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WRONSKI, Jerzy; BRYO, Stanislaw Application of,4anjiocardography in the diagnostics and localization of su'P_r_aU* niori~l glioma. '..Neurol neurochir psych 12 no-4: 523-5~~ h4g - 162. 1. Oddzial'Neuroehirurgii, Klinika Chorob Nerwowych, Akademia Yiedyama, Lublin, i Zaklad Radiologii, Akadamia Madycana, Lublin. Kierownik Kliniki; prof. dr W.Stein. Kierownik Oddzialu: doc. dr H. Kozniewska. Kierownik Zakladu: prof. dr K.Skorzynski. KLAMUT, Marian; CZOCHRA, Marian; BRYC Stanislaw; ZDERKIEWICZ, Edward Te6Anique of retrograde angiography of the right vertebral artery by. catheterization through the carotid artery. Neurol neurochir Opych 12 no-5:699-702 S-0 162. 1. Zaklad Radiologii, Akademia Medyczna, Lublin. Kierownik: prof. dr med. K. Skorzynski; i Oddsial Neurochirurgii, Klinika Chorob Nerwowych, Akademia Madyczna, Lublin. Kierownik Eliniki: prof. dr med. W. Stein. Kierownik Oddzialu: doc. dr med.- H. Komiewska. BRYC, Stanislaw Angiographic evaluation of incomplete filling of the anterior cranial fossa in cases of frontal tumors. Neural. neurochir. psychiat. Pol. 14 no. 2:225-230 Mr-Ap 164. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii, Kliniki Chorob Nerwowych i Oddzialu Neurochirurgii przy Klinice Chorob Nerwowych AM v Lublinie (Kierownik Zakladui prof. dr K.Skorzynaki; Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr W.Stein; Nierownik Oddzialu: doe. dr H.Kozniewska). BRYC, Stanislaw; CZOCHRA, Marian; KJAMUT, Marian --------------- Intermediate angiography of the vertebral artery. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.41l3l-134 27 Ja 164. Oddzialu: doe. dr H. Kozniewska).* 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Akademii Medycznej i Oddzi.a'Lu Neurochirurgii przy Klinsice Ch b Nervowych Akademli Medycznej w Lublinie; (kierownik~,Zakladut doe. dr Y. Skorzynski; kierownik Kliniki: p f. dr W. Stein; kierownik MUSZYNSKI, Andrzej; ZDERK151ICZ, Edward; BRYC, Stanis2aw ---- ---- - The usefulness of carotid artery angiography in tho diagnoais of supratentorial tumors. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.15:546-549 6 Ap 164. 1. Z OddzJalu Neurochirurgii przy Klinice Chorc-b Nerwovvch i z Zakladu Radiologii Akademii Medycznej w LublinA'a (kierownik K11- niki: prof. dr. W. Stein; kierownilc Oddzialu: doc. dr. 1 .I.. Koznie,.,s- ka; kierownik Zah-ladu: doz;. dr. K. Skorzynski). BRYCJ, Stanislaw Unusual radiologic Picture of neoDlastic metastases in'the brain. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.12t446-W, 22 Mr 165 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii i Oddzialu Neurochirurgii przy n-Inice Chorob Nerwowych Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie (Kierownik Zakladu: prof. dr. K. Skorzynski.,*, kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr. W. Stein; Kierovnik Oddzialu: doo. dr. H. Kozniewska). BRYO, St-amlvlaw~,, 3TASM, Expr.~rlmental stijj:es (il. The pra:~t laal -use of 1 1. 1.1i pnemoenuiplixtIl3g-raphy. Fol. przagl. radiol. 4.8 nio.5a 485-1.90 S--O 16-1 1 . Z 7-akladu Radiologi 1, :UO-deird I Mledycmej v I ;a VI--in-le (Kierownike doe. dr. K. SkcrzNmsk-"),. ~~.Y C,._S tan Lslav; SD-IC-'AJK, Boleslaw A !!inole method of visualization of the et'r--noid cells in, the x--ray picture. Otolaring. Pol. 19 n,.1-,93-96 165. 1. Z' Zakladu Radiologii Alkaademii Medyczn,-,j w Iubl---ie (Kia- rot-mik: doe. dr. K. Skorz~,mvlk-!.) i z Klin-l-ki 04,,1*1--~~--~i,~qig(.Ilofzir,.-~- -,ej Ahademil. I-ledynnej w Iablll~ie (1,1-rc~wndk; prat. tir. B. Dylewski). 14RO17,SKI, Jerzy; BRYC, Stanislaw; STPSZYC, Jozef, Pneumographic picture of the 40" ventricle with the u:-P, of autotor. graphy. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.2;46-l'.8 11 Ja '65 1. Z Oddzialu Neurochi-rurgli przy Klinice Chorob I z 7nkladu Radiclogii Akademil 1edycznej w Wblinie (Fie- rownik Klini-k--,: prof. dr. W. Stein; Kiero-,mik CQJz---rlv-. doc. dr. 11. Kozniewska; Kierownik Zak-lacta: doc. dr. K. Skorzynski). JAKLINSKI, Andrzej, doe. dr.; BRYC, Stanislaw Evaluation of(sequelae of injury in defomative fibrous bone degeneration Paget's osteitis deformans). Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.3:108-110 18 Ja 165 1. Z Zakladu Medyepy Sadowej Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie (Kierownikt doe. dr. A. Jaklir~-'-"* 4 - Zakladu Radiologii Akademii Medycznej w Uiblini. ~Kieromnik: '.oc. dr. K. Skorzynaki). BRYG,,StanIslaw; BRYCO Rozalia Use of the x-ray wide-angle technic in the diagnostic examination of Lhoracic organs and its use in medico-legal practice. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.30-.1112-1114 26 JI 165. 1, Z Zakladu Radiologii AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: doe. dr. K. Skor- zynski) i z Zakladu Medycyny Sadowej AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: doe. dr. A. Jaklinski). BRYC, Stanislaw; WOJCIK, Zygmunt -11-- .... ... Normal angiographic pattern of the cerebral blood vessels in relation to the age of the patient. Folia morph. (warsz.) 24 no.3:281-287 165. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: doc. dr. K. Skorzynski) i E Zakladu Anatomii Prawidlowej AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: prof. dr. M. Stelmasiak). BRYCP Stanialaw~ Jerzy ".-;-.~l-t.~-~~-,-~-~-~..!P.-,~~~,~-~.~ - -- --- - 11 Value of Mito-torograplifte ~tiiM.-s ir, the of t Ic dens epistroph(A. ho!. przegl. radAnl. 28 Tio.4,,02-3-328 JI-Ag 164. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Akacem%ii Y-c-dycznej v Lublinie (K-lerownik: prof. dr K. S~orzynski) i z Oddzialu Neurochirurgi.4, Klinilvi Chorob Nerwrowych Akademii MedIczr.,c-j prof. dr W. Stue-in). BRYG, Stanislaw Ah easy method of the operating hand protection during cerebral angiography. srodezaszkowych. Pol. przegl. radiol. 29 no.2.0 241-242 Mr-Ap 165 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Akademii Medycznej w Lublinie..(Kie- rownikt prof. dr. K. Skorzynski). BRYC, Stanislaw; LATALSKI, Maciej A study of the influence of some opaque mediums on the ultra- structure of the vascular endothelium in the arterial vessels. Ahn. Univ. Lublin sect. D 19:17-20 1 64. 1. Rracownia Mikroskopil Elektronowaj AM w Lublinie (Kierownik: prof. dr. med. Stanislaw Grzycki) i Katedra i Zaklad Radialogii, Wydzial LekarBkI, AM w Lublinie (Kierownik.- doc. dr. med. Kazimierz Skorzynski). TUSZKIEWICZ, Alfred R.; WYSOCXA, Feliaja; SZNWCZYNDWSKI, Witold; BRTC, Zbigniew Clinical picture of swamp fever In the lublin province during 1955:r937. Przegl. epidem., Wares. 12 no.1:15-24 1958. 1. Z Dzialu Klinicznego Instytutu "cyny Pracy I, Higieny Wei. (LVTOSPIROSIS, epidemiology, swamp fever in. Poland, clin. picture (Pol)) BRYC14, F. "Tb* seventieth birthday of Professor Antonin Kouba. p. 212 (Elaktrotechnicky Obzor. Vol. 47, no. 2, Febl 1958, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC,Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1958 BRYCH, F., inz. Sixtieth birthdAv of Profes3or Karel Maly. El tech obzor 53 no. 2:117-11E F 164. 1. Czech Higher School of Technology, Prague. BRYCH, Josef, inz. Profitableness of boring with diamond tools. Geol pruzkum 5 no.11:331-333 N 163. 1. Ifyooka skola bamska, Ostrava. BREH, Josef, inz. Boring technique in Belgian geological prospecting. Geol pruzkum 5 no.6sl68-170 Je 163. 1. Vysoka skola banska, Ostrava. BRYCH, R. ERYCH, R. Export of Czechoslovak machine tools throughout the whole world. P. 381 Vol. 4a no. 99 Septt 1956 STIROJIRENSKI VYROBA TECHNOWGY Praha,, Czechoslovakia So: East R~wopean Accession Vol. 6,,-no. 2. 1957 BRYCH, R. Trends in the development of water supply and sewerage. p. 190 GAZJ WODA I TECHNIKA SANITAINA (Stowarzyszenie Naukowo--Techniczne Inzynierow i Technikow Sanitarnych, Ogrzewnictwa i Gazownictwa) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 33, no. 5. May 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LO, Vol. 8, no. 9, September 1959 Uncl. BREH. Ryozard Mechanization of the work of the construction of gas-pipe and sewage networks. Gaz woda tech sanit 36 no.61215-217 Je 162.,; D.-VIEN, Jkri, J-nz,; BRYCHU, 11nifurti method of eval-untion an a tool for increasing the 1, 1", %N 164. food product cpality. Prum potravin 15 1. St,ite Insnoction of Food Tndustrt Froduct Qual~ty, Pragw.,. ERYCHCA, Premysl, promovany ekonom Productivity, assortm-ent, bonuses. Geol pr-jzk!n= 6 no,12: 353-354 D 16.1. 1. Central Geological Office, Prague. BRYCHCY, Fdmund, inz. The technical laboratory in industrial enterprises as a center for professional education. Energetyka Pol 16 no.3:95-96 162. 1'4--Zaklad Energetyczny, Szczecin --RRXQW--t -N.- Study military affairs the true way (nV.I.Ioenin on the training of Soviet soldiers" by I.D.Moshnin. Reviewed by II.Brychev.) Voen. znan- 36 no.9:39 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (lenin, Vladimir Illich, 1870-1924) (Military art and science) (Moshnin, I.D.) BRYCHEV, N Under the canopy of the Red Banner. Voen. znan. 38 no-4:21-22 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:4) (Brest-Litovsk, Battle of, 1941) (Standards, Military) MUCHEVY N. "A friendship born in battles." Compiled by A.IA.Grif, S.F. Gubarev. Reviewed by N.Brychev. Voen.znan. 38 no.8:39 Ag 162. OMA 15:8) (Poland-World War., 1939-1945) (Grif., A.IA.) (Gubarev, S.P.) BRYGENVI.Nikolay Fedorovich; USPENSXIY, N.M., red.; KOBZARI, V.N., t~ -ere'd,` - li- [About military service; talks with those under draft age] 0 voinskoi sluzhbe; besedy a doprizyvnikami. 'Moskva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1960. 85 p. (MIPA 13:6) (Russia-Army-Recruiting, enlisting, ate.) K.I.,; BRYCHHVA# F.A',,,--, Comparative evaluation of methods for external reRDiration function tests in children entgaged in competitive swimming. Pediatriia 37 no.6:i6-19 Je '59. (HIRk 12:9) 1. 1z Hookoyakogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo instituta sunitarii i gigiyeny imeni FPF-Ilriemana,(dir. A.Z.Bolousov). (ATHLMTICS, rasp. funct..testo in child-swimmers (Rue)) (RESPIR&TION# fimation tests in child-swimmers (RUO) BRYCHNAC-Vacla . MUDr. -.*-w4 - Cbondrodystropbla calcificane congenita. Acta cbir. orthop. traum. cech. 23 no.6:328-331 Nov 56. 1. Kojenecky ustav UNT. Praha, Krc, predn. prim. Dr. Qaido Mann. (DYSCROIMRDPIASIA, case reports. chon&rodystropbia calcificans congenita (Cz)) JAIDA, Vladimir; BRYCHNAC, Taclav. TRLIFAJOVA, Jarmila The a1dolass test in o7opathiea. Cesk.pediat. 15 no.9:818-821 s o6o. 1. Neurologicka klinika LTM v Praze 1%. prednosta prof. dr. J.Sebek, detako-Kojenecim klinike LIM, prednosta prof. dr. J.Clzkova-Plearovicova, Vetav a1krobiologle a opidemiologie v Prace 12, reditel prof. dr. X.Raska. (NUSCIMS die.) (ALDOIAM blood) I-LI AJ AA too ANO 4101 go -~at rR A A 00 fir 331-M 10-30 1 9 WIS WAILHOW10100 & Udowd jivardAms v Rrmdd 16hdw C mstaWmy as4 (4- mamdu4A MdW#&Ekk -9-71M. wm foun,W .1 -6j, Feb. MMIL W'w = am4 abservatury Ats an April 00 7. Basic activitift of the Glum v to* we to be 25ft nw utq wiU COWwmtc mm!3-*, 7-ke tokulikCall "di a faculty in studying tow egmKt all EW, ditustic and metcarulftical I&CIurs On DmIO aDu U&SCIam- 00 V Research In tW rwWm of podw OZIJU and obsemtkas in qwcial "di'"atic chamberar will 00 be conducted. Sokjsd -flamd4ess: b1galimmemba. Observatories. Medical awtsenlW, -Af.JL 41 0 U P go* =09 *6 *0 L age go* '00 0,0 : 00 =00 A M47ALLUNICAL L"IRAILSt CLASSIPICAVION too 0 NBC. 111VISSI.. - sjAOwG -0 141003 .4. VIT Got U 0 AT 00 m I " 11 1 1 1 ; An A s a Od 0 0 110 . a w cc 1,( it :1* of 0 0 0 0 BRYCHTA, Ladislav 1 .1 ~ - .1 ....... ~ - - - -.-I Dove!apmeat of technology in Po'Ash geology. Geol pruzkum 6 no. 1-11349 N 164. -- :z- BRYCHTAq Ladislav -- ~ In !k9 remuricraL!vr, :)f -'r, l-',-,clL 1:)riizkljlr.. 7 nC,I - . . Ja 165~ 2. Ulril,t of the Techillual ard *-:,-cmxnc 'ew!lc,,-,mevt, Brn-~. V7~ke tecovery of abilur frm gazej with thio,-rFvnot~ lyn -- -" " I M. lirr'I'm C.", ,WI -7.'. UE:Y!;ReM%-tloW OF TIM Uw-RM OF GDOMMT1011 OF !ZAUfud~ ~v 4F, d rznt --jcrontz, thC CCFrt-C, C,- bC L", Ir ui SS k:!9 C, t--z c. n z,,! jo Ix cc? t A A S, RIEDL, Rudolf, prof., dr., inz.; BRYCHTAp Miroslav, inz.; PRASKOVA, Dagmar, inz. Regeneration of saturated active carbon (used for the adsorption of hydrogen sulphide from pressure gas) by toluene and xylene. Sbor pal vod VSChT no.3, part 1:5-34 159. 1. Katedra koksarenstvi a plynarenstvi Vysoke skoly chemicko-techno- logicke, Praha. DRAJIORAD, J., inz., dr.; BRYCJITA, M., inz, The problem of gas cleaning in high pressure gasification plants. Pa-liva 1+2 no./+:lIL8-121 Ap 162. BRYCHTA, M.v Inz. Acquisition of deodorants in sulfate-ceUulose process. Faliva 41'no-4:115 Ap 161. BRYCHTA, M., ins. DSOUlphUri2ing Of Coking gaS on the activa:ted carbon and extracting sulphur by organic dideolventoo Paliva 41 no-4:315 AP 161. BRYCHTA, M. Desulfurization of tbf coke-oven gas on activated carbon. Prace vyzkum paliv 4:169-;32 f62. . ~,. W-- BRYCHTA, M. Acquisition of odorants in sulfate pulp production. Fraze Ust paliv 6:151-170 t63. SLABY, Otto; VESEISKY, Jaroslav; B Synostosis of the autopodJijm with farnilJal incidence and con- siderations on its causes. Plzen. lek. sborn. 23:41-49 '64 1. Katedra bistologie a embryologio lekarske fakulty University Karlovy se sidlem v '01.zni (prednosta: prof. MDr. IWIDr. 0. Slaby, Drqc.) ; OrtopedickL oddeleni polikliniky (vedouoir Mr. J. Veselsky), a Cehtralni rentgenove oddeleni (vedouci: MUDr. J~. Maneth) ZUNZ Vitkovickych zelezaren Klementa Gottwalda v Ostrave. JANACKOVA~R.; LUKES,J.; BRYCHTA,M. - Nephrocalcinosis in a 9-year-old boy. Cesk. pediat. 19 no.3.* 260-265 Mr%64. 1. Detske oddeleni ZUN&-VZKG Ostrava-Vitkovice (vedouci: MUDr. J.Lukes) a Rentgenologicke oddeleni ZIM2-VZKG Ostrava-Vitkovice (vedouci: MUDr. J.Maneth). 0 . PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION CZECH/5216 Budil, Ivo, ed. Do blfzk4ho I vzd6len4ho veamfru (Into the Near and Distant Universe) Prague, Orbis, 1960. 10,000 copies printed. Authors: Milan Blaba, Doctor of-Yatural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Ondrej Brychta, Engineer. Jan Bukovsky, Professor, D.C.Ae.j V4claV-BUMbx-,D0-c'f6-r of Natural Sciences, Can- didate of Physics and Mathematics. ~Zdengk Ceplecha, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Josef DvoiWk, Doctor of MedicIne. Vladimfr Guth, Pocent-, Doctor of-Natural Sciences, Corresponding Member of-the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics'. Josip Kleezek, Doctor of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Miloslav Kopeck~, Doctor-,of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Lubos Perek, Doctor of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Miroslav Plavec, Doctor of Natural Sciences,Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. -Jaroslav Ruprecht, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Josef Sadil. Ladislav Sehnal, Candidate of Physics Car Into the Near (Cont.) CZECK/5216 and Mathematics. Zdenvek Svestka, Doctor of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics., Boris Valnic'ek, Doctor of Natural Sciences and Vladimir Vanysek, Doctor of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Resp. Ed.: Josef Sadil. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for the general reader interested in astronomy, celestial mechanics, and astrophysics. COVERAGE: The book pre"hents in popular language and in summary form the most important achievements of science to date in the field of astronomy, celestial mechanics, and-astrophysics, and notes' the importance of continued progress in these disciplines for space travel to the moon and in our solar System, And ulti- mately to the nearest stare and galaxies. In the section headed "About the Authors" the degrees-and titles, affiliations and scientific contributions of each author are given. The text is accompanied by many diagrams, graphs, and tabular data. There are 37 photographs of various celestial bodies. No personalities C I _-~, Into the Near (Cont.) CZECH/5216 are mentioned. There are 29 references, all Czech (several translations]. TABLE OF CONTENTS: THE NEAR UNIVERSE I. The Moon - The Nearest Cosmic Body 7 Size and density of the moon 7 -Orbit of the moon around the earth 8 Phases of the moon 9 The ashen light of the moon 10 Does the moon have any kind of an atmosphere? 11 Temperature on the surface of the moon 13 What does the surface of the moon consist of? 14 Beginnings of lunar mineralogy 15 Is the moon radioactive? 16 Surface of the moon through a telescope 16 Origin of the seas and craters of the moon 17 Card~~- BRYCHTA, Ondrej,, i~, Pneumatic logical elements with a movable part. Automatizace 6 noellt275-278 N 163. AUTHOR: M-a trus, Vladinir (Engineer); Brychl~~e ~(Enginoer) ORG: 1M_ultrus7 CVUT, Prague; LE_i7cktJ KIDn-strukta, Trencin TITIE: Pneumatic logl2al elementp, and relay systems .:SOURCE: Automatizace, no. 2, 1965, 29-35 TOPIC TAGS: pneumaticcontrol system, automation ABSTRACT.- The article discusses the present.state of pneumatic logical elements and systems in Czachoslovalda and abroad and deals mainly with relay system. Two relay systems are described and evaluated: the Soviet USEPPA and the low-pressure system developed by V. Ferner in East GermWe- Thearticle evaluates the possibi- 3-ities and gives certain examples of the use of pneumatic logical elements in auto-, mation. Orig. art.'has: 3.0 figures. /J-PRS7 SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DAIS:', none' _ORIG REF: 006 OTH REF: 03.1 SOV REF: oo6 Card 1/1 Vab UDC: 62,5 5: 621-54 L 39914-66 FEC(k)-2/9,.*rP(k)/"E,A~T(h)/1,7t,.T(I)/EvfP(V) 9C ACC NN AP6029391 SOURCE CODE: CZ/0031/66/014/001/0014/0023 AUTHOR: Brychta, Ondrej (Engineer) ORG: Konstrukta Trencin, n.p. TITLE: Automation of machines by means of Z!ewnatic logical elements SOURCE: Strojirenska vyroba, v. 14, no. 1. 1966, 14-23 TOPIC TAGS; automation technology, logic element ABSTRACT: The article gives a survey of technically very important and advanced 'gs~DQnly as applied to the automation of problems of pneumatic logical el;~e machinery. It is the first article on the subject in the Czechoslovak technical literat-ure. Orig. art. has: 9. figures and 5 tables. IJFRS: 35,3281 SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATh: none / ORIG REF: 002 / OrTH REF: 002 Card 1/1 uDc: 621.9-52: 621.9- BRYCHTAJ, Premysl, promovany ekonom, I A new method of wage fund computation. Geol pruzkLm 6 no. 6: 163-164 Je 164. 1. Central Geologic Office, Prague. BRYCHTOTA. Jana. MUDr (Brno-Bayerova 10) Malignant granuloaa cell tumor. Lek. listy. Brno 9 no.20:473-475 15 oat 54. 1. Z pathologicko-anatomickeho ustavu. MU v Brne, prednosta prof. MUDr Y.Neumann. (OVARIES, neoplasms, granulosa call tumor) BRYCHTOVA,,4mm&,jMPr Case of neonatal toxoplasmosis. Ceek. pediat. 11 no.10: 767469 Oct 56. I.-Z Patbolog-anat. ustavu Lakarske fakulty HU v Brno, prednosta prof. MUDre-Ve Neumanno (TOXOPLASMOSIS, in infant and child in newborn (Cz))' (INFANT, NMfBORN, 'diseases toxoplasmosis (Cz))- SVEJU, Jaroolav; BRYCHTOVA, Jana; BECHINI19, Bmanuel The influence of regeneration on take-on and growth of the transplantable rat Brada-Svejda tumor. Neoplasma, Bratial. 4 no.4:381-383 1957. 1, Patho-Anatomical Institate, Fqculty.of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno. (NEOPIASMS, exper. eff. of regen. of subcutaneous tissue on take-on & growth of transplantable rat) (REGIOTMVION Some) BRYCHTOVA, Jana, MUDr. (Brno, Pekaraka 53) '~~~Interatitial cell tumor of teotes in-newborn. Cesk. Dediat. 13 no.l: 51-54 5 Jan 58. 1, Pathologickoanatomicky ustav lek. fak. XV v Brne, prednosta pipf. Dr. J. Svejda. (TICSTICS, neoplasms interstitial cell tumor in newborn with cryptorchidism (Cz)) (ORYPTORGHIDISM, in inf. & child newborn, with interstitial cell tumor of testes Oz)) (MANT, IMWORN, die. cryptorchidism with interstitial cell tumor of testes (Cz)) BRYCHTOVA, J.; OLWNIK. 0. A case of an intracardiae polyp imitating mitral stenosis. Rev. Czech. M. 4 no.3:233-239 1958. l' Second Surgical Clinic, 14nnaryk University, Brno. Director: Prof. L inevratil. (IMART, neoDlasms intracardiac nolyp simulating mitral stenosis, case repx)rt) (POLYPI. case rep)orts intracardiac polyp simulating mitral stenosis) iNERM MEDICA See Vol 12/10 General Path Oct 59 2862. REACTION OF THE RETICULAR TISSUE IV GUINEA-PIGS INJECTED WIT 11 FOREIGN BLOOD SERUM OR TRYPAN BLUE - Die Reaktion des retikulAren Gewebes bei Meerschweinchen nach Applikation von frenidartigem Blutserum und Trypanblau - BrychtovA 3. and Horn V. Pathol.- Anat Inst.. Masaryk-Univ.. PATH. PATH. ANAT. 1959. 99/ 1-2 (36-42) Illus. 5 The i. p. injection of human serum or of trypan blue induces in the guinea-pig an intense proliferation of the reticulurn cells of spleen and lymph nodes. In the group of trypan-blue-4reated animals, there soon follows an acute inflammatory reaction that in not seen In the group of serum-treated animals. In both groups the hyper- plastic reticulum cells acquire a profound cytoplasmic basophilia. It is to be noted that the trypan blue injections provoke acute peritonitis. Potvliege Brussels BIENIEK, Kazimierz, inz.;j3R ; 11014AM"16KI, Stanislaw., inz. Possibilities of checking entirely the butt welds of a blast furnacq jacket. Huta lenina prace no.10:79-91 161. _ARX9kI, Bogdan inz,; MACHOWSKI, Bogualaw, Agr ins#; A!j~ -0150-LSK-I - a ., Tadeu z,, doo. dr Application of the tabulating evaluation in designing special holders for the sharpening of drill bitso Frzegl mech,407 25 F 1639 1, Akademia Gorniczo-Hutnicza, Krakow. BRYCZK(A-ISKI A. --- TECIMOLMY Periodicals: FOR11ALIZAUA. Vol. 26,, no. 2, Feb. 1958 BRYCZKUYISKI, A. Concerning the correct name of the Polish Committee on Standards in the Russian language. D. 78. Monthly List of East European Accessions (MAI) IL, Vol. h., No. 2, February 1959k Unclass. BRYDAK, D. (Krakow) --------- :-~ A functional equation. Ft. 1. Annales Pol math 15 no.3:237-251 164. - BRYDAK, Stefan -- --- - 1- -1 ---------- Clock pulse translation. Przegl kolej elektrotech 13 no.3.-8&-88 Mr 161. k~ o' V, ~k C., , T *1 IV - AUTHDRs BRM jIs Lke I YANM vG.M. y Regular Members f or Rad L-ofe-ohnoiogy. of the Society PA - 2298 TITLE: Counter Lamps with Gas I)jschargev (Gazorazryadrkyye schetnyye lampy. Russian). FMODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1957, Vol 12, Nr 2, pp 65-7o (U.S.S.R.) Received: 4 / 1957 Reviewed: 4 / 1957 ABSTRAM A short survey of counter lamps with gas discharge is given. First, the PaLrticular features of a gas discharge are discussed. As a basis for the mode Of Operation of these lamps the following phenomenon, which is due to local preparation by ions, must be considered: If voltage is Once More applied to the electrodes before the end of do-ionization, the amount of the avalanche discharge U3 is reduced. In electropositive gases the rest-ionization becomes extinct within from 10 -4 PL 10--7 sec. Admixture of the elootronegative gas (de-ionizer) and a red6tion of the distance botween the electrodes promotes the reduction of this time. It is also of advantage to use auxiliary electrodes which sbsorb the ion cloud from the discharge chamber. The structure and the mode of operation of these lamps is described. The nomenclature and terminology of the parameters of these lam?a are not Yet definitely settled. A table contains the data of the dekatrons produced by the industries of Great Britain and Germany. The wiring diagrams of the dekatrons with two-foid impulse are described. Two basic types must be distin- Card 1/2 guishea: The"fast" ones, which have low resistance and produce impulses ASSOOIATICK: PP23ENM BY: SUMITTED: AVAILABLE: Counter Lamps with Gas Disoharge. with a steep front, and the nslow" offered by dekatrons with two-fold one impulse are the reversibilityl I table and 5 illustrations). Not Given 14. 11. 1956 Library of Congress rA - 2298 ones. The most essential advantages impulse ampared to those of only greater stability, and life. (With Card 2/2 Subject Card 1/1 Authors Title USSR/Engineering Pub. 107-a - 6/14 Periodical : Abstract : AID P - 4872 Siunov, N. S., V. N. Bryev and 1. F. Milaykin Single phase self-excited generator of high frequency Svar. proizv., 4, 16-17, Ap 1956 The authors describe certain improvements in an a-c generator of high frequency (200 to 400 hertz)*made of the ChS-7 generator, adjusted for use as single-phase self-excited welding generator. The remodeled generator was tested and found satisfactory in every respect. Two drawings and 1 graph. Institution : Ural Polytechnic Institute im. Kirov Submitted : No date STEPIEN, L.;. BRYEZINSKI, J.; MIML, E.; SREBRZYNSKA, J. Disorders of dynamics of the higer nervous functions due to focal injtaT of the temporo - parieto - occipital contact area in the dominant cerebral hemisphere. Neurologia etc. Polska 4 no-5:473- 481 Sept-oat 54. (BRAIN, wouncl and injuries higher nervous funct. in) (CENTRALVERVOUS SYSTEM, In various diseases brain inj., higher nervous funct. in) (WOUNDS AND INJU RIN S brain inj., higher nervous funct. in) i krij) AP6028714 SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/008/0917/0918 AUTHOR: Bohdanoyych, A. S.; Ivzhenko, M. A. -, Kovallov, V. K.; S Yurachkivslkyy, P. 0.; Bryhynets', V. P. 0 ORG: Kiev Polytechnical Institute (Kyyivslkyy politekhnichnyy instytut) tltl - 11 TITLE: Dislocation and V-centers in KCI crystals SOURCE: Uhrayins'kyy fizyclinyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 8, 1966, 917-918 TOPIC TAGS: potassium chloride, crystal lattice dislochtion, x-ray coloring, color center, crystal absorption spectrum ABSTRACT: This article endeavors to explain the role of dislocations in creating V-centers in KC1 crystals subjected to x-rays at room temperatures. Four crystals of "pure" KCI grown from a nielt by the Kyropoulos method (two each with dislocation density of 5.106 and 5. 104 cm-2) were colored by, x-rays at room temperature and their absorption spectra were then photospectrometrically measured. Comparison of graphs plotted from the results of "hard" and "soft" coloring showed that (1), other coloring conditions being equal, the crystals with more dislocations chiefly formed V3-centers (218 nV), while those with fewer disloca- tions gave only V2-centers (230 mu), and (2) the spectral makeup of V-absorption does not Card .1 45587-66 j_ACC NRI_ -AP662-81-j-4 depend on "hardness" of crystal coloration, not only reftiting the vlew Chat "hard" and "soft" x-rays create V3- and V2-centers, respectively, but also suggesting that V3-centers are do- fects formed either in or near the dislocations themselves, while V2-centers form in the lat- tice far from them and requiro lattice vacancies. Further studies showed that the preceding assumption is true and that the V2- to V3-~enter ratio Is stipulated by dislocation density and the number of "frozen" thermal vacancies in the crystal. In conclusion the authors thank Prof. M. P. Mabukhov for interest in the work and useful discussions. Orig. art. has: 2- figures. [261 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: O5Mar66/ ORIG REF:.002/ OTH REF: 007 / ATD PRESS: 5082 15ec/C.'94c)v V.,Q. BIZ?GALOV, V. A., ORDYNSKIYj V. V., CHzWS-1'MIMO,, V- A- Vegetables What scientists are working on in 1952. sad i og. no, 6, 1952 m 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. BRYGIN K A - DRININ, A.A. [translator); FRIDNER, A.A., Odessa. Odessa, Maiakj 1965. 13 p. (MIRA 18:') ly-T IV 9 2- L 19670-65 E7W1r(m)/BFF(c)/EFF(n)-2/EPR Pr-h/PB-h/Pu4 .3SD ACCESSION NR: AP4045667 P/0046/64/009/07-/0575/0585 AUTHOR: Adanski It L.; Arkuszewski, 3.-(Arkushevski, Ya.); Bed arz. F,.-(Bedarzh,. R.); JozefowJc2__Y___T_ (Yuzefovich, E Jozefowicz,,K._(Yuzefavich, K.); Kaczmargk- W. Machmarek, V:)Ts-); Kulikowska, T. (Kulikovska. T.); Halawrki. S.-(Halevski, S.); Mika, J. (Mika, Ya.); Szechter,_A,_TShekhtar, A.); Weiso Z. (vayss, Z.)., Brvhn-Ingcbri4,sen_ ry*n-In8CbTi&t*sen, K.); Smit. X. (Smit. :1 S_ I. I- (St&mm'ler, R. I. I.); Jockovic.-M.- (Iotskovich, H.),; Pop-Jordanov. J, (Pop-Iordanov, I.); ac, S. (Takach, M.) TITLEi Microscopic neutron:f.lux distributions in unit calls o,f cri- tical assemblies of the NPY Project SOURCEs Nukleanika, v. 9. no!. 7-8, 1964, 575-585 TOFIC TAGSi neutron distribution, reactor physics, intracell neu- tron distribution, unit cellv~critical reactors NPY project ABSTRACTs This article, which Is one of the first official reports 'Card 113 L 19670-65 ACCESSION NRt AP4045667 0 of the 14PY Project, contains a preliminary study of intracell neu- tron distributions in three critical assemblies operating in Norway, Poland, and Yugoslavia. The NPY lattices that were studied and the experimental techniques used in three zero-power.,reactors (NORA* A%NA, and.RB) are discussed and experimental and theoretical results are given in tabular form (refer to the Enclosures). The computational methods used in Norway and applied'to the NPY lattices involved the use of two integral transport codes (available for use on the Ferranti Mercury computer) developed by the.Netherlands-Norwagian K-7 Project at Kjeller-K-7 THERMOS and K-7 TRANSPO; cross-sections used in these codes are given in tables. Two analytical methods were used in Polands 'the first, used for NORA: and ANNA, made use of a one-Group Amouyal-ionoist approa 'ch applied to:a multilayer system; the second used theiLaguarre polynomial expansion for distributions in the mo- darator.1 Two computational mathods',wers employed in Yugoslaviat a standard ~ons-vslocity P3 method with isotropic flux return at the outer boundary and an improved analytical neutron thermalization me- thod developed in,Yugoulavia.' The experimental and theore-tical re- sults obtained for NORA lattices show that the experimental values .Card 2/? t 19670-65 ACCESSION 14Rt AP4045667 of the disadvantage factors lie within the range of theoretical va- lues obtained by different methods. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 6 tables. a ASSOCIATIONt Institute of Atomic Energy, Kjollar. Norway; Institute of Nuclear-Kinear-ch. bvierx, Poland; borFP-Kidrich Institute- of Nuclear Science Vincha, Yugoslavia La SUBMITTEDt 00 ENCL: 04 SUB CODEi NP NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER11 020 Card 317 BRYZGUNPY),,V.A..,, -,. [Radiometer for determining 113.1 in the human thyroid gland] Radiometr dlia izmereniia ioda-131 v shchitovidnoi zheleze chelovaka. Moskva, In-t atomnoi energii im. I.V.Kurchatova) 1960. 11 p. (HIRA 16:12) (Iodine isotopes) (Radiometer) s , Distri 4-Me Mstic defwmatioa of alatered carbides. alL. SWdstax-T1&skQWskI icy !2L I ani ZbIgn th SL P M . - - - HuIxib 2S, 295-4=96 ~Jiiastic dif"ation of -w x-, carbides coutg..Co 3, 6. 11, 15, 20, or 25%, at 1oaAs of 71w depth and diam.