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ir-I - - - --
AUTHORS: Alekseyev; S.N. and Rozenfelld,.L.M,-:
(Candidates 'of;hchni_c-aff-Szivn-a~_~.:
TITLE: Corr,os.ion~of., Articles made'from
Autoclave-Cured Cellular Clink cr (0 korrozii':,
er Con ete
armatury v,izdeliYakh~iz:avtoklavnogo.yacheistogo
PERIODICAL: Beton i zhelezobeton, 1958, Nr 102 388 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: The Kurakhbvka'factory for building materials produces from
cellul,.ir,-,,'c6ncrete large wall panels and slabs for.
industrial buildings*:. Cellular,concrete has the.
following aggregate per 1 M3: 26o-.28o kg portland'
cement or slag:por,tland cemen It.mark.400, and 520-560 kg
ground slag. For aeration.of the concrete hydrolyzed...
blood is used,(GK).' Tests. of.the technical advisory
bureau TsNIPS.showed that it is possible to,
cellular co.ncrete.,'.instead.of sand, clinker from
KiLrakh6vka Hydro-electric. Power Station. ~The volumetric
weight of aerated 61inker.~concretej in the case.of wall
panels and slabs type,KAP,~is between:800-900 kg/m3~and~
cm2. Large panels
..the-strength in.compression 6o 70 kg/
Card 1/3 up to 6.*5 ~x 1-5 M,. 20-30~'cm thick, were usedin Lugansk
Hydro-electric Power-Station. Intensive corrosion of
Corrosion of.:Reinforcement in Articles' -Made from Auto clave-'Cur ed
Cellular~Cliniker Concrete'.
the reinforcement of.thesewall panels-was observed, and
specialists were called~in from the Institute for'
Concrete and Reinforced Concrete~(Institut-_~betona ill-
zhelez0betonaYASiA SSSR. :It was found in~the majority
of cases that when panels had been depositedin
the reii~for.cement.corro.ded,.especially:in thos,e cases
when panels:had:been stored for a long,time in the open:
these were badly corroded and showed hair cracks I running
along the ribs on.the inside.* The same-corrosion
appeared in KAP~slabs- Tests showed that the water
content of those aerated. clinker concrete slabs, which
cracked due to exposure to weather7 reached 40.
whereas when these left curing the water content.was not
higher than 20-25%.'. The,high water-content of aerated
clinker concrete accelerates corrosion~of reinforcement.
Further, the tests showed tha:t'after,accelerated,cu-ring;
i e,.,drying,:provided the panels.are,protected,against
rain, corrosionceased and did not recur. To protect
the reinforcement used in aerated clinker concrete
~Card 2/3 against corrosion various pro tective coatings are applied
-f---'~VASIYANOV, D.P.)
red.; KUZIIETSOV, A.I., tekhn. red.
[Technical specifications for manufacturing articles from,:
cellular concrete, foamed fly ash concrete, breeze foamed.
fly ash silicatei and foamed clinker concr6te skie
Usloviia na izgotovlenie izdelii iz.avtoklav-nykh iacheistykh
betonov - penozolobetona, penozolosilikata i penoshlakobetona;
prockt. Moskva, TSentr. biuro tekhn. informatsii, 1959. 62 PO,
(MIRA 15:2)
1. Akademiya.stroitel'stvaI arkhitektury SSSR. Institut novykh
stroi.tellnykh materialov, otdelki I oborudovaniya zdaniy.,
2--flauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut novykh stroiteltnykh
Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhitektu-ry SS&I (for
Kudryashev). 3. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut betona i
zhelezobetona (for Baranov, Rozenfelld). 4. Naucbno-issledova-
tell.skiy institut organizatsii, mekbanizatsii i tekhnicheskoy
~pomoshchi stroitel'stvu Akademii stroitell.stva i arldiitektury
SSSR(for Bordyug, D.Ya.). 5. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut
proqrshlennykh zdaniy i sooruzhenij (for Levin). 6. Zapadno
Sibirskiy filial Akadeinii stroitel'stva. i arkhitektury SSSR (for
Kalnina). 7. Ural'skiy.filial Akademii,stroitellstva i arkhitek-
tuxy SSSR (for Kan).
(Lightweight concrete)
Mlsl;~--WIIW757~1-iTl.- I
AUTHOR: Rozenfelld, L.M., Candidate of Chemical Sciences
TITLE; Utilization of Uncalcinated Aluminum Powder in the Production of Gas
PERIODICAM Beton i zhelezobeton, 1~60, No. 12, pp. 561-563
TEXT. The.article describes a method developed by NIIZhB, whereby it'lLs pos-
sible to obtain high-grade gas concrete by using the:.same.proportion of un-
calcinated aluminum powder in of calcinated powder. Each aluminum
grain is rendered water-repellent by a thin layer of paraffin. The marginal
+ 0
angle 0 formed by water on paraffin at.the border line of air is 103-3 -, if
pure water is replaced by a solution of surface-active substances of weakest
concentration, the marginalangle formed by air bubbles is radically. changed
and diminished to the extent asthe.concentration of surface-active sub-,
stances increases. Starting with a concentration.of 6-01-0.015~ of saponin,
~paraffin is thorcughly wetted by aquadous solutions,:thus changing from a,
water-repellent to a water-absorbing surface. Paraffined aluminum no freely
Card 1/4
Utilization of Uncalcinated Aluminum Powder in the Production of Gas Concrete
mixes with water; after a short time particles of aluminum powder begin to,
coagulate, which can only be prevented by a stabilizer, like saponin or~any
other soap-like surface-active substanceused for rendering paraffin water-
absorbant. Experiments have shown that by increasingthe concentration.the
stability of the water aluminum suspension is prolonged bya few hours. A
stable suspens.1on is obtained by ta ing 0.25 -.of surface-active substance
per 1 g of aluminum powder, For 1 m of gas concrete requiring 0.3-0.7 kg of
aluminum powder, 75-175 9 of surface-active substance is needed or approxi-
mately 0,05% of the water solution. The article describes the test which,was
made with a foam concrete mixture comprising the following ingredients
.(weight parts): Portland cement (0.75), calcium oxide (0.25), and cinders.-
(1.2). Foam agent t-K (GK) and plasticizer CeS(SSB) were used as surface-
active substances, gypsum (3% of the weight of the binding material) and wa-
ter 46-50% of the weight of the dry substances were added. From this con-
cretle cubes were made,which.,on being tested showed the'charactueristics as
given in Table 1, It can be seen.that the use of al-aminum.powder,in the
S/097/6.0/00 0/012/004/007-
Utilization of.Uncaloinated Aluminum Powder in the Production of Gas Concrete
shape of a water suspension has the same effect as calcinated aluminum powder,
nor is the structure of the concrete in any form interfered:with Iprovided
the process of mixing the suspension lasts no less than 3 minutes. The ar-
ticle explains why the amount of oxygen liberated as a result of introduction
of aluminum powder does not as a rule correspond with the theoretical.quanti-
ty obtained by the formula 2Al-+ 3Ca(OH) = Al 0 (Cao) +3H viz., about 1.3 1.
2 , 2 2'~
per 1 g of aluminum3 part of the aluminum powder doe; not react and part.of
the oxygen esc~apes into the air. The basic mass of oxygen separates within
30 minutes at a temperature ofI.360C, while'the calcinated pIowder yields 25-
27~6 more oxygen than unoalcinated, However, at a temperature of 40 C, at
which gas concrete expands -in the process of production, there is practically
no difference between the two kinds of powder, as far as oxygen yield isIcon-
cerned. The volumetric weight and the coefficient of uti.lization,-of powder
depend basically on the quantity of water used, viz.~ upon the consistency f
the solution., There is I photograph, 1 table and 2graphs.
Card 3/4
. - I '. ,
, - - mm-
V-1 I I . I I I I . I .
C) I I .I ~ . .. 1 11 - . ~ I - 11 1 1.,
tmc4em of lielstron disigmexts at equMb.
Womads 0( "as
thiml hose* of an Aqueous Aneuveovelie mweludon- L. Nf,
Front the expel. ulaterial anti it* evuluatinn Kwher,k
CA. 29, thedifferviltial btalwic jecitelitial Me . 14 the
litylid phaw of the Sila conel-mrat. Can be written m'
2" + 15,212,11 where a' 6 Ifir need.
elmen., P,' the 1-4)lmric the"tuxlynatniv ImtentULut tilt.
ts)jnlx)nejlt In the Peter Mate at the pie"ilum anti the t6ip. of
the mAn,. A Re the character6lieWcon~d. of the component
ill the pure st4tv. anti the coeff. pt 1.591. For the vaww
I phAw of Mt,, asill"ird to lie ideal. j.%" - .4
s.". With 0w Aid of tile equil. nitialithmis pt
Ps". we litals 0 ell(o - C.). wlwfvl and le
are functions of fip'7'~ #;T,x') defined by d
-l"1rXO,Ms." - 4JW3g'1
+ 11.4st"). In an Ana ll'ms~
WAY. the functiom h(pj'~s') I% deflued from the 2nd ccm-
altlimi. 'riw cglatlem (of t" 1-6 eAsily melved graillik-ally.
The "me". of 1 r xw~ p1mw 6drid. by tile r th'a S",
Wr" ablain"I I"int the vilud. remilitilmill. With given
and ra the mAn.. the tquil. conciss. of the liquiel anti vapog
phafA~ dre (011111J. Well then the CRIMP" and VHJUPiCS
with tier aided theriputtion wriltro at themit-t.and taid"'t
(.if Struill 411.1 (w wtilwhruted 'Nit. Ir"Inic. New diaKrXim.
raitrutly-trillp. Anti V111WIly-IrMILl leftfr rtinstnicted tiv
1"I n3ethod for the equil. phafts of the all. N It, .)fit.
S. Thiele
ROZEMLID Lev Mak doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, professor; TKACHRV,
regmye'vich,!kandidat tekhnicheskikh nat&, dotsent;
MARTYNOVSKIT, B.S., professor, daktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, retsen-
zent; BADYLIKES, I.S., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsen-
zent; KOBULASHVILI,.Sh.N.,,inzhener, retsenzent;~ ~IKOIAYEVA,;W.G.,
redaktor; SUDAK, D.M., tekhnicheskly redaktor.
[Refrigerating machinery and apparatuses] Kholodillnye mashiny i appa-
raty. Mosk7a, Gos.izd-vo,torgovoi lit-ry, 1955, 584 p. Siipplement - ~'
[Thermodynamic diagrams of refrigerator operating .mechanisms] Termodi-
namicheskie diagrammy rabochikh tel kholodillnykh mashin. 1955. 17
diagre. (K1,RA 8-4)
(Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery)
Translation from: Ref erativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, p,35 (USSR)
,.XUTHOR: Rozenfel'd, L. M., Onosovskiy, V. V., andSerdakov, G. S.
TITLE: An Experimental Installation for Heating and Cooling the Buildings at the
Site of the Stalingrad State Electric Station Development (Opytnaya ustanovka
dlya otopleniya i okhlazhdeniya zdaniy na ploshchadke stroitel'stva
Stalingradskoy GES)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. tekhnol. in-ta kholodil'n. prom-sti (Transactions of
the Leningrad Technological Institute for the Cooling Industry), 1956, Nr 14,
pp 32-43
ABSTRACT: To check some conditions associated with the use of al.thermal pump
for heating the buildings of an electric station, an experimental installation
was built and tested at the site of the Stalingrad State Electric Station. This
installation, in the Station's Electrotechnical Laboratory, used.refrigerating.
machines for heating during the winter and cooli ng during the summer. As a
source of low-temperature heat,for the thermal pump, water is taken from
an artesian well; the water is preheated by an electric heater that is analogous
Card 1 /2
An Experimental Installation for Heating and Cooling the Buildings. at the Site ....
to a 4ydrogenerator having thermal losses but no output power. A single-stage
freon-12 refrigerating machine was used as a thermal pump. Cold water at
50-100 C was fed into an evaporator, where the heat yielded by the water
brought freon-12 to the boiling point at a low pressure. Frelon-12 vapor was
admitted into a compressor, where it was brought up to the pressure corre-
sponding to the condensation temperature necessary for the heating system.
From the compressor, the vapor was channelled into a condenser in which the
condensing vapor heated the water circulating in the heating system. The
liquid freon-12 from the condenser was fed back into the evaporator with an
intermediate throttling down to the pressure of the evaporator. Cold water
from the evaporator was passed through an electric heater. The tests conducted
in December, 1955, and in T4nqary, 1956, demonstrated the feasibility of utiliz-
ing thermal losses in hydrogeneraters and transformers for heating of electric-
station buildings. The therm~al-pump heating system proved to be more-eco'-. -
nomical than a separate heating boiler installation. Bibliography: Severi items.
V. Ya. G.
Card 2 /2
(Xholod. Telch. (Rafrig. Te6fi;. Ifosco
p 1956p val.
AUTHORS: Rozenfelld, L. M.; Karnaukh. M. S.
TITLE: An Enthalpy Diagram for,the Lithium-,Bromide Water Solution
(Entallpiynaya diagramma dlya ~rastvora bromistyy litiy-voda)
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol.28, Nr 3, pp.655-660
ABSTRACT: On the basis of,few experimental datathe attempt is.made
here-to construct an, enthalpy-diagram for the lithium-bromide
water solution. The.method.of diagram construction is,treat-
ed separately for the liquid and for the:vapqr,p hase of the
solution. 1) The liquid phase, The integral heat of solution
in an.-aqueous,lithium- bromide solution at 250C was experimen-
tally Reference 7) investigated. By the use of'these data
the~25 C-isothermal
line in the concentration-enthalpy dia-.
gram can be constr .ucted-For this.the equation (1),for the
enthalpy of the solution i.s used. As heat is liberated during~
xing proces m
the mi s of lithium-bro ide with water, q,- denot-
Card 1/4 ing the integral.heat of'solution in equation (1) has a
-An Enthalpy Dia,:rram for the Lithium--Bromide Water Solution
negative sign. The specific heat of lithium bromide canbe
computed according to equation (2) from Reference 8 (by in-
sertin.- the corresponding values for lithium bromide),. By-
means of the tables by Professor Vukalovich (Reference 9)
for water and steam the enthalpy values for the construe-,
tion of the 25'C isothermal,line are determin3d.-The. enthal-
py values for water and crystalline lithium bromide were
at OOC both assumed as being equal to 100 kcallkg. The ex-
perimental investigation of the specific. heat of 1--;thium-.
bromide solutions -,ras performed in a wide temperature- and
concentration range in 1954 - 19-55 by the Central Institute
for Steam T"urbines imeni Polzunov (Tsentralinyy kotioturbi-
nyy institut im. Polzu-nova) and the Institute for Technology
Leningrad imeni Lefisov6t (Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy
institut im. Lensoveta). These data were used in the con.,
struc tion, of-the, isotherm-a! line network,in the diagram.,With
the.assumption of certain,concentration,values-.and a selec-
tion of mean values:of the specific heat fo an
r the r geof
computation of.the temperatures data for the construction
of the isother a! 1'nes at a s acin of 2.C respect4 ely
m .1 p ~ 9 v
Card 214 were obtained. These isothermal lines from 01 to C were
An En'thalpy Diagram for the Lithium-Bromide Water.Solution
entered into the concentration-enthalpy diagram. By means of
the data on the steam pressure of a lithium bromide solution
(Reference 10) au-Kiliary diagrams were.constructe'd by means
of which the temperature and,concentration values for.the
isobars of from 2 to 700 torr. were found. With the aid of
these data the isobaric network was entered into the conceh-
tration-enthalpy diagram.
2) The vapor phase. In the-range of from Oto 1200C the'pres-
sure of the lithium bromide vapors in comnarison to that of
water steam is very low. Therefore it can be disregarded. In
this case the enthalpy of the vapor phase is determined ac-
cording to the pressure.and temperature values for the given,
concentration value. The water steam above the solution is
in an overheated state. The numerical:enthalpy values were
determinedby means of the.tables by M. P. Vukalovich. In or-
der to facilitate the manipulation of the diagram, auxili-
ary lines of constant pressure which correspond to the iso-
bars of the liquid phase were entered above the lines for
Card 3/4 liquid phase of the solution. These lines represent.the en-,
An Enthalpy Dia 57-28-3-29/33
Oram for the Lithium-Bromide Water Solution ~ ~:
".UT'HURIJ: Hozenfelld, L, 11., Karnaukh, M. 5- SOV/ 57-,2---Y-J11/35
TIIIL'~-: Dynamic Heating y Means of a Reverse Absorption Lithium
Bromide Machine (Dinaiaiclv_~akoye otopleniye s pamojilachlyu
obrashchennoy absorbtsionnoy bromisto-litiyevoy raashln~)
P_"_il~;DICAL: Zhurnal teknnichezkoy fiziki, Vol 2t3, Nr pp.
15b5 1591-~
The first laboratory experimental refri-eratinE manchine
with a lithium bromide,soiution was produced in the USSR
at the Institute ror Thermal Power -Engineering of the,
AS Ukrainian SSH (Ref 4)~ The theoretical inves t:L n-a' tion
leads to the conclusion that it is expedient to use t his
solution as working material in a dynamic heatins.system.
Therefore, with the aid by the Institutefor~Thermal.Povier
Engineering of.the AS.Ukrainia'n SSR-the existing experimental
plant was mounted'according to the reverse.ischeme, and by
Iits means an' investigation was carried out.
The results of1this investigation are given. Based on these
investigations the authors found the following:.l.) The
Card 1/3 aqueous lithium bromide~solution can be used for a dynamic-
.1cating by Means of a,Reverse Absorption jO'il 57. 28-~-7-31/35
"it~'.iu:r, 31-omide Machine
heating at the expense of the discharged heat in a system,
of combined cycles.of the absor-ption reverse machine.
2,) The experiments showed a sufficient coincidence of the
experimental results,with those of the cal6ul'ations.
5,) Theuse of this working material a simplification
of the system and to a decrease of the metal volume; it
does, however, not supply a complete utilization of the
temperature during the cold season at low temperatures.
The advantage of the investigated system is the possibility'
to use it in summer for airconditoning. There are 3 figures,
~j tables, and 5 referenceso it of which are Soviet.
Leningradskiy '%ekhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnoy
l,romyshlennosti ~Leningrad Technological Institute of.~
Helfrigeration Industry)
SUBIMITT,O: March 5,, 1956
Card 21'.)
ev to
o 1. JAI
Z . : - . .iXig
-4 t 00
BADYL "S, I.S., prof.,. doktor.tekhn.nauk; BUKHTXR,.Ye.Z., inzh.;
VMIBERG, B.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; VOLISKAYA, L.S., inzh.; GERSH,
S.Ya., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk [deceased]; GUREVICH, Ye.S , inzh.;
DAITIJ-OVA, G.N., kand.tekhn nauk; IHFIMOVA,. Te.V., Inzh.; 1~~,
D.M., Imnd.'tekhn.nauk; KAN: K.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; TAAVROVA, V.V.,.
inzh.; MEDOVAR, L Ye., inzh.; ROZWELID,!L.M., prof., doktor.tekhn..
nauk; TKACHEV, A.;.q:prof., A-6-Mr-tekhn-.n-diik- TSMIN, B.L.;
kand.tekhn.nauk; GOGOLIN, A.A., retsenzent; GUMWN,,A.A., retsenzent,-
KARPOV,:A.V., retsenzent; KIJRYLEV, Ye.'S.,~:retsenzent; LIVSIUTS,' A.B.,
retsonzent; CHISTYAKOV, ~F.M.', retsenzent; SIffi'nULIN,A.Ye., retsen-
zent; 'SHEMSHEDINOV, G.A.. retsenzent;'PAVLOV,.R.V., spetored.;
KOBULASHVILI, Sh.N.,.glavnyy red.; RYUTOV, D.G., zam.-glavnogo, red.;
GOLOVKIII, N.A., red.; CHIZHOV, G.B.', red.; NAZAROV, B.A.,,klavnyy,
red.izd-va; NIKOLAYEV , IT.G.,~red.; EYDINOVA, S.G.,:mladshiy red.;
[Refrigeration engineering; encyclopedic reference book in three,
volumeBI KholodilInaia tekhnika; entsiklopedicheskii spravochnik
v trekh knigakh. Sh.N.Kobulashvili i dr. Leningrad,
Gostorgizdat. Vol.l. [Techniques of the production.of artificial
cold] Tekhnika proizvodstva Lukusstvenaogo kholoda.. 196o. 544 P.
(MIRA 13:12),
(Refrigeration.and refrigerating machinery),
ROZENFEWD, Lev Markovich, pro If., doktor.tekhn.nauk;,TKACHEV, Anatoliy
Georgiyevichl.p~of.,doktor tekhn.nauk-; GURETICH, Yevgeniy
Samonovich, inzh. V inzh.;.SZRDAKOV,:G.S., inzh.;
TSYRLIH, B.L., inzh.; KALNJSI,,I.M., inzh.; ROKANOVSKIY, Nj.,:inzh~.;~
YAT6UNOV, I.F., inzh.;,DAKILOVA, G.N..Idotsent; MIKHA ISWAY-A' R.N.,
inzh.; KARNAUKH, M.S., inzh.; SPUKALENKO, A.K.i inzh.i.IL'IN, A.Ya.,
inzh.; TSIPI=011, A.L., red.; BABICHEVi, V.V.,
LExamples and designs of refrigerating machines and apparatus]
Primary i raschaty kholodilinykh mashin i apparatov. Moskva# GOB.
izd-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960. 237 P. [__jhermodynamic diagrams of
the refrigerants usedl Termodinamicheakie diagrammy rabochikh
tel kholodillnykh mashin. (MM 13:9)
(Refrigeration and refri.-erating machinery)
Rozenfel'd, Lev Markovich. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, and Anatoliy
---Ge-org1yev1cW-Va&5e_V, hoctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Kholodiliny,ye mashiny i apparaty (Refrigerating Machines and Devices) 2nd ed.,.
rev. and enl. Voscow, Gostorgizdat, 1960. 656 D. 12,000 copies printe&
Reviewers3 I.S. Badyllkes,,Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, andIV.S..
Martynovskiy; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed.: N.G. Nikolayeva;
Tech, Ed.1 D.M. Medrish.
PURPOSEi This is a textbook for use in a course entitled "Refrigerating Machines"
for engineers specializing in refrigeration.
COVERAGEi The book is a revised and enlarged edition of the textbook published I
by the authors in 1955. The book discusses modern theory of various types of.,
rbfrigerating machines, their structural designs, i.e., piston-, rotary-).and
centrifugal-compressor machines and also steam-jet and absorption machines.* On
the basis of modern heat-transfer theory, the book considers the operation of~
components of refrigerating machines and their designs. given on
automation schemes for refrigerating machines. Chapter, 1, 11, 111, IV) VY VI,
Vii~ vlii~ X Xi XVII XV111, and XIX were written by Doctor of Technical
Refrigerating Machines and Devices
ociences, Professor L.M. Rozenfel'd; Chapters XII5 XIII, XIV, IV, and AM by
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, A.G. Tkachev; Chapter IX by Engineer
Ye,S. Guverich; and the section on the theory of similitude in Chapter III by,
Professor 1,S. Badyllkes, Collectives ofthe Kafedry kholodilinykh mashin i
teoreticheskikh osnov teulo - i khladotekhniki Leningradskogo tekhnologiche-
skogo instituta kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (Departments for Refrigerating
Machines Pnd the Theoretical Basis of Thermal and Refrigeration EngineeAmg
of the Leningrad Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry) par-
ticipated in preparing the manuscript for publication. The authors thank
G,S. Serdskov, V,V. Onosovskiy, R.N. Mikhallskaya, G.N. Danilova) A.K. Stu-
Ralonko) A.Ya. Illin; M.S. Karnaukh; O.N. Aleshunina, Ye.M. Kulekina, and
V.S. Bo-l-henkovaya. There are 118 references: 112 Soviet, 4 German, and 2 English,
Ch~ 1. Physical Principles for Obtaining Low Temperatures 5
Natural cooling and air conditioning 5'-
Cooling by means of phase transformations 8.
Cooling with the aid of desorption 10
Cooling by means of expansion of gases 10
~Cooling with the aid of throttling (Joule-Thompson effect)
ZtKHARENK09 Semen Yefremovichq prof.; ANISIMOV, Sergey Aleksandrovich,
OVCHINIJOV, boris Dudtr-iyevich~ MOROZOVA, Tamara Viktorovna;
POZITTELID, Mlikhai~-Davydovich; bABITSKIY, Boris
;"F-ILi-rFOVA.I S.
:~hll e Ila dvy rect.; SOLOVIYENVA, T.P.,
(Use of new plol.~meric materials in insialating rail joirts
-A switQhes) Prizaenen-le novjkh polimernykh rate--441ov v
1.zolivuluotichikh stykakh i strelochnykli pere-vo~'-kh. tlio-
skva~ Izd-vo "Trarspoi,t," 11)6,1~. 25 P. (MIU 17:9)
p0 0
ar.i NO;- 33062.;-~Tho~
das combined vritit I Yum Wft used (at.
a 94
fwum, 1"0 -by CW* wo"
wrtao, Y. RQ$qs6__
Z~f :,i~_
~j_ - o
ic-_ -5
The F6
"WIlty of the usi ~f oriiia C(Fmiiis basdd~04
AILIMUS mArl and shak- ash for m Uvy- bO#"--
UvA& M. I. Razenfel'd T V Wo'
jvlawom. irigh
11VICINVOIJ. 1107=n. JASJ. lm
no. 13, WD-30.-As out of the pol"Ibil
4 O-r. h kq A h t b a,
F"." ht6celen, taden a foil atitterb' f
Min 1&0
OrMe"My ~ '.
ji6nwlhe 0055ibi t-tqf wa , h
Mpi eiv,
"t1a me 1'.
ad MAP -;3"d- i(VI Utu
-0-As wa~v t
ail ht, MPn; j"
G WO throng IOA-0/sq. -grn'. Was. -$4"j4.1-;
AZIGOVA 6.89 CaO 28 5 Ifg(). 1.78, a4 OCL
3.5%. The marl ran fic: 'j~17
TI.Tt7o to Sj(~6, gome of'J~T4
th~ amrrph-,us form. nater Wis ground in the wet tran
wt!re molded in blocks 15 X 13X 15 cm., which utter se-Lion
ing for 8 firs. were finished in the qipam chamber at 700.
SpA~cial attention was p;,:d to (1--e fr,)*-;t resi~,tance test where-
by the specimen was frozen at -20', followed by thawing,
for a succession Qf 10 to 20 cycles. Typical results o~ 4 MIX
of 75% 111, 15% IV, and 1070 V showed a crushing ris&&' we-
of 9 10 P./sq. cm. and a sp. gr. of 1.95; 65% W, 15%.Iv
and 20,0 V, 80'kg./sq. cm. and 1.7-7 gr.; BU" 1 U4WIVO
-U, 39 kg./sq. cm. and JA sp. gr. a the Q! of all ttA'i
including reditimce to frost the u:--e of these bincks for both
foundations and walls is rccutunicnded. It. L. Olin
q. IW",
- "' -'e
LTJKOV., B.N., prof.:(Kuybyshev); PETROV., V.I., dotsent (Moskva);
IK02 T.M., aspirant (Moskva); YER-10IAYEV, V.G., prof.
(Leningrad); ADO, A.D., prof.; VOVSI, M.S., prof.;
LEDIOLAYEVY V.G., prof. (Leningrad); KUPRIYANOVA N.A. (Kazan');
-FETROV, G.I. (Moskva); DOLGOPOLOVA, A.V. (Moskva~; SAKMROV, P.P.,
prof.; BYKHOVSKIY, Z.Ye., prof.; MIN.1KOVSK1Y, prof. (Chelyabinsk);
YdRELICHONOK, I.P. (Irkutsk); TEMKIIIJ.Ya.S., prof. (Moskva);
I-IINIKOVSKIY, A.Kh.., prof.. (Chelyabinsk); ~ MILISHTEYN, T.N.,~ doktor
med.nauk (LeninErad); TRUTIEV,'V.K., ias1uzhenhyy.:deyatel.1- nauki
prof.;TSMLSHKIN,,B.D.,; SOBOLI.,,I.M.,
prof. (Stavropol')OURIK, G.M. (Moskva); FREIMLIJ, M.M.,(Moskva);
ATK:,fflSKAYA,.A.,A., Drof.; GGLIDFARB, I.V prof. (Izhevsk);
PORIJBIIIOVSKAYA., N.M. (Moskva); RUDrEV, 6.P., prof.; VOL!FSON., I.L.,
prof. (Stalingrad);,DOROSHEOTO, I~T., prof. I(Kalinin);
Q&INFRLIT), U-0., profa (Leningrad);.SHULIGA, A.O., prof.~(Orenburg);
MIKHLIN 1, Ye. G. , prof . =1YAKOVA,:Z.V. (Moskva); RMYLOV Ye.N.,
prof. (Moskva); DOROSHE NKO I.T., prof.. .(Kalinin); YErW1O1AYEVA, V.G.,
'Speeches in the discussion. Trudy gos. nauch.-issl. inst. ukha,
gorla i nosa,ho.11:70,-87,120,-146,179-186,233-248,311-333 159.
MM 15:6)
r '2.: Direktor Moskov-
1. Chlen-korrespondent AM11 SSSR (fo Ado),
skogo gosudarstvenno'go instituta ukha, gorla i nosa (for Trutnev).
Z' a a W ii j ii 14 4 L6 it Is it is it JS )a a if al 11 12 33 Ad M Is U 0 30 a at, aj At
X-A a- It r a A I- AA U CE A
I M U I -61-a
00 till
lit A-h M,F111,111i
0 flo e
t; '4_'00 Comparative blochemJsta of rejuscles. L Phosphagen 00
06 in sea and hash.water cessous and ganold flahes. I.-
sow, 132G 331-2)(101)..-Skele
1-31(in German .00
ton muscles of oLwaltis sea fish (AcdalknPOU91i and Li-
phabrasschii) comtain 7-t6 mg. % of creatincphoqphoric
acid. corresponding to 3-8% of the total mg. and Acid-
labile P. 1. e., considerably lea thin in the lower verte-
brates. The creatine contents of sea fishes investigated -00
0 are lower thin those of some fresh -water fishe- invest iv
0 previously by A. V. Palladin and R. R.-Silralova (C. A.
0 111.3-20.31 of tile cre'lline in C.1111hilled Willi
"Witalla all AV. of 10.3 tilt. % of
and 0.1141% of arrvaline. 11. The nature of phosphagen coo
of Selachii.. U. Bagdamiaryants. MI. 333-0(in German
340).-hfusicles of sharks mind two kinds of rays contain
13 toMtng. % otcreatinephosphoric acid. Theycontain
also an acid-labile P carnpd. restalambling arSininephosphoric,
acid; the amount of the latter is 10-24 mg. % in the trigon,
arks. The possibility of X as*
ray and 47-M mg. % In the sh
the existence of a I&Je arginine compd. In muscles of sets-
chi! corTeipandi to the high ures content of their blood
and tissues and the high activity of arginase in the liver SO is
C. H. Sttf&Lnow%kv
and other organs.
U is AV X:i it j 71 --f-W
I" A 1 11 I'll0 9 '1 31 lia I a 1 1 a v 113U
D if or K Is Is at it it a (1: 1[ w n j Al
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OT44: 0 0 190'66000.00~06090060009 0*1