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Methods for improving the effectiveness of documentation of
public health literature. Cesko zdrave 12,no~6:332-335 -Te'64
1. Reditel Statnih o ustavu pro zdravotnickou dokumentaci a
Icnibovnickou sluzbu VPraze.
19 1 .ment
EXCEITTA MEDICA See 5 Vol 12/7 General Path. July 59
ver:lnderungen der Nleren Im Scleroderma - R u t k a i P. Pathol. Abt..
Budapester Arztefortbildungsinst.. Budapest---7Zb-E-.-A--L-L-0. PATH. PATH.
ANAT. 1958, 98/9-11 (540-543) Illus. 3
A female patient. 51 yr. old. with a characteristic scleroderma of the face. had
developed a progressive hypertension and died of renal insufficiency. There had
been only a slight proteinuria and cylindruria. At autopsy the kidneys were of
normal weight. The significant lesion was found in the interlobular arteries and
consisted of a concentric intimal thickening with a mucoid aspect. Secondary to
this there was a glomerular hyalinization and an ischaemic loss of renal tissue.
The arterial lesion can be separated from the hypertensive lamellar elastosis and
medial necrosis. Moreover, these renal lesions are essentially different from
those of the other collagen diseases; there Is no inflammation such as in peri-
arteritis nodosa, nor alterations comparable to the wire loops of disseminated
lupus erythematosus. Kooiker - Utrecht
RICHTER, Robert, Dr, RUTKAI, Pal Dr;,Institute of Postgraduate Medical
partm~n-tof-gi-d--' thological AnatovV
Education, I. DO icine and Department of Pa
and Pathohistology (Orvostavabbkepzo Intezet, I. Belgyogyaszati Tanszek es
Korbonctani es Korszovettan! Tanszek).
"Malignant Mediastinal Tumor Developed in a Case of Neurofibromatosis.1'
Budapest, Orvosi Heti4p, Vol 107, No 18, 1 May 66, pages 846-848.
Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] The development of a malignant
mediastinal tuinor in a case of Recklinghausen's disease is described and the
pertinent literature data are surveyed briefly. 2 Hungarian, 9 We-stern
dr., ZAJKAS, Gabor, dr.
ZSOLDOS, Gyorgy, dr.; ~UMk,
Primary amyloidosis. Orv. 'hetil. 103 no-49:2318-2321. 9 D 162.
1. Orvosto-vabbkepzo Intezet, I. Belosztaly es Korbonctani-.
Korszovettani Intezet.
L, llnw-, , Jr. -tuna 1. pal
96 no-3rj:)iII'I-321
&-lignant metastnses in urv. heti'l
28 July 57.
1. Az Orvostovabbkepzo (mb. lgazgato. Barscny Jeno !:r.)
Kortcnct,irl Intezetenek Veosei Ann& dr) Knzlerezyr,
(TtWW,~ neopla8mr.
metastatic, fineings in mocardiiLm (H~,n))
Acute thrombosis of the vena portae. Kiserletes orvostud. 10 no.4:437-440
Aug 58.
1. Orvostovabbkepzo Inteset Korbonctani es Korozovettani Intezete.
(VICRO".0535, pathol.
vena portae, acute, histopathol.0 case reports (Hun))
thrombosis of vena portae, acute, histopathol., case reports
RUTKA 1, Pa 1, Dr.
Renal changes in-scleroderma. Orv. hetil..99 ao-33:1151-1153 17 Aug
1. Az Orvostovabbkepzo Intezet (mb. igazgato: Barsony Jeno dr.) Korbonc-
tani eu Korazovettani Intezetenek (foorvos: Vecsei Anne dr.) kozlemenys.
(SCISROMIM4k, pathol.
kidneys (Hun))
(KIDMS, pathol,
in scieroderma (Hun))
HOWY/Guncral, Problems of Patholua - Comparative Oncology. U-3
Tumora of Man.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 16, 1958, 75557
Author : Vocsei, Anna; Rutkai, Pal
Title Metastases of Malign Tumors into the Myocardium.
Orig Pub Orv. hotilap., 1957, 98, ITO 30, 818-821
Abstract Ho abstract.
Card 1/1
- 23 -
7_30TA03, Gyorgy KID* RUIEFLI, Pal AMDt and DUKUS, Galbor M0, of the Mr.,L-
Irftomai Xed~?o- ~nso~ oszta:Lv) of +;he Modical pasz_
*ion of
E;Vadduzte 1rstitlAft (Ovroztovp_bbkapr_o Intemt) arA the Lisutau of
zath--logia&I AsrmtmT. and Pathological Hi_-,tclogy (-4~-orbonctamt- as Tor-
vzovattAzti int-93a.0.
L~._eappast, 200ALAIQAR, vol io), ao 49p 9 Doc 62; PP 2318-2321-
~&bstra tt [Authors' ffurigaxdan s-.maarj] Authors d3scribs a ".9e of pr-1-
xar~y anqlv-!Aos:Ls 3ehich was dlagpwsed J_q vivo. The clinical pictlurs of
I ha o
aso corrospwid-9d to a naphrotic symir-me, 'out, tha ilLnasi did not
A t--. my
ispnL _, -f . fam of troatmert. A tentative diagnosis of prImary szt~j-
laldoaic vaa made whiah vwx au~;aequamtly confirmed climically by thi
3txcrqly Congo-Red ta.~est. Tho dial-swais was fu.-rther varifted
:~-y th- F-,&-thological amtomia- &nd pathologioal histological ax=inaticn.
L-A tIO-i Oeje aJ_! mquimmtnta were prosert uhich make t~a d-laposis of
prinwyy am,,,ploldosis possibla; at ti-,o &&me time -it served as a pmot
:L-, r*~ar-i to U~s problem of the occurren-ce of py-1-acrY gr,,. 2. Idos
7 0
r21 rafd2v~ncw, predominanVly I~vitern].
L_ - .-A
Case of glomeruloselarosis caused by cortisone. Kiserletes
orvostud. 8 no.2:334-336 May 56
1. 5zaboles utcai Allami Korhaz Korbonctani es Korszovettani
(C(YATISOIM, inj. off.
Kimmelatial-Vilson synd., pathol. (Ran))
Kimmelatiel-Wilson synd.. caused by cortisone, pathol.
XCPANY1, Gyorgy, dr..; RUTKAI, Pal, dr.
Case of bjrdracephalus, caused by a cyst in the third cerebral
ventricle. Ory. hatil. 96 no.41:1147-1148 9 Oct 55.
1. A SzabOlC3 utcai Allimi Xorhaz (igazgato) Doleschall Frigyas
dr.) Gyarmekoaztalyanak (foorvos: Stainer Bela dr.) as Korbonctani
as Korazovetani Intez etenek (foorvos: Vecasi Aaaa cLr.)
(HYDROCEPHLWS, etiology and pathogeaesis
cyst in cerebral ventricle In infant)
causing bydrocaphalus in Infant. pathol)
cerebral ventricle, causing hydrocephalus in infant,
302 91
S1.1"10 9/611006101110011021
.ACJTHOR; 01-kas,
A. G.
TITLEg Tterated network synthesis of a reactance multi-pole
13ERIODT-CALg Radiotakhnika 1 elektronikap va 6. no. i'19 1961,
1839 - '1845
TEM In ihs present a-1-ticle passive reactance 4 m-poles are con-
eldered. They consllats of lumped parameters L and 0, operating in
a steady stated connected into -the external electric circuit in
such a manner that .1.nput and output currents at each pair of ter-
minals are equals The modern matrix methods are used for realizing
the matrix A(w) of the transfer function of -the 4m-pole in the
--orm of simpler 4m-terminal networks. Disregarding degeneration it
Is assumed that ';urrents and voltages at the input of the 4m-poie
are 1,-nearly independent (both currents and voltages being complex)
In the n-d4mensional .1inear space H(n 2m) the transfer matrix
Atw 4a defined as the matrix function of frequen wq representing
the ve-Itor at -che Amput by that of theiraput XF It is shown
Card l/X<
Iterated ne-lwork syn'thesia of a ... Ii201/D304
that AM has the ropertt*3
Jp- A * -A
The elements of the transfer matrix are analytic (rational) func-
tions of w. Two multi-pole networks are defined as equivalent if
their transfer matrices coincide. In order to synthesize matrix
A(w) from simpier 4m-poles, the matr'Lk A(w) is factorized
A(w) = Ulln(w) ..,. B 2(w) BI (w) (3)
kn it U J - unit operator independent of w; Bi(w 41peratorb,f-unc-
tion properties of Eq. (2) and calculate from
Bz (w) = I Q (4)
W W a,
In which Q has the form ei.the.r
2IM W j
QO: 2 Im ta; Rrt (F CjC*) L-ljC (5)
Card 2///
Iterated net!aork synthesis of a ... D201/D304
or Q ic LP iDJC*)J[-'JC, Q2 0.
cc a a
In Eq. (5) R 2 R C - the most significant coefficien t of Lau-
a:L ai
r0) of the operator-function
rent series about the pole W (IM W -4
0 0
A. l(w) = A(w)Bll(w) B 21(w) ... B-1 1(w); CJC*---' 0; a one of the
a- j-
eigenvalues of the selfconjugate operator CJC P the operator
of projection onto the one-dimensional invariant sub-space of the
CJC* transformation, corresponding to the eigenvalue ai. In Eq. (6)
Aj_l(W) = (W - W 0)-kC + (w _ W0)-k+l D + ... (IM Wo = 0), (; j4 0,
CJC* .= 0; DJC* = - CJD; DJC* ---- 0. An important case is considered
eventually when the elements of A(w) have thefollowing -form: a ik
(W) = Pik(w) + qik('/w) where Pik' qik - certain polynomials. It
may be shown that in this case cvery f actor B (w) in I-;q. (3) may be
Iterated network 4*ZijM-,is of a D201/D304
physically reproduced. laking n 4, m 2 (an eight-poie) B M
will be the matrix-flrftsation of one of the four types
I If. Bj (w) = I + iW (0 1
Af. Bj (W) =I+ iW 0 10),
q 1
Pi P2
real numbe
where q Pl, ~-29 93 rs such that
P2 0' P3'~:
!3 P1
Of 4,vw4j&ng that B M are
1 IP293
transfer matrirunn-, -chey
will be represented by khe eight Doles I - IV (Fig. 1). The values
of K, I, and C are t,9-71041.ted. If any of the coefficients p,j P21 P3
become zero, the above vight-po-Les degener ate so as to f ex##84 two
non-connected four-pola; ' 121121 and 34314 1. Thus every ei..-J~~t- (or
Iterated network synthesis of a D201/D304
four) pole with. a transfer matrix as shovm above may be represen-
ted by the equivalent iterated eight-poles of the form I - IV (see
-'ig.I which cannot be ii lified further. in the case of an ar-
oitrary transfer matrix A( it becomes necessary to group by two
or four the factors B (w) as corresponding to the poles of A(w)
which are symmetrical with respect to -uhe coordinate axes. This is
illustrated by determining the equivalent iterated eight-poles of
type i-lv for an eight-pole network with an arbitrary transferma-
trix. The author acknowledges the interest in this work by M.S.
livshits. There are 2 figures, I table and 9 references: 7 Soviet-
bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference -to the English-language
publication readsas follows: A. Talbot, Nea method of synthesis of
reactance networks, Proc. I.E.E.,1954, 101, pt. 4, Monograph No.
77, P. 73.
SUBMITTBD: March 39 1961
Card 5/j,
A004 104
is, N.M., Zhilevich, ?auzha, A.S.,
TZTLEi Utilization of hic, methods in recording osaillographs and
optical recorders
PERIGOICALt Rerera**vnyy zhurnal, Inostroyeniye no. 8, 1961, 7, abztruot
" -
81)86 ( ~ magnitogr fiya!', Vil'nyun, 1959, 64-
92, Lith .. an I
TEXT: The Hauchno-isslod6va kly in*titut eicktrografli (Scientific Re-
search Institute of Electrography) TZ her with the institut fizlki Zemli AN SSSR
(Institute of Physics of the Earth R) has developed the mockup of an elec- J,
'rographic oscillograph consisting plified -7r, -6 (OF-6) ascillograph
a 3in
zpecially made for this Warpose, w ermits to record electric processes on an
electrographic tape with the aid of ght beam, and the eleotrographic attach-
ment to the escillograph. The over imensions cf the OP-6 device are 22Dxl5Ox
x210 mm, the weight being 5.5 kg. P-6 device incorporate$ 3 combined ccrmon
magnetic systems of the rc, -3 (03-3 vanometer with 3 x 2 mirrors in the Il-
Card 112
Utilization ef electrogra-phic meth--ds A004/A104
lumninator cf which a (-U -73 (STs-78) tube Is placed. The attachment has the fol.-
lowing overall dimension's: 180 x 150 x 200 mm, we-,gh* - 5.5 kg, required ;cwer
15 w, paper widlh - 100 mm, pulling speed, actuated from the osclll.--Sraph electra-
motor - 2 cmlzec; the generator is supplied from a 15 v accumulator. The authzirs
dezeribe the recirding pr,,cess on photoconductive paper and present the circuit
diagranz of the electrographic attazhment with liquid and dry development. Both
devel-cpment methcds maks It possible to obtain positive or negative pictures. The
authcr2 point out tho poosibility of utilizing electrographs for geophysical In-
vestigations and in other fields of science and technology at a frequency of the
procesaes being recorded of 20-50 cycles and amplitx:daa up to 20 mm. One version
of alectrograph is analyzed which possesses a magnetic memory and is intended for F
the recording of breakdown processes of various assemblies, turbinea, machines.
during the recording of earthquakes ate.
V. Merkulov
[Abstracter's notei Complete translatiLn)
Card 2/2
ACC NR: AP5024960 /-j SOURCE CODE i 86/65/000/016/0q
2. 1/0021
AUTHORS:. Kutkevichus, S. I.; 164kshtauskas, Yu. I. tkauskasg, S
..ORG: none
TITLE: Method for dyein natural and chemical fibers. Class 8,- No. 173708
SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tpvarnykh znakov, no. 16, 1965, 21
TOPICTAGS: dyeing, fibers natural fibe r. eynthetio fiber
ABSTRACTx This Author Certificatepresents a method for dyeing natural and4-
synthetic fibers by modifying them,with epoxy derivatives of aromatic andneAand.1
subsequent development by diazotization., To widen the assortment of modifiers
the o LY- epoxy propyl derivatives of aromatic amines are used as modifiers*"
To speed up the dyeing process,:the modification of fibers is carried out at high
temperatures up to 200C.
SUB CODE 1 4 171 SUBM DATE t 2lJun63
f 777-
Gard 1-00, 3'677*8420313.23s84i 2
-15,547- 33--,
CZECHOSLOVAKIA / Human and Animal Physiology. The T
Nervous System.
Abs Jour-. Ref Zhur-131ol ., No 9l 1958j, 41742.
Author Relleroya, E.
Inst Not Given.
Title The Mean Error In the Determination of Localiza-
tions of Tactile Stimulations as a Functional Test.
Orig Pub: Ceskosl. fysiol.,, 1956, 5, No 4,, 484-486.
Abstract! The author modified the method of Baber: the
tactile stimulation (TS) was applied to the dor-
sal surface of the hand with the aid of a handle
with a ball pen (weighing 46 g. the diameter of
the point - I mm) suspended by a thread. The
subject, lying In a horizontal position, with his
eyes closed, has to touch., wiLhin 5 seconds after
the application of TS, the point of contact, using
Card 1/3
CZECHOSLOVAKIA Human and Animal Physiology. The T
Nervous System.
Abs Jour: Rei Mir-Biol., No9,, 1958, 41742.
Abstract: the Index finger of the opposite hand, The stimu-
lation was applied 50 times consecutively to both
hands. The error in the localization was measured
by the distance from the center of the white spot
produced by the pressure of the finger of the
subject to the mark left by the ball pen,(wlth an
accuracy of 1/2 cm). Fifty-two hundred investiga-
.tions were carried out on Z7 patients. The mater-
lal was statistically compiled. The values of the
mean error of localization are projected along the
Gauss' curvef with the maximum In the order of
projections in the range of 0.5-0.75 c;ao The
Card 7-13
A? b
L-A-JL-L-s a A a L-- L-I~ A -.JL"
go I
00 4 7 Appa4tum (of fs sadlyals, 1'. F. Rulkr,
wis . in an app. hf'fhi'hAAl type -00
phiced -It a 0111fal to lirryrnt thr too
Is front twactratinig into the bl.Tf roil tit the almfilt tit
A* 0
00 -00
At. SITALLV ~KAL Lift-1689 CLAWFIC&Ilaw ties
Aq" s A
- . --l-
Ov do( it;
-r-y-tyl ---- ---
In At 43 It'
it All
0 It It a a of 09 40 n 1 1.4 and.
0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 C
~00-4,p 0 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : : : : :10 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 69*1~
ilU I i-d -LW I, D.
(X Mairlit-1,1-c Traps with a Spa(..(-. charj(~."
vaper Dresented at the FOLLrth International Coaference on Ionization Pfl~mc)mena
in Gases, 17-21 Aug 59, Uppsala, Swed~m.
Card 1/3
7r 3LY!
GV/57 10- 4/1-8
Fedorchenko, V. D.,-Rutkevich, B. N., Chernyy, B. M.
Movement of an Electron in a Spacially Periodic Magnetic Field
Zhurnal to_akbrLicheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 10, pp 1212-121-0,
The subject matter of the paper is a study of the movement of
an electron in a magnetic field that is constant in time but
is subject to a weak modulation in a longitudinal direction.
The study is both of a theoretical mathematical as well as op
an experimental nature. When an electric particle movQ5 in a
magnetic field thatis being periodically but slowly changed,
its magnetic moment, which is a ratio of the energy of the
Larmor rotation of the particle to the intensity of the magnetic
field, remains almost constant. In a movement of a particle in
a spacially periodic field the total energy of the Larmor rota-
tion of the particle remains constant, but while this energy
decreases in the longitudinal direction it increases in the
transverse direction., so that the velocity vector of the particle
Mo;iement of" an Electron in a Spacially Periodic 75327
Magnetic Field SOV/5 -29-120_4/ls
rotates with reference to the direction of the magnetic field,
This phenomenon is being made use of when a modification of the
magnetic moment of charged particles in a modulated magnetic
field is desired. The majorfactor affecting the rotation of
the velocity vector of Ot: pai ticle is the transverse componcnt
of the magnetic fielu'. The rurce acting on the particle--an
electron in this caot.~-m--Is proportional to the frequency w of
oscillations of the fic-Ld. Wii(-,n this frequency equals the
cyclotronic fr~_-Iuc-nry which represents a con-
dition of rescn;i!ice, the II energy cC the particle increases.
When this total enf~-rgy remain.,; constant, then,the more the
velocity vector roUttes th(~ Lruater becomes the transverse
component of velocity. Mathematical development of such a con-
dition leads to a Mathieu equation. The experimental 2quipment
used consisted of a copper cylinder in which a pressurt:: of
10-5t0 10 -6mm IIg was maintained and over which the magrietic co 'I I zi
w(_-re wound. The con.~Aant rwignuLic field did not excvej 2t-V
and the mazimum valviu o` th,,- mo,.Iulut.Inj~ -.'i-.--IA
Card 2/_1 thr-Liuch the Irludulal's--d lor.1,it'I'li.
Movement of an Electron in a Spacially Periodic 75'z2-
Magnetic Field SOV/57-`1-- -10- 4/2
direction decreases. This is shown both on curves arid on
oscillograms. Curves show also that the average enerGy -in the
transverse direct.lon increases with the increase in the intunsity
of the modulating field. S:~ftel'nlkov, K. D., and Stepanov, K. N.,
contributed to the experiment by their advice. There are 6 fiLrures
and 4 references, 2 British, 1 German, and 1 non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Technical Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences, USSR (Fiziko-
tekhnicheskiy institut, AN SSSR)
SUBMITTED: April 30, 1959
Card 3/3
AUTHOH.13,: 'Sine L 'n Lkov, K. D. ,
Fe d C; vc hu, I ko, VD.
TITLE: Motion Of churged Pav'L 'Le les in a Spa,,_-ially Periodical
Mu!rnetLc Field
PERIODICAL: Zhut-nal. LekhtliCheSkoy -L()"'0, Vol _'.0, 11hr
pp (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A~; known, charged pat-tic"es may be confined to a
l1rulted volume by means of magnetic fields of special
3hape (I. V. KLIPC112tOV, Atomna-la eneL'gLya 105, '958:
1. Budker, Fizika plazmy I pvoblema Lip cavlynyernykh term-
oyadernykh reaktsly.Olasma Physics and Problcm'.,'~ of Controlled
Thermonuclear Reactions) Vol III, Izd. AN SS-ORY 1958).
It' the motion is adiabatic, the magnetic mourient remaim
consorved. In such a case, charged particles remain
indefinitely.inside a cylindrically shaped magnetic
field whose intensity Increases at its ends, provided
the anirle between the velocity, vectov of t-he paril-icle
a I'd VJ and the direction ot, sy1hMetL'Y (z-,JLpection) oC the
F! ~Lors rZ ("i)ar-ired pa-tI("le,~; in a 778 5
PQi-iodic-ai Ma-netic Field SOV/5Y-50-3-1-1r;
trap issufficiently large. However, the
kind of particles are also,unable to enter into
the trap, and to obtain trapping, one has to provide
f'or- making the motion inside the trap non-
"AkI Labat ic .One possibility consists in working with
CLelds whLch change slightly duvinLl: the time of' tile
LaL,mop precession or the
dH (2)
wI C re
I," cyclotron f'requency. Them ,,juthovs invesiAgrated
the motion of' single particles in ouch weakly
opace-modulated fLelds, which they denote~by
lic) + ffe\,, where H. Is a ,jtrong magnet;Lc t'leld In. the
Z direction, and 1,s the var-La~,!-- (,orrriponent. They
r; a rd2 described the modulatIng fiP10 by mean., of the vector
h, Eh, sin vz, (5), ct)s vz. (6)
ntid h Can be censtant ~~uJ
"ot, not 1-oo lavi~e ol, the
-t I c 11 e mov Ltrits . ln a ---'i:)r;ib ine-1 C ie ld i~; Subjec ted
tC) 't p(~t~!OdLc L'OVce, and ex*perraients Showed (V. D.
_)~'chersko. 13. 11. llutkovich, B. M. Che I yy Z
i ( - 1 t I , -, i TP
XXIX, 121'.2, 1959) that a pr_~H*.Lcle enLering the ~iyste!lll.
za I I e I. to the Aomr a hell- wh 1 c h
t,..ILL rd 0 .A Le*,, a l'tjw per-lod., of' the, If
'Ghe total enevgy of' ~,he par-
ticle ovep Into tfte er;(,L~g- (jL' tl-Le Larmor p,-;Elcesslon.
Th~ ve I oc: i t, rriay uLtimately reacl-l -1 dllfl__C_11~0~1
!is ~a 1--_ I n Lr "t s u r i, IT c 1 e n t Ly an,-le with the Z-a.,Ls to
Lie i;i,,appe!_l in the mal,~-nctif t v~ .1 the variable
ap, am
f' LeIc., -,,iould , there t'ore, cw:tble a ouccessl'ul InJectlon
oL into ~Tie trap, provitled tht r rtlcl. d., t3
3 ) a e oe
no" ~,Lnd via,,r out nf' the Lm~nedLalcel*,
~,v, v".toyIng 11-he (ILntancle bet.-vjecn.
r 1 a
30V/511' -50- -3, 15,
1. t
v., L t; h I I
I-rito -lie por-I-OdIc
allmet Le LI
L t OP~,e r
OP ate the
lon Q-ne !-.o wr I ",
rk i n (jn I t j - t v q: u- ot
e e a t; 1:~ o t
1-i --- I, le I d 1f
The a-;:
p to h i c Ine thod L3
ol -1 n t i fo p t I i e p a r t I e
--h, sin :h;cos r], (7)
d"y ~11' Pill .1z), (8)
Cos -'z. (9)
dt ----
CO, ecjf~.'-
dz (32)
-7 _j -
tacy not3 that theve exist singulaL~ ~,alues CL and
furictions of iL ~, ror INMch Onte obtains Larmor,
pl~ece331on of' pavticleo on circles of constant radius.
Tra.,ectoples are then discus-led with reopect to this
opeclal case. The author.-, supply on Fig. 2 the
vaL,la'k-lon of the transver.;c velo,,-Lty of. partLcleo
entering into the periodic system parallel to tne ZI-Lixis.
D.-apending on the value of Initial enernry. the trzans-,*erse
first nnd reachIng Its
Car-A, v- lue, froes back to c~cro.
S.r 1,~
Elk-, t-Lod al 11,IaLrnct lic Ficid
F L C 11 a n gr ein e I o c~ i y
o," Laciriot, precessiun of
ng Spa- to
L, a i 1. ty pot-Lodical field O.S - 1z
& 1. (21t c) t he Z - a x i L;
i 1A I I; Of the pacometer,
0 [-vz
FLfj,~~ire 5 the chang
,e a v t i ces vi 11 le h
f' 1co 1'r,oril Lhe' fria"'tie- t 1'-- 'Aop')C- vthe m(mri-en t twhen
t; b-, e n e i-Igv o t' t rans ve rs~e mot lr,~i veached half of the
tc,tal energy. One sees, t
- hat, there exists.a vegion
c':~ (CIO,.-,e to
L valu r it] th; pre';cTit, Mje~ i
o r
vlhic,h the particle lo-mus the tvvp -Iftor only one.
f e t ion Var ing
y c,
Ltil, "I i ediotan-ce be
Cau-i the mojuialted 1 e ! r.,~~j C!
i c n i c! the muen tic
r"Iot- Loil of Chal'L!'eo "ticles in 7 7 8 35
&-)~LCJ.~tily Peviodical Mai'lletic SOV/57-30-3-1/15
UiC,. 3. Variations in
ve-10('"Ity ol' retut-nInt-,
LIcles I'or varLou.,-t
Values 014, the jump in shift O-a.t re- net
flection from a
-n e t I ct o p 1) e r
0 10
3topper, ore ui-ay achieve a maximum t-rapping time.
However, in of presence of many charged particles,
interaction effects start playing an important role,
especially near the inagnetic stopper, where the velo-
citles are small and partLcies spend an -appreciable
r-Inount of time. The quantity is no longer
Carr! 7/3 1 u
.inique for all pa ticles, and there exists then a
Motion of Charged Particles in a 7783c5
Spacially Periodical Magnetic Field QIOV/57 -3110- 1/1 5~
finite probability that particle ~Lcquires a
"dangerous" value of t-W, The trapping time of the
tr%ap depencu--,, undor ~~Irmwstiance.-,, on the magnitude
of' The aul~-hOVS Investigated expevi-
mentally the of 7~ccwmulation of particles
in traps w1th space-perlodlo magnetic fields. The re
are 3 figures; and 5 lv-~ Corot ices, It Soviet, 1 Gevman.
ASSOCIATION: Physico-Technical InsiI-tiite AN UIkrSSR, Fdiarlkov
(Fiziko-tekhnicheskly insUitut AN USSR, Kha."Ilr-ov)
SUBMIT'17-0): November 5, 1959
C . a r d 8 /d'
17- 24 .2120
AUTHORS: Slnellnllcov, K. D., Fedavcheriko, V. D., RutkevIch, B.
N.,.Cliernyy, B. M., arid Safronov, B. G.
TITLE: Investigations,of a Magnetic Trap
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizilci, 1960, Vol 30, Nr 3J,
pp 256-260 (UsSR)
ADSTRACT; The authors Investigated acciunulation of charged
particles In a inagnetic trap with a space-periodic
magrietic field. In rrerieral, a particle stays inside
the trap If the. angle Y between velocity vector and
of the trap satisfies the Inequality;
s i 112 > /[,I
wilere It /if is the stopper ratio. To get a particle
Card 1/1 1 into tlie trap, one, ap plies a space-periodic modulation
Inve3tigatlons or a Trap 7 7 8 3, 6
SOV/57-30-3-3 15
J J/
of the magnetic field O.L the trap along its axis.
As shown earlier N. D. Fedorcheriko, B.' N. Rutkevicn,
B. M. Chernyy. ZhT.F, MX, 1212, 1959. K. D.
Sinel Inilcov, B. N. Rutkevich, and V. D. Fedorchenko.
Zl-tTF, XXX, 249, 1960)., the magnetic moment of the
particle Is not conserved if' magnetic field Ho and
period of modulation L satisfy the condition:
where V 2'Jr/L and W if eHo/mc the cyclotron
J.requency. Particles injected in a direction parallel
to the a,, of the trap perform a Larmor precession
with Increased radius and, at the same time, decrdas,~
their longitudinal velocity. This results in a
bending, of the velocity vector with respect to the
Z-axis, and putting a magnetic stopper at a sufficf-ent
distance from the entrance, so condition (1) is
Card 2/ 11 satisfied, the particle gets,reflected and beginsa
I,Lve1f3t1,,:r,ations of.' a Ma-tietif; T1-_.q,)
S OV/57 32 3;/1
mvumc mot-Lon. In jjr,(~IleVal, It docs not repeat the
LE`~Ljec!tory In tho vt~.vevse divection arid, therefore,
11C(_([ 110t CV(XW W10 01APWICe BtOj)j)Or' :)Llt,, May Stay
Inoide the trap. This po;,,-,.LbI11ty if' eic cumulat -toll
of' partlcleB was Investlgat,ud by the aUthors u3ing
a device deocvlbed earliev (Vedorchez~co arid others,)
and shown.on Fig. 1.
Card 3/11
77836 S.-)V/57-30-3-3/15
-1 u
.MNLIJ111-t-olf UP -L
card 4/lie See~ FIf--. 1 caption on Card, 5/112
Inve2t1gatIons of' a 77"_,
011/57-3 -3-3 5
Fitc. 1. Diagram of the experimental set-up: (1)
electron gUn; (2) collector; (3) resonator.
The energy of the -injected electrons could be varied
1-2 Kev. Magnetic field H 0 between the stoppers
was between 200-300 gauss. E:~periment showedIt was
sufficient to have B./H 0 = 2-3. Space modulation
was achieved by a system of opposing coils. L was
5-7 cm, number of periods n 5. The modulating rrag-
netic field was 20-30 gauss; the vacuum chamber was
9 cm diam; the distance between the stoppers, 100 cm.
The electron gun was proaUCIng a tubular electron
beam 3.0 cm diam, and the electron current could reach
100 Ma - 6Working pressure in the system was maintained
at 2.iO- Mm f1g. The authorz detected accl-unulatIon of
electrons by shift" in resonant frequency ojOthe3,g space resonator in Fig. 1. A 10 C
Car-d 5/11 electron density was measured at a pressure of 10-5 mm
Investigations ol' MlaL-netl,; TvaD 77836
k ,
1 407 'd7 2
) 2
2 C2 1-)2
w2 "C2 (7)
) ( .
where .2 W2
Card ~/4
Excitation of ionic cyclotron ... 0 0
,Here, J (k r) are Bessel functions; H(1)(
n 1 2 22/mi is 11
first kind; On iZ e the plasim., ion.freauency. The m-:
energy value in time per unit length of tht:~ electron beam is give
2 Tc 36, 22, )j2
2 roJl(klro 0
From this formula it follows that at a sufF*q*Lz##4'-1y high current
jol.the intensity of interaction between tlot-t electron beam and th
is very high. The authors thank X. D. SineP, Inikov, for advice and
cussion. There are 6 references: 4 Soviet-01sir. and 2 rion-Soviet-bi
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-I.ekhnicheskiy instituL AN USSR,*Kharlkov
(Institute of Physics and TeMjj3MV-4_, AS UkrSSR, Kh!i
SUBMITTED: July 15, 1960
Card 4/4
___5,TU5T1_UVU_:? TTUU_V`11~~
AUTHOP.: Rutkevich, B. N.
TTTLE.. instability of a system of two electron bet-as in a magnetic
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekh:-.icheskoy fizik--*, v. 31, no. 5, 1961. 539-548
TEXT: A study has been made of the stability of a syster.- of t;7 o electron
beams in a mal-netic field, Darticular attention being paid to the trans-
versc~ notion of electrons. 'Pierce (IRE Tra-nsaction. ED. 3, 1956) and
ave shown that tie motion of
Sic-EMar, (j. ADDI. Phvs - , 31, 17, 1 96o) h ' U
electrons muct not be neglected in studies of 'his '-ind. It is nov shown
tat.-_,t a siy*tem of two electron beams -.-,ill become unstable in a manetic
field. not only because of longitudinal oscillations (waves of the volume
clhar'-e) but also on account of interacting transverce osc-41.1atioris along
with', the cyclotron rotation of electrons.- For the sake of simplicity,
t-.;o hollow, coaxial electron beams (Fig. 1) are considered, which are so
'6111in that th
e field distribution in the walls may be neglected. In
derivinj the equationsfor the inner and outer beams, the author assumes -A.)
Card 1/7
k 7
S/057N1;rO' , 1/005/005/020
Inctability of a4- B104/B205
that the Coulomb t1lor,ces arc compeneated by magnetic forcas, and that the
mean distance betleen electrons and axis is constant. motlon of the
inner beam is desqibed by the equatu-Jons
E,, (ri) (5)
E,. (ri) E., V1, - (6)
E (E, (rj) E, (rl)]. (7)
4- VI Eisp
at dz M
-f- ~Uj --t- VIr~ e Eir. (12)
dt Oz M
do do duls- VIr-
and -4- V, -4-CTI - = 0. (14)
dt Or dz rI
S/057/61/03 110 750-05TVI-0
1 n; tu ab 1 i t yof a... B104/3205
The outer beam �s gi
gous system. The dispersion relation
ven by an analor
lor the considered rea~is
12 (T,1)7
-Q11f1(7-1)10(7')-Q21 0 7rjQjjf1(7rj)
4 I
-+- Q11 [lo (jrj) K, (Tri) - 11 (jrj) Ko (7ri)) 4-
2jrjQjjKj (Tri) 11 (7r,) -- 2Q21 Ko (Irl) lo (jrj) - Q11Q21
Q12 [10 (7r2)KI (jr2) - 11 (jr2) Ko (jr2)1-2Q22Ko (7r2) lo (7r2)
-2yr2Q,211 (Tr2)K1 (7r2)- Q12Q-22 (34)
Q12K1 (7rj KO (7rj - QrK'(Trj - -, r2Q,2K 2 (7r2)
In the ca'se of small wavelengths, the motion of this system is usually
very complicated. U nder definite conditions, it can be divided into
longitudinal and t nsverse oscillations. "Partial" oscillations are
ztudied seDaratelt
nt, and the coupled
a couDlin.a is taken into accou
sys' e m Is anal yze A weak cou-pling of oscillations of different types
is i,arranted by t
V condition jr 1, and using
1 '>' yr2~> '1(r2l -r;)>>
.A Bes-el functions e dispersion relation.(34) can be -,,bitten inthe form
Card 3/7
STO-5-7176-1 / 05; ~Ili 00570M5T-
Tn:jtability of a.
Qt,) (1 Q20 - 17-r;] [o Trao (1 - Q,O
CL (Q21 TrjQjj) (Q2Z Tr2Q,), (38)
In the limitin-case of -,eak coupling, a is"equal to zero and (38) consists
oi* "ao independent relations for viave3 in the firsts 6nd 'he second be~am.
Tf the coujlinrr3 in the beams are neglected (brackets), the dispersion.
17 -
-elatiqn ---iill acouire "he simple form
a(Q21-*(rjQjj)(Q22-7r2Q12) (47)
(I 7rl.Ql 0 (1 - Q21 Tr2Q)2) (I - T22)
T--- vanish-inla of one o:f the brackets does not lead to any increasing
sol,~tions. If 'L-.vo brackets nertaining to different beams vanish, either
thl~. volume charges of' 'the t-,-4o b-eams nill be coupled, or the cyclotron
oscillations of the two beams or ', finally, the waves of the volume charge
of- one beam _r, 411 be coupled with 'he cyclotron oscillations of the otl~er
beam. The author considers 'he last-mentioned nroblem and deriveS the
Ca~:-ri 4/7
Instability of a... 3104//B205
following equations for the boundaries o-f the rea.lon of stability.
2 da M
71i V 71 j,
The case where the waves in the plasma are large as compared to the
radius of the beams is conaidered.analdgou'dly. Here, the dispersion
relation has the form
122 4!2,2
21r~ (921,
22 27r2
F2 -
(Q2 t
2jr 4Q2 2- WB)
2("22- -121). 1
2 2
r W -2
W Tr,.
2 ,
jr2(-Q*' - -,q) Q
Card 5/7
370 -57ggd~~~~~
Instability of a..10 B104/
-1, -12
zhere 1 =1n In these relations, the couplings of the waves of the
first beam are expressed by the terms with w, and those of the.seco.nd
beam by the terms with W4 The'couplings be tween the' two beams Iare
2 2 2*1
proportional to &31(J2. A coupling exists only if the propagation
constants of the two waves Pre approximately equal, whereas the couplings
in one and the,same beam are insignificant. The coupling of the waves
of volum'e charges'has already been considered (traveling-wave tubes with
interacting electron beams).. For the cuse 6f interaction between waves
of the volume charge of th& inner bean and-cyclotron waves of the outer
beam, the following inequalities are obtained for the regions of
(-V~ -4- P,*I)' < W, (VI w2,r2.1j1
2 2
2 W, Yli - I W-1te,.,
or Wit 2< -1, (76)
th6nked for He interest in the work.
11rof es sor K. D. Sinellnikov is
Card 6/7
STO-5 T7G71O-3-1TO-U57-UG57(Y2 0
Instability of a ... 3104/B2-05
There are 1 figure.and 5 references,.- 1 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Sovieu-b.16 c.
OCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR KharIkov (Institute.
. of Physica and Technology, AS UkrSSH, T---ar kov)
SUB'WITTED: July 1'5,:196o
Card 7/7
-Eyl'(11 IJP(c) ATIGY
,CC NR9 AT602C)396 SOURCE CODE: uB/oooo/65/000/000/0005/00161
AU-L-MR: Sinel'nikov, K. D. Rutkevich, B. N.
01,.G: none
TITLE: Transverse injection of a plasma in a magnetic field
SOURCE: MIN UkrSSR. Issledovaniye plazmennykh sgustkov (Study of plasma clusters).
Kiev, Vaukova dunka, 1965, 5-16
TOPIC TAGS: plasma injection, plasma charged particle, particle collision, dielectric
constant, plasmoid, plasma magnetic field
AB-STRACT: Making use of the laws of conserration of the number of particles, of the
energy, and of the momentum, the authors calculate the drift velocity, the components
of the dielectric tensor, th.; field energy density, the plasma velocity, the flux
density of the energy of orbital motion of the electrons and the ions, and other par
meters of a plasma injected transversely into a magnetic field. Special attention is
paid to the spreading of the plasma along the magnetic field, and it is shown that
this effect is not due to collisions alone, but also to the effect of the electric
fields which result from the distortion of the magnetic field at the point where th
plasma is injected. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 41 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ Sum DATE: llNov65/ ORIG REF: 004
Card 1/1
L 074og-67 EWT(1) Iji(c) GL'/kT
C NR; AT6020573 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000165/000/000/0.118/0126
S z
!AUTHOR: Fedorchenko, V. D.; Muratov, V. I.; itutkevich, B. N.
ORG: none
TITLE: Exchange of energy high and low frequency oscillations in plasma
SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Vysokochastotnyye svoystva plazmy (High frequency properties of
plasma). Kiev, Maukovo dumka, 1965, 118-126
TOPIC TAGS: plasma heating, plasma oscillation, plasma beam interaction
ABSTRACT. Interaction between high and low frequencies of plasma oscillations was in-
v~stigated experimentally and theoretically. A simple model is assumed to provide the
relationship between these two frequencies and the intensity of the magnetic field.
The theoretical results were tested experimentally using an electron beam (20-40 ma)
moving through a gas at pressures in the 10 6 mm Hg range. The interaction of the
waves was studied under the condition where the external excitation field: 1) did
not coincide with either electron plasma or electron cyclotron frequency; 2) coincid-
ed with electron plasma frequency; and 3) coincided with electron cyclotron frequen-
cy. The intensities of the'excited blue- and red-shifted satellites were found to
be different indicating coupling to low frequencies and their relative intensity in-
creased with -the increase of excitation signal intensity. The increase of the ex-
L 074o9-6,,,
ACC NR: AT6020573
ternal magnetic field intensity incr--ased the coupling of the.external signal to the
i0,.1 oscillations. The experiments show that electron oscillations transfer their
energy into the ion component of the plasma, leading to net plasma heating. orig.
art. has: 6 figures, 20 formulas.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l9Nov65/ ORIG REF: 003
Card 2/2
ACC NR' AP6036029
SOURCE CODE; UR/0057/66/036/011/1964/1970
1AMOR: Fodorchonko,V.D.; Muratov,V,I.; Rutkevich'
JORG: none
TITLE: The interaction of ionic cyclotron waves with high frequency oscillations
of a plasma
ISOURCE: Zhurnal tokhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 11, 19660 1964-1970
TOPIC TAGS: nonlinear plasma, turbulont plasma, plasma oscillation, plasma electro-
magnetic wave, nonlinear effect, plasmon, krypton, air, helium, electron beam
A13SMICT: The work described in this paper is n continuation of earlier work of the
authors (ZhTF, 32, 958, 1962; 34,458,1964; 35,2021,1965; Yadernyy sintez, 4,300,1964)
on the nonlinear interaction of waves in plasmas. Plasmas were excited in krypton,
air, or helium at pressures of the order of 10-4 mm 11g within n 9 cm diameter 100 cm
long metal tube in a longitudinal magnetic field of from 0.4 to 1.0 kOe by a 2 cm
diameter 50 cm long 200-250 mA beam of 160 eV electrons which,was.received by a
floating collector. Under these conditions oscillations with a frequency of about
12 kliz developed in the plasma. These oscillations were investigated with the aid
of adjustable electric probes, a magnetic probe, and an electron beam traversing the
,chamber parallel to and 2 cm from its axis, and it was concluded that they represent
helical ionic cyclotron waves with the propagation vector almost perpendicular to the
magnetic field. High frequency power from an external oscillator with a frequency
Co,d 1/2
ACC NR. AP6036029'
near the electron Langmuir frequency of about 0.5 MIz or, near the ton Larmor frequency .
of about 1.4 khlHz was injected at one end of the discharge chamber and the high fre- i
quency signal from the 'Plasma was observed with the aid of an electric probe. When them
high frequency po-,Ver was turned on the amplitude of the ionic cyclotron oscillations
increased and there appeared oscillations at frequencies equal to the sum and the
difference of the frequencies of the high frequency-oscillntions and the ionic cyclo-
tron oscillations. The low frequency satellite was stronger than the high frequency
one. In a brief review of the present and the earlier work it is npbed that in all
the investigated cases of interaction between low and high frequency oscillations in
plasmas there appeared oscillations at the combination frequencies and tha#, in accord
with the concept of plasmon breakup and combination, the low frequency oscillations
were strengthened or weakened by the presence of the high frequency oscillations ac
cording as the low or high;frequency satellite was the stronger. The behavior of the
combination frequency oscillations is sensitive to turbulence of the plasma and it is
suggested that study of the combination frequency oscillations may prove to be useful
in the investigation of plasma turbulence. orig. art. has: 3 formulas and T figures.
SUB OODS: 20 SUBM DATE: 30Jul65 ORIG. REP: 007
-Card 2/2
ACC. NRt AP6033417
SOURCE CODE: UR/0057/66/036/010/1819/'1825
;AUTIHOR: Demidenko,I.I.; Lomino,N.S.; Padalka,V.G.; Rutkevich,B.H.; Sinel'nikov,K.D.
'ORG: none
iTITLE: Investigation of the motion of a plasma burst in a nonuniform transverse
magnetic field
'SOURCE: -Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 10, 1966, 1819-1825
ITOPIC TAGS: hydrogen plasma, plasma magnetic field, transverse magnetic field,
norihomogeneous magnetic field, plasma injection
ABSTRUICT: This paperbegins with a brief theoretical discussion in the drift approxi-
mation of the adiabatic motion of a plasma in a nonuniform transverse magnetic field.
It is shown that the plasma is decelerated on entering a region of high transverse
-magnetic field strength and accelerated on leaving such a region, owing to the trans-
formation of kinetic energy of for-ward motion into kinetic energy of rotation and vice
iversa. If the magnetic field becomes strong enough the plasma can be reflected. The
lauthors tested thoir theoretical conclusions by firing plasmas from a conical plasma
gun through an 80 cm long 7 cm diameter drift tube across a transverse magnetic field
iof up to O.2Tproduced by a solenoid in a 12 cm. diameter transverse tube. The magnetic
'field gradient was adjusted with the aid of soft iron shields within the plasma drift
tube; these shields were c-overed with glass tubes to prevent the plasma from coming
1/2 UDC: 533.9
'ACC NR. AP6033417
in contact with them. The plasma gun was powered by the 15 IN discharge of a 15
microfarad capacitor and produced plasmas containing 70% hydrogen ions with densities
cm73 and velocities of about 2.5 't
of about 1014 x 10, m/sec. The theoretical linear
relation between the square of the plasma velocity and the strength of the transverse
maynetic field was confirmed by the experiments. Plasmas with densities as low as
10 2. cm-3 were obtained with the aid of an iris mounted in the drift tube. These
plasmas did not conform to the adiabatic theory, but were to a considerable extent
entrapped in the transverse magnetic field, particularly when the field gradient was
It is concluded that low densityhydrogen plasmas can be entrapped by a trans-
magnetic field of considerable strength. The authors thank B.G.Safronov and
N.A.Khizhnyak for valuable discussions. Orig. art. has: 10 formulas and 6 figures.
SUB CODE. 20 SUBM DATE: llOct65 GRIG.RZF: 006 OTH REF: 004
Card 2/2
L 10667-66 EV1T(l)/ETC/EPF(n)-2/EWG(m) IJP(c) GQLAT
ACC NR, "5028316 SOURCE CODE: :UR/0057/65/035/011/2021/
V q
AUTHOR: Fedorchenko, V.D.; Muratov, V I Rutkevich
ORG: none
TITLE: Interaction between hiih.frequency oscillations In aplasma and Ionic sound
SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy,fiztki, v. 35 no. 11, 1965, 2021-2027
TOPIC TAGS: discharge plasma plasma electrusa netic'Wave, plasmon, plasma
oscillation, nonlinear effect
ABSTRACT: The authors have investigated the interaction in.a. plasma of ionic sound
with modes having frequencies nearthe electron Larmor or electron Largmuir fre-
quencies. The plasmas were pressures of the order of 10 mm Hg in a
9 cm. diameter 100 cm long metal-tube in a 400 to 1000 Oe longitudinal magnetic field",-
by oscillating discharge between an electron gun producing a 50 cm long 2 cm diameter
hollow beam of 160 OV electrors and a collector held near the floating potential, The
cathode current was 200-250=1.- Under these conditions there were spontaneously Pr0_1'_
duced low frequency oscillations with frequencies of the orderlof 10 kHz. lnvesti-~~',
gations with the aid of a movable probe of,the.frequency and in-tensity distribution
of these oscillations as functions of the magnetic field strength, length of the
plasma column, and nature of the gas, and observation of longitudinal ejection of
ions from the column, indicated that these oscillations were due to standing waves
ACC NRt AP5028316
of ionic sound. The plasmas were frequencies near the electron Larmor cvr';-,~--
the electron Langmuir frequencies with the aid,of an antenna located at one end of
the discharge tube. Standing.waves were formed in'both frequency regions. The
electromagneti c oscillations excited at frequencies somewhat below the Larmor fre-
,quency were found slow ext~rnordinary waves, having a phase velocity less than
that of,light. The pl 7"" "
asma osbfilations excited near the.Langmuir frequency.were also,,,-
slow. When the intensity of the high frequency oscillationi was suffic .ie
creased, low and high frequency Isatellite4ines appeared'iii their spectraRreque .nciesI
equal to the sum and differenceof the excitation frequency and the frequency of ionic
sound. The relative intensities of these satellites were different in different
portions of the pass bands, and under some conditions oneor the other satellite was.
very intense. When the low frequency satellite was very intense, the intensity of
the ionic sound,increased when the high,frequency excitation.was applied; when the,
high frequency satellite was Very intense, the intensity of the ionic sound decreased.
when the high frequency excitation was applied. This is to be undeestood in terms of
the interaction of elementary plasma excitations (plasmons), the satellites being
formed by absorption.or emission of aglow frequency (ionic sound) plasmon bya high
frequency plasmon. The randomization of phases with the consequent formation of wave
packets necessary for the validity of the analysis in terms of plasmon interactions
Lmay result from interaction with different kinds of fluctuations... The authors thank.'.,--
X.D.Sinelinikov, V,T.Irolok, Ya.B.Paynberg id B.G.Safronov for-discussing the
K Si
Ai~ebs MMOV~IT
results. Orig7rArt. hasK 4 formulas and F 1~0/11
SUB COM ' 2 0 ~WBU DATE: 09Mar65/ ORIG.REF: 006 OTH REF: 004
AC"CESSION NR: AT4036041 S/2781/63/000/003/0044/0054
AUTHORS: Pedorchenko, V. D.; Muratov, V. I.; Rutkevich, B. N.
TITLE: investigation of high-frequency oscillations of a plasma by
a probing beam
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam, upravlyayemogo
termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, narkov, 1962. Pizika plazmy* i prob-
jemy* upravlyayemogo termoyadernocjo sinteza (Plasma. physics and .
-oroblezzis of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferen-
Isi-4. no. 3. Kiev, Izd-vo AN Uk-rSSR, 1963, 44-54
TOPIC TAGS: plasma oscillations, plasma electron oscillation, elec-
tron beam, olasma interaction, plasma magnetic field-interaction,
space dharge
ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by the authors
(High-fre-quency Oscillations in a Magnetic Field -- Third Kharlkov
Card 1/5
Conference, 1962; Low-frequency Oscillations of a Plasma in a Mag-
netic field -- ZhTF v. 32, 958, 1962) and are aimed at measurements
of.the phase velocity by the method of a probing beam which passes
through the main plasma beam and enters an analyzer with a retarding
potential. The plasma tested constituted a hollow electron beam 50
cm long and 2 cm in diameter, with an energy that ranged from 200
to,300 volts at 25--50 milliamperes. The working pressure was
1-3 x 10- 3__1-3 x 10-4 n/m. 2. The probing beam (1 mm. dia, (10--15
pA, and 0--40OV) traveled on the beam axis in the injection direc-
Lion. The potential was measured with the aid of an incandescent
probe inserted inside the hollow beam through a break in its annu-
lar section. The experiments wi-~,% the probing electron beam indicate
the existence in the plasma of considerable oscillations which
modify both the main beam and the plasma. The plasma electrons be-
come accelerated by the high-frequency field of the wave produced
in the beam-plasma system, and this causes electrons to escape
Card 2/5
through the ends of the system. The escape of the electrons should
be accompanied by an increase in potential in the space occupied by
the plasma. However, the situation is complicated by the existence
ofr transverse ion oscillations which cause the ions to move away to
the cylindrical surface of the chamber. It is concluded that the
plasma oscillations cause formation of an uncompensated charge,
the polarity of whiph depends on whicl of the processes predominates,
t~ie drift of the ions due to the low-Mquency transverse oscilla-
tions or the drift of the electrons due to their interaction with
the longitudinal high-frequency wave. In strong magnetic fields,
the ion oscillations are suppressed and the longitudinal high-
frequency oscillations become predominant. It is therefore to be
ex-oected that in a trap in which electrons are injected in suffi-
strong magnetic fields (on the order of (1--2) x 105 A/m),
the -olzsma will have a positive potential. "The authors are grate-
-ful to X. D. Sinel'nikov,, Ya. B. Faynberg, and B. G. Safronov for a
discussion of the results." Orig. art. has: 11 figures and 10
Card 3 5
ACCEESSION N~-: A-&4036041
X M43
Uo std. 07
21 14 5
sig. gen. 13- -
15iagr*am of experimental set-up
1-- solenoid, 2 - gun for main beam., 3 n for sounding beam,
4 - modulating electrode, 5 - main beam-, 9u- sounding beam,
7 - collector of main beam 8 grid, 9 analyzer of main beam,.:
10 analyzer of sounding beam
ACCESSION NR: AT4036040 S/2781/63/000/003/0036/0044
AUTHORS: Fedorchenko, V. D.; Muratov, V. I.; Rutkevicb.,. B. N.
TITLE: High frequency plasma oscillations in a magnetic field
SOURCE: Konferentsiya po fizike plazmy* i problemam upravlyayemogo
termoyadernogo sinteza. 3d, Kharkov, 1962. Fizika plazmy* i problem-:
y* upravlyayemogo termoyadernogo sinteza. (Plasma physics-and problems
of controlled thermonuclear synthesis); doklady* konferentsii, no.
3, Kiev, Izd-vo AN UkrSSR, 1963, 36-44
TOPIC TAGS: plasma magnetic field interaction, plasma electron
oscillation, plasma.ion oscillation, plasma oscillation, plasma re
ABSTRACT: The authors investigate oscillat'ions in electron beams
in ajongitudinal magnetic field at stronger magnetic fields than in
their earlier study (2.38 x 105 A/m as against 1.59--2.38 x 104 A/m;
Card 1/5
see ZhTF v. 32, 958, 1962). The strong magnetic field suppresses
the low frequency oscillations and increases the amplitude of the
'high-frequency oscillations. The spectrum of.the high-frequency
oscillations was plotted with the aid of a moving electric probe,
the output of which was fed to a noise meter. The oscillations had
a maximum in the frequency range 25--50 megacycles, the position and
height of which depended on the beam energy (for a fixed current)f
on the magnetic field, and on the pressure in the chamber. It has
been found that an optimal pressure exists at which the ampli-
tude of the oscillations is the largest, and that the optimum value
of the pressure depends on the beam energy. The oscillation fre-
quency depends also on the beam energy and the maximum of the spec-
trum shifts towards higher frequencies with increa'sing energy. An'
increase in the amplitude of the ion oscillations leads to the sup-
pression of the electron oscillations, whereas ion oBcillationBb
come more intense with increasing amplitude of the electron oscilla-
tions. Plots of the following are included: characteristic spectrum
Card 2/.5
ACCESSION'NR: A?4036040*
of electron oscillations, spectra of high-frequency oscillations at
different pressures, spectra at different electron-beam. energy, spec-.
tra at high-frequency oscillations at different magnetic fields,
amplitude of high-frequency signal as a function of the probe posi-
,tion, role of secondary emission from the collector, amplification of.
~external high-frequency signal applied to the modulating electrode,
~ampliiication of external signal at different pressures, amplifica-
~tion of external signal at different magnetic fields, dependence of
the amplitude of the high-frequency ion oscillations on the frequency
of the external electric field enclosing the ion beam, and dependence
of the amplitude of the high-frequency electron oscillations on the
frequency of the external alternating electric field for air and for
krypton. "The authors are most grateful to K. D. Sinellnikov, Ya. B.
Faynberg, and B. G. Safronov for useful discussions." Orig. art.
has: 12 figures.
Card 3/5
NJ I wt- ;*1 MAN I &R-AM-2 w a r. wan.
NMICA Sce 5 vol. lo 6 PatlhOlC-7 57
1775._BjLTjjAL.P- *Cortij3on okozta glomerulosclerosis cocte. Glomeruloscle-
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A patient with acute leutcaemia In the terminal stage was treated'vAth cortinon~:.
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tionship between the cortisone treatment and the glomerular-Ioop necrosis Ir dis-
Szinay - Eudapest (V, 16)
!Air 1 sterstwh Hutr, ct%.,7:i
ftesuiLs a:e Al.-I-. 'i We "150 aad 1230'C a tke air
Pararenal tumors. Urol. Polska 10.'135-148 1956.
1. Z II Kliniki Ghirurgicznej A. M. w Lodzi. Kierownik prof. dr J..
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EXCER?rA I-MICA Sec'.12 Vol.3-1/9 Ophthalmology Sept 57
1465. RUTHKOWSKI S. Zakl. Fizjot.Czlowieka A. M., Warszawa. * Z zagadnie
keratoplastyki. . Mechanizm trepanacji rogdwki i niektdre nowe trepany
okulistyczne. Keratoplasty. I. The mechanism of trepana-
tion of the cornea -and certain new ophthalmic trephines
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The trephines and their use are discussed. Several personal devices are then pre-
sented whose chief purpose to to increase the safety and good effects of the kera-
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., G.- I -f-,
, / . - . z , , --! f L
;. If'
114!W7. ~.Iy 10, 1931~ To IhM fiftj
Mulpact wert matter Is added (particle size 1-10,w) until
tfie electrolyte has a pasty consistency. Thereby the tlec-
trolytic polishing. which is carried out tindcr continuous
,tirring. is vastaintel by the mech. polishing action ot the
moving dis partkk:s in the mixt, F. Epstein
MUM" ft WA M 0 ON 9 t V W W O-WAS ~A WA
silver and Its alloys. Othatar-RoOper-
Av=:=Oct. 10. 1951. The aq. cledrupolisbing
both runitists of a Ootn- of S#vSAAlftO (I-I(Xj C.. prefer-.
ably H g.A.). Inert solid partick-s may be smVended fit the
bath to aid the clectropolMing by mcwh. polbbing. :
F. lipstein
"*,Ing 9n this, "W DUN.
M*=dm (to
I.-Au 170, PrIk
1111114 IrAw%. r.s. curtstsilyli, aft Int Ilisvrardst hs thr rrmtWIV
"lot, its jurullel or cuissitetrurtrist duw its the mriAl pow,irr
It,itlid" ta Imt SuperrWLAIII rh~ atellp. .( thr, "-
ni-Isulaslf, Fra)blemy
rlCn the cider ducks of the illovaya Sibirl pe.
.rktilzll llil'-C' NO.
pis, ziYurrual Iny-kh StLtey, N.D.
u u
S-3: U-22--'L"LI, 12 -F b.
Narwhal in the region of the drift station "North Pole 5." Probl.
Arkt. no.3:116-119 ' 58. (MTRA 12:1)
(Artie ocean--Dolphins)
(Tiksi Bay region-Field mice)
- r ~" .,
- . - ~ - -: ~-,- '~ =I-. -- --------
L, ai6.7 ~.~
i , W&BirAg"MOOM
New mterials m the f"911 flora Nara-ya *S'Ablrl l5lanl*.
Trudy AANII 224:2,222-213 163 (MIRA 18~1)
ZYDUK, Yu.Ya. [Eiduks, J.1; UnIAN, O.F. (Bawnans, 0.1; I.Ya.
PrnrUcea In th,-,i use of polymr gyptium. Strot. mnt. 11 no.6116
Je 16 5. (MIRA 180)
I T-
BKKUS, Dzh.V. [Backus, T.W.J; BAUER, F.L.; GRIN, Dzh. [Green, T.1;
KETTS, S. ClIntz, C.1; MAK-KARTI, Dzh. [McCarthy, T.1; NAUR, Peter-
PERLIS, H.Dzh. [Perlis, A.Tj;--MISWU2XR_, Ea. [RutishBuser, H'j;
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UEGSOW, Dz. [Wegstein, T.H.1; VAN-VE11GAARM, A. (Wijngsarden,
A. van]; VUDZHHR, M. (Woodger, M.1; KOZHMIN, G.I. [translator];
YMSHOV, A.P., red.; KORKIN, A.I.,
[Report on the algorithmic language -ALGCL 601 Soobshchenie ob
algoritmicheskom iazyke !MGCL 60. Pod red. Patera Naurs. Moskva.
Vychislitellnyi tsentr AN SSSR, 1960. 66 p. (ALGcL bulletin
supplement, no.2). (MIRA 13:12)
(Logic, Symbolic and mathematical)
(Information theory)
Receiving pointy dispatcher, price list. Mest. prom. i khud.
promys. no-5:20 My. f63. (14IRA 16:7)
1. Glavnyy inzh. fabriki mekhanizirovannogo remonta obuvi No.2,
Kiyev. (Kiev-Boots and shoe Is-Repairing)
::r Kxu=oziel slial, M. A. itzid Ruticlizil, Ya. B. On the theory
ol OrLicz s) I -k'.. I Xkad Nauk Y-~Sk i, N.S.) $1,
49. ;no ' I,' I ,, ~' I
(71 tit ihr ,tjki\ ,, nm-lincm
li~,Il lilt. Acad.
% "t I % I - Lh. 1932,
I I (ht- spa, t-, L of measur-
,iiipait bul,~~-c Fuclideaja
-14 1 1-( 1 41 1 SUP Over
I irr v I it, ti I ugate of
d 1,I:1, Ikitutl(lll -~itisfying;
x (). I ITI., ~ . it u I
I Ow right,
1: wi, thrri 4, the coall,
t k - ~ a,, midition).
I i, I I,I q-tat,,r4 tr,- fill 7111'r- casily
i--i mN p 11,4 followinir
_i, tidtt-n I tie , (-,tijugate
;I mid "nk i IfIVI'. is a Ito
4, u 4- ! 2 i u,,. An
~h,. I, tlati.,rics Ow A,-ctjndi-
thea the
-:.,[It alilt -Ornt' 40.
~,,d .. itmvIrt-ge wcikly whenever
.41. " Ill /.'. 'Since /-' 9 is in general a
pimig-, kd^~ !Ill, ,mItigare of L.**, it fullowb that this is
3 Milt At., . r If u.(x) cclInvergle weakly,
ju. q. Lrc 1-mid,it H 4, idimfico the A,-condition, then
everl, bt)iaidrd -quenct, hats a weakly cc)nvergent sulmic.
quence and vei,, weak-)v (onverging lteliquence has it weak
limil 13 (;elbaum (Minnezpolia, Minn.).
RUTYTSIRYT., Ya.B.; SHTOKA10, Y.Z.. diysnyy chlen.
On one non-linear operator acting in Orlich spaces. Dop.AN URSR no-3:161-166
152. 6:9
1. Akademiya nauk Ukrayins'koyi RSR (for Shtokalo). 2. Kyyivalkyy derzhavnyy
univereytet im. T.H.Shevcheaka (for Rutytslkyy). (Spaces. Generalized)
Certain properties of orbitals in a generalized dyunmic syst,~-m.
IIauk.zap.Kiev.un.l1 no-7:75-82 '52- (KLU 9:10)
USSR/Mathematics Operators', Lineftr~ I Jul, 52
VLLnear Integral Operators in Orlicz Spaces," M. A.
Krasnosellskiy, Ya. B. Rutitskiy
"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXV., No 1, PP 33-36
Studies the following linear integral operator.: Au(x)
kK(x.1y)u(y)dy, where K(~K;y) is a function
measurable on 6 (topologipal product GxG, where G-
is IL compact set in n-dimenspnal Euclidean space);
also explains when it will be a continuous operator
operating from one Orlicz space LM, (G) to another
Bpace IX2 (0). A. Zaanen has investigated this
operator A (see Ann of Math, 47, no 4, 1946. Sub-
zit,~ed by Acad A. N. Kolmogorov 26 Apr 52.
Po~Krasnosel'skff, M. A., and 'Rutickil, Ya. B. Differen
t bifity of, non4inear intezM operators in Orlicz spaces.,
Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR (N.S.) 89, 601404
The operator II defined by Hp(x) = f(;K(xl YMYI 4P
Mathematical Reviews where G is a compact set in Luclidean n-space, f a non-linear
Vole 15 Nos 2 function, is investigated via Orlicz spaces. Conditions are
Feb. 1964 given under which the operator is (a) defined in some sphere j
Analysin of Orlicz space, (b) completely continuous, (VI'differentiable
(has a Fr6chet differential), (d) asymptotically linear. Nol
proofs are offered, but it is alleged that they are based upon!
results of the authors [Krasnosel'skil, same Doklady (N.S.)-'i
77, 185-188; 79, 389-392 (1951); Krasnosel'skil band
RutickiT, ibid. 81, 497-500 (195t); 85, 33-36 (1952); these.
Rev. 12, 336; 13, 251, 357. 14, 57;jR
3 ~tnuk'al,"-Dojr,di Akild.
Nauk Ukrain. RSR ~1952, no. 'b )i and 'e
result- of Schanderand Lerav. B. GdbatiM.