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L 137-,1957-12-22995 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957,~ Nr 12, p 20 (USSR) AUTHOR: TITLE- Separate Delivery. of Various Grades of Raw Ores to the, Plant, in Order to Increase the Extraction of Metal.During Concentration (Organizatsiya dostavki na fabriku'obrushennoy'rudy po sortan; s tsellyu povysheniya izvlecheniya metalla pri obogashchenii) :PERIODICAL: Izv. AN KazSSR. Ser. gorn. dela, metallurgii i stroymaterialov, -107 1956, Nr 11, pp 104 'ABSTRACT: In order to reduce fluctuations of the am ounts of the useful com- ponents in.ores arriving at the plant, it is suggested that, when- ever possible, the rich ores and thelean ores be transported and concentrated separately. This method should increase the total amount of metal by Z-3 percent. These concepts are substantiated by a. practical example. A. Sh. 1. I-Ietallurgy-USSR 2. Ores-Separation Card 1/1 ~W-t p L.O.9 speC;red.; RYZHOVA,,X.S.,,red.; TAROV, Z.X,,.tokhnred,, RYZIIOVA, N.M. Corebral circulationduringreflax action. Report Noj:~-Cerebral blood~supply following irritation of interoceptors of the small '[with summary in English] Biul. eksp. biol. i med. intestine 43 no.2:13-16 7,157 (MLRAI 10:5) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii.i patologii dykhaniya i krovoobrashchenlya ~~4yedu~,ushchiy-professor M.Te' Marshak) Instituta normallnoy,i patologicheskoy fiziologii (direktor-deyetvitel'nyy chlen AMN SSSR professor:V.N-Gheruigovskiy), Moskva. Predstavlena. deyetvitellnym chelnom AMN SSSR.T.N. Chernigovskim. :(INTESTINE, SMALL, physiology, off. of irritation on cerebral circ. rate) (RuB) (BRAIN, blood supply, eff. of irritation of small intestine on circ. rate) (Rua)' USSR r 'IL--man and Ar-im~aIl Physi-c-log.7 Yhe Ner-VOUS Syst---M-. "-'CC'; U Dr, 3 r bG J Du rc. -t ~ Ref Z-hur-Biol. -1. a Lut: r 131-Lno-4a A Y. :vr a LI-st i, lut Effects of -fj~-I-ja>.es UDor: Erainis 3100a Sup"oly. 3-rd R e p ol, i n i f c an c e o S,,.--rj.O.-_ a , Ut ~6 -011w irl -` -~-t On 0:0~ S-raiij, S* 1 r i % 1 7NO 12 3 -7 -7 In, 2 s c- h aa - e s: of the iae-n-Lulav jo-, 1:~meL- ur-C I - , speed blood s-cre= (SF-iS) were :Lavestigs - j ted. The thermoelect-fiz :;latlhofl- jr- -las Usec. An ~fr.Lfn io Of Ocez-* r --n - ~he s-mull -4-ate st -~ne. -Uyter UorS Was a ai + I;roduced b!r d A. I vJ, -Tn. g wi r. An interocez.or .J. r r i 'I; i o -a 11 au sez d an i i ic r e a s e 0 f b 1 o c d p r d 0" 8,221- . In.- Cases, w-'-ich vasod4 sure a; Ilat ~Zmpiilses of synocaro-tid ba-rocertors vrere restric tea (b-,; of carotia arteries), SBS became, redulctz-d .--,s 11 occu--rek].. t e 5? a c uf f r z it~&,,:Lons. P.1 o o d. Supply in. .1atercicepto 1 r' Dehydration CA 4(k.- of the 3 title co-Pds- Proceeds to tetrahydrofuran d-i-. V: through Intermediate formation of alltenols. Reaction of MeMgBr with WICOSE0, Iva- 34 m. Ttas (6-6 z.) t-ted with aq- HSo~ (pH 1.0) on distn. ga%re 42c/0 J. ol, bu &3.5-4*, dw OAM, KW 1.4439. which distd. with a drop of H,,SQ, gave 44% b. d6 OM89, sV 1.4014. EtMgBr and ateto- 1,+4moxedW, N 118~19* propyl aIc- p- 33% 4-eWky1-- 0, ~PH 1.6) gave IN, mV 1.4571, which distd. ft- aq- H,,S T-8 . and 15% A16- bu X EJC:CffCHsCffgO1j, bn 76-5-414. du O-E417, zV 1.4494;- which heated with a drop Of HtM ILAVC the tctmmethyP tetrahydrofumn. b. 121-2', du OJ=- , tsV 1.4190. Aceto-~ and BuMxBr gave 30% 44~h*l "ddAdid) Pyl slc~ frorn 144-5*. do 0.9158, it 1,4573i ivhich distd. aq. i a& 2- ---a% Maur- CH- DIG uq~ . ~W - f " M - 524, -100% OjM4, 1.4 CHjCHOH (1), bt, 09.6 .,~-A - I distd. vrith a drop of HiSO4 gave the fiwap deriv. above. Oxidation of the latter vMh KMnO. in 7 days gave B,6.CH,.CHCO- -14% which with NH%OH~ th, 113 and A9N.% gave the A g- --h 10~r 44a. which was aualYztd--X:~With XMA04 1PVe- I -2 77- USSR/Crganic Chemistry Theoretical and General- Questions E-1 nic Chemistry on Orga Abs Jcur Referat Zhur Klaimiya, No 2,.1957.1 4239 Favorskaya, T.A. Ryzhova, N P. Author of Title Mechanism of Dehydration of Ca=a-glycols. ii~Study 4-Meth Dehydr Iation of,,2,5-Dinethylhexandiol-2,5) y1hexan- diol-I 4 and 4_Methyloctanediol-ij4. Orig Pub Zh. obshch. khimii, 1956, 26, No 2, 425-426 Abstract similarly to other primary-tertiary gamma-glycols con- tainin-, fatty randicals (see 'Co'rununication I, RZhKhim' 1956,,19133) 4_amethylhexanediol-l, 4 (1) and 4-methyloc- tanediol-1,4 (II) are dehydrated according tothe same mechanism as the di-tertiary ~,57dimethylheyanediol-2,5 by forming or- distillation with F12SOI, (pH 1.6) first beta-unsaturated alcohols which are then isbmerized to derivatives of.-tetrahydro'jurane: From I was obtained 1 1 e P75-5-760/12 mm,: 4-methylhexe,ne--3-6 - :(IV), Yi ld:15%,,B Card 1/2 - 19 -- -- Z~- - -, - j- V, -4 V -1:i '- V - .,I I .. I ) L 40027-66 EWT(1), ~GW ACC NR.- AP6004990 SOURCE CODEi. UR/0611/66/000/002/0003/00 9 AUTHOR: AleksanGrov, K. S.; Belikov, B. P.; Ryzhova* T. V I ---------- ORG: Institute of Physics9SO ANSSSR, Krasnoyarsk (Institutfiziki SO AN SSSR); IGEM AN SSSR, Moscow TITLE: Calculation of elastic parameters ofAr S on the basis of~mineral composition SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya~ geologiche-skaya, no. 2j 1966, 3-19 ''TOPIC TAGS. elastic modulus, propagation vel6city,.porosity, multiphase rock 4VAJER41- ABSTRACT: Elastic moduli of rocks with uniphdse and multiphase were investigated on the basis of quantitative evaluation of their'cQmposition. The data were compared with tbe.experimental values obtained from soT ne selected rocks. Because the errors in the deterrfiination of the elastic properties of minerals usually range from 3 to 10%, the Voigt-Reuss-Hill method, described'in,8etail-by.Belikov (1964), wasemployed for studying un-iphasle rocks; it was assumed that a multicomponent aggregate is elastical1y isotropic. A formula V, A A, was used for the evaluation of the mean elastic modulus W) of an aggregate, where Vi is the specific volume.of i component and Ai is thelelastic modulus- -of,. imixture com- ponent. Some experipmental values of the elastic,properties.were the Card I /n UDC- qql) 113+ L 40M-66 ACC NR. AP6004920 velocities of propagation of transversal and longitu Idinal waves in selected specimens at zero pressure. As Isuming that the elastic properties of rocks are'determIned mainly by the elastic properties of their components, (with porosity and structure playing an insignificant role) the elastic moduli of multiphase rocks collected in.various parts, of the Soviet Union were determined using a methoddeveloped by,Aleksandrov and Nosikov (1956). The data*were Icompared with the values obtained from the velocities of propagation of elastic waves in selected rock specimens.' The data show that for the unipbase rocks, tfie deviations of the experimental values from the calculated.ones generally do not exceed 5%, and the mean square deviations are 3.12% and 5.30% for the longitudinal and transversal waves, respectively;.however, the elastic moduli haven somewhat larger mean deviations from the calculated values in comparison to-the veloci ties of propagation of elastic waves. Ingeneral, if there is no great degree-of porosity, the elastic properties of these aiinerals,can be well evaluated with,.the application ofthe Voigt-Reuss-Hill'method. The study:c;f the multiphasei.minerals shows that the velocities of.propag~tion of elastic waves agree well with the experi--: mental data and do not deviate more than 5%,-even for the porous rocks. The computed elastic moduli of the multiphase rocks~do not deviate more tban.6-7% from their exper- imental values. The authors thank theii~'colleagues the Insti- tute of Physics and I. A. Gartman, L. P.--. --Solodova. -Ye. A. 2"ina'and. 7. Q. Xhajistnva at IGYeM, for assistance in carrying,out-Ithe work. The-authors also.thank.personnel- of the mineralogical museums of thd,-,AN SSSR, MGRIj~Leningrad Mininj'Institute and LIvov Universi for providing the, -mir ~eral--S~ ecfimens.,--, Acknowledgement is also p L-4002!i-66 6-58-2-5/21 AUTHOR. Ryzhciva V. A. Candidate,of Technical Sciences TITLE: Determination of the Coordinates of Topographic Points on Terrestrial Photographs by-Means of the Axonometric .11ethod (Opredeleniye koordinat toebek.meatnosti,po nazemnym snimkam tri') metodom aksonome i PERIODICAL- Geodeziya i grIafiya, 1958, Nr 21 pp. 18 23 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tbe axonometric method consists in the following: The photo- graphed area is transferred into a rectangular coordinate system which is closely -connected with the object to be photographed. Therefore, , this rectangular coordinate systel-I riust be obtained on the photographs. If the coordinate system Ox YZ is, chosen in.the space thereproduction of the axo- nometric system 0 X Y Z is obtained on the left,photograph ' ' N l on the right-On the other side a and 0 x Y z is o in e a 2 2 2 2 three dimensional coordinate system corresponds to the axo- nometric coordinate system 0 1X 1 TI Z1and 02X 2Y2 Z2 chosen on Card 112 the leftland the right phot.ograph.:A detailed description of USHAKOVA, K.U., starshiy nauckinyy sotrudnilc; POPOVA, A.V., --Tilads)2iy rauchnyy.sotrudnik; KLJZI,MINA, G.F.; N,IKOLAYEVA, Z.V., maldshiy hauchnyy sotrudnik; KATSEREUNBOGETITI, A.M.; RYL-110,VA.., V..N.,, inzh.' Industrial processing of 90 Tm in the Imit,goods industry. Tekst. prom. 24 no.9:35-38 S 164. 6' MIRA 17:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut, iskusstvennogo volo~zna (for Us.hakova, Popova) . 2 Rukovoditell syrlyevoy gruppy Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledavatellskogo instituta trikotazhnoy promyshlennosti (for' Kuz,IdLina).,'3. Vsesoyu~nyy nauchno-issledo- vatellskiy institut trikotazhnoy promyshlennosU (for Ilikolayeva). 4. Rukovoditell, syrlyevov gruppy Nauchno-issledovatellskoy labo- ratorii trikotazhnoy fF-brLki im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Katsenelen- bogen). 5. Nauchno-issledovatellskayiL laboratoriya trikotazhnoy 'fabriki im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Ryzhova). SOV/112- 59-5-8517 Generalization of the Results of Testing the Gas-Air Channels, obtained from the test's and subsequently reduced to proper terms. Data tabulated for all boilers shows that the overall gas resistance is excessive only for,TP-230-2 because this boiler has an unsatisfactory design of gas passes, insufficient cross -section of the flue, and inadequate -layout of ash collection. The overall resistance of the air, channel is nearly equal in all boilers., -The specific energy consumption by induced draft is 1. 5 -2.7 kwh/ton for four boilers and 5. 35 kwh/ton for the TP-230-2 boiler. The specific energy consumption by forced draft is 3 kwh/ton for TP-230-Z, 2 7 kwhIton for the once-through boiler, and 1. 4-1. 7 kwh/ton for the other boilers. InIaddition to the actual boiler tests, air-channel models were tested. These tests showed that the gas channel of the TP-230-2 boiler requires remodeling and that the boiler cannot operate normally oIn wet co als. As a result of actual and model tests, certain general alterations in the layout and construction of.the air.- channel elements are recommended. B.P.Z. Card ZIZ U V f-4 USSR/Chemical Technology. ~Chemical Products and Their Application Treatment of solid mineral fuels, 1-19 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur iya No 2 '5444, 1957, Author: Kuk-harenkol, T. A.) Ryzhova, Z. A. Institution: laboratory of Coal Geology,.Adadwy of Sciences USSR. 'Title: Investigation of Changes in'domposition of the Organic-Mass of Mineral Coal.During the process of Its Erosion original Publication: Tr. Labor. geol. uglya AN SSSR, 1956, No 6, 183-188 .,Abstract: Investigated were changes in composition otthe organic mass of lustrous coal (PZh grades containing 90-92% vitraln) during erosion. As erosion pro eoses there are observed a sharp decrease in sinter- gr ing capacity of the coal and its complete elJmination prior Ito the formation of humic acids (RA). HA oferoded coal, as compared with HA.of brown coal,. are characterized by a lower content in H, higher optical density and.s. lower value of coagulation threshold; at the same time their x-ray photographs resemblethose of'noteroded coal. Card 0) ---------- ---------------------- - - ------------------------ - ------- ------------------ - --- - -- - -- giapble tol _KA h coah' fr6ftJ Jatestsci6i ' ' e datn t] , ifig 6n:tfie~ nil bridge betv ta hinnil `Subse4tteiit _~~.-o IU"Ile;lc Ljid ~T and con ev jact -Wa . 1 rh wuc(W~ eir, Sci.- U.S.S. t1i wof ~,..,refideredec compn. '&nin' d an :_than fustio NEDENKRI, Sergey Grigorlyevich, prof.; YINITSKIY, Lazar' Yefir"ovich kand. tekhn. nauk; LUKIYANCHIKOV, Ivan Kuzlmch, inzh.; RYZHOVA, Zinaida Alek5eyevna, kand. teklm. nau-k; SITKOVSKIY, h-j-=bT.1,-IMATCffTK-, Ye.I., red. (Polymers in railroad transportation) Poliffery z.hel.eznodorozh- nomu transportu. (By] S.G.Vedenkin i dr. Moskva, Transport,,, 1964. 91 p. (MIRA 18:1), 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zhelezno- dorozhnogo transportal otdeleniye polimerov (for Ryzho,va). 2. Glavnyy konstruktor,VsesIoyuznogo nauchnoI-issledovatell-. skogo inW,tuta zheleznodorozbnogo.transporta (for Sitkovski)). 3. Rukovoditell otdeleniya polimerov.Vsesnyuz- nogo nauchno-iss.ledovatellskogo instituta zheleznodorcz4nogo transporta (for Luklyanchikov). 4. Rukovoditell laboratorii ko--rozii otdeleniya ispytaniya materialov i konstruktsiy Vsesoyuzndgo nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta zhelezno- dorozbnogo transporta (for Vedenkin). 5.,Rukovoditell labo- ratorii reziny otdeleniya polimerov Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Vinitskiy). 80123 S/141/59/002/06/004/024 AUTHOR: Rvzhsov. Yu.A. E032/E314 TITLE: The Hamilton Method in the Electrodynamics of An1sotr-opic Absorbing Media PERIODICAL:, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika, Vol 2 Nr 6, pp 869 - 875 (USSR) Ginzbux-g (Ref~l) has developed a general method for findings the fields, due. to point sources in,anisotropic media,which has been given-the name of the "Hamilton method". The method is very convnient in.,the solution of a number of problems. Kolomenskiy (Ref 2) has extended the Hamilton method to.the.caseof a gyrotropic medium. The present paper Is concerned w:Lth'the extension of the Hamilton methodl~ to the,case where absorption is present. The field equations !fo- potnt sources, taking into account conduction currents,.,,. :are of the form Eqs (t~gnd (2), in which the magnetic permeability i., ie unity and the subscript tkf: refers to the',k-th point source., For-simplici-ty, it-Is assumed that the principal axes of the dielectric constant F, and conductivity, a teiLsors colnelde. ik lk Cardl/4 80123 S/141/59/002/o6/oO4/024 EOj2LEjl4 The Hamilton Method in the Electrodynamics.0 sotropic Absorbing Media., Dispersion I s taken into aceaunt by assuming that the quantities are functions of frequencya The q* (3), relation between the electrical vectors,is given by E' which canbe rewritten-in the form given by kq (3a) if the principal axes of the tensors coincide. The quantities and are the principal values of the tensors a OL 6 and ch are operators acting on-the components. ik :LIC wh:L of the electric,field as functionSLOf tiMe.~ If the time dependence of the electric-field is of the form iWt the,effect Qf L thIeoperators 6ik and 4T.k is to multiply the field by the dielectric constant or the conductIvity at the given frequencyL From the continuity equationgiven by Eq (4), thecharge density can be shown to be given by Eq (5), in which (Q can be put equal to 0 if'only the,charge,associated With the conduction current .,I is taken into account. The field equations are then rewritten In.the more conventional Card2/4. 8M23 :S/141/59/002/06/004/024 EOj2LE214 The Hamilton Method in the Electrodynamics o sotropic Abs orbing Media -form .given by Eq (1a), in which the apprDpriate operators are defined by Eq (6). The potentials are then defined in the usual way (Eq 7)'and, as-,in Ref 1, div A = 0 ~the,'latter condition inthe case of 'an anisotropic absorbing medium is generallsedto the form-given by A I ^f, (AMUR RIVER-FLUS) (SIBMU, XASTXRN--MITICS) YEGOROVA, Tatlyana Mikhaylovna; KANIVETS, M.A., retsenzent; RYZHYIM, I.L., starshego, prepod., retsenzent; STEPANOV, S.P.p assistent, re s nzefit; GEITDEL 'MAN II.I.A., prof., retsenzent; GER-IDELIMAII) A.M., kand. ekon. nauk, retsenzent; KUROPAT121KO, F.K.,, prof., retsenzent; KONTOROVICH, LA.,, starshiy prep., retsenzent; YEROFEYENKO A.G assisten retsenzent; DAVYDOV, G.P.) red.; SIONAROVA, T.A., red. izd-va; SUNGUROV, V.S., tekhn.'red,' [Topographical drawing]Topograficheskoe cherchenie. Mosk7a Geodezizdat'. 1961. 158p. (MIRA 15:81 1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy geodezii Omskogo, sellskokhozyay- st.vennogo instituta (for,Kanivets). 2. Zaveduyushchky kafedroy zamleustroystva.TSe:Linograd~;kogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo insti- tuta (for Gendellman.. M.A.)*,3. Zaveduyushchiy,kafedroy zemle- proyektirovaniya i planirovki sel.skikh zaselennykh,meat Be- lorusskoy*sellskokhozyaystvennoy akadem'i (for Kuropatenko). (Topographical drawing)~ P/002/61/000/002/001/001 D/001/D101 AUTHOR: Ivanoviska, Wilhelmina, Corresponding Member of PAS TITLE: Radio astronomy., :Problems and developmental outlooks in Poland PETPRIbDICAL: Nauka Polska, no. 2,, 1961, 1?-26 TEXT: The article presents a,general account of radio astronomy.and- its problems and.mentions briefly radio Poland. The tv,,,o Polish radio astronomical centers are located in Krak6w and ToruA. A 5 m parabolic,antenna built in 1954 and a37 cm wavelength receiver,builtat a laterdate became operative at,the Krak6w center in 1957. is use'd for solar.observation, The ToruA group of radio astronomers Iwas.originally headed b Master y Engineer Grze.siak and since'1958 by.Master S..Gorgolewski. The group received support from Professor S. Manczarski and from Professor J., Groszkowski s and Professor S._A~L~'ka~'s departments of the Politech- nika Ylarszawska (1.11arsaw Polyteclinic Institute) in the form of Card1l/2