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Document Creation Date: 
November 16, 2016
Document Release Date: 
January 10, 2000
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Publication Date: 
December 6, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP82-00457R009400030010-8.pdf121.25 KB
JNTELIOFAX 11 Approved @ /04~1~Iti ;I ,u~D,82-00457R009400030Q10-8 25X1A' "Ri; ]IRT1l1 f V FOd?M11,T1O N " . t,ENTiPAL INTE,LI_,I' 1E:NCE AGENCY REPORT NO., F TON W) CD NO Instructions to Santiago Cells of the I'M I PLACE 25X1 A ,ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO, F')?1YI11:: D+? ITR' 6 DE0 51. NO, OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. ?(U:STED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. The following matters were the subjects of re'entt instructions to the Santiago cells of the Communist Party of Chile (.:Ch) 1. The cells have been bold to launch an intense propaganda, campaign against any important United States citizens visiting Santiago. The Party members are to demonstrate in front of. the visitor.' hotels, and are to place posters and inscriptions on available wall. space Anti-American propaganda in the Cornraunisb newspaper 3 erie~)rraciia is also to be intensifjet, It is noted that these instructions come prior to the scheduled visits of various United States congressional delegations to Chile 1- o 2. The Santiago cells have also been instructed, to form neighborhood information of Vital interest to all Corrnunists,, and then the Party has made great sacrifices not only to sustain Democraci but to exp nd it o Instructions have therefore been i sued .for, the formation of "cell libraries", which would include copies of Democracia and which would be accessible to the PCCh members., committees to study all problems in. tIhea,a? on particular sectors of the city. A forthcoming congress of the Comite Na.cional, de la Vivi.~:ndz* will reportedly be based on the finding of these corrnitteeq., The PCCh, on the basis of a recent poll :conducted among its Santiago rnembers.,, has also criticized the :Low percentage of Part members who read Demnocrci.a,, The cells are informed that every issue contains will .be responsible for the distribution 'and care of Lhis 1#erature The cell members are also inetructed to turn over to. the cultural secretax7 of their cell a list of ail rep dint; material 'they have vrhich might be of ' interest to other e+ ll ? rmembers n The cuitur e:al secretary is the Trent.' Nac:ton ,.l. de to V.ivxienda (see 25X1A Carranent p The Comi.te Nacional del la fiviencla mentioned by soure IMI _ _ CLASSIFICATION' ti ~K STATL idAVY fE ARMt~~AIR lT51iT~?T17,. ~.., DISTRIBUTION ------ to C~ n o aa s in Class. M Lj U ocasslt en Class, Ghangpd To: TS S 0 Approved For Release 12000/04/19: CIA-RDP 2'Ur? W7A 9 1 0-8 Qa ~