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Ban r 11) j C, ui- Ol 14 0 2 r -1 Ak P,A. A! I -lj,-. i-or. Ins t" of Ba st Cr,-wpa Th ~ . Z.- -nt: ~Ya t a e e Effect of Pata0z3ium ULL" ic t r xv P t0 1, 0 fthe Hemp Yield. Aprobiolnglya, 1957, 1110-6 82-86 C 0 n al la C t e (11 P-ivld and Vegetation experiments by the Ail-Urti,on Scien'tilric Research :fn2t!- tate ef bwa,t Crops have shown that , Kin t,er.- 6if ies the groil-th and speods. tip. tiie develop- mt of hemp. * The duration of the period me 'rem. the 3-leaf pa~-r --taZe "o tlowering I zs the budding periods The ve-gatation per-jocl with NPK 1-3 tin the wtO,)le reduced by 11-1b days i- wl th NP -And by 16-25 days in compar-'son with unfertil- C, -11 t i va t*~ dI a Y ized grotutd. The gap betwee-n the tau le an Id female hemp' plants' ripening ar. ahortened. The niale arW female hemp requirements A r. po tas s i uw nutrition vary. Wilth an absence, of X the yield:from the niale Plant -is IoNewred y 62-64% from the fajaale by. 33-41%. Tha. mile d-emanda an intensified.potaasium. diet frow the very beginn,ing ol;' veg4tatin-n, the femalc:~Plant Only during-L-vdiding;. reduced zont 0-ats to ent durine, the period from sh 4-he 3 C; ut a t C. d X, 1 ants In ya 0 j~_' o R T 'Jez'f pa.-Ir Stages Increased tk~e product Lvity o f the f-ernale -P.Iant. ~ Ade-ficiancy of R:is m-spe- Cte~:.Ily m.-trVed :bi -the pre--4enct-':6f*,z%n abundance of N~ oupplonentary application Or'K durilig the Vegetation p"riod incomplestety eliminates, ~stllrlting of growth and retardation r.-I':develap,- a 3. e --D.13. e i, tn thf m.. bem p, p.1 a nt ro v )SR Cultdva'u*ed P ents. rlam,~i f,,-).v Teclmiical Use, -Su'i-'ar Plants. V;& Join': Ref ""'lur-' !01, .1958, Yo i6, 73054 .-~0017'ract 11 'om,9 applJed In r.,olution. Repetitio-r-6 were B-12 rold. B.:~~'o--e the beginning of the lij-Tt -3-rge, ~eimjp nee6s a strong supply of P and moderate onc of N, A ,4'Umong supply of P In the. beginning stage.6 o f ~-evelo~---mertj checks the harmf ul inf luence of abi n - ~a-At- Al Fror.,i t'.-~- budding phaL36, hem.9 ne---. -- mucl, 1-1. `2ne ea.:,lier N iL~ qpni-Lp-(2 in `L:Ii(:*~ lipgEtat4-cn tha the ee:~d f o rmat t- D'i .,,h,-i-.h o3aur2, With lcte Pppii-at-Jon of 1;, th- for.riation of seedF: U is d-~Iayel. ~-.nd tii-I harve-St of corimon hemp riecrea,--ed, and nacy-ease in N. dosage in the beginning of development weakens the intensity of fiber ac- oumulation, A. 1,01. Smirnov, Card 2/2 100 YUR(;HkKg IoTa., kand. toldm, nauk; ZAKHA-ROV, V.P.; SAZHZO, V.P.; Rwx=V, v In IC7--- T~ f-I . rT.levM S/63 60/OOO/OOi/oo6/oI4 B117XB147 AUTHORS: Baraboshkin, A. N., Sazhnov, V. K. ----------- TITLE: Behavior of vanadium-oxide.- carbon anodes in:electrolysis of chloride melts SOUECE: Elektrokhimiya rasplavlennykh solevykh i tverdykh elektrolitov, no. 1, 1960, 43-47 TEXT: The dissolution of~vanadium-oxide carbon anodes in chloride melts was studied. Anodes were made of pure vanadium pentoxide,mixed with cobLltar in benzene medium. After benzene evaporation,,.cylindtical electrodes were molded from the dry mixture at 1.0 - 1.5 tons/cm2 pressure..' They were. annealed below a carbon layer, the annealing temperature being slowly 0 (1000.;/hr) raised -to 800 C. Vanadium pentoxide.was reduced to*ltrioxide. The carbon content of the individual batches.varied between:12.5 and 29.8yo and their weight by volume var .ied between 1.6 and 2.1 19/CM2.. The, electrolysis of oxide carbon anodes was studied in a pyrex glass vessel Card 1/3 S16311601000100110061014 Behavior of vanadium-oxide carbon B117/3147 at 680+100C. An equimolar mixture of sodium and potassiumIchlorides.was I used as electrolyte. Pure nitrogen was passed through the apparatus, and thus an inert medium for transferring the anodic gases.was obtained. At the beginning of electrolysis dissolution took place with formation of 3+ V ions only. Tetravalent vanadium seems to.form as soon as the anode potential approaches the potential of chlorine,separation. This corresponds to data by Laitinen (Ref. 12, see below). 'Summaryt It was shown that oxide - carbon anodes during electrolysis dissolved in the'chloride melt to 3+ 4+ form V and V ions, i. e., ions zithou-t-6xygen. The.electrolytes obtained can be used for producing metallic vanadium. The-authors obtained a vanadium - lead alloy (64A V) by means of electrolysis. The deposit showed a widely ramified, steel-gray, dendritic structure. The laboratoriya, elektrokhimii Urallskogo filial AN SSSR (Laboratory of Electrochemistry of. the Ural Branch AS USSR) is mentioned, where the behavior of thorium, beryllium, titaniium, and calcium-oxide - carbon anodes duringelectrolysis of chloride melts was studied in detail. There are 2 figures, 2 tables,, and 12 references; 9 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The reference to the English Card 2/3 M&SHIN, A.R.;- SkZEMV, V.Ta.j ANDRXM. P., red.;LUKASHEVICH, V., [Reinforced concrete and local buildIng materials in rural construction; experience of the Voros~ilov Cklectiv'e Yarm in the BazerWy Karabulak District] ZhelezobAom i,mestaye stroitellnyo materialy v eellskom stroitelistve; opyt kolkbosa im.Voroebilova Bazarno-Karabulakskogo r-na. [Saratov] Baratovskoe knishnoe izd-vo, 1957. 93 P. (MIRL 11:12) (Reinforced concrete construction) 41851 .9/263/62/000/006/004/015 ~I008/I2018 AUTHOR: SSO iMF1 .4 iP OS laV TITLE; 'A VeMote air-velocity motor PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, otdellnyy vypusk, 32* Izmer itel naya takhnika,.no.6,, 1962, '54, abstract.32,06o204P, (CZech. patent class 42o,1T, jo.94928, April 15, 1960) TEXT: Tho device consist3 of an anemometer suspended from a uni-. -vorsal joint. The suspension is designed to register. thenumberof the anemometerby means of a chopping element, while the changes in t1he position.of the yok-es of the universal ' Joint with respect to some fixed reference position are recorded by aresistance trans- ducer. The electric wires are led outside by means of aspecial connecting element. The chopping element consists of the axle of. the anenometer connected to a circular plate, in the guide of Ythich a small ball, held in place by another stationary plate, is rolling. An electric contact inserted In the moving plate is connected to the anemometer's axle,, wh1le the contact in the stationary plate Card 1/2 S/26-3/62/000/006/004/015 IOOB/1208 A distant air-velocity meter Is connected to a battery T e connecting 61ament is constructed lh in a similar, way, but In it the point contacts are replaced by ring contacts; small balls roll on these rings, thue ensuring,lindepend- ently of the position of the yokes, ofthe universal joint, a per- manent contact. As a rosistance transducer serves a coil of metal- lic wire, on which a small ring, connected to one of the yokes of the universal joint, slides. As the position of the yoke alters,, the position of the small ring alters aswell, and-thus alters the resistance of the coil. There are 6 figures. Abstracterts note: Complete translation Card 2/2 JEBAVY, Zdenek; RARTOS2 Vladimir~ NERAD, Vladimir; SKATJNIC) Vladimir; FIMA, Bohumil; KGLARKOT,', Mga;,,SAZROU Vera- HRAWKY, Mikpllas. Analysis of salivary secretion and eome the saliva in relation to age. Sborn, ved..prac. lek. fak. Karlovo univ. (Hrad. Kral.) 6 no.5:supPlt6O9-6l8 163 1. Stomatologicka klinika (prednosta: prof. MUDr. L.Saz=aC$c.); I. Interni klinika (prednosta., prof. MUDr F.Cernik) a'Il. in- terni klinika (prednostat prof. MUDr. V, lurkovia) Karlova Universita v Hraddi Kralove* BLIZNYUKOV., Yuriy Nikolayevich; BOCHKAREVp Vladimir Ivanovich; BURACHKOVSKIY, Vladimir Vladimirovich; GIBPMKH, Lazar' IsaakoVich; DUBROVSKIY, Viktor Fedorovich; ISMAILOV, Sady1ch Ismail-ogly; SAZOIIENKO, Petr Alekseyevich; WTIalov, Arseniy Sergeyevich; -SYRGI-IYATflIEUV,--Y-ev-~-ei-ffy Serjeyevich; SUSLEITITIKOV, Nikolay Mikhaylovicla; KAYESHKOVA, S.M.,:ved, red.; TROF-IMOV, A.V., tekhn. red, [Practice of innovators in drilling and exploiting oil wells] upyt novatorov bureniia i ekspluatatsii neftiarykh skvazhin. Moskva, Gos. naucbno-tekbn. izd-vo.neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 6Tp. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnoye byuro promyshlennykh normativov po truda. (Oil well drilling) (Automatic control) (Oil fields-Equipment andsupplies) ~fuT SOV/137-58-8-16858 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 91 (USSR) AUTHOR: Sazonenko, V.P TITLE: Rationalization of Grooves on 330 and 280 Merchant Mills with the Purpose of Increasing Output Capacity (Rats ionali zatsiya kalibrovok na rnelkosortnykh stanakh 330, 280 s tsel'yu povy- sheniya proizvoditel'nosti) PERIODICAL: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. o-v a chernoyrnetallu .rgii. Ukr. res'p. pravl-, 1957. Vol Z, pp 138-145 ABSTRACT: A description is provided of the rationalization, of groovings, (G) of 330 and 280 merchant mills, the result of which was a pronounced increase in thel.output. capacity of these mills. The new G for the. rolling of.symmetrical. and asymmetrical angles, channels, and flanged rings e Invisage the rolling (R) of these shapes in 5 passes instead of 7 with the old G. - Under these conditions, the strip is passed through each stand only once in-, stead of.2-3 times with the old G., In the new, 6 for angle sec- tio.ns, an edging pas s is provided in the I st. stand, to make it possible to control the width of the ingot delivered to the 2nd Card 1/2 stand and to.mechanize the delivery of.the ingot to the following SOV/137-58-8-16858 Rationalization of Grooves on 330 and Z80 Merchant Mills (cont.) groove by rneans of screw-type pull guides and repeaters. Reduction in the number of passes in the R of Nr 5 channel was accomplished by using an original slitting pass on the 450 roughin stand.. This pass was built so that 9 a rectangular billet wedges into it across its width. Instead of the usual slit- ting rib it has a broad rib with 2 cutting edges. Thistype of slitting pass has good bite, produces less reduction of flange cross-section, and, despite the wedging effect, results in absolutely negligible processing in width. The sec-. o,nd channeling groove in the'R sequence is also built on the principle of lat- eral wedging of the strip, and this facilitates lengthening of the flanges. The q subsequent grooves are standard. The use of the new G for Nr 5 channels doubled the output. of the mill. The reduction in the time required to R a single strip resulted in an increase in R temperature, and this reduced energy consumption and,almost totally eliminated breakage, of rolls,..wob-, blers, and collars. The G of window-frame section Nr 2, a shallow channel measuring 55xZ5x4x3 mm, was improved in the same way. The G of flanged ring Nr 7-03, and that of the roughing lines of the 280 and 330 mills were irri proved in the same way. S-G. 1. Steel-Processing 2. Rolling mills--O;etdt~ion 3. Rolling mills-Performance Card 2/2 Iml KHIZHWAK, P.A.: SAZONIK, Kh-V. How the treatment of soil with emulsified leather oil affects the causative organisms of potato wart. Zashch.rast.ot.vred.i bol. 4 no-3:49 MY-Je '59- NIRA 13-.14) 1. Direktor stanteii po raku kay-tofelya Vaouoyuznogo nauchno- issledovateYakogo instituta, g.Chernovtsy (for Khizhiiyak). 2. Zaveduyu- shchly otdelom toksikologii Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo inatituta zashchity rasteniy, g.Chernovtsy (for Sazonik). (Potato wart) LIPSITS, D.V., kand.biolog.nauk; KHIZRNYAK, P.A., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; 41 GUREVICH, Abram Natanovich; PLATONOV, Tevgeniy Veniaminovich; inzhoner, redaktor; YMINA, G.F., tekhatcheaki3r [Increasing the power of the TE 2 diesel.locomotivqj Fovysbenie moshchnosti teplovoza T12. Moskva, Gos.transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1956. 58 P. (Moscow. VsesoiuzmV1 nauchno-iseledovatellskii institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trucly-, no.117). (MLRA 9:10) (Diesel locomotives) Vtr ABAKUV,OVSKIY, D.D., inzh.; VIKWAN, Yu.L., inzh.; VODOVOZOV,A.I.,inzh.,- ZORIII.R.P.,inzh.; IGNATCHENKO,Ye.A.,inzh.; LITIIjSKIY,I-,.E.~inzh.,- SAZONPV-,A.I-.-y4nzh-, PRITULA,V.A., inzh.,; FOI,'12,KOVS.A..,inzh.; ,,inzh.; SAFOZIfl-'IKOV,N.X.,inzh,; M)MUK) A.I., inzh ~R~KICTiOYN,L.I. I YA14KELEV,L.F.,inzh.; BASHILOV,FI.M.,,otv. red.; LATINSKIY,M.E.,, red.; POLOS111A., A.S., [Handbook for buidlers and assemblers of the petroleum industr7] Spravochnik stroitelia-montazhuika neftianoi.promyshlennosti. Mo- skva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1946-1250 po (MIRA 15:4) 1. Aussia(1923- U.S.S.11.,%Narodnyv komissariat neftyanoy pror7sh- lennosti. Glavnoye uprvvleniye.-2. Tiarodnyy komissariat neftyanoy promysb-lennosti SSSR (for all except Ba.5hilov, Latinskiy,.Polosina).' (Petroleum ind-dstry) SOVIM23-48568 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal Elektrotekhnika,1959,~Nr 23, P 183, (USSR) AUTHORS. Bobrovnikov; M.S.P.J& "onov A.I., Starovoytova, R.P., TITLE - Excitation of Osci liat ons With aFringe Radiation in In- finitely Long Wire and Mane PERIODICAL: Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta, 1958, Nr 36,,PP 381 388 ABSTRACT: A diffractional method of proposed on a model consisting of an infinitely long hollow-conductor ex- cited by two ringshaped slots fed from inside. At a distance between the slots equal to 271-1 (2n+ 1), 2~ where 1 is the half-distance between the slots,.a.fringe radia- tion only with a lobe diagram will be observed. A formula for. the magnetic,component of the field is derived. Also in-this .Card 1/2 case there is a lobe radiation diagram. Methods of measurement ---------------- 06543 90) 24(3) AUTHOR: -A I. Sazonov TITLE: Measuring Slow Fluctuations:of the Arrival Angles of. Centimeter Waves PERIODICAL: iotekhnika Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh.zavedeniy, Rad , , , , 1959,.Vol 29 Nr 2, pp 252-253 (USSR), ABSTRACT: Theauthor describes a phasom etric method,. of measur- ing slow fluctuations of the'arrival angles, which does not require bulky antenna reflectors.and multir, channel,receiv.ers, Figure 1 shows a.block diagram of: There are threeI paraboloids the measuring equipment. . :with 52 cm opening s,-spaced vertically at.distances of 1.5 m. Further a calibrated electrical,phas6 shif ter, a receiverg.a synchroscope and a cut.-ou~ switch are used. The.latter,disconnects any of the three paraboloidso: The paraboloid antenna system is rotat-, ed around its axis, whereby the phase shift is measur- ed. The authorldiscusses some of the possible errorso for example the ground reflection.. Other errors may ,.Card 1/2 be caused by the type of equipment used. The author in a- i -Miwo. i - 81121 q-00 0 ~S/142/6o/ooO/01/015/022. E34O/E335 AUTHOR: Sazonov, A.I. TITLE: The Effect of~Ultrarefractive Layers on the Magnitude of the Angle of Radio Refractione PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykli zavedeniy, Radl-o,t eklinika, 1960, Nr 1, pp 117 119 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Mcasurements were carried out of-the slow variations of refractive angle in,the formation of surface and elevated ducts over wooded broken terrain. - The experiments ifere carried out in.1956 and 19571using the signal reflected from a passive reflector at an elevation of,72 at a distance of 19.2 km from thetransmitter on wavelength 5.2 cm. The measuring equipment has been described in Ref 2. Detailed discussions of the meteorological conditions on t-wo.dates (August,16, 1956 and April 12, 1958) and the. duct-propagatlo%conditions existing on those,dates,�s presented. The author considers that surface ducts,ax-e determined by thelocal weather while elevated ducts,are mainly'determined by the meteorologicalconditions of Moving air masses. At elevation angle,71 the angle of radio refraction in LX Cardl/2 81121 The Effect of Ultra-refractive,Layers onE18/eNainitude of the Angle of Radio Refraction individual cases of duct propagation exceeds the value of the true elevation angle by a factor 0f,3- Deviations of refractive angle have smooth,character and dur ations. from 15 min to 1 hour for the surface ducts and has an oscillating character for elevated ducts. The variations of magnitude and sign of the refractive angle are In good agreement with the variations conditions on the tract and may possibly be used for radio methods.of weather analysis. There are 4 figures and 3 Soviet referencoes. SUBMITTED: March 2, 1959, initially April 2, 1959, after revision. Card 2/2 .86802 __ '?'~060 /000/003/017/017 S/14 2/60 q'9 810 E192/E482 AUTHORS: and Kolosov, A.V.:, Sazongy-, TITLE: mall Calculation of the A ngle of Radio Refraction at . Elevation Angles PERIODICAL: Izv es tiya vysshikh uche bIny1ch zavedeniyo Radiotekhnika, . 0, No 196 -3:,, pp.409-412 TEXT: The -refraction error at small elevation angles can'be determined as (Ref.6) a 2 -ier w `1 e 4a. s the angle of full refraction which is equal to the- difference between the incidence angle (p at the point -of., 2 observation andthe incidence angle ~pj_ at~the point where the object is s ituated. Consequently, for determining the refraction: error it is necessary toknow the change of the angular ~coefficient of the normalto the phase front during the propagation of radio waves in a non-Homog~eneous medium or the trajectory of a ray. The equation for, the trajectory is in the. form (Ref.5 ) Card 1/4. 86802 S/142/60/000/003/017/017 E192/E482 Calculation. of' the Angle of Radio Refraction at Small Elevation Angl s e 3 W / y COS P 1 Ea (B) where y, is the z enit h angle. ~By solving Eq.(2) for y Y, and y 0, it is , possible to determine tan cpl and tan (P2 The, - difference of the tangents of. (p, and 92 is then determined ands , the final formula for a is Ys + Y19(yd -(5) Eq. 2 2d' (2E + rAe Eq , :(C d 2 (C) ,card 3/4 u 24384 sli 4 2/6o/084& 510111015 Ei 2 /-B 3 8 2 AUTLOAS:. Sazonov, A. I. and Stetsenko, O.A. TITLE: Dependence of the Radio Refraction Angle on :the Wavelength During Formation of Elevated Tropo-. spheric Waveguides, PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol. 3, No. 5, PP. 515-5;L6 TEXT; Investigation of the radiowave refraction ongle in -the troposphere is'of importance in the determination of the, errors of the positions of targets in. space. The angle of flection e was determined by the methods of geometrical r optics in a number of works (Ref. Shabel'nilcov I - A.V. Radiotekhnlka 1 elektronika. 1956, Vol. 1, No. 3 277: Rcf. 2 - D.M. Vysokovskiy - do- p. 274 and Ref. 3 V. Fannin- and K. Dzhen - Voprozy radiolokatsioaroy tekhniki, 1957,,, Vol. 5, No. 41, p. 164) In this work, the solution of.the wave equation with e-profiles approximated by the non- symmetrical Mpstein- model is used for determining the, 3. dependence of the refraction angle on the wavelength. and the Card 1/6 24384 S/142/60/003/005 /011/015 Dependence of the .... E192/E-382 ameters of the elevated waveguide provided that the ar p position angles of the target:are small and that,tlie target- is situated in the centre of the waveguide-or above it. 'It is known. that during an inclined incidence of:an electromagnetic wave onto the layer urhose permittivity as a function of he;Lght is given by V e 5 (Z)'= SI + (2, 7j7- + 23 I . +e the expression for the retracted ifave is in the form (Ref.:41 P.S. Epstein - Pxroc. of the NatioAal Ac ademy. of, 5 ej enc cs6 1930, Vol. 16, No. 10, p. 627):, E,,p e'kPx + kazis (I + ekzvs d F, (a + b + d, a-b + 2a + 1. e-Alts). (2) where kz/s., s being a pt-rameter:,trhich expresses the thickness of the layer in X/2'rr units. n q. Card 2/6. 8/058/6 1/000,A00t.5/055/063 AOOIIA101 '7' 9'~ A !E~HOR - 3azcxiov, ~M er, An .nvestagatlion of radio wave ref ra:Zticn in tha at osphere low !avers at~ Zmall eleva-tion angle -0 'C 5 Uch. ER L AL- RA-ferativnyy zhurnal,, Plz-lka, no, 6. 1961 392, abstract 6Zh 21 P za.p. TGm5kiy un-t", 1960, no, .36, 79 - 81) =1 g The observed values of refraction angle are compared with the resul-b3 of calculating -the refraction integral for 15 parabollc,M profiles. Deviations-.6f experlmenl:,all values frcm calculated ones do not exceed the a-ammary err-ore of radio meas the foll ing conc-LU- and urementE. The calculations warrant OW sicna? 1) at small elevation angles, the magnitude and, sign of refraction angie uniquely derend on the altituds distrIbuti-on of refraction index. This r-ircum- sta,nae can be used fCIr a radio- engiriee ring method of. probing refrac-,icn properties cf -,he trsposphere !owe-r- layere; 2) a satisfactory agreement between experimental valuez- of refraction angle and calcul%-~Iozs based on the concepts of geometrical op'..'es was cl-tained rn a 19.2-km long route at small al '.Atudes of the Itarget and re~aetvirig antenna,, LAbstrao-'er' a Cc-mplete translaticnJ Card 1/1 KUZAKOVA, M.V.,kandidat meditainakikh nauk; SAZOITOV, A.M. Anatomical basis for cutting out calf muscle;f1aps for grafts in chronic oateom3relitlis. Vest. khir. 76 no.11:55-60 '55 (MLRA 9:4) 1. Iz kafed37 operativnoy khirurgii (sav.-professor A.P. Hadein) laningradskogo instituta usover.shonstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirov&. (OSTROKMITIS, surg. muscle flap transpl. to bone lesions) (MUSCLIS, transpl. in ostsomyslitis, flap transpl. to bone lesions) (TRAITSPIAWATIONS muso. flaps, to bone lesions in osteomyelitia) Ab CIRCHULIN, dots. (LeningrAd, Nevskiy Dr., 22/24, kv. 161); SAZONOV, A.M.; MASIDV' S.I. Pancreatic necrosis following splenectomy Ewith summary in English]. Vest. khir. 80 no.2:72-77 F 158. (MIRA, 11:3) 1. Is 1-y kafedry' khirurgii (i.o.zav.-dotsent A.S.Chechulln) i, kAfed--y operstivnoy khirurgii (zav.--orof. A.P.Nadein) Leningrndskogo gosuct.qrstvennogo ordena Lenina institu ta usovershenstvovpniyA vrachey im. S-M.Kirova. (SPLEEN, surg. excis. in portal hypertension, -postop. pnnereps :nSCr6BiS (RUB) (PANCREAS, gangrene, after splenectomy. in portal hypertension (Rus)' (PORTAL HYPFMANSION, surg.. splenectomy, postop. -nnnerens necrosis, (RuB) 'd era! Experizenta-' da4-a on col-onary-caroti -,erf'usion in gen moderate hl~Tother-mia. Eksp-r. hhir. i anest. 9 ,io.3:EO-82 ;,y -Je 18-3) 1. torakall.noy k-hir;irgii i anEsLez"ologii (7av. 'prof. Gadzh-iye--,,'J LeningradskoGo insLit-Lita dlya usoversi enszvc- vanj.,,-a vl-ac-ev . 1. EWT(l) L 9210-AA AP4022751 XrC NKt SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/65/007,1009/2877/2879~-- ~4 q AUTHOR: Grigorf.yev, S. B.; S4~on&._A. M. yt, V~ ORG: Lenimad Electrical Engineerbk . rn~titute-ji J. 1. -61 1~ah6v (1~enin) (,L,enin- gradskly elektrotekhniche-skiy institut): TITLE: Effect of ultrasonic excitation on nuclear. magnetization: in. a paramagne c material SOURCE:- Fizika tverdogo tela~:, v,:: 7, no.. 196.5,-2877-2879 Ll I 47 TOPIC,TAGS: theoretic physics, nuclear. ma&etic', i;i6"nce-:,para-magne.tic material ultrasonic effect derived for the tot nuclear mi W:.o AM 'ABSTRACT: ~An equation is al ainetizatio f.a it ume in a paramagnetic material taking account of population changes in enerii4:4ub;w_1_ levels due to the effect of acoustic oscillations..~A general solution of this equa_~ tion shows that the intensity of.,the nuclear -magnetic res.onancelsignal, which is proportional to nuclear magnetization, decreasesexponentially after,acoustidpunp-,~_:., Ing Is starteds approaching equilibrium. Ori . art. has.- 7. formulas. 9 SUB CODE: 20/, SUBM DATE: l0Mar65/ ORIG REF: 0021 .-OTH IMF: 005 -Card GRAMMAKOV) A.G.; OVCHINNIKOV~ A.K.; LY9BAVIN, Tu*P.; OVGHMIKOV, V.M.,,, S/058/62/000/008/025/134 A061/A101 AUTHOR: Sazonov, A. M. TITLE: Backscattering of gamma radiation PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 196~~, 58, abstract 8B420 (Izv. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta, 1961, no. 46, 328,-- 334) TEXT: Investigation results are preSented-concerning the backscattering in-,~, tensity of gamma radiation as a function of the atomic number ofthe scatterer,. 01 Cs137 zn65, co6O gamma-ray sources and and the energy of primary radiation. C Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Cd, Pd graphite scatterers were used The results obtained presented graphically. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] vk/ Card 1/1 Off L 1923 -AS EWT(l) UP cvAF~L/XSD(' jWCESSION NRt AR4045043 S16275/64/6&~OV63&035 SOMEs Ref. sh. Elaktronika 1, a primoneniyo~, Svodny4y ton,, Abe.'Mo% YGY AUTHORi Salzonov, A. M. TIMs Aoiiiods for stabilizing, magnetic fields CITED SOURCE4. Sb. Geafi-z.' r0 -196 dostoptekhUditt PribP old lq.~.field ~At4biliiatidn': TOM TAOSi magnetic-ri malioo 4 wo-' ea a TRANStATION: High-stability magne'tic''fields: area require- 6r'uta trome re -alp ctramAers -ut4gno magneto-optical intruments, magnetic hi and beta spe a tic- resonance and elect ran-par=aghetic-reSonanco spectrometers, etc. Of tuemn t he use of armanent, magnets is not warranted as they have a high field-strength temperature caefeioien-L and do not produce strong arA controllable fWjA. The I Princisal elements of a current stabilizer arei a reference resistor, a ca. By using trantsistors and Si volta go can be attained. The trani~.S_tors connee hen high power is required, motor genera emperature compensation can bei-ised. 11 or R z" 4: 'L- 19?33- 5~ 6 -ACCESSION :NR s: -AR4045(*3 %; t field stabilizz the -W1 - generator 3. Prom era As he current pass:b 3 3tabnit, 2 to t6e output voliake, the geheratorks must '~ be rder, gb than the requisite stability-of the. magnetid Also the e the- lt ind uced in an exp be directly stabilized by using vo age g a in aagnetic-flux aeasufements or by using the nuclear magnati resonance phenomenon in which the h-f energy of a field modulated by a special sensor placed in the magnet gap is absorbed. Bibliographyi 60.titles. a Yz~t,' f J~ c c 7 rd2h 7~ 2-7-177- W .ACCESSION TIR: AR4036340 ~paramagnetic-resonance spectrometer of the superheterodyne type designed for these purposes. The article includes a block diagram of this spectrometer and* a brief description of the principal peculiarities of the apparatus by which it differs from earlier described instruments of this type. Circuit diagrams are given for the intermediate frequency preamplifier and the automatic tuner of the heterodyne klystron. The designed spectrometer has been used for a study of electron paramagnetic resonance in a number of natural compounds: spinel, corundum, beryl, apatite, sphene, cassiterite, a Ite. The measurements were made at room temperatuFe by use of an electromagnet with a uniform mag- netic.field least 10-4 gauss/cm (the diameter of the pole pieces is 200 mm), which was fed from a current stabilizer with a stability of 10-5. The instrument sensitivity was checked during the measurements using the signal from a standa d specimen of diphenylpicry1hydrazil. The mean sensitivity of the spectrometer was approximately 5110-9 mole'of dipherqlpierylhydrazil. As dn illustration of the results of the measurements the authors cite and,breifly discuss spectral derivative curves of electron*paramagnatic reso-nce in spinel and andradite. A. Frolov. D A T E. ACq: 17Apr64 SUB CODE: AS BI;CL; 00 -Ccr~-2/2 2/2 C ard