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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
April 14, 1951
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Approved For Release 2601112111' C9`i4-R300457R00bbRiOb(6- U F T ' P T nwo. ' r$J q.C) Constanta Harbor; 3dviet TrooDs 25X1A ` I, The folloxing activity took place when informants ship arrived in Constanta h rbor ink; flovember 1950 About one and a half miles from Constanta harbor, the ship was met by the pilot boat and one tug. The pilot, one soldier.' as a guard and one plain-clothes viilitiar an were put aboard. The pilot took the chip into the harbor to position No. 1 on Attachment A. The soldier remained an the bridge and the L iilitiaman wandered about the ship. At this point another motor launch acproached the ship and put aboard two quarantine officials, two customs officials, two oustoms guards, three plain--clothes tUlitiamen and the harbor pilot. The harbor pilot with the aid of two to s towed the ship to the pier at position No, 2 on Attachment A. Here the ship was boarded by two additional customs officials, two Sovrom agents and two officials of the Port Control Office, ?.'he following procedure which took about three and a half hourz was conducted g h. Ship's papers, required under Rumanian regulations, the crow list Fknd all seasren passports wore taken ashore for examination,, c? All the crew except one man in the engine room and one in the kitchen were ordered on deck. The Captain, all officers and crew were physically ^,oarched, th All cameras, binoculars, extra cigar ttes, excess money were sealed F_n one locker z, 0. All cabins, quarters, lockers and other space was carefully demanded, f, A list of all money, personal goods and ship's cargo was demanded. A list of all those desiring to go ashore was demanded. 14 APR 51 flan OF PACES 2 GFSFRIBW1ON~~ Document Next Review Date: 20oApproved For1Release 2001/12/04: CI L~T 1)LOia ed ~ 4y.< y i Class. Changed -'T 1 Auth.; iff 7 2 181062--419TA" 7006YJ9 QZ ..~. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R007100670005-9 C:k;NTR&L INTELLIGENCE AGENCY `w'he ahip~s papers and all seamen passports were returned in 48 hours? ship's personnel were allowed on shore only between 8 ? OO a d ..,m. an ?00 p0r, ,, No mention was made of what the consequences m=ight be if e. orew membtar failed to return to the ship by 8 OO p m.,, . All ships personnel could go ashore or return to the ship singly or in soups. They were esccrtvd Prom the Ship through the port area, by a soldier guard, to the Port Conttaa uilctiazg;, :fore the offices of Port Authorities Customs, quarantine, aavrozt Pend M.iilit.ia are located. All ships personnel were searched there by. Militiamen. They were allowed to have nothin; more than a broken package of cigarettes. At, this point all ships personnel were advanced all amount-;t of Rtrn,ani,cn lei by the 86irx 11genoy. Tiereafter all rero issued a pthk single page shore pass by the Militia,. This document eontainee names, nationa1,y sex, description, name of ship, date and hour and ininutto of arrival on chore,. 7' pass was good only for one day? and was ri3tained try the .liti, upon return to the shin o Another search was yal Aso made of the, ship's personnel on their return to the ship, They were -when escorted from the Port Control fttildin h k t g ac o the 813ip As of Novtber 1950 the following ships were noted in they Cons t ante harbors Nt.- ional.itV .Acti~ri `a _. .A;,RDDEAL RWI, tniran LoadinE general car o KAf PATY Po? i ?th g ,, 5urtker .i. ng . si.r7niah Bunkerisag w i ICouuw I Russian Loadin t timber and c IIkIALJISA Italian g ;,, emen Loading timber, )ANUBIA 1 I`anamaui.. Loading amber 1'Ni EDAVI'I Russian . Loading fuel oil P AN (717 R nian .0isahar ing cotton KARL Ulm Ralasiscn ,, Loadin timb r PANSIO. F nni sh g e . B ntkering Three ships, 7-88000 tone Russian Loading fuel oil,, Two ships, 8...5,; 000 tons Russian Loading fue, . Oil. One ship, 5-.6,000 tons Russian Loading fuee, oil One ship, 3,000 tons Russian Discharging cotter One ship S edish Disshargingg general cargos Reportedly, there are about two to tk ree thousand troops in Ltt -,afar uniforms located about ten keilom.eters from the Constaut* port area. Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R007100670005-9 Approved For Rbleasa,200&42 Q70 1+00 G3jT AL ? NTELLIGE ICE AU Ji' C1 Ati mchneZ t Aa i'ort Oyficau ''Sovron Cranes Radio gists e? f G C7 o C. C 0 0 all Storage Tank's Floatin Dry Doak Offices fa,-"- ?\ Port Cargo Fier 011 Pier CONSTANTA W ,30P& ove ber 19.0 33 CFFT/CONTROL -y U.,%,, OFFICIALS PLY Approved For Release 2001/12/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R007100670005-9 Old Rum a:ii a Torpedo Boats Guard ITot so