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Collection of Articles (Cont.) 811 PART I. GENERAL PHYSICS Andreyev, N.N., Member, Academy of Sciences. Comments on the Thermodynamic Theor-y- of Electrostriction (January 1953) 5, Arkad'yev, V K., Corresponding Member, Acadezirj of Sciences (Deceased). Simplest Fom of Solid Bodies of Greater Than Limiting Volume (June 1953) 11 Botvinkin, O.K. On the Variability of Some Physical Constants in Industrial Glass (May 1953) 27 Vartanyan, A.T. Photoelectric Phenomena in Pigments (January 1953) 30 Vershinskaya, V.F. Relationship Betwen the Height of a Mound of Loose Material and Grav-1ty (June 1953) 51 Volarovich M P Investigation of the Uniformity of a Stress Field and Study,of !-@e oce'ss of Formation of Cracks in Double-shearedSamples (January 1953) 57 Deryagin, B,V,, Corresponding Memiber@ Academy of Sciences, Karasev2 V.V., Card 2/6 Collection of Articles (Cont.) 811 Zorin, Z.M. Boundary Phases as a Particular State of Aggregation of Liquids (June 1953) 65 Predvoditelev, A.S., Corresponding Member,' Academy of Sciences. On the Heat- conductivity and Viscosity Coefficients of- Liquids and Compressed Gases (June 1953) 84- Rebinder, A., Member, Academy of Sciences. On the Nature of Plasticity and Structural Formation in (September 1953) 113 -Rosenberg,-.-G-V. On the Problem of Reflectivity of Tinted Turbid Media - (July 1953) 132 T21inai, A.A., Rosenberg,,G.V. Experimental -Iavestigation of the Teflectivity of Tinted Turbid Media (July 1953) 143 Tolstoy, D.M. Sliding of Liquids and Distributed Systems Along Solid Surfaces (April 1953) 159 Shuleykin' V.V.,.Member, Academy of Sciences. Cause of the Bluish Tint of the Sun and the Moon (July 1953) .222 Card 3/6 Collection of Articles (Cont.) 811 SECTION II. BIOPHYSICS AND PHYSIOLOGY Aladzhalova., N.A., Maslov I N.M. immediate Changes in the Liver due to the Effects of X-rays (February 1953) 227 Asratyan, E.A., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences. Effects of Transverse Cutting of the Rear Hald of the Spinal Cord in Dogs (Contribution to the Physiology of Spinal Shock) (July 1953) 236 Demirchoglyan., G.G. On the Initial Stages of -the Visual Process (July 1953) 254 Yefimov, V.V., Oltshanskaya., N.M. quantitative Determination of Elasticity of Relaxed and Tensed Muscles and of Diseased Muscles While Bathing (on the Para- doxical Relationship Betveen Relaxed and Tensed Muscles) (July 1953) .274 Kovalevskaya) L.A. The Pover of a Moving Fish (JulY 1953) Kuzin, A.M., Sayenko, G.N. On the Effect of Fermentative Poisons on the Various, Phases of Photosynthesis (June T95)) 287 'Card 4/6 AUTHOR: Rdzenberg, G.N. 48-11-2/13 TITLE: Some Aspects of the Problem of the Spectroscopic Analysis of Light-Dispersing Media and the Reflection-Capacity of Dyed Polydispersed Substances (Nekotoryye aspekty zadachi o spektrallnoa anailze svetorasseivayushchikh sred i otrazhateltnaya sposobnost, okrashennykh polidispersnykh veshchestv). . . . PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSR Seriya.Fizicheskaya,,-1957., VoL 21, Nr 11, ppe 1473-a484 (USSR).. ABSTRACT: Thisreport deals with the ana@ysis,of.substances which are in a dispersed-state and which,.according to.their nature,,.do not admit the application Iof abs-orption'methods exclusively's The causes for the-diff iculties arising are'el-arified in this--- report@and-the-ways of'surmounting them are pointedout. Besides theresults of:the attempt to-find a solution f.-)r-aome spectroscopic problem&) are given* Witkxespect to the question.of'taking account of mu]Ltiple dispersion, it'is shown.that@a separation'of'the coherent'and in= coherent part of the redipr ocal.Iirradiation'bf the particles permits to,'attribute the solutionof the'statistic problem t.o.the formula- tion of the socalled'transport. equation.@The..coherent part is ta- 'Card 1/2 ken into consideration in the absorption- and dispersion phenomena, .241(4) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1142 .Rozenberg, Georgiy.Vladimirovich Optika tonkosloynykh pokrytiy (optics of@Thin Films) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1958- 570 P. 4,000 copies printed. Ed,.: Kuznetsova, Ye.B.; Tech. Ed.: Murashova, N-Ya. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers, scientists postgrad- uate students and students of advanced optics making and using optical instruments. COVJERAGE: This book gives a detailed. survey.of theoretical interpre-, tations of interference phenomena in sin$le-layer,and multi-layer films and explains theoptical properIties ofIvarious types of film (metallic, dielectric and m6nomolecular)14 Their application in the study of optics and the preparation of selectivespecula, polarizers and optical instrumentsare described. Special attention is given to the use of interferometers for solving practical prob- lems .(with respect to interference light filters.,.Investi.gating Card 1/1:3! Optics of Thin Films SOV/1142 the micro-relief of-surfaces, determining optical constants, etc.). Many of the considerations, conclusions and results arel'original@ and,are published here for the first-time. No personalities are mentioned. There are 616 references of which 146 are Soviet,, 257 EnglishY 112 French, 76 German, Dutch and-17 Scandinavian. ''TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword PART I. OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF THIN FILMS Ch. I. The Structure of Thin Film Coatings 1. Introduction 2. Formation and structure of thin metallic films 16 2.1. General p@cture of theformation of coating layers@ l6 2.2.* Theor of.the formation of a @18 @y granular coating 2.3. The dependency ofthe character of a coating on the "nature" of.the metal 27 2.4. "Aging" processes., The.influence of temperature and the undercoating 31 .Card 2Ak AUT1HOR; Rozenbarg, Gy-, S.011/51-5-4-13/21 TITLE; _Opt@ical conditions Within a'Waakly Absorbing Scattering Medium and Possibilities in Spectroscopy (Svetovoy rezhim, v,glubine s labopogloshchayus hchey. ras s eivayus hchey a red yinakotoryye, vozraozhnosti snelctroskopii) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 4, pp 4-2.0-449 kUSSR) ADS MIGT: The author diocusses optical, conditions -within a "Weakly absorbing -isotropic scattering dedium. His diecussioa applies both to,alectro- magnetic waves and to spin particles. It is' shown that -with increasa of specific absorption of the inedium the steady-state intensity indicatrix becomes more extended in shape and consequently steady-stat& polarization of emission ap9eare. Dependence of the emission intensity on depth is- given by an exponential law with a decay constant which is not equal to the coefficient. of extinctilon,butwhich is proportional in the first approxim- tion to the square root of the product of ttlie absorption and extinction coefficients. The constant of prop orti onal 1 ty depends on the form of the scattering indicatrix. 'Spectroscopic Ca rd 1/2 ............ Optical Conditions Within a Weakly Absorbing Scattering Med ium and, Certain Possibilities in Spectroscopy applications of the fommlaa obviinod aro iridicatod. Thode applications rofor' to measurdments of the absorption,and scattering coefficients, amploying a technique similar to that of Timof eyeva (Refs 1-3). There are 5 figures and 18 references, 15 of wtilch are Soviet., 2 German and I knerican. ASSOCIATIO17a Institut fiziki atmosfery, W1 SSSR (Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, Academy. of Sciences of the U.S.S,R.) SUBM T-r:!,D January 6P 1958 Card 2/2 1. bptical materials--Effects of radiation 2. Spectroscopy 3@ Electromagnetic waves--Properties 4.;. Nuclear spins SOV51-5-6-6/19 AUTHORS: Rozenberg, G.V. and Mikhaylin, 1 X. TITIS Ellipticity of Folarization of Scattered Light (Elliptichnost, polvarizatsii rasseyannogo sveta.) nR!ODIQIL.- Optikq_ 1 Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol 5, Hr 6, pp 671-681 (USSR) ABSTRACT-- The paper describes experim-ts ox. the ellipticity of polarization of, light scattered by the ground layers of atmosphere and on dependence of this ellipticity on the scattering angle. A visual polarimeter Ifor measurement of allpolarization characteristics of a light beam kdogres of polarization, degree of ellipticity, position of the planeof predominant polarization) vas constructed. This infftrument is@based upon.the following theory. It is assumed that a light beam may be: described by a Stokes vector-parameter S -with respect to a certain plane of reference. A compensator is placed in the light beam; it introduces a phase,shiftr and is rotated by an anglovf with respect to the reference plane. Behind the compensator a polarizer, rotated by an Card 1/li angle ky + -with respect to the reference plane, and an analyser Ellipticity of rolariza-cion olf Scatterad Light is rc,t-atbd by at, anglo + S w.r.t. the reference plane, are placed. By sele@,ting varicus valuec of Y and 'k and by measurement ot ttis) anf;Le TL which corresponds to the condition of equal brightness, of ,:m (which is used in the place of a polariter) fields in a Wollaston pri- one can fird tha deFree of polarization p, the degree of ellipticity q, and, zhe anmlr@ of rctation of the major axis of the ellipso of polarization with respoct to tho reCerenco plane V @ The polarimeter 11 0 was based on a theodolito with a diaphragn of 6 anGular diamet5r. quarter-weve plate and a Woilaston. pri:.,m, which.could separate two boams by 0 weeo pla(-ed behind t-no djaphrafga. The vertical plane r was taken to be the through the optical. axiz, of the theodolite reterence n1ano, Bahina the Wailaston prism a polaroid and a long-,focus eyepiece wore placed. The evelYie,:e nroduced a virtual image, of the'' h s was used to :L SZS-Itj li@;ht Itor of 5 mrd thicicnes diap ragn, . fi TDonoctiromatize the fields of view to be compared. The error of a: sin-le, determinatioa of TL Waounted to +0 . The error in determination of the dec-ree of allipticity Vias 'Jass than �0.03. Measurements wore made on moonlecs nirhts in the second half of SeDtember in mountairLs of Card 2/4 Northern Caticasus (750.m above r@ea level). Atmospheric aerosols were SOV/51-5-6-6/19 Ellipticity of Polarization of Scattered Light present in very small quantities. Is. projector, wl th a., reflector of... 150 cai diameter and an arc of 1-1,15 IN power, waj k4fled as the source* of light. The projector wan covered up cunplately except for an aperture of 4-0 t.,91 d-ismoter, A polaroid of 40 cm diameter vian placod at st distance of 1 m from the projector. A. largo acreen (5 x 5 m) with an aoorture of 40 cm diame+-r wq.r rilaced at a distance of 8 m from tiie Pro'j ector (along t h e b 9 a m ihia system produced a sharply defined linearly polarizod beam cr liGnv at a height of 2 m above%the ground level, The pclarimeter, vas placod at 12 w from the screen and 2 M away frca.@i the light beam. The results are F,,iven inFigs 1-6. The ordinatea give q, the degree of ellipticity of the scattered beam, ar, a functior-., (if the scattering angle 9, for vaz-iouls fixed angles S between the ulan'9L of polarization ef the b;:@&m and the plaas of scattering. Fig I gives q(4) for 1 +4Z@ in the at@,.ea,-:e of mi,@!t. Fir r-, 2 and 3 show of q(8) for +45 in a thiuk. haze with a rainbow (curves 1) and in a slight haze kzurve:: 2, of Card ;5/4 The maximum of q, which ia characteristiz@ SOV/ 61-0-6-b/ V) Fllipti-7ity of Polari-.@L,tjon of LiK_ht a rainbow, occurn also when no ham in pre.-@ont (Fir, 4)' protnbly dv,-,.) to large drops of moisture prenent ii; the air. Omy-ven I and ;? of Fig 5 woro obtained for -45 and +45" rospectively, Fig 6 shows r-3sult@- for 0 (01>3zi and b1pok doT--) and +90 @crossa3 and half-black- dots). There are 6 figures and I Soviat reference. SUBMiTTED: January 6, 1958 Gard 4/% AUTHOR: IR enber@G.V@,. SOV/51-7-3 17/21 TITLE: Optical Conditions Inside a Medium with Rayleigh Scattering FERIODICiALLt Op.ti"ka i spektroskopiya, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 407-416 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In an earlier paper (Ref 1) the author dealt -with the general optical conditions inside a scattering medium with low absorptivity. The general relationships were illustrated by,considering the special case of a wedium with Rayleigh scattering. . The present paper considers further the optical conditions in a medium with Rayleigh scatter in these conditions are a function of the proparties of the medium,,.its absorptivity end depolarization. Various calculation methods are compared and errors due to neglectiou of the polarizatinn eff,3ats ar-, .estimated. The possibility of use in a .pectroscopy.,of -.the rela tionships establish ad hera ia discussed.. As before, the author usas -une terminology and uathe=tical techniques employed, earlier to describe the polarization stateof a light beam by means of a Stoker' vector-, mrameter (Ref 2). The paper is entirely theoretical. There are 10,1 figures and 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet and, 1 French. SUBIUMD: Dectmiber 2, 1958 Ca rd 1/1 2AW SOV/20-122-1-16/44 AU 'f@RS: Rozenberg, G. V,, Mikhaylin, I. M. UTLE: 1he Expe-rime-F=1--Detection of the Ellipticity of the Polari- zation of Scattered Light (Eksperimentallnoye obnaruzheniye elliptichnosti polyarizatsii rasseyannogo sveta) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, 11r 1, pp 62-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper is to find preliminary data con- cernin- the degree of the ellipticity of light scattered by the lowest layers of the earth atmosphere and concerning the character of its dependence on the scattering angle. A theodolite, in the focal plane of which a diaphragm.of 0 the anGular diameter 6 was placed.,vias used as a polari- meter. The authors immediately measured.the angles-@ in which tile brightness of both the photometric fields was equal. YL denotes the angle of rotation with respect to, the vertical direction. The degree of the ellipticity q of the incident light was found by means of the relation - cos 2 By. choosing other, values of, cer- 2 q = (co Card 1/3 + tain angles, it is possible to determine the degree of the SOV/2o-122-1-16/44 L The Experimental Detection of the Ellipticity of the Polarization of ocaftered l,i,-ht volarization of the light and the angle of the inclina- 0 tion of the plane of the principal polar ization with respect to the vertical direction. Tile experiments were carried out rJuring r.-ioonleSS nights in the second half of SepteLiber 1957 on-the foothills of thp Northern Caucasus. A projector wac placed in a comparatively narrow valley,.its horizontal liaht beam was directeL ilong the valley. The carrying out of the experiment (places of the polarimeter etc.) are@dis- cussed in short. Because of the comparative pureness of the air, tile scattered air ms rather faint, and the.visual methods took a long time and were not very precise. Accord- ing to theoretical considerations an ellipticity of the polarization of.the scattered light will be observed only as a result of tile scattering aerosol and it will have a maximum for + 450, if the irradiating beam is linearly polarized in a direction which includes the angle f with, tiie.plane of scatteringr, The ellipticity distinctly depends on the scattering an-le, approximately satisfying, the relation. - cos 3 Q. In the e-xturema a - 0, 1 which is not ai: Card 2/3 iow value* second diaL@ram shows the function a(@) for 2 SOV/20-122-1-16/44 The Experimental Detection of the Ellipticity of the Polarization of Scattered Light cases of more or less dense fog. A zone of irridescence .(Q = 130 - 1400) (in which q -/ 0,5) and a change of the sign of q in the region 9 - 40 - 900 were observed. Sometimes, the irridescent re.-ion was observed also in cases without an actual fog. This is an argument in favor of the presence of an aerosol fraction consisting of large drops in the air. The values of the degree of polarization were within the limits o,6a - 0,76. From a theoretical pointof view, the ellipticity of the polarization of the scattered light is not a surprising phenomenon. There are 3 figures,and 1 Soviet reference. PRESENTED; March 8, 1958: by V. V. Shuleykin, Academician SUB',',! ITT ED March 21 1958, Card 3/3 24M SOV/2o-122-2-13/42. AUTHOR;, G. V. flITTLE: The Light Distribution Inside a Dispersing; i!edium and the, Spectroscopy of Dispersed Substances (Svetovoy rezhim v glubine rasseivayushchey sredy i spektroskopiya dispergiro- vannykh veshchestv) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 1222, Nr 2, pp 211-214 (USSR) ABSTRACT: V. A. Timofeyeva found some empirical laws which may be im- portant for the absorption spectroscopy of dispersed substances. This paper deals with the theoretical explanation and with the improvement of some of these laws S nce the polarization- effects have to be taken into account, the author uses the terminology and the calculation methods which are used for the description of a polarized light beam by means of the vector parameter of Stokes Stoks). The lower half-space Z > 0 is assumed to be filled up with a homogeneous isotropic, scattering medium and to be lighted from the upper half-space Z < 0. in the case of an isotropic medium, the scatuering Card 1/3 matrix must have certain integral-properties, the correspond- SOV/2o-122-2-13/42 The Lisht Distribution inside a Dispersihg_ Mle'dium and the Spectroscopy of Dispersed Substances formulae are given by the author. The propagation of:the, light (or of particles with spin 1/2) is described by a @transfer equation . According to physical considerations, a sheady distribution of light must exist inside the scattering medium in-a sufficient distance from its boundary. The angular distributions of the components S. of the vector parameter I of Stokes do not depend on the distance from the surface, on the inclination angle, and on the polarization character of the light flows fallin.-r -ipon the external boundary of the medium. Simultaneously, "_-.e azimutal dependence of S. must vanish. The author then step by step gives.the calculation operations which correspond to the above-discussed considera- tions. Inside the substance, S i(z) must be an exponential function. The damping coefficient does not depend,on the direc- tion of the beam. Then a formula is given for the radiation flux through a horizontal cross section. Then the li-;ht dis- tribution for the case I