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VAYNSHTEYN, B-S.; LEMMLEYN, G.G. The orientation of silver on silicon carbide. Trudy Inst. Krist. Akad. Uuk S.S.S.R. 6, 203-6 151. (MLRA 4:10) (CA 47 no.15:7281 153) . . r, ! - ..- I .. I i al-I-I , =iii ,ul -;ILL"IL! 1.'J! '' - - cli 1-4 ,-USSR/11voics - Crystallography 21 Jun 5 1 .Conce.,rning Vector Models of Crystallic Structures," B. K. Vaynshteyn "Dok Alt Nauk SSSIV' Vol LXXVIIII, No 6, PP 1137-1140 To deacribe crystallic structures the coordinates and vtn of atoms must be given, which can be de- Ocribed an ayst of weighed points by means of set of complex numbers; S = (zl,z2,--,Z,) such that the modulus will def-ine the wt and the arguments, the povition of atom thus: z - P-e2wix arg z # = '-Irx, ,/z/ - 9 . Considers operation i if Mul plication of atom by atom: zizk - pi-e Y*I'Pk- 184T112 USSR/Physics Crystallography (Contd) 21 jun 51 2rixk 27ri~Xi + e = PiN,.e , r6sult-of';which is f ormation of the ~ vector Xi .+ xk of atom, of wt Pipk- Cf. Wtinch, '!,Phil Mag" 27., 98'1' 1939. Sub- mitted .23 Apr 51 by,.,Acad D. S. Belyankin., i84Tll2 1. VAYNSHTM'O' 64' io' ..' i 2. TIM (600) 4. Crystallography, Mathematical 7. Deciphering crystal structures. Trudy Inst.krist.t no. 7, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, A=J1 -1953, Uncl. --- VAUSHTUN) - B-*K. Electronic Optics Structural electromography. Vest. AN SWR, 22., No- 3., 1952. Moat& List of Russian Accessions.$ Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCLA.3SIFIED. VAYNSM-YN B.K. Crystal structure of MaC12.2H20. Doklady Ak&d. 11ank S.S.S.R. 83, 227-30 1329 (KLRA 5:5) (OA 47 no.20:10307 '53) USSR/Nuclear Physics - Atomic Number 21 Aug 52 Electron Scattering "Dependence of the Scattering of Electrons Upon the Atomic Number," B. K. Vaynshteyn Cu "DAN SSSR" Vol 85, No 6, pp 123~-1242 Shows that the mean internal potential is sensi- tive to the packing density of the atoms in the lattice. Gives a very simple method of computa- tion of the mean internal potential, which gives 238T96 better results than other more complicated methods such as suanation by series. Gives electron scattering coeff f(O) and atomic radii r. of elements of the first three periods. Sub- mitted by Acad P. L. Kapitsa, 28 Jun 52. (C.I+ LkI rlo-,X2, -.111 4x. I%--'\ 238T96 . . I I . -, ~ - I II ~ ~ 1. . --~ 4- " M -1-1, 1 ~ ~ : ,-, ,. -:~W~ - ~ A- : ,, - - : :~: 4'- i 54~ 71f 44 406- 93. ";M1 R siliv, ~hol~ ;' 'It'd qx dvj~mlw;' "), [it be x,, til- lnlwpal of pi'll ov~' unit ull has an alipleciaLlo Itla"llitudc orl!) in flic imme- Aiaw roighboullw-111 L-f llke All mom. 'III! ladial Occlroo dt:w.itie, iound -c ailriolimawAl buill umlar~ 0' ctlf":' and C'n-OcIl fc,, lh,~irnal %liwatiow" '~(.Udulc ampfij'lj~:! can tjjj~l t.-c plit on to 41) ob';J111t~ b'~Sis. A L. SlAll"y - - -------- - "V, j Vt ~~ ~, s ~ T,2.,~ " P~ V__ 4 USSR/Solid State Physics - Structural Crystallography, E-3 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Funca, No 12, 1-956, 34599 Author: %Vaynahteyn, B. K. Institution: None Title: On the Investigation of the Potential of the Crystal Lattice by Electrono- graphic Methrds Original Periodical: T. In-ta kristallografii AN SSSR, 1954) No 9) 259-276 Abstract: Examination of the features of the distribution of the potential in crystals, caorpared with the distribution of the electron density, and also of the quantitative relationships and dimensionality in the Fourier series of the potential. A new method is proposed for calculating thq average internal potential of crystals, based on using the values of fel(0): ~av(b) = ll4-5 E fel(O)/12 - Experimental data related to the phencmenon of electron refraction (splitting of the reflexes on photo- graphs of MgO)*are given, for which is determined. The I av(M,90) z 10 - 17 volts, electron-diffraction method is applicable to the study of the distribution of the potential in crystals. From the experimental amplitudes ohkl normalized to the absolute values, cross sections of the 3 dimensional Fourier series are ~'(Xoo), 1 of 2 - 1 - USSIR/Solid State Physics - Structural Crystallography,, E-3 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, Ho 12, 1956~ 34599 Authori Vaynshtsyn., B. K. Institution: None Title: On the Investigation of the Potential of the Crystal Lattice by Electrono- graphic Methods Original Periodical: T. In-ta kristallografii AN SSSR, 1954, No 9, 259-276 Abstract: ( ,,/,(xxo), p,(xxx) are constructed, and the variation of the potential Al, Ag and Cu is computed. It is established that a distribution of potentials at tb_~ maximum is apprcaimately the same for all 3 metals and is independent of the direc- tion of the cross section, i.e., the maxima are spherically symmetrical, but. the values of the potentials between the atoms are somewhat different. An examination is made of the effect of the error introduced by terminating the series on the vari- ation of the potential and on the accuracy of the results obtained. 2 of 2 - 2 - VAYNSHTEYN, B. K. "A Method of Deciphering F2 -Seriez". Tr. In-ta Kristallogr. AN SSSR, No. 9, pp, 287-290p 1954. Deciphering two-dimensional distributions of interatomic function by vector convergence ("superimposing and shifting") can be readily accomplished by using a photographic method. Three identical photographic negatives are prepared on which the transparent places correspond to maxima of interatomic functions, and the dark places correspond to back-ground. When the negatives are superimposed on the corresronding shifts$ only those maxima which coincide with one another are distinguished, which inturn distinguishes the structure. Only two negatives are required in the case of centrosymmetrical structure. The application of the method is illustrated using the structure of K ZPtc:L3(NH3)7as an example. (RZhKhim, No 4, 1955) SO: Sum No 884,, 9 Apr 1956 - / PINSM, Z.G.; VAYRSHTM, B.K. Prscioion measurements of lattice periods in electronography. Trudy Inst.krist. no.9:291-304 154. (MLRA 7:11) (Blectronograph) (Crystallography) ~- 11 - . - ~ I- - % , -t I - , ~ 11-1 q~. - -11 1 _q i~-- 1- - ,R I 7V .* I I I USSR / Physical Chemistry. Crystals Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1957, 25872 Author : B.K.Vaynshteyn, Z.G. Pinsker. Title : Determination of H Atom in Crystalline Lattices (of Pa- raffln) by Electron Diffraction Study. Orig Pub : Tr. In-ta kristallografii AX SSBR, 1954, vyp. 10, 143- 163. Abstract : No abstract. B-5 Card * 1/1 VAI.A)SYr 16_j~Wl 93 A< USSR/Physics-Electron density in crystals F-D-736 Card 1/1 Pub 146-6/22 Author Vaynshteyn, B. K. Title Quantitativ6_iAdt`f6ns in Fourier series of electron density in crystals Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz., 27, 44-61, Jul 1954 Abstract : A Fourier synthesis according to X-ray data gives the diatribtuion of the electron density in a crystalline lattice with peaks cor- responding to atoms. The dependence of values characterizing the electron density on atomic numbers is found, taking into account the thermal motion. Problems of normalization and accuracy of F- and F2_ series are analyzed. 12 references including 9 foreign. Institution institute of Crystallograpby, Acad. Sci. USSR Submitted August 19, 1953 V Y UScR/Chemistry - Crystallogranhy Gard 1/1 Pub. 22 - 22/47 Authors Vaynshteyn, B. K. Title Localization of hydrojen atoms In the crystalline structure or diketo- piporazine by thq elactrono.Franhic mothod Periodical, Dok. AN SSSR 99/1, 81-81j, Nov 1, 1954 Abstract The aoplication of U-e Fourier series in the electronographic method of localizing hydrogen atoms in the crystalline structure of diketopiperazine is explained. The role of diketopiperazine groupings in the structure of albumin is cliscussed. The presence of hydroven atoms, which form H-bonds and atoms forming no 41-bonds in-the albumin structure, was established. The spaces between H-atoms were found to be close to the standard values of C - H and 11 - H spaces. The electron density in the hydrogen atom maxu= was cal- culated. Ten references: 6-UFLR rand 4-U3A (1931-1953). Table; drawing. Institution Academy of Sciences USSR, Institute of Crystallography Presented by: Academician N. V. Belov, June 17, 1.954 VAYNSHTME4, Boris Konstantinovich VAYNSHTEIII, Boris Konstantinovich - Academic degree of Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, based on his defense, 6 April 1955, in the Council of the Inst of Crystallography Acad Sci USSR, of his dissertation entitled: "Electron-Diffraction Structure Study." for the Academic Degrees of Doctor of Sciences.. ~P; Byulleten' Ministerstva Ilysshego Obrazovani~a SSR, List No. 3, 4 Februan,.1956 ana "i,it.Les. JMS/Ify 554 N A'/ N LHT E YAV~ B.k. USSR/Physical Chemistry - Crystals, B-5 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 6o84l Author: Vaynshteyn, B. K.. Tishchenko, G.V7. Institution: None Title: Conventional Projections in F- and F2-Series of Fourier Orig~nal Periodical: Tr. in-ta kriBtallogr. AN SSSR) 1955, No 11, 68-74 Abstract; Analogously to the fact that evolvement of F-series in accordance with the zone of reflections bkO yields the projection of the structure, the evolvement of series in accordan fe with Fhkl with fixed 1, will yield a conventional projection crl(xy) rf(x-yz)exp(2filz/c)dz. Peaks O'l due to the presence of expo- 0 nential factor, which assumes depending~'ufon the concrete symmetry of the structure the form coo or sin, can-have a positive as well as a negative sign (or vanish altod&her),depending upon z-coordinate Card 1/2 USSR/Pbysical Chemistry - Crystals, B-5 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 19., 1956, 6o841 Abstractt of the atom amd corresponding value of coo or sin (2flz/c). Characteristics of these projections are illustrated by exsnples of evolvement of Ol and TL> for thej~ structure CS2COC14. Characteristics of conventional projec*ns-in F2-series are analogous. Card 2/2 LOBAGE19V, A.N.; PINSKER, Z.G.; VAYNSHTAYN, B.K. Rotation method in electronography. Trudy 75-77 '55. (Blactronography) WRA 9:6) KUL VARSKATA, B. S. TAYNSHTMN, B. K. Electronographic stody of the structure of silver-magnesium and copper-magnosium alloys. Tindy 155 (Silver-magnesium alloys) (Copper-magnesinm alloys) (MIRA 9-9) "OM _3P_MMk_ VAYNS11TEYR, B.X., kandidat fiziko-matematichaskikh nauk. Use of Zrays in the study of materials; Fifth all-Union conference. Vast. Au SSSR 25 -o.10:87-90 0 155. (KMA 9:3) (Xra Ys-- Industrial applications) VATESHUM, B.K. e" Electronograph7 of diketopiparazine. Zhur.fiz.k-hi-. 29 U0.2:327-344 IF '55- (HLRA 8:7) 1. Akademi3ra nauk SSM, Institut kristallografli, Hoscov (Piparazins) (Blectronography) V1597 RMEMATIC XArrERD;G OF ELECTRONS By IDEAL rdONOCRYSTALZ. B. K. Vjohjqn_ (last. of CryoW- 149-07t. 104.r,37-9(1955, 0". 1. (in ~Xal Reflectfur WMAUY of moacchromattc wa,es in clectroa dWracUcG from a filc9le, Ideally formed. kiricamtIcally scattering cryaW w~ au2ly~d. (R.V.J.) VA Boris Kona tant inovic h; PINSKIR, Z.G.. professor, otyetstvannyy a mw- I I roEW-tor; RAZUMOVA, L.L., redaktor isdatelletva; AUZAH, I.?., tekhaicheskiy redaktor [Structural electronography] Strukturnsia alektronograftia. Moskva. Izd-vo Akademit nauk SSSR, 1956. 313 P. (MIRA 9:11) kilectronograpVq) j -1 - USSR/Physical Chemistry. Crystals. B-5 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 5, 1957, 14488 Author B. K., Inst Title The Kinematic Theory of Intensity of Reflexes of Electron Diffraction Pictures. I. Pointlike Electron Diffraction Pictures. II. Electron Diffraction Pictures from Textures and Polycrystals Orig Pub: Kristallografiya, 1956, 1, No 1, 17-26; No 2, 150-158 Abstract: I. The kinematic distribution of electrons by monocryst- alline samples was examined. If the crystal is ideal, then the relation of the integral distributed intensiiy I(hkl) to the initial J 0, occupied by the exposed crystal surface S equals: I(hkl)/JOS = N2 1+ ( kl)/-Q 12 x (sin2rr A3113)/(Irh3)2. Here A - wave length, structural amplitude, volume of the nucleus, A3 - crystal thick- ness, h3 - distance, corresponding to A3 in the rear space Card 1/4 f USSR/Physical Chemistry. Crystals. B-5 Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 5, 1957, 14488 Abstract: function f(-B,>.l. The position of the peak potential for H atom falls in the limits of error of the experiment with neutron dif- fraction data, giving the position of the nucleus (Levy, N. A., Peterson, S. W., Phys. Rev., 1952, 86, 766-770). Card 2/2 W--m~ lgktor fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk. VAYNSHNM6a#jz.j,-S Conference on cr7stallographr in Madrid. Vest.AH SSSR 26 no.8: 66-68 Ag 156. (KMA 9,-.9) (Hadrid--Crystallography--Congresses) VAYNSTEYN, B. K. and PINSKEM, Z. G. Institute of Crystallography, Moscowl "Structure Analyab by Electron Yoffraction", Symposium 2-1 (Introductory Lecture); "The Investigation of Some Carbines and Fitrides of Crom Iron Tungsten Molybdenum by Electron Diffraction", (Section 5-15) papers submitted at the General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallog- raPIW, 10-19 Jul 5T, Montreal, Canada. C-3,800,189 - VAM-TZM, B. K. Institute of Crystallography, Moscow, "Refelction Intensities of Electron Difraction Patterns (General Case)" (Symposium 2-13) a paper submitted at the General Assembly and International Congress of Crystallography, 10-19 Jul 57, M~ntreal, Canada. C-3,800,189 M -1 N:M;O~ Z7 rl v- AUTHOR: Vaynshteyn, BZ. 70-3-4/20 TITIE: Reflexion intensities of electron diffraction patterns (general case). (Intensiv-nost'refleksov elektronogramm (Obshchiy sluchay) PEBIODICAL: "Evistallografiyall (Crystallography) 1957, Vol. 2, No-3, PP. 340 - 351 (U.S.S*R*5 ABSTRACT: The specimens to be used for structure analysis by elec- tron diffraction are aggregates of a very large number of single small crystals rblocks). Hence, to compute the intens- ity one needs to consider, first, the law of scattering in a single block, and second, the structure of a specimen made up by these blocks. For specimens used in structure analysis by electron diff- raction, in most cases such conditions are satisfied when the kinematic 10-heory is applicable, i.e. the blocks are of a small size. There are, however, cases when dynamic scattering is observed. Cases of scattering intermediate between the kine- matic and the dynamic are also of interest; these so far have not been explained. In solving the problem for the general case of the spraimen Ce-rd 1/3 consisting of blocks having any (various) thickness, in the first place the integral intensity of reflexion by a single 70-3-V20 Reflexion intensities of electron diffraction patterns (general case) . (Cont.) crystal is calculated. Subsequently, the structure of the specimen is taken into consideration; it is described by introducing the function of crystal distribution among angles f(m) , as well as the function of their distribution accord- ing to their dimensions p(A) . A concrete consideration of the form f(m) for specimens of different types (mosaic -monocrystals, textures, poly-crystals) leads to the intro- duction into the intensity formulae of 1 , a factor analogous to the Lorentz factor in X-ray analysis. The fom of this factor L has been previously found by the author. The final formula includes also the function p(A) . If all the crystals (blocks) in the specimen are small, the general formula is reduced to a purely kinematic case, and the squares of struct- ure factors enter into it. If the size of all the blocks exceeds the critical one, formulae of the dynamic theory are obtained, into which the structure factor enters in the first power. A general case may be also d6scribed, when the distri- bution function p(A) is such that-the specimen contains blocks the dimensions of which are both greater and smaller Card 2/3 than the c7ritical size. The intensity of reflexion from such specimens can be described in sufficient approximation by a 70-3-4/20 Reflexion intensities of electron diffraotion patterns (general case). Cont.) formula comprising both the first and the second power of the structure fActor. For the sake of comparison with experiment, precision data of Lennander, a Swedish author, have been used. He measured the intentities of electron scattering from polycrystalline specimens of aluminium, silver and gold. From the line profiles characteristic of each specimen the function p(A) has been obtained, followed by a calculation of the intensities. The values obtained are in good agreement with the experimental ones. In particular, an explanation of the deviations from the kinematic law f for gold and silver is given. The scattering in aluminium is practically completely kinematic, which fact is quite natural since alumlni= is the lightest of the elements investigated. There are 9 figures, 2 tablas and 21 references, of which 11 are'Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Crystal lo graphy, Ac-~Sc. U.S.S.R. (Ingti-but Kristallografii AN SSSR) SUBMITTED; February 26, 1957- AMIABLE: Library of Congress Cowd 3/3 '10-4-lb/lb AUTIIOR: Pinsker, Z.G. and Vaynshteyn, B.K. TITLE: Structurv analyr3iB---15y--6-f667t-ro-n--al-ff-raction (Elektronogn_ f icheskiy strukturnyy analiz) PEMODICAL: "Kristallograliyall (Crystallograph ), 1957, Vol.2, No.4, pp. 552-572 (U.S.S.R.5 ABSTRACT: The progress of studies in the field of electron diff- raction during the last thirty years is reviewed. The devel- opment of structure analysis by electron diCfraction has been the most important trend of investigation, promoting the advance of the theory of electron scattering and of the experi- mental technique. In establishing the limit of applicability of the kinematic theory, it is necessary to consider in addition to the crystal dimensions and ord.2ma'1 numbers of components forming a given phase, also the degree of complexity of the sti:ucture and its symmetry. Various experimental data are considered which refer to revealing dynamic effects in examining experimental scatter- ing curves, in measuring the banded structur-, on ratterns obtained in a divergent beam and in measuring the effects of dynamic birefringence. The possibility of using the Kikuchi lines and Kikuchi bands for structure analysis is considered. Card 1/2 The general course of structure determination by the 70-4-16/16 Structure analysis by electron diffraction. (Cont.) electron-diffraction method is given. A discussion is Drees- ented of the Fourier synthesis as well as of the ad-1rant M,7sis and peculiar features of the electron-diffraction strue as compared to the X-ray and the neutron-diffraction nethod. A description is given of the camera used in electron- diffraction analysis at the Institute of Crystallography. This is followed by a brief presentation of the results of the electron-diffraction studies oarried out on hydrates of chlor- ides of some metals, ay minerals (seladonite); of the inve- stigations of the position of hydrogen atoms in some inorganic and organic structures; of the studies of semi-conducting alloys of Bi, Cd, Tlj Sb, Se, Te and some other elements, including investigations of the amorphous structure of some phases of this kind. In connection with the discussion of the studies enumerated, many important peculiar -features and possi- bilities of the electron-diffraction mathod are indicated, namely: precision of locating light atoms, study of the ionis- ation state of some atoms, a more precise detej--mination of the composition of phases by the structure method, etc. There are 23 figures and 84 references, 58 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Crystallography, Ac.Sc. USSR (Institut Krista lloq ~i AN SSSR) Library f t~ress.' _V4 ri 7- 41/A/ USSR/Solid State: Phyalcs - Str=tural Crystallography E-3 Aba JoiL,* ; Ref Zhur - Fizila, No 1, 1958, 882 kat-',%o~7 % Vay-ashtayu., B.K. Ins t 7itlt! ffwmali7atiom of tte Intensity Curve in the Radial-Distri-, hution MA-thod. Orig Pub Dokl. AN SSSR, 15,57, 112, No 4, 64o-643 Mae author comnside-_s the problem of the inversion of the intensity Cuxnrs I(s) (-Where s = 4 -r, sin d1A ), -iftich makt-,s it poseible- to find t~ie distribution functiona in tLe inve.6tigated object and the number of nearest neigh- bors of x givm atom- The ordinary me-tbod of normliza- tion, based on t;-.e use of the damping of the oscillations of the functions 1(a) at, large values of a, involves a definite, absoluto, and substantial relative normalization error. The author proposes that the entire curve I(s) as a vhole be usM for the normalization. The normalization Card 1/2 VAYNSTBY.N B. K., (Dr. of Physical-Mathematical Sciences) "Structural Electronography" for this work author received award by the AcadeW of Sciences of the LGSIRII 15957. Priroda, No. 2, 1958. D-P. 113-114. AUTHOR: Belov, N. V., Member, AS USSR 30-58-3-12/45 V nshteyn, B. K., Doctor of Physical and Matl~ematical ciences TITLE: The Congress of Crystallographers Held at Montreal (Kongress kristallografov v 1,bnreale) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii Naulc SSSR, 1958, Nr 3, pp. 64-67 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The fourth congress took place in the summer of last year and was attended by more than 700 scientists from 21 countries. The Soviet delegation consisted of N. V. Belov, L. M. Belyayev, G. B. Bokiy, Ye. G. Bronnikova, B. K. V-qnsh -teyn, G. S. Zhdanovq V. I. Iveronoval A. I. Kitaygorodskiy, Z. G. Pinsker and S. I. Shcheti~ln- They had a special number of the periodical "Crystallography" taken with them, which contained all reports delivered by the delegation on this congress, as well as a collection of scientific investigations"The Growth of Growth of Crystalsli. The work of this congress was carried out by 18 sections. In the plenary sessions lectures were Card 1/4 delivered on .topical problems of modern crystallography. The Congress of Crystallographers Held at Montreal 30-58 -3-12/45 On the last two days special symposia on electronography and on the physical research methods of crystallography wore hold. Great importance was attached to consultations held outside the official sessions on various scientific problems. A large group of reports dealt with the theory, the method, and the new results obtained by investigations on the atomic structure of crystals. In the section "Progress in Structural Determination", A. I. Kitaygorodskiy among other things, dealt with the correlation theory among structural factors. Much attention was paid to electronic computors. Also new types of apparatus were on show in special exhibitions of this congress. N. V. Belov reported on new silicate structures. The authors regretted the fact that, in the field of structural determination, mainly only such structures were precisely dealt with as are already known. A report on general problems of crystal chemistry was delivered by G. Shdanov. The report by G. B. Bokiy and G. A. Kukina dealt upon the crystal chemistry of the complex compounds of bivalent platinums. A. I. Card 2/4 Kitaygoroskiy spoke about several results achieved in the The Congress of Crystallographers Held at Montreal 30-58-3-12/45 investigation of orUanic structures at the Institute for Organoelementary Compounds of the AS USSR. Z. G. Pinsker spoke about the results obtained by alootronographic investigations of some carbides and nitrites. Radiographic investigations of displacements were dealt with by V. I. Iveronova. L. M. Belyayev delivered a report on the investigation of a distribution of activators in halide-crystals of alkaline metals. Ye. G. Bronnikovs gave a survey of the methods of breeding piezo-electrio crystals in the USSR. On a plenary session the Soviet delegation showed the film. "The crystallization of two-teased diphenylamine (dvulistnikov difenilamine). In the section dealing with the symmetry theory N. V. Belov, reported on the 1651 group of the spatial black- and white, as well as on groups of colored symmetry. In a symposium Z. G. Pinsker and B. K. Vaynshteyn delivered a lecture on problems of structural electronography and its development in the USSR. B. K. Vaynshteyn gave a report on electron dispersion by means of crystalline polydispersion Vard 3/4 preparations. Parallel to the congress a full session of the The Congress of Crystallographers Held at Montreal 30--58-3-12/45 Society of Crystallographers was held, on which occasion new elections were finally carried out as the result of which N. V. Belov was elected vice-president for 6 years and other Soviet scientists were elected members of various commissions. The Soviet delegation was able to visit scientific research laboratories of the universities of Montreal and in the vicinity of this town, as well as the National Research Center in Uttaxa. They were able to convince themselves of the high level _f these institutions. The congress showed that crystallography is developing according to plan. Card 4/4 SOV/70-3-1-5/26 AUTHORS: V nshteyn, B.K. and Kurdrmova,,R.N.- TITLE: Cubic Modifical-;ion of (NH 4)2GeF6 (Kubicheskaya modifikatsiya (NH4 )2 GeF 6) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 31 Nr 'iv pp 29 - 31 + 1 plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: According to Hoard and Vincent (Ref 1), (INH4 )2 GeF6 has a hexagonal structure with a = 5.85, c = 4.775 A space group D-3 . The present authors have established 3d by mean of electron diffraction the existence of a cubic modification of (NH 4)2 GeF 6 * The cubic structure is assumed to be that shown in Figure 3. The Ge atom is at 4(a)000 . the N atoms are at 8(c)1/4 1/4 1/4 the F atoms are at 24(e) x 00 1 and the space group is 05 From experimental structure amplitudes, the one- h dimensional potential distribution was found and hence a value was obtained for the parameter x which was found to be equal to 0.203 This gives the Ge-F distance Cardl/2 Cubic Modification of (NE4)2GeF 6 SOV/70-3-1-5/26 equal to 1 72 + 0.01 kX The position of the H atoms was not de;erm'fned but it seems likely that it is the same as in cryptohalite (Ref 3). There are 3 figures, 1 table and 7 references, 3 of which are English and 4 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallogragii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR) SUBMITTED: April 25, 195? Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Stasova, M.M. and Va-Ynq' xaly~x. ?0-3-2-2/26 TITLE: The Electronog-ophic Determination of the Structure of Tl 2De (Elektronograficheskoye opredeleniye struktury T12se) PERIODIO,AL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 2, pp 141 - 147 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The crystal structure of TI 2Se has been determined. The unit cell is tetragonal with ~ = 8.52 + .-'02 and c = 12.68 + .03EKandspace group C4h = P4/1~'- -Z = 10 The structure consists of empty tetrahedra of T1 atoms joined by layers of Se atoms. Linear groups T12Se lie on the lines (0, 1/21 z) and (1/2, 0, z) and between them there is room for the introduction of extra interstitial Se atoms making the composition non-stoichmetric. As well as powder electronograms, texture diagrams were obtained from the specimens the texture axis being g . The space group is pseudo iA = P4/ncc and only the very weak 4h reflections 101 and 111 indicate the less symmetrical groups C3 = P4/n or 4 = P4 /n The specific gravity Cardl/2 4h C4h 2 70-3-2-2/26 The Electronographic Determination of the Structure of T12Se was found pyknometrically to be 8.62. 10? reflections were recorded and from them Patterson sections were calculated. In terms of the P4/ncc group, the atomic parameters were found to be: Tl (16); x y z with x=0.140, y=0.148, z=0.081, Se R ; x x 1/4 with x = 0.340, Se 4 0 1/2 z with z=O (having weighting 1/2) Tl (4~ 0 1/2 z with z = 1/4. 108 observed and calculated structure amplitudes are tabulated. There are ? figures, 2 tables and 6 references, 2 of whish are Soviet, 3 German and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Se.USSR) SUBMITTED: September 23, -1~57- Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Vaynshteyn, B.K...__ TITLE: -'Certain Data on the (Nekotoryye dannjye 70-3-3-6/36 Crystal Chemistry of Hydrogen po kristallokhimii vodoroda) PERIODICAL: Kristallogra-fiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 3, pp 293 - 297 (USSR). ABSTRACT: From published data by many au'uh-ors values of the effective -radius of -che hydrogen atom in crystals of various kinds are colleoted. For ionic structures', the effective radius is 1-5 A, for metallic 0.41 and for covalent, 0.30 - 0-35. Deviations from additivity, particularly in covalent C-H bonds, where for the usual organic case of tetrahedral carbon atoms the appropriate value is about 1.12 A are noted. Bond lengths are revievied under the headings: hydrides, molecular compounds or groups (C-H bonds, H-N and 0-H bonds), hydrogen bonds. Particular referen-.e is made to Bernal (Usp. Khim. Vol 25, pp 643-661 1956) and to Sokolov (Usp.Fiz.Nauk, 1955, Vol 5?, pp.206-2783. There are 28 references, 13 of which are Soviet and 15 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography2Ac.So.USSR) SUBMITTED: Jarraary 15, 1958 Card 1/1 AUTHORS: and Pinsker , Z. G. 70-3-3-19/36 TITIB: The Horizontal EG Electronograph (Gorizontallnjy elektronograf EG) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Dr 3, PP 358 - 361 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The latest model of electronograph designed by the authors at the Institute of Crystallography is described. The beam runs horizontally and the maximum accelerating voltage is 75K. The plate size is 13 x 18 cm and the specimen-film dis- tance is 700 mm. The line broadening to instrument inaccuracies is about 0.05 mm; for X = 0.05 A and line radius r - 50 mm this corresponds to a spacing error of 0.001 A. The multiplet structure of the 1111 222 and 422 line of MgO are resolved. There is a small secondary gun for keeping the specimen dis- charged. The table size is 150 x 60 cm and the stabilised HT supplies are housed in a cabinet ?3 x 60 x height 150 cm. A hairpin filament sending a beam through a 0.1 mm aperture in the Wehnelt cylinder is used and it can be displaced, while operating, in two mutually perpendicular dimetions. The magnetic lens has 20 000 turns of 0.51 mm dia. wire. The sDecimen chamber is fitted with ~,vindows, a universal specimen Cardl/2 mount and internal illumination. A central valve divides the ,The Horizontal EG Electronograph 70-3-3-19/36 apparatus into two independent vacuum chambers, film box + camera body and specimen chamber + gun installation. The apparatus uses a mechanical forevacuum pump (RVN-20) and an oil diffusion pump (TsVL-100). With the oil pump hot, working pressure can be reached in 4 min. Safety devices cut off the HT if the cupboard is opened. The apparatus is in production. (It is to be seen working at the Brussels Fair There are 2 figures and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii ANX3SR (Institute of Crystal lography.Ac.Sc. USSR) SUBMITTED: February 22, -1,958 Card 2/2 SOV/70-3-4-3/26 AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, B.X. and Aybers, Dzh.A.(J.A. lbers) -'Se-Atomic Scattering Factors for Electron Sca.tering TITIE: 4~ of Elements of the Third Period (Atomnyye amplitudy rasseyaniya elektronov dlya elementov tretlyego perioda) PERIODICAL: Kr:Utallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 4, pp 416-419 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors were appointed by the Electron Diffract4 on Commission of the International Union of Crystallographv to prepare tables of the atomic scattering factors for the third volume of the InternationiTables. Values of the factors (f e) for the elements 1 to 18 are presented here for criticism. They are quoted to two places of decimals at intervals of (sin 8 / %) x 10-8 of 0.05. fe is calculated from f x (the X-ray scattering amplitude) by f e = (Z - fx)(sin 0 /7j2 and fx is taken from values calculated by the H6rtree-Fock Card 1/2 sov/70-3-4-3/26 .L-ng The Atomic Scattering Factors for 'Electron Scatteri of 15'er-erts of the Third Period method principally, but also bb th method of assuming a i5 e hydrogen-like atom ~He and S and by interpolatu-ion (F, Al, Cl). There are 1 figure, 2 tables and 7 references, 1 of which is Soviet, 1 German and 5 Swedish. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR, Moscow) - B.K.Vaynshteyn. (J.A. Ibers of California) SUBMITTED: April 22, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Voronova, A.A. SOV/?0-3-4-//26 TITLE: The Electronographic Investigation of the '--'--Ys-,,al Structure of UuCl V 2.3W(OH) 2 (Blektronografichesko7e issledovaniye ,-"U(;1 2.3Cu(OHW PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, %101 39 vr 4, pp 444-452. (USSR) ABSTRACT: Cuol 2.3Uu0H)2 was found to be monoclinic with spase group 0 2 P21/m and cell dimensions a = 5-93, b= 6r,12- 2h ~ C = 5.63 A and 0 = 93'L~5' with Z = 1 It is isc-- morphous with the more stable compound CuBr 23Gu(OH)2'. The minerals atakamite and para-atakamite have the 5am--~, formula but the former is orthorhombic and the lattep hexagonal. For electronographic investigation, the specimen was deposited on a celluloid film and covered with a second film. Patterns of several other phases were also obtained. From texture pictures, the cell dimens-ion3 were obtained and the intensities were measured. From these, by means of Patterson projections, potential projections on Oyz and xOz were calculated, The known Card 1/3 SOV/?0-3-4-7/26 The Blectronographic Investigation of the Crystal Structure of Cucl2.3G-U(OH)2 structure of the Br compound was used as a guide and the parameters of the u1 compound were found to be very similar: CU I2(a) positions with (x,y,z) = (070,0); CU II 2(e) with (0, 0.25, 0.50); 01 2(e) with (0.392, 0.25, 0.210); OH I 2(e) with (0-85, 0.257 0.883); OH II 4(f) with (0.857, 07 0.324). The compound has a layer structure with the Cu atoms distributed pseudo-hexagonally in the Oyz plane, the Cl and OH ions lying on both sides of this plane forming a close-packed layer. The cations are, at the centres of deformed octahedra, CuI surrounded by 2 OHII 2 OR,, and 2 Cl, and CuII surrounded by 4 OH 1 OHI and 1 Cl. Uard 2/3 SOV/70-3-4-7/26 The Electronographic Investigation of the Crystal Structure of -CuCl2*3Cu(OH)2 There are 8 figures, 4 tables and 15 references, 5 of which are Soviet, 3 English and ? Swedish. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography Ac.Sc.USSR) SUBMITTED: April 16, 1958 uard 3/3 SOV/70-3-4-8/26 AUTHORS: Vaynshteyn, B.K., Lobachev, A.N. and Stasova, M-M, TITLE: E ectronograp, c-'*etermination of the C-H Distance in Certain Paraffins (Blektronograficheskoye opredeleniye rasstoyaniya C-H v nekotorykh parafinakh) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 4, pp 452-460 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The distance C-H in paraffins was found to be 1.123 + 0-015 KX which greatly exceeds the usually assumed Value of 1.09 KX The paraffins C18 H38(,)' CNH62~1,) and a mixture (III) of composition about C28 H 58 with melting points 280 1 66.20 and 53.5 0, respectively, were re-examined by electron diffraction. Their orthorhombic pseudocells were almost the same (a = ?.458, b = 4.9??. c = 2.534 (1) KX) - The hkO zones of reflections were oaref ully recorded and photometered giving tables of Ohko.obs. up to 260. As the structure, except for the exact position of the hydrogen atoms, was known the scattering curve for carbon could be recalculated. The appropriate temperature factor was B = 4 . Difference syntheses for the H positions were finally calculated Cad 1/2 BOV/?0-3-4-8/26 Electronographic Determination of the G-H Distance La Certain Paraffins giving distances in KX of: C-C (1) 1 538, (11) 1.527, (111) 1.510 C-H, (I) i.140, (11) 1.121, (111) 1.102 C-HII(I) 1.127 (11) 1.140, kIII) 1.112 and angles H i-C-HII of (1) 114', (11) 10?.5', (111) 102'. There are 5 figures, 3 tables and 23 references, 14 of which are Soviet, 1 Italian, 5 English and 3 Swedish. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography, Ac.Sc.USSR) SUBMITTED: March 11, 1958 Card 2/2 SOV/70-3-4-20/26 g,b,t,e,yn,-! B-X- AUTHORS: Dvoryankin, V.F. and_,~Vn J.L. TITLE: A Low-temperature Gi~ystal Holder for,the Electronograph EG (Nizkotemperaturnyy kristalloderzhatel' dlya elektronografa EG) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 4, PP 504-506 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A crystal holder attachment for the standard EG horizontal- beam electronograph of the Institute of Crystallography is described which can enable a specimen grid to be cooled to liquid ' temperature (with drawing). The grid holder is at the Ad of a tube"which can be filled with liouid N21 protruding into the~specimen space. The channel- through which the beam passes along the axis of the instru- ment can be rotated about the cooling tube to cut off the beam which may heat the specimen very noticeably. The cooling tube entering the camera is surrounded by a double- walled screen also entering the camera which can also be filled with liquid N2 to act as a guard tube. The copper crystal holder is itself surrounded, except for-entrance and outlet -apertures, with a copper box connected to the cooled guard tube. Operation without a guard tube proved Card 1/2 SOV/?0-3-4-20/26 A Low-temperature Crystal Holder for the Electronograph EG unsatisfactory. A Cu-constantan thermocouple is provided to measure the specimen temperature. The mechanism by which the specimen carrier can be moved is, except for rotation about the tube, mentioned but not described. It is recommended that a cold trap immediately above the pump should also be fitted as otherwise any condensible vapours will contaminate the specimen slightly in spite of the guard chamber. Specimen pictures from NH4Br phases (II) and (III) are reproduced. There are ? references, 3 of which are Soviet, 1 in English and 3 Scandinavian. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii Aii SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the AC.8c.USSR) SUBMITTED: May 12, 1958 Gard 2/2 AUTHOR: Vaynshte-yn, B.K. SOV/?0-3-5-1/24 TITIZ; Quantitative Relations in Conditioned (Generalised) Fourier Projections of the Electron Density in Crystals (Kolichestyennyye-sootnoBheniya v uslo7nykh proyektsiyakh Furlye elektronnoy plotnosti kristallov PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, 1-Ir 5, pp 527-53-3 (USSR" ABSTRACT: The form of the peaks in conditioned (generalised) projections ol the electron density in crystals is dis- cussed mathematically. Formulae are given for ca!-.,ulating the heights of these peaks, for finding the ascuracq of the values of the electron density and for the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates of the atoms in such przjectlons. Modulus projections are also considered. The paper is a detailed analysis cf the prop-artles of ,generalised Fourier projections in unspecilffc mathemat.'L.~,al terms. Various theorems concerning the fomctions uEzad are developed and formulae for the parameters of the projection are deduced. The references collect most of the previously published material on such projections. Cardl/2 SOV/?O ... 3-5-1/24 Quantitative Relations in Conditioned (Generalised) ProjectionB There are 7 figures and 16 references, 9 of which ase Soviet and 7 English, and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Se.USSR) SUBMITTED: July 112 1958 Card 2/2 AM4008921 1300K EXPLOITATION S/ Vaynshteyn, Boris Konstantinovich Diffraction of X-rays on chain molecules' (bifraktsiya rentgenovy*kh luchey na tsepny*kh molekulakh) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 63. 0371 p. illus., biblio., index. Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. At head of title: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut kris- tallografii. TOPiC TAGS: chain molecule, polymer, polymer chain, x-ray diffrac- tion, chain molecule aggregate, chain molecule structure, molecule arrangement in polymer, diffraction pattern analysis, diffraction pattern synthcsis,~ parallel chain molecules, nonparallel chain molecules, amorphous polymer PURP6SE AND COVERAGE: The monograph is devoted to the theo ry of diffraction of x-rays by chain molecules and their aggregates (polymers)-f-. It treats -the prediction of the diffraction pattern of Card AM4008921 hain molecule Whos6 structure is specified and in which the mutual a c arrangement of the molecule aggregate is defined by means of certain functions. It also treats the inverse proble m, namely the deductions ..that can be drawn,from. an observed diffraction pattern reg~arding the structure of a given polymer and its cmponent molecules, and under what conditions these deductions are valid. Various examples from. the field x-ray diffraction of molicules are presented frequently to e illustrate the different models or effects. A complete classifica- tion of possible types pf structures of chain molecules and their mutual arrangement in polymers is included for completeness& TABLE OF CONTENTS .[abr:Ld ed]: .9 Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Principle's of the theory of x-ray diffraction Card. 2/3 ...... _gR ~ZMa !AM4008921 Ch. II. Structure of chain molecules and tl~eir aggregates 41 Ch. III. Diffraction on an isolated chain molecule 108 Ch. IV. Intensity of scattering and qtructure of the object 160 Ch. V. Properties of the distributioA fundtion and of the inter- ference function 189 Ch. VI. Diffraction by aggregates of i3arallel chain molecules 241 Ch. VII. Diffraction by aggregates with nonparallel arrangement of the chain molecules and by amorpAous polymers 309 I.Conclusion 353 Appendix 357 Literature - ~62 1,Subject index 368 SUB'CODE: CH, PH SUBMXTTED: 14Apr63 NR REF SOV: 048 ~-OTHER: 138 DATE ACQ:, 0706t63 iCard 3/3 VAYNSHTEYR, Boris Konstantino doktor fiz.-mat. nauk,- PINSIKER., -Zinoviy Grigorlyevich., doktor khim, nauk.- LYUSTIBERG, V.F,,, 'Imb., ved. red.; KHIMCHMO, N.V., kand,tekhn. nauk; SOROXINI T.M., tekhn. red. (Electron diffraction camem for sii~ci~r~l studies]Elektro- nograf dlIa strukturnykh issladovanii. Moskva, Filial Vses. in- ta nauchn. i tekhn. informateii, 1958. 13 p. (Peredovoi nauchno- tekhn. i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 33. No.P-58-100/5) (MI RA 16:3) (Electron diffraction apparatus) AUTHOR: Vaynshteyn, B.K. SOV/'?0-3-6-2/25 TITLE: Functional Projections in the StractarS~ Analysis of Crystals (Funktsionblinyye projektsii v strukturnom analize kristallov) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 6, pp 659-663 (USSR) ABSTRACT. A function projection is a projection derived from the electron density distribution by multi3lication with an a�bitrary projecting function f(x,y,z . This projection can be calculated by combining a conditioned projection and the Fourier coefficients of the expansion of f(x,y,z) - All known and proposed new forms of projection can be regarded as variant functional projections. The functional projection is: af(xy) = C~ p (xyz) f (xyz) dz W It can be decomposed by expanding f(x,y,z) as: Cardl/6 SOV/70-3-6-2/25 Functional Projections in the Stractiz-al- Analysis of Crystals f(xyz) = A (XY) + A 0 s [2~niz] + L(x-v) c + BL (xy) sin [21f-aj (5) L=.L Ao = f (xyz) dz (6a), AL = 2~ f (xyz) co s [2rrLzl dz (6d), BL = 2 f (xyz) sin [2TrLzl dz (6B) Card2/6 SOV/70-3-6-2/25 Functional Projections in the St:r~ItMWOI) Analysis of Crystals and hence: 00 Crf(xy) = Ao(xy)ao(xy) +~,AL(XY)Gcos L(XY) + + 2BL(xy)a,,i. L(XY) (8) - 1) If f(x,y,z) 1 we have the ordinary Fourier projection but there are further variants if f = 1 in the region z 1(xy) 1!i! z -4 z2 (xy) and f = 0 otherwise. This gives 2) A ~! (sin [2-zr Lz L L 21 - sin [21rLZ11) B 2 cos[2TrLzll - Cos [2trLZ21) L I ( Card3/6 - Booth's bounded projection. SOV/70-3-6-2/25 Functional Projections in the Atracturzt:1, Analysis of Crystals 3) AXYZ) = 6(z - z1) and Ao = it A,, = 2cos[2tylzl], BL = 2 sin [2nLzll . This is a plane section at height zi - the usual three-dimensional section. 4) Inclined plane parallel-sided bounded projection and various bounded projections of non-uniform thickness are generated by using arbitrary functions for zl(xy) and Z2(xy) . The expressions for AL and BLare as in 2) . 5) Various incliadd and curved plane sections are as for the ordinary section 'but zis a function of x and y . 6) Generalised projection f(xyz) = cos 2nL,z or sin 2WLiz all AL and B L= 0 except for L = Ll when AL, BI, ~1 . 7) Generalised projection displaced along z, so that Card4/6 f (xyz) = cos [2-TrL,(z - z1) I . SOT/?0-3-6-2/25 Functional Projections in the Stractu=L-3 Analysis of Crystals 8) Modular projection where CrL( XY) cr2 2 (16) Cos L(xy) + ,Sin L(Xy) 9) Generalised projection with curved planes where f(xyz) = Cos OT~L(z - zi(xy))l 10) Linear combination of generalised projections where the coefficients are sums of the coefficients in the individual projections. 11) "Perspective function for example f(xyz) = z Here: Ao = i9 AL = 0, BL 1/-:s- L Elaborations of this are also possible. Card.5/6 SOV/70-3-6-2/25 Functional Projections in the Strtwtmral. Analysis of Crystals 12) Weighted projection. f(xyz) is related to some density distribution - for example - of all the heavy atoms A L and B L must be calculated from the general formula. There are 6 figures and 13 references, 9 of which are Soviet and 4 English. ASSOCIATION: Institut krislvallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the Ac.Sc.USSR) SUBMITTED: September 8, 1958. Card6/6 It AUTHORS: TITM~: P-77,1 Cj)' VaynE!hteyn, B. K., Lobachr;v, . .....................I r-Phe 0 - 11 -Dii:tance in the Cry~.ttal (~Ia.vitoy!jniye C - H v krist:,llichaskoy ~cklady _4kademii nuuk 1958, Stru,2ture Vol . of -Ictraffins strukture parafinov) 12o, Nr 3, PP- 5 3 -5 3 A B R.'. ;`2 partMin.,,; C bH, n , P. useful object in electric a _J f - InH . Rhe preoent paper t",' ;_ ~ra-- .~raction " -lysis ~ -- .'a - firs C 11 IT (,rj) as .-,ell as ~; -ar,-..f'F-n th the 18 38 (!)' CAo--62 melting roil't 5315 (111). latter Ilas z,.Ivefud~! bi-ion imel- tigatea on an errlier occasion (Ref 3). The ele=entarr celle of all these thin paraffins in thin layers are tically ecival to one another. The authora i-,er,~ only- (with re-i-pect to the reflections hkf)), because the C - distance occurs in an undistorted form in t-I's case. '.,"h;- I'0110,wing ogcrntions ;,.rere carried G-at in t-.,~ cotzi-se of -',*-t-,. inve3ti-,ition: 1) 'i.'rikin!~ of electron dif.-ft-action pictur,~,s ottaiiied bl~,, E-'Iec- tron transmiscion. Card 1/3 2) Dletormina"t ion off elementary cells, 3) -;OV/2o-12o-A-2A /67 The C H Di2tance in the Crystal Structure of Paraffins of the rings 'hk*) of the clectronographo taken vertically to the bea-m. 4~ -fransition from intensitie.,3 to amiplitudeZ, 11) Con~:trr-.ctuion ot' .-ourier ("-,-,Urlye) oyntheses of a certain pctential Tl(-CY) on a oertain plane. 6) !)etorminE;,tion of an experimental of the elementary of carbon. further number of operations is then V.. e e,-!timation of accuracy is discussed in 41_ -hort. i. _., 'notrates by way of an example the total s,ynthc,-v,.s and the for C- N2~ The VL111,eS -"01- -%'.-he C - 1, distance-- are showRoin orm of a table. There is no reason to believe in the existence of anir rr,-l ,Iif-,~'ericncf- b e t ;-,, e e n C - 112 , nor o~' the exi.9tence of eny such difference in the priraffins under investigation. Othe--.- b,,)n:ls rpay influence tUe ',' - '-' distance considcrfAl,-,. Thc!re are 1 % fileure, I t!~hle, and 9 references, 6 of whici, -are .-)soviet. AS-30""'LIT-TOff- ln~.,titiit krLtr1lografii .-'..kademii nauk S'.JOR ( --notitute 01 ' "r, ~ y Card 2/3 I SOV/20-12o-3-24/67 The C - H Distance in the Crystal 'structure of Paraffins PRESENTED: February 5, 1958, by N. V. Belov, 41.11ember, L-cademy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: JanuarY 31, 1958 1. me~hanes--Crystal structure 2. Methanes--Synthesis 3. Methanes--Electron diffraction analysis Card 3/3 VA NSHTFN', B.K. "Vew Determinations of Hydrogen Atoms Positions and the Accuracy of the Electron Diffraction Structure AnalysIs" a report presented at Symposium of the International Union of Crystallography Leningrad, 21-27 May 1959 24(2) SOV/26-59-10-9/51 AUTHOR: -Vaynshteyn, B.K., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical S-cfe-nces TITLE: Advances in Crystallography (The International Fedorov Conference) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 10, PP 55-57 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The 230 ways of arranging asymmetric objects in space were discovered independently during the last decade of the 19th century by Ye.S. Fedorov, A. Schoenflies and W. Barlow. From 21 to 27 May 1959, the crystallo- graphers of the USSR carried out an International Crystallographic Conference which was held at Lenin- grad and timed for the 40th anniversary of the death of Soviet crystallographer Ye.S. Fedorov. It has been organized by the Akademiya nauk SSSR (AS USSR) and the MSK, i.e. Mezhdunarodnyy Soyuz kristallografov (Inter- national Union of Crystallographers). The 600 parti- cipants came from the USSR, USA, France, Great Britain, Card 1/3 Czechoslovakia and other countries. The audience heard V-1*_ SOV/26-59-10-9/51 Advances in Crystallography (The International Fedorov Conference) the lecture of Academician N.V. Belov from the Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the AS USSR) on the importance of Fedorov's research work and a new conclusion of the so-called "Fedorov Groups". American crystallographer W.H. Zachariasen who investigated the structure of uranium compounds and transuranium. elements, reported on the results of in- vestigating the uranyl compounds. In these compounds, one atom of uranium usually forms two linear short bonds with the atom of oxygen. According to G.B. Bokiy from the MGU, analogic linear groups are found in the osmium and ruthenium compounds. N.P. Trifonov (USSR), St. NovSk O~R) and some other scientists reported on the use of electronic computing devices analyzing crystallo- raphic information. In this connection R. Pepinsky A) mentioned that the computer IBM-707 has been M established at the "P. Groth Institute" of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. It is planned to establish a similar center in the USSR. Some new Card 213 results of electronographic analysis were given in th SOV/26-59-10-9/51 Advances in Crystallography (The International Fedorov Conference) lectures of Z.G. Pinsker, S.A. Semiletov, B.B. Zvyagin and the author. N.M. Popov reported on a new electro- nograph with a capacity of 400 kilowatts. The parti- pants of the conference also saw the Soviet motion picture "Obrazovaniye kristallov" (The Formation of Crystals) by A.V. Shubnikov and V.F. Parvov. Besides numerous foreign scientists, the article mentions So- viet scientists G.S. Zhdanov, Professor A.I. Kitay- gorodskiy, B.N. Delone, I.S. Zheludev, V.L. Indenbom and P.A. Akishin. ASSOCIATION; Instit-ut krigtallografii Akademii nauk SSSR/Moskva (Crystallographic Institute of the AS USSR/Moscow) Card 3/3 V/_~ . I SOV/70-4-1-1/26 AUTHOR: Vaynshteyn,,,B. K. TITIE: A ~ew Type of Relation Between Structi-i-cal Factors (Novyy tip svyazey mezhdu strukturnymi faktorami) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 1, pp 3-12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Exact equations are deduced, which, under certain conditions, relate strue'arralfactors belonging to mutually parallel layers of the reciprocal lattice. These equalities are valid in the general case of the absence of a centre of symmetry and in structures with several kinds of atoms. In the most general case the equalities pass into inequalities and a quantitative estimate of this situation is given. The type of equations discussed are distinctly different from those of Harker and Kasper, of Zachariasen and of Sayre. They derivi~- from the conditioned projection CFL(x I Y) = A F(-hkL)exp [- 2-q i(hx + ky)] The molecular projec;tion is derived from the L th layer and Cardl/4 Cr 2 (X,Y) + a 2 (X-Y) 1/2 L(xly) = (a Cos L sin L SOV/?0-4-1-1/26 A New Type of Relation Between Structure Factors Also s 4TTsin,-~/X, s 2fTL/c and s 2 = s2 _ s2 min L min, )t L(s) 4 - (.9 111C.3 fi2 (s.~L and (hkL) = F(hkL) HL(s) CIL denotes a modular projection and if there is overlapping c (311y)>1; (S,Y)I. If overlapping 0 1 * .' L is inappreciable (X'Y)~ 2 = (J2 (X,Y), a is in 1JL 0 L geners.1, U-00-Plex F A417 PH (cT) FIH~ H' (a), H I ._ - - - hence F(hk-O)F-m (h - h!), k k', 0) ;x (h - h1l I F (hkL,) k k' L Card2/4 h;icL con - SOV/ 0-4-1-1/26 A New Tvne of Relation Between Structure Factorg F (hkL2) F (h - h.1 k - k', L2) ~k4. = const 7 2 This is the basic equation. If h', k' 0 Parsivalls equations are obtained ~2 = 2 12 Z:IF(hkO) IF (hkL,) I i(hkL2) hk hkir1= const hkiL2 = const which are used for normalisation. If they are not fulfilledl overlapping is indicated and the basic equation i inapplicablo. Uoing unitary structure factors AX ^P (hkO) m(h - h-, k - k',O) =EF(hkL,)F (h-hl,k-k',L hk hk , L1= c4onst etc. The varjabl-- index k can be suppressed giving .3E ZF(hCO)e(h-h',;00) -'/F (hK L,)F (h - hl,K,,Ll) Card3/4 i6- 17 h hl)KJ-L1= c m :~:% SOV/70-4-1-1/26 A New Type of Relation Between Structure Factors The basic equation was verified for a hypothetical two-dimensional model with different kinds of atoms for both centro- and non-centro-symmetrical cases. For further ver 4fication the hkO and hk1 layers of (CH CONH )2' diketopiperazine, were used. Possible ways of using -C~Le equations are discussed,, the use of modern computing techniques being suggested., A possible use is the experimental measurement of structure factors too far inside or outside the sphere of reflexion. If there is overlapping, -.-'-he basic equation becomes an inequality, The basic equation is compared with other relationships (SayTel Za-,hariasen) and is shown to be connected with them. There are 5 figures, 2 tables and 9 references') 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Instit-ut kr4 stallografii AN SSSR .L (Institute of Crystallography, Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: December 12, i958 Gard4/4 SOV/70-4-4-7/34 AUTHORS: Simonov, V.I. and Vaynshteyn, B.K. TITLE: The Use of Functions Isolating a Structure From Among the interatomic Vectors for Finding the Phases of the Structure Amplitudes PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959,-Vol 4, Nr 4, pp 505-509 (USSR) ABSTRACT: On the basis of the superposition method, formulae are proposed for determining-the phases of the structure amplitudes. The efficacity of one.of the formulae is verified on the hOj zone of the known-tructure of seidozerite. If there is no overlapping and no parasitic peaks the functions L(i), NF) and M(7r) give maxima which approximate to e(P) , the electron-density distribution. In as much as these functions are equal, their Fourier coefficients are like each other. So knowing the phases of one of these isolating functions, they could be attached to observed values of ~'hkj'~ for a Fourier synthesis. If there Is no centre the process would Cardl/4 require more care. SOV/70-4-4-7/34 The Use of Functions Isolating a Structure From Among the Interatomic Vectors for Finding the Phases of the Structure Amplitudes For a centrosymmetric structure, 2r-01 the vector between centre-related atoms can be found by blamedov's method (Ref 19). The origin is chosen to be at a centre of symmetry and the Patterson function can be written as: P(i) = I/V F2exp I- 2,d + A H The Z-function is: (7r) =-- 2/V,~(F2 . cos 2r&ii:o)ex.p21YAr-j which, when compared with: I/ '~ F exp, 2-i"Iffir V~- H gives the Fourier coefficients. and M(P) are treated similarly. The formula actually used is from Card2/4 SOV/70-4-4-7Z34 The Use of Functions Isolating a Structure From Among the Interatomic Vectors for Finding the Phases of the Structure Amplitudes n,(F) and relates the signs by: S (Fr,) ='. Sz (F2, cos 2frflli~ )rr2- cos 21'~,-(fl R-)P 41- ril R 0 L.- n H1 0~ -1-i- (F2sin 2 flli~ )FF2_R' sin 2.rr(R R 0 k. R This was applied to the hOL zone of seldozerite which has the symmetry p2 . Out of 378 non-zero reflexions the heavy atoms, (Zr + Na I) , determined 68 incorrectly. Calculation with the above formula is most laborious and pairs were selected from the 102 strongest reflexions. A table of JF~ on transparent material which could be superimposed on another table was used. The signs of all 378 reflexions were calculated from the formula given and all but 36 (9.5%) were correct. Using the heavy atom Card3/4 calculation, 19% were wrong. This method uses the SOV170-4-4-7/34 The Use of Functions Isolating a Structure From Among the Interatomic Vectors for Finding the Phases of the Structure Amplitudes minimum information about the structure, only the position P 0 of one atom and a wide selection of F exp Putting the intensities on an absolute scele to include F2 introduces some error. Various other deficiencies 000 are discussed but the method is considered promising The function M(P) would be better but more difficult to handle-mathematIcally. Acknowledgments are made to Academician N.V. Belov and to-V.D. Andreyev. There are 1 figure and 22 references, of which 15 are Soviet, I English, I German and 5 international. ASSOCIATION- Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the Ac*Sc. USSR) SUBMITTED: May 4, 1959 Card 4/4 24.7100 75980 S OV/70 - 4 - 5 - 2136, AUThORS: Tbers, J. A., Vaynshteyn, B. K. TITLE: Expanded Tables of the Atom1c Electron Scat'Cering Power According to a Statistical Theory Consistent With Electron ExOianges PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1'959, Vol 4, Nr 5, pp 61ji-645 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors present a newly computed three-page table of the electron scattering power of the atoms whose atomic numbers~rangg from 20 to 104 and sin -c~/A varies from 0 to 1.5 * 10- . The table is prepared for the third volume of the scheduled new edition of the "Inter- national Tables" for crystallography. An unpublished table of the atomic X-ray scattering power, prepared for the same publication bYTh:)mas, L. H., Umeda, K., and King, K., was made available to the authors of this article. The statistical electron scattering power values are compute'd according to the Thomas-Fermi-Dirac model consistent with the electron exuhange within a static atom. The values for Tl and heavier atoms are Card 1/2 attained by extrapolation and the values at sin _,~/A