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BYKOV V T ~- - ~.2- International symposium on inorganic polymers. Izv. Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.nt150-1~1 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Poixers-Congresses) I- -- BYKQV4-V. T, Oimui$uneous production of rectified alcobol from molasses beer and raw alcohol. Spirt.prom. 27 no.3126 161. (MIR& 14:4) (Alcohol) BYKOV V.T SUSHIN, V.N. Use of infrared spectroscopy.for investigating natural sorbents. Kin.i kat. 3 no-5:788-793 Sw-O 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. DELlInevostochnyy Mial Sibtrakogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Sorbents-Spectra) BYKOV, V.T.; PRESNYAKOVA, O'Yee Dynamic method of determining the specific surface of adsorbents by means of adsorption from a solution stream. -Kin.i kat. 3 no.5:784-787 S-0 1620 (LIRA 16:1) 1. Dallnevostoohnyv filial Sib4rakogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. ~Adsor'ption) (Sorbants)' BYKOV$ V.T.; SUROVTSEV, G.G.; TKAGHENKO, Ye.A. Electron microscope investigation of bleaching clays from the deposits of Western Siberia. Izv. SO AN SSSR no-3 Ser. khim. nauk no.l.-161-162 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1, Dallnevostoohrqy filial Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR, Vladivostok. (Siberia, Western-Clay) (Electron microscopy) TKACHENKO, Ye.A, Electron microscope studies of natural sorbents of Siberia and Far East. Repoftorwl; Diatomites and tufadlatomites. Soob. DVFAN SSSR n0.17:39-42 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial im.-V.L. Komarova Sibirskodo otdeleniya AN SSSR. _j..T.,,.doktor khim. nauk BYKOV,, Interrational Symposium on Inorganic Polymers. Soob. DVFAN SSS.R no.17:127-129 t63. (MIRA 17:9) BYROV, V.T.; Pid'SNYAKOVA, O.Ye. Dynamic method used for the determination of the values of the specific surface of adsorbents from solution stream. Soob. DITAN SSSR no.19:47-50 163. (MIPA 17:9) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial imeni V.L. Komarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. BYKOIJIP V.T.; BURMAKINA, V.V. - Adsorption of puraffinIc hydrocarbons on model sorbents. Part 1. Soob. IIVFAN SSSIR no.19:51-55 163. Adsorption of paraffinic hydrocarbons on model sorbents. Part 2. Ibid.:57-60 (MIRA 17:9) 1. Dallnevostochnyy filial imeni Komarova Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. , BYKOV, V.T.; G.-MUSIMOVA, V.G. Effect of the thermal treatment of natural sorbents on n-hentane vapor'adsorption, Trudy MAN SSSR.Ser.khim. no.7:47-51 165. WRA 18:12) A 6 EWT(m 11524-6 /MITU It L RM ACC NRt SOURCE CODE: UR/0190/65/007/012)(, 2168/Z170 AP6001875 ki ~R. F. 'AUTHORS: Avilova:,,' T. F.; B,*oili~Vt_T.; Mar nin,- V4 F.; S!1~2 -n 76 ORGt Ear-Eastern State University (Dallnevostachnyy gosudarstvgenyy unive I- TITLE% Synthesis of chlorinated2o.Lytitwdumphenylsilgxane ZOURCEs Vyspkomo1ekulyarYW9 soyedineniya., ve 7 nos 12, 1965.9 2168-2170 TOPIC TAGS a poly;mr., o tallid, co*ourkdp silicon compound, organctitanium r9anom compounds chlorinated orpnometaUlti compound AA ABSTRACT The, synthesis of -A chLoro-derivative of polytitaniumphenylsiloxand,~is duscribede T,he starting materW (ImDlytitaniumphenylsiloxane) was prepared after the mothod of K.-A. Atx1rianov,, T. No Ganina.. and Yes N. Khrustaleva (Izv. AN SSSR., Otd. k tLim. ns, 1956, 75flj and the chlorinationiwas carried out in C014 solution by- means of activated chlorine. : The i~iul~wit *m!~~xre of cUorinated polymers was subjected to a fractionation analysis, An elimittal analysis and molecular weight determination also carriod out, The therma atabi.3#y of the initial polymer or each fraction was and of its chlo*%Iated derivatives amd their solubility in benzene, acetone., and C were determined. The everimerital results are presented in tables. A structure C14 for the initial palluer and Its chIctro-derivative is shown by L Card 1.12 UDCt 670.0166678.8h L 3 1524-66 ACC NIh AP6001875 It OC*M' ' IIA-0-2 Q The proposed structure was confixuad by IR spectroscopy, it wt found that the loblorinated derivative hu a allj;htly higher thtum-stability'. C compared with the izdtisa polymer. Origs OWL* hast 3 tables wA 2 forallas. 5DB GWRIMIU/ SUER DAM OCW9b6S1 ORM MW a OD3/ OM RVs 0011: a 2LA BYKOV, V.T.; GORIKOVSKAYA, V.T.; FROLOV, B.A. Isotherms and heats of adsorption of benzene vapors on some argillaoeous minerals. Xin. i kat. 6 no. 6tlO73--1079 N-D t65 (MIRA 19:1) 1. Dal Inevostocbn3ry gosudarstvennyy universitet. Sulnitted February 26, 1964. BYKOV, V.T.; GORIKOVSKAYA, V.T.; FROLM, B.A. Isathermz of adsorption and of difforential heat-,, of tid'sr-'rPtion of benzene on moxitmorillonita~ Report No.l., Trudy 9VF-'N SSSR. no.7852-59 165. luothermB.of adsorption and of differential heats of adsorption of benzenb on kaolinite. Raport No.2. lbid.959-63 (MIRA 18.-32) AVILOVA, T.P.; BYKOV, V.T.; GWSHCHENKO, V. Yu.; MARININ, V.P. Synthesis of polyzircono'Urganosiloxane. Vysokom. soed. 8 no. 1% 11-13 Ja 166 (MIM 19 ti) 1. Daltnevostoelmyy gosudarstvmnyy universitet. Suhnitted F6bruary 31 1965. L 17716-66 LW(J)/EWT(m)/T RM ACC 14R., AP6003407 (A), SOURCE COM UR/0190/66/008/001/0014/0015 AUTHORS: Avilova, T. P.; Bykov.- V. T.1 Kondratenko, L. A. ORG: Far Eastern State University (DallnevostochW gosudarstvannyy TITLE: Synthesis of po3,ychromiuih phenylailoxane i SOURCE-. Vysokomoleku1yaravye soyedineniyup v. 89 no, 1p 1966t 14-15 'TOPIC TAGS: polysiloxane, organometall1o compound, chromium compound polymer, organic synthetic process ABSTRACT: Polychromium phonylsiloxane(I) was prepared in 76% yield in a manner analogous to the synthesis of polyferropheny'Lsiloxanel(K. A. Andrianov, T. N. Ganina, N. N. Sokolov. Vysokomolek. soyed.p method of 4j 679t 1962), using the exchange'decomposition of phenylsodiumovidlanalwith chromium potassium sulfate in aqueous alkaline solution at 78C. The p-r-o-ru~t obtained was a green solid, soluble in organic solvents with a ratio.of SitCr 5.8 to 7.1, which corresponds to a probable structure: \0 Card 1/2 UDCt 541.64+678.84 J3YKOV/ AID P - 2598 SubJect USSR/Meteorology Card 1/2 Pub. 71-a - 1/26 Author Bykov, V. V. Title The influence of mountains on changes in pressure in the middle layers of the troposphere Periodical Met i gidr, 4, 3-12, Jl/Ag 1955 Abstract The influence exercised by high mountain ranges on changes in atmospheric pressure and particularly on cyclogenesis is discussed. A theoretical analysis of the numerical method for short-range forecasting is made for cyclones on the lee side and above mountains. The author maintains that the geostrophic wind loses its intensity over mountAin ranges. This fact affed-ts the structure of the atmospheric ressure (cyclogenesis). Research was made on theoretical Tmathematical) fore- casting, the data of which was later compared with factual data on a cyclone over the Scandinavian Mountains, Jan. 2., 1954. Four diagrams. Two Russian Met i gidr, 4, 3-12, JI/Ag 1955 AID P - 2598 Card 2/2 Pub. 7i-a - 1/26 references, 1946, 1948, 2 English, 1949 and 1951. Institution : None Submitted : No date ABRAMOVICH..K.G., ASTAPMO, P.D.- iyvnv- lf-v - iipuK' V.I.; OROV, V.P.; ZVEM, A.S.;-MININA, L.S.; MOROMIN, A.A.; RUFJ!RT, L.L.; SXRGlUY,'B.K.-, UMM, A.S.; PQWSTAKA, Kh.P.,rodaktor; TASNOQ=DSKATA,-M.K-.redakior- [Schpol synoptical itlas of ifeathor mapalUchebuyi- sinopticbeqi4i atla.e. Le4lngrid, Gldr-8,meteo icheekIa lzd~-vO. 'Pt. 1. 1956, 48 fd;d. a-p:'e (in poitf ol#o)~~Xocisignoa' uts for itu- "schppl uyn4ptlml Was-ot wGat*,*5'."3 ZOMU& d1i studentov k',"w6b'iiomu, -einopticheskomi itlasu, ch6stl 1. Boat'. A6 S. ~ Zvorev. 1956. n4 p. (MLRA 10:5) (Meteorology-Gharts, diagrams, ato.) 7H 351-513 -551-501.7 Byko- V V -,.-;d Ma~hkcrvich, S. A, 11h"U'Aterirfike 'z~nsllnol t~irknlin,-4:i am" Dsfery. . =t. ;,f the t-~. :~ 1,-,. 6 1 "j, Dwij. Pl~- ii~t q'M'x develop-, an in -A 4ch the index of zona! cii-L:uLtwn i, ~ (I:,.,: phy"t alh, ." the zingulaT %'ejucay of rotatior; ci tht: atfutisphere related tf: the earth and dt:Frribes a pro~--edtire for calculating the index of :onall (irculatior. and a6o [(,I dc--icribing the NCIOCitY of 11('Q-f.LSt transp-irt ovz~r any Imrt fA the Northern Hemisphere. Tabits and grapl- ~rr 1~-vnted givi'-s-44 ----N4n al NUU mb and 700 mb surface, -ek i4 900, 700afid JOW -mb. Jbiti;ii6h of six mea, 6*fzuna1~!mWadw'n at k-v yindex imd at different altiu,&ts ard val"6 tA tbe il-Aex of rlmlimiun at diflt-ml* kv0s. The greatest intensity of zr, tal cin-idation is at the tevel If) %,hl f I I W-t transport COLAWttltes the pm. Icrnimtrit conditior, of th, ~ t, ", ph,rv a i -I t f!'l zhe cold 5ea--"j., ibile tiuring u,t sumirwr an I'm it , Irculmi'm pr' !k i h, Variation o 1"If zoli~d circil mon ii hilmia; 41 111 !t 'I'C ~~j !;III' !;~!~,- H~a;njs i. Zone! circulation 2. Zraial indri. i 1' i Byxov, V.V. Aquations of the dynamics of the atmosphere in the hypothesis of quasi-solonoidality. Metero. i gidrol. no.11:8-14 N 156. (Atmosphere) (MIu 10:1) L, IL-1ya Afanaelyevich; BRIMBOY, S.L... red..; BYKOT, V.Y.. red.; KOISSNIKOVA, A.P., [Introduction to hydrodynamic methods of short range weather forecasting] Vvedenie v gidrodinamicheskie metody kratkosrochnogo prognoza pgody. Hosk-va, Gos. izd-vo tekhniko-teoret. lit-ry. 1957-- 375 P. (MIRA, 11:4) (Weather forecasting) Vj AUTHORS: Belousov, S. L. and Bykov, V. V. 49-9-5/13 TITLE: On taking into consideration the influence of mountains in forecasting the baric field. (Ob uchete vliyaniya gor pri prognoze baricheskogo polya). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Alcademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 195?, No.9, pp.1142-1153 + 3 plates (USSR) ABSTRACT: An important drawback of available methods of numerical forecasting based on the single layer model of the atmosphere is due to the fact that vertical movements are not taken into consideration. One of the possible methods of improving the accuracy and the effectiveness of the lorecasting at the medium level of the atmosphere by means of high speed computers consists in taking into considera- tion the influence of vertical movements caused by the presence of non-uniformities on the Earth's surface and, particularly, of large mountain ranges. In spite of the fact that the forced air circulation takes place for specific forms of the circulation and are limited to certain geographical regions, their influence on the atmospheric processes is very considerable in numerous cases. One of the authors showed in an earlier paper Card (Ref.1) that in forecasting the geopotential at the 49-9-5/13 On taking into consideration the influence of mountains in fore- casting the baric field. average level of the atmosphere it is possible to take into consideration the influence of mountain ranges on the air currents;mthe formulation of the problem is briefly recapitulated, mentioning that a non-linear equation, eq.(7), p.1144, was derived for forecasting the geo- potential at the average level of the atmosphere in which the influence of mountain ranges are taken into considera- tion. In this paper a numerical solution of this equation is arrived at which is free from some of the limiting assumptions made in the earlier paper. For the numerical solution the finite difference method of solving the Poisson equation is used which ensures taking into consideration the dispersion of waves of the baric field. The author deals with the scheme of the numerical solution of the eq.(7) re-written as shown in eqs. (8) and (9), P-1145, and also with certain features of the programming of this problem for the computer W3CM. As initial data in the numerical calculation of the system of equations (8) and (9), the data are used pertaining to the altitude AT 700 above the territory for which the height forecasting chart-is Card 2/3 compiled. These data are given in the nodes of a 49-9-5/13 On taking into consideration the influence of mountains in fore- casting the baric field. rectangular grid, Fig.3, containing 480 points, the grid. spacings are 250 km. The obtained solution is applicable to universal electronic computers and,as an example,a 24 hour forecasting chart is calculated for May 18, 1956 comparing the results obtained by taking into consideration the Scandinavian mountains and by not taking these into consideration. The obtained results indicate that it is possible to calculate more accurately the geopotential at the medium level by taking into consideration the orographic influences within the framework of the single layer model of the atmosphere. Acknowledgments are made to I.A.Kibel on whose initiative the here described work was carried out. There are 11 figures and 3 Slavic references. SUBMITTED: January 12, 1957. ASSOCIATION: Central (Weather) Forecasting Institute. (Tsentral'nyy Institut Prognozov). AVAILAB=- Library of Congress d BI0(~o V V. 3(7) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2115 TsentralInyy institut prognozov Voprosy dinamichaskoy meteorologil (Problems of Dynamic Meteorology) Moscow, Gidrometeoizdat (Otd-niye), 1958. 110 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, VYP. 78) 1,300 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: USSR. Glavnoye upravleniye g1drometeorologiche- skoy sluzhby. Reap. Ed.: Ya. M. Kheyfets; Ed.: Yu. V. YU*V&;jTech. Ed.i I.M. Zarkh. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for research worlers in dynamic meteorology. It may also be of interest to advanced students In the field. COVERAGE: These articles deal with hydrodynamic methods of a short- range forecasting of meteorologic elements, the theory of climate, Card 1/3 Problems of Dynamic Meteorology SOV/2115 and questions of general atmoapheric circulation. The article by by S.A. Mashkovich discusses the formation and retention of zonal circulation heat under the Influence of the incoming solar heat for given albedo values of the earth's surface. Ye.M. Dobryshman presents a linear theory for long-term humidity forecasting. S.L. Belousov explains the errors occuring in solving forecasting problems for a mean atmospheric level by replacing differential equations with difference equations. V.V. Bykov offers a aolu- tion of t~e spatial problem In forecasting meteorologic elements assuming quasi-solenoidal motion. V.P. Sadokov presents a fore- casting method (a spatial problem) adapted for a fast electronic computer. There are 47 references: 30 Soviet, 13 English,-and 4 German. TABLE OF CONTENTSt .Mashkovich, S.A. Shaping Zonal Circulation 5 Mashkovich, S.A. A Theoretical Model for Studying the Development of General Atmospheric Circulation and the Climatic Fields of the Meteoric Elements 37 Card 2/ 3 Problems of Dynamic Meteorology S017/2115 Dobryshman, Ye.M. The Problem of Long-range Forecasting of Humidity Fields in the Troposphere 4 Belousov, S.L. The Study of Errors Occuring in a Numerical Compu- tat4 'on of the Equation of Vortex Transfer at-flet1h Atmospheric Levels 73 Bykov, V.V. Taking Into Aocount Wind Deflection From the Geo- s-fr-Ophte-In-Pbrecasting Meteorologic Elements 83 Dobryshman, Ye.M. Solution of the Equation for Oeopotential Change92 Padokov, V.P. A Numerical Method for Computing the Baric Field for .,a Case of Baroclinic Atmosphere 105 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 14MAg 8-13-59 BYKOV, V.V.; KURBATKIII, G.P. Analysis of meteorological and aerological data with the aid of an electronic comptiter. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no-5:1065-1068 0 160. - (MIU 13: 10) 1. Institut prikladnoy geofiziki Akademii nauk SSSR. TrIecLstavleno akademikom A.A.Doroduitaynym. Mectronic data proceiving) (meteorology) I BYi,.OVq V.V.; KURBATKINp G.P. r Objective anal-, ~As c2 aoz-olo;,,--'- cal data. Izv. AN' SSS2t. Sor. cgaofiz. no. 2:307-318 F 161. (1.7 14:2) I MI 1. Institut priltladnoy ,~z:ofizil:i AY SSS,~. Cdc'Ahor --"Orocuuthig) Taking Snto account the geostrophic departure in short-range forecasts. Izv. AN SM. Ser. geofiz. no.3:418-423 Mr 162. (MIRA 15:2) ~ 1. AN SSSR, Olavnoye Upravleniye gidrometeorologicheskoy iluzhby pri Sovet4.1-linistrov WSR i Ob"yedinennyy metearolo- gicheskiy vychislitellnyy tsentr. (Ihmk6al vmather forecasting) BYKOVV V.V. Results of the ictivity of a design and supervision office* Tranapo i khrm. nefti no.l-.2-9-30 '63. (NIP& 16.-g) 1. Saratavskaye ray~mnoya neftepravodnaye apravleaiya. ABSTRACT: This -article describes experience in developing a model for the numerical analysis of geopotential and wind data at five levels of the atmosphere. In this method, consistent analysis at several leirelE is achieved by the correction and "filling in" of missing data. The authors provide a brief description of the computation method an(i cite examples ol the analysis of geopAez tial and wind. Iley also pi- eent a practical va: i ant of a multi-level method of nLune;-ic.,l analysis of the absolute geopotentiFd bassed on tre principle of construction of presauri) pattern charts. The iollo-ving iS the beSiS Of ti,O Card 1/3 V- L- -2 A. -L.. 24458,~65 Accu, tsw NR-: AT50028152 for- ntersections- and by -using A SeqUMCU:0f ~&omputations-in which the analysis is made first grid intersections for which the b-a-st observational data are available; in addition, dwa from some wind sounding stationtj are used, as well as from some surface stations. 'rho computation method and structurv of the program for numerical analysii; on an electronic computer are described fully. 719 d-Iscussed method of numerical analysis can also be applied to analysis of the wind field. In such a case, the analysis of the wind velocity components at the level of the iso',3aric surface is reduced to an analysis of the components of the thermal wind in the layer between the involved and the lower-lyinly, isobaric suil'aces. "The authors wish to thank M. L '~azutlna and 0. K. Gorbunova for assittance hi the computations". Ori~g. art. has: 5 fonnulas, 9 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Mirovoy meteorologicheskiv tsentr (Wqrld meteorological center) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ES 'R: 001 NO REF SOV: OG4 3/3 77- -._i- I ~ - . I.. o - ~,. - - ---I---- Pil-ul~o-k L Wr (d )/Eli P1 IJP(c) GG/BB ACC NIB: AP6007866 SOURCE CODE! UR/0103/66/000/002/0093/0091.) AUTHOR: Bykov, V. V; (Voronezh); MalMchuk, V. P. _(Voronezh) =7 1_7 ORG: none TITLE: The error of digital integration of a steady-state random process SOURCE: Avtomatika I telemekhanika, no. 2, 1966, 93-99 TOPIC TAGS: random process, error function, error measurement,=dig#a~ integration ABSTRACT: In some cases, for example, in the employment of digital computers, integra-' tion of a continuous steady-state random signal (t) is performed by summation of its discrete values according to the formula tit)dtIoe'At where I is the approximated value of the integral 1; .Cn E(Ini- 112 are reading values of the function ~ (t) in the points tn = (n - 1/2) At, corresponding to the means of the intervals (A t(n - 1), A tn) (it Is assumed that the rounding off error is negligible); Cird! i/2 UDC: 681.142.82!517.3 L 30393-66 ACC ~M: AP6007866 0 ilzf is the 5pacini6f the time quantizationof the process; wc 2IX f isthe C frequency of quantization; and, N = T/ A t is the number of reading values on the integration interval. The present author evaluates the error originating in this case. A simple relationship is obtained which relates the value error dispersion to the high frequency spectrum of the function being integrated, An example of application of the results obtained.; is investigated. Orig. - artV, has:-.~ 1 table and 14 formulas. SUB CODE: .12 SUBM DATE;- 17Mar65 ORIG REF: 004 Card 2/2 A 4 -BYKOV-; Jlktor-Yasil lywi-c-b; KOVAL, Yef im Ivanovich; KHOKHLOVKIN, D.M. I otVetsfV'8nnyy 'r--eMtor; KRASOVSKIY, I.P.,redaktor izdateletva; KOROT M OVA, Z.A.,takhnicheskiy redaktor; ZAZULISX&YA, V.F., takhnichaskiy redaktor [Automatization.oi pumping apparatus] Avtomatizataiia naeosufth Ustanovok. Hookys., Ugletakhizdat, 1956. 41 p. (MLRA 10:5) (Pumping machinery) (Automtic control) Y, AID P - 5209 Subject 'USSR/Engineering Card 1/1 Pub. 107-a - 8/13 Author : Bykov, V. V., Eng. (First Moscow Autogenous Plant) Title : Gas welding of the L62 thin-sheet brass Periodical : Svar. proizv., 7, 26-27, Jl 1956 Abstract : The author describes the research conducted at the All- Union Scientific Research Institute of the Autogenous Treatment of Metals (VNIIAvtogen) in 1953-54 on the welding of the L62 sheet brass of over 3mm thickness. A new welding admixture of the LK62-05 type was used for the purpose. Two tables, one Russian reference (1955). Institution : As above Submitted : No date Pillk 0 V, V V, AID P - 54o8 Subject USSR/Engineering Card 1/2 Pub. 107a - 10/12 Authors : Bykov, V. V., Eng., and A. N. Kazanskiy, Eng. Title : New equipment for processing metals by-flame Periodical : Svar. proizv., 10, 30-31, 0 1956 Abstract : The authors briefly describe several newly designed gas- welding and gas--cutting equipment, such as: the GS-53, GSM-53 and GAO-55 torches, the PP-53, HAP-55 and RZP-55 cutters, and the RGS-53, RGM-53, RAT-55, RAO-55 and RAZ-55 insert cutters. They provide some technical characteristics of the cutters and torches. Five tables, I graph and 4 pbotos (showing numerous pieces of equipment and parts). AID P - 5408 Svar. proizv., 10, 30-31, 0 1956 Card 2/2 Pub. 107a - 10/12 Institution : All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Auto- genous Treatment of Metals (VNIIAvtogen), Main Admini- stration for Design and Manufacture of Oxygen Apparatus (Glavkislorod mash). Submitted : No date SFIMRXNNIKOY. Tsaiamin Vasillyevich NOVIK. A.. rodaktor; HATUSBVICH, 3.0 [Nine dratuage coatroll Upravlonie prokhodcheakim vodootlivom. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo toldm* lit-ry USM, 1957- 34 p. (MLRA 10:9) (mine pumps) ~DIAUV,. "On New Equipment Produced by the First Moscow Autogenous Plant." Paper presented at the Sverdlovsk Regional Conference on Gas-Flame Metal Working and Electric-Gas Processes, Sverdlovsk, 14-16 may 1958, Sponsored by VNIIAtogen. BITOV,: V.V.; TROFIKOV. A.A.; ANTONOV, I.A.,kELnd.'tekhn.nauk, red.; --~--kniou. V.A.,red.izd-va; UVAROVA, A.F., [Repair of equipment for gas welding and cutting] Remont appara- tury dlia gazovoi evarki i rezki. Koslqwa, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd- vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry. Part 1. [Torches and cutters] Gorelki I recaki. 1958. 198 p. (Moscow. Vsesolusnvi nauchno-issledovatel'- skii Inatitut 4vtogennoi obrabotki meiallov. Spravocbnp materialy po gazoplamennoi obraboke metallov, 10013) (MIRA 12:2) (Gas welding and cuttin ipment and supplies) (Industrial equipment-HaiAtehance and repair) k o v., MM I BOOK EMMATION 12o4 Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut avtogennoy obrabotki metallov. Remont e~pkrAt-ary-.djAlgazgvoy:syarkLi-rbzkiil-'Ch..Is Goralki--i.,rbzaki (Repair of Gas Welding and Cutting Equipment. Pt. 1: Threhes and Cutters) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1958. 199 p. (Series: Spravochuyye materialy po, gazo- plamenaoy obrabotke metallov, vyp. 13) 7,000 copies printed. Compilers: Bykov, V-V- and Trofimov, A.A.; Ed.: Antonov, I.A., Candidate of Techaical-S-ciences,-, Ed. of Pablishing House: Mezhova, V.A.; Tech. Ed.: Uvarova, A.F.; Managing Ed. for Literature on)Heavy machine Building (Mashgiz): Golovin, S-Ya-, Engineer. PURPOSK: This boo~is intended- for engUmers and technicians working in the field of gas velding and cutiingg- COVERMM-. The book contains information on the repair of gas-welding and gas-cut- ting eqaipment. It discusses organization of the work of bench workers and re- pair men, various types of repairs and their periodicity, and conditions for accepting eqaipment for repair and return)ing it. Instructions are given for the operation and care of equipment. ChIlters 1, 11, and M were compiled by card 1/4 RepaIr of Gas Welding and Cutting (Coat.) 12o4 A.A. Trofimov, and Chapters III-VI by V.V. Bykov. No personalities are men- tioned. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTIMM: lutroduction 3 Ch.~ 1. Organization of the Repair of Equipment 5 TZ3es of repair 5 Conditions for accepting eqtiipmut fo,r repair and releasing it after repair. 6 Repair shops 8 Ch. 11. Repair-Equipment 11 Torches for manual gas welding 11 ~General-pi~rpose--4671filn torches. types SU-48 and GS-53 12 Smil-capecity velding torches, types WJ4-47 and GSK-53 14 Special-purpose torches 15 inst--nw-tions for the operation of.injector torches 15 Cixt-ting torches for oxygen cutting 18 Card 2/ 4 Repair of Gas Welding and Cutting (Cont.) 1204 Classification of cutting torches 18 Thnstructions for the operation of oxyacetylene cutting torches 22 K-48 and K-51 kerosene cutting torches 23 Basic instructions for the care of kerosene cutting torches 26 Ch. III. Repair of Welding Tbrches 28 'Repair of general-purpose velding torches 28 Fkapair of the SU-48 torch 28 Repair of the GS-53 torch 72 Repair of small-capacity torches, types BCM-47 and GSK-53 77 Repair of special-purpose torches, types GPZ-49 and NW-49 78 Ch. TV. Repair of Cutting Thrches 86 Repair of UR-49 and RR-53 general-purpose -ual cutting torches 86 Repair of the UR-49 torch 86 Repair of the RR-53 torch 1o6 Repair of RGS-L53 and RGM-53 inserted torches log Repair of RT-49, RD-49, BZP-59,, RZS-49, RVP-50 special-purpose torches 225 Repair of the RT-49 tube-cutting torch 116 caxd 314 Repair of Gas Welding and Cutting (Cont.) 1204 Repair of the RO-49 hole-cutting torch 118 Repair of the RZP-50 torch for use with acetylene oxibstitutes 328 Repair of the RW-49 torch for cutting-off rivets 119 Repair of the RVP-50 torch for cutting-away defects 120 Ch. V. Repair of Kerosene Cutting Torches Repair of' the type-K51 kerosene torch Repair of the K-48 kerosene torch Repair of the BG-51A liquid-fueil tank 122 122 141 1*12 Ch. VI. Mterials Used in Repairing Equipment 151 Ch. VU. Safety Precautions in the Repair of Gas-velding and Gas-cutting Equipment 154 Genera3, re4airements 154 Working vith compressed-gas cylinders 154 Working with gms-welding and gas-cutting equipment 155 Safety precautions in preparing, repairing, and assembling parts 157 kpl)endix. Flow Sheets 158 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress G01fal Card 4/4 3-2-59 ZZLINSKIY, V.11., kand.tekhn.nauk; SMBRINNIKOV, V.V., inzh.; BMV, V.V,-1- ~ inzh. - , " , " Equipasix+, for automatic control of mine pumps. Shakht. stroi. ne.5:17-21 158. (MIRA 1460 l.Vaesoyuznyy nauchoo-iseledoysteltakly institut organizataii i mekhanizateii shakhtnoge stroltellstva. (Mine pumps) (Automatic control) SOYI 135-5 9-11-2 0/26 18(5) AUTHORSt Bykov, V.V.j and Korshunova7 V.A., Engineers TITLEs New State Standards on Reducers for Gas-Flame Working of Metals PERIODICAL- Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 11, pp 42-43 (USSR) ABSTRACTs 3 classes of reducers are encompassed by the new GOST 6268--591 Ist class ensuring a working pressure accuracy of + 5%; 2nd class with + 10% and 3rd class with + 15% accuracy 001-1.5 Types 3.0-5 ,25-1, 3.0-5 .25-111 and 30.0-50.25-11 are acetylene, and Types 0.5-9 1.0-15.0 f- -I and educers. There is I table. .0_8.150 7.5-60 are oxygen r ASSOCIATIM VNIIAVTOGEN Card 1/1 VILIKIY. B.G., inzh.; BYKOV. V.V.. inSh. Squipment for the autmotisation of mine drainage. Ugoll Ukr. 4 n0-5:34 YIr 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Mine drainage) (Automatic control) SERNBRMIKOV, Veniamin Vasil 'yevich; RUKKAN, Gidaliy Llvovich; 37KOV, Viktor Vaiillyevich; MOSITCHUX,'Zonstaintin Aleksandrovich; --r-ea-.rz-a--va; LOMILINA, L,H., tekhuored. [Mine electrioian's handbook] Spravochnik shakhtnogo elektro- Blesaria. ByV.V.Seribrsnn1ko'vidr. Moskva, Goo.muchno-tektin. lzd-wvo lit-ry po gornom delu. 1961. 383 P. (Blectricity In mining) 15t2) - I I SEREBRENVIKOV, V.V. (Kharikov); BYKOVV.V. (Kharlkov) Ievel relay for automating pumping units. Vod. i san. t-81,1. no.10*10-11 0 161. (MIRA 11+:11) (I~umping machinery) I SEREBRENNIKOVp V.V.p inzh.; BYKOV, V.V.v inzh. New automatic wai;r-~~a-i--n-a,g-e,appa-ratue. Shakht. stroi. 5 no. 3:22-24 Mr 16L, (MA 14:2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut organizataii i mekbignizatsii shakhtnogo stroitellstva. (mine pumps) (Automatic control) A -,-- - I - - 0 BMBRMNIKOV, V.V.; BYKOVI V.V.; AVDEYFNKOp I.T. NZU-1 pump for slope drainage. Ugoll Ukr- 5 no,/+:39 Ap 161. - KRA 3J+: 4) (mine pumps) PUGAGHEV, A.N.; BYKOV, V.V. 'Vibration cham-be-r--of-the KPN-2 grain harvesting comgine. Trakt, i sellkhozmash. 31 [1.9.32] no.11:22-22 N 162. (14IU J-5:12) le TSentralinaya mashioispytatellnaya atantsiya (Harvesting machinery) BYKOVY V.V.; SHASHKOV, A.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [Equipment for gas welding and cutting; operation main- tenance and repair] Apparatura. d1la gazovoi. svarki i rezki; ekepluatatsiia, obslu2~hivanie i remont. Moskva, Izd-vo "Mashinostroenie," 1964. 135 p. (Bibliotechka avtogenshchika, no.11-12) (NIRA 17:7) SEAEBREZIKOV, Veniamin. Vasil Iv~,yich; B)'KOV-,_VU_t9K,. iltyevich; M- inz RM~~'dlctllfy'rlv 'cli';V LOBUH~, S.Kh., retsen7ent; LYAMNOVICH, P.D., inzh., retsenzent; ~LUWVI A.A., inzh., retsenzent; [Drainage during -the construction and reorganization of mines] Vodootliv pri stroitallstve i rekonstruktsii shakht. Morkva., Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 144 p. (MIRA 17:6) BYKOVq I~Vq_KURRATKIN, G.P*; GORELYSHEVA, I.V. Construction of a multilevel system of numerical analysis of aerological data. Trudy MMTS no-4t56-72 161+ (MIRA 18:2) V". -W L19370-66 EwT(1)/FCC GS/(, 213 A CESSION NR: ATS008059 S/0000/64/000/000/02014/0 V 1AUTHOR: Bykov, V. V.; KuEbatkin, 0- P 90 TITLE: Numerical analysis of the. geopotential and of wind at five atmospheric levels SOURCE: Simpozium po, chislennym metodam prognoza pogody. Moscow, 1963. %Trudy* oizdat, 1964, 204-213 Leningrad 19dromeie TOPIC TAGS: meteorol~ogy,, geopotential, wind, objective analysis ABSTRACT: A multilevel method for objective analysis of aerol.ogical data is de- scribed. This method is based on representation of the field of the analyzed meteorological element by means of a polynomial.~ In the proposed scheme of object- ive analysis of geopotential and wind at five atmospheric levels some methods adopted from the, usual synoptic. analysis of charts of baric toppgraphy herd used. In the matched analysis at, several levels erroneous information was corrected and The results of the Saps in the data were filled in. computations amp tiven. A ne4 method of numeric,-1 analysis of the ab6oluie geopotential is proposed "Mob Is 'lea of plottipg pp ',abased on the principp 0 to graphy ebarts. Orig. ;&t has-_~ Card 1/2. lj~:3r-g th,~~ Lr.fnciple of plott n: zn&3yMq Of i My 165- 3. Milrovoy meteorologicheskly t~,;,3ntr. Charts fcr 'the gidirol. n.1.504- (MIRA 18!4) -v~l ~vot ACC NKt AT5024831 UR/3118/65/000/006/'0019/0024-- AUTHOR% Bykov, v.v ORG; World meteoroloiica'i center-Mirovoy meteorologicheskiy tsentr)' TITLE: Computations of predicted atmospheric-geop2tential ma&nitudes I;'-) 4OURCE: Mirovoy meteorologicheskiy tsentr. Trudy, no. 6, 1965. Voprosy gidrodinami- cheskogo Xratkosrochnogo prognoza pogody i mezometeorologii, (Problems in hydrodyna- mic short range weather foirecasting and mesometeorology), 19-291. TOPIC TAGS: weather predictica,'atmmiph erl geopoteiitial, numeric solution, C -mathematic'model wind-1computer calculation, 067)heric mrodel atm ABSTRACT: The author devel,ops'a mathematical model for weather forecastinit in terms of the prognosis of atmospherf:6 geopotential and.winds. His point of departure is a complete system of single layer atmosphere nonlinear differential equations: da, + a du + V an 4ah + IV, where: u, v - are ivind velo- _TF -Tx- -ay- --jx- city components along axes x av av ov 9 dh and y; -T- +U -T- + (2 h - isobaric surface height, I x jy 7Y oh oh dh a 1 - Coriolis parameter -7 U W -t- V _TY_ (-j,- + (3) c - coefficient with the di- mension of velocilr.r L Card 3 UDC: None ACC NRt AT5024831 Integration of (1), (2) and (3) with respect to time yieds difference-differential approximation equations amenable to cell-network iterative numerical solution methods, The next step is the introduction of stationarity assumption (in the sence of alterna;~ te assumptions of zero derivatives for one of the variables at a time, along the cell. boudaries)i this leads,to a fuxther simplification and the possibility of reduction, ,by a change of variables to a set of linear Cauchy equations for the computation of variables at the cell interface, such ase,oge 1 02U 12 a2u -3) 0 OT2 C2 Prognostic weather problems bas ed upon this model were programmed on the World meteo.,.t :rological center computer. Theinitial conditions were sampled at a 22 x 26 network of 572 points; the network step was 300 km (cell size 30W00 km). Predictions were made for the inside network of (18 x: 22) 396 points. Some results are shown in the enclosed figures, which represent; Fig,#l - the actual and Fig.#2 - the predicted re- gions of positive (clear) and negative (shaded) changes In the isobaric surface height, 24 hours after the initial sampling on which the prediction was made. The date is 3 AM, December 9, 1061.* Comparison shows satisfactory confirmation of ratio- nality for the proposed computational method, A drawback of the proposed methodolo- gy is, so far, the enhanced smoothing of predicted pressure fields for 24 hOur pre- dictions. It is hoped to impzovt this situation by an optimization of the cell size. Further research is aimed at an extension of the model concept to a 5 - layeir atmos- phere. The computational program shows- a stability of results regardless of the Card 2/3 ACC NP., ATS024831 large number of time intervals, e,g. nw56. The author thanks L.P. Shu lenina For he J programming of forecasts on the electrohic computer. orig. arthas 3 fig., 13 formulaI , 60 70 VO w w 70 so so 20 6 60 .6 so 60 .50- 20 w Fig, 1. Actual isobaric, beight changes---,-Fig. 2. Predicted isobaric height ebanges. SUB CODE: 04 SUBM DATEs -r%Crr%e-.l ORIG REP: 004 Card 3/3 I _09."03-67 EVI'M ACC NR, Al-7002771 I AUTHOR: Bykov. V. Va; Mal huk, V. P. ORG: none SOURCE CODE: U lO6/66/OO0/O(f1/OOd?/OO72' klo e, TlTLE: Calculation of the energy spectrum of oscillation frequency modulated by a stationary normal noise SOURCE: Elektrosvyazlo no- 7, 1966, 67-72 TOPIC TAGS: wave function, noise modulation ABSTRACT: The evaluation of the energy spectrum of osciila~iona whose frequency is modulated by a stationary normal noise encounters, in.the case of arbitrary magnitudes of modulation irdex, significant mathematical ,difficulties. The authors show that the3o difficultios can be surmounted i.f instead of an approximation by a square wave function (or by one, character- istic for AG filters) one utilizes specially chosen appro-\-imations of the energy spectrum of the modulating noise. Final calculational formulas are .obtained in plosed form for two types of approximation functions, and graphs of the relative widths of thq energy spectrum of Fit oscillations and of the, shape of the energy spectrum as functions of the off Wive modulation index are given* Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 8 formulas. [JPRS: 38,2021 SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 21Jun65 / ORIG REF: 006 14~ ZHELTAKOV, M.M., prof.; SMIOV, B.A., assistent; ABRAMOVA, Ye.I., ordinator; BYKOV V.V. ordinator ~.~ ~ 3 P-- Use of a cortisone and hydrocortisone aerosol in some dermatoses. Vest.derm.i ven. 35 no.5:36-40 162. (14IRA 15:5) 1. Iz kafedry kozhnylh i venericheskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. M.M. Zheltakov) II Moskovskogo gosudarstvezmogo meditsinskogo in5tituta imeni N91. Pirogova. (AERMOI,-TIMWY) (CORTICC)STFMIDS) (SKIN-DISE.ASES) BYKOV$ V. V. M15 741.3 .B9 Automatizatsiya Nasosnykh Ustanovok (Automatization Of Pumping Equipment, By) V.V. Bykov I Ye. I. Koval'. Moskva., Ugletekhizdat, 1956. bly (2) p: nius., Diagrs. "Literaturall: p. (43) SAVOXICHEVP G.V.; FIGUROVSKn, I.A.; SOBOLEVSM, S.I,,; --B)M;FV.V. .Preparing lead crystal in a pot furnacoo Stekoi kero 18 no.5.-9-3-1 my 161.- (MM 14,-.5) (Glass Ptirmces) SAVONICHEVP G.V.; FIGUROVSKIY, I.A.; KALMYKOV, V.I.; BYKOV, V.V. Conveyor-production line system of manufacturing and treating high-quality dishes. Stek. i, ker. 18 fio.7:15-18 Jl t61. (MIRA 14:7) (Gusev--Glas~ware) DYATLOVA, O.N.; 2iO-VIV-V- Chemical polishing of glass. Stek. i ker. 19 no.2:19-23 F 16z. WRA 15:3) (Grinding and polishing) (Glass manufacture) BYKOV, V.V., inzh. The S-399 modernized concrete mixer. Stroi. i dor mash. 7 no.6:19 Je '62. (MM 15:7) (Concrete mixers) BnO.vM?-x-k!- Iffectiveness of combining a telegraph office and &'trunk exchange. Vest.sviazl 16 no.5:16-17 Je 136. (KM 9:8) 1. lachallnik Oaskogo telegrafs. I nesbdugorodnoy telefonnoy stantsit. (Telegraph stations) (Telephone stations) BYKGV,, ~a.,I. , Ideological and educational work helps the communist labor. IFOst. eviazi 23 no.8:4 Ag 1. Naahallnik Omelcoy tolografno-telefonnoy development of 163. (MIRA 16:11) stanteii. BYKOV, Ya.M. Special attachment for preventing the repeated transfer of half-loops. Loch. prom. no.4:60 O-D 165. 19: 1) BNOT. Yakov Tasillyevich-, KRITOSHEIN, L.Te., red.; ANO]MM, K,G,, [Some methods for deriving solutions of integral and Integro- differential equations) 0 nekotorykh matodakh pontroenRe reshenii integralInykh i integro-differentsiallnykh uravnenii. ft=ze, Izd-vo Kirgizukoi SSR, 1961. 107 P. (MM 14:3) (Integral equations) DYKOV YA V. K teorii trigonometricheskikh ryadov. Kazan', Uchen. Zap. Un-ta, 98: 7 (1939), 47-51. SO: Natbematies in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G., Markushevich, A'1., Rashevskiy, P.K: Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 Elllkov 1~. V. PA 175T37 bsSR/Math6matics-, ear 21. NRY W Mechanics IlProblem of Eigenfunctions of Nonlinear Integral Equations," Ya. V. Bykov, Yirgiz State Pedagog- ical Inst, Frunze V. F, "Dol: Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol 1XXII No 3, pp 449-452 Considers following nonlinear integral-eq: :~F(x) = .tm,lr(tl) ... F~ .0 v~.d which is generalization of Hum- merstein's eq: ?~F(x)= J. k(x,v) f(v,F(v))dv. Submitted 18 Mar 50 by Aceid S. L. Soboley. 175T37 Hyltov, Yn. V. Oil a clas!; of linear hitcgro-differentia equations. DoLlatly Akad. Nauk SRSIZ (N.S.Y 80, 221- 2*14 (P Ssian) K&~jjj. SiWL 0. The ;1111 11m, equations of tile (1) K (x, 1) Af Cc W Idt. where L it; a linear diffemitial operator of ohler is with contimmus coulficivisis and leading coefficient J, and H is .11 linvar olivralor with appropriald (though complicated) E,Mifiiiuity properties. By using the explicit solution of the ~ etpiation L[.-(.v)] = F(x) in terms of the Wron- skiall of it funtlamental symem yj,yn , . *1Y. Of solutions of tile &iSUCimt-d homogeneous equation, theauthor transforms (1) inUt mt k(Itiation of (lie jorill (2) f, (.v) C, Yk (.0 + x 11071 1) Al D. (1) Idt + f W f where the ck are arbitrary constan(s. Applying the operator .Alto bothsidesof (2) and writing Al[z]=~, he then reduces the problern of solving (1) to (lie solution of an ordinary integral equation (3) (c) = v (r) + rLvk (x) + X E(x. f)~(I)dt. This enables him to show that the Cat jchy initial vallic problem for (1) It, -is a unique solution if and only if A is not a characteristic v. -title of the kernel 1, r. 8111ithics. 7-- tht theor lki~ Inkov w a y -- 4, R typ, Ac- -k Gos uriiv, Prudpyi %~-Mat. Fal- ~yl nj I et (C' all &- ZLn lnteA-'~~al And Z; jmj,,F~ Jyb(l, -,) functi ',-qs ---mtinvj)Iu 'sar a-lid ' in (c, al. Ile systeal m i Kilix, J)zj',t)A 1,2, - - has, for everv a un~, zr nr E~ T, 14yjkov Ya. IT On a class ofintegro-differpential equations. ~rqzt-s. Uhiv. Trudy Fiz.-Mat. Fak. M3, no. 2, KEr 85-1M Russinn) A much mare detailed account of the methods revnrte-j U ir: anothcr -1aper 1!~, tht: authui Dok,~ Ak-i,i '~,i-A zSSFK 1953 nu 6.3-6. ior coflvmz b L (y) exp #,(I-X')M(V(I)) jf=o~ where L and M are homogeneous linear diffet-ITMI Kit 1) r: ~:e IMF Is Integral Equations (2175) Dokl. AN Uzb. SSR, No 6, 1953, ]pp 3-6 ,BLkM- la., V. OOrL On* Class of Integro-Differential Equations" Gives a resume of algebraic rules for solving an equation involvizig linear differential operators with constant coefficients. SO: Referativnyy Zhurnal-Matematika, No 2. lob 54; SO: (W-30785, 28 July 1954) --eqU~-Dald. XaA~ZAA. SSR. 1953, no. cis,- - summan,) us an Uzbe~ R BTKOT, Ta.V. - N. . Bigenvalues armi functions of an integral-differential By'atem. Trutly Inst,mat, i mekhe AN Uz.SSR no-10.'55-84 part 2 153. (MLU 8:4) (Eigenvalues) (Differential equations) (Integral equations) TBGOROV, A.I.; BYKOV, Ta.T. I- - MUMENUM Bxi.stence theorem for the solution of an Integrodifferential equation. Trudy, Fiz-mat.fak.Kir.un. no.2:119-123 '53. (KIRA 10:5) (Integral equationi) FRMLI. F.I.; SUKHOHLINOV, G.A.-,,q~qV, Ya.V., redalctor; BEREBRYAKOV, V.I., takhnichankiy redaktor (Introduction to deformation mechanical Vvedenie v mekhaniku deformi- rusm.vkh tel. Yrunze. Kirgizekii goo. univ., 1954. 201 p. (MLRA 10:1) (Deformations (Mechanics)) Call Nr: AF 110882~:; Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Congress (Cont.)MO-SCOW, Jun-Jul '57, Trudy '56, v. 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatellstvo AN SSSR Moscow, 1956, 237 PP. Field method in the theory'of hyperbolic systems of differential equations of mathematical physics. Barbashin, Ye. A. (Sverdlovsk). Work of Sverdlovsk Seminar Members on the Qualitative Methods of the Theory of Differential Equations. 42-43 Mention is made of Skalkina, M.-A., Repin, Yu. M., Yegorov, Lushnikova, Z. M., and Tabuyeva, V, -A, Bykov, Ya. V. (Moscow). On the Asvmptotic Behaviqr of Solutions -ok-Ifi-t-eg-r-al-Differential Equations of Volterra Type. 43 Vollpert, A. I. (Moscow). Investigation of a Bounda'iy Problem for Elliptic Systems of Differential Equation in a Plane. 4,:1-44 There is 1 USSR reference. Card 14/80 KO SUBJZCT USSR/MATELIEMATICS/ftnetional ausly3is CARD 1/2 PG - 609 AUTHOR _BYKOV Y&.V.: TITLE On the exi-itence of eigenvectors of non-linear operators. PERIODICA1 Doklady Akad.Nauk Ill 265-268 (1956) reviewed 2/1957 _:-~ Lot H be a real, separable Hilbert space, A((P) - operator in H, a com- a plete normalized orthogonal system of vectors in H; Sm - surface of the sphere 2 2 - fixedl hm c e Let the operator A( T) satisfy the con- ck ' 0 1 a k k' k=1 kal dition (9) if for every sequence of elements fvn~ which converges weakly to v, also A(v ) converges weakly to A(v). Let the operator A( f) satisfy the con- .I n dition. (F) if there exists a functional B(hM ) which for every fixed m satisfies the equation '~ B (hm) '~ck . (A(hm)lek) The following theorems are formulatedi 1. If the operator A satisfies the conditions (S) and (P)t then the equation Doklady Akad.Nauk 1,11p 265-268 (1956) CARD 2/2 PG - 609 'Af - 1( -f ) + f has a solution for at least one real value 2. If A satisfies the conditions (9) and (F), if A(O) - 0, if there exists a lim B(bm), if h m converges weakly to 0, then there exists at least a m --)'oo countable number of eigenvectors of the operator A(h). Beside of these theorems, several conclusions are given and exam lea of operators are considered which satisfy the conditions (E) and (V INSTITUTION; Kirgisic Public University. 39 88876 S/044/60/000/00VO32/058 A -44-OV C1 11/0222 AUTHOR: Bykov, Ya.V. TITLEt On methods for the construction of compositional integral, integro-differential, and other types of equations PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no-7, 1960, 128. Abstract no-7761. In 9b: Materialy 8-y Nauchn. konferentaii professorsko-prepodovat. sostava Fiz.-matem. fak. (Kirg. un-t). Frunze, 1959, 10-11 TEET: This is a short communication on the author's lecture. In the public&tioh it'is'aaid'thatfor some classes of integral and integro- differential equations the solutions can be constructed according to one and the same scheme (the scheme is not given) and that a method was found (the method is not given) according to which the solution of the equation q L0(u)+ 2:Pk.L k(u) - f(x190*oj xnltl'-'-'tm) k=1 can be constructed, where L 0 Lk' Pk are linear operators, where Li, P1,...,Pq (i=O,1,.o.9q) are exchangeable In a certain class of functions. Card 112 88876 S/044/60/000/007/032/058 On methods for the construction... C111/C222 [Abstracter's note: The above text is a full translation of the original Soviet abstract.3 Card 2/2 BYKOV, YA. V. "On the conditions of the existence of limit periodical regime for nonlinear intergo-differential equations." Paper presented at the Intl. Symposium on Elonlinear Vibrations, Kiev, USSR, 9-19 Sep 61 Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Kirgizian SSR, Frunze, USSR HYKOV, Ya.V., otv. red. [Studies on integral-differential equations in Kirghizistani Isaledovaniia po intogro-cUfferentsiallmym uravnenliam v Kirjizii. Frunze, Izd-vo AN Kirgizekoi SSR. Vol.l. 1961. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Akademiya nauk.Kirgizskoy SSRv Frunze. Institut fizikii, ma- tematiki, mekhaniki..~- (DifferentW equations) (Integral equations) S/044/62/000/005/019/072 C111/0333 .iUTHOR. Bykov, Ya. V. TITLEt Oil some. questionti about the qualitative theory of integro- differential equations PERIODICJ'tL: Referativn3ry zhurnal, Matematika, no- 5, 1962, 76, L' abs'ract 5B347- ("Issled. po inteC;ro-differents. uravneniyam v Kirgizii.11 no. 1, Frunze, AN Kirg SSR, 1961, 3-54) TEXT: In � I the author constructs the characteristic polynomial if(s) of the system of integro-differential equations IV il) du t Tt- = Au + ) K(t - r) u(-C.) dT a where A and K(x) are nx n-matrices, whereby A is constant and K(X) is. a quasi-polynomial; the concept of the almost simple root of the polynomial T(s) is introduced. In � 2 the conditions are examined which are suffi- cient for the system of integro-differential equations t t Qu k -C) dT + Y (t, u) + Y [t, I- , i(T)] dT (2) t 3(t)u + K't-r )u( 8ard 1/3 a a S/044/62/000/005/019/072 On some questions about the C111/C333 where *J-' and are vectors with weak non-linearities, to tend to a -Deriodic or almost periodic behavior.'-In � 3 the author examines the possible grovith character of the solution of (2) as it depends on the position of the roots of the polynomial If(a). The-sufficient conditions for the stabiliz- of the solution of system t CLU = B(t)u + K t +M t "ol U (t) dIC + ft, u) 711 (3) OIL '7Z= AU + U(-U ) dTL + f (t~u) are examined in 4. Asymptbtical estimates of the solutions of (3) are ,-.Lven, and the --tubility of the solution in the critical case is examined, where 'i(s) has almost simple roots with vanishing real parts and the reai parts of the other roots are negative. The behavior of the derivatives (for t--4 cD) of the solutions of (3) are examined in � 5. In � 6 the author gives sufficient conditions'that every solution Card 2/3