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ASNDVICH, Ya.: GRACHAV. A. -- -1 - .-~ -- Device for, repairing main braking and wheal braking cylinders on the GAZ-51 automobile. Avt. transp. 34 n0.,7:25-26 J1 156. (MLRA 9110) (Auto mob i lee--B rakes) RUZIN, S.I.; ALESH1110 A.F.i IVANOV, P.V.1- PODKOVYROV, M.I.; ASONOV, A.A.; PLYUSNIN, A.K., red. [Manual for a logging camp machinery operator] Spravochnik mekhanika lespramkhoza. [By] S.I.Ruzin i dr. Moskva, Gos- lesbumizdat, 1963. 431 P. (MlRA 17t6) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut w.,ekha- nizatsii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlennosti (for all except Plyusnin). ASONOV, B., inzh.; TSYRLIN, B., inzh. Using lightweight cinder concrete in laying foundations for unetained floors, Na atroi, Moak. I no.4:12-13' Ap 158. 1 (MIRA 11-.~I) (Floors) ASONOV, B., insh. Unit for miLking clay water for msonr7 mortaro. Sell.etroie 15 no.6:24 Je 160. OCMA 13: 8) (mortar) ASONOV, B. Simplest methodo for determining the strength of concrete. Sell. stroi. 1,5 no.1:26-27 Ja 161. (MIRA .14:3) 1. Wxektor proizvodstvermo-eksperiinentallno3l* bazy Nauchno-issledova- tellskog-D instituta sellskogo stroitellstva. (Aprelevka-Precast conerete-Testing) ASONOV, B., inah.1; VOROBIYEV, V., inzh.; TERTYCHNYY, A., inzh. Large supply combine in ona building. Na stroL. Ros. 4 no-5:22-23 Yq 163. (MIn 16,t 5) (Moscow--Induatrial buildings-DeBign and construction) (Moscow--Food industry) -M77,777 ASONOV, Boris Ale:kseyevich; KOLIKO, Yefim Lazarevich ~ I .. ... . .. -.- - [Industrialization of farm construction) Industriali- zatsiia sellskogo stroitellstva; puti tekhnicheskogo progressa. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 102 p. (MIRA 18:7) ASONOV) V.V. Contribution of scientific and technical societies to the 22d Gong,ress of the CFSU, DDr,,prom. 10 no.9:27-28 S 161. (14DU 14: 10) 1. 'Mont-rallnoye pravleniye Nauohno-tekhnIcheskDgO obshchestva bumazhnoy i derevoobrabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti. (Woodworking industries) (Technical Focieties) ASONOVA, Ye.V., Irah.; DZERVE, N,K,, inzh. Welding thermoplastic materials in finishing operations. Mekh. stroi. 18 rio.12:18 D 161. (mrm 16:7) (Thsmoplas ti co-Welding) ACCESSION NR: AP4007443 S/0096/64/000/001/0059/0063 AUTHOR: Storozhuk, Ya. P. (Candidate of technical sciences); Asoskovt V. A. (Engineer) TITLE., Problem of approximate modcling of the combustion processe3 in a GTU [gas turbine unit] combustion chamber SOURCE: Teploenergetika, no. 1, 1964, 59-63 TOPIC TAGS: gas turbine, combustion chamber, combu-stion process, combustion process modeling, liquid fuel combustion ABSTRACT: Similitude laws for scaling-up gas turbine combustion chamber models to full-scale units are analyzed on the'basis of a generalized relationship for the combustion efficiency in terms of "'fuel droplet residence time in the combustion zone; full combustion time; evaporation, mixing, and burning times; Reynolds, Karman, Mach, and Prandtl numbers; fuel and air temperatures; air excess factor, and activation energy. From a previously derived relationship for the evaporation time (Yu. Kh. Shaulov, M. 0. Lerner. Goreniye v zhidkostny*kh reaktiNrny*kh dvigatelyakh. Oborongiz, 1961) the Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4007443 following criterion for the complete evaporation was derived: 2 nev " Cdkwav Lf, where C is Y273/8D I'tk + 273), dk is the characteristic droplet diam2ter, Lfl is tg'eD'flame-tube length, tk is the vapor temperature, y is the specific weight of fuel, Dpo is the diffusion coefficient at O*C and I atm, and wav is the average gas flow velocity. The invariance of the ratio of mixing time to residence -,.ime with respect to Re, Ka, M, and Pr is examined, and self-modeling -.regions of Re and Ka are defined. It is concluded that for modeling of sk diffusional combustion process in chambe-rs operating under self-tio'~eling regimes with respect to Re and Ka, the following conditions must be Nifilled'. 1) the model and the full-scale unit must be geometrically similar; 2) the fuel must be oE the same type and have the same temperature; and 3) the fuel-air ratiosi the temperatures of air snd combustion products, and the avaporation critorian Ttev tnuiit tib tdont4p4j, Thki COrd 4 At, 7 7 ACC17SSION NR: AP4007443 results ara illustrate *d by data ohtAinad proviounly (Ya. P, St 'araxhuk' "Energomashinostroyeniye, No. 3, 1962) by the combustion of atomized solar oil in high-output combustion chamber models 0.61, 0.51, and 0.4 m in diameter. "Zhe graphs (see Fig. 1 of Enclosure) show that the combustion process was almost identical in all three chambers when the specified madeling conditions were fulfilled. Orig. art. has; 17 formulas, 3 figures, and 2 tables. ASSGUATION! Tsentrt;llny*y kotloturbinny*y institut (Central Boiler- Turbine Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 23Jan64 ENCL: 01 SIUB CODE: PR NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 Card 3 / 4 -77-, 2 F,'4T(m)/LTC(='j_6/T/EWP(f) ACC NRt "6007309 UIV009(;166,100010031006310068 7g AUTHOR: StorozhukL_X~A~_' (Candidate of technical mAences) - (Engineer) ORG: Central Boilor and Turbine Institute (Tseritral'nyy kotloturlAnnyy I TITLE: Investigation of the combustion process"lof a liquid fue In the combustion chamber of a gas =Rne installFtlo_n with variable pressure SOURCE: Teploener6,,etika, no.3, 1966; 63-68 TOPIC 'TAGS: combu~jtion Aas dynamics, gas turbine engine,, );~-; 'A'W 1 Lj" ~"&~ ABSTIiACT: The combustion rate is determined by the rate of the slowest stage; It is therefore possible -that, with changes in the operating conditions of the CDmbustion chamber over wide limits, and also with changes in the geopietric characterlstics of the chamber and -the type of fue,l, one of the Iiiniting stages may be replaced by another. In t~.'Ie article, the mathematic treatment of the problem is based on data from full scale gas turbine Installations. Calculated r-asults are exIAIDIted in a series of curvess. The effect of the aerodynamic characterist.1cs on the combustion process Is experimentally established, as well as the In- dependence of the f]Low structure of the pressure of the medium at JLdenti Card 1/2 UDO;-- via-_ ACC NR, AP6007309 cal blowing rates. A relation is established for t:ae completeness of combustion as a function of the pressure; this permIts the conclusion that the limiting stage in 0 _9he combustion of liquid fuels with a drop size greater than 100 x 10 meters Is the vaporization of the drops. There is also established an experimental relationship for the depEind- ence of the completoness of combustion on the paramoter which chargicter- izes the relative vsporization time of the drops; this makes it posisible to determine the completeness of combustion chamber,, Orig, art. ha.s: 14 formulas 7 figures and I table. SUB CODE: 21/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: oo4 Caid /0 not 137-58-4-*7718 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 4, p 195 I'USSR) AUTHORS: IpaV yev, V. V. , AsoskoyA--P-.I-. TITLE: Oxidation of Iron in Sulfur Dioxide at High Temperatures (Okis- leniye zheleza v sernistorn gaze pri vy!nohikh temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform, po rezuIlt.atarn nauchno-issled, rabDt. Leningr. lesotekhn. akad. , 1957, Nr 47, pp 16-21 ABSTRACT: ,'rhe effect of S02 on Fe containing 0.2 percent C in the 600- 900'3C temperature range was investigated in experiments of not over 82 hours duration. It is shown that, the oxidation (0) p:7ocess of Fe in SO? in the given temperature interval is of a parabolic character. It is demonstrated graphically that the 0 rate ot Fe in SO2 is greater than in CO 21 Due to the formation of a fusible eutectic between Fe and scale at 9000. the rate of 0 was not. stud- ied. It is shown by chemical analysis that, the scale contains S in the form of sulfides. Deoxidation patterns for S02 and its re- action with Fe are presented. It was found that the strength of the scale and its bond to the metal incyea5es with ternper'Aure. Micrographic investigation and X- r,iy str,ictural show th *t Card 112 in the Afivestig.tted ti~mpc~ature. interv"I C-ie sc~.le consists of two 137-58-4-*7718 Oxidation of lron in Sulfur Dioxide at High Temperatures layers: an inner (FeO with FeS inclusions) and ~,n outer (Fe304',' The authors hypothesize that the 0 mechanism of Fe in 50) is inalogous to that in C02. G. M. I.- iron-Oxidation-Temperature factors 2. of sulfur Card 2/2 ME" ARRIGONI. I.M.. ASOSKOVA. S.M., XNDROV. A.A., KORI'JADVA, Ye.I. Preliminnry evaluation of the results of ligation of the external iliac veins in the trentment of chronic cardiac inimfficiency. Terapearkh. 30 no,8:38-47 Ag 158 (MIRA 11:911 1. Iz fekal'tatskoy terapevticheakoy (ssave .. prof. A.A. Kedrov) i falnilltetakoy "irurgicheakoy (zav. - prof. P.N. Napalkov) kliniki Leningrndskogo annitarno-gigiyeni(-.Itesl,-oi,,o meditidnskogo instituta. (CONGESTM HFMT FAILURE, surg. iliac vein ligation (Rua)) (VEIIIS, ILIAC, surgery, ligation in congestive heart failure (Rtia)) ASOSKOVA. S.14. SigAlficarice of electrocardiot7aphic examination in eurgical practice, Trudy LSG14I 39:143-153 '58- (MIRA 12:8) 1. Rafedr& fal-ulltetskoy khirurgil loeningradskogo sanitarno- gigiyenicheskago meditsinakogo instituta ( - prof. P.N.Napa.D:ov). (SURGERY, MWOUR, ECG in (RUB)) (F.I.ECTR"RDIOGPAPHY, in Burg. (Rus)) XOMLOVA, Ye.I.; i-somu, s.14. Ligation of the extornal Iliac voins an a thorapeutic method In circUlUtory insufficiency due to cardiac defecta. TruAy MG14I 40:79-85 '58. (MIR& 12:8) 1. Faloilltatelcaya terapevtichealcaya klinika Leningradakogo sanitarao-gigiyanicheskogo meditainakogo institnta (zav. : klinikoy - prof.A.A.Kedrov) I Fakulltetskaya khirurgichaskaya klinika Laningradekogo sanitarno-gigiyenicheskogo meditainakogo instituta (zav. klinikoy - prof.P.N.Napalkov). (CONGESTIVE HFART FAILURMI Bur " ry ligation of iliac veins kRun (VEINS. ILIAC. Burgery, ligation in congestive heb:it failure (Run)) NAPALKOV. P.N., prof.; REPIN, Yu.M., kand. med. nauk; ASOSEDVA, S.M., kand. med. nauk Treatment of heart woundo. VeBt. Wr. 82 no.5: 118-122 ljy '59. WIlk 12:7) (HUM-WOUNIE AND IWURM) e LOW, 1.0., dotsent, Professor Pavel Nikolaevich 'Napalkov; on his 60th birthday. Vestakhir. no.7:140-14JL 161, (MMA 14-.12) (NAPALKOV, PAVEL NIKOLAHVIGH, 1900--) RAPALKOV, Pavel Nih-olayevich; S~JFXOV, Alcksandr Vasillyevich, zasi. deyatell nauki prof.; SHRAYBER, Mark Grigorlyevich; Frinim-tili uchastiye: ASOSKDOYA,.~f ; ILIDS9WA, O.V.; REFIN., Yu.Y.; SHAFER, I.I.; SIVAIga-, B.A.; ELIBERG) G.A.; RUSAFOV, A.A., red.; LEBLDEVA, Z.V., [Surgical diseaseslKhirurgicheskie bolomi. Pod red. A.V.Srdrnova. Leningrad, Foadgiz, 1961. 571 p. (MIRA 15:12) (SMt GERY, OPERATIVE) S/11)1/61/000/003/006/015 B12;1/B203 AUTHORSi Hikhoiyevp Ye. P.0 Asoskova, Ye. M. TITLE: Photochlorination of methyl ethyl dichloro silane in liquid statil PERIODICALa Plastiobaskiye massyp no. 3, 1961, 26-27 TEM The authors chlorinated methyl ethyl dichloro silane in liquid state with chlorine gas under illumination with a 150-w electric bulb in a device described in Ref. 2 (Ye. P. Kikheyev, UN SSSR~ 106., no. 3, 484 (1956)). They obtained methyl ethyl dichloro ailane by reaction of ethyl magnesium bromide with methyl triohloro silans in ethyl ether under vigorous stirring in a 57% yield referred to methyl trichloro silane. The chlorinated mixture (d 20 1-1857 and n 20 1.4450) was rectified in a column 4 D with porcelain packing material and an efficiency of 20 theoretical plates. The follow in fractions were obtaineds (1) Initial methyl ethyl dichloro silane, 31% 1by weight of the mixture); (2) intermediate, 0.8%1 (3) methyl-a-chlora-ethyl dichloro silane, 24%; (4) intermediate, 6.2%j Card 1/3 S/1511/61/000/003/006/015 Photoohlorination of methyl ... B124./B203 (5) methyl-~-chloro-vthyl diohloro silans, 31%1 (9) intermediate, distilled off until reaching a temperature of 180 C at the outlet, 1.8%; and (7) distillation residue consisting of di- and polychloro derivatives, 5-1%. The composition of the mixture after chlorination is given in the table; it shows that the chlorination rate (rate of substitution of the first hydrogen atom) of the (,-, as well as of the a-carbon atom of the ethyl group of methyl ethyl dichloro silane is several times higher thiLn that of the carbon atom of the methyl group. The low content of di- and polychloro derivatives in the mixture confirms this assumption also for the case where the resulting chloro-methyl ethyl diahloro silane was vory quickly transformed to dichloro derivatives. The yield in a_ and ~-isomers of methyl ethyl diahloro silane according to the table is 38 and 50%, respectively, of the reacted methyl ethyl dichloro vilane. There are 1 table and 2 references: I Soviet-bloo and 1 non-Soviet-bloo. The reference to the Engli 11 h-language publication reads &a followat D.T.Hurd, J.Am.Chem.3oo., 67v 1813 (1945). Card 2/3 Photoohlorination of methyl..'. S/191/61/000/003/006/01!t B124/lB203 (~QMPWA"% S cut" Tablet Composition of the mixture (D Peut'aCTOO after chlorination.. G) % bee. % Legendt (i) Substance, (2) content in the mixture, (a) ~ by weight, CfiS(C'H')SICI' 3115 37 (b) moles, (3) di- and polyohloro CH,(CHCIC[~SICI, 26 24,2 derivatives CH3(CIQ4,CN)sjCj, 33.5 31,5 CICHIAH&AIC12 -3 2,8 (D)IH- It nOAHXAOp3akIt- 6 4,5 MeHlible Cara 3/3 ASOTSKIY, L.S.; MIROSBICHENKO, S.N. Utilization of compressed larminated wood for tho production of wood press particles. Der. prom. 12 no.6:13 Je 163. (MIRA 16:10) KHUKHRYANSKIYI P.N.; ZHITKOV, P.N.; KOVYAZIN, F.Ya.i TSYPLAKOV, D.M.; OGARKOV, B.1.; OGARKOVA, T.V.; RAKIN, A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk.,j SHEYDIN, I.A... "UMYANTaVA, O.M.; MALITSENSKAYA, R.P.; KUVAIRAFA, M.P.; PYUDIK, P.E.; MIROSITICHINKO, S.N.; DORONIN, Yu G ASOTSKIY L.S.; MAREYEV, V.S.; I-IOLENSK.TY, K,I,p inzb., r-eL tsn~---- ehze [Compressed wood and wood plastics in the machinery industry; a manual] Pressovamiaia dreve8ina i drevesnye plastiki v ma- shinostroenai.; spravochnik. Moskva, Mashinostrclenie, 1965. 147 p. (MITIA 18:3) S/27i'/63/000/001/0()4/017 A052/'A126 AUTHORS: Kirillova, Ye. P., Asovskaya, Z N. TITLE: rriction materials paired with low-carbon steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdel'nyy vypusk, 48. Mashinostroitel'nyye materialy, konstruktsii i raschet detaley mashin, no. 1, 1963, 5, abstract 1.48.28 ("Vestn. tekhn. i ekon. inform. N.-i. in-t tekbn.- ekon. issled. Gas. kom-ta Sov. Min. SSSR po khimLi", no. 3, 1c,6?, 30 - 32) TEXT: Friction properties of woven, cast, pressed and rolled materials paired with C'q15-32 (Sch 15-32) cast iron and CT-35 (st-35) steel were in- vestigated. 22 x 27 x 6 nim samples were tested on a unified ponstant friction machine at 100 - 1200C, 7.5 m/sec sliding speed and 2.7 kg/am'! specific pres- sure. The results of the tests are summarized in a table. It is established that woven and rolled bands cannot work at elevated temperatures since at 200 2400C the coefficient of friction decreases. Cast material ~Dj(-24a (FK-24a) at 100 - 1200C has a lower coefficient of friction than woven and rolled bands, Card 1/2 S/277/63/000/001/004/017 Priction materials paired with low-carbon steel A052/A126 but at a higher temperature has a stable coefficient of friction and a good wear resistance. [Abaraoter's note; Complete translation] Card 212 YESAYANY G.T.; OGANESYAN, E.Ye.;_ASQYAN, E.L. Transformations of disulfonyl chlorides. Part 1t Interaction of alkanedisulfonyl chlorides with phenols and aromatic amines containing it halogen and &'nitro group. Izv.AN Arm.SSR. Khim. nauki 17 no.-3:339-344 164. (MRA 17:7) 1. Institut organichaskoy khimii AN Armyanskoy SSR. YEZ-.4*-!'.4.Np G.T., OGAII.FSYAN, E.Ye.; ASOfAN, E.L. TTansformxtions of disulfuryl. chlorldma. Part 2s Synthesis of 4-methyl-7-coumaryl and 8-quinolyl caters of' some dioulfo aoids. Izv, AN Am. SSR. Khim. nauki 18 no.3009-312 165, (MM 18311) 1. Inatitut organiaheskoy khimii AN ArmSSR. Subaitted May 15, 1964. ASOTAN, 0. 4.~VW%ftVAIz- The building plan of machine-tractor stations is overfulfilled. Sall.stroi. 11 no.1:6-7 Ja 156. (KGn 9:6) 1.1netruktor Moskovskogo komitate, Kommunistichookoy partii Sovet- skogo Soyuza. (Moscow Province--Building) ASOYAN, G.A., raludshly rvAuCI11137 -'Otrudnik Problem of homotrartspl-witation of organs. Vcp. rad! biol. !N .' I A SSR 2-237-246 161. (MrPul 18z4) 0 ,YAN, NIKI~IN, Ji.r. Grmparp.tivt~ eralvuat~.nm rf ffa~.'Iors in Vie eff"-k-,t cf stress cm the walls nf f-uncticning f;rterictl -7--asele at the sites of their Junel',,ure according to intral-um.1nal and extramxal principles. Vas". AMN F'-L3R rc.'.-63-70 165. r i Ys, kafedra fiviologli 11 MoAm3kogo mpditi:irw,kogo In3tituta imeni N.I. PJ-r.)gcxzi i Inst-tut, wfkhqnikL AN &3,SR, 1'103k-vli. VI ASOYAN, L.M... inzh. Parametron an a component of a digital computer. ifych. tekh. 'LMVTU) no.3.-74-90 163. (MIRA 17:2) BOCHKAREV, P.; VYA2;OV, Ye.I., redaktor; ASOYAN, N.S., redaktor; RIVINA. I.N., tekhnicheskiy redaIkto?i,-_%XVweH&IVSKIY, G.N., redaktor kaxt. [Afghanistan] Afganistan. Moskva, Goa. izd-yo geogr. lit-ry, 1953. 66 p. (MLRA 7:3) (Afghanistan--Description and travel) A BRANDT, D.M.; ASOYAN, U.S., RIVINA, I.N., tekhnioheakiy reidaktor. [Netherlands] Niderlandy. Moskva, Goo. imi-yo geografichaskoi lit-:,-,Y. 1953. 115 P. (V32A 7:8) (Netherlands-.-Description and travel) WIROV, Rashit Dzhamali3revich; AVOYAN. N.S., redaktor; TUSEIIIISKIY, G.X., professor, dolctor geografTVW#WVt"?'ftWcj, redaktor; RIVINA. 1.N., tekhniches)dy redak-tor [Glaciation of Pamirs] Oledenente Pomira. Moskva, Goo. iz&-vo geograficheakoi lit-ry. 1955. 370 P. (HLRA 8:7) (Pamirs--Physical geograpby) GORBUNOVA, M.N.; KOSTINSJUY, D.N.; TIKHOMIROV. V.P., otvetatirennY7 re"ktor; ASOYAN, N.S., redaktor; VOGINA, N.I., takhnichaskiy redaktor CKorea. Mongolia] Korais, Mongoliia. Moskva, GosAzd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1956. 28 p. (MLRA 10:8) (Xorea) (Mongolia) ZUBOV, Hikolay Nilolaj,evich;'ASOYAN, N.S.. redaktor; KOROTKOVA. V-A-, redaktor; RITINA, Ll.-,'G~nlCheskly, redaktor. (Principal theories regarding ocean utralte) Oan017 uchaniia 0 prolivakh mirovogo okeana. Mookva. Goo. izd-vo geag-lit-ry, 1956. 239 P. (Straits) (Ocean) (HLRA 9:5) ~ -, n j-: , At L.A.; BODRIN. V-V- -, TIKHOUROVs, MUKHIN, A.I.; uLLAY11.1f. Te.D.; AVDR V.p., 0tvOte,tveruayy rod.; ASOYL.U* rad.; CRIUU, GLSYKH. D.A.,, tekhn.rod. [Austria, Albania, Greece, and Yugoslavia) AvatriAs. Albantia. Gretaiia, lUgoalavniia. Hoftkva, Gos. izd-vo geogr, lit-ry, 1957. 38 P. (HMA 11:4) (Alba,nia--Geography) (Yugoslavia-Geography) (Austria-Geography) (Greece-Geography) KWHIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich; ASOYAN, U.S., red.; KOSHNILEVA, S.M., takho. red. %W-%WWAW"#-k [Germany (Geriman Democratic Republic, German Yedera:L Republic)] Germanita (Germanskaia Demokraticheskaia BA)spubliks, Yederativnaia Respublika Germanii). Moskva, Goa. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1957. 103 P - (MIRA 11: 5) (Germany) 71- t MASHBITS, Ta.G.; GOMUN, V.M.; XUME3S, S.N.; TIKHOMIRoir, v.p., otvatstvenrY7 red.; ASOLLN~_N!P#,,.red.; VILINSKAYA, X.Neg teldm. red. [Mexico, Guatemala Honduras, British Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Paniaml Meksika, Gvatemal~, Gonduran, Britanskii Gbndu- rae, Sallvador, Nikaragfia, Koeta-Rika, Panam. Hoskva, Goo. izd-vo geogr. lit--ry, 1958. 53 P. (HnU l1t7) (Central America) (Kaxico) 'iV AfIDRMVAII Vera Kikha l;v'-na;__ASOYAII, N.S., red.; NOGINA, N.I., Now Zealand] Novais Zelandiis. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo g6ogr. lit-ry, 1958. 95 P. (MIRA 110) (Now Zealand-Geography) /-/.--, ; -, ~ " "'~".'*' I ~/. '- , , DSKOLKOVA, Ollga Borl.sovna-, POPOV, K.M.. prof., &A-tor ekon.nauk, otvetetven- nyy red.; ASOYAH, H.S., red.; NOGINA, H.J., Cliorthorn India; Its economic reographyl Severnaia Indiia-, okonomiko-geograflabealmla kharakteristika. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry-, 1958. 318 P. (MIRA 11:6) (India-Sconomic geography) VITV2R. Ivan Alelzeundrovich; SLUKA, Alekoandr YaYgenlyevich; ASOYAK, N.S., red.; NOOINA, N.I.,;IKISELIVA, Z.1., red.,M~r--_ (France; its economic geography] Frantaiia; alconomicheakaia geograftivi. [__Solored map of France] _53vetnaia obsornaia karta Framteii. Moskva, Geograftiz, 1958. 414 p. (MIRA 12:2) (France--Economic conditiona) OLRYNIKOV, Igor' Nikolayevioh; ABOYAH, H.S., red.; GOLITS171, A.Y., red.kart: NOGIVA. (The Congol Kongo. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 67 p. (Congo-Rconomic conditions) (MIRA 13:1) TRINICH, Fridrikh Aklmtovich; POPOV, K.R., prof., dok:tor ekonom.nauk,; -ASOTAN,__AA,,, red.; KISELHVA, Z.A., red.kart; NOGINA, H.L. f; [Eastern Pakistan; economic-geographical features] Vostoohnvi Pakistan; okonomiko-geograficheakii ochark. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo geogr.lit-r7s 1959. 223 p. (XIU 13:2) (PaIdstan, Eastern--Economic conditions) __ _,_1 KNYAZHINSKAYA, Larisa Aleksandrovna; POPOV9'K.M*1,-prof., doktor*ekonom',naw,.,; AEOM.-IN.S., red.; KISHMA,.Z.A., red.kartj XOGINA, N.I., (Western ]India; economic and geographical characteristics] Zapadnaia Indiia; okonomiko-goog*raficheakaia itharaktoristika. Koskwa, GveAzd-vo geogr.lit-ry, 1959. 308 p. (MIRA 12:8) (India--Economic conditions) ~~CY4NI_Nadezhd& llwmdlovna; IAVR= IYEVAI Ye.V. , red.; SHAPOVALOVAs NoS.., mladshiy red.; MALICREVSKIY,, G.N.., red.kartj VnZILSWA., E.N., [Nigeria] Nigeriia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo goog-r.lit-ry, 1962. 85 P. (MIRA 1535) (Nigeria.-Economic geograpby) I ASOYAN, A,,P,-j--GAVR'IA)v, N.I.; GORNUNG, M.B.; ODIENI, K.S.; OLEYNIKOV. I.N.; PUCHKOV~ I.B.; CHERNIKOV, G.F.; SIRUW, Ye..M., red.;ZABL=, B.Sh.) red.; KUZdETSOV, A.D., tekhn. red. [Wast Africa; 1-5 000 0001 Zapadnaia Afrika; 1.,.5 000 000. Moskva, Geografizdat, 1961. _[Text] .45 P.- (MIRA 15:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniyci geodezii i karto- grafii. (Africa, West-Maps) ASOYAN N.S - GAVIULOV, N.I.; GOBIRJNG, M.B.; RIMMVI,'K.S.; OLEYNIKOV, P .3 ~--; PUCHKOV) I.B.; CHEMIIKOV) G.P.; ZABIROV, 3.Sh., red.; KOSTIVISKIN, D.N.t red.; ZHURAVIEVA, G.P., mDid. red.; GOLITSYN, A.V., red. kart; BURLAKA, N.P.) tekhn. rea. (Countries of West Africa; geographical information] Strany Zapadnoy A.ftiki; geograficbeskie spravki. Moskva, Geografg'z, 1962. 47 p. (Africa, West-Geography, Economic) (MIRA 15%7) AASOYAN, Nadezhda.Sanuilovna,- POPOV, K.M., doktor ekon.nauk1prof.p,* GORNbNT, M.B., kand. geogr.nauk,; DERMANKINA, L,A., red.; SHAPOVAIDVA, N.S., mlad. red.; VASIKINA) R.S., tekhn. red. (Nigeria; characteristics of its economic geograplW) Wigeriial, okonomiko-geograficheakaia kharakteristika, Moskvap (;eografgizp 1963. 270 p. (MIRA 17:2) ASOYAH, R. Vm stawim 4865.6 Aug 1947 "To Increase the Radio'N6twork In Rural Reiglons of Moo(= Oblast'.. ON. Asoyan, Ij pp "Veatnik. Svyazi Pochta" Vol V1.1, No 8 A discussion of present situation of radio network In Moscow Oblast' and some rayons and preewitation of 1947 p1= to expand radio com:unloatim In this region., Soma figures given. In 1941, there were 68 radio rDOCIlVing and broadcasting units and 3.90 thou- Sand ralio centers. . On 1 Jan 1947., there ircro 75 "adlo race Iving and broadcasting units and (wer 26) thmeanI radio centers. An Increase of 30 thousmA radlo centers Is plamned for Mosom Oblast' by end 10G519 USSR/Radlo - Radio Xquipment Sep 49 Transmission Lines 14aterial Relating to the Radiofication of Moscow Oblast," R. Aso,7an, 2 pp oRadion No 9 In 1949, 2,000 kolkhozes in Moscow Oblast were =1 a riLulimum of 100'w0 loud-speakers were to be installed in kolkhoz homes. In the Past 7 months, 5,000 km of new radio transmission lines have been installed, naking possible the radlofication of 1,792 kolkhozes and the installation of 55,000 loud- speakers. In addition to the 13 rayons where AW 1/50T100 USSR/Radio - Radio Equipment (Contd) Sep 49 radioflcation is complete, all kolkhozes of Volokolam, Donsko, Po&olsk, Rmenskoye, KAahira, and Stalinogorsk rayons have been equipped with radlos this year. Fifty thousand crystal and vacirrm-tube, receivers are to be installed this year. 1/50=0 ASDYKN, R.M Collective of tho Moscow Wire Broadcasting Network: has switched to a neven-hour workday. Veat.sviazi 20 MD.4: 22-23 AP 160. OURA 13:7) 1. Nachallnik Mookovskoy Agporodskoy (11rektaii radiotranslya- tolor-noy Reti. (Hours of labor) (Moscow--Wire broadcasting) ASOYEVA, Ye.Z., DAUMIIA, A.D.; DENISOVA, Ye.K.; MLJRAV'YEVA, D.A. Saponin-containing plants of the Northern Caucasus. Nauch. dokl. vys. shko~y; Uol. nauki ilo.49248-150 '64. (MIRA 17-,12) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy farmakognozii Pyatlgc~rskogu farmatsevti- v!hoskago inutituta. ASOYEVA, Ye.Z.; DLUKSHA, A.D.; DENISOVA, Ye.K. Chemical composition of Albagi persarum Boisis tit Buhse. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.biol.nauk no.3:74-76 162. (KRA 15:9) 1. Pyatigorskly farmatsevticheskiy institut. (ASHKHABAD REGION-AIMGI) AS VA __Te ,; DAUSIM, A. D.; DENISOVA, Ye. K. 7 Chemical composition of Alhagi persarum. Izv,AN rurk,SSSR. Ser.biol,nauk no. 6:75-77 163. (M IRA 17: 5) 1. Pyatigorskiy farmatsevticheskiy institut. ZUBAKOV, S.M.; j',.jljMDIMQYA, Y, V.P KORHENEVSKI A.I.; CHERNYAVSKAYA, OSIPOVA, L.Yas U.9ing a treated Klm[w)rsay chromite for the production of magries.ia refractoriqlj. Ogneupory 30 no.32:33--37 165. NIRA IBE12) 1. Institut metallurgii i obogashcheniya AN KazzSSR (for Zubakov, Aspandiyarova). 2. Zavod "Magnezit" (for Korzhenevs.kiy, ChernyavsRaya, Osipova). SOVII 12-57-9-18478 Translation fromt Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 9, p 56 (USSR) AUTHOR: Aspandiyarov T. S. TITILE: M-e1E0_ai~-ofiu-i:1d1ng Heavy Hydraulic Structures on. Loess Grounds (0 metodakh vozvede.niya tyazhelykh gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzheniy na lessovykh gruntakh) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauch., stud. rabot Mosk. in-t. inzh. vod. kh-va, 1956, Nr Z, pp '13-1~ ABSTRACT:. The most widely used method of preparation of loess -ground bed - preliminary wetting -- does not entirely eliminate the possibility of such ground sagging. Beat resultii in controlling sag of loess soils are obtained by either rnechanical compacting or chemical fixing, though these methods are the most expensive. In mechanical compacting, the entire stratum of sagging soil is stripped and then r'e-laid layer-by-layer, while being wetted continuously. In chemical fixing, the Riess soil is treated with silicate solutions. Applicability of one method or another can be determined in individual cases by economic Card I tZ SCIVI 112-57 -9 -18478 Methods of Building Heavy Hydraulic Structures on Loess Grounds considerations. A graph is presented that illustrates the cost of stabilizing loess soils by mechanical compaction and by silicification. Mechanical com- paction methods are more effective with larger buildings and thinner sagging tioils. Silicification is more suitable for smaller structures on a thick loess bed. Z. V. P. Card Zir? ACC Nitt AP6033370 ik SOURCE CODE; UR/013:L/66/000/,308/0029/00,36 AUTHOR,: Zubakov, S. M.; Aspandiyarova, S. 0. ORG: 'Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Benefication AN KazSSR (I'notitut metallurgii i obogashcheniya AN KazSSR) TITLE: Ccmposition and properties of chromium spinellides extracted from Kimperoaysk.. ores by acids POURCE:: Ogneupory, no. 8, 1966, 29-36 TOPIC TAGS: refractory compoundt chromium compound, x ray diffrELCtion analysis, crystal. structure ABSTRAC"r: The authors atudy the composition, properties and structure of the elemen, tary nuiclei of Kimpersaysk chromium spinellides extracted by aciels from six ore de- posits of Kazakhstan. The chemical composition of the chromium upinellides is com- paratively constant and close to stroichiometric with R203:RO ratio, varying from O.S) to 1.2. Chromium spinellides are classified with magnesium chromites (Mg, Fe)Cr204,, The propertien of chromium ispinellideo vary with composition according to a law which approximates a linear function. These materials melt at 2050-20600C ard beloxig to the higher clase of refractory materials. Chromium apinellidics hold promise for producing new types of refractory products. X-ray diffraction exialysio shows that Card 112 UDCt 553.461.001..5' Kimpersaysk chromium spinellides have a spinel type crystalline structure. Bivalent magnesium and iron cations are located in a tetrahedral enviroimment with trivalent chromium, aluminum and iro:a cat'ions in a octahedral environment. The cations have the following distribution in the elementary nucleus of these cbromium spinellides.: 5-6 Mg?+ ions and 2-3 Fe7+ ions located in tetrahedra, and 32-13 Cr3+ ions, 2-3 A14 ions and 1 Fe3+ are located in octahedra. The acid parame'ter for the Kimpersayok chromium spinellides some4hat exceeds the value for an ideal apinel structure... TIrLe is explained by the expansion of the tetrahedral spacespd contraction of the.'OctfL- hedral spaces. Orig. art. haul, 7 tailes. BUD CODE:~ 11, 20/ SUBM. IINTEt None/ ORIG IW 021/ am Ms. 005 Card GORSHKOV, V.1.; VOFONTSoVA, O.N.; PANCHENKOV, G.M.; ASPANDPAWNA S.S. Equilibrium of alkaline earth metal ion exchanpe on the cation exchangar KU-1 ir hydrogen-form. VeBt. Mosk. un. Ser. 2: Khim. 19 no.5:47-52 S-0 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kafedra fizicheskoy khimii 14oskovskogo universiteta. ASMI, N.B.; GOWV', G.S.; POKHOEWEV, Y.D. Some characteristics of industrial plants for the catalytic reforming process. Kbim.i tekh.topl.i masel 5 no-5: 1-7 Mr '60. (MIML 13:7) 1. Lengiprogaz. (Petroleum refineries--3quipment and supplies) POKHOZUYEV, V.D.; KISELEVA, E.A.; MFELIV N.B. Ways of increasing the octane numbers of automotIle gasolines. Khizi.i tekh. topl.i zutsel 6 no.2t5-10 F 061. (MIRA 14;1) 1. Lengiprogaz., TG-asoline-Antiknock and antiknock mixtures) ASPELI N.B. - SW;DIN V.V. Y .9 Catalytic reforming. Peftiardk 6 no.1:26-~27 ja 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. 1,4ngiprogaz. (Petr6leum-Refining) I GOLOV, G.S.; POSTNIKOV, 1I.I.; RATIM, Ye.1-1. Combining p.rocosses of catalytic refoiminrr. rh.'jai tekh.topl.i masel 7 no.9.8-13 S 162. OURA 15:8) 1. Lengiprogaz. (Petroleum-Rofining) SREMIN, V.V.;.ASPEL,I, J(.B. Use of apparatus for catalytic reforming and hydropurification in petroleum refineries. Xhim.i tekh,topl. i mr;Lse). 7 no.11:13-19 N 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Lengiprogaz. (Petroleum refineries-Equipment and Bupplies) ASPELIP N.Be; GOLOV,, G.S.; BURSIANO N.R,; MASLYANSKIY, GI.N. L.'. ;. ~ . . . I I 1-1. ~ . - Domestic plants for catalytic reforming and tle batic indices of their operation, Khim. i takh. topl. i maao14 n0.5:4-8 My, '63. NM 16: 8) 1. lengiproguz i Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issiedovittellski3r institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov. SMIRNOV, L.S.;~ASE".G.-, Manufacture of knit velveteen. Tekst.prom. 20 no.7:43-44 J1 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Velvet) (Knit goods industry ASPERGER, S. Yugoslavia (430) Technology Kinetics of the photochemical oxidation of chrome glue P. 46, Arhiv Za Kemiju, Vol. 18, no. 1-4, IA6. East European Accessions List. Library of Congress, 1, no. lh, Dec. 1952. TNCLASSIFIED. A6PERGERt S. Yugoslavia 030) Technology Magnetism and chemistry. ps 142,, ARHIV ZA KEMIJU, Vol, 20, no. 1-4, 19h8p East European Accessions LisAL Library of Congress, 4 no. 14, Deco 1!?52, UNCLASSFIED ASPERGER, S. Yugoslavia (00) Technology The influence of temperature on the photooxidation of ethylene glycol with potassium bichromate. P. 59, APHIV ZA MUM, Vol, :21., no. 1-4,, 1949. East European Accessions Listo Library of Congress, Vol. 1, no. 14, Dec. 1!P52. UNCIASSIFIED. AS"W'Wil"lil S. fugoslovia CA: 47:12001 with I. ITRATT and 0. CUPAHIN Univ. Zagreb., Croatia, Yugoslavja "Hinetics of the reactlon of potassium ferrocyanide and nitrosobenzene: the catalytic action of nerci.iric ions and n1traviolet, light." J. Chem. Soc. 1953, lola-6; cf. G.A. 47, 4o6h. qpectiophotoinctiic deler!~Inatlort of.~AI;os p( mercuric Ions in disilled water. 1. hintall, ind 1. 0 -= 4--- thin. AILI - 1,11v rt,.Ictiol, between lle(CN).' -- an-I nitroqn- benzent.- k str,,ngly catalyzed by llgl*: 11C(CN.I.- FOCN), 11.01 - 4- CN". F,,(CSVIf,0I- + Cat1jO - + 110. Th~~ Mroplex 6rined is violet and iti cmen. al (Crtain renction tbric dviiends on the conen. of Jig". Aq. snhvq. of aitro.401miz-me and I!gClr are brought to 1.113,5, tlv- Ft"T N),1 - i- adjmIt-d t( the mine pli. IL)th stthm N%rre thtromitatttil I%( OP, ai:~Ni, and tile extiuctilla of tight %Xal on-Aquved agalast fiI,di y prelId, sohis- of nitro-lobtateta! and fetricyaulde at A28 at,i. When tEp concni. of Fe(M.1 and C#IfiNO are at opthaurn it li -.0'sible t9 let, th~ Jig - even %t concti. of 101,11 by using a qtandattl c a-,C. obtained nith known anik. Cr I[gCl,. In the Coricn, i;Itcrv3l 10 -1 to I()-' lf the crror may "e 20 betwcen 10-1 r2,1d 10-, it i, 5,,. V. Arlha Al ASPzft(YI:',a. S. MKOVIC. H.: ASPERGER. S., ffStill on Z. Stalcer's 'critical review.1" Arhiv. Za Kemiju, Zagreb, Vol 26, No 2, July 1954, p. 122 SO: Eastern European Acces.9ions List, Vol 3, No 10 Oct 1954, Lib. of Congress -- :. - ~ :I: ;I '~ - 1.~ - 11 -. '! ,~v ~ i~ - I- _: .,: ~- I ~- ~i 1- :1 71 ~ r ~;I- I- -, ~, 7, :63tetimbation' of mercury in the atmouphrre, Sub. microanalytical determination of ineret-irfi*16L'in'l).-oziiiii-, "and Chi Drille 'water 5ased qp its cata!ytic action. t., an r WTVIILY, 7:10rclis r ~n 64:4 r, An 1. M. 26, MIMI! I .1th 111T)sobelliptle its n(j. V)Ijl. is trolli-.1y catalystclt J,y Ijg4l ior%5. The convii. of the vi~,ltt i-vt6.ii pr(Anct, (1~e(CN)s(C4IIjNO))l-, at a. fixc,l jea(tioi!k thnr depaidsonthuconers. ollfgl* ions present in th.-, !~An. A method Is described for detg. the C~), .,. of jjg,4 I j,;j L), means of -pectrophotornetric estri. or the violet p~xitjct. lirapors:frora the attn. are brought into soln. by uICIM-1 ()f Bf or Cl , A thorough stolsticul tteat;itriit of the e~:ptl. tc- suits is given. Roy W. tvall, lr~ Mer'h alsw of the rtacticto e( y U Inerl W04tpd at % up CATeJUN vy raercurww I gOL tal " ergartu wercuriz -i~,jvplv. Zazrtl, D. Pavkn - , r C8. ASPUCcr;- ~Ura . and 61M)tia, C-J. 48. 9MI15-The rcaclkAi between [Ft 10.10-and PhNO istatalysed by 111trat,1041 light. and the tuctuOt Ions lig". HZ.44. Aul*. and M'*. "etractim is: into.,'- -1- PI%NO- -- (MCNO.PhNO11- + llvO:'CN- + VA) ;~t JICN + 011% Since the! matAr" IFe(CNX- ftNO)" ~o YkAet, Its fortnuina c-4n tie detect'A wul tol- - ifor-ed Vitravloki light of wave 'Itpirths( It: than 4(kX) A."tawitiVum. of one CN grcwp 1 ;!tout ttiv mdkal awl utttlerates thk~ sluw liter- pit- reiietiok: by fornuiticai of IIg(CN)+ wilich then reaelt wiLh W (otv.Lxi:rttvtlg*', Otlitrittavyiuctalitiroithtt -Mve an Mjj~y for CN- k1wi Ituve at siwilar cAtolytic effect rm! olurd it Cit order PW < Au*1 < III,+ ~ jlgj+1P. Or.q. It$ vi,-hjN1j' wh its phCZ-11"Wrcurk. am-late. nit-iftyl. tnum4k hinittwip. loetrLIVI-0- nud -pa4L5-(IrU%Y1A41XUAt%:, brolnide. tout Ills(KC411*0011 all EJIOW A Mal tie effevt but pauch unulky than that of 11 nj4. MteN was 4%d hi OIL WM. of III in burnt Hil ulJOY4 AM Is- O'knw-euthral p1q)XIs. with W1 wor C4 awut 81%'. , GralZ%st it 4 T -5 'P'C "Icnetits and snethtrism of the dcco-"np,o-ltlen of comple 'Vcyurades of iron(H) and molybdenurn,'W). S. Arp-ergv, I -Maratiand pavl Un.L11-y. Za rel--~-ll -j of too- to rercx)xz,,o3- end the nnalog-ous reaction (ti. (cN %olving ttle-u~a of I CN, X-Oup from 4%fo(CN,),4- ere b-t I - riversIbleindairknp--a. Theenerg,clactivAtionofthe CD111pli. of rC(C.\,3XO,- In the yark nt elevated temp",,; 2S.2 kcal./mole end is h1glier by 8.4 kcal./mnle than that t f Fe(CIN The rate of forination of Fcl* from Fe(C,%'),. in the clark at elevated t", is about I/e4 of th., - devompri. rate of Fe(CN)j%O,- Under the ante conditions. 'lliEs %uggests the prc~cuee of im interniedlate complex cy- i anikleof1le(II). In ultraviolet light. the rates differ only b,t a factor of +2 b=us* Or; propmed complex Is unstnble it Sidne Arde-.1 ASPERGER. S,; ILAKCIVIC, N.; FAVLOVIC,, D. Secondary deuterium isotope effect in some SnI and E2 reactions. Croat chem acta 34 no.1:7-12 162. 1. Department of Physical Chemistry, Institute "Ruder Boskovic," Zagreb, and Depmrtmant of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacyp University of Zagreb, Zagxeb, Croatia, Yugoslavia. 2. Clan Redakcionog odbora., "Croatica Chemica. Acta" (for Asperger). ORAW&fC,M.; ASPIULGER,S. Mechanism of the exchange of chlorine in cis- and trans- chloronitrob g (ethylonediamine) cobal (III) iort with radioaotive i Cl- in methanol, abstract. Bias Hem dr 27 no.9/10003-504 164 1. The Ruder 156skovic Institute, Department of Ilysical Chemistry, Zagreb. ASFERGE]", S.: KLASING, I..; PAVLOVIC, D~ Secondary p~-de-utarlvlm isotopn effects in the rea,~Vor of 42- phenyle thy I trime thy2wrxionium ion by kvdroxide ion in aqueous solution and 1~r ethoxide ton in ethanol. Croat chem acta 36 no.3'.159-163 164. 1. nepRrtmont of Physical Chemi,-try of the Ruder Boskovic Insti- tute, Zagreb, itnd Institute of Jnorvanic and Physical Chemictry of the PhamRcoutJcal and Biochemical Faculty, Zagreb. Submitted September 8, 1964. ASFJMGF2 Zdralk 'q ;I Dr. ,,, 'e' Old and now data on digitalis treatment. Lijec. vJ13H. 76 no.:9-10 495-508 1954. (DIGITALIS, ther. use review (Ser)) AS~~ ~GXEt.Z~dravjkq-.d;-,._;, VULETIG,Vinko,dr. D.7stopia of the pulmonary vein. (With report of a care). Lijeo. vjes. 81 no.11:831-837 159. 1. Iz Interne poliklinika Mediainakog fakulteta. u Zagrebu. (PULMONARY VXINS abnorm. ) BERITIC, T.; ASFIRGER, Z, Syncope episodes. Lijecn. vjesn. 84 no.4:365-367 '62. (SYNCOPE) ASI~Ef~q ~R , ~dravko, - -dr. Hypertensive crisis and its therapy. Lijeon. vjosn. 84 no.6;575- 582 162. 1. Iz Interne poliklinike Medicinskog fakultota it Zagrebu. (IMERTENSION compl) ASPERGER, Zdravko., dr Accidents in injections. Lijecn. vJean. 84 no.9:911-927 162. 1. Iz Interne poliklinike Madicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (INJECTIONS) WTROGENIC DISFUSES) I IVA14CIC, R.; URBANHE, A.; RADONIC, M.,, KALLAI, L.; SARIC, S.; ASPERGERY Z,,y CEPELJAj Z. Latent stenosis of the aortic isthmus. Lijecn. vjesn. 85 no.2s183-186 t63. (AORTIC COARCTATION) ~LTGOSLMA 7 and Dr Tomislav PERSIC, Polyclinic of Internal Ye-H~icine (Interna Poliklinika), :Faculty of iied- icine (1-1edicinsici Fakultet), Zagreb. "Accidental Hypothermia." Za.rrreb, Lijecnicki Viespik, Vol 85, NO 4; April 1963, pp 423-430. Abstract: ~Xuthorsl Bnj-,lish sumnary modifiecV The history, clinical picture, and pathophysiology of accidental hypo- thermia are discussed in the light of recent literature on the subject. The fundamental issue viz. whether to warm the patien't' or not) remains unsolveA. The' zimthors 1,rovide a case rerort on a 59-year-old ferale ratierit who diod with signs of shock 13 hours after admission. Western and Yugoslav references. ASPERGERO Z. .L Placob,6s "d the 61inical evalmtlon of &Ugs. Lijecn. vjesn. 85 no.10:1162-1164 #63, MANVELYAN, M.G.; GPJGORYAN, N.M.; PENtKOVA, L.F.; GHIGORYAN, G.O.; ASPIRINA, Yb."54 ' I -- Use of carbonized calcium metasilicate * the pro4uction of dry voltaic cells, Zhur.prikl.khim. 34 no.11:245!;-2459 N 16% (MIPA 15:30 (Electric batteries) (Calcium silicate) ASPIS, M.A. . Inzh. Make extenialvA use of stationary switching equipment. Zhel.dor. tranBP.41 'n0-3:79 Mr 159. 04IRA 12:6) 1. Zamesti-bel' nachallnika trasportnogo teekho KoksokhInzavoda, Dneprodzerzhinsk. (Railroads--Switching) (Ritilroads-Yaran--louipment and supplies) IqEKHOROSHIY, I.Kh., inzh., ASKS, I.M., inzh. Preparation of fine coal (silt) for power production in a pyrite- clay suspqnsion. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 5 no.10: 164-170 162, 1 (MIRA 15'.11) 1. Ukrainskiy proyektno-konstruktorskiy i nauchno-ienledolfttellekly inatitut po obogashcheniyu i briketirovanivu ugley. Rekomendovana kafedroy obogashcheniya poleznykh iskopayeaVch KharIkovskogo gornogo instituta, (Coal preparation) ASPIS, M.I., inzh. (Dneprodzorzhinek) Modernimation of gondola mrs. Zhel.dor.tranup. 41 no.7: 94-95 Jl 159. (MMA 12:12) 1. Dneprodmershinakiy kokook-biwavodo. (Railroads-Freigbt cars) ASPISOV, D.I. '.6m., Acclimatization of muskrats in no.13tBO-90 153. (Volga Valley--Nuqkrate) (Kama Valley--Muskrats) the Volga-Kama region. (Huskrats--Volgs Valley) (Muskrats-Kama Valley) Trudy VNIO (MLRA 7:5)