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ACCESSION, MR: A.114014947 S/0271/63/000/012/B050/'0056 SOURCE: RZh. Avt., tel...i.vy*ohisl. tekhnika,.Abs. 12B325 AUTHORs,~ Ofengenden, R.G.; Savchenkop Is L".1 Rozentall, 0,. Mal Shalefto, U. As TITLEt Devices and olements of two-dimensional pulse analyzers CITED SOURCE: Tr. 5-y Nauchno-takhn. konferentsii po yadern. radioelektronike. T.'~2. Ch. 2. M., Gosatomizdat, 1963, 108-114. TOPIC TAGS: pulse analyzer,tv~o-dimensional pulse analyzer, computer circuit TRA'NSLATION: The authors describe indiv-idual standard circuits with semiconductor triodes and memory units with magnetic druns which are employed in 2-di-monsionall pulse analyzers. 'Eno standard circuits, which include tN7o.types of saturated triggers 7,ri'th actuation frequencies of 250-kc and 2 mc,,and pulse amplieiers using standard cells vrith a 46 x 91 mm printed'eircuit chassis are used in constructing ,the conversion circuits of triggerreeisters. The dasoribed magnetic druas contain 4, 12, or 70 recording tracks, employ ferrite magnetic heads, and rotate at the rate,of 12,000 rpm, Six illustrations* Bibliography YrIth orw titloo. 1.,V. Card 2/2 ACC NR, AP6022000 SOURCE CODE: VAND96 1660[003 7 81 AUTHOR: Ofengenden, R. C.;_$Avclleqkq,,,,)L._At;,Sbaleyko,-M. A. ORG: Physics Institute, AN UkrSSR, Kiev (Inatitut,fiziki AN UkrSSR) TITLE: A high speed periodic memory-unit with simultaneous reading. and recording SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnilra eksperimenta, no. 3, 1966, 77-81 TOPIC TAGS: computerstoragedevice, magnetic drum, computer component, circuit design ABSTRACT! A high-speed magnetic drum memory unit is-described in which reading and recording operations are performed simultaneously from two different addresses. .,The shift between reading and recording addresses is equal to 16 discrete digits over the surface of the drum (80 msec). The period of'the mem ory unit is.5 msec (12000 rpm). The number of tracks is 78, of which 3 are synchronizing, 64 are operating, 6 are de- signed for dynamic data storage, and the remaining tracks are used for the selection. of stored data. Twin.heads with,equal:spacings between the leading slots are mounted on 72 tracks. A twin head represents two heads, i.e., a reproducing head and a re- - cording head. The spacing between the leading head slots is 4.198 mm. The heads are isolated thus permitting simultaneous reading and recording operations. The ne mm) of the drum is chosenso that a total'of 1024 binary digits~can be, ,,~ers(100 oirer its surface. 'Puls ce e-amplifiers assure the.formation of short gating p c5i~~'d UDe:' 681.142965 C /2 YURIYEV9 V.N., otarshly teklmolog; SAVCIMIKO, I.T., starshiy teplotekhnik SA1,T171,14KO -rigadAr YURGILEINKO, V.I., red. b [Path toward,a world record; our erperience in mastering the use of coal plm4s) Futt:k mi-rovomu rekordu; nash opyt osvoeniia ugollnogo struga.,Rostov-na-Donu, Rostovskoe knizhiloe izd-vo, 1965. 25 P. 18;8) 1. Strtigovaya lava N'o.1006 shakht7 "Yu-,,h--naya No.111 kombimta Rostomagoll (for savchep-~O). IOANNISYAN, A.I., prof.; GORINOV, A.V., prof.; AKIMOV, V.I., lmnd.tekhn. nauk; KANTOR, LI.. kand.tekhn.nauk; KONLRATCHOKO, A,,'r,, kand. tekhn.nauk; ~kand.tekhn.nauk; TTIRBIN,, I.V., kand. tekhn.nauk; VLASOV, D.I., inzh., red.; XHITROV, P.A., [Problems in the planning of railroads with electric tind diesel traction] Voprosy proektirovaniia zheleznykh dorog s elektri- cheskoi i teplovoznoi tiagoi.. Moskva, Goe.transp.zhel-dor.izd-vo 1959. 255 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Gorinov). (Railroad engineering) DOROCHEIMD, M.G.; SHOKILER, M.Ya.; SAVCHRIKO, Kh.; POTUPIN, A.M. Our methods for welding and transporting long rail longths. ,Putl i put.khoz. 4 no.11:20-23 N l6o.: OUU 13:12) 1. Nachallnik RSP-16, st.-Dablyany-Lyashki, I'vovskoy' dorogi (for Dorochenko). 2. Priyemshchik, at. Lub17any7IqaShki, Livovskoy dorogi (for Shmukler). 3. G]Avnyy inzh.slu*zb7 pati, g. LIvov (for Savchenko). 4. Starshiy' inzh.aluzhby puti, g. LIvov (for Potupin). (Railroads-Rails) "Some Questions of Nonclassical Celestial "echanics and Cosmogony" Sb. Matem. Otd. Fiz.-Matem. Fak.-ta. Odessk. un-ta, Vol 5, 1953, 51/1-11+7 The author examines several questions of:thetheory of motion of bodies with variable masses and the theory of motion of t~e theory.of motion in a re- sistant medium. These questions are of Importance in cosmogony. The at3M author considers a special case of.the variable wass three body problem and shows that the lagrange solution exists if the mass (it ratio of the components of the system remains constant. He considers the two body problem in a resistant medium. Appluing these concepts to the theory of motion of the asteroids, he coMes to the conclusion that the asteriods were for-med after the planets. (RZh1-!6k4_, No 9, 1955), (INDUSTRIAL E1YGIElEl) SAVCEMTKO, L.P. Helminth invasion in the etiology and course of epilepsy in childreZ6 Med. paraz. i Daraz. bol. 27 no.4:414-419 il-Ag 158. (KIRA 12:2) 1. Iz Instituta malyarii i meditsinskoy parazitologii Hinisterstva. zdravookhraneniya RSYSR (dir. - institute, - prof. S.M. Pokrovskiy) i klini- ki nervnykh bolezney i neyrokhirurgii Rostovskogo-na-Donu meditsinskogo instituta (zav. - klinikoy.- prof. V.A. Nikollskiy). (EPILM-43SY, in infant and child, caused by helminth infect. (Rus)) (HELMINTH 11MECTIONS, in inf. & child, causing epilepsy (Rus)) USSR/Cultivatcd Plaits Fruits., Dcrri(~s. Abs Jour ~,c Q--,ur, -Dial., Y,-,)9 -1c'506 Author Lmina, I.VS, Savchamlzo, L.;~. Inst Kuban *.,~-icultwal Istitix,',c -of the Ramvanl 6f Sprauts on thc.TLUE 3- Title T'he Influence tr, OriL; I-Iub S-0. "MCIIII. rabot. Kifbansko s. -1 Id, ~ili-t)'1956 (19,57)) VYI)f 73-75. Abstract The r=-val of sprouts strawberrics ClarinG* c -wria,21 o,- frilit, be--rinr, contributed t-o `die Gro-w-th'of s1infos mull la to the fcrzntion of a L~:cat numbar of "little 1-0 I t1he "Stepilaya" variety Vac aimber, of "hearts" LicreascOL fro,m 3.1" to 8.5 per 3'irub. Ia whlc IAmmt Kabcani" j--riety it iacreasad f1ran 2.7 uv ta 4.9, and in the No 1C9-6 -~ra- rictuy, -Lt went up from 3.5 to 6-3. Card 1/2 LOSEV, David Platonovich; POLISAR, Grigor-iy Leyzerovich; FILI'MGN(AI,. Yuriy Polikerpovicli; AFOSHIII, A.H., kand. tekhn.neak.. retsen- zent; S.,*IVCIMI~.IKO,-,L.'L-.,-inzh-,-retsen-:,ent; SMIRNOVj, A.S., kando tekh~ ~nauk~,na~abxWy red.; LESKOVA, L.R., red.; YRYAKCV'AJ*D.M.y telchn. red. [Elements and networks of contactless remote control devices] Elementy i uzly besl-.ontaktnykh,teleirekhanicheskikh ustroiatv. Blementy i uzly beskontaktnykh telemokhanicheskikh ustroistv. Leningrad, Sudprongiz, 1962. 246 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Remote control) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) VERKHOPYATN17SKIY, Pavel Dmitriyevich; SAVCHENKO L.T., inzh., retsenzent; TURKIN, V.I., kand. i'~k~n. nauk, retsenzent; AVERKIYEV, L.S., nauchn. red.; NIKITINA, M.I., red.; KOROVFTKO, Yu.N., tekhn. red. (Electrical elements of automatic-control systems] Elek- tricheskie elementy avtomatiki. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz., 1963. 534 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Automatic control) (Electricity on ships) (Electric apparatus and appliances) (Electric power plants--Management) YJPIAN, Marlen Pavlovich; SAVCIMO, L.Ya., red.; STARODUB, T.A., tekhn. PASECHNIK, Nikolay Dmitriyevich;,�~HEN~KO, L.Ya., red.; MATUSEVICH, S.M., takhn. red. [Elementary electrical engineering] Blementarnaia alaktrotekh- -41-- rv -4. A -A , VA -- f~- -4. -1,1-1 -A - 4- t?420 D I n4'2 ')'3 '1 __ACC__N_,R Ap6o2go85 I A\ SOURCE CODE: UR/04l3/66/ooo/ol4/al58/ JNVENTOR. Gershkovich, B. M.;_Laycke tORG: None TITLE: An instrument,for determining the coefficient of friction.of plastics. Class 42, No.,.140259 1 Izobret prom.obraz tov..zn, no. 14, 1966, 158 TOPIC TAGS: friction coefficient, plastic 1ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. An-instrument for determining the coefficient of friction.of plastics with a measurement parallelogram for the friction tangent and normal pressure on the specimen. The instruemnt is designed for accurate readings of the,coefficient of friction under industrial conditions of plas- tic processingat high temperatures and various rotational velocities of the working mechanisms. The measurement parallelogram is made with guides a-long which it may be moved, and a friction disc is mounted on a single axis with a worm wheel for synchro- nous motion. 2. A modification of this instrument in which a mandrel with the speci- men mounted on it:and the friction disc are equipped with a heater interlocked with a thermostat. 3. A modification of this which the measurement scale of the parallelogram has a rheostat for automatically transmitting the friction tan- gent readings to a secondary instrument. SUB CODE: 14, 20/ SUBM DATE: 24Feb6i Card SAVCHENKO, M A Plan of faulting elements in the Fiagdon ore deposit (central Caucasus). Trudy Inst. geol nauk. AN MR. Ser. zah. geol. no.lt143-149 162. (MIRk 16:1) (Fiagdon.regidn--Ore deposits) (F.,ag don region-Faults(Goology)) AID F 5492 Subject USSR/Aeronautics -Anstrument landing Card 1/1 Pub. 135 9/26 Authors Savchenko, M. A., Lt. Col., mil. pilot class I and Golovfn--, I. M., Major, mil. pilot class I. Title On the alternate airdrome Periodical Vest. vozd. flota, 3, 46-49, Mr 1957 Abstract This is the third in the series of three articles which appear ,in this Issue under the title "On the:Landing course The author discu53es the problem how the air- planes should be ordered and guided to the alternate airdromes when the landing due to.the bad weather con- .ditions is impossible on the home airdrome. The article merits attention. Institution None Submitted No date 86-12-9/29 Savehenko., M.A-, Lt Gol, Mil Pilot First Class Landing wi th the Engine Idling (Ra8chet na posadkv. s ustanovkoy ftigatelya, na kholostoy khod) Vestnik Vozdushnogo Flota, 1957, Nr 12, pp. 41-45 (USSR) In this article the author discusses the.factors which should be taken into account when-the pilot is forced to land because of an engine failure. According to the author, young pilots without systematic training become confused and have difficulties when landing an aircraft with a dead engine. The author first describes how to plan the landing with the engine idling and then explains how to put the training into practice. It is-stressed by the author that the training of pilots should be carried out so that the landing planning is exercised systemati-- cally from various altitudes and zones of flight without permitting any breaks of long duration in such a training. Four diagrams. Library of Congress h1425 S/1112/62/005/004/003/010 E192/E382 -7 1 AUTHORS: Savchenko, M.A. and Shishkin, L.A. 'TITLE: Influence of magne zat'ion fluctuations on the thermal,~.- noise of a ferrite parametric amplifier of'the electro- magnetle type PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshi-ldi uchcbnylch *zavedeniy, Radiotelchnika, V-'5, no. 4, 1962, 454 458 TExT: The paper vra.s read at the Third All-Union Conference 1,1V and SSSO SSSR on Radio-electronics, in Kharlhov, 1960. The noise in an electrom agnetic paral-iletric!ferrite amplifier is determined by the m -iergy of agnitude of the fluctuatilon ei the field at the signal,frequency, tILe fluctuatlons b elng due to magnetization fluctuations at the resonance.frequency coinciding, with.the pump frequency. A simplified model of the amplifier is considered. A small ferrite sphere is situated in a constant mamnetic field T1 and in the alternating fields 0 of the signal H(w of an auxiliary signal H(u 'and the .2 .pump generator 11(w The resulting magnetic fieldt-and the 3 Card 1/4 S/14-2/62/005/004/003/010 Influence of magnetization .... E192/P,382 determine the noise-radiation of a ferrite amplifter based on a small spherical ferrite element situated in a resonator.' For this case, the average energy of the fluctuation field is given by: 4V6 2T Wir WWI (Olt - w1r + (22), Q'11 VI* I-L(IHr 'JH2,1~ +2 1 H,~ 1-.1 + (0)"w where Cin is, the quality factor of the resonator, V0 is ~the volume of the resonator, - V is the volume of theferrit e sample, is the natural frequency of the resonator and n is the imaginary component of the tensor of the-inagnatic susceptibility. It is found from Eq. (22) tW, for a typ~*cal 2 -.,electromagnetic ferrite amplifier W iT 1-0 erg Soc/cm Card 3/4 S/142/6~/005/005/003/009; EAOItE135 AUTIMIS: Savchenko, M.A.,and Shishkin, L.A-: TITLE. Surface spin waves PEI'IODICAL: otekhnik' Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radi A V.5, no-5, 1962, 557-560 TEXT: The paper considers electromagnetic-spin waves in, ferromagnetics which pass into surface electromagnetic waves at low.frequencies and surface spin waves'at high frequencies. Spin.! waves due to exchange and magnetic-dipole interactions and electromagnetic waves arising from eddy-fields a3~e limiting cases of the same phenomenon. The author considers these for the case of a ferrite with a cubic crystal lattice.magnetised parallel to~ the surface (ferrite filling an infinite half-space). Real, imaginary and complex solutions for the.propagation constant correspond to propagated and attenuated waves, and propagation of ,two forward and two backward waves with periodic redistribution of energy between individual wave types,,respect:Lvely. Card 1/2 ACCESSION ?IR:_ AP4019851 S/0181/64/006/oo3/o864/0872 ~TITLE: Coupled magnetoelastic waves in antiferromgnetics ~SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 3, 1964, 864-872 'TOPIC TAGS: magnetoel-astic Idave, anti-ferromagnetism, mag 'tic-ani otropy, mag. no s :netostriction ;ABSTRACT: The author has studied uniaxial,antiferromagnetics for two cases: one in which the magnetic moments are oriented along the chosen axis., no external field ,being applied, and a secondin which the magnetic moments lie in a plane perpendic-.- -ular to the chosen axis. For ordered magnetic moments of the sublattices in 'different phases, the Ruthor has found that the coupling parameters of magnetic (spin) and elastic (srt-.nd) waves depend essentially on the orientation of the applied magnetic field, and that, with resonance, the values of the coupling parameters and of the frequency correction are -determined by the transverse or longitudinal velocitie'~ of sound, by the constants of magnetic anisotropy, and by .,the maanetostriction of the antiferromagnetic, The examination made in this-work Card 1/2. :I&C=ION, NR: AP4019851 be easily extended. to the case when thg wave vector is normal to the chosen Mqy - axis. Similar resultsare obtained. 'in 'oncius,ion, the author expresses his sincere thanks to A. I Akhlyezer and V. G;, Barlyakhtar for s"gesting the topic ug aHd for valuable discussioni and to S. V. Peletminskiy for useful remarks4l' Orig, am. has: 46 fomulas~ Ali "Physicotechnical ~SOCIATICAN: Fiziko-tekhn3J.~heskiy institui AN UkrSSRpKhar!kov( lifsUiute MN McrSSR) SMUTTED: 24jul64 DATE ACQ: 3ihar64 EXCL:~ SUB CODE: SS, EC NO REF SOV: ~007 OTHER; oo5 2/2 Cdrd 7 ......... 1ACCESSION NRS AP403025 S/0181/64/006/005/1435/WB. ~AUTJIORSt. Barlyakhtar,, V. G.; S,avehenko,, M. A.; Shishkini L. As ENTITLE: High frequency magnetic susceptibility.of magnets idth spiral ferromagnatic. Istructure SOURCE: Fizika tvardogo,telaj Y. 6, no- 5P 1964, 1435-1438 TOPIC TAGSf magnetic susceptibility, spirai ferromagnetic strueture,:ferromagnstic resonance, atomic spin exchange interaction, susceptibility tensor,, Bohr magnetons Heisenberg principle ABSTRACT, The authors worked out the high-frequency susceptibility tensor for materials with spiral ferro.magnetic structure. As shovm'by B. R. Cooper, R. Io Elliot, S. I. Nettel, and H. Suhl (Phys. Rev., 127, 57, 1962) such materials, unlike the usual ferromagnets$ possess two resonant frequ6ncies. One is compara- tively small and lies in the frequency range of ferromagnetic resonance; the other., 'iwhich is the result of exchange interactions of atomic spins is essentially dependent on the pitch.of the spiral and lies in the optical range. For simplicity .1;1~ie.authors neglected the effects of attenuation and assumed,that the spin waves i.ACCESSION M AP4022899 8/6186/64/009/003,/0283/0292' - U THORs Savchenko, Me A I Gann, To Vol Ryabko# Pe To A 1ITLEt Bound-magnotoelastio w&. sin antiferromagnotias 'SOURCE.- Ukrayinolky*y fizyschny*.v zhurnal, ve go no* 3, 1964,-283-292 iTOPIG TAGSs magnetoelastio wave, bound magnetoelaaL wave, antiferromagnetio substance, magnotostriotion, spin wave propagationo sound vmve propagation, spin--~,'. wave-sound-wavo interaction, ponderomotive in aofion, mapeto-aooustlo wave ter IABSTRACTs The authors determined the absorption coefficients of sound and the, changes in its velocity duo to magnotostrketion and ponderomotor aritiferromagnetiou of two typeas type.A, mhen the magnetic momenteare oriented , in the.absence of an external magnetic field, along a selected axis, and typo B.. when the ihagnotio momenta lie in a plane perpendicular to the selected axis, Mith sufficiently'strong external magnetic fields, when the magnetic moments of the- sublattioes are "overthrown", the resonance coefficients of absorption and the resonance increments to the velocity of sound depend subaUutially an the external.- magnetic field* ~A--'da' -, ~ - , - v: iEa L -65 t 34547 ACCESSION NR: AP5000 59: 8/005',6/64/ "7/0 ii, -9139/104 04 6~/ '7' L 34547-65 ACCESSION NR: APS000359 teraction energies, and it is shovm that a tianqveii-i---~iav with polarization vector along the y axis does not: interact with the two other acoustic waves, and that only this transverse wave interacts with the low frequency spin waves. Ilie coupling between the sound and spin waves is particularly large at re- sonance when the spin wave frequency coincides with the fre- quency of the sound wave. The experimental feasibility o-' determining exchange integrals from ferroacoustic resonance in such substances is demonstrated. 'in conclusion the authors thank 0. V. Kovalev for valuable discussions." Orig. art. has:2 figures and 31 fok.mulas. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnibheskiy ins_titut,A.kadeMi:L-'-na1uk UkrSSR (Physicotechnical Institute, Academy of Scien'ces SUB141TTED:03Jun64 ENCL: 00 EA OTBER:__'_00L SUB CODE: NR.-RZF__Z0V.-.:_007.- ''2/2 -.:Card. V. "4 77- L 45098-66 EWTW/T IJP(c) - GG/AT. ACC NR: AP6024886 SOURCE CODE: UR/OG56/667051/001/0250/0257 AUMOR: Bar'yakhtar, V. G. ; Rudashevskiy, Ye. G. ; Swrchenko, M., A. ; Stepapov, K. N. ORG: PhXsico-technical Institute Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian SSR (Fiziko-tekhni-I cheskiy institut Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR) TITW: Interaction between electromagnetic, p1 ma and spin waves in antiferromagndiel semiconductors and metals SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskay fiziki, v. 51, no. 1,.1966, 250- 257 MA re,?,~n i- TOPIC TAGS: plasma waye spin wave, anti ferromagneticA magnetic- susceptibili X,15"4 C-C 7-ole 0 "7 o9