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CH&TORANIMS . 2 wo 0036 4 W t-, -~,- - ~ Use of ravA*E testing techniques for calculating Intramiclear cascades. Isv.AN SWR Ser.fis.19 no.6:629-638 N-D 155. (MIRA 9:4) loInstitut f1s1ki Akmd=II nauk Grus,89A. (Commie rare) Okclear physics) -S, W ---"w USSSR/~',.'uclear Physics - Neutron distribution FD-IL-5 5 Card 1/1 Pub. 146-15/25 Author : Chavchanifte, V. V., and Cheyshvili, 0. D. Title : Letter to the editor. Finding the energy distribution function of neutrons by the 14arkov method Periodical ; Zhur. eksp. i teoro fiz. 28, 369-371, March 1955 Abstract : The authors attempt to discuss certain problems in the theory of slowing of neutrons in the case where the slowing occurs as a result of elastic Collisions with the nuclei of the moderator (A. I. Akhiyezer and 1. Ya. Pomeranchuk, Nekotoryye voprosy teorii yadra. (Certain problems of nuclear theory), GITTL, 1950), namely by the use of the Markov method (V. V. Chav- chanidze, ZhETF 26, 179, 185, 1954). Their results are also convenient for the case of thin layers of the moderator, where the number of elastic collisions is small (less than 25-30)- Eight references; e.g. V. V. Chav- chanidze, Dissertation, Thilis State University, 1953). Institution: Thilis State University Submitted : July 28, 1954 nytanj zg.-V6- V.-.Dn-the Cq a f ti cuuntm electro- 11 Ons 0 VITU Mad, Nauk G zin. SSR 17 (1956), 15 20 (Russiaan) 0, the basis of certain assumptions, such as that the electromagnetic vector pDtential is "pressed in terms of a scdar "photomeson" fieAd, a set of field equations for the electron-pasitron and "photonneson" fields is ob- tained, N. Rosen (Haifa). Iv blo iUTHOR HIMAKASHVILI, Id. M. I.CHAVCHA ITINE. V - VUMA LADZE, Yu . G 56-5-38/55 'TITLE On the Nature of the Pield Punction. (0 prirode polevqy funktaii,-Russian) PERIODICAL Zhurnal Ekqperim.i Teoret.Fiziki,1957,Vol 32,11r 5,PP 1236-1237(USSR) ABSTRACT The neutrality or the stato of being charged of a given wave field, i.e. the neutrality or the state of being charged of the particles corresponding to itlare closely connected with the character of the field functions (be they real or complex).At the present stage of investigations it is not possible to determine from the form of the field functions, i.e. from their algebraic structure,whether a given wave function enters into interaction with any nonelectromagnetic field.Thus,at the present stage of theory,the fact of the existence of a nonelectromagnetic interaction between the given alternating fields does not impose any conditions on the character of the rele- vant field quantities.But in the interaction vith the electromag- netic field there exists such a condition (i.e. the field function is then complex).The authors of the paper under review use as an example a spinor field that can be characterized by a four-compo- nent spinor.The interaction with a mesonic field is introduced (con- trary to the interaction with the electromagnetic field) in such a way that no conditions are imposed on the field function of the epi- nor field (or of any other field).This,however, means that in pre- sent theory of the wave fields the electromagnetic field occupies Card 1/2 a special position.From"this fact two conclusions can be drawn:Ei- On the -Nature of the Field Function. 56-5-38/55 ther this special position of the electromagnetic field is recog- nized or the following concession is made:The present theory has not yet been able to find an adequate apparatus for expressing the particularities of the really existing wave fields by imposing ad- ditional conditions upon the field quantities of the fields stan- ding in interaotion,The first conclusion can not be accepted,becau- se it does not provide for any way out of the dead end of the pre- sent mesonic theory.The second conclusion could serve as basis for an attempted generalization of the concept of the wave function. In other words,such conditions must be obtained which must be im- posed on the relevant field functions in order to realize the one or the other interaction.Thus it would be possible to make the hy- pothetic presupposition that the field fianction of the wave field must be a hypercomplex number,in particular a quaternion.The paper under review outlines these lines of thought in somewhat greater detail. (No reproductions) ASSOCIATION Institute for Physics,kcademy of Sciences~of the Georgian SSR. PRESENTED BY SUBMITTED 5.11-1956 AVAILABLE jibrary of Congress. Card 2/2 I tit V.'U' 11 pit olvaVil Pm[p P01 UMN PA ii 'MW !it I Z.'. 111 11 Iv go 1141 V r 4 WIN IV a Ng" gg flat-, I Pal T'u t;1.r3'7rr I ID 9 R ZA l v .4 'a 4 f . rip PL Ile 9 :L, 1, 1 t. Ig ul a 0 4 7 lp 9 1 RE IV F 9 t CHAVCHAVIDO, V.V. Primary '-Ialphnbotw of denoxyribonuclele acid. Di0fisika 3 n0,4: 391-195 JI-Ag 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Fistcheekly f&ulltet Tbillaskogo gonudarstvennogo universiteta in. LV. Stalluse (DESOXMIBONUOLNIC ACID) 56-34-4-2o/6o AUTHORS: Chavchanidze, V. V., Shaduri, R. S., Kumsishvili, V. A. TITLE: The Calculation of the Electron-Photon Cascade in Lead by the Monte Carlo Method (Raschet metodom Monte-Karlo elektronno- -fotonno,ro kaskada v svintse) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 4, pp. 012 - 915 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This work describes the statistical probability molding based on the method of random trials (a modification of the method by Monte Carlo). This work only describes the scheme of the calculation of the cascade omitting details. The range of the y-quantum in lead until the first process of interaction is "drawn". The "drawing" is made for the integral curve of the dependence of the total cross section on the energy of the quan- tum. Then the "fate" of the y-quantum is drawn. In the case of pair production the energy of the positron is drawn and from it then the energy of the electron is ascertained. Subsequent- ly the amounts of the ionization losses and thus. also of the Card 1/4 energy of the components of the pair before the following The Calculation of the Electron-Photon Cascade in Lead 56-34-4-2o/6o by the Monte Carlo Method collisions are determined. Simultaneously also the correction for the multiple scattering is "drawn". The energy of the bremsstrahlung quantum was ascertained by tile method of the construction of non-normalized integral curyes with unequal ar- gument scales. The scattering angles were "drawn" without con- sideration of the correlation between the scattering angles of the quantum of the electron. In the case of destruction the scattering angle of the one y-quantum in the center of mass system is "drawn". From the data obtained by this also the scattering angle of the second quantum is ascertained. The re- sults thus obtained are plotted in form of curves for the energy distribution and for the angular distribution of the electrons, positrons, and y-quanta (as functions of the generating angle of the observation cone). The computation of the electron-photon cascade.-is unusually long. For the factual performance.of the computaiions electronic high-speed computers are necessary. The existing machines need not be rebuilt at all but a correspon- dingly performed programming is sufficient. Here 2 of such Card 2Y4 programming methods are shortly described. It is a particularity I The Calculation of the Electron-Photon Cascade in Lead 56-34-4-2o/6o by the Monte Carlo Method of the first method that in the constant memory the arguments of the given probability functions are stored in a certain order. The second programming method allows the introduction of these functions into the storing device. According to the opinion of the authors the whole efficiency of the calculations by the method of random trials shows up only in case of the application of electronic computers and in case of adapted programming. The authors thank A. V. Tagviashvili, B. 1. Bo ~da- revich, L. L. Esakiya, G. A. Goradze, M. Ye. Perellman, G. A. Almanov for their participation in the-practical performance of the computations. This work was performed on the suggestion by Professor V. F. Dzhelepov in connection with the necessary estimation of the probability of the non-emission of electrons and positrons from lead plates of little thickness. The authors thank Professor Dzhelepov and his collaborators for his atten- tiveness and his interest in this work. There are 3 figures Card 3/4 and 7 references, 4 of whi-ch are Soviet. The Calculation of the Electron-Photon CaDcade in Lead 56-34-4-2o/6o by the Monte Carlo Method ASSOCIATION: Institut fizihi Akademii nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (Institute of Faysies S~R) SUBMITTED: September 23, 1957 1. Lead--Nuclear reactions Card 4/4 Perellmant 14. Ye. Sov/56-35-1-50/59 AUTHORS: TITLE: On the Theory of the Neutrino (K teorii neytrino_) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskey fiziki, 1958, Vol. 35, Nr 1,. pp. 296 - 298 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper demonstrates that all the experimerital results described by the trio-component theory (Ref i) may be explained without the introduction of a longitudinal unsymmetric neutrino. The authors suggest that this hypothesis be replaced by the assumption that a quantum mixture of 2 light neutral Dirac (Dirak) particles flies off in the P-, g, and n-decays. These Dirac (Dirak) particles have opposite parities. The relation between them is that of particle and antiparticle and therefore a new rule for the conjugation particle- antiparticle is introduced. For the sake of simplicity the authors investigate only the P-decay which is characterized by the Hamiltonian H -.~ c-(~ Q ~ )(TOi~ In the twe,,component theory there is tM I n i p Card 1/3 = (';: YO~V/r2 (~,u "7 Y0V)/'F2 , and the authors On the Theory of the Neutrino SOV/56-35-1-50/59 for the sake of definiteness put 'T . The authors' hypotheois may be reduced to the hypothTfis that (E)= ~-(_E) _Y0+ (E) behaves like the wave function whereas ~,,= (E) is the wave functions . For a neutrino the transition frtmLtr + 0 to the corresponding equation for the antiparticle (E) = 0 ma'y be carried out by means of the above mentioned relation. The wave function of the real antiparticle is different from zero also in the non-relativistic limit. According to the above-mentioned relation, the Hamiltonian mentioned in the beginning of this paper with t(+) gives the same cross'sections of the decay phenomena as in the two-component theory. The asymmetry of the decays is not interpreted as a consequence of the properties of any particle, but as a consequence of the properties of inter- action itself, i.e. - of'the non-conservation of the lepton charge. The selectivity of the interaction is ex- pressed by the choice of the phase factor of the quantum mixture which flies away. The author expresses his thanks Card 2/3 to V.I.lAamasakhlisov for his useful discussions and for his On the Theory of the Neutrino SOV/56-35-1-50/59 interest in this paper. There are 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: December 24, 1957 4 Card 3/3 CHAVCHANIDZZE P. V.V. SHADMU 0 R.S. Method of statistiml-*babilietic mode3ing applied to the 'un calculation of-i ctional integrals of the FeyMftan tYPee Wiener and Fresnel measures. Trudy Inst. fiz. AN Gruz.SSR 7:105-111 160. (MIRA 34:10) (Sampling(Statistice)) (Integrals) A 00 0 AUTHOA: TITLE: S/194/62/000/606/055/232 D295/D308 Chavchanidzet V.V.' The use of statistical-probability models as a possible design principle of control systems PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika,, no. 6', 1962j, abstract 6-2-130 v (V sb. Primeneniye vychisl. tekhne dly4 avtomatizo proiz-vag 1T.q..Mashgizq 1961, 52-62). TEXT: A design principle of control system is considered based on the nethod of statistical-probability modelling.-The Monte Carlo. methods are the basis of this principle. The direct and inverse Monte Carlo methods are considered as well as the method of random tests. These methods make it possible to simulate various, processes and, what is particularly important, processes that do not lend themselves to analytical design. A typical feature is the fact that no model is constructed for a determined object but the designed system constructs, regenerates and stores a model of the object. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 32573 3/621,/61/000/000/006/014 AtSo /0-3 1? T3 1003) D234/D303 AUTHORS.* Chavchanidze, V-V-9 and KUM18ishvilip V.A. TITLE: On determining distribution laws on the basis of a small number of observations SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnicheekoye obahchestvo priborostroitellnoy prOMYBhlennosti. Primeneniye vychislitellnoy tekhniki dlya avtomatizataii proizvodstva. Trudy soveshchaniya, provedennogo v oktyabre 1959, g. Ed. by V.V. Solodov- nikov. Moscowt Mashgizq 1961, 129 - 139 TEXT: The authors propose an empirical method of constructing the distribution function of a random quantity X in the case when the number of its observed values is very small (not larger than 10). According to the usual method which the authors call classical, the density of the distribution function is considered as infinitely large at all x = x i (i = 1, 2, ..., n) and equal to 0 at all other points, i.e. it is supposed that only these specified values of x could appear in the test and the probability of any other values is Card 1/4 32573 3/621/61/000/000/006/014 On determining distribution laws ... D234/D303 0; this seems to be unjustified lf the number of data is small. The authors assume a priori that: A) The true distribution function f(x) of a random quantity X is larger than 0 in the interval bet- ween x = a and x = b and equal to 0 outside it; B) f(x) is conti- nuous and has no excessively steep rises or descents within the in- terval. If there are no observed values of X one can still indica- VY te the form of f(x) corresponding to the information already avai- lable. The only sibility consistent with the information is fO(x) = 1/(b _ a~osinside the interval and fo(x) = 0 outside, i.e. when no value of X has been observed one can only assume that all *alues have the same probability inside (a, b). If there is one ob- served value x 1 the classical formula would be fl(x) = S(X - xJ) (7) which cannot be considered as the beat approximation to the true f(x); it is farther away from the latter instead of being closer than fo(x). One should not construct about x, a delta function, but Card 2/4 32573 S/621/61/000/000/006/014 On determining distribution laws ... D234/D303 some continuous function which may be any one that is symmetric. The authors choose this function (called the insertion function) equal to 1/d in the interval (X 1 - d/29 x1 + d/2) and to 0 outside it. To obtain a new approximation to f(x) one must add the above function to fo(x), both being muitiplied by corresponding weight factors; the latter are equal to 112 as there are no reasons for selection. If there are 2 observed values the reasoning is analo- gous. For n observed values f W - 1 f fo(x) + n n + W (16) the insertion functions here must be corrected so as to give f,,(X) = 0 outside (a, b). The formula was checked by the authors with the aid of the Monte-Carlo method for two different laws of distr4bu- tion; the results are described. It is stated that ihe au"Cohors found the form of the insertion function Card 3/4 32573 S/621/61/000/000/006/014 On determining distribution laws ... D234/D303 YX W = ki2 2 (20) i . (X - xj) + d to be sufficiently close to the optimum form-, ki is the normaliziig constant depending on x i and d a parameter which must be found em- piricallyo After every experiment one can extract the most reliable information and use it in the appropriate way; the full information will be the sum of corresponding variations I A 10 + Al 1 + ... + _,AIn' (21) There are 2 tablesp 4 figures and 4 Soviet-bloc references. Card 4/4 SKHIRTLAME, R.L.; CHAVCHANMZE, M. Sy"sis of discrete stochastic units. Soobe AN Gruz. SSR 27 no.5:529-536 N 161. (KIRA 15-.1) 1. Akademiya muk Gx~ toy.SSR,, Institut kibernatiki, Tbilisi. Predstavleno almdamikom V.I. Nommmakhlisovym. (Cybernetics) CIIAVCWIDZE, V.L,, kand.fiziko-wtematicheskikh nauk; KVINIKHIDZE,, K.S.0 MI A tj _qhiy nauchw sotrudtdk MxW1 of the Obydrogen atom* of biology. Milks I zhi=l 29 no*4:31-32 Ap 162. (MIPA 15:7) (Cello.-MxW29) CHAVCHANIDZE, V. Living model or a model of a living being? Znan.-aila 37 no.6:19 J9 162. (KMA 15:9) 1. Direktor Instituta k1bernatiki AN Grusinskoy SSR. I .(Cybernetics) I . I CHAVCHANDZEV V. -Vi- . Stochastic aggroptes and probl~ of informtion th;;qO TrudtF Inst,fis,AN GmsSSR WM285 162. . . 16&2) (Aggregates) (Information theory -CHAVCHkNID The inverse Monte Carlo method. Trudy Inst.fiz.AN Gruz.SSR 8s287-293 162. NM 16s2) (Distribution (Probability theory)) I I ,CHAVCHANIDZE. V.V.j BUDEYEV, I.N,j MIXELADZE, Z.N.; KUMISHVILI, V.A. ZZ-~ A now metbod for adding and subtracting binary digits IW high-speed'digital. comqmters, Trudy Inst.fis.AN Grux.SSR 8013-321 062. (KMA 16s2) (Electronic digital coqmters) AccEssioN m: m4020777 s/0273.1rA100010021DO1613016. SOURCE: RM. AvWmst. 9 tolemekh. I vechislitel. tokhaikal Abe. 2B93 AVMOR: Chavdhs~ldzsp Ve V. TMZ: Statistical probability or stmalating physical processes and structures Cr= SOURCE: Tr. In-ta klbwmtlkl, AN GruzSSR, v. 1, 1963, 13-18 TOPIC TAGS: functional Isomorphism, probability, statistical probability, pro- coos simulatlonj, structural simulation, physical simulation, cybernetics TRANSLATION: The concept or functional isomorphism to examined and it is noted that there are many objects whose fundamental principles of existence can not be described by a functionally Isomorphic model In terms of classical Lagrangian formalism and vh1ch include probability phenomena, many-particle phenomena, etc. A basis Is dravn for using.& random test method for simulating complex physical processes and structures. The possibilities of using statistical probability simulation and the range or Its applicability are examined. The vork done in Cwd 1/2 I... : I:- I - I- ---- ---, i - a- - 64/900/003/VO55/VO55 I'ACCESSION NR: AR4039311 SlOO44/ 'SOURCE: Ref. sh. Matematika, Abs., 3V236 :,;AUTHOR: Chavchanldse, V. V. -ITITLE: Entropy operations an digital system ICITED SOURCS: Tr. In-ta Itibirnatiki. AN Crus=, v. 1, 19630 19-23 ITOPIC TAGS: digital systow entropy operation, Boolean varla~lo ordered totality, ;B6olean aggregate, logic#1 function, logical function ordered sequenq* TR?MSIATION: An ordered totality (xlq %) of Boolean variables Is called a Moolean aggregate. The author discusses operations on Boolean aggregates, which ireduc6 to obtaining new Boolean iaggr*gates. '19ach variable of the now aggregate is obtained by applying a certain logical function to corresponding variables of ag- .,.,"gregatos which take part in the operatiom, the selection of the logical function for"a given position*can depend an values of the defined variables. The author can- alders opez;kt 101is an aggcwt" of the toole CWd 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AR4035563 S/0271/64/000/003/BO10/BO10 WJHCZs Ref. sh. Avtonat., telanekh. i vy0chiel. tekhn. Av. t. # Abe* 3850 AMOR: Bokuchava, 1. T.; Chavchanifte, V. V. I Xmisishvili, V. A. TMXs Stachastia-logical. generation of digital aggregates CITED SOURCE: Tr- In-ta k1bernsti1d. AN GruzSSR, Y. It 1963, 25-35 (,TOPIC TAGS: stochastic process, stochastic process generation, Markoy chain generation, stochastic logical. generation iTRUSIATIONs Generation of stochastic processes, particularly, of a simple homogeneous MarkovIs chain with a discrete time by means of functions of the algebra of logic is considered. Four generator types developing one and n syWmls per unit of time are presented. For each generator, probabilities of pij transitions from the 1-th state to the J-th state are calculated; the maximum probabilities Ri of the transitions are needed for estimating the process entropy. It is proven thit by selecting suitable values of probability of wing various logical functions, randan processes with the required pi and Ri am be obtained, 1. a., the stochastia process am be'oontrolled in a cyeiriar~ sense. An exasple in Cwdl/2 I I ACCESSION 16: AR403lo86 S/0044/64/000/002/VO13/VO13 -SOMCE: ReferatlvnyW7 zhurnal. Mete"t0a, Abs. 2VTT AMHOR: Namoredze, N. Ze; ChavchanjdzOp V- V-; XMishvills V. A. TITLE: A statistical-probability simulation for making linear polymerle chains conformal In strongly 41.1uted opening@ CITED SOURCE: Tr. In-ta kibernetiki,, AN GruzsSRj, V. is 1963,' 93-103 TOPIC TAGS: statistical-probability simulation.. conformal linear polymeric chain, polymer configurational statistics# binyl polymer chain TRANSLATION; The autbors consider a nev method for studying the configurational statistics of polymirs and they demonstrate the fundamental possibility of a statistical-probability simulation for polymeric chains. They compare an algw-' itbm for calculating,, by means of the Monte-Carlo methods the conformation Of separate chains of bluyl polymers v1th massive velptse A-uthars' absWact D= 19Har" CE 00 cm, 1AIC=X= Mt MWWM 81WW6k100Q10021DM1X*5 80~t IM. Avtmto# telmmeft.- I vy0ebielltel. Ukhalkap Abe. 2UM AURMORS WAkrWsV# I* 'No ICho dhouldnef To V.; NswalWans YU. 8.1 Bergeymokat No Da W=t Circuit for distlagalsbIng mm6m In uo&dms In, hI& speed electromic am 9=01: It. In-to kibwmtgdp M OruzM, v. Is 1-961, 1-05-110 TWC TM: absolute oampamtwv accumda,",p bla-speed accumdator,, absolute Val" cowriscut 00"Pters comperator circuit absolute value TRANUATICE: A ftftm Is described fOr comperIft the absolute values ct UO nuftere A and 3 vltbmt w6tractloa operations or anallels of the result. The Ioperation of to dIfferentlator Is based on a knom method of comparing the ab solute values ubm positlowd moUtIon Is used for the numbers. fte methad Is rowghly stated thus: the nufter vbme left-band digit Is the top digit bas the - Vvester mdulus. In the b1my system, the algwIthm fm IN AOMBM M: MhOMW the absolute values or two A and 3 appears as ronows: the Identical bite or the widbers A and 3 are scanned sequentially beginning with the lert-band digit until the bits beving different Almits we found (10 or 01); the nuiber baying 1 In the IndicatedUlt boa the greater absolute value. Mw sebamtic diagraa for realizing this principle Is given (see enclosure). Four AND circuits In eseb bit are controlled by IrAput trlgpws or the registers containing the mmbers A and B. They detuminis the binary digit combinations 110 000 10j, and 01. 84gW from the AND circuits travel over Wo palths. Wben 1i1 xo and T is the total time of the observations. Plots of this quantity are shown in Fig.2. Acknowledgments are expressed to G.A. Vakulenko for assistance in the analysis of the observations. There are 2 figures and 4 referencesi 3 Soviet-bloc and I nor.- Soviet-bloc. The English language reference reads as follows: Card 2/f --7 1> 33218 An estimate of the stability of ... S/l4l/61/oo4/oo6/oo4/ol7 E032/EI14 Ref.2: J.A. Thomas, E.K. Smith.' J. Atm. Terr. Phys;,-v.13, 295 (1959). ASSOCIATION: gosudarstvennyy universitet .(Rostov on-Don State University) SUBMITTED: March 8, 1961 Card 34 CHAVDAROV,, S.S.; CHASOVITZ.. Tu.K. Stability of radio wave reflection from the opcwadic E layer accuNWw to obseratiow in Rootov-on4w. Geemag. i aer. 2 nb.2:249-256 Mr-Ap 162. Oam 15:6) 1. Rostmkiy-ns4onu godWaretwomyy univmitets (16nospWic radio,vm propkgation) S/904/61/000/000/010/011 Some results of. D218/D308 was sufficiently -quiet, but there was considerable thunder- storm activity giving rise to considerable interference. Never- theless,,.continuous recording of ionograms was successfuily -he effect-ve accomplished, and graphs are now reproduced showing heights and critical frequencies during the eclipse. The behav- ior of the ionosphere-.,at.the two points was very similar. The critical frequen cies.of the P layer during the eclipse were higher-than the median-.values before the eclipse and very dearly,-. :equal to them after sunset., A.considerable reduction in f E was noted 6 hours before the eclipse, reaching a maximum reduc- tion at 3 hours before'-the maximum phase. Atime plot of 'Cos 1/4% was found to be app roximately the same as the course 0 of f E up to about 12 hours. Thereafter there was a considerable. discrepancy There are,~2.figutes and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: -Rostovskiy gosudarstyennyy universitet (Rostov- State University) -Card 2/2