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S "AULL, S. SC, TICIE Periodical: "'0, no. 7, 1055. SA!-TLEE, S.; 7-7707TC, V. Deter-dination of cold in the pl-esence of' copler and cadmilLm. p - I .fonthly List of &ast -",uroneam Accessions (M-1.1) LC, V.M. US, no- 3 ';.'arr-h 191~0 Unclass. SAULSBEKOVA, 14. S., Candidate of I'le-dical Sciences, and ZIKP-,Y---VA, A. I. "Substitution of the Blood of the Donor for the Blood of the Recipient as a Therapeutic Method in Mercuric Chloride loisoning," a report preserr'-wed at the Firbt Conference of Eathologists of Central Asia and Kazakhstan held in Stalingrad, 12-15 Feb 1955, Ark. Patol.3 17, No 3, PP 83-87, 1955 Abstract Sum. 1003, 20 Jul 56 T-f3 f r ---.f the resear,71-, ti i 1 4 ~j ln~ nr -.ic-14 vi tv ir, 7c, 3'2, ct - 6 SAULX~L;U, N. Game and hunting in the Romania People's Republic. p. 159. (Ocrotirea Naturil, No. 2, 1956, Bucuresti, Romania) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAL) Lc. Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. SAULL~,SGU, N. GyneCetic reservations in Russia. p; 194, (Ocrotirea Nwituril, No. 2, 1956, Bucuresti, Rumania) SO: Monthly List of East Xuropean Accessions (MAL) Lc. Vol. 6, No. 8. Aug 1957. Uncl. 19j jr) mens r W he t T,,r Pr o -,,C- c t 5 .bstt'act. ANInSON, E,X.; BUSKA, Z.A.; GRINIZRG, R.O.; SAULGOMU, A.K. w"Now Optical transition probability of the diffuse series of sodium. Vest.Ien.ux.ll ne.4:27-31 ir 156. (KW. 9:7) (Sodium--Spectra) SAULId, Sava P. Dr. Malaria in the People's Republic of Serbia and antl-salazIc actions from the liberation to the end of the year 1951. Eibl.Hig,.inst. SrbiJe no.4:1-87 '53- (MW RI A, apidefftiol. & prev. in Serbia (Bar)) (DDT in malaria Prev. in Serbia, results (Bar)) SAULXk, Emilia Results of Professor Ion Anastasiuls investigations on the earthquakes and seismie sensitiveness of the territory of Ruma~ia with a seismotectonic intepretati6n. Studii astron selamol 6 no.2:297-313 161. S/169/62/000/309/011/120 D228/D307 AUTHOR: 8aulea, Emilia TITLE: Results of Professor I. Atanasiuls research on past earthquakes on Rumanian territory and on seismologic interpretation 2BRIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 9, 1962, 20, ab-:. stract 9A127 (Studii'si cerceta"'ri astron. 91 seismoI.i,_ 6, no. 2, 1961, 297-313 (Rum.; Russ. and Fr.)) TEXT: Professor I. Atanasiuls work "Earthquake6in Rumania", which: was published in 1959, is a monograph on seismology. The work con- siders the question of the basement's structure from a geologic viewpoint. It can be readily nbticed on the composite map of sels- mic elements that most seismic lines are located discordantly with ~respect to the tectonics of the surface cover. They are considered' to reflect the basement's structure. In its general features the --aggregate of these seismic lines contourB the major tasement units Card 1/3 S/169/62/000/009/011/120 Results of _Lrofessor Atanasiuls ... D228/D307 and their main structural lines. Thus, the unit of the Podolian Platform stands out at the country's north-eaetern extremity . Here the line Dorohoi-Botogan records the degree of the platform's sub- sidence in front of the Carpathians. The western half of RLe-Aania'B territory is occupied by a unit of a crystalline rock.maBs".in which the line BIrsa (Sibiu-Me9endorf) records the edge of the area submerged beneath the Transylvanian Depression's deposits, while the line Gura-Tisei-Arad-Oradia outlines the subsidence under the Pai~inon Depression's deposits. A Dobrudjan Cimmerian-unit, which continues to the nor t-west where it is located betv~een the first two units, is situated in the country's southern part. Two.import- ant areas separated by the lines Urla~i-Tolqani-Urziceni-Lehliu stand out within this unit. The western area continues to the south of Dunaia and forms the Mizii region. The eastern section,is sepa- rated into two blocks, of which the block situated in..-the south- east forms the largest part of the Dobrudja. The second block, i;e. the north-western part of this area, sinks northwards and north- , westwards under the Flysch strata of the geosyncline and the pied- mont trough of the Carpathians. Ion Atanasiu reckons that the mobi- Card 2/3 SAULEBEKOV, 0. How we improve work. Den. i kred. 20 no.7:25-27 JI 162. (MM 15:7) 1. Nachallnik gorodskogo upravleniya Karagandinskoy oblastnoy kontory Gosbanka. (Karaganda Province--Finance) M Dt.tl7RM'V 7 belanah-nov, pily; SAUIENKO, Vil.; KAR211', C-. . . . . ............ O'.jji:o. tm'a T. L.-r 1e Live! shot7o lc:-,orronyshle-,,n, 2. Sotror:-lulll: Arl:l-an-:-ell-11-ry ol, astroy ~-Fzctj- Scv..rall (for Trzrziri). trudia i measures) SAUIXISCUI Go) ingo "Electric machines" by (prof. dr* ing.] Rudolf Richter. Reviewed by C. Saulescu. Electratehnica 10 no.5:182-,484 My 162o M SAULESCU, C., ing. Iglectrical and electronic apparatus in industrial labcratories" by Z, Pasere, Gh, Barbulescu. Reviewed by C. Saulescu. Electrotehnica 10 no.7.-27!e.275 Jl 962s, aLULESCUJI C. wElectric machinesP by Rudolf Richter. Val-1-5. Reviewed by C. Saulescu. Uptalurgia constr(mas 14 no.9:853-854 s 62. ACC NR- AP6024789 SOURCE CODE: RU/0005/65/00/006/0323/0327 AUTHOR: Saulescu, Cristi4n (Engineer) ORG: none TITLE*. IE47B-11001 television receiver SOURCE: Telecomwiicatii, no. 8, 1965, 323-327 TOPIC TAGS: TV receiver, TV equipment/E47B-11O* TV raceiver ABSTRACT: A description of the new receiver produced by the Electronica Works. The instrument is a standard superheterodyne receiver equipped to receive sound and images over 12 channels. A detailed circuit diagram, a photograph and lists of technical specifications are included, and details of set operation are discussed. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 table. [Based on authorts Eng. abet.] [JPRS1 SUB CODE: 17 / SUBM DATE: none Card L 31059-66 ACC NR. AP6022614 SWRCE CODE: RU/0003/65/000/010/0417/0419 AUTHOR: Saulescu, Cristian (Engineer) ORG: none* TITLE: VS 59 television receiver SOURCE: Telecomunicatii, no. 10, 1965, 417-419 TOPIC TAGS: circuit design, TV receiver/V3 59 TV receiver ABSTRACT: A description of the VS 59 televii-1on-receiver, a standard superheterodyne medium-class receiver. Technical specifications, a wiring diagram and a sumnax7 of the operation of the set are included. Orig. art. has; 3 figures. (JPRS] SUB CODE: 09, 17 SUM DATE: none Card 1/1 L), C/ UDC: -621.397.62 SAUTESCU,F., II Particularities and problems on coated paper processing. Gel hirtie 12 no.2165-69 F163. SAULESCU,F... ing. Gonsiderations on newsprint. Gel hirtie 12 no.5/61193-197 My-Je'63. SAULIN, A.S., kand.tekhn.nauk Effect of geometrical defects In assembly on the redistribution of internal forces iA the steel frame of a cooling tawer. Prom. stroi. no.10s54 162. (MMA 15t12) (Cooling towers) (Steel., Structural) 4/138/60./000/008/007/015 A051'/AO29 AUTHORS: Gilyazetdinov, L.P.; Zuyev, V.P.; Livshits, F.B.; Swilina, V.V. TITLE. The Production of T.4-,w-Module Plrnacp Ca.-bon Blacks From Liquid Shale Raw Material PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No. 8, PP. 32 - _35 TEXT: The effect of the chemical composition of the raw material on the properties of the carbon black waE studied on shale oil, shale softener and its mixtures with green oil. The experimental procedure for the production of furnace carbon black with an output capacity of 20kg/h was described in Refs. 1,2. 7ni-, content of oxygen and oxygen-containing compounds in the liquid shale raw material is 10.9 and 77.8%, respectively, which is a signifinant, differencei from green oil. It was established that with an equal speciffic surface the oarbon black prcdu,-ed from shale raw material has significantly lower oil numbers than :!arbon blazks from green oil. Rubbers containing carbon blacks derived from a sbale softener and its mixtures with gveen oil are close to nibbers with gaseous channel carbon black in their physico-mechanical properties. The carbon bla~2.ks from Ehale raw material produce rubbers with low modulae and high relative elongittion-=_ Tests were carried out on semi-active and active carbon blacks and it wits noted that ",he Card J/ 2 S/ I 38/60/000/008/C07/015 A051/A029 The Production of Lower-Module Furnace Carbon Blacks From Licruld Shale Raw Material vulcanizates of the standard mixtures based on CKE(M), CVC--,"40AM (SKS-30A-M) containing shale carbon black had low modulae at high value:~ of "lie tenanity llm.,.t and the specific elongation. With an increase of the shale softener in the Initial raw materiall, the tensile strength changes within the limits of 220 - 257 k&,/3m2, whereas in mod~Llae with 300% -the elongation and specific, elongations are equal to 130 - 56 kg/cm~2 and 470 - 667%, respectiyely. The low structural:Lzation. of tht carbon blacks produced from shale raw material and the low modulai) cf the vulzani- zates using these carbon blaoks is explained by the specific effe,,.t of the ~-Vgs-n organically bound with a raw material molecule on the fcrmation pTooes:? :?f the carbon black particles in a turbulent flame. The authors point that th~lz, miecli- anism has not been completely investigated. They stress the -fact that the shale. oil and the shale softener can be applied as raw material to the produc-.fon of sper,�al low-mcdule carbon blacks or as a component par' of raw material, wh-1 2,n gives the carbon black a low structuralization with a wide variety of properties. There are 4 tables and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issiedovatellskiy institut Ehinnoy promyshlennosti Research Tn6titute of the Tire Industry) Card 2/2 P ---i. v tit) _A. 13 665,43 AMCIASDI 'ACCESSION Wt- AP30011131, 9/0138/6 99/W4 095/002 7f - 3/9 7- *e4ietd1Y;ov, L. P AUTHOR, BWM,_ju_,.F~ V, 7 P Paulina g M. V. 77777777tTt~ MTLE; The m~Lvxuf acture of low-structurated,aetive bum e a arbdii ac '!black SOURCE Kauchuk i. rezina.. no. 4.. 1963 ;95-27 'TOPIC TAGS: carbon black., carbon black furnace, cyclon reactor... reinforcing-filler, ABSTRAM The -low y1eld of-"aarbon bl k obtgihed by-the cheumel ,procbss induced the, authora-to, Atttmipt- the production ~ of a. highly - Aspers-ed, low-structurated-active cafton black. frca high-aroma . 0 ldrudbloll material, which would possess outstanding properties as a- ireinforainE; filler in rubber goods. To this end it was necessary to',) :construct it special furnace which would permit a more thorou,&,,h ;,mi3dng of the gases its -wel.1 t as -complete combustion of the selected !crude oil idth an aromatization factor A of 140. The pilot reacto:0 iconsi-sted of a wide,.short.. properly insulated,~combustion chamber. - -Card L 1-3665-63 ACCESSION NRI AP3001431' into which the'oil-air mixture--and 0.2-0 5% water were Injected by-,, nozzle. The subsequent combustion and thermic*decomposition to k 0' -place in a longs narrow reaction chamber, , The oil was preheated to_'~*!-_ 1100-180C.. the temperature vithin the furnace wa's within the 1200- --;11300C range., and the pressure amounted to 0.15-0.20.atm,, The re- -by water spray sulting carbon black-gas mixture was cooled to 400C .'The yield of carbon black amounted to 24s2-45.4%, ath it specific surface of 70-140 Sq m/gm. . Tests of rubbers contairdngl,the new ;carbon black as reinforcing filler showed it to be equal In tensile' strength and superior in abrasion to that with chann6l ~iarbon blaick. 'Orig. art. has:-~ figures.and 1 table. hinnoy-pr ASSOCIATION, Nauehno-issledovateliskLy institut a omy*shlen~; inostl (Scientific Research-Institute of the Tire Indubtry) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ8. 30May63 ENCU 00 NO PXF- SM 004 OTMRt 005 SUB CODE: 00 2/2 ZUYEV, V.P.; GILYAZETDINOV, L.P.; GYULIIIISARYAN, T.G.; BERNSHTEYN, I.D.; I.SAULINIA, V.V.; MAGARIL, R.Z.; SFREBRYAKOV, K.F.; BORSHCHEV, B.S. Extracts of catalytic gas oils as raw stock for the production of furnace black. Khim. i tekh. topl. i masel 9 no.12:6-11 D 164. (MIRA 18:2) - 1. Nauchno-ipsledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti, '", Omskiy naucho-issledovatel'skiy konstruktorskogo-tekhnologicheskiy ;.- institut shinnoy promyshlennosti, Omskiy sazhevyy zavod i Kudinovskiy sazhevyy zavod. POZHELA, Yu.N. (Pozela, J.];.SAULIS; A.A. [Saah3,A-J InjecLion and drift of great concentrations of minority carriers in germaniun. Liet ak darbai B no.2:83-92 160. (IMAI 10:1) 1. Institut fiziki i matenatiki AkadexiA nauk Litovskoy SSR (Germanium) (Sendoonductors) (Telephone) e I no r . Small-size crane. Stroitell no.1:7 Ja 157- -(MLRA 10.'2) (Cranes, derricks. etc.) i I - e f SAUL.LT, V. I * Automatic paint sprayer. Stroitell no.2:13 F 158. WIRA 11:2) (SPray Painting) SAULIT, V.1,; TULISLAYA, 11-M..; 'ZALGIN, G.N.. ANTOS=, U.N., red.; 52kEITOVA, A.V., [Internal potentials in machinery plants; index of literature] Vnutrennie rezervy na mashinoBtroitallnom predpriiatii; ukazatell literatury. Leningrad. TSentrallnos biuro tekhn.informatsii, 11 1959. 47 P. WIRA 13:4) 1. TSentrallnaya nauchno-tekhnichaskeya biblioteka. (Bibliography--Mechanical engineering) MLIT, UsiRmuclear Physics Beta -spectrometers Card 1/1 Ailthorg Pub. 43 6/97 I Saulit, V. R. Analytical finding of trajectories. of cha -ged partides in imagnetic fields Of axial symmetiyudlized-th 'ode ~be'ta-'spectromiteris- rn rn r 19s4 Izv. AN SSSR. Se. fir. 18 /2, 227-232# Mir -Ap;. The problem of analytically finding4he trajectories of charged parttcles moving in magnetic fields of axial symmetry of a present day beta-Spec- trometer are discussed. In order to find a solution to this problem, it was nece s sary to compute equations of trajectorie a for a wide, spatial pencil of II -electrons and to determine the optlinum fields which realize. the focusing of the source. Considerations were given only to trajectories which He In the plane of the mirror symmetry. The results obtained are described in detail. Eight references: I USSR; 2 Dutch; 1 German; 4 USA (1941-1954). Drawing. The A. A. Zhdanov State University, Leningrad Periodical i Abstract I Institution Submitted - March 11, 1954 USSR/Nuclear Physics Magnetic fields Card I /I Pub. 43 7/97 Authors 8 Saulit, V. R. Title I Focusing of a plane pencil of charged particles with a. niagnetic field nating along one of the Descartes coordinates Periodical t Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 18/2, Z33 -24Z, Mar-Apr 1954 Abetr&ot t A solution is presented to the problem of finding analytical expressions for: magnetic fi Ields which realize an accurate focusing of plan.e wide-pencils,.0'.f. charged particles at an arbitrarily fixed form of an optical axis. A caee4g~, considered when the magnetic field in the plane of the xr-Irror symmetry depends only upon one Descartes coordinate. The magnetic field:in the space adjoining the plane of the mirror symmetry was the function of the field inthis given plane. The problem of producing ion- and.' electron-OptiCal systems which would make it possible to realize the focus- ing of wide spatial pencils of charged particles in better approximations than hefore is considered. Eight references: 4 U4SR; 2 French; I Germn- and I USA (1911-1954). Graphs; drawing. Institution The A, A, Zhdanov-State University, Physics institute$ Leningrad Submi.ted March 11, 1954 Category : USSR/Nuclear Physics - Instruments and Installations. of Measurement and Investigation. Abs Jour : Ref Zhar - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 2996 Author Saul-It V. R Methods C-2 Inst Leningrad State University Title Certain Addenda to the Article "On the Problem of Focusing a Flat Beam of Chwged Pbxticles by a Magnetic Field that Varies Along a Single Rectangular Coordinate." Orig Pub : Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz. 1956, 20, No 3, 374-376 Abstract : In the authorls article (Referat. Zh. Fizika, 1955, P11A) a particluar suggestion was made concerning expanding the function f (_,m ) into a series, In this addendum, the integral equation is solved for under ~ more general assumption concerning the function f.~A ). 112 addition, ~ general equation, not given previously, is no* presented for finding the coefficients of the series expansion of f* Card 1/1 I -SAULIT. Vitaliy Rayngolldovich; PADALKO, Viktoriya Yurlyevna; WINA, K.Ye., rod.; VODCLAGINA, S.D., (How to prepare for entrance examinations to institutio)ns of higher learning; physical Kak gotovit'sia k priamnym ekoamenam v VUZ; fizika. Leningrad, Izd-vo Loningr.uaiv., 1960. 261 p. OURA 13 :7) (Universities and colleges--Entrance reqairements) (Physics--Problems, exercises, ate.) 68918 AUTHORS Saulit, V. R. 5/05J/60/'000/01/005/022 DOWBOOT X "I-ITLE; k New Method of Calculating Magnetic Fields Which Cause Focusing of High Order ?-AIRIODICAL- Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1960, Nr 1, PP 33-40 (USSR) ABSTRA-Cli First, the earlier papers by K. I. Koreunekiy, V. Kellasn, and B. Petrov (Ref 1), B. S. Dzhelepov and A. A. Bashilov (Ref 2), and P. P. Pavinskiy (Ref 3) are mentioned. The method of determining the magnetic field for high order focusing, which was developed in an earlier paper by the present author (Ref 4), has the disadvantage that the calculated fields are determined by joining two fields. Here, the problem of the rational selection of the axial trajectoryor, which is the same thing, selection of the principal field, whose focusing properties must be improved, arises. However, the aforementioned earlier paper by the author mprovement; iiolves only the second part of the problem, viz. the i of focusing. The present article supplies the solution of the first part of the problem, viz. the determination of the magnetic fields with continuous derivatives, which ezuse the focusing Card 1/4 of an arbitrarily high order. These conditions are! then dealt 68918 A Now Method of Calculating Magnetic Fields, Which S/054/60/'000/01/005/022 Cause Focusing of High Order 13013/BO07 with in the second part of the paper. With an existing aberrationf the trajectories of the particles will not intersect the straight line y - 0 (on which the source of the charged particles and the focus of the system are located) at one and the same point but in some other points x,,, the position of which depends on the departure of the particle from the source. The point of inter- section xF with the trajectory y - 0 is considered to be a function of the small quantity 1A, which is expanded in a Taylor co k series with respect to powers of /as xF so . The first k-O term of this expansion determines the coordinate x of the focus 00 FO of the system. xF - xFO , T a k~k then results. The difference k=1 XF XFO gives the amount of aberration as a function of ~L. With a I there is no focusing whatever. If the expansion just written down begins with a term containing.&Lin the power n + the focusing system yields a focusing of n-th order. The Card 2/4 mathematical condition of n-th order focusing may be expressed by 68918 A New Metrl,d of Calculating Magnetic Fields, Which I .ause Foc,.;.-aing of High Order Card 3/4 5/054/601'000,/01/005/022 BO13/BOO7 x? d~4 the following conditions: dxF 0; d2xF - 0; .... d 2 2 d dn-1 dn /AW0 d~ /Uso d" d111 n-1 0; dpn 0 . In the third part of the paper the d 4 u Pao 'Umo magnetic fields are then determined, which cause high order focusing. The corresponding calculations are followed step by step. By means of this method it is possible to determine not only fields with good focusing properties, but also beams of the required shape are obtained. Therefore, it may always be expected from an arbitrary trajectory of the family forming the beam that it pass through a previously fixed point. In the last part of the paper the magnetic field is calculated, which causes seventh order focusing. This calculation is practically reduced to calculating the system of linear equations. With increasing or decreasing angle of divergence of the beam also that region of the field increases or decreases which may be used for the purpose of focusing the beam. The author thanks Tu. 7. Vikharev, 6891E, L New Method of Calculating Magnetic Fields, Which 5/054 ,/60/000/01/005/022 Cause Focusing of High Order 3013/BO07 who carried out several numerical comput4tions. This paper reproduces a lecture held at the 8th conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy on January 31, 1958. There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet references, SUBMITTEDi March 3, 1959 Card 4/4 3/054/60/000/02/03/021 B022/BO07 AUTHORS: Saulit, V. R., Unt, V. A. TITLE: -Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields for the Focusing of a Divergent Beam of Charged Particles \11\ PERIODICAL- Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fizilti i khimii, 1960, No. 2, pp. 28-33 TEXT: In a previous paper by V. R~ Saulit (Ref. 1) the focusing properties of an inhomogeneous magnetic fielid, which in the mirror symmetry plane depended only upon a Cartesian coordinate, were investigated. The general condition for the ideal focusing of a plane beam of charged particles was obtained in form of a nonlinear integral equationg the solution of which was found. In the present paper, the class of magnetic fields which permits calculation of a plane bundle of charged particles w-Ithout aberration and without numerical integration is shown, and calculation is carried out for a special cased The scheme of the focusing o-? a beam of charged particles emitted by a point source is given (Fig. 1). In Fig. 2, the results obtained by calculating the focusing magnetic field in the A Card 1/2 Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields for the Focusing of 3/054/60/000/02/03/021 a Divergent Beam of Charged Particles 3022/B007 plane z - 0 as a function of the coordinate y ( Ho W pe/e ) are given for comparison. The dotted line denotes the uncorrected field calculated with the aid of equation (10). The function H(y) is tabulated. The authors thank Yu. Vikharev for carrying out numerous calculations. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 4 Soviet references. IV-8 Card 2/2 SAULIT, V.R. - New method of calculating magnetic fields required for high-order focusing. Vest. LGU 15 no.4:33-40 '60. MIA 13:2) (Magnetooptics) (Electron beams) (Ion beams) ~ V.A. Inhomogeneous mgnetic fields for focusing a divergent'beam of charged particles. Test.LQU 15 no.10:28-33 160. (MIM 13:5) (Magnetic fields) 24064 S/054/61/000/002/002/QO5 B1O1/B217 AUTHORS% Zarubin, P. P., Fadalko, V. Yu., Saulit, V. R. TITLE: A new ~-spectrometer with triple focusing of high order PERIODICAL: Leningradekiy Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fjiz-_~ki i khimii, no. 2, 1961, 55-63 TEXT: The aim of the present investigation was to design a spectrometer which would allow for a comulete analysis of I!-processes.For a magnetic. spectrometer of this type, ihe following requirements are madet 1) Entry of short-lived :-active nuclei into the target which serves a spectrometer A. source; 2) application of a source rith a larRe surface; 3) analysis of "; 5) particles up to at least 15 Me"; 4) resolutlon of at least 0-5'76 aperture ratio of at least tO-4 _ 10-5 cm 2 at a resollation of- 0.5~*; 6) least effect of scattering and -particle absorption upon measurementsi 7) small detector background, 8) protection of the detector against direct radiaiion; 9) possibility of carrying out different correlation experiments. A multiply focused s-pectrometer meetts all t-hese requirements. The calculation of the -ol-ea~4a! d4s'ribut4on -n 'he I-eld of such a Card 1/9 3/00461~/OOO/CO2/002/005 A new A-spectrometer ... B101/B217 spectrometer was based on 'he parer by P. P. Pavinskiy (Ref-4: Izv. AN SSSR, seriya fiz., 18, 175, 1954) in which the field is written down in a parametric form: IC7 H(:); ~- where T is the parameter. The calculations were repeated and for the coefficient/'i., equations were ob- tained which differ from those presented in Ref-4. Teh drawing of Fig.1 is taken as basis. 3 is the radiation source with the polar coordinates. ro,10. The particle leaves the source at an angle -. relative to the tangent. Its traj'ectory is determined by the function H(r). Under certain conditions, it will intersect the circle of radius r For the coordinate 7F of this point, the followine is written down- "P (-) d- 2 d- (3) where,_t,7_~l - cos~-~W. For the function the following solution is Card 2/9 24064 ne- S/054-/611/000/002/002/005 I " i. spectrometer 3101/B217 obtained:'~ (1/r )B(7)+l W. For the function 3(;), the fol-loring 0 holds: B( ) a (er 2/MCV ~H(~-)d~ (6). const is virittea down and 0 0 -I' the solution for Eq. (3) sought. For the following series is written down; P4-1 1 2 (10), P-0 where 9 is a parameter to be determined. For one findst k k + ,..k+1/2) (15), where Rk ~a,/(1-2i) F k"' k f7 ~- 1 IRO^ k=O-L!' 0 k LM IZZZ, , i (i) B(k-i+1/2, i+1/2) (161, and E a (I 2i).L 2(k- i)+1, k i/ 2(k-i)+2- i=O - .B(k-i+l, i+1/2) (17). The condition of focusing is fulfilled if a:-1 C ard 3/9 24064 S/054/61/000/002/002/005 A new ~,-spectrometer ... B101/B21-7 coefficients of R and E,, with the exception of R , become equal to zerol k 0 t( 2/'.-)R , and 0 - +( 2[.')-~- (18). By successively setting the F 0 F tained coefficients of Rk and Ek equal to zero, the equations fo=/, k are obt (k 2, 11 3 X, I., X3=0 02 572 16-0 T2-0 =-_10+_L03; XC = -!3- + -~L 02 1 04, (19) 80 320 4480 1280 896 687 3 3+73.8 71680 + 20480 16 For H(,. the following is obtained from Eqs. (5) and (6):. H(-c)=-H, , (20). / d-c By means of Eqs- (10) and (20), the values o-.'L' the function H H(--) for .Card 4/ 9 A new i-spectrometer 24064 5/05 61/000/002/002/005 B1 01 Y3217 TF = 1200 were calculated. At. present, a spectrometer is under construction fo:.- 'he study of the,-,- and -radiation of short-lived isotopesi it was desiped on the basis of data listed in the Table. The chamber of the sDectrometer is scematically shown in Fig-3. The trajectories shc,7n in Fig.3 were calculated according to V. R. Saulit (Ref.3: Izv. AN SSSIR, seriya fiz., 18, 227, 1954). It is pointed out that the spectrometer may also be used as a '--spectrometer and permits correlation experiments. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Scviet-bloc. The reference to English-language publication reads as Sollows: F. id. 3eiduk, E. J. Konopinski, Phys. Rev., 73, 1229, 1946 Card 5/9 SAULIT, VIRI High-order focusing of a plane monoenergetic ion beant by a uniform field with boundaries of arbitrary shape, Vest.LGU 16 no,10.-4Z--54 161, 1* (KM 14 :5) (Ion beam) (Magnetic fields) ZARUBIN, P.P.; PADALKO, V.YU.; SAULIT, V.R. New beta-spectrometer allowing of threefold high-order focusing. Vest . , LGU 16 no*10.,55-63 161. OffyA 14:5) (Beta-ray spectrometer) FOPGVICH., M.; SAULIT, V.R. Theory of the focusing of ion beams by the magnetic sector with allowance for the stray field. Vest-IDU 17 no.10:38-65 162. (14M 15:5) (Ion beams) (Magnetic fields) 15347 S/05 62/000/001/005/011 6, 0 O/S 116-3 B102YB112 ,iU'MOR: Saulit V. R. TITLE: Theory of the sector-type marnetic spectrogra-:1h with a uni- form field and straigth boundaries PERIODIC.kL: LeninErad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fj.ziki i khimii, 1962, 37 - 55 no. 1 2 TEXT: One sector of a magnetic spectrograph (Figs. 1, 2) is considered, and its characteristics are described analytically. The coordinates of the focal curve are obtained as X02~R(-L.) Sins"Cos 29 2 [ YOE COS 4D + R (12) cos2 g, sin (0 + at) (8) 41 sin 4b - R (z2) cos2 z, cos (0 tj) sin&, sin lo cose2~sine2ctgfp (9) Y02 == R tge2 Y;jtgtj)sinqD rd 1 /3~ sin 92 + sin (t, + P) 5/054/62/000/001/005/011 Theory of the sector-type magnetic ... B102/3112 If x , = Y , = 0 R(E_ does not vanish only if sin _sj.n(1-_;~+ or 0_1 01 2 2 n' or IE2 = *+ _~ 1 - 'E2 n/2. The relations between the focal coordinates x and y and E '~, and R, and between (~,and and R 02 02 V E217i (Figs. 3, 4) are determined, and '11 cos2r D'O = R dR = 1 (R) = 2Rs in P r1 + 3 (20) is obtained for dispersion. Using the denotations given in Fig. 7 for 1 SF, one obtains a 2R IrT+ 3 -cos" P s1n2 (:1 + a) sin ~ cos a + 2 cosi sin a (24), from which a formula for the -aberration 1 a 1 is derived: B 1. - I = 2R V1 + 3 cos' sin2 (P + CL) -sln~ (25). (sinpeosa+2cospsina Card 2A S/054/62/000/001/005/011 Theory of the sector-type magnetic ... B1,02/B112 The course of the function B(a) is studied. With a 2' arcsin 3cos 2r,,,_, + 3 C 0 the aberration function reads 4 cos A -sin A.(1+3 COC_p)X2 ')=2R- -113COSZO B (a, (27)- ~Ifter discussing some problems of focusing order, the specitLl case of a focal curve coinciding with one of the straight boundexies of the uniform field is dealt with for first-order focusing. Yo2 00 aksink'f2and x o2 x ~00 bksink6' 2 Pwhere O=_0 k=o XL1 + Y~l (g .1) sin 0 (32). 3i. (-, 4- -6) ak and b k are comDlicated functions of E 1 and Formulas are also n, aberration, and total transverse aberration . presented for dispersio. It is shown that a proper choice of geometrical parameters fo r first- order focusing furnishes a wider aperture than for second-order focusing. Yu. M. Vikharev is thanked for numerical calculations. There are 14 Card 3/5 S/054/62/000/001/005/011 Theory of the sector-type magnetic ... B102/B112 figures and 11 non-Soviet references. The two references to English- language publications iead as follows: T. Kitagaki. J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 9-, 4, 1954; D. Dempsey. Rev. Sci. Instr. 26, 1141, 1955- SUB~'~:ITTED: April 5, 1961 Fig. 7 Card 4/5 Fig- 4 . . . . . . . . . . .......... S Fig. I Pig. 2 S/054/62/000/002/004/012 3163/3138 A U "', H Q, a 5Popovich, M..., Saulil, V_ R_ T-14-LE: Theory of the focusing of i4on beams by a magnetic sector, taking in-~o account stray-fields PERIODICAL: 7eningrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fiziki i khimiit no. 2, 190"2,.38-65 T-7XIL: The band of all plane traJectories leaving one source point S in ~'.he plane of symmetry of a magnetic sector field and the band of all is in common are trajectories in the same plane having one focal point PO studied. For each of these bands, the geometrical locus (CI and C2) of all centers of curvature of those circular parts of the trajectoriea, which proceed in the homogeneous region of the sector field, can be constructed. The focusing properties of the sector field are expressed in. terms of these curves C 1 and C 2* n-th order focusing occurs if both curves have a point of contact of n-th order. The deviations A(%) of neighboring trajectories from a principal trajectory in a plane Card 1/2 S/054/62/000/002/004/012 Theory of the focusing of ion beams ... B163/B138 through Fo, which is parallel to the exit boundary of the sector field, 0 L can be expressed as functions of thn angle & between both trajectories -othen they leave the source. Expressions for the aberration coefficients, i.e. the coefficients of an expansion of y,(cc) in a power series, are r-iven un to the third order, and conditions for 1st, 2nd, and 31dotder f6cusing are derived. An expression for the momentum dispersion is given. Many of t-e results are identical to or equivalent with results derived earlier by Kdnig and Hinte*rberger (Zs. Naturforsch., 10a, 1955, 652 and 877) but the derivation is given in more detail. There are 11 figures, SUB"-.--'ITTZD: November lt 1961 Card 212. .111110 S/05 62/000/0C3/005/010 BI 02X3186 AUTHOP: Sauliti TITLE: Focusing of charged particles by a rectilinear boundary of a uniform magnetic field PERIODIC-fL: LeninGrad. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya fiziki i khimii, no. 3, 1962, 72-81 TEXT: The focusinf; pi~qperties of a uniform magnetic field, bounded by a straight line is investigated theoretically. The source of the charged p4xticles is assumed t6,be within the magnetic field. This focusing mode was suggested by P. H..-Foviler and was investig4ted by Hafner et al. (Phys. Rev- 75, 331, 1549)- Up to now, no.general theory has been published. A special ease was treated by Rout et al. in Nucl. Instr.' Mleth. Ili 347, 1961 . Using the de~signations (Fig. 1) some general formulas Avir given and then the two special cases a >/O and E /O Y=.V tg a -YO1 (9) Cos: 1A S/054 62/000/003/005/010 Focusing of charged particles ... B4#02 Bla6 is obtained for the asymptote of the image curve and D III-Ices (10) R + together with I + Ig Y-- )(,_2 Yal I Cos 6 + R COS3 a ..R vW URW I+ Ige- yo, I R Cos, a dy..2 Ig+ (tg Y01 sin -- + I+ Ig yal N712 -jq ~COI-- - 1.- for the momentum dispersion along the image curve. The aberration too is irivestiGated. The case E-4 0 is treated still morc accurately. The formulas from the first case are partly valid but e.,S. the dispersion formula (10) is simplified to D ~ 2R COSE and D t::2-3094 R, if a straight section of the curve is considered. For p max Card 2/4 s/C54/62/000/'003/005/010 Focusin- of charged particles ... B102/B186 the aberration alone the straight section of image curve.(Fig. 9) B 2R -51n2 e ( cos a cos a - 2sin t sin aL OS E) (28) is obtained. In theory, 19'281 (1-'- -35015'51") fiolds for the optimum V value, -.,.-hereas in experiment 20'o was found by Rout et al. There are 9 figures. SUBLITTED: March 18, 1962 Card 3/4 ~AULIT, V.R. Theory of a sectorial magnetic spectrograph having a homogeneous field and rectilircar boundaries. Vast. UIU r/ no.4:37-55 162. (MIRA 15:3) (Spectrograph) SAULIT, V.R. Space distribution of the field in magnetic spectrometerv ard the form of pole tips. reot.LGU 17 no.2Z-229-" 162. (KM 15t:L2) (Spectrometers) (Magnetic fieldmr) SAUJIT II.R.; PADALKC, V.Tj.i TSARIKOVA, Z.I., red.; ZHUKOVA, tek-hn. red. (How to prepare for the entrance ts5ts to a school of higher education; physics] Kak ' otovit'sla k priemnym ekzamenam v vuLj 9 fj%ika, 2 ispr. izd. Leningrad. Izd-vo Leningr. univ. 1963. 296 p. (M Ril 16: 10) (Physics--Study arid teaching) SLULIT, V.R. I DoubLe focusing by a homogeneous sectioned magnetic fl,~'Id with scraight boundary lines. Vest. LGU 20 nc.4.-40,-66 165. WIRA 18:4) SAUITE, E.; LAGANOVSKIS, S. Studying pneumonia in pigs in the Latvian S.S.R. fin Littvian with summary in English]. -Yestivi-Lety ak no.1:97-104 162. I 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademija, Mikrobiologijas inailtuts ! LAGANOVSKIS, S.; SAULITE, E., Studies of infectious atrophic rhinitis in svine.. micraflora of the nose. Vestis Latv ak no.2:1-19-124 162, 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatm akademijas Mikrobiologijas instituts. -7 n-7 ~rmlio-;is cf bil x--'~s nnI tl;c~ fi r-ht, LI: -- ',*is t167. IK3--, L I YSN !I MK, (Lalvijas FS2 .;ira~Lnu -Cfinia) 110. 3j, -"Q,r7.o I,cnth-I- of Eft!---t Ei:mpean Acc-p~---,4.cnz, Ir,, Vol. No. A 10 0,1-1-- SAULITZE, E. G.- r Biol Sci (diss) -- "The significance of vitamins in - -I------,----,--- W- /1V .3 the prophylaxis of tuberculosis In birds". Riga, 1958. 18 pp (A.,-ad Sci JAtvIan SSR, inst of Experimental Med.), 200 copies (KL, No 4, 1959, 12-4) C 0 TI T R'I" R CAT XORY ; Disoases of '7arm Axkimals- DIceases Cause,;. by ncteiifi a3id ABF). J IYU R.:RzhBio--,., mo. 61~59, ~Io. 2-5~43,c: 1, 1 j T %IT i TIT.LZ 31~snifinance of V.',-tarrL!.n-- in tlie ?rop'rrjla:-Iis IOPTC,,. PITS. Tr. in-ta -.-ilkroblol. A1. Latv,1,311, 1~j5-56, v7p, 6, 6 1 - C), 0 e.BSTPACT siriawed that vitamirile feeds (conife- rz-)uz needles and- gre,~n fer.,d) arrest the develop- t"Ibut-c-uItar ir, tl-io- or7,an2'.2!,I- D flnc~ c~3 -,,,-clLaally vlltarain i, stop u - the Oevelo-,~-)!-,ient of toe tubercular -)rocess in the Deroral infection of hens and ci-Lic-ics. Artatovai-~o- -pathological chan-es in the hens' ormano visible with the n--!-ed eyc-.,, and bactoriasco-ic.-al. examina- CARD - 112 16 .0/798 /61 /1)00/000/011 /01Z'.~'.' AUTHORS: Saulite, U.A.j. Chudars, Yass. 12~ TITLJCt A scintillation bitta-spectromstor. metod ikh issledovaniya. SOURCE: Radioaktivnyye iislucheniya i Inst. fiz. AN LaivSSR. Rigar lvd-vo AN JatvSSR&.196,1, 123-134. TEXT: This paper describes a scintillation P-spectremeter with a twin C' BI(T crys tal and expounds a metbj3d for the calculation of the y-ray background. There is also a description of aevexal changes in the single-channel analyzer employed to achieve increased resolution; a discussion of the effect of the random summation -spectra. -The new- spectrometer consists of the cirystal, of impulses in. Z9 (FEU-29) photoelpctronic multiplier (PhM), a no-overload linear amplifier, a single-channel analyzer or an AX - 100- 1 (AI- 100- 1) multichannel unalyzer, a counie'r~! and a mechanical adder. Three CsI(Tl),laminae 19x9xZ mm were -prepared; the 2-mm thickness is sufficient to, register P-particles with maximum energiesIup-, to 4 nev. In the observation of P-spectra two such plates were used; the P-source VMS contained in a round pouch made out of 50-~L thick polystyrene. The third plate served as a P-particle absorber in observations of the %j- ray, background. The PhM employed bad a voltage-&vider resistance of 7.115 Mohm and. was equipped with a ferroresonance voltage stabilizer. Details of the isingle-channel amplitude analyzer are described. The 'spectrometer was calibrated with the aid of the C06011 Card 1/2 A scintillation beta-upectrorneter'. S/798 A 1 /01)0/000/011 /012 CS137, and Hg?_03 isotopes for a NaI(TI) crystal and for the twin Cal(TI) crystal. The scale is linear. The resolution of the spectrometer for the C9117 with a Nal(TI) crystal is US, with a twin GsI(TI) more than 2016. In the latter case the Compton distribution is intense. The Eeparation of the noise and cosmic-ray spectrum F1 from the spectrum FZ of the electromagnetic radiation of the given P-preparation by means of the P.- ray- absorbing third plate is described, and the number of ab- sorbed rays is analytically estimated. Experjlnentally obtained F, aad F curves are also shown. The P-spectra of p3?- and C11 are plotted In terms of the number of pulse registered in 30 sec, N, versus the energy E, and also as a Fermi graph. The CaA spectrum is correlated with the theoretical curve. The deviations at the high-energy end are attributed to the inadequate resolution of the spectrometer and to the random summation of the pulse amplitudes; those at the low-tinergy end are att Lted to absorption In the foil. The experimental P-spectrum o:t,a combined Calt' +P preparation is depicted in both the N-ve risus- E and the - Feirmi- graph form. The random summation of the amplitudes of the pulses in a P-spectrometer and their effect on the shape of the A-spectrum is analyzed, and it is shown that a correction for two.fold and even threefold random summations should,be calculated in certain cases. There are 11 figures, 2 tabulated calculation schemes, and 4 references (Z Rua vian- language Soviet papers and 2 Rua sian- language , translations of English- language books: Beta and gamma- spectroscopy (Author's name not given). Fizmatgiz, Moscow' 1959; Elmore,E., Sanda,M. Electronicis In nuclear Card 2/2 ;~Yslcs- For. Lit*Pd5l. House, Moscow#, S/197j63/000/00'0/005/005 BMM86 AUTHORS: Dobryakov, De, Nikolayev,-~V.,,Saulite, U. ~'t TITLE: Electromagnetic rabbit transport for atomic.-rehctors PPERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSR. Izvestiya, no.., 2, (187), 1-96341 b8-74 VEXT: The, rabbit conveyor for atomic reactors here describOd was developed a.t the Institut fiziki All Latv. SSR k'Institute.of, Physics AS LatSSR). This transport system utilizes one of the channelt3 arranged vartically along the periphery of the s.otive zone for rapidly transportin the rabbits (transport time of the order of several seconds) from the hot'~ cave into the active zone and after exposure to irradiation back to the hot cave. The electromagnetic rabbit convey as the foll,:)wing principal or h parts. 1) Mechanical assem 1 0 blyi 2) inductcLrice'.cd"1;-..3):6perailianaLjcdntrI circuit; 4) automatic cut-off unit,for the power supply of bhe inductor. The mechanical assembly comprises the transport channel,.a divergent cone' with a support and a jacket. The conveyer is the movable pirt. The transport chtinnel is an aluminum tube 15 m long (52 mm innex diameter, I mm wall thickiiess);'connecting the ective zone with the hot cave. The rabbit conveyer for tiansporting the rE.bbits with the substance to be Card. 7z S/197j63/600/002/005/005 Electromagnetic rabbit transport for ... B117/Bje6 irradiated comprises: cylindrical guidev, carriers and rabbits (6 cylinders and 5 rabbits with the paylcad), Its motive force -in athree-, ase electromagnetic field within the channel (4 see from t:ie hot cave h, p into'the active zone and 3.5 sec on the way back). The windinlr consists of 150 coils, divided into two parallel circuits (72 and 78 caila), of which; 30 are used for slowing down the conveyer when it enters the hot cave. Por a payload of 300 gi an amperage of 230-340 a is necessary to lift thel. conveyer, weig a hing 2000 g, Where s 160-170 a are required for slowing it.-' down. An aluminum blanket which is,the load-bearing part of the ent're construction protects the winding from moisture. A special aircuit diagram, including the possibility of-automatic control provides for them progressive motion of the conveyer. The principal parts of the control unit-are, Control console, automatic control and time-lag relay. In view'.. of the radiation effect the most suitable constructional material for the" electromagnetic transport is purealuminum. All tes ts of the system) subjected to real working conditions, gave positive resultst The power of,.-.., the device in about 200 kva. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki AN Laty.SSR (Institute of Physi-s AS LatSSRj EUB~Ij~~-,D: September 26,1962 ar . ;e -66 L 01483 E;lp 3XIP(b)/ UR/0302/65/0110/092/0092/0100 ACCESSrOK,NR*. AP5016657 TI.A. 621.6W1 5, AUTHOR: Mixellson. As Ee gaulite, U. A Shk rstenaq A* Ya. I'/ - -,- - --4-" - e TITLE: Investigation of cylindrical coreleso pumps SOURCE: Magnitnaya gidrodinamika, no. 2, 1965, 02-100 TOPIC TAGS: MHD flow, liguidmetal pump, !~.Iectromagnetic pump ABSTRACT- A cylindrical pump of the coreleas type is studied.theoretically and ex-..: n 'Lte cting. perimentally. It consisto of finite induction coils and an i fin, condu cylinder concentric'to the coils. The inductor coils of negligible thickness Pro- duce a traveling magnetic field which is derived from Maxwell's equations (with:the~. help of vector potentials) and depends on the phases of each of t:'.'Ie three solenoids forming the inductor. Some computational -chortcuts are indicated. The analysis of the results shows that inside of the cylindrical coreless pumps when it operates in the static region, there is relatively intense internalcirculation of the metal. The experimental data agrees well with calculations and~the methcd is suitable for design of such pumps. These pumps are applicable in moving oE,auch active metals, Card 112 L 01483-66 V 1,--. I L 14441-66 ACC NR: AP6002977 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/024/0169/0169 .INVENTOR: Kovalev, N. G.; Mikellson, A. E.; Nikolayev, V. N.; Saulite, U A 7 d1,5 URG: none JITLE: An electromagnetic conveyer. Class 81, No. 177344 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 24, 1965, 169 TOPIC TAGS: conveyer transportation system, electromagnetic propulsion, magnetic .field, magnetic circuit ~ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces an electromagnetic conveyer which includes a conduit surrounded by induction coils. Cartridges inside the conduit are moved by a traveling magnetic field set up by the induction coils. A magnetic cir-~ rcuit in the form of a ferromagnetic insert is mounted inside each cartridge to in- the traction force acting on it. :crease 'Card 1/2 UDC:_ 621.867.038',i L 44281-66 WT(l-OATT(m)/T, -.WVI/DJ ACC NRs Ap6oO5393 CIV) SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/ooo/ool/0142/0142 INVENTOR: Kirko, 1. M.; Branover, G, G Ioffeo B, A,; Saulite, U, A. ORG: none pump?- TITLE: Hermetically sealed [announced by tHF--I-nstitute SSR (Institut fiziH Alcadem! ston Class 59, No. 177778 -Ph-vs-f-c-q. Academy of Sciencep, Latvian nauk Latviyskoy SSR SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztBy, tovarny7e znaki, no,.1, 1~966, 142 TOPIC TAGSi pistonpawW.. PUMP) ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a hermetically sealed piston pump containing a inductor, a duct, and pistons, For higher efficiency the pistons are made of electroconductive nont 'erromagnetic material with a ferromagnetic bushipg#placed inside the piston, For ease of construction, the pump is made with a braking Inductor for stopping the pistons In the delivery zone (see Fig. 1). Orig. art, has: 1 figure. 1/2 um 621.65 ACC NR,-Apbo33671~-------------S-OUR-C-E CODE: UR/037- I 1'/66/GGo/oo4/oo87/1oo92'. I !AUTHOR: Ioffe, B. A.; Saulite, U. A. ~ORG: Institute of Physics, AN latSSR.(Institut fiziki AN LatvSS-R) ITITLE: Rx-perimental investigation of an electromagnetic rotary displacement pump iSOURCE: ANI LatSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 4, !1966, 87-92 TOPIC TAGS: fluid pump, electroma&netic pump, hydraulic pump ABSTPACT: The authors describe the operating pr:inciples and the resiottz of the first tests of a new type of electromagnetic induction pump, developed at the Institute of Physics of the Iatvian AcadenV.of Sciences, for the purpose of pumping conducting 'i- n - 41 corrosive liquids. The pump use o stuffing glands or bearing uniti;, nor are valves required for the operation . The construction of the test piuar, is dezcribed. g. Test results of pumping water and a solution of emulsifying oil of d,ifferent, vi.scosi- ty are described. The described model was aimed only to check on the feasfUlity o-A the operating principle, without attempting to obtain optimal constniction or high efficiency. The efficiency can be increased by improving the electromag-netic and hydraulic units. Ways of improving the design are briefly discussed. The a=hors thank Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences 1. M. Kirko and Candidate of Technical Sciences G. G. Branover for valuable advice and recommendations during the. Card 1/2 Ap6o33674 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of electromagnetic rotary displacement pump. 1 - Closed tube chan- 4 nell 2 inlet PiPeo 3 - compression pipe, 6 coils producing rotating wgnetic I,. rj,piston, 5, f i eld. ";t %r -OE 2 construction of the described pump. Orig. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 131 Sum DATE: oiNav651 ORIG REF:' 005 2 ACC NR. AP7000368 SOURCE:rCODE: UR/0413/66/066 INVENTOR: Kirko, I. M.; Branover, G. G.; Ioffe, B. A.; Saulite, U. A. ORG: none 0154 TITLE: Plate-type hermetic pump. Class 59, No.188847. [announced by the Institute of Physics, AN Latvian SSR CInstitut fiziki AN Latviyskoy SSR)1.7 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no,. 22, 1966, 154 TOPIC TAGS. pump, fluid pump, hydraulic pump ABSTRAM An Author Certificate has been issued for a plate-type hermetic pump consisting of a pipe-line inductor, plate holders, and plates. To &implify its design, the casing is made in the form of a closed annular duct. To assure its tight closing and for the automatic compensation of hydraulic-pressure wear on the operating plates' surfaces the plates' external axis of rotation is relative to the plate holder. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 203u164/ Card S'AULITE, Ye.[S&ulite, E.1 Tuberculous mycobacteria in cow's milk. Vestis Latv ak 110-9:149-154 160* (EKAI 10:i9) 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu, akademija, Mikrobiologi.jas inatituts. (MILK) (MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS) CZEICHOSLOYAKIA EADI) 1%; R'~R~PLOVA.,, S.; jANIKOVA, !.'.; S-i'WLOVA, A. CZaij D_istrilct, Hygiene and Epiderniological Station, Brno-rural (Ok-resni ir, -eoidemiologicka stuarice, anlo-venkov) ienicko Pra,--ue, C-3skoslovenska hyatiena, o 10, 19c'?, pp 60L,-609 -iu 117-if ence of Protective Coating on thc Sanitary Standards of Water" MALY U., FARTLOVA, S.1 JANIKOVA, V.; SAULOVA, A. Csm Diatrict Hygiene and Epidendol gical Station. Brno-riwal (Okromd hygianicko-spidemiologicka stankap Brno-vankay) PraCue,.Ceskoolovenska jurdem, No 10, 1962, pp 604-609 "InCluence of Protective Coating on the Sanitary Standards of Water" /00,1/011 S 62/000/ OC D20'al/D"502 AUTHORS: Berezovskly, M.Aoq Korobkoj M.Tz, and Strel^-7henko, A.G, TITLE: Multitrack recording -instruments and devices for multi-,point and multi-channe! ccn-.rol PERIODICAL: Priborost-royenI.ya, no~ 1; 1962~ 15 - 19 TEXT: The alithors briefly describe the following multJ-track recor- L ding instruments developed at the Institui avtomatiki Gosplana US%112 (Institute of ~Itonrqation of StalLe Flanning of the UkrSSR). 1) A six, -point recordei fdr operation in conjunction with inductive pick- ups; developed from the s!Z:-point ele.,~tronic automa-tiic bridge type 3mn-209 (EMP-209). 2) A 5ix-ohannei flow; pressure or consumption meter to work with original fferro-dynamic transdu3ersj based on the electronic pen-recorder type KBT (KVT) _'n production in East Germa- ny. 3) A muiti-_~hannei temperature recorder and controllery based on the automatic electronic. potentiomet-er ann-og (EPP-09), The new 'P3n - instrument incorporates a swiTched electroni-_ controller type - -1/4 3/119/62/000/001/004/011 Multitrack re~,.ording instramenT-o D2-,)-I-,'D302 2C (REi-2S). In this controller. as '..1-posed to -the existing con.- 000, -troller ERS-6-7) and :JJN s aPC -67 (_77 (ERK-T-7), the readings of con- trol intervals are independent of the formation of outpu;t signals. For multi-poinT con-Urol, the institute has developed a swit-chingg six-posit.on unit type GnY-06 (BPU-6), A Ifurther development of it-9 a mul-tl-chaxmel con-trol dev,L-~r- type P311 -- 65 (REP-m-6) make-s it pos- sible to adjust evezy control channel for The opecif-Is dynamics of the obje---T. T.-Oe use of" the c_ontrol arrangemen-~' REP,M6 or 3;~I-~-,,K, ,.on with the swi-t-hing unl-~ BPU-6 makes i"L-1 pos- (ERU-'7K) in conjunci sible to obtain a mal.-L.-.-~~hannel, mult'l-poln-r of up to 100 points. The follow-Ing other auTomaiion devi-,ea have also been de- veloped at the Inaiitlj~e. 1) &e~trDnlc con-ii;-ro" de-vi,~& type P311 -M (RBP-W~ its ' usasurem.~rj.-~ sec~T2oa takes the _F.~~rm of an aLc~ bridge, the control seozion zonsis* - 9? Of VLIr time re- To 07 a a laysq using type 614ATI (6NIP) valves and 13-.Le-'zrsmeohanical relays. The device is quIte flexible in 2) Ele-,tr-Dnio control device type PDP ~2 (REP-2.). A mors sztiznel variant- of RF1:k 2)0 A more sensit_ive var--7ar.-, of RER 1M. vi_'~h se'Lf-F5-n--hron_1,z_:ng ou;pu-L. relays and a thyrat'ron for -.nd-_,Ta-1on of J:.-1-17?-.jJ cperariono 3) E-1-c- Card 2/4 5/1 -'1 Q,/'62/;~0001,~,~)01~l/"004/011 Multitrack recording insir-uments z D21 C, ),~ D17") 2 type P-TI (REP~-3), developed for controll- tronic control dev-rr- ing high-resistan;~e (ferro-dynamic) pickf-ups which, require hi-gher input voltages~ This has beer. achieved by uaing a 631~5n (6Zh5P *) pen-- tode at the inputt-1. The :respone5 ib logarithmio which. however, does not introduce noticeable distortion of the statii-, characteristic of the controller. For sequenttial multi-pnzit control using type REP controllers, the latter are used --,n conjunctilon with switChIng units BPU-6~ Each of the controllers of the above type, has a con- tact controlling the BPU operation. in such a manner, that after -thc- control device has beer, swit-ched to the control position, the BPU_ connects to it the pick-up and the ouiput of the next objectz The circuit of the BPU devi"ce represen-cs a ring circu-it, designed arouni cold cathode thyratrons type MTX -190 (MTK71a--90), which can switch from 2 -- 6 controlled noints. The instromen-cs )f mult'L-.poin+v seq-;,ien-- tial control type qMnP (`EMPR) and qnnP (EPPR) arz- used as the ba- sis for RET-2S instruments, the modifization consisting of adding another bank of commutators to the switch and by replacing the discas of the position control arrangement by poten-viiometer p,_ck-up5. The six-channel electronio contro,11er REP-M6 consists of eight unLtsq Card 3/4 4 1 s l!191621000,100!iOO4101~1 Multitrack recording insirtmenis D2 01 1,"ID'i 0- 22 six having a thyratrcn trigger In con'-,unction w-L-th't-wo 6HWT7 (6NIF) va:Ive switches. The six are triggered frcm a -.ine interval unitv the latt-r consisTing ot a binary thyratron counte-ro The qPY,_7K (ERU-7K) seven-ch-annel control device conslaua of eight unit-s agaJn. Seven of these are proper control. c-.,rc-u-its and 44~he eighth is the power supply uni.t. Every on-~rol unit ccnsistB of ar- amplifier usin onjun,-zilon with an e1e-ltr-3nic time relav. g a 6Zh5P valve in The series prcdu-_-T_*.orj. of REP,IM instrument3 began 1-n 1960: REP-2~ REP-73, REP-D16, BPU 6 and ERU_7K arr;_L pr_-,du_-ed in small bqtjhes by the experimen-,a'L planz of the Institut4= :)� Al;tomatl~on. The mul-LA.- track instruments are -,,ot- being series-produced, There are 10 _fl- gures and I tabled Card 4/4 SAULOVAJ, L.Y_._L BFMZGVSKIY, M.A.; BE2USYAK, Yu.L.; SAS, T.P. Experimental radio system for remote control of bridge cranes. Avto&.i prib. no.4:13-17 O-D 162. (MM 16:1) 11 I 1. Institut avtom4ti .ki Gosplana UkrSSR. . (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Remote control) BEZUSYAK, ru.L.; SAULOVA. L.V. 1. Influence of certain factors on the degree of squeezing out of alkali cellulose. Khim,yolok,, no.ls60-63 160. (MIRA l6s2) 1. Kiyevskiy institut avto-natiki Gosplana Uk2f3SR. (Cellulose) (Mercerization) bT,REZOVSKIY, Mikhail Aleks,-,ndi-ovich, 1117,1-.; KORot"'U., ~~`kilail '."' -.La~ i,n Ivarlovich, kand. telklin. .~~ 1, Vyach'eslDvo-ma, JIMA.; YOCHO, 4,,ktor v~lkl,.li. rauk., retsenzent I-lair.Flqd-data contr~)l devices] Elektronrr.-e rqT(.I'Llnllll- shchie ustroistva preryvistogo deistvlia. Kif!-,,, nika, 196.,. 13-, P. (1,11'J'A S!Huff-s ITS' K M. New method for measuring 57-69 153. At Af cranial cavity. Redych. zhur. 23 no.2.- (MLRA 8:2) 1. Institut soologii AN URSR i Kiivalkiy medichniy insti-but. (GRANIONSTRT) SAVLYAK-SAVITSKLYA, H.H. Method of investigating the relationship between brain arid Amll and their comparative evaldation, Dop. UN URSR no.2:192-194 156. (KLIA 9: 12) 1. Kiivm~kiy medichniy insitut. Predstavleno akadenikom AkEmLemii naul; USSR V.G.Uslyananko. (Graniobetry) SAUVYEV, V. E. "The Approximate Solution of the Problems of Eigonvalues for Differential Operators With Partial Di3rivatives by the Method of Finite Differences." Cand Phys-Math Sci, Mathematics Inst imeni, V. A. Steklov, Acad Sci USSRp 16 Dee 54. (VM, 7 Dec 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556 24 Jun 55 SAULITEV. V.K. Proof for the convorgence of elgenfunctions which are derived by the method of nets. Uep'.zat.nAuk 9 no.4:217-224 154. (MM. 8:1) (ligenfunctions) A Li E Vj V, SUBJECT USSR/MATHMTICS/Differential equations CARD 1/1 PG - 179 AUTHOR SAULIZV V.K. TITLE On the question of the solution of the eigenvalue problem with the clifference method. PERIODICAL Vy8vislit.Matevykislit.Techn. 2j 116-144 (1955) reviewed 7/1956 In analogy to a paper of H.BUokner (Math.Z. 51-L 423-465 (1948)) the author estimates the velocity of the convergenoe of the differenae-eigenvalues with respect to the corresponding differential-eigenvalues for the case of the general selfadjoint elliptic n-dimensional operator for curvilinear boundaries of the domain. SAULOYEV, V.KIP-, Evaillating the error in fir-ding eigenfun tions by the met*aod of finite differences. Tych. mat. no.1:87-115 157. WaA 10;11) (Algenfunctions) (Difference equations)