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000*40~ 6b c //~,/ I ".r . 0- *Mmmxft~ 0./ (i rIA e 0 4, o o ~/o y4e, e ftb m % BUTSEVA -YR-M- Growth of staphylococcal diseases and the resistance of their causative agents to some antibiotics. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. i p immun. 32 no.10:137 0 161. ~MIIA -14:10) .. IV.* 1 -, - 1. Iz lipetskoy semitarno-epidemiologialieskoy stantaii. (STANYLOCOCCAL DISME) (ANTIBIOTlCS) BM-_"lE'.!ICH, L. A. Butsevich, L. A. "Certain Virus Characteristics of Chlorosis in the Top Leaves of Makhorka (Aztec Tobacco)," Tabak, no. 4, 1952 pp. 55-57. 69.8 T112 SO: SII% SI - 90-53, 15 Dec. 1953 BUTS"WICH, L. A., "Infectious ChIlorosis of the Upper Parts of the Makhorka Plant." (Dissertation for Degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences) Moscow Order of Lenin State U :Lmeni M. V. Lomonsov, Hoscow, 1955 SO- M-1036 28 Mar 56 VORORMIM, I.V.; AFANASITNVA, Z.P.; BUTSEVICH, L.A.; LIPILINA. x.r. Xff ect of fertilizer on soil population of actinoqvcetes antago- nistic to phvtopathogenic bacteria [with simea7 in 11~lishj Mikrobiologiia 27 no.6:720-723 N-D '58& MIRA 12:1) 1. Moskovskaya stantaiya Vaesovusnogo nkubhno-issledovatel'skogo instituta zaahchity rastenV* (ACTINCHYGES. in soil, eff. of fertilizers on strains antag. to phytopathogens (RUB)) (FERTILIZERS, effects, on ActinoaVces antagonistic to phlytopathogens in soil (Rus)) (SOIL, microbiology, Actinouqces, eff. of fertilizers on Btrains antago- nistic to phytopathogens (RUB)) GERTSRIKKII, S.D.: M.G.- OBERT, M.D. Investigating mercury diffusion coefficients in mercury cadmium allcya in the 90-1800 0 temperature range. llauk. zap. Kiev. un. 9 no.2:49-52 '50. (mraA 9:12) (Cadmium-mermiry alloys) (Diffusion) YUSHCIIENKOV N.G.; BUTSIK.M.G. Aeroion coanter and generator. Uch.zap. KRROI 7:157-163161. (MIJU 16:8) (AIR, IONIZED-EQUIPMM AND SUPPLIES) IPTSIK, M.G.; OVOSHCHNIKOV, M.S. An electronic apparatus, th,~ Logetron, for copying roent- genogram to improve image distinctness. Vestn. rentgen, i radiol. 38 no.4:59-63 JI-Ag'63 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Tz fiziko-tekbpicheskogo otdela ( rukovoditell - laureat Gosudarstverpoy premii M.S.Ovoshcbnikov) Kiyevshogo nauchio- issledovatellskogo rentgeno-radiologicheskogo instituta, (dir. - prof. I.T. Shevchenko). 7 AUTHOR: Butsik, Yu.V. 132-12-11/12 TITLE: 6~n X;i~ -M. KbstamanOv's -Article "The Errors in Determir, ing the Thickness of doal Bad in a Drill Bole" (0 statlye G.M. Koatamanova "0 pogreshnosti pri opredelenii moshchcoati plasta uglya po skvazhine") PERIODICAL: Razv-zd" i okhrana nedr, 1957,,# 12,,p 6o (USSR)' A-.'9TRACT.; The nuthor questions the correctness of the formula proposed by G,,Y. Kostamanov in the periodical "Razvedka i okhrana nedr", # 8, 1956. -The author points Out that Kostamanov did not take the coefficient k into consideration, without which-the proposed corraztion-of the magnitude of the coal layer according to the axis o! the drill hole can not be carried out. The article contains one diagram. ASSOCIATION: Voroshilovgrad Coal-Geology Trust (Treat Voroshilovgraduglegeologiya) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 P Tkid 6RCHAGIN, L.V.;, Silicate and silicate-humic clayless solutions for flushing boreholes during prospecting. Izv. DGI 10 no.1:85-90 '57. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Dne-propetrovskiy gornyy institut (for Rpshteyn, Korchpgin). 2. Trest "Voroshilovgraduglegoologiyn" (for Butsik) (Boring) (Prospecting) BU-L:.IIK, Yu.V.; TEMNIKOV, V.F. Certain problems in the prospecting of deep horizons in the Dwets Basin. Razved. i okh. nedr. 30 no.5;17-22 )~r 164. (WRA 17%10) 1. Trest "Artemgeologiya.11 BUTSIS, Ya. Ya. In Ditvian BUTSIS, Ya. Ya, -- "Meat Yield of Latvian brown Ca',tle and Foapibllfties rif Increasing It." Latvian Agricultural Academy, 1952. In Latvian (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences) SO: Izvestiya Ak, Nauk Latyi-yskoy. SSR. No. 9, Sept., 194 13 STUIENTSOV,, N.N.; BUTSISM Te.l. - GORBUNDVA, V., redaktor; IMSHIVICH, T., , FV tekhnichan Fi;&-) [General science inwwuctien in v7hools: from the work practioe of teachers] Politekhnicharkee obachenie v shkole; iz opyta raboty uchitelei. Saratev, Saratevskoe kn-ve, 1955. 134 p. (K= 9-6) (Scienco-Study and teaching) BUT,IIY , A.I., inzh; GAYIMOV, E.E., inzh. Using short-delay laast-ing in limestone quanies. Sbor. trud. NIlZBelezobetona no.8o.79-89 163 (MIRA 18-01) BUTSIY, AIo,, inzh,; GAY.DUKCVp E.E.p inzh. Effective means of lowering %e aversb;e yield in limestone quarries. Stroi. mat. 9 no.10t14-17 0 163. (MIRA 16-11) BUTSIKA, L.K,, kand.medonau1c Use of general ultraviolet irradiation 6n infants from the powerful PRK 7 mercury-quartz lamp. Ped., a~ush. i gin, 2-2 no-5:3~-31 160. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Otdel profilaktiki i terapii detsl:ikh bolczney (rukovoditell.,- O.S. Mishoheiflio) Ulwainskogo nauchno-issledovatellsldy institut okhrany materinstva i detstva im, Geroya Sovetskogo Soyuza prof, P.M. Buyka (direktor - zasluzhennyy vrach USSR M.D. Burova). (PEDIATRIC Pu'DIOLOGY)' (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS-TITMM-UTIC USE) 'A 37AY, L. 'Mie Forictional Condition of the Card lovascular S.,,,stem Durim: Acut-I D.I-,es',--Ve anI '!iitritioril Disorders of Youn-, ChIldren." C~rjd dical Inst L;--,en' A. A. 1!---.d Sci, Kiev Order of Iabor Red Banner ._e ~-o-omolets, Kle , 10541. M, I'llo 12, I~ar 55) SO: Sum. :11c. 670, 210 SOP 55--Survu of Scientific alil-i Tec'mical ikssertations Defen3ed at Ma Ili-her -.-Aucatioiizll Institutions (15) Butskaya, T_ K., Kostenko, 0. R., Nichchaya, S. YA., Filosofova, T. G., She:-htFr. A. B Milovanova, L. F., and Ber-mi-Iskaya, S. J'... .7 - u Study of the effectireness of acl-live im-nnization in w'.Iioopin caugh. ! naucl-,nykii knoferenykh, Kiev,, 1919. 2iilip (Kievskiy I'lauchno-issledovatellskiy Inst-itut E-.Ademiologii i :-dkrobiologii) kand. med. nauk; KRIVOBOKOV, STULIY, L.A.; SAFRCIIOVA, OX.; I S.A. [Kryvobolov]; VOLOSMOV, B. 'IV'61:oshynov, B.11-1.3, dotsent BIGHKOVSKIY, V.1-1. [Byshkovslkyi, V.14.1 dotsent; POKOTILOVA, V.Yu. (Pol,otylova, V. IU]; KOLESNIKOV, G.F. (Kolesnykov, H.F.]; ZLATKISP Lft; SAVOSTtYANOVA, S.I.; BRIN, D.D. (Bryn., D,D.J; MATVE)MKO, Ye. . [Matviienko, IE.A.,]; BRONZ, L.M.; YEPSHTE)24, L.Ge [Epshtein, L.B.], kand. med. nauk; SHAKHNOVIGH, L.A. [Shakhnovych, L.A.! Annotations and authorst abstracts. Podiat. akush ginek. no.3: 31-34 163 WRA 17:1) 1. Kharlkovskiy naucbno-issledovatel'skiy institut okhrairy mate- rinstva i detstva (for Stuliy). 2. Kafedra detskikh bolezney Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta (fnr Safronova). 3. Ukrain- skiy institut olchrany materinstva i detstva (for Rats'ka). 4. Detgkiy sanatoriy dlya rekonvalestsentov ot tiiberkuleznogo meningita, Kiyev-, Dishcha-Voditsa (for Krivoboko*). 5. Detskaya klinika Ivan o-Frankovskogo meclitsimskogo instituta (for Volo- shinov). 6. Kafedra detsl-ikh infektsionnykh bolezney Krymskogo meditsinskogo instituta (for Bichkovskiy, Pokotilova). 7. In- stitut infektsionnykh bolezney Kiyer ( :~or Kolesni-kov-). 8.Khe kovskiy oblastnoy det5kiy dom No.1 (for Matkis, SavostlymoVA# Brin, Matireyenko). 9. Kafedra pediatrii Kiyevskogo med'-IfistlbOm (for Brmiz) 1O."Kafedra fakulltetzkoy pediatrii Gorlkovskogo med. instituta (for Yepshteyn). 11. 2-ya detskaya ')olfnitsa Shevchen- kovskogo rayona g. Kiye-via (for Shakhnovich). BUT 'JKAYAY" N.' A: Parasites - Pish Parasitic fauna of Black Sea commercial fish in the estuarine course of the Danube. Trudy Len. ob--va. est. 71, No. 4, 1952. SO: Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. BUTSKLYA,N.A. ~'. Processes of V with criticism A--D 154. a formation of ovocytes in amphibians in connection of the germ theory. Vest. Len. un. 9 no.4:77-89 (MLRA 8:6) (Amphibia) (Ovum) I I BUTSKAYA, II.A. Follicular epithelium of testicles and specific features of its function as related to the type of spawning (exemplified in parches). Zool.zhur. 38 no.12:1844-184q D '59. (MIRA i3:5) 1. Laboratoriya o9nov rybekvodstva Rouglavgoorybvoda, Leningrad. (Testicle) k3pithelium) (Perch) SAKUNP 011ga Fedorovna; BUTSKAYAp Natallya Anatollyavna; KOSOVA, K.D., red. [Determination of the stage of maturity and the study of sex cycles in fishes) Opredelenie stadii zrelosti i izu- chenie polovykh tsiklov ryb. Moskvap TSentr. laboratoriia po vosproizvodstvu rybriykh zapasov, 1963. 34 p. (MIRA 17:9) WTSKAYA, N.A. C-ytochemical study of the testes in fishes. Report l,o.l: Nucleic acids, proteins and polysaccharides. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 0 48 no-4:17-23 Ap 165. (143RA 18:6) 1. Kafedra anatomii i gistologii (zav - chlen-kor7espondent AMM SSSH prof. P.V. Makarov) Leningradskcgo go-madarstwennogo orde-a Lanina univeraiteta imeni Zhdanova. ------------------I--------- ---------------- ITURSR /Microbiology. Antibiosis and Symbiosis. Antibiotics. Abs.Jour- Referat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 19579 355$9 Author Nikitin, V.N.; Butskaia, V,D., Vorobeva, T.M.; Ermakov., P.P.; KbV~, Title The Influence of Acidophil Milk (Acidophilin) and Streptomycin on the Growth of Laboratory Animals Orig Pub: Uch. zap. Kharkovskogo un-ta, 1956, 68, 275-279 Abstract: In 2 series of experiments with mature white rats (55 animals) and 4 series of experiments with white rats at the age of 1 month (45' animals), an increase in the weight of the body was noted when there was added to a rich ration 10 milli- liters of acietophilin and 20 units of streptomycin Card 112 r USSR Aicrobiology. Antiblosis and Symbiosis. F-2 Antibiotics. Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35582 for every gram of body weight. The greatest effect was obtained in the younger rats with the addition of streptomycin. C ard 2/12 USSR/Soil Science. Soil Genesis ancl Go-)L;r-,phy J-2 k ,',bc Jour : 12of 71iur - Diol., No 20, 1958) 1,10 91-365 : Butskev N.A. Dmt TJL t J_,, The Soils of Za=vshaus~t' baoin 0;.,i~_, Pub ~Iatcrialy po rroizvcd. silan Uzbekistnna, 1557, WJT,. 9, 145-155 ;,b,~ t 2., a cliho soils of thu, _,Avavxh=sh basin of Uz1,ckj.zt-n ~~ru develc~?ad in coaditions ~jf l,,x..1sc-A-,,,u vr-.ryini., mfordpine to pronotuaic.,~'_ tcr=aia. Five districts wero divid,3d: (1) tho IiJA ',)r:)wii so-JIs if hA,,1,.-:L_unt_-in i-cadow-ste-p-y-os ,,.ni-' thz! (turf -burozov.) soils cf the 11rushwooa stoppos =d th,., juni-,,er mre-fc~rost ZLITIP_ Of t7l uid-mountains; (2) t*-,2 -1-rk, ty7ical fmd 1i -1,t sicrozems (low Tjountains, foot:Alls and uoulitain-f6ot plains); (3) irri,,,ated dark, typical and light sicrozons, irrilptedl and non-irrigntea meadow ond mrsh-i_~eadow and narshy soils of C V_T 1/2 10 S115316010031003102110361YX I B O;6/BO58 AUTHORS: Butskus. P. P, Der-s; G. I., P-..-tskt~rie, A. I~ TITLE.- (if Sc-mic Aunzlt~, A,-~-,dq -bind Prolt?2.ns PERIODICAL; Iz-,rest-iya vyash"kh urhebnykb zavr;d~-n--.j. Kh2miya i tc-khnn]i)giya.. 1960, V:11, 3. No. 3, pp, 469 - 475 TEXT: The au4Oiors report cn the cyan,:)c-t-hylatiori of amine af,--Ids and proteins by means Of aCTY10nitT1l-1-- ('AN) and P-,.hlc;rc, vrcpicinitril~~- (CPN The substan~-ies used were; Vamirr, acid (tajr.ire), 6--air,i.novaleric ac--id and E-aminocaprci!, arid. Prcduf-~,,s of the N M- c n c a nd N,N-diryana ethylation were Obtained ther4~by; 1-arn-Mobu-,;yric, acid. was treated with CPN alon-D. The follow-4ng substancz~,s vvere also cyann, ,:-,thylatea -ith AN and CPN: grami--.:.d1r- C ', peptore. ~-Lnd p-.ctsinz- (-4nsulin, c-,aaeln, blood albumin, gelatin, anima-1, glut;~r.. edesti.!,~ _ pt:!a giobul4n; paysin and nwlein), Pepton6 and proteins, wexe ~.var-e.~-.Ylated ~n aqueous alkalt -ne medum, gramit-.idIn C, Vy m,~!arz; of AN 1,!, a!-,- hoiie~ solution. Al! substar,-,~,s txeat,~d a:,;~ -,h- Lrrin,~ Card 1/3 Cyancre-thylati,orl ::,f Sr-me Amino A-.Jld5 and S/1, ;, 3 60/C)03/00 ~/O:~ I /0361/XX Proteine B 0 , 6 /'B 0 group flif, wvhors pr,osuml Jiiit wid~-r 1,13r~ eivc~ji '-csiiciitl4on- Prot.-ins may Eilso be vanoethylated a'. t.h~- zulf),vdry'L-- or hydroxyl gro,~p, while the di- .-- -:.-ethvlation takr,-s place at. the amine &.roups They donl~ tbink it imi. as-ltle +hai. thf-- two AN and CPN may to a certain degree %Y!th other g-roups of thr.. pro~:tvin. molecule. Them authOTS DrOVPd that the ii.itlal. sullstarcps (Tabill 2) showad ay. inters4v.~! ninhydrin ivith b1 col,.).rirp~ vtrid nit.T0- gen. Neithei- th7i.__ --:z tb, case:, aftt~-.r thy' ion . In tht, Col Id state, rhe. produzts of the. t-.f ri~-st. pr-lteir)s, -an,! s-ram4.,-7.d-Lr. C f(,.-rm tin M-c)st wh_,4-e. pe7,wd-.!-, Tile Presume t~a4a thEw cyans-ethylation olf amir--~ acjd~- . p! ard pep-~on--- 'l,y means cf GPN pl~--:-.eeds wyer ~-"lie phasil of -411 ',R-,~f,2), Wben tht? produc,ts of the N-wonc-- an(,- N 11..d, cy,-an( ~,I' am-4no ac-i-fts, wl ~,h !CPI,fo aqueo,)s ammon:ia t,hesst~ p!7cclu,.-.-, a- -~I,hyla',nd all-I pr.-duce tbtz! irit-zal aminc, a,-,.113s. The N, ~~v-~-- q te d wn I n a o s P., v C~ also decyarjo-ethylated,)ugh *,h= bu*. t)esidep, th,~ -orodunt of t:rtris cyar-, F-~Iriyl~,-.,,lr: Card. 2/3 I- 7:~ Cyano ethyl ati; on of Som-i Amino Acids and 3/1 E - j 4 1 1 Proteins i,-OOC (CH -CH CH C11, + C,H 1,H i1OCC(CH 1 '-1 i"-CLI C-H, C'-~s r~.H -2 6-5 2) 2 2 5 2 2) ii formed ih %'his case.,This compound P-1so develops at, the influence of aniline on cy-anoethylated proteins and oe-ptones (Ref.11). There are 2 tables and 16 references: 10 Soviet, 3 USt 1 German, and 2 3rJt;sh' ASSOCIATION: Villnyusskiy gosudarstvennyy univerlvitet; Klafedra L organ~cheskoy khimii (Villnyus State University; Chair of Organic Chemistry) SU~!,-MTIM: September 11 , 1958' CH. = CHC N' HOOC(CH.),NH., IiOO,C(CH,),,.NFl-'-H...CH-C.~ CH2 - CHCN H00C(qH2),,N(C1-i2CH.CN)-_, -44A+H(-- NIL CH. C11CR -1 - CH'CH.CN N1 2 C -Car.d 313 4a-z~ NH. BUTSKUS, P.F. (Buckun, F.]; RAGUOTENE, N.V. [Raguotiene, N.]; DENIS, G.I.; - BUTSKM, A.I. (Butakiene, A.] Decyanoethylation and recyanoothylation of products of N-cyano- ethylation of amino acids, tbeir derivatives, peptides, diketo- piperazines, and proteins. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3t738-741 Mr ,62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Villnyusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Amino acids) (Cyanoethylation) BUTSKUS, P F. (Buckus, P.1; STONITE, R.Yu.; DENIS, G.I.; BUTSKENE, A.I. [Buckens, A.] Cyanoethylation of p-toluidine by Asubstituted propionitriles. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3:820-823 W 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Villnyusskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. (Toluidine) (Propionitrile) 520,06-65 A( JWE =I Tf%m)/EPF(cVZ__WPr_( j )AKS A" b)-VZW A( C PC - AC11"ESSION NR! 0,501,"59 Yrll~ X*,; AIUMAOR: Vitorakiy, A. P.; -Butsk-ene, A. I.; Butskus, P. F. TITIZ- Relation.Bhin, of the chem- cal struct -are of t~ta-rubnt i tttto! -)n, anJ the4ir rropertir~;; SOUPCE: Veesoyuznoye khimicheskoye obshchestvo. Zhurnall, v. 9, no. 6, 19t'S,~i, 699- 700 ._61~icology` org-anic nitrile camound- biochemistry Topic - TAGt.. Ablitratts The toxicolou of various bets-substituted propionitr;los i a su=)-rized. Theae derivaiivez are generally relatiTe)7 zontG:,ic plor.2trile 1.5 M.'.)re Tomic ?)I,-l its Ti,-, toxic I-, i 7 i :1 - t;j LI'I' eQ b~M'111j'iS 80~1 sT ! I i L h e i' L)v'L;- TI e toxxcaty of 0- and Ni-cy(Lnoelhyiated compouadu in- :creasma7 itICIncreasing-I __W___f the' ha. IC a 7-i v ali - t" r di cal, but thp.degre~o p ACCESSION NR: AP5015859 of increase in toxicity drops I a c oinpou-id s vi th h -, -1h -mo I o c U I ft r-h -t 9. 'The toxicitT increases upon transition from be"-propoxy- to beta- iallylox-p,3ropion-Lrile; beta.- othoxyprop ioni tri I e is less toxic than beta- I(ethvlmercapio)-propionitrile. in the series of N-r-onor-yanoeth-Plated r. r 0 T 111creasois Upon rom-ation or th.: 1 r F'S. r :in the toxicity from mono- to dicvanoethylated compounds only among the 41products of N-cynnoothylation of amijses and amino Gcids. Tho ntroduc- *tion -of Ahe Larpuxfl, group into the, ~apleculea. of and Am beta-.~al inopropioux reduction of the toxicity 'Mr. connistent pattern vas 6btainDd for bot a-substituted propionitriles t-~s con tr-zl vith Ibeta- substituted butyronitrilEs. Propionitrile is IS as aceLonitr-. le and -6wce as iLoxl( as The antidotes und ant~igonists general Y used for cjyapaide6 i-.z" 1,;N ioas :(sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate) do not exert a protective action i-with respect to beta-substituted propionitriles. The authors Lypothesize t at -tu tha ~Jbe,biologica,I act-jvity. of.-.-beta-sub i ted- propionitrilea M0671- be 1-~d--to- -the -possibil ity-of--the -,pro ceas-~.of-traxiaqv c -anoethylationN. -sin A Ithe- beta,-" prap-11-0-n-Itrilagi An- -which 'the bettiw-c noothyl group :ra 1 01,t6re Uo- most toxic A - 1: I I i I BUTSKUS, P.F. [Buckus, P.); BUTSKENE, A.I. [Bucklano, A.j Reaction ofa-amino acids with acrylamide. '"'liar. ob. khLm. 34 no. 5:1407-1409 14Y 164. (141RA 17-7) 1. Villnpisskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. BUTSKUS, P.F. [Buckus, F,]; RAGUOTRTE, N.V, (Raguotiene., No]; BUrSKENE, A.I. [Buckiene, A.] ,- ,, Alkylation of 4--methyl-2-aminopyridine. Zhur. ob. khim. 3.4 no.ll.* 3847-3848 N 164 (MIRA 181l) 1. ViVnyusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i VilInyusskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy instii-~.".. II iti. BUTSKUS, P.~V. [Lckus,P.]; DR-JIS, G.i.; xTsun, A.i. [ffickiene, A.] Cyanoethf ation of aromatic amines with chloropropionitrile. Zhur. ob. khim. 34 no.12-.4119 D 164 (MITIA 18:1) 1 1. Villnyusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet i Villnyusskiy gosu- darstvennyy pedagogicbeskiy institut. 9ITSKUS, ?~F. [Ekickus, P.1; BuTs MIF, A.T. (Buckiene, 1-1 Reaction -f ~-alanbe with acrylamldel, arlyl c-,-anl.rie. and crotonmitbrllb. amr. VKHO 1.0 no. 6.-706-707, 165 (Mli:1 1. Vlllnyusakly gosludarstremy 0 . :,A u . y pedago.c, I cb,--skl v in ti IL t A Viltnyu.sakiy gosudarstiennrr ~,nAversitet, rubritted Kray ':, 1965. f t'. ONIRA BUTSKI-Y, A.L.; DVERIY, V.P.; PANKOV, X.t.; PUZINKO, N.N. Jet ITits as a potential for Increasing the foo-t-age of oil and gas wells in the Dkiieper-Donets Lowland. Neft. i ga.z. proc.' no.4:16-19 O-D 164 (MIRA 18e2) KOGAN, Libor Ayzikovich; kand.te)rhn.;neuk---vQCKUM '~Xe*gshiy Naumovioh; p I V=3m, Vladimir, Xarkovi6hf1*di!-. - 10-As Hikihaylov-ich; Prinimali uchastiye.* PZTROVA t.l., AMIj3VA, S.A.; TALI, K.K.: A.A. BMOVA, Te.N., tekhn.rod. LOBOT, LGontqlnerfil Konteinery. Pod obahchei red. L.A.Kogans. Moskva, Vaes.izdatellsko-poligr.obwedinenie H-va putei soobshchoni'la, 196o. 318 P. (MIRA 14:3) (Railroads-Freight) (Containers) ACC NRi AFWUP~/D EM/RM/WW/JD/HM AUTHOR: Gruin, I. (Warsaw); Krukovskiyp Z.; Butskiy, Ls ORG:, none &itions ot-A-1 ad esive TITLE!, 4roperties and a0pif h -3, 1966, 71-73 SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. TOPIC TAGS: epoxy resin, epoxy adhesive, modified epoxy adhesive, polyvinyl butyral, a.dhesion strength 1~ -ABSTRACT: Hot-cure eRox adhesives, which otherwise exhibit good properties, are rigid and have a low adhesion strength to metals in stripping tests. Modification of these epoxy adhesives with poly(vinyl butyral)7resulted in the development of a new adhesive, designated ME-1, wh_i_cfi__exfi1b1_t_s__high strength in stripping. tests. The ME-1 adhesive consists of epoxy resin and poly(vinyl butyral) (optimum ratio 1/1), and cyanoguanidinecuring agent. The shelf life of the adhesive is not less than 1 year. I The adhesive can be cured at 151 to 175C for 4 to 1.5 hr under a pressure of 2-3 kglcm2. it can be used in solution or in film form. The adhesive exhibits the following properties: fatigue strength when sandwiched between sheet metal 2 and 3 mm thick, 53.5 and 73.0 kg/cm.!, respectively; shearing strength at 20 and 80C, 360-400 apd:'260 kgtcm 2, respectively; and adhesive strength in stripping tests at 20 and BOC, 5-7 and 8-10 kg/cm2, respectively. The main areas of application of _~~7Ladhesive in solution form are aluminum foil7plastic honeycombs, and in film Card 112 38 _'19~6 L 21525-66 ACC NRs AP6007976 3 form, in continuous glue.lines and for metal facing; of metal-plastic honeycombs, The bonding strength in such cases exceeds that of the hrneycomb materiaill$roper. The strength of the adhesive is governed by the choice of the epoxy resin, the quality of the poly(vinyl butyral), and by the use of the materials in the proper ratio. 'The ME-1 adhesive can find application in aviation Vchnology. Origi art. has: 6 figures. IBOI SUB CODE: 1111 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 002/ SOV REF.-001 ATD PRESS.,. je al R-lueing __n~Mnd_ 212 BUTSKIY. S.A. Checking thread ganges. lzn.tekh. 20 no.1:12 Ja '59. (MIRA 11:12) (Gauges--Testing) BUTSKIr, V. D. Panel for chaeking the potential of track relays. Avtom., telew. i eviazi 7 no.4:40 Ap, 163. (MIRA 16:4) -- 1. Starshiy elektromekhanik posts. elektricheskov teentrali- zataii stantaii Ilovayakoye Donetskoy dorogi. (Electric relays-Testing) v (Railroads-Electric equipment) ', 335.16 3/066/62/000/001/003/00"' D041/Dl!3 AUTHORS: Semilet, Z.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Butslki,~'. N.D. . Enclneer TITLE. ln~fe~3'Jjation of t'-e lic,-A emi3.-,1on oni! of a C011r,"It-atcd fin JLn ;,, Tonl~'-itilJi~~'.1'1 ~'Iov' PERIODIC-'-~L: Kholodil'naya teklinik,,, no. 1. TEXT: Th e authors investigated the heat emission and corrugated fin in order to determine the best version of such a fin. compact steel fin -aas cut to its base, and the obtained elements bent z, o that the opening anj1e had a maximum value at the summit and was acro aL the base. The tests were carried out in an open-type wind tunnel 33 x 13 min i n cross-section, 3.5 m long. The air flow was generated by a ventilator with a capacity of 50 kj/hour. The following results -,,iere obtained: (1) A corru- .-ated fin with an opening angle of 5 0 has a 45'-Ifo larger heat emission than a smooth firi; an increase in the opening angle from 5 to 450 has no practical' affect on the heat-emission intensity; (2) the boundary 2ayer became tu-rb,A- Card i/1) 3 _1 916 S/0661/62/000,/001/003/004 Investigation of the heat ... D041/'Dl!3 lend when f10- ,4 ng from one element of the fin to the other; a-, an Opening L. L angle of 450, an additional flowing-over of the air was observed; a corrugated fin with an opening angle of 51 has, on the avcrage, a 14% larger stan,-e than a smooth fin; an increase in the angle results in a sharp increase. in the recistan.,e, i.e. at 45 0 by 75 to 22511f0. It is reco=.nended Vr not to use an opening an~,,,le of more than 50, since this does not ess-entially inorease the heat emission coefficient but considerably increases the re-- sis dance. There are 3 figures and 2 references: ] Sovief~-bloc. and 1 non- Soviet-Dloc. The English-language reference is: Kays, A.L. London, rlomDaot; Heat Exchangers, 1955. ASSOCIATION: Institlit tel)-loenergetiki Akademii nauk USSR (Iristit-afe of Heat. &nd Power Engineering of the Academy of Si~ienr-e~, of thp UkrSSR) Gar-j 112 33753 10. -5LI 00 S/02 62/000/002/008/010 D299XD304 AUTHORS: Kremnlov, 0.0., Semylet, Z. V. and Butslk~y, k D. TITLE: Study of heat transfer and resistance of elements of plate-fin heat-exchangers with perforated and corruga-- ted fins PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk UkrRSR. Dopovidi. no. 2, 1962, 196-200 TEXT: The experimental setup was described by the authors in an earlier work. The characteristics of the elements under investiga- tion are listed in a table. Two of the corrugated elements had fins of the same dimensions (length 1 mm and height 0.5 mm), but the channels through which the air passed differed in shape: In element A, the channels had the same cross-section over the entire length, whereas in element B the cross-section was narrowed and widened al- ternatively. The resistance curves for the corrugated elements have a shape characteristic of rigid surfaces. The resistance of the element with variable cross-section was twice that with con- stant cross-section. In the third specimen (with constant cross- Card 1/3 35153 S/021Z62/000/002/008/010 Study of heat transfer ... D299/D304 section) the distance between the fins was 2 mm. The ~.ieat transfer of all 3 corrugateO elements was practically the same. In theele- ments with perforated fins, the heat transfer is largely dependent on the distance between the perforations. In reducing the distance between the perforations, the he,_~t lur,:~nsfer increases and the re- sistance too. It was found that perforated surfaces with 1 mm dis- tance between perforations were most adiantageous. Although in the- ory perforations at small intervals are more convergent, they are not always feasible in practice. Therefore, in some cases it is more expedient to use surfaces with more widely spaced perfora- tions. In plate-fin heat-exchangers with perforated and corrugated fins, the heat exchange increases 2 - 3 times compared to smooth fins. By analyzing the curves Nu = f(Re) it was found that in the range Re = 500-2200, a transition zone exists between laminar and turbulent flow. The numerical dependence between the Nu- and Re criteria, obtained in the investigation, can be expressed by the formula Nu = cRen 'where c and n depend on the value of Re (listed in a table). There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 1 Soviet-bloc refer- ence. Card 2/3 Study of heat transfer ... 33753 S/02 62/000/002/008/010 D299YI)304 ASSOCIATION: Instytut teploenerhetyky AN UkrRSR (Institute of Heat and Power Engineering of the AS UkrRSR) PRESENTED; SUBMITTED: by Academician I. T. Shvets' of the AS UkrRSR September 8, 1961 Card 3/3 x KUNNL,T,, O.A. [Kremnlov, 0.0.1; SEMILEV, Z.V.; kUTSKIY, N.D. '[Dutstkyi, X.D.J Study of heat emission and resistance of finned lamellar heat exchangers with grid-type perforated caps having recarved rims. Zbir. prats' last. teal. AN URSR no.24:14-23 162. (MIRA 16--.3) (Heat exchangers) A UTHOR; Butskiy, S.A. SOV/115-58-1-13/50 TITLE: A Device for Ohaokinrt)~a Parallelizm of the Work Surfaces of Micrometers Larger Than 100 mm (Prisposobleniye dlya po- verki parallellnosti rabochikh poverkhnostey mikrometrov svyshe 100 mm) PERIODICALs IzmeritelInays. Tekhnika, 1958, Nr 1, p 23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author's unidentified plant introduced this device, whioh was described in 'IT-zmeritellnaya tel,"Mika", 1957, Nr 3. This article describes modifications mads in tha device. 1here is 1 diagram. 1. Micrometers--Inspection 2. Surfaces--Calibration VI AUTHOR: Butakiy, S.A. SOV-115-58-3-18/41 TITLE: Measuring Devices (Izmeritellnyye prisposobleniya) PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 3, P 52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The design of two new devices~is described and illustrated. 1) A holding device for checking micrometers of over 100 mm nominal size (Fig. 1) consisting of an aluminum body and screws. The device will be fixed on the micrometer head, after which the micrometer will be checked in the usual way by gage blocks. It is used at the Khar1kov Plant imeni V.I. Lenin. 2) A stopping device_("arrester") for use on a "IM-10" measuring machine, consisting of a steel wire spring, a screw and a nut (Fig. 2). There are 4 diagrams. 1. Gages--Desigr. 2. Gages--Inspection Card 1/1 BUTSIRO, I.S. Overhead pusher conveyor at the Gorkiy Automobile Plant. Avt.- prom. 28 no.5:40 W 162. (MIRA 15;5) 1. Nauchno-issledovateliskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut avtomobillnoy promyshlennosti. (Gorkiy-Conveying machinery) BABKO, I.M.,; BUTS jK0,L.K,--EBut s Ike, L.K.1, Importance of auxiliary methods for studying the etiologieal charac- teristics of aCute digestion disorders in younger children. Ped., akush. in gin. 19 n0-3:30-31 157. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Otdel profilaktiki i terapii detsk-1kh bolezney (rukovoditell - A.M. Khvull) Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo institute, okhrany materinstva i detstva im. Geroya Sovetskogo Soyuza prof. r-.M. BVko (direktor - zaeluzh. vrach USSR M.D. Burova). .(KRMOLISM, DISORDIRS OF) 24(4) P11A3X I 12C,-:X DP1~jV.A'VNN S()V/_jl4O kkadealr'A flauk 11kritnakoy, Znatltu" Cl.-.lkI POtcalaktrIchaskiyu I Qpttjh-kI7,_. yjvj~"Lyj v poluprovadnikakhl -A trUdr pOrVO90 VaeBoyurtiogo jcv-!anchaniy'i PD foto,:1ektric11e5klA LA I optlahesklm yavientyam -.- poluprovodnBc,lh, g. Klyev, 20-26 norabrya 2957 9 (PhotocluctrL= anal Optical Ph,inom~na In Semi- conductors; TrannactLon3 or thu First Conference on PhatoelectrLo C. and Optical Phenom~na In 3,_~Ioonduntors...) KlYev, 1959. 403 P- 4.000 a0ples print-1. Additional Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya nauk 1333R. Prezidium. X=Iaaiya po poluprovodnlk=. Zd. or Publishing Houses 1. V. XlsInA; Tenn. Ed.: A. A. HatveychUk; R esp. Ed.$ V. re. Lashkarnv, Academiclano Ukrainian SSR, Academy of Sciences. FURPOSSs This book In intnncied for scientists itt the field or semi- .-Condactor physics. d ts t 1l pectro,,cnpy, and semiconductor :t' ;'(a n w ' devIaes. The colle . ' , ~orul to advan,;q.' 3EZente G unly"rettLea and Institutes or 'ar)%qr'"_chnLcaI training vpeciaLLzLng In the physics and technical application of semi- conductors. CCVZRAOEz The collection containA reports and Inforrtation bulletin* (the latter are Indicated by az"r.VY4- read at the Fleet All- Union Conference on Optical &n.-3 phot~clectrlc Phenomena in Semi-, conductors A wide scope of problems In semiconductor physics and toohnoiogy are conzidored: photoconductivity# photoelearro- forces, optical properties, photoelmo-rLc calls and zotlv: e ph to sisters. the nations of hard and corpuscular rsdlatJ~ns. : th properties of thin fll~z and complex semiconductor SyV&eva. sto. The Iterialo were prepared for publlcation,by E. Y. Rashboy, Co. V. SnItko, K. 0. To2pygo, A. F. Lubchcnko# anil M. K. Sheynkman. References and discussion follow each h.rtiolt. photoolectru and Optical P120MONSTI& (COnt-) SOV/3140 Yerafeichev, V. 0,0~ and J,. X. Kurbat0y. Recording the Lead StLIrlde ACCOrcing to the Absorption 213 of Microwaves, so's: Peouliarit-les of the phatoconductiv -ItY 219 --6r Hor=urfe M-1a (Theses) 5. proportion of Semiconductors In Tbin Films ff_,A_2A;%tu-1zuk_ L n n zn1k. X.3=tIverr%otocond=-.Iv1tY In of S.T*~. ~~a ed With Mercury 220 an I kh. optical d N. 0, Tove T List Ims of Some Semi-conductors 22T 7r-c~7e-rties of Thin n M. r. Alivey, A. A. BaahshallYtv, 0- ALlJLyev, and S. of -he Optical resportiss of Selenium With Ad=Llxtures of Iodine, Bromine, -&-rd 16A6 BLUSKO, N. I. (Llvov) ~, Prepnration of pure sulfur. Xhim. v shkole. no.2:43-49 Mr-A-a '58. (Sulfur) (MfRA 11:3) AUTHORS: Butak , Shneyder, A. D. 57-28-6-9/34 TITLE: The Influenca Exercised by X-Rays Upon the Properties of Mercuric Sulfide (Vliyaniye rentgenovskikh luchey na elektricheskiye svoystva sernisboy rbuti) PERIODICALi Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy FizikA', 19581 Vol. 28, Nr 6, pp. 1188-1189 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The high sensitivity of photoresistances of cadmium sulfides to visible c/. -, /3-, and 3--rays gave rise to an intensive study of the electrical properties of substances resembling cadmium sulfides with respect to their structure. Considerable interest is aroused in this mespect by mercuric sulfide. In the course of the present work smaller, artificially prcduced polycrystalline samples of mercuric sulfide of the red variety were investigated. The volt-amp6re ^-haracteristic at the beginning of the coordinate axes deviated from th,~ straight line in the direction of the current axis, so that the dependence of the Card 1/3 dark current on voltage ~,an be represented by i = kU The Influence &ercised 'by X-Rays Upon the 57-28-6-9/34 Properties of Mercuric Sulfide with the index --'l . The further course -f the F volt-amp4re characteristic continues to be influenced by visible light and by X-rays. If the ratio between the additional current if and the anode current of the tube ir is taken as a measure of sensitivity, the sensitivity of the samples, the dosimetrical characteristics of which are shown by a figure, vill be of the order of magnitude 0,12 microamp~res/miliiampAres ~with Ti. = 100 kV and Uf - 70 v). Individual samples are marked by higher sensitivity. In spite of the nonlinearity of the dosimetrical characteristics mercuric sulfide, thanks to its great sensitivity, is a promising material for the production of dosimeters. Measurements also showed a close connection in HgS between sensitivity to visible light and to X-rays. The highest sensitivity to X-rays was shown by samples with high sensitivity in the visible range. Samples without photoconductivity were found to be insensitive also to Card 2/3 X-rays. The course taken by the characteristics of The Influence Lhiercised by X-Rays Upon the 57-28-6-9/34 Properties of Mercuric Sulfide sensitivity to temperature to X-rays also accurately reproduces temperature sensitivity to visible light. In the dynamic characteristics certain differences are observed: The increase of current during irradiation by means of X-rays is determined by a duration that is shorter by one order of magnitude than in the case of visible light. There are 1 figure and 2 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Llvovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (L'rov State Pedagogical Institute) SUBMITTED-, July 11, 1957 1. Mercury sulfides-Electrical properties 2. Mercury sulfides-Effects of radiation 3. Mercury su:Lfides- Temperat,ire factors X-rays-Electrical effects Card 3/3 66390 SOV/58-59-10-M31 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurna~ Fizika, 1959, Nr lo, p 16o (ussR) AL[THOR- Butsko, N.I. TITLE: Effect of Molecular Adsorption on the Conductivity and Photoconductivity of Mercuric Sulfide and Its Thermoelectric Properties PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. L'vovsk. politekhn. in-t, 1958, Nr 57, PP 155 - 159 ABSTRACT: The author studied the effect of the adsorption of of ethanol, acetone, benzene, and water on the electrical conductivity (6 ) and photoconductivity (Ip) of OL -HgS. Crystals of OL -HgS were obtained from the gaseoua phase by the method of sublimation of stoichiometrio batches of the components. The author studied crystals 0.1 to 1 mm thick with an interelectrode area of 3 to 6 mm2. He employed vapor pressures of 10-4 mm Hg to some tens of mm Hg. He found that 6 and I increase during the adsorption of ethanol, acetone, and water. The a8sorption of benzene does not affect 6 and Ip. A study of the kinetics Card 1/2 of photoconductivity showed that the relaxation time decreases during the 1~~ 66390 sov/58-59-io-22931 Effect of Molecular Adsorption on the Conductivity and Photoconductivity of Mercuric Sulfide and Its Thermoelectric Properties adsorption of water, acetone, and benzene;, The thermo-emf (M), measured on poly- crystalline samples, corresponds to n-conductivity and is equal to 0.910 mV/deg in magnitude. oL decremses with a rise in temperature. The* author determined the ct of P -HgS samples which turned out to be n-conductors. X-ray analysis showed th t the structure of OL-HgS is hexagonal, while that of P -HgS is cubic. V.B.S. Card 2/2 -BUTSKO,_N. I., Cand Phys-Math Sci -- (diss) "Several electrical and pEo-f-oelectrical, characteristics of mercury sulfide." L'vov, 1960. ? pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education Ukrain- ian SSR, LIvov State Univ im !van Franko); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 30-60, 135) 4g,44.,:? ?00 AUTHOR: Butsko, N. I. TITLE: Some Characteristics of of Mercurio Sulfide-11 r% S/181/60701Q/04/12/034 B002/BO63 the Photoelectric Conductivity PERIODICAL.: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No- 4, pp 629-632 TEXT: Mercurio sulfide was prepared by zaacting the purifiid components in the gaseous phasej on oooling, hexagons). a-BgS forms via the cubic P-HgS. The electric and photoelectric properties of a-HgS were investigated by means of an M/21 (M/21) mirror galvanometers The dependence of steady photoelectric conductivity (4cro) on illumination (E) is not linear: Aao - Ey for 0.4 to 0.6. A sensilivity of up to 200 pa/lumen is attain- ed. The maximum spectral distribution of photoelectric conductivity is found at 605 mg (Fig. 1), and a sample containing 0.44, Sn showed an addi- tional maximum at about 705 mg. Further, the temp erature dependence of 0 photoelectric -ad dark conductivity was studied (Fig'. 2). Between -180 C and +3500C photoelectric conductivity has a maximum at about +2500C. At Card 1/2 X 8,1953 Some Characteristics of the Photoelectri~c S/181/60/002/04/12/034 Conductivity of Mercuric Sul-fide B002/BO63 low temperatures, a hysteresis loop appears, i.e., at a given temperature, pho to electri8 conductivity is higher on cooling than on heating. Between 320% ang 330 C it vanishes, presumably due to transition from a- to O-EgS. At 150 C, dark conductivity is not measurable any nore, and from this point it increases up to a maximum at 310 00. A small minimum is found at 3250C. After the light has been switched off, the crystal remains excited for some minutes. An examination of the increase and decrease of the photo- electric ourrent showed that a-HgS crystals belong to the hyperbolic photo- electric resistors such as Se, InSe, Tl2S, B12s 31 and CdS at low tempera- tures. The author thanks M. M. Golfdberg for the suggestion of this subject, and A. D. Shneyder and S. A. Bilinkevich for their advice. There are 2 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Ltvovskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (L'vov Pedagogical Institute SUBMITTED: July 16, 1959 Card 2/2 BUTSKOP: N.I. [Butsko, M.I.]; ANDRIYEVSKIY, A.I. [Andriievslkyi,, 0.1.1 Effect of impurities on certain physical properties of mercury sulfide. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.9:975-978 S 163. (MIRA 17-.8) 1. Llvovskiy politakhnichaskiy institut. BUTSKO, N.Y. [Butsko, 14.1.1 StAy of certain properties of antimany sul,"iJe of silver, fiz. zhur. 9 no.0':68&-688 Je 164. (MIRA 17: 1-1) 1. Llvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut, VYSOTSKIY)l Z.Z.; DIVINICH, L.F.; BIJTSKO, S.S. Method for recording absorption spectra of dyes in transmitted light on plate-shaped silica and aluminosilicate gals. Opt. i spektr. 12 no.2;327-328 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Dyes and dyeing) (Silica) (Aluminosilicates) DUTSIKOY S. S. USSR/Agriculture Soil Science Literature Sep L8 "Bibliography on Factors of Soil Fonnation, Genesis, and Geography of Soils" '~'- pp "Pochvoved" No 9 Lists vari,)us books on the study of soils, among them T. P. Afanaslyev's "Basic Hydroloty of the Middle Reac-hes of'the Volgaj" So So Butsto's "Geororphology of Landsli-ps," and B. F Pet3Tv's "Atlas Loess.)? :No& 61/49T10 m"SOKO. S.S N Earth CreePs in clays with brecclated structure. B'Lul,MOIP, Otd.geol. 29 no.6:105-10,7 R-D 154. (MLIRA 812) (Earth movements) BUTS11CO, S. S. Cana Geog, Sc-i --- (disii) "Geomorphological Analysis~ of Sliding, landscape and Its Effect?on the Development of Slide- Prevention XXKK&MMX Measures." Mos, 1957. 14 pp, 21 am. (Min of Education RSFSR, Mos Oblast Ped Inst), 100 copies (KL, 16-57, 100) - -7- 1~ Lti S,k, 6) ) SS SUBJECI_ USSR/Geology 5-2-.17/35 AUTHOR: None TITLEt On the Activities of the Geographic Section of the Moskva Society of Investigators of Nature (0 doyatellnosti geografichaskoy sekt- ali Moskovskogo obahohostva iapytateley prirody) PERIODICAL: Byullaten' 1fookovskoge Obahchestva Ispytateley Prirodyt Otdol Goologichoskiy, 1957, # 2, Pp 149-151 (USSR) ABSTRACT: During the period from December 1956 to January 1957, the follow- ing reports were delivered to the Geographical Sedtion of the Sooistyt "On ,the Problem of Investigation the Energy of Relief" - by N.P. Natveyevs "Laiiaslides and Erosion Process" - by S.S. Butalko and V.A. Federovskiy; "Seismic Tectonics and Nootectonics of China" by C.P. Gorshkov, and "Now Data on Modern Voloanism in Eastern Tuva" - by M.G. Groevalld. ISSOCIATIONt Moskva Society of Investigators of Nature. PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: No date indicated AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress. Card 1/1 3UTSIKO, S..S..t inshener.. --- fy*j~j O&JOination, in hy4Ta-qji_q,qqpstructiou. Gidr. stroi. 26 no.3. 39-40 Mr 157. (Soil stabilizatlin) (KUM 10:4) AUTHORS: Butsko, S.S. and Dain, B.Ya. SOV/21-58-11-16/28 K'TLE: Photochemical Reaction of a-Chlorophyll Oxidation by Ferric Chloride (Potokhimicheskaya reaktsiya okisleniya khloro- filla a khlornym zhelezom) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 1958, Nr 11, pp 1221-1224 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The irradiation with light of 400 to 370 m wavelength of acetone solutions of the mixtures of a-chlorophyll with FeC13, with an excess of the latter, leads to the formation of a red-colored photoproduct. This product is stable under vacuum conditions and preserves its characteristic spectrum for a long time. However, its contact with the air results in a sharp change of the spectrum. The spectrum of the firal product is characteristic for ferric porphyrins (theposition of peaks at 640; 580; 510 and 420 m ). The rate of photo- reaction decreases with an increase in ferric salt concen- tration. A dark after-effect of the light is observed in the reaction. This indicates the 'L~,rmation in the course of the photochemical reaction of stable products which act as catalyzers during the subsequent process in darkness. Card 1/2 The authors assume that the red photoproduct is a chlorophyll SOV/21-58-11-16/26 Photochemical Reaction of a-Chlorophyll Oxidation by Ferric Chloride semi-oxidized in the 7 - 8 position of the IV ring. There are 2 graphs and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: institut fizicheskiy khimii imeni L.V. Pisarzhevskogo AN UkrSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L.V. Pisar- zhevskiy of the AS UkrSSR) PRESENTED; By Member of the AS UkrSSR, A.I. Brodskiy UBMITTED: June 13, 1958 Note: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and institu- tions appearing in this article have been used in the trans- literation. Card 212 BUTSKO, S.S.: DAIN, B.Ts. ----- Spectrophotometric analysis of chlorophyll interactions with iron. Zhur.ob.khim. 28 no.9:2603-2611 s 158. (MIRA 11:111) 1. Institut, fizichoskoy khimii AN USSR. (Chlorophyll) (Iron) -B=KQ, S.S.; DAIN, B.Ya. Photochemical interaction of chlorophyll with iron salts in acetone solution. ~Ukr.khim.zhur. 27 no.3;334-3Z2 1610 - (MIRA 14:11) I.- Institut fizicheskoy kbimii im. L.V. Fisarzhevskogo AN USSR. (Chlorophy.11) (Iron salts) BUTSIKO, S.S. Geographical universality of the landslide process. Biul. MOIP Otd. geol. 37 no.6:139-140 N-D 162, (143RA 16:8) BUTSIND, Z.H., (Moskva) - Determining the filling pressure on steep bulkheads. Insh. abor. 23:132-137 156. (MLRA 9:10) (Retaining walls) (Soil mechanics) w r -NI 1. 1. 11 F I I ~ it rr -I ;o I V"H V art BUTSKOV, N. Coordinating conference on pedological problema. Uzb. biol. zhu--. no.4:101-102 '58. (MIU 11:12) Mbekistan-Soil research) EUTSKGV N A - NASTROV, Ya.M.,- PANKOV,, M.A.,, doktor sellkhoz. nauk,, I~~~O .9 otv. rqd.; KURANOVA, L.I.,. red.; KRIVONOSOVA, 14A., red.; SOROKINA, Z-1-D tekhn. red. [Boils in the southwest~m Kyzyl Kum) Pochv) lUgo-Zapadnykli Kyzylkumov. Tashkent, In-t poelivovedeniia.. 1961. 198 p. NIRA 15-7N (Kyzyl K=--.Soils). I RII.TS US,-Z,,E. [Backus, P.11 PAGUOTENE, N.V. [Raguotiene, N.] Amides of'ar7loxypropiwd-c acids. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.2t622- 624 F 163. (MIRA 16.-2) 1. Villnyusskiy gosudarstvenW universitet, (Propionamide) BUTSKUS2 P.F,48UQbM,.Pj; STONITEj R.Yu. [Stonyte, R.] Some transformations of. N.,N-di (f~ -eyanoethvl)-p-toluenesulfamide. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.2j624-628F 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. VilInyusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Toluenesulfonamide) WIN A j and 23, -40953); rf. ibid. MZM; (-A. 47. CH3COMc (6 9.)~'md 6 9. Clit'.01CN (1) A -641V -pp -uFf- M 1-C ii P. A red 7;jav" r. - 1 -7 Az -MACCUr itm -HiN ihe abave. b,. 142--3'. It tht.. heating to -,!,' jj extuld-2 1 for 10 tits. mly ofthe abGre nitrile is obtained, ;-tiong with ' . 111 59.5- 21.0% veOcc11,.?qCj1,Cj1,cv~, b,, 1218-19 60' (Ituill 11,01; HO xall, In, 121 -1 ,' ilfr,,;n Ftoll), lic. liction uf 5 g. UtOICCH,Ml, iiith 5.1 g. I in Ft,O aiter 3 days l.inding and 5 Ill, refluxing, guvt 70.;)'-- EtOiCCH-, 7 ,YHCi1,CJ1,C.V, bu n'v' t6 1.06ili; HO salt. m. 113' (ftran M011); n yitld of (17.14% it the mictioi, rlj:: witb fold L;u.,irti!v in tht :,!I- mt h 1, E -5 xtr!i! 1, :i lion pr 5 form,': E.1 f ch'i Cite Lturi znl~ with M,,O)I-Nii. "i 4,-- -.1"1 5 K011 41 ].~ till H:(! -Ilial thu rilixt. 1-.Pl S lirm.. It 7v i-. vielding 78 617 R 0. C(WC r1l,N)AW 1, 01: CN, .511 jl~ 117i~'~: !10 !;I~,' ak- g.Tv fijivx:ur--jAcVjFbjAWc11r 82.3%.'ai. !03.6* (frarn MOM. G, 161. R. T-Ulrsl~m, 1 . -F. Dissertation:' "Cyanethylation of Alpha-'Xdinct ani Their Derivi-Aivcs." Czin~ n~ !::.,a Chem Sci, 1..oLcow Order of Lenin StaTe U imeni V',. "'. Lc,.:~ono-nov, ~ j7zi ",! r. r., I I..'bskva, Moscow, 27 YaY 5'+. SO: SUN' '484, 26 Vlov 1954 J;) V1 UAW.) .4 0 USS/ Chemistry - Analysis ,.Cara Authors Terentyev,, A. P.,, ButskusP F and Yashunskiy, V. G. Determination of acrylonitrile with the aid of the cyanethylation reaction Peri0aical Zhur. Anal. Khim., 9, Ed. 3.. 162 165, May-June 1954 ~Abstract Investigations conduct~ed on- the eyanethylation of alpha-amino AtAd derivatives led to the development of a new method for the determination of acrylonitriles, batsed,on the reaction of the latter with glycol. The apparature employed in connection with this new analysis method is described. The now analysis method makes it possible to determine acrylonitrile in colored mixtures containing water and ethylenecyanohy- drin with an accuracy of up tot 1%. Eleven references: 3-USSRr 6-USA, 2-English. Table; drawing. Institution The M. V. Lomonosovoftate University, Moscow Submitted Jan. 13, 1954 Porio~ Licea Dok. AN SSSR 9V5.1 851-853, August 11, 1954 Abst.ract The reaction of cyanethylation of a simple dipeptide - glycyl glycine- and certain 2,5-diketopiperazine's, was investigated. The reaction products obtai,-ied and their characteristics, are described. Three references: 2-USSR and 1-USA (1948-1953). .Institution The M. V. Lomonosov State University, Moscc-a -.Submitted May 29, 1954 hL TMONTIYZV, A.P.; BUTSKUS, F.F, Synthesis with aid of acrylonitryl. Part 32: Some derivatives of cyanoethylated X-amino acids. Zhur.ob.khim. 27 no.10:2884-2888 0 '57. (MIRA 11:4) l.Moskovskiy gosudaretvenrqy universitet i Villnyusakiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. (Amino acids) (Ethylation) AUTHORS: Butskus, ?. F., Denis, G. 1. SOV/156-58-1-51/46 ---------------- TITLE: The Reaction of the Aromatic Amines With N-Cyanoger.-Ethylatled a- and P- Amino Acids (Reaktsiya aromaticheskikh aminov s N-tsianetilirovannymi a- i 0-aminokislotami) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady Nrysshey shkoly, 1[himiya i 1zhimic"heskad-y-a tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 1, pp. 130 - 132 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In connection with the action of ammonia, hydrazine, and piperidine on the amino acids referred to in the title, the de-eyano-ethylation of the latter takes place (Ref 1). The action of aromatic amines (aniline, p-nitro-aniline, p-toluidine, 0-naphthylamine) on N-monocyano-ethylated and N,N-diciano- ethylated a- and P--amino acids leads to the formation of de- cyano-ethylation products of the latter and to cyano-ethylation products of the aromatic amines - of the p-aryl-amino-proDyl- nitryles. Consequently, a transition of the cyano gen-ethyl- group from one compo-nnd into another one, i.e. a tranS-CY[Lno- ethylation-process (pere'usianetilirovaniye) takes plAce. The reaction of the aromatic amines with X-monocyanoC-en-ethyl-a- aTn3.r() acids, with N-monocyanoethyl-p-anino-acids and with Card 1/2 N,N-dicyanor"4ayl-p-.amino-acids takes place an%lo~~ously. The The Reaction of the Aromatic Amines With ff-Cyanogen- sov/156-56- 1 -_/~l /"'I"< Ethylated u- and P- Amino Acids reaction of aniline with V-cyanoethyl-brlycyl glycine and N,N-dicyanoethyl-glycyl glycine leads to the forn.ition of Clycyl glycine and an aniline-cyaiioetliylttion-prodiiet. All above reactiors were carried out in an aqueo"s aoliition at 1000. The dicyanoethylated a-amino acids without solvent split off only one cyanoethyl group with aromatic amines at from 130 to 1400 and form mono-cyano-ethyl derivatives. At higher 0 temperatures, the second cyano-et hyl -group is also split off. Resinification takes place, however. There are I table and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra organicheskoy khimii Villnyussl-ogo .-osudarstvennooo universiteta im.V.Kapsukasa (Chair of Or.-anic Chemistry at the Mlln~wState University imeni V.Kapsukas) SUBMITTED: September 16, 1957 Card 2/~ AUTHORS: Butskus, P. F., Denis, G. 1. Sov/1516-58-4-33/49 TITLE: Cyano-Et h~l ation of the Aromatic Amines by Acrylonitrile and P-Substituted Propionitriles (Tsianotilirovaniye aromRticheskikh aminov akrilonitrilom i P-zameshchennym-1. PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Khimiya J_ khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1958, Nr 4, PP 743-745 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The interaction of the aromatic amines with acrylonitrile and P-substituted propionitrile in the aqueous phase was investi- gated. N-cyano-ethylized aromatic amines are formed in this interaction. The cyano-ethylized compounds, "-...ieir yield and the melting points were investigated. The cyano-ethylation by P- substituted propionitriles was carried out in the following manner: aniline in aqueous phase is added to the P-substituted propionitriles and in the course of 10 hours is treated with a reflux condenser. The reaction mixture is vaporized in vacuum on the water bath. The dry residue is dissolved in hot alcohol under addition of water and it is left to stand for several days. During this time the P-phenyl amine propionitrile formed precipi~`ates. The reaction of the aniline with N-cyano-ethylized Card 1/2 compounds under addition of con,-,entrated hydrochloric acid is SOV/156-58-4-33/49 Cyano-Ethyl.ation of the Aroma-tic Amines by Acrylonitrile and P-Substituted Propionitriles carried out with ethylene cyanobydrin, P-alkoxy propionitrile, and P-dicyano-ethylene-ester with small amounts of soda lye or triethyl-amine. The influence of hydrochlorio acid and soda lye in this reaction Is of catalytic character. The reaction of aniline with P-phenoxy-propionitrile, P-cyano-ethyl- ethyl-mercaptan and P-chlorc-propionitrile ia carried out with- out catalyst. The cyano-ethylation of ,crylonitrile in the aqueous phase leads to the formation of 0-phenyl amine propio- nitrile. The cyano-ethylation of p-ani5idine and 0-toluidine is carried out in a similar manner. There are -1 table and 14 ref- erences, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra organicheskoy khimil Viltnyusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V. KapBukasa (Chair of Organic Chemistry at the State University imeni V. Kap3ukas) SUBMITTED: April 46,1958 Card 2/2 13UTSKUS, P.F. O-eyanotbyltripbanylearbinol and li-eyanotb7ltripbonyl-notb7lanins. Ifcv.v.vs.ucheb.zav.; khIm.1 kbim.tekb. 2 no.1:51-53 '59. (NM ; 12: 7) 1. Vil'nvuesMy gosuda-,-stvannyy universitat, k-ifedra organichoskoy khimit. (Motbanol) (Cyanosthylation) AUTHORs Butskus, P. F. S/153/60/003/01/03VO56 BOIIIB005 TITLEs Cyano-elbylation of A-Amino Aoidal PERIODICALt Izvestiya vysshikh uohobnyk.h zavedeniy. Khimiya i khimicheakaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol 3, Nr 1, pp 122-123 (USSR) TEXTz The author reports on the action of acrylonitrile?and P-ohloropropionitrile on A-aminopropionic acid and on 3_phenyl-~-aminopropionic acid. He obtained monocyano-ethylation products of b-alanine and of ~-phenyl-A-alanine, as well as the dicyano-ethylation product of A-alanine (see Scheme). The compounds formed were: N-ethyl-cyanide-A-alanine, N,Ng-di-ethyl-eyanide-~-alanine, and X-ethyl- cyanide-A-phenyl-A-alanine. By heating the N-cyano-ethylated A,-amino acids with aqueous ammonia- or hydrazine solution, a complete de-eyano-ethylation takes place, and the A-amino acids are formed. The N-ethyl-eyanide-b-amino acids give no ninhydrin reaction, and contain no amino nitrogen. No depression of the melting point occurred in the melting of mixed samples from original amino acids, and from amino acids obtained by de-cyano-ethylr-~ion. There are 2 references~ ASSOCIATION: Villnyusskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. lapsukasa; Kafedra organicheskoy khimii (Villn u State University imeni Kapsukas, Card 1/2 Chair of Organic Chemistry) Z I - .1 . AUTHORs Butskus, P. F. S/153 60/003/01/033/C58 ----------> B011 B005 ~B TITLE: Cyclization of N-Cyano-.ethylated c