj 2 pp
I'Vegtnik Svyazi - Elektro 5vyazIII No 7 (76)
Author attempts to make clear the fact that the rectifyinE ability of tile dual
apparatus Bodo-duplex is not controlled by further shortenin.- the contacts of
the first ring PD, but basically by, the sensitivity and operating time of the
printinu relay. Reference is made to an article by Kordobovskiy and Klimkov in
"Vestnik Svyazill llo 6, 1945 titled 1111ectif~ing Ability of the Bodo Appartus.11
Dissertation., 11.~anitary~InstrucLive Lecture Slidcs as Graphic Aids." Cand Med Sci,
Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians, 18 ]-~y 54.
Vechernyaya Moskva, Moscow, 7 May 54.
SO: SUIS, 284, 26 Nov 1954
CHENTSOV, V. (ex UB5VO) (g.Nlass)
Detector for SSB reception. Radio so.5326-28 It 163. (MIRA 16:5)
(Radio-Equipment and supplies) (Radio detectors)
..C,HENTSOV,,V.N., kand. geograficheakikh nauk
Modernizing the characteristics of the I : 1,0009000 inter-
national map of the world in accordance with tbe\new specifica-
tions approved at the U.N. Technical Conference 4 Bonn in 1962.
Izvo vyse uchebe zav.; geod. i aerof. no-5:117-12~ 163.
()4M 17% 8)
1.4'- O.T.1 i n
6f!D,,;TSOV v Ij*"Plorphometric indeyes on a detailed oj~ cal mar)", Trudy In-ta
g e o a r iFil geomoiThol i
';~a - U
'~i d. nauk SSSRY) Issue 3F, 19U, P. 291-306.
SO: U-3042y 11 "'arch 53., (LatoPis 1-';hurnal Inykh Statey. No- 7 lqhg).
- -z-
-1~1- -Ivwr
, , 5z 111~1 /,I._
Collection of articles on cartography.
'55. (MIRA 10:12)
CHINTSOI.AA,jandidat geograf ichaskikh nauk.
Relief costow Intervals In topographAc maps of foreing countrIese
Good. I kept. ne.9:5944 N 156* (MM 10:1)
(Relief maps)
amm?sov, V.N.
and goodaw," tht Sommals of #Ibstrwts. TOPe9WW*
158. (Oartopaphy)
and Ustronow
(Nm u:u)