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FD USSR/Pbysics Superconductors -3127 C~ _' ;.79 rd 3j Ptib.f153 2/19 Author Mashavets, T. V.; Ryv:kin., S. M. T-itle Influence of heat treatment upon lifetime of non-ground current carriers 77 in germanium (the kinetics of the formation of defects during heat,treat- ment), Periorlical, Zhur. tekh. fiz.,.25, No.9 (September), 1955, 15304543 Abstract The authors investigated the influence of heat treatment at relative "low" temperatures (4oo-55poc) upon~the lifetime of non-ground current.. carriers in germanium.. The lifetime decreases with,increase of tempera- ture and duration of the heat treatment, which is explained by the'oc-. currence of defects:that play therole of centers of rec6mbination.~On e bas' e ur- t h is ofa study.of.the process of, the, o,cc rence the authors,obtain data,on,their energy structure,., They show.tha t the process,governing the occtrrenceof defects in the investigated, re-, gion of temperatures differs from the process governing the occurrence of "thermal. defects" ordinarily appearing in.germand:um at higher tempera-, tures. The authors' aim has been to investigate the occurrence during heat called thermal traps (recombination centers) and, also the nature 'i.e. energy structure) of defects associated with these SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS CARD 1 2 PA 1681 AUTHOR RYV,-K-l-ff S.M., TITLE inks "Secondary" and "Passing-Through" Photocurrent A.Semiconductors. PERIODICAL Zurn.techn.fis,.L6, fase. 11p 2439-2447 (1956) Issued:., 12 / 1956 By the.present work the attempt is made t1o show that putting the secondary photocurrent equal to that which:passes,through is wrong., The terminology using the terms "primary" and "secondary ~photocurrent is described as irrational if used for describing pliotoe"lect*ric phenomena in.semiconductors._. On the kinetics of the Phot6aurrent: If the semiconductor samp'le is irradiated by'a constant.light current from a certain moment onwards, the relaxation-like.- ~process of transition to a new,:stationary co Incentration of.charge.carrierst,. which , occurs as a result of,: ionization,~ is determined in'the :general case by -~two phenomena:.1.) By a change of I concentIration by elIectron.transitionWinlhe, "energy spacelt, i.e. on-the.occasion'of ionization and recombination., 2.) By modification as a result of the motion of the carriersin the coordinate space, i.e. by diffusion and drive in the electric, field. Both processes take place simultaneously and with reciprocal interaction. However, when evaluating.~~ the influence exercised upon the effective.relaxation~.time of each process, 1he e:Lgentimes of both processes may be-investigated separately. On the so-called "Primary" 2hotocurrent; The. trans it-ion '. carrIeIat..(morelexa,ctly its initialstage) according:tolhe terminology used by GUDDEN and POHL, Lrn.techn.firi,26 1956) CARD. 2 2 Pi 1681 fase.11, 2439-2447 corresponds to,the so-called "primary"icurrent. On the occasion of the occurrence of diffusion-drive-equilibrium, FERMI'S quasi-level in the semi-. ,conductor., is reduced, and the relative influence exercise&.by the, carriers movingfrom the cathode into the crystal increases. Hereby the basic condition for .the "primary" character.of the current is gradually abolished. ~ If equi- libiium in the energy space is rapidlyestablish -ed, the relax.ation.process occurring on the occasion of illumination is reduced to the fact that the transition current goes over.into the passing-through current, Thus the, establishment of equilibrium in the coordinate space is fully characterized. 'On the so-called "secondary" photocurrent: If no particular assumption.a.are. introduced (if, e.g., the barrier layers at the contacts, very strong fields,_, etc. are not taken into account), the photocurrent occurring immediately,after., illumination can only diminish by~.the establishment:of.diffusion equilibrium,'', with the electrons. The photocurrent observ Ied by GUDDEN and POHL on ZnS cannot be put equal to the passing-through current. In conclusion several .~technological problems are.discussed.:According to the~uthorls opinion the -old,terminology must be dropped._It is necessary either to introduce new terms which characterize occurring phenomena correctly orto change old terms accordingly. INSTITUTION: SUBJECT ~USSR:/ PHYSICS CA-RD I PAI- 1821 AUTHOR TITLE The Forming Me6hanism'of ImpulsesJn Crystalline Semiconductor Counters. (The'llotion..of Charge's on the Occasion ofan Impulse-: Ionization in Semiconductors). PERIODICAL iyurn.techn.fis, 26, fase.12, 2667-2683 (1956) Issued:. 1 1957 The present work intends to determine the,,basic qualitative properties of the. forming mechanism of,impulses in crystallinesemiconductor counters, as,well,as to carry out an approximated quant.itativ Ieinvestigation of this problem..At first, several questions relating to schemes-were dealtwith in a precise'form_From the point of view of the processes which'take place in the'sample, thereal.scheme-, can be replaced by the-case of which the voltage on:,the sampleis kept.constant. At the saMetime.,computation of the charge in the real',scheme can be replaced by,computation of the excess electricity which~is a result of ionization in the outer.chain of the,,second scheme. In~this_connection investigation of the problem is confined to computing the additional-current i in the exterior chain of.the scheme on the basis of.the~investigation of the pro- cesses that take place on the occasion of ionization inside the s,ample..The semi- conductor mechanism of impulse formation is then examined. The process is.analyzed which'takes place in.a crystal with finite conductivity before excitation immedi. ately after ionization..A. very.simplellflat" investigated on the assumption that the.domain in which ionization took place has the shape ofa parallelepiped. iurn.techn.fis,26,fasc.12,,2667-2663 (1956), CARD 2 3 PA 1821~ it is assumed that the current carriers produced on.the~occasion of.ionization Nill within short have an energy.,distribution corresponding.:to lattice temper- ature as-a result of the,collision, and.will hardly be dis.tinguishable,from.. the thermally ionized current'carriers. Ionization and the establishment, of, quasi-equivalent distribution areassumed to exist at the moment., ~In the following an exact analysis of the question as,to:the mlechanism.of impulse formation is given mainly in order-to determine the criteria for the transition of a formation according to thescheme of prima Iry current into such.according to the scheme of.a passing-through~current, as wellas to compute the-depend- ence of,the amount of the impulse on the conductivity of the sample and,,other ~of its parameters. Computation of A i passing through and 9 (diffusion-devia-.1. tion-equilibrium) is for a general casevery difficult..Therefore only,some,-..~, special:.cases - of the weak, medium, and strong field - areinvestigateds and. for,these cases criteria are set up. Besides, the case for -C Aff 93SR (Leningrad Physicai--Te,,~hnioal Inatitute AS USSR) SUBMITTED: Augu -21 '957 CadzitLm-celenium s L~mz- -Fl-opevt Card 2 2 -28-4-1#39 7 5 AUTHORS., Ivanov, Yu. L. Ryvkin, S. M. TITLE: The Formation of Current Oscillations~in Germanium Samples in an Electric and Longitudinal Magnetic :Field,(Vozniknoveniye kolebaniy toka.v obraztsakh germaniya, pomes6chennykh v elektricheskoye i prodolln,oye magnitnoye pole) PERIODICALg Zhurnal Tekhnichesk9y Fiziki, 1958,'Vol. 2.8, Nr 4: PP0774-775, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors determined current fluctuations in some germanium- -samples through *hich a direct current passed.and which were.. placed in a:constant magnetic longitudinal fielA.,(magnetic field parallel to the current). Under certain.conditions the forming fluctuations had a shape near to the sinosoidal line with a frequency of. 10 nd Th 15 kilocycles per seco e fluctuation character depends on quite a number , of circum- urre stances. Thus fluctuations only a- c nt through the sample different flDm zero and increased according to amplitude and frequency increase,in current.'Ana- Card!j* logo us dependences~were~also observed on the.magnitude.of.the' l 57 28-4-14/39 The, Formation of Current Oscillations in Germanium Samples in an, Electric and. Longitudinal Magnetic Field magrietic,fieldo In spite,of zinc-6ontacts,the..voltampere~ characteristics in the investigated samples d if f ered f rom a linear one. The fluctuations formed -in one as:well as the:~: other current direction were more marked when the. direction of current correspond to the lower resistance.of,thel samP16.F Fluctuations only occurred in the case of. an exact agree- ment of the direction of the magnetic field. with,the axis~ of the sample. An intensitve illumination of the samples led to an interruption of the :fluctuations. A certain drop in'.. temperature in the samples7_ however, led to. a n in,crease of, their amplitude and frequency..An etching of the samples in hydrogen peroxide promoted the formation and- the stability of the fluctuations. An increase or decrease of the ampli-i tude of fluctuation connected with any.change,,of.the experi-: mental conditions in all,cases led to the correspondA ing 3- crease, or decrease respectively of the &-quency of,: f luctua-. tionw. There are 3:figures and 1 reference, 1 of,'which is' Soviet. Card 2 On the Influence.of Surface, Treatment of Semicon- 57-28-5-2/36 ductors on the Magnitude and the Spectral Distribution o fPhotoconductivity., vacuum and in air, as.-Pell as by means of a short ~exposure j to a gas discharge, The results of the investigations .apparently permit to draw'Lthe follovino conclusions, The strong the surface as well as a strong dependence,of the sensitivity on the treatment of the, sixr.. face are determined by the strong influence of the recom".'. bination processes near the'surface~ Theserec-ombination,". processes can influence the phatodo.nductivity,and modify. the phenom-enological~emission.'(fenomen6logidheskiy vy khod). As an increase of,,photoconductivity is accompanied by an increase of,dark c6nductivity,it can be assumed that the investigated kinds of treatment:primarily influ- ence themagnitude dnd the sign of the zonal curvatures.. nearthe surface. The experiments conducted,, however, can- not" furnish,a basis for the evaluation of . partirula-r fea-.- tures of the mechanism. The role of the recombination pro-, cesses at the surface is Trell investigated in germanium?,, silicon and similar~substances, where the deterininati-on of Card 2/4 carriers hot in equilibrium is only possible af ter a, s-,,ectial On the Influence of Surface Treatment of Semiconductors 57-28-5-2/36 on the, Magnitude and the Spectral.Distribution of Photo-, conductivity. treatment of the surface.,It appears, thatthe recombina-, tion processesalso play an important AB'le in other-semi-- conductors. The experiments also proved the, neces s ity_:"of neyr effective methods for the,cleaning of,Ah6 surfaces of the semiconductors-This would presumably make it': possible to increase'.the photos ens itiv ity 'ofnume r9us substances, whichin spite-of their stronrCabsorpti Ion -, are considered,not photosensitive or only Tfedkly sensitive. Therefore the experimental results,verify.:tlie~fact,~tkiat the,two.basi,c anomalies in.photuoconductivity -:the ",in-,. active" absorption of light in,some.substances as well s the reduction of photoconduct' pth of,. a ivity in the de the absorption band - can to a considerable degree one cause, that is to say,by intensive rel- combination-type processes, which are.considerably in- tensified near.the surface. The authors express theirs Cara 3/4 gratitude to the student of Leningrad State Universi ty AUTHORS: Strokan, N. B. 57-28-6-5/34 Tuchkevich, V.' M Chelnokovy Ye. TITLE: Silicon Photodiorl6s, f.Kre,mniye-vyye fotodiody) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 26, Nr 61~ pp. 1165-11068 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Inthe.present report the results obtainedby investigating the possibility of.utilizing silicon p-n.photoelements,~ for the purpose,of transforming light signals into electric signals: in~ th.q. photodiode regime are described.,It could~be con taken for granted from:the very,beginning that sili photodiodess which aze of somewha,t.lower,inte'gral sensitivity must offer some advantages.compared to-,:~ gp.rmanium photodiodes (reference 3)i viz - a ~,,lower "dark current', and a lower degree of inertia. Further,, the, results obtained by in~re6tigating:the basic prcperties of the ailicon'photodiodes LFTI produced in the.laboratory ity of the light are described. The sensitivi of the, incanaesoent -amp with a colortemperature of,,the Card 1/3 filament of -..,285000 fli)ctuated between 5 and-7 mm/lumen 'AUTHORS: R,~_~k Strokan, N.~ B'.. r 57-28-6-6/34 TITLE: On-the Kinetics of Phototriodes (0 kinetike fototriodov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958,,Vol. 28, Nr 6, pp- 1169-1173-(USSR) ABSTRACT: Phototriodes can be used as highly photo-sensitive means transforming light signals into electric signals., It is therefore of particular interest to studytheir inertia. During the first months of,1957 the-authors:-, the e produced samples of g rmanium. phot6triodes,in, laboratoryg which had a sensitivity of 1 F 4 amp6res/: lumen, a dark our nt.of-500 700 icroamp6res m Me (saturation remains up to -_,P57), and a sensitive surface: of mm2, (reference 1). Besides the authors, also engineer N. F. Ragozina and laboratory worker,!-. A. Lebedeva assisted.,in producing the samples. The high sensitivity . ...of phototriodes is known to be connected with the process of amplificationof the photocurrent which'takes place in them. The kinetics of phototriodes was Card 1/3 means of an apparatus w1hich-is form,of a, On the Kinetics of Phototriodes -28-6-6/34, 57, drawing (figure:2). Determination of them quality of the,time constant was,carried out by the method TolstoyLand.Feofilov. (reference 2)~:_ on the basis,of the principles of1he.substitution scheme., (reference 3). Results are,shown by a table. FroWthe oscillogram worked o-ut by V. V. Makarov, student of the LGU (reference 3) it may.clearly be.seen that~the rapid'~-.- relaxation of.the collector current, to be expected'on the strength of theoret -1cal argumentation and a.slower relaxation of the potential differences.on the poin Itof emitter transition,actual"y:take place. Int conclusion_ iV.':.~ is mentioned,that in the case of.phototriodesla working-- regime which is analogous toLthe so-called "hybrid regime,.' of photoUodes (reference 5),is possible. In'this, case xelaxation has 2 domains: a "phototriodell domain atlow, values of.the rhotocurrent. and a ,'valve' domain",,which' corresponds1to high values of the photocurrent. Obviously.' the'llvalve domainl!,is possible in phototriodes only,inthe' case of "asymmetry" durin ,ggeneration of the.photoele,etro- motive force in 6mitter-and collector transition *pical'- 'Card 2/3 SOV/57 -28 -9 -2 33 A Stro'lkrzm, N. B. Makovskiy, L. L. ~jf zhe Kinetics of Photovoltaic Cells Wi i t b- j.umctions (K voprosu o kinetikeve-ntillnyki~ m s elektrozino-dyrochnym Derekhodo Vol. 28 I --,qk~,n4ch--koy fi--iki Nr 9, pp- 1671-1882 (USE-a) 1958 , t A F,T er- ;1" is is :~i ~,C lie kinaties of the photovoltaic cell 0 a io -r. No limitations nr.e imposedon.the r ti E; H (wher a C denotes t.he cap city of th a e at zer--~ vcltage, and R its resistance) and of 0 -am o~a, a -d -Y Is, R. The downx :r -loping branch of the relaxation' 'ig c -.,z r.-ei wr as t, t ed In the first section qual4tsbive conq,d- 7 r-- t -i on z; bearing cn the kinetics of av special cases are: Tx .2e t C .1 r- C h 2 i sis investigated a:~ t. c,S qaant-i- -u --c e C n 'he experimenta I ~,d is dc- the theoretical r tilt, Comnsr'd c b ut -n n e c t iA e- w fni~_, br nich. et f E-x r im evil. zThe downvard-sl-~p a C t,v e, --z~ e a4wuming f f er a. n s 3 od In reference ri Z M3 U i 8 1D f P h t v v o a c C e 11 s 'N i t h Elect-ci-iicic Jucct~,----7. f f 4 zi small capacJ,:.t.;ve currents) are no~ .5at- a d t f , E! I U M I, i. ff J o J. e ,-. t 1 y h 8 h Li s ac t on ~:vf tjjZ. h uz CT-t-,Va 1.1, cz t I I I determined onij by relaxation. This -U, he ~-Iata for the determination of the li'e i z)::* Ila m ca. rr sions were sub- i rs. These conclu s L n~ JLa t by exper.-menta. From the slope of the rectilinea.--~.- it was found, that the levels of ov&d by 0,23 eV from the bound- art~ elft zone. There are 10 figures and 8 refer- ~~eii,~h are Soviet . '-34kc -ekhni SSSR (Leningrad.' C". t ch skiy institut?AN 3 C". 1 lrstitutcAS KS--) 6 P, ~.i I 'TT 1D VeAat I bOOX EJCFWI?.kTECM XV1350A AkRdo=Ly% sank SM. Otdolval4w rittka-tacottichaskikh co,jk TIZUA t~riogo tols; obamik statmy, (S.1id St.-, Collectim of krtl-l-a. 11 ) Wacv" Tzd-_ M =8, 1959. _'23 P. 3.5- "Piss priatd. M. A.Y.Jor A~- mu-.11 Yd. .1 J-.bll"za ILc. T. 3. nllp~cb; B.A., T*ch. Lt. I E. Ina FIT SM. IIIIA -11action of artiel" to lat-ard for P!4r3tcisto 12-ti t %be structums .44 proj~crzies of solids. C0V-_M_-S1 This -I- rl of .01tgttm Cf rlltle. d~.11. g ith pmbl~w Of -114 2byti-, ~z pm.;-d by tho W;~rt=mt of ?~,* - "i W-Jccatic4, A-3-1 or Scirmona, USL~R. 7T~ &utr.:~rs mport on tho p i -zh pro;mtrti.. or uld.. 9-111.1- -4 -rtv43 ~t^l 4LLoy*. nMm vlsct-.11~3 a~z- 7 ductivity of thevi ul.t~ms is stud-4. T.,* tffvct4 of in~dimtica &-.a &~o tic r1harons - .-Ixo la-stf,--sL da-tc4 to 12~4 t'-ry or alectriaml b;-)d4-. X-roy jt`~I'-. -'-M t~d~ !y-rymtX2_I_- -b.t..q.., sod - stdy of tiii j;oI4-bmr!,co sy.te - -rr-.4 P. out. porsausll- lox tre swationed. 1bfemn."s "z;x:;~~Y *%ch &mlcle. TABLIC OF (=r---=; Pi st~ r wA Ch. 9. 5-11k~ r-"'J*zce or 1wi I- atii F-rrr ty C~Attr* In a Crj.t,.l of Inpir: Zwv. T'D. , -mpvraturg Draftnzeof th. Mz'tric.1 ctyst~l of co,ard to M , etic F%"Id st ft Tn~~'4ct- M11cPi, Ito I.- Kna.'4' It-?., Y.N" '?Mh'w0' -4 of T"U- to 11 D.T., -4 T.F. S-L Furt V vtt-... B-L~~44c -L V1 29 K0 OalZvt., B.T. -1 T.N. -wrs' N Cord 21 9 m c ac 4 0 a .14 a c 0 J~ G -Ji -d 2 0 -U A. o m . lo, . P 00 TU c gli E-- E T C.,G c - 0 A : o - u Co. n 0 o L, I 0 I K r- t S "0 co u =0 a . c -duo " 1*0 o I, e vs .0 t-. o a il l " d .-Cue .0 i i I c o,-,, a . >00 on c -O a' 0 P g'-," a L 6 j o r r- . Z r A c Z A i a A v to C , R c 0 . a c - tiz C 0 0. ,U >r u . C . da.0 - 29 A Cs. . d ~ " Of mn . a c 0 c6s a 03C 0 -14 0 00 250 PH ASK Z104K i~XPWLTATU)N 30V/j 140 4 Akademlya nNuic Ukrainakoy 3:11t. InalAtut rizLkl PotoolfiktrIaheaktyu I ysvteniva v poluprovadnikakhl pervago v4esoyu--noAo 4nv,3ahW0n'Ys PO fOtD-1~.ktrIqho3k1;x F,- I Optlaheakin: yaVlantynm v Pnl[jPrAvM'1"tk'qkh' g. Kiyev, 20-26 noyabrya 1957 g (Pnotoolnocrto and Optical rnnnom,tnft in Semi- f conductoraj Trannnotlona or the Virat Conrorene" on Ptintoollectria and Optical Phonomona in Ne-miaonaun tars ... Klyav, 1959. 403 p. 4,000 copies prlnt~d. Additional Sponsoring Agencys Akndumlya nauk 3:13R. Prezi4lum. Kominalya po poluprovodnik5m. Rd. or Publishing Houses 1. V. Xtatoh; Tenn. 94.: A. A, Matvayahuk, Houp. PA. t V. Ya. Lhmhkarnv, Aaftamictan, Ukrainian SSR, Academy of sciences. rURPOSEt. This book In Intended Car Scientists in tho Ciald or numi- conductor Alan. Solid state opectrosenpy, and semiconductor ' - w-UT -0a t~A_A_Ed WtVi-ned WC Udn to j ,~ devices. Th collection fui univerattlas and InstItittan or, htf%nr - tonnn teal training V041411zLng in'the phyalaz and tecrLnIcal application or sami- * conductors. COViMAGSs The collection containa reports and Information bulletins (the latter are indicated by natnria" road At the First All- union conrerenca on Optleal-und Pherjolactria Phenomena in Soml- conductors. A wide scope of probl=3 In semiconductor physics and technology are conaLderods ptlococonductivicy, phatoolectra- 7 active forces, optical proportieb. photoelectric calls and photorealstars, the actions of hard and corpuncular radiations, the proportion t thin films and complex 3cmiconductor systems, a by E. 1, eta. The materials were prepared Car publication Ranhbor, 0. V. 3nitko, X. B.,Tolpygno A. P. LubeftenUovand M. K, Sheynkman. References and dinauszlon follow each article. Orono, Yo. P., and _M A U:mllncarenon or C'J3 Phatoolecte, Iis and optical Phenomena (Cont.) SOV/3140 Crystals at the PASO Of the KkinA~sor tlo a [S n p ctrum) p Th ads) ' 63- Oros* YO P A A Ka I A21X&nekly, and '- Structure of S ;l go~tcc; t ~ r p 4 n "'V'ty CUrVeS Of CrYAtA15 At Low ?"peratures (Theses) 66 -IOmO OPtlaaa and Photoelectric Properties - or rolycrydt&llln* CJ36 Layers- ,. 74 OU' and Pe ritlea of CdSj, C fhotocanducting Ingle C;7atAls (x4l) Khansevarov.~ R YU a- and Z. ar-tho WI4tA a th;' __H_.ASOyOV. Dependency W UIT F 4 a On uO`pOA77t`1'WQf CcIS-CdSo 301i4 Solutions- 95 :nd The Generation or an ,p Ph . -Oscillating t lactric Current in CdS_ and C430 Single- 1, Crystal Photorsointors card 5/16 96 Machanlam, U a i ' n D g& In staz rauffrWrF-Dirring the, formation of &~Ivxrough Conductl a Channel' f 67392. Sov/18.1-1,-,9-10/ ~3 1, AUTHORS. -Arkad ~yqva,_14E~. TITLEs Investigation of.the A4~esion_Levels,in Poly ryetalline Sb S j'and in Single WCrystals by, the,Meth6d o:'the Trod-rmo_~. stimulated Current PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol I :Nr'g pp 1'57 13 0' 9 8 ~(USSR):, ABSTRACT; In continuation of a previous paper (Ref 1):the present article offers.some experimental,result5. Figure 1 snows the, temperature dependence of the th-ermostimulated cur_ren-,'._ Irl Sb S , figure 2 shows the same in selenium. Both ~samDles ha ve, 2 3 p-type conductivity. The heati a Q1.0-.5 deg/s ng r te,,wa, ec for, the former and 0.2 deg/see for7the latter. The rin'os't; the current in the former exhibits two maxima at.T ~-AWK and 2 180 0K, and three in a Ieleni um (115 0K 16 5 'K, band 18'0' K). An evaluation of the adhesion level position,yields:.for Sb S ME 0-33, and_6E -- 0 '39 .ev, whenasr-,aming-the effect- 2 Card.1~2 ive mass,,of the holes equal to the mass ' 1_2 0 01 673913 ..31 AUTHORS: Vitovskiyp N. A! I Mash.ovRIEL'I __TA .5. TITLE: Determination of,the Number of Acceptor Levels of Defec'.8 Occurring in.GermaniumvUnder the Action of Gamma Irradiat4 PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo, tela,' 1959,.Vol, 1, Nr 9, pp 1W 3 6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The radiation-induced formation of-structural defects stable at room temperature:had already. bee h investigated several times, but not.~all :the problems related:therewith are as*.yet solved satisfactorily,. The'present paper,offers* a contribut- ion by discussing bhe possibillities. of a' complete analysis-, of . the energy je-Yels of,the'-defects and by, publishing experimental ~Hall r.esults,concerning th.e-,temperature dependence of e. coeff idient R. of, ~,n-t~tk germanium.. irradiated by. Co.: _..arrays.; An analysis'of::thes~e-,rbs lts 't eci U, -permi s a pr se determination of the number,of, one --radiative defeat. To investigate-the temperature dependence 6f~the carrier concentration 3n,the,presence of,, mul tipl e -charged centers, :the authors,theoretically investigated a~level scheme of a defect (Fig 1), with n in the'condue'ti n band considered 0 ' Card 1/3 2a). In this connection the to,be~composed of four,parts (Fig 67399~ SOV/181-1-9-2 3/3 1 AUTHORS: Arkadlyeva,.Ye. N.9.Ryvkin, S. 11. TITLE.- Investigation of Adhesion Levels in Sb Be by the Method of --3 the Thermostimulated,Current- PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959 Vol 1, Nr 9 PP 1460 1463,(UsSR) ,ABSTRACT., If adhesion:levels. are occupied,.by carriers,st low t emp er atures, this condition is:conserved for a long.time..Vlith slow heating1he carrier'concentration in:the allowed, .,zone"dn the same wa jr,. as- the current .(if a' fieldis applied This boost current-which is.higher than dark defined as thermostimulated -kn investigation of.thermo- stimulated.currents allows ihe estimation of-position and, oconcentration of~ihe adhesion levels. This method is specially applicable to.poorly conductive and photosensitive semicon- ductors..'It had already been utilized'for,:the investigation of. CdS, CdSe, HgJ 2i an efs 1'11).~The present,paper.offers 4.ZnS (R. the results obtained for the single Bb Be ~crystals.:Investi g- 'card 1/#' ations were conducted in the temperature range of f rom. 180 to 67399 Investigation -Se by. the Me of Adhesion Levels in Sb thod SOV/181-: -~-W3' 2 3 of the Thermostimulated Current 0 and 2- as t ''the temper- ~420 C. Figures I and 21,~show samples 1 ~ature,dependence of the thermostimulated.~cu~rrent,.~,.(a6lid,curve) d* at curve).-The curves, 'were recor ed and the dark.c re ddshed pr by means of a recording-device of theIype EPPV-51, which ex- -12 -7 hibits.a sensitivity"varied within~wide.limits (,~-11 0 -;~~-10 a/mm).' The.the'rmostimulated.ourrent,shows-,char4ateristic; one.withmaximum. at,115, 150, and 190"K. An est.imation: fluctuati , of the energetic position (6E~) 'and the.~concentration (k) of the adhesion levels is made ontheassumption of,the very slow hea~ting'having.a',quasiequilibrium%chairacter, so that the Fermi ilevels~for dhesion levels and zone re the same.~:It can quasli a a be assumed furthermore that thie.quasilevel coincides.with the adhesion level in the case.of temperature T corresponding to P the th6rmostimulated current maximum.;!!~E kT 1n M P e._U ...... _ P kT ln liblds, where P isIthe effective,leveldensity M Card 2/.' in the valence.bandj,,P'is.the hole concentration in the valence x*1 7700 66287 AH 'AUTHORS. Ryvkin, S. IA.:, Konovalenko, B. M SOV/181 1-11-2 /27.:1 TITLE-, On the Dependence~of Induced Conductivity of Cadmium Sulfide on the Ehergy of the Erciting El6ctrons PER110DICAL: Pizika tyerdogo telat 11959, v,ol .1 Nr 'IV PP.1757-1761JUSSR) ABSTRACT: According,to reference 11 it was jointly established with Yu. S. Smetaanikova.that for 2 to 30 kev,electrone with increasing electron energiesq- but with a total electron current, intensity, whicli: remains at the.same levelt the reaches a induced conductivity,of the CdS saturation,value, i.e. that this does notincrease any more starting from a certain, electron energy. TheAnitial point of the "saturation" is not identical for.different samples, Additional investigations (Ref's) established. that with small electron energies the decrease o If.the induced 'conductivity is related-to thefact.that.theelectrons do not deeply penetrate into the.crystals'ana therefore the recombination processes occurring:on,the surface of the crystals have aa increasingly importantinfluence. Other authors (Ref 3) carried out similar investigations,on "voluminous"- mono- Card-1/2 crystals with 30 to,60 kev-electrons.1heir measuring.results,''.: 66706, sov/lo0_4..8-27/a5 0 p t i muni Operating Conditions for the Photo-d1odes sed With Small Signals of +20 0C and -78 0 C, while Curves are IC l f2 the "illuminatio^nt" characteristics at the same temperatures. The curves are calculated for which hgS a ".dark" current of 8 jiA -and the resistance R1 .> 10 at room temperature. The quantity R is represented,by O~ ctZ a , where a . is the slope of~the '!dark" current- voltage characteristics at 9 =:O This angle a at' 2 0 the room temperature is equal to 90 while at low temperatures. a. a and tends to zero. If the device works as a photo-diode with a load characteristic the load line intersects,the characteristics R ctg I and I in the saturation region;, consequently,at: T f both the low and the room temperatures, the,output signals taken from the device,is the same. On the other hand, if the diode is a photo-electric source, the. intersection of the load line i),rith the., characteristic Card2/4 occurs in the saturation region only at the low temperature. 66706 Optimum Operating Conditions for the Photo-diodes Used with Sinall Signals In this cas.e,.again, the output. signal is equal to that. obtainable in the photo-diode operation., From the above, it follows that the photo-mdlode can be operated as-a photo-electric source, provided it is maintained at a low temperature. Under these conditions, 'it should be expected:, that the noise level% would be. ver-y low. The above con- clusion was checked experimentally. The.principal experimental.characteristic.ifas the relative sensitivity- P which was d fined as the ratio of th out t signal e e pu t obtained from the device as a photo source and as a po o- diode. This ratio can be defined by Eq (10). 'The experi-- mental dependence of P on temperature is shown by,the- solid curve in Figure 3. The dependence of P on tempera-..- ture for large signals is illustrated by the obtainedline.-... in Figure 3. The noise in the device when employed as a nhoto-diode was 0-5 niv $while when used as a photo- el ectric source,,the noise was 10 JLV. The in- rtia effects in the e diode are illustrated in Figurp 5, where the first oscillogram refers to the phot6s-dlode. operation, while the Card3/4 240) AUTHORS: Ryvkin, S. blob Strokan, N. B, SOV/20_124-5-20/~21:~ TITLE: On the Problem of the.Relaxation of 'Non-equilibrium Conductivity in Recombination Through Traps (K voprosu.o relaksatsii neralvnovesnoy,provodimosti pri rekombinataii cherez'lovushki) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 5, PP 1034-4-037 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper describes the results, of an'experimental'.., investigation of the theory for the case of few traps for arbitrary injection levels. The f.rst part of-this.paper deals with t~e theoretical inves-..,,Lgation, in'.the course, of which the authors determine the time-dependence:of them.. non-equilibrium concentration of the carriers for semiconductors with a type of simple traps,11. The scheme of transitions corresponding to this case is form of a schematical drawing, after which the 3,.kinetic equations and the neutrality condition are written down. If the total change Am of the. concentrati-on of electrons in the traps is negligibly small as against n and pl, Card 1/3 On the Problem of the-Relaxation of SOV/20-124-5-20/62, Non-equilibrium Conductivity in Recombination Through Traps (in thepresent paper thesystem.of notation of,W. Shockley (Ref-4).is Used),, it holds qualitatively that, during the main.. part of the monotonous. relaxation process- also dn/dt. a'nd,dp/d,t mu'st,be.prac.tio,ally equal:to.each o,ther. In thehere investigated case of a.small-'~um'be'rof traps 1i-fetime:ldepends only on the conc"entratiIon of t~e'_:~ non-equilibrium carriers. and the value of.lifetime':at that instant is equal to the steady,lifetime,at the same steady concentration.. A diagram shows the-rel axation curve for the injection level n An P steady 0. for the cSse T 5(Shockley's system,of notation), At the beg"nnizg of relaxation the rela atlori.cUrVe is, X U1 similar to the function e ~/_"Of but.with':increasing... recombination itbecomes.ever more similar to.:the function' Thistransition takes place gradually without any salientpoint, The second part of this.paper,aeals with', exDerimen.tal ~3heoking. The experimentally found'CUrVeS for the decrease of photoconductivity agree qualitatively Cara 2/3 with theoretical results. In the case of asuffi3iently 8 69 The Influence of Adhesion Levels on,the S/181i 60/002YC3/28/028: Rf-laxation of Photoconductivity:in CdS, Boo6 iBO17 ,single Crystals obtained by:investigating the iltr'uell.quantum yield.of the,.photocurrent in,~ as dependent on-ihe.excitatio .n 1.evel. The initial: stages of Ithe increase of the photocurrent were examined by means, instrument:_ ,schematically represented.,in Fig. I- ~The'instrument and'the measuring. technique are described. Fig.',2,shows the shape of the photocurrent'curves- the first 50 msec for.various I irradiation,intensities The higher theintensity, the steeper,the rise,of,.the,curves and the higher,:the .relative yield. Fig. 3~,shows:a typical oscillogram of ,the ,samples.' Fig. 4 shows the growth.ofa,curve with a puls.e-duration,of.10 jisec. . ,it indicates that the steep rise takes place during thefirst, microseconds. Hence, rapid processes first stages of formation of..the, photocurrent. The results obtained inthe experiments concerning.the.~'~ characteristic features of ~photocur rent relaxation can be.explained in the simplest way by assuming the capture of carriers by' -typ adhesion levels. Since the lifetime of,the c.onduction.electrons,with respect to,.-.. their adhesion levels is much shorter than with respect to their:., recombination, t he adhesion levels are first filled up within,-a very, 'Card 2/4 81369 'The Influence of Adhesion Levels on thIe. S/181/60/062/03/28/028 Relaxation of,Photoconductivity in CdS BOOVB017 Single Crystals short time, and only. then the slow establishment of recombination equi-m librium starts. This is theoretically.investigated in the.following.. dence of*the.concentration of:free'electrons on, Fig. 5 shows the depen t/GM, in for different adhesion1ev .el densities-The higher the level density, the flatter.the rise of n. In the following, theinfluence exercised by constantexposure on the.first stages,of the increase of~-, photoconductivity is,investigated. The, existence-of rapid capturing processes influences-the change of. time andp -especially, the phenomenological yield;and,the effePtivelifetime.of-, non-ecluilibrium.carrilers.~,Also the character of the dependence.of these quantities Ion constant.irradiation and its intensi ty-is-considerably influenced by these processes. Hence, the characteristic features,of photoconductivity of CdS.are rather to,be.,connected with the complex ~character of recombination processes,lthan with the excitation process. In an appendix, the influence.exercised by constant,exposure on'the relaxation of monopolar,the,presence of a),(x-type ~,and b).P-type adhesion~levels is investigated.'A. B. Berezin, 0. A. Card V4 S/I~i/~OW*04/02/034: B002/~063 2,~-77oo AUTHORS: Konopleva, R. F.,, Ryvkin, S. M., Yaroshetskiy. I. D. - - --- - ------- - -- - ----- - - TITLE: The Problem of the-Thq0ing Cross Section- of Holes in, Formed by Gammajrradiation F*zika tverdogo tela 1960, Vol; 2 No- 4, PP- 566-568 PERIODICAL: TEXT:, The trapping,cross section of holes byAefects formed,by neutron. bombardment was found A6,be, 10-15 CM2 (Refs. 1-3). The trapping cross section for gamma irradiiLtion, was 4.10-16om2. The*present paper shows that:this difference'is due to a false assumption: A defeat formed by. ~gamma irradiation has not.two but four acceptorlevels in the forbidden .band. The dependence of the lifetime.on the irradiation with gamma quanta was determinedon 11 specimens, wherefrom jhe trapping cross, section of.the holes was.calculated (Table). A CoOO preparation with an activity of 400 gram-equivalent Ra was used as gamma source., The'authors.,:, used the-photomagnetic:method,. the method of,'photodiffusion, and the examination of the relaxation curves,of photoconductivity to measure-the 'lifetime. The mean value of the trapping cross section-was,found to be.., ~3-8-10-15=2. This is close to lue ob tained for*-the neutrons. ,card 1/2 fiwLw 81634 investigation of the Kinetics of Infrared S/1 81/60/002/06/22/650 Impurity Photocon,duction in US Induced by, B006/BO56~ Previous Illumination photoconduction in US are discussed in part 1. All investigations were.. carried out at 770K on.CdS single crystals onto which.indium contacts were sputtered in vacuo. Above all, the.,spectral.distribution of photo- conductivity and the,time-dependence.of.the.,photolourrent were~investi- gated.jig. 1 shows the,spectral photocurrent distribution, recorded. u der various conditions; without illumination n previous (Curve I) with~ previous irradiation*light, by:leaving,the sample in thedark for"a longer period of time~,(Curve 2 -photoconductivity is found b ginning at 3-5,a), aria under simultaneou's constant.irradiation with white light (curve 3 - whi,ch produces exactly the same,effect)o.ln,the latter case, distinct photocurrent extinction.with a.maximum at 0.9/.&, could be observed. Furtheri the time dependence:of infrared photo- conductivity after previous illumination withgreen.light_of various ~intensities was investigated. Betweeno.the previous illumination and the_ beginning of infrared irradiation the sample was left in the dark for. 40 -60 minutes. The results,areshown in:Fig.' 2. The.photocurrent re-: laxation at the beginning of infrared irradiation was depend .upon previous illumination, (Curve.a high intensity, curve.b.- low p .,Card 2/3 81634 Investigation of the Kinetics of Infrared Im 'u- S/181/60/002/06/22/05b*:' p Photolconduction in,CdS,Induqed:by B006/BO56 Previous Illumination intensity). In part 2 of this paper,.these experimentallresults:are, analyzed on the basis of~a model with one, adhesion* level, and the~infra- red photoconductivity kinetics is calculated for the eds Ie of a Iso-called "quasi-steady" excited state of the crystal..Fig...3 shows the scheme of electronic transitions upon.which~the,based.!In,part 3, the ,results obtained by experimental inves.tigation.of the.kinetics of~infra-, .,red photoconductivity in a qutzai-steady excited stateare given and the parameters of,the,adhesion level are determined. The dependence.of them growth and drop times as well as of the steady photocurrent aireshown in. Figs * 4 and 5. Several particular features of infrared:photocurrent relaxation in the unsteady state, are 3.''Further, Iinvesti-, this.field are to.follow. The crystals investigated were produced by 0. A. &Tatveyev and L. V. Maslova. There are 6 figures and 11 references: 4 Soviet, 4 American, and 3 German. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-t,ekhnicheskiy, institut AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physico- technical Institute- of the AS USSR, Lenin d) gra SUBMITTED: October 26, Card 3/3 825h6 The Influence of Adhesion Levels-in Semi- S/181J60/002/007/026/042 conductors on the Steady'Phot6conductivity and B006/BO60 the Lifetime of the Minority:Carriers of a high injection level. This is done,on.the,model of,,a semiconductor. ~in whose forbidden band there-exist two types of local levels with, sharply',.,., dif-fering properties (Fig. 1): the S levels are assumed to be ,traps for the.:, minority electrons from the conduction band. and the holeP,:from. the:,val6ncy band., i.e., they are recombination centers for .the light-produced minority..., charges. The AT levels are, due.-to,electron IPxcha nge~ connected with the conduction band (the electron exchange with the :valency band is foAidden)9 and therefore they are adhas ion :levels, for the, electrons.,:, It. is shown that, the.electron and hole concentrations in the,.S,centers,are closely related to the electron and hole soncentrations'in.the bands the else- B., g.9 if tron concentration in the conduction band-is changed, anyhow, theellectron lifetime -T n - I/ yp. in this b Iand:,is decreased, and,the.hole li,f etime -r !/T n in the valenoy bandLgrows.-This is the sense in which the: p P introduction, of adhesion levels-acts. (I n and are the trapping. factorsEl P and p the electron and hole ooncen'trations in the S cent ers; n + p S, the,concentration of the recombination centers). In the~following Card 2/4 82546 The Influence of Adhesion Levels in Semiconductors on the Steady Photoconductivity Boo6/Bo6o and.the Lifetime of the Minority Ca:rr_,ers sections of the paper the authors first examine in a. general way the influence exerted,by adhesion levels in the case of a high injection level at a low concentration of the recombination centers, and then the same is done for a semiconductor with-two types of injectionlevels.. In this samiconductor theforbidden band containsg besides the recombine-,. tion centers S and the adhesion l6vels, M, for, the" eleotronsg.adhesion levels L for the holes from* Section.4 again treats. for a semiconductor with one adhesion level,in,Jhe-forbidden. band, 'the case ofa high injection level, but aVa, high concentration,6f the recombination centers S. Finallyq section. 5 deals with., the case of, a low injection level at anarbitrary concentration of the recombination centers.. Here, the Fermi quasi-levele of electrons and.holes practically coincide, and the tra may be classified into adhesion levels and r com-, 'p8 bination centers-only on the basis of the various trapping crose.sections. (5-9),and (5.10) are first generally derived for -r and .,r ;* f or M 0 n P) theygo over to (5-1-00 The latter formulas are then further treated f or, the special oases of an n-type,and a p-type semiconductor. Ca,rd 3/4 The Real Lifetime and the Possible MechanJISM S/181/66/002/010/010/051- of the Inelastic Scattering,of..Carriers in B010070 ~Semiconductors concentration of holes of k-th kindq and is the trapping coefficient. Snk 7 and -C can differ by some orders of magnitude. Adetailed An real made,for comparing these quantities in three special cases. First of all, it is shown thatfor the impurity~photoconductivity 'CAn 14 Tre :al but the difference is not large. The intrinsiciphotoconductivitLAY recombination, with traps is,then investigated. It is found-Ahat for high injection level when n n0 and p0 (n0- equilibrium concentration of.elbct,rons;,P 0 equilibrium concentration of h-oles) and U con6iderably.exceeds the number of electrons thermally scatteved-into the conduction band, t' real A lo This does not hold fox ":intermediate", or low injection,levels.-For.. w :injection. levels Tr The temperature.dependence.of these' real equilibr.- quantities'is studied. Intrinsic photoconduction by:,.recombination with" traps in the presence of adhesion levels is'discussed. A formula fo .rVr a I e Is derived. From the cases considered here it is seen that T may be, An Card,2/3 FD USSR/Pbysics Superconductors -3127 C~ _' ;.79 rd 3j Ptib.f153 2/19 Author Mashavets, T. V.; Ryv:kin., S. M. T-itle Influence of heat treatment upon lifetime of non-ground current carriers 77 in germanium (the kinetics of the formation of defects during heat,treat- ment), Periorlical, Zhur. tekh. fiz.,.25, No.9 (September), 1955, 15304543 Abstract The authors investigated the influence of heat treatment at relative "low" temperatures (4oo-55poc) upon~the lifetime of non-ground current.. carriers in germanium.. The lifetime decreases with,increase of tempera- ture and duration of the heat treatment, which is explained by the'oc-. currence of defects:that play therole of centers of rec6mbination.~On e bas' e ur- t h is ofa study.of.the process of, the, o,cc rence the authors,obtain data,on,their energy structure,., They show.tha t the process,governing the occtrrenceof defects in the investigated, re-, gion of temperatures differs from the process governing the occurrence of "thermal. defects" ordinarily appearing in.germand:um at higher tempera-, tures. The authors' aim has been to investigate the occurrence during heat called thermal traps (recombination centers) and, also the nature 'i.e. energy structure) of defects associated with these SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS CARD 1 2 PA 1681 AUTHOR RYV,-K-l-ff S.M., TITLE inks "Secondary" and "Passing-Through" Photocurrent A.Semiconductors. PERIODICAL Zurn.techn.fis,.L6, fase. 11p 2439-2447 (1956) Issued:., 12 / 1956 By the.present work the attempt is made t1o show that putting the secondary photocurrent equal to that which:passes,through is wrong., The terminology using the terms "primary" and "secondary ~photocurrent is described as irrational if used for describing pliotoe"lect*ric phenomena in.semiconductors._. On the kinetics of the Phot6aurrent: If the semiconductor samp'le is irradiated by'a constant.light current from a certain moment onwards, the relaxation-like.- ~process of transition to a new,:stationary co Incentration of.charge.carrierst,. which , occurs as a result of,: ionization,~ is determined in'the :general case by -~two phenomena:.1.) By a change of I concentIration by elIectron.transitionWinlhe, "energy spacelt, i.e. on-the.occasion'of ionization and recombination., 2.) By modification as a result of the motion of the carriersin the coordinate space, i.e. by diffusion and drive in the electric, field. Both processes take place simultaneously and with reciprocal interaction. However, when evaluating.~~ the influence exercised upon the effective.relaxation~.time of each process, 1he e:Lgentimes of both processes may be-investigated separately. On the so-called "Primary" 2hotocurrent; The. trans it-ion '. carrIeIat..(morelexa,ctly its initialstage) according:tolhe terminology used by GUDDEN and POHL, Lrn.techn.firi,26 1956) CARD. 2 2 Pi 1681 fase.11, 2439-2447 corresponds to,the so-called "primary"icurrent. On the occasion of the occurrence of diffusion-drive-equilibrium, FERMI'S quasi-level in the semi-. ,conductor., is reduced, and the relative influence exercise&.by the, carriers movingfrom the cathode into the crystal increases. Hereby the basic condition for .the "primary" character.of the current is gradually abolished. ~ If equi- libiium in the energy space is rapidlyestablish -ed, the relax.ation.process occurring on the occasion of illumination is reduced to the fact that the transition current goes over.into the passing-through current, Thus the, establishment of equilibrium in the coordinate space is fully characterized. 'On the so-called "secondary" photocurrent: If no particular assumption.a.are. introduced (if, e.g., the barrier layers at the contacts, very strong fields,_, etc. are not taken into account), the photocurrent occurring immediately,after., illumination can only diminish by~.the establishment:of.diffusion equilibrium,'', with the electrons. The photocurrent observ Ied by GUDDEN and POHL on ZnS cannot be put equal to the passing-through current. In conclusion several .~technological problems are.discussed.:According to the~uthorls opinion the -old,terminology must be dropped._It is necessary either to introduce new terms which characterize occurring phenomena correctly orto change old terms accordingly. INSTITUTION: SUBJECT ~USSR:/ PHYSICS CA-RD I PAI- 1821 AUTHOR TITLE The Forming Me6hanism'of ImpulsesJn Crystalline Semiconductor Counters. (The'llotion..of Charge's on the Occasion ofan Impulse-: Ionization in Semiconductors). PERIODICAL iyurn.techn.fis, 26, fase.12, 2667-2683 (1956) Issued:. 1 1957 The present work intends to determine the,,basic qualitative properties of the. forming mechanism of,impulses in crystallinesemiconductor counters, as,well,as to carry out an approximated quant.itativ Ieinvestigation of this problem..At first, several questions relating to schemes-were dealtwith in a precise'form_From the point of view of the processes which'take place in the'sample, thereal.scheme-, can be replaced by the-case of which the voltage on:,the sampleis kept.constant. At the saMetime.,computation of the charge in the real',scheme can be replaced by,computation of the excess electricity which~is a result of ionization in the outer.chain of the,,second scheme. In~this_connection investigation of the problem is confined to computing the additional-current i in the exterior chain of.the scheme on the basis of.the~investigation of the pro- cesses that take place on the occasion of ionization inside the s,ample..The semi- conductor mechanism of impulse formation is then examined. The process is.analyzed which'takes place in.a crystal with finite conductivity before excitation immedi. ately after ionization..A. very.simplellflat" investigated on the assumption that the.domain in which ionization took place has the shape ofa parallelepiped. iurn.techn.fis,26,fasc.12,,2667-2663 (1956), CARD 2 3 PA 1821~ it is assumed that the current carriers produced on.the~occasion of.ionization Nill within short have an energy.,distribution corresponding.:to lattice temper- ature as-a result of the,collision, and.will hardly be dis.tinguishable,from.. the thermally ionized current'carriers. Ionization and the establishment, of, quasi-equivalent distribution areassumed to exist at the moment., ~In the following an exact analysis of the question as,to:the mlechanism.of impulse formation is given mainly in order-to determine the criteria for the transition of a formation according to thescheme of prima Iry current into such.according to the scheme of.a passing-through~current, as wellas to compute the-depend- ence of,the amount of the impulse on the conductivity of the sample and,,other ~of its parameters. Computation of A i passing through and 9 (diffusion-devia-.1. tion-equilibrium) is for a general casevery difficult..Therefore only,some,-..~, special:.cases - of the weak, medium, and strong field - areinvestigateds and. for,these cases criteria are set up. Besides, the case for -C Aff 93SR (Leningrad Physicai--Te,,~hnioal Inatitute AS USSR) SUBMITTED: Augu -21 '957 CadzitLm-celenium s L~mz- -Fl-opevt Card 2 2 -28-4-1#39 7 5 AUTHORS., Ivanov, Yu. L. Ryvkin, S. M. TITLE: The Formation of Current Oscillations~in Germanium Samples in an Electric and Longitudinal Magnetic :Field,(Vozniknoveniye kolebaniy toka.v obraztsakh germaniya, pomes6chennykh v elektricheskoye i prodolln,oye magnitnoye pole) PERIODICALg Zhurnal Tekhnichesk9y Fiziki, 1958,'Vol. 2.8, Nr 4: PP0774-775, (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors determined current fluctuations in some germanium- -samples through *hich a direct current passed.and which were.. placed in a:constant magnetic longitudinal fielA.,(magnetic field parallel to the current). Under certain.conditions the forming fluctuations had a shape near to the sinosoidal line with a frequency of. 10 nd Th 15 kilocycles per seco e fluctuation character depends on quite a number , of circum- urre stances. Thus fluctuations only a- c nt through the sample different flDm zero and increased according to amplitude and frequency increase,in current.'Ana- Card!j* logo us dependences~were~also observed on the.magnitude.of.the' l 57 28-4-14/39 The, Formation of Current Oscillations in Germanium Samples in an, Electric and. Longitudinal Magnetic Field magrietic,fieldo In spite,of zinc-6ontacts,the..voltampere~ characteristics in the investigated samples d if f ered f rom a linear one. The fluctuations formed -in one as:well as the:~: other current direction were more marked when the. direction of current correspond to the lower resistance.of,thel samP16.F Fluctuations only occurred in the case of. an exact agree- ment of the direction of the magnetic field. with,the axis~ of the sample. An intensitve illumination of the samples led to an interruption of the :fluctuations. A certain drop in'.. temperature in the samples7_ however, led to. a n in,crease of, their amplitude and frequency..An etching of the samples in hydrogen peroxide promoted the formation and- the stability of the fluctuations. An increase or decrease of the ampli-i tude of fluctuation connected with any.change,,of.the experi-: mental conditions in all,cases led to the correspondA ing 3- crease, or decrease respectively of the &-quency of,: f luctua-. tionw. There are 3:figures and 1 reference, 1 of,'which is' Soviet. Card 2 On the Influence.of Surface, Treatment of Semicon- 57-28-5-2/36 ductors on the Magnitude and the Spectral Distribution o fPhotoconductivity., vacuum and in air, as.-Pell as by means of a short ~exposure j to a gas discharge, The results of the investigations .apparently permit to draw'Lthe follovino conclusions, The strong the surface as well as a strong dependence,of the sensitivity on the treatment of the, sixr.. face are determined by the strong influence of the recom".'. bination processes near the'surface~ Theserec-ombination,". processes can influence the phatodo.nductivity,and modify. the phenom-enological~emission.'(fenomen6logidheskiy vy khod). As an increase of,,photoconductivity is accompanied by an increase of,dark c6nductivity,it can be assumed that the investigated kinds of treatment:primarily influ- ence themagnitude dnd the sign of the zonal curvatures.. nearthe surface. The experiments conducted,, however, can- not" furnish,a basis for the evaluation of . partirula-r fea-.- tures of the mechanism. The role of the recombination pro-, cesses at the surface is Trell investigated in germanium?,, silicon and similar~substances, where the deterininati-on of Card 2/4 carriers hot in equilibrium is only possible af ter a, s-,,ectial On the Influence of Surface Treatment of Semiconductors 57-28-5-2/36 on the, Magnitude and the Spectral.Distribution of Photo-, conductivity. treatment of the surface.,It appears, thatthe recombina-, tion processesalso play an important AB'le in other-semi-- conductors. The experiments also proved the, neces s ity_:"of neyr effective methods for the,cleaning of,Ah6 surfaces of the semiconductors-This would presumably make it': possible to increase'.the photos ens itiv ity 'ofnume r9us substances, whichin spite-of their stronrCabsorpti Ion -, are considered,not photosensitive or only Tfedkly sensitive. Therefore the experimental results,verify.:tlie~fact,~tkiat the,two.basi,c anomalies in.photuoconductivity -:the ",in-,. active" absorption of light in,some.substances as well s the reduction of photoconduct' pth of,. a ivity in the de the absorption band - can to a considerable degree one cause, that is to say,by intensive rel- combination-type processes, which are.considerably in- tensified near.the surface. The authors express theirs Cara 3/4 gratitude to the student of Leningrad State Universi ty AUTHORS: Strokan, N. B. 57-28-6-5/34 Tuchkevich, V.' M Chelnokovy Ye. TITLE: Silicon Photodiorl6s, f.Kre,mniye-vyye fotodiody) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 26, Nr 61~ pp. 1165-11068 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Inthe.present report the results obtainedby investigating the possibility of.utilizing silicon p-n.photoelements,~ for the purpose,of transforming light signals into electric signals: in~ th.q. photodiode regime are described.,It could~be con taken for granted from:the very,beginning that sili photodiodess which aze of somewha,t.lower,inte'gral sensitivity must offer some advantages.compared to-,:~ gp.rmanium photodiodes (reference 3)i viz - a ~,,lower "dark current', and a lower degree of inertia. Further,, the, results obtained by in~re6tigating:the basic prcperties of the ailicon'photodiodes LFTI produced in the.laboratory ity of the light are described. The sensitivi of the, incanaesoent -amp with a colortemperature of,,the Card 1/3 filament of -..,285000 fli)ctuated between 5 and-7 mm/lumen 'AUTHORS: R,~_~k Strokan, N.~ B'.. r 57-28-6-6/34 TITLE: On-the Kinetics of Phototriodes (0 kinetike fototriodov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958,,Vol. 28, Nr 6, pp- 1169-1173-(USSR) ABSTRACT: Phototriodes can be used as highly photo-sensitive means transforming light signals into electric signals., It is therefore of particular interest to studytheir inertia. During the first months of,1957 the-authors:-, the e produced samples of g rmanium. phot6triodes,in, laboratoryg which had a sensitivity of 1 F 4 amp6res/: lumen, a dark our nt.of-500 700 icroamp6res m Me (saturation remains up to -_,P57), and a sensitive surface: of mm2, (reference 1). Besides the authors, also engineer N. F. Ragozina and laboratory worker,!-. A. Lebedeva assisted.,in producing the samples. The high sensitivity . ...of phototriodes is known to be connected with the process of amplificationof the photocurrent which'takes place in them. The kinetics of phototriodes was Card 1/3 means of an apparatus w1hich-is form,of a, On the Kinetics of Phototriodes -28-6-6/34, 57, drawing (figure:2). Determination of them quality of the,time constant was,carried out by the method TolstoyLand.Feofilov. (reference 2)~:_ on the basis,of the principles of1he.substitution scheme., (reference 3). Results are,shown by a table. FroWthe oscillogram worked o-ut by V. V. Makarov, student of the LGU (reference 3) it may.clearly be.seen that~the rapid'~-.- relaxation of.the collector current, to be expected'on the strength of theoret -1cal argumentation and a.slower relaxation of the potential differences.on the poin Itof emitter transition,actual"y:take place. Int conclusion_ iV.':.~ is mentioned,that in the case of.phototriodesla working-- regime which is analogous toLthe so-called "hybrid regime,.' of photoUodes (reference 5),is possible. In'this, case xelaxation has 2 domains: a "phototriodell domain atlow, values of.the rhotocurrent. and a ,'valve' domain",,which' corresponds1to high values of the photocurrent. Obviously.' the'llvalve domainl!,is possible in phototriodes only,inthe' case of "asymmetry" durin ,ggeneration of the.photoele,etro- motive force in 6mitter-and collector transition *pical'- 'Card 2/3 SOV/57 -28 -9 -2 33 A Stro'lkrzm, N. B. Makovskiy, L. L. ~jf zhe Kinetics of Photovoltaic Cells Wi i t b- j.umctions (K voprosu o kinetikeve-ntillnyki~ m s elektrozino-dyrochnym Derekhodo Vol. 28 I --,qk~,n4ch--koy fi--iki Nr 9, pp- 1671-1882 (USE-a) 1958 , t A F,T er- ;1" is is :~i ~,C lie kinaties of the photovoltaic cell 0 a io -r. No limitations nr.e imposedon.the r ti E; H (wher a C denotes t.he cap city of th a e at zer--~ vcltage, and R its resistance) and of 0 -am o~a, a -d -Y Is, R. The downx :r -loping branch of the relaxation' 'ig c -.,z r.-ei wr as t, t ed In the first section qual4tsbive conq,d- 7 r-- t -i on z; bearing cn the kinetics of av special cases are: Tx .2e t C .1 r- C h 2 i sis investigated a:~ t. c,S qaant-i- -u --c e C n 'he experimenta I ~,d is dc- the theoretical r tilt, Comnsr'd c b ut -n n e c t iA e- w fni~_, br nich. et f E-x r im evil. zThe downvard-sl-~p a C t,v e, --z~ e a4wuming f f er a. n s 3 od In reference ri Z M3 U i 8 1D f P h t v v o a c C e 11 s 'N i t h Elect-ci-iicic Jucct~,----7. f f 4 zi small capacJ,:.t.;ve currents) are no~ .5at- a d t f , E! I U M I, i. ff J o J. e ,-. t 1 y h 8 h Li s ac t on ~:vf tjjZ. h uz CT-t-,Va 1.1, cz t I I I determined onij by relaxation. This -U, he ~-Iata for the determination of the li'e i z)::* Ila m ca. rr sions were sub- i rs. These conclu s L n~ JLa t by exper.-menta. From the slope of the rectilinea.--~.- it was found, that the levels of ov&d by 0,23 eV from the bound- art~ elft zone. There are 10 figures and 8 refer- ~~eii,~h are Soviet . '-34kc -ekhni SSSR (Leningrad.' C". t ch skiy institut?AN 3 C". 1 lrstitutcAS KS--) 6 P, ~.i I 'TT 1D VeAat I bOOX EJCFWI?.kTECM XV1350A AkRdo=Ly% sank SM. Otdolval4w rittka-tacottichaskikh co,jk TIZUA t~riogo tols; obamik statmy, (S.1id St.-, Collectim of krtl-l-a. 11 ) Wacv" Tzd-_ M =8, 1959. _'23 P. 3.5- "Piss priatd. M. A.Y.Jor A~- mu-.11 Yd. .1 J-.bll"za ILc. T. 3. nllp~cb; B.A., T*ch. Lt. I E. Ina FIT SM. IIIIA -11action of artiel" to lat-ard for P!4r3tcisto 12-ti t %be structums .44 proj~crzies of solids. C0V-_M_-S1 This -I- rl of .01tgttm Cf rlltle. d~.11. g ith pmbl~w Of -114 2byti-, ~z pm.;-d by tho W;~rt=mt of ?~,* - "i W-Jccatic4, A-3-1 or Scirmona, USL~R. 7T~ &utr.:~rs mport on tho p i -zh pro;mtrti.. or uld.. 9-111.1- -4 -rtv43 ~t^l 4LLoy*. nMm vlsct-.11~3 a~z- 7 ductivity of thevi ul.t~ms is stud-4. T.,* tffvct4 of in~dimtica &-.a &~o tic r1harons - .-Ixo la-stf,--sL da-tc4 to 12~4 t'-ry or alectriaml b;-)d4-. X-roy jt`~I'-. -'-M t~d~ !y-rymtX2_I_- -b.t..q.., sod - stdy of tiii j;oI4-bmr!,co sy.te - -rr-.4 P. out. porsausll- lox tre swationed. 1bfemn."s "z;x:;~~Y *%ch &mlcle. TABLIC OF (=r---=; Pi st~ r wA Ch. 9. 5-11k~ r-"'J*zce or 1wi I- atii F-rrr ty C~Attr* In a Crj.t,.l of Inpir: Zwv. T'D. , -mpvraturg Draftnzeof th. Mz'tric.1 ctyst~l of co,ard to M , etic F%"Id st ft Tn~~'4ct- M11cPi, Ito I.- Kna.'4' It-?., Y.N" '?Mh'w0' -4 of T"U- to 11 D.T., -4 T.F. S-L Furt V vtt-... B-L~~44c -L V1 29 K0 OalZvt., B.T. -1 T.N. -wrs' N Cord 21 9 m c ac 4 0 a .14 a c 0 J~ G -Ji -d 2 0 -U A. o m . lo, . P 00 TU c gli E-- E T C.,G c - 0 A : o - u Co. n 0 o L, I 0 I K r- t S "0 co u =0 a . c -duo " 1*0 o I, e vs .0 t-. o a il l " d .-Cue .0 i i I c o,-,, a . >00 on c -O a' 0 P g'-," a L 6 j o r r- . Z r A c Z A i a A v to C , R c 0 . a c - tiz C 0 0. ,U >r u . C . da.0 - 29 A Cs. . d ~ " Of mn . a c 0 c6s a 03C 0 -14 0 00 250 PH ASK Z104K i~XPWLTATU)N 30V/j 140 4 Akademlya nNuic Ukrainakoy 3:11t. InalAtut rizLkl PotoolfiktrIaheaktyu I ysvteniva v poluprovadnikakhl pervago v4esoyu--noAo 4nv,3ahW0n'Ys PO fOtD-1~.ktrIqho3k1;x F,- I Optlaheakin: yaVlantynm v Pnl[jPrAvM'1"tk'qkh' g. Kiyev, 20-26 noyabrya 1957 g (Pnotoolnocrto and Optical rnnnom,tnft in Semi- f conductoraj Trannnotlona or the Virat Conrorene" on Ptintoollectria and Optical Phonomona in Ne-miaonaun tars ... Klyav, 1959. 403 p. 4,000 copies prlnt~d. Additional Sponsoring Agencys Akndumlya nauk 3:13R. Prezi4lum. Kominalya po poluprovodnik5m. Rd. or Publishing Houses 1. V. Xtatoh; Tenn. 94.: A. A, Matvayahuk, Houp. PA. t V. Ya. Lhmhkarnv, Aaftamictan, Ukrainian SSR, Academy of sciences. rURPOSEt. This book In Intended Car Scientists in tho Ciald or numi- conductor Alan. Solid state opectrosenpy, and semiconductor ' - w-UT -0a t~A_A_Ed WtVi-ned WC Udn to j ,~ devices. Th collection fui univerattlas and InstItittan or, htf%nr - tonnn teal training V041411zLng in'the phyalaz and tecrLnIcal application or sami- * conductors. COViMAGSs The collection containa reports and Information bulletins (the latter are indicated by natnria" road At the First All- union conrerenca on Optleal-und Pherjolactria Phenomena in Soml- conductors. A wide scope of probl=3 In semiconductor physics and technology are conaLderods ptlococonductivicy, phatoolectra- 7 active forces, optical proportieb. photoelectric calls and photorealstars, the actions of hard and corpuncular radiations, the proportion t thin films and complex 3cmiconductor systems, a by E. 1, eta. The materials were prepared Car publication Ranhbor, 0. V. 3nitko, X. B.,Tolpygno A. P. LubeftenUovand M. K, Sheynkman. References and dinauszlon follow each article. Orono, Yo. P., and _M A U:mllncarenon or C'J3 Phatoolecte, Iis and optical Phenomena (Cont.) SOV/3140 Crystals at the PASO Of the KkinA~sor tlo a [S n p ctrum) p Th ads) ' 63- Oros* YO P A A Ka I A21X&nekly, and '- Structure of S ;l go~tcc; t ~ r p 4 n "'V'ty CUrVeS Of CrYAtA15 At Low ?"peratures (Theses) 66 -IOmO OPtlaaa and Photoelectric Properties - or rolycrydt&llln* CJ36 Layers- ,. 74 OU' and Pe ritlea of CdSj, C fhotocanducting Ingle C;7atAls (x4l) Khansevarov.~ R YU a- and Z. ar-tho WI4tA a th;' __H_.ASOyOV. Dependency W UIT F 4 a On uO`pOA77t`1'WQf CcIS-CdSo 301i4 Solutions- 95 :nd The Generation or an ,p Ph . -Oscillating t lactric Current in CdS_ and C430 Single- 1, Crystal Photorsointors card 5/16 96 Machanlam, U a i ' n D g& In staz rauffrWrF-Dirring the, formation of &~Ivxrough Conductl a Channel' f 67392. Sov/18.1-1,-,9-10/ ~3 1, AUTHORS. -Arkad ~yqva,_14E~. TITLEs Investigation of.the A4~esion_Levels,in Poly ryetalline Sb S j'and in Single WCrystals by, the,Meth6d o:'the Trod-rmo_~. stimulated Current PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol I :Nr'g pp 1'57 13 0' 9 8 ~(USSR):, ABSTRACT; In continuation of a previous paper (Ref 1):the present article offers.some experimental,result5. Figure 1 snows the, temperature dependence of the th-ermostimulated cur_ren-,'._ Irl Sb S , figure 2 shows the same in selenium. Both ~samDles ha ve, 2 3 p-type conductivity. The heati a Q1.0-.5 deg/s ng r te,,wa, ec for, the former and 0.2 deg/see for7the latter. The rin'os't; the current in the former exhibits two maxima at.T ~-AWK and 2 180 0K, and three in a Ieleni um (115 0K 16 5 'K, band 18'0' K). An evaluation of the adhesion level position,yields:.for Sb S ME 0-33, and_6E -- 0 '39 .ev, whenasr-,aming-the effect- 2 Card.1~2 ive mass,,of the holes equal to the mass ' 1_2 0 01 673913 ..31 AUTHORS: Vitovskiyp N. A! I Mash.ovRIEL'I __TA .5. TITLE: Determination of,the Number of Acceptor Levels of Defec'.8 Occurring in.GermaniumvUnder the Action of Gamma Irradiat4 PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo, tela,' 1959,.Vol, 1, Nr 9, pp 1W 3 6 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The radiation-induced formation of-structural defects stable at room temperature:had already. bee h investigated several times, but not.~all :the problems related:therewith are as*.yet solved satisfactorily,. The'present paper,offers* a contribut- ion by discussing bhe possibillities. of a' complete analysis-, of . the energy je-Yels of,the'-defects and by, publishing experimental ~Hall r.esults,concerning th.e-,temperature dependence of e. coeff idient R. of, ~,n-t~tk germanium.. irradiated by. Co.: _..arrays.; An analysis'of::thes~e-,rbs lts 't eci U, -permi s a pr se determination of the number,of, one --radiative defeat. To investigate-the temperature dependence 6f~the carrier concentration 3n,the,presence of,, mul tipl e -charged centers, :the authors,theoretically investigated a~level scheme of a defect (Fig 1), with n in the'condue'ti n band considered 0 ' Card 1/3 2a). In this connection the to,be~composed of four,parts (Fig 67399~ SOV/181-1-9-2 3/3 1 AUTHORS: Arkadlyeva,.Ye. N.9.Ryvkin, S. 11. TITLE.- Investigation of Adhesion Levels in Sb Be by the Method of --3 the Thermostimulated,Current- PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959 Vol 1, Nr 9 PP 1460 1463,(UsSR) ,ABSTRACT., If adhesion:levels. are occupied,.by carriers,st low t emp er atures, this condition is:conserved for a long.time..Vlith slow heating1he carrier'concentration in:the allowed, .,zone"dn the same wa jr,. as- the current .(if a' fieldis applied This boost current-which is.higher than dark defined as thermostimulated -kn investigation of.thermo- stimulated.currents allows ihe estimation of-position and, oconcentration of~ihe adhesion levels. This method is specially applicable to.poorly conductive and photosensitive semicon- ductors..'It had already been utilized'for,:the investigation of. CdS, CdSe, HgJ 2i an efs 1'11).~The present,paper.offers 4.ZnS (R. the results obtained for the single Bb Be ~crystals.:Investi g- 'card 1/#' ations were conducted in the temperature range of f rom. 180 to 67399 Investigation -Se by. the Me of Adhesion Levels in Sb thod SOV/181-: -~-W3' 2 3 of the Thermostimulated Current 0 and 2- as t ''the temper- ~420 C. Figures I and 21,~show samples 1 ~ature,dependence of the thermostimulated.~cu~rrent,.~,.(a6lid,curve) d* at curve).-The curves, 'were recor ed and the dark.c re ddshed pr by means of a recording-device of theIype EPPV-51, which ex- -12 -7 hibits.a sensitivity"varied within~wide.limits (,~-11 0 -;~~-10 a/mm).' The.the'rmostimulated.ourrent,shows-,char4ateristic; one.withmaximum. at,115, 150, and 190"K. An est.imation: fluctuati , of the energetic position (6E~) 'and the.~concentration (k) of the adhesion levels is made ontheassumption of,the very slow hea~ting'having.a',quasiequilibrium%chairacter, so that the Fermi ilevels~for dhesion levels and zone re the same.~:It can quasli a a be assumed furthermore that thie.quasilevel coincides.with the adhesion level in the case.of temperature T corresponding to P the th6rmostimulated current maximum.;!!~E kT 1n M P e._U ...... _ P kT ln liblds, where P isIthe effective,leveldensity M Card 2/.' in the valence.bandj,,P'is.the hole concentration in the valence x*1 7700 66287 AH 'AUTHORS. Ryvkin, S. IA.:, Konovalenko, B. M SOV/181 1-11-2 /27.:1 TITLE-, On the Dependence~of Induced Conductivity of Cadmium Sulfide on the Ehergy of the Erciting El6ctrons PER110DICAL: Pizika tyerdogo telat 11959, v,ol .1 Nr 'IV PP.1757-1761JUSSR) ABSTRACT: According,to reference 11 it was jointly established with Yu. S. Smetaanikova.that for 2 to 30 kev,electrone with increasing electron energiesq- but with a total electron current, intensity, whicli: remains at the.same levelt the reaches a induced conductivity,of the CdS saturation,value, i.e. that this does notincrease any more starting from a certain, electron energy. TheAnitial point of the "saturation" is not identical for.different samples, Additional investigations (Ref's) established. that with small electron energies the decrease o If.the induced 'conductivity is related-to thefact.that.theelectrons do not deeply penetrate into the.crystals'ana therefore the recombination processes occurring:on,the surface of the crystals have aa increasingly importantinfluence. Other authors (Ref 3) carried out similar investigations,on "voluminous"- mono- Card-1/2 crystals with 30 to,60 kev-electrons.1heir measuring.results,''.: 66706, sov/lo0_4..8-27/a5 0 p t i muni Operating Conditions for the Photo-d1odes sed With Small Signals of +20 0C and -78 0 C, while Curves are IC l f2 the "illuminatio^nt" characteristics at the same temperatures. The curves are calculated for which hgS a ".dark" current of 8 jiA -and the resistance R1 .> 10 at room temperature. The quantity R is represented,by O~ ctZ a , where a . is the slope of~the '!dark" current- voltage characteristics at 9 =:O This angle a at' 2 0 the room temperature is equal to 90 while at low temperatures. a. a and tends to zero. If the device works as a photo-diode with a load characteristic the load line intersects,the characteristics R ctg I and I in the saturation region;, consequently,at: T f both the low and the room temperatures, the,output signals taken from the device,is the same. On the other hand, if the diode is a photo-electric source, the. intersection of the load line i),rith the., characteristic Card2/4 occurs in the saturation region only at the low temperature. 66706 Optimum Operating Conditions for the Photo-diodes Used with Sinall Signals In this cas.e,.again, the output. signal is equal to that. obtainable in the photo-diode operation., From the above, it follows that the photo-mdlode can be operated as-a photo-electric source, provided it is maintained at a low temperature. Under these conditions, 'it should be expected:, that the noise level% would be. ver-y low. The above con- clusion was checked experimentally. The.principal experimental.characteristic.ifas the relative sensitivity- P which was d fined as the ratio of th out t signal e e pu t obtained from the device as a photo source and as a po o- diode. This ratio can be defined by Eq (10). 'The experi-- mental dependence of P on temperature is shown by,the- solid curve in Figure 3. The dependence of P on tempera-..- ture for large signals is illustrated by the obtainedline.-... in Figure 3. The noise in the device when employed as a nhoto-diode was 0-5 niv $while when used as a photo- el ectric source,,the noise was 10 JLV. The in- rtia effects in the e diode are illustrated in Figurp 5, where the first oscillogram refers to the phot6s-dlode. operation, while the Card3/4 240) AUTHORS: Ryvkin, S. blob Strokan, N. B, SOV/20_124-5-20/~21:~ TITLE: On the Problem of the.Relaxation of 'Non-equilibrium Conductivity in Recombination Through Traps (K voprosu.o relaksatsii neralvnovesnoy,provodimosti pri rekombinataii cherez'lovushki) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 5, PP 1034-4-037 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present paper describes the results, of an'experimental'.., investigation of the theory for the case of few traps for arbitrary injection levels. The f.rst part of-this.paper deals with t~e theoretical inves-..,,Lgation, in'.the course, of which the authors determine the time-dependence:of them.. non-equilibrium concentration of the carriers for semiconductors with a type of simple traps,11. The scheme of transitions corresponding to this case is form of a schematical drawing, after which the 3,.kinetic equations and the neutrality condition are written down. If the total change Am of the. concentrati-on of electrons in the traps is negligibly small as against n and pl, Card 1/3 On the Problem of the-Relaxation of SOV/20-124-5-20/62, Non-equilibrium Conductivity in Recombination Through Traps (in thepresent paper thesystem.of notation of,W. Shockley (Ref-4).is Used),, it holds qualitatively that, during the main.. part of the monotonous. relaxation process- also dn/dt. a'nd,dp/d,t mu'st,be.prac.tio,ally equal:to.each o,ther. In thehere investigated case of a.small-'~um'be'rof traps 1i-fetime:ldepends only on the conc"entratiIon of t~e'_:~ non-equilibrium carriers. and the value of.lifetime':at that instant is equal to the steady,lifetime,at the same steady concentration.. A diagram shows the-rel axation curve for the injection level n An P steady 0. for the cSse T 5(Shockley's system,of notation), At the beg"nnizg of relaxation the rela atlori.cUrVe is, X U1 similar to the function e ~/_"Of but.with':increasing... recombination itbecomes.ever more similar to.:the function' Thistransition takes place gradually without any salientpoint, The second part of this.paper,aeals with', exDerimen.tal ~3heoking. The experimentally found'CUrVeS for the decrease of photoconductivity agree qualitatively Cara 2/3 with theoretical results. In the case of asuffi3iently 8 69 The Influence of Adhesion Levels on,the S/181i 60/002YC3/28/028: Rf-laxation of Photoconductivity:in CdS, Boo6 iBO17 ,single Crystals obtained by:investigating the iltr'uell.quantum yield.of the,.photocurrent in,~ as dependent on-ihe.excitatio .n 1.evel. The initial: stages of Ithe increase of the photocurrent were examined by means, instrument:_ ,schematically represented.,in Fig. I- ~The'instrument and'the measuring. technique are described. Fig.',2,shows the shape of the photocurrent'curves- the first 50 msec for.various I irradiation,intensities The higher theintensity, the steeper,the rise,of,.the,curves and the higher,:the .relative yield. Fig. 3~,shows:a typical oscillogram of ,the ,samples.' Fig. 4 shows the growth.ofa,curve with a puls.e-duration,of.10 jisec. . ,it indicates that the steep rise takes place during thefirst, microseconds. Hence, rapid processes first stages of formation of..the, photocurrent. The results obtained inthe experiments concerning.the.~'~ characteristic features of ~photocur rent relaxation can be.explained in the simplest way by assuming the capture of carriers by' -typ adhesion levels. Since the lifetime of,the c.onduction.electrons,with respect to,.-.. their adhesion levels is much shorter than with respect to their:., recombination, t he adhesion levels are first filled up within,-a very, 'Card 2/4 81369 'The Influence of Adhesion Levels on thIe. S/181/60/062/03/28/028 Relaxation of,Photoconductivity in CdS BOOVB017 Single Crystals short time, and only. then the slow establishment of recombination equi-m librium starts. This is theoretically.investigated in the.following.. dence of*the.concentration of:free'electrons on, Fig. 5 shows the depen t/GM, in for different adhesion1ev .el densities-The higher the level density, the flatter.the rise of n. In the following, theinfluence exercised by constantexposure on the.first stages,of the increase of~-, photoconductivity is,investigated. The, existence-of rapid capturing processes influences-the change of. time andp -especially, the phenomenological yield;and,the effePtivelifetime.of-, non-ecluilibrium.carrilers.~,Also the character of the dependence.of these quantities Ion constant.irradiation and its intensi ty-is-considerably influenced by these processes. Hence, the characteristic features,of photoconductivity of CdS.are rather to,be.,connected with the complex ~character of recombination processes,lthan with the excitation process. In an appendix, the influence.exercised by constant,exposure on'the relaxation of monopolar,the,presence of a),(x-type ~,and b).P-type adhesion~levels is investigated.'A. B. Berezin, 0. A. Card V4 S/I~i/~OW*04/02/034: B002/~063 2,~-77oo AUTHORS: Konopleva, R. F.,, Ryvkin, S. M., Yaroshetskiy. I. D. - - --- - ------- - -- - ----- - - TITLE: The Problem of the-Thq0ing Cross Section- of Holes in, Formed by Gammajrradiation F*zika tverdogo tela 1960, Vol; 2 No- 4, PP- 566-568 PERIODICAL: TEXT:, The trapping,cross section of holes byAefects formed,by neutron. bombardment was found A6,be, 10-15 CM2 (Refs. 1-3). The trapping cross section for gamma irradiiLtion, was 4.10-16om2. The*present paper shows that:this difference'is due to a false assumption: A defeat formed by. ~gamma irradiation has not.two but four acceptorlevels in the forbidden .band. The dependence of the lifetime.on the irradiation with gamma quanta was determinedon 11 specimens, wherefrom jhe trapping cross, section of.the holes was.calculated (Table). A CoOO preparation with an activity of 400 gram-equivalent Ra was used as gamma source., The'authors.,:, used the-photomagnetic:method,. the method of,'photodiffusion, and the examination of the relaxation curves,of photoconductivity to measure-the 'lifetime. The mean value of the trapping cross section-was,found to be.., ~3-8-10-15=2. This is close to lue ob tained for*-the neutrons. ,card 1/2 fiwLw 81634 investigation of the Kinetics of Infrared S/1 81/60/002/06/22/650 Impurity Photocon,duction in US Induced by, B006/BO56~ Previous Illumination photoconduction in US are discussed in part 1. All investigations were.. carried out at 770K on.CdS single crystals onto which.indium contacts were sputtered in vacuo. Above all, the.,spectral.distribution of photo- conductivity and the,time-dependence.of.the.,photolourrent were~investi- gated.jig. 1 shows the,spectral photocurrent distribution, recorded. u der various conditions; without illumination n previous (Curve I) with~ previous irradiation*light, by:leaving,the sample in thedark for"a longer period of time~,(Curve 2 -photoconductivity is found b ginning at 3-5,a), aria under simultaneou's constant.irradiation with white light (curve 3 - whi,ch produces exactly the same,effect)o.ln,the latter case, distinct photocurrent extinction.with a.maximum at 0.9/.&, could be observed. Furtheri the time dependence:of infrared photo- conductivity after previous illumination withgreen.light_of various ~intensities was investigated. Betweeno.the previous illumination and the_ beginning of infrared irradiation the sample was left in the dark for. 40 -60 minutes. The results,areshown in:Fig.' 2. The.photocurrent re-: laxation at the beginning of infrared irradiation was depend .upon previous illumination, (Curve.a high intensity, curve.b.- low p .,Card 2/3 81634 Investigation of the Kinetics of Infrared Im 'u- S/181/60/002/06/22/05b*:' p Photolconduction in,CdS,Induqed:by B006/BO56 Previous Illumination intensity). In part 2 of this paper,.these experimentallresults:are, analyzed on the basis of~a model with one, adhesion* level, and the~infra- red photoconductivity kinetics is calculated for the eds Ie of a Iso-called "quasi-steady" excited state of the crystal..Fig...3 shows the scheme of electronic transitions upon.which~the,based.!In,part 3, the ,results obtained by experimental inves.tigation.of the.kinetics of~infra-, .,red photoconductivity in a qutzai-steady excited stateare given and the parameters of,the,adhesion level are determined. The dependence.of them growth and drop times as well as of the steady photocurrent aireshown in. Figs * 4 and 5. Several particular features of infrared:photocurrent relaxation in the unsteady state, are 3.''Further, Iinvesti-, this.field are to.follow. The crystals investigated were produced by 0. A. &Tatveyev and L. V. Maslova. There are 6 figures and 11 references: 4 Soviet, 4 American, and 3 German. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-t,ekhnicheskiy, institut AN SSSR, Leningrad (Physico- technical Institute- of the AS USSR, Lenin d) gra SUBMITTED: October 26, Card 3/3 825h6 The Influence of Adhesion Levels-in Semi- S/181J60/002/007/026/042 conductors on the Steady'Phot6conductivity and B006/BO60 the Lifetime of the Minority:Carriers of a high injection level. This is done,on.the,model of,,a semiconductor. ~in whose forbidden band there-exist two types of local levels with, sharply',.,., dif-fering properties (Fig. 1): the S levels are assumed to be ,traps for the.:, minority electrons from the conduction band. and the holeP,:from. the:,val6ncy band., i.e., they are recombination centers for .the light-produced minority..., charges. The AT levels are, due.-to,electron IPxcha nge~ connected with the conduction band (the electron exchange with the :valency band is foAidden)9 and therefore they are adhas ion :levels, for the, electrons.,:, It. is shown that, the.electron and hole concentrations in the,.S,centers,are closely related to the electron and hole soncentrations'in.the bands the else- B., g.9 if tron concentration in the conduction band-is changed, anyhow, theellectron lifetime -T n - I/ yp. in this b Iand:,is decreased, and,the.hole li,f etime -r !/T n in the valenoy bandLgrows.-This is the sense in which the: p P introduction, of adhesion levels-acts. (I n and are the trapping. factorsEl P and p the electron and hole ooncen'trations in the S cent ers; n + p S, the,concentration of the recombination centers). In the~following Card 2/4 82546 The Influence of Adhesion Levels in Semiconductors on the Steady Photoconductivity Boo6/Bo6o and.the Lifetime of the Minority Ca:rr_,ers sections of the paper the authors first examine in a. general way the influence exerted,by adhesion levels in the case of a high injection level at a low concentration of the recombination centers, and then the same is done for a semiconductor with-two types of injectionlevels.. In this samiconductor theforbidden band containsg besides the recombine-,. tion centers S and the adhesion l6vels, M, for, the" eleotronsg.adhesion levels L for the holes from* Section.4 again treats. for a semiconductor with one adhesion level,in,Jhe-forbidden. band, 'the case ofa high injection level, but aVa, high concentration,6f the recombination centers S. Finallyq section. 5 deals with., the case of, a low injection level at anarbitrary concentration of the recombination centers.. Here, the Fermi quasi-levele of electrons and.holes practically coincide, and the tra may be classified into adhesion levels and r com-, 'p8 bination centers-only on the basis of the various trapping crose.sections. (5-9),and (5.10) are first generally derived for -r and .,r ;* f or M 0 n P) theygo over to (5-1-00 The latter formulas are then further treated f or, the special oases of an n-type,and a p-type semiconductor. Ca,rd 3/4 The Real Lifetime and the Possible MechanJISM S/181/66/002/010/010/051- of the Inelastic Scattering,of..Carriers in B010070 ~Semiconductors concentration of holes of k-th kindq and is the trapping coefficient. Snk 7 and -C can differ by some orders of magnitude. Adetailed An real made,for comparing these quantities in three special cases. First of all, it is shown thatfor the impurity~photoconductivity 'CAn 14 Tre :al but the difference is not large. The intrinsiciphotoconductivitLAY recombination, with traps is,then investigated. It is found-Ahat for high injection level when n n0 and p0 (n0- equilibrium concentration of.elbct,rons;,P 0 equilibrium concentration of h-oles) and U con6iderably.exceeds the number of electrons thermally scatteved-into the conduction band, t' real A lo This does not hold fox ":intermediate", or low injection,levels.-For.. w :injection. levels Tr The temperature.dependence.of these' real equilibr.- quantities'is studied. Intrinsic photoconduction by:,.recombination with" traps in the presence of adhesion levels is'discussed. A formula fo .rVr a I e Is derived. From the cases considered here it is seen that T may be, An Card,2/3