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BUBLZYNIKOV, 1. iuz-;.'x " [The earth and the pendulum] Samlia I malatnik. Moskva, Dstgiz, 1Q,54. 118 p. (KLU 7:11 D) 13U3-UvYN!jIKC)V, F. 1). Feshchery ccaverns2. Moskva, Goskulltprosvetizdat, Z -1954 ?-/- 0 : Month1v List of Russian Acces.5i 4. SO on.5, Vol. 7 No. 2 May 195' BVBLE.~NVKOV, F-D- GAMMM. G. TriP under ground (OCA"S.' P.D.Bubleinikov. Reviewed by G-Ganeizer). Vokrug evets to.7-.60-61 JI 154. (KM 7:8) (Bubleinikov, Foofan Dmitrievi'ch) (Caves) JB3 - -IN AFqSSan Daltrlyewich; GURSUM , G.P., professor, redaktor; R~Tbw , V.A., redaktor; TUKAFZMg SeAe. tekhnicheekiy redaktors [The earth] 2mila. Pod red. G.P.Gorshkova. Isd.2-0s. Moskva, GOB. izd-vo tokhniko-toorst.lit-ry, 1955. 47 p. (Nauchno-populiarnsia bibliotaka, no*61). (MW 9:4) (Barth) BUBLEYNIKOV 7 D MOLOIRIISKIY. M.S., redaktor; PMLI, Yu.G., radaktor; 14- 0 gam L^ 9 . -'11INNINOW. G.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Outline of the development of an understanding of the earth] Ocherk razvitiia predstavlenii o zemle. Moskva, Izd-vo Alcademii nauk SSSR, 1955. 205 p (MLBA 8:4) (Icarih) BONCHKOVSKIY. Y.F.; BUBIRYNIKOTO-F.D.; ZISNAN, G.A., reclaktor; NIGRINOYSXATA, R.-A., tekhnieh- k1Y-1VffffRTb7'- [The sarth, Its figure and physical characteristics; present-day Ideas regarding its historical development) Zealls, as figure I fizichookle evoistva; sayremennye vzglIady v istoricheakom rasvitii. Kooky&. (Ica. izd-,vo tokhniko-toorst. lit-ry. 1956. 252 P. (KLM 10:1) (Ikrth) -.A-WIATNIKO~Vg.pLeofan,aiulnz"6GORDRYBY. D.1., radaktor; ANISIKKIN. 1.F., kedaktor Isdatelletva; KRYNOCHKINA. K.T.. tekhnicheakiy redaktor (OsolqgIcal prospecting in Russia] aeologichaskie poiski v lossit. Xoskis~ Goo. amuchno-tokha. lid-vo lit-ry po geole I okhrane mdr, 19560 250 P. (KIaA 10:2) I ,(Prospecting) 3(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITAIT-244*01N SOV/1138 Bubleyzdkov., Feofan Dz-'tr_Iyevjah Tayny zemli (Secrets of the Earth) Moscow, Moskovskiy raboahiy, 1958. 133 P. 35000 copies printed. Eds.: She-herbakova, D.I.., Academiclan, and Gringauz, S.; Tech. Ed.: Yegorova, 1. PURPOSE: Irne book is wr#Ien mainly for the young reader. COVERAGE: This Is a popular account of the nature of physical geology., i9e.., the origin of the Earth, land forms, forma- tion of mineral deposits., elt-'c. Particular attention in paid to the prooesses of mountain formation- sediiientation,,'and erosion including the effects of igneous activity and'rock deformations-. The author intimates that I.-he book PrOVides-a popular explanation of al! such Drocesses.which have hitherto been considered wgreato v1sterieee C ard 1/4 Secrets of the Eaxt-h SOV/1138 TABLE OF CONTENTS: How."Mysteriesm of the Rarbb. Arose 3 What are the Forms wtd Dlmar~14,,,Yna of t-Itie Eaxth 7 The Earth-in Space 13 Origin of the Ea-r-th- 20 Temperature of the Earth 26 Secular MovAmentfs of the'Contf--nentB 29 The Earth is a P~I id Body 34 Dausei of the Eax-th, s Solid State 36 Card 2/4 Senrets of the Earth SOV/1138 Structure or the EarthIs Crust 40 Formation of Continents 47 a 52 Struetur~~f the Earth a Intekor 62 Voloanlo Ixuptions 68 Origin of Idneral Veins 82 Erosion of Momtaftb 87 The World.of Subterransous Caverns 93 Formation of Sedime.ntary Layers 106 Age-of"the Earth's Crust 109 C awd 3/4 Searetis of the Emwth SOV/1138 Origin of Coaland Oil 115 Proapecti ag for Minerals 117 Prospecting L~struments 124 AVAILANXi LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Card 4/14 wVar 3-23-59 BUBIRTNIZOV, F.D. (Moscow); NOROZOV, V.V. (Moscow); CHUPIK, I.P.; %Y-SDV9 A*B* (Shomkhap AsSSR) Brief POW49 file T OW414 Is nOO5106-0 84 1~8. ("IRA lira) OfAtropoll, (Physics) - BUMINIXOT. Foofan Dwitriyovich; IrAnWTH, I.B.,radif; ATROSHCB3WKO, J8,16., SeEmi-a-ed-, (James Clark Maxwell, 1831-18791 Dshems Klark Makevell, 1831-1879. Moskva, Isd-vo nnanie.11960. 47.p. (yeasoluznoe obshchestvo po rasprostranonliu politicheekikh i nauchnykh snanii. Ser.9, Fislics I khiulia. no.19). (MIRA 13:10) (Maxwell, Jams Clark. 1831-1879) -- BUB -,-.ft-nfskn- 11%4 criyaxi& MUM ;~ GRINGAUZ, S., red.; YAKOURVA, To.. [How -n has subdued niatural Ksk chelovek pokorial prirodu. Moskva. Mosk.rabochii, 1960. 170 p. 13:12) (Industrial art~--History) (KIRA RUBLEYNI-K-ow, 'Feofan patriyevioh; MINCEMNECFV, Yevgeniy Yakovlevich; CHEBOTA- FZVA, A.V,p red.; SHC~EVA, T.A., tekhn. red. [Outline of the development of clasoical mechaWes] Ocherk razvitiia klassicheskoi mekbaniki.~ MoBWap Goo. uchobno-pedago izd-vo H-va proov. RSFSR, 1961. 221 p. 14:11) (Mechanics) -)~pWalIKOV, F.D. Life and work. Priroda 53 no.2:57--64.164. (MIRA 17:2) BUBIZAK, P.1 Three-element oscillator regulated by a crystal, p. 1-21. (Strojnoelektrotechnicky Casopis. Bratislava, Vol 5. No. 2, 1954) S): Monthly list of East European Accessions. (EEAL), LC Vol 4. No. 6, june 1955. unci In -1, - r~ - 11. BITELIAK) P. "Changing the Source of Power in Pzdio Enrineering", T. 405- (TrC,']TICVA PRACA) Vol. 61 No. 71 July 1~54, -Bratislava, Czechoslovakia) SO: 1,*Onthl,-,r List of East 5,rorean Accessions, (EFAL), IC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 10,55, Uncl. BUBLIAKI F. "Submersible- Heater for Electric Waihing Yachines", P. 1,33. (TEEC1,71TICIC4, PPACA) Vol. (,, No. 7, July 1954, Pratislava, Czechoslovakia) SO: lwiontbly Lis4l-,'of East Eurorean Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 1~, No. 1, Jan. 1?55, Uncl. iUiLIAK-, F-. Analysis and graphic study of a directcurrent electronic voltmeter. P. 146. SDELOVACI TECHNIKA. (Ministerstvo strojirenstvi) Praha. Vol. 4. no. 5, may IW. SOURCE: East Baropean Accessions List, (KUL)., Library of Goolgreas Vol.--54 no. 12, December 195.&-.~ BUBLTAK, P. Apparatus for drawing eircular scalese pe .568e TECHNICKA PRACA, Bratislava-, icl. 6. no. 9, Sept. 1954. SD: Monthly List of East European AcC03310M, (EM). LC, V01- 5. No. 6. June 1956, unci. BELYAYEV, Ye.I., prof. (deceased]; BADYUK, Yeje - BOGOROV I.I., prof.; IYALIGHENKO,-L-t-, prof.fdeceax;~J; ILIDI,'I.V., dots.; KEYLIN, S.L., prof.1 MAZHBITS, A.M.,, prof.; MALININq A.I.9 zasl. deyatel* Kaz.SSR, pfbf.; MOSHKOV, B.N., prof.; NIKOLAYEV, A.P., prof.; PERSIARINOV, L.S., prof.; POKROVSKIYP V.A., prof.; MUMMA, G.P.# kand. med. nauk; RAPALIKES, S.B.p dots.; KTASKIN, S.G., prof.; SHTERN, I.A., prof. [14ultivol=e wmimial on obstetrics and gynecology) Mnogo- tomnoe rukovodstvo po akusherstva i ginekologii. Moskva, Meditsina. Vol.3. Book 2. [Pathology of the labor and post- natal period. Physiology and pathology of the newborn infant] Patologiia rodov i poslerodovogo perioda. Fiziologiia i pa- tologiia novorozhdennogo. Pt.l.[Pathology of labor'. Patolo- giia rca&i.- 2W.- *5 P.-Ii NIRA 17:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Permiar*m0~."-'2-.-.JAqyst4r- tel'My chlen AMN SSSR (for Vikolayev). BU13LICIMNKO., N. L. OSU-A J70 Geologicheskoye Stroyeniye Beregov Teletskogo Ozera i yego Proiskhozhdeniye: Geological Str~cture of the Shores of Lake Teletskoye and its Origin. Issledovaniya Ozer SSSR.' NoL 9 1937, PP. 133-155 Library of Congress., GB17'07- It one of the monographs devoted to the study of Lake Teletskoye in the Altay Mountains. General Title: Raboty Teletskoy Ekspeditsii. BUBLICMKO, N. L. "Geological Structure of the Shoes of Lake Teletskoye and its Origin [Geologi- cheskoye Stroyeniye Beregov Teletskogo Ozera i yego Proishkbozhdeniye0," Issledovaniya Ozer SSSR, No. 9, 1938, PP- 133-155. One of the monographs devoted to the 5tudy of Lake Teletskoye in the Altay Mountains. Library of Congress, GB1707-AlL4 2UMOHNIM0, N.L. Ural facies of the Kazakhstan Devonian. Izv.An razakh.,SSR Ser.geol. no.9:3-36 145. (MM 9:6) (Usakhatan--Geolog7, Stratigraphic) BUBLICIIEWO, Nilwlny Lnzarevicli "A New Stratigraphical Scheme of Devonian Deposits of Nort.-Eastern Kazakhstan," DoIr. AN, 47, No. 5, 1945. BUL C9= 01000-- ,,e Ikste'rn boraer of the Ural Palaosola geosywline. Biul. 10DIP. Otd. geol. 26 no.5:-15-33 151. (NIU 11:13) (Ural Xmtain region-Geolov) 1. BUBLICHRIKO, N. L. 2. LZSR (600) 4. Kara Tau - Geology, Structural 7. Origin of the quaquaversal folding the Kara Tau (South Kazakhstan). Biul. 14DIP. Otd. geol. 27 No. 4, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January .1953. Unclassified.1 -a I- Cw- rVSHIN. N.K.; BVBLIqA=Q. N.L., doktor geologo-mIneralogicheekikh nauk Otvet8iQn ;~e7 GEUMMA, N.Te., kandidat geologo- mineralogicheskikh nauk, otvetstvennyy redaktor; BAKSHITZTA, M.A., redaktor; ROROKINAj Z.P., tekhnicheekly redektor. (Kiddle Cambrian trilobites of razakhataul Srednekembriiakie trilobity Zasekbotana. Part 1. [Boshchakull faunalhorizon] Boahchekallskil faunisticheskil gorizont. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo AN U&SSR, 1953. 226 p. (MLU 8:2) (ELsakbetan-TrIlobites) BUBLI I .10,,,,daktor goologo-mineralogichookikh nauk. t. M.A.Rshousnitakatalp work Oftiriferlds of Devonian deposits on the uargin of the Kuznetsk B"In.8 Vest.AN Irazakh SSR 11 uo.10: 120-121 0 54o (KM 8:1) (Rahonanitskmia, N.A.) (Wasnetsk Basin-Brachiopoda, fossil) 15-1957-3-2bU5 11tabslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 3, p 6 (USSR) AUTHDRS: Bublichanko, No L., Nikitina, L. G. TITLE: The Tarkhanokiy Section (Southwestern Altay) [Tarkhanakiy razrox (Yugo-Zap&dMy Altay)] MIODICAL: Tr* Altaysk. gorno-intallurg. n.-i. in-ta AN KAzSSR, 1955, Vol 2. PP 5-25 ABSTRACT: The Devonian and Carboniferous section of the Ewinogorsko- Tarl,b-n ki belt of southwiestern.Altay is described in detall (soo Tall. - _A60fording to the autborl the fossils in the Tarkhan- skoya ovits, (series) are carboniferous, although Devonian f orms =9 also presento The following Carbonikerous forms am found In the lower part of the Tarkhanskaya series: Linoproductux aff. ovatus Hall., PjAcatifora orthowastia op. n., Pioductjis ALW subgen and spo no, and 6therso The Devonian Soom presentar -.GVrtO6Djrifex kuroki Bubl. and Tirlothyrisimia6ostalls.Hall. The upper boundary of the Tarkhan key& series is determined by the disappearance of Card 1/4 Owrtospirifer kureki and the appearance of SiDI&WSr. tormacensis Kon. The Tarkhanskiy Section (Southwestern Altay) (Cont.) 15-1957-3-2605 The buandary between the BukhtarminskayaAnd UlIbInakaya series is based on the abundant appearance of bryozoans in the Bukhtarminskaya series and the disappearance of other organisms. The Maloulybinskaye. aeries is corr*:Lat*d'witb the Mazurovskaya series of the Kuzbas (Kuznetsk Basin) on the basis of plant remains. The Middle Devonian'rockelof the Tarkhanskaya and Maloullbinskaye. series are characterized by their transgressive relation- shipse Namurian Maloullbinakaya aeries. Continental sediments, consisting stage of siltstonse with Anaaroutetidi cardiopteroidea; up to 1000 m thick. Visean stage U11binskaya series. Siltatones and limestones with bryozoans Pol-ypo sibirica, brachiopods Eroduct'ge ex. gr. pinEiga and Others; 300-400 m thick. Card 2/4 15-1957-3-2605 The Tarkhanskiy Section-(Southwestern Altay) (Cont.) 1~ Bukhtarrdnskay* series. Limestones with Spirifer tornacen- V) sis ana others; about 100 m thick. 61 Uj 0 01 Urkhanikaya subserUs. Retoporinal beds, siltstones with < i-z Li Retoporina altaica and others, brachiopod layers,-silt- 0 0 stones with Sp 'rer iulii and others; 5B0 m thick. z ubseries of detrital shales. Yellowish-green siltatones < U1 280 m thick. V) z Subseries of sandstones. Interbedded coarse-grained aff. sandstones and shales; remains of Linoproductus . ovatus, Cyrtospirifer kurekil and others; 2 m thick. 0 ubseries of basal conglomerates. Pebbles formed from F- underlying volcanic rocks; up to 59 m thick. Card 3/4 15-1957-3-2605 The Tarkhan skiy Section (Southwestern Altay) (Cont.) Series of basic and intermediate volcanics. Augite por- phyrites 6nd their tuffs; 700 m thick. Ipper Devonian Series of acid volcanics with Nikolayevskiyobeds at the base. Quartz keratophyres.and their tuffs; limestones at the base with gonlatites; 1200-1800 m thick. Middle Devonian Series of said volcanics with Losishenskiye beds in the lower part and conglomerates at the base; 1300-2000 m' thick..' Lower Metemorphic greenstones Silurian Card 4/4 K. A. K. BUBLICHENKO,N.L., doktor geologotineralogichaskikh nauk Conference on problems of stratigraphy and geochronological classification. Vest.IN Kazakh.SSR 11 no.7:79-82 J1'55. (Geology, Stratigraphic) (MIRA-8:10) 4 BUBLICHMO,N.L.; BULIVANIM,B.Z.; KOKAR,V.1. Discovery of Calceola mandelina lawwark in the Rudn" Altai. Biul. MOIP. Otd.geol,30 no.4:75-77 JI-Ag'55. (KLRA 8:12) (Iltal Mountains--Corals, Fossil) BMICMKO, N.L. mw~ .00 Upper time limit of polymetallic mineralization in the Rudnyy Altai. Vest.AN Xazakh. SM 12 no. 10: 101-103 0 156. (IGRA 9: 12) (Altai Mountains--Mineralogy) BUBLICMWO, N.L. S,: 411-11,61 Some now repre~OntativsB of Brachiopoda of the Devonian and Carboniferous from the Rudayy. Isv. AN Xasakh.SSR.Ser.geol. no.23-.93-104 0566' (KLU 10: 1) (Altai Nountatne-Drachlopoda, Fossil) (Knakhatan-Brachiopoda, Fossil) I=- I,- (.:, - A.1 -- ---- - -- - - , . ---- L -I -C ~~ - " -A-' LICHIM -.- N,,L, Som controversial problems on the stratigraphy of the Altai region. Trady Alt. GNNII AX Usakh, SSR 4:38-51' 157. (min na) (Altai Torritory-4solo", Stratigraphic) - '. - ~- W-Kii7s on strata (Glystian stage 1n RadWy Altai Y, Trudy Alt, GMI AS FAzakh, SU noo5t3-13 157, NM lIt4) (Altai Nomtalm-Ooology, Stratigraphio) BORUX&TV, R.A., eked.; BORSUK. B.I.; KELLER, B.M.; ATTALIM, Zb.A.; 'BOGDANOV, A.A.; BUBLICLM-M.-I'L.; BTKOVA. H.S.; GALITSKIT, T.T.; MICDOTLFV, G.1s.;-Rrw-GK6v, Y.m.,- oRrDy, I'J.. RMVISHNIKOVA, T.B.; SHLYGM, Te.D.; HIKITIN, I.F.. ucbenyy sekretar'; SMIDWICH, N.A:.. uchsM7 sakretar'. (Resolutions of the Conference on the Unificatinn of Stratigraphic Charts of the Pre-Paleozoic and Paleozoic of'Sastern Ka2akhatan] Rezollutsiia po unifikatell stratigraficheakikh skhem dopaleozoia I paloozoia vostochnogn Kazakhetans. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhakol SSR, 1958. 36-p. (MIRL 11:12) 1. Soveshchanlye po unifikataii stratigrafichoskikh ekhem dopaleo- soya vostochnogo Kazakhstan&. Alma-Ata, 1958. 2 Akademiy& amuk Kaxakbekoy SSR, predsedatell noveshchanlya po unifikatell strati- graficheskikh ekhem dopaleozoya I paleotoya vostochnogo Kaza4chstana (for Borukarev). 3- Zam.predsedatelya sovesbchanlya po unifikateii stratigrafichaskikh ekhem dopaleozoya I 41soloya vostochnogo Kazakhatana; Vaesoyuznrf rauchno-looledovatellskly geologichaskly institut (for Borsuk)..4. Zan.predsedatelya Oveshchantya po uni- fikatsit stratigraflebeskikh ekhem dopaleozoya i paleozoya Tostochnogo Kazakhstan&; Geologicheekly institut Akademii nauk SSSR (for Keller). 5. Mintaterstva geologil t okbrazir nedr Kazakhakoy SSR (for Ayta- 11yev. ?Jbragkov). 6. 14ookovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet In. M.Y. (Continued on next card) SORUXATIV, R.A.---(continued) Card 2. Lomonosova (for Bogdanov). 7. Altayokly gorno-metallurgichookly nauchno-iseledovatallskly institut Almdemii nauk Kazakhokoy SSR (for Bubliebanko). 8. Inatitut geologichaskikh naui Akademli nauk Kazakbakoy SSR (for Bykova, Galitskiy, Nedoyev, Shlygin, Nikitin). 9. TGentralino-Kazakhatanskoye geologicbeekoys upray- leniye (for Orlov). 10. Usbuo-Kazakhstanskoye goologichaskoye upravlantye (for Rukavishnikova, SankeTich). (Kazakhstan--Geology. Stratigrapb1c) ROCKSUO. MargaTita losifovne; NALIVIIN, D.V.. akedemik, gla7nyy red.; ~!TJBLIGHZHKO, N.L.,,doktor gool.-mineral.neuk,, Is * - "X.- ~aokor geol.-mifieral.nauk. red.; VLASOVA, S.M., ~red.lsd Va; IRYNOCHKINA, K.V., (Paleontological basis of the Paleozoic stratiography of the Rudnyy Altai] Paleontologicheskoe obosnovanie stratigrafii palaosola lbadnogo Altals. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.i%d-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. No.B. [Plant remains of the Carboniferous of the Radnyy Altai] Rastitellnye ontatki karbona Radno.go Altaia. 1958. 54 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Rmdnyy Altai-Faleobotany) BUBLZCHBNIW, N.L. - NIMIOROSHNV, T.N. V. Yiftieth anniversary of the death of GoG.Fetts, geologist and paleontologist. the eminent explorer of the Altai. Izv.AN Kazakch.MeSeregeola no*4:114 '58. (KIRA 12:4) (Pette, G.G., -1908) BUMaCHMO, N.L.; DMWOLOV, V-N.; NkXSIMOVA, Z.A.; SPASSKIY. N.Ya. Paleontological basis for the stratigrapby of Rudnyy Altai. Tmdy AIt.GWI AN Zuakh.SM 6:3-39 158- (MIRA 12:1) (AltALI Mountains--Palsontoloff) 31MLICHMIX0, N.L.; SMIKEVICH, N.A. International conforence on the Silurian-Devonian stratirraphy. Izv. All TazExkb. SSR. Ser.geol. no.1:104-106 '59. (MIRA 12-h) (Prague-Geoloa., Stratigraphic--Congresces) ATROV, P.Ta.; AYTIALIT-FIV, Zh. A.; AURZOV, M.O.; AKH74NDSA-VIN, IT.M.; BATISHCREV- TARASOV. fz'.D.; BAZANOVA, N.U.; BAISHEV, S.B.; BAYY-ONUROV, A.B.; HWTUROV, A.B.; BOGA7YRRY, A.S.; ROK, I.T.; BORWiYEV, R.A. - r fft, BYKOVA, N.S.; ZHILIIISKIY, ZTWV. D.A.; IVAITKIN. F.?.; KAUITLIf D.N.; KAYUFOV. AX.; INHWAYN . S.K.; XOTA)TILIN, NI.T.; KUITATEV. D.A,.; EUSIMV, G.L.; i.ll.; IkkSHANTOV, O.Zh.; YLgDO*f.;,I, G.TS.; V0111CH, V.K.-, IMKAITOV. S.; MISIlUsTOV, G.: IftJOARKNAW10Y, S.M.; PARSHDI, A.Y.; POrROVSKIY, S.N.; POWSWRIII, A.P.; RUSAKOV, M.P.-, SIRGIYET, X.G.: SlYliM.Ill. S.Sh.; TAZHI3AYb'V, P.T.; FgSs-,NKOV, 7.G.; SffLYGIII, Ya.D.; SHCH9,11RA, G.N.; CHOKIII, Sh.Ch.; CHOLFAITP.TWV. T.Gh. Sixti"th birthday of Academician Ranysh Irnntaevich Satpaev. Vent. All Uza~cb. SSR 15 no.4:58-61 Ap 159. (MURA 12:7) (Satpaev, Kanysh lwntaevich, 1899-) BCRMYEV, R.A., akademik,; AYTALIYEV, Zh.A., red.; BUBLICagO, red.; BROVA, X.S., red.; GALITSKIY, V.V., red.; rVSHIN, N.K., red.; MEDOYEV, G.TS., red.; NIKITIN, I.F., red.; RUKAVlSHNI- KOVA, T.B., red.; SEMMICH. N.A., red.; SHLYGIN, Ye.D., red.; SIMINOV, M.N., red.; PRCKHOR(W, V.P., [Transactions of the conference on the unification of stratigraphic diagrams of the Pre-Paleozoic and Paleozoic In eastern Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, May 12-17, 1958.] Tmdy Soveshchaniya po unifilrateii strati- graficheakikh ekhem dopaleosoya I paleozo.Ta Vostochnogo Kazakhstana. Alma-Ata. Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhskx)i SSR. Vol.l. [Pre-PaleftOic, Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian] Dopaleozoi. kembrii, ordovik, silur. 1960. 296 p. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Soveshchaniye po unifikataii stratigraficheskikh skhem dopaleo- zoya i paleozoya Vostochnogo lasakhatana. Alma-Ata, 1958- 2. Predse- datell Orgkomiteta stratigraficheekogo noveshchaniya; IN KazSSR; Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN XazSSR (for Borukavev)- 3- Institut geologicheakikh nan AN X&zSSR (for Nikitin). 4. Yuzhno-Kazakhstanskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye (for Rukayishnikova). (lazakhstan-Geology, Stratigraphic) BORUYATEVI ReA., otv,red.; AYTALITBV, M.A., red.; MMLICILMOS NOL red.; BYKOVA, U.S., red.; OALITSKIY, M., red.; KKDO p *TSog red.; HIKITIN$ I.F.. red.; MIKAVISHNIKOVA, T.B.. red.; SENMICH, N.A., red.; SHLYGIN, Ye.D., red.; SEMOV. M.N.. red.; PROKHOROV, V.P., ETransactions of the Conference on the Unification of Stratigraphic Scale* of the Pre-Paleozoic and Paleozoic in Eastern Kazakhstan. Alma-Ata. 19581 Trudy Soveshchaniia po unifikstaii stratigraficheskikh akhem dopaloozois i paleozoia Voetochnogo Kazakhstans. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kazakhskoi SO. Vol.2. [Devonian, Carboniferous, Permian) Devon, karbon. perm'. 1960. 253 p. (Kim 130) 1. Sovashchaniya po unifiketsil stratigrafichaskikh skhem dopaleozoia i paleoxo1a Vostochnogo KazakhEtens. Alma-Ata, 1958. 2. Altayekly gornometallurgich-takly nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut AN XasSSR (for Bublichenko). 3..Inatitut geologichaskikh nauk AN KasSM (for Bykova)o 4. Yuzhno-Kaza"stanskoye goologicheekoye upravleniye (for Sen1mvich). (Kazakhaten-Geology, Stratigraphic) KAUIHOTA, ILata Aleksandrowna; NALIVKIN, D.V., akademik, glavnyy red.; --MMLICHIM, N.L.,_doktor 67sol.-mineral.nauk.; BAY-ASHOVA, Te.A., kand.gool.-mineral.nauk, red.; ABMICH. P.L.. red.izd-va; IVANOTAq A*Gmy takhn.radq [Paleontological basis of Paleozoic stratigraphy in the Rudnyy Altai) Poleontologichaskoe oboanovanie stratigrafii paleozoia Rudnogo Al- taia. Kookwas Goe,nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr. No.7. [Devonian and Carboniferous trilobites of the Rudn" Al- tall Devonskle I kamennougolOnya trilobity Rudnogo Altaia. 1960. 122 p. (KIRA 13:12) 1. Akadenlya na-uk Xazakhakoy SSR, Alm-Ata. Altayakiy gorno-metal- lurgichesIdy usuchno-iseledovatellakly Inatitut. .(Altai Nountains-Trildbites) BUBLIC - lz-'r-- EDOOTSJOLU, L.No, FATKULIN, R.N. M~~ Ccusidering problem of potectonic and the organic world. Test.AX Uzakh.SSR 16 no.4:81 AP 160. (XIBA 13:7) (Geology, StrtLctural) (Biology) SPASSM, Nikolay Yaroslavovicbj NALIVKIN, D.V., akademikq glav. rpd.,v JOU499204J.'69 doktor geologo-mineral. paukp otv. red.j M'VANM, E-OZ.s, kand. goologo-mineral. nai&, red.; ABKEVICHy P.L.9 redo izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., tekbn. red. (Paleontological basio of-the Faleo2oic the Rudnyy Altail Paleontologicheskoe obosnovanie stratigrafii paleozoia Rudnogo Altaia. Hoskvap Gose nauebao-tekbn. izd- vo lit-ry po geol. i okbrane*nedr. No.3. [Devonian Tetracoralla, in the Rudr" Altay] Devonskie chetyrekhlucbev .ye korally Rudnogo Altaia. 1960. 142 Ps (=A 14:8) (Altai Nountains-Rugosa) BUBLICHENKO, N.L. Stratigraphic control in metallogenic processes in the Radnyy Altai. Trudy Alt. GMNII AN Kazakh. SSR 10:196-208 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Altai Mountains--Geology, Stratigraphic) .BUBLICHMO, N.L. Couvinjan stage and sms remarks about the Iower Devonian in general. Diul. NOR Otd. geol. 36 no.l.-7&-U Ja-F 161. (MMA 14: 5) (Geology# Stratigraphic) DUBATOV, Viktor Nikolayevich- BUBLICHFXKft,-".-g-redw-,-SOKOLOVj B.S. j -!zW red.; IONINA, I.N. ~rl ~INO(~VA, N.F., teldm. K =a red. [Tabulata, and Heliolitidae, in the Silurian and Devonian sediments of the Rtifty Altai]Tabuliaty I, geliolitidy si- lurliskikh i devonskikh ot3.ozhenii Rudnogo Altaia. Moskva., Akad.muk SM, 1962. 109 p. 29 plates. I(MIRA 15:8) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk Kazakbakay SSR (for Bublichenko). 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Sokolov). (Altai Mountaing-Corals, Fossil) BUBLICHMO N L graphic studies of the Rudnyy Altai. Trudy Alt,.GI41II AN Kazakh.SSR 12-.' 316-21 162. (KML 15-8) (Altai 14=taina-Geology, Stratigraphic--Research) BUBLICHENKO.- N.L.; KOZHEMYAKO, M.N. Tectafacies of-flyschoids,and-.their genesis in the southwestern Altai. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.4:931-933 0 163. .(MA 16:11) 1. Gornometallurgicheskiy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy instutut AN KazSSR. Predstavleno akademikom D.V. Nalivkinym. BUBLICHENKO, N.L.1 KOZHEWAKO, M.N. Facies and "flyschoids" in the southwestern Altai. Trudy Alt. GMNII AN Kaz&A. SSR 160-14 163. (MMA 17 110) PAUUER, O.F.; ASTRAKHANT-SEVA, A.M.; BUBLIMO, V.A. - ~~!, tr: -,, -, Case of cat fleas attacking people In uninhabIted rooms. Dokl. Irk. gos. nauahe-isisl. protivochum. inst. no-5U177-1-79 163 (MIRA 18a1) 4 BbnIK, Andrey,~Avanoviahnfaublyk. A.Ij, kand.tekhn.nauk; OBOLMJSKIT,.Tu.A.s M.A.], dotsent, red.; TUBOLLITI, K.T. (Tubolieva, K.M. red. [Water supply for stock farms] Todopostaebaniis tvarynnytalkykh ferm. Kyiv. 1958. 39 p. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennia politychnykh i naukoTykh awn' Ukrainalkot MR. Ser.3. no.22) (KIU 12:2) (Water supply, Rural) I A.I.1, dots. Filter of porous concrete for dug vells. Makh. sill. hosp. 9 no.2:15-16 F 158. (NM 11:3) (711ters and filtration) (Wells) USSR/~hysics Monochromatic HIL~/Jun .52 X-ray Sources, "ftployment of the Sharp-Focus Tube for Opera- tion in Impulse Regime," A. I. Bublik and D. Ya. Pinest Kbarlkav State U imeni A. M. Gorlkiy "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol 16, No 3, PP 3510-354 Report heard at the conference on powerful monochromatic x-ray sources, held at Khar'kov 24-26 Jan 52. V. V. Avgust participated in this report. Subject operation is important 232T104 for,investigating those processes of structural variations that occur in time. In this can- nection tubes with higher power or rotating or',oacillating anodes were employed before the appearance of subject sharp-focus tubes (iitlcli permit shortening the time of exposure vithout,~ increase of power). Now even better is subject impulse (rapid) x-ra~r tube. 232T104 UPS~/Physics K~nochrafttic ifty/jun 52 X-ray Sources I'An X-ray Tube With ap Especially Long and Sharp Linear Focus and Some of Its Applies- tione~" A. I. Bublik, B. Ya. Pines; Khar1kov State U imeni A. M. Gor I kiy "Iz Ak R-auk SSSR, Ser Fiz" Vol 16, No 3, C\1 PP 355-359 LengtW of focus is 22 mm and the distance from tocus to tube's fovea is 12,mm, which permits use of x-ray beams with a~hgular 232T105 ,convergence; greater than 500. This large con- versence enables one successfully to photograph siugle-crystal samples according to the method O.f converging beamp the exposure being several times shorter than required to obtain x-ray p4otoj;raplis of rotation. Subject method is especially advantageous for photographing mi- crocrystals, making it convenient for studying structure, ~of alloys and metals. 232IT105 ",7 ~ "X-Ray Tube W ith Part i cularly Uch Zap. i~harr_L)vsIxu.,o ~jriiv. on 12.;-132 ~ I1.1 ;. "" Lon~~ ana Suaro i,_Inear Tv. ~Iz. Utd. i-Iz. ".1aA iak. 4, 19;J3, An X-ray tube with a focal sput ~.2 Jmi lon.-.; and 0.3 ni'm i:,e i~,~ 3escrib lor tuues wi Electrostatic fucusim, of the electron beaim n foca". point tef. j. j. -ezverkiUm -_,nd 6 Y-j. 0IM0II.$ Z11. -'e'Ah. ~.Iziki$ 117, via-, tip.,,1.'.ad. -Le-sts wli,h uryst;~l,, Pr. ved ti~at t,-~e Lu-0e 1115Y s-,:rve ~91- powerful zu,--oce ..'or of fluids and for of micr~crysctfilline uL~Jectz. (ni,ili~iz, No 2, SO: ~,um. 4-2j, 12 55 B~U,5 L-1A OWN;, fit states In thi filitAllifithd 01 oys Ath 4 0jk4 Ii at -01ru-C. V *titliullibijiml n fifitwo Electroilographic study of thjlt~[lmi or :~q,)< lo-rclu. tile samc.ctyst g4-o >504Z. With thickil TlubjkjR elaft. JoLivDay y P, VCIW13~0~2~%. it is h another structure is observed; with NI: Zan B exalplial an&with Cr it is -T complex CU Vow. Univ. 49; Vru-; bic similar to d riven f is ~the tnew, h,gramterfor filins dtPolited by slow -ASUM14 No. 4,13 -5ql953); C.A. 49,_-7949r.~ C On- the electron odyiiamic condition, hi are Data at or an electr6tiographic study of (tie, tilifi-to-7 Thcriu I' ence nax. - thc~ thin layers are d wlulen~atlolt of for phase equil. arv 'rit. filnit that ivtrc obinined by.evalin. an clonsdered; anil heij tilt e., below iybi..), bccomes stable, evnpn. rate and thickness of the:filnt.- tile" is posslbl~ in rtlation to fl. 1* is detd. Oil The thicknew,was mcasured.:by an optical-Intericrun6c aresurfat"01" j tkirD Pbase'L":BY taking into account the i free -ergics of the method. A disordered, at. distribution ~vas uoNd Iii -films ct entrees, F, and F, am resulting f"lln sloty evalm. laterfertaice wax. wete obwnt atcraction between on 'bc-111MMA 11tighbors, equatlon I haLs f the iiOCUMOVAIW. With rupid cvalm~ (NoTiA fec~) OJAI -_ 7R tile 'wZ:) - d, It + t4 orm Thus there Avas a ';,in the, cases ibid. 39; No -75(1952))4 02),whtm of both V and Be (1 .3, 1 , ; -lion CII)nnljties'tdiissitliheerdc'lsatti=onecobfetth%veelmaicant-t fayers parallel 6%VU. 10 the surl, the Mation of structure to the tbickntn of the film is sh tee, In wry thin.films (2-.- 3 X 10-1' Co occurs in,an trall cat of )hase state. ~ -Two clearly defined diffusion -rinP sitiQ51"On to hc2t Of evAPM., 7~ is the temp. of phase Wn- are present on the.'electranogmm. 21a films with-a thick-; bis' n for m4ssivc samples. Accoriling to & calcii. an the -1 cm. thit structure of Co, corresponds to the ft-~ f is ofel)ftlon % when the metal inn massive sa plehasa ness of -10 Rce-centOred cuVic lattice, the fOrmationofabody-cmtemd modification. (faceweenttred'cubic), . lle=gonal ~ Cq~ is ob-.--,. lattice ill- the thin film is very i p ble. T e erst served.fri films that thicker than 10 - c it in Toba rev am- I .-In the thick.' Situation Is very probable. The formation of a hexagonal nessrangefrom4 X 10`4 tog X 10-7cin. thirearclineson lattice in the thin film is-niso possible, if the metal has a the ejectronograms that do not correspond to the known CO face-centeilcil -cubic- lattice in the I Ve pie. dchwnfluzuhithl&.~. ~:)?rjerhl..Z naW S3111 Throligb modifj~atjnns. IV. Structure oftilckel an 11AM Fix. I PSSP No. AM. 3`2 Themod alluic conditions for jibaze stability In L,.' W. 1. CbMwid U. YM Pines. lbid~ -Data am ectronogra of, thin Ni nhd Ce fliftis given for an'el phic study 6iled by:evapg. on Red t rain eyalim, em relation betimeri.M.A.,. A.I. n!.J P-I*---,~, L.Y- llie Unlualm--,ccd State ir, Thin Films of Me'als and Alloys/~ri .'"The Structure of Nickel and Chrome in Thin I.-tyers," "The Thermodynamic Conditions of Phase Stability in Thin Films," Uch. zap. KhGU. Lgcientific notes of Khar'kov State UniversitV v. 48, Tr. Fiz. otd. LWorl-.s of the Physics Dept./ 14o. 4, Im. State univ. publication', Card 1/1 Pub. 153 - ~3/24 Author Pines, B. Ya., and Bublik, A. I. Title High-temperature electronographs Periodical Zhur. tekh. fiz.., 24, u3�-n45, Jun 1954 Abstract Describes a high-temperature electronograph-of simple design (without magnetic lebses),for obtaining electronograms of specimens found at high-temper'atures,-In the form of thin plates and in the form of mas- sive slides'. The thin plates are of finely crystalline alilminum and other substances, practically single-crystals. Fivereferences,-all USSR (Z. G. Pinsker, B. K. VaYDBhteyn, V. D. Bezirerkhiy). Institution Submitted July 19, 1954 I(k S4SR,05. 531-3~19M .10 ---tbkkdtss I~M'Er~tl italt cell -4.03:X)~dlst p6ttal.: mor6 deftm ' . UMtibk and ca r; -4 A . riattmal Itliv Lve-I t;C,P,rcllld. up to.161 -bijt thetc-is y hIvwcd to. ft SI atik. TI aimi. -.61 ht~ to ratt of ex Ahe mipportof c6ati6lietl tiffifiA wuckiAioti~ lxickgrpiwd of t1mil dectroik ble. distiacfu~si of t4c lint:3 iii L 19 (ler"Itil aS Tit' crit t1ativit, isaW taltullilcatlast. is ).--Films ihctlat MIAC . tt.libefiftefigty he-klmtrarto it iogia~lik of Itis thaw. cmbm a.- 'a i6, w b ' b" hl~ iiiodi-':, filks wit X-'Iu-~4 cro, wwkstleo A cubk Ag ton .4 At -*iAlitchm"tht. Ift of the ititcTferelices; mul th~ - ., -N : L -of the jaj1f:iM, ' 4 to 5 m " ristilh.,- W. Trit BUBLIK, A.I. "Electron Diffraction Study of Fine Silver Films," DAL, SSSR, V. 96, Wo 3, Ali (Academy of Sciences) USSR publication, M. - L. PIRMS. Boris Yakoylevich. professor! JURIJ . A.L,6odotsent, kmndidat f isiko-m tout (ch9skII& nook. ot"tetvakiyy redaktor: 22"OUKOTI. A.S.. redaktor IsdaitelImtvm; TROPUMNO. A.S., takhnicheekly redaktor [lacturem on mtrueturel analysis] Imektoit po atrakturnoun analisn. Izd. 2-os. parer. Mwrlkov. lzd-va lhmrlkovskago gosounive is* A.M.Oorikago, 1957. 454 p. (IGRA 10:9) (Crystenecrapbr) AUTHOR: Bublik, A.I. 70-2-7/24 TITLE: Electronographic investiGation of the structure of thin liquid layers of tin. (ElekbronografichEdqe issledovanjye st.,Vywdya tonkikh zhidkikh plenok olova) PMUODICAL; "Kristallografi-,Yall (Crystallography), 195?, Vol.2, No.2, ppe 249-254 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Electronogg ams were obtained frcm liqaid 1--yers of Sn about 2-3 x 10- cm thick. The specimens were heated and the changes in diffraction pattern recorded. On approaching the m.p. the further outlines became broad and diCfuse and then vanished altogether and at the m.p. itself there remained only a few broad low-angle rings. The latter coincided with L the mean positions of groups of sharp lines in the powder photograph at room temperature. The radial distribution curve ivas;,r- alculated,,*Lor th intensity data using the foimula 40R je(R) = 4vjWlqo'~ 2R ~sj (s)sin sRds normally used for n 0 X-ray viork. Here V(R) is the atomic density function, Card, 1/3 Vo the average density, 2 J11(s) = i(S)INf 1, 70-2-7/24 Electronographic investigation o-.L* the structure of thin liquid layers of tin. (Cont.) IL (z f2 2 Z bein6 the atomic number and f p the X-ray atomic scattering amplitude. -J(s) represents the intensity of the coherent scattering, to obtain which the incoherent scattering has to be substracted from the observed intensity. The incoherent scatter- ing is estimated from the very high angle scattering from the liquid and from the background between sharp lines from the crystalline specimen. The resulting calculation gives the average surroundLngs of Card a Sn atom to be the following (compared vrith N.S. Gingrich, Usp. V2 Khimiim 15,, 297, 1946 - values bracketted). 70-R-7/24 Electronop~aphie investigation of the structure of` Ihin liquid layers of tin. (Conte) Temp. 0 0. First Co-ord. Second Third sphere. 0 11 A Number R Number R Number 20 3.05 4 3.?8 4 4*42 8 3-17 4.91 4 235 3-4 7 3-95 6 4-?5 8 300 3.6 11.5 (250 3.38 10) (390 3.36 8.9) These i-esults are interpieted to mean that at the maltuing point T U the stiucture of Sn iemains close to that of solid white Sn and v:ith further heating the atoms 'tend to close packing (which is reached at about 300 C) and at hi&,r temperatures the density of packing decreases. Aclinowledgments to Prof. B.Ya. Pines. There are 6 references, of which 5 are Slavic, 5 fi6ures and Card " 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: lKharkov State University im A.Yi, Gorkogo. (Kharkovskdy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im A.M. Gorkogo) SUBDUTTED: June 30,1956. AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress J AUTHOR: Bublik, A.I. and Buntarl, A.G. 70-2-8/24 TITLE: 'Vb determination of the atomic radial distribution function in a liquid metal alloy from elecuronogram data. (0~redelwdye funktsii radialiiogo raspredeleniya, atomov v zhidkom metallicheskom splave po dannym. elektronogramm) PERIODICAL: "Kristallof--rafj:ya" (CrystallogLaphy), 1957, Vol.2, No.2, pp. 255-259 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The theory of a method for deriving the radial density distribution function from electron diffraction data is devel- oped for the case where several kinds of atoms are present in a liquid alloy. The e tion aRpropriate for X-ray scattering: 2 2R S I S)- 1. sin s R ds 4qRj (R) = 41TR t + W 0 (-N'41? 0 is modified to averaf,~e over the difloerent kinds of atoms to give: 4,tr2kalloyk0Qljoy+2r 41t2kalloyfalloy(r) si(s)sin(sr)ds Card 1/2 0 where kalloy= Gaka + " + Cnl~nl 'ealloy (r) =Va(r) +...+(n(r), 70-2-8/24 The determination of the atomic radial diFtribution function in a liqaid metal alloy from electronogram data. (Cont.) CM = atomic concentration in the alloy, 14 = total number of scattering atoms, k.= F mIfe the effective number of scattedng 2 (7 electrons in an atom of M, f _F)2/s2 s = 4'VsinGI/?L T I fe Zm) and i( S) (F 2 1/f 2. m e ,The above formula was applied to data obtained photuo- metrically frog electronograms taken of a layer of 6(Y/'l Al, 40~o' Sn - x 107-1 cm thick at 520 C. The layer was produced by vacuum evaporation. The density curve showed three mqY-' corresponding to Al-Al distances of 2.70 A (10.0 neiE;hbours), Sn-Sn distances of.3.40 A (6.2 neighbours) and Al-Sn + Sn-Al distances of 3-05A with 1.0 and 1.5 to 1.6 neighbours, Card 2A respectively. There are 9 references, 8 of which are SINic, 1 figure and 1 table. .ASSOCIATION: Kharkov State University im. A.M. Gorkogo (Kharkovski-y Gosudarstvennyy Universitet im. A.M. Gorkogo) a(MINIPlYTED: October 3, 1956. AVAIIABLE: Library o? Congress. AUTHORS: Bublik, A. I. and Buntarl, A. G. 126-1-8/4o TITILE: Determination of the density of the distribution of atoms in liquid aluminium and bismuth at various temperatures from data of electron diffraction patterns. (Opredeleniye plotnosti raspredeleniya atomov v zhidkikh Al i Bi pri razlichnykh temperaturakh po dannym elektronogramm). PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1957, V0 5, No.1, pp. 53-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper (Ref.1) data are given on the study of the structure of liquid tin by means of electron ', diffraction patterns at two temperatipires, namely, at the melting point temperature and at 300uG. On the basis'-of analysis of the curves of the density of atom distribution, it is shown that the structure of liquid tin changes with increasing temperature. At the melting point temperature, the distribution of the atoms is basically the same as in crystalline tin; with increasing~ temperature the liquid tin aims to attain a dense packing. The authors considered it of interest to verify this characteristic also on other metals and in this paper the results are given of electron diffraction investigation of the Card 1/3 structure of liquid aluminium which,in the solid state, 126-1-8/40 Determination of the density of the distribution of atoms in liquid aluminium and Jbismuth at various temperatures from data of electron diffraction patterns. has a densely packed lattice and of Bi which has a rhombohedric lattice approaching the simple cubic lattice. The preparation of the specimens, the taking of the electron diffraction exposures and the calculations were carried out in the same way as in the earlier work. Electron diffraction exposure ere made f2g aluminium films of the thicknesses 2 .1 -' to 3. 10 cm temperatures 670, 720 and 85YC ana fSr Bi films of..# equal thicknesses at 280, 300 and 400 C; the I(s) curves for various temperatures are entered in the graphs Figs. 1 and 2 and the positions of the maxima of these curves are entered in Table 11, p.54. The radial distribution density of the atoms i8 graphed in Fig.3 for aluminium (for 670, 720 9d 850 C and in Fig.4 for bismuth (for 200, 300 and 400 C). The number of near neighbours at various temperatures were determined for liquid aluminium and bismuth. It was found that at the melting point temperature the short range order is fundamentally the same as in crystalline aluminium and with increasing temperature the density of the particles Card 2/3 decreases; the short range order in bismuth at d 126-1-8/40 Determination of the density of the distribution of atoms in liquid alumi-nium and bismuth at various temperatures from data of electron diffraction patterns, temperature approaching the crystallisation temperature is also similar to the order of distribution of the particles in solid bisiputh, whilst with increasing temperature (up to 300uC), the bismuth tends to become more densely packed in the same way as was observed in e6rlier work for tin; in the case of considerable over- heating, the density of the atom distribution in aluminium. as well as in bismuth approaches the average density. Acknowledgment is made to Professor B. Ya. Pines for his advice during the execution of the work. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 6 references, three of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: July 16, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Khar1kov State University. (Kharlkovskiy Gosudarst- vennyy Universitet). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 AUTHORS: BlIhIjkli A.I. and Buntarl, A.G. SOV/70-3-1-6/26 __Ie~ TITIZ: 3 ctron Difiraction Study of the Structure of Liquid Metals and Alloys (Blektronograficheskoye issledovaniye stroyeniya zhidkikh metallov i splavov) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1-958, Vol 3, Nr 1, PP 32 -42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is an abridged version of a paper read at the first All-Union conference on electron diffraction in January, 1957. Some years ago in the laboratory of the department of solid-state physics of the Khar'kovskiy gosudarstvennyl universitet(Kharlkov State University) a method was developed for electron diffraction studies of liquids (Refs 61 7) and systematic work was begun on the structure of liquid metals and alloys. Up to that time, electron diffraction technique was almost never used in structural analysis of liquids. There are only two papers (Ref 8) in which electronograms are reported for a few liquid metals and alloys. In the method now described the structure of liquid metals and alloys was studied, using electronograms obtained wjth "free" liquid films with a thickness of between 10-~ and 10-6 cm. The method of Cardl/4 preparation of polycryatallite unbacked films was described SOV/70-3-1-6/26 Electron Diffraction Study of the Structure of Liquid Metals and Alloys earlier (Ref 9). Such films are obtained by evaporation onto a glass or mica plate in such a way that first a soluble (in water) film of some material is deposited and then the metal itself. When such a'plate is placed in a solvent the metallic film can easily be separated from the backing and floats freely on the surface of the solvent. Such a film can then be easily removed and placed in a special holder for use in a high-teriperature electrono- graph. The electronograph in the above department is very sinple(Ref 6). Its main advantage is that structural studies can be carried out at high temperatures. However, in ~igh-temperature work very careful preparation of specimens is necessary-and -it must be ensured that the heating device does not out-gas. Figure I shows a device which acts both as a heater and specimen holder. The device is in the form of a tantalum plate with an aperture in the middle upon which the specimen is placed. The tantalum ribbon is fixed in a holder whose ends are insulated from the body. In Figure 1 (7) is the tantalum ribbon on which the specimen is placed. By passing a Card2/4 current through the tantalum ribbon the specimen can be SOV/70-3-1-6/26 Electron Diffraction Study of the Structure of Liquid Metals and Alloys heated to any temperature and changes in its structure can be followed either on a screen or by photographic means. Integral analysis of intensity curves was used to determine the degree of short-distance order. This method was des- cribed by the present authors in Refs ? and 11 for liquid metals and Refs 12 and 13 in the ca-ve of alloys. To cal- culate the radial distribution in monatomic liquids, Formula (1) was used. To determine the corresponding function in the case of liquid alloys Eq (5) was used. Figures 2-6 show the radial distributions at various temp- eratures in liquid Bi, All On and In. The temperature range covered is 235 - 850 C. The following conclusions can be drawn from these results: 1) liquid metals (independently of the type of the crystal lattice) have the same short-distance order as the crystalline state at the melting point; 2) in the case of metals with dense packing, the co-ordination niimber decreases with increasing temperature and in the case of "loose" packing this number increases; 3) at high temperatures the distribution Card3/4 density in all liquid metals tends to a smooth curve. SOV/70-3-1-6/26 Electron Diffraction Study of the Structure of Liquid Metals and Alloys The following alloys were investigated: Bi-Sn, Al-Sn, and Al-In. The radial distribution curves for these alloys at various temperatures and compositions are given by Figures 9-14. ftsults obtained for these alloys show that thin films of liquid alloys (of any concen- tration) consist, at temperaturesclose to the crystal-. lisation point, of regions enriched with one of the components. The character of the packing in these "uniform" regions is very similar to the packing in the corresponding pure liquid metals. There are 14 figures, 5 tables and 18 references, 3 of which are German, 1 English and 14 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy $osudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M. Gor:kogo (Kharlkov State University imeni A.M. Gor kiy) SUBMITTED: February 26, 1957 Card 4/4 1. ZIOV/126-6-4-i8/34 AUTHOR: Bublik&-AIQT,~ buntari, A.G. TITLE: Electron-Diffraction Study of the Structure of Liquid Alloys in the Al-Sn System (Elekturonograficheskoye issledovaniye stroyeniya zhidkikh splavov sistemy Al-Sn) PERIODICAL:Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeni-ye, 1958, Vol 6, .- Nr 4, pp, 692-699 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In contrast to liquid metals, the stnicture of molten metal alloys has not been studied in great detail. One of the first papers on this subject was written by Danilov and Radchenko(Ref.1), followed latex by the work of Skrishevskiy (Ref.2). The present authors suggested (Refs-3-5) that electron diffraction was a useful technique in the study of the structure of liquid metal alloys. A method of calculation on the radial distribution of the density of atoms in a liquid alloy from electron diffraction intensities was given in Ref-5. The present paper gives the results of electron-diffraction study of the structure of liquid Al-Sn alloys of the following compositions; 8Wo Al~ Card 1/4 20116 Sn; 60fo Als 4Wo Sli; 401o Al, 6CrJo Sn; 20%o Al, SWo 113n; SOV/126-6-4-18/~,Jf Electron-Diffraction Study of the Structure of Liquid Alloys in the Al-Sn System (all i'n atomic %). Each alloy was studied at several temperaturez ranging from the neighbourhood of its melting point ''-,o about 1500C above it. The alloys were in the form of thin films (3 x 10-rO cm) prepared by evaporation and condensation in vacuo. The composition .of an alloy was determined by weighing. The samples were melted and electron-diffraction patterns were obtained in the high-temperature apparatus described by Pines and Dablik (Ref.?). From the diffraction patterns intensity cui~-,)ea were coiastructed., e.g. Fig.1 which gives the intensities for the alloy %rith 805r, Al at GOOOC (curve 1),, ?00r-C (curve 2),, ?5CPC (curve 3). Positions of the maxima on the intensity curves of all the alloys studied are given in Table 1. From the intensity curves the distribut ions of atoms in the four alloys were derived (Figs,,2-5). The authors make the following deductions from the data of Figs.2-5. At temperatures just above the iielting point, liquid Al-Sn alloys possess Card 2/4 regions consisting mainly of atoms of one kind (e,g.Al); I SOV/126-6-4-18/34 Electron-Diffraction Study of the Structuxe of Liquid Alloys in the Al-Sn System this agrees well with the X-ray diffraction studies of liquid alloys reported by Danilov, Radchenko, and Skrishevskiy (Refs. .1-2). Coordination numbers calculated for all the four alloys (Table 2, Fig.6-7) show that the packiag in the regions consisting of atoms of one Icind. is similar to the packing in the corresponding pure metals. With increase of temperature a gradual mix3*-n*g of atoms occurs and the distribution of the two components becomes more uniform. It Is pointed out that the studies repo4ed in the present paper were made on films 3 x 10-0 cm thick and, therefore, the results obtained may not apply to liquid alloys in bulk. Acknowledgments are made to Professor B.YA.Pines,'~~' for his advice. There are ? figures, 2 tables and 9 references of which Cara 3/4- SOV/126-6-4-i8/34 Electron-Diffraction Study of the Structure of Liquid Alloys in the Al-Sn System 8 are Soviet and 1 German. ASSOCIATI-CH: Hha2kovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet imeni A.M.Gorlkogo (Eharlkov State University imeni A.M.Gorlkiy) SUBMITTED: 8th February 195?. Card 4/4 1A /.2 9 0 66982 /JD' 91)00 SOV/81-59-13-45213 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 13, P 71 (USSR) Buntar', A.G., Gayevaya, N.P. AUTHORS: Jab TITLE: The Investigation of the Structure of Liquid Alloys of the Bi-Sn System by the Electronographic Met4od M PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Kharlkovsk. un-t, 1958, Vol 98, Tr. Fiz. otd. fiz.-matem. fak... Vol '(, pp 251 - 256 ABSTRACT: The sqatteraM of electrons)%by liquid Bi-Sn alloys has been investigated (for alloys with 20, 50, and 80 atomic % Bi at temperatures close to the crystallization point, and for the alloy with 50% Bi also at 2700C). The samples were prepared in the form of "free" films (2 - 3)-10-6 cm thick by evaporation and condensation in vacuum. The scattering intensity curves of all alloys, a little overheated above the melting point, agree well with the calculated ones obtained from the intensity curves for pure components by the law of additivity. In the case of overheating by several dozens of degrees above the liquidus there is no such agreement. Based on the inten- sity curves of scattering the curves of the radial distribution of atoms Card 1/2 in the alloy with 50% Bi have been calculated. The numbers of the adjacent 66982 SOV/81-59-13-45213 The Investigation of the Structure of Liquid Alloys of the Bi-Sn System by the Electrono- graphic Method neighbors and the coordination number have been determined approximately. The conclusion is drawn that liquid films of Bi-Sn alloys of any concentration at the melting point con- sist of regions, in which mainly atoms of one type are found. At overheating by several dozens of degrees this microstratification-disappears. D. Belashchenko Card 2/2 BU13LIK Andpe .1 J (BublTkj, A.I.],-, KRASNITSKIY, Mi&i! q fro a Krannyto lyi,, M.S.]; BOROVSKIY, Eduard Rud9llfovic'h (Borovalkyij B.R.); KlYANICHENKO, N.S. lx~ianichenko, red.; LEUSIICHEKO, V.L., tokhn. red. Cluse of glass pipes im the vater piping In farm truild- ings3 Siltsl~yi vnutrishnii vodoprovid iz skliarVkh trub. Kyiv, Derzhbud,.rydav UR9R, 1963. 30 P. (MIRA 17:1) 69h89 S/020/60/131/04/02/073 AUTHOR: Bublik, B.A. (a TITLE: Un the-Existence of Won-Rigid Closed Surfaces PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol-131, No-4, PP 725-727- TEXT: Continuing the investigations of * N.-N.Yefimov (Ref-3) and E.G.PozAvak (Relp-4) and of the own paper (Ref.5) the author const3~ucts the example of a non-rigid regular closed surface with not less than two linearly in- dependent infinitesimal bendings. The author mentions L.V.Kantorovich. There are 6 Soviet references. ., ASSOCIATION: Magnitogorskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut (Mlagnitogoi,&State Pedagogical Institute) PRESENTED: December 1, 1959, by P.S.Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTED: November 20, 1959 Card 1/1 BUBLIK, B. A. Cand Phys-Math Sci - (diss) "Occurrence of closed surfaces of rotation accessible to not less than two linearly independent fhfibitely small bendings." Moscow, 1961. 7 pp; (Moscow Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov Mechanics-mathematics faculty); 200 coDies; -price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 172) IOUBLIK, B. !-I N=ber of fundamental infinitesimal deformations of closed finned surfaces of revolution. Usp. mat. nauk 18 no.2:121-125 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Surfaces, Deformation of) 87798 lo gloo S/040/60/024/005/021/028 ':~- 4, '21 4s- C111/C222 AUTHORS: Bublik,--B.N., and Merkulovp V.I. (Kiyer) TITLE: On the Dynamic Stability of Thin Elastic Shells Filled up '"Nith a Fluid PERIODICkLt Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika, 1960, Vol.24, No-5, pp-941-946 TEXT: The authors consider a thin elastic shell the inner cavity of whioh is entirely or partially filled with an ideal incompressible fluid. The question for the dynamic stability leads to the solution of the variation problem t r, f (1.1) a (T'f-A"-U")dt ~ 0, t 0 where T" and U11 are the kinetic and the potential energy of the disturbed system, while All is the work of a certain reduced load on the shifts of the disturbance and is defined as in (Ref.2). If the inertia terms can be neglected or if the initial state of the shell is almost free of moments it holds (1-5) All - OfFP u+F v+F wJd67, Card 1/5 2 z L~'~ is n S/040/60/024/005/021/028 C111/C222 On the Dynamic Stability of Thin Elastic Shells Filled up With a Fluid where U PT P PQ 1 2)-T,V(E,P)+ -,,,-(~2PSO)+Sc~ c) P, R-P (1-4) F = TOX,+To n 2-0-2 V . 1 'j QT')-To---L' 1 0 o - ') (82 PQ [79 1 2 ~~(2Q)+ 7-T(FIQS )+S 7~,(Elp)-qj 1+Y' I Here and lateron ~' is the middle --,uy-face; c~',(, are its curvilinear coordinates; n is its normal; P Q are the coefficients of its first fundamental form; u.v,vv art-, shifts corresponding. to D(,~ n; m. and gare mass densities of the surface of the shell and the volume of the fluid; Ell 2,Care relative deformations of the shell expressed by 0 0 0 u,v,w according to the linear theory of shells; T ~ T 'S are stresseQ. 1- 2 of the undisturbed shell by which the initial state free of moments 1.8 characterized; qoqg,qn are the outer loads; a is the acceleration of the Card 2/5 '9~005/021/028 S / 0 4 6 o ~072Q C 11 1YC222 On the Dynamic Stability of Thin Elastic Shells Filled up With a Fluid. translation of motion of the system; V is the volume of the fluid,~D is . I the velocity potential of the fluid in V; 7- 1is the part of the boundary of V where 31- is known; 7- is the part of the boundary of V where-fie 'a h 2 known; G is the Green's function of the Neumann-Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation in V. It holds (1.6) G d5 - if d 15. ff -,j-U zl The solution of (1.1) leads to four differential equations (1.7) L (U)+L -L-'02 [ F., --m 2LU0 11 12(v)+Ll3(w)+ Eh Oat2 L (u)+L (v)+L 1 1 0 21 22 23(w)+ 1-1: rF -M t. 2 Eh A %tv Card 3/5 67798 S/040/60/024/005/021/028 CM/C222 On the Dynamic Stability of Thin Elastic Shells Filled up With a Fluid 31 32 33(w)+ IE IF I,w e 2�1- 0 L (u)+L (v)+L h n-mo ~-t -&t A ~P - 0. The boundary conditions correspond to the clamping of the boundary of the shell [Abstracter's note: not given I and -PI (1.8) +a 0 on the free surface z 0 (1.9) ;)%p aw n the wetted inner surface. -5-n = -WT 0 The operators L,M,E,N and the vectPr X(u,v,w,xp) can be introduced so that (1-7) assumes the form (2.1) LX+MX+E -a 2' +N !-X = 0 Card 4/5 1 t2 -at M98 S/040/60/024/005/021/028 C111/C222 On the Dynamic Stability of Thin Elastic Shells Filled up With a Fluid Here L,M,E,N satisfy all conditions for the existence and uniquenesq of a generalized solution according to the theorem 3 of Vishik (Ref,6). As an application of the described theory the authors consider a circular c~rlindrical shell filled with a fluid, with a flexibly clamped boundary. The investigation leads to a system of Hillss equations the -Jnveal~igation of which yields the eigenfrequencies and kinetic forces for the system shell + fluid. If especially the shell is filled completely with a fluid then the question for the stability for arbitrary shell parameter and loads can be answered with the aid of the stability diagram for the appearing Hill's equations. The authors thank N.N.MoAseyev for the theme and advices. There are 6 Soviet references. [Abstracter's notej (Ref.2) concerns V.V.Boloting Dynamic Stability of Elastic systems, 1956. (Ref.6) concerns a paper of M.I.Vishik in Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, Vol-100, NO-31 SUBMITTEDt November 25~ 1959 Card 5/5