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IMAM N' Approved Foelease 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R00040007019478 OGC Has Reviewed , Chief, ;r=rvlices Dranch Office o.;7 thc Counsel rirml.for ,r Ortbilt,geer. 4";overnneot Aoencios 6 Januar,y 19f L.1:1Zaldla a. Yoqr ne-or-:?-nftan conci.rftin the 'Waterer of property from . the Crlanir,Aiono Ooritnlasiol% to the Contrra IntilaiWnce Agency ro,.;vt.fftil thLA fleoliiica be renderOd an to the ,antheritY for . 'tbe trvInsfer al prI:inerty fro to nth without an imehtneo-of funen. Yoar rituest necerearily raises the quention of,a-genc7 stattm ft,t the, tine of the tmnsfer of the tfroperitiy from 5ST1 to .CIG and re- eolres, ir conniiierrAion of CIA at this autttoritea and ultirilato hoWer of rronerty acquired from Other goverment agencies,. 2.::;grij.-m2jaapeil4 of Pp qtr riffs proz_19. jam - / ithoAlh thr decisions generally referred to by you aro' - coricered rore vith the transfer or surplus umea rroperty from one _ recood 4!forirtment to onotter MAI wi(.211 yroperty rocon. calitAlons rcsultin. from executive roorgenizations,-a rontime/of the decirit)ns ist cannietered. b, th regn.rd to your specific olLotttori. you are advigea that therrl ir no 1eazi2. olitdtion to the mereltronofer freiJ one blIreral or . cleirtment of the i;Overnment to another department, of prorerty no lori7cr rofluirvd. for the purposes for uihieh it wall nppropriuted. $: a trn71,sfor is not considered to bo *alio and. is not -open to the ob., jectivt trvitrraLllo property ennnot bo,dibuoeisa ot. vithout the eAthar. ity of Colv;resn. (35 0.1L.C. 245.) The apinioUlatod wan, oorifthet:Ivo' a c()Ilnielorution of the authcwity for tre4efer, and frlootionn or burtke,vint Letsfoon rixiDroilirlations 11400 WA dismal:led. n. Aoubssouent decision aTfords !,more litht on tha OUVatIOA of 1r t.crttet,aona viro77,,rtions arising from the transfer of auppilen or ea,i'Jment no lenr needed by the trdileforor dernetnent. OA e devart- v-;;A ht.i7 e-larner.t vNidh VTIM 40 1onr.r rroluirad, 1,11t 1:hier ? ccraV. Le umei! by rnother de*.rtent. Vot,eadh a trilroaction in ript: sr.,20 Vrlin r$,eof7nised by tho conptrollet of the Trowiturys (25 Colp zet. 9(1). qlen ho held thf.A where oquilnlent in tranorerrvi from pr.* cpyvnlment 4sp4rtcot to anothsr, prsyrieitt to the trcalofavor 4lepart000tt. ? 19 nnt outhorized slace.the not n.eale. :A-he C-,31-,1,4tro4ler -itto Ndle0 VIA, no ritjoAtnont nf apTropriatiens is.reqnired fron the mrrro7IritAions vhch honeW.original eixpsi ,rt7 7mtnomrlinhpA the ,Itirponcs for whielx ?11.35r,./- made, $etai a tra#sfers vithoat aexiltion2s1 eltenno involves a n6re ceiention of. a000untnbilIlk Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070194-8 , , - 1 ? Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070194-8 une: not me nejustvont of e.roprimtione, d.ifovever, in 17 0,.G. 480, the Atttrney C'encralvointe'd - out t tr4n,,fer of .,)rcerty for LAnitietrntive tathotich not u aLie4 tosy inIclvt not only u tranoter-tf prollortys Otistody$ 'Ana w!ounto.-1111ity, tut r. tr=Prer of it from tne upprnorlation:to onother,, c. rf4?oct to rvoIworty traneferelonvolviog Te2.1311.1rectlent1 It cull IA: vt:,tefl V.:Int the trunsfer of poblierlrorerty frotoome 410prt- 1-.16tht to axLothcr, the reln,b14rovinent of .the alr)ronriAtion from whieh, px-Ch%zed by 4 trnasfer of moneys Item the ermo*lation for tIke objet for 1#7,1(1h the .,,iroperty to?be Untel, hts teen; rep0420.144 Ly often aern'Orieral 0.114. potrift_nt-04Priag? ? ftilat ttr441-z", fer Ii nct 11. within the IterzIA ofT5eOttOnyle of,the Aevived ntee? 111A it in .rot rtrM tht io rotleye'recaivoti therefor chll:be coverel. into thr. TrnT 24 ri celluneotia r4ocipts. 73ut rOinburse600' le In0,44e, 11.rt t/J14 coivel terrliA to th6 r.,n7r6rir1v,tione Troy!. which nzonert7v rigtnNlly rurChasea. in ottier lthat stuih: tmnsfore any not te in contravention of !lcotion 3673 of the nev?ea ttnt,lirot,Pos thtt ell ftmas ws-ropriute Ter the Tnrio0.4 1...ranehee of the rublic' service shull be.opplloa solely to'the. objeete. for vhiaA verc rtectively mule. (12 -Donp. Dvm. 604-14 Corp A 641; one', 22 Com.. 1)ec. t19 sulrvrt the fornelin.) f. The f1r'nrer4t1 of thr 70111We ',Irid1113.011 is 4enonstroted by o4 .1.,ct of july 11, 1915, 44 3t4t. 114 .by the Comp. tro:Icr the rEl,t,f,f'Ir7. ilhe Act r,rovidefot interchnnce, without eamronontion therefor, cr nlittr117 ntort, 5.17.41tec4, titd, it verr elliArtuutivr,nc1vt rerl estote okene4 by the Oovornnent, ir hcrolq uthI twn ths,Army nr1 the 1h,.T7?uTlon tho re.:uo,At of thc hee or on 'servteo nnd Ath tho (.,-revi,) of 'Os hca,41 of the other service.? ThiConptrolaer thnt the ,A,ct diJ notLcontemlioto i. tr:;.n5Arv"r17-47 Its nro7ertf to r,nothor acpartnont vhore tht,t, voaW rmt thr. trunsferor dirtnont to the expense of 7)rocartno-other nroperty: to recle thot tri.nrferred.- Lo follovst Ani-Itg-3142 eotitin I .(c) of tic Air? ue Property Act p eteitp as, dili!Ve41 arentv ro$poasible for WY suell 1:a49-..torty shall tra,nofer it to the govermlant agency acluirini- it at the fuir volum of On propertY at fixeJ by the fits7loval ugcnoy? widor ro,salutions Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070194-8 ? 2 ? Approved For lease 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070194-8 rTcon.ribocl by the 2aara. unless trausfor without '- reinb.zrgo,:entof ftuvis is otherwise tuthorized by law." b. 1.t, far ri.tith trnorer or surplus :srolerty betvoet6ovornment aceaciss 7,t,ction 12 (e) or the Act appearstohems. ever- raleu cr r.71.,.c.:1-erder.1 the cited deciuietis.. Cu the ather-hend, Whore the ProPort7 n.t:t. mrplue to late needs or responsibilities of thri CoW1T111:." tt /4.-17, that m trIonsfer nelw be effected under the rintlnIty the aecivlobs se the Attorney,Oongria, eym.411 it zot r) ec.r th,7 trle of trt.E1-1,:fc.r coniglxv,inted WW1 Orit: wilt& wo'lla tl:ses tio:vreirl'bisrisfablO Itovoiveri 1n victir of the tct? rniit in tv.1-coet,linf.T 7,.,4:,rnhn, it ia,ntA.eonmidered noetatiary r rttrt.1.,er ; tie1y, rhth:t* 7;1'47 ert;" &ItCfatlea. wrr fmr-'!ust In rr,c4'. techain21:i f,111-71ut et-tn to executive re.eanit1.141ion. 46Zik 711 re-rininz or the Attrne7 aoneral oithob' uathorit168h.r.11 been ..11!loii ir vol,Intry tr,-Tafors prorerty betw,en Cpvernment 6nvart- Mertu LuCi r,A t:-.nsferro or 11,rolcrt7 comosioncil by I:. trenofc. or functiontn, Ct,;77:ttil1ttes1 cte. clritAn out yutt'e rs07..nition* nr 'FOIAb5 e. rxeeutive order 9621. dated 20 stratedber-3,94541014,14k141 Office of ttrstegie Services, ami,eertein otther600*044.414r*004141. reesrAst ete,* were trzIneferred to tho Seittrotary ettlear*AdNereo aOtrai Services Unit uns oreatea. ry Presidentiol DireetiVeli.detied 22 ilatate*,,. 1946, t4e, 7retl4ent directell the rittposiiiite heads of'Stete*Wer* otot:Iftw to p,w1st in thf, estritIlsh7ent of 'r..Contra Inte11ierne02Group under. Ilor!,ctor cf CentrA :nteingenott, respsustble tt thc114tionftl intelliphee 4A,lathrity. terete, thn !=Alting Ucretnry of Vero by novoran410* date, :1 L7ril 1946. dtrectea the 7irecter or the :';trategie SerVices Unit, te rh,1:11 tttIe nd sorVleea of th StcLServices': ur.1t r114t 1 7er,.Y.1 in the -erforrOnee of an nuthoriTled functien, of r..ertrP1 Intt.enee Oroal. TheriWter, tnA in nceerOvileillrtth perm7rm-;h 5 of -firtctive an4e4. 8 July 1.9404 1.71.crertellps. nlitr, C"'0117.1714,t1, vere transferred by Ithe rtratezic Servicoq 1T4r liernrnt, to Cht :"r_ntri74 titei1iice *o*. Approved For Release 2001/09/03 : elaRDP84-00709R000400070194-8 STATSPEC 410 or e ease 2001/09/03 : CIA-RDP84-00709R000400070194-8 6. ht thy c:Ik,reter or thia transfer wat depon4s to a large olttont on Ill, rtir. of the oeirinr entity. As you mayhairo warniosdi ths ot:A,.112 of rIG 10,1 otrirtly eat jure &gone* NUS occasioned some . . inruiry, t)107th itv ellotenco as a nomtemito entity, vooS4d with iiipparent. tArcaez vilotortotien, bw.:Toe of its reooivina the advelptrzes of group eontr.-ibltion in th!., Corn of 71ra:lerty, personne1, records,.tc., awoomrs . 7,onition i,conniatont with thy r?XConception' of CIG, nine, wollt1 aaLtr to to on fSrn creuna in maintf-iininrt, shaltld thr eltevtio!, !t-tro, tt cir wv,1 !loreho1.tnit.).ctivity fron the 0100, huxine: boon oroat vt .7:4tenautlord .111:e4,10 terminzAbdo rt hich mime, it to zr aren't 'ChM 1.12 the -1)911er..41en or 410 ve114 hgtve reverted tO the owninr f-;.74,5)1rys FOIAb5 5. 4:r.a.(71.x.isali. L.'L.t. in the tInfliiri3tw10,1n.;7 of tlilt1 offid0 Vtat a reconaliation Or . rat. 1n7entory htlo not been pohlered drnele the t-,r1m.toor TIM the mbsence of watisfacto .rimleletet;nor$: ittvaTto Noir in 111-1-.44 rIn inventory, taken by CIO en or ulc..ut I vcr 19146e vill ronset the TCC invontory as of the time of traagrer to of th,T. rt int, C.Ite to itateritoninr Withdravols and roplenielvlcnt uf rtookA t7 717,0 thin crileo pet otoiNtott ne 10gal objection t icr (7."--ncylont of T.trtr,nri:,' rocelytt 'by CIA en the aoSTArption t-Ttthiery rerron.t711!-Aion? or other opliropriote administrative r.r cfrectufl en :7-, eont!loiant.vith the orprennions con,. t.0 1e,1 horc!rr STATINTL LtL1-::i1T.17.7,, 1.-iwr,-wzi Geller:1a Counrel Approved For Release 2001W9/$01: CIA-RDP84-00709R600400070194-8