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L 1212. EWTM FCC 11W 7 ACC ACC. i~R,-7,tT5028659' fq~YAGE CODE: UR/2633 Vbbt~/O 120[0123 UTP_ A AUTPPM Ghasova- K I F Far Eastern Scientific He,-si6arcli IZI-EvMet orological Vladivostok (D;il nevostochnyy nauchno-issledovatrif skiy gidrometeorologicheskiy il-stl7tiq .TITLE-.- Test of a short-rangeforacast of AT- n charts by the,,isallohyps m9thod ern Sib=era- 4649ar under.c.onditions-or East ar" SOURCE.- Vladivostok,: Dal' nevostochnyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy gidrometeorologichaskiy institute' Trudy, no e 19t 1965. Voprosy aerologii i ~sindpticheskoy meteorolo gii (Problems in aerology and synoptic. meteorology).q. 120-123 TOPiC-TAGS:l weather forecastings weather charto diurnal variation -ek OC ABSTRACT: The results of a comparison of AT forecasting charts for the terriroty 300 of Eastern Siberia and the Far-East are discussed. The method proposed by A. A. Favlovskaya and AM P. Fogosyan (Motodicheskiye ukazardya TaIP., vyp. 42, 1961) is ,used. The AT5W and AT charts of the Vladivostok Weather Burean served as the 30D basic data., and 151 forecasting charts for Januaryj, April., June, Septemb-r., and November, 19629 were conposedo From 50 to 60 points uniformly distributed over the territory were used to conatruct the. charts of the daily inallohypoes and of temper- LCwd' 1/2 UDCI 551.509.5(571.6) BOYKO, L.S.; SOKOLOVSKIY, M.V.; FEY, V.M.; YANKOVSKIY, I.Ye.; GUKR;NYY9 V.N.; KAUROV, V.Y.; PYATNITSKIY, A.A.; CHASOVNIKOV. L.D.2 dots.,, retsenzent -. [Reducing and variable speed gears; atlas of designs] Reduktory i variatory; atlas konstruktsii Moskva Mashinostroenie, 1964. 95 p. (;~RA 17-111 UGOROV, K.D., kand.ekon.nauk; - TROSHINA. A.P.; KOVAIRV, P.P.; NOVIKOVA, A.A.; LAGUTINA, N.V.; TWINA., N.A.; SMSTAKOVA, R.Y.; AXIMMONKO O.Ye ; IMMA INS V.S., ak~demik, red.; VMS, V.I., red.; iR&;, Al, kand.filosof.nauk, red.; RYBIRSKIT. X.1.. red.: NIZHNUTA, S., red.; VOSMSRNSKAYA, T., red:; 0 red ; CHIMMOVA, To,. red*; MITKATA, A.D.. red.; CHEP=VA9 0., 'EVorks of the State Commission for the Blectrification of Russia; documnts and materials) Trady'Gosuderetvennoi komisaii po elektri- fikataii Rossii GOMM; dokumenty i materinly. Red.komisaiia: V.S.Kulebakin and others. KDekva. Izd-vo sotsiallno-okon.lit-ry, 1960. 306 p. (KIRA 14:2) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.G.R.) Gosuderetvanneys komisslya po alaktrifiketaii Roosil. 2. Chlen...korrespondent AN SM (for Veyts). (Blectrification) Y9GOROVv K9D., kande ekon. nauk; AIEKsANDROVA-ZADRSKiYA, V.V., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; STEPANOV, F.V., doktor geogr. nauks prof.; KULEBAKIN, V.S., akademik, red.; KRUMIL111, 1CHA=3MOVAo4.v.,_ redo,- [Materials on the electrification of individual districts] Materialy po elektrifikatsii otdel'rWkh ralmam; trudy. VAWma, lzd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 299 p. (MIRA 17:4) 2. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Gosudarstvermaya komissiya po elektrifikatoii Rosaii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kruzhilin),, AGASHKIN., O.V.; LITYMP-100 G.S.; SOKOIDVP D.V.;_CHUNjYO.VA*_�.S.~ Ster6ochemistry of altrogen beterocyclos. Part ll-. Inftared epee,tra. of the family of 2-mthyl-.4-hydroxydecahydroquinolim ster6oisomerso Zhur. ob. khim. 31 no.)iSQ-870 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Institut Ithi-41 AN Kazakhokoy SSR. (Quinoline-15pectra) rd 2/2, CHASOV, D. , of i r 00 D. Ponoinariv, dud 11; AC11 ' ' _ t t L h kdd N Isrest. ukdd. d*k Xamhh. S;S.R; )to - f23 ~ S!er7Kfi7itn- No. 7. idid d. and neutral pulps after Zii roastinj diffei hairi ei~ 6ther, Chemi cal Abst. significantly, Whough the contefit of frie HSO - 'Ai&i WE, 48 NO- 9 l V 6 g./1. Apparently nedttaliiatibn destibyi Wcalcftw~ 4 - ~ s t f h id h . o ei sk em o ys t so L, thli &6s low ~66~m~ id iii~ ' May 10, 1954 ized system. tm oj4~ idd 961,i --hports-: of.Sioi frazzi ' . Su ' y and "etal109raPlly Metallur this Idea. Th~;% :e~16 R'i fi* PT ibwli6ii; oten fgki - Oressed filtration rate C! Wxp 0y , is the Vol. of Per ti"'e 1, area. P Is applied. pressure, n=nd c6nsts.; n m - 1.37-3.0, w V thickness of the eake~ and Is lowest The filtration rate Hses from 25' too 60',- ut huth fill temp. bas little Oect. Acid pulp filters less fliah I neutral materlia. G. M. 1W ,~") A , , f :,.,. - ~ I . . i &-., - HA AID P - 3421 Subject USSR/Chemistry Card 1/1 Pub. 152 - 6/18 Authors Vozdvizhenskiy, G. S., V. A. Dmitriyev, A. G. Mozhanova, Ye. V. Rzhevskaya, and D. Ye. Chasov Title Preparation of good-quality electrolytic coatings on articles from zinc alloys Periodical : Zhur. prikl. khim., 2-8, 5, 484-489, 1955 Abstract : Various compositions and reaction conditions are described. Best results were obtained by using an electrolyte containing 20-25 g./L copper, 8-12 g./l. free cyanide, 15-30 g./L sodium cabonate; current density, 1 amp./; temp., 50-550C; PH-0 11-12; reaction time, 10 min. Three tables, 3 photos, 6 ref., 4 Russian (1943-1951). Institution : None Submitted : S 25, 1953 CHASOV, L.I.; rLISKIN, B.N. Introducing multipurpose attachments vith interchangeable parts. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.6:74--76 16o. (MIRA 13:1) (Machine tools-Attachment) CRLSOV, V.A.,- I ----Nwwmw"mf Methods of studying =4Watibuity. uchosapfizenevao zoaman-m 133. (mental suggestlon, (KZRA 9:7) YAKOVLOVA, Ye.l.; ZACHIMSKIY. R.A.;. CHASOV. V.A. Group psychotherapy for neurotic patients. Zhur.nerv.1 Palkh. 59 no.10:1201-2207 139. (MA 13:3) 1.11talka newronow I pWautchenykh mostoyanly ftuchno-Issledavatell- skago palkhonevrologlaheebmCo Instituta. imeni'V.M. Bekhtereva,(direk- tor - prof, Vol* lWasishchev), Leningrad. (PSTOWIPERAN GWUP) YACHEPITSUT, R.A.; YAKOVLEVA, Ye.K.;_,CHASOV~ V-A- Group pachotherapy in plooho3im. Sbor. trud. Len. nanAn. ob-va navr. i paikh. no.6s3.1-19 159. (MPA 3,3t22) 1, Is V14nj" nev"Zov J pograachn7kh notgoyanly Instituta imni V.M. Bekhtereva (mwhtWy r~*ov4ditell otdoloniya i direktor Inatituta - chlon-korrespondent Akadwdi pedagogioeskilch nauk pvf. V.N. myasishchave (AMOMLLSM) (GROUP PSYCHOTMAPT) 1. CHASOVEMAYA, A. '1. 2. USSR (600) - 4. Soil Microorganisms 7. Interrelation Of Diants during the first stages of growth. Uch. zaD. Len. un. No. 143, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, May 1953. Unclassified. A. 2. US3R (600) 4. Roots (Botany) 7. Method of studying root systems of herbaceous plwits,'Uch. zap. Len. un. No. 143, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, May .1953. Unclassified. 1. CHASOVENINTAYA, A. A. 20 USSR (600) Afforestation 7. Effectiveness of using spot seeding in planting, Vest. Len. un., 7, No. 10 1952. 9. Monthly List 2f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. CHASOVIBILYA.. A.A. assistent, imndidat biologichemkikh nauk. 1 -1-1:1 - - .Iffoot of the space arrampmat of winter rye on the tillerlng rate, number of inrusle In the ear, and branching rate. Reach. blul. lenoune no.31:36-.40 053e . (KM 10:p) 1*11afedre, pebotaniki. (Plants# SWO 4XTWPWZt Of) (Rye) CHASOYMAYA, A.A. Effect of volatile organic secretions of plants on seed germination. growth, and development of certain species of harbacesus plants. Yest.Lon.un. 9 no.1:21-35 Ja 154. (an 9: 7) (Botaiw-Pbratology) CHASOVINNAYA,A.A. ~~ - U=sually early blossoulng no.4:4546 Ap 154, of a larch sapling. Test. Ion. un. 9 (NLRA 8:6) (Iaroh) CHASOVICIMYA, A.A. research sethodB on ecology arA phytocenosis. Bot-zhur- LaboratorT reset 40 no.2:227-232 Mar-Apr 155. (MIaA 8:7) 1. Leningradekly Gosudaretvemwy universitat imeni A.A. Zbdanova. (Botamical research) CHkWVEMYA A.L... .. - --- "I ..... ... 11- -- Iffect of the spacing of oat@ and barley In the field on the structure of their vegetative organs. Vest. Len.un.11 no.3: 29-4o]P,56. (KM 937) (Oats) (Barley) (Plants, Space arrangement of) - CRAWTENNATA. A.A.; PRADVA, G.Y. Boll reaction In the rhisompbers of herbaceous plants, Vast. Lon. nn. 11 no.15--18-27 156. Wu 9120) (Soil chemistry) (Hydrogen-ion concentration) CHASOVINWA- *.A.- I . & V~ - 'I', 1~ ~ . 'i .x - -1 - Problem of pbW&cides. Vest. Len. un. 11 no.21:146-149 156. OUAA 10:2) (Phytoncides) CHAS )VEMW4 " Interaction of plants through organic substances accumulating in their rbizo8pheres. Vest.LGU 44 'no*15:5-18 :59. (MMA 3,4-.4) (Allelopathy) I ~:~ M CHASOVENNAYA, L.A. Third conference an the pbytmicido probles. Nauch.dda.vys.shkoly: biol.nauki no.4s231-232 160. (min i3:n) (PHTTIMCM=) ~-CHASOTAMATA, A.A. TUrd conferenes an phytonaides. Teet.ZW 15 no.9:147-149 060. (KMA 13:4) (PEMMIMS-CONGERSSIS) CHASCILITVAYA, ~Mcclja~nism o~fhemic-l in-! Ox., o", "'L L"' 16- no. 3:54-66 161. CW OVZMYA,, A. A. Interaction of plant commmitles by way of organic excretjone. Froble bot, 6.-133-147 162, (MM 105) - _(Anolopathy) . CHASOVENNAYA, A.A. - Z.- Experimental study of the causes of spr'l-,y groviLh --f !~!Jwver (Trifolium pratense L.) In the fields. Bot. zhur. 50 no.1-4103- 109 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. lAningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. ` ---CHkSOVJKM,~_T* Preserving c-ontlnulty In service In cans, of discharge from enter- prises and organizations and In case of discontinuance of work In producers cooperative societies, Prom.koop. 14 no-2:39 F 16o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Turiskonsul't Rompronsoveta. (labor laws and loxislation) (Imploye", Dismissal of) GMSOTIKOV, A.S., studently kurna .1. - . .- -~ z ~. ~.' , .Iuvestigation of time paramters of ST-35 electramignatic re- c*IvIng apparatus. Sbor.stud.much.rab.IMIS no.l.-65-70 '59. (MIRA 13:4) 1. lmalr4VmAskly elaktratekbutcheakty Inotitut ovyast luent prof. MoA.Donch-Druyevicha. (Blectric rebWs) (Blectric wasurementb) SHUWOV. L.G.. Insh.; OHLSOTITIN, G.,;., Sugh- MRking feri~quwWune in urip b last furmc~ss- stal' 20 no.2ani-,107 7 160. (XIFA 13:3) GIMMIJARB, A.I., inzb.:-CH(LSDTITIN. G.I., Insh. Preparing pig Iron in roiary farmces and Its use in the blast-furnace process. Stall 20 zoeM691-694 AC 160. (MU 13:7) 1. Orsko4lbalilavskly "tallurgicheskiy kombinate (Blast AWnsces-Squipment and owplies) (Ore dress$ng-Ikulpiment and vWplies) 'k GLOVATSUI, A.B.; CHASOVIM _Gt_;*__ Jbnviacom imterIALl- belame for n4,-Irel in the bLwt furmace ~lt- ins of. 0-hremillsk-mickal cast ira-.. qeromto., oboge i opeupo noolOAP-19 161. (ML 14:6) (Nickel-cbroidus-iron alloys--)btmUurgy) (Fly uh) S/133/61/000/003/001/014 A054/AO33 AUTHORS: Glovatskiy, A. B., Engineer; Chasovitin, G. I., Enginee~r TITLEt Utilization of nickel when melting pig iron from natural alloy ores FERIODICALt Stall-, no. 3, 1961, 207 - 209 TEXT: An analysis of the meltings of'the Orsko-Khalilovsk Combine OIUK (OKhMK) using iron ores with the following composition; iron content 38 - 41 %, 'alumina - 7 - 12 %, silicori dioxide and fines 25 - 35 %, hygro- ScoPic - 15 - 20 % and hydrate 10 - 15 %, humidity, shows that a consider- able amount of nickel is lost during melting. The cause of this lose is that, when the ore contains a high percentage of finesi which is easily crus-hed, while its humidity evaporates under the effect of the heat of top gases, the flue dust carries along 4 - 12 % nickel. This may amount to 200 - 350 kg/t of iron. Moreover, metal is 91so entrained by the slag. These two. aspects of nickel losses depend on two different factors. Nickel loss in slag depends on the dust seperated in the wet duct of the gas-puri- Card 1/4 S/133/61/000/0031/001/014 Utilization of nickel when ..... A054/AO33 fier, while nickel loss in the form of flue dust depends on the conditions of the formation of nickel carbonyl in tht blast furnace. According to N. N. Belozerskiy (Ref. 6t Retal darbonyls, Metallurgizdat, 1958) the forma- tion of nickel carbonyi takes place in the following way. During the con- tact of metallic nickel and carbon monoxide is adsorbed by the surface of solid: particles Elqij + 4 (C0)4-- [Nil - (CO) 4(ads) (7) resulting in the following chemical teaction: [Nij + 400)-.-O[N~e (CO) 4(ads) (CO)4(ads) (8) [Abstracter's Notet subscript ads (adsorption) is the translation of the original aAc (adsorptsiya)]. While the nickel carbonyl molecules are main- tained in.the adsorption layer by the Van der Waal-forces the rising temper- ature acdelerates the movement of molecules and with the increasing pressure the partial pressure of thsini'ickel carbonyl in the gas phase also increasee. Simultaneously with the transfer of nickel carbonyl from the adsorption layer into the gas phase the active metal surface is liberated whichin Card 2/4 Sl~; 7,7/6-1 , /C, C~ I/'J , .1 -C,t4';ization of nickel when .... A054/JL033 "urn, comes into contact with carbon monoxide. The'formation of nickel carbonyl is affected slightly by small amounts of sulfur (acting as a cata- lyst), zinc, lead, tin, bizmuth, moreover, to a greater extent by oxygen. 4- The nickel losses can be reduced by increasing the carbonic acid conuent of L, L. a V top - ses. By raising the temperature in the furnace top, the thermal do- co:i1position of carbonyl is promoted and consequently les:3 nickel is carried away in the, form of nickel carbonyl by top gases. There are 1 table, 3 figures and 10.references: 8 Soviet, 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Khimi-l-o-metalurgicheskiy institut AkadGmii Nauk Kazakh SSR (Chemical Metallurgical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh*SSR) and Orsko-Yhalilovskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (The Orsko-Khalilovsk Metallurgical Combine) Card 3/4 S1133161100010.0310011014 Utilization of nickel when .... A054/A033 d to 14 P4 CD to 0 CO 4-5 0 0 0 Ei N F2. 0 4-~ 4~1 4-1 A.- 6 r-2 W 0 NED CS. Indeterminable nickel losses,-' a _4 to Nickel loss with dust, % Fi gure 2: Dependence of indetermin- Figure 1: DeDendence of nickel loss able nickle Iosses on the C02 con- tent in the top gases. with flue dust on the ariount of sepa- rated dust (~a of chargo veight). Card 4/4 GHASOVITIN~ M.D. 1:1, -,-1--.---- -- . ,Recent data on the intr4ontinental, Quaternary volcanoes of north- eastern Asia. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.3a703-705 S i63. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Predstavleno akademikom D.V.Nalivkinym. " . CHASOVITINP M.D.; POZDNYAK, V.0. - No Zoning of the Vodorazdollnoye ore field in the Chukchi Peninsula. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no.6:1385-1387 Ag 164. U,aRA 17:9) 1. Predstavleno akademikom V.I. Smirnovyin. G I 1 0 VI 11, i NT-! J ~-=ixi but i on ~i I-h, roz,~ tm,,7mq t! ~- inl~ne vu I, za nn c~f 1-ne, ?.vrk a ney n .:,e nor on Kr,.;ymx V-i.! Toll- AM SSSR n 3 -- ~-! i~.- (,.,, "ct-'- . I " - C s f * , ( RA 17. 10 k I y f I k I i i,, ----f k, -, y if t ~s t a v r - a ~ r, c J f -. ma 1e, r m V. S In 1-1; c, v -7.1 anv Li -a par' a -na-a -.ortheaste of 4.-He 'K,)Iyma Z no 35-- --upravlarllye, Magadan. CHASOVI,TIN P.A.; CHXRXkM. I.Ye.. laureat Stalinskoy promit. inshener. The first seetion of the Leningrod subway. Transp.stroi. 6 ROA: 8-13 ja 156. (KUA 9-3) 1. Glavoyy lashenor Gla;vtonsellimetrostroya. CH&SOVITIN, P.A. For furtherprogress in the techniques of building subways. Transp. strol. 6 no.9:.1-5 6 156. (Km 9:11) 1. Gl&mvy Insbomer GlavtonnolImtrostrCya. (Submwo) CHASOVITIN,. - - . *mks wider use of precast concrete In tunnel constructione Transp, strol..7,no.3:6-8 Nr 157. (KERA 10W --- 1. Glavw Inshener Glavnionnellsistrostroya. (vunnell"g) (Precast concrete) CHASOVITIN, P.A.; ANTONOV, P.I. Development of tunnel construction In the U.S.S.R. Tranap.stroi. no.10:20-26 0 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Glavnyy inshener Glavtonnellsetrostroya (for ChasovItin), 2. Gl&vW inzhener Metrogiprotranse (for Antonov). (Twmeling--History) 1.412) PHASE I BOOK E(PIDITATION SOV/2700 Knmev, Nikolay Fedorovich, V.d. Ketayuk, V.I. Razeerov, P. A. Chasoyltin, and N.Ye. Cherkasow~- ~'~h `- -.1 1~41f,-44tl 144.1. Novaj* tekhnika v stroUgNtye'ltAG~de*~. metropolitenov SM (New Techniques In1 Subway Tunnel. Construction In the USSR): Moscow, Tranefteldorizdat, 1959. 139 p- 52000 covUs PrIaWd. General Id.:-F.A. Ch~woyliin, Candidate or fechnical Sciences; Ed.: Ye.k. Velichkin, Itginber; Tich. Ed: P.A. Xhitroy. PURPOSE: The book is intended for subway construction workers. CMERAGE,-, The authors discuss earth-moving iquipmentmechanized twml shields, and ic6ding and hwaing equipment for tunnel constructions. Also discussed are tunnel constructions and methods of producing and assembling segments of tinmel,lining made from reinforced-concrete blocks or tubing. 'Modern methods of constructing dufts, escalatorz,, throu& and station tunnels, and means of nechinizing individftl construction operations are presente& Card 1/3 New' TechApes In Subway Tunnel (Cont..) SOV/2700 The authors thank Acadmician A.I. Baryshnikor ror suggestions. There are 25 rererences, all Soviet. TABIR OF CONTEWS: From the Authors 3 Ch. 1. Brief Review or the Develo2ment or Subway Tunnel Construction in the USSR i 4 Ch. H. Surface Equipment and Operations In Subvey Tunnel Con- struction ll Ch. III. Mechanized Tunneling Shields 21 Ch. IV. Loading and Underground Transport of Rock 59 Ch. V. Precast Reinforced Concrete In Tunnel Construction 72 Card 2/3 Nev Techniques-in Subwiy Tunnel (Conte) SOV/2TOO Ch. VI. MethodLe of Constructing Sharts and Tunnels 96 Cfi. VII. Mechanization or Individual Construction Operations 123 Bibliography Cited 139 AVAIIMIZ: Library of Congress (TF84T-R9C45) GO/M Card 3/3 12-9-59 CHASOVITIN, P.A., kandetekhn.nauk; CHWKASOV. N.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk Mechanized rock exemation in tunnel construction. Trausp.stroi. 10 no.6:15-19 Js 160. (MIU 13:7) (Tvinneling) SMIRNOV9 Met inzho; CHMOVITINv F&Aor kLtnd*tekhn.nauk; CHERKASOVt Icand,teklmonauk- Operational tests of a powered tumel shielde Transpostroi, .11 no.3s47-49 Mr 16le (MMA 24:3) (Tunneling-Equipment and supplies) CgASOViTIK,.P.A. 8.1n.cimtrfaction of subwayo *M t=wls. Trl=p. sionn, no.8:3r,5 Ag..161. (WA 34: 9) 1. MavW.,.J=A.GlavwV-upravl*nLya po stroitalletvu tc=oley i mtropoUtenov. (Werground construction.-Tachnological imnovatiam) GRASOVITIN P, A. lategrated organisation and mchanisation of tunnel construc- tion operations, Transp. stroi. 13 no.'W347 Mr 163 . '- (KMA 16t45 1. 02aviVy Inshemer Glavaogo uprawlen4a po Stroltelletvu tonnelay I mistropolitenor Ministerstva transportuago stroltelletva SM, (Tunneling) ,CHASOVITIN, P.A, They know no obstacle. Transp. stroi. 14 no.1:22-23 Ja 164, (MIIIA 17 9 8) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Glavnogo upravloniya po stroitellstvu tonneley i metropolitenov. CHASOVITIN., P.A. Achievements of the builders of subways and tunnels during the last 10 years. Traisp.stroi. 14 no.12:3-5 D 164. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Glavnyy inzh, Glavnogo upravleniya po stroitel'stvu tonneley i metropolitenov. 82h48 s/14i/60/OO3/O3/Oo3/oi4 vj?J49342 AUTHORS: Svechnikov, K.M., Chaso u.K. and Kochenova, N.A. TITLE: Some Results of the Measurements of Radio-wave If Absorption in the Ionosphere PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, 1 1960, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp 375 - 383 TEXT: The results reported were obtained at Rostov-on-Don during June 1958 - June 1959. The geo raphical position of Rostov is 47013' Northern Latitude and 396411 East,rn Longitude. The measure- ments formed a part of the prgramnie of the Third International Geophysical Year. The measurements were carried out by the reflected- pulse method. The frequency employed was 2.2 Mc/s and 3.0 Mc/s. The equipment consisted of a pulse transmitters a receiver and a photo-recording unit. The transmitter producedpulses of 200 jis duration, having a repetition rate of 50 P.P.S., the pulse power being up to 5 kW. The receiver was of the usual superheterodyne type and had a bandwidth of 9 kc/s. The sensitivity of the receiver could be varied in steps, Tli-e receiver had a linear amplitude characteristic over a wide range of input signals. The output signals Cardl/4 82hh8 S/i4i/60/003/03/003/014 �122111382Abs Some Results of the Measurements of Ra I -wave orption in the Ionosphere of the receiver were applied directly to the plates of an oscillograph. The receiver and the transmitter were situated at a distance of 5 km from each other so that the operation of the transmitter could easily be controlled by measuring the amplitude of the direct signal. The photo-recording equipment consisted of a narrow-film cine camera and an automatic control system. By means of this equipment it was possible to photograph the pulses reflected during equal time intervals. An example of the recording is shown in Fig. 1, where the highest pulse on the lefthand side represents the direct signal. The absorption coefficient for the waves propagating through the ionosphere could be determined from the amplitude of the first reflected pulse and from the time constant of the equipment. The average values of the absorption coefficient L for various months of the year are illu- strated in Fig. 2; the figure also shows the critical Card 2/4 82hh8 s/14i/60/003/03/003/014 819U11J82 Some Results of the Measurements of Radio- v absorption in the Ionosphere frequency of the E-layer and the minimum frequency for each month. Further experimental results are shown in Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6 and in Table 1. From these results it is found that the dependence of the absorption coefficient L on frequency cannot be described by 2 L = (w + wL)- ,where X I = WH Cos a WH Is the gyro frequ ency and a is the angle between the magnetic field and the normal to the wave. However, during the winter months the absorption coefficient as a function 1 of frequency can be a4proximated as L = (w + wL)- while during the summer months the frequency dependence of L is even less pronounced. The daily variation of the absorption can approximately be described by Card 3/4 L = (COs X )n , where n is an index depending on the 82hh8 S/141/60/003/03/003/014 filg2/9~82 Some Results of the Measurements of a I - ave Absorption in the Ionosphere month of the year, usually having a value ranging from 0.55 too.8o, while X is the zenith angle of the sun. The author expressea his appreciation to S.S. Chavdarov for supervising this woe- and for valuable remarks. There are 6 figures, I table and 11 references: 7 English and 4 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy university PK (Rostov-on-Don State University) SUBMITTED: November 169 1959 Card 4/4 CIIAVDAROVt S.S.t otva red.; SVECHNIKOVI A.M., red.; OVITIN, Yu.K.9 red.; SHKORINOV,V.P.,red.; PAVLICMKO, M.I., tekhn. re-cT,' (Reports of the Scientific Symposium on the Ionosphere] DoU84; V madel programny MGG (ionoafera). Rostov-na-Donu, Izd-vo Rostovskogo univ., 1961.-149 pe (MIRA 14:12) 1. Nauchmyy simpozium po io.noafere, Rostov-on4on.. 1960. . (Ionosphere-Congresses) 7,9//o 33218 s/l41/6l/oo4/oo6/oo4/ol7 E032/E.114 AUTHORSs Chavdarov, S.S., and Chasovitin, Yu.K. TITLE: An estimate of the stability of radio-wave reflection from the sporadic E-layer PERIODICAL: Izvestiya'vynshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, v.4, no.6, 1961, 1020-1024 TEXT; The authors report an analysis of the results obtained in vertical sounding of the ionosphere in 1958 at the following stations: Rostov on Don (April-December), Moscow (Mirch-December), Murmansk (June -September), Jiil:i'usruh'/RVgen (East Germany, January- August) and Wakkanai (Japan, January-December). In accordance with the IGY classification, the sporadic E-layer was divided into nine types depending on the form of the corresponding ionograms. The most frequently occurring types for the above stations are f,f , c, h, r. The distribution'of the relative number of continuous reflections with the-length of these reflections was evaluated for the latter five types. Detailed analysis of the distributions enabled the authors to establish the character of Card Ilf 33W An estimate of the stability of S/141/61/004/006/oo4/ol7 E032/E114 the seasonal variation in the duration I of continuous reflections. It was found that for the middle-latitude stations (Rostov, Moscow, R'U'gen and Wakkanai), the more stable continuous reflections during the surumer months are those due to sporadic layers of types f and c. In the winter, the duration of the continuous reflections is roughly the same for all five types. It is noted that the duration of the reflections at Murmansk is smaller, and this is associated with the specific properties of the ionosphere at high latitudes. The authors introduce the concept of probability of appearance of the E layer spor pT>TO (Es N:L -ri/T, where N I is the number of continuous reflections with duration Ti > To and T is the total time of the observations. Plots of this quantity are shown in Fig.2. Acknowledgments are expressed to G.A. Vakulenko for assistance in the analysis of the observations.- There are 2 figures and 4 referencest 3 Soviet-bloc and I non- Soviet-bloc. The English language reference reads as follows; Card 2/F -~3 332A An estimate of the stability of S/141/61/oo4/006/004/017 E032/ElA Ref.23 J.A. Thomas, E.K. Smith. J..Atm. Terr. Phys~, v-139 295 (1959). ASSOCIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet (Rostov on Don State University) SUBMITTED: March 8, ig6l Card 3/f 42129 SM3/621002/'00210041017 1046/1246 AUTHORS: Chavdarov, S. S. and Chasovitin, Yu. K. TITLE: Stability characteris radiowave reflection from the sporadic E layer according to observations in Rostov-on-the-Don PERIODICAL: Geomagnetizm i acronomiya, v. 2, no. 2,1%2, 249-256 TEXT: The materials of the Rostov ionospheric station for 1958-1959 are used to determine the proba- bility (pE~)~ of formation of an E, layer of a given type with a given life-time -r, and the probability (pE.) of formation of an E, layer of a given life-time at a given time of the day. In summertime. E, layers f and types have the highest life-time, and thus ensure stable reflection of radiowaves; in winter, as a rule, T is about the same for all layer types, its values being rather low.The probability (pQ., I attains its annual maximum in May-August, and its minimum in January. In summer, the probability incfei~es daily at 5-7 hours, and in _0 winter at 9-10 hours; this phenomenon points to a certain link between the formation of E, layers and the sunrise. There are 5 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Rostovskii-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy univcrsitet (The Rostov-on-the-Don State Uni- vcrsity) SUBMITTED: January 2,1961 Card I /I CHASOVITIN. Yu.K.; S,OLCHATUVA, L.Ya. .--- .--. .- 7- w~ - - .- Dopendence of %-layer characteristics on the susceptibility of the recelvlng apparatus*-Geomag., i aer, 3 no,5.,9,"47, 3-0 16.3o (MMA 16:21) 1, Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet. --5 P~-51 -L--:-2--1-'7'3'0'-6 1, 'T (d)/PW,4/EW (1)/-PM (k) -2 EWri (V)ftcc/7,Fc-j4/EEC (t) (h 5 /ppj -4/p ac-44/i~ae-2/Peb S31)(c) 1-mOs pg-lA7p--TZ7pl-4/-.-n-4/Po-4t .4/pc~ Arrrr.-RTOM WR! AP40 43719 S/0106/64/000/008/0077/0078 SOURCE: Ad SSSR, Hezhduvedbmstvennyy geofizicheskiy komitet. V razdel progranmy IMM: Ionos fera. Sbornik statey, no. 13, 1964, 24-28 TOPIC TAGS: radio W Sporadic- layer, reflection stability, ap- .1 -In V_e_j y, exponential function pearance probabilit, BSTRACT: The cont'inuouv: rif-l i 1.of~radin waves from the sporadic A ec ion Es -layer is determined by a parameter i which expresses the stability of reflection. Analysis of-data obtained during 1958 and 1959 made it possible to characterize-:the duration of the reflection but did not f ix the time of , day -when.. the-, ref lection o tarts and when i t ends -_-,.,!~-Aprobabillty wity~ It - 'T o-LA6.-b -represents the general probability of, appearance-of, at~,-a fixed hour of the day with a -layer the the* s longer continuous reflection -of, waves.,w- Tf means a time duration of Card 1/2 3932z.~63 ~~'!_.ACCESSTON Ott M0014:3-. continuous ref lection staz;ting~fxidm x --'Analysis of the dependence D f- (PE-b'>'. upon Tar- various~- times of the day and 0 , 0 the months and a - - , comparison w:1th experimental data made it possible to express the probability (pE&)t-.;,-,.r as an exponential function. Th is function was computed for varioun To values and then compared w ith experimental data. The difference between the two did not exce ed 6%. Long-last- -layer ing reflections of radio waves from the Es are stable, while brief reflections are unstable. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 formula. (EGI ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: -,00 ENCLO, :00 SUB CODE: e5 ac;" NO: REF SOV; 004 :OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS' 3226 L 2o461-fl EWI(1)/FCC/EWA(h) N -;---UR/O~03/66/006/001/0049/0055-11 !ACc nA;' A1~6066657 SOURCE COD9. IAUTHOR: Chasovitin, Yu.IX. (Member of physics faculty) i-ORG: Rostov-on-the-Don State Unjy!~~_Department of Physics (Rostovskiy-na-Donui gosudarst,vennyy universitelt, Fizicheskiy fakulltet) ITITLE: On~the dependence of the sporadic.-I-layer characteristics on -the leng-ineering parameters of the ionospheric stations ISOURCE: Geomagnetizm i aeronomiyal v- 6, no. 11~19661'49-55 TOPICTAGS, ionosphere, ionospheric propagation, radio.transmission, E layer ABSTRACT: The experimental data obtained by varying the sensitivity of the radios receiver and the capacity of-the transmitter over a wide band were analyzed and compared with the models of the sporadic E layer. This was done to detex e the effect of the ionosphere station parameters on the E-layer characteristics. The frequency range used was 0-5--20 Moycles at 100 1A see duration intervals and a A 20-kor power level. In each test measurements were made of.the departure of the ordinary wave (f E and extraordinary wave, (f E ) cutoff frequencies from their 0 a X a maximum sensitivity or strength. The data were divided into-two groups. The first! UDC, 550. 388.21F LCOrd_ .CHASOVITIN, TU.S. Manufacture of protectors for drill pipes. Razved. i okh. nedr. 28 no.12;48~49 D 162. (MM 3-6:5) 1. Darasunskays, geologorazvedochnaya partiya. (Boring machinery-Squipment and supplies) I CHASOVITINAP G.M. N~ I Sod- grass in central Kazakhstan. Zemledelie 23 no.6:69-70 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Kazakhokiy nauchno-insledovate2lakiy institut kormov i pastbishch. (Kazakhstan-Sudan grass) BULGARIA/pharmacology Toxicology - Tranquilizers. V Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 4, 1.959, 18546 Author : chasovaitarov., Inst :-.~; Title : Rare Complication in Treatwint vith Largactyl Orig Pub Sovrem. meditsina, 1958, 9, No 2, 96-97 Abstract In a 35-year-old patient w:th schizophrenia, on the 3rd day of tra4tment with largdctyl in a dose of 100 mg, a daily syndrome of torsion dystonia, developed, vhich disappeared on the 9th day after termination of treat- ment. Card 1/1 - 1T - CHASOTNUOT, A.A., polkoynik seditsinakoy slushby, dotsent. Role of the water factor in the epidemiology of bacillary dysentery. Toone-im"s shurs no*3:46-53 Ur 156. (HutA 9:9) (WATRI-BACIMMOGY) (DYSUMT) CHASOVNIMOV, A.A. Some theoretical problemo in epidemiology. Zhur.mikrobiol... epid.i immun. 33 no.8:141-144 Ag 62. (?URA 15:101 ~EPIDEMILOGY) J. VASILITIV, K.N. [deceased]; MASMIEDT, A.A.; VOLKOVA. Ye.A. W Investigating the applicability of thermoelectric anemometers with ordinar7 galvanometers to the study of air-flow vibrations. Trudy VNIIN no-1:32-45 148. (KrRA 11 - JA (Anemometer) (Air flow-Vibration) Calibration of ]PItot-statle tubess Trudy MD( no.1:46:61 948. (MMA 3-1:11) (Fluld dMemIcs) ZHUXOT, V.I.; SUPANOT, L.P.; .499AW ~:.- . Automatic wamwing task designed by the All-Unlon Scientific Research Institute of Yatrology, 2=4 TNID(no.19:76-83 152, (Flowmeters) (mm lzt6) S11 23/16 1/000/022/017/0 24 Aoo4/Alol AUTHORSI Dmitriyev, A.S., Chasovnikoy A A TITIE: The -type MHII_l (MNP-l) master micro-pressure gage with measuring ranges of 400 - 4,000 kgf/M2 FERIWICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. 14ashinostroyeniye, no. 22, 1961, 7, abstract 22E54 ("Tr. In-tov Kom-ta standartov, mer i izmerit. priborov pri sov. min. ss W , 1961, no. 50, [110], 103 - 107) TEXT: The authors describe the type NNP-1 loat-piston master micro-pres- sure gage with measuring ranges of 400 - 4,000 kgf/m , developed by 2the VNIIM im.,Mendeleyev. The rated cross-section area of the piston is 5 cm . The piston displacement is observed in the MHP_l (MIR-1) microscope according to a gradua- tion marked on the piston rod. The piston is rotated with a speed of 30 rpm by a synchronous motor. The clearance between the piston and cylinder is filled with kerosene injected under a pressure which somewhat exceeds the pressure be- ing measured. The piston stroke is 15 mm. The-device is fitted with seven? weights. The sensitivity threshold determined by a 5-mg weight amounts to 0,01 kgf/m2. At a pressure of 4,000 kgf/m2 the piston lowering speed does not ex---eed Cardl/2 S/12_3/61/000/022/017/024 The type MHII_j (MNP-,J) ... A004/A101 0.5 mm/min. The effective piston area is determined by way of comparing the device with the VNIIM load piston pressure calibration instrument. The error limit of the device is 0.02% which makes it possible to use it as a master de- vice of the first order. There are 3 figures. S. Kivilis [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2. L 20713-o' A=WION '-MR: AT5002059 8/2589/62/OW/066/0090/0100 AUMOR: Chasoynikov, -A.. A. ter TITLE.. AnQ~rsie of calibration MM-3 type micromanow SOURM. USSR. Komitet standartov, mer,, I I=eritel ny*kh priboroy.' Trmdy*,,Insti-:_- Kant (126), 9.. _-'Miiiid6i~ V Zme iya - oblasti- i reniy "vleniya, i, *skuwsa, 90-100 TOKC TAGS::-, calibration type~jmlcromsnowtero ABSTRACT:~ 7he )EX-Alcropressure. gagetas develcped at V31314 on the basis ef an oPerating Prototype rrm UM aer-olyiff=etric laboratory of VNIM. The NM-3 is the third model of the instrument. The instrunent vas to serve as a cailibrator for checking of inicrorpressure gages of typei~ Ip!~%ALD;pPrandtI4 9LL~-l etc. Ydcro- pressure gage MM-1 vaa on display at theAndustrial Moscow. Measure- ment limits of pressure differences by the instrument are from 10 to 4.00 kg/M (um of vater). All institutes of the system of committee of standards and many state controlled laboratorles are e(Ddppedwith these instruments. They are basic standard instruments in diapazone, having been measured by differences of pressure from 10 to 400 kg/sq. m. A theoretical study of the micropressure gap was con- ductea by L. P. Stepanov (VNIIN). Orig. art. has: 5 figures, tables, and 5 /,q.7-,, C, V tY Al) AIEKSANYAN, A.B., prof.; BEZD04EZHNYKH I.S., doktor med. nauk; BELYAKOVI V.D., doktor med. nauk; BES.%%7wJVYY, B.S., dokt. med. nauk; VASHKOV, V.I.# prof.; GRCMASHEVSKIY, L.V._ prof.; YELKIN, I.I., prof.; ZHDALIOV, V.M., prof.,- ZHMAYEVA '* Z.M., kand. biol. nauk; KOVARSKIY, M.S., kand. med. nauk; NABOKOV, V.A., prof.; ROVOGORODSKAYA, E.M., prof.; PAVLOVSKIY, Ye.N., akademik; PETRISHCHEVA, P.A., prof.; PERVOMAYSKIY, G.S.0 prof.; POGODINA, L.N.; ROGOZIN, 1.1.2 prof.; SUKHOVA, M.N., doktor biol. nauk; QUSOVNIKOV, A,.A., kand. mod. nauk; SHATROV, I.I., prof.; SWRA-lif B.L.y prof.; YASHKULI, V.K.p kand. med. nauk; ZHUKOV-VEREZHNIKOV, N.N., prof., otv. red.; BOLDYREV, T.I., prof., red.; ZASUKBIN, D.N., doktor biol. nauk, red.; KALINA, G.P., red. [Multivolume manual on the microbiology, clinical aspects and epidemiology of communicable diseases] Mnogotomnoe ru- kovodstvo po mikrabiologii, -Uinike i epidemiologii infek- tsionnykh boleznei. Moskva., Meditsina. Vol.5. 1965. 548 P. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Deys+.viteltnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Aleksaryan, Gromashevskiy, Zhdanov, Zhukov-Verezhnikov). 2. ',hlep- korrespondent P1,1N SS!R (for Rogosiin, Boldyrev). CHABOYNIKOV, A.S. Magnesium torpedo for hydochloric acid treatmnt of oil Valle. Patent U.S.S.R. 78,381. Dec.31, 1949, (CA 47 no.19:10213 153) 15-57-1-860 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1. p 135 (USSR) AUTHOR: Chasovnikov, A. S. TITLE: Experiments on the Hydrofract Process in the Wells Exploited by Kuybneftt (The Association on the Kuybyshev- raeftl Petroleum Industry) (Opytnyye raboty po gidrav- licheskomu razryvu plasta na mestorozhdeniyakh obtlyedineniya.Kuybyshevneft') PERIODICAL: V sb: Metody uvelicheniya nefteotdachl plastov. Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1955, pp 60-73. ABSTRACT: In a number of fields of the Kuybyahevneft' the pr6ductive formations have a high oil saturation but a low 'yield, in very dense and slightly permeable rocks (the Vereya, 15ankov-Lebedyan' , and -Tournasian horizons of the Zoll.nyy formation B in the Yablonevyy Canyon field, the Vereya horizon in the Byzran' area, and numerous deposits in the Permian system). Hydrofract work in Card 1/2 the Yablonevyy region is described in detail. In this 15-57-1-860 Experiments on the Hydrofract Process in the Wells (Cont.) district the oil occurs in two dolomite beds in the Kungura series. The effective thicknesses of these beds range from foar to nine meters, and they lie at depths ranging from 560 m to 580 m. Hydrochloric acid or mixture of ac ' 'id and sulfite-alcohol residuum were us d to produce the fracturing. The L)rocess required 15 m3 to 20 ~$ hydrofract fluid and 5 m3 to 20 mO oil. The liquid vas pumped into the beds at the highest possible rate (20 to 40 minutes).. Forty to sixty minutes were spent in pumping the fluid. Twenty- five hydrofract operations in all were conducted in the fields of the Kinellneft' (Trust of the Kinell Petroleum Industry). Of these, nine gave good results, seven average, and four poor. As a result, the yield in the series of wells increased from a range of 0.8 to 8 tons per day to a range of 18 to 30 tons per day in the period immediately after treatment. The best results were obtained in wells where high-formational pressure and high oil saturation were preserved. In such wellss hydrochloric acid was used for the hydro- fract fluid. All these treatments in the wells produced an additional 25 000 tons of oil. Card 2/2 V. B. 0. CNABOYNINOT. O.T.. lasheser, WM---NM -MMRNM~ Automatic control of the dissagicas of p"&Ictg dmrigg the as- chiming process on grladlvg machines. [IsQ UNITOUS 24: 63-72 151. (KIM 8:2) (Automatic coatrol)(Orladliag and polishing) 1. CHASOVNIIKOV, G. V., ]hg. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Metal-Working Machinery 7. Measuring instrument for internal grinding and groove-cutting machines. Podshi-IDnik No 12 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ADril -1953, Uncl. CHASOVNI-KOV, G.V.,inzhener., '"Activell control units used In wamfacturing antifriction beariqp. Manhinostrol tell no.4:22-16 Ap '57. (tff2A 10:5) (Bearing Industry) (Automatic control) BRUSILOVSKIY~ D.A.; BULGAKOV, L.N.; GENIS, S.M.; RVARTIN, L.M.; lLqAS0VSKIY,, Ye.S.; 14IKHZLOV,, D.I.; NATOCHANNYY, A.S.; NIKOLISKIly V.N.; POPOV) M.P.; SIGODZINSKrY, A.A.; SKOMIOROSHM , A.F.; Cl"ONIMOY-1-ml; DERBISHER, A.V., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; DULKIN, N.A., spets. red.; BONDAROVSKAYA, G.V... red.; TCRSHINA, Ye.Ae. tekhne red. [Over*all automation and modernization of e ulpment and production processes at the Fir"ot State Bearing Plantl Nompleksnaia avtoma- t12atsiin I =dernizatsiia oborudovaniia, i- protsessov proi-.vodstva na, Pervom gosudarstve=om podshipnikovo*"Izavode. Iloskva, TSentr. biuro tekbn. informatsil 1959. 84 P. (MIRA 15:1) 1. -Russia.(1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Moskov-ski7 gorodskoy ekonomicheskiy administrativivy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozayastva. (Moscow-Bearing industry) (Automation) CHASOVNINOV. G. From an autoaatic production line to an automatic plant. NTO no.1:41-42 Ja 159- (KIRA 12:2) 1. Zamestitel, Predsedatelya soveta, perwichnoy organizatsit nauchno-tekhnleheslwgo obahchestva washinoatroitallnoy promysh- lmmosti 1-go Gosudarst"nnogo poaahipnikovogo zavocla. (Automation) 25(3) SOV/117-59-3-34/37 AUTHOR: Chasovnikov, G.V., Engineer TITLE: For Technical Progress (Za tekhnicheskiy progress) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, 1959, Nr 3, pp 44 - 45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains information on the activities of the 700-member plant "NTO" (Scientific-Technical Society) of the 1 Gosudarstvennyy odshipnikovyy zavod (The 1st State Bearing Plan . The activi- t5 ties are the following: 1) the organization of "public reviews" and competitions, in the course of which 1781 practical suggestions were received in 1958; 2) cooperation with the planti's Bureau of Technical Information ("BTI'l) in publishing bulletins and leaflets and in the special "technical pages" in the plant's newspaper; 3) organizing professi- onal conferences of best workers, demonstrations of ways to do jobs, excursions, demonstrations of tech- nical movies, public reports after visits to plants Card 1/3 in the USSR and abroad; 4) special skill-arising For Technical Progress SOV/117-59-3-34/3'(' courses for designers, technologists, mechanics and power engineers; 5) lectures ("seminars")on Drecision of the technological processes, given by Prof-ssor, Doctor of Technical Sciences A.N. Borodachev,.Institut mashinovedeniya AN SSSR (Mechanical Engineering Institut of AS USSR) and by the plant's Chief En- gineer A.V. Derbisher 6) readers' conferences at the plant's technical library; 7) annual technical conferences; 8) contacts with 16 differnet scienti- fic institutes in the country; 9) organization of experimental work at the plant. The plant 'INTO" has 7 sections: stamping and forging, automation and mechanization, repair and modernization, cutting and cutting tools, grinding and abrasives, power, organization of work and pay. Two ideas of a mem- ber, I.N. Kozlov, are mentioned: 1) stamping car- dan-bearing rings from spherical blanks (which doubled the metal utilization factor), and 2) making Card 2/3 ring blanks from means of screwline cutting. For Technical Progress SOV/117-59-]~--34/37 It is mentioned that the plant introduced the 7-hour vrork day in 1958. During the first 8 months of 1958, 9? machine tools were modernized and automated, 56 new equipment units were made, 44 machine tools were Drovided with electromechanical tracing feed systems. According to the plan, the production of large-batch and mass-produced bearings will have to be fully automated by 1965. Two automatic shops will be built,, one of which (cardan shaft bearitngs shop) must be operating by 1960. Card 3/3 GH&SOVNIKOV, G. (14oakva) On the front line of technical development. IITO 2 no.12 16-19 A '60. (MIU 130) 1. Zamestitel, predesdatelys soveta pervichnoy organizatsil Naucbno-tekhnichookago obahchostva I-go Gosudarstvonnago podshipnikovago savoda. (Moscow-Bearing induatry--Tecbnological innovations) I