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' ",' I ;-.. !. ,V- -- -1. !,- . A, - TRAKBTIWERG, D.M.; RODIONOTSKAYA, I.I.; GCRDINA, Z.V.; SMJCYBVA. L.N. Producing a crystal erythromVcin base. Med.prox. 11 no-7:14-19 JI '57. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Veasoyuznyy usuchno-iseledovatellskiy institut antibiotikov (ARYTHRONYCIN) TRAXHTENBKRG, D.M.; RODIONOVSKAYA, E.I.; BAYKIITA, V.M.; KHOKR1OV, A.S. Preliminary comparative data on the properties of antibiotics of the str tothricin group obtained from various types of actino- mycetealw5ith summary in English]. Antibiotiki 3 no.6:36-41 N-D '58. (MIRA 12:2) .1. Vsesovuznyy nauchno-issledovntellskly institut antiblotikov. (ANTIBIOTICS, effects. streptothricin group of antibiotics obtained from various strains of Actinomyces, comparison (Rus)) 300) AUTHORS: Afriky", Z. K,~, gu.haj-, A. G., Camdld~t.. of DI-2-00-1 S.I.Dom. Z-1 TITLE: Zee of Antibiotics J. 22"t WSJ-tjn (Pri-eftly. "11- w PERIODICAL: V..tn1eAk.d.m1l uftk 3231, 1959. 142-14) (USSR) A.BSIPACI. L conforonce doslIng with thli took p2... in T.-sn d best called by the I..tit.t fr b It h t 5 to 13 O t 195e c . o ar, & l .ikroblol.r-i suk 3225~ (ILoroblol.&I.&I IA.tlt-t- f' `1 ' tb irsltit.t . ! h A d i V R) . . 0 6.. a 4.Yzm" t e oA Sa = ~zy o . ur.biologli TAMBIL (111-Dulo. culituml V4crobiology of ch . TASKhN2L) and lt.ti%ute for Agr! . tL..S.k%.r mikrobicloeii Lk&dqnij nauk Aroy".koy SSR (3).p.rt- ..t for Xl~..biolciy of the 6E.) .;ok. b.u% al.r.t. mt.bollt.s -h1'1A promote the afiv-10IMent 4f higher Pl&nLsd 1. L. p1doplichko report-d no in,-4t19Qti*um of several )-rfl funeu. all ou m frinLsm *y-cl-91-%: ' ur.%To .1od by ~ i .grlcu tv~rax t ,av. in th..figbl- -9-1- , fl.m -d It.*x%i1 1 as ...... Xag--t- d. -kith th.'atilix.tion or ch. oottom, bushes ef , fj,,htjoS tb~. , V. "t"I othsr ACzrlouli~uxal broods. Mr=t6kYLnt. repor% daLlt mith the xcr.tioca of it 0 . ,~D.myc-. -. P--du. ..Vi- antibl6ti*g against *hs : 6.8. &a 41plo"s Is &also- .sTri.ra of -~% d1 V~Araalna *Pak. sbout the vtIllsell" of ztjn.Ayo.-.. s,%xCcnstw 1. fighting p.tetc 3?img "t sma =Do.. b..t.rla in nabbed- ". , lubInnovsksya r:;cr%od on the affect ;f preparation. from ' h ush. ~ .. .~ ". to Pro-t Ill of the call- oa C-4 214 . , , %-she .-k. b.. 41# ........ ..ltg- and potato will. A_M_jjIbabdLftM dealt v1111..1.1.n e epiphyte x1er.fl.m 1. fighil ral J fungus 41-f- In plants, Mae, in NvEt~:, 21 - h%ij Ile utilization in r3 1 4 * as of ;,%*r j w ii.rring is nz- be.b..'and lease. -A-A- 3E~-t-- ;.Zad biotic pr.paratlme a f hliag dl-.._ Dr. is of 4-ratil. VI."s. T, -.Vtruko- 4.6cmdsed %be is-14 tim -,os. .1.k. 111. 7roftc%lm of the pr:p,.kt14n. -6 -tr4k-t.tsjs- set thsir ef- e&rrlers of d1mes"o go cabbage, abest & an rUMuc "a later malwas.- a# gableved in *be m*11jestlam .1%h ,ho-rairs:tims of 07"PtuAngla f-mm -fblb"sila majol"S AD "'t1blogis . I &@*crib*& a washot of rapid a- t ruination of the err-.t or antibi.tive caviaa%&, p%4 I:Tzilparms in %~he conference founj %b6 work G&rrog m, in ,his leld in the u5n L.Suffitiest. The creaulasAtom of as Industrial production of "%lbiatice an& wi:"be prepare,,.. for the purpo.e of chair IMS110-6-au preetl al wri xiltuft -.8 P.Jaced cut se salles"7. The "00-4110 or at intensification .1 Joist lavlotleastsm me 1%. gwkb Slmu awd ch* 441-1**Gut At PUstO W, aSerebill crigim sea turuffir pointed out, Tbw Import@=.. of anordissiles of worl, for purposes of ft.;.r:h.&nd 410tilleallas of satiblatice in I,,, Ile smph:~l Ard., Ilas.the hol&1a, of period cal cents ': ;:1 1 th t b on 'll-RAKHTENIERGP D.M.; RODIONOVSKAYA -.j.; ,, G,I.; SHTARER, V.Ya. Study of some physicochemical properti-es of oleandomycin. Anti- biotiki 10 no.11:982-989 N *65. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut antibioti-kov, Yioskva,i Rizhskiy zavod medpreparatov. Submitted January 16, 1965, SEMENOVA, V.A.; SOLOV'YEVA, V.S.; TRAYPTEMBEUG, D.M.; RODIONOVSKMA E.I ; CHERENKOVA,,L.V.; KHOKPLOV, A.S.; BYCFWVA, M.M.; GINZBURG, G.N. Antibiotic phytobacteriomycin, effective in controlling bacteriosis in plants. Trudy Vses. inst. sel'khog. mikrobiol. 17:131-139 '60 04IRA 15:3i (Antibiotics) (Bacteria, Phytopathogenic) OVSNAYkl-E.I,-- TRAMITENBERG, D.M.; ARDION Production and properties of certaln der4vatives of erythromycin. Antibiotiki 5 no.3.-22-24 )tr4e 160~ QWU 14: 6) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sAtIbiotikov. (ERYTHROMIN) TRAKHTEITBERG, D.M.; RODIOITOVSKAn,-E.I-.-j GORDINA, Z.V.; ROSTOVTSEVA, L.I.; KLEXIr-ERq-G-.I'.;IfAGLE, A.M. Studies on the properties and chemical pur-ification of nystatin. Antibiotiki 5 no, 5:9-14 3-0 160. (MIRA 13-10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut antibiotikov (for Trakhtenberg, Rodionovskaya, Gordina. and Rostovtseva). 2. Rizliskiy 7Avod meditsinskikh preparatov (for Kleyner and Nagle). ($YSTATIN) TRAKHTFIIBERG, D.M.;'RODIONOVSKAYA, E.I.;,GORDINA, Z.V.; ROSTOVTSEVA, L.I.; KLEYNER, V.Ya. Isolation and chemical purification of nystatin. Part 1: Isolation of nystatin from moist mycelium. Med. prom. 14 no.8;18-23 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledavatellsk~y institut antibiotikov i Rizhskiy zavod meditsinski'Ah preparatov. (MYCOSTATIN) BUM, Z.Z., BUTIEZINA, Ye.K. VEYS, R.A., HILOVANOVA, S.N., OSTROMOV, A.A. RODIONOVSKAYA, E.I., TRAEHTFNBMG, D.M., KHOMWV, A.S., CHAYKOVSKAYA.S.M.- Velutinin an antib -U6 from the mold fungus Aspergillus velutinus. [with summary in English]. Antibiotiki 3 no.4.*104-105-JI-Ag '58 (MrRA 11:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nnuchno-iseledovatellskiy institut antihictikov; (ANTIBIOTICS) tl. 'Sciorlo'). , Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 34331. ~~Uthc. Rgaignovskiy, F. K. Inst :Not givon'. Titln- :Effoct of blothods of Cultivation U-pon "Water Rogimon ef tho Soil. Orig Pub: ZordcdUiyo, 1957, No 8,' 43 - 45. ."bstract: On ordinary chornozom soil of tho Rostovskaya Oblast undor cultivations of pons, whoat and corn - tho optimuct condition of tho hwaidity Of soil was obscrvod undar dua-p plowing 30cra doop and , - idditional dooponing by 15 cm-. Fiold undor non-dwap jplo-,-iing 45 to 50 ca doop, hiad a highor rosorvo of m-oisturo in tho bod of 1.5 m (by 30mm moro) ir. comparison to tho fi,,~ld undor d-,.mp plow- Maw RODIONOVSKIY, F. K. Doc Agr Sci - (diss) "Effect of separate crops in field crop on the fertility of soils in the zone of insufficient moisture (western province ) of the Rostovskaya Oblast." Voronezh, 1961. 41 pp; (Ministry of Agricultue RSFSR, Voronezh Agri Inst); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 249) .Wop -~Nw"M. 01 V-) Grasses Structure-forming. role in soils of perennial grass mixtures, and their components. Pochvaveclenie, no. 1, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. U1.11CLASSIFTED. Ww1(jK.muIA lit. Liquid molasses yeast as a valuable protein feed. Mias. ind. SSSR 32 no.3:36 161, (MIRA 14:7) 1. Gullkevichskiy otkormochnyy sovkhoz. (Krasnodar Territory-Yeast) RODIOUOVSKIY 14. Feeding cattle with beet pulps. Mias.ind.SSSR 31 no.1:38-39 16o. OURA 13:5) 1. Gullkevicheskiy otkormochnyy sovkhoz. (Caucasus-,:-Cattle--Feeding and feeds) W GRUDEV., D.I., doktor sallskokhoz. nauk; SADOVNIKOVA, N.V., starshly nauchnyy L-otrudnik; SMIRNITSKAYA, N.Ye.; KARAVAYEVA, S.G.; KOTOV, P.Ya.; KRYLOVA, U.N., kand. biol. nauk; KRASILINIKOVA, T.F., inzhoner-khimik; SOJIITSEVAy G.L.y aspirant; KUZNETSOVA, V.V., mladabiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; Prinimali uchastiye: BAZAROVA, K.I.; MALYGINA, M.I.; HUDINSKAYA, S.Z.; SINITSYNA, I.K. Comparative evaluation of the fattening and slaughtering characteristics of Shorthorn and Kalmyk steers and physico- chemical indices of their meat. Trudy VNIIMP no.16:5-23 164. (MIRA 18:11) , i I ~ [ . " 0 1-, k I. ni- "w1 I!ikokhk~z. , viuk~ KOTOV, 1'.YL.,, naii at in~-j notrtJnllk~, RQLU(JflU_llI_'!hiY, - 14~lj .,, nauclknyy s~,)tr-udtil' k-, !A%'K I N,,'2'11K I (Vl",K I Y, 11 ,e A... naw:Ymyy sctrudnik; UNW01OV, G.S,, nauchnyy gotrudnik ITfle of the tissue preparation VNIPT-3 In .the fattening of 9wines. Trudy VNTIW~no.15.131-19 163. (MIRA 17,, 5) NOWIKOW) A~; RODI~Now, .W.; NIEMYRJAj A~ The effectiveness of surgical therapy of pulmonary cancer. 9 otwory 13 no.1:19-30 t63. L Z Naukowo-Badawesego Instytutu Onkologii im. P. Hercena Dyrektor: rofo dr med. A. Nowikow. UIG NEOPLASMS) , (PNEUMONECTOMY) (NEOPLASM STATISTICS) (NEOPLASM THERAPY) V~ 11.1 LUTU~, A. "On the Problem of Orientation of the Tert-Butyl Group During Introduction into the Aromatic Ring," J Gen Chem USSR 23, (11) 1802-18o8 (1953). Evaluation B-85325, 14 Jun 55 TIMI MW MIIII Js-"A, --ano dr. R051-10, la towi., df W O,tr rziqnt Jr--For-tatlcim on tthe patI.-MICgy ot' ayndrome. 15 AP164 Uia-mtos Dr. GsgsA Kisa,, Pal.,, akademimis, egyet,9-Ml. tfma:~-) Bas6l (Igazga-tog Prof. Dr. A.iE~-t,!Ang~:-r) (Ghramaaoma Iabai:, vezeto.- Pri7,, Doz. G.Stal.adsr) k r, Z.1 ACCESSION NR: AT4039441 8/2879/"/000/000/0637/0"2 AUTHOR: RQ41 A. (Moscow) #elev, K. TITLE: Stability of reinforced cylindrical shells under axio metrical loads Aym SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentalya po teorii obolochek I plastin. 4th, Yerevan, 1982. Teoriya obolochek i plastin (Theory of plates and films); trudy* konferentaii, 1964, 837-842 TOPIC TAGS: shell, cylindrical shell, chemical milling, reinforced cylindrical shell. rib; tringer, shell stability, axiosymmetrical stress, compression A 'RSTRACT: The,author considers the problem of the stability of a cylindrical shell, B reinforced by means of stringers and enclosed between'transverse truss members, under. the influence of axial compression or the joint effect of axial compression with internal or external pressure. The problem is solved in a linear formulation, by the energy method. It is assumed that the loss of stability by the skin and the stringers occurs simultaneously.! In this manner, the stability of the reinforced cylindrical shell is reduced to an investi- gation of the stability of the oldn, on which radial forces dependent on the rigidity of the stringers are acting along the contact line. For the assignment of the number of stringers the author uses the results of the investigations by Roditilev (K. A. Roditelov..Untoychivost, 1/3 CCE4 ACCESSION NR: AT4039441 gladkikh tsilindricheskikh obolochek pri osesimmetrichn*kh nagruzkakh. Trudy* Vaesoyu=oy konferentaii po teorit obolochek I plastin, L'vov, 1961); that is, the number of halfwaves .. ' ",' in the circumferential direction is determined on the basis of given R. I and h. In order to increase the critical stress in the skin the stringers must he arranged at a distance less than the lengths of the halfwaves in th~ circumferential direction; i.e., the number of stringers must not be less than four times the number of halfwaves. The radial dis- placement is selected in the form: W.f.+fsin --s1n!Y-+f.31n'1- I R Using this equation the following are determined: the strain energy of the center surface and bending, the work of exterhalforces applied to the ends of the shell, the work of internal or external pressure, and also the work of radial forces from the stringers to the skin. The investigations made In the first part of the paper permit the determination at the least weight of a reinforced cylindrical shell. Formulas are given by peans of which the dimensions of stringers of square cross section may be determined (such a Winger configuration In characteristioof shone manufactured by chemical mWhW. Tbeproblem 2/3 "ACCESSION NR: AT4039441 of the simulation of reinforced cylindrical shells is briefly discussed and it is shown that the indispensable condition in this connection is that the critical compression stresses and the stresses from Internal or external pressure berequal In the natural shell and In its model. A comparison. of theoretical and experimental data showed that the rated value of the critical load'differs from the experimental by no more than 6%. 0,rig. art. has: 18 formulas and 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 14May64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AS NO REP SOV; 001 OTHER: 000 uCard 3/3 RODITI, V.V. Measuremext of industrial radio interference. Ilektrosviaz' 10 no-2:36-4o 7 156. (MLRA 9:6) (Radio-Intorforexce) RLBINOVICH, M.B., inzhener; RODITI, V.V., inzhaner. Eliminating radio in,~erfere-nces-c;reated by telegraph installations. Vest.oviazi 15 no.12:8-10 D '55. (ML'RA 9:3) (Radio--Interference) (Telegraph lines) RODITI, V.V.; GARTSENSHTEYN, H.S. '' aceiving antennas and isdustrial radio noise. Radietekhaiks 11 ne.9:21-27 S 156. (mm 9:10) (Radio--Antennas) 2. US33i" (600) 4. Radio - Interference 7. Eli--inaticn of radio iryterferences caused by automobile traffic. Avt. trakt. I pro-i. No. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. ROD-1-TI V. V. and RABINOVD0,11, 14. B. SUPPRESSION OF RADIO INTERFERENCE CREATED BY TELEGRAPH COMMINUCATIONS EQUIPMENT. Vestnik Svyazi, No 12, Moscow, 1955, pp 8-10 Translation M-1249, 27 Sep 56. J USSR / Radio Physics. Reception of Padio Waves. 1-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizilca, No 3, 1957, No 7342 AAI;hor : V.V., Gortserislitoyn, M.S. : Nooolvin,,, Int-in:nts and Iri(twitrial Radio lutorVorence Ori Pub Radiotok-linika, L95G, il, No 9, 21-27 Abstract Analvzis o.~' the :)roblem of the effective heirh-ts of indoor an- Wrinas and the noise transfer coefficient as fundamental para- meuers, affectirip- the quality of' the reception of radio broad- casts in iminicioal conditions in the presence of industrial noise, Data are -iven on the rieasurements of these quantities in certain cities of the USSR and on 'the analYsis of the re- snIts us-ing the method of mathematical statistics. Card 1/1 - 54 - AUTHORS: Roditl-r 108-13-6-Vi Gartsenshteyn, 1--i.S. TITLE: The Effect Attained 'Ilhen Using the Standards in Force in the USSR for Industrial Radio Disturbances for the Purpose of Improving Radio. and Television Reception (Effektivnost' primeneniya deystv-ayushchikh v SSSR nonn industriallrykh radiopomekh dlya uluchsheniya priy~ma radioveshchaniya. i televideniya) PERIODTCAL: Radiotekhnika, 1958, Vol. 13, Nr 6, PP. 59-67 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By taking into account the statistical character of industrial radio disturbances and other factors influencing the degree of the effect exercised by disturbances or noises in radio reception, a method of determining the probability of the disturbing effeot exercised by disturbances of the source is given in accordance with the standards in force (Ref 1).Statistical investigations (Refs 2,34) showed that, expressed in decibels, the distribution of the amounts of disturbance voltages at the terminals of the source, of the disturbance-trommiss ion factors, aW of the efficacious heights of the reception antennae obey the normal standards with sufficient accuracy. First, the formalla (5) for Card 1/4 the standardized deviation is derived. Next, the disturbance The Effect Attained 'When UsiDg the Standards in Force in 108--13-6-6/ii the USSR for Industrial Radio Disturban,3es for the Purpose of Improving Radio and Television Reception prdbabili,~y is calculated 1.) of eleotrlo household appamtus~ 2.) of high-fzt-.qiency genarators in industry, 3.) of eleatr4o COM_ zuni,:~atlions, and 4.) of ai-,tomobiles. - Re. 1.) Tha bat-w-een sig7al and distufbanca N., = 40 d1b is corsldar,~d to b-a thp coudi_ ti;,,x:. -for good z-ao;aptior_ Th_,is quint,i-~y was a2,so r-,oonmended by thi MM ani SNKPR and ,7ras r-.::;ommen1ad alao in this ca,3,t fu;:- most call- cu:at-Lorz. For the reacqp-L-Ion of blae-c- ani--vAii'w-3 t-3-1,arinsion it 'L.S -1r_ of the a+,andards i-u force in ti?e USSR to azsum~. th" of 47 db. .- R-9. 2.) The measuring results obtained -by -the State Radio Inspuac+ora:Le a+ -the lfinistx7 of Post snd Telecom- nranio,9--tions- were eraiua~ed by the. stalistical mqthol. The gatian of the character of the dist7:ibw*,--Son of ihe -,o1-;-,av le-1--.1 of r-sidma-1 di5tuxrbance in tlip na~-h;rork at a distance of 50 m from the gene:mctors showed Uhat aistrib-,zAlion obeys the normal laws. A control carried oat in accordance with the agreement on set up by Kolmogorov-SminiaT confirmed the fact that a d~n-iation from. this law is not of essential importance. - Re- M It May also bi, assumed (particularly in th-3 case of tmiley bases) that a fng of the level of the disbarbanoe field with the &_Stan,0~3 from C a rd 211+ the standardized point (10 m from the Une) to the po-_'nt of Tha Effect Attained When Using the Standards in Force in 108-13-6-6/4,i the USSR for Industrial Radio Disturbances for the Purpose of Improving Radio-. and Television Reception vrireless reception can be expressed by the following empirical f ormula: 1 -1 5 U = U10 ( -10 ) , whers U and U10 denote the disturbance field levels expressel in decibels at a distance of 1 and 10 m respectively from the line. Up to a distance of 90 m the error will not exceed 2 db. - Re. 4.) The rasidual disturbances caused by automobile traffic exarcise no disturbing effect on rad-Lo reception wiLthin the. rangea of long.-, medium-, and short waves, but they are very noticeable in the range ofultrashort waves and in some cases they also disturb reception in television. In conclusion efficacy is evaluated by the application of 1954 standards for some groups of industrial radio disturbances. By means of the calculation method descri~bed here and applying the average statistical para- meters, efficacy can be evaluated by the application of standarja in force for industrial radio disturbances according to individu- Card 3/4 al groups of disturbance sources. The atandards for residual The Eff ~~ct At '-ain in Force in 108-13-6-6/1-1 11 -~d Jher. UsJ_ng 'khp, 9 ~andards the USSR f or In~us trial Radio Dis tux7bancas for th-a Purpos -3 of Impraq,ing Rad5io- and Tel-_,rision Reception of electric- communication systems and autom.6bil'-, txaff.'A.,~ must b~- inorieased, The present wofK Was oompilea accord- Ing to the reas7-2.ti;i of in-ve3tigati=13 aarried ow. by ths; aathon..q c S ent-Lfto Rea.-:iaroh Iwti,tu-~-t of -the llinis-*y for Postal 9.nd Thera ar3 14- figurm!sv 6 tables, an,3 L 3 of Maicl- 30`7~_`-,'. SUBMITTED, S 9 p - I.- ~Tnlb ~, r19 5, 7 ' - Rhdio 4~-,ite7fe:~ei-,ce---SLatisticaI analysis 2. Radio reception ___USQSR 3. Television reception---USSR Cara 4/.)+ 84377 S/106/60/000/006/010/013 A169/AO26 AUTHOR: Roditi, V.V. TITLE: The Parameters of an Open-Air Communication Line at High Frequen- Cies 16 PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, 1960,^,No. 6, Pp. 54 - 57 TEXT: The author describes the results of an experimental investigation of the parameters of a two-wire open-air communication 1�nelin the frequency range of 150 kc to 10 Me. The measurements of the attenuation constant (per km) were carried out by the author in connection with an investigation of the radio noise propagation along wire lines, which was conducted by the NII of the Minis- try of Communications. One of the experimental communicatJon lines of TsNIIS of the Ministry of Communications was used for this purpose. The constructional data of this 206 m long line are described. The 4 mm copper wires (spaced 20 CM apart) were tied to the insulators by caprone strings to reduce the lumped capa- citance to the ground and between wires. This measure reduced simultaneously the effect of periodic line discontinuities to a considerable extent. The meas- urements were performed.under no-load and short-circuit conditions at frequency Card 1/3 84377 S11061601000100610101013 A169/AO26 The Parameters of an Open-Air Communication Line at High Frequencies intervals of 50 kc. The input impedance was measured with the aid of a Marconi high-frequency bridge. The attenuation constant (per km) was calculated from the results of measurements of the impedance moduli (shown graphically in Fig. 1) and the phase angle of the input impedance. The results of these calculations were compiled in a graph (Fig. 2). To estimate the correctness of the measure- ments, an additional theoretical calculation was performed. The attenuation constant of the experimental line was calculated for a frequency of 1 Mc by a conventional method using the primary line parameters. The Insulator conductarm value was taken from measurement data of TsNIIS for TO-2 (TF-2) insulators. At a frequency of I Mc, the attenuation constant was 0.0482 nepers/km according to theoretical calculations, and 0.0463 nepers/km according to the experimental in- vestigation. The phase shift (per km) in dependence on the frequency was deter- mined from the line input impedance measurements under no-load and short-circuit conditions. The values obtained were compiled in Table 1. Simultaneously, the phase shift was determined by theoretical calculations. The deviation of results obtained by measurements from those by theoretical calculations does not exceed 1.6% on the average. In conclusion, the author points out that the open-air Card 2/3 84377 s/1o6/6o/ooo/oo6/o10/O13 A169/AO26 The Parameters of an Open-Air Communication Line at High Frequencies communication line of the aforementioned type (using caprone strings for tying wires to insulators) has'small phase shift values (per km) and a relatively small attenuation constant, rising evenly with increasing frequencies. Conse- quently, the line can be successfully used for establishing communication chan- nels in the frequency range of 150 kc to 10 Mc. The author expresses his grati- tude to A.D. Anapasenko and A.A. Naletov, scientific workers of TsNIIS, for L11 their valuable advice concerning the performance of this work. There are 2 figures, and I table. SUBMITTED: December 19, 1959 Card 3/3 ;~;z ;A! RODITI, V. V. Interference rejection of radiobroadcast receivers at the power supply end. Elektrosviaz' 19 no.506-39 My 165. (MIRA 18:6) SHKLOVERI G,G., inzh.; 40DIVILIN, M.D., inzh.; TITIVKIN, A.V., inzh. Vacuum condensation of steam in spiral heat exchangers manufactured by the Kaluga Turbine Factory. Energomashinostroenie 9 no.8: 4-7 Ag 163. (IffRA 16:8) (Heat exchangers) 5/191/62/000/011/006/019 B101/B186 AUTHORS: Akutin, M. S., Korshak, V. V., Rodivilova, 1. A., Vinogradova, S. V., Budnitskiy ---M . Yu. P. M. Lebedeva,.A. S. TITLE: New data on processing and properties of polyarylates PERIODICkL: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 11, 1962v 20-26 TEXT: This paper deals with experiments for determining the optimum processing conditions of polyarylates from isophthalic acid and diane (ID), terephthalic acid and diane (TD), and the mixed'polymer ITD (ratio iso- to terephthalic acid 1:1). Preliminary experiments showed that the interfacial polycondensation in more concentrated solutions than hitherto usual gave polymers with low molecular weight: thus 13.5~j by weight of diane in NaOH solution + 15-2054 by weight of isophthalic dichloride in mezhylene chloride yielded a Polymer with IBV -16,000. -A better result was obtained for ITD in the presence of 1% triethyl benzyl ammonium chloride as catalyst: the reduced viscosity in tricresol was 0-58- Injection- molded products were made from ID, TD, and ITD, and tested. Results: Card 113 s/1q1J62/000/O1i/oo6/o1q New data on processing and ... B101/B186 (1) -1t 280-360'C, ID and TD can be processed only in inert gas atmosphere since thermal destruction occurs if air is present. ITD can still be processed at these temperatures in the presence of air. (2) The strength of products depends on the molecular weight (or on the reduced viscosity). Ade'quate tensile strength (-1400 kg/CM2) is attained above Ired = 1-0- Products with a tensile strength of 850-900 kg/cm 2 were obtained from ITD with 'p. red = 1.9-2.o. (4) The tensile strength drops from 820 kg/cm2 at 2800C to 480 kg/cm2 at 3400C. (5) The effect of the molding time becomes manifest zhe tensile strength dropping from 850 kg/CM2 after 10 min to 300 kg/cm2 after 30 min ~,olding time. (6) A change in molding pressure has no effect on the tensile strength. (7) Increasing the temperature of '50 the mold from 80 to 1600C increases the tensile strength from 0 z0 820 kg/cm2, but a further increase (to 2000C) reduces the tensile strength. (8) A study of the chemical stability of injection-molded specimens and films showed: good stability to mineral and organic acids, oxidants, and dilute alkalis; poor stability to concentrated alkalis, particularly ammonia; swelling in some solvents, injection-molded specimens being more stable than films. The chemical stability of polyarylates resembles that of Dolycarbonates, and is inferior to that of polyethylene terephthalate Card 2/3 S/191/62/000/011/006/019 New data on processing and ... Bioi/Bia6 only as regards the swelling in some organic solvents. There are 6 figures and 6 tables. t 03 AUTHORSi TITLEi 8 5/19i 60/000/007/006/015 B004YB056 Rayburd, S~ M,, Shabadash, A. N.., Igonin, A.. A, Investigation of the Hardening Process of Methylol Polyamide Resins PERIODICALg Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No- 7, pp~ 20 - 22 TEXTa In Ref. 2, the authors supposed that the hardening of methylol polyamides takes place by the formation of ether cross links (CH 2-0-CH 2) or methylene cross links (N-NH 2- N).. The present paper gives a report on the spectral-analytical investigation of the hardening process. The following substances were useds polyamide resin of the type 54/10 (molecular weight 25,000) obt aI ed by polyconde !Sa tionmof caprolactam with Ar.-I (AG-) salt, further MITA-20~MPL-20) and AMVn'A'AMP) ethylol polyamides 0 he type Irl) -2110 APFFE-727-105), obtained Fy -trea-Tment of polyamide resin' 54/10 with--f-ar-a-fro-rm in ethanol or benzyl alcohol. Structure, content of methylol and methoxyl groups, and solubility are given in a table, Card 1/2 85143 Investigation of the Hardening Process of S/igi/60/000/007/006/015 Methylol Polyamide Resins B004/BO56 Pigs,, 1,2 show the infrared spectra within the range 2800 - 3300 cm-I and '1000 =' 1300 cm-ibefore and after hardening (30 hours heating to 150 OC) of the resins, which were recorded by means of a 14KC-11 (IKS-11) recording spectrometer,, The absorption bands are discussed. After 30 hours of hardening, the IR-spectra of the various resins were rather similar to)one another. The bands of the methylol- and ether groups (1000 - 1100 cm- 1 vanished during heating; no bands characteristic of the CH 2"O.-CH2groups occurred. Therefore, cross linking took place by the formation of methylene bonds. The authors mention a paper by D. N. Shigorin, There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 6 referencesa 5 Soviet and 1 US,, Card 212 RODIVILOVA9 L. A., CAND TECH SCA 9 "SYNTHESIS AND #W- OF POLYAMIDES WITH INCREASED ADHESIVE PRO PERTIES." Moscowq 1960. (MIN OF HIGHER ED USSR9 Moscow ORDER OF LENIN GHEMIco-TECHNOL INST im D. I* MENDELEYEV)* (KLI 3-61, 219). 257 66565 /p, 1 _~C) -1- -55450" L :V !U Z' Khimiya, 'It- (Ul, AUTHOR'.'): vj.;_.srv~., 1:jj., Ro,(Jiviiova, L.A. UPLE: -7h, Gluc PYE-2/10 PRf3TODTCAI.,: Vc~tn. Lekhn. i ekon. inform.-Mezhotras].. labor. tekhn.-ekon. issled. i Inform. N.-I. fizrIchii,,i. iri-ta im. L.Ya. Karpova, 1958, N! r 24 P.RS"~"R ACT: ~fiic- glue.of type-PIFE-2/1C (T-) (25-3U% alenhol-water z~olutiuri of polyamide xeoin treated by formlaldehyde) with a glue vi:~cosity -3 f 2t Pr' has I - 0- _Tse retains the positive properties-of polyamide resins, a good adhesion to many materials and is used for gluing at 222COC and in- Lr~mperaL-Ores. It Cain be used in tile aviation, machine building, leathor-foot,..,ear, printing, food m-tl other industries. it can be used for st;re:lgthening artificial leathr;r and low-quality natural 1cather as ,well as lu.,t-quality types of paper. On the base of methylolpolyarmide resin and fillera (gla3s and caprone fabric), laminated plastics are -A) 1. - c -.t i nil--d t:~y Lhe me`-horl of vacuum moldinG. It is reccf!"Merided For t ,e Card oi` polishing material used in tile producticn ot bi,11 bearings. LA," 66565 Lily i S 1 5 - 4 ", 83 it rl~;o b6UN Ul:tl. in combination with polyethylene gives. i- material which has CA:1~~jc .-prcpt~rtlf"~ ,C,'..i Lc-mceraWres, and in combination with phenolformaldehyde 0., ;U 'J~,, w -0-kkoliyd-~ glue PI" -3 1 obt~,Incd v.,hicii can be used L Z. Tv-nrlcva -jdQ 32358 S/191/62/000/001/002/006 B145/B110 AUTHORS; Kcrahak, V. V., Akutin, M. S,, Vinogradovs.2 S. V.~ Rodivilova, L. A., Valetskiy, P, IA~, Lebedeva, A~ S~, SOI-azkin. S. N~ TITLE: Polyarylates - new thermostable polymers PERIODICAL; Plasticheskiye massy, no. 1, 1962, 9-13 TEXT: A survey of the properties of polyarylates is given. They are best syathetized from bifunctional phenole and dicarboxylic acid chlorides. Some of the synthetized polyarylates and their softening temperatures are given in Table 1, The great number of rings in the polymer ensure high resistance to most organic solvents as well as to gasolines and oils. At room temperature, the polyarylate MA (ID) is stable against H 202' dilute and concentrated caustic soda solutions, acetic acid, formic acid, nitric acid, and sulfuric acid. The effect of dilute and concentrated ammonia solutions considerably reduces the molecular weight of ID. Polyarylates on the basis of phenolphthalein are readily soluble in a number of solvents, which facilitates the production of foils., A' the NIIPV- it was Card 1/ 5 32358 S119 62/000/00'1/002/oo6 Polyarylates - new thermostable 3145XII0 established that the polyarylates TA (TD) and ID withstand high tempera- tures, Decomposition increases with rising temperature, at first slowly and then sharply at about 4000C~ The oxidation of ID sets in at 2500C and proceeds slowly, Measurement of breakdown voltage, temperature deuendence of tan 6, dielectric constantg and volume resistivity for so-me polyarylates prove that they are better dielectrics than polyethylene terephthalate, polycarbonate, etc, Polyarylates have good mechanical properties at various temperatures. Working processes are being elaborated at present, Specimens of mixed polyarylates were obtained by pressure casting, the tensile strength of which reached 850 kp/CM2~ specimens Work is sprayed on metal showed an adhesion to metal of 75 to 1'0 kp/CM2~ also in progress on polyarylates with double bonds and free functional gzroups, They might be used as a basic material for the production of varnishes, glues, glass-.reinforced plastics, and foam plastics. There are 5 figures, 6 tables; and 5 Soviet references. Table 1. Softening temperature of polyarylates of different structures, I Legend; 0.) polyarylate; (2) structure of the chain link; (5) softening temperature in oc; (4) TD; (5) !D; (6) TG; (7) IG; (8) TR; (9) !Rt (10J TF; (11) IF; (12)-(14) !TD; (15) IDR; (16) TDR; (17) IFD; (18) IAD; 4 the Card 2/1 32358 S/191/62/000/001/002/006 Polyarylates new thermostable B145/B110 molecular ratio of the initial dicarboxylic acid chlorides related to I mole of diol is given in parentheses; * * the molecular ratio of the initial diols related to I mole of dicarboxylic acid chloride is given in parentheses,. RODIVIIDVA, L.A.; BATALOVA, L.G.; VLASOVA, K.N.; KAIIAVETS, I.F. Effect of the length and nature of a side alcbhol radical on tile structural and mechanical properties of methvlolpolyamides. Plast. massy no.6:14-19 160. (MIRA 13:31) (Pblyamides) (~lcohols) ~'( -IDI'VIL011A) L. A. arZI AKINUN, M. S. (UsSR) 0 geterogennom metode polIkondensatsii On the heterogeneous method of the polycondensation IUPAC S 1:228-36 report presentdd at the Intl. Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry, Moscow, 14-18 June 6o. ACCESSION IIR: AP14039942 s/o1qi/64/o0r-/oo6/0013/C,0l6 AIMOR. Rodi-Alova, L. A.; Akutin, Me Be; Morozova, S. A.; Pshenitsina,. V. P. TITIZ- Themal aging of film materials based on type D-4 polyarylates SOURCE: Plasticbeakiye rassy*, no. 6, 1964, 13-16 TOPIc -p-,-,.Lyary1ate, D 4 polyarylate, themal stability, diphenylolpropane acid condensate, diphenylolpropane isophtha.3-ic acid condensate, isoph thalic acid ratio., film strength, dielectric property., IR spectra, ezrter bood, bond rupture A26TPACT, stability of type D-4 polyarylate film (condensation and a mixture of terephthalic and isophthalic acids) was ex ri was cn:i1d-~eu. ciiange in film strength or dielect c properties observed o 'a a'.~ 70-100C. At 150 and 200C there was no change in strength --riod, the strength then increased 14-16% and then gradually-, Ulin,7, ~i~l decrew;r!:', TbF tl~ienual stability is dependent on the isophthalic-.terepbt alic acid vtt,I~,o in y~~Iyarylate., a decrease in the terephthalic acid iucr~a'sed the ther-n.-J. ~j T!; was established by IR spectroscopy'that the D-4 polyarylate Card AccE-ssi(v-,i-IR- ,~iplio39942 doe,B not. 11-1-v'~:,7. rt~'iictural changes at 150G; at 200C the structural changes are Primi-xi-I", asst~ciated with the rupture of the -M 3 group from the quaternary carbon, atom in rIIpheny!.rAp.4-,)pa:ae to fozm methane, thus: CH, C-/ ~COOL -0- ~--COO-< Oc . ........... ci-1, CH, ...-Oc +CH4 00C -0-0- _C> 7.0 Card 2/3 83414 S/191/60/000/006/006/015 5-, q'8 3, B004/BO54 AUTHORS: Rndivilnyq. L.- '.,I Batalova, L. G.v Viasoval Ko N,j Kanavets, I. F. TITLE: Influence of Length and Type of the Alcohol Side Radical on the Structural and Mechanical Properties of Methylol Polyamides PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 6, pp~ 14 - 19 TEXT: The authors refer to pe*evious papers (Refs, 1;2,5) in which they studied polycondensa i;nriby measuring the structural and mechanical characteristics of commercial methylol polyamideslThe structure of the compounds was as follows; ... _HN(CH 2)n CO(CH 2)mCONH(CH2) NCO-- 9H OK 4H OC H 2 2 2 5 The present paper deals with the influence of alcoholaq in the medium of which the polycondeneation takes place, and whose radicals are introduced as a side chain into the polymer, Further, the authors studied the harden- ing process under the action of high temperatures, and the change in Card 1/3 83414 Influence of Length and Type of the Alcohol S/iqi/6o/ooo/oo6/oo6/015 Side Radical on the Structural and B004/BO54 Mechanical Properties of Methylol Polyasides mechanical properties by different hardening agents. Fig. I indicates the experimental data (deformation an a function of at-ress)ror poly- amide films of the type 5V_ 10, and nethylol polyamide films 0 f the typeltf3-2/10 (PFE-2/12).fBoth substances contain a crystalline phase, Hardening changes the ropertles of PFE-2/10 and ine-reases its tensile strength (Fig. 2), The strength of nethylol polyamides, in which the ethyl group of the side chain was substituted by CH 3? C3H7' CHqC H 5' C4H99 or CH2CH-CH 2, decreased with increasing chain length of the radical, even more so in the case of substitution by_allgl- or benzyl radicals (Fig. 3). After hardening by heating to 125 130 C in the presence of acid catalysts (oxalic acid, maleic acid; etc.)j however, the films of differently substituted nethylol polyamides showed only slight differences in their mechanical properties (Fig. 5). While in unhardened films the modulus of elasticity and the strength if long alcohol molecules were introduced, these charaoterist 'ics in- creased after hardening (Fig. 4)~ Figz 6 shows the influence of tem- perature on MG-1 (M S-1) polyester filmi Pig. 7 the influence on Card 2/3 -if 8341h Influence of Length and Type of the Alcohol S/191/60/000/006/006/015 Side Radical on the Structural and B004/BO54 Mechanical Properties of Wethylol Polyamides PFE-2/10 film. Fig.. 6 represents the logarithm of the elasticity modulus as a function-of 1/T. The identical course of the straight line in UPS-1 and PFE 2/10 suggests the same nature of the intermolecular bond. Fig. 9 shows the influence of different hardening agents (benzoyl per- oxide, styrene). The introduction of aethyl side radicals weakens the hydrogen bond between the macromolecules of the polyamide: The intro- duction of radicals larger than CH3 loosens the structure even more. The properties of the polymer can be modified not only by different side radicals but also by the type of hardening agent and other high- molecular compounds. At temperatures above 800C, the thermal activation energy is 1:14 kcal/mole, which suggests the dispersive character of the bonding forces in the resin. The authors mention papers by P. P. Kobeko (Ref. 6 and V. A. Kargin, 0. A. Slonimskiy, A: Ia Kitaygorodskiy (Ref. 7~. There are 9 figures and 7 Soviet references~ Card 3/3 M. S.; KORSHAK, V. V - RODIVILOVA L. A.- VINOGRADOVA, S. V.; AKUTIIIY VA y BUDNITSKIY, Yu. M.; VA~LETSKI-Y-,-P. M---` VESEb'EVA' i. S~l I Priimli uchastiy6.'. BONDAREVA, Ye. A., laborant; RESNIKOVA, L-0 M.Jv laborant; KOVALEVA, T. G., laborant Now data on the processing and properties of polyarylates. Plast. missy no.11:20-26 162. (MIM 16:1) (Esters) (Condensation products(Chamistry)) Card ,1/2 r4 10. 'k Ai; i3 AV a to 420 32 19 It Ea. iU J~W.3 S/191/60/000/002/003/012 B027 B058 AUTHORS: Akutin, M. S., Rodivilova, L,._A. TITLE: The Method of Heterogeneous Polycondensation PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 2, pp. 14-17 TEXT: The authors studied the possibility of obtaining polyamides on the interface, with and without mixing of the heterogeneous system. L. A. Sakharova, S. A. Gershkokhen, and L. P. Fekrasova participated in the ex- perimental work. Their results confirmed those obtained by V. V. Korshak and correspond to the reaction mechanism pioposed by him, at which a re- action component present in abundance does not inhibit the reaction of the end groups with other initial substances, so that the polymer chain con- tinues to develop. If the polymer is formed on the interface as a film which prevents further development of the polymer chain, the interface must be continuously set free. This is done either by mixing the hetero- geneous system or by continuous polymer extraction at the interfacet the latter process having been performed by means of the mechanical instal- lation by M. P. Shapenko, which also permits to vary the extraction rate Card 112 The Method of Heterogeneous Polycondensation S/191/60/000/002/003/012 B027/BO58 from 0.5 to 12 m/min. Individual factors influencing the yield and molecular weight of the polymers were also studied, e.g., the addition of certain salts (Ref. 8) to the aqueous phase and of surface-active sub- stances during mixing; an increase of the polymer yield up to 75-90% was thus obtained. It was also found that a certain feed rate of the reagents must correspond to a certain extraction rate. Polycondensation on the interface took place at 220C + 20; an increase above 20 to 250C is not suitable since the diffusion of the reagents increases. Polymers with different physical and chemical properties are manufactured by the above method, according to the initial components, i.e. diamine and diacid anhydride. Phthalamides and polyamides without hydrogen bonds are of interest, as well a*s the production of copolymers with given properties; furthermore, polymers may be obtained on the basis of products such as ethylene diamine, which at present is not used for the production of high-molecular polyamides according to the homogeneous method. There are 4 figures, 5 tables, and 8 references: 2 Soviet, 2 British, and 4 US- Card 2/2 5- AUTHORS: Vlasova, K. N., Rodivilova, L. A. TITLE: Methylol Polyamide Glues 88318 S11911601000100210051012 B027/BO58 PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 2, pp. 19-23 TEXT: The authors studied various types of methylol polyamide glues which are produced on the basis of methylol polyamide resins and widely used for industrial purposes. In contrast to ordinary polyamides, methylol polyamide polymers and glues are hardenable. The hardeners are usually added to the glues before use, in an amount of from 1 to 2-5% and up to 1(rj'a' related to the weight of solid resin. The thermal resistivity of glues hardened in this way is thus increased so that they withstand a tempera- ture of 1500C for longer periods, are insoluble in alcohol and alcohol water mixtures and resistant against boiling water. The introduction of side groups into the polymer greatly improves the properties of the common polyamide resins. Various materials may be glued with methylol polyamides, such as ferrous and nonferrous metals, silicate and organic glass, leather, fabrics, ceramics, concrete, wood, and certain plastics. The most widely Card 1/3 Nethylol Polyamide Glues 88318 S11911601000100210051012 B027/BO58 used glue of the type ITJ)2/10 (PPE 2110), which was studied in greatest detail, is a 25 to 30~o alcoholic aqueous solution of methylol polyamide with a viscosity of from 30 to 40 poises. The glue is easy to be used, nontoxic, and stable even at low temperatures; the coatings are heat re- sistant for up to 200 hre at temperatures of from 130 to 1500C. This highly elastic product with great adhesive power is of special importance for the leather and shoe industry; by saturation with the glue and/or doubling, the durability of low-quality leather is increased by 100 to 150% or 30 to 9Cr/o. The respective experiments were made in cooperation with the 4H 3jlkD* (TsNELKOZh). The gluing of the upper parts of shoes instead of stitching them is also new. The glue of the type 1T~3 2/10 (PPE 2/10) saves work in the polygraphic trade, since books are not stitched to- gether, but glued with it. With this glue, a world atlas in an edition of 130,000 copies was produced without seams by the Minskaya kartografiche- skaya fabrika (Minsk Cartographic Factory). The glue Wr4~-I (MPF-1) has a specially high adhesive power compared with metals. The glue M7r3-21 DIPE-21), developed by the HWWITM (NIIPM) Jointly with the HOWPT ~ITIIRP) serves for rubber gluing on the basis of organofluorine, nitrile- and styrene rubber. The glue types MIrJI -20 (MPL-20), MTC -1 (MPS-1) Card 2/3 Methylol Polyamide Glues S/191/60/000/002/005/012 B027/BO58 FIM -12 (PPI-12), and 73M -2 (PVI-2) are mentioned. The glue of the type A WT(AMP), -which is soluble in acetone, has the highest elasticity of all glues on the basis of methylol polyamide polymers. Its use as plasticizer for the manufacture of water-resistant grinding materials yielded very S,Lti!3factory results. Further work is conducted concerning the piroduction of new glue types by modification of polyamides by means of other high- molecular compounds and/or polycondensation with certain monomers. The polyamide epoxy glue is also studied and glues with hieher heat resistance on the basis of methylol polyamide resins are beinC! produced. There are 9 tables and 11 Soviet references. Card 3/3 S/191/60/000/011/014/016 B013/B054 AUTHORS; Yermolina, A. V., Rodivilova, L. A., Vlasova, K. N., Igonin, L. A. TITLE: X-Ray Investigation of the Degree of Order of Methyl Poly- amide Resins PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 11, PP- 56-59 TEXT: The authors studied the change of the degree of order of methyl polyamide materials depending on the concentration of met.hylol groups and of the side radical, as well as during the process of setting. They used products of joint condensation of C-caprolactam and AG salts which, on treatment with paraformaldehyde in various alkaline media, form chains of the type HN(CH 2)n-N-CO(CH 2)m CO ....... -N- . The X-ray structural I I CH2Off UtL2VR analysis was made on a YPC-50-0 (URS-50-I) apparatus. The intensity dis- tribution curve for the initial polyamide (Fig. 1) is distinguished by three distinct maxima. One of them shows a strong, the two others a weak Card 11/2 X-Ray Investigation of the Degree of Order of S/191/60/000/011/014/016 Methyl Polyamide Resins BO13/B054 intensity. On introduction of methylol groups, the X-ray pattern of the resin changes considerably. On introduction of methylol and methoxyl side groups, the order of the polymeric system changes (Fig. 2). By an increase in the number of methylol groups introduced into the polymerio chain from 2.23 to 8.1%, the degree,of order changes with main- tenance of the mean intermolecular distances of 4.37 A. On an enlargement of the alkyl radical introduced, from the methoxy-ethyl to the methoxy- butyl radical, the intermolecular distances change from 4.37 A to 4.41 A. Further enlargement of the alkyl radical effects no great change of dif- fraction patterns (Fi.-. 3). By introduction of aromatic (methoxy benzyl) and cyclic (methoxy furyl) radicals, the degree of order of the corres- ponding methylol polyamides decreases considerably (Fig. 3, curves 6 and 7~ Irrespective of the nature and size of side radicals, the intermolecular distances are shortened from 4-41 A to 4.2 A due to hardening. This sug- gests that in all cases methylene cross bonds are formed between the poly- amide chains. There are 4 figures and 4 Soviet references. Card 2/2 AKUTIN, M.S.; RQglylLQVA, L.A.; Prinimali uchaBtiyen &UHAROVA, L.A.; GERSHKOKHRM, A.; MMMSOVA, L.P. Heterogeneous polycondensation method. Flast.massy no.2: 14-17 l6o. (XIM 13:6) ;~I- - - --- TUSOVA, K.N.; RQDIYIW-,VA, L.A. - Methylol polyamide adhesives. Plast.massy no.2:19-23 160. WRb- 13:6) (Adhesives) (Polyamides) (Formaldehyde) 5( 1 5) 'iUTHORS: K. SOV/1:~'3-53-4-16/22 Petrov, G. S. TITLE: Methylol Polyum-ide Resins (Lietilolpoliamidnyye smoly) PERIODTCAL: Izvesti-ra vysshil:h uchebnyl~h za-,rodeniy. " Jmiya 1chir.-licheskay a - Kh- tel:hnolojiya, 1956, lir 4, DP 98 - 105 (USSR) ,'-.BSTRACT: Polyaimide re~;ins are only little used as glucs because of their insufficient adhesion to various materials. As the authofs believe tiiat the introduction of polar groups into the chain of the polymer macromaolecule Vrould improve the adhesion, they follor..-ed the -aay of treatinG high-molecular polyamides ;,,ith parafor-ialdehyde to produce the resins nentioned in the title. This idea is not new (Ref 1). The authors chose an other way than the patent owners (Ref 1). Vney used alcohol- soluble mixed polyamide resins of the binary and ternary system. They succeeded in producinE a thermoreactive polyamide with good -adhesion properties, which makes possible its use as a .-lue. Thie produced polyo-a-ide is Card 1/3 also suited for the production of films. its pliysico- .'.'et',,Ylol Pollamide Resins 53-4-16/22 SOV1153-11 mechanical properties a-re given in Vile tables 2 and 3. O-otinun Droduction conditions of met'hylol Dolyamide ,.7e-,e determined; formal"dehyde and alcohol concentration, dur..-ition of the condensa.+-ion, and natu-7-c of the catalyot (formic acid). It was proved that bezides the formation of polar methylol groups (-CH 2OH) also methoxy-othyl groups (-CH 20C2115) are formed. The ratio between those groups deponds on the amount of the reacting component as well as on the nz;Ltur,, of the catalyst. In the methylol polyamide Slue in -2/10 there a ioxy-et1lyl are 4,5-5%o methylol groups and 30-elo met' 6 ercentage -roups. Recalculated witi, respect to the p* of the substituted amide groups this amounts to 42.5-49.7%. It rnay be assumed that 'hanrdenln6- takes place due to the fornation of methylene and methyle-e-ether bridges. The reaction velocity of the hardenin~~ of rieth.-lol poly- iides in depo.,ndence on the temper~-,ture and on the catalyots was investiC~.-ated. T'-,e properties of the hardened ,!,~ethylol polyamide re~;ins are essentially Card 2/3 difierent from those not hardened. The forner '-ave a !JeUylol Polyaraide Resins SOV/153-58-4-16/22 heat resistance of more than 150 0 and are resistant to boiling water and alcohols. The 6lue in question, PFE -2/10, is industrially produced and is used in polygraphic, food and other industries. There are 7 fiE~ures, 4 tables, -and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. A S S 0 C 101. if~-uc',Ino-isoludovitellsl,-.iy institut Plastmass (Scientific I(C-nearch Inatitute of SUB11IT'ED, October 23, 1957 FARITIYEVA, O.V.; TKACHENKO, A.I.; RODIVILOVA, L.A.; BAYRAKOV, K.P.; VLASOVA, K.N. Use of polyamide glues for ase.embling parts of shoe uppers. Kozh.-obuv. prom. no.8:17-20 Ag '59. (MIRA 13:1) (Shoe manufacture) /X PSTROV.G.S., doktor tekhuicheskikh nauk, professor; VIASOVA,K.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; RMIVILOVA,L.Ai..; SHEYDIL&,T.Z., inzhener; 7-AVlL'GBL'SlIT,L.M.,-ftlM Now shoe adhesive based on polyamide resins,. Leg.prom.15 no.8: 31-33 Ag '55. (KIML 8: 10), 1. Mladshiy nauchrAyy sotrudnik Nauchno-issledovatellskogo iusti- tuta plasticheskikh mass. (for Rodivilova) (Shoe industry) (Resins. Synthetic) BAYBURD, S.M.; 40DIYIWVA, L.A,; TIASOVA, K,N.; SHABADASH, A.N.; IGONIN, A.A. Study of the solidification of methylol polyamld* reeles. Plast. massy no.7s20-22 160. (I= 13ilO) (Reslusp *8010*10) (PbUmuldes) YERMOLINA, A.V.;__HQ_k)IVILOVA, L.A.; VLASOVA, K.N.; IGONIN, L.A. X-ray study of the extent of-molecular ordering in methylolpolyamide resins. Plast.massy n0-11:58-59 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Resins. Synthetic) (rolyamides) 1~ L me unper presented o --gh Ri"%-ers, 2,C,, J--n-2 Feb 17, "o s (,.,7 .1--searc." InSL. or-, 35472-65 V'e~'~ ACCESSION NR: AP464680k n ca at-ure' s ape- variation in mecha i 1,pr peiftes witW-varyin Adl~g,-temper molding time was also, studied,. -The - ata, -compAre w t t ose.,obtathe for a polymer with a reduced 97 h in-4 d viscosity 16V-0 ~ .,~,s ov t at the change re ucle v cosit does notaffect Y the pi6ci_e'ss1nS:c6ndLt1 f or:D-4~: orrtj~ art has- 6 ona tables and 9figureso ASSOCIATION* None SUMMED! 00 -ENCL: ~00" SUB CODE: MT,~OC.* NO REF,SOV* 004 OTHERm*,003 - y I Car4 3/3 ' 7~7T' 43754-66~ E,:4Z(M)j -1/am ACC NRt AP6030845 SOURCE CODE: UR/0191/66/000/009/0013/0016 AUTHOR: Israilov, D.: Rod ivi1q)j4,, Akutin. M. S. ORG: none TITLE: Synthesis and investigation of phosphorus-containing polvar 1 esters SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 9, 1966, 13-16 TOPIC TAGS: polyaryl ester, phosphorus containing polyaryl ester, thermal oxidative stability, fire resistant resin) F_5rr-e , oP4J-YRRY'-L RF6,;A-) , 1A);rFte4CR01.1q-4_ P04 ~o VEAJ 74 r/0--) ABSTRACT: It is noted that such desirable properties of polyaryl esters?as high soft- ening points re also the cause of processing difficulties due to thermal-oxidative degradati n.j?Because the presence of phosphorus in the polymer backbone was expected to improve thermal-oxidative stability, phosphorus-containing polyaryl esters were pre pared. The method used was interfacial polycondensation of methyl-, vinyl-, 0-chloro- ethyl-, or phenyl-phosphonic dichloride and bisphenol A. The reaction kinetics was st4 ied and the optimum preparative conditions were determined. The polymers had a hiX molecular weight, a higher softening point (220-250C) than is usual for phos- ph6rus-containing ~;ood solubility, and ,polyesters, high thermal-oxidative stabilityj g were nonburninR.J.'~Thermal and thermal-oxidative stability rose with increasing amount of __ - V phosphorus in the backbone as well as on going from a methyl to a phenyl substi- toent at the phosphorus atom. The,unsaturated polyaryl esters from vinylphosphonic 2 UDC: 678.85 43754-66 ACC NR& AP6030845 dichloride and (0-chloroethyl)phosphonic dichloride (after dehydrochlorination of the OTchloroethyl side group) were shown to lend themselves to cross-linking andcopolyme= izatior~with unsaturated monomers in the presence of initiators and accelerators. Orig. art. has: 3 tables and 4 figures. [SM] SUB CODE: 07, Il/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 014/ OTH REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: 5074 L 00834--67-., _~WT(m)/EWP(j)/T RM ACC NRs AP6027775 C,4) SOURCE CODE- UR70190/66/0081008/1414/1417 AUTHOR: Israilov, D.;, Rodivilova, L. A. T~ ORG: Scientific Research Institute of Plastics (Nauchno-issledovatellaidy institut plastichesldkh mass) TITLE: Polycondensation of some dichlorides of phosphorus -.containing acids ~with 2, 2-di-(4-oxyphenyl) propane SOURCE: Vysokomolekulyarn e soyedineniya,. v. 8. no. 8. 19660~ 1414-1417,1 Y7 TOPIC TAGS: polycondensation, propane ABSTRACT: The polycondensationlof dichlorides of vinylphosphinic and,phenyl- phosphoric acids with 2,2-di-(4-oxyphenyl) propane was kinetically analyzed arid. the reaction rates, activation energies, and.temperature coefficientsvere deter mined. It was determined that the above-mentioned reactions are of the second. order. The kinetic activity of dichlorides with respect to 2,2-di-(4-oxyphenyl) Card 1/2 UDQ 541.64+678.86 R:~ ---CODE: U_RVO4-13)GW_66o7OO41 )!6 0162 ACC NR. AP60099,33 (A) SOURM INVENTORt Rodivilova, L. A.; Akutin, H. S., Gershkokhang S. L. b ORGe None TITLF.3 Preparation of sacromolecular aliphatic polymaid Class 39v No. 1"987 SOME: Izobreteniya progynblenWe obraztoy,, toyarnyye znakio no. 4, 19669 162 TOPIC TAGSs macromolecular polysmaide, polyanLide, aliphatic polyamide ABSTRACT: An author certificate has been issued describing a method of preparing macromolocular-aliphatic polyamides by polycondeneation at the interphass with diacid chlorides of carbo3ylic acids and diamines. Synthesis is aonducted in solutions with an increased concentration of reagents. SUB CODEt Il/ SUBM DAM 23Msy6l Card -L1 IM I -L-r 'ZL IN, L.A -3t ,y Df the st,-nuct.Ural and mechanic-al p ~-P-rtaes ,:)f plasticized D 4 type films and p3ssibilitles of . their orientation.- Plast. Mass-I 1'10.3:34"'~-36 165. NRA 18:6) MOROZ0,111A, 3 ,_Se,4 3L L4, aging of ri.-Im materia lu3 .1 64- 'm:4) I AKUTIIJ~ RODIViLO"A, L.A.; ZININ, Ye.F. Structural and mechanical properties and orientation possibilities of D/,-type polyarylate films. Plast. massy no.12,,26-29 161,. (MIRA 180) T ~ r 'I Fc t1 1 JV :t n ,.,1 1n a r c,-,e "i and, p, oce~io--,g ccn,~: ~-,n s ya ana t n 'C', (MIRA .,7~-_i BORKOVSKlY, N.A.; VOSTOKOV, A.I.; ZINIREC., I.S.; LITLSEUN,I.P.; 14EL'NIK, IMITROFAliOV, V.P.; )~OREEtyj:t~H_A.V.; SILIN, AKUBOVSKIY V.V.; YERF.4ZENO, B.A., F.I.[deceasedi; Y, .1 retsenzent; 11ARIYATCHIK, V.L.., reit"senzent; 1"iAKSIEOV, A.I., retsenzent; FRTTYKINA, L.A., red. [Handbook for the sugar manufacturerl Spravochnik sakhar- nika. Moskva, Fishchevaia prorgshlenp-ost'. Pt.2. 1965. 778 p. (MIRA 18:9) pr,01~7.7,r. A. %T. Mec"-i c Dr4 EI.ectric drive op, n cenir"i.irge. Sp'-h. prom. 26, No. 2, 1--15?- Ac--es,.ions. Ubrary of Congress, JLne 1052. TE Monthly -List of Lilis CT T RODKEVICH, A.V. Power coefficient of electric installations of sugar factories. Sakh. -prom. 27 no.4:12-15 Ap 153. (YERA 6;6) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovanivu novogo stroitelistva i rekonstruktaii predpriyatiy sakharnoy promyshlennosti. (Electric machinery) OMELI CEMIKO, A.N., kandidat teldinicheskil-ch nauk, redBk-tor; AVERSHIN. S.G., doktor tekhnicheskIkh nauk.' professor, redaktor; XUAKOVSKIY, D.A., doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk, professor, redaktor; KUMMMOV, G.N., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, redaktor; NIKIFCROV, B.I., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, professor, redaktor-, RODKIVICH. D.V., kandida't tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; TIMCFBTEV, inzhener, redaktor; SLAVOROSOV, A.Kh., redaktor; SHPAK. Te.G., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Studies in B'urveyingj resladovar*4 po voprosam.marksheiderskogo dola. Moskva.-Ugletakhizdat. No. 27. 1953.'1-94 p. [Microfilm]. NEW 8:7) 1. Leningrad. Tsesoyuzny7 nauchno-looledovatellski7 marksheyder- skiy institut. (mine surveying)