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KOZLOVSKIT, M.T.; BUKHMAN, S.P.; lLTUSHCHZNKO,, V.M.; ZABOTIN, P.I. I ICementation of thallium from Industrial solutions by zinc amalgam. Trudy Inst. khim. nauk AN Kazjkh. SSR 3:15-19 '58. - (MIRA 12:3) (Ttialltun-Metallurgy) (Amalgamation) XOSLOVSKIT, M.T.; ILTUSHCMUMO, T.M.; ZABOTIN, IP.I4; NOSEK, M.V.; BUKMUM. S.P.; ZZMRVA, A.I. Alectrolytic decompositionof amalgam during production of thallium from dust@ at'"the Chimike't lead malting and refining work@. Trudy Inst. khim. nauk AN Czakh. :SR 3:20-2f c58. . (KIRA 12:3) (Amalgavation) (Thalliqu-Slectrowtallurgy) --!UKHKAN. S..P.: MOSM, N.V. Polarographic determInation of Indiume Trudy lust, khim. nauk Ali razak-h. SSR 3:39-44 '58. (MIRA 12:3) (Indiuvr-Analyals) (Polarography) AUTHORS: Bukhman, S.P., Nosek, M.V., Kozlo'jakiy, L.T. 32..24-4-4/67 TITLE: An Accelerated Method for the Polarographic Determination of Ind-Lum (Uskorennyy metod polyarograficheskogo opredeleniya indiya) PERIODICAL Zavodskaya Lebomtorlya, 1958, Vol. 291-, Nr 4, PD-. 392--395 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A n=ber of tests confirmed the fact that ina-Ilum from 10% sulfurio acia solutions wlith zinc qmlgam does not cement. This 1---owleage *s utilized for the elimination of ac2ompanying elements. In the U case of the treatment of indlum solution!3 with zino amalgam, cop- per, thallium, ar-A oadmium are red-uoed to the metal and penetrate into the amalgam, whereas arsenic III and partly antimony, tellu- rium and selenium remain on the amalgam surface. The latter may lead to part of the inalum. goi%crrer into the amalgam. In oraer to remove arsenic V, which cannot be quantitativre3,y reduced dueLng treatment with zinc amalgam without causing a loss of indiim, the solution is treated with iron raduced in bydrogen and in a I+n sul- furic acid medium. During polarization itself, it is trae that also the presence of antimoP7, which m.,st filrst be -1.4moved, dis- Card 1/2 turbs. From the process of ana sis given it may be seen that a An Accelerated Method for the rolarograpl-do 32-.24..4-4/67 Determination of Indium 2% zinc amalgam solution is used an.1 that at least -,15 g/1 NaOl is aadea. How-aver, polarograms are made vrithin. a potential range of from -0. 145 -0.8 V. The me' ohoa Nma ei~pioyed for determirvLig i-ndium Ln the dust of a lead mine and gives xesults which agree well %Tlth those obtained by the msual method of determ~natuion of the Glutavetmet. If two standard samples aj.,%i mssd determination is said -to take from 40 to 50 minutas. Result's given in a .ab .% le. There are 1 figure, 2 tablts, ani 7 referenoes, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskilfa rw--,k Akad-amii nauk Kazza-khzkoy SSR (Instibute for Chemical Sciencas AS Kazakh SSR) 1. Indium compourids--Analysis 2. Indium-Determination. 3. Metals--Separation 4. Polarogrpahic analysis Card 2/2 I, VYJ lo 50) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2216 lye 00 alektrokhlmil. 4th, plassow. 1956. Ilk ::".::hch*,:1sbornIk1 (Transactions of the Fourth COnfOrence on Elpet- I tr Collection or Articles) Moscow, Izd-vo AN =E, *2 M 1959. 868-yp;. Errata slip Inserted. 2,500 copies Printed. Sponsoring Agencyi Akademlya nauk SSSR. Otdolenly* WAINIcheak1kh nauk. Editorial Boards A.M. Frumkin (I teep. Ed. ) Academician, O.A. Yealn, Z 01. Professor$ S.I. Zhdanov (Reap. Secretary). B.M. Kabassov, Pro- ressor, S.I. Zhdanoy (Reap. Socretary)l S.K. Kabanov, Proressort Ya M. KOI*tyrkin, Doctor of Chemical 3cientes) V.V. Losev, P.0, Luiovtstv, Pr feavorl Z.A. Solov'yeval V,V. Stander, Professor; and 0. P ori*novlch; Ed. of ftbllshing Houses M.0. Yagorov, M. .1 0 T ch. Ed. : T,A. Prueskova. Zgi This book is Intended for, chemical and electrical angi. v:*,re, physicists, metallurgists and researchers Interested in 10 a aspects of glectrochemlet". C0VXRAaEs The book contains 127 of the 138 reports presented at the fourth Conference on Electrochemistry sponsored by the Depart- ment of Chemical Sciences and the Institute of thylleal Chemistry, cademy or Sciences. USSR. The collection rtalnx to different A Ps branches of electrochemical kinetics, double layer theories and x n an g2vanic processes In,met:1 electrodepossito d Industrial elect- lysla. Abridged di cut ions ire given at the and Of each divi- sion Th majority of reports not Included here have been publishade in periodical literature. go personalities are mentioned. ftre.rancea.*re given at the and'of,most of the articles. Rautetaki 7, Ya. . : I Ulu,'- I in, rstitute of Physical Chemistry, Czechosiov- Saltness). Survey or the Latest Theoretical Work at the Prague POlarographic School- 143 d_Jr2YIc.,h_N.V. .ansl A.,BdDamaskin (Moscow state I . ~u f . - -or 'Background" cy . I once th Los Cations an the Reduction of Peroulfato Anions at a Mercury RI..tlldo 150 'nstlruto or thy :IcAl oCheml at ry ?a 1In h Academy or 3ci*nt*s). The Influ nee r Structural Changes in HN03 Molecules an the Course Of Cathodic Polarization or a Platinum Electrode In Nitric Acid Solutions 159 Zhdanov, S.I., V.I. Zykov, and T.V. Kalish (Institute of Card 7/34 %octrochemlatry and Physics, Vreaden School for Advanced a.ciogy). The influence of Organic Solvents on Wave Height and Sesalwave Potential of Organle Depolarizers 170 I Zmbotl~~-I- S Bukhman. and G..Z.. _(Inatitut as I ;_ ;m nauk Kas:SSR-Insritute of Chqmistry~ --IM as IAkadt.41 Academy of Sciencest Kazakh SSR). Influence of tile Position of Zero-Charge Points on the Reduction of Indluas at a Plarcury-Drop Electrode 179 rolarographic Institute Czechoslovakian Academy of Scilcncea). Kinetics of the Separation of Cadmium From Cyanlde Complexes at Dropping Mercury Elect- rodes and Streaming Mercury Electrodes 186 _;hchuol'. Sh-S. (Tuentrallnaya laboratarlya "Z&vQdstroya* DZiRhI`n_sk-Centr&I Laboratory "Zavodstroya""' Dzerzhlnok). Reduction of I ChlorIll Ion at 4 Dropplnsl Melcury Cathode 193 Card 1,8/ 34 BUEMN, S.F.; KOSZK#: N*Vo; MMWI IT, M.T. 117~ I Wuotlon of arsenic by nine amlg*s. Report No.l# Izv. AN Zuakh. SSR.Ser. kbim. noo'1:69-76,160i (KIPA 13:11.) (Armoviln) ftinc-wrnurv allovs) NOSIM, H.V.; BUEDW, SeP,; =IOVSKIY, M.T. Reduction of arsenic by zinc amalgam. Report No. 2. Izv.AN Xazakh. SSR.Ser. Wm. no*!:??-O$ 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Arsenic) (zinc-mercury alloys) KOZLGVSKIYP ~S.P.; NOS,EK, M.V. Effect-of.,copper ions on the reduction of arsenic by zinc amalg-m- Trudy Inst.khim.nauk AN Kazakh.SSR 60.15-122 1.60. (MIRL. 14;Z (Arsenic) (copper) (Zinc) BUKHMAN S.F.. NOSEK, M.V.; 404LOVSKIY, M.T. Rqduction of arsenio by zinc amalgam in the presence of iron and -antimony ions. Trudy Inst.khim.nauk.AN KazaM.SSR 6:223-130 '60. (Arseqic) (Zinc) (MIU 14' 4) NOSEK, M.V.; BUKHMAN S.P.; KOZLOVSKIY, M.T. gffect of temperature on the reduction of arsenic by zinc am gamo Trudy Inst.khim.nauk AN Kaxalch.SSR 6:131-137 160. (MIRA 14 4) (Arsenio) (zinc) 30661 S/137/6 21OW101PI-8 IL-1/056 I4r4 4006/Alol AMOAt bahman2 S ~-P CarbArizing-of indium with zinc amalgam PEFaODICAL:' Referativayy zhurnal. 14stallurglya, no. 10, 21, abstract IOG157 In-ta kh1m. -nauk. AN 138 143~-' Tr . . - KAZSSV,- 1969 6, ng "in a carburizing call, TMI Experibents on In carburizi were i~ade equipped with a mixer, operating at a rotation speed of the shaft as high as ~1,200 - 1,300 rpmj The amalgam-soluilon ratio was 1:5 in all the testx~,: It-was -found that In%w" - carburi-xod with Zn amalgam f~t-om xul�.Uri*:~acid nolutions~., oen- taining. a small amount of free R2SO4. (0,1%). With bigher acidity the carburdsing -rate deoreksm,' - and at 10% aoldit.y all the.-In remai7ia praotically the aolution. ThereAre 10..references.! G.. Ovodtoeya jAbotraoterks note 1-. Complete translation] -Card -1/4 BUKHKANV S.P.; NOSRKV M.T.; KMWVSK31, M.T. Effect on indium Ions on the reduction of arsenic by zinc amalM. Trucbr Inst. kh4,.-. nauk M Knakh. SSR 9:122-130 IA2. (MIM 16:6) (Aramic) * ( 1 21) (Indium _~. p.; EMLOVSKIr, M. T. NQSEKv M.V.; BUK~4~? Reduction of,a sixture,of tri- and pentavalent arsenic b7 zinc analgan. Trudy Inst. khim. nauk AN Kazakh. SSR 9t131-134 t62o (MIRA 16:6) (Arsenic) (Reduction, Chemical) (Analgams) t AUTHOR: TITLE: SOURCE 3/850J62/009/000/007/012 i, B117/B186 Bukhman, S. P. Effect of zinc ions on the cementation of indium with zinc amalgam Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR. Institut khimicheskikh nauk.' Trudy. v. 9. Alma-Ata, 1962. Elektrokhimiya rastvorov i metallicheskikh sistem, 135-1-38 TEXT: The effect of zinc ions on the extraction degree of indium during cementation from a 1 and 0.1% H so soluiion was studied at different 2 4 temperatures (20 - 800C). 100 ml solution (100 mg/l In) with different ZnSO content and 20 ml zinc amalgam (500 mg Zn) were stirred vigorously 4 (1200-1300 r.p.m.) for 20 min in a water-heated cementation cell. Increased zinc concentrations in the solution were found to disturb the In extraction, especially in solutions of high H so concentration. The 2 4 potential of Zn amalgam shifts toward electropositive values. A tempera- ture rise supports the- extraction but cannot completely eliminate the Card S/850/62/009/000/007/012 Effect of zinc ions on the B117/B186 disturbing effect of zinc ions at higher concentration. A complete In extraction from weakly acid solutions is possible only after repeated treatment of the solution with fresh amalgam., If the solution contains an excess of cations (100-500 times-the amount of In) which are reduced by, zinc amalgam, it is recommended that hydrochloric or sulfuric solutions and NaCl be used for In.extraction. In this oase the extraction of indiums is not affected by zinc ions, and indium is reduced without overvoltage. There are 2 tables. Card 2/2 - ---------- -- ---- 8/650 62ZOO9100010081012 AUTHORS: Bukhman, S. P., Zabotin, P. I. TITLE: Cementation of indium from sulfuric solutions in the presence of some surface-active additives with zinc amalgam SOURCE: Akademiya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR. Inatitut;khimicheskikh nauk.!~ i Trudy. v. 9. Alma-Ata,-1962. Blektrokhimiya rastvorov i metallioheskikh Bistem, 139-142 TEXT: This is a study of the effect of sodium sulfite, sodium thiosulfate, and phthalic acid on the cementation of indium from sulfuric solutions. with zinc amalgam using the method described by S. P. Bukhman (this paper,i 135-138). Results: The extraction of indium depends on the concentration of NaSO and Na S 0 At higher additive concentrations, larger amounts 4 2 2 3' of indium are extracted.' The concentration of zinc ions affects the reduction rate but not the amount of indium extracted., At a higher concentration of zinc ions the potential of zinc amalgam shifts toward electropositive values. Indium extraction depends semilogarithmically on the acidity of solution. The experiments show that Na SO and Na S 0 2 4 2 2 L---.Card. . 1/2 S/850 62/009/000/008/012 Cementation of indium from B111%186 under equal conditions, are more effective than sodium chloride additions when extracting indium from weakly acid solutions containing a large amount of zina.ions. Thus, only 80-85% indium was transferred into the amalgam by adding 100 g1l Nan, as compared to 96-97% by 1 g/l Na S 0 2 2 3' If acid solutions (H so > 1%) are used, the additives studied are less 2 4 effective. Phthalic acid in acid or weakly acid solutions does not affecti cementation. In neutral media, where it exists in the form of dissociate molecules, a slight increase in the degree of extraction was observed. The examinations confirmed the results of polarographic studies: During the reduction of indium, the above additives reduce the overpotential on the Hg electrode in sulfate solutions. There are 2 figures and 2 tables. Card 2/2 MURA70VA, Ye.B.; BUKHMAN, S.P.i-NOSEK, M.V. Reduction of trivalent arsenic on mercury and zinc-amalgam cathodes. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. tekh. i khim. nauk no.2: 15-25 163. (MIRA 17:2) DYUZHEVA, Ye B.; BUKHMAN S.P. Reduction of trivalent arsenic on amalgam cathodes. Trudy Inst. khim. nauk AN Kazakh.SSR 12:78-88 164. Electrolytic reduction of trivalent arsenic on a mercury cathode in the presence of copper ions. Ibid.:89-98 (MIRA 18:2) MUMAN, S M. V. .,P.; NOSEK, I Electrochemical study of zinc-nickel amalgams. Trudy Inst. khim. nauk AN Kazakh.SSR 12;99-104 164. Effect of nickel ions on the reduction of trivalent arsenic by zinc amalgam. lbid.:105-108 Reduction of arsenic by zinc amalgam in the presence of tin alloys in solution. lbid.:109-113 Analgam method for the production of pure cadmium from cadmium sponge. Ibid.:183-185 (14IRA 18:2) DRAGAVTSEVA, N.A.;_BUIMMAN, S.,P_.; KOZILOVSKIY, I.I.T. Reduction of arsenic by, cadmium Amalgam in sulfuric and hydro- chloric acid solutions. Trudy Inst. khim. nauk AN Kazakh.SSR 12: 114-130 164. (14IRA 18:2) I- H io~r a i,n.6d'ln--44W~~004~-. , -. li~te BIJXHI.4~0 , S . !~ . ; , y,. ir . ; DEMICH I.--, Nj:Cj , ve . o, . *,~- - - B13muth cen-lent-at,f.)r, by the arila"if, I f~:Lq (,,f ,,aj.Ag, ll,~ :,_. , .f, .Ii 1 -~ . Zhur. Pl-il,'], kil-Im- 37 n0-9:1930-1936 S 16j+. (mliu 1-1:10) I d.. - M c l12 KOZLOVSII%IYP M.Tel Dr,-AGAVTSEVA, N*A.; BUKINhN, S.P. Effeat of certain metals on the reduction of trivalent aroenic with cadmium amklgam. Izv. AE Kazakh.SSR,Ser,khimanauk 15 no*2:3-7 Ap- Jo 165. (MIRA 18t9) BUKW,N.,,.S,.P.; DRAGAVTSEVA, N.A.; KOZLOVSKIY, M.T. Reduction of trivalent arsenic by amlgams of a series of metals. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. khim. nauk 15 no.1:9-12 Ja-Mr 165. (MM 18-.12) 1. Submitted Nov.;29 1964. KOZINq L.F.; IAV.RIK,, LV.; BUKHM&N, S.P, Cementation of indium by zinc asalgw In a multisectional amIgasation pan wit), a flowing-through electrolyte. Izv. VW Kasakh, SBR. 89r, khis, nauk 15 no,D13-18 Ja-Mr 165, (MIRA 18-.12) 1. Submitted June 11, 1964. SOV1112-58-2-1890 Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal,. Elektrotekh-aika, 1958, Nr Z, p 15 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bukhman, S. V. , and Chernov, A. P. TJTLE: O_- the Problem of Particles Motion in a Free Axially Symmetrical Jet (K voprosu o dvizhenii chastits v svobodno7 osesimmetrichnoy str-,-,ye) PERIOD1CAL: 1--v. AN KazSSR, ser. energ., 1956, Nr 10, pp 114-118 ABSTRACT: Motion. of particles i-- a 2-phase axially symmetrical jet depends on the following: particle coordinates, their mass, their density, "Midel" cross- section, radius of the nozzle out of which the jet emerges, etc. However, this motion can be described with a much smaller mumber of dimeasionless com- plexeE, w1dch can be determined from the eqiation of particles motion and from the rate -of -dischar 'e formu-7ae. An example is considered of deterraining 9 particles velocity in a free, axiallly-symmetrical dust-and-air stream. Experi- mental and calculated particle velocities are compared. S. L. R. Card Ill SOV/IZ4-58-4-3798 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 4, p 18 (USSR) AUTHOR: Bukhman, S. V. TITLE: Research on Combustion Processes and on the Motion of Pul- verized Coal Particles (Issledovaniye protsessov goreniya i dvizheniya ugollnoy pyli) PERIODICAL: Izv. AN KazSSR. Ser. energ. , 1956, Nr 11, pp 70-81 ABSTRACT: Results of the following are described: 1. Research on the laws governing the motion of particles in dust-air jets; 2. Theo- retical And experimental studies of the surface combustion rate and the surface temperatures of the coal particles; 3. Improve- ment in optic al-pyrometer photography methods of the direct measurement of the temperature of falling coal particles. On the basis of the experiments and computations performed it is shown that it is possible to make computations pertaining to the motion of coal-dust particles in an air stream by disregarding the change of particle mass and by considering the particles as spherical. Experiments consisted of measurement of particle velocities of gypsum and naphthalene of various sizes in an air Card I/?- stream issuing from a nozzle. The velocity of the particles SOV/124-58-4-3798 Research on Combustion Processes (cont. was determined by the stroboscopic method. The determination of the tem- perature and rate of combustion of coal particles was performed in an installation consisting of a combustion chamber equipped with an observa- tion window, a feeder for the particles, and a photographic camera fitted with color filters. The rate of combustion of the particles was determined by the change in weight resulting from the combustion during the transit of the particles through the chamber. The temperatures of the particles were determined by the method of optical pyrometry as follows: The burning particles flying through the chamber were photographed through two color If ilters together with the pyrometer filament heated to a certain temperature; photos were taken at different exposures. Experiments with combustion of electrode carbon have shown that the surface rate of particle combustion, as well as the surface temperatures, are in good agreement with the values received from computations based on the theory of the heat balance of com- bustion. The feasibility of the direct measurement of the temperature of burning particles by the method of optical- pyromete r photography has also been demonstrated. 1. Coal--Combustion 2. Particles-41otion Yu. F. Dityakin Card 2/2 BUKHMAN, S. V. Cand Tech Sai -- (dies) "Study of the mechanim of novement and bw it of coal dust." Alma-Ata# 1957. 11 pp, with graph% 20 am.fAoad Sci K&Mft SSR. Inst of Power ftinsering), 120 copies M. 15-57, 106) -22- Buumil"T, S.V. -7-1 - -Aqw Combuntion time nf pulvnrized coal. I7v.AJI Y4,zal-b.S811.5ar. onerg. nn.1:68-71 158. (141ILk 12:6) (Coal. PulverIzed) I I~JGBIA~j S. V. "Correct flow and combustion, etc.," in book Conference on applications of gas "a'~dc!U NTKJD" series, Publishing Office of the Acadenr of Science of the Dazakh 35R, Alna-Ata, 1959. 20(2)' PYABB I BOOX EXPL401TATION SOV/2271 30voishchansye lic, prikladnoy gazovoy dimokskit. Aima-Ate, 1956 Trudy (Transoctiona of the Conference an Applied Gas Dynandoss) Also Ata, ltd-vo AN Kazakhakoy 53R, 1959. 235 p. Errata 911p Imorted. Wr; Sponvorin4 A$Qncyi Kazakhakly gaudstratrossan valveraltat Ismaili S.M. 11ron, Id. t V.V . AlokomadriyakI. Tooh. Z6.3 Z.r. florokins) 941%orlal Bards L.A. Vulle (Rasp. Id loohkarov, Ij. Issatt"wa, And D.P. Vatimenkc. rURPOSSe ?his took should be or interest to scientists ssad staginesers sonless and may be of me to :orkInS an problems of applied Sam Gyr tuslonts. comAoss ' rhis prosents reports and Ibrier summaries, or the A111- ions which took place at the Conference on Applied Gas Dynamde Cuss: in Ime-Ato In October 1956. The conference was ouMIVIdG4 late three ar"t of applied gas dyneffidess jet flown of nolass ang gasoosi, "a merodynamicss of hosting prooemsem, and t." discharge of a fluid. Th. practical value of the 'Transactions Of the Conferessee consists in the devoloploont of theory. mq%%Od& of tesshnInal **I- culation and methods for mystomittle measurement applied to hoet- !.na. ftirnooo, and other industr!Al proose"a for wftlch~ in met cases, aerodynamic Phenomena ore docLr-*vo factorss. Vullm L 111810 ReSulte and Further Pmblemse in the Invootiv- L- Jst-2ik* XOtIOn2 of Plulds and oases 29 lomtsl*X-A I On the Turbulent Wake Behind a boo in a Too- Gnonalcal low 39 brier Summary or %be Islaouseloose Session of October g4, 1956 (moral") Afitonove, O.S. InvestWtlon of tho V%spbulasnoss ChmFgaterietleg, or-W-Prw"atl~cthOrIMI Jot and an Open Torch 45 Rashkorow, V.P. on the Notion In the ftem &Ad in opp"124 DS_ Uniform Compromalble-gam PlAmm Leon% we T.P, P"PIRSOtIon Of Axlel2r Symmetrical jetat So pliove , ts 38-DO and n Opposite Directions Go Bukjj~a V PxPrrE7FF- Isms Of notion and &am of Combustion of C& 69 'Oki On the Critleal Cooditiome f-0-r-TFW-FI- of-& Via a I MIN Plane -01101 channel 69 -Pa. R!"Isf Su~rY Of the Vlasouselcog 75 349010n Of October 94, Iq_A6 (0,antag) FrOVdSmtIOss Or 110 Axially Symmotrital doo j,% In a gas Modlum of Any Deceit, 77 Slectrotheraostonscaterg Pot 07 (All-Unioss 1100tratechnIcal Institute) and Their U" In the la"Stlatleas of Xamillother"al 000 Plows In-41tW%i9n or a Sealbounded Jet 100 BUMMAN. s.v. Using high-speed cinematography for investigating aerodynamic and combustion processes. Usp.nauc'h.fot. 6.212 '59. (KIRA 13:6) (Xotion-plature speed) phopograpby, High (Combustion) (Aerodynamics) S/262/6210001005/001/013 S-0~-00 1007/1207 Authors: Barlybayev, Kh. A., Bukhman, S. V. Title INVESTIGATIONS ON THE CONVECTIVE HEAT TRANSFER AT HIGH THERMAL LOADS Periodical: Referatiwzyj- zhurnal, oidel'n)), i3pusk. 42. Siloyye ustanovki, no. 5, 1962,14, abstract 42.5.56 (Tr. Kazakh. wi-ta, no. 2,1960,67-7 1) Te.vt: In Order to study the heat transfer coefficient at thermal loads ranging from 0.07 x 106 to 6.2 x 106 kcal/M2. hrand Reynolds numbers varying ftorn 16x 103 to,82x 103,experiments have been carried out on 2-mm diameter tubes, 290-mm long, traversed by a water stream. These experiments confirmed (with an accuracy of + 5 %) the validity of Yakovlev's formula: Nu = 0.0271 Re" Pro-36 fiqu 11qu Prwall There are 2 tables and 2 references. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation.) Card 1/1 PONOMARIV, Y#D.; SLUTMT. I.Z.; NURNAGAMBITOV, IODIWITSKIY, P.M.; SHNUMD, F.I.; PUTILIN, Yu.M.; PrInimal uchastiye: IODNORIM. G.A., starshiv laborant. . Thermal and electric balance of eight electrolytic call types. Isve vys, ucheb* save; tovet. not. 3 no-5:79-88 160. (MIRA 13: 11 ) (Illectrolysis-Squipment and supplies) Ivi I\j, S. V. .9 p 0 m F 1 A u R E 4 V 9 V T v P q p-.Eq~ a1-.- 29- t.5 9-1 w il: A jai -*a d 0 4 0 Ep w a 1 91 &j: -a A k uz= h07% S/124/62/000/009/01.4/026 A001/A101 AUMORS: Barlybayev, Kh. A., Bukhman, S. V. TITLE: Investigati.on of convective heat transfer at high thermal loads PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, rAekhanika, no. 9, 1962, 76, abstract 9B520 ("Tr. Kazakhsk. un-ta", 1960, no. 2, 67 -71) TEXT: The article presents the results of7experiments on heat transfer in a copper cylindrical tube of 4 x 2 mm cross section at thermal loads from 0.07 x 166 to 6.2 x 106 kcal/m2hr. The*temperiature of-heat carrier (distilled water) in the operational section of the heat exchangetube varied from 11.8 to 500C; the temperature of the internal surface of the tube varied from 34 to 1100C in various experiments. The tube was heated by electric current. Since the tube resistance was constant ove 'r.its length, heat emission per unit length was also constant, which was confirmed by a linear temperature distribution along the heat exchanger. In determining the temperature of the internal tube surface, temperature drop in the'radial direction was taken Into account. The experiments were carried out within the range of Prandtl numbers 7.9 4 P -4 3.05 and-Reynolds Card 1/2 S/124/62/ooo/ooq/o1Vo26 Investigation of convective heat transfer... A001/A101 numbers 18,400 ---- R 4-82,000. The determined values of N numbers differed from the corresponding values obtained by M. A. Mikheyev's formulae (Teploperedacha i teplovoye modelirovaniye (Heat transfer and thermal simulation), AN SSSR, 1959) and V. V.,Yakovlev (Atomnaya energiya, 1957, no. 2) by 6 - 11.5% and 1 - 2.5% respectively. [Abstracter's note: complete translation] L. V.-Kozlov Card 2/2 S/137/61/000/006/010/092 A006/A101 AUTHORt Bukhman, S.V. TITLE: investigation of heat oonditions and the mechanism of carbon p&rtic- 116 combust-lon PERIODIr-AL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Met-allurgiya, no. 6, 1961, 3, abe.raet 6B14 (V zb. "3-ye Vaes. soveshchanlye po ".'eorii goreniya, v. 2", Moscow, 1960~. 95 - 97) TUrl - 11he wathor studied the mechanism of carbon par,,;icle co.,ft-astion with the ~tid of h' gh-speed m1orophotograp'.hy, recording the oiit let of volatile Sub- sta:nzes and 4 'he oomtuc;tion of separate particles of 0.24 - 1.4 nun Lengersk scal In air and oommeroial oxygen (95% 02 coneentration) and at atmospheric preesure. it was 6stablished that under the given conditions the combustion of volatiles ~S tc-minated. prior to beg!,mn-ng of cornbru!3t:Ion. Thf~ reeul-us of measiirizg the temperatur-6, 'the anmbusticn rate a.-id the burning time of parti-~Iss are In a sati-9farm.-.r.-j ajzr,3t),,n;mt wilth calcuiait'loni madc, by aasuing diff-aalon conditianB of ccrdbusti= prior t~ CV. 7,h-'s is in agriement with results of caloulations made card I/P 8113. 611CO011DO6101.01092 I.nv,es`%",4. gat ton of hea-V conditions ... AOCO A.0 1 on th6 bar-is of -t-116 thermal thea.-~7 of oombustion, if an- assumpt-Ion is made t'.02at- the prooess c6vurs pr-a~tllcs-lly on s-.jrface of partioles. B. Maa-.r-jukov / / [Abstra--ter'a notet C-:~Mplets translation] Card 212 BUK!!~AN, S,~Y. Calculation and measurement of the combustion time of pulverized coal. Trudy Inst. energ. AN Kazakh. SSR 2:244-251 16o. (MIRA 15:1) (Coal, Pulverized) (Combustion) EARLYBAYEV, Kh.A.; BIJKM4M, S.V.; ZHURGMBAYEV, K.A.; USTRA&KO, B.P.; ,(T&KOV, S., tekhn. red. ~![Same aspects of convective heat transfer in an incompressible fluid (internal problem); Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer.. Minsk, January 23-27, 19611 Nekotorye voprosy konvektivnogo teploobmena v neszhimaemoi zhidkosti (vnutrenniaia zadacha); ---soveshchanie po teplo-i massoobwenu, g..14inek, 23-27 ianvaria 1961 g. Minsk,, 1961 17 p. OURA 15:2) (Heat-Conveciion) (Hydrodynemics) 2.8975 /i3t/62/000/006/007/163 Aoo6/Alol AUTHORS: Barlybayev, Kh. A., Bukhman, S. V. TITLE: Investigating the heat exchange in a ring-shaped channel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 1 - 2, abstract 6ji ("Izv. AN KazSSR, Ser. energ.", 1961, no. 1(19) 21 - 29, Kaz. sum- mary) TEXT: The authors analyze the effect of the channel geometry (the correla- tion of radii of the external and internal pipes forming the channel). According to the calculation performed, the channel geometry exerts a substantial effect upon the temperature field, heat exchange and the very flow. The asymmetry of the temperature profile, in particular, the location of the temperature maximum, depends on the ratio of the radii. The same dependence is characteristic of the number Nu in stabilized heat exchange, which. in general, is determined by two parameters, i.e. the ratio of the radii and the ratio of heat flows through the channel walls. An evaluation of heat emission, separately performed for the internal and external wall of the ring-shaped channel, shows that in the former Card 1/2 Investigating the... S/137/62/000/006/007/163 Aoo6/Aioi the heat emission is more intensified, in particular, at a high ratio of the ex- ternal and internal pipe radii of the ring-shaped channel. The calculations per- formed (for the case of constant heat flows through the channel walls) show that the location of the temperature maximum depends only slightly on the rate profile. The effect of the latter upon heat emission is evidently of the same nature as for heat exchange In two extremal cases, namely a round pipe and a flat channel. V. Oparysheva [A-Dstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 I BUKKKANO S. V. - Cambustim incimim of a pul"rized coal torch. Izv, AN Kazakh, SSR. Ser. energ. no.2:71-74 ',.1.62, (HIM 16t 1) (Coal, Pul"rized) (ccubustion) 19 E 1 1- .*; : - , ,. . , .. . I c,f' :;O,~) . , . ; .. i touzp-lofiz. ~1~ , ') , . ~* 4 1~ 0- -2 " I - .-. I.. I - 1611, (MIRfi. 28!A-) -MJ"-!,9 tran.2fOZ' ErC;T:! P- --jeffl~jer.T~. on thn ob", rg, - -0 P-1- z c4o T "MIRA IB-S.' , . i DSIWIJWIJWDAWRM Jj. T, -12=-66 9 IT( AM M AP60011W uit/0031/65/000/009/0035/0041 Bukhman S.V. (Candidate of technical sciences); Nurekenov AUTHOR: , ~_7_ YJ, OIZG::. None TITLB*..The ph co-chemical'mechanism of"the carbon combustion process _ysi SOUROE:,~AN KazSSR.: Vestnik,, no.-,9, 1965, 35-41 do bu tio TOPIC -TAGS: M 8 n mechanism carbon chemical reaction, reaction t so-transfer ra e, ma ABSTRACT; 10' 18 in: the combuistiou*0f:4carbon, the following. overall'ohemical reactions c proceed on its surface: an C+03-Cop- q.y-_-2C0, (2): X0 ;C+C _(3) The-pre sent article representalan derive form laq~for the- relationship between these,overall heterogeneous reactious. A mathe-. matics.1 treatment results in the,following calculating formula: Card 1) 2 t. i2m-66 V_ I ACC Mh A26061183 1 1.8 (51) C., 5. 3a 0 ed.'to ~~-L is' -:of. carbon rea' t surface of Here the.amount -130 ou.a fault oarbon.-.3n"~unit-,tiiie; I a --the., ~amounf ;bf." carbon consumed- In the, reductlo of 00 on. ace n-unit:t me*-Alpha is the mass transfer c um e vhei,4 k4 to tht Tate constaut Q e T th r~aotlon 00~~* 02- and ~D Is the dif fusion coefficient; P-O/R Is the ratio of con- centration of 002 or temperature. to a the parti e -the r dfus o' 01 ; 231,nis 0 the 'ratio - ot, the, concentrations of 00~- and.- 022at' infinity; and k is the-i reaction ~.rateL of the' reaction,C + 002-.--L 000' A sample-calculation Is-tiven for1he Telationship.of the Overall Teactiono the-~ combustion St of coal du It Is' assumedAhat the l4rgest~2artiole as a diameter of 200 microns and that the 'temperature of.Ahe part1cles a equal to 20000,K Under.these conditions, itAs. demonfitrated that the combustion process - I art. goes,.all the way-to 00. Or, g has formulas and 4 figures. RW b06/ OTH RW 001 SUBCOD 67/+L SUBMA)ATE 00/ ORIG 7, 7 - BUEMN, S. V., MMENBAYEV, K. A. I USTBOW, B. P. I and A4,PIYEAYEV,, K. A. "Some Problems of Heat Transfer by Convection in an Imcompressible Liquid (internO problem)." Report submitted for the Conference on Heat an& Y-ctzs Trwisfer, &ML WK, IMS ilq-a- BuKM,IAN, Villyam Axonovich; PUGACH, Konstantin Aramovich; PRUTYAN, L.N., r-ed-.; PANICHKINA, E.A.p red. izd-va; KLAPTSMAP T.F., tekhn. red. [meebanization of certain fitting and assembly operations in ship repairs] Mekhanizateiia, nekotorykh ale 'sarno-montazbnykh rabot v sudoremoute. Iloskva,, Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1962 128 p. (14IRA 15:7) (Ships,-Maiiitenance and repair) (Shipfitting) BtW[KAN,- V.A. Affect of land reclamation on the fertility and agrochamical properties of peat-bog soils. Trudy Kar, file AN SSSR. no.9: 27-32 157. (KIRk 12:1) (Peat soils) (Drainage) (Fertilizers and mnures) BUKHXAN, V.A. Conversion of nitrogen form In Karelian peat bog soils. Izv. X&r. I Kol'.MLAY SSSR no.4:123-130 '58- (MIPA 12:5) 1. Institut lesa' Karallskogo filiala AN SSSR. (Karelia--Peat soils) (Nitrification) BUKHM&N ZKOVA. T.K. Method for determintir, arrpnlu nitrogen In pent bog soils. Izv. Kar.1 Kel.fil.AN SSSR no-5:154-155 '58. (MIRA 12: 9) 1. Institut Iona Karel'skorp filials, AN SSSR. (Pont sails) (Nitrogen-Anal7sia) BUKMN, TA... ~- Ohomical properties of Karelian peat mails. Trudy X&P. MI. All .. SSSR no.13:147-159 -.159,,- 1 . (MM 321:26) (marellso-Poat sells) BUXHKAN, V.A. Agrochemical properties of principal peat acil types of larell&. Pbchvovedenie nooll:99-103 11 160. (KIRA 13211Y 1. Institut leea Kar .1::~~Illala AkademV nauk SSSH. Peat soils) BUKHMAN, V.A.: POGODINA, T-N- Effect of soil temperature and moisture on the dynamics of different nitrogen forms. Trudy Yar. fil. AN SSSR no.28:95-107 16o. (MIRA 14:9) (Soils--Nitroren content) (Soil temperature) (Soil moisture) BUMIAN, Vera Arkad'yevna; ROZINp Vitaliy Aleksandrovich; TRUBIN, M.I.f - rM.; Sj%vCFWKCr,- L.V.., tekhn. red. (Peat soils in Karelia# their drainage and cultivation] Tor- fianye pochvy Karelii,, ikh osushenie J. osvoenie. Petrozavodsk, Gos. izd-vo Karel'skoi ASSR, 19610 84 (MIRA 15:2) (Karelia-Peat soiMo -0-9-o-j- -jLli- - - - - - w - - - - w - WIS la w -, ; -0 -$ "--* -9-0 -4-07-0-V -f-9-4-04 - u Ij vd ti ts it :1 vAaAvxR,vjl ul] w15 low so v 43 a P,F .4 a CE up a I~oosxs __v 0olf d sdwkm. vjdaw"Mq ww v. F ,Xorsdow. TOM. ByeUXU11-19". No. 3.21-74 Kkim Af". Z4w. 1"D, No. T. IM-Equalims am Jerivv%t 41 the town. W bmakAlubme is the mm"Ualka W. R. Henn ww w SO a coo SO Zee *Soo 009 see zoo ago !goo 40e. $1.444- folaba olo a., cat 431131 ON oftv Is[ a ua 000 00 101; 0 000 00000 00 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 0 0 0 0 0 lol*r * 0 So 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *_A! Lo 0 0 :1o 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 00000 I IBM M, -0. goo A.. Aw papiti /* -of P&Kj$MI ANO PDOPIRIMS WD#- of 1. . LL so We U*kki ~ Ow 2- -99 'Go -00 of a -00 *0 Goo Poo 016W too l goo Goo me* goo 8*0 MOO I Wimmema UTMIM CLAIWUTM 64" $stave .4. am Aw "gill 40 4"' At' To 41 4 9 Op a 0 a a I Ir W 9 A 0. 3 a I 0 * 0 ' 1 0040000 0000 e 0 0 0 & * * a a -0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0.4 0 0.0, ie 06*00 0 fee** 0400044 6 Mlytishchi Scitntific-Rsr*grvh Tnstitut-~ Per S,,mthetic Fill-rr, "X-ray Exzpinatin-n of "the Orlsntatlon of orlentt-d HydrccellulosaFibors". Zhur. Fiz. nim., Vol. 14, No. 2, V PELASE I BOOK EXPIDITATION SCV/4371 Volynskiy, Boris Abr8mOVich and Vadis' Yevgenlyevich Bukhman Modeli d1ya resheniya krayevykh zadWh (Analog Computers for the Solution of Boundary Value Problems) Moscow, Fizzatlaz,, 196D- 45i P- (Series: Fiziko-mate- matichesIm" biblioteka inzhenera) 10,ODO copies printed. Ed. (Title page): L.A. Lyusternik; Ed. (Inside book): A.F. Lapko; Tech. Ed.: N.A. T*arkinao I PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientific and technical personnel vorking in computer design. It may also be used as a textbook by students specializing in coiaputing methods. COVERAGE: The book deals vith.theoretical afid practical questions related to the use of analog computers for the approximate solution of problems thit can be described by partial differential equitlons (b0WWWU7,v&1;ue prdblema). The theory of ana- considered. an the basis. of "them log cuaputers, Is Wtical analogy-to the real ob- jecto to be investigated$- thus It In possible to slaWAte processes vh1ch are sore complex than those vhIch can be slaulated. aq the basis of a purely physical ana- logy. An app1ication of an into" farm of solution Is published for the first CW*-34 Aralog Computers for the Solution (Conte) SOV/43tl time, with methods of 0131satlon and the construction of a corresponding instru- ment for the solution of owe boundary value problows. Specialized circuits, such as analogs for the solution of Nevesan's spatial problemiand bibarmonic equations, are considered. Several analoginj possibilities which are now in principle are discussed. Ch. III was written by V.Ye. Buld-1, and Ch. VIII by B.A. Volyftskiy,' The remaining chapters were written by both authors jointly.' The authora'thank L.A. LyusternikV Corresponding Member,, Academy of Sciences USSR, and Engineers Yee K. Bukhman and A.K. Kumetsova for-their assistance. There are U rererencess 611 Soviet. TABLE OF CONTE11TS Preface 6 Ch. 1. Introduction T Ch. II. StAting the Problems 17- 1. Heating or electrodes in graphitizing furnaces 18 2. Heating of metal in continuous ffirnaces 24 3- Efficient explolt'ation or oil deposits 26 4-L Problem of subterranean gasification.of coal 28 5. Two-dimensional contact ]problem in'-the the(iry or elasticity, 30 6. CaleUlat ionLof a magnetic field 36 Card?tjT' RCVF,BBKIY, Yu.A.; LUKHKAN,_'W-X-.. Effect of the ascitic f1luid on the adhesion of ascitic tumor ceUs and L-fibroblasts to glass.~Biul..eksp. biol. i mod. 60 no.9:95-98 s 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Iaboratoriya mel-animmoy kantserogenew (zav. - doktor mod. nauk prof. YUJ4. Vasillyev) otdela po izacheniyu kantserogen- nykh agentov (zav. - doystritelInyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. L.M. Shabad) In.9tituta eksperimentallnoy I klinicheskoy onkologii (dir. - deystviteltnyy chlen AMN SSSR prcf. N.V. Blokhin) AM SSSR, Moskva. "~Cwd~-..2/3 Every worker should got a plan of technological development. NTO 4 no.11:24-25 N 162. (KM 16i1) 1. Sekretarl soveta novatorov Chelyabinskogo traktornolgo savoda. (Chelyabinsk--Tractor industi7) BULMM Ya Carrying out the ilan of-tectmical development. ~Ikshinostroitelf no.3:2-3 Hr 163. (=A if (Chelyabinsk-Tractor industry) AUTHOR- Bukhman Ya R Senior Engineer SOV/117-58-12-2/36 TITLE- Duty in Honor of the XXI KPSS Congreso (Vakhta v chest? XXI sPyezda KPSS) PERIODICAL: Mashinostroitell, Nr 12, 1958, p 2 (TISSR) ABSTRACT: Workers from the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant submitted various suggestions for improvement of quality, reduced production costs, economical use of materials and elimination of spoil- age, in honor of the XXI Party Congress. It is planned to exceed the yearly production plan by E.n additional output of 60 "S-10011 tractors and 165 engineE. ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy traktornyy zavod (Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant) Card 1/1 BmaD", T&.R.. In-b- Initiative of great natIonal ImWtawe, Plashinostroitell no-3136-38 ur 16o, . OUBA 13:6) (Chel7sbinsk-Traktar Industry-Technalogical innovations) (Chol7abinsk Province-Steel Industry-Technologloal i=ovatlons) BULUM, Ta.Re YAchines remove dust from the air. Vashinastrottell no,1006 160* (ULU 13:10) (Dust collectors) --BUYdRM,-Y&.Rv- Hero of socialist labor Mariia. Fedora=a Moroz. Mashinostroital t no. 4:7-8 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) ;, " (Chelyabinsk-Tractor industry) I 1. BURIUmp Ya.R.., inzhener po rasvitiyu movatorstva. Arlend3jv cooperation. metanurg 6 no.4:34-35 Ap 161 iMIRA 14:3) 10 Chelyabinakiy traktornyy zavod. (Rolling (Metalwork)) (Tractor industry) BUKRMAN-TA,B,. no.8:27-28, Ag 161. (MIU 14:7) (~helyabiwk-Tractor industry) (Automation) BUMAN, Ya,R, Utilization of alloyed steel and nonferrous metal vaste at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Works. Hashinostroitell no.-12:35-36 D 161., (MIRA Y,:12) (^_1he1yaVLnsk- -Scrap metals) I I BUKHKU, Ya.R. Inte ed brigades save metal. Mao4incstroitolf no.1:9-10 Ja 1 0 1 (MIRA 15:1) (chelyabl=k-Trectorindustry) .4 .. 1. BUMIAN Ya- . Drum-t~pe -nap. Dkohinostroitell no.9:29 S 162, (MERA 15:9) ~ (Tipo and diev) -BUXHKAN, Tat R* WorkiM more today meam baving more tbwrrow. Mashinostroitel no. 12 *4-5 D 162. (KM 16: 1) (Chelyabinak-Tractor Industry) U9KMN Ya.R. Maximum stl2ilation of production potentials. Mashinostroitell no.9:3-4 S 163. (MMk 16.: 10) (Che-lyabinak-Tractor industri) BUKHMAN, Ya.R. Electric slag-velding unit for reconditioning dies. Mashinostroitall no. 5%14 W 164. (MIRA l7t7) BUKW-AN, Ya,R, la PersonAl plans of' t~,-.-chrdlcal doveloMxent shoull aval- ble to all machinary Iniustry work.:---,,A. A 164. 17-8) BUKHKAN, kharovich; GMASPOV. YurLy Yedorovich;.SAMIN, D. L, redalctor; WCHJW, YUOYG. redaktor izdatelletva; JEOVALINKO, N.I., takhaichaskly redaktor (Ventilation. lighting, and safety engineering In ore mines; a manual for schools ancl courses for specialists] Provetrivanis, onveshchenis I gornompasatellnoo delo me metallichookikh rxAnikakh; uchobnoe posobie dlia shkol I kursoy waterov. Sverdlovsk, Go*. nauchno-tekhn. iscl-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetnoi metallurgil, Sverdlovskoe otd-nie, 1956. 260 p. (MIRA 9:12) (Mine ventilation) (mine lighting) (Mining engineering-Safety measures) BUKHMAN, Takov Zakharovicb,; BAKIROV, U. Kh.,red.; TSYMBALIST, NAT., red. izd-va,; MWO Te.R.. --tekbn. red. Nine ventilation; t- extbook for the oractical training of workers] Rudnicbnala ventilistailm; uchebnik alia proizvodstvenno-tekhutche9kogo, obucheniia rabochikh. Sverdlovsk. Goe. mauchno-tekhu. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tavetaoi metallurgii. Sverdlovskoe otd-nie, 1958. 132 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Kine ventilation). OrrIY39VSKIY, Vl- Imir Mikhaylovich. prof..dektor tekhn.nauk [deceased]: j,L1LJMAw,rT-&bwwZ o1y1ch; PANCHINKO, Vladimir Ivanovich, red.; r:p LUCHED, Yu.V.. red.' ZZY, Te.K., [Mine ventilation and lighting and the central of mine fires] Rudnichnala ventillatelia, onveshchente I bor'ba a rudnichaymi posbarant. Sverdlovsk. Gen. nauchno-taktin.isd-ve lit-ry po cbernot I tevetnot metallurgit, Sverdloyakee otd-Me. 1958. 320 P. (MIRA: 41:10 (Mineventilatioa) (ftse,fires) (Nine lighting) la - PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4655 Berkovich, M&lka Ttivlyevna, and Yakov Zakharovich Bukhman Proqrshlennap pyll (Industrial Dust) Sverdlovsk, Nbtallurgizdat., Sverdlov- skoye otd-niye., ii6o. 24o p. 3,450 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: N. No Tsymbalist; Tech. Ed.: Ye. D. Turkina. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists, mining engineers, hygienists, and specialists in sanitation and Industrial dust control. COVEFAGE: The book revievs the physicochemical properties of industrial dust with reference to the conditions of Its formation and the effect of Its,sur- rounding medium. Principal e Is is placed upon problems relating to the vetting and moistening of dust. and to the effect of a gaseous medium upon 1-ts properties. Modern methods of controlling dust, the agent responsible for many, occupational diseases In mines and in-the dressing and siniering shops of ferrous and nonferrous metallurgical plants, are described. The book -onstitutes a generalization of studies carried out in the Fiziko-khimichaskaya, laboratoriya Sverdlovskogo instituta okhrany truds VTsSPS (Physicochemical Ind-astri%l Dust SOV/4655 Iabormtt,=7 of the S"rdlovsk Institute for IAbor Protection) by G. S. Djzim~, CwAidate of Technical Sclenoee,, staff scientists L. P. Grigorova ad N. I. Tlk=ovap and lAboratory analstant.s T. T., Owykal,, A. A. Tokareva, L. A. TemWlova , 1. D. Tltovap and R. S. Koz-nlnykh, supervised by M. T. Berkovich (joint, author). The autbors; Vanle A....A. HLInh, G. P. Korshunov, A. B. Thubman, DouUw of Cbemical Sciences., Professor at the IM M SWR (Institute of Pixysi(al ChemistryAS USM)p A, N. Girmlyev, Candidate of Mechniml &.ienms, V. V. Dlyakov, Mining Ingd-er (510T), A. S. Shur,-,Candidate of Cbemit;al Sciences at the 7JFM (Urmi Bzmab of tlxe AcadezW of Sciences of the U&SR), P. L. Popov., DLrector of the Umlglproshakht Institut, F. N. 'F47zhkov,, Ca&-idate of Tecbnleal Sciences ftlprowdl).. and U. Kh. Bakirov (UFM) for assistance. There are 169 referenoesQ* 161 Soviet,, 5 English., and 3 Germn. TAWZ OF COMMS: Forewcori 3 Ch. I. lrojxrtles of Industrial Dust 5 10 G.. neral inf ormation 5 2. Uspersity of dust during different industrial processes 6 3. Settling rate of the particles 9 4. We specific ourface of duSt 16 5. Aisorption capacity of dust 17 BiX.3alf Ta.Z - USHMV, P.G. f. prevent occupational poisoning. Bezop.truda v prom. 4 no.lOsI5- 16 0 160. (KM 13:11) (Gases, Aspbrdating and poisonous-Safety measures) BU BMAN Y o chi BAKIROV, Urkhan KhakimZhanovich,* LUGOVSKIY, S.I., doktor tekhn. nauki prof.;,%retoenzent; KLEBANOVI F.S., otv. red.; GRISHAYENKO, M.I.0 red. izd-va; GAUWOVAp V.V., tekbne red. [Local ventilation in metal mineal Mestnos provetrivanie na. metallicheskikh r4dulkakh. Moskyap Gos. naucbno-tekbn. isd- vo l#-ry po gorrjomu delu, 1961. 198 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Mine ventilation) BUMU, YA.Z. Oxygen depletion of the atmosphere in stopes of*pyritic copper minese Gore zhure no* 12:55-57 D 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Gornospasatellny" chasti Swerdlovskogo sovuarkhoza. (Mine ventilation) (Chalcopyrite)