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FOIAND C."Iezical Tachnolog~y. CheLn-ical Product's and H-6 Their Ap.,~licatiom,. Safet.v and S-,nitation. kbs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khi,~iiya-, Yo 23, 1956, 'T3180. ---uthor : 3maj, Edward. inst : Noxe~ Title : Har-.--,ffu1 Dii-es and Clarifiar3. Orig Pub: Sz-clo -i ceram., 1~358, 9, IT'Jo 3, 65-?l. Abstract; Tlio toxi.G effact of a series cj--- dves -~nd clarif- iers used in- the glass industr7 (Sb233, -ksZC3, NaY03, KN03, Ca(~103)2, 1'~C103, 1~a2Cr3071 cry0lite, CaF2, Na3i~lF--6, yellow and --~,,hitle -ohoslhorus and cofa-I)oLn7ids, of Cd, '~~Ln, Cu, Ni and 5e, is dicussed. 1, The aaxL-iiLua adcuissible concen'ratio-ii of dust and va--ors of the above mentionad substances are U presented, and a sorias of prevep-tive iiieasures: Garld 1/p, 17 Pol;,ND/Chemical Technology. Choi-aical Products and Their Applications. Safety and Sanitation. :,bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Xhim-, No 8, 1959, 27968. ',uthor Szmaj, E. Inst Title Harmful Chemicals Used in Glass Making. Orig Pub: Szklo i Ceram, a, No 4, 95-98 (1958) (in Polish) Abstract: The harmful effects on the human organism of NH..,, AgN03, CIN compounds, HF, I12SO4,and Hg are disciAsed. The toxie effects of soluble glass and of glass wool are described. Soluble glass has a hamful effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and on the skin. Glass wool causes an irritation of the upper respiratory tract, a dry and burning feeling in the ttroat, hoarseness, an inflammation of the vocal Card 1/2 POLUM gy, Chomical Products and Their H-6 / Chomical To6hnolor Application, Safety and Sanitatione Abe Jour ~of Zhur - Khimiya,, No 5, 19590 NoL 158M Author Bzmj,, Ei ,~--Not --- S-IV6~ inst Titio :Poisonous Materials Employod in tho Glass Industry Orig Pub :Szklo i cerame., 1958j, 90 No 6., 167-170 Abstract :A brief r6ftev of tbD toacic 1woperties of acroloin., benzone't calcium carblileo fire-noistant mtorials, H20 and CO. Data on tho _vrophylaotics and on first-ald aro Wesentod, -- Le Sodov card 1A 3 76-79 CT o -C h i con.- -10 all' f ]L car -cr CCq'.(1.Lt--ionz. Foil Of ot;-~ar 11.0- -~.cant2, -i--n -rv-1 P, --br-i car, t ZZ-20 Cloncpeto, T., a3 Tj_ SZ14AJ, E. The effect of glass dust on the human organism. p. 13. OCHRONA PROY. (Centralna Rada Zwiadowych i DentraIny Instytut Ochrony Pracy. W4rszawa, Poland. Vol J-4, no. 3, Mar. 1959. Monthly list of East European kcceesions (EFAI)LO, vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. 521AJ, Edward _ ~ _ ,- Benevolence and health, 32klo i Ceramika 13 no.2-444-46 F 162. POIAND/Wlti'-Mt,,~d Plants - GtaiL'04 , :7-f Lmr - BiOI,j NO 10, 1958, 44036 Abs Jour . - Author lz~ z1, Bogumil Inst f01, C?Cjjetjc* ford C,.!I,~.ction., Superior Agricultu- ra! school at Poznan Title Fxidliar-ization Studl~-:s Gluten in Sevcral Lia.-,s of M.ic;at UotCincd by Crocsir,- Triticum vulgar-a V-'ll x r - Agropymm elongatim lflos-Z. Orig Pub : Aetan ae_-obot-an., 1956, (19571, 5, 5-17 Yibstract : Iflirco lin,~s of hybrids Of with quack grass (LYG'a &--n-rntiou), with t-.,,~ mothc~r form of Belaya Klcs'ach,:xs- (winter wheat) and uit:, spring N&oat varictiz~s i%x~- co,,.~Parcd at the I"Istit"'It',2 of Gonctics. and Solection of tho Hi&-.,cr Agricultural School in Pozilan in 1953- ,"ard 1/2 CINURA, Kazimierz; SZMAL, Zbigniew Ild International Conference on Mineralogy end Petrografy of laoms in Prague. Przagi geol, 9 no.12:663-6-65 '61. S,~fA~IAL, GAVECKA, I.; YMMLET. J. Effect of physostigmine on action of pendiomide. Acta physiol. polon. 7 no-3:351-358 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Farmakologii Instytutu Lekow w Warszawle Kierownik: dr. J. Van-alet. (PHYSOSTIGMINE, effects, on reactivity to pendiomide (Poi)) (AUTONOMIC DRUGS, effects. pendlomide. eff. of physootigmine on reactivity (Pol)) SML, ZDZISIAW. Anal4-a chemiczna ilosciovia. 'Warszawa, Poland. Panstwowy Zaklad Wydawn. Lekarskich, 1958, 310'p- "onthly List of European Accessions (E~AI) If, Vol. 8, no. 7. July 1959 1 Lhcl. Killj*I, 7WISLAW. Eadania hydrochemic,-,ne je,-,ior lobeliowych POV.101'7a Za~;hodniego. Pozan, Panstwo- lobelio,wych Por,,,,orza Zachodniego. Ponzan, Panstwowe Tt~vdwm. Naukowe, 19-59. 106 p. ,lonthly List of East European Acl~essions (P_MT) LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. GAWECKA, Irena; SZMALI Zdzislaw; WOJCIK, Ryazard Evaluation of biological method for the determination of adrenalin in drugs. Acta physiol.polon. 11 no-3:457-468 My-Je 160. 1. Z Zakladu Farmakologii Instytutu Lekow w Warszawie Kierownik: doc. dr J.Venulet. (EPINEPHRINE dhem) 1. MIAL, Zdislaw; VENULET, Jan Effect of some quw~ternary ammonium compounds with sulfur in the aliphatic chain on myeoneural transmission. Acta physiol. polon. 13 no.6:717-728 162. 1. Z Zakladu Famakologii Instytutu Lekow w Warszawie K~ercwnik: doe. dr J. Venulet. (AM40NIUM COMPOUNDS) (SULFUR) (SYNAPSES) TUSZK13WICZ, Alfred R.; sZKAM, Dominik; CZARSKA, Zofia Fhosphatase-thymol index in the differential diagnosis of Infections hepatitis & mechanical jaundice. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.2:73-75 12 Jan 59. 1.Z II Kliniki Ghorob Wownetrznych A. M. w lublinie; kierownik: prof. dr A. R. Tuszkiewicz. hablin, II Klin. Chor. Wewn. A.K. (HEPATITIS. ]UTYBOTIOUS, differ. diag. obstruct. Jaundice, value of ~phosphatase-thymol index (Pol)) (JAUNDICE, OBSTRUCTIVE, differ. diag. ~J~.~,-hsputltis, value of phospbatase-thymol index (POI)) (11VAR YUNCTIOS- T3STS phosphatase-thymol indii~iu differ. diag. of infect. hepatitis & obstruct. jaundice (Pol)) V r -111acision of (To llol. no. 8, Aug. 1958. crrors) corr-ctions, and tolltranct. :,ont*:-l List of 11--st Luronr~jr, Acc~!sSionf; ('-:'nAI"' LC Vol. 8, no. 14 ,-aril 1959, Unclass. WOLAPSKI, Adam; SZMATLOCH, Eugeniusz; DZIEZA, Irena Analysis of acquired heart defects according to data of the lst Internal Disease Clinic of the Silesian AcaderrT of Medicind. Reumatologia (Warsz.) I no-1:51-54 163. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewn. 51. Akademii Medycznej (Kierownik: prof. dr J. Japa). WOLANSKI, Adam; SZMATLOCH, Eugeniusz Clinical significance of morphological changes of the Ist excitation wave in the electrocardiogram in premature systole. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no-30:1155-1-157 Jl 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Sl. A. M. v Zabrzu; kierownik: prof. dr Jozef Japa. (ARRHYTHMIA) WOLANSKI, Adam; SZMATLOCH, Eugeniusz; SZACHOWSKI, Jedrzej; CZARNECKA, Anna Result of some respiratorv function tests in kyphoscoliosis. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 32 ne.8;999-1002 '62. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wownetrznych Sl. AM Kierownik: prof. dr mea. J. japa. (WHOSIS) (SCOLIOSIS) (RESPIRATORY FMICTION TESTS) FORDINY, Zbigniew; MACHAISKI, Marek; SZMATLOCH, Rigeniusm - - -.- M- I-, ~I ." Attempted use of posterior pituitaxy extracts in bleeding esophageal varices. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.46:1736-1737 11 N163 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Vemn-etrznych $1. M w Katowicach; kie- rownik: prof.dr. Jozef Japa. I ~,, -_; ~ r: ~:,, -:~ tn. .,~aT fa of I,-- --ase9 c u Lini.ca7 763 Fol. 1 no-4-3-2 164 Chorob ewnetrzrrh Slaskie- -Tkadenn Medyc zr-, ef w Katcyw;-,lv~h prof. dr. J. jafa) I z i 'i-l~--Lk-- Chcr6b, Ls- evnet 'rzn,,-ch ~,morskle-;, Akaiemii vFvcza3lnie n)wnilk- doe.. dr. K. Gr-c-g-oz-c-,,;,yk)- Distr: 4E2c R n an a NiiHi5zaych4by-,N.IAni k, '. urs_ Kwi d W 2 -1-9 -P b of cuu,ct of, tr.4p2.dAtc'ti.',Y6~0f' Mra al tg tdlesi Sb, Fb, Zo, Cd, and Ni can be coriverted on to a prod- uct contg. Cu 20-40, Sa 20-40, Sb 10-30, Pb 2-20%. and ,,n.H arnts. o1 Zn, Cd, and Ni. The product is ground and oxidized in a revolving furnace at 500-800* and extd. with an (NHjhCOs sofa. contg. NH,011. Cu, Zn, and Wi-aratno compd. are dissolved, the ext. is heated, and the CuO ppt is selid. Nonsol. oxides are reduced with H or CO, and Sn--Sb-Pb alloy is obtained. K. Bojanw#m&-A--; SZMWA, Zygmnt Hearing and vestibular apparatus In scleroma treated with strepto- x7cin. Otolar. Polalm 8 no-1:37-43 1954. 1, 7, Kliniki OtolarMologiesnej Akademil. Nedyesuej w Pasnaniu. Kisrownik: prof..dr A.Zakrzows'ki. (STRMOMYGIN, effects, (,,on hearing & vestibular appar. in rhinoseleroma) INOSOLBROKA, therapy, streptomycin. off. on hearing & vestibular appar.) (HMING, effect of drugs on, streptomycin. in ther. of rhinoselarova) (VISTIBULAR APPAROUS, effect of drugs on. streptomycin, in ther, of rh1moscleromm) SZMWA, Zygmunt Case of foreign body of the esophagus complicated by spontaneous perforation of the wall of the aorta. Otolar.polaka 9 no.4:337- 341 1955. 1. Z Kliniki OtolaryngologiC2nej A M w Poznaniu. Kierownik: prof. dr A. Zakrazewski. (ESOPHAGUS, foreign bodies, with aortic rupt.(Pol)) (FORRIGN 130DISSO esophagus, with aortic rupt.(Poi)) (AORTA, rupture, in esophageal for.body(Fol)) S&CUA Improvement of hearing following nasopharyngeal irradiation with radium. Otolar. Polska 10 no.3-4:335-340 1956. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej A.M. w Poznaniu Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr A. Zakrzewski. (HEARING DISORDIRS, therapy, radium irradiation of nasopharynx (Pol)) (RAI)IUM, therapeutic use, hearing disord., irradiation of nasopbarynx (Fol)) (NASOPHARYNX, effect of radiations, radium, irradiation in ther. of hearing disord. (Pol)) SZMEJA, Zmgmuntj TOXM, Feliks ---V-alue of audiometry & especially the recruitment test in the diagnosis of tumors of the acoustic nerve. Otolar. polska 11 no.4:397-W6 1957- 1. Z Kliniki Otolarynologicznej A. M. w Poznzaiu. Kierownik: prof. A. Zakrzewski i z Kliniki Neurochirurgii A. M. w Poznaniu Kierownik: -prof. H. Powiertowski. (NERVXS, ACOUSTIC, neoplasms diag., audiometry & recruitment test (Pbl)) (B?A_qING TESTS audiometry & recruitment test in cancer of acoustic nerves, diag. value (Pol)) SZM&JA Surgical treatment of congenital medial cervical cYsts & fiatulas. Otolar polska 12 no.1:35~-41 1958. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej A. M. w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr A. Zakrzewski. (BWOHIOMA, surg. with resection of hyoid bone (Fol)) (13WCHIAL F3GION, abnorm. unclased cleft, surg. with resection of hvoid bone (Pol)) (HYOID BONX. Burg. resection in surg. of branchioma & branchial fistula (Pol)) BIALEK, E.; TOKARZ, F.; SZMEJA, Z. Otoneurological examination following brain stem injuries. OtolarM. Pol. 16 '62. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej AM w Posnaniu Kierownik: prof. dr med. A. Zakrzewslci i z Kliniki Neurochirurgii AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: dr H, Powiertowsld. (BRAIN STEM wds & inj) (EAR physiol) SZMA, Zygmnt; FRUSZEWICZ, AntOni; DUKIEWICZ, Kazimierz. I -metl~W for mass preliminary hearing tests wit:a speech audiometry in school children. Otolaryng. pol, 17 no.4t367-L369 163. 1. Z niniki Otolaryngologicznej Akademii Kedycznej w Poznaniu (kierounikl. prof.dr. A.Zakrzewski) i z Zaklaft Fonograficznego UAM w Poznaniu (kierownik: doe. V.Jassem). SMJA , Zygmund; GERWEL, Tadeunz Apropos of the auditory 1c,calization in elderly perBons sttld'Gd in a free audiLory field. Otolaryng. Poi. IV no.2:223-229 !64, 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngolo~-rieviej Akademii Mredycznej w Poznaniu (Kiermmik: prof. dr. A. Zakrzewak.L). At' a ryn g t-o C) 7 F I i ercwn i k prof'. dr e i L: SZMEJA, Zygmunt; UUK-ZAGAJEWSKA, Aleksandra On the matter of blue tympanic membranes. Otolaryng. Pol. 19 no.3:383-386 165. - 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej AM w Poznaniu (KierownLk Kliniki: prof. dr. A. Zakrzewski). T L;z:rpltcr J., T--nr. II-Equation for Deflexion Lines of' a Fearr. with irre-Ilar !~Pcll-.xoll. 11 (.,40,vanif- lin-*,4 1-ell'i o zmdeimyi Drzekroi,,.). PrzeC.Ipd 10 -Ii4s iF a dpsc~-pti~-n of au-'-hc--r-ls onem, -.ethce. 0' calculatinc 'he ne cl~' c~' w til a fix-1-1 or- -qi irre ilar section. load--,-4 1~.Ith m-til"inle `02-ces. Derivat-4on of 'I-,e form-ulae has 1-een o-+.ted 2, -2,(-;vecl thoc, ulesc-iptic--n oll rriet,-~cd civen. The conclus-pon an (--,a,-m7 of Calculation ot, -Uke 11-ne o-j" deflex4.on of' a ~3ha't. ol~sll 'ecll -'cal SMELTER., J. Distribution of inter-tooth force along the generatrix. P. 373o Vol. 2. no. h. 1955 WarszawR ARCH110M BUDOWY IJASZYN SOURCE: East European Acession List (FRAT) Library of Congress Vol. 5., no. 8j August 1956 A P/03Y60/012/ 003/005/007 D242 D302 AUTHOR: Szmelter, Jan (L6d~) TITLE: A method of sequence of networks in problems of elasticity PERIODICAL: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanejq v. 12, no- 3, 1960, 357 - 370 TEXT: The author considers an elastic system which he assumes to be covered by a network. The system is assumedly loaded by forces P concentrated at nodes of the networks The state of displacements of the system is determined by the displacements wi of all the nodes of the net. The subscript i indicates the number of the nodes. If there exist several components of forces and displacements at one node, then this node requires several numbers i so that Pi or wi denotes one component only. The equation of equilibrium of an i-th node is given as Card 1/9 4 P/03 60/012/003/005/007 A method of sequence of D242YD302 n Pi + aikwk 0 (i = 1. 2. ..., n), (1.1) k=l The coefficients a ik = aki are known, and define the elastic pro- perties of the system. The quadratic form Z aikwiwk is positive, definite and equal to the double strain energy of the system,, A continuous elastic system may be approximated by a net9 for instan- ce, by using the finite-differences method. Considering the problem of equilibrium of the system, the displacements of some "immovable" nodes and the forces at remaining "movable" nodes are known. It is necessary to find the displacements of the movable nodes so as to satisfy Eq. (1.1). The general problem may be simplified by resol- ving ihe up-known displacement w into two parts wi + w". The first i i i displacement w? has the given values at the immovable nodes and is I aroitrary at the movable nodes. The second displacement w11 vanishes Card 2/9 P/033/60/012/003/005/007 A method of sequence of ... D242/D302 at the immovable nodes and is unknown at the movable nodes. The displacement w!' satisfies the equations of equilibrium when the I corresponding forces are equal to F11 = Fi - -_ aikwi- In his considerations the author assumes that the displacements va- nish at the immovable nodes. In the case of a fine net containing a great number of nodes, a direct solution of Eq. (1.1) is labori- ous. In the present paper the author discusses an iterative method for the solution. He states that the process is simple and conver- ges quickly, even in the case of a very fine network. He forms the following sequence of networks: The first network is that which de- termines the elastic system consideredo Each subsequent network contains every second node of the previous network. The final net contains one node only. At first, he determines the displacement of the node of the final network. He then calculates the displacements of the remaining nodes of the preceding net, and then passea to Oard 3/9 P/033/00/012/003/005/007 A method of sequence of D242/D302 zhe nexi finer net, etc. The process is finished when the displa- cements of all the nodes of the initial net are determined. The equation determining the displacement wk of a k-th node is obtained 0 as follows: The network is loaded by a system of forces Q1, the corresponding displacements can be taken as "unit displacements" w'. By using the reciprocal theorem of Maxwell and Betti, the au- i thor obtains 5, Q! w + Z w P 0. (2.1) The unit displacements w! can easily be estimated if the Q1 form I i a system of forces in equilibrium. In this case, the unit displace- ments wl tend to zero at a considerable distance from the points of i application of the forces Q! which are calculated from (1.1) 1 Q? a W2 (2~2) 1 ik ko In general, these forces will not be concentrated at the chosen no- Card 4/9 P/033/60/012/003/005/007 A method of sequence of ... D242/D302 des only, and Eq. (2.1) will thus contain more than one unknown. To avoid this, the author substitutes in (2.1) new forces Q" acting at the chosen nodes only. A force QV is the resultant of the forces Qi I acting in the region surrounding the point of application of In this way the exact equation (2.1) is replaced by the following ap- proximate equation - 2:;Q"w + ZWIP 0. (2-3) The author uses a relaxation method to obtain a better approxima- tion. By substituting the approximate values of w i in (1.1) he ob- tains the residuals instead of zero. He then considers the residu- als as a new load system producing new displacements which are corrections of the previously computed displacements. These correc- tions are calculated by using Eqs. (2-3). He then find8 the second residuals and the second corrections, etc. This process is repeated until the residuals become sufficiently small. As an example, the author discusses the equilibrium of a string subjected to tension Card 5/9 M9 P/033/60/012/003/005/007 A method of sequence of ... D242/D302 by a longitudinal force H = 1 and a distributed lateral load p(x). The equation of equilibrium is given as p + w" = 0. (3-1) He assumes that the string is supported at its ends, thus W(O) = W(l) = 0. (3.2) The string is divided into short sections of length h. The load p(x) is replaced by statically equivalent forces Pi/h concentrated at the nodes. Then (3.1) and (3-2) are replaced by the following system of equations corresponding with (1.1) Pi + w i-1 - 2wi + w i+l = 0 (i = 1, 2, ... 97) w = W = 0. (3-3) ~ For solving the problem the author uses a sequence of three net- works. As a further example the author discusses the problem of a membrane subjected to a uniform tension equal to unity which is loaded by the pressure p(x, y) and boundary forces pn(s). The dis- Card 6/9 P/033/60/012/003/005/007 A method of sequence of ... D242/D302 placement w(x, y) of the membrane satisfies the following equations 8w 0 (4-1) p + ZS w = 0, pn - 9n- where n denotes the external normal to the boundary. By covering the membrane with a s uare net, Eqs. (4-1) can be replaced by equa- tions in the form Of N.1), where Pi denotes the lateral load con- centrated at an i-th node. This force is statically equivalent to the given load p and p - The displacements wl are obtained by su- n i perposition of a singular solution of an unlimited network loaded at the origin of the coordinate system by a force -1000. This solu_ tion for the membrane has the following form w(hi, hk) = LO-O0 ln (i2 + k2) + 257.3. (4.2) 4 In the case of a network, this solution is corrected (using the re- laxation method) at points near the origin and tabulated in Fig. 4. Card 7/9 P/033/60/012/003/005/007 A method of sequence of D242/D302 The author gives two methods for obtaining the coefficients9 namely for the case where the nodes are at a considerable distance from the boundary and also where the coefficients are near to the bounda- ry~ The latter case is discussed both for the nodes near the immo- vable boundary and for those near a free boundary, The author then considers a numberical example of a twisted prismatical bar. There are 15 figures and 5 references; 1 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-6oviet- bloc. The four references to the English-language publications read as follows: A.E.H. Love, A treatise on the mathematical theory of elasticity, Pew York, 1944; S. Timoshenko, J.N. Goodier, Theory of ealsticity, New York, 1951; R.V, Southwell, Relaxation methods in theoretical physics, Oxford, 1949,, D.N. de G. Allen, Relaxation me- thods, New York 1954. ASSOCIATION: Politechnika Lo'dzka (10'dz Politechnic) SUB1,1ITTED: november 13, 1959 qard 8/9 P/033/61/013/001/005/009 k2-1, Iffl, 101; alno 207 D242/D301 AUTHORS: Szmelter, J., Sulikowski, T. and Lipifiski,.J. (.Ljdz') TITLE: Bending of a rectangular plate clamped at one edge PERIODICAL: Archiwum, mechaniki stosowanej, v. 13, no. 1, 1961 63-75 T&XT: The pap6r shows the computation and tabulation of the systems of orthogonal functions for solving the particular case of a plate clamped at one edge. This was done because in the the orthogonal functions are not-as simple as.those..for -simple bending. A plate is. considered. clamped .(as. shown in. Fig.. L) at. the edge x = 0, and is loaded by forces perpendicular to the plane xy.. From energy considerations the displacement functions wi (x,y) have the form of polynomials Wi(X,Y) A:~ lm(x/b)'(y/a)m - (3.1) n9m The coefficients Ai, nm. should be determined such that the boundary conditions and orthogonality conditions are satisfied. It follows Card 1/6 Bending.of a rectangular plate... 23522 P/03-3/61/013/001/005/009 D242/D301 that n = 21374...., M = 0,1,2..o The authors have calculated the values of the first 30 polynomials for the ratios b/a . I and b/a 0.316. In an example on a uniformly loaded plate described later, it is stated that the results obtained by using 8 polynomials differ from those using 30, by only 1.5%. As examples, the case of (a) a uniformly loaded plate, and (b) a plate loaded by a force concentra- ted at the corner are given: (a) The work of the force on the dis- placement is 0 when I is odd, Ll = 12qab 37.4,. J(n + 1) (m + 1) when I is even. 'La MM where q is the uniformly distributed load. The displacement w is given by C4 W(X,Y) = (1)3/2Da) 2: Li:wi(x,y) (2.12) 1-0 The displacements are given in Table 5 for a plate with ratio of dimensions b/a -.1. (b) Li - Pw (b,a), and wi is found as above in (a). The displacements are given in Table 6 for the case b/a -a 1. C ard 2/6 Bending of a rectangular plate... 23522- P/033/61/013/001/005/009 D242/D301 30 polynomials are used. (Table 6). A simple experiment gave values which agree.with-those tabulated (Ref. 5: A.Ritzel i K.. Nowak 7 Plyta wspornikowa. obc3'-qz'ona sila skupiona,.Ksiqga Jubileus- zowa Prof. Witolda-Wierzbickiego, Warszawa. 1959). A great influence of the mode of clamping the edge on the results of the experiments was observed. There are 6 tables, 3 figures and 5 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English- language publication reads as follows: S. Timoshenko, Theory of Plates and Shells, New York - London, 1940. ASSOCIATION: Technical University ofMd:~, SUBMITTED: May 10, 1960 Card 3/6 Bending of a rectangular plate... Card 4/6 P/033/61/AB/001/005/009 D242/D301 Bending of a rectangular plate... - - --- -- 23522-:.- P/033/61/013/001/00.5/009 D242/ '301 X16 - 0.0 0.2 0.4 016 0.8 1.0 yja 0.0 (IWDlqbl)w - 0 180 620 12D9 1869 2S47 0.2 0 180 620 1209 1868 2546 0.4 0 180 620 1207 1863 2539 0.6 0 177 615 1199 1851 2526 0.8 0 170 599 1179 1830 2503 1.0 0 152 560 1137 1798 2,473 Table 5 Card 5/6 Bending of a rectangular plate... TAble 6 23522- P/033/61/013/001/005/009 D242/D301 x:b - 0.0 01 OA 0.6 0.8 1.0 y1a - 1.0. (10'.2DIPM)w 0 5 61 2Q3 430 710 -0.8 0. 29 132 3i3 615 922 -0.6 0 59 225 4" 832 1208 -0.4 0 88 320 60 1082 1529 -0.2 0 ill 416 80 1399 1959 0 0 138 ~30 110 1830 2571 +0.2 0 179 691. 1462 2390 3360 +.0.4 0 244 921 .1911 3085 4314 0.6. 0 334 1218 24ii 3935 5476 .+0.8 0 431 1544 3190 4920 6869 ;+1.0 0 502 1815 369.1 5941 8369 Card 6/6. SZIELTERP Jan Siphon vith many #Oamicheis. W:Lokienniatwo Lodz no.9.-43-48 962,, 1. Katedra 149chanild:Technicznej, Politechnika, Lodz. 145, -.-. I SZ/11-ERCSANYI, I. SZMMCSANYI, 1. - Important results of our research on polyester contact resins. p. 248. Vol, 11, no, 8. Aug* 195&-BAGYAR KEMIKUSOK IAPJA - Budapest., Hungary SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4--APril 1957 - I ~- - - -_ A-) 7 Distr: 4E2c(j)/4E3b/4E~d. /467160. -078.674.017 J1 -as' Determination of unsaturated HaRn In UnSatUrat0d E. B 6 d i. polyesters. Ktj. ~06 or n , 7yar Kintikusok Lapia,Vol. 16 ~N p. 72-74, 16 D 1060 p 3 figs., 3 tabs. The unsaturated component of UnH caters s Uraled I aloic or furnaric acid. Detarminatio no linkages f YF la may take place by the decomposition a d hydrolysis of the. Polyester. The purpose of the -present investigation was to find a suitable method of saponificatio ng T4 a way of doterynini the ethylene linkages by bromine chloride standard solution and analyzing maleic and funiaric, acids by ans of polarog. me rapby. The saponification of the polyester resin was carried T&OR out at room temperature by a 20%oxcess of 0.53--NN then the excess alkali was titrated in the presence of phenol. plithaloin indicator with 0.5--N HCl, The neutral wlution':~ was evaporated to dryneas in a diah and the residue dissolved in distilled water; this solution was used for the determination of the double bonds. It is known that the bromate and bromide ions react in the presence of hydrochloric acid quantitatively to give bromine chloride:BrOi + 2Br- + + SCl- + 6 H+ - 3 BrCl + 3 1r,O which can be added to ad organic compounds, A bromine chloride solution unsaturat, d for date ining the number of the double bonds was use rM also in saponified unsaturated- polyesters The maleate and fum4rato contents of unsaturated pol~catar condensates were analyzed by polarography proving tha:s the number of, double bonds was in good qgreement with the results of the chloride addition omin b , r e KATONA, Zoltnn; SZ!.,.[,',SKO. Janos,_, ~ Pulse measurement by electronic method. Meres automat 12 no.4/5-.151-155, 162 164. 1. nDICOR Works. Increasing the f7eparating capacity of rectifying columns. M;-tgy lkeri lap 15 m,8:362-36'h, Aj~ '40. 1. DLL-,,.-ti Vasmu SZMICSEK, Sandor., levelezo aspirans Application of foam colur-m in the Thylox type desulfurizatiox plant. Veszprem vegyip egy kozl 7 no-3:271-280 163. 1. Factory Unit of Coke Chemiotry, Danubian Ironworks. 2 3 30 7 .4/6 i;,)'/001/001/00-7 A22 !/A 126- Gn---tSman, Arldrzel; Szmld, Z-ofla, and '~zudek, coke, o`aL~d cy nap-t,-I-ha7ina rlyro2ys's, for X-2-ay -111veZ.,Igat-lor, 01. groaphl-tiza.'-on at!-litv F r -z Chem�czny, v- 4o, r-c. i, T EX Tl-,e alim of ~~h's rei~ear~-h was to f-L-A ou-1, wne~,hez* a-rv depr~ndenc~y citwper. ocn-dl*,lcrs of cc-4e. prapara*11on and its graph-l-z.1zatic-, abili-ty ,ttrid the pyrolyr-is tsmper-at---ra- ct' 1~200 0C can b& reduaAd without deterlo-a- ..!on o' ~-okq and graphite propertits, he r s par-. o" this resear--,h is tne Pr-ofess-or B. Bur-as' work (Flef, 1-4 B. Buras;- Sc.T,!5 Experiments Mat~-rlal KorLf=-rar,,l-jII GenA-w,=k.*ej lq~,-, -Paper 943) Tta was --ar-ric-d o~-- .1M a --~eran-c P-,L,,- of 55 mm Jr-ernal dlla:meter, hea-ed in n'11--azi --a-blde o--ven- Thr~~ ---cke --Pormed zet-,led i-nsid-e th-e- pipe. lh~ py-_Lly~.'s w-~3 ca!-:ied cu" a. 8~,-O C?0-3 i 000, !,1-00 and 1,200 0C. The graph-1--lza- I , ) y - ticn wa-z --arri-ed c.;'--. !;- a A,2he~~-On tvc~ latljra~---ry rez,.S-~RnZe OVEn wll~,h Scua:-- -ed L-i Sanples of, -cke in cosed car',--cr, cru~~.ftlez wer-e p'a~ tl m-'dd, e of ~h--~- oven, 7h~- ~~-rnperatur=- wa~- mea5i--ed means of an op-,-2a-, pyromele- 23307 P,614/6 !/04( )/00 I'A')03/007 X---y of coke ... A 2 2 1 1A i -2 6 wawu~ ~arrlea a-. i.400, ', 70-0 and 1,900 for f(~ur hours each 6, i 9 - resis'an~-e drops rapidly -'m~ a~d 'Inally fcv th-'r~ hciars -a'. 2,20-0 ~-Iec4rl- ~y 0, - da,'-InS interis~z dega5lf'-a"on below 1,n 11, &.ut stab-ilIzes a- highe'r tempera- 00 1 . I - X-ray "xarr..Ina-,~Ion wa-z carrllcd cY-"- I wder. me--.~-od, ~,'-Le VEM Dy 1'ns P3 r.--, Peny~--Scncrrer camera of 57-74 mm difam~-'.~r and colim-~t-orS with of 0,5 or. 0.8 nT. d1tunete.- and radialaor, C-LOY. Frepavallons were . ^_1 -Ing czf" ecke o~ I made r-v arr-f; 1 cr st. - greipn`-~ lln*.,,,~ a fine powder w.1-h Canada ca~SaM b~ndlr~g ag(irn% Shap4=;: 1*1 into reed'as o-~ OA tc 0,6 ffm For ea~-h :--ke Zample and eam roastlr_lz phc,-,-,grapms wsra take- prepa-raLicns 01,4, OAI-55, 0.5- and 0,6 mrr, thick. Thud! obt-ained X-ray photo- graph-s w-z--rF~ exam-ned. by 15s~vlt~-,-mad5 mi,oro-pnotometer MF-2, Fo-r comparison, sElm)I-e-3 m.-ade of hIS!,.-grade Swed1zh and one made from Romanlaz. cok-e were exam.'-n--d. Altogether 51 sa-mc-les ware exam!ned. On the basis of these at the conol-asion -that :fte temperature at in-vestig-atims the authors arrived wn-!~h pyrolysis -,.s carried out does not af-fect the deg-ree of graphit'.zation, prov--ded -, the pc--,'.,,-d of, graphl-,iZatlon Is long encugh. Basic pkysico-chem.'aa-1 provertles of pyrcly~Io cokes (cartonation index, coMtent of volat~le,,4, real res'LE-tance a:--d r,5acti'v1",y) do change In relasim --to iCefrperatuz~e ~;alned cy ccke, no matter whether it 1z astained dur'n e pyrolysis or, during Card 213 X-ray invelztiga-tion of coke 23307 ~A41/61/040/00 !/,n,03/007 A2211AI26 subsevent roas"Ing; only tn- coke porosity and its appare.714.- density depend on ... - I the pyroly,;ia temperature, which --xer-zs also a decisive inf"Djence or, coke -utput du-.Ing -the thermal. decompoEiition. `Lhere are 1 phcto, 2 figures, 5 I.ables and 6 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOC! A`2'73.1j, Politechnika Sl~ska (Polytechnical institute) in Gliwice, instytut B;' dap J drowjch (Nuclear Research Institute) in Warsaw and the Zakiady E14trod Weg-lowych (Caxton Edectrcdes Fiaztt) in Racl- borz, _.F_T1, May 27, 1960 rd i/.j 4r 2661o P/014/61/040/002-/OO3/004 A221/A126 AUTHORS.- Grossman, Andrzej, Szmid, Zofia, and Szudek, Maria TITLE: X-ray examination of the graphitization ability of cokes obtained through pyrolysis of benzene and its chloroderivatives PERIODICAL. Przemysl Chemiczny, v. 40, no. 2, 1961, 105 - 108 TEXT: The authors decomposed benzene and its chlorine compounds by a pyro- lytic process.and examined the cokes thus obtained for their graphitization pro- perties. The reason of this investigation was to confirm the findings of R. E. Franklin [Ref. 5:' Acta Cryst., 4, 253 (1951); Ref. 6: Pron. Roy. Soc. (London), A209, 196 (1951); Ref. 7; Brennstoff-Chem,, 34., 359 (1953)], who was of-the opi- nion that in organic compounds rich in_hydrogen some hydrogen remains in carboni- zation products and later fosters the process of their graphitization. On the other hand, coke obtained from substances containing little hydrogen and rich of oxygen, are reluctant in forming graphite. For their experiments the authors used benzene, chlorobenzene, meta-dicb-lorobenzene, 1, 2, 4 trichlorobenzene and hexa- chlorobenzene. For pyrolysis and graphitization, they used the same apparatus which were used earlier for similar experiments, described in PrzemysT Chemiczny Card 1/ 4 2661o P/014/61/040/002/003/004 X-ray examination of the graphitization ability of... A221/A126 [Ref. 10: A. Grossman, Z. Szmid, M. Szudek, Przem. Chem., 40, (1961)]. In all in- stances described in this article the pyrolysis was carried out at the tempera- ture of 1,100 C. Solid products of pyrolysis were hard coke, soft coke and soot. Hard cokes were examined in a similar way as described in the report from previous investigations. It was found-..that the amount of chlorine in raw materials influ- ences not only the amount of coke produced, but its properties as well. Coke dens- ity diminishes as the content of chlorine increases, but at the same time elec- trical resistance of the coke Increases. Pyrolytic cokes, partly graphitized cokes and graphites were examined by the Debey-Scherrer powder method, using X-ray VEM apparatus and the Phoenix lamp, cameras for powder-method examination and collima- tors with a round aperture of 0.5 and 0.8 mm in diameter, CUK06radiation at 45 kv and 14 - 16 ma. Samples for X-ray examination were prepared-either by scraping the needles from graphite or shaping them from carefully powdered graphite mixed with Canada balsam. For investigation two series of independently prepared cokes were used. In the first series cokes prepared from benzene, chlorobenzene, m- dichlorobenzene, 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene and hexachlorobenzene were examined. They were the products of pyrolytic roasting in a laboratory oven at 1,400, 1,700 and 1,9000C, and in an industrial oven at about 2,2000C. In the second series, the products of hexachlorobenzene pyrolysis and the products of roasting at 1,9000C card 2/4 266io P/ol4/61/o4o/oo2/003/004 X-ray examination of the graphitization ability of ... A221/A126 were not examined. Tne roasting time of II-nd series of samples was several times longer than that of I-st serles of samples and, consequently, their Braphitization was much better. Tne higher the roasting temperature was, the more pronounced and narrower -were the hnes on X-ray photographs. Having examined the X-ray photograms, the authors arrived at the following conclusions: No relation between -the degree of graphitization and the substratum can be confirmed. Cbkes from C6H6I C6H 5cl, and COLIP12 graphitize easier, while with cokes from C6H3Cl3 this process is slower and weaker. There was no coke formed as a result of roasting the products of C6C16 pyrolysis. The valuation of coke properties and results of X-ray examina- +-ion, confirm in principle the role of hydrogen during the process of pyrolysis, in conformity with the interpretation suggested by Franklin (Refs. 5, 6, 7). Only if there is enough hydrogen in the substratum, the coke formed "is composed of car- bon and hydrogen, otherwise graphitization prograsses slowly and some remaining chlorine changes its electrical resistance. The authors express their thanks to Professor B, Buras for help and critical remarks and to Professor I. G. Campbell for suggesting the investigation. There are 4 tables, 2 photos, 2 figures and 10 referencea~ 2 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc., The references to the most recent English-language gublications read as follows:,C. R. Kinney, R. 0. Nunn, P. L_ Walker jr, Ind. Eng, Chem,, 49, 880 (1957); C. R. Kinney, Studies of Producing car-j 3/4 26610 P/014/61/040/0W003/004 X-ray examination of the graphitization ability of... A221/A126 iraphi+.izable Carbons, Proc. Conf. on Carbon,University of Bufallo (1956). BECEIVM .- May 27~ 1960 ASSOCIATIONz Polireclinika 81,1ska (Silesian Polytec1mical Institute) Gliwice, Instytut Badaft .14drowych (Institute of Nuclear Research) Warsaw, and Zaklad Elektrod W?glowych (carbon Electrodes Plant)-in Raciborz Card 4/4 SZMID, Zofia; SZARWIS, Stanislaw X-ray obser7ation of Al-single crystals under fast neutron bombardment. Nukloonika 8 no.6:385-390 163. 1. Institute of Nuclear Reoearch, Ularszawa-Swierk, Department of 1hiclear Physics. KARDASZLIWICZ, Jerzy; S2,TIIDEL, Wlodzimier7, Feeding and velocity control of the main drive of rolling mills. Problemy proj hut maszyn 12 no. 2: 49-53 F 164. 1. Biprohut, Gliwice (for Kardaszewic4 . 2. Elektromontaz, Warszawa (for Szmidel). SNIDER, J.; SZYWIKOWSKII J. The high pressure heliu7.-xerzon gas scintillation counter as a fast neutron ener- and spin Dolari2ation nnnlyzer. 0J - Inst fiz jadr report no. 266:1-12 1103 1. Insty-tut Fizyki Jadrowej, Krakow. IIILUODITIC2-1-1"SKI Ii.1- S,`-~I-il-- Polarization of neut--c-.E -'r t 2, a- r,) Ha reaction for deuteron energies betwee-a ~:.9 --nd 11.3' IMeV. Inst fiz jadr report no. 262:1-10 16-j 1. Instytut Fizyki jadrowej, Yx a Ik u, i SZ1,1IDT, A. A few rernarks on the possibilities of increasing the natural resittance of forests. P4 57 SYIXAN. (Wydzial Nauk Rolniczych i Lesnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Polskie Towarzystwo Le3ne) Warszawa., Poland (Journal on forestry issued by the Section of Agricultural aid Forestry ScienCe5y Polish Acadenq of Sciences; and the Polish Society of For-3stry; with English and Russian summaries. Includes supplements; Biuletyn Instybutu Badawczego Lesnictwap bulletin of the Forest Research Institute; Brulletyn Instytutu TeclNo-To-gli Drewna2 bulletin of the Institute of Wood TeclNo-Logy; Przeglad BokwaentacyFy- Drzc4mictwa, documentation of the Institute of W 3od Teelm-ology; and Prezeglad Dokume-n17acy ny Lesnictwa, documentation of the Forest ',tesearch Institute. Monthly) Vol. 101, no. ?., Feb 1957 Monthly List oC East European Accessions Index (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8. no. 6. June 1959 Unci/ __~~ZMIDT,A, MICP-AL.KSI, J. observations on some methods of fighting BjjjLoXha A&. p. 55 SYlWAN. (Wydzial Nauk Rolniczych i Lesnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk i Polskie Towarzystwo Lesne) Warszawa, Poland Vol. 101, nb. 7, July 1957 Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EHAI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. SZ-,!IDT, ALFRED. W.ykorzystanie Dahlbominus fuscipennis Zett. (Chalcididaej Hym.) do zwalczania borecznikow (Diprioninae, Fym.) Poznan, Poland. Panstwowe Wydai-m. Naukowe, 1959, 55P. Monthly List of European Accessions (EUI) LC,Vol. 8, no. 7, JulY 1959 1 Uncl. SZHIDT. Alfred. U-~If Otservations on Tritneptis klugi (Ratz.) (Hym., Pteromalidae) with regard to their usefulness in biological pest control. Prace nauk roln i lesn 15 no.2:201-208 163. 1. Katedra Ochrony Lasu, Wyzsza Szkola Rolnicza, Poznan. Alfred (Poznan) SaIIDT I Chemical and biological methods of plant protection. Wazech- Mat no. 2:33-35 F 164. SZMTPI,8-0~~Iaw Trends in the education of architecta in the US. Architektura Pol no.101-391-396 161. SZMIDT, E. SZII= a Eo-p BYRSKII E.: "Some Remarks Concerning-Slab.1-Lignesite-Compound Floors" P-104. kPrzeglad budowlanyjy Vol. 25., no. 3, Mar. 1953, Warszawa) East European Vol. 3 2 NO. 2 SO: Monthly List of IXQWA=a Accessions, /Library of Congressj, Februar7, 1954 IM, Uncl. 'DZ"--7,DT, Ti. UY ocriodicals: %,!.:I;',`~,~"Igf',~~'C) 'Jol. 71 no. 6, june 1958 S -"' I , I UF , "" .ReSLA~S ~~f iivcsbigatio-io cm L'ic aelieAve- ness of co-.crete tuo the corc-5. for mclr~ing hollozs pref;brlcaLed concrete elenents. p. 12 1io-othly Ust of East European i1ccessions LC Vol. 8, no. 5 IQY 1959, unclass. SZMIDT, F. Difficulties of planning in the repair of railroad buildings and installations. P. 40. (PRZ79,LAD KOL-wJO',-,[Y DROGO1,,1Y) (Warszawa, Poland) Vol. 10, no. 2, Feb. 1958 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (E~IAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 32R~qu-i,, F. Review o~ me s taken in view of adaptin.- railroad buidInIO's and installations to the su--~-mer~ine tra-'-'ic. P. 101. FRZIER.,'~D .'*OIEJOTJIf Y,.O',C.'.Tv. (~-4y:j:avrnict,~,!a 'Kom-unikacyjne) Islarszawa, Poland. Vol. 10, no. 5, I-lay 1958. Mlonthdy List of East European Accessions (EF.-AI), LC, Vol. 8, n~~. 13, Auq. 10,59. Uncl. sjazek.,.-mgr.inz. SZMIDT, Fr~,n On the problem of taking overthe realization of some investment tasks by the Road Service. Przegl kolej drog 14no.5:90-91 my 162 S Z: ll-LfflV 1--o o"' deba'ua about the Lmrov~-ment of the org ni-eaticn of production. P. S7',--T.C. I f7 I,' (Cejjtrlij _ne Zarzady Pr-zer~,rslu i Cerardc-me-o oriz II au:o--.lic-'fe-;:;hnic 7-ni~ insym-erow i Teclmikmi-i Przerqyslu Cheri-cmego) '.,Tar--a-.:a, Poland. 1j,)1.63 no.12, Dec. 1~555. o-,onthly 1~1-t of East 7,,m,r:,,)ean Accessions (M."d) LC3 Vol.0) no.1, jan. 1959. i SZMIDT, K Mamals of New Guinq-., Wszechawiat no,11:292-293 N '62, SZMIJJT, K.; ZAK) T.; DALLOS, Kalman [translator] . Fine surface processing by the Roto-Finish method. Gepgyartastechli 2 no.12:470-472 D 162. SZMIDT, Kazimierz (Gdansk) Petroleum prospecting in the k-ustralian part of New Guinea. Czasop geograf 33 no.4':493 162. Fo.---e a ocauT-r r 'u, w-hee &t;-L Ing kols; ing . . -1 I'l [i.e. 16.1 nn.61181-185 Je "-4 SZMODITS, K,, Doctor of Technical Sciences Investigation of rectangular plates,and gridworks on the basis of different boundary conditions. Acta techn Hung 48 no. 1/2:23-29 164. 1. Institute of Building Sciences, Budapest. S Z!,F DT J, 11- -qdNMWMMWMW~ The work performance of brakes 4-In freezing temperattres. P. 301 (Przeglad Kolejowy Mechaniczny Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1956, Warszavap Poland) :,.Ionthly Index of EastEuropean Accessions (FFAI) I.C. Vol. 7~ no. 2, Febrtiai:~y 1958 SZ-11-IDT, K.; T. Principles of braking. a train* pa 109- _ZEIT ~ 1) 1,' -IT---J0T.-:Y 1 1 1,,t ,q C - 17 - 1,1anzawa~ Poland) j,14 'j- C Z~ MC . ~ y. Vol. 9, Jqo. 11, kpr. 1957 ( I ; 4 ions (E!!~IL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1957. Uncl. SO: Lonthly List of T,aC. Mropean Access KI; G. DA-KO brske control valves. p. 118. Warszawa, Poland, iol. 10, no. 4, Apr.. 1958. t Monthly List of East European Accessions (LEAI), LC, Vol, 3, no. 9, Sep ember, 1959. Uncl. Ka imierz inz,; WASIIEWSK19 Gracjan.9 mgr inz. Electropneumatically controlled brakes on the railroads in the U.S.S.R. Przegl kolej mechan 13 no*2:43-44., 53-05 F 161, SMIDT., Kazimierz, r~E inz. Oerlikon brakes on the rolling stock of the Follish State Railroads. Przegl kolej mechanik ~3 no.6:173-177 Je 161. t-- SZMIDT, Kazimierz Brakes of freight cars marked SS. Przegl kolej mechan 13 no.2:45-47 F 163. 1. Centralny ~arzad Wagonow, Warszawa. SZ14IDT., Kazimiera - - 71- momm rwlolo :~ '- -, ,oad.traction on embined brakes, Przegl kolej mechan 16 Cl.e-t, 151 no-o3-.83-8-5-Mr. 163. 1. Centralny Zarzad Wagonow, WarszawpL. SZMIDT, Kazimierz Brake releases, their importance and use. Przegl kolej mechan 16 [i.e.15) no, 7:199-203 J1 163. 1. Centralny Zarzad Wagonow, Warszawa. 30U6 66.087 :66IX5 Szmidt K. Polarographle Methad of Determinlitz the Coexistence In Wa- of Lead an(] Chlorde lons- 11 'id a! I I a"n I I ):a: w a ri~ rik6w - s pot i s t n i en i a ~onow r - lk' !-7:'-Vi)N4Ch Wtl(jn~('h !Pr'lCe G1 I i1st polarographic exp,~rimenl were carried out, at a temperature Q~er 1-ad njtr;;t~ at i COacentration of from 10-** !-~ !U-f' 1 56 N, 4r, ~~Aut~. n~ -in',moniurn chlf)ridF. potassium, :o and hydrochloric acid u; --n-itration.; of from 10-:- 7.34 ,0-1' : 2~2 N Curves wert ~ , "., the .!i;Uqcr a-, an aid to ;ning entraHOU., of con. ru~ r, .-.i-i~h .3pdiin~nts of lead and t if:x qa!ls of le.ld F.1-vvilni,Ie Thu kiithor also how e tn,-c graph!. pr,ctlcal purposes. Ile deals. Ver. with info., nce of acid: - .:i th-- precipiLation of sediments, aws attei, to 1 2 likely octto i-ent i- A super-satur-ated solutions. $7MIDT, k. o' Palazagi;aab"eter with di- ..Tination of nick I in steel phenylglyoxime. R- Szmidt. Prace Insf. Mech. 3. NO. 8. 1-50953).-Ni was de'd. in steel on a Cambridge polaro- graph operating on 3 v. Mercury drop electrode was used in all detns. Ni soIns. were titrated with a 0.04 to 0.05% soln. of diphenylglyoxime in a mixt of 60% EtOH and 40% MeOll. Dissolve the sample in little concd- IICI and a few drops of rlNOI. Neutralize ,Hth concd. NT14011, add a little'0.2NNH,Cl, and dil. toadefiuitevol. Alixandfilter to remove the Fe(OH)I. Place 2-3 nil. in the polarograph container to which a fewdropsof I%jclatia solit. wasadded. The sensitivity of the galvanometer was adjusted to permit the measurements to be made in the range from. -0.4 to -1.4 v. M. 0. 1101?3~;~ _7 7 3325 06:mm GG-083. Szmtdt K., ko!.mko Z., ljias7kow~:ka z. rreparailob, by Mrans.of_lien 1110-Purity 'Walet for Sp,-C];,.l PurpohV9. ,,Vrzygotuwanie wady 6 wyqo1dcj czyrWet dr, mf6m spC',-.;ajnjrh metAidq junitow.1", (Pracq Init- Muchan. No. D), Warrzavra, 19A MVT, 16 plj,., It! fig3., 5 Labs. Result. of laboratayy expel-IMentl c"Irried Out W1,11 a view tn oWining a state- of high purity. The following ton exchangc- reSLIS were used for this jitirpose.- Frearbo 291 - u cation exchnnfw resin made, in Pola-nd (Z -, 0.-626- invaligm); an anion exchange m!n 'A" of American origin (Z =.3-222 mvollr in); and a Germaw. jon c~ychange resin -- Wofatit MD U 2. 18 mattgm). A set of tanks wzL derir;rjed far derninerallsing =Wr. This included a tank- to coitaln miNedlon exchange resins, The purity .)f the water obt~ainetl and the low rust of water puri!1cation proved the.rational nature of 1his Vink system. It was established that the dry residue, after the watez, purified J, A11P 7 - /1,' '0 r0 p J). by Mleahs id be~ driven oft, Was entirifi from mineral matter, though It revealed infinit-e-shrial traces of orpai,c cornpound3 containing nitrogen and emanating from the part)aj extra. 11,011 Of U111011 eXChOnge TOSInS. No rctcrence has bem found In either fonMr,ii or Polish sclenLe tranpactions as to the pre-wnce of such residual 0,~-po"-jt or hovy to eliminate It. More sallsfoctory miults in dern!nera- watcr can, under prevalling circurnslantes, br; o4talned by u9jill, A combiwition inixture of Escarbo and Wofailt, NID Ion exchange subs- Lincv~z than by usinq an Es~carbo -md anion exchzinre resin.,,A" Combi- natioll. C01'rect Chalce at il-oll exch.,Iloge resing -- particularly an Ik4t xcellent rlsultS n tile Pu- (!xchange substances - is likely to pro(IlIce m I lifivaip;rl of witer intended for special Thcst~ Nyould be In na rcjtp(~,- infurior, and In fact 5uperlor. ti redistilkA water preparCd it' t1w Liboratory. ~Iuti&ns coni~jrong nickel at narmal I F~optt:,zed by mear,; of ammonium.. Pe3uits !J1-11 0 '25 p'T ~-'It cf "ick-el ~howud 25 per !jtt -e1 ~t, -ct;tt, it ,i~ r~-~w-uni by fc~rciw hydr-~. u! nick ii'r.ilss,n, with zift alc~,Jioll: zolu- :t-i ~.:e it f.;r s ~f r.~ckel; 2j opfx)rtzimlty for qu~ffl- '71i 't-n of -J kc! 2r: . ~n !he -al, ulati-:tn can '.Ii wi:toul h N. g ,5Z M I utow MeCAMiK 1953, ,K). MM~ f- 0, M~-v 6 polarographic method of dater- mining nickel in steels aMW a-diphenyteyoxime was tested. For steals in which the nitkel content was above 0 - 25%. the results obtairi9d wets withip 3 - SGI of those obtained by thw 'o usual gravirnstric method. The procedure is d.escribed.-v-0- SM.-LDT, Konrad /-P-r-e-p-mratl-o-n--of high-parity water ~y the ion-exchai3ge d ~ d h Chemical Abstracts Inet o . Konra S midt, ZtWslaw Krilanko and 7*11a. -ft- 7r k R May 25, 1954 isz ows race "r. Alenranikz 3, -Inv;Tt-igation of 3 com. ion-e-xchanga r 'ini ;E~Carbo -'ArI Water, Sewage;and (Poland), Anionite "A" (U.S.A.), and 1~'ofattt MD (Ccr- e: S it ti many) on.their ability to produce high-parity %vater-front ' - a on an ~ distd. wa ter showed: (1) the dry residue afterevapti. of the water treated with all 3 producti conuined no mincral.sub- stances and only in significant anits. of org. NT conjpd-3. de- rived ;Ipparently from the anionitc: (21) a inixt. of Dw-arbu ')97 and Wofatit MD seemed to perform better thau the mixt. of Escarbo and Anionite; (3) use of ion exchangem L, satisfactory for production of high-purity twiter whi,~h impuritios 111:111 dolIbIL. di-Atf, lv'~Itvr, Poland/ADalytiCal Chemistry - Analysis of Inorganic Substances, G-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Mlimiya, No 19, 1956, 61844 Author: Lzmidt, K- Institution: None Title: Amperometric Determination of Nickel in Steel by Means of Diphenyl- glyoxime Original Periodical: Amperometryczne miareczkowanie niklu w stalach za pomoca dwufenylo- glioksymu, Pracs. Inst. mech., 1953, No 8, 1-5; Polish; Russian and French resume's Abstract: There has been worked out a method of amperometric titration of am- moniacal solutions containing Ni at concentrations 0.00160-o.ooo45 N, by means of 0.0021 M alcoholic solution of diphenylglyoxime (I). Discrepancies between the described and the classical method axe of -3%. For steel containing >0.25% Wi an analogous discrepancy has been found (,v3.3%); with lesser content Ni discrepancy is greater which is due to occlusion of N12+ by Fe(OH)3 . Advantage of the Card 1/2 Poland/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Electro- chemical Manufacturing. Electrodeposition. Chemical Sources of Electrical Current, 1-8 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur Ehimiya, No 19, 1956, 62204 Author: a~ ~; Kolanko, Zdzislaw; Latoszek, Jan Institution: None Title: Regeneration of Nickel Electrolytes Original Periodical: Regeneracja zuzytych niklawych kapieli galwanicznych, Prace inst. mech., 1955, 5, No 15, 36-40; Polish; Russian and French resumSs Abstract: For the regeneration of contaminated Ni-electrolytes it is recom- mended to treat them with 0.7 N NH40H to a pH 6.6; this removes all the impurities except 0.012% Zn which does not interfere with sub- sequent use. Further treatment of the solution by passing it over sulfonated coal permits to remove considerable amounts of NH4+ and Cl-, but the amount of ZD2-~remains almost unchanged. Further al- kalinization of the solution to pH 6.85 removes almost all of the Card 1/2