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P VA C,T'-:,', OC -;~IyS-! ~-~j F3Ci (diss) "'Pie photoelectric propertl-:s of cuprous oxide". 1.1loscow, lgrO. "I pp (Leninprad Falytecb. Tnst im M. T. -,~ zlinin), 200 copies ('-m, r-o 1-~Ljl l,)rOj 128) RADECHKOJI A.Ye.; RVACUV, A.L. Ampere-second eharacteristice of power silicon valves. lzv. vys. ucheb. 2av,; fiz. 8 no.6:145-151 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. OdeEskly politekhnicheskiy institut. Submitted May 18, 1964. Y -,,AP5017680-- /0109/65/0110/OOT/1358/1:350.7-.;~'~-,--7-~' ACCESSION KH 21'-~-385;74 -Sftj~lb ache . . . . . . h ey I-Ev V. 4V 51 e e-kt' ik SOURCE:- Radl6teklmika'L.' 1 r ~135 on ai -j-j --ce*l TAGS,---, vol Aiq e lirojma phbtoce w~X z r iA~=-:=I-metbod-o PreparmniipAnlki jMMlQn--LPh---.-- 51.-1 411 'W-0~ M-, 4% 'al 'of-CdS loy. and 0.01,% ~iiidiilm A A F~'; yapqp~ ph,~ ~ojcid- -Cdd 611-an izea- .(a eL _er --ThdAeposited-, -are~?-- -is evaporated-in:a quax0fiz.-cruciblele ed-to.95M~ -a 5 itiV thick and have a resistivity, of Q. 1. ohm, cm and-a sens e area, of: .1-4 cm~ 6n-.the:-.CdS filid deposition of an ohmic domplAlad ~004- ---.---photocell -Ph-oto-tellg----.1~C)btEtizfed--b t diW aturesAip-Ao-300C-'and-i~ llfiMnation- f 50jO& Ae� time- const ant --of-10 -F 2jle~mesi~ --none. -ASSOCIATIOI 6 J'6id -- ---- ~- -77- FB D 7 164 L~61~ WAT-W 65 vR/002a 0-530/053 NEI. AP501 ACCWSPQff 4M -AVfHOR* Dkoz ov i, -T, - A d Kumashey;7s_ h o- be'. nablition: -TrM r L o rm_ At -on- Optical method-~of_the f, f ~77' -7 sR- --b6hla_dz'_ 62 965=530;~,531 SOURCE_-~-~ AN 15s . (' i-~` __ , TOPIC7TAGS' Ar 3ii- ri -m on t. -71 hic hOt tkkrlditioni4 0 06 8 wee tor, 6idl 7~ tigation:fof~.th6l a' r-it Jo -ABSTRACT-:- nves We& _IIPr um sulfide f il~~ and cadmi :irith..indiuk,~~- s-bt`t ~iith -cadmium-: -sulfide an hermaL -vapor z ,n. -in' r~o~ q-1: uremen s wi re m empdrature;-__,,~`.Fres ly.-prepare' -ohm- cmim---The-meas specimens-pribr- irsmppre~-7cnara( to-Ifight Photovo .I _lijht-_-fbmatibn--,_c, d-n- displaye& "egligible. :Ua ct. er iodic illumination oi! dui~iS_A curren represent: 1) variat ions - of. ~.the%shbrt-~ cir -t: ~~t -orf -.the ~'Cu-O-CdS p1hpItc for several successi,re light pulses-, and - tfieii~ cotreiponding--dark- Intervals;-- 2yue- envelope for the tdwctma and minima-of -the short-circuit current-1 of -,the photoelementfor all.Ji _PulBes-. during, the.- light-' formation; -And 3 he':*d1tzamperd, ght- 1/2. - ~c 7" _t~'5146 7. I 8h slOx-KR-=LM50D -on O-LP a--of -:the CiI2,0-C characteristic ni: a~ periad yei :ith pu sew.01rer- t a v -v( element mrtj6s.--_O&~)t e-:' r t fr re, --Y--the -The ng p "deMOns e--dhange.:-o e - e &b of time.s 0 0. -il-,-.-.~.-.~-----~.4.4#%n~from.10 T rove CLUK.L ilring. 13-94L, IU~A.W 111~!_'j"n, 7- __ spec ens.d ju,,,jjti e_~"6f' the p ~:_j04)_.-":-.The 11'5- IcharacteriStici tyiilg --factor -~jtjon recti- - _ - ml-li&t __ sitibhs reE u 0 I't t-th6,ihfl enc& ttible a~jjjns tions are F~ eskiy~.~ --OdesslciY- PO SOCIMT-Pli -AS 64b 6 4 -Jr'~k3z'j ."Z SW3mi 3-, N 601' XP, 4'7 tdr'9--- ehnic-ID e s ~Gt L - - - - - - TP. L 3693 5-66 VNT(M)/EWP(t)/ETI " IJP(c) JD PT Nk, AP602 16 SOURCECODE: UR/0139/66/000/003/0080/0082 AUTHOR: Drozdov, V. A., Kurmashevo Sh. D.; Rva chev, A. L' ORG: Odessa Polytechnic Institute (Odesskiy politekdinicheskiy institut) TITLE: On the short-wave sensitivi ty of photovoltaic elements on the basis of ulfide q1 '. SOURCE: IVUZ. Miks, no. 3, 1966, 80-82 TOPIC TAGS: cadmium sulfide, photoelectric cell, photoelectric effect, oxygen photovoltaic effect, vacuum chamber, high vacuum, radio wave ABSTRACT: If a high vacuum is maintained during the preparation of a CdS-Cu photo- voltaic element, the back-irradiated cell will exhibit a marked sens'itivity in the 400-500 pm range, with a supplementary maximum at 420 pm. This short-wave sensi- tivity will disappear and will be replaced by a shift toward the infrared region if the cell is allowed to stay in contact with atmospheric vapors and gases. The above observations were made with the use of a photovoltaic element obtained by the thermal evaporation of cadmium sulphide onto a copper-clad glass substrate and covered with a semitransparent aluatinum. film. The whole process was performed in a vacuum chamber at 10-5 mm Hg. At frontal illumination of the vacuum-prepared cell, through a semi- transparent copper film, the element showed a similar sensitivity to 400-500 lim. wavelengths. The authors attribute. the phenomenon to 1) the damping of short-wave CdS sensitivity caused by water vapor, which increases the rate of surface recom- bination of carriers, and 2) an increase of long-wave sensitivity caused by the pene- L 36935-66 ACC NR: Ap6023416 tration of oxygen into the CdS lattice. Since the glass substrate and the ccpper fila protect the semiconductor from atmospheric elements better than the aluminum film, no shift of sensitivity was observed when the frontally illuminated vacuum-produced cell was kept in contact with air. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [ZLI SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: o6Aug64/ ORIG REP: 001/ O'M REP: Oll/ ATD PRES S: L 35975-66 .:-w(m)/~7 T I lip(c) JD ACC NRIAP601601;3 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0185/66/011/005/0507/0510 AUTHORS: Den1ha, E. M.--Den'ga, E. M.; Buhriyenko, V. I.--Bugriyenko,11 V. I.; Rvachov, 0. L.--Rvachev, A. L. .6761 ORG: Odessa Polytechnic Institute (Odeslkyy politekhnichnyy instytut) TITLE: Photoconductivity mechanism of sintered,films with a cadmium sulfide base SOURCE:I'lUkrayinalkyy fizychnyy zhurnal, v. 11, no. 5, 1966, 507-510, TOPTIC TAGS: cadmium sulfide, photoelectric property, photoconductivilyg photosensi tivi ty, %=a P Te#noeov0VCr-iA.' 6: r14 rn ABSTRACT: Photoelectric properties of sintered films with a cadmium sulfide base have been investigated. It is shown that the photocon- ductivity of coagulated films is determined by the-volume of cadmium sulfide microcryntals. Great photosensitivity of the films is attainable only within a narrow temperature range of sintering, which in some cases'reaches 1010. Samples vith high stable photosensitivity~_ in the UV spectral zone (350--420 nm) were obtained. Orig. art has: 2.. figures. NT CODE: 11, 20/ SUBM DATE: 13Jul65/ ORIG REF: 00-1/ OTHER REF: OOT ARSH&VSKIY, I.E.; MITROIAWV, Tu.M.;_~ACJW, I.F. Construction of the Krasnaye. Preenye, Viaduct in Moscow* Transp.strol. 10 no-7-.17-21 JI .166. (KIU 13*7) 1. Clavny7 inzhener proyekta Giprotransmosta (for Arshavskly)o 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdola Mostotresta, (for Mitrofanov)o 3. Nachallnik mostopoyezda No.421 ordena Lenina Mostotresta (for Rvachev). (Moscow-Viaducts) Yu.- M..-Erndina proces.sed the,-texts- IF- - ------ a - - ------------------ ------- __ASSOC)AT ION: liboraitoriya:1 -,'dk ___lv4-_,VINITL.-AN,-.SSSR- wo ovak _4n T -,-.~"'AH'-"S-SSRY. E I ect nh 1 ofu I at i on i ~~'l NLi - r.3 -71 _77-77 : ~'2 L 006 N- R -..'AP404956 -ACCESS I.. N, Nov SUBMITTED: . -r 7--. 7 w. F _ G~REFI:SOV: 000. N IEMI OT % !.rig Card 21/2. ,,I,',J-TYNC1V, A Vinzh.; mnDYANSKIY, V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk dots;.nt; F,I!E~-j-u70V, V,V.; RVACHEV T I Distribution of statfic pressure in a cooling vortex pipe. Izv. vy.-;. ucheb. zav.; enarg. 8 no.1:115-118 Ja 165. (1,AIRA 18:21) 1. Maikovokly ordena benira eriergeticheskly institut. Fredita-dena kafedro,r tepjoenergosnabzhen-iya promyshleanykh predpriya-~,y. 7-, 7" 4N Yw EWT 37664 65 L wiz 4k .tR A R: AP5003328' 431 000,00 /01 CCESSION N ~A'4_, -V- (Efi 35~ 'T -Bio-d' A -AUTHOR jin6er4- vans v. ~al wam_ echni al---scl- I ntL -_ ) - Kurku RV c 'evlr~~ Li a t oce encesi: c _T' -7t7 e i s de'. ilbutidn o TITLE: ......... a IVUZ' Enerizetik SOURCE F i"'; -TOPIC-TAGS. vorte:c'.tu e, 6o e ~vdt"~5LN e~,,;__ -ABSTRACT.'-- Th Lq*,.-.M6A60kdd #',ejght'~ U; S_ r= ol&6 e-pressure,ma ~,T -28 nun-vorteac tube-vrhi7 h -ad: a---' dnA' tt llii~i s e i eh -.S-Xv --mm.nozz ea i-pg gkjk~__ e a &at_this~_walLan '-in- h6,,~ A -pressures-were-me sure t -Ax So Varid(i G0--lG -,here,--, 41 Id d curveL for 47 6 an A at the-: lo w-, e iti -gas-i- . - - h ti'" dk~v. It pjobiid respec vre -is, sl omm h " - - 4'~_ " __ - t '6f,_i~6ij6 '-.,of_'-ga-b est gas veldcity)-o6duii.j&' d' ur -,as-t eAt -press e- ncreas,es i tial ke a J 1'4' cl cci I ;7 77 7664~65~~ 3 003Us AGGESSIONVR:~ AV5 pressures-we 2 -diameter:.,(18,r7iri24i- diaphragm. 31 gu;.e 0! 'Mo g SoCJATIONI~' kov Y-,Pt AS titUtil) -Engineering-Ins '7J Lo ow ccrJ 2 n-and constant PR-~. --CODE- RVACHEV,_V-O-.,. Relief and bottom sediments of the shelf off southwestern Greenland. Okeanologiift 3 no.6jl946-1055 163. (KMA-17:4) 1. Polyarnyy nauchno-issiedovateltskiy i pr'oyektnyy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii imeni Knipqvicha. SOV/124-57-5-6026 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 5, p 145 (USSR) AUTHOR: Rvachev, V. L. ,TITLE: Calculation of an Infinite Beam Lying on an Elastic Semi-infinite Space (Raschet beskonechnoy batki, tezhashchey na uprugom polupros trans tve) PERIODICAL: Tr. 3-go Vses. matem. s"yezda, Vol 1. Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, p Z10 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 _7 LJIBT#r.1 4f+fi0AAP Th pfic~. -44 an it 9,C Ad, c c bi' d, amm to _7r tioli~of 16-elfiitri.ib um veto -Y2 RVACHEV, V.L. (Os~penko) Pressure of a flat-baned stamping die an an elastic semispace. I . 1'rlkl.mat. 1. mekh. 21 no.3:4114-1145 My~Je '57- (MIRA 10:10) (Elasticity) A UTHOR.- Rvachevt V.L. SOV/21-58.-2-7/28 TITLE: On he Solution of one Problem in the Theory of Potential (K resheniyu odnoy zaAachi teorii potentsiala) PERIODICAL: Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 1958, Nr 2, pp 144 - 146 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The solution of some problems in mathematical physics is reduced to finding in the space xOyz a harmonic function w~x,y,z) which possesses a constant value in a given sur- face S and vanishes at infinity. The author proposes a 0 method for an approximate solution of such a problem. It is assumed that F(XYZ,C) = 0 is the equation of the sur- face family S of the level of a function w = w(x9y,z), and the surface S belongs to the S-family., The function w9 0 defined as an implicit function of x,y and z from the equa- tion F Z-x,y,z,c(w)-7 ~ o. is sought from the condition that it satisfies the Laplace equation, i.e.: 4 ;L C _ Card 1/3 SOV/21-58-2-7/28 On the Solution of one Problem In the Theory of Potential where A Fx' F + 19z, The function(p (C) defined as follows: (P (C) = -4-P - -, A A ac does not depend on x,Y and z, and the equation of the above condition has the following general solution: C it - (P W dx )&. . 0 Z jc., where the constants B and B 2 are found from the conditions Card 213 at infinity and on thl surface S There is 1 Soviet reference. 0 SOV/21-58-2-7/28 On the Solution of one Problem in.the Theory of Potential ASSOCIATION: Osipa*ovs1dypedagogicheskiy institut im. P.D. Osipenko (Osipenko Pedagogical Institute imeni P.D. Osipe,nko) PRESENTED: By Member of the AS UkrSSR, G.N. Savin SUBMITTED: April 20, 1957 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and insti- tutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration Card 3/3 MOSaKOVSKIY, V.I. (Dnepropetrovsk); RVACHKV, V.t. (Bedryanak) Problem on the horizontal hydrodynamic impact of a sphere. Priki. mat. i melch. 22 no..6:847-8" N-D 1 58. (MM 11:12) (Hydrodynamics) -2-24/40 SOV/179-59 AUTHOR: Rvachev, V. L. (Berdyansk) TITLE: The Natu'r'r'; o?-the 11'ressure Distribution under a Punch Having the Shape of Two Contacting Circles (0 kharaktere raspredeleniya davleniya pod shLampom, ocherchennym v plane dvumya soprikasayushchimisya okruzhnostyami) PERIODICAL: Izirestiya Akademii nauk SSSR OTN, Mekhanika i mashino- stroyeniye, 1959, Nr 2, P "158 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A brief note, deriving the pressure distribution by invers'on of the author's previous solution (Ref 1) for a punch in the form of a strip. There is 1 figure and 1 Soviet reference. SUBKITTED: December 8, 1958. Card 1/1 RVACHEV, V.L. (Berdyansk) Pressare on an elastic semispace of a stamping die having a wedge- shaped surf ace. Prikl. mat. i makh. 23 no.1:169-171 Jar-y '59- (MIRA 12:2) (Slasticity) ----------- kL P3 !j 1,3, h I IV, 01 all i~AKOV, A.F.[Ftakov, A.Kh.]; IWACHEV9 V.L.(Rvachovt V.L.] Contact problem in the theory of elasticity for a semispace with a modulus of elasticity which is a power function of the depth. Dop.AN URSR no.3:286-290 161.. OMIRA 14:3) if Berdyanakly gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut. Fredsatvleno akademikom PIT USSR G.N.Savinym[Savint H.M.]* (Elasticity) 111 T MMOV V.T,. [R7 y '.nr,~tgrd er4uat-^,:)rl 6f a croafact problem in c-' elantAcii;:T fcr ahalf-space whose moduluss of elasticity i3 a of thadepth. Dop. AN URSR no.8:1041-1,044 162. 9o:xd?-ratvennyy yAdagc;gicheskJy Institmt. SAVUl, G.N. IS2airl-np B.M.]; RVACHEV) V.-F. [Pmcbev-, V.L.1 Dinplactunents under the action of a concentrated force* Pry1rie inakh. 10 no."It!22-225 161, (MIRA 1797) 1. Inc L'Aut mpkhar. J.k i MI UkrSyllq i lharl kovsk ty Ins t I tut gornogo, mashinontroyenlyn, av6omatiki t vychisli-telinoy tekhniki. V.l~ [M.os5akovs'kYi, 11-1.11.]~ OHLSAKJ~-NKO, V.1. i Or3yahchpnil-r, ll.i.j; RVACHEV, V.L. [Eva!~'flovy V.L.] Applying Green function to the .9olut'lon of the mixed probleln for a semispace in the theory of elastl'-Cit7, Prjkl. mek-h. 10 no.3i291-296 -64. (MIRA 1?;6) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy go3udarstvenayj universitet i Khar'kovskiy. instit'it gornogo mashtnostro -Y yen4 a, wtomatiki i wichislitellnoy tekhni'd. RVACHEV, V.L. [Rvachov, V.L.J; YUSHCHENKO, I.L. flUslichenko, K.L.] Plotting of coordinate families connected with a Problem in a natural way. Dop. All UFSR no.2:163-167 165. WIRA 18:2) 1. Institut kibernetiki AN 1Tkr6SR i KharIkovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitel'noy tekhniki. 15578-66 F_'-.7T(d)/EV1P(V EWP(k)/Ewp(h)AV1p(1) t19459 SOURCE CODE: UR/0378/65/000/003/0077/0083 A AUTHOR: Rvachev, V. L.;'Stoyan, Yu. G. ORG: none TITLE i Algorithm foil the optimum layout of a-j2attern with round cutouts under limi-w tations an the distance between pairs of cutouts SOURCE: Kibernetika, no. 3, 1965, 77-83 TOPIC TAGS: metal stamping, computer programming, computer appAcation .ABSTRACT: An algorithm and specialized digital computer pro'grant are developed for the problem of locating round holesof given arbitrary radii on arectangular blank where there are limitations on the distance between pairs of holes a nd between the- holes and the perimeter of the blank. The general problem and two examples of spf~- cific. computer solutions are discussed: (1) optimum location of a group of holes~.. of different diameters in the smallest possible.rectangular blank'when,no spacing is required between holes or between them and the perimeter;'and (2) the same prob,- lem, with the holes separated by given distances from each other" and the perimeter of the blank. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 28 formulas. SUB CODE: 09,13/ SUBM DATE: 23Nov64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 000 Card 1/1 ty, UDC.' 519.8 L 51)92-6,_~ __`,!V%d)/T !"'11(c'. ACCESSION NR:, AP5D24541 UR/0378/65/000/004/0070/0075 ~519.8 AUTHO : P R L.; Stoyan, YU TITLE: Optimum dintribution of circular patterns SOURCE: KiberneLika, no. 4, 1965, 70-75 TOPIC TAGS: eybernet Lcs, cowputer program, probability Al ABST, ACT: inan earlier paper (Kibernetika, no. 32 1965) the auLhors inve,.tigated. the problem conceryiIng the optimum distribution of circular patterns of arbitrary radii for given minfinum permissible distances between each of the pairs. A 1 solution WiLh a mirtimton area of the underlying rectangle is sought. In the present problem n circular patterns are given with arbiLrary radii and a strip of material (of width 1) with m'circular openingswith arbitrary.radii., The n patterns should be disLributed acioss the strip of material in such a way.that the length h of Llic. strip is a minimum. -The paper outlines the detailed formu-. lation of the problem leading to a computer program. The method of.solution, the procedure for the determination of the global maximum, andthe generator of random numbers have all been described in the earlier paper. The authors conclude Card 1/2 0 70/ L 5052 66 - ACCESSION NR: AP5024541 with the presentation of four examples worked out, oin a digital computer yielding (in the intermediate stages of the calculation) up ,. to 67 local maxima. Okigs. art. has: 4 formulas, 6 figures, and 4:tables.' ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: OlFeb65 ENCL: ~00 SUB CODE: DP NO SOV: 004 OTHER.' 000 k Card KOVAIEUKOP S.P.; RVAGHEV, V.L. [Rvachov, V.L.1 -Some properties of determinants. Dop. AN URSR no.U:1414~1418 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kharllcovskiy Institut gornogo mashinostrojreniya, avtomatiki I vychis2.itellnoy tekhniki. ACC NRs Ap5028767 SOURCE COM UR/0376/~5/001/01 i/I 53Vi 543, AUTHORS: Rvachov, V. L.; Shklydrovo-.L. I., ORG: Khar1kov Institute for Mining Machinery Conotruction~ Automatiojit~ 1 and Computer -(Kharlkovski i titut gornogo mashTn-ostroyeniyal avto tik-i i Engineeriiij I no ma vychielitellnoy tekhniki~ le'l q 11157 TITLEt Use of the Bubnov-Galerkin method to solve boundary value problems for regions of complex form SOURCE- Differentsialir479 urovneniyap v. ij no. il,-1965i 1537-1543 TOPIC TAGS:' approximation calculation, differential equation, elliptic differential' .7 equation ABSTRACT: For purposes of obtaining approximate,solutions to certain elliptic partf~i differential equationsp.the-authors consider the: prolylem, of finding 4)(x,y), continuous, with continuous.partial derivatives in the region whose bounds'7-is composed of smooth arcs with equations 0,- T.1 (X, Y) 0, (Pj (X, Y) I (PI. (XI Y)0 where j0 have continuous and bounded partial derivatives,- With W (X,Y) > 0 inside and b (x,y) 0 on the boundary* This is solved by using the tecbnique ofR-functions the approximate solution of the differential equation beine of the form 'Card 1/2 L 27571-& EWT(d)/EWP(l) IJP(C) ACC NRz JAP60153W SOURCE CODE im/oal/66/000/ , AUTHOR: Rvachor, Vc Lw~l, ~.;eA t r OmGt xharlkoy IMUttrr;e of Mirdug Machine guildi on and !~! zm~ine i &, (Kharkiva'11W lns'Vtttt mllwmogo mamajWWWOUVOXXV400 mV WMICY17 TA 00011 751V11- -iffinoyi temm*) , TITW: Algmitludo completenes's of -the Rams of analytic geormtry SOURCE: AN UkrSSR& Dopovidi- no. 1, 1966~ TOPIC TAGS s ana.Xytic ~!- Thd thoi ifi6roditedi tM: ocjjc4b cf an algoritliii6AV7iaipletel au ABM=T -.. ,,,,. : (froma tho' viewpoint of' the construdtica of draidng' equatims 1. Bystan Of adding the P m It is shom in Darticqlar~ that cbi f - , ~m o XIg y = V2(x -ty - Y=4 4 y4-. 2q -v).q I)p to.the operatiorm. of jdatim and matijalc4icu used in ana34tioal,_ gqa~ryjeadx to the 90matiowof 4n, b"P/This paperWAA n"sented by V-., A6ademicijm forsulaso Orig krto hast m ~,', . , _ SUB CODE: 32 OW SMDATEi~ ' "IJ Curd 113 J L 0A88-67 IACC N AP6035587 SOURCE CODE: UR/0378/66/000/005/0082/0092 AUTHOR: Rvachev, V. LL., Stoyan, Yu. G. ORG: none TITLE: Algorithms for constructing inequalities which are satisfied by the allocation parameters of intersecting bodies SOURCE: Kibernetika, no. 5, 1966, 82-92 TOPIC TAGS: intersection condition, ABSTRACT: The problem df the best (in a certain sense) distribution of bodies in a given domain (for example, the problem of miniaturization of electronic equip- ment) is reduced to establishing algorithms by which the condition for intersection. of bodies can be automatically established. The six numbers X. Y, zo 4$p 0.9 a 01 of a are Euler angles) which determine the location of the relative coordinate system X' Y' Z' with respect to a fixed coordinate system XYZ are called the parameters of the allocation of the body. The general form of the equation of the allocation of the body and the general conditions for the intersection of two bodies are written It is pointed out that the application of the derived intersection conditions to particular cases is associated with certain difficulties in connection with calculating the maximum of a certain function. The author describes algorithms for deriving the intersecting conditions for spheres, polyhedrons, right circular Card 1/2- YDC: 512,25/26+519.3 L 07488-67 ACC NR; AP6035587 cylinders, the right frustum of a cone, and their combinations. For these particular cases, it is shown that the conditions of intersection of twobodies Si and Sj can bi represented by an inequality of the form fij, a 0, where fij is an-elementary func- tion of allocation parameters of these bodies. Orig. art. has: 66 formulas and 7 figures. SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATE: 2lJun65/ ORIG REF; 006/ ATD PRESSs 5104 Card 2/~ HVAC'"~ VY Vi t:i Theory t".n of qn integr;jl for st I objecto w:. ti- ;irbltrary 0 C, a0. r "f I i - il .11 RA 18: 5) L 31498-66 EWT(1) IJP(c)- WW/GG ACC NR: ArGoi3o27 SOURCE CODE: uiVoo5i/66/020/004/07OV0708 AUT-HOR: Polyanskiy, V. K. Rvachey_,,Yt P. 1:'T 3 ORG: none ;3 TITLE: Concerning the reflection of 1 ght_by rough surfaces SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 20, no. 4, 1966, 701-708 TOPIC TAGS: light reflection, surface roughness, light diffraction, geometric optics, light scattering, light polarization, optic brightness ABSMACT: - The authors point out in the introduction that the two standard methods,,' used to investigate the interaction between light and a rough surface, the dif- fraction method and the geometric-optics method, wherein the rough surface is as- I sumed to be a random aggregate of microscopic areas, each reflecting separately, have actually very little in common. The purpose of the present investigation was- to investigate the acattering properties of rough surfaces in polarized lient. and explain some of the observed phenomena on the basis of both the geometric-optics and diffraction concepts. The experimental setup used for this purpose (Fig. 1) is based essential]Zr on a brightness-measuring apparatus described by the authors earlier (Tr. GOI v. 24, wo. 143, 3, 1955). The measurements were made on a plate of black glass with refractive index 1.515, one surface of which was polished and Card 1/2 UDC: 535.361.2 L 31498-66 ACC NR: Ap6oi3o27 0 Fig. 1. Optical diaGram, of setup. 1 - lo perture diaphragm of illuminator, 2 - inter- ference light filtez (550 M).P Z~f~ polarizer, ObJect, 5 J analyzer, 6 - field diaphragm, Z - aperture diaphragm of 7 receiver., 8 - photomultiplier, f 9 reading device. the other one was roughened mechanically. The degree of polarization and depolari-' zation of the li6ht beam was determined for different angles and compared with theJ calculations based on both approaches. The results show that the zero-order dif- fraction approximation is more detailed than the geometric-optics approximation, and provides a sati.-3factory explanation for the depolarization of the light and for the dependence of the polarization on the scattering conditions. It also ex- plains the shift of the maximum of the scattering indicatrix toward the larger observation angles. Orl art. has: 5 figures-and 3 formulas. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: 26reb65/ oniG REF: o13 Card 2/2 rnc- RVACHEV, V.P.; POLYANSKIYY V.K. Pcnc~ratlon of polarized light through a light-Scatter-LrIg SU-"f,LCO. Opt. i spektr. 18 no.6.'1057-1064 Je 165. (MIRA .18: 12 ) !fjtj-1 E T IIjp(c) ACC NR, AP6010,660 7S-0TJ-RCJj,-jC0Db".~1 OR4,74676047bOWWW/05-71 V AUTHOR: Rvachev,.V. P.;Sakhnovskly, M. Yu. J3 ORG: none TITLE: Optical properties of magnee oxide,in ultraviolet light SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopli, v. 4, no. 6, 1966, 568-571 TOPIC TAGS: magnesium oxide, optic property, UV light, UV optic material, light reflec- tion coefficient ABSTRACT: The value of the coefficient of diffuse reflection for a freshly sprayed layer of MgO about 3 mm thick was studied by means of an integral photometer. . The optical proper- ties of MgO were measured at 220-1000 nip, using for this purpose the "two-parametric" theory of the transmission of radiation through a light-scattering medium, and the problem of the accuracy of the measurements is examined. Employing this theory an expression Is derived for the absorption coefficient of MgO particles. The error in determining the coef- ficient of diffuse reflection was about 0. 5% for the ultraviolet region and about 0. 3% for the visible and infrared regions. A calculation of errors Involved when determining the absorption index yielded a total error in this determination of about 25% for the visible and near-infrared Card 1/2 UDC: 535.34 IN L 4&~1~95-06 ACC NR: AP6019660 4:5) and about 15% for the ultraviolet regions. It was concluded that the "two-parametric" theory of M. M. Gurevich (Trudy GOr, Vol. 6, No. 57, 1931) and A. A. Gershun (Trudy G01, Vol. 1l, No. 90, 1936, p. 43) is fully competent. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 12 formulas. SUB CODE: 11, 20/ IqUBM DATE: 25Mar65/ ORIG REF: 011/ OTH REF: 002 L 32624-66 E'~; T ( IlJP(c) '0A,1/GG ACC NR. AP~015593 SOURCE CODE: W0368/66/004/005/0415/0421' -'Rvachev, V. P.; Guminets S. G. O.'G: none TITLE: On the structure of ligh~beams reflected by vegetation leaves SO'LJRCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 4, no. 5, 1966, 415-421 TOPIC TAGS: light reflection, light,scattering, light transmission, light polariza- tion, plant ecology ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that earlier similar studies were restricted to re- flection, transmission, and absorption of the leafas a whole, and to spatial distribV- tion of the light scattered by the leaf, the authors have studied the structure of th light flux produced by interaction of plane-polarized light with the leaf material. The use of polarized light made it possible to determine quantitatively the magnitude of each of the spectral components. The experiment was carried out with a gonio- spectrophotometer described elsewhere (uFzh v. lo, No. 1, 87, 1965), equipped for polarization measurements. The spectral region investigated was 4o0 - 1200 run. Both clull-surface and glossy leaves were investigated (Artocarpus integrifolia and Ficus australis, respectively). The experimental procedure is briefly described. The ex- periment made it possible to separate and measure quantitatively the polarized part Of 'the surface component, the depolarized part of the surface component, the polarized part of the inner component, and the depolarized part of the inner component so that, Cqrd 1/2 uDc: 543.42 L 32624-66 AP6 015593 an expression for the flux reflected from the leaf in the form of four partial com~- .ponents could be derived. A study of the brightness distribution of these components as a function of the wavelengrth shows a strong wavelength dependence in the case of glossy leaves, a lesser dependence in the case of dull leaves, and no dependence what- ever in the case of fuzzy leaves (Ficus carica, Solanum tuberosum, Strobilanthes glomeratus, and others). A table is presented showing the relation between the spectral coefficients of reflection for normal incidence for three types of leaves in the range from 4o0 to 96o run. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 3.1 formulas, and 3 tables. SUB CODE:.20,4~1 SUBM 'DATE: 11Apr65/ ORIG REF: 013 -Card (ro ACC NR; AP6021359 (/I) SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/003/0121/0123 AUTHOR: Yevdokimov, S. Ye. (Khar'kov); Rvachev, V. L. (Kharlkov) ORG: none TITLE: Coefficient of apparent mass during the horizontal hydrodynamic! impact of a floating sphere SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tek%nicheskoy f iziki, no. 3, 9 121-123 TOPIC TAGS: mathematic analysis, mathematic transformation, hydro- dynamics 1&0~ ABSTRACT: The three-dimension al problem of a horizontal hydrodynamic impact of a floating body, which was investigated by E& L. Blokh V. I Mossakovskiy, and V. L. Rvachev for the special case of a body hal4jo:..' innersed in an incompressible fluid,* is analyzed 'for the case of an%- arbitrary immersion depth under the assumption that the fluid does.notj tear away from the wetted surface. The motion of an ideal fluid _14-116ing ahalf-sDF-ce z >, 0, after a sudden impact on a floating sphere- 2 2 having a unit radius of x + y (z - h)2 = 1, is uniquely defined by velocity potential (P* which is a harmonic function associated with i e t i -=pulse pressure pt, and the fluid's density oby the relation I-ard 112 AC~-' AP60213459 hi < ntrod-acing toroidal coordinates for the condition r;.3'd bisphe~ical coordinates for the condition h > 1, and modifying t-ransforms into a generalized integral using associated -2~zendre functions, solutions are derived for the velocity potentials 0-1 the wetted spherical surface. Equations are given for the coeffi- aLent of the apparent mass of the sphere dx acting along the x axis, for Xx(h) in the case of partial immersion, and for Xx(h) in the case 0~ h > 1. In an unlimited fluid, Xx(-).= 112. Results of I calcula-1 X tions (error < 2,'V') are shown. Orig. art. has: 11 formulas. [GE) SUB CODE:X,12/ SUM DATE: o8jul65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 001 ATD PRESS: 6-0 Card 2/2 "'NO'l 7KP:~ M,*.,,71 lea-.-!~B in the '100c, M.-A. Dlcf4z4tr~l i0 nc.-/1-658-664 1611. M-7 F :;r ~,-n.-vy 1.- I~ve rs .-tet., ChE rn.,5", POLYANSKIY, V.K. [Polianslkyi, V.K.1; R1 p V . [Rvachov, V.P.1; KOVALISKIY, L.V. [Kovallslkyi, V.. Method of formation of light beams w.-th given energy distribution in a given spectral range. LvIrr. fiz. zhur. 10 no.6:682-683 je 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Chernt-vitskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet VARY111KI V.le~ FA LL of the quantum y4eld Of P~,otosyntftesis. Fiziol. rast. Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:6) ;nfi-novltskly, gosudarsl.venrory universitet. -T, -~A~.- CESSION: AP5066, 5, S Q05 --AUDIOR 9 ,1;0 RvaChev ---V 640) YU dXc&Uo__n__of -an integTal- ot6meter-for- TITLP.: Theory and api the-investigat, objects with arbitrary scattering in Hcatiices~_ -BOURCE:---- X8 i OlAika -i, sye3-.troskqpiyt 491~7~;~~ _'JU cQef-fTciezt*~,a _TOPIC TAGS __:-phot lute photometry- spherical p r IfitRe~g pbb ome e. ABSTRACT: -.Inview of ~the discrep=cie~~~,between--abs6lut*i~.values., Of the :refl76cUoh_-.. ','I ~A si~ Ike bbt OdJdth~-,- Tkeriqa~-photc, _~var ousinve iga or fficfiirE_ 6 h .1 tioie 'claiming-that- 4-,he--- rea o Aad:r~ lal: A fW r, n-for he ia=, iurer_ o- red i __iidicatrik--of -t Ati4i&___06J account of the 6e_-i-nv0_zt`i-g e a derive photometric relation for hoto-Ee-ti3 a spherical j bitrary scattering inUcatrices. Separate relations are derived for objects 10-. cated on the surface )f the sphere of the- sphereA An e=eri- mental procedure for 'the determination of -the absolute values of the reflection. _7 I_ 43869-~65,__ -ACcESSIOX'NRw_-- -Ap5oo6+ 58 ..t A- phdreid ai eftL6 M-15 -and:_transmission::co sa escr e .-The measurements necessa.27.. jjjo w-n in Fig.-l of ..t'he. Enclosur_ej*_T is-, 61. -~determine-the-refleetiou and-transmission co c entg-b~vmeans_~of the-foiii6"S'.L to - __ - - I -_ __ ___ , i - r - '_;__- 6: 9__U_ D-8i J.'7 -the paper- are-then d scribed- briefly.. Orig. --.,art-.,: has:--- derive& in e -39 J: , -AsSOcIATjON:---.: None- 7, MZ". SOV T I1- 7 iz 1~7 Car d -:7. A UTfV',' R: Rvach,-2v, V.P. SOV/90-58-1-3/9 TITLE: On UsLng the Oscillatory-Discharge Method in Tracing Cable- Line Defects (Primeneniye metoda kolebatellnogo razryada d1ya otysk3niya povrezhdeniy kabellnykh liniy) PERTONCAL: Energeticheskiy byulleten', 1958, Nr 1, pp 10-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: After having explained the essence of the oscillntory-dis- charge method, the author describes 2 Soviet electronic oscil- lographs. Me first is called OZhO-3-, It is equipped with .single-action slave sweep, and can detect cable defects within the range of 10 or 12 km. Its operational precision is plus- minue 20 m for a stretch of 2 km. The apparatus needs a photographic outfit for recording oscillations. For this purpose the author recommends FED, "Zorkiy" or 'Kiyev" ca- meras. He gives operational instructions and shows how the distance of the traced defect is to be calculated. The second electronic oscillograph is called IPV-3 (apparatus for measur- ing amall time intervals). It was developed by the tech- nicians of the Lenenergo (cable network of Leningrad). Some improvements have been introduced by-TsNIEL (Central Scien- tifiz Research Electrotechnical Laboratory) of MES. The Card i/2 apparatus received the, name of EIIAKS-3 (electronic micro- SOV1100-58-1-3/9 On Using the Oscillatory-Discharpe Method in Tracing Cable-Line Defects secondmeter, model 3) and Is being prepared for serial pro- duction in the "Energopribor" plant at Moskva. The pointer of the apparatus directly indicates the distance of the traced defect. The apparatus has 3 measuring band ranges (for 1,000, 3,000 and 6,000 m). Its precision is plus-minus 1 Operational instructions are also given by the author. For further, completely-precise localization of the defect, the E.,uthor proposes an acoustic method as most convenient. A supplementary remark of the editor reads that the present article is the last one of a series devoted to the cable de- fect tracing with the help of modern electronic devices. The first articles appeared in Enere,-eticheskiy byulleten', 1957, PIr 2 and 3. There are 5 circuit diagrams, 4 oacillograms, I photo and 7 So,!iet references. Card 212 ACCESSION NR: AR40360 29. 8/0299/64/000/006/GO06/GOOG SOURCE: Referatiny*y zhurnal. Biologlya, Abs. 6G32 AUTHOR: Rvachev, V., P.; Befdnikov, V. F.; Vashchenko, V. L TITLE: Physical bases for measurements of the energy of photosynthetically active radiation with selective Instruments CITED SOURCE: Fiziol. rastenly, v. 10, no. 6, 1963, 598-602 :1 TOPIC TAGS: photosynthesis, solar radiation, radiation measurement, solar energy, photometer, photoactinometer, actinometry TRANSLA77ON: The goal of this work was the evaluation of the relative sensitivity of eudsting instruments for the measurement of photosynthetically active radiation and the calculation of the corresponding corrective coefficients to adjust'their readings to the readings of an ideal photoactinometer. The readings on the instruments depend essen- tially on the source of radiation, which is connected with the different distribution of energy in the spectra of the radiation sources. Usually. radiation sensors are rated under a heating lamp with a color temperature of 2850K. In this connection, in this paper, oor- rective coefficients are given for conversion of the readingg of different inAtrments under Card J/2. RVACHEV, V.P. (Rvachov, V.P.]; VASHCHEITKO, V.I.; BERDNIKOV, V.F. Determining the energy of optical radiation by means of selective receivers. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 7 no.3-1:1226-1230 N 162. (MIRA.15:12) 1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Actinometer) (Radiation) YENIKFM, S.B.,-, 14YAGKOV, V.Ta. - RVACffYV V P . . Critical rp-.mrks on K.N.Kulizade's article and on the article of G.,'.I.St,-pannv nnd I.T.Ginzburg. Bnarg. biul. n0-7:7-13 J1 158. (Electricity In mining--Standards) WIRK 11:10) AUTHOR: Yenikeyev, S.B.; Myagkov, V.Ya.; Rvachev, V.P. 90-58-7-2/,8 TITLE: Critical Comments on K.N. Kulizade's Article and the Article by G.M. Stepanov and I.I. Ginzburg (Kriticheskiye zamechaniya po statlye K.N. Kulizade i statlye G.M. Stepanova i I.I. Giazburga) PERIODICALs Energeticheskly Byulletent, 1958, Nr 7, PP 7-13 (USSR), ABSTRACT: The article deals with both Kulizade's formula for the stan- dardization of electric power consumption in depth-pumping oil production and with Stepanov and Ginzburg's objections and criticisms of the above. Kulizadets formula, the method used by the Orgenergoneft's offices and O.P. Shishkin's for- mula are compared and the following conclusionsare drawn: the Orgenergoneft' method is the most exact of existing methods, but it must be checked for how long the specific power con- sumption curves based on a previous detailed study of "typical" wells are in fact viable. The use of semi-empirical formulae is justified in spite of their inaccuracy due to the ease and s-jeed with which they can be applied. A modified version of 'Card 112 X-ilizade's formula would be of great use; the modification 90-58-7-2/8 Critical Comments on K.N. Kulizade's Article and the Article by G.M. Stepanov and I.I. Ginzburg (Kri'ticheskiye zamechaniya po statlye K.N. Kulizade i stattye G.M. Stepanova i I.I. Ginzburga) consisting of amore exact evaluation of the k-factor. The authors obtained good results using the formula: k = E dai - 24 Pon 2.73 Qzh ff. 10-3 daily yield where,E dai = daily electric consumption, Q zh of the well, Po = 0.02, coefficient taken from Kulizade's Table 1 and n = number of strokes per minute of the pump piston. There are 5 tables, 2 graphs and 5 Soviet references. Card 2/2 L. Electric power-Consumption 2. Electric power-Standards MUCIOV, V. F - jjj~t. PmMics Orlessa State Univ. jr., I. I. Eechrd.kmra, .:Ir.,.Chair Fhysics, Giessa Ind. Ine,., I'ConcernLn-~-,: L=Linescence of Fluor Spar," Journal PT~ys., 6, Nos. 1-1-P, 1942. V7D KOLYADA, F.Ye.; RVACHZTA, V.P.-_ Case of syphilitic aortic aneurysm which opened into the left pleural cavity. Vest.ven.1 dorm. no.2:58-59 Mr-Ap 154. (KLRA 7:4) 1. 12 Kiyevokogo darmato-venerologichookogo Instituta. (Syphilis) (Aortic aneurysms) -%7 - ZrAM -,t _U , -, M ~TII*F~-,-iez-~~-~--!rEifitt-ol~~ M ;W, UMMW. -OFWWVM~~R RVACHEV, V.P.; SOROKIN, S.A. .............. Changing synchronous motors over to simplified starting and protection circuits. Energ.biul. no.12:1-7 D 1.57. (MIRA 10:12) (Electric motors, Synchronous) RVACHEY, V.P. Burning through the insulation of power cables in damaged,-placee where there is no special equipment for this process (exchange of experience). Energ.biul. no.2:9-12 F '57o (MLRA 10:3) (Electric cables) RVACHEV, V.P. Locating damage is cable lines with the aid of the IKL-4 pulse instrumant. Inerg. biul.'no.3:34 Mr '57. (XLRA 10:4) (Ilectric cables--Testing) GNEDEM, B.V.; RVACHUVA, One characteristic property.of the normallow of distribution. Dop.AK URSR lio-3:3-5 148. (KERA 9: 9) l.Diyp!liy chlen AN URSR (for Gnedenke). 2.Llyivalkiy viddil Inatitutu matematiki Akademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR. (Distribution (Probnbility theory)) GNFXBIIKO, B.V.; RVACJWA,-.Y4.1.-I One characteristic property of the normal law of distribution.. Zbir.pratal Inst.mat.AN URSR no.11:36-42 148. (X1RA 9:9) (Distribution (Pr~babillty theory)) t 7- 7 -5, ,'_ - & R` 8 an !" _ - ----our M a-Mmoi-I IGCaL limit theorem of the theou of Dokladf'Akad. Nauk SSSR _01.51 60. p 1127-112 t,1948)- (Russian) The with-ws generalize Gnedenko's -equit ft7f the pre. A it I r Uvm ~"Gwbi I fic proof is omitted. J. L Doob (Urbana, HL), w Source; Vathematical Reviews, Vol 14) tio, L i C t4 6 VII?, Ye. L MMIER, D.G.; PARASYUK, O.S.; RVAGHEVA, Ye.L. Multivariate :ocal limit,theorem in the theory of probabilities. Ukr.mat.zhur. [I] no.1:9-20 149. MR-1 7:10) (Probabilities) -- - -------- FOR .Itht'.:,ron 4-7 rem for e m a At fl q, vidl Mad. Nank Ukrain. 1z ift. 191 (~Jkraitii~in. Ittimian aum- o'dicoreue'A"b-f dte jvrv~"Iitig rctieww rahsider&I ror ~;Iji, -z- f t ;s provcd that uncirr appirTiriate cmirliCons MA saily Aw bilt All 1. RVATOIA E. L. 2. USSR (600) 4. Ootrogradskiy, Mfikhayl Vasillyevich, 1801-1861. 7. Session of the Department of Physical Mathematical and.Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R., dedicated to the 150th anniversary. of the birthday of M. V. Ostrogradskiy. Ukr. mat. zhur. 4, No. 1, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Lt~---iry of Cong.res.s, -April 1953, Uncl. the present another [ibid. 82, 513-516 (1952); these Rev. 13, 760J. The reader- is referred to either of these reviews for notations and explanations., The author obtains new and detailed results. Let (ri, - - -,x.) and Cyjr - - -, y.) be the two samplee, and let (irs, so, - - " SO be their rearrange- ment in increasing order. Let w.(J)-FI(zj)-F2(zj), where F, and F, are the two empirical distributions. Denote by RvaZeva, E. L. On.the discrepancy between two empirical-ffiStribUtiOns. "Ukra !in. Mat 2urnal 4,373- Y2 (1952). (5ussian) y Akad. Nauk SSSR Gnedenko and Korolyuk JDoklad (N.S.) 80, 525-528-(1951); these Rev. 13, 570] have shown how the problem of comparing the empirical 6L-u.jutions of two equal samples can be reduced to a random walk problem. Further results were obtained by Gnedenko and L Dw(P, q), A.7'(p, q), respectively, the maximum and mini- mum of w.(J), when O;Sp;Sj;Sq;S2n. The author obtains the joint conditional distribution of the k-dimensional ran- dom variable (Dj+(0, 2n), D~+(I, 2n), - - -, Dt% 2n)) for given values of w.(0), w.(1), - - -, w,#), and also the corre- sponding unconditional distribution. Next she derives analo- gous conditional and unconditional diptributions for the 2k-diinensional variable (D~+(O, 2n), D~-(O, 2n). - - -, D~*(k, 2n), D~-(k, 2n) !n each case the limiting distribution as n--+co is obtained. Finally the distribution of the maximal term of the sequence. Jw.(J)J is given together with its limiting form. As an interesting corollary one gets that the probability that the sequence (w.(J) I assumes its !Wimum atone and only one place j with O