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BUBNICKI Zdsislaw. mgr ing, p . -.-- Established state of the discrete optim= control system subject to random disturbances. Automatyka Gliwice no.1:5-23 16le 4 I've Igo Z, 0n", ii 11 Y -i 1 r - *I :r i!% r r i0a A r. ' 10 - 'I : ~-; i 5 Us f ya ACCESSION MRs AT02" P/2336/63/000/003/0051/0076,-;,~ AUMORs Bubnicki, Zds1s2" ynt1w zed Some problems concerning the aniaysis wA a via of qmnti data control systems SOURM Gliwice. Politechnilta Slaskae Z*szYV ns*owsq no* 83. 1963- Automatem (kutomation), no- 39 51-76 ta control system, anti TOPIC TkGS: 'au:towtlo control system, angled da qu sod antomatia control system, digital control syetem, real tize digital ooWmterip YQUed control .9yetem, digital coquterl, discrete control "stem, digital ,~:jXe.j oonjuter control "v A13STRACT s Some problem cormated with digital system arid ordinary supled J. data system with aspUtude qMnUfAd signals are wcamined, Control "stem "~j with digital element@ so well as sow angled data systems with discontinuous response are reduced to quntized saspled data systemse The stop transfer fun0U00 was used t0 d"GrUM the d"tem's ftnuda propertiase Tba problem of t Card 113 stability and jitter an disamesede. the recurrent determination of the the nonlinear elems~t is 8'; t( by the following algorithms Basic definitions are given, A wthod for control process in given* If the response cC q) then the process In can be defined keO The synthesis of linear and nonlinear elements is described. Generallyp soMD elements of the linear merber am outUnedg thus mW%Ing It possible during revolution of the synthesis probles to select an additional 3Jjwar correcting element so that the transfer functim of the continuous linear part would to k(t). The synthesis of t1w mainear correcting alwont will be based an f Inding a static * eharsicterUtic, of the nonlinear element for the given triumsfor function k(t) of the linear mmdw and for the given control proosese A solution to the problem of the synthesis of the nonlinear element by the *step br stop" j , method can be accomplished direetIr from alloriths (I.) OrIge'afte iiss 117 flgwm ad 30 spations* A ACCESSION NRs AT40229N ~q'l. ASSOCTATION & Natedra Antosatrid L. Telemipchaniki Politschniki Wroolawakiej (Department of Automation and TvIouschanies, Wroolsw poj7u&nU) SUBKETTEDs lllftwl DATE ACQs w -3.OApr64 SUB CODRs CG, (M,-' NO MW BOYS 006- 07MM. 006, 1,7 .1 't 4 Co rd, 3 BUBNICKI, ZdziiUm.. certain problems of analysis and synthesis of quantized pulse 163. Departi"t of Automation and TolemechRnies of the Technical University, Wroclaw. 11 09887-57 ACC "" AT6031306 SO1jHCr-' CODE: PO/2539/GG/000/002/001310025 AUTHOR: Bubnicki, Zdzislaw (Doctor of engineering; Assistant professor) hnic ORG- Department of Tclcmcchanics and Automation, Wroclaw Polytec Instiiute (Katedra Telemechaniki i Automatyki, Politechnika Wroclawska) TITLE: Application of the game theory to the optimization of certain sampled data control systerns SOURCE: Breslaw. Politechnika. Zeszyty naukowe, no. 124, 1966. Automatyka, no. 2, 13-25 TOPICTAGS: gametheory, optimalcontrol, sampled data control system, control signal, control system disturbance ABSTRACT: Tile paper deals with the application of the game theory to theoretically simplest sampled data control systems, for which sets of possible disturbances and possible control signals were computed using a finite number of elements. In particular, the problem of determining by the game theory an optimal control for sampled data controls with unknown probability distributions of disturbances was investigated. Methods of establishing an optimal probabilit distribution of the A.Y card 1/2 L 09887-67 ACC NR: AT6031306 0 control signal for a finite number of possible disturbance and control signal values were given and illustrated by several examples. Application of the game theory as discussed in the paper fits optimization when control evaluation is done for one stage, and for an optimal disturbance compensation. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 3 tables, and 27 formulas. [Based on author's abstract) SUB CODE: 09, 12, 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ SOV REF: 001/ OTH REF: 003/ bl"o P10311611006100410021010 D242/D301 AUTHOR-. Bubnicki, Zdzis4w TITLE: Analysis of Ashby's homeostat as a complex control system PERIODICAL: Archiwum automatyki i.telemechaniki, v. 6, no- 4, 1961, 389-397 TEXTt Ashby's 4-element homeostat is described. Then the author analyzes the system for conditions of stability assuming that all 4 ele- ments are identical. The following combinations are analyzed and condi- C tions for their stability foundt (1) All feedbacks are negative--then k < 2; (2) 1 positive, 3 negative--then k < 4; (3) 2 positive,.2 nega- tive--then k < 2; (4) 3 positive, I negative--then k < 2; (5) all feed- back positive--then k < 2, where k is gain in the element. The stability is independent of the time constant. Then the author analyzes a system having n elements. For the stability of a system consisting of n Card 1/2 P10311611006100410021010 Analysis of Ashby's... D242/D301 elements of lst and 2nd order capacitance, the following (unditions must LZ be satisfied: k < n-2 for n > 2 and any k _N 0 for n = 1,2; the stability is independent of the time aDnstant. Stability of a system con- sisting of elements of higher order capacitance depends on gain and time constants. There are no ready rules for stability of a system consisting of a3tatic elements. There are 4 figures and 4 references: 2Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. The references to the English-language publica- tions read as follows: W. R. Ashby, Design for a Brain, Electronic Engineering, 1948, v. 20, no. 250; W. R. Ashby, An IntroducUon to Cyber- netics, London, 1956. SU13MITTED: may 9, 196o Card 2/2 AUTHOR BUBNIKOV P P BARSAKOVSKIY V-P- PA - 2495 W; Technology of Silicates in China TITLE Chem- (Khimiya i tekhnologiya silikatov v Kitaye - Russian.) PERIODICIL Vestnik Akademii Nauk 1957P Vol 271 Nr 20 Pp 74-79 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 5/1957 Reviewed: 5/1957 ABSTRACT The Chinese Academy of Science worked out a plan for scientific work to be accomplished within the next 12 years. The major part of this work-shall be devoted to problems of Chemistry and the technology of silicates. Several now scientific institutes are intended to be founded for this purpose the main task of which will be the investigation of various oxides, vitreous substances, and silicate raw materials for the purpose of developing the silicate industry. The Chinese Peoples' Republic has vast stocks of various valuable silicate materials which have as yet not been scienti- fically exploited. Chinese kaolin earths are world famous is*,also such materials as "porcelain stone" and *east glass stone" in which field research work will be of great importance for Chinese industry. The same may be said about quartzp taloumv gypsum, serpentine, and other materials available in China. CARD 1/3 Chemistry and Technology of Silicates in China. PA - 2495 The main oenter of research is The Institute for Metallurgy and Ceramics of the Academy of Science at Shanghai with branches at Tshansha and Xurimin. The institute is under the management of professor Chshou-Zhen and has a staff of 300 persons. Apart from experimental stations the institute also possesses industrial objects such as blast furnaces for gray cast iron. Particular succesa-wan attained by this institute in the field of the production of fireproof articles, special glaBs such an electrovacuuii glass, glass'for steam boilers, special barium lass which allows only ultraviolet rays to pass (at 3000-4000 ) whilst*nearly all others are aboorbedp baseproof boron 1 silicate glass, eta. A second institute of equal importance is at Nukden (under the management of Prof. Li-Siu-1n) which has 6 departments: enrichment of or*, science of firproofnesso metallurgical chemistry, metal working, metal physics, and analytical chemistry. Further, there is the Institute for the metalurgy of casting and the Institute for building material. Furthery there is the great central laboratory of the Anshan industrial combine, the Institute for Ceramics at Taindeahzhen and others. It was here that at the time of the Hin dynasty (1368-1644) the porcelain industry was establishedp which was CARD 2/3 Chemistry and Technolodw', Silicates in China. PA 2495 under the protection of the emperors and aroused the admiration of the entire world. It must be mentioned that, apart from scientifically founded industry, which in making enormous progress at the timep the branches of the old established primitive home industry are still prospering in China the products of which are distinguished by their superb and precise workmanship and hand-painted decorations, particularly as far an chinaware.(poreelain) is concerned. This circumstance decided the Chinese government to establish a now high school for the Technology of Lrtistie products an& ceramics and to found a special Institute for the Resarch of Applied Art in Antiquity and Present. ASSOCIATION: not given- PRESENTED BT: - SUBMITTED: - AVAILABLE: Library of Congress CARD 3/3 BUININ, A.. savalokropillskekik. Important ckauges. Mastougi. 4 uo.11:20 N (xw 9: 2) (Kescew Bastu--Coal mines and mining) BUBNOV - , .-A.- Modernization of pipe-straighte-ing press. Neftianik 7 no.3: 23 ftr 162. (?URA 15:5) 1. Glavnyy mekhanik Frolovskoy kontory razvedochnogo bureniya treat& Valgogradneftegaarazvedka. (Oil vall drilling-Equipment and supplies) 92-58-5-Z/30 AMMOR: Babnov, A. A. Chlef lbehanle TZW: Paylacing the KFP nexIble CotVMzg L-.v-4,sg a SAL-M Paftelcm Gear Box v4-th the PM-5W PnmmaUc Bmd Clutch Mot-ano-&a ablumapnewaticbeski'd, mft PY,-5W vmoeo w-ft e:Ax-'%-,..chnogo ol.mplealya EPP a raduktorm SAL-M) PERIMIM: Reftyamiko 1958, W 5, pp 22-23 (LSM) AWNLAM: A --Ig with tba U2-4-3 holsAw., povemd by the SAL-111 mie.'o:?,, !a otiLl. very often used In drMlng oil md gan ve33A, Mv 039 W."Or cfm be used for tool sInklm and lifting aperations cm,=Ied O-XL,, by a :.:4-g of tbla tMe Ma argeed, of thle operseL.Ion depends on whether the vork of the driller and the dtesel molaor qpememr is cooreInrted. Z2 car'4'a-In dril.1.1-ag offIces of the St&)!ngradmftega.&-a-,,md1m tvrmtv pne-=--tIc band clmtdheis vare InstOJjad In the SAL-= mat-ors Instead of the PM-50P coupliags, vh4-ch hwre reduction gear boxes. Mia neceasitated now wd!Uneatlon or the eVigmit as descAbod by the amthor &.V- shmn, In -a sketch. An - e,':vsnlt of these. ZX)dif Icat'4oras and the W the pneme.1c band clatea, �t beemm powlble Card 1/2 Papl-AN.-Anig the Kpp (Corat. SZ-21130 to use two dlesal xxAc-ors anc! 14,,o cmV.Lete tool slak-Ing and 11-fting cpe:*atlons mch, fwten, Theze Is a skatea Oboulng the dealga of tb-,% PH-500 pzwmatic band clatch* ASSOCIVION: Fmlorakaya km-,',ora bumilya tresta S-I,,CLtn&-.mdneft3;--azwdka (Frolo7o De-21i=g Of:V-ce of the 14 Drillbig" tions-USSR 2. Drining-Goordination Upaira Card 2/2 14(5 SOV/92-58-12-16/24 AUTHOR:. Bubnov, A.A.IChief 11schanic TIT1Z: Re ng ne-Starting Cmipressed Air Containers With the Aid filli of IV2-300 (Nakachka vozdukha v puskovm ballony dizelem a 0 Diet 'V2-300) PERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 1958, Nr 12, p 19 (USSR) ABSTRACT: To refill the engine-5tarting' compressed air containers of a new 83230R diesel the above-mention6d contAiners were usually sent to a special compressor station. Since this operation was taking too much time, the Frolovskays prospecting office of the Stalingradneftegaz rezvedka Trust decided to ittilize the V2-300 diesel engine which drives a winch. For this purpose the starting valve of the V2-300 diesel has been remodeled as shown in a sketch and described by the author. He also explains how the remodeled V2-300 diesel engine operates and refills the compressed air engine-starting con- tainer in 35-40 minutes. Daring this time the V2-)Oo engine has to operate continuously. The utilization of remodeled V2-300 engines for refilling the engine-starting compressed air roatainers of a 8523OR engine mOms it pos- sible to start the drilling rig eaiily and as soon as needed. ASSOCIATION: Treat Stalingradneftegazrazvedlm (The Stalingradneftegazrazvefts Trust) Card 111 BDBNOV,.-A.A. Repairing the case of a circulating pump. Neftianik 5 no.3: :Lq mr 16or. (MM 14:9) I., Glavnyy mekbanik Frolovskoy kontory razvedochnogo bux-eniya tresta Stalingradneftegazraz"dka. , (Oil vell pumps-Repairing) BUBNOV, A.A. Device for loading clay into a clay mixer. Neftianik 6 no.3:19-20 Mr 161. (MIRA, 14:10) 1. G3.avnyy mekhanik Frolovskoy kontory razvedochnogo burenlys, trests. Stalingradneftegasrasvedka. (Clay) (Mixing machinery) BUBNOV, A.A.; MORKOVKIN, A.P. Device for determining the height of the adjusting ring of the upper section of a sectional turbodrill. Mash. i neft. obor. no.10:16-17 163. (MMA 17:4) 1. Volgogradnefterazvedka. BUBNOV) Anatoliy Aleksandrovich-, LESETSKIY, V.A.., red.; wmkotc. SAP V red. [Repair of drilling equipment in the drilling bureau] Re- mont burovogo oborudovaniia v kontore bureniia. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 199 P. (MIn 17:5) Accessory oooling system for VZ-300 and VZ-450 engines in "Ural h 5D2 and "Uralma h 3D2 drilling rigs* Rash. i neft. obor. no,lz Z7-28264 (MRA 17 V) 1. Nontora razvedochnogo bureni-ya No.'I:,iiests. Molgogradnefte- garrawredkaftle OSADCHUK, Ye.l.; BUBNOV, A.A.; BLEM, B.A. Increasing the lifting capacity Of the VM1-41 derrick. Mash. i neft. obor. no.7:10-12 164. (MIRA 17: 11) 1. Trest "Volgogradneftegazrazvedka". O.IIADCHUK, Ye.I.; BUBNOV, A.A.; BIMU, B.A. Selecting an efficient detsign for the foandations beneath drilling derricks and sub-derrik equipment, Maeb. i neft. obar. no.1213-7 164. (MIRA 1891) 1. Treat "Volgogradneftegazrazveclka". 8 1194 N (,rq , "' . r . nubnov, A. P. "Lighological Invistigation of the Salt. Stratum of the Bakhmut, Basin." Min- Higher Education Ukrainian SSR. Kharlkov Order of LcCoor Red 3anncr State U Jrehi A. M. Gorlkiy. KharlkoNr, 1955 (Dissertption for the degree of Candidate in Geologicomineralogical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya latopis' '~-o- 27, 2 JuY 1955 BUBNOV, , . FEDOSEM. Te.A.. polkovnik, red.; ANIKINA, R.I., . ph eG n-0- 0 ... - ~Wx [The Red ArmWl 0 Krasnoi Arnii. Moskva. Voen.izd-vo, H-va obor. SSSR, 1958. 237 P& (KIU 11:7) (Ihweia-Arow) BUBROV,'B.N.. inshener The introduction of preshrinking equipment should be pushed. Tekst. 15 no.9:22-23 S155. WEA 8:11) (Textile machinery) (Textile finishing) q * 0 0 0 r a 1. 1 9 L I AA CC 13 34 Is 36 v is is s; Al d) a M SAO .-0 -Off Plod of 910, a' Ilul"lov. 31 42. P~00. 0, No. a. I -_towfrmwbeyisdescv*ed- DeproteinUatimisdoneat 90-2=WM W" MMU., filtration, Vacuum evapts. to (or '), and crysin. ljrs~mtle evapn. at HOA 6_3r The fwMwi Is lilteml by itt castwas wAts and tray-dried at M-711*. ke=Z 8 1 dme =t 9"* and treatment with Wwkuhr and bone is the cd NsSA, (tAkmed b Striation and crystn. =Id is 2.3% of the wt .4 C.. M. Kc"' Pon ro 0 =00 roe INAM 1 :400 Roe see too A~LV*~ICA Littlk-TtAlt CLISIMPKATIM As -- - - - - - - - - - lam We e SMIGNO At got jai NILL11 OW Q.. S, .Ti4'.`o'-' 66`0 70 0,00-0 '0' '01-1,0" TOO 00 orn 070 0 0 0 4 e 0 0 ;,6 0 e a 'a 00 0.00.00000 60,0000 00000,00000 oe.o1*-'WoOeooooq'0 00000 000 00 000 0 0 0 01110~ -5,vov, Z). No ~=Mst~ww Id L M).-Tbe awfat dry staudwd mhtm buitcr. pWmtj6 aW 14 im stax adftm 8 b I in bultror'is (&v.) 0.2% A In cream butter at colke- wd cmam Imtttr. G. M. Kommapoff 61vr~: 14-57-6-12983 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, p 166 (USSR) AUTHORS: Mandeltshtam, L. it., Bubnov, D. V. TITLE: Natural and Economic Divisions in the Balashovskaya Oblastl(Prirodno-ekonomisheskiye zony Balashovskoy Oblasti) PERIODICAL: S. kh. Fovolzhtya, 1956, Nr 8, PP 7-11 ABSTRACT: The economics of agricultural production and the soil- climate variations of the district were studied during the process of dividing the district into natural and economic-agricultural zones. Collective farm production was estimated by administrative districts (AD), state farm production in terms of individual products and specialized product groups. This resulted in 38 AD!s which were divided into three zones (groups) of similar Card 1/2 units raising similar products. 1), A group of ten AD's Natural and Economic Divisions (Cont.) 14-57-6-12983 in the northwest., These grow cereals, numerous winter crops, sun- flowers and beets, and also raise cattle and pigs for milk and meat. 2) A group comprising 13 AD's in the northwest. These raise beets, cereals, and pigs. They also produce winter crops. 3) A group comprising 15 AD's which raise cereals and cattle. Here the bulk of the planting is spring wheat, and cattle and sheep are raised for milk and meat. The article contains a brief description of the basic indices of agricultural economy for each group and an outline map of the area. Card 2/2 A. M. ABDREYEVp S.V .t ~BUBN~Cff _G.M.-__MTEIZ, B.K.; MOLGHANOVA~ V.A. Automatic light traps. Zashoh. rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.1:49-50 162, (14IRA 15:6) .(Insect traps) BNOV,, German Petrovich ~ SHIRYAYEV, N.P., inzh.-mayorp red.; - a SLXVSUWSSVJ6ffA, -A* 11, , f.Wkhn. red. (Autointi2ation In antiaircraft defense) Avtomatizataiia v PVO. Moskva,, Voenizdat,, 1963. 93 p. (MIRA 16:9) (Antiaircraft artillery) (Automatic control) BUBVOV,, I.A.., polkovnik; KREMPj A.I.8, inzh.-polkovnik; FOLDIONOV., B.I., polkovnik v otstavke; KULRYAVTSEV, M.K., general- leytenant tekhn, voyak, red,; OTEDOVMS,, P.P.., polkovnikv red.; SALYAYEV, S.A.# inzh.-podpo3.kovnik; STRELINIKOVA, M.A., tekbn. red. (Military topography; manual for military schools of the Soviet ArmW] Voennaia topografiia; uchebnik dlia voemrwkh uchilishch Sovetakoi Armii. Izd.4*p perer. i dop. Moskva Voen.izd-vo M-va oborozW SSSR, 1953. 411 Pe (MIRA 15:71 (Military topograpty) 3UBNOV _111ya, lek ey h,,,general-mayor tekhnicheskikh voysk v otstavke; KRERP, Adrian Ivanovichp inzh.-polkovnik v otstavke: KALNIN, Aleksandr Konstantinovicb,, polkovnik; SHLENNIKOV, Sergey Aleksandrovich, podpolkovnik; DUKACHEV, M.P., red. (Military topograpby; a textbook for military schools of the Soviet AxW) Voennaia topografiia; uchebnik dlia voen- rWkh uchilishch Sovetskoi Armii. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1964. 349 P. (MIRA 17:7) AP, -90, 0* -b.64 0=1 - Btmwovv 1. 0. Bubwv. I. 1G. Suilding machanics of sh1jr,, if Paragraphs 26 and V of the excbange (with editorW notes), Trud~y Vass. nauch. Insh.-takhn. o-va sudostroyeniya,, Vol, Tv Issue 4. 1948p pp. 3-62 SO*- U-32649 10 April 53 (Letopis Mhurnal 1xvkh Stateyj No. 4, 1949). " M - r, 'm -T -'C - 4WkJ i Ah toa * O,1 .41-4 834; %$o owl pcxtkd~ L. I w ry wa to L~~ *D.4 of 1. to imswo stmw $ISO (ik) The EDslish tm*L~ iV*.af*1 k At ~"PVAN4 It C IM; acwt Im., and M Q plafes And * Ch tow of ay rt- ia 6 In a.: i~e W shughts of WDS: of ' td to fit. -ue"w d ben k$ of 6 MOV - ADS, "as itea'Aw an& tm. 406 S4"t-- C&AVS. ed:th w may An A! itot Imoutionea. a) os (b) althlo4o,thi pre all, dk MR&t"I *i" 96a mi be A.' N ikst. USA -.j5u=nT - --- --- A -I.. -SHIWSKIY, Yub., akedemik, redaktor; D IDONTOY, F.K., nauchnyy rodaktor; IN, P.S., tekhnich9sk17 redaktor [Selected sorks] lzbrann7a trudy. Pod red. i v prodials W.A. 3himnskogo. Imningrad. Goo. soiusnoo Izd-vo sudontroit. promyshl. 1956. 438 p. (MIJU 10:1$ (Shipbut Iding) TM 07t MOM721 . . . . . . . . . . ad n' ii -And iftt u,spavp SIX" t iim BOB 17 pa-9-- ~ch 'Elootki'di. y mpoo~w,~, probleme Widoidtp Bib 1'~grapbr 4m sr.~Dl 29fty64 AA .0 Alk 00- - SOF r Ing 026 W - --, - ------------- BUBNOV, M.A. (Deceased) See ILC &,An BUBNOV, M.A. the oyater catcher Ilaomatop-tis oBtraloguit L. Zool. zliur. 18 no.8:1270-127l '5 9. OuRl" 12:11) (Oynter catcbors~Birds)) BUBNOV, N. -W~- - -~el; Improving the contact system of autotransformers. Radio no.9:55 3 156. Ma 9: 11) (Radio--Apparatus and supplies) BORODIN, Yevgeniy Ivanovich; BtIBNOT, 1,A., red,; BtMOVSKATA, N.A., [Unity and friendship: how the national econow of the Soviet repablice Vill be developed during the seven-year plan] BdIuatTO i drashba; kok budet TaIlvivategle narodnoe khozialetvo sovetskikh reepublik v samilatke. Moskva. Toen.isd-vo N-va obor.S=9 ig6o. 86 P. (KIRA 13:5) policy) PSTROV, Yaleriy Nikolayevich, yefreytor: SU3140Y,N.A.. red.: KRASATI- NA.A.M.. [Hello. army! A soldier's diary] Zdrovetvui, armila! Iz sol- dntakogo dnevnike. Moskva, Yonn.izd-vo M-va obor.SSSR. 1960. 60 p. (MIRA 14.5) (Russia-Army) M334AYEV, Vladislav Nikolayevich; RJENOV, N.A., red.; KOKINA, N.N., tekbn. red. [What is secret becomes manifest] Tainoe stanovitsia iavrjym, Izd.2., dop. MosWa. Voenizdat,. 1962. 372 p. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Chler. Soyuza, pioateley SSSR (for Mineyev). (United States-Espionage) 0 mmov, N, 1. Technolog3r Proizvodstvo kirpicha i cherepitey (Production of brick and tile). Moskva, Rosgi=estprom, 1951, 280 p. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, November -195P. Unclassified. USSR/Diseases of Fam Aninals, Noninfectious R-2 Disoasos. Abs Jour Rof Zhur-Biol,, No 20v 19587 92714 Author Bubnov, N. K.-, Inst i embIr Tutzrtnnty. InstitiAo, Title The Results-of Heat Treatment of Suppura- tivo Synovial Arthritis in Horsios Supplo- nantad:by,Dr-dinago, Orig Pub Sb. stud naudhno-isaled, rabot, Omskiy vat, in-t2 1957i 'hype 19 21m23~1 Abstract 1, protracted (10-days) draining of thu snl- was used in the presence of suppurative synovitis. A rubber drainage tuba i,,jith lateral apertures was passed through tontraparturo incisions of the Car d 1/2 AUTHORS: Shilov, A. Ye., Bubnov, N. N. 62-58-3-29/30 TITLE: Letters to the Editor (Pistma redaktoru.) Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in the System R 3Al-TiCl 4 (Blektronnyy paramagnitnyy rezonans v sisteme R3Al-TiCl 4) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleni3&e Khimicheskikh Nauk~ 1958, 14r 3, pp. 381-381 (US84) ABSTRACT: Of late great interest has been shown in the above mentioned systems as they are used as initiators of the polymerization of certain olefines. It had to be assumed that the primary interaction of\ the molecules of compounds belonging to the initiator finds its expression in the bimolecular reaction with simultaneo-ds formation of a free radical R3Al + TiCl 4 --.N R + AlClR 2 + TiCl 3' This reaction, as it is, can not be classified as a usual Card 1/3 one as the polymerization in many a respect is different Letters to the Editor 62-~8-3-29/30 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in the System R 3kl-TiCl4 from the usual free-radioal one.It is, apart from other properties, of a heterogenous character. It could be assumed that the primary formation of the radicals would have on affect on the nature of the (forming) heterogenous catalyst. The authors of this latter found an electron paramagnetic resonance with a g-factor around 2. In the system Al (i-C 4H9)3 -TiCl4, for instance, a resonance absorption can be observed at room temperature. The reaction products TiCl4 with Al(C2 H5)3 and Al(G2H 5)3 , also show a tendency to paramagnetic resonance. The presence of a resonance absorption proves that radicals are formed. It is assumed that these radicals are connected with the process or the flow polymerization in a peculiar way. Card 2/3 Letters to the Editor 62-58-3-29/30 Electron ParamaL,-netic Resonance in the System R3Al-TiCl4 ASSOCIATION; Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (In Bt4 tute for Chemical Physics,AS USSR) SUB14ITTED: January 9p 1958 Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Chernyak, N. Ya. , Bu_hnDx4_1L_1L_y SOV/20-120-2-34/63 Voyovodskiy, V. V., Polak, L. S., Tsvetkov, Yu. D. TITLE: The Formation of Free Radicals and of Atoms in the Radiolysis of Hydrocarbons at a Temperature of 770K (Ob obrazovanii svobod- nykh radikalov i atomov pri radiolize uglevodorodov pri tempera- ture 770K) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRt 1958, Vol- 12o, Nr 2, PP. 346 - 348 (USSR) ABSTRACT: References are made in publications to free radicals formed during the action of ionizing radiation, as by X-rays, y- radiation, fast electrons etc. This is caused by a rupture of C - C and of C - H bindines. When fluid hydrocarbons are radiolysed, the life of the free radicals is very short. The main products of radiolysis, apart from liquid products with one or two conjugated double bindings, are H 2 and C14H3o . The latter compound is considered to be a dimer of the heptyl radical. The method of determining the radical is shortly Card 1/3 described. The following hydrocarbons were investig--,ted: hexane, The Formation of Free Radicals and of Atoms in the SOV/2o-12o-2-34/63 Radiolysis of Hydrocarbons at a Temperature of 770K heptane, octane, dodecanet cetane, isooctane, cyclohexane~ benzene and toluene. In all cases intensive signals of para- magnetic electron resonance with a g-factor of,-j 2,0 are observed. In paraffin-type hydrocarbons and in cyclohexane a hyperfine structure was very clearly observed. According to the attached photographs the hyperfine structure is considerably changed if the structural properties of the initial molecule change. Another peculiarity of the spectra pf paramagnetic electron resonance of the hydrocarbons which are irradiated in a frozen state is the existence of considerable concentrations of hydrogen atoms. This is also indicated by two narrow signals which are located symmetrically at a distance of about 250 Oersted (Ersted) from the signals of the alkyl radical. The hydrogen atoms probably do not become stabilized in the volume of the frozen hydrocarbons but on the internal surface of the quartz ampoule. In a table the quantitative measurements per- formed on the basis of the example of heptane concerning the concentration of the free radicals with a dose of-., io7r are compared with the data of the chemical analysis of a sample Card 2/3 irradiated under absolutely identical conditions. Thc~ results The Format-ion of Free Radicals and of Atoms in the SOV/20-120-2-34/".:~ Radiolysis of Hydrocarbons at a Temperature of 77*K obtained by both measurements agree in a satisfactory manner. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 4 references, 2 of uhich are Soviet. ASSOCIATIOM Institut nefti AN SSSR (Petroleum Institute, AS USSR) Institut ldiimicheskoy fiziki, AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) SUBD]IMD: January 11, 1958 1. ily6-o-carbonn--lemperature factoro 2. Free radicals - Rl'o 6~ c t i on 3. Atoms--Production 4. Eydrccarlt'.ons --Test results Card 3/3 5M SOV/20-122-4-25/57 AUTHORS: D'yachkovskiy, F. S., Elubnov, 11. 11. ,Shilov, A. Ye. TITLE: The Investigation of the Recombina ion of Triphenylmethyl Radicals by the Method of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (Izucheniye kinetiki rekombinatsii trifenilmetil'nykh radi- kalov metodom elektronnogo paramagnitnogo rezonansa) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 4, pp 629-631 (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to K. Ziegler et al. (Ref 1), the inverse reaction of the recombination of triphenylmethyl radicals must proceed with an activation energy which is equal to the difference between the activation energy of the dissociation and the dis- sociation heat of hexaphenylethane (6 - 8 kcal). By the method of paramagnetic electron resonance, this conclusion could be confirmed by immediate measuring of the dimerization rate of triphenylmethyl radicals in the solution. A capillary with a olution of hexaphenylethane in toluene was heated to 100 0 and then it was rapidly cooled down to the temperature of the experiment. This operation was carried out in a thermo- Card 1/3 stat which -was placed within the resonator of the EFR -spectro- SOV/20-122-4-25/'57 The Investigation of the Recombination of Triphenylmethyl Radicals by the Method of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance meter. In this way, noticeable superequilibrium concentrations of the triDhenylmethyl radicals were obtained, and their recombinatlon rate could be measured. The carrying out of the experiments is discussed in short. A figure shows 2 kinetic curves of the recombination of triphenylmethyl radicals at -640 and -350. The recombination rate increases noticeably with temperature. An equation for the kinetics of the radical recombination is given, the inverse reaction is taken into account. The second diagram demonstrates the temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant and the third diagram shows the temperature dependence of the constant of the di- merization rate. The Arrhenius (Arrenius) dependence is well satisfied. Thus, the direct determination of the dimerization rate of triphenylmethyl radicals confirmed not only the existence of an activation energy of this reaction but also its value (which coincides with the difference between the activation energy of the dissociation and the energy necessary for the breaking of the C-C bond of hexaphenyl ethane . The authors thank '''. V. Voyevodskiy (Corresponding Meraber, AcadeLy of Card 2/3 Sciences, USSR) for his interest in this paper. There are 3 SOV/2o-122-4-25/57 The Investigation of the Recombination of Triphenylmetbyl Radicals by the Method of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance figures and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Ak-ademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: Yay 23, 1958, by V. N. Kondratlyev, Academician SUBMITTED: May 14, 1956 Card 3/3 5(4) SOV/20-122-6-27/49 AUTHORS: Tsvetkov, Yu. D., Bubnov, _N. Nj_ Makul I akiy, M. A. I Lazurkin, Yu. S., Voyevodskiy, V. V., Corresponding Ylember, AS USSR TITLE: The Investigation of the Spectra of the Electr(nParamaanetic Resonance of Some Polymers Which Were Irradiated at 77 K (Isslegovaniye spektrov e.p.r. nekotorykh polimerov,obluchennykh pri 77 K) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, 11r 6, PP 1053-1056 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The nAhors carried out the above investigation for the pur- pose of solving several problems connected with the structure and chemical behavior of organic radicals in the solid phase as well as with the mechanism of chemical transformations in solid organic bodies under the influence of ionizing radia- tion. Polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, "Teflon" (polyethylezB tetrafluoride), polydimethyl siloxane, polyisobutylene, poly- methyl metbacrylate and natural rubber were investigated. 0 Car- rying out of the experiments is described in short. At 77 K Card 1/3 a very -intensive signal of paramagnetic electron resonance SOV/20-122-6-27/49 The Investigation of the Spectra of the ElectranParamarnetic Resonance of Some Polymers Which Were Irradiated at 77 0K with a g-factor near 2.0036 was observed in all samples. After "thawing" of the sample down to room temperature the signal was in all cases found to chanee. In some cases, the signal vanished completely as a result of "thawing" (polyisobutyleneq polydimethyl siloxane, natural rubber). In the case of other materials the character bf the signal and its fine structure changed considerably. A comparison of all data obtained gave the following result: The character of the spectra obtained by investigating not "thawed" samples can be fully explained by the assumption that the predominant primary chemical act in irradiation is the stripping of one of the C-H bonds in the main chain (or in the absence of a main chain the strip- ping of a C-H bond in a lateral chain). The spectrum of paramagnetic electron resonanne recorded at 77 0K consists of 6 components. The even number of the spectrum in this as well as in other cases is connected with the formation of the radi- cal -Ch 2- CII-CHi- . The authors then discuss several details, especially such as concern the investigation of Teflon. By Card 2/3 the irradiation of Teflon at low temperatures it is possible SOV/2o-122-6-27/49 The Investigation of the Spectra of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Some Polymers Mich Were Irradiated at 77 0K to obtain materials with fully satisfactory mechanical properties. These substances contain a large quantity (,-jO.l %) of free radicals. There are 2 figures and 7 ref- erences, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Science 11) USSR) SUBMITTED: July 24, 1958 Card 3/3 15W SOV/20-123-5-28/5o AUTHORS: D'yachkovskiy, F. S.,__R!Lb~ Shilov, A. Ye. TITLE: Formation of Free Radicals in Bimolecular Reactions (Obrazovaniye svobodhykh radikalov v bimolekulyarnykh reaktsiyakh) The Reaction Between Triphenylehloromethane and Ethyl Lithium (Reaktsiya mezhdu trifenilklilormetanom i etillitiyem) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, lir 5; PP~70-873 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors first mention some previous papers on this subject. They investigated the interaction of tripheny1chloromethane with ethyl lithium, the first act of which must be exothermic if it proceeds according to the scheme. The reaction was car- ried out in a thin-walled test tube which was placed in the resonator of a EPR-spectrometer. In this reaction radicals mere actually observed. The hyperfine spectrum of these radicals exactly corresponds to the spectrum of absorption of triphenyl- methyl radicals. A diagram shows the kinetic curves for the varia- tion of the concentration of triphenylmethyl radicals in the course of the reaction at -44, -54, and -80 0. In the first instant of the reaction, the concentration has a distinctly marked maximum and it decreases behind this maximum. The des- Card 1/3 cending parts of the curve represent the recombination of the SOV/2o-123-5-28/50 Formation of Free Radicals in Bimolecular Reactions. The Reaction Between Tripheny1chloromethane and Ethyl Lithium triphenylmethyl radicals (formed in the first act of the reaction) before reaching the equilibrium concentration. The descending part of the curves represents the recombination o:C the triphanylmethyl radicals (2(C H ) C. (C H ) C - C(C H in the first act of 6 5 3 6 5 3 60 5 3 the reaction. The experimental results prove the primary formation of the above-mentioned radicals. The maximum of the kinetic curves is not caused by an increase in temperature of the reaction mixture. The character of the kinetic curves corresponds to an accumulation of the intermediate product in the successivebbdecular reactions. The constants of velocity and the activation "energy of the reaction of radical formation can be calculated from the kinetic curves fuund in this paper. According to these results, elementary reactions of the type RIX + YRII -0, We + XY + - R" under suitable energy conditions can proceed with the formation of free radicals of insig- nificant energy. It has hitherto not been possible to generalize Card 2/3 the results of the present paper for any reaction of halogen SOV/20-123-5-28/50 Formation of Free Radicals in Bimolecular Reactions. The Reaction Between Triphenylchloromethane and Ethyl Lithium alkyls with metalorganic compounds. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 12 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: I July 16, 1958, by V. N. Kondratlyevt Academician SUBMITTED: July 12, 1958 Card 3/3 SOV/120-59-1-23/50 AUTHORS:Semenov, A. G., IBubnov, N.-N. TITLE: An Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer (Spektrometr d1ya nablyudeniya, elektronnogo, paramagnitnogo rezonansa) PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1959, Nr 1, pp 92-96 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The spectrometer is of the double field modulation type, with automatic frequency control (APO) applied to the klystron. The APO signal is obtained by applying about 15 mV at 630 kc/s to the reflector of the 3.2 cm klystron; the resulting output signal is amplified and is detected by a phase-sensitive de- tector, and thus gives a control signal, which is used to tune the klystron automatically over a range of about 60 Mals. The second field modulation kat 975 kc/s) is produced by using a coil carrying about 40 A outside the cavity, which has 2.5 mm slots in it; these slots reduce the Q from about 10 000 to about 8000. The field produced by this coil at the centre of the ca-VIty is about 2 oersted. The sensitivity is about 4 x 10--LIJ mole of diphenylpierylhydrazyl at 770K. Fig 1 shows the block diagram; Fig 2 is a general view of the instrument, Fig 3 shows the cavity and 975 kc/s Card 112 SOV/120-59-1-23/50 An Electron Spin Resonance Spectrometer cable Fig 4 shows the oscillator circuit, and Fig 5 shows the circuit of the amplifiers used to handle and detect the high-frequency signals. There are 5 figures and 2 references, of which 1 is Sovi-et and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: January 24, 1958. Card 2/2 5Z0 SOV/30-59-3-10/61 AVTHORS: Semenov, A. G., Bubnov, N. X. TITLE: The New Magnetic Radiospectrometer (Novyy magnitnyy radio- spektrometr). Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance in Chemical Investigations (Elektronnyy paramagnitnyy rezonans v khimi- cheskikh isaledoVaniyakh) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 3P PP 55-58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The usual magnetic radiospectrometers are very sensitive to the slightest mechanical oscillations and temperature changes and require tiresome adjustment before each measurement, which renders their application for the solution of various chemical problems very difficult. In order to overcome these difficulties, some types of magnetic radiospectrometers were designed and tested by the Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR). A radiospectrometer wi-th a transmission resonator, automatic adjustment of the frequency of the klystron generator and a high-frequency modulation of the magnetic field proved to be best. easily operable, sensitive and, compared to other Card 112 types, secures reliable work. A block scheme of it is given SOV/30-59-3-10/61 The New Magnetic Radiospectrometer. Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance in Chemical Investigations in figure 1 and.then described in detail. Figure 2 shows the spectrum of the free triphenyl-methyl radical (C6H5) C. Further, the authors describe a number of experiments which w;re carried out by means of this radiospectrometer and which demonstrated its wide range of applicability in various chemical fields. There are 2 figures and 1 reference. Card 2/2 24(7), 5(3) SOV/51-6-4-26/29 AU THORS Chernyak, N. Ya., Bubnov, N.N.. Folyak, L.S. , Tsvetkov, Yu. D. and Voyevodskiy, V.V, TITIS On Certain Regularities in the Slectron Faramagnetic Rosonance Spectra of Alkyl Radicals (0 nekotorykh takonomernostyalch v spektrakh elelctronnogo paramagnitnogo rezonansa alkillnyL-h radikalov) NRiODICAL: OD%ika i Spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol U, Nr 4, pp 564-565 (USSR) ABSTUCT: In the study of the electron paramagnetic resonance (e.p.r.) spectra of radicals formed on s-irradiation or frozen hydrocarbons (at 770K), it vas found that the hyperfine structure (h.f.s.) varies with the position of the hydrocarbon in its homologous series. Fig 1 shows the spectra of radicals of normal paraffin hydrocarbons fran CllH23 to Clb'i33 obtained under conditions described earlier (Ref 1). The samples were of 97-98% purity. Fig 1 shows that h.f.s. of the even 012%, G14H2., C16H33) and odd 01023, C1927, Clr;i3l) hydrocarbons differ considerably. in odd hydrocarbons the h.f.s. is well resolved and the intensities of the central camnonents differ only slightly from one another. In even hydrocarbons the resolution is much poorer and the intensity distribution is close to binomial. In paraffin hydrocarbons Ca rd 1/3 frcm n-C5 to n-Clo the spectra are more complex and more similar to SOV/51-6-4-26/29 On Certain Regularities in the Blectron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of Alkyl Radicals one another. 'rmo of them are shown in Fig 2, vihere curves I and 2 represent the e.p.r. spectra of 06HISand C7H15 respectively. 'rho spectra of radicals of cyclic hydrocarbons kwith five or six C atoms, shown in Fig 3) are in many respects similar to the corresponding spectra of the odd and oven terms of the series 011-C,,,. The simplest spectrim is that of cyclo--re,. xtie hyperfine splitting and component intoasities may be explained by assuming that the spectrum is a triplet (with 37 oersted splivting and 1;2;1 ratio of iutenrities of the cmponent".) and each components of the triplet is split into two lines t20 oersted separation). Such a spectrum occura in the radical cyclo-COIP Following Ingram (Ref 3) it Is assurned bore that of fntxr hydrogen atoms in the p-position, the free valence, only two talre part in the hyperfine splitting. This proauces & triplpt. Interaction with a hydrogen atom in the &-position produces trri doublet splitting of each triplet component. In the case of cyclo-C5HIO the molecule is almost planar and both hydro&on atoms of the A-groups Mi~ in the radical should be equivalent with respect to free valance and the number of h-f.s. components should Increase. The spectra shown in Fig 3 confirm these deductions. The authors conclude by pointing out that the 9.p.r. spectra Card 2/3 SOV/51-fi-4-26/29 On Certain Regularities in the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of Alkyl Radicals can be used in molecular structura studies and in chemical analysis. There are 3 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 Engl13h. SUBMITTED: August 28. 1958 Card 3/3 24(7), 21(l) SOV/51-6-4-27/29 ATJ THORS .2abnov, N.14., Voyevodskiy. V-V-, Polyale, L.S. and Tsvetkov, Yu. D. TITLE Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum of Hydrogen Atoms Stabilized 0 on Solid Surfaces (0 spextrakh elaktronnogo paramagnitnogo rozonansa atomov vodoroda, stabilizirovannykh n& tvardykh poveridmostyaich) P.&RIODICAI. Optilca i Spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 4, pp 565-566 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was reported (Refs 1, 2) that H atoms, formed on x-irradiation of frozen hydrocarbons and other compounds, can be stalgized on various surfaces. The present paper reports studies of the effect of the nature of the stalUizing surface on the magnitude of h.f.s. splitting of the electron paramagnetic resonance (e.p.r.) spectra of H atoms and the width of the o.p.r. absorption lines - The H atoms -were stabilized on quartzBilica gal and molybdenum glass. -.Vhoy were for-nod by irradiation of these three substances with x-rays at 77oK. It may be assumed that formation of H atoms is due to rupture or bonds in E20 molecules adsorbed on these surfaces or rupture of bonds in SiOH groups (Ref 3). -the magnitude of h.f.s. splitting in all the three cases was found to be close to 500 oersted which does not differ great!y from splitting in a free H atom (Rer 4). Width of the comDonents of the hydrogen doublet depends strongly on the nature of the surfaces on Card 1/2 S011/51-6-4-27/29 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum of Hydrogen Atoms Stabilized on Solid Surfaces quartz it is close to 0.8 oersted tcurve I in a figure on p 566), on silica gal it is near 2.4 oersted (curve 2) and on molybdenum glass it is 4.5 oersted keurve 3). Since the hyperfine splitting in the e.p.r. spectra of H atoms stabilized on various surfaces is close to the hyperfine splitting of free atoms, the binding of H atoms to these surfaces does not alter greatly the spin density of the unpaired electron in hydrogen. On the other hand, dependence of the width of the hydrogen doublet components on the nature of the stabilizing surface indicates that there is a definite interaction between the unpaired electron and the surface. In view of this the authors suggest further studies of the nature of binding of H atoms to solid surfaces. This is an abridged translation. 'There is 1 figure and 4 references, 2 of-which are Soviet and 2 English. SUBMITTED: August 29, 1958 Card 2/2 5(4), 24(7) AUTHDF6 s Bubnov, NAO_,_Ki~alko, L.A., Tsepalov, V.F. and Shlyapintokh, V.Ya. TITLE: the.Nature of.the Intermediate Product in the Reaction of Photo- rouction of Mosin tp prizode prmezhutochnogo produk+A v reaktsii fotovosotanovloniya 6051n&) PMODICAL: Optika I spektroskoviya, 1959. Vol 7. Nr 1, pp 117-119 (USSR) ABSM-CT- Rosin solution in pyridine (10-4mole/litro) Yas photoreduced in the presence of ascorbic acid (10-3 mole/litre). A SVDSh-250 lamp was used as the light source and the reaction was studied using an electron-naramagnotic-resonance (e.p.r.) spectrometer with high-frequency modulation of the magnetic field. The o.p.r. spectrm (the upper figure on p 118) was a triplet with the component intensities in the ratio 1%2:1 (the hyperfine-structure splitting v;as,&*rI = 4.6 t 0.2 oersted)o The e.p.r. spectrum was due to an intermediate product in the photo- reduction reaction; the sb&Do of the spectrun confinneJ earlier card 1/2 SOV/51-7-1-19/27 On the Nature of the Intermediate Product in the Reaction of Fhotoreduction of Rosin suggestions (Refs 1, 2) that (1) the intermediate Froduct is eosin semiquinone, and that (2), in the photochemically-active ;*to, oosin is a metastable biradical. There are 2 figures and 10 references, 4 of 'which are Soviet, 3 German, 2 English and 1 Prench. SUEMTTSDs November 25, 1958 Card 2/2 24 (7), 5 (4) AUTRORS: Bubnov N N. Sorokin, Yu. A., SOV/48-23-10-35/39 Sono o6v'niov~,. P., Chibrikin, V. M. TITLE: Investigation of the Dibenzene-chrome Derivatives by the Method of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk- SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 10, pp 1263 - 1264 (USSR) ABSTRACT; In earlier papers (Refs 1-3) it has already been shown that in highly diluted dibenzene chrome solutions the interaction be- tween the unpaired electron and the protons of the benzene rings, which are in direGt, connection with the metal (chrome-) atom, manifest themselves by a distinct hyperfine structure of the spectrum of paramagnetic electron resonance. It has already been shown that the introduction of a substituent into the benzene ring influenees neither the g-factor of the compound nor the amount of the hyperfine splitting (3-~�O.5 Gs). It was further found that the dissolving temperature, the nature of the solvent or that of the Bubstituent introduced into the benzene ring influences the width of the hyperfine structure component. Further investigations concerned the spin density Card 1/3 distribution of the unpaired electron in the molecule, the Investigation of the Dibenzene-chrome Derivatives by SOY/48-23-10-35/39 the Method of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance hyperfine splitting, as well as the width of the hyperfine structure component. In this connection, several details, which were obtained from references 1-8 are briefly discussed. Further investigations concerning hyperfine splitting were carried out with the cation of dibenzene chrome with cyclo- hexyl substituents in both rings. It was found that at low temperatures of the solution of 'his compound an additional triplet splitting (1+0.5 Gs) of each hyperfine structure com- ponent occurs* It is caused by the interaction of the unpaired electron with two protons of a cyclohexyl substituent. kn in- vestigation of the influence exerted by various factors on the width of the hyperfine structure component gave the fol- lowing result: A considerable dilution of the solution with a reduction of temperature leads to a monotonic improvement of the spectral resolving powert i.e. the width of the hyperfine structure component decreases. In some solvents (e.g. alcohols) an anomalous temperature dependence of the spectral resolving power is found; this might be explained by a complex formation between the dibenzene chrome cations and the molecules of the Card 2/3 Inves*tigation of the Dibenz,ene-chrome Derivativ'es by SOV/48~-23-10-35/39 the Method of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance solvent. There are 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet.. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicbeskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR).,Inatitut khimii pri Gortkovskom gos. universitete (Institute of Chemistry at Gorlkiy State' University) Card 5/3 24 (7) AUT!19RS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 16a.Tsepalov, V.-F., SOV/48-Z3-1.0-36/39 Bubnpy,,.j~. pintokh, V. Ya. The Spectra of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance of Eosin Semiquinone in a Live Leaf Izvestiya Akademii.nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959; Vol 23, Nr 10, pp 1,265 1266 (USSR) The present paper intends to explain the nature of the inter- mediate products inathe photochemical reactions of eosin and.. chlorophyll. The investigations.were ca rried out at room temperature with high7frequency modulation of the magnetic field. Method and apparatus are described in referenceis 1 and 2. First, some results concerning the photoreduction of eosin are discussed. This reaction consists in the transforma- tion of the dye into a leuco~compound.and has already been potentiometrically and spectroscopically investigated 1, (Refs 3,4). The authors 'assuined'that a comparatively.stable intermediate.product is formea (semiquinone dye), ihich may have a life of several seconds at room temperature. An investi- gation of the paramagnetic electron res onance spectrum of eosin (solvent: piridine, reducer: ascorbic acid) showed a The Spectra of Paramagnetic Electron Resonance.of SOV/48-23-10-36/39 Eosin Semiquinone in a Live Leaf trIiplet splitting (intensity ratio 1:2:1, AH = 4.6 + 0*2 Gs) which is caused by the interaction between the unpaired elec- tron and two protons. The photochemical reaction which-de- velops by way of a biradical, is shown schematically and has already been described by Schenck (Ref 5). The authors of the present paper, were the first to investigate the resonance spectrum of a live leaf. A leaf of agrophyrum repens was used for this purpose. The resonance signal showed a doublet, hyper- fine splitting amounted toAH = 1.8 + 0.2 Gs. There are 5 ref- erences, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Ak-ademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) Card 2/2 5(4)* 24M SOV/76-33-8-37/33 AUTH;RS: Bubnov, N. N., Chibriking V. M. TITLE: On the Temperature Dependence of the Width of the Component of Superfine Structure in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheekoy khimii, 1959, Vol 33~ Nr 8, pp 1891-1892 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to clarify the mechanism of the extension of the component of superfine structure, the effect of temperature on the spectrum of the electron-paramagnetic resonance of the cations of chromium dibenzene (C6R6)2 Cr+ (I) and chromium-bis- + dipheny! C H Cr (11) was investigated. The studies mere [((6 5)2 J made with concentrated solutiona (more than 0.02 mol/1) (solvents -- ethanol, pyridine, acetone) by means of a spectro- meter with a high-frequency modulation of the magnetic field (Ref 5)- It was observed that at the gradual lowering of temperature, the width of the superfine structural component (A H) of (I) and (Ii) is constantly reduced, and;reaches a minimum at -509 -80 C. When the temperature is lowered beyond thatg the width increases again. In all solutions of (I) and Card 1/2 (11) investigated, two additional lines were observed. They sov/176-33-6-37/39 On the Temperature Dependence of the Width of tbe Component of Superfine Structure in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 2/2 came about by a superfine fission at the Cr53 isotope. It is stated that there exists an anisotropy of the g-factor and a superfine structure in the chromium--aromatio compounds. Besides the temperature reduction, there are two more reasons for the extension of the component of superfine structure: One is due to the formation of stable complexes or solvate shells, and the other one is in no connection with the exchange interaction. In order to solve this problem it will be neces- sary to carry out studies with diluted solutions in which the latter effect is negligible. It is ascertained that a temperature reduction may cause a better dissolution of the superfine structure than a dilutiong and if this comes about it can be observed with less sensitive instruments. Finallyp the authors thank Yu. H. Molin. A. 1. Burshteyn and V. V, Voyevodskiy. There are 2 figures and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Akademiya nauk SSSR,Institut khimicheskoy fiziki,Moskva(Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Chemical Physics, Moscow) August 25, 1956 BUBNOVt N,Nj KRASNOVSKIYp A.A.; 0RIKHINAy A.V.; TSEPALOV, V.E.; SHLYAPINOTOKH, V.Ya. Electron paramagnetic rresonenee spectra observable.during the illimination of plant'leaves and photoreduction of chlorophyll and its analogues. Biofizika 5 no. 2:122-126 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut khimicheskey ;iz:lki AN SSSR i Institut biokhimii im. A.N. Bakha AN SSSR, Moskva. (CHLOROPHYLL) (PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE AND RELAXATION) 8)566 8/020/60/134/001/()19/021 tS71/15_0 0 B004/BO60 AMORS: Shelimov, B. X. -Ihtb - Fok, N. Voyevodskiyt V. V., Correspond ng Member AS USSR TITLE: Detection of Hydrogen Atoms in the Phototransfer Reactions of the Electron PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No. 1, pp. 145 - 148 TEXT: The authors proceed from the.photochemical reaction in the aque- ous medium: M + H20 + hV --* x+ + OR- + 9 (1), where X may be metal ions of variable valency, or anions. The formation of hydrogen atoms in this reaction had been hitherto proved indirectly only. The authors wanted to give direct evidence of H-atome by means of electric paramagnetic re- sonance (epr). Because of the strong reactivity and mobility of the H-atoms, investigations were conducted at 770K in aqueous solutions of H2304 or H 3P0 4(in concentrations between 40 and 96%), which contained small quantities of FeSO4 or KI. The samples were irradiated for 1 hour 83566 Detection of Hydrogen Atoms in the S/02o/60/134/001/019/021 Phototransfor Rotations of the Electron B004/BO60 with the ultraviolet light of a KPK-T (PRK-T) sorcury vapor lamp. The *pr signals were recorded by means of a previously described (Ref. T) syr spectrometer. ;-It was possible to give evidence of the H-doublet. To check the correctness of reaction (1) definitely, experiments were made in solutions which contairM heavy water. As in shown by Fig. 1, the D-triplet was observed besides the H-doublet. Further experiments were conducted in the system 006 - B20 - B280 4. Here as well (Fig. 2) the 9-doublet occurred. The central part of this spectrum, the quadruplet shown in Fig. 3, could not be explained yetp but it might be due to a param W otic,partiole whose free valency is localized on the aromatic ring. Weaker components were detected in the epr spectrum of the H-atom (Fig. 4), which are ascribed to the spin reversal of protons surrounding the H-atom. While the H-lines were strongly saturated in the experiments with benzene, saturation did not take place in the presence of P02+ due to higher concentration of the paramagnetic ions of a short relaxation time. The study of saturation and intensity distribution between the main and secondary lines in the epr spectrum of H' may serve to clarify specific features of its weak interaction Card 2/3 83566 Detection of Hydrogen Atoms in the 8/020J60/134/001/019/021 Phototransfer Reactions of the Electron 3004/B060 with adjacent moleculesq and also to establish the distance between H0-atous and primary particles releasing an electron under the action of light. There are 4 figures and 12 references: 3 Soviet, 8 U89 and 2 British, ASSOCIATION: -Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. N.V. Lomonosov%.~ (Moscow State Univorsity ineni N.V* Lomonosov). Institut khimicheskoy kinitiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk 833R (Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion of the Siberian Branch of the AcadeW of sciences, us SUBMITTED: April 2TP 1960 Card 3/3 BUBNOV, N.N.; VOYEVODSKIY, V.V.; FOK, N.V.; SHELIMS BN. Study of electron pbDtotransfer reactions in the solid phase by the electron paramagnetic resonance method. OptA spektr. U no.l.-7"3 J1 161. Ma 10-10) (Paramagnetic resonance and rel=ation) (Photonuclear reactions) MIDOMIROV, G.M.: BUBNOV, N.N. Electronic paramagnetic resonance 3pectrum of the cyclopentyl radical. Opt. i spektr. 12 no-3:�45-446 Mr 162. (MIRA 15*3) (Cyclopentane--Spectra) (Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) BUBNUV. N. N. Diszertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences at the Joint Academic Council on Chemical Sciendes; Siberian Branch /f62- "Application of the Electron ParaLuagnatic Resonance ;-Iethod in Studying the Formation and Properties of Free Radicals." Vestnik Akad. Wauk, 'No. 4, 1963, pp 119-145 Bt~kNOVI, N.N.,-. BPZHIN, N.M.; VOYEVODSKTY, V,,V. Photosensitized decomposition of saturated hydrocarbons and alcohols in the solide phase. Kin. i k&t. 5 no.2-.357 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17t8) 1. Institut khimicheskoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSM. B1313110V N 14 - BAZHI.N, N.M.; VOYEXTODSKIY, MI. Formation of alkyl radicals in the phototransfer of electrons. Kin. i kat. 5 no.3:568 My-Je 164. OMIRI 17:11) 1. Institut khimichekoy kinetiki i goreniya Sibirskogo otdeleni-ya 0 AN SSSR. -AsSOCIATIONi.-:. in, iip. CO. ~AN SSSR --(In~ti of -