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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Rel a 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP80R0l731 RO 34Q, 0,40015- .~, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NA.V&L OPEM IONS Washington 25, D. C. 27 October 1499 Froms Chief of Naval Operations, To: Distribution List. In reply refer to: Op-322H2/mjc A3-l/EN3-ll Serial 7.2596P32 RESTRICTED Subjects U. S. Naval Attache Representation in Foreign Countries. . 1. The plan for reduction and consolidation of Service attache offices abroad has been approved by the Secretary of Defense as submitted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Implementation has been directed with a minimum of delay to the end that actual strength at various missions be brought into substantial conformity with the newly approved tables of organization. It,does not preclude'additional reductions in attaches or supporting personnel as may later be found feasible and desirable. Discretion has been granted the Services in taking the necessary action where (.l) greater over-all saving to the Government may be achieved by. deferment, not to exceed six months, (2) deliberately slow phase-out has been requested for diplomatic reasons by the Department of State, (3) involvement with the Military Assistance Program is concerned, and (4) alleviation of individual attache hardship or financial loss may be legally effected. It is recognized that the plan will result in reduced intelligence collection from non-critical areas, and that certain other functions not germane to the intelligence mission of the Service attaches will be curtailed or eliminated, 2. Tables of organization together with the required implementing action have been enunciated separately to the individual Naval Attache foreign posts concerned. 3. For information, a recapitulation of the Naval Attache foreign post status is presented: NO CHANGE REDUCE Australia Argentina Bulgaria Brazil Denmark Canada Finland Chile France China NAVY review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2003/04/25 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400040005-0 RESTRICTED Approved For Relate 2003/04/25 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400040005-0 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPEWTIONS Washington 25, D. C. 27 October 1949 In reply refer to: Op-322H2/mjc r.3-1/EN3-ll Serial 12596P32 Subject: RESTRICTED Naval Attache Representation in Foreign Countries, NO CWMNGE India Iraq Italy Norway Poland Rumania Great Britain Spain Turkey USSR Yugoslavia CLOSE Singapore) Colombia Iran Israel Lebanon Peru Union of South dafrica Uruguay Venezuela Distribution List: Aug. 1949 Dec. 1949 Dec. 1949 Dec. 1949 Dec. 1949 hug. 1949 zug . 1949 Mar. 1950 F28 F22 21 22 23 Op-32 (all branches, sections, REDUCE Cuba Egypt Great Britain (London) Greece Indonesia Korea Mexico Morocco (Tangier and Casablanca) Nether lands Portugal Sweden Thailand OPEN DATE Ceylon Sept. 1949 Dominican Republic Nov. 1949 Great Britain (Hongkong) Oct. 1949 Pakistan Feb. 1950 Philippine Republic Dec. 1949 FELIX JO By direction. units, and desks) loll VS ON, Approved For Release 2003/04/25 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400040005-0 RESTRICTED Apprziv& arRelease 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP80R01731 R0Q340 0Q05-0 Approved For Release 2003/04/25 : CJ4 80801731 R003400040005-0 ?:: ;-a iKW Approved Fw Rel a 2003/04/25: CIA-RDP80RO1731 O4 L00040 0 4 ~ Approved For Release 2003/04/25 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003400040005-0