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IfflYUNF-TTIP B.Ye.; KOVTUN, A.A.; KUZNETSOV, N.S.; RASPOPOV, O.M.; CHICHERINA, N.D.; YANOVSKIY, B.M. Studying the structure of the Central Russian DepressJnn by the magnetotelluric method. Uch. zap. LGU no-324:3-16 16" (MIRA 18:4) L 36260- EWf (1) GW/JT ACC-NRiAp6oO5330 SOURCE CODE: UR /0 4 13,r-667-0-6-C[60-1-10~0-6510-0-6 61 INVENTOR: Alekseyev, A. M.; Berdichevski.y,___L4t_j.; J~oltulin. Al_?,.; Bryunelli, B. Ye.; Lantsov,..A. Ye. I ORG: none TITLE: Device \ for simultaneous registration of variations of 5 com- ponents of the earth's natural electromagnetic field.~' Class 21, No. 177561 (ann-ounced by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Geophysical Methods of Prospectin (Vseaoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki) and Myti!;nchino Instrument Manufacturing Plant (Mytishchinakiy ,0-r~ioro`sroi~ tellnyy zavod)j SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1966, 68 TOPIC TAGS: earth magnetic field, electromagnetic field, ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued describing a device fc simultaneous registration of variations of 5 components of the earth's natural electromagnetic field, using the magnetotelluric method. !,-Card 1/2 UDC: 621-389-550-837.6 L 3636o-66 ACC NR, AP6005330 0 For more precise measurement, the device is equipped with a precision potentiometer feeding calibrated pulses into the electric and magnetic channels of the system and identifying them. The magnetometers are designed in the form of photoelectric converters with magnetostatic data units and negative feedback. The device is equipped with a general photorecorder for simultaneous remote registration on ordinary photographic film of the variations in the observed fields (see fig. 1) 'Orig, 'art. has: I figures. [LDI 'Vj, MY j NX M~, :2-IIIMPer?C7PAT0P SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE 08Mar63/ Fig. 1. Device for simultaneous registration of variation of 5 com- ponents of the earth's natural electr~ magnetic field. Mx, M , M magnetometers; 1-m-poteKtiogeter; 2- photorecorder Card _2/2 C--N-kt'- -AT-6016063 W SOURCE CODE: UR/3174/66/000/057/010~/-O-I-197 AUTHOR: unelli, B. Ye. (Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences) ~1117 ORG: Leningrad State University (Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Basic results of geophysical investigations in the high latitudes SOURCE: Sovetskaya antarkticheskaya ekspeditsiya, 1955. Informatsionnyy byulleten', no. 57, 1966, 107-119 TOPIC TAGS: geomagnetic field, geomagnetic disturbance, Antarctic climate, solar wind -n,,,,r04,4P-k-j- 1. 1 U A4STRACT: GeomagnetiActivity in Antarctica is surveyed on the basis of Soviet and foreign literature published in 1958-1964. Maps of magnetic activity as a function or blackouts (Benlkova and Yudovich, 1961) are presented. The author also discusses th distribution of magnetic field variation (S P) (Nagata, et al, 1963), the motion of q iY gative charges in the magnetosphere (Axford and Hines, 1961), and the shifting of eq4j fOF2 lines in the current area of the S qP system. The review shows that 1) the geo-,,,.: physical events observed on the earth's surface are connected with cosmic processes and thus, can serve as an aid in understanding cosmic processes; 2) high latitude geo- Card 1/2 AT6016063 ACC NR: magnetic storms serve as a means of studying solar winc&Y,and 3) geomagnetic pulsa-/ tions, ionospheric variations, and magnetic field variations at high latitudes serve as a guide for determining circulation characteristics in the magnetosphere. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: 04,08/ SUBM DATE: 03Ju165/ ORIG REF: 016/ OTH RET: 012 Caid 2/2 MIS BRYUNETKIN,, M.G.; DOEROKHOTOV, A.A. Increasing the durabilit-, of open-hearth furnace crawlt. Meta-Uurg 6 no.13.03-17 N 061. (M~ 14 - .11) 2. Chelyabinskly metaUurgicheekly savode (Open-hearth furnacen-Devign and construction) BRYOBTKIN,..M.G*; GIS-S, A.K.; KICHA, I.N.; SHOTIN, V.S.; KMPACHEV, V-F- Using ground powders in the repair of open-hearth furmce h bottoms. Metallurg 8 no.4:27-28 Ap 163. (mkn:3) (Open-hearth furajices-Maintenance and repair) (Refractory materials) j)mwxHbTOV, A.A., inzh.,- PANCHEMO, A.G. inzh.; SAVELIYEV D.N. .4 . inzh.;. . KQPJ I Ye.A... in" ; BRYUNETHfil M.G.J. inzh.; U.AVTSOV, &F., inzb-; TIMFEMA, R.G., inzh. - - Improving the 1:erformance of open-hearth furnaces. Stall 23 no.4. 304,-308 AP 163. (Open-hearth furnaces) (MIRA 16--4) BRYUNETKIN, 1H.G.; VORONTSOV, S.P. Increasing the durability of open-hearth furnace roofs. MeLallurg 10 no.1:18-19 Ja 165. (MIRA 13-4 1. ChelyRbinskiy metallurgichaskiy zavod. KHOROSHAVIN, L.B.; FEREPELITSYN, V.A.; ZWi(JV, A.V.; MOROKOV, P.K.; , -1,G. ; VAYWHTHIYII~ MAKRUSHIN, V.V.; BARTOLTSH, D.M.; BIRY(,JINETKIN I O.Ya.; GISS, A.N.; SIILI,'KIII, M.A.; SHOTIN, V.S. Use of metal3urgical maTuesite powder burned at low temperature. Siall 25 no.12:1.086-1088 D 165. (MIM -18: 12) ,'ACCESSION NR: A?4031757 5/0301/64/010/002/0179/0184 AUTHOR: Budnitskayaj, Ye,, Ve; __Ax!yunf os M, Errora, Mo TITLE: Effect of radiation on RNA and RNA metabolism in human icancorous tumor cells ,SOURCE: Voprosy* meditsinskoy Idiimiip v. 10., no. 2p 1964, 179-184 !TOPIC TAGS: X-irradiation effect, RNA radiosensitivity, RNA motabol- tism, cancerous tumor cellp HoLa cell, tritium labelled cell, icytidine-113 incubation, radioautographic method, cell nucleolus,, cello 1protoplasmy inhibited RNA synthesis, RNA synthesis restoration I - i 'ABSTRACT: The effects of X-irradiation on RNA radiosensitivity and Imetaboliam were investigated in labelled cancerous tumor cells (HoLa !cells) in two experimental series. In the first series, groups of ;HeLa cells were incubatod for 10 min,, 60 min, and 24 hrs in a medium icontaining cytidino-H3 (360 microcuries/mM) before X-irradiation with Isin,gle 100,, 300P and 900 r doses. After X-irradiation the cells wore Ifixed and prepared for radioautographio investigation to detormine ,RNA radiosensitivity by the number of granules in the nualoolus, Carct t ~ACOESSION NR: AP4031757 nonnucloolus part of the nucleus, and the cytoplasm, and the total number of granules in a cell (30 cells counted in each sample), In the second series, groups of HoLa cells wore first X-irradiatod with .single 100, 300, and 900 r doses and then incubated for 10 min, 60 min, and 4 hra in a medium containing cytidine-H-5. Radiosensitivity and migration of labelled RNA from the nucloolus into the cytoplasm of the cell were determined by radioautographic investigation as in the first series. Results show that RNA is radiosensitive immodiately, after formation and nucloolar RNA is more sensitive than the rest of the nucleus. Depropsed RITA radioactivity in irradiated cells incuba- ted in a cytidine-H-1 medium for a short period indicates that injury of the RNA synthesis mechanism is restorable. Migration of labelled RNA from the nuclouq into the cytoplasm is inhibited in cells incuba- ,ted in a cytidine-H-5 medium before irradiation and then transferred to. a nonradioactive medium, RNA synthesis and related processes appear to be radiosensitive and restorable# but the Inhibiting and restoring mechanisms of RNA synthesis are difficult to explain at this timoo Orig. art. has: -3 tables* Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4031M. 'ASSOCIATION: labomtoriya biofiziki i racUobiologLi Bryusellskogo Universiteta .Belgium (Biopbyaica and Radiobiology Iabomtory of BruBsels University) ; ;Institut biokhimii, ix, A.* ff. Ba1rha AN SSSR, ~bscov (Biochesdatry Institute AN SSSR)' BUBKM!ED - 15M&Y63 ENCL 0. 00 SM CODE: LS HR FW SOV: 000 OTM: 010 at4 3/3 0 0 0 * 0 0 0-0-0-0 0-6 wo-O 9-9-M 11111111L-W~W~v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 I & I 1 0 to fill 11141sm it to A A it I I L-11 IL A-21--l-A-1 P. F~ Q If and arillitilins of "Irtal plate$ 1939. N,. Iv t IIIAlt" : -varulyt's liell i m lle'. III, ad-l'A it, th, WNW th, Invial Ill. a 01"IrrAir i% '110 smb -00 0 i. N.q -Ill-H .%I Ilw m"ll ,A haw if V-11,111MIN /,If, vitlic 46.1 X-j -'"It Ifilig Oro 'it, Gn Al kl,.. j, -.1 Val I mr I'l-Ill'It Ill "'a. 0 i.1 KI... is, It,0 1" 1, it miml-H, Joe 00 -.00 so zoo of -40 f v 'N All a 1 4 g of it 4 it rt it 11 LJ if 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : . 14. 0 0 eve 00000 0 0so 000 0 0 to 0 0 Go41 00000 0 369h9 s/i42/61/004/006/014/017 E192/E382 AUTHOR: TITLE: High-speed computing device based on junction diodes PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebuyida zavedeniy, Radioteklinika, v. 4, no. 6, 1961, 723 - 726 TEXT: A computing device based on the principle similar to that of ring counters is described. A block schematic of the system is illustrated in Fig. I. The input signals are amplified in the pre-amplifier YC and are applied to a gating circuit KC and a phase separating network consisting of diodes A 1 and 4 2 . The positive input pulses are Simultaneously applied to the inputs of all the odd coincidence circuits (Cl, C31 ... C n-1 ), while the negative ones are fed to even coincidence circuits (C., C 41 ... Cn) . The first coincidence circuit C 1 is actuated by the first input pulse and produces a signal which is applied to the input of the second coincidence circuit C. If the duration of the output Card 1/4 S/l42/6l/oo4/oo6/ol4/0l7 High-speed computing device .... E192/E382 pulse taken from C 1 is greater than half the period of the input signal, C 2 is triggered at the instant of the appearance of the negative pulse and thus prepares the.circuit C 3 for triggering. In this manner alternate input positive and negative pulses result in successive triggering of the coincidence circuits. By applying the output pulse from C n to the input of C1 , the output pulses can be counted, the division ratio being: K = 2f/n (1) -,,rhere f is the frequency of the input signal and n is the number of coincidence circuits. The number of input pulses can be read on the counter c�rcult T-~C and the IndIcatlons of the trigger circuits T Tn The coincidence circuits in the above computing device can be Card 2A S/l42/6i/oo4/o06/014/0l7 High-speed computing device .... r192/F,382 based on diode amplifiers with transformer loads. The operating speed of such a circuit can be considerably increased if cathode followers based on vacuum tubes are employed instead of transformers. The above method of counting the pulses is advantageous in that if offers a comparatively simple means of achieving high-speed operation. Thus, by employing a circuit with diodes and vacuuia tubes it is possible to operate at frequencies of 20 Mcls. Further, by combining high-frequency transistors and electron tubes in the above system, it should be possible to increase their operating speeds to tens of mega- cycles. The system can also be used as a stable delay line, a secondary frequency standard or a time-marker generator. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra elektroniki Moskovskogo inzhenerno- fizicheskogo instituta (Department of Electronics of the Moscow Engineering-physics Institute) SURMITTED: March 31, 1961 Card 3/4 S/142/61/oo4/oo6/ol4/017 High-speed computing device .... E192/E382 Fig. 1: - I.... - -:- lw .41 , n n 00% t,- I-- I ll~ I Card 4/4 41h 72 S/108/62/017/010/002/002 D201/D308 AUTHOR: 13nyj~~~~ ,TIYLE: Diffusion capacitance of the p-n junction of junc- tion diodes A. "MUODICAL: Radiotelchnika, v. 17, no. 10, 1962, 45-51 TEXT: The method, circuft diagram and the results of mea- suring the diffusion capacitance of the p-n junction of germanium and silicon junction diodes at high level signals are given. A rectangular variable length and amplitude -pulse current generator triggers the reverse bias generator through a variable delay line. The measuring circuit consists of the diode under test, load resis-' tor R? a capacitance CL which includes all the strays, and a for- ward bias resistor RI. The medsuring circuit is replaced by its .equivalent circuit and the character of changes of the total P-n junction capacitance is determined after the,ending of the forward current-pulse. The following germanium type diodes were analyzed (in batches of 10) A7A WA), g7r (D7G), A74 (D7D) and A7)IC Card 1/3 Diffusion capacitance S/106/.62/017/010/002/00"2 D201/-D308 (D7Zh), also the f ollowing' silicon types: A 202 (D202), D203, D205 and D211, together inth 10 sampless of germanium triode transis- tor 62A (P2A). Measurdments, were carried out-iAthin -50 to +5000. Conclusions: 1) The magnitude of diffusion capacitance.may be deter- -mined from the analysis of transients in a measuring circuit based on a diode amplifier inith"capacitive load. 2) For the forward cur- rent pulse durations -