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-9quillibilmizAd thi- -allmd1d 61 rLaid ME- l ~d 1. d gittl d P v t Gt Wi ht l Ed l gc uar a e A-' o c el er, an e, to-7--"&M-71d. Pragu ). V"- M51Y 52, 207.::S ~---W~~ - l j h h " l k l ] f *--m O'I o as actaxw( ymeriwt pro ) ~b7 -loPoO meicnaie=sm roollaa ISO. 2DO, 220, 240, and 260- by wing t . EWC03M and PhCH,CO%Na us catalysts. The curve ot the dependence of th~ equn. conversion an tecap. shows a chararterlstic drop in the range of melting of the polymer (!200-20*)- T*he "Une drop is noticeable in the dependence; Th d f h l i d . e o zation degree on temp. fptn t e mean TiO Ymer e ence of the7 And mean polymerization degree of I an the f h t reciprocal value of the SCIURre root Of the conrn. o W ~ catalyst is Ifitear (at PAO*), except for the catalyst conenn lower than 0.1 mole H"FNIV CEMIN, P.; TREKOVAL, J.,; DEBALEK, Z. Determination of the specific_gravity of products of polymerization of 6--caprolactam. In German. %lI.Cz.Chem. 24 no.9:2898-2902 S 159. (xu 1 9: 5) Ifist ttut far Neebmahule fur -(:6m~e, - P~rag. (Spealfic-graiitiq) (Pblymers and polymerization) (Hexahydroaxepinone) Cr_FEL(N, ~ftgitrli 4E2cQ), rh. effea of Almhols on the ardQUIC polymerlution of 91ttler and 0. VAchterle ch~ n, cc .1 Prague . Colkalon Czecho 7-MI959).-In the presence slov. Chem O-mWWW 24. 3 of slightly Volatile ales.. the alk. Polymerization of tile caprolacta a takes place very sImly and the conirmion aL the degree -31 polymerization are substantially lower than the values usually obtained. The results art colulumf with theseahtainedin the prescuccof the %yater(C.A.53.3763k). p rl FRASE i BW-- M[FLOiTA'ZiGH rq "I International symposium on macromolecular chemistry. Moscow, 1960. Mor.hdunarodn" simpozium po makromolekulyarnoy khimil. SSSH, Moskva, 14-18 lyunya 1960 g.; doklidy I avtorereraty. 3*ktsiya 111. (International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry Held In Moscow. June 14-18, 1960; Papers and ftnatua-les) Section 111. [Aoscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 19601 469 V. 55,ODO copies printed. Tech. Ed.: P. S. Ka&Una. Sponsoring Agency: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission an Xacromolecalar Chemistry. PURFOag: Thin book In Intend6d for che=lsta interested in poly mortzation reactions and the synthesis of high molecular compounds.. _ - i I COYMU499 This :is Section III of a =ultivolunte work contain- Ing Papers On macromolecular chemist--7. The articles In genoral deal with the kinetics of Polymerization reactions, t synthesis of sPecial-purpooe po27=ers, e.g. , Lon ex. : Ungo resins. sendcanductor.materials, etc., methods of cLt_ a4sins polxmoriza~ion resezions, properties and enemical Int4orActions of h1gh molecular materia2s, and the effects of various factors on polyzerization and the deZradation of high molecular compounds. No personalities are mentioned. 'Ro.fqie' no'so given foll.ow.-the articles. UriXe_11_V__& I Privednt% , and S. S. Medvede~ 2he Ef JUSSRJ. tect%r For Alc Acid and or--a Ere Oxidation Of Hydrocarbons and Hydrocarbon Polymers - 364 ZQ2aXa_Z__Y_ and_2__X_L*z=XhjX (USSR). Study of the Effect or some organic and Cr8anoelementa.1 Compounds an the Thermal Degradation of Polyvinyl Chloride 372 j~'S=tlvu and P. 6ef~lln (Czechoslova;cia). - ' - - Degradation of P017-E--Caprolat'r~l~aT'~3 'We ialt of EX- change Reaction Between AmIde Bonds 380 P - Z,_ -,a M, ;01~n-k (Ccezhoalovakia). .- _ - ~ it t .*. --- --- R l~all zatlon of Residu ~l Catly.t In PO1yd1.ethyl3_'!cxane ; I . . Effect Of Thermal Neutralization an the Thermal Stability of 'r admdri. I , 0- as-k. and T. Stf-I (C.-cchosov ~-a). ThermoOxIdational Degradation of Polyesters. Study of De. gradation Reactions for Different Types of Linear Polyesters 405 Ifeyman K., B. L. I - Golubenkov I, A _. 3tr1-hWn,- Levantoveka7a and -_-75FTEr- on _ -_- - - - - - 1 i tHe- _' t Degra:1atFo n a n T Srt %6= Z . of Ton Polymeric Kazeriala 414 Anv.-rt L, ' ' 0, and A a. Investi (USSR). gatlan r th Ef o e ei i cy of Inhibitors of Rubber Oxidation at Vari- ~ _ I 423 and YIng Ven-k1ang (~SIF): Xec~ .njnm or the Protective Action Of Benzene Rings During the Radio- ,Yslo of Polystyrene 433 and K. A. Andrianov (USSR). On the Fydro- Irtic Stabi lity If' 440 _2~s_ Ye. A. Fenexay-~, and 0. 1. Vol%ov (UZ-H). &nJ- l k C 0c opolymerize- t1on During the Freezing of Starch SalutIcna 334 B. 1. AjLk11.cdZh-jy and 2--Azj_-ov (u_W). , _e_y. 6f Cellulose by Grarting 344 CEFELIN, P.; GIOMLIRp M.:; WICHTERLE, 0. GrystaUization of poly-6-caprolact=4 Co.U Cz Chem 25 no.5: 1267-1274 My 1W. 1. Institut far riakromolekalare Chemie, Tachachoslowakische Akademie der Wisisensch&fteng Prag und Institut fur Plaste, Technische Hochschule fur Chemie, Prag. 5/081/62/000/001/067/0-j:7 lo~ Bi 1 9/Bi 01 Sittler, E., Wichterle, 0. AUTHORSs Cofelin, P., TITLEt Production of mixed polyamides from amidines PERIODICALi Refe-qtivnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 1962, 574, abstract 1R52 -10ollect. Czechosl. Ch&m. Communs, v. 25, no. 10, 1960,1 2522 - 2529) TEXT: Polyamides from three components of regular structure were obtained by heating (in R atmosphexe) equimolar amounts of the following diamidines 2 and dicarboxylic acids: N,NI-di- f2l-(11-azacycloheptenyl)]-ethylene . diamine (I), -hexamethyleme diamine (II), and -phenylene diamine (III) oxalic (IV), adipic (V), and torephthalic acid (VI). Data are given in' the orders initial diamidine and acid, reaction time in hr, reaction temperature in OC, melting point of the polyamide in OC: 1, IV? 20, 160, 125 - 1271 1, V. 20, 240, 174; 1, VI, 48, 240, 344 - 345; 11, IV? L-0, 160 140 - 142; 11, V, 48, 240, 175 - 176; 1, VI, 48, 240, 272 - 277; 111, V, 48, 240, 313 - 316; 111, VI, 20, 240, unmeltable until 400 0C. The poly- amides rom. I and V, II and V, II and VI are suited for spinning; the Card 1~ 30 S/081/62/000/001/067/('67 Production of mixed ... B119/B101 other polyamides (except those with IV) forin brittle fibers. Mode) reac-;' tions were conducted with monoamidines and monocilrboxylic acidq. Vhen 40 heating equimolar amounts of 2-mothyl-amino-azac,yolo)ieptcne and butyric 0 acid with slowly increasing temperature (from 150 to 200 C during 1.5 hr. 1 in N2 atmosphere), a product was obtained with a melting point of 177 - i 178'C at 20 mm Hg, whose composition was similar to that of 6-butyramino- 1 .11 1 J) N-methyl caproamide. The reaction of equimolar amounts of 2-pheny'i-aza- 1 cycloheptene and benzoic acid (2200C, 3 hr, in N 2 atmosphere) yielded a ~i product whose structure correSDonded to that of 6-benzoylamino-N-plienyl caproamidej prisms with melting point 162 --1630C (from a benzine-benzene mixture 1:1). No correspcnding amide was isolated in the reaction of 51) 2-Dhenyl-h,ydrazinaza-l-cycloheptene with benzoic acid. Analogously, the reaction of N,NI-di-l-,'-(11-azacycloheptenyl)j hydrazine with V and VI yielded no polyamide. The rate constants (kj-103 see- 1) of the reaction 0 between II and V in the melt, at temperatures of 210, 220, 230, 240 C, were 1.08, 1.92, 2.83, ane, 4.49, respectively. This indicates that the reaction investigated proceeded by the ion mechanism. The activation enerp.-.v was 23-3 kcal/mole. fAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 2/2 CEFELIN, P.; SEBENDA, J. Alcali polymerization of 6-caprolactams. Part 6: Production of alkali salts of 6-caprolactams. Coll Cz Chem no.12:3028- 3038 D 161. 1. Institut fur makromolekulare Chemie, Tochachoslawakische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Prag. F L SUMAM.0 Given Names Countryt Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: [not g~vej Institute of Maoromolecular Chemistr7, Czechoslovak Acadenv Affiliations of Sciences (Institut fuer makromolokulate Chemie, Tsohecho slowaldsche Akademis der Wiseenschaften), Prague source@ Pregual Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Comminications, Vol 26, No 11, November 1961, PP 2897-2908 Datat "Dogrselation of Poly-6-Caprolactam by Reamidation." Authors: WICHTERU, 0 SITTIER, E CMMM. P ~,- WIGHTERM, Oto SEBENDA, Jan; CEMIN, ~av~ ADcaline pol4wrization of 6-caproUotam, Part 7: Beat stability of the system-6-capro3actam; sodium salt of 6-caprolactan. Chem prum 12 no.1:41-45 Ja 162. 1 1. Ustav milcromolelularni chemie, Caskoslovenska akademie ved, Praha. CZECHOSLOVAKIA DOSKOCIL LTAj D; PIVCOVA, 11; SCHNEIDER, B;-QE Institute of Maoromoleoular Chemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Soiencos, Prague (for all) Prague, Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communicationg, No 7, 1963, pp 57-1676 "On the Structure and Troperties of Polyamides. IV. Infra- red Spectra of and of Amorphous Polycaprolactam.11 DOSKOCILOVAJ, D.; SCHIEIDERY B.; CEMIN, P.; SC111AIDT., P. On the structure and properties of polyamides. Pts. 5-6. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.10:2556-256-0, 2685-2695 0 163. 1. Institute of r1acromolecular Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague. P,, ; DOSKOCAEAJVJ'~, D~ - FRYDRY~,HCATA , I!i, , , -3 , ....: Al~aline polp~p_r zation of 6-caprolactam~ P ,,, 11 , '01 ' I I Cz Chem 29 no.2-485-491 F '64. 1. Institute of Macromolecular Cl.enistry, Czechcsl~val: of Sciences, Prague, SEBENDA, J.; CEFELIN, P.; DOSKOCILOVA, D. Alkaline polymerization of 6-caprolactam. Pt.16. Coll Cz Chem 29 no.5:1138-1149 My 164. 1. Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czechosl3vak Academy of Sciences, Prague. 1 BMAC, Z , ; C-rFE--l-N, F . ; POSKOCILOV A j D, ; SLIBEIND A; j , Alk-linn polymeri;iation of 6---2nprcJft:-I.ijm,. Pt,.18. ch 0 m C 7, Chem 29 no.1.1;261'i-2625 N 16'+. 1. Institute of Mficronlolecultir Cheniatry of th6 Czet-,boslovfik Academy of' Solencus, Prague. C"aA'xZQvf,=jt C~TEPN I P ~,LSBWWAI, JI VIl WSROGIVIVAp D zmtituu or (bontstrirs Cz(mb&31m-.ik AC*dfty or 301WAM, prasm -, (rw OU) pftVG40 2611221.0 Ar gnammagax gb=!IftA Ap SAU=& r4 To July %9b6a pp 50W-5wz CEGIELI B.; Pietrzykowski,. J. Hardening the teeth of savs by means of electric contact. p. 229. (PRZEML D.RZEWNY. Vol. -t', no. 8, Aug. 1956, Warszawa, Poland) SO'. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, D-ic. 1957. Uncl. PARNAS, Jozef; BURDZY, Kr-.,rstyna;.CEGIEIZO, Marian Further studies on the antigenic structure of bacilli Brucella brucei and Pasteurella tularensis. Acts microbiol. Pol. 11 no.1/2:33-/+2 '62. 1. Z Katedry Mikrobiologii Akademii Medycznej i Zakladu Antropozoonoz Instytutu Medycyny Pracy i Higieny Wsi w Lublinie. (BRUCELIA immunol) (PASTEURELLA TUL&RENSIS immunol) (ANTIGENS) CIGIUSU, Ann&. Malignant degeneration of larynges.1 pVllloma In a child. Otolar. polska 9 no-3:255-258 1955. 1. Z Klinikl Otolaryngologicsnej A.M. v 11rakowie. Iterownik: prof. dr. J.Kiodonski. (LARYEX, neoplasms. papillona, malignant deigen. in child) (PAPILLONA, larynx, malignant degen. In child) CEGIELSKA, Anna Injuries of the recurrent nerve during thyroid surgery. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no-52:2177-2183 24 Dee 56. i. (z niniki Otolaryngologicznej A.M. w Krakowie; kiarownik: Prof. dr. J. Miodonski) Krakow, Klin. Otolar. A.M., Kopernika 25. (LARYNX, innervation, recur. nerves, inj. in thyroid surg. (POW (THYROID GLAND, surgery, perop. inj. of recur. nerves (pol)) CIGIELSKA, Anna (Krakow. ul. Karmelicka 58) Remote results of injuries of time recurrent nerve during therapy of goiter. Polski przegl. chir. 31 no.1:45-49 Jan 59. 1. 2 Kliniki Otolaryngologiczne,j A. M. w Krakowie Kierownik'. Prof. dr J. Niodonski. (GOITAR, surgery recur. nerve inj. causing vocal cord paralysis (Poi)) (VOCAL CORIG, paralysis, caused by recur. nerv. inj. In goiter nurg. (Poi)) FARNAS, J.; CEGIELKA, M.; KOSLAK, A. Electrophoretic and chromatographic studies on Leptospira- antisera. Bul Ac Pol biol 11 rio.7:333-336 163. 1. W. Chodzko State Institute of Rural Occupational Medicine and Rural Hygiene, Lublin. Presented by W. Mikulaszek. L r, A Mqr-L at, UNEISKII, -lerzy; TU---l!.'TY, Ssah.illa ud i s on *1 unc-b-cohemical sera of whi-,e T!i,,s w-"-,, e7~meriller~ 1.0 xopl a Eni a gcnd I L In I*ec- t ion. 14tad . paruzyt. 3.0 n o.4 764 I ~ Zavlad kntrcooz 1 Zak] ad Parazytcl ogi- i 14i e s-k i e-~ Insly- Jalu.i Illedwyny- Pra~,v i Higieny W&I, Lublin. WXMZKIP Jacek (Gdansk); (',FGIEIBKIp )Wdrwj (Gdansk) Precise rotation spect,dometer. Inst masz przep PAR no.11/12: 189-200 162, SOLSKI, Pavel, doe. dr. inz.; BUCH, Alfred, doe. inz.; GORSKI, Eugenftusz, dr. inz..; KOCANDA, Stanislaw, dr. inz.; WOJCIK, Franciszek, doe., dr. inz.; PYNO.-Stanislaw,.mg. inz.; ROZNOWSKI, T adeusz, tigr. inz.; KACZMAREKV Jan. doe. dr. inz.; KELLER, Wlodzimierz, mgr. inz.; CEGIELSKI B. migr. inz.; ZIEMBA, Stefan, prof. zwyoz. dr. inz.; pplk. dr. inz. The let Problematic Conference on: "The role and research mothods of the subterstu,face layer." Summary of major voices in the discussion. Pr:;egl mech 21 no.13%411-413 10 J1 '62. 1. Politechnika, Warszawa (for Solski, Keller). 2. Instytut Yachniki Precyz)rjnej, Warszawa (for Buch). 3. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Warnzawa. (for Kocanda., Ziemba and Janecki). 4- Politechnika, Szczecin (for Gorski). 5. Politechnika, Gdansk (for (Wojcik). 6. Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow..(for Pytko). 7. Instytut Podtitawowych Probli3mov Techniki, Pbls'ka Akademia Nauk, Warszawa !'for Roznowski). 8. Instytut 01hrobki. Skrawniem, Krakow (for Kae:;marek). 9. Pblitechnika Poznan (for Gegielski). CEGIELSKI Y Barnard Problems concerning cylindrical gear with an arc line of teeth. Mecb.anika Poznan no. 4: 61-92 162. GtMISKI MTEMSLAV FIALKOWSKI, Tadeusz; CXGUILSKI, Hieczyelaw Incarceration of the penis in metal ring. Folski przegl. chir. 26 no.5:419-427 My '54. 1. Z II. Kliniki Obirurgicznej Almdenii Kedycznej w Krakewie. Kierownik: prof. dr. K.Michajda. (PHNIS, ftnearceration in roller bearing, removal by crashing in 2 apses) CIGIRLSKI, Weezyalaw, Frakow. u1. Kopernika 21) Therapy of peripheral disturbances of the lower extremities with regitine. Polski lorsegl. chir. 26 no.8:719-730 Aug 54. 1. Z II Kliniki Cb.irurgicznej Akademit Hadyoznaj w Krakowis. Kierownik Prof. dr. K.Michajda (VASCUIAR DISRMS. PUMMA1 obliterative, of log, ther. with regitine) (STMPATHOLITICS, ther. use regitine in obliterative peripheral vase. die. of leg) CEGIELSKI, Mieczyabw o the first -team of the Polish Red Cross Hospital in Kor,1.4L. Polski tygod.lak. 11 no-5:193-19r 30 Jan 56. 1. Krakow, ul. Karmelicka 58 m. 10. (SOCIAL SXM(,E Polish Re& Cross Hosp. in Korea, accomplishments) (HOSPITALS same) I- CVGIELSKI, Mioczyslaw Case of gangrenoufl. cholecystitis in a child caused by typhoid fever. PolskI prs;egl. chir. 28 no.4:421-424 Apr 56. 1. Z II Kliniki CMrurgiC2nej A.M. w Krakowie, Kierownik: prof. dr. X. Xtichejda, Krakow. u1. Kopernika 21. (GALIBLADDER, gangrene. In child,, caused by typhoid fever (Pol)) (GANGRENE, gallbladder, caused by typhoid fever in child (Pol)) (TYPHOID FURR, in Infant and child, causing gangrene of gallbladder (Pol)) CEGIELSKI, Mieczyslaw: JASIENSKI, Stefan; SOCHA, Wladyslaw Four cases of resection of the stomach with partial left hepatic lobectomy for cancer. Polski przogl. chir. 28 no.12:1265-1276 Doe 56. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademii Medvcznej, Kierownik: prof. dr. K. Michajda, I Instytutu Onkologii w Krakowis Dyrektor: doc. dr. H. Kolodziejska. Adres autora: Krakow, ul. Kopernika 21. (STOMACH NIOPLASkIS, compl invasion of liver, su;g., gastric resection with hepatic lobectomy (Pol)) (LIVER, neoplasms Invasive from stomach, surg., hepatic Jobectomy with gastric resection (Pol)) t--,,C"!.- I--- /S V 1 f - OSZ-ACn, Jan~ MU, Jerzy; GEGINISKI Effect of hemorrAage and of blood transfusion on volume of vwrious organs and on carliac function in hypothermia. Polski przegl. chir. 29 no.4:325-331 k:)r 57. 1. Z II Kliniki C'hirurgicznej A. M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr K. MicheJda i z Pracowni Farmakod7mmiki A. M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Hano. Adres autorow: Krakow, ul. Kopernika 21. (HEWTIUMA, experimental, eff. on heart funct. & volume of various organs in hypother- mia in cats (POI)) (BLOOD TRUSFUSION, effects, on heart funct. & volume of various organs in Ixr pothermia in cats (Pol)) (HYPOTHERHIA, experimental, eff. of blood transfusion & hemorrh. on heart f-,mot. & volume of various organs in cats (Pol)) (EIFART, physiology, eff. of blood transfusion & hemorhh. in hypothermia in cats (Pol)) QSZACKI, Jan; RAJ, Jerzy; CAGMSKI, Mi8C2yBlaW Hepatic, renal, and small intestinal volumes and cardiac; function in hypothermia in cats. Folski przegl. chir. 29 no.4:333-338 Apr 57. 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M.- v Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr K. Michejda i z Frac'owni Farmakodynamiki. A. M. w Krakovie Kierowie Kierownik. prof. dr J. Hano. A(Ires autora: Krakow, u1. Kopernika. 21. (HYPOTHIRMIA, effects, . on heart funct. & volume of various organs in cats (Poi)) (HFART. physiolog7, eff. of hypothermia in cats (Pol)) ~--CBGnWKj.__Mje;Lzyq:Lav (Krakow, ula lopernika 21) Four cases of caugalgia.' Polskie archomedvewn 28 no,'5:193-197 1958. 1. Ze szpitala P.G.K. w pln. Korei.-Dyrektor: doc. dr W. Wiechno. MURAWIA. ca e r ort 'a 13) , ca,isalgia (Poi OSZACKI, J.; 1910L, W.; MARCZYNSKA, A.; CSGISISXI, M.; MAJ. J.; ADAMCZYK, B. Experimental hypotherr7 in cats. I. Cardiographic & electrocilrdio- graphic investigations. 11. Cluoigen in the cation & serum protein con- tents. Polski przegl. chir. 30 no.7:719-732 JulY 58. 1. Z 11 Kliniki ~'*hirurgicmnej A. 14. w Krakovie Kierownik; prof. dr K. Michejda z I Kliaiki Chorob liewnetrznych A.. 14. w Mrakovie Kierownik: prof. dr. L. Todiowicz oraz z Zakladu Framakodynamiki, A. M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. Dr. J. Hauo Krakow, ul. Kopernika 21. (HYPOTERNIA, experimental eff. of heart, F.CG manifest., changes in serum -protein & cation levels In cat (Pol)) (MART, phyBi0l. eff. of hypothermia, EGG manifest. in cat (Pol)) (EIMTROUARDIOGRAPHY eff,. of hypotharmia in cat (Pol)) (131DOD PROTEINS .keff. of hypothermia on levels in car (Poi)) (IONS, in blood cat!Lons, eff. of kypothermia on levels in cat (.Pol)) EXCERPTA MEDICA Sec 9 Vol 13/6 Surgery June 59 2928. (776) PELVIC :FRACTURE - Ziamanie miednicy -_~7 e~i e I s k I At. and Ja a i e 6 a k i S. 1. Klin. Chir. A.M., Krako%~ - POL.1Y1QL1'rsL-CTTrff-. 1958. 30/8 (041-861) (Iraphs I Tables 5 Illus. 2 Pelvic fracture is a arrious injury but the mortality among these patients is chief- ly connected with post-traurnatic shock and with injury to the internal organs or with the advanced age of the patients. The treatment is as a rule conservativ e alit gives good results on the whole, but the time required to regain full physical fri, ency is often very long (a year or even several years). CW-,131ZKI, Mleczyslnw- JASITMSKI, Stefan; LASK01MICKI, Andrzej. - I -1- -1 4 - - I ~-- I- ~ ~-,o K rw Urologic comnlic;%tione in 1)elvic fractures. Polaki -orzegl. chir. 31 no.4:451-460 Apr 59. 1. Z U-Klinikil". ;giconej A. M. v Krakowie Kiero,~nik- prof. dr lornel Michejdas (PELVIC; MITES, fract. &~ dislod.) (TIRMARY TRACT. aim. - CEGOLSKI, Mieezyalnw Changes in the volume of internal organs and cardiac fuention in experimental tourniquet shock. Polgki -nr%egl. ch-ir. 31 no.6:657- 671 June 59- 1. Z II Kliniki Chirurpicznej A. M. w Krakovic i).o. lierownik: doe. dr J. Oszncki Z Zakladu Farmakodynamiki A. M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr T. Ham. (SHOCK, exper.) (HEART, nhysiol.) CIGIELSKI, Mieczyslaw; RENG, Barbara Glycemic curve in surgical therapy of simple goiter and b7p"- tbyroidism. PolskL prz*gl. chir. 32 no.10:967-973 160. 1. Z II Kliniki QUrurginnej A.M. w Krakewis Kierovmik: doo. dr J. Onzacki. (GOITER aurg) HrPERTHrROIDISM surg) (BD)OD SURAR) CEGIEMKI, Mieczyalav Pronche-eBophageal fistula with spontaneous regression. PelsldL przegl. chir. 32 no.10-11025-1028 160. 'I. Z II Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Krakcrwie Kierownik: dcc. dr J. Onzacki. (BRON HIAL FISTULA cas reports) (ESOP GEAL FISTUIA ca:e reports) *1;1 1 its.* is *1611t; 14 U Iti so q a ~vjilj ir!M-Opm m V 4, K I motwed Iwo" GMAH&-omm DWAWL A. Krup kowski and J%I. ftlelaki (Proce PA&%erze Gibxwp~ Ng. (2). 163-179).-[1n INAish) 008 An Involtiglition was tuade Into the effect of compn.. 90 otintering. ani Impregivition contlitions on prolrrtim such its 00 lportmity, hirdnem, plasticity. coturrmlve atrength, ant) .00 00 dimemlonal changm during Pinter ng, using rl"troh-tiv 00 A 2M memb, and idight4v finer Sri Powder. tw- "mio* "u 1- 2-3 hr. at 4(X)' C. before mintering at MW C. he po"ity- and rtduoed the radial shrinkage, inc but it sign reduced the hardneas anti comprcmive strength. TIC porr"i4y could be inermset! by adding 3% of talcum, a 4*0 NH,(,I, or (NIL)ICO., or by sintering in 11. The latter 004 ruethod is recommended as giving the beat compromise 0 0 between porosity and dimensional Itabilitv, and Mech. cc 40 0 *61-6 ~!OISV-r properties Am reported, oll-lm~rmitv varied fr~~d 1.5 to 3W'~; *0 11.104, - 2545; compressive strength - M)-IA) kg./nitn.-; radial linear mritraction was 111) to 2-15%. l5ref.-N.H.P. coo ago* 2*9 Roo i Iis AS-Sta OETALLUPGKALL(Tr.*AttjltCLISSIIICATIOPi Moo M t Qot 'T- I VI 11 0 C, It 0 as K K ~j R U K n it of RO n An W a 11 s- p ioe 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 00 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 41 0 0 0460 0: 0.0 0 41 0 40 0 0 00 0 4 t C;Zll-213i"!,a . Sintered Co.,.-pacts fm~, Iron Powders Usau for Laking Porous Be-rings, Part I Pl.#- 11 Source - .1-hZzLL411) 'K~-CIIANICZNY (Mechanical Engineering Revi"-w) loland Vol. XII, No. 10 October 1953, pp- 339 - 370 P61 Hinlared Carbide IWOUS JIVArInKS. 5P161!11 a:sIi167k_o z pros?.Uw 1clamych". 'Ilrzeglqd Me-,: e 10YA an cbjWczny~ No. 11, 053, pp, 3W-393., No. 12, 1053, pp. 405-407, 44,019s, 5 tabs. :I The author tivuls willi the range (it application of sintered bearings ~Wj with the 1prosMIS of Suhst,ljullng ACM for othvr typei of bearings. Wiftods of producing Iran powders as -used In the munufacluro~o!.- beirinrA Description of the preparation and mixing of powders; pre5s-. Inji, sintering, and machining of beuvIngs; chemical, physlcnI nnd..'. mictianIcal pTaperiles of sintered Iran bearings. Recommendations an6. Ptkitcal detaII3 referrIng to mcihoils of udng the bearings referroc' to~~ ln~ the ixtUe (machining slid filling, roplarva)x-ji, of bearings, ants and lubricatluti, coaditions of fit, luadabillt!!: 91i,nding-in, Jularle. #fttlon), JN B. T. R. Jii~e 1954 Vl6t~ls_Povder r,6,,- HOT -Waluting Imn FlCndriff T h Developments in manufacturing and utilliation; effects -of tire.3sing pressure; shitering tvinperaturc; and gruin sizo, on tuopterties of bearings. Diagrams, tables, graphs, rilicrographs. 9 Ir ? CEGIET KI, W. POLAND "Sintered Fractional Materials," by W. CEGIE1,9KI; Prace Instytutow 11-finisterstwa Outnietwa, Gliwiue, No. 1, 1955. - - - - a mpv,~q Inw.Umbly wtil. 0., the fim ~of o u" fr it anoo a larjn6j P--mxu.-L I-mtum -.3 lkil'. o. 11 ps L Wit[, VO pCiiVeo.iind slnt--fvd g jzW-1 WA to A~;: the div. WVR -M a, VIVO_` ~y Nicket-iiialybdenum'an'd jlc~pi-lro~-rniqybd~nnm as substitute for molybdenum metal-for eb~rtron tube gr do. 'W. C Iski. Prace lost. 11tanimwh it, -i~mn agy of prMifeing' iiTiii for vitcuum-ttibe grids ,from Ni-FL--Mo alloys cantg. Ni M, Fe '42, and Me ODIVO. I and from NII-Mo alloys contg. Ni PA ajid Mo 20% was Acs"hed. The alloys Wert! prrpd. by thelf-owder metallurg- Ical mrtbcxl from electrolytic M. Fe powd-ti- a MO - pow- di;ofjiiiii~edbyredtictinnollvlotrioxide. T-haeupressedand' ,sintered bars were swngM and drawn Into the wires. The! ,chem. comp n. of wites. tensile strength, anil elongation were 1 detd., as well as the efrect of storing of th~qr moch. propep.., v2 -ties. ne technology of new products was le"difilcult thaf7r 4he one applied for pore Ma wires, and forthe conditions con- 'pidered the p!o~uct Inn cost sLvrerv, lower.. N.Townsressyk-7 C- CEG - a ~KT, Wa law, dr.inz. 74 . -- -- - ~ I Sintered.-.s&fety valve shapings. Rudy i motale 7 no.7:307-314 Jl 162. CEGLA, Jerzy (Lublin) Tephrochronology and its significance in Quaternary research. Czasop geograf 34 no.107-50 163. CEGIARSKI, Romald; ROW, Jadwiga Complexometric determination of certain histaminics. Farmao-ja Fol 18 no.14:327-329 25 Jl 162. 1. Katedra ChemLi Farmaceutycznej, Akademia Modyczna, Gdans'.,,. Kierownik; prof. dr. Henryk Ellert. ,Q.-lz&LARSVI 'Rcjvna&Ja MAND MAM# HeDrykv p"t. dzi CMHAMIp 9WWQdq WVj W"Zp Aadrftj ftr. Departmat of fbanwoutical Chmistry, Modica Aca&W (K&Wtra Cbeaft Famwwiyc~j AkadmU Mefovwwj)g Gdawit (for au - fles"llert)e Waraw, ChmAeL,mwl No 6p Nwmbor-DecambertI965, pp 1217- 1230, *Moth*& of mbis detexulastim. Part Is PotenUametric titr&tJ,mv" CEM,ECKA-T%WZEWSKA. J~iTstyn&-__ Cerebral hemorrhage in a 12-year-old child during the course of thrombacytopenla. Pediat, Pol. 37 no..3t293-294 162. 1. Z Kliniki Terapii Chorob Dzieci AM w Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr mad. H. Brokman. (CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE in inf & child) (THROMBOPENIA in inf & child) CEGLECKA-TOMASUVISKA, Kxystyha; TAYSCH, Zofia; WANKOWICZ, Regina Clinical diagnosis and microbiological verification of Bornhchn. disease (plourodynia). Pediat. pol. 37 no.10:.1029-1032 0 162. 1. Z Kliniki Terapii Chorob Dzieci AM w Warszawie;Kierownik: prof. dr med. H. Brokman I z Panstwowego Zakladu.-Higieny- Zaklad Wirusologii, Pracownia Enterovirusour.Kierownik: prof. dr med. F. Przesmycki. (PLEURODYNIA EPIDEMIC) - DUCHUrISKA, Helena; CEGLECKP-.TCMASZMISKA:,Kr-ystyna Tuberc-Oosis of the sternum and of lungs in a 12-iear---Id girl with rheumatoid arthritis. Pedial. POI. 40 no.3.-29cl-299 Mr 165. I. Z Oddzial-a Dzieciecego Instyt*a'vu Reumatologicz-nego w WarSZawde (Kierownik: prof. dr. E. Wilk os, z ervqki) I z KllniM. Terapli Chorob D,zieci Akademii Nedv--znej w Warszavie (Klerownik: prof. dr. med. H. Zapasnik-Kobierska). COUNTRY CATEGORY .TB3, JOUR. i&~hta., ~t-o. SCFL,~, AUTHOR I T.: C I K 1 N ST. T IT L S, CRT-,!. PUB. ,r'~BSTRACT when rate of 2T C C t Y ~AP ~ - D. C 0 U-1. ~-. T IJ. ABS. JOUR. A I JT --H 0 R INST . T ITL-l- RZK11 3-L-0 ro. A38TRACT C., CARD- I.... . I- VIGH, 13.; AROS, -B.; WENGER, T.; KORITSANSZKY, Sara; CEGLEDI Ependymosecretion (ependymal neurosecretion), IV. The Goibid-positive secretion of the hyp6thala c epdndyma of various vertebrates and its relation to the anterior lobe of the pituitary. Acta biol. acad. sci. hung. 13 no-4:407-419 163. 1. Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical University, Budapest (Head: I. Toto). (EPENDYMA) (HIPOTHALAMUS) (PITUITARY GLAND, ANTERIOR) (PHYSIOLOGY) (HISTOLOGY) IM,GSKM, Lajos; MINSCHISR., Ferenc; GLW, Ivan; TM4, Ede; FA21w, Iwo; -CEGLEDI, Jczsef; KOBOR: Jozsef Indirect paper cb.,,,omatographic methods for determimtion of estrogens in the urine. Kiserl. orvostud. 13 no-5:468-480 0 161. 1. Pecsi Orvostuda-manyi Egyetem Szuleszoti es Nogyog Mati .Yas Klinikaja. (ESTROGENS urine) BEREMAY, Istvan, dr,; C ad, dr. A case of simultaneoun intrauterine and extrauterine pregnancy. Orv. hetil. 104 no.27::L284-1285 Jl 7 163. (PREGNANCY, TUBAL) CEGLINSKI. Stanislaw,- DIBM, Ilsbieta Analysis ofcases of' rheumatism directed for balneotherapy from the City of Poznan. Polskie arch. med. wewnetrz. 24 no-5a:947-950 1.954. 1. Z Instytutu Balneoklimatyeznego w Poznaniu. I~rrektor: dr. mod. J.Jankowiak. (ARTHRITIS. RHEUMATOID. therapy. balneothor., statist. analysis) (BALNEOLOGY, balneothor. of rheum. arthritis, statist. analysis) MUCA Sec.17 V61.4/4 Public Health, etc.Apr 58 N THE PROBLEM OF HEALTH RESORT TREATMENT OF C-HILDREN - Z problematyki leczenia uzdrowiskowego dzieci -,CCeglidski 33. Dziaru Metodol. - Organ., Inst. Balneoklimat., Poznad - PEDI POC. 1957, 32/2 (301-306) The aim of health resort treatment of children is hardening and a gradual stim- ulation of the body. It can be attained by raising the defensive strength of the body as a consequence of its reactions to the natural healing remedies under changed living conditions and a proper sanitary and individual regime. Health resort treat- ment of children differs in its aim from that of adults; it has its own methods of treatment and its own indications. The fundamental factors in treatment of children are the dosed climatic stimuli. The use of natural remedies such as m.Lneral waters for bathinir or drirking cures is of secondary importance. In the Polish health re- sorts there are alx)ut 3000 places for children and this number is gradually In- creasing. CSGLINSKI, Stanislaw ~~-I~ectro ~P.~ m2d eleotrotherapy in pnralysia f ollowing Heine- Medin disease. Poltiki tygod. lek. 14 no.41:1842-1846 12 Oct 59. 1. (Z Instvtutu Bn'.Lneoklimatycznego w Poznaniu; dyrektor: doe. dr J. Jankowiak) (POLIOMYBMTIS) (DMOTROTHMIAPY) (MaCTRODIAGNOSIS) POLAND/C.1tivated Plants - Fruits. Berriec. M Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No !8, 1958; 82488 .ki'thor Ceglowski, Maciej In:t Titi-e Soil Tillage in Orchards Orig Pub Przegl. c-grodn., 1950', 33, No 10, 5-3 Abstract Cultivation of spiked (grain) crops in the sipaces,bet- ween rowE in orchards is pr6hibited. Nevertheless, these establishments are obliged to CiTow them in order to provid.e delivery of the Uain to the State. Lack of manpover hampers groving of vegetable crops in or- chards. The aathor permits spring grain crops to be c-L,.ltivated in yo,=." orchards, which dist,.irbs the water balance less, At the same time it is necessary to sti- p~ilate that each inter-row space moist be considered as a separate field vith different crop rotation. If spring grain crops are iii the first space between rovs, Card 1/2 POLAND/Ci-11tivated Planti, - Fri-,its. Berries. M Abs Jo,~r Ref Zhur 13iol.., No 18, 1958, 82488 then the next inter-row space should be occ,:.pied by ir,- tertilled crops or by &Tasses (ciover). With s,!ch sys- tem, of crop rotation, each row of the trees will be s-,r- rounded two different c~;Atures. This will red,,-'.ce the harjnfi~l effe2t of the cv-1tivation of grain crops. Plans of crop rotations in the intercrop spaces of an orchard are cited. The neaative effect of the triennial clover c-,;Ltivation on the development of fruit plants is emphasized. It is recomm jaded that the cover crops be plowed -nder in early spring. -- I.S. Skandrakova Card 2/2 - 47 -- GEGOLU., A., ing.j EVGHM;E, C., ing.j SOCOL, S., ing. Automation in collocting and conveying the crude oil by main pipelines, Patrol si gaze- 12 no,3:119-a26 Mr 161o 1. InstitutuIde-Wreetari pentru Foraj si Extractie (for Cegolea, Evghbnide). 2. Ministerul Industriei Petrolului si Chimiei (fortatol). CEGOLEA, A.,ing. A device for taking the mean liquid samples from reservoirs. Petrol se .L gaze 13 no-3:125-121? Mr '62 1. Institiitul de Gercetari pentru Foraj se Extractie, CiMDina. MEGOLEA? A., ing. New technological systems for the rationalization and automation of crude oil transport through pipelines. * ' Petrol si gaze 15 no. 4g182-188 Ap 164. 41, -ICEGOLEAt A. I ing. New technological &.agrams for rationalization and automation of crude oil conveying by pipelines. Pt. 2. Petrol si gaze 15 no. 6t287-294 Je 164. LLI?OC666 ACC NR, Ap6oo4g.99 SOURCE CODE: HO/0007/65/016 /001/1'0038/0042 AUTHORt Todorut, V.; Cegoleap A.(EngLneer) ORG: none TITIE: Assuring the supply of gas required by the consumers under variabl:~ consumption conditions SOME: Petrol 81 gaze, ve 16, no, 1, 1965, 38-42 TOPIC TAGS: gas now, parameter, pipeline transportation system ABSTRACT: The authors Idisbu.66"the problem of non~-evauonary gas flbw in main lines lin terms of the successive stationary stagesp atudying the variation in'the characteristio gee flow parameters and eatat-lishing formulae showing the changes with time* The formulae are then used to construct repreoentat4ve~,qurveoe Orig. art. has: 6'figures and 13 formulae. LPRS-7 SUB CODE: 13p 20 / SUBM DAIE: no no ORIG REP: 004 / OTH REFi OC12 SOV HEN 004 A/ i7A-g--in-g -ph-eu--o-in-em-&-ow -atnyloze- a-n-d-&--m-yi-o-p-ec-ti-n,-(-s-ol-u t-ioiii- followed) by Ught-Kattering mewsurazaents. M. deh and 1 N. Vene (Boris Kk1ric Chem. Inst., LittliIjana, V'U-g-olsi-tvia). I in mol. wt. and liar- ticle size of amylose and amylopectin in soln. on aging were followed by light-scattering measurements, at 10 and 201. The technique of the measurements is described in detail. Both the mol. wt..ind the particle size of the amylose kept increasing exponentially with time. The relative increase in the mol. wt. mis larger. indicating that the aggregates formed became more tightly packed. It is suggested that, the aging process for amylose consists in nggrtgnte for. mation through intermol. i-I bonding. the aggregate% pptg. out on reaching a certain size. The aging process was. faster at the lower temp. and at highex amyl6se concus. The arnylopectin solus. aged to a much lesser extent: the inol. wt. Increased at Ist and remained practically miist. after 15 days. Tlit lmser temiency of ninyinlicetin solos, to form aggregates is tentatively interpreted in terms of its branched structure. J. Schna-r,t- GEH v M. Iodine sorption capacity in the fresh and aged potato amr1ono hydrolyzed with hydrochloric acid. Vest Slov kem dr 8 no.1/2zl-8 Ja-A 161. 11 36 A is 0 a 20 L I 1 1) it it D 31 r a r -I Al ~C- 0 A Is. I _1 1 7- - - f ., V. --LEI LP--& m I UL W- U.,--k - 4 Z age 0 of the fluarits occurrence at Kolkle near Ledec Inst. Itati, ZI(li, C-11- 000 1141100.1i(di, (4,4- 0.1,11, Hiop. ass go "110-IM0947).- Fluotilp 41tvatft III Intiqualff %fill-of 1114, miliket, between kralille allif blotille Thi. velus arr lxwdeml by a ka"U11111C allerAtioll 14mr. The ofVnill(A awfasr., abimt 41K,; CAF,. M. F. JUL4 i Zee *oil '44 Aig-tt A 41,11hILLUEMAl. MINAIUAt ILLAWFICATION 12 ue* too %410.4 It 0., Oet 0101 Cp. Ah 4211, ; I An L I a go 4 0 I i F 1, 5 1 ~4 0 N 10 14 .0 P11,11, viol liftill "a Penn Ifilluon )4x4 i CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and H-12a Their Application, Part 2. - Ceramics Glass, Binders, Concretes. - General Topics. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1958, 22087 Author : Karel Cehak, Miroslav Zeman Inst Title : Further Results of Chemico-Geological and Geological Stu- dies of Some Czechian Cretaceous Rocks as Raw Material for Light-Weight Building Materials. Orig Pub : Vest. Ustred. ustavu geol., 1957., 32, No 3, 153-172 Abstract : The deposits of spongillites located West of Prague (Dzhban, Front Kopanina, Repy etc.) are the most advanta- geous for exploitation and production of light-veight building materials; the Si02 contents in these rocks are 54 to 87%, the vol. weight is 2 g per orl ess, cal- cination losses are 10% or less; the reserves of this raw material are 4o to 60 thousands of cub.m per ha of the oc- curence areas. Card 1/1 --CEMP K.- - Statistical coiq)arison of the radiosondes of Vienna and Budapest, In German* p. 65o IDOJARAS. (Meteorologiai Intezet es Magyar Meteorologiai Tarasag) Budapestv Hungary. Vol. 63.. no* 2, Mare/Apr. 1959. Yonthly List of East European Accessions# (EKAI) LCp Vol. 9,, no. 1. Jan. 1960 Uncle CEHAV, Adrian, ing.; BUIEU, Gheorghe, ing. Steam molding of ceramic products in our factory. Constr Bac 14 no.676:2 22 D162 1, Saflal serviciului mecanic-sef la Fabrica "Zorile Foilt Piatra Veamt (for Cehan). 2. Seful serviciului productie de la. Fabrics. "Zorile Doi", Piatra Peamt (for Baleu) Distribution of foraminifers upon the northwest continental platform of the Black Sea. Note I. P. 33 HIDRDBIOLOGR. (Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Comisie de Hidrolosie, Ilidrobiologie si Ditiologie) Bucuresti, Ruman-ta. Vol. 1., 1958 Monthly List of East European Accessions (FU.I.) LC., Vol. 8, Eo. B, -'.uguust 1559 Uncl, MAGAROVICI, N.; CEHAN-IONESI, Bica Distributions of foraminifers on the continenta2 platfom of the riorthwestern part of the B:Lack Slea. II. Studii care biol anim 13 no.4: 517-533 161. 1. Universitatea "Al. 1. Cuza," Muzeul do istorie naturala, Iati. Comunicare prozentata de Th. Busnita, membru corespondent al Aca- demiei R.P.R. GEHAN-RACOVITA, M. Some particular phenomena observed In electronic tubes whose screen is not disconnected. Note I. Effects of the slope and negative resistance of the electronic tubes whose screen Is not disconnected. p. 759 STUDII SI CERCETARI DE ENFRGETICA. Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 7, no. 4, 1957 I Se t Monthly List of East European Accession. (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 9, P9 Uncl. :f:.,~-ative roar-t-on appliel to electronic wattric-t.,,-rs. '-'0t,- 7. R - R (EMMI! 3T 7,,' CT,--, J! I !)F: J'TCA) (Rucuresti, 'umrina) Vol. 7, llo. nthl., ol -a3t Eui-opean Aicce-ssions I-Al/ T) I.C Vtjj. 7, ~~IC,. f~. RUMANIA / General and Special Zoology, Insectse P Insect and Mite Pests, Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-E-lol., No I2P 195SIV 54353. Author Negru St.; Ceia Inst C, I** Parhon Univ' Title The Recognition o; ips duplicatus and the Damage Caused by Iti Orig Pub: An. Univ. 11C. 1. Parhoh.4 Sdr., stiint, natur., 1957., No 13,, 157-161, Abstract: A morphological differentiation of the beetles 1, duplicatus, 1, amitinus and I. typographus. The feeding plants of 1, anitinus and the nature of the damage done to the trees are indicated. Card 1/1 RUEANIA / r-'cnor.-I rnd ~-pocirlizjd Zoology. insooto. Torovt Fo!lts. Abs Jour Rcf -Shur - Biol., No 17, 1958, No 78349 author l'uErv, Coivnu, I.; Fcrvscrn, D. Inst "C; . I. '-r ho;7rUnTv(.,rsity Titlo "omo Obsox-vvtions on tho Dcmrgo Produced by Fityoltcir;oc- vorontzovi Jrcobn (Coloopter-, lpid~c). Orig lub : .':n. Univ. "0. 1. Prrhon", Ser. stiint. nrtur., 1557, ij,.o 14, 161 W% 'i str!7ct : 37sud on r study of tho prssrgos of I-oid ---. vorontzovi on 5t' s-.)rvcos, r tobla is givcn of schomr.tic drri!inus of tho v.-ith 1 8 m.,,.tornvl offshcots (tho -oost common is tho form vith 3 pr~ssvcrcs). Th~; distribution of the IlAd in ?,vTjrnir is givon, sottling thcro on Tirs, Icrch, rnd Dougirs-syruco Fsodutsugc texifolin in -ddition to spruco. s suinmrry. Crrd 1/1 RADULFSCUI G.A., ; CISIIAVU, M., ing.; 9RIGORIU, D., ing.; MIRGEA, E., ing; SCHORR, V., Avoiding furfural degradation, and fighting against corrosion in the installations for oll-4xtraction. Petrol si gaze 12 no. 12:550-555 D 163.. - GRIGORIU, D.; SCHORR, V.,,:,CEIANU, M.; CONRAD, M.; ILEA, M. Influence of technological parameters on the disasphalting vith propane; laboratory aspects. Petrol si gaze 13 no.7:310-316 J1 t62. GRIGORIU, D. , ing.; SCHORR, V. , ing.;j CLIANU M. , ing.; ILEA, M. , ing.; CONRAD J" M. , ing. Influence of working conditions in the disasphalting with propane. Petrol si gaze 13 no.10:459-464 0 162. 1 GRIGORIU, D.; SCHORR,V.; CEIANU,11.; ILEA~14.; DESFAyS.; PLATOR, Al. Extraction of prinary and delayed coking oils obtained from 1,',ahorkatia crude Al by liquid sulfur dioxide. Petrol si gaze 14 no.lM509-516 0163. GRIGORIU, D.; ILEA, M.; CEHANU, M.; DESPA, St.; MAZAREANU, L.; POPESCU, R. .... ....., Influence of the maLf.n parameters on the gas-oil extraction process with furfurole. Tetrol si gaze 15 no. 6:299-305 Je 164. ACC -'SOURCE QOD,,E.-, RU/ 65/ )43/0052 9 1 p].6/001/0( AUTHOR: Gri riu D IlLeg Ceiariu, Mt; Des ._St.; R, M.; XAA~ealnu. L.; Po~;- 2u~)1111 ORG: none TITLE: Production of aromatic concentrates from kerosene, gasoline, and diesel -juel"(by extraction with sulphur dioxide SOURCE: Petrol si gaze, v. 16p no. 1, 1965,, 43-52 TOPIC: TAGS: sulfur,, oxide, kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, aromatic hydrocarbonj chemical reaction ABSTRACT: :A description and d , 'iscue6ion of the extraction of keroaene,-gaeoline and Diesel fuel by means of liquid sulfur dioxide. The authors 'anal,yze the influence on thequality and quantity of products obtained of the principal extraction parameters (temperaturot ;solvent ratio, number of stages) as well as of the raw materials ;used. For kerosene extraction the effect of adding a washing . - medium to the sulphur dioxide is also studied. Orig. art. has: 6 figures ani 20 tables. CJPRS7 SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: none CITH REF: 012 SOV REF: 001 U) SCHORRI V.; GRIGORIU, D.; CEIANU, M. Kinetic relatiins applied to the calculation of the thermal stresses of an equ:Lflux furnace for thermal reforming. Petrol si gaze 16 no.2:111?-127 F 165. L 42289-66 BVP(v)/VJP(k)/9NP(h)/EV4P(1) !-'4cc -t4'-AP6d)1674 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Schorr, V.; Grigoriu, D.; Ceianu. M. ORG: none RU/0007/65/016/002/On9/0127 TITLE: Kinetic relations applied to the calculation of the thermic stresseu of an equiflux furnace for thermal reforming SOURCE: Petrol A gaze, v. 16, no. 2, 1965, 119-127 TOPIC TAGS: industrial furnace,, thermal stress ABSTRACT: The authors elaborato a unified kinetic calculation method to determine the heating-reaction zone based on published experimental data, and compare the results obtained by pplying the calculations with the results measured in an industrial furnac k; example of technological research on an equiflux furnace for thermal refarmizig is also included, with the pertient calculations and measure- *ments. It is shown that calculated data are in good agreement with the experimental ones. Orig. art. has: 8 figurBs and 8 tables. (JPRS1 SUB CODE; 13t 20 / SUBM DATE$. none / ORIG REF: 001 / SOV REF: 003 OTH REF: 005 Card 1/1, "ETANT, V. -- Calendnrul lucratilor de protectia plantelor. Burcuresti, Agro-SlIvicn de 3tat, 1955. 273 p. (Calencar for the work cf plant prctecti n) V1 Not In DLC SCURCE: East European Lis", (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 1056 CEIZEL, Pavel The diet of miners on night shift. Gesk. byg. 7 no.4:2,40-243 My 262. 1. Ustav pre v3,skum vyzivy Iudu, Bratislava. (COAL MINING) (DIET) CEIZEL, Pavel, dr. Share of fats in tLe food of the population of Slovakia with consideration of their caloric value, Prum potravin 14 no. 12:628-631 D 163. 1. Ustav pre vyskim vyzivy lidu, Bratislava. Or I ; c in th e L; te -L no C;VzjK -~i Sc S 3 ik- 3 LI Vol.