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KANAYEV9 A.F.; CHUOTILWq A.M.; KOIDSKOVt F.I. t doktor jeogr. nauk, prof. 0 oty. red. izd-va; SIMKINA, U.N., tekbn. red. [Cold storage'iv~stal2atiohi madeDf'ice and their use] LediaMe Wclady i ikh Isp6l'iftWe. Moskvap Izd-vo Akad, muk SSSR9 1952. U0 p, (106houssi) (Cold storage) CHRKOTILLO, A. M. 1. *On the Ice I~Wers of Al"katv Mwslotovedowye, Vol. 1. No.2. pp. 311-nSs 1946 U-3213,v 3 Apr 53 MKOT11LO2 A. m. "-on tne Ice Layers of Algska.."' Merzlotovedeniye (Permafrost Science), Vol 1. No 2, 1946 111-118). - Reteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No b Nov/Dee 1947) SO: U-3218, 3 APr 1953 CHEKOTILLOp A. M. FA 160T45 Want Madan 11 1kY 50 Pipet, ~Ciss "bwic Property of the Temperature Regime in the Ground Around Gas Main Pipes," A. M. Chekotillo, 1"t of Refrigeration imeni V. A. Obruebev, Acad Bel 1UssR 3 PP "Pok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol MII, No 2 Curves show,drop, in temperature of gas in pipes -a6d',temperature difference between gas and ground as functions of distance (up to 25 km) frat compressor station. Includes chart of iso- t,herw around underground pipLe. Submitted .13 Jkr 50 bj. Acad V. A. Obruchey. 160T45 CHEROTILLO, A. 1-41. "Deformation of Ice Storehouses." Inst. of Frost Study im. V.A.Cbruchev, Priroda, 42, No.4p pp 94-97# 1953 Describes the plan of the ice storehouses located at the Shcherbakob fruit and vegetable base of Mosglavrestoran (MoBcow Main Admin of Restaurants), which are made of ice 2 m. thick covered with-sawdust 1 m. thick. States that the first exptl ice isothermal storehouses were constructed in the winter of 19303-40. Photographs show the sagging of the storage galleries and their mode of construction. 261T90 GMKOTILM, A.K.. starshiv nauchn notrudnik. Cold -storage warehouses for agricultural products. Trmdy IMMEP 10:103- 107 156. (NM 10t6) 1. Inatitut mrslotovedenlya iment V.A. Obrucheva Almdemil nauk SUR, (Para produce--Storage) (Cold storage warehouses) e-b\, ~: I(- , q %' L L u ,~I - ~-\- . CHKOTILW. A*M., kanietekbn.nauk, otyetstvenuyy red. (Abstracts of reports; based on papers received b the Organization Committee of the 1956 Conference on frozen grouZ TezIsy i plany dokladov; po postupivehin v Orgkomitet materialam k soveshchaniiu, 1956 g. po oars lotovedeni iu. Moskva. NO.2. Elteporte on the general problem of frozen ground] Bokledy po obahchamu morslotovedenitu. 1956. Vo.3. [Reports on frozen ground engineari I DokUdy po inwhenernonu merslatoyedmitu, 1956, '22 p, No,4.TRjeports on the phyalce and mechanics of frozen groundj Doklady po fIzUw i makhoulke uerslylch gruntovo 1956. 19 pe (MIRA 11:2) 1. Aiademlys nauk SSSR. Institut merzlotovedentys. (Frozen ground) CHKOTILLO, A*M., bLnd-. tekhn. nauk; ot"tstyenVy rod. 0 'and outHwe of reports; based on .papers received by the Organization Committee for the 1956 Conference on Vrozen Gramd Studleal Tesisy I plany dokl&Aar; po poatupivehim v Orgkomitst materialwa k soveshchanilu, 19-56 g. po mrslotovedeniiu. Pt.l. [Principal reports] Onnomwe dokla4. Moskva. 1956. 24 p. 1. Akmdem4a nauk SSSR. Institut merslotovedenlya. .(Frozen ground) -- -- : ---- ~ -- -- -- - --- - ---- CM=ILIDV. A.M., kmdi"t taMmichaskikh nauk. Variation of soil tomperatare in the Moscow area. Priroda 45 ao.S: n4-m Ag 156* (=A 9SO I.Inatitat morsloteveAemiya lumni T.A.0brucheva Akadmali nauk SSU, N"kva. (Moscow PrWnco--3oll toWnraturs) .15-57-1-1062 n Translation from: Referativn. zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1, p 170JUSSKT AUTHOR: Chekotilloj A. M. TITLE: Permafrost Studies in Forei untries up to 1955 (A Survey of the LiteraturelrAorslotovedeniye za rubeshom k 1955 g. (Literaturnyy obsorJ7 PERIODICAL: Materialy k onnovam ucheniya o merslykh zonakh zem. kory, Nr 3, Moscow, AN SSSRI 1956, pp 186-229 ABSTRACT: The building of the Alcan Highway in 1942 ind other construction again attracted the attention of Soviet students of permafrost to forei studies in this field 11 which had developed, an En the USSR, during utilization of regions of permanently frozen soil. Seasonally frozen ground, despite its great extent, is not considered here. Therefore, only the USSR and the USA are countries in which the study of permafrost has Card 1/3 Permafrost Studies in Foreign Countries (Cont.) 15-57-1-1062 been developed and has acquired obvious value, especially in solving numerous engineering problems. European-countries, except Iceland, all lie outside the region of permafrost, and the study of this subject in these countries has not acquired the status of an inde- pendent branch of science. In such countries, study is confined to individual sometimes very valuable, investigations of seasonally frozen groLd. The author furnishes data on'the survey by the Ameri- can Blake on the distribution of permafrost around the globe. Prior to the Second World War, studies in permafrost in foreign countries were meager. But this situation began to change quickly when the U. S. Army began to construct huge military bases, airfields, highways, and other structures in Alaska and in northern Canada. Numerous deformations and destroyed structures, built on frozen soil, impelled the U. S. government to create a broad program of scientific research organizations for studying the properties of frozen ground and the problems of building on such ground in arctic and subarctic regions. All this work was done under the guidance of the Corps-of Card 2/3 Permafrost Studies in Foreign Countries (Cont.) 15-57-1-1062 Engineers of the U.'S. Army. Numerous papers were published by these organizations, especially on engineering problems, to which Americans ascribe considerable importance. Examples are given of solutions to engineering problems worked out in the U.S.A. and in Canada. The author supplies a list of foreign literature on perma- frost, published chiefly in the laat five or six years. The bibli- ography contains 239 references. Card 373 A. M. Ch. Cvyl~~;ZZW~-117?1-11~--) 11 GEMKOTILL40, A.M. mw- --- --- -whimic- . Coordinatlon conference on the study of pormfrost. Ser, geog. no,kI38-139 Jl-Ag 057. (Frozen ground) lzv. AN SSU. (min lia) C T/I GRITEd NA4. [translator]; TOLSTOT, A.N. (translator]; USOVA, T.V. Ctranslstorl; EW,.Oll-,Z.9,.A*K..Ctransl&torl; WINDT . A.I., re44; ZNAXMNMTA, Tj., "do; UxLvft,.i,-?-,.tskhm. red. [Frozen ground of Ala" and Ckmada; a collectlon of &rtlol*~] Eftanslated from the WjUshl Merzlys - goirmys porody A3taskl I Xamad ; aboralic gtatele .8 predisle A-* 1. 31f Imova, Kowkwa. Isd-vo Inostr. lit-ry, 19580 262 pe (KIRA 11:7) (Alaska-Arozen ground) (Camdo.-Frozen ground) CEUOTILIk. A.M. Annotations on foreign frozen ground studies. Trudy Inst. merzl. AN SSSR 14:155-163 058. (MIRA 11:8) (BIbliograpby--Frozen ground) (Bibliography--Soil mechanics) CE=TILIq0.A00 . Conforescoidedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Planning Office of Norillsk Combine* Prome stroi* 36 no.12:43 D 158. (HIM 22:1) (Norlllsk-Construction indumtr7) C", 1400); 30) MMZ'l BOOK RAWITATION 30y/"43 Sovembabon1ye So ravolonallnyo apoacbse rundamentoetroye"irm "a WdkOOMrXINIM grun taft (Tran"StIons or the Conference an Efficient M*tk0do -of .. W%% GoOStroyladet st galls) Moscom P f . , oma ro a &,foundstLons on n U 1959. 432 P. arrata @11P Inserted. 1,900 copies printed. ft. or Pabushing mom"I X. X. sorababovWWal Toah. Md. s To. L. 0 IURPMs ftim, book is intended for construstlon oWn9ers, Indus. trial plannorm and Im"ders. WVgLUN, ibis book contains reports originally read In Torkuta &n 1950 on eoperlonce gained to planning and bulldLuS foundation@ in pomarmat re one of the USSR. the reports were prepared for publication 9 the C108P (scientific Research institute for the StW at Foundstloom and Underground Structures). lbo Istroometlo" was writtea 07 professor V. 0. mulychey. no rareroneem, are gives. Can troation, conditions and tat &Ojai. A U I IRS Jb=rlo" in tuo pochara Coma "*In _ Construction of tndustri4l Plants an 7 own 2.1 relmmo"say 7=20n GrO%wd With Subsoquent Settling 56 -j- DsmlgnlAg File ftundatlong Under Permatrost S 2M . . _16hal sev,& IL STI&I Characteristics or Faun tic" de NXIMIng: in Pit, r ToOrk, ASMJQ2__a__4_ and Z_JL_V2dQjAskLo. Methods of, X*Mtoftng - - W~ Dgfcm" PrLn0lP42 Buildings In VOJftta 67 A"SlYffils Of Work and Computing the Main- Orood 00.0 Name Youndations and F w k T rome orks, a ing In-to Aceownt Onovyn sottung or %he Dearing Ground 75 , T. X. .arA V. M. Sokolo.,. am Data an p .. t tio - t 6 W V_ 1 . .fv atlen. 100 Decreasing the Depth of Foun4stlon larlag by Keeping the Ground in a Frozen State 109 -Scanheako-.4-4-Yrost Heaving of Ground and foundatinp (discussion; 113 Man-Soviet Marlene@ in BLLildIng 14 P 9 0 4 " 1 1- 1 1. A Imtknontly frozen Ground 119 2-MIX-m 41- 1 Maximum Thawing of Perennially ftgz~ Ground Under Heated Buildings (two-dLmonsionaL solu*lon) 124 AaXka~~ Settllng of the Foundations Of IndUatrial Structures Of the VOricut&Ugol' Combine 127 AVAlf"Uff-i Library of Cong"ffis J~V-h card,4/4 1-18-60 If BARUOT, I.Ya.,; ISYTOTICH, N.A.,,; CHKOTIUO*,,".&*- I - -; BAKTITSIR. A.L., red.izd-va; KAKUNr, im.T., tekii~.rsd. [Studies in permfrost construction ang', aring] Katerialy po inshenernona-mrslotaveden"u. Moskva, lzd-vo Aimd.nank SSSR, 2959. 1" P. (KIRA 12:8) 1. Kashduvedoustvennoya soveshchanlys po merslotovedeniya. 7th, Moscow, 1956's (Bulldlng--Cold weather conditions) 1400) AUTHOR: Chekotillo, A., Engineer SOV/29-59-2-35/41 TITLE: Low-temperature Accumulators (Akkumulyatory kholoda) PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhi, 1959, Nr 2, PP 37-38 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present article, the author reports on the possibility of using ice as building material. In 1939-40, an experimental building of ice was erected for storing vegetables on the site of the Base Mosplodoovoahchtorg near the Station Sever- naya on the Northern Railroad. This building was erected according to a plan by M. M. Krylov, Scientific Collaborator of the Institut merz1ntn-oAeniva imeni V. A. Obruchera AN SSSR (Inatitdo o4' ftrwd'rmt - ---' imeni V. A. Obruchev AS USSR). -After investigating for 20 years, M. M. Krylov came to the conclusion that natural cold in form of ice store-rooms can be utilized for storing fruit and vegetables. But ice as building material did not only require a suitable construction method. A way had also to be found to protect this peculiar material from malting. Cheap material available in large quantities such as sawdust, peat, moss, and slag, was used to protect the ice building. It was found that in the central Card 1/3 section-of the country, under the weather conditions Low-temperature Accumulators SOV-/29-59-2-35/41 prevailing in these latitudes, a protective layer of sawdust 70-80 am thick was sufficient even in the hottest summer. To avoid the melting of the ice from inside Krylov suggested an ice-salt cooling. In filling up the ice-salt mixture, the temperature inside the building can be regulated and kept on the required level. A temperature of -10 is suitable for most sorts of fruit and vegetables. To reduce the admission of warm air during loading the entrance into the building was constructed as a sluice in form of a two-piece room. This room is also conditioned with an ice-salt mixture. In spite of'all precautionary measures, such building requires an annual overhaul, and a general repair every 5-7 years. The colored insert shoot adjoining shows an ice storehouse desig- ned according to the project by Krylov with a capacity of 250 tons, the arrangement of the corridor and the store-rooms. The basic condition for the successful erection of an ice building in a temperature of -50 and a sufficient water stock. The ice-houses can be built without sinking into the ground, especially in rough climate. Yet their sinking into the ground increases their thermal resistance. For this reason, Card 2/3 the type projects published by Soyuzgiprotorg provide for the Low-temperature Accumulators SOV/29-59-2-35/41 'Sinking of ice-houses of any dimensions. Experience has shown that such ice store-houses prove a complete success in storing fruit, vegetables, potatoesq fredh meat (in the Trust "Len- ryba,l), fats,smoked goods, fish products, milk and dairy products. Small fruit can be stored fresh for 10-15 days. Experiments made by the Moeglavrestoran have shown that fresh vegetables were still fresh after 15 days and the weight loss was no more than 1-1-5 %. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Dellnevostoohnyy institut Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitek- tury ((Soviet] Par East Institute of the Academy of Building and Architecture) Card 3/3 GHICKOTILLO, A.M.. insh. Thaving the areas designated for foundations before starting building operations in pernafrost. Prom.stroi. 37 no-10: 54-55 0 '59. OIIRk 13:2) 1. Dal'nevostochnyy muchno-iseledovatel'skiy institut po stroltellstvu Almdemli otroitel'stva i arkhitektur7 SSSR. (Frozen ground) (Foundations) CHNOT . STID, A.A.; XAMOV. V.N.; STOTSMO. A.T., prof., doktor geografnouk, otv.zed.; MCHKINA, L.S., red.; FITA OVA, G.M.., [Icings In the U.S.S.R. and their control] Naledl na torritoril SSSR I bor'ba a nisi. Blagoveshchensk, Ammrskoe knizhnoe Isd-vo. 196o. 2o4 p. (KIRA 13:12) (ice) CEMOTILID, A.M. Permafrost study or m9socrylogy?" Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. goeg. no.6; iu,2-io N-j) 16o. (NIRi 13:10) (Frozen ground--Terminology) TMGULYAN. Y41y Ogenesov-1ch, kand. tekhn. nauk; gHMOTILLO, A.M., retsenzent; PURNOT, A . kand. tekhn, nauk, P., iish. re CHTANOT, T.Go. red*, isd-va; GAIAKTIONOTA, Ye.1T., tekhn. red. [Artifftial structures over' streams subject to Icing] Iskus- stvannys soorushenile no wodotokakh a naladiami. Noskva, Nauchno-tokhn. Izd-vo i6va av~omobillnogo transp. I shossei- nykh dorog RSM, 1961. 78 p. WRA 14:5) (Road construction) (Ice on rivers, lakes, ate.) CHEKOTILLO-, A.M. laying depth of water pipes in the territory of Moscow as related to seasonal freezing of ground. Mat. k o9n, uch, o merze zong zem. kory(noe?:112-249 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1 1 Moscow-Water pipes--Cold weather conditions) Eel f f, kR 9 L 5; F R A lt~ og 5 E0 q 3U 03 11 .05 U -w-AU ml 5 4 wo -4 F CHEKOTILLO, K.A. Characteristics of the circulation of intermediate waters in the northern part of the Padific Ocean. Trudy Inst.okuan. 45:113-122 61. (MIRA 15:2) (Pacific Ocean--Ocean currents) CREKOTILLO'. gA. _ Vertical motions of water near the Pacific Coast of North America. Trudy Inst.okean. 45:123-129 '61. (MIRA 15:2) (Pacific Ocean--Ocean currents) CREVOTILLO, K.A. Calculation of vertical motions of water in the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Okeanologiia 1 no.6:1007-1019 '61- (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut okeanologil AN SSSR. (Pacific Ocean--Hydrology) CHEKOTILLO.-A.A.-.-. Intensity of the vertical transport of oceanic vaterv. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.3:585-587 N 1639 (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut okeanologii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikcm V.V. Shuleykinys, GRUZINOV, V.M*- CHEKOTILLOI K.A. Dynazdc characteristics or the subpolar ;fjont in the North Atlantic. Dokl. AN SSSR 153 no.6:1307-13 D 163. (MIRA 17:1) I.AABudarstvennyy okeanografichaskiy institut. Predstavieno akademikom Ye.K. Fedorovym. CHEKOTILLO, K.A. Study of ocean muTants, caused by turbulent Btressese Memo- logiia 4 no,5020-921 164 (MM 18.-1) _kUR ACC NRt AP6030 018 CE CODE: t2/0020/66/161/005 107. 74 AUTHOR: -Chekotillo, X.'A. ORM Institute of Ocea~ography' Aeadomy of Sciences SSSR (Institut ak"nol-igiL Ake-", demii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Determination of the volocity,field Of quasirstationM fl ow in the ocean SOURCE: AN SSSR. Dcklady,--v. 269, no. 5, 1946, 1071-'1074* TOPICTAGS: ocean current, ocean dynamics, ocean pr6perty ABSTRACT; An analytical method Is developed and used to compute the flow velocity vectors over.a square surface of the Pacific Ocean (30-400 M, 145-1550 E) and at depth of 1500 motors. The three-diiiensional flow along the 1480 East longitude is &I- so obtained between 320 and 466 N. The system-of equations for the flow indicates that it has two types of components; flow due to the horizontal pressure gradient in the Coriolis force field and flow #roduced by the vertical gradient of the Reynolds stress in the Coriolis fan* field. The first flow Is ordered and covers the entire thickness of the ocom water. The eacmd,flow has a turbulent nature and is gonerat- ad In relatively thin layers which adhere to the surface of the ocean and to*its Bata too. The surface flow 4as'the same form as the one detersined experimentally. The ~ bout 10 ca/soc. At 1000 and predominant values of flaw valeeftles grouped at* a WC:1 661.46S.S5 MMVAR, B.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; Rrinimali uchastiye: 1ATASH,-Tu.Y,, kaud. tekhn.nauk; MAKSIMVICH, V.I., inzh.; CHINDTIW. L.V., inzh.; PUZRIN, L.G., inzh. Improvement of the weldability of austenite stools and allgyv ps a result of remelting under electric slag. Svar. proizv. no.10:16-18 01,60, (MIS 13:9) 1. Institut alektroevarki im. Te.O.' Patow AN USSR. (Eleat-resistant alloys-Welding) 1-2,510 22952 S/125J61/000/007/008/013 D04O/Dll3 AUTHORS: Medovar, B.I.; Nazaranko, O.K.; Gurevich, S.M.; Chekotilo, Povod, A.C.; and Pinchuk, N.I. TITLEs Some peculiarities of electron-beam welding of auntenitic steels and alloys PERIODICAL; Avtomaticheakaya ovarkar no. 7, 1961, 79-81 TEXTs In their introductory remarks, the authors state why the electron- beam welding of austenitie steels and alloys in a vacuum is superior to con- vent welding. For experimental purposes, specimens of 9W 726 (EI 726) and :VAa6196 (,1 636) heat-reeistant austenitic steels and a nimonic-type 3" 4376 (E1437B., alloy were welded by the electron-beam method. All these types contain boron and are prone to cracks in the area near the weld and in the weld metal., if the compositon of the base metal is reproduced.. Welding was carried out with an eleotron-beam gun designed by the Ordena, Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektroevarki im. Ye.0. Patona AN USSR (Electric Welding Institute "Order of the Red Banner of Labor" im. Ye.O. Paton AS VkrSSR) using 120 mAL. 20 kw current and a 35 m/hr welding speed. Metal Card 1/2 22Y52 3/125/61/000/007/008/013 Some peculiarities of eleotron-beam D040/DII.3 produced by the electron beam was completely sound' except in the case of E1726 steel where an increased boron content of 0.;25% caused cracks to form in the base metal at the seam and sometimes even in the weld metal. The following oonolusions are drawns The new method of eleotron-boam welding in a vacuum munt be used not only for refractory and chemically active metals but also for heat-resistant austanitio stools and alloys. The electron-beam methoa gives welds much more resistance to crystallization cracks than other known welding methods. It is to be expected that the use of filler wire will make the electron-beam process applicable to a wider range of austenitic steels and alloys, and that the daggar shape of the seam will neoessitate so- me modification of the design of the joints. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATIONR Oxdena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye. 0. Patona AN 'USSR (Ele~ztric Welding Institute "Order of the Red Banner Pf Labor" im. Ye. 0. Paton AS UkrSSR) SUBMITTEDs April 179 1961 Card 2/2 -A 29051 S/125,/61/000/010/011/014 D040/D112 AUTHORS: Medovar, B.I.; Chel-,otiLlo, L.V., TITLE-. Tantalum - a now means for proventinG hot cracks in welding stable-austentic steels and alloys PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya, svarka, no. 10, 1961, 88-90 TEXT: It has been discovered in experiments at the Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O..Patona (Electric Welding Institute im, Ye.O.Paton) that alloying with tantalum increases the resistance to hot cracking in stable-austenite weld metal. For this discovery an author's certificate with a priority of November 14, 1960,has been awarded. The experiments were conducted with butt and T-weld specimens of austenitic heat-resistant-911 725 (08Xl5H378)'1r) (E1725 08Khl5N37V5TZ3) alloy, OMA3785T (041(h15N375T) welding wire '. and MHO-5 (ANF-5) fluoride flux, using a current of 300 amp and 26 v and a welding speed of 16 m/hr. Hot cracks formed when no tantalum was added; no cracks formed when a tamtalum wire or tape (3..5% of the metal) was laid 220513/125/61/000/010/011/014 Tantalum - a new means .... D040/Dl12 along the welding line. Sound T-welds without hot cracks were obtained by the addition of 5% of tantalum, and the test fracture was dull and fibrous, which indicates disoriented structure; when no tantalum was added, a longi- tudinal through crack formed,and the fracture structure was coarse. The positive effect of tantalum introduced into an austenitic weld may be ex- plained by its peculiar influence on the nature of the primary crystalliza- tion of the welding pool. It turns the oriented transcrystalline struc- ture into a disoriented refined structure due to the formation of a large number of primary carbides serving as crystallization centers. Besides this, addition of tantalum into the welding pool apparently promotes the formation of Drimary intermetallic compounds which als(, have apowerful stTt.C7 tuie-refining effect. The positive effect of tantalum may be also utilize4l in welding heat-resistant austenitic nickel-base alloys. The article in- cludes micrographs of the metal structure. There are 3 figures. [Abstrac- ter7s note: essentially complete translation]. CaTd 2/2 AUTHOR: Chekotilo, L.V. 30230, S/125/61/000/011/010/012 D040/D113 TITLE: Electro-slag welding of heat-resistant austenitic E1787 steel PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya evarka, no. 11, 1,061, 62-84 TEXV.;' - The 9 ~,787, or 08 X. 15 N 35.3 3TIOP (E3:787, or OSKhl5N35V3TYUR) is a new .steel 'grade used as a substitut6-for expensive3N437 -, or Y,20H BOT 3 (EIOM-or-MONOT3) Ni-Cr alloy, mainly for parts of'the high-temperature p6kti6fi-of gas turbinds -with an'op6tating temperature of up to 7500C. The Inititut elektrodvarki im.' Te-.O*Patona (Electric Welding-Institute im. Ye.0. Pat6n) has-developed-the-techn6ldgy of electro-slag welding E1787 steel parts.160 by 80 mm in cross seotion,area, using a plate electrode 10 mm thick and 80 mai wide. AnA-550 (A-550) apparatus and aIRC -3000-1 (TShS-3000-1) transformerwere'used. A special device used for shaping the #61d was made of copper'and consisted of a massive uncooled pocket, water- cooled side backingst and outlet blocks. Welding was conducted with an Card 1/2 30230 S/125/61/000/011/010/012 Electro-alag welding ... D040/DI13 _AHO -~7 (ANP-7)- flUX (80% C020 20% CaO). The flux'was roasted for I hour at 8000C' rior tod4eldihg. 'The-slag o,ol was'proauced with the use of IJAW3 '(PAIE-;35 alumUlum-magnesiulk, powder 110% of the flux weight). The f6llowifig optimum'process conditions were chosen: electrode feed rate - 5.-4-m/hr, 1,700-1,900 amp welding current, 30 v idle run voltage, 27-28 v work voltage,'-35 mm-gap-between the forgings, 250 to 300 9 flux taken per weld (slag pool"depth of 12-18 mm). The base metal and the welded joints w6re'subjected'to brief mechanical tests and to long-term endurance tests at 7500C.- Before testing, the specimens were heat treated by holding for 8 hours'at 1*91700C, 4 hours at 40500C and 16 hours at 75000 and cooled in the open air. '. The Ing-term strenSth of the joints and base metal at 750-C was_26._5_t6 29 kg/mm and 32 kg/mm respectively. A photograph shows the microscopic structure of iL'*eld.- There is 1 figure and 1 table. rAbstrac- -te-rls note: Etsentially complete translatio4 k?f Card 2/2 M MEWVAR, B.I., doktor tekhn.nauk; CIIEHOTILO, L.V., inzh. Single-pass submerged-are welding of stabilized austenitic steel. Mashinostroenie no.2:55-57 Mr-Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O.Patona AN USSR. (Electric welding) r S/135/62/000/004/007/016 A0061AI01 AUTHORS: Medovar, B. I., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chekotilo, L. V.,' Pinchuk, N. I., Lutsyuk-Khudin, V. A., Engineers . TITLE: IntererystaUine weld-adjacent cracks in welding austenite steels and alloys PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 4, 1962, 17-21 TM: The authors, with the participation of engineer L. G. Puzrin, present some concepts on the formation of weld-adjacent intercrystalline cracks in-flash-welding of austenite steels and alloys. During this process the following types of crack may arise: 1) crystallization cracks extending Into the weld, or originating In the weld; 2) cracks along the fusion line at a distance from one to several grains; 3) cracks along the linear clusters of intermetallic and nonmetallic impurities. An effectiVe means of preventing crystallization cracks in heat-resistant austenite steels, is to raise the boron content in the weld metal, for the purpose of increasing the quantity of boride eutectics, which is able to close-up weld-adjacent cracks. To prevent cracks which run at an equal distance from the fusion line, it is imperative not to Card 1/2 Intercrystalline weld-adjacent cracks ... S11 _35/62/000/004/007/016 A006/Alol allow superheating of the base metal and slow cooling in the temperature range of least resistance of the gamma-solid solution. Changes in the chemical composi- tion of the steel or alloy, and, first of all, a reduced carbon content and the development of a second phase~'in the structure, should help to prevent the formation of weld-adjacent cracks of this type. To prevent cracks along linear clusters of impurities, it is necessary to use for stressed parts a metal that had been subjected to electric slag remelting in order to raise sharply its micro-homogeneity. Electric slag remelting is simultaneously a reliable means, of preventing weld-adjacent crystallization cracks. There are 7 figures and 12 references: 9 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye. 0. Patona AN USSR (Institute of Electric Welding imehi Ye. 0. Paton, AS U6-23R) Card 2/2 nl Ste C., LI Ile U. L5teivi t1l 00 apLlt '001 tccll~ " S -fl' OVIII BIG toriA 2110 r r-x", to ,I r Oul 3.5e &S OAS O-f -VINly to. 5~-,0%4 a r% e,, & arz ,ts; Ste 4v-,- t 5 03.ti OV70 t 'Dr Call) &a b0, Oet tec ICIC, O%j Ike -0. 0 'ho a e a e& 0 .015 o,,4ty, le ea), role 19fl) viol, txx to stel -Oxia. SNIL -St/125/62/000/005/003/0.LO Alloying heat-resistant austenitic steels.... D040/D113 can subsequently causc local failure of welds; however, no austenitic steel sanples with more than 0.351 B uere prone to local failure in the uealmess zone. According- to data presented by Professor G.V. Estulin and Engineer L.Ye. Ivanova, boron gveatly increases the heat-re si stance of welds, e.g. addition of 0.41% B to X 18H 119 (Kh.181\111B) type welds almost doubled the strength of welds in 100-hour tests at 65010 under a load of 20-36 kgf, or raised the pre- failure test time ten times. Similar results were obtained 1-.,ith X 15 H 35 (Kh15N35) welds. Welding of steel iAth not more than 0.8 - 1.01/1- B caused no difficulties, but higher B content increased the cold cracFdng danger because of lowered plasticity and a large eutectic phase. It is adv4sed to use pre- heating and moderated cooling in welding such steel. Electroslag remeltin..- is su.-gested for improving the plasticity of boron-alloyed steel destined for fabrication with deformation, i.e. rollinZ. Conclusions: Alloying heat- resistant austenitic steels and welds with over 0.3 - 0.4~0' boron greatly In- creases the resistance to crystallization cracks, practically eliminates the danger of hot cracks appearing at the welds, produces very good welded joints in service at high temperature and loads, and considerably iniproves the heat Card 2/3 S/125/62/000/005/003/010 Alloying heat-resistant austenitic steels .... -D040ID113 resistance of the metal. There are 7 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut elelctrosvarld im. Ye.O. Patona IN USSR (Electric Welding Institute "Order of the Red Banner of Labor" im. Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSR) SUMaTTED: January 11, 1962 Card 3/3 MEDOVAR, B.I., doktor tekhn.nauk; CMMOtilOi-L.V., inah. Manganese fluoride flux for the wl#ng of austenitically stable steel and alloys. Svar. proisy.. n'o.-8sl7-19 Ag 162. (NIRA 15:11) 1. Institut elektroevarki in. YQ;O.ftt~ia. (Steelp SWiless-Welding) (F1**,ktaIiUrgy)) MEDOVAR, B.I., doktor tekhn.nauk; CHF.KOTIW, L.V., inah.; KUMYSH, I.I., inxh. Fused carbide fluxes for the welding of austenitically stable steels and alloys. Svar. proiav. no.8s19 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut elektrosvarki im. Ye.O.Patona. (Flux (Metallur I)) (Steel, Stainless-Welding) .9y -ACCESSION NR: AT4013946 9/2669/63/010/000/0178/0185 AUTHOM- Medovar, B. L; Cte ",,.LV..; Lutsyuk-Xhudin, V. A.; Pinchuk, N. L; ftt,ft0# Puzrit4 L. G. TITIX: Boron alloys (over 0.3-0.4%) for high temperature austenite steel and weld seams SOIMCE: AN SSSR. Imatitut metallurgii.. holedovaniya po zharoprocbny*m splavam, V. 108 19630 176-185 TOPIC TAGS: boron, boron containing alloy, austenite steel, high temperature steel seRm, weld metal weld ABSTRACT., Austenite high-temperature steals alloyed with boron consist of two phases (austenite + boron component of eutectic origin) and are characterized by high tensile strength and elasticily. The use of boron alloys (over 0. 3-0.4%) for high temperature austenite steel allows one to solve several important problems. The weld metal sharply Increases stability against the formation of hot (crystalline) cracks. Hot cracks adjacent to the weld seams are completely eliminated during welding. The reliability of weld seams working under high temperature and loads is increased significantly by the exclusion of the cameo of local brittle failure In the seam zone. The beat resistance of austenite steel AW 41;J COM 1/2 ACCESSION NR. AT4013946 weld seams is increased to a great extent Investigations and experimental work ai plants n l as , as wo should be expanded so an to develop both new high-temperature, austenite stee flow processes for the use of these steels for welding. Orig. arL has: 3 tables and 3 microphotographs. ASSOCIATION: 11notitut met&UurgU AN SSSR (Metallurgical batitute AN &W) SUBMITTED. 00 DATE ACQ: 27Feb64 ENCL: 00 BUD CODE: UL NO REF SOV: 015 OTHER-. ow Yi. wd 2/2 C o NPMAR, B.I.;.PIWJM, N.I.; CtMKOTILO, L.T. Inweasing *m maimma jii~msibleooiiiicentrations of pbomphorus ard all1con In stable austenItic welds, Dokl, AN SWR 150 U0.32542-543 Mr '63- 1 (WA 16z 6) 2. Imstitut.olektroovarki In. To.O. Patona AN Uh,&%. Prootaviono akadsmikm D.Ye. Fitanom. (voldium) MEDOVAR, B.I.; LUTSYIJK-KHUDIN, V.A.; PINCHUK, N.I.; PUZRINq L.G. Addition alloys of boron (more then 0.3 - 0,4%) in austenitic hoat-. resistant steals and weldments. Isal. po zharoproch. splav. losl78-185 163. (MIRA 17:2) 'ABSTRACT.'.,. Several series*of- experiment t .aiptiniti ea -resistant alld~ (0. 35~~ 4-;-62,.W, -1. 31r--!-1 732. Ti, O.'005Z B)'haive~ .410 W have a'poor weldabil: as ~weldand the weld, acent zone. to- hot..'I anqy-vaa iised in form of-,I*a .rge -1340- 150.- x, 2-00, ih* C_r6r.S oectliad) and Tolle, :bousing of a large.r Weldin, &s turbin "fe.of bai;e-metal~c~omposit:roi-vielded-i 7s. 9/0125/65/000/001/0043/0049- a1 sciences); Gerinan,* S. 1--.,(Candidate,~~,,:zl c bekotilo, L. V. (Enginee4l",'. iti "beat resistant Z1725(KhN35VTP)'all,'ql 65,~~ 43-M L2,base electroslag melted 41 --alloy a M ng of.-RI-25 'with ub erged arciveldi' ".'7% J~ 1% m -38% A T axAMn, 14-16% Cr -36 MA -1 )6en conducted. Convention&py petied :y,. 6ecau'se of the susceptibility of, the racii~g. 'Ther"N electroslag,melted'.~;',"',,", ora" 300, diameter, iz ngs (_ZOO. x 200 and. t.4 and 24 Z~%nteiidei&lor,_ ectrode',-. ~of.electroslag zielted alloy--Oitb~ el ild-_.Metal highly susceptible, to, hot cracking r :."1 4638-65- , TACCESSION NR*. APS00500l.'- h Lth;.- Several "ot ei Uectrodps were-tested.'.Satisfactory results. were obtaiued wJ t, , *, ;~,~:e." -14% 36 O 7 78ZMn 14 7 t~Ni P;,-295(Khl5N35G7V7 %ilo wire Si 79% Cr (OX5% C 0 . , ,, , Mj y . . - . ~ *- , , 1 , , ~ VI'JIw95%:T4- and':3.28% r6yelding with.this vire under ANF-47. arid. MY ImIF-22J luxes yieldid weld metal- wjo - 6~ satibf-actory, heat-re-,5istance ~ kind. ductiiity._~ Anew TsT-22 electrode vith,EP-235-slloy~core IvAa also been developed for m3nuQl.__I.~,:_,. Ywelding of 91725~ alloy. The develope.d technology was successf ully . used. for weldin ~8. e Origo art. host- ~77 3, tables.-..: - gures and L " ' '~ ' 1 ic W ,A-t~OCIATION,.i .~ Instit'ut. . &Iekttos4arki Ye.~O. Patona All Elect eld ~ : ' x j i-MI-Kirova; Bardina- _- a tute. WrSS _KhTG7v imi 8 , :~j " SUBMr SUB: CODEF. M IE- 71, -NO: 80V 013 REP OTHERI --:ATD r P RESS!"118T, V, If Ti 77~ m L 26 - PUMT/Imp(t, I /R%W0 /M~fp Th (C) XW Tn /Uvr ;ArC-RW,--AF5022351 SOURCE COM". UR/0135/65YOOO/00910030/0032 Medoirar4 B;; 4 !proctors AUTHOR -;of~technical sciences)l Chekotiid, L, Vi (Engineer),,-: Germah, S. I.. -,1-- - (Candiadie of technical sciences) 61, ORG- Electric Welding Institute ime Ye4,O,.' Patgn ftnstitUt' elektrosvarki) KhTZ im. Or T. 7 dro y Rip, TITLE,. Fluoride-boric acid flux for are and electrosl2g weldi!& of austenitic st els e band alloys A n 30-32 SOURCE: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, o. 9,.1965, ...-,TOPIC, TAGS: ~'austenitic steel, austenitic alloy, beat resistant steel, heat resistant alloy, are.velding submerged arc-velding, electroslar. welding, steel welding, alloy -lux/ANF22 flux -4eldingi'velding f A~fluoride-boric acid-f1jux ANF-22 for submerged-are an~7electroslag C 'of lieat-resistant austenitic,steels and alloys and boron2doiitaining austeni- ~.'tic_~steels has been developed. 'The ARF-22 flux (the CaF2-B 03 system) which 2 for 1.2" ~i_ .--'Author Certificate No. 164717 was.issuedip consists of fluorite concentrate and boron L .,,oxide.. The,kux has good'techfiological'and metallurgical properties in a wide rang4k. 'of..wel.ding conditions a voltage ranige'of 26-40 v and a welding speed of 16 to /hr) and ensures ood weld forming and satisfactory slag removal, No boron oxl-. '50 m 9 was observed in the weld metal when ANF-22 flux was used in submerged-arc ~--Ccrd 1/2 tjDc: 621-79l.o48:669-15=194 L 10251--66 -,-Ewr..(M)/Ewp-(Wr)AWP(V)/r~AWP(t)/EWP(k)/EVIP(z)/E;VPI(bA UP W 00V ACC NRi AP5027h67 SOURCE CODE: UR/ 3 /T5 /011/13811/) 389 V. AUTHOR: Medovar, B. 1.;.Chekotilo, 1115' ORG: -Electric Welding Institute.1m. Ye. 0. Paton, AN UkrSSR (Institut elektrosNarki., AN UkrSSR) i TITLE: A method of determining the sus~ceptlbillty to brittle failure of complexly alloyed dispersion-hardenabl austenitic alloys 14 SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya.- v. 31, no. ]I, 1Q6r', 13811-1,18o TOPIC TAGS. . nickel alloy, bent resistant alloy, alloy, brittleo"VI -"v4o,'"t fa_ilure,~ 1^j4+"L*LT 4Ztr- ABSTRACT: ~A method of express-6valuation of the brittle failure susceptibility of austenitic, age-hardenable, complex, nickellghromiui~lhlloys is described.- Cylindri- cal (40 mm in diameter) or flat (40 m~W_thicO test s ecimens with sharp stress con-, centrators (single-bevel grooves~5 mm deep, 15 deg angle, machined at a distance of 25 mm fromone another) are.welded using filler wire of the same composition as the alloy being welded (see Fig. 1). Formation of crystallization cracks is promoted by the use of a high-silicon flux. If the 'metal is susceptible to brittle f *ailure, cracks in the base metal and grooves become visible either immediately after veldinK/ or after aging at 700-850C for 50 hr. The method makes it possible to classify 1q PEW) _L .21257-66 oo63 08072 SDURCE com: cz/oo65/66/ooo/00l/0055/ Wcuk, G-___ A*1Y.iiOR; Medovar, B. I.; Pay A. -Pav A.; ChekotU2 L. V.- ,Cekotilo. L. V. et iC paton; Kiev (Inatitut elektroevarki) ORG- Institute for Ele r !kWkim. Y6. 0. TIT!-7: The alloying of hiab tmud-ure resistante'Ximonic type Wi-alloys by boron SOUTICE: Ko"Ve Materialy. no-_.x9-i966. 5543 POPIC BAGS: -nickel base alloyv7L cobalt base alloy, boron containing alloy, veldab1XVJ plasticity AMUCT: The article deall avith the investiga f the effect of high boron content on the properties Iekel- and -cobaltV-SYd-alloys Lconducted at the Inati_ tute of Electric Welding in. Ye. 0. Paton. The'investigation embraced alloys vith ron and vithout it. The alloys vere. thermally 0 45, and 0.70 per cent of bo treated and subjected aubseq;aently to* mechanical, strength and veldability tests. .The results-of4he texts amglveu in tabulated fbra. They show that the alloying of. the austenitienr-Ni alloys* and velded joints of the type Nisonic by boron (0.3 to 0.7 per. cent) seems to heighten their strength and high temperature stability$ and at the BMW time maintaining' acceptable plasticity and notch toughness. The aus- tenitic boroule structure consists of tvo phases vhich makes these alloys unprone to hot cracking in the veld natal and in the velded zone Aile fusi2R,_velde4. .44" 1/2 -L 35825-66 DT(k)/EWT(m)/T/ VP (V)/-7VJPt WEM 1JFkc) JIJ/121 ACC HL AP6021827 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413, 35823-66 EWP(k)/EK(m)/T/I~VP(V)/NPtt)/FTI IMcl 01.;/= -A= N& AP602 17 99. -Souncs costs Vale-41316610001011110006633//09"" INVENTORS Nedevera 16 .~':Jjsl "VOYOve 9,1 ChOkItileg L, Tot Tarkhowe No A. g FIRSTS 4.1 ............... ORGI sees TITLEs Electrode for,USIAIM oxidaties.resistaut steelse class 219 vqo'.~ $14 (asue -:two-great vie Mildbe bstila is by. sti To. 0. PAtGa (lustitut Pronyabless7ye obvestay. toversyy& Sushi. so* 120 19660 63'. A A TOPIC TACS8 steel@ Emma welding$ latest ste*19 welding electrode ASSTRAM This Autber-Corti tests Istraduces as electrode for welding exidatign=LULILUL ateell r The electrode coating contains 312 sarblef 27Z floorepar, 6.52 saugamesev 165% almuiauu# sad 142 forroallices. To Isere&** the weld resistance against caftwimatiou, hot cracklate and 0%1dat16Uq 12Z fortobOres and 82 doloUlts are added to the costing eou~ position, SU a Cooz:1~1%ovsUBM DAT Ni'ZGNayGS/ATD MRSSaS13(p. Cmd ILI 2. 'E1612 EW(n)/LPWP(Y)/EWPW/E;T1/WP(k) IJP(C)- JAI-, ALU. MR& MU32034 " !-. ~: I- I - I SOLIRCE CODEz UR/0114/66/000/ AMSM; ChekotIlo L Ve, (Candidate of technical sciencesh German, So I# (Candidate of-technical scienoe-87T1~~,--N, Ye. Mgineor) (RG: none 13 TITLEs Slectric slis veldinit 0 austenitic heat resistant allo EI 2 (LQ~TH~ t JWrg'oft8hinoSt1iy*", no. 7P 1966, 27-29 ~Soc" tresistant alloy, austenitic steel TOPIC. TAGSi are weliim' 6a ABSTRAM Thj article,reports an investigation of the electric sla g welding of alloys E1725~ EI612. and.others which contain chromiuxq7nickol.1-;~WZptsn' Aand tltaniuml;r2siomo of the.alloys.also.contain mol.ybdenum1.j-n-iobiiun,,b crone and aluminum, A detailed Wl a*Sle.70amplo~ ah4s E1725 and chemical analysis of the &Uoys is give were,welded with-a plate typo electrode and with two wire electrodes. A ANF-8 flux was used., The article gives microphotos of the welding seams obtained. A furthe: table lists the rosults of t;As of the physical and mechanical properties of the sea-ns*IIt vas'found-that'theheat resistance of welded joints in EI725 alloy, made wiWeloctric slag wolding,using a plate type electrode and a typo EF235 wire Is from 80 to 90% of tho heat resistance of the base mita o work was direction,of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor B. I, Modavar ACC NRi AT60341A8 Xh25MOSZ, with amounts of boron from 0-3-0-7% is an effective means of increasing their strength and heat resistance'Ll~&ile retaining a high degree of long-term ductility; 2) these steelsp a3.1oys, and welded joints, thanks to their two-phase austenite-boride structuret have no-tendency toward formation of hot cracking* Orig, art* has 1 2 figures mid 2 tables, SUB CODEs III SUBX DAM W=66/ MM RUs 002/ OTH RM 002 AP7001930 SOURCE CODE: UR/0125/66/000/0012/0052/0057 i..AUTHOR: Mledovar, B. 1. ~V.; Pavliychuk, G. A.~ Us, V. T.; Tabidze', A. ORG: Electric Welding Institute im. Ye. 0. Paton,&X UkrSSR (Institut elektroavarki AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Weldable boron-bearing austenitic steels and alloys SOURCE: Avtomaticbeskaya svarka, no. 12, 1966, 52-57 TOPIC TAGS: chromium nickelyloron steel, austenitic steel, weldable austenitic steel, niobitmi containing steel, tun sten containing steel, titanium containing steel, KhlSN12B2Rl austenitic steel7Kh6l5N24V4T2Rl austenitic steel ABSTRACT: Several new' weldable ch Iromium-nickel austenitic steels and alloys con-, raining up to 0.70% boron have been developed in a joint effort by the Electric Welding Institute im. Ye. 0. Paton, TsNII'MASho TsKlChrf, the Moscow Experimental Welding Plant, and Orgenergostroy. Hea t-resistant~ -steels M81112BM or EP531 (0.10% max carbon,.17-19% chromium, ll-' 137.' nick'ei, * I'A -'2.3% niobium, and 0.40---:-0.70% b6ro*n) and Khl5N24V4T2Rl, or EP467 (0.08% max carbon, 14.5-16.5% chromium,-23-25Z nickel, 4--r5Z tungsten, 1.5-2.2% titanium, and 0.40-0.70%.boron) are tube materials intended primarily for steam pipelines and superheaters. Card 1/2 uDc: 621.791-011:669.15-194 ACC NR: Both' steels* have satisfactory 'heat resistance (EP467 6te~l in** sitress-:- i-rapture tests at 650C under a stress of 28 kg/mm2 failed'after 5909 hr a~'an elongation of 14.0% and a reduction of area of lp.9%), satisfqptor~,( ~&ldabilityv*. and low susceptibilitpj'~"pi' locql fr4r~ures in the wel4-,,, adjacent zonp-. Boron-bearing nickel~bas'*W- alloys were developed aq*.-cast alloys for parts operating at tempeWUft_s0bp-,tOj,200C. Cast KhMMM".l Oiloy containing 0.70% boron had at',800C a idhadle* strength of' 64*.5'~.4. a yield strength of 64.1 kg/mm2, an.elongation ~f 1.76%, a riducti4oh-of area of 3.0%, and a notch toughness of 1 mkg/cm2 compared to 46'6V-k~/mm2, .1 9 39.4 kglraa2, 8.2X, 16.0%, and 20.6 mkg/cm2 for the same alloy but without .. 1. - 2 boron. In stress-rupture tests a4TAOC' under a -stress of 29 kg/rima , the alloy with 0.70% boron failed after-26--hr.compared to 3 hr for alloy with-[ out boron. Boron improved signifidantly t~e 1461dability of oxida:tion- .resistant steels Kh25N2OS2 and-Khl8N35S3 iiithout affecting*the oxidation .resistance at temperatures up to 1000C. -Khi8NlGBR(EP381) and Khl3G30NR1(EP537) steels,intended for operation in chloride solutionS are highly resistant to stress corrosion. Specimens of these steels were removed and amassed after 4150-4300 hr test in a boiling 42% solution of magnesium chloride under a stress of 27.3-27.6 kg/=2(90% of yield strength), while the specimens of standard Kl8NlOT and Khl8N1OB steels failed after 8-24 and 2._18 h _ ;e~pective4- - Orig. art. has: 10 figures and 8 tables. SUB CODE: l1/ SUBM DATE: 23May66/ ORIG REP: 006/ OTH REP: 001/ ATD PRESS. 5111 -CHEKOV I M Machine for grindi 'and poUshing,otripas, -briiis and sh~'ets. Biu:~.tekh.-skon.iihfoiia.Gos.naucho-iesl.ihat.iAuth. i tekh. inform* 16 no.ld.-43-45 163. (KIM 16:11) e %5 *~OOLP / 40 CAAoe IUA"*CMW 4 -(m')/-rWP(V)/LW(t)/ET I/ EWP(k) IJP(c) JD/HM/JG ACC N81 A116032034 SOURCE CODE: UR/0114/66/ooo/007/oo27/0025 AUTHOR: ChOdilot 1- V--(Candidate of technical sciences)i Ger=n, S8_1, (CJLndid&tG of technical sciene ~TenberA. No- Te* (Engineer) ORG: none TITIE: Electric slag ve'lding_pf 'austenitic beat resistant allFo E1725-(XhN35Vft/ Y SOURCE: Energomashinostroyeniye, no. 7, 1966, 27-29 TOPIC TAGS: are welding# heat resistant alloy, austenitic steal ABSTRArT: Tht article reports an investigation of the electric slag welding of alloys E1725, EI612 and others vhich contain chrom land titani !'~2- ium-,somo iufffl. 7nickel I _I of the alloys also contain m23 X 1niobium, boron, and aluminum. A detailed ,ybdenumI chemical analysis of the alloys is given in a*~~1-e.,i~amples oi a E1725 and *EI612 were welded with a plate type electrode and with two wire electrodes. A ANF-8 flux was used. The article gives microphotos of the welding seams obtained. A furthez table lists the results of tests of the ]iiysical and mechanical properties of the seams. It wai found that'the heat resistance of welded joints in EI725 alloy, made with electric slag welding using a plate type electrode and a type EP235 wire electrc~de, Is from 80 to 90% of the heat resistance of the base mei~Ea- a work was performed under the direction of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor B, I, Madovar UDC: Card 1 /2 I CMMOV0 M. A. "Device for Drilling Holes In Flanges and in Other Parts," Bab. energ., 1, ho.2, 1951 OMM, Milan Introducing the tax eyetem for the indicatim of the pauge number of yarns. RatvionaUsataiia 11 no.lOt29-31 161. CMKOVA, G. V. (Moscow) "Experimental Translations from French into Russian," Theses - Conference on Machine Translations, 15-21 May 1958, Moscow. CHEKOVA, Margaritf Dwitriyevna; K02,Yld,'VA, O.A., red.; RODIONOVA, (Assignment cards on mechanical drawing. The ninth grade; a teachers' manual] Kartochki-zadaniia po chercheniiu. IX klass; posobie dlia uchitelei. I-loskva, Izd-vo "Prosveshchenie," 1964. 301 P. (MIRA 17:7) "mi, VJ). C AA F_ , USM/Chemistry Chemical engineering; Imtrim-nts FD-3013 Card 1/1 Pub- 50-14/17 Authors Ikhlov, 1. A.) Mordkovich) B. I., Chekova, V. D. o 0 8 P Title Pressure indicator of the FXB-l type. Periodical Khim. prom. No 6, 366-368, Sep 1955 Abstract Describe the EMID-1 circuit which can be activated by a dia- phragm measuring element or a piesoelectric element to which changes in pressure are transmitted by a stream of inert gas. Modifications of instruments using this circuit comprise indi- cators, recorders, and controllers as well as multipurpose ap- pliances (e. g. EMID-1-37, which is a combined indicator, re- corder, and controller and is used for the control of the vol=e and concentration of hot sulfuric acid in continuous production of superphosphate). One figure, 2 diagrams. Institution Experimental Design Office of Automatic Appliances [Avtomatikal, Ministry of Chemical Industry USSR BERG, G.A.; MIASAGUTOV, R.M.; VOLIFSON, I.S.; KlIdUOV, T.S.; r' VINSKIY. L; MARI TSKAYA, R.Z. Hydropurification of thermal cracking rellux. Trudy Bash NI1hTP no-5: 69-77 162. (MIRA 17:10) CHCKRENEV, A., daktor tekhn,nauk; BALANIN, V., kand.tekhn.nauk; ANTONOV, B., - - --kaiid. tekhn.nauk Result of investigations on prolonging the navigation season. Rech. transp. 22 no.11:39-41 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) CHEKRENEV, A. 1. ed, Dredging and channel clearing. Moekva, Izd-vo Ministerstva; rechnogo flota SSSR, 1949. 469 p. (50-390~1) TC530-038 1. CHEXRENEV, A. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Rivers - Regulation 7. Developing machinery for preparing bundles and cables from branches for use in current regulation operations. Trudy LIIVT No. 18, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl. CHNFRRIMV, A.I., dotsent, kandidat takhnichaskikh nank; ILINSKIT. V.A.. re=Mi-; VOLCMK, X.M., takhnichookly rodaktor. (Waterways] Todays, puti. Xoskva. Goo. izd-vo vodnogo transports,. 1953- (NLRA 7:4) (Inload navigation) (Hydraulic engineering) KONOVATAV, I.M., dr., tekbn. nauk, prof.; CHEKRINIEV, A.I., dr. tekbn. nauk, pref.; BAIMI9, V.V., kand.- tekbn. naukt-736-tsent; AETCUOTO B.S., kand. tekhn. nauk Methods of prolonging the navigation period on inland waterways* Trudy LIW no.4600-37 163 (MIRA 170) CHEKR dre tekbne naukq profe; BALANIN, V.V., kande tekbn. nauk, -- ~Rla- AMINO dotsent; SHGHERMKOVAs RJ*~ kand. tfj)rbno naukl MAKARGHUK,, N.Ye, inzhe fteezing of the Northern Dwina River in the autim of 1961 and the effect of autumn ice jamings on the Iwocess of its opening in 1962. Trudy LIVT no.46".66-71 163 (MIRA 17 --7) CHEKRENEV, AlekseW jq-TSWRII, Kirill VI-adimirovi'-p; , _lj~. - ,p a. _ ; C -ftffM 'IM-I..., prof., retsenzert, ZERNOV, S.A.,, retsenzent; f LEONOV, P.A., red.; MAKRUSHINA., A.N., red. [Waterways] Vodnye puti. Moskva, Transport. Pta. 1964. 319 P. (MIRA 18- 2) ----LFNAMFIE-j~~ doktor tak~a.".W., prcf,,i~ BALAWFIN, V.V,, kand.ltaklm. r1h,131,1? &Aoent~ SHCERBAKOVA., R.L., kar.,j.t5khn.,rv%ukr, FOMAROV, N.K." Ure,it of ies Jame in tka 2.cwbr r--ach,-s of the Nartbarr. Dvina Piver on the bmaking up of its dalta. Trv3y LIVTT *1 11 % o. ) .-jn~ 1641, n 61s64 (NIR-A, KAWNETSCIY, V.A., inzh.; SLABOSPITSKIY, I.A., inzh.; CHEKRIZOV,.L.G,., inzh. Results of testing tractors vith automatic friction transmissions. Trakt. i sellkhowash. 33 no.5:11-14 My 163. (MM 16slO) 1. V*sesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanizataii sel'skogo khozyaystva (for Kamenetskiy). 2. Kubanskiy gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut i sel'skokhozyaystvennykh mashin (for Slabospitskiy, Chekrizov). MISHUSTINt I.U.; KRUSHINA, G.L.;,CHEKRIZOVA, A.P. Manufacture and application of glues in schoe manufacture. Kozh.- obuv.prom. 3 no.7:36-37 Ji 161. (MIJU 14: 9) (Shoe manufacture) (Glues) SMOLOU, I.V~; CHMMITj G.S. Increasing the functionality of couplediphenols Isolated from creosote oil obtained in the thermolysis of beach vood. Gidrolis I lesokbim.13rom. 13 no.2:11-3.2 1600 (KIM 13:6) 1. Uzhgorodekly goandwetvounyy universitete (Awsol. condensation. products) (Creosote oil) (wood-Cheidetry) SOMDLkMq I.V.; 49~=YSII-S- SOParatim of Products from the light fraction of beachwood thermlysiv* Gidrolis. i lesokhim. prom. 14 no. 1:15-16 161. (MIRA 14: 1) 1. UzkqorodWdy gosudarstvennyy universitat. (WDod-Chemistry) JZOVA, A.&; MISHUSTIN, I.G.; ZAVELIGELtSKI AIZKSEYENKO, Y, L.M.; LIVOVA, L.V.; SHEYDINA, T.Z.; 0EKSHINA, G.L. Now quick-setting adhesive for gluing soles. Kozh.-obuv.prom, 4 no.3:18-20 Mr 162, (MIRA 15:5) (Adhesive&) .. (Shoo nanmf"ta") GHNWGIL ovich; IGOLKIN. V.N., redaktor; MMIOVA, - ----t-ekh kly radaktor. (Safety measures In servicing and repairing automobiles] Tekh- nika "zopasnosti pri tekhnichaskom obelushivanti i renonte avtomobilet. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo avtotransportnot lit-ry. 1954. 39 P. (Kak 8:10) (Autono'biles- Repairing) KAMLOT, Boris Alsksoyerich; CMM'raTv,. T&Laedaktor: IrOVALIKKINA, N.Y., takhnicheskly redaktor; iO-GAIT, F.L., takhnicheekly redaktor [Organization of carburetor *hope In antomobils repair garages] Orgardiatells, karbluratornogo, teekkii v avtonobillnon khostaletva. Moskva. Avtotramisdat, Kinletermtra artomobillnogo transporta, I shosselurkh dorog. 1954. 143 p. (KIMA 8:3) (Carburetors) (Antomobiles-Repalring) GAn5W, Bergey MMaylovich; CEMTGIN,I.G., redaktor; KALIKOFA,N.V., tekhnicheskly rodaktor [Use and sudutenawe of storage batteries; a sumal for storms battery technicians] Mceplustatella i remont akininullatorufth batarel; posoble akkmallatorshchiku. Moskva, Nsuchno-tskhn. Isd- vo avtotranap. lit-ry. 1955. 70P. (MlaA 9:2) (Storage batteries) 4-4-M tj"- V.N.. redaktor; MALIKOVA, N.V.. tekhni6heskt* i4daktor [Safety neasurst in the servicing and repairIng of automobiles) Takhniks basopasnosti pri tekhnichaskon obalushivanit i remonte avtonobilet. Isde 2-ose Moskva, Nauchno-takha. Izd-vo awtotranap. lit-ry, 1956. 4-9 p. (Ka 9:9) (Autozci".iles--Rapairing--Safety seasures) - CBAMTGIN,,,Iyaz.O~vrilovich: SDOTA. A.F.. red.; N1101ATSVA. L.N., Esefety wasures in tkn maintenance and repair of motor vehicles] Takhnika besopasuosti pri takhnichaskou obaluzhivanii i remoute avtonobilei. Isd.4., Ispr, Hoakwas Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo X-ve avtonobillnogo transports i shoseeinykh dorog RSPM. 1960. 68 p. (KIRA 13:6) (Kotor vehicles-Mainterianee and repair)