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S'VZDA- Auard Eduardovich, Wj, F Academic degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, based on his defense, 26 Dec 55, In the Counci-I of Moscow Order of Lenin Agricultural Acad imeni Timiryazev, of his dissertation entitlt-d: "Ticks on berry crops (their harmfulness, biology, ecological peculiarities and development of system of measures of combat under conditions of non-black earth zone)." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no. 5, 3 Mar 56, Byulleten' W10, S3Sq, No. 2, Jrn 57, i~ascow, pp 17-20, Uncl. JPRS/NY-466 r -7 fl. Inn ;V thfAt F01 irlVllng arler"t-fV1, vrrkf;, pcp-:.LAIr 9cirn- #UIZI tle~At~ookA Lmve I.Aten iliubrlttoed f.-Dr f~-~ inn-le t, ftj r Staltn i'~17ev f07 vi; ill k 4 '4 3 APT -19t. T L tl r 130,40107 "Elements f Fairlinrtf Moscov.? Agricul-tiz-al Academy ) Yarkov, S. P. (textbook) imeni K. A. Ti,--.i.ryazev Chizhevs':!Iy, G. Cherkasov, A. A. Shesta:,.,ov, A. G. Gulyal-in, 1. V. Peterburgs*-iy, A. V. Traitsl-iy, A. N. LUICITM.-Filk, V. I. Salrzdarr, Z. E. Trof~,movich- A. Ya. , K Kudryavtsov, N. Ye. Proniri, A. F. Alek-hin, N. V. Sachli, :3. 11. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5, 1958., 21129 Author : Savzdarg E E Inst Title Ecological and Systematic Characterization of the Fauna of Berry Plant Pests and Peculiarities of Its Formation. Izv. Timiryazevsk.s.-kh. akad. - Crig Pub 1956, No 3, 69-80 Abstract The species composition of pests of berry cultures, mostly insects and ticks) and their changes during the process of berry cultivation, the genesis and geographic distribution of the pests were ey:amined on the basis of the analysis of data collected by the author cluring many years of studies in the Moscow region and of materials from nativeland foreign literature. A characterisation of the pests by systematic groups and feeding peculiari- ties were given. Card 1/1 26 USSR / Gcn.-;ral and 3plicial ZL4001C~Sy- Ins--Cts. F,--, rillf ulP Ins--cts and :.rachnids. P--sts of Fruit and Bjrry cultures. kbs Jour: Rif Ztur-Biol., No 14, 19E8, 64111. C'.uthor Sav Inst Th.- Timiryazov '-gricultural Acadomy. Titl3 IIcans of R-ostoring to H~alth B--%rry Cultivations from in Conn-etion with thair Biological olo:-.ical Pcculiaritl,~s. and IC Orig Pub: Izv. Timiryaz,:;vsk. s.-kh. akad., 1q57, vyp. 1, 5-19. .&bstract: Infestation and favorable feedin:,,- habits of ths u strawberry and the bud currant mites (as dis- tinct from the spider mite) are coordinated to the early development phases of the buds'or Gard 1/3 69 U.9`3R General and Special Zoolcgy. Insects. Harmful P Insects and Arachnids. Pests of Fruit and Berry Cultures. .'-bs Tour: Ref Zhur-Biol., Yo 14, 11358, 64111. abstract: rosettes and leaves. Thesemites react nega- tively to the cell fluid's o&iotic '-,;ressura of faore t, n. cs of de- han 13-14 atm. The dyna i velopment and of reproduct4on of the mites is closely related to the rhythm of seascnal ohan- ges in the plants' growth and physiological .status The mites' reproduction ii-ay be checked and the grade and individ,;al resistance and crop capacity of the plants may be increased by changing the ontogenesis dynaziics and the biochemical -.)rocesses (by trimming, fertiliz- ing, etc.). There has been developed a method of strutting the fruit-bearing secti ,ons of the raspberry Dlants greatly ~.nfested ,,rith the mite, Card 2/3 U-SR '-"eneral and :;pecial Zoology. Ins, cts. 115 rrif L, 1 In,r!ects and -rachnids. Zests of Fruit and Berry ,Ultures. ibs Jour; Ref Zhur-Diol- 111o 14, 6,1111. Lbstract: for a differentiated (depending on the grade, infestation, etc.) system of s-iraying the cur- r- rent -,,lants with ISO /a lime-sulphur infusion7 Z - and for the introduct4- on of fertilizers into the soil. The establishment of.special ovaries and the use of thermochemical ;~isinfestation of currant grafts and strawberry s*,routs "lerm-its tiie growing of healthy st-ock. A. P.":k(~rianov. Card 3/3 70 .--arm- US-.R General and 9pecial ZoOlOiSY, 3 ful Insects and -Nites. Fruit, and Derry Crop bests. kbs dour: Ref Zhur-1.3iol., Yo 1, 1959, 2337, kuthor Oavzdarg, 13, E. Inst Title Cm of BiophenoloCical Jbservatior-s of the Leafroller I L'o t h Crig Pub: Zashchita rast. ot vredit. i bolezney, 1957, No 6, 56. Sbstract: Cellular plates Liade f-Prom two slides or Dlastic nlates with Dasted-on -jartitions were used to. deteridine the Deriods -of emergence of the apple- tree leafroller moth (Carpocapsa pomonella) and for so-me other purposes. The sliaes are dark- ened with cardboard strips, fastened.7?ith threads Card 1/2 U,-),S--L, / General and speciql Zooiogy. Insects. H-n rm- P ful Insects and Mites. I Fruit- and Berry Crop Pests. Abs Tour: Ref 47,.iur-Biol. 1TO 1, 1959, 2337. 'bstract: or rubber bands and placed in a -lass ar v1ith cater-Allars collected by means of tra*.~iping belts. The caterpillars, when kzept in the li~-zht, cravil into the cells in a few hours and pupate there. The plates with,the cater-pillars are kept in small ne- 'Ged bones under conditions, close to natural, or in the garden (they are tied up tothe trunk bases). H1. K'ovaleva. Card 2/2 43 DOBRITIN, V.P., prof.; OLISHiWSKIYE, N.A., akademfk, lektor; YELIN, Ye.Ya., dots.; FATIYANOV, A.S., prof.; GUBAREV, A.N.; TKACFENKO, P.L., dots.; CHIZHEVSKIY, M.G.,, prof.. lektor; AVDON114, N.S.,, prof., lektor; ONUCHAK, A.L, dots.; DUNIN, M.S., prof.) lektor-SAVZPDAUx.- E.E.,__Vrof., lektor; 190~ff-- =-SKIY, N.D., dots., lektor; bM-F-YZOV,. S.F.I dots., lektor; POLUBOYARINOV, I.I., dots.; GUIVMVy A.N., red. izd-va; NATIMOV, K.M.., tel-Im. red. [Textbookon agriculture for party schools)Ucl3ebrioe pooobie po sell- skomu khoziaistvu. dlia partiInykh shkol. Moskva. R.I. (Crop farm- ing] Zemledelie. 1958. 397 p. (MIRA -15:1) 1. Ko=mmusticheskaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vysshaya par- tiynaya shkola. 2. Vysshaya partiynaya shkola pri TSentrallnom ko- mitete Kormunisticheskoy partii Sovetskbgo Soyuza (for Dobrynin, Ollshanskiy, Gubarev, Tkachenkos Chizhe-vskiy., Avdonin., Onuchak, Dunin, Savzdarg, Kremenetskj-y, Averlyanov). 3. Vsesoyuznaya akade- miya. sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im'. V.I.*Lenina (for OllshansIdy). 4. Vysshaya partiynaya shkola pri TSentrallnom komitete Kommunisti- cheskoy partii Ukrainy (for Yelin, Polub arinov). 5. Gorlkovskaya Vysshaya partiyraya shkola. (for Fatlyanov (Agriculture .RATIASHVILI, I.D.; BEY-BIYi=O, G.Ya.; BOGDAlv'OV-KATIKOV, N.N.; GERASIROV, B.A.; GILTAROV, M.S.; DMITRIYKV, G.V.; ZVMZOMB-ZUBOVSKIT, Ye.T.; ZDIIN, L.S.; KOLOBOVA, A.K.; MKDTMV, S.I.; HISHCHINKO. A.I.; PMOV, A.I.; RYABOV, M.A.; SAVZDARG, B.S.; SELIVANOVA, S.N.; SKORIKOVA,,O.A.; TROPKINA, H.P-.--,-S~POSHN3XOV, G.Kh.; SHCHNGOLEV, V.H., prof., doktor sellskokhoz.nauk; ESI!XRBERG, L.K.; YAKHONTOV, V.V.; RZWSKAYA, O.Ye., red.; CHUNAYEVA, Z.V., (GInssification of insects on the basis of damage to crops] Opre- delitell nasekomykh po povrezhdeniiam kullturnykh restenii. Izd.4. perer. i dop. Leningrad, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 607 P. (KW 14:1) (Insects, Injurious and beneficial) (Poland-.r-;ntomology-Periodicals) MIKHAYLOV, A.N.,; SAKULIN~KAYA, M.G.,; GULIKOVA, N.Y., nauchnyy sotrudnik, retsenzent; KACHAT9VA, O.L., nauchnyy sotrudnik, retsenzent; POPOVSKATA, O.M., nauchnyy sotrucInIk, retsenzent; POBETOTA, T.A., nauchnyy sotrudnik, retsenzent; RUMET, T.M., nauchnyy sotrudnik, retsenzent;_~~V~~,,.S.F., nauchnyy sotradnik, retsenzent; USFTA OVA, T.Y., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G., [Agroolimatic reference book on Chuvashia3 Agroklimaticheskii. spravochnik po Chtivashakoi ASSR. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, ig6o. 127 P. (MIRA 13:11) 11 Gorkiy. Gidrometeorologicheakaya observatoriya. 2. TSentralinyy. institut prognozov (for Onlinova, Kachayeva, Popovskays. Pobetova, Rudnev. Snvzdarg). (Cbuvashia--Crops and climate) CIIENTKAYEVA, Ye.A.; SPIRIDONOVA, A. I.; SA=49 .4,f,,,,,jjedaktor; FAVLOVA, N.H.. takhaichaskiy redaktor [Growing potatoes, vegetables, melons ani squashes (demonstration plots); a guidebooicl Kartofelf. oroshchnye i bakhchevys kulitury (uchastok eksponatnykh posadok i posevov); puteyoditell. Moskva, Gos., izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 23 P. (MURA 9:11) 1. Moscow, Vseaoyu7.nava Beliskokhozyaystvannaya vystavka, 1954- (Vegetable growing) (Moscow--Agricultural exhibitions) CHENYXAYSTA, Ye.A.; SPIRIDOMOVA. A.I.; SAVZDARG V.S., redaktor; PAYWYA, M.M., tekhnichaskiy redaktor [Potatoes and vegetable and melon crops (exhibit plats); a guidebook] Xertofell, ovoshchnye i bakhchavye kulltur7; uchastok eksponatnykh posadok i posevov. Putevoditell. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo,selkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 23 P. (MISA 10:1) 1. Moscow. Vaes0yu2naya sellskokhozyaystvennaya vystavka. 1954- (Moscow-Tagetable gardening-Exhibitiorm)' ZOTSINKO, L.N., kaadidat sellskokhozyaystvannykh nauk, redaktor; SAVZDARG, V.Z., redaktor; ZUBRILIU, Z.P., tekhnicheokiy redaktor LControl of fruit and grape pests and diseases] Zashchita plodov7kh kulltur i vinograda ot vreditelet. i boleznei. Pod red. L.N.Zotsenko. Moskva, Goo. izd-vb Belkhoz. lit-ry. 1956. 239 p. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Vuesoyuznaya akademiya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina. (Fruit trees--Diseases and pests) (Grapes--DiBeases and pests) GORSIIYOV, Ionif Stepanovich; SAVZDARG,_3-,V,_,_,,_ red.; FEDOTOVA,IA.F., tekhn. (Tropical crops) ZYBIN, Vladimir LIvovich; DAVITASRVILI, Kikhoil Danilovich; SAVZDARG, ~.d~,uoz; IIAFIIN~Kl, ZIAgni w; "AUA, iWcja 6ection of Caldila sphin-,tar in the treatment of aechanical jaunf lice, Pol. pr--egl. chir. 35 no.7/8.-778-780 163. 1. Z I Klinild Chlrurgle7mej AM w Lublinie Kf-erownik: prof. dr T. Jacyma-Orrjszkievicz. (JAVINDICE, OBSIRUGTIVE) (IIATERIS AMPULLA) (SURGERYI OMt ATrvD- J rr mm t el ~w 1.1".1 i Pol I'li t v I ek 19 a o 112 157 3-1 2 0 I KlInAl at~j Akademi I MP,-1vc-Z'ro"~ (Kicroto-n-UK, Frof. dr. Tadeaaz 1,UBAIISKA-TOMASZEWSKA, Lookadla; MISSIURO, WILodzimierz, prof. dr.; SAWICKA, AlAcja. The effect of vibration on the histochemical pattern of adrenal glands and cerebral tissues. Acta physiol. Pol. 16 no.2t2O7-217 va-AP 165. 1. Zaklad Fizjologii Pracy Polskiej Akademil Nauk w Whrszawle (Kierownik: prof. dr. V. Missiuro); &klad Fizjologii i Higieny Pracy GIOP w Warszawie (p.o. Kierownika: dr. L. Markiewicz), BRETUMODER, Sotsff1s1w;.!AAA, Jozefa Removal of hydrogen ft1pbIde from deposit water In sulphur mines. Przem chem 39 no.8:502-505 AP.- 160. 1. Katedra Projektowania Technologicznego, Politechnika, Warszawa i Zaklad Fizykochemicznych Pods.taw Technologii, Instytut Chemii Fi5~ycznej, Polska Akademia Vauk, Warsawa Infectious Diseases POLAND .5ARARYN-r--Tomira.;.. Clinic of Infectious Diseases of the Silesian College of Medicine (Klinika Chorob Zakaznych Slaskiej AM) Head (Kierownik) Prof K. SZYMONSKI, MD; Byton. "Bacterial Fecal Flora in Patients with Viral Hepatitis." 'Warsaw, Przeglad Epidemiologiczny, Vol 19, Uo 4, 1965; pp 4+41-444. Abstract CEnglish summary modified]: The bacterial flora of the stool specimens of 20 patients with viral hepatitis and diarrheal gastroenteritis was quite different from that in 30 patients with viral hepatitis but without any enteric or dyspeptic syndrome. Author.suggests that gastroenteric complaints in viral hepatitis are independent of the viral disease. Two tables; I Polish. and 10 Western references. 1/1 SAWAKM. Tadeusz Ganglioneuroma of the mediastimm. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.19: 867-870 11 M47. 59. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirt=gicznej S1. A. IL v Zabrzu; kierownik: doe, dr St. Szyszko. Adres: Zabrze, ul. Chrie-Sklodowskiej 10, KIIn1ka Chirurgiczna. (GANGLIONMMOMA, in inf. & child mediastinal in 11-year old boy (Pol)) (MEDIASTINUM, neoplasms ganglioneuroma in 11-year old boy (Pol)) __L OL791-67 T JK ACC NR, 'Aj-6035149 SOURCE CODE: PO/0081/65/019/002/0192/0193 SAWARYN, ToMiral.-and SIWEKV W claw; Clinic of Infectious Dises .sea o.fSilesian' Acadcmv of Medicine (Klinika Chorob Zakaznych S1. AM), Bytom "Treatment with Encorton of Viral Hepatiti~Lin Diabetic Patients." 'Warsaw, Przeg 2~ Ep jdjemko~2giS:znyj Vol 19, No 2, 1965; p 192-193.! 'Ab5tract- Data from 56 diabetic patients treated for diabetes from 2 to 10 Aais'before the appearance of viral hepatitis; the ages were 30 to 67. In 29 of these patients, Encorten(cortisone?jj' initially 50 mg daily dropping .gradually to 5 mg, at end; every 10 days for 2 days interrupted and replaced with 50 mg of ACTH. Results indicate that steroids offer definito advantages in the treatment of infectious hepatitis in diabetic patients# and that the -'.reputed remissions of diabetes in infectious hepatitis are mainly due to A poor caloric diet during the dyspeptic phases f the disease* Presented .-at the 3Ed Scientific Assembly of Polish EpidZiologists and Infectologists'! Krakm,r, 5-6 Oct 64- 1JFRS1 TOPIC TAGS: hepatitis, endocrine system disease, disease therapeutics,, ACTH, endocrinology SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: none Card Min ALEXANDROW, I.; SIMOWA, Po; SAWfViMWAJ - I A iCL T.K. A.; cylimIrics-1 tannk Effect of o-: '-ai -~:rszaira nyslowep-o) T:rol. r~, no. 1, jan. o. -~~ast Zurr)~-x;an Acclssions Ll-ot o . Septemi:er !956 'tit --Of Adho Its; PK &W e, ng capa -undei -r6fafi6i~ by, Hop ns. and: er 1-13; tl n :extend ~6,oi atropic c sYmnie-t-fid-laii- &-he p , l ,Clr* c ing ra at of Phieg of. SAIKUM, A. Theoretical bases and rethods of apu--, i.cation of elastic waves i--i the technioues of j-nve!;tigatl*,ng materials. P. 17h (INZYNIMIA I Vol. 13, No. 4, April 19C6, Warsaw, ?oland) SO: Ronthly List of East European Accessions (EZAL) LC, Vol.. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1957 Uncl. 83. A., Limit load of Abbed f Struchires fin ! Polis6j ArcF Inz) Ladauej 3. 3. 33 $-3. 0, 195 7. Paper is concern -d with the limit load of a rectangular place with ribs along the periphery and supported on columns at the corners. The kinematical and the statical roach enable the loy determination of the upper and the lower ifteit. This method of determining the relations betteen the dimen-, sions of the plate, the load, And the yLjcA4j~gijA avoids exagget- ated values of the safety factor-higher thin those -assumed in the calculation. The determination of the internat forces in the limit state Is strictly connected with the dimensioning of 3truc- rural elements, assuming that the load-carrying capacitz is tic- hausted (for instance the so-called R!t!!!S deformaticM method in reinforced-concrete structures)i. Some numerical examples il. Justrate the method for calculating the Internal forces, D. Niepostyn, Polxnd POLAND Chemical Technology. Cbemic!)l Products and H-13 Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binding Materials. Concrote. Abs Joux: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 2154. Author Sawczuk- A- -go-T -91 v Inst en. Title The Application of Ultrasonic Impulses As a quality Control of Concrete in Structures. Orig Pub: Inz-ia i budown. 1958, 15, No 1, 11-16 Abstract: A descri-Dtion of the ultrasonic imiulse (USI) method is given as well as that of the equip- ment used and an evaluation of the accuracy of the method. -With the aid of US! it is possible to.determine,.without destroying the se mple, the inner structure of concrete, its quality, homo- genuity and a series of other indicess The Card 1/2 FOL,IND Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H-13 Their Application. Ceramics. Glass. Bind- ing Materials. Concrete. Cabs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 1, 1959, 2154. Abstract: author applied this method for the quality control of concrete in aS;3embled columns, foundation blocks and frames, frame-work con- structions and bridge supports. See Rlso R. Zh. Khim., 1958, 51142. B. Levman. Card 2/2 52 (,/035/59/005/04/004/008 F025/F001 AUTHORS: S. Olszak A. Sa3iczuk TITLE: Limit Analysis and Limi,tDesign of Non-Homogeneous and Orthotropic Structure (Part I: Platesh~e PERIODICAL: Li Hsffeh Hs4eh Pao, 1959, Vol,5, Nr 4, pp 509-324 ABSTRACT: This article is a report written by the authors who are faculty members at Tsang-Hua University They state that a non- homogeneous body can be classified in four.ty s as follows: (1) Elastic & Plastic hcmogeneous bodies , (2r9lastic hcmo- . geneous.and plastic non-homogeneous bodies, (3) Elastic non- homogeneous and plastic homogeneous in nature, (4) Elastic- plastic non-homogeneous. The last item (4) is the 'most common type since its elastic and plastic theories have been success- fully developed. The others can be solved by various assump- tions and imposed limitations. When discussing the application of elastic theory, the authors limit the problem to.the orthotropic and isotropic conditions and then illustrate by the application of iron bars to reinforce concrete structures. Card 1/5 1"he authors.state that there are two fundamental theorems Limit Analysis and Limit Design of Non-Homogeneous and Orthctropic Structure (Part I; Plates) (Cont.). C/053/59/005/04/004/008 F02,3/FWI which govern limit load. The first being the rigid-plastic structure which will not collapse even when internal stress exceeds the allowable load limit. Secondly, the rigid-plastic structure must be broken due to the geometric disposition and behavior of said structure, which means that the allowable load will at least be equal to the limit load. It is obvious that the solution for the problem should satisfy both condi- tions mentioned above. Due to the non-linear differential equation for plasticity it is impossible to solve., therefore, the authors recomended the statics approach method. (As shown in the lst theorem above.) This method is to be used in obtaining a possible solution for the lower load limit which should not be greater than the actual load. The upper load limit can be obtained by the second theorem mentioned above. Therefore, the actual load limit will be selected somewhere between the upper and lower load limits as shown in Equation 1.1. The authors further discuss the application of engineer- ing limit design for different types of plates. (1) Circular Plates- Under symetrical loading conditions the solution can Card 2A be easily determined as stated'in Ref. 6 & 2.5. The Limit Analysis and Limit Design of Non-Homogene ous and Orthotropic Structure (Part I: Plates) (dont.) C/033/59/003/04/C-04/008, F023/FO01 relationship between coefficient (k) and the.bending moments are derived as indicated in the Equations 7.2 - 7.7 and also illustrated in Figures 1-3. The upper and lower load limits are shown in Fig. 4, with both conditions necessary for simple support and fixed ends. (2) Rectangular Plates: The authors state that.from the above theorem the upper limit of the external load is derived in Equations 3.3 & 3.5 and also shown in Fig. 6 (HIef. 23). Table one shows the coefficients for calculating load limits for different boundary conditions on the said plate. The authors also state that an elliptical plate can be transformed unto a circular plate as mentioned in Ref. 11 & 12. (3) Reinforcement Plate Structures: When using the composite structure, consisting of plates, beams or rods, consideration must be given to insure that the structure is a complete unit in order to proceed under plastic deformation conditions as stated in Ref. 27 & 29. The load limit for both plates and rods should have the same value as the Equations 4.2 & 4.5. Figure 9 shows the moment ratio for plates and rods against coefficient load limits for six different Card 3/5 type structures which are illustrated in Fig. 8. The best plate Limit Analysis and Limit Design of Non-Honogeneous and Orthotropic Structure (Part I: Plates) (Cont.) C/033/59/003/04/G.04/008 F02.3/FO01 design is the type -which permits the plate to be clamped by the rods and this is called the "layer" type structure as shown in Fig. 10. (4) Plate Limit Design: The authors state that the desired or minimum iron bar requirement for "layer" type reinforced concrete structures is expressed in Equation 5.1 and also shown in Fig. 11. Table 2 has been provided., which shows the most economic design for this type structure. This table depicts the total sum for unit moments under uniform distributed load conditions for various piate sizes, and also includes the coefficients for breaking loads as indicated by Equations 3.7 - 3.8. Plastic design for non-homogeneous con- ditions are based upon variation, proper plate thickness plus the adequate arrangement of iron bars. External forces and stress yield, as they effect the structure, must be equally balanced. Fig. 12 shows the height of the plates with variations and their load limits. Fig. 13 shows the bearing load intensity in comparison to different ratio of moments for various non-uniform loading conditions. (5) lion-Beam ~Structure: Illustrations indicate this type construction in Fig. 14, also it shows the load limit for different width Card 4/5 Limit Analysis and Limit Design of Non-flomogeneous and Orthotropic Structure (Part I: Plates) (Cont.) C/033/59/003/04/004/008 F023/FOOJ ratios. Fig. 15 illustrates three types af iron bar arrange- ments used in reinforcing concrete structures. The authors recommended Type "C" which gives minimum upper,load limit. Fig. 16 shows load limit for the "layer" type structure which has a central support under the plates. Figure 16 is constructed by using the-Equation 6.3. It indicates that support capacity is a linear function and is dependent upon the width of the support column. The -,rr--ter claims a proper equation derived from the static theory in support of his statement. This article is translAted by Kup Chu-lin ;W) and revised by Chang, Foo-fan ~r)) There are 16 figuxes and 29 references, 16 of which are English while the remainder are Russian. Card 5/5 dunts and Their CATEGOM Clac-micall Tecbnolojrry. Chemical I)rO AnplicLottions. Ceramics. Glass. Binding Materials.* JWR. RZbKhim.) No 19, 1959., NO- 68637 n. Sit"y c 7. uk, A. r r M, 0 11 ir 7. i ~j 4 nv n -01 e of A B3 T f !T T c., ri a 1 -tj T o i ts r7,3,, t-11C "u 29284 E/033/60/012/001/003/008 0 D/21;0/DA02 AUTHOR: Sawczuk, Antoni and R'ychleivski, Jan (Warsaw) TT-CLE: or, yield surfaces for 1-,lastic shells PERIODICAL: Archivium-mecharliki Sto-owanej, V. 12, no. 1, 0-0, 9' 20 -52 1 TEXT: The authors discass the geometry of the hyper-surface-s- in the srace of internal forces representingthe yield condition for ti - e~ticn thin sl---ils, and introduce operations of projectior-and inters in such a spa(;e to help in classifying the yield surfaces, particu- v.,here some of the internal forces b en elimi yin ca7it-~ -ave be nated from, relations. The analysis is based mainly on the Huber ".1ises yeld condition; some results usin- the Coulomb-Tresca condition are also given. Uniform shells are assumed; sandwich shells are discussed as a special case. Orthogonpl co-o-rdinates on the middlc, surface of the shell are denoted by indiceso(,,.te 1., 2). Th-- relations of interest are those between the mom,ents Card 1/5 29284 P103 3/60/0l2/0fJ1/0U,4/G08 On yiel(A surfaces for plastic shells D2 5C /D-3 02 Pnd the membrance forces NA, and the.rates of C11L:_1,-e of the sr-rair~ ~t h ior to p-iastif-a--on of ')I~and the curvatures K.~fi( e contrdbu-" the shear forces being neglected). The relaticn LIving the yielCl surfaces are -similar to those derived by A. A. Ilyushin (Ref. 1- Plastuichnost '[Plastic ity], Gos-uekhizdat, Mosco-,-., 1948) f C, T_ le_- 4 formation of elastic-plastic shells, ard can be in X- r dimensional space of forces (as h%jp = U~,U and, Y_~,p y m e i e s., 11 .4or w hi h four-dimensional space needed.for an axis, 4 -vector N&p = NTO(,,8 0 f o r o(. t h e s t - a ~,a r,, normal to the yield surface Y, assuming the identity of -the Y'Lel.-I hypersurface and the plastic potential surface. If one se.:.-ks three-di-, mensioml representations of the hypersurface Y, one can con-sider tMO ,type Is of surface: First, the intersection of Y with a hyperplane N such as N 0, denoted by YAC 11, -ovhicl-, corresl-:o.--ds to the cond--L- 11 ~, 4.13 N 11 ~ 0~ _), 1J0; secoml the projcction of Y on such a hyper- plane, Y --=PC N11, the boundary of which, denoted by CNil -is a 4 k 4 13 Card 2/5 29284 P/033/60/012/001/003/008 On Yield surfaces for plastic shells D250/D302 projection of' that part of the hypersurface Y on whi6h,li, 11", 0 but "0. In both cases the three-dimensional strain-rate vector is normal to the three-dimensional representation of the yield hyper- surface. The two cases only coincide when the pro-J6cted hyper- surface is symmetricin relation to the hyper-plan&,,,of projection. It is shown that t1)e four possible typesof four-JdYmensional re- presentation, obtbined analo R~ SlMor the general six-dimensional .case using the hyp,erplane C6,4 coincide because of symmetry, so that the four-dimensional representation obtained is unambiguous, and useful in general. This applied -to the sandwich'shell (two sheets of ri id-plastic material a layer carrying the, ,shear forces~, the four-dimensional yield hypersurface Y' for which is obtained, with 11112 =N12=0 and Huber-rAises conditions,Has Card 3/5