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BRUSKI, Is. ; SZCZYGIEL, A. Two new species of the oilb-family Dorylaminae (liewitoda, Dorylaimidae). Bul Ac Pol 3iol 9 no. 12-511-514 '61. 1. Plant Protection Laboratory, Department of Vegetable Crops, Institute of Soil Science and Cultivation of Plants, Skierniewice and Experiment Station Brzezna, Institute of Pomology. Presented by T. Jaczewski. BRZESKI, M. A now nematode species Doryllium coronatum. sp. n. from Poland (Nematoda, Leptonchidae). Bul Ac Pol biol 10 no.7:257-259 1620 1. Laboratory of Plant Prob4tion, Department of Vegetable Crops, Institute of Soil Science and Cultivation of Plants, Skierniewice. Presented by T.Jaczewski. POLMD 1.111. )3RZFS lant Protection Laboratory, Depnrt-ment of Crops, institurE F 'a Science an,11 r- I ant CuUivation (Laboratorilva Oc ro IIUIIG &lnqtytxt "N*ttls ov the Genus Aporcelaimus I'liorn, , Swinger ~fllmatoda, DorylalmidE~F)." r e Zctertus Blolo~,iqae-, Vol 10, '.-) 11, 1962; j,p 459-472. !tnglisb articlj-: DaAcription and taxono-mical discusslcm; IIIUMU~atiOM Of anatomical charactPrIsLics, I German reffervace ,Nzjj72,.rian Ewthor, and 2 English referenc*;3. I BRMSKI, M. A rare nematode species, Aphelenchoides kungradensis Karimova, and a nomenclatorial note on A. spinocaudatus Skarbilovich (Heizatoda, Aphelenchoidid~e). Bul Ae Pol biol 10 no.11:479-481 162. 1. Laboratory of Plant Protection, Department of Vegetable Crops, Institute of Soil,Science and Cultivation of Plants, Skierniewice. PrAented by T.Jac"Zewski. T r POLAND Ul ZFISKI -.III , Laboratorium o-f Plant Protection, Department of Vegetable Crops at the institute of Soil Science and Cultivation of Plants (Laboratoriwn Ochrony Roslin ' Zaklad Warzymictwa Instytutu Upravrj, Nawozenia i Gleboznawstiva), Skiernieivice. "A New Plant-Parasitic Nematode: Hemicycliophora Zuckermani Sp. 11. (Nematoda, Criconematidae). Warsaw, Bulletin de 1'Academie Polonaise des Sciences Serie des Sciences Biologigues, Vol XI, No 4, 19b3; Pp 173-i7T.- Abstract [B-nglish article, Russian swmiary]: The author der scribes a newly discovered type of phyto-parasitic nematode in the soil around the roots of cultivated cranberry. The samples were collected in 'Jareham, 1--.ass. (USA). This Hemi- cycliophora Zuckermani is closely related to H. similis Thorne 1955, H. gracilis Thorne 1955, H. uniformis Thorne 1955, and H. vidua RasId 1956. Three bibliographical references are listed, all American (D.J. RASKI, G. THORNE). 2 -'. BRZESKI, M. Three new species of the genus Acrobeloides Cobb. (Nematodal, Cephalobidae.). Bul Ac Pol biol 10 n0-8:335-339 162* 1. laboratory of Plant Protection, Department of Vegetable Crops, Institiite of Soil Science and Cultivation of Plants, Skierniv,-ice. 'F-reoonted by T. Jaczewski. BRZESKI, M. Two new species of the genus Eudorylaimus Andrassy from Poland (Nematoda, Dorylaimidae). Bul Ac Pol bial 10 no.:L2-. 541-544 162. 1. Laboratory of Plant Protection, Department of Vegetable Crops, Institute of Soil Science and Cultivation of Plants, Skierniewice. Presented by T. Jaczewski. BRZESKI, M. Review of the nematode genus Anaplectus de Coninck, Sch.Sth. (Nematoda, Plectidae). Bul. Ac Pol biol 11 no.1:35-38 163. lo Iaboratory of Plant Protection, Department of Vegetable Crops, Institute of Soil Science and Cultivation of Plants) Skierniewice. Presented by T. Jaezewgki. BR7XSKI . Irl. Morphological studies on Eudoryldimus silvaticus Brzeski (Nematoda, Dorylaimidae). Bul. Ac Pol biol 11 no.3:133-136 163. 1. Plant Protection laboratory, Department of Vegetable Crops, Institute of Soil Science and Wltivation of Plants, Skierniewice. Pro,-)entod by T. Jaczewski. ETt',7ESY , I I M. Paratylenchus macrodorus n. sp. (Rematoda, Paratylenchidae), a new plant parasitic nematode from Poland. Bul Ac Pol biol 11 no.6:277-280 163. 1. Laboratory of Plant Protection, Department of Vegetable Crops, Institute of Soil Science and Cultivatic,n of Plants, Skierniewice. Presented by T. Jaczewski. BRZESKI, Michal Revision of the genera Tripyla Bastian and Paratripyla gen. n. (Namatoda,, Tripylidae). Annales zoo! 22 no.7:157-178 164. BRZESKI, W. Activities of the Polish Biochemical Society- P. 469. POSTEPY BIOCHWI. (Polska Akademis Nauk. Komitet Biochamicsny) Warszawa.. Poland Vol- 5, no. 4, 1959 Monthly List of East Etiropean Accessions (EUI) LC$ Vole 9$ no, 2. Fob. 1960 (~ncl* FER TOCZKO, Maria; HIZIOILEK. S.; RTSZXA. , I. Biosynthesis and metabolAsm of alkaloids in Lupinus anguatifoliua. I. Changes in the composition of alkaloids in early stages of development of plants. Acta bioebim.,-volon. 7 no.2/3: 203-213 160. 1. Zaklad Biochemli Roslin Justytutu Bioebemit, i Blofizyki PAN i Katedra Biochemil SGGW, Warszawa lierownik: prof. dr I.Reifer. (AIKA OIDS metab) lmzggj,w~ Dynamics of the incorporation of glycine carbon atoms into vhloropbyll a and b. Acta biochim.polon. 7 no.2/3:351-365 160. 1. llatedra Blochemil Szkoly Glownej Gospodarstwa Wiejakiego, Warszawa Kierownik: prof. dr Ignacy Reifer. Radiochemiache Abtellung des Anorganisch- und Physikaliach-Chemischen Institutes der Universitat, Wien. lierownik: prof. Dr Engelbert Broda (GLYCla chem) (CHLOROPHYLL chem) ISCESE, Janina; STAWICKA, Daunt&; TOOZKO, Maria; NIZIGLEK, S.; BRZESKI, W.; REIM, I. Biosynthesis and metabolism of Lupinus anguatifolius alkaloids. II Biosynthesis of alkaloids isolated from germs and cotyledon,$. Act& biochim.polon. 7 no.4:459-468 160. t 1. Katedra Biochemii SGGW i 7jaklad Biochemii Roslin InstytUtu, Biochemii i Blofityki PAN, Warszawa, Kierownik: prof. dr Ignacy Reifer. (ALIALOIDS metab) do-.-.4 c e -ree no-. 1, T I 1 0 Ic zi 71, BURZYHSKA., W.; TCGZKO, M.; MMKI., W.; REIM,, I. Biosynthesis and chaDges in the alkaloid content in blue lupine (L.anguatifolius). III. Changes in the alkaloid content in plants during their development. Acts, soc botan Pol 31 no.3:399-408 t62. - 1. Department of Biochemistry, Central College of Agriculture, Warsaw and Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. KAKOLEWSKA-BANIUK, A.; TOCZKO, M.; BRZESKI, W. Microbial degradation of 1upanine. IV. Bul Ac Pol biol 10 no.5:167-170 162. 1. Department of Biochemistry, Central College of Agriculture, and Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Presented by J.Heller. iK TOCZKO Y; I BRZEWI *1.11., KA1(OLB1-*1J1A-BA1,!IUK A. Institut of-Iffic-hemistry and '8iophysics at the Polish Aca- demy of Sciences (Instytut Biochem-ii i Biofizyki, PAN); Department of Biochemistry at the Agricultural Vniversity (Zaklad Biochemii, SGGW ), Warsaw. "Microbial Degradation of Lupanine. V.1dentification of of 17-Hydroxylupanine". larsaw, Bn1jetin de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Serie des ~iciences Biologiques, Vol XI, Ro 4, 1963; pp 161-164. Abstract ';~'1!:_iish article, Russian summarill: It has been establishl-, by means of physico-chemical and biological methods, that alkaloid L previously obtained as a product of bacterial disintegratflon of 1upanine is identical with 17-hydroxylupanine. Eight bibliographical references are. listed: 3 Polish, 3 USA and 2 Canadian. J, LJJKASFYENKO, II.P.;,BRZIIESKIY V.V.; SMIRNOVAI Z.M. Study on Alveococcus multilocularis (Echinococcus multilocularis) Leuckart, 1863 chromosomes. Preliminary report. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 34 no-3:351-352 I-fy-Je 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropicheskoy meditsiny imeni Ye.I. Martsinovskogo Minister5tva zdravookhraneniya SSSR, Moskva. LUKASHENKO, N.P.; ~ ~ Triehinellosis in wild animals in Siberia, Artic and Far East USSR. Wiad. parazyt. 8 no.6t589-597 162. 1. Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Ministry of Health USSR. (TRICHINOSIS) (ZOONOSES) BULIC, Frano, prof. dr.; BUCIC, Miodrag, prof. dr.; HAJDAROVIC. Borislav, dr.; EMT, Blazo. dr. Present therapy of malignant diseases of hemopoi6tic system. Ned. glasn. 8 no*10:337-344 Oct 54. 1. Interno odeljenje Bolnice "Dr. Dragisa,Kisovic" Beograd (sef prof. dr. Frano Bulic) (HEMOPOUTIC SYSTEM, neoplasms ther.) POPOVIC, Ivo, asist. dr.; 13RZIV, Blazo. dr. PcLlmonaa7 arteriovenous aneurysm@ (fistulas); case of pulmonary arteriovenous aneurysm between internal memiuLry artery and pulmonary vein. Srpski arh. celok lek. 82 no.9:lOB6-1095 Sept 54. 1. Interno odeljenje bolnice Odr. Draglea Misovic" u Bookradu, BOf. prof. dr. Frano Bulic; Hirurusko odeljenje Boinice I'dr. Dragisa Misovic" u Beogradu, sef asist. dr. Ivo Popovic. (FISTULA'ARMIOVZNOUS -puli.. internal mumary artery & pulm. vein) (IIJNGS, aneurysm' arteriovenous, internal mammary artery & pulm. vein) BUCIC, Miodrag; BRZXV,, _]~jkzo r~ - Multifocal carcinoma of liver cells. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 84 no.4:518-522 Apr 56. 1. Institut za patologiju t sudsku medicinu Vojno-medicinake akademija u Beogradu Nacelnik: pukornik Miodrag Bucic. Interno odelenjo bolnice dr. Dragisa Misovic u Beogradu. Sef: Frano Bulic. (HlPkTOMA, multifocal of liver cells, histopathol. (Ser)) BRZEV. Blazo, dr.; KRPO, Ancelija, dr. Current status of the treatment of scleroderma. Med.glasn. 14 no.4: 205-209 Ap Q6o. 1. Interno odeljenje Bolnice "Dr Dragisa Misovic" u Beogradu (Nachelnik* prof. dr F.Bulic) (SKERODMft ther) .-BRZEV,.,Blaz,o, dr Syndrome of endocrine exophthalmus, circumscribed myxedema and byper- trophic osteoartropatby. Med. glas. 16 no.1:32-34 Ja 162. 1. Bolnica ',Dr Dragisa Misovic" u Beogradu, Interno odeljenje (Upravnik: prof. dr F. Bulic) (MMDEKA compl) (EXOPHTHAIMOS compl) (PERIOSTITIS compl) J~~ R Z E- IYUGOSLAVIA Blaze of Internal Medlcine (Intarno *deljznja) ~cspital (Bolnica) PDr Dragiga Hisovic", Chief ~Scf) '11ref Dr Frane BULIC, Belgrade. "Heredity and Fcmiliil Occurrents of Thyrotaxic Struma.11 Deltz-ade, Sr2ski Arhiv za Gelaku no Lkkarstva, Vol 90, No 5, May 1961; pp S23-528, P'!)~~trtct LLr-glir-h sizzoary madifie(17! 'k-Acription t-t hyperthy-,oid Sciter ii~-ii7o-tlher and two "'aughters, with v.;Aprehanaive review of litrr4r-ure. Iwo P-Iectro~ardiograw!i$ 2 3 Yugoslav, 1 Soviet anti 18 T Westarn re-iorences, mostly te-:~:tbooks. DIW,RI:,./C'IIa,AcaI Tcchnolo6yi CheTdcal Products and TIncir Applica- H-6 tion. Safety and Sanitation Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Kh:Li., No 24, 1958, No 82190 .'aithor :N-aydenov I., Brzevu L., Aprakhariy= G. List :- Titlu :Effects of Working I-b-thods I~mploycd in tho Mines on the Sanitary Conditions Orig Pub :Sb. tr. Vissh. ..led; in-t,-Plovdiv, 1954-1955 (1957), 9, 1-~3 Abstract :The dry md wet LUning nothods (with afformntly constructed ventilation systems) were investigated during 1953-1955 in the zLines of the Rodopskiy Ldneral region.- It was estab- lished that improved sanitary conditions (particularly such factors as lower clust content of tile air, tumperaturc, humidity, and composition of the air) result fron thc: use of the wet mctlhod in conjunction itith the izprov,~d ventilation. Card 1/1 20 ERZEZICKA-BAK, Maria B,icyclic phenols as disinfecting agents. Farmacja Pol 20 no.:L/t-)t27-32 25 J064. 1. Zaklad Dozynfekcji, Dezynsakaji, Deratyzacji, Panstwowy ~aklad Higieny., Waramaws. BRZEZICKA-BAK, %ria Qaantitive determination of certain organic phosphorous eaters. Farmacja Pal 18 no.14:329-331 .25 Jl 162- 1. Laboratorium Technologiczne dezynfekeji.. Dezynsekcji., Deratyzacji., Rinisterstwa Zdrowia i Opieki Spoleeznej, Warszawa. Kierownik: dr. mod. Konrad Zembrzuski. BRZEZIPTSKI, Jan; WIRPSZA, Zygmunt Urea and melamine resins in the paper industry. Przem chem 39 no.2:70-73 F 160. 1. Instytut, Tworzyw Sztucznych, Warszawa BRZEZICKI, fte niusz (Kra ow. u1. Biskupia 7) Effect of nicotinic acid hydrazide on psychical conditions of patients; interpretation according to the Pavlovian theory. Polski tygod. lek. 9 no.47:1503-1505 22 Nov 54. 1. Z Iliniki Psychiatrycsnej A.M. v Krakovie; kierownik: prof. dr. I.Brzezicki. (NICOTINIC ACID ISOKKRS,injurious effects, isoniazid causing ment. disord.) (MENTAL DISORUM. etiology and pathogenesis. Isoniazie-) MRZEZICKI-, lugeniusz, Krakow First signs of certain psychological disorders in puberty. Przagl. lek. Krakow 10 no-12a:443-449 Doe 54. (PU M TT, diseases mental disord.. synt.) (KINTAL DISORDW in puberty, first sympt.) BRZEZICKI, Eugeniusz .~ ~ Ultraparadoxical phase in form of paragnomen as initial stage of schizophrenia. Neur. &c. polska 6 no.6:669-680 Hov-Dec 56. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej A.M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr. E. Brzezicki. (SCHIZOPHRENIA ultraparadoxical phase in form of paragnomen as initial stage (Pol)) EXCERPTA MEDICA See 8 Vol 12/5 Ne~rology MaY 59 2475. MONOPOLARITY OF DECIDING LOGICAL REASONING AND BIPOLARITY OF FEELINGS IN NORMALCY AND OBSESSIONS - Monopolarnofid rozs4d- zaji~cego logicznego rozumowania I bipolarnofit uczud w normie i natrqctwach - B r z e z I c k I E. Klin. Psychiat. A. M., Krak6w - NEUROL. NEURO- CTnR_.PSYCT1Tff._POL. 1958. 8/3 (325-337) They are 2 kinds of human thinking: one of them, the purely logical. abstract thinking, based on Pavlov'n second system of signals, the second one. the 'emot- ional thinking. based on the first system of signals. The former is monopolar, whereas the later has it blpo)ar structure which is an essential feature of emotion- al mechanisms. Accerding to this bipolarity each feeling consists of two opposite components. e.g. feeling of love and hatred; normally, usually only one becomes dominant. In many obsessions the second component becomes conscious aild active, as in the case of a mother who loves her child and at the same time desires to murder it. Those are the bipolar obsessions; others are associated with mono- polar. togical thinking, Le. the obsessive counting. Malewski - Pruszkow BRZEZICKI~ E. Neuropsychiatry in the past and today. p. 2 WSZECPS6TIAT. (Polskie Towarzystwo Przyrodnikaw im. Kopernik4) Warszawa. No. 1. Jan. 1959 Poland/ Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (,EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. BRZE7,TCYI, E. Darwin's natural selection and the civilized ran. n.. 261. WSZrGMFW'iAT. (Polskie Towarzystwo Przyrodnikow im Kopexmilka) V!arsza,.,a, Poland. No. 10, Oct. 1959. Yonthly List of East European Accessions (EEAT) LG, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1.960. Uncl. Z2Z-.LC--,'!, ~!ugt-,nJ-.usz SURNA:,~!, Given Narries Cowitry: coland Acade--ac Degrees:ZI-lot given7 Affilia' ,ion: Znrt give-Y,7 Vol =I Ser II No 81 1961, pp 29C-291. Source: .1arsa7..I) Przeglad Lelkarski, 7 Data; "Solne, -Remarks on a New Syndrome *. Socially Advent--,geoius Paradoxal Schizophrenia.11 GPO 9a'643 iT, , B-17AUDN' , llozof Dei.;artment tZ Nedicine rf ti-Ae 7,-- -11onian li.niversit:.- :j.i,---g ;i ~ :7 i e - I - a - _ - 1 :,,, reric-A c,-' IG18-1939. Pol. 1-2k. l? 1 F rD BRZEZICKI, Eugenju-z -".ti-,omatisms and stereotyT)ies Ln ethology. Neurol. neurochir. fiti.yehiat. Pol. 15 no-4:551-564 JI-Ag 165. Psychotropic drugs in the contemporary psychiatric treatment. ibii.:565-571 BRZEZINSK, Rioczyslaw Bilateral dislocatinn of the shoulder caused by electric shock. Chir. narz. ruchu 21 no.1:59-63 1956. 1. z III KlinAki Chlrurgicznej A. X. v Warssavie. tierownik: prof. dr. A. Gruca, Z Zarctaclu Urazowo-Ottopedycznego Instytutu Doskonalex4a i Specjalizacji Kadr Lekarskich, Kierownik: ~rof. dr. St. Lukasik. Warszawa, ul. Wspoina 63a. (SHOUDER, disloc. bilateral. caused by electric shock. (Pol)) (MECTRICITT, inj. off. bilateral disolc. of shoulder. (Pol)) (DISLOCATIONS, shoulder, bilateral, caused by electric shock. ;(Pol)) MAKKI Kaz hait:!~ z; BRM? 1111SRA, ll~jri Prir any rellimilosarcomp, of tI.P I ~o 2C, 18~,-187 1 F'65- 1- Z Cli,i,j alil Ghorob etT'-,~riyCh A .9Zy,- tf-d I j! 14. Firo'g- wa "r Locizi dr. CZERUCK!, Wladyslaw; MIARKIEWICZ, Kazlirderz; BRY-EZRSKA, PaiLux-p- Secreting pancreatic tumor (insuloma). Pol. tyg. lek. PO no.40: 1510-1511 4 0 165. 1. Z III Miniki Chir. A14 w Lodzi (Kierownik: doe. dr. ned. A. Allohniewicz) I -. Oddzl.alii Wewnatrznoro "All Szl)ltahl iia. Piro- gowa w Lodzi (Ordynator: dr. med. K. Markiewicz). BRZEZINSEL, lek.; DANWA, Rajpert, lek. Effect of butazolidine on the course of rheumatic diseases. Postepy reumat. no.1:164-171 1954. 1. Z Panstwowago Instytutu Reumatologicznego Dyrektor prof. dr B. Raichar. (ANAWNSICS, therapeutic use, phanylbutazone In rheum. arthritis) (ANTHRITIS, RENUM&TOID. therapy. phenylbutazone) ii~2BLNSKA, B,,. Behavior of eosinophils in blood in patients with various forms of rheumatism under the influence of diverse diets. Postepy reumat. no-3: 133-139 1957. 1. Z Instytutu ReumAtologicznego w Warszawie. Dyrek-tor: prof. dr. IL Reicher. (MOSINOPHIL COUNT, in various die. rheum. die., eff. of various diets (Pol)) (RHEUMATISM, blood in eosinophil count in various rheum. dis., eff. of various diets (Pol)) (DIM, in various die. rheum. die., eff. on eosinophil count (Pol)) BRZEZINSUp Blandyna; 7A.BIFISU,, Joanna Result o ambulato- therapy in rhematism of soft tismuMp. Reum- tologia Polska no*3:45-48 160o 1. Z Instytutu Reumatologiamego w Warozawis DyTektors prof. dr nod, B. Reicher ,RHEUMTISM ther) MEROSITIS ther) BRZEZINSKA, Blandyna; DUBROWSKA, Danuta, 2 cases of spondylosis simulating symptoms originating in internal organs. Reum. Pol. 4.123-131 161. l. Z In-stytutu Reumatologii w Warszawie.Dyraktor: prof. dr med. E. Reicher. (SPIh% DISEASES) BRZEZINSKA, B.; ABIMCWICZ, A. Mitral displacement in rheumatic endocarditis. Kardiol. pol. 5 no-4: '1123-328 f62. 1. Z Oddzialu. Chorob Wewnetrznyeh Szpitala im. Pirogowa w Lodzi Ordynator: dr med. K. Markiewicz i Pracowni Anatomii Patologicznej Kierownik Pracowni: lek. A. Abramovicz. (MITRAL VALVE) (ENDOCARDITIS) (RHEUMATIC HEART DISEASE) BRZEZ I "K_~Iandyna: DUBROWSKA, Danuta; ZA130KRZYCKI, Juliusz The course of sacroiliac joint inflammation (aacroilitio) according to observations made during several years. Reumatologia (Warsz.) 1 no-3-4:253-263 163. 1. Z I Oddzialu Reumatologicznego Instytutu ReumatnIngicznego w Warazawie (Kierownik: doe. dr med. J. Pagowska-Wawzynska) Z Zakladu Radiologii Instytutu Reumatologiemego (Kierownik: doe dr med. J. Zabokrzycki)Dyrektor Instytutu: dr med. W. Bruhl). BRZEZII,.'SKA, Blandyna ..... .... -1-1. - J.-I A case of tuberculous arthritis. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 34 no.2t225-229 r64 1. Z Instytutu Remnatologicznego w Warszawis (D.Yrektor: dr. med. W. Bruhl.) WAWRZYNSKA-PAGOWSKA.. iadwiga;,~44EZINSKA,, Blandyna; GRAFF-WROBIEWSKA, Teresa; PAKUIA, Adela; WOJCIK-SCISIDWSKA,-Miaria; wspolpracowala: BACZYNSKA, Krystyna Behavior of C-reactive protein in chronic progressive arthritis. Reumatologia (Warsz.) 3 no.3:225-229 165. 1. Z I Oddzialu Reumatologicznego Instytutu Reumatologicznego w Warszawie (Kierownik: doe. dr. med. J. Wawrzynska-Pagowska) i z Zakladu Mikrobiologii i Serologii Instytutu Reumatologicznego (Kierownik: doe. dr. med. Z. Swierezynska). FJR7SZINSKA , D. Influence of dlsip- and techno2og,7 or. ---t-tain pdraaetarB -of cold cathode trigger tubes. Przem inst elektron prace 5 no.1*31-42 164. 1. Department of Gas-Filled Tubes of the Industrial Institute of Electronics, Warsaw. Submitted February 17, 1964. - POLAND Clinical Division of Child Otolaryngolo- gy (Oddzial Kliniczny Otolaryng-ologii Dziociecoj) (Director; Docent, Dr. mod. Stanislaw KMITA) of the Chair of Pediatrics (Katedra Podiatrii) (Director: Prof. Dr. mod. Franciszok REDLICH) of the AINI [Akadeuiia Modyczna, Medical Academy] Lodz "Foreign Bodies in the Respiratory Tract." Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik LoIcarski, Vol 18, No 12, 18 Mar 63. pp 432-1~31v._ Abstract; E.Autlior' s English summary] Five children with tho foreign bodies in the bronchi and one "false" foreign body ara reported. Diagnostic and toohnical difficulties are reported and the possibilities of complications men- tioned. Ihore are no references. -,BRZEZINSKA, Hanna; CZAPLICKI, Brunon; MGTA, Stanislaw; KRAJ-FRANCOWA, Irena; MALINOWSKI, Wladyslaw Surgical changes in the mastoid in the light of preoperatiTe otolaryngological examinations in infants. Otolar poIBIm 15 Mo.l: 67-71 161. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Dzieci AM w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr F. Redlich Z I Kliniki Chorob Dzieci AM w Lodzi Kierownik: doe. dr K. Sroczynaki Z Oddzialu OtolaryngoloZii Dziiaieoej przy katedrze Shorob Dzieci AM v Lodzi Kierownik: Prof. dr F. Redlich Kierownik Oddzialu: doe. dr S. Kmita. (MASTOIDITIS in inf & child) (INFANT NEWBORN dis) B:;I;I,Hi;R-,~_KfII, Hanna; GOLFB)CWHA, Marja A ca~_-. -,f Lubt_rculosJ:; oi- *hf.- ncsc, oral cav4ty, lai-ynx and ph~-,,Tnx in a 3-3-6ar-old child. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.": 183-184 30 Ja 164. 1. ;' I Klin.1ki Chorob F-zieci (kj,;rownik: doc. dr med. K. SroczynskJ) I z Oddzialu Klinicznego Oto-Laryngologii rzieciece., (kierownik; dnn. dr med. Stu. Kmita przv Katedrze Choi-ob Uzler~ Akademii Medycznej w Lodzi; kerownik; prof. dr med. Franciszek Redlich). AtLel,,Ijtr,(] chlorprot.,-Jxene (taruxan tnerspv of ftr-nti-al and catatoric conditions. Neurol. neurochir. psychlat. ilel. 14 no.1:159-162- Jn-F' 164. Pwi-twowugo "la Ner-wow,-) iFs,:2hi---~-mie Chorv.-il "Kochanowka" w Lodz'L (DyrekLor: lek. red. T. LU, K'! Fj-,J I ZIA 1 00 Ili !I (I f IE-r7 LASKOWSKA, Danuta; BP2EZINSV. Irens, Acute paralytic ileus as a complication in the treatment with phenothiazine derivatives. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 n0-33: 1242-1243 16 Ag 165. 1. Z Panstwowego Szpitala dla Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chor.-mb "Kochanowka" w Lodzi (Dyrektor: dr. Tadeusz Wierzbicki). DRUZINSKA y Ja (Kolobrzeg) A desk for expedition is not a production band. Fa-.macja Polska IS no.9:217-218 MY 162. 0 BRUNNU- LZOWAjXAC2W1O1%j F*11ka, dr .. V, -. I i Influence of berberine hydrochloride on bacteria of the alime'ntary canal. Inst przem ziel, Biul 9 no. 3: 1:15-120 S 163. 1. Zaklad Farmakologii, Instytut Przemyslu Zielarskiego, Poznan. Kierownik Zakladu: Dr. T. Wrocinski. t _:5-c' , E F TA CHORAZAK, Tadeusz; RASIEVICZ, Vieslaw; BRUZINSKA, Jozefa; KOCHANOWIGZ, Teresa. Furusculosis in miners as occupational skin disease . Przegl. derm..Waroz. 5 no.2:111-121 Mar-Apr '55. 1. Z Kliniki Dermatologicznej Slaskisj A.M. w Zabrzu. Dyrektor: prof. dr T. Chorazak. (FURUNGUWSIS in miners, as occup.dis.) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES furanculosis in miners) (MINING furanculosis as occup.dis. in miners) BRZEZINSKA, Maria . Tertiary of Rzaczyca Ksieza. Kwartalnik geol 6 no-4: 731-732 162. 1. Zaklad Stratygrafii, Instytut Geologiczny, Warszawa. BRUZINS'"J, J.; KOPCZYIISKA-SIKORSKA, Jadwiga ha~Ue of skeletal maturation and the relative Increase of body weight and height. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no-14:501-503 5 Ap 165. 1. Z Zakladu Higieny Ogolnej AM w Warszawie (Kierownik: prof. dr. Marcin Kacprzak). KRAUZE, Stanislaw; BCZIYK, Migniew; BRZEZINSKA, Zofia Chromic acid oxidation method for the caloric evaluation of cooked meals. Pt.2. Roozn panstw zaki hig 14 no.5085-'392 163. 1. Laboratory of Food Testing, School of Medicine, Warsaw. -W, 6689,~6q _a PA Ewa Q EW EXCERPTA MICA See 17 Vol 518 Public Health Aug 59 2367. THE INFLUENCE OF VITAIMIN AND FRUIT CONCENTRATE ON VITA- MIN C SATURATION IN A GROUP OF YOUNG PEOPLE LIVING IN A BOARDING HOUSE - Wplyw podawania koncentratu witaniinowo-owocowego na stan wysycenia witamim# C u grupy miodziety przebywajicej w inter- nacie - B rz ez it%s ka Z. Zakr. Nig. Og6l. A. M.. Warszawa - ROCZN. ZAKL. 9/4 (399-406) Graphs 3 Tables 2 Stores of vit. C were low during the spring months in a group of pupils (age 14-18) from a technical school in Warsaw, who took their meals in the canteen. A daily dose of 5 ~. of a vitamin4ruit concentrate made from wild rose was given for 4 wveks; it corresponded to 75 nig. of pure ascorbic acid.'There followed a marked isivrease in the ascorbic acid in the blood serum. "J ~Z 41 - 7 r~j i pw Bit"I. 1 N -",.iA,, F P-1 i7 T, I BO 71 -naticn of the me-zhcd of s-y-ida"':m Ei-.-,d for '.I,,e de-,erminntion of the c-alo:-i(-., valje of rzcieJ meals. it. 1. Pr,,--zn prinstw zp-kl hig 14 L%~x-.rntory a' Testing Food Anicle-s-, of M~-dicclne, Warsaw. BRZEZINSKA, Zof1a; SADOWSKI, Bogdan; TRACZYX, Vladyelaw Effect of biologically'-active compounds art contractions of the rectus abdominis produced with acetylcholine in the frog. Acta physiol. pol. 14 no.2:171-182 ~63. 1. Z Zakladu Fizjologii PAN w Warsz-awie Xierownik*- prof. dr F.r. Czubalakl. (ACE=HOLINE) (ATROPINE) (MUSCLES) (NOREPINEPMIM) (FHARmAccLocff ) (xPrTEmmm) (PHYSOST12MIE) (SEROTONIN) (NEOSTIWNE) (ADENOSINE TRIPHOSPHATE) (AMINOBUTMIC ACID) (GLUTAMATES) (ALANINE) (NICOTINE) (CHOLINESTERASE) (ENZYME INHIBITORS) (GALLAMINE TRIETHIODIDE) (BRAIN) (TISSUE EXTRACTS) MARKTORICZ, Lech; MISSIUR), ',-I'lodzimierz; P-RYI--MIISKA, SAw'ICKA, Anna Biochemical and morphological changes in the bra~-n tissue -,zder the influence of vibrations. Act& physiol. Pol. '15 no.4--495 50~. JI-Ag 164 1. Z Zakladu Fjzjologii i Higieny Pracy CIOP w (Dyrektor: prof. dr. L. Taniewski) i z 7~akladii F'ziolcol-I Pracy Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawle (Kiero',M, .'k.' !rc.f. dz-. 1,41. Missiuro). BRMINSKA-DUDZIAK, B. (b=titative determination of amoebas in soil by the use of a modification of Singh's technic. Acta microbiol Pol 3 no.2! 121-124 154. (NUL 3:7) 1. Z Zakladu Kikrobiologii Ogolnej UKCS w Inblinle i Zakladu 11kologii Roslin IHAR. Zespol Palavy. (SOIL, bacteriology, *amoeba, determ., modified Singh's technic.) (AMOEBAS *in soil. determ., modified Singh's technic) GONCEFaMWICZ - Maria; BRZL?ZBS'KA-JBZOVA. Liliana and--antibiotic-resistant Resea:ch on carriers of pathogenic staphylococci among children in twon and rural areas. Pediat. polaka 33 no-3:269-2-(5 Mar 58. 1. Z'Kliniki Chorob Dzieciecyth A.M v Poznaniu., Kierownik: prof dr med. T. Rafinski. Adres: Poznan, u1. Magdalany 14, Klin. Chor. Dziec. A.M. (MICROCCOLA IMCTIONS, in inf. & childs' carriers of pathogenic & antibiotic-resioto'micrococei in tovms and rural areas (Pol)) EXr~ERPTA YEDICA Sec 7 Vol 13/3 Oedistrics Far 59 895. CARRIER-STATE OF PATHOGENIC AND ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT s'rAllilYLOCOCCI IN HOSPITAL WARDS INFECTIONS - Nosicielstwo gronkowc6w chorobotw6rczych i antybiotykoupornych a zakaienia wewnot- rzoddzialowe - B r z e z I A a k a - J e I o w a L. 1. Klin. Chor. Dziec. A- M., Poznad - PED . 0L. 19 , -282) Tables 2 In the naso-pharynx of premature and newborn infants during the first days after arrival at the clinic no staphylococci resistant to antibiotics were detected. Re- sistant strains appeared on the 5th day of hospitalization. It was found that there were about 70% of periodic carriers of resistant strains among the hospital staff. (IV, 7) MAYZA, Jerzy; MALINOWSKI, Zbigniew; BRZEZIESU-WEMER Hanna; KOLODZIFJSKI., P fttft' -~ o't'a.j Tadeusz; MAKOWSKI, Andrzej'f~T Y Evaluation and indications for the treatment of neoplasms of the extremities with the aid of perfusion. Nowotwory 13 no.3: 245-252 al-W63. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgicznego I-.istytutu Cnkologii im. Marii Sklodowskiej-Curie w Varsaawie ( T.Koszarowski) i Zakladu !=-topowego (kierownik: W.Jasinski; dyrektor: prof. dr. med. W.Jasinski). POZNANSKA. 3RZ IM FILIPOWICZ, B. 4&__Lk*_A Nucleic acids in human spleen. Acta ph~siol. polon. 8 no-32509-5n 1937. 1. Z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologicanej A. K. w Lodzi Kisrown1k: prof. dr B. Filipowict. (SPLUN, metabolism, nucleic acids (Pol)) (NUCLICIC ACUS, metabolism, spleen (Pol)) BRZEZIASKIJ, A.; KUWIECKI., J. A Polish national conference of cast-iron foundrymen in Stalowa Wola. Przegl odlew 12 no.7s2-22 .71 '62. BRZEZII,,'SKI, A.; FILIPOWICZ, B. Thiamine and thiamine esters in guinea pig heart muscle in experimental diphtherial toxaemia. Acta biochi-m. Pol. 12 no.4:279-283 165. Activity of transketolase in guinea pig tissues in expe- rimental diphtherial toxaemia. lbid..'485-289 1. Department of Physiological Chemistry, Medical School, Lodz. RADZININSKI, Aleksander; SIPA, Konrad; BRZEZINSKI, Euzebiusz Use of trichloroethylene in bronchoacopy and certain laryngol%dcal procedures. Otolar polska 15 ito.1:7-10 161. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Uvzu, Nona i Gardia AM v Lodzi.Xierownik: prof. dr med. A. Radziminski. TRICHLOROETHrUM anest & analg) BRONCHOSCOPY aneath & anaig) OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY &nest & anaig) ~ BRZEZINS I._.Tjan- NDECKA, Blanka; LEZIAK, Zygmunt; STOJALOWSKI, Kazimierz Results of pneumothorax therapy in Lublin and in the Lublin District. Gruzlica 24 no.8:653-658 Aug 56. 1. Z Kliniki Gruzlicy Flue A.M. w Lublinie Kierownik doc. dr. H. Mysakowska. (PNIMTHORAX, ARTIFICIAL compl. & results) BRZEZIVSKII J. Dielectric properties of mnine pressings. P. 4139 PPZEGLAD ET T ICZNY. (Stowarzyszenie Elektrykow Polskich) Warszawa,* Poland, Vol. 35, no. 10,, Oct. 1~59. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC) Vol. 9j, no. 1., Jan. 1960. Uncl. J. ; CE010H-EK!, 1"'. PrintinC with vat dves by the rigrent process. !I. p. 233. 1~10KIZ";!!JGZY. Vol. 11, 110. 5, Ma.,' 1957. 'Aarszzava, Poland) SO: Yonth13: List of D-st Diropean Accessions (EEL".1.) L~. Vol. 6, N~j. 10, 6c'L.Dber 1557. Unci. BRZEZINSKI, J. Kurt Ziegler and Giulio Nattap t-vo Nobel Prize bearers. Polimery tworz wialk-8 no.12s471 Df63 POIMM/Chemical Technology Cher-daal Products and Their H-34 Application. Dyeing and Chemical Treatment of Textiles. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Kbimiya, Vo 8) 1958, 274o4 Author : Majzner Jozef, Jedrusiak Zenon, Brzezinski Jerzy Inst Title The Use of Bisulfite as a Mcans.for Binding Free Forrnl- dehyde in Impregnation Baths of Wrinkling Resistant Finishing . Orig Pub Przem. vlokienniczy, 1957, ii, tio 6, 285-289 Abstract Description of results of laboratory and mnufactur-ing tests of the use of Na-bisulfite (I) for the binding of free formaldehyde (II) in impregnation baths containing Antimnol FM (urea-formldehyde condensation product) (M). The fabric is saturated three times at 30-350 with a solution containing 30 g/liter 1, 260 g/liter M, and a catalyst, wrung out to 90-153, dried at 70p) Card 1/4 If - 102 - POLAND/Chemi-aal Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-34 Application. Dyeing and Chemical Treatment of Textiles. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1958, 274o4 heated for 5 minutes in a current of hot air at 140P and washed, 24 hours later, in a bath containing 2 g/liter Na2CO and 0-5 g/liternostapon T, at 400 for 20 minutes, rinsea first with warm- and then with cold water, and dried at 700. The following was ascertained: I fully eliminates the odor of II within a few minutes 'following its addition; use of I decreases only to an insignifi- cant extent the wrinklIng resistant effect; in the pre- sence of I it is necessary to add 25-30% more catalyst for neutriTlization of NaOH which is liberated on inter- action of I and TI; the use of Zn(NO3)2 as catalyst is not recorr~ended because of fornation of precipitates; I should be added only in a sli&'it excess over the stoi- ~iiometric anount, Ahich is determined analytically from the content of free II in III; Card 2/4 POLAND/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their 11-34 Application. Dyeing and Chemical Treatment of Textiles. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, z1o 8, 1958, 274o4 I should be added after complete dissolution of III, and the catalyst added immediately prior to impregnation. Conditions of the manufacturing tests: III dissolved with live steam at 950, cold water added and, at 400, added 2 g/liter Petefobol. Z4, to increase hydrophobic property of the fabric, and 1 41iter CH3COONa (as buf- fer). I was dissolved separately in warm water and ad- ded to solution of ITT with stirring, within 15-20 minu- tes. Toward- the end the catalyst wtis added to the solu- tion which had a pH 6-7 and was then used to impregnate the fabric in a 3-bowl padder operated in conjunction with a drier, utilizing 90-100% squeezing and maintai- ning the temperature of the solution at 25-300. The dried faL,---Ic was heated for 4-5 minutes at 1500 in an apparatus of the "Turbofix"-type, and was washed Card 3/14 - 103 - POLAND/Chemical Techm logy - Chemical Products and Their H-34 Application. Dyeing and Chemical Treatment of Textiles. Abs J0ur Ref zhur - Khimi-ya, No 8, 1958, 27404 24 hours later in a washing machine. Concentration of II in the air above padder and drier did not exceed OXO42 mg/liter, while maximum permissible concentration is 0.005 mg/litera Results are given of determinations of the angle of wrinkling of fabrics which had been thus impregnated with the use of different catalysts, and of the content of free 11 in the solutions of condensation products. Card V4 POL;.1T)/Chamic,-d Tochnology. Chemical Products H and Their Iipplications. Dyoin,,, and Cho- mical Troati-i-iont of Textile Fabrics. fibs Jour : Ref Zhur-Khimiya, h1o 6, 19592 21934 I~uthor :Jedrusiak, Zenon5 Brzozinskil Jorzy Inst 19- Titla :Tho Possibility of Using Organic Complex Compounds of Boric Acid as Catalysts Du- ring Croaso Resistant Finishing of Fabrics Made of Viscose Fiber. Orig Pub :Przgl. volokienn., 1953, 12, No 31 146-149 kbstract :Results are cited of laboratory and pro- duction tests of fabrics of viscose fiber which had been finished with resins of the urea-formaldohyde type, vith the use Card : 1/2 Z_ TUDRUftAK. Zenon LJe */ siak, 2.3; BZMINSKIT, Tashi Qrsezilrmki, dru Jerzy] Organic catalysts for crease-resistant finishing of rayon fabrics. Tekst.prou. 20 no.6;71-72 Je 160- MU 13M (Poland-Creass-resistant fabrics) (Boric wid) - - - ------ ---- A 679464.3COZ Jar- "Aywice I tlocqvo melaniina fel.~ race Fine. Nauk. Bad. Min. Polieh- Te-6hrdbal Atte W&Mawa, 1932, P~TD, 5 pp., 2 tip., I tab. No., 1 1554 n1scuniod 'cmc*rnl~ng -the 'use. of melanine mlrib- L-1 the manu. Chemistry-and 06mlaal*Teohnology baure Of AdhlWveN lae UIS qpering resins. --md, La partic r, re.~vs for the Production ot,mouldinp. Fro;ierties of raelamkie raw materlab urea ma with S4Wq%_ftRM. mUurgd with thNe of ~Ieiieis, Record of,a number Ot labomtory- experiments to cstablL~i'op~ 'JUmO cDQdJtlWA to ObtAln mouldim wlth 4='.tog Unters end cellulwe.. 41~f~dmt of CM&Was for pressing articles obtained Ic theL~e I I ef BRZEZINSKI, J; KOZINSKI, 14; WI7,ZPSZA,Z. Dicyandiamide as raw m-itarial for molding powders. III. Plastic materials from melted dicyandiamide. p. 193, Vol. 3-1, no. b, Apr. 1955, PRZEMYSL CwD4ICZNY SO:MO.,4THLY LIST OF EAST ZUROPM1 ACC3SSIQVS, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4. io.9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. Dist 422c j) D* an a siv product for molding mattrials.~ M. g materials from =often yandlamma. dZ W' Pramys; Brzezidsid M Ko MAL an MN-M-7): _Oftw plastic molding' powd consisting of a reaction product of di -A:--:A. (1) Z PhOK and HCHO was elaborated. . ;;jr ~1 V M PhOH and I male of I were heated in a Witt's flask with a stirrer on an oil bath (3D0-20% i.e., few degrees above the b.p. of the jyell). Tle cleat ruelt got cloudy at ISO-850, as Uj~! ~nweypptd., till it thick meltwas obt4ned (60-7096' of I was converted Into melau~aine), which hardened upon cooling into a thixotropic muss contg. 2D-M% of mclamme. 71te meltwas condensed with HCHO and alkalized with NatCOj.IOHO. The amt. of HCHO was caled. as follows: for each mole of PI%OH In the melt I mole of HCHO, and for each mole of 1, 2 moles of HCHO were used. The can- deasatiou was performed at a temp. ;Sb.p. of the mixt. for 20 tuin., cooled rapidly, and tken coudensed under a pre&- -sure Z; 120 mm, Hgj temp. ;JS51, till a brittle and nontacky product was obtained. This (100 parts) wa3 mixed with 80 parts wood flour, 1.8 parts Zu stearate or steadc add, and colors and pigments. This mixt. was calendered, with the first roller at 60-70* and the second at 120-130' till it stoppe4 sticking to the rollers. L. G. bf L4 FOUND / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their H-29 Application. Synthetic Polymers. Plastics. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Khimlya, No 5, 1959, No. 17515 Authar : Brzozinski J.; Starzynska, K.; Wi-~-psza, Z. Inst foT -8 r -;n Title :Formalin as a FWv Material in the Manufacturo of PlaStieB Orig Pub :Przen. choLi., 1958, 37, No 2, 72-73 Formalin (I) of approx. 40% concentration (of forraide- hyde in a methanol froe Bolution) was derived from para- formaldehyde. In the reaction the HCOOR was neutralized with urothopine, and the excessive quantity of fon-Ide- hyde (over 30% concentration) vas stabilized vith urea. It is indicated that I bas not undergone any changes during the 2.5 years storaE;e at 15 - 250. The question of starting coLoorcial yroduction of I in PNR has been Card 1/2 14-114 0 V -B."? Pol and p,*y -Ull. jr 1959, Vo. ?6'138 LZIrII3.1,1. , ijo. 21 11 U 1L'-_j' 0 R Brzez1nsk_tL ~0 -and %lirpGza , Z. - _ - 1 X73 T . J_ 1-0t- P. V0 n TIT L-2 :The Resistance of Ur-~a- and MelamlAnuformaldehyde Molding Compoundn to the Action of Xxternal Fac- tors ORIG . PUB. Chem, 37, No 5, A161-364 (195,8) A BE T RA C T :Thct moistxire absorption (MA) of urea- (.rL) and mela.mi.neformaldehyde (11) molding compo-ands at abo-it 200 and at elevated temperatures was inves- tigated on standard polletn of 4-jw. thickness and 100-nm diam. It han been eatablinhed that at about 20" absorption equilibritin is reached after an extended period of tise; the MA of the test specimens continues to increase after 6 months storage under water. Specimens of the molding comuounda described above showed no marked changes 1/5 .500 zi Poland Kh lio. 21 1 15 9) 76738 I T T iL, A T,`~.hT art the -or!:Pssing time of amino j-~.astlce waz; also a ti gat ed. It vas found that the anaunt of extractable M and tht, Hk cf the materials at firat decreaee sherply with increasiug heat treat; ment time and there remain unchanged on reaching a specified level. 'uncreasi-ng the tize during which 11 art- held all high temperaturex products an ineigmificaall increase in the amount of extractable 11X after the attainmert of a given minimum (sic]. This phenomenon is explained by the partial -112ermal decomposition of 11. it CARD: 3/5 30:1