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A.I.; KHITRUK, M.S.; PROKOPOVICH, A.Ye., red.; SHEMSHURIKA, Ye.A., red.izdatel'stva; MITVEYEVA, Te.N., [Modernization of interior grinding machines; practical instructions] Modernizatsii vnutrishlifovalInykh stankov; rukovodiashchie materialy. Pod red. A.E.Prokopovicha. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. 1957. 51 P. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Moscow. Eksperimentallny~r nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut metallorezhushchikh stankov. (Grinding machines) * "~' - L "T. .' 1. 1. 7rin-N--ir ~inr4 ririn,l.iii- alth :-.~~oln,, filliq trrillab. wh-ntl. Star. i ln3tr., 2", no. 7, ~' 1 .1 c, 11 . 11 . - I 9r: -) i ". 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ll,'ovt.-.I)tr Uncl. i I~ , 7* , , I ! . ". . : '; 1". 1! i 1 -1 e -.r 7-, , , - 7 1 _ 7 .1, - - , -- I - . ~4 1 1 - ~. ~ :-- --.;- 1, 1 -,, -. - O~ H-. , ; : -, -: ": ~1' 1. 1 -- a, ~ T- j . - . I I~o ACC N"q' ATW035109 SOURCE CODE: UR/0l37/66/000/008/1C-02G/E026 A i A. Ye. ; Riv"n, A, L, Steykunas, R. I. Chistyakov, A. -'ITLE. t Low-curvent welding rectifier SC)UHCEI: Ri_--f. zh, Pvletallur8,riya, -in,,~ 8 E i. 6 5 HEF SOURCE: Sb. SvaroChn. vypryamiLoli, Villnyus, 1965, 121-126 TOPIC TAGS: welding electrode, welding (3(jUipment, rectifier, welding rectifier C, /VSKG-30 we"dincr rectifier ABSTRACT: A description is given of the VSKG-30 low amperage welding rectifier, which was developed and produced at. the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electric Welding Equipment (UNNIIESO) together ~vith the Vilnius Branch. It is intended for use in welding of thin-walled parts in in Ar or lie medium with a L tungsten electrode. The rectifier consists of a step-down transformer, a satura- tion choke coil with an attachment for- welding -a crater and controlling the welding current, an oscillator for arc excitation, an Si-rectifying unit, and start -controlling measuring, and protecting units. With a 3011o duty cycle the rectifier is designed for Card 1 / 2 UDC: 621. 791. 75. 037 ACC 114Rs ARG035109 welding currents up to 30 amp with control limits of 1-32 amp; the time for Nvelding~ a crater can be set within 1--6 see. Orig, art. has: 3 figures. R. Sychev, [Trans-, lation oil abstract) (INT] SUB CODE: 13/ Car4a ~/2 REMPELI, A.M.; SUKHOV, P.V.; KOPEYKIN, A.A., glavnyy red.; ROKHVARGER, Ye.L.f zamestitell glavnogo red.; VASYUTINSKAYA, A.A., red.; GARTSMAN, B.M., red.; ZAYONTS, R.M., red.; LUNDINA, M.G., red.; NOSOVA, Z.A., red.; PETROV, N.A., red.; RIVKIN, A.M., red.; ROMANOV, P.R., red.; SOKOLOV9 P.V., red.; FEYN, Yu.E., red.; KOSYAKINA, Z.K., red.; KASIMOV, D.Ya. , [Research on clay materials] Issledovanie glinistogo syrlia. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 119 p. (Kuchino. Gosudarstvennyi nauchno- issledova'uellskii institut stroitellnoi keramiki. Trudy no.22). ~MIRA 17:3) R-IrvM". A.5, , inzh. I yJmg agent of a coal dust sys*,X,-m. R6c4rculatiGn of the dr Energetik 10 no.l~;31-32 A t62. (MIRA 1/,.12) (E--jectri- power Plants) k'Goal,, PiO:verized) SEGAL, Bentsion Izrailevich; SEMENDYAYEV, Konstantin Adollfovich; - RNK.O., A.Z.2 red.; YEPIIIKGV, Ye.A., tekhn. red. [Five-place mathematical tables]Piat_Jz-nqchnye matematicheskie tablitsy. Izd.3. Yoskva, Fizmatgiz, 1962. 463 P. (MIRA 15:12) (Mathematics-Tables, etc.) GAYRILOV, A.A., G..~., inzh.; KIREYKV, M.I., inzh. .RIV'KIN, A.Ya., inzh. Distribution boards and unitr Iror tension up to 320 v. made of standard blocks. Prom.energ. 12 no.8:28-31 Ag '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Electric apparatus and appliances) (Electric switchgear) RIVKIN, B. "Nauchnye zapiski" of the Leningrad Institute of Finance and Economics. Fin.SSSR 16 no.10:83-0 0 155. (MLHA 9:2) (Finance--Periodicals) RIVKIN, E4 V.I. Lenin and the nationalization of banks in the U.S.S.R. Den.i kred. 15 no.6:16-24 Je 157. (MLHA 10:7) (Lenin, Vladimir Illich, 1870-1924) (Banks and banking) RIVKIN. B. , prof. Financial control in the building of communism. Fin. SSSR. 23 no.1:19-29 Ja 162. 04IRA 15:2) (Finance) (Auditing) RIVKIN. B. "The organization of collective farm finances'. Fin.SWR 16 no.12.'73-82 D 155. (MIRA 9:2) Onasia-Finance-History) RIVKINP B. Finance and credit during the period of the Great October Revolution Moskva, Gosfinizdat, 1939. 149 p. Yudin H-Tl2O7.R5 RIVKIN, B., doktor ekon.nauk V.I.Lenin and Soviet finance. Fin.SSSR 21 no.4:5-18 Ap 16o. (MIBA 13:4) (Lenin, Vladimir Il'ich, 1870-1924) (Pinance) RIVM, B, "Oatline himtory of pre-revolutionary Rassian finance." A.Po- grebinskli.R#viewed by B.Rivkin. Den. I kcred. 13 no. 1:52- 57 Ja '55. (KLRL 8:2) (Pogrebinskii, A.P.)(Finance--History) LTUBIHOV, H.N., prof.; ALLAMFMYAN, D.A., dotsent; STAM, V.M., dotsent; GOLIDENBERG, A.M., dotsent; VIIJOKUR, R.D., dotsent; AZARKH, M.R.. dotsent; SHIM, I.D., prof.; RIVKIK, B.B.., dotsent; ABROSKIN, A.A., dotsent; DYMSHITS, I.A., dotsent [deceased]; KONISJUN. F.V., prof.; IPATOV, P.F., dotsent; NIKOWSKIY, P.S.,- kand.ekon.nauk; ROSORNA, L., red.; TELEGINA, T., & [Finance in the U.S.S.R.; a collection] Finaney SSSR. Avtorskii kollaktiv pod rukovodstvom D.A.Allakhverdiana i 4.N.Li-ubim4v4. Koskva, Gosfinizdat, 1958. 391 P. WILA 12:4) 1. Moskovskiy finansovyy institut (for all exce-Dt Roshchina, Telegina). (Finance) f-, I T~ 1',, 1; . ~ ~- T.J1," " ^ Y A I 1~ - '- l'-:1 25328 Ot-f' etstvenrostb Voen-,osluzh ash chIch Za Soklirannostb Voennogo imushchestva. Tyl i Snabzhenie Vooruzh. Sil., 1948, No. 7, S. 15-22 SO: LETOPIS NO. 30, 1948 ixxxxxxqmy-)~~=, AKOPYANT, G.; RIVKIII, -B. - Visuall aids on economic disciplines. Vop. ekon. no.10.136-140 o 6:L. (MIlrt 14'10) (Economics-.Audio-visual aids) PETROV, I.P., inzh.; RIVKINf G.) inzh. Drilling rods made of pipes. Bezop.truda. v PrOm- 4 no.6:24 Je 160. (KCRA 14:3) (Boring machinery) RT11KI11) G .,A1. On 31 1--fay 1946, at the Power Engineering Institute imeni Molotov, defended his dissert-ation on "The Problems of the Operating Conditions of Rectifiers for the Electrolysis of Aluminum". Official onronent's - Doctor of Technical Scionces Professor I. L. Ka-~-.anov, and Candidate of Technical Sciences Docent 1-1. G. Chili"'.-ija. So: MrActriches"Vo, No 4, April. 1947, pp 90-94 ( U-5577, 18 February 1954 Formulas were presented for determining the electrical quantities characterizing the operation of rectifiers under various operating conditions. A graphic method was worked out for deternining the electrical quantities under various operating conditions, and computation charts were made up. Basic relationships and curves were given for determining the content of higher harmonics in the primary circuit and on the side of the current rectifier, as well as basic relationships for evaluating the effect of higher harmonies op. the generators of the supply station, on asynchronous motors included in the circuit, and on the contact line. Pormulas were presented and vector diagrams w~'rked out for equivalent m-Ati-phase operation. Recorw-endations were made for- the selection of a minimum number of phases for various supply and operating con- ditions. The permissible depth of circuit regulation, the permissible Dower factors, and the value of the cathode choke for reducin.- the compenating current among machinea were determined. The method was illustrated by examples of calculations. J." 2", ,; I ` rE. ! *~ " , 0~ . A . ll,lanstru,`*~-n ol 'i~cle D-,'a--.-.s Regulation of ionic Converters," I I- - I - -L.'.'--',-,tricl.estvo ~;O- 9, 19z"). Cand. Tecllnic~d ~;ci. Tecturer, Moscow Zneraetics Inst. V.I.". Molotov, -C1949, 0 qI-VK1N, I. A. IlFroblems of flanning Rle~;tifier Substations anj lypes of Desi!,7ns for Single-Anode .1 .ectifiers," reyorted in the article "First All-Union Scien-,ific and Technical '~--35~on on Mercury-Arc Rectifiers," Zlektrichestvo, No. 11, 1949. I r1andidate of Technical Sciences, of Tsentroelektromontazh. Abstract 1-1-9395, 10 Apr 1950 f 1 1 -i -1, i .-I ,r'. 2". . 0 I reobr,,~~zovatelnye Ustanovki Bolshoi Moschricsti (III&li Powcr Transformer installpticas), 255 McEcw end Leningrad, 19151- RIVKINP G,A.. k.---d. tokhn.-naukv-dots-a-vt 3emis-raphical design of-a eeriee-and-serles-pamllel ilmrtero Trudy MEI 53:35-4.4 165. (MIRA 18:10) in v 1~ zll~ r.11 1, s ng AVINOVITSKIY, I.Ya.: ALLKSEYEV, S.V.; BAILMOV) B.M.; GELIMRI , R.Ye.; DVOSK.D,I, L.I.; DOLGIVOV, A.I.; YEWILOV, A,A~; ZALESSKTY, Yu.Ye.; KIMIEVA, V.V.; KLRIIK_-EYEV, UP.; YI:YAM!SYIY, !;.A.; KUNTETSOV, --G.A.; FEWROV, A.A.; SERB131OVSKIY, '.V., red., P.V..; JklWITI,. U - BOLISM4, Ya.M., red.; DIRARDIZIBMIGSKAYA, E.Ya., red.; VORONIII, K.P., tekhn. red. [Manual for power engineers of industrial enterprises in four volumes] SFravochnik energetika protWshlennykh predpriiatii v yrekh tomakh. Moskva, Goserergoizdat. Vol .1. chet, [Electri pover supply] Elektrosnabzhenie. Pod obshchei red. A.A.FedoL-ova, G.V, Serbinovskogo i IA.M.Bollshama. 1961. 840 p. (1,MU 15;6) (Electric engineering) RIVKIN, Grigoriy Abramovich; ANTIK, I.V., red.; VORONIN, K.P., [Transformer units of great power] Preobrazovatellnys ustanovki bol'shoi moshchnosti. Izd.2.. perer. i dop. Moskva, Gos.energ. izd-vo. 1959. 431 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Electric transformers) ANDRIANOV, Aleksandr Alekseyevich; POTEMKIN, S.V., glavny,.y red.; MATSUYEV, L.P. Jq zamestitell glavnogo red.; SHAKHNAROVICH, L.A., red.; BEREZIN, V.P., red.; VESELOV, V.V., red.; GOLANDSKIY, D.B., red.; GOLIDTMAN, V.G., red.; IGNATENKO, M.A., red.; SHASHURA, M.V., red.; RIVKIN, G.M., red.; FIRSOV, L.V., red.; SHEPELEV, I.T. (Methods of analytic decomposition of cassiterite and tin ores] Metody analiticheskogo razlozheniia kassiterita, i rud olova. Magadan, 1962. 14 p. (Magadan. Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledo- vatellskii institut zolota i redkikh metallov. Trudy Obogashchenie i metallurgiia, no-53). (MIRA 1627) (CiBsiterite-Analysis) (Tin ores--Analysis) REDIKIN, V.K.; POTEMKIN, S.V., glavnyy red.; MATSUYEV, L.P., zamesti- tell glavnogo red.; SHAKHNAROVICH, L.A., red.; BEREZIN, V.P., red.; VESELOV, V.V., red.; GOLANDSKIY, D.B., red.; GOLIDTW, V.G., red.; IGNATENKO, M.A., red.; SHASHURA, M.V., red.; RIVKIN, GoM0._ red.; FIRSOV, L.V., red.; SHEPELEV, I.T., red. [Grounding and protective cutting-off in underground workings of permafrost placer deposits.] Zazemleniia i zashchitnye otkliucheniia pri podzemmoi razrabotke mogoletnemerzlykh rossypei. Magadan, Vses. nauchno-issi. in-t zolota i redkikh metallov, 1962. 26 p. (14agadan, Vsesoiuznyi nauchno-issledo- vatellskii institut zolota i redkikh metallov. Trudy, Gornoe delo, no.40) (MIRA 16:6) (Kolyma Valley-Electric protection) (Kolyma Valley-Placer deposits) POTEMKINY S.V., glav. red.; MATSUYEV, L.P., zam. glav. red.; DEREZIN, V.P., red.; VESELOV, V.V,, red.; GOLANDSKIY, D.B., red.; GGLIDTVIAN, V.G., red.; IGNATENKO, M.A., red.; SHASHURA, M. V. , red. ; RIVKIN.,_q,,_~,-, red. ; FIRSOV, L. V. , red.; SHAKRNAROVICH, L.A., red.; SHEPELEV, I.T., red.; SHAROVA, L.A., red. (Reports for 1961] Sbornik referatov za 1961 god. Magadan, 1962. 135 P. (Its: Trudy VNII-1) (MIRA 16:7) 1. Magadan. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zolota i redkikb metallov. (Frozen ground) (Mining engineering) (Metallurgy) (Building materials) RIVKIIT, G.H. inzh. I...: --.."W"Opow"N Efficient design of chain screens for the cold end of rotary kilns. TSemnt 23 no.5:30-32 S-0 157. (MIRA 11::I) 1. Rlzhaktoewremont. (Kilns, Rotary) V. -.-he 3trength of etarhable Gore Bits." Cand ech Scl i'l-scow inst of lonferrous Melals and Gold imeni M. 1. Kilinin, '.1in Iii-gher Llducation :_'-3SR, 'losccw, 1954. '~KL, "o 9, F,~b 55) L'U: Sur- *-*o. ,S31, 'llb Aug 55-Survey of Scientific and Teclulical Jisserta%ions "ief-anded at U8SR Higher _~'cluca'lional Inst-itutions (IL, ) - 7? Finisi-t-n-7 w'~th a remov:~-ole ci tr:ni-,. s-rface. Stan. instr. 23, 9. Monthly li_st of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, `Vov2imber l-,52 Uncl. -R- T . - I I - I Cr -A -t- I 41 -It'll 830. REIATION BETWEEN HOLE DIAMETER AND DRILUNG SPEED. Klubnichkin, K. F. and Rivkin, G. M. (Gornyi Zhurnal (Kin.J.), 19490 (10), 12-14). Theoretical argument and experimental results of pneumatic drilling are adduced to show that apped is inversely proportional to diameter, 0: not to the square of the diameter as is generally assumed. (L). ee 00 a ZOO f AS S L A ETALLURGICAL LlYfRATUME CLAWFICATICh E 1100 '3.. ahl CA C- 'S' o- 0 1 V 14 3 il (1 2 2 V ... U VS AV ~0 L n (F tf It 'F 6C K a It a K ff zz IE of RM RIVKIN, I.A., inzhener-. Reconstruction of the Volkhor Fqdroelectric Paver Station. Blektrichest- vo n0.3:89 Mr '57. (jlIaA 10:4) (Volkhov H-,ydroelectric Power S tat ion) Ti - D - s ,)f* caved ~n rock on zzhi,r. no. 2, 01 C) f res ~-Iro of Suo:,el-In I Ll i -r -1--A IU RIVKIN, Isaak Davydovich; ZA-POLISKIY, Yyacheslav Petrovich; BOGDAVOY, "Petr Andreyevich; SHOSTAK, A.G., redaktor; PARTSWSKIY, B.N., redaktor izdatellstva; PICTROVA, N.S., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Sound measuring method of observing manifestations of mine pressure in the workings of the Krivoy Rog Basin) %vukometrichoskii metod nabliudeniia proiavlenii gornogo davleniia na shakhtakh-Krivorozh- skogo basseina. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekha. izd-vo lit-r7 po cheraoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii. 1956. 188 p. I (MLRA 9:3) (Krivo7 Rog--Subsidences (Barth movements)) (Mining engineering) BARLAS, A.G., inzh., ZITSER, I.S., inzh.; RIVKIN, I.D., kand.tekhn.nauk. "k-l-W New timbering techniques us4~ in mines of the Krivoy Rog and Nikopoll Basins. Bezop.truds v prom. I no.10:5-6 0 '57. i (MIRA 10:11) 1. Krivorozhskiy nauchno-iss.LecLovalce-L'skiy gornorudnyy institut. (Krivoy kog BASin--Mine timbering) (Nikopoll Basin--Mine timbering) SOV-127-56-10-7/29 i"~ UTHOR Rivkin, I.D., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Ti1ountain Pressure at the Mine Imeni Dzerzhinskiy (Gornoye davleniye na rudnike imeni Dzerzhinskogo) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1958, Nr 10, pp 23-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: DUrin6 mining operations in the mine imeni Dzerzhinskiy (Krivoy Rog basin), where ore cleposits extended over 2.500 m, frequent cave-ins occurred -.,dien the exploitation reached the 160 m level (situated at a depth of 240 m) despite tim- ber and metal reinforcements. The NIGRI Institute conducted extensive research to find conditions which will reduce the pressure of the overlaying rocks on the bottom of blocks by changing the layout of the exploited level and the dimen- sions of the blocks. This research showed that this pres- sure depends not only on the actual depth at which mining operations are taking place, or on the vertical magnitude of caved-in rocks, but also on the length of the blocks~ on the intensity of ore extraction, and on the relative position of the siiaultaneously-explo~ ed blocks. The pres- sure of the overlaying rocks was less * eir total weight when the length of those blocks was reduced from 75 m to Card 1/2 40-50 m. The commission of the NIGRI Institute, composed Mountain Pressure at the Mine Imeni Dzerzhiriskiy SOV-127-58-10--7/29 of VAML. I-apol*-skiy, V.P. Voloshchenko, A,F, Artemenko and I.P. Orel prepared graphs based on these variations of pressure (Figures I to 6). There are 6 graphs, 7 fia-ul-es and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION& (NIGRI) 1. Mi.-.1 ng indu s-try-- USSR 2. nines--Hazards 3. Mines---Safety measures 4. Mountains--Pressure Card 2/2 180) -"DOV/127-59-4-3/27 !,'.ivkin,I.D., "andidate ol- Tech-nJoal Sciences T 'ILE: T culiarities of the Cavincr-In of Rocks of the Hang- Lig W63-1 of Ore Deposits of the Krivoy Rog I-isin. (Csobennosti obrushemiya porod visy- achego boka rudn-ykin zale.~zhey bass eyna. Pi,0RIODI'13AL: Gornyy zbo-irr-al, Nr 4, pp 24-28 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The author classifies the iron ore deposits of the Krivoy Rog Basin into 3 Eroups, characterized ~)y "ifferent candi'll-i=3 of pressure of overlying rocks: 1) o--:-e ~Ieposits a very resistant bangin wa.11 not cavin,~,-ia during the lowerin- of the stoi'lin.- level; 2) ore deposits .-,,ith a hanr,-ing Wall of average resistance, w1hich partly eaves-in at the lo,.-.zerin~~ of the stopin~- 1~avpl; and ore deposits v-.,ith an unstable hanCing wall, caving in as soon as the level of sto-.An~-, -I:cr_',c is Card 1/3 lowered. The author describes in detail the SOV/127-59-4-3/27 Peculiarities of the Caving-In of Rocks of the llan6-ing Wall of Ore Deposits of the Krivoy Ro- Basin. 0 main characteristics and dimensions particular to each group. The character of the caving-in of basic rocks of the hanLc~U~ vaU depends not only on their resistance to the pressure, but also on the form of their denudated surface con- ditioned by the ratio of the course of the deposit to the reached depth of mining operation. Taking all this into consideration, the author computed a table of classifiertion of all deposits of the Krivoy Rog Basin into the three above mentioned groups. The names of Doctor of Technical Sciences G.M. Malakhov, Engineers V.P. Voloshchenko and A.P, Mell- nichenko, and I.K. Karnaushenko (ITIGRI) are mentioned by the author. There are 2 sets Card 213 of diagrams, 1 table and 2 Soviet references. 0 SOV127-50,-",-3/27 --,- :7 ~., aU .r"eculiaribics of the Cavi.nL-,-In o'L Rockcs c-L" flng W of Ore of the Krivoy RoC; Baoin. I'LSSOCIATIOIT: ITIGIZI, Krivu P-Lo,-. Card 3/3 CHMIAOKO, A.&.; SIMPOROV, G.Ye.; SEXTITA, R.I.; TERRMOV, I.P.; POLYANSKIY, F.S.; PISANKO, K.S.; SEOfDRIK, V.K.; ALITSHULER, M.A.,; RIVKIN, I.D.; ENGEL', Ya.R.; CEIETMKIU, M.I., red.izd-va; PYLIHENIKIY, A.A., red.izd-va; OSVALID, X.Ya., red.izd-va; PROZOROVSKATA, V.L., fSharp increase in the labor prod-activity of Krivoy Rog Basin miners; practices in the "Bollshevik" and "Gigant" mines] Krutoi pod"em proizvoditellnoBti truda gorniakov Krivbassa; iz opyta raboty shakht *Bol'shevik" i "Gigant." Moskva, 1960. 173 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Krivoy Rog Bazin--Iron mines and mining-Labor productivity) Ri VK I cl$ I.D., ~---nd.U;khri.nauk; VOLOOSHCHENK6, V.P., kand,tekhn.naLk; MAYMIN, L.R., i-,,rr~yy inzh. Parameters of mining systems caving of deep level superposed n,;cks. Gor.zhur. no.8:15-21 Ag 165, (MIR-A 18!10) ~. gr.~-rnrmidnyy instittit, Krivoy Rog. ACC NR: UR I FOF6676-6-5/-66~/6 R-27612)6i jVIT;16,~f3: ."~iv"An' 1D.; Yo. P. (ji,.C; :no ri c 'LTL~: The (.X,'ujcb of 5oiiie mining-geological factors on the stress state in rock-, the of inine wror?ings Vse:;oyuznaya konferenLsiya po polyarizatsionno-opticheskomu metodu is:;I~!dovaniya napn yazheniy. 5th, Leningrad, 1964. Polyarizatsionno-opticiieskiy netod A U ripryazheniy (Polar-izing-optical inethod of investigating stresses); Qi-i;,,-1y iionforents-ii. Leningrad, Izd-vo Lenin.,-r. univ., !966, 462-466 i.;`D; TAGS: Gtress analysis, mining geology, underoround facility It has been noted- ti,,at tiie stabilivy of mine workings in the coal '-dries ot Lli%o ~rivoy Rog basin declines aporeciably at deeper levels (-(00-6100 Desurucz;ion has beer, eEipociaally severe in tunnels cuL along the strike of bedded rocks, where the intensity and manifestation of rock pressure differ a-3.-)raciabiv from the el'fects in massive rocks. 'When the concentration of bedd-ing fractures is 10 or more per meter, beginning at depths of 500-600 m, brea'kdov'n of beLtins as soor, as the tunnels are cut. Tne authors conducted two series of to study t1he stress state about mine workings and to investilgaLe -~;-:e ;.';'~chanisri of rock pressure in bedded rocks. The experiments were maae on Card 1/2 VERBITSKIY, V.M., inzh.; ZITSER, I.S., inzh.; PANYUSHKIN, P.P., i,#zh.; RIVKINp J.D . kand.tekhnwnauk Production of solid cryvtalline cast Tterial from basic types of blast-furnace slag. 8 no.lD14-16 N 162. (MBA 15212) (slag) (Building materials) ~aqN,-I.D. (Krivoy Rog); SHOSTAK, A.G. (Krivoy Rog); KUYEVDA, K.I. (Krivoy 120; PRILIPENKO, Ye.D. (Krivoy Rog) New innovation in the method of sublevel caving. Gor.zhur. no.2: 22-26 F 161. (Mining engineering) (MIRA 14-.4) RIVKL%., I. G. Cand Teen Z;.--i -- (diss) "Stiidy of the strength of cast end rolled high-speed steel." Len, 1956. 17 pp (Min of Higher Educotion USSR. Len eolytechnic Inst im 11. 1. Kalinin), 100 copies (KL, 14-5B, 114) -73- RIVKIIN) I. G., "Investilgation of the Strength of Cast and Roi-ji-ed Hfg~-- Speed Steel," Leningrad, 1'-958. (Dissertation presented and approved for det7ee of Cand. Tech. Sci.) Lenin,o,Xad Polytecl-mical Inst. im M. I. Kalinin. RIVKIN,__I.Ya., inzh.; YASTRMEMBSKTY, P.Ya., inzh., red.; GA:,U4TJKHI1,.', Ye.K., tekhn. red. [Inventions; manufacture of devices]Sbornik izobretenii; matizatsii. Moskva, TSentr. 286 p. instruments and automatic control priborostroenie i sredstva avto- biuro tekhn. informatsii, 1961. (MIRA 15:12) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Komitet po delam izobreteniy i otl-,rytiy. (Instruments-Technological innovations) (Automatic control) ACC NR: AP7001619 (t4) SOURCE: CODE-: UR/0119/66/00o/oiZ. .001/0004 AUT14OR: Rivkin, I. Ya. (Candidate of technical sciences) 7 ORG; none TITLE: Sorne errors of string-type transducers SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 12, 1966, 1-4 TOPIC TAGS: signal transducer, pressure transducer, string transduce.- 'SI%A0J ri-, 0 & 0\ 0A, 0,4) ABSTRACT: String-type transducers which convert nonelectrical measur,-_nd (e.g. pressure, see figure) into electric_ signal C n IP modulated by string resonance fre,.t.ency ar considered. The measurand either- subtracts from (type a) or adds to (type b) th,,; string tension. Three varieties of the striary trans- ducer are analyzed: (1) A strain-.;~_ge type in which the sensing-element elastics',,,- is much lower than that of "he string; (2) A:orce- measuring type in which a reverse relation between the elasticities exists; (3)A "spring (a) (b) IP Card 1 /2 ACC NR: AP7001819 force -measuring" type whose sensing element handles relatively large forces, An analysis of (a) the behavior of equivalent mechanical schemes at varying temperature and (b) the hysteresis of elastic elements shows that the type-b transducer can be expected to have minimal error. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 33 formulas. SUB CODE: 09, 13 SUBM DATE: none Card 2/2 RIVKI-i, 1~ Ta~ Nature of disturbances In electrical well logging. Prikl.geofiz. noll:5o-62 '54. (W-RA 8:10) (Oil well logging, Xlectric) tz r-.711 20-7- 15,112 AUTHOR: Rakovskiy, V.'N. , Doctor of Technical r)cien-ces and Tkachenko, and Pivkina Yh T., Candidates of Technical !sciences n-n-J Se nina, 7'-Tit-ineer TITLE: peatBjtj&eW in Pattern 1,1aterials for T'recision Pasting PERTCDICAL: Titeynoye Proizvodstvo, 101-,9, 'T r 7, PP 75-77 ABSTRACT: T-be propa'gation of the precision cast-i-Ing metliod with -Ilushed out patterns depends also on the existence of cheap and available -materials with the necessary properties. Tn the V997, a mixture of paraffine and glyceric stearate is used ~~,hich however does not ~iiave all the neces~~ary qualities. The-authors have t-ried to substitute the glyceric stearate by peat bit-a-men. -h the highest For industrial purposes only,peat wit U, contents of bitumen can be used. Of F-reat importance too is the solvent o~sed. T-e authors suggest benzine Card 1/2 or benzole. in several tables the results of tlh:~ V/ 12 -7 -1 PeatBitxnens Jn Pattern "'atuerials for ~~recision. ~'as~jrz experiments at the lahoratory of 7T T7.vtrqpr= a:rL- given. They have been made with a mixtvre of 70 : 30 mix ratio. The foundry experiments had been 4- execuued by means of a pressure die casll-in;c- maclilne, desicn. r".T.. Fenkin. This machine nroved not 'o '~o. su-~ t-.0r_le for t'-is work. The mac!iire ~_as been improved by increasing the number of revolutions from 1-1-4 rpm to :100 rpm. The autliors have also mpde :z I,op eyn . ments _reri at KrasnoEorsk. They maOe -lie introquction. of a new component -necessary, i.e. ceresine an-d colop'nony (12P71Y in a rate of 5:-':': 2: 1 or 'I_P7 in a rate of '7,:7; Poth miyes can. be used for precision investmen-11 c~:s- tinr' , even durine- summer and in are?s, ~,,,itli hirrTi -ter::-pe- raturec. There Pre 7 tables and 1 diagram 0 a r d 212 RIVKIN, Il~ya Yakovlevi-.h; ZARETSKAYA, A.I., ved. red. [Automatic logging stations; on a compound cable] Avto- maticheskie karotazhrWe stantsii; na mnogozhillnom kabele. Ix VLOskva. Nedra) 1964. 275 P. (MIRA 1-7:12) a e a-9 a a a a a a a A a A A a a A A W4'm'~40 W~ii~ j - Tliil~i 4T ' a z A A A A . A . . . . . i it 1) is 14 Is 16 it ft I I L p 9 a 1 f. IF N'H xjt- 12 v z " WA ri 0 jojl 1111 jdb Ism IN ppa; 41 A t ! ala 6143 . - - - A- L J -Cssi.t ..a pat"k.111% 1.01, : C7 0 .41 M. Komk" MW ftft~ d OF 0 physia U.S.5-A.. l"O. brk 14-011,61" ift-trArm. Z en a rus 9 Jesdicate that h. A t -4 x 1110 IXA%R* Is degmaleml with A ture 111 j it in 1 rm) tv -300 ITT. i air of bapact of -13 in. r (tt4a USA ttit tru,tion t b C . t " r li )c JWr (fide bullet) it Un J. see =0 0 see 8 ` a ~ * 0 SOO * 9 is g 4-00 0 (111 1 i be *0 AS. SL A MITALLURGKAL LITERATURE CLASSWICATICO tse bee ' adk C- a.( A I -- o , L Z Is A, K3 I ma ITIE it ; We' 'A& sm two Iwv`'3WQ AI 39 TIN M on W 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 O OT dno 10 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O~q 0 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 O w~"M o-- 4 is u 11 M Is 16 1? Is 11x 11' a s ;4 a 26 V x a x 11 V 13 14 a 36 U 9 0 c #1 .1 43 A 0 --L-a R --L A--X-P 2 9 1. 7 V V V 1- 0 -M-9D~JI-2 t-1-A.-J--A of TM S&WstiO~ Of hi0st &IMAIDIS if= UW by-produM Of tb* ~UfaCrtnrv Of S)Fut"dc. rubblf- S. Rivkin, ( ' kh d R bb dau our it n u " W - 8 - S. R -) 1937, No. 3. 1 IPJI, The Intl hocts of Wpm aluilletts. n(the projxwtinn o(diffri,-. 1_00 _ rnt higher xk~. (up to C4) forsn"I in the manuf. of buts. (f'cnt flat($ "-'(()H bY the Mut-t t1itthod were studinf, Sepn. - arminpli4hed by trestomm with Nxic acid awl 1~xtmgt. -if N'tic ~trm A. 11"tod ti lt I=go Coo roe go o F is s7 coo 'goo 2*0 j! lose Sai - - tro 9 .ALLU*rKAL LITER&TWIl CLASSWICATION m - I L am 1 w"0. see j -;) -14 RAIIII ow Q.. all --- - ----- - 10 U 2 AT Al; a it It K a I W A An I s a ad 0 a I x so 9 a a 1 ~f - Ma n 3 0 T I A It A a a L-1 r 00 A Os r! -3 00 41 L 4-. 14.0-W604 060000 too** 04-0 I/ to W.. -,- u "post 61814"110 r" f -4 S# AIMA A I ~ 014_ if 11 uud As a). k It.124,045 111- "_ Is Ix nil 1 7"0 0 _6 0 TM !Wft~~ of traltlekj4o A m4im 11, tj #d hoat aad Ki.664, A M ftu it No. 4. M-C.-HUCIll wa. supcfhvat~d And then P= at 43U* over ortiyWed ZnO + 5% AlL),_ Th, 11, consabsed 3.3% aldehyde. 2% water and 6.47c un~md. cqmpd. The yield of 1'rCHO *a., V-N-%. &A 61fAtLGKC,1C4L UrfRA?URf CLAISIFIC&TICm Sol; 'I I.,000 J.f -I 0 LI 11,190d oil .99 it Ct tt it MW A 0 a 0 4p 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 0 Oro 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 all at, CK 'j- $I I j'. An I I A tw ---I -i -W9 's a .7 a 610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 roo ,00 -00 COO zoo goo WOO cg Oro 0 YARIN, V., professor, zasluzhennvy deyatell nauki i tekhniki; ULITSKIY, I., kandidant tekhnicheskikh nauk; RIVKIN, S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Precast reinforced concrete,large panel roofs for agricultural buildings. Sell.stroi.10 no.2:15-17 F 155. (MIaA 8:4) (Farm buildings) (Roofs, Concrete) RIVIKIN, S.A. Calculation of sectional precast reinforced concrete foun6ations under columns for strength and the opening of cracks. Osn., fund. i mekh.grun. 8 tio.1:13-18 166. 0-,IRA 19:1) LIHOTICH, Yevsey Yeremeyevich; LINOTICH, Leonid Tevseyevich; DRAHNIKOT, A.M., doktor geologo-mineralog.nauk, red.; RIVKIN, S.A.., dotsent, red.; BERGER, K., red.; "TWLTAKOVA, A., red.- --,B,7AMO-YSXIT, H., (Designing and constructing elements of residential and public buildings] Raschet i konstruirovanie chastei grazhdanskikh zdanii. Izd.5., perer. i dop. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit. USSR, 1959. 687 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Kiyevskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut (for Rivkin). (Building) (Structures, Theory of) PE.U,Y,ASLAVTS-,-'V N.A. inzh.; KISILIER, 14.1., inzh.; RIVKIN, S.A., kand. nauk;' L'--!3---'!J-K0, Ye.F., inzh. Precast reinforced concrete shells for covering the main housings of therinal electric power plants. Energ. stroi. no. 33.14-20 '63.- (MIRA 17:8) 1. Kiyeliskoye otdeleniye Vsesoy-amogo gosudarstvennogo proyekt- nogo instituta stroitel'stva elektrostantsiy (for Pereyaslavtsev rLisiliyer). 2. Kiyevskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut (for Hivkin, Ljoenko). tKiyev" ervnenti,-' !34rgje--C-jry;,K -fn I~Ior-ed Concrete fo 7 Xu.-rans. Oan. flmd. i m-ekh. ~-URA 1 77 1~ 12 RIVKIN, S.A. (Kiyev) Reviews and bibliography. Osn.9 fund. i Te \h.grun. 6 no.2:31-32 164. (MIRA 17:4) X SOV/97-58-12-3/13 AUTHORS: Yarin, V.N., Member of ASiA Ukrainian SSR, Professor; Rivkin, S.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences; and h~Or-~~V, D.A. , Pereyaslavtsev, N.A. and Kisiliyer, M.I., Engineers. TITLE: Use of Precast Large-Block Reinforced Concrete Foundations Under Columns of the Main Building of Simferopol' GRES (Opyt primeneniya sbornykh krupnoblochnykh zhelezobetonnykh fundamentov od ~ - kolonny glavnogo korpusa Simferopollskoy GRES PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezobeton., 1958, Nr.12, pp.449-453 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Engineers N.A. Pereyaslavtsev and M.I. Kisilier, of theKiyev Bmuch of Teploelektroproyekt, designed a new type of precast large-block reinforced concrete foundation as illustrated in Fig.l. These new foundation slabs were tested by theKiyev fltruaural Engineering Institute .(Kiyevskiy)inzhenerno-stroitellnyy ins t itut) Kiyeiv branch of Tepioelektroproyekt and by Yuzhenergostroy (Engineers I.F. Fishchik, -Yu,A. Vollters Card 1/3 and S.K. Frzhiyalgovskiy). The foundation blocks were SUV/97-bB-12-3/13 Use of Precast Large-Block Reinforced Concrete Foundations Under Columns of the Main Building of Simferopol' GRES. designed to carry 500 t positioned centrallys they measure 5.2,X 3.5 m and weigh 15.7 t. The weight of the saddle is 10.6 t. Concrete of mark 300 was used, with reinforcement from hot rolled steel of standard profile ma k 25G2S. Fig.2 illustrates the points which were taken into account in testing. The foundations were tested by a load gradually increasing by 0.5-1 kg/cm2, up to the breaking limit. Table 1 gives values obtained during testing: Fig. 3 illustrates the character of cracks which appeared, and Fig.4 shows the deformation of the foundation slab. Fig. 5 illustrates the method =which the calculation of the foundation is based: formula for the bending moment of the loaded foundation is presented and explained. The calculation of the foundation for shear stresses is carried out according to NiTU 123-55. The following recommendations are given for the construction of precast foundations: the concrete should not be of lower mark than 200; to save steel the size of the saddle should be bigger; account should be taken Card 2/3 of the shear stressesand the necessity for stirrups and SOV/97-58-12-3/13 Use of Precast Large-Block Reinforced Concrete Foundations Under Coiumns of the Main Building of Simferopol' URES. Card 3/3 bends obviated; the recess in the foundation housing the beam should have walls not less than 300 mm thick; the reinforcement of tile slab should be carried through the whole of its length, as should also the reinforeement of the saddle. The results of the above tests were taken into account in designing the precast large-block reinforced concrete construction under the columns of the Simferopol' GRES (see Fig.6). Assembly was carried out by the* Donbassenergostroy of the Ministry of Building of the Ukrainian SSR (MinisterBtvo stroitelistva USSR). The foundations were produced by the "Stroydetall" factory. Assembly was carried out by cranes BK-403 and BK-405, of 40 t capacity. Assembly of 70 foundation slabs with a total volume of 1066 m3 of reinforced concrete was carried out in 15 days. Table 2 gives values indicating labour requirements. There are 6 figures and 2 tables. YARIN, V.N.. prof., zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki I tekhniki USSR.-, RIVKIN, S.A.; kand..tekhn.nauk; KORSHUNOV, D.A., inzh.-, PFRETASIAVTSEV, N.A."--i-nzM-.~-- NISILITEER, 1M.I.. lnzh. Using precast reinforced concrete large-block column footings In constructing the main building of the Simferopol' Hydroelectric Power Station. Bet. t zhel.-~et. no.12:449-453 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademil stroitellstva I arkbitelk-tury USSR (for Yarin), (Simferopol' Hydroelectric Power Station) (Columnn. Concrete) GRUTMAN,M.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; RIVKINt S.A., -kand.tekbn.nauk; SKACHKOV, I.A., inzh-.-- '_ __ - __ Reinforced-concrete shell of precast elements for the roof of a circus in Kiev. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.4:180-184 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Reinforced concrete construction) (Kiev--Arena theatre) (Roofs, Shell) RFfA 0-, L6 4 6~ 1 -311-22 Z939. N%nv design ofouldoor pilidbies for kytimulic mh'emov-al. N. A. PERF.YASLANIMEV AND Elekt. Stants, 1954, Ni,,- 9, 26-9. 'In Russian. The new design avoids expansion gIzinds, the therulatexpaniian being t4kenup by latemi-,deffection -.u (h, angfc points of the stispu&d zio-zag Ue- of die !italic calculation are d1mmised. Longi- due to thurnal expension are sm. Her x1iiiA for a 0-:11i with ffic- conventional design and do not excecd t. D-Sign and erection are simplified by the U!,:- ,-.C Slair r. BUSEVIANN ..dard Supports. ULITSKIY. I.I., kand.tekhn.neuk; RIVKIN, S.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SAMOUTOV, M.Y., inzh.; DYXHOVICMffY, A.Z., inzh.; KORSAK, Yu., red.; MATUSEVICH, S.., PATSALTU1, P.. [Reinforced concrete construction elements; analysis and design] konstruktaii; raschat i konstruirovanis. liev, Goa. izd-vo tekhn. lit-ry USSR, 1958. 875 P. (KM 12:2) (Precast concrete construction) RIVKIN; S.A. Calculation of precast reinforced concrete foundations for columns. Osn... fund. i mekh.grun. 5 no.6:8-14' 163. (MIRA 16:12) H ! v A-1-fv FL:fv- FN' &IN, V.N., professor, zasluzhannyy deratell nauki i tekhniki USSR; RIVKIN, S.A., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk. Joints for prefabricated reinforced concrete colilmns. Stroi.prom. 32 no.8:47 Ag 154. (MLRA 7:8) (Columns, Concrete) RIVKIN, S. , kandidat tekbnicheskikh nauk. Approximation metbod for calculating f'ree frames. Nov. v stroi. tekh. no-7:178-190 '55. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Kiyevskiy inzhonerno-stroitellnyy institut. (Girders) (Strains and stresses) J.Vxlri,, j-,q- FSMASLAVTSIV, N.A., inzhener; RIVKIH, S.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. New system of aerial lines for hydraulic cinder removal. Jlok.sta. 25 no.9:26-29 154. (KLVA 7:9) (Ash disposal) :,JVI~N. Solomon Abramovich; ',O-,-,SHU'I'-OV, Dritriy Andreyevich; FRET~KELI, -~,ariya--r,,atveyevna;--SIIIKAII, T.P., red.; LEUSHCHENKO, R.L., tekhn. red. [Precast reinforced concrete foundations for frame buildings] Sborr-ye zhelezobetonnye fundamenty karkasnykh zdanii; raschet i konstruirovanie. Kiev, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit. USSR, 1962. 135 P. (MIRA 15:4) (Concrete footings) -W -W a 0 o 4 o 0 0 o 0 0 o a o a 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , 1 1 . 0 . k ;i ]I it , t, . 1! is 1, X :1 At ZI N 25 16 V 3 21 W It V IJ M Is U A, N 1, 1; 11 C L, I f. t L 6~ A ?I F Q It V -A 1 4 - N CC W tt t 11 t 4 4, Rubber 7P itl for ho# jok, &, Rivkin ma4-. -00 L A. , sk,' SOPt. 30. 11M. Robb" 6 * :I 1,11M. contailm fit'r'It's MILITTial, S anti lamp go C - - * black frim 1 audeoil, rmers of rimin Ad 6 1+~iiit emul;Vm . of 00 free 00 j =00 040 ') r, 0 0 00 , =00 of 71 00 of 0 0 00 el zoo oo Zee '00 tee cz A I xe 0 S 11 rf it 9 K tf N St Pf If El if 'f V-1 An I a 14 od 4) Alla 13 n 1. too 3 1 aIC 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 9 0 IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 o 0 o 9 0 0 0 0 w USSR/Engineering - Heat, Gases, Turbines MsY 52 "Tables of the Thermodynamic Properties of GiLaes, S. L. Rivkin, Cand Tech Sci, Physic0tech Lab, VTI "Iz v-s Teplotekh Inst" No 5, PP B-11 Sta~tes that existing diagrams for air and cornbus- tion products are complicated in application and do riot secure precision sufficient for tech pur- poses. Suggests tables, compiled on basis of ideal gases, which give sufficient precision up to pressures of 25-30 atm practically for all gases and temps used in gas -turbines. Statca 231T37 that tables are applicable for heat calcno with any compn of fuel combustion products. 231T37 RIVKIN, S.L.; MARKIN, V.11%, redaktor-, SUORTSOV, I.M., radak-tor. [Tables of thermodynamic properties of gases] Tablitsy termo- dinamicheakikh evoistv gazov. [Sostavleny pod rukovodstvom. S.L.Rivkinal Moskva, Gos.energ. izd-vo, 1953. 266 p. (MLRA 7:1) 1. Moscow. Vaesoiuznyy toplotekhnicheakiy institut. (Gases) RIVKIN S.L. kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; SAVETMV, V.I., redaktor; 9 �WCRTSOV, I.M., tekhnicheakiy redak-tor [Thermodynamic properties of the air and products of combustion) Termodingmichaskia avoistva, vozdukha i produktov agoraniia topliv. Moskva, Goa. energ. izd-vo, 1955- 39 p. diagra. (MLPA 8:5) 1. Moscow. VessoyuzM7 toplotakhnicheakiy inatitut. (Combustion) Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 4966 Card 1/2 Pub. 110-a - 15/21 Authors Rivkin., S. L., A. M. Sirota, Kandidats Tech. Sci. Title Tables of the thermodynamic properties of water and steam for pressures up to 400 atmospheres and temperatures up to 7500C. (Reference Material) Periodical Teploenergetika, 8, 52-54, Ag 1956 Abstract Tables compiled by the Physical and Technical Department of the All-Union Heat Engineering Institute (VTI) are presented. They are based on the VTI tables of 1952, revised and expanded for the higher temperatures and pressures. 2 tables. 5 references. Institution : All-Union Heat Engineering Institute Submitted : No date TIM110T. D.L., doktor tekhn.nauk; RIVKIN, S.L.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; SIROTA, A.M., kand.tokhn.nauk; VARGAFT~_1E,-Y.N.-.'-a~iG~ tekhn.nauk; NIKOLAYEV. V.V., red. MOMEY. L.Ya., [Tables of thermodynamic properties of water and steam] Tablitsy termodinamicheskikh svoistv vody i vodianogo oars. Izd. 2-oe, dop. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1958. 1G6 p. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Moscow. Vaesoyuznyy toplotakhnicheakiy institut. (Steam--Tables, calculations, etc.) (u -,-r plant-) 96-1-29/31 i1UTHORS: Rivkin 7 S. L. and Sirota, A.M., Gandidates of Technical ences. TITLE: On the vew Tables of Thermodynamic Properties of Steam at High Temperatures and Pressures (0 novykh tablitsakh opor- nykh znacheniy termodinamicheskikh svoystv vodyanogo para vysokikh parametrov) PERIODICAL: Teploenergeti"5-a, 1958, Vol-5, B0.1, D-0. 90 - 93 (USSR). -43STRACT: An article givinc~.- new steam tables was published in Teploenergetika, 1956, Bo.l. It stated that in most cases, values of enthalpy calculated from pressure, volume and tem-oerature data were higher than those calculated from the specific heat at constant pressure. The authors thought that apart from experimental error, this might result from errors in the initial data about the enthalpy of steam in the ideal gas conditions. !-1oivever, this explanation is not convincing and the graphs given in Fig.1 show that the divergence between the values of enthalpy calculated in the two ways increaseso with the tein-2rature and pressure and is 16 kcal/kg at 600 C and '500 kg/cm A possible cause of the large difference may be error in graphical determination of the enthalpy from ---pressure , volume and temperature dat&. This is particularly uardl/2 likely in the article concerned, Vilhicli used graphical 96-1-29/31 On the Tables of Thermodynairic Properties of Steam, at High Temper,utijrcs and PreSsures. differentiation of the isobars of specific volume. Fig. 2 gives comparative values of specific volume according to the table of the All-Union Thermo-technical Institute (VTI) and the referonce points of the Moscow Power Institute (MI). Some large discrepancies occur, mainly because of the scatter of the points of the Moscow Power Institute. It is concluded that the experimental data on the specific heat of constant pressure obtained in the Iloscow Power Institute are systeniatically low. This reduces the value of the steam tables. There are3 figures and 6 references, 5 'of which are Slavic. AVAILABLE: Library of uongress uard 1/2 D-OROSTicilul-, V.Yn., kand.teVhn.nauk; RIVKIII,-S.L., kand.tRI.,hn.nauk Shippingpnrt Atomic Pownr Plant (U.S.A.). Mek. sta. no.4 Siinplemnnt:9-14 Jl-Ag 158. (,,.IIT?J" 11:10) (Shiopingport-Atomic power plants) -RIVYUN, S.L._,_-kand.tekhn.nauk; YZGOROV, B.N., inzh. Experimental investigation of the heat capacity of ethyl alcohol of 94 per cent (by weight) concentration in the supercritical zone of the parameters of state. Teploener- getik-a 8 no.7:60-67 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Vsesoyuznvy toplotekhnicheskiy institut. (Ethyl alcohol) (Heat capacity) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6138 Rivkin, Solomon Lazar~evich Termodinamicheskiye svoystva vozdukha I produktov saoraniya 01 topliv (Thermodynamic Proper-ties of Fuel Combustion Pro- ducts and Air) 2d ed., rev. and enl. Moscow, Gosefiergoizdat., 1962. 102 p. Errata printed on inside back cover. 7500 copies printed. Ed.: A. M. Litvin; Teoh. Ed.: N. I. Borunov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for workers in power enter- prises, design and planning and scientific rdsearch insti- tutes*, and students specializing In heat engineering at schools,of higher education. I COVERAGE*. Tables and diagrams of thethermodynamic properties .of fuel combustion products and alix-fo~ temp'eratures from. -100 to 15000C ate provided and dis-cueeed theoretically. The tablt!s make use of a paraketer, 0-, which practically eliminates interpolation and aids in 8etermining combustion C> Card 1/3 Thermodynamic Prop-.2?ties of Fuel (Cont-) SOV/6138 prodiiets. The author U-anks Profetisor "Ya, M. Mzbinshteyn, Doctor of Tec~hnloal 3,1-iences, and A. M. Lltvin for their assistance. There are 4 references., all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENT3: 1. Thermodynamic Principles of Diagram Constinaction 3 2. Heat-Capacity Equation With One Parameter for Gasea CIZ 3. Description of the Diagram 4. Correction Factors for Diagrams 5. Fields of Application of Diagrams 7 8 8 Tables of Thermodynamic Properties of Fuel Combustion Products and Air i0 Card 2/3 Thermodynamic Propertiea of Fuel (Cont.) SOVI 6138 7. Calculation of the Compoeltion of Fuel Combustion Products 11 8. Sample Use of Diagrams 12 9. Nomograms for Calc-,~ulu-ting the Heat Processes of Gaz Turbine units 14 AVAILABLE: Library of Cong.---sa SUBJECT: Mechanical Engineering BN/c-b/ Card 3/3 12/14T2