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R7-.4-!;.R 'P. - y y - " I . Contribution to the spectrometric determination of silicon. III. Stabilization of the B-form of silicomolybdic acid in the spectrometried etermination of silicon. P. 1,5. BIL!,"E"T D0KR!E1F,rA1-,iJE. ThIHNIKA SAMUCAJN.-Hi SREOSTAVA. (Drustvo hemicara i tehnologa NR Eosne i Hercegovine. GIAT-11K) Sarajevo, Yugoslavia. Vol. 7, 10/58. Monthly List of East Eilropean Acces3ions (EEAI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960. Uncl. RIBAR, V RIBkR, V. Study of and research on the electric networks of Switzerland. p. 186 Vol. 9, no. V5, "pr-,/May 1956 ELEKTROPRIVERDA TECHNOLOGY Beograd So: East European Accession, Vol. 6Y no-3, March, 1957 RIBAR, V. RIBAR, V. Study of and research on the electric networks of Sweden~ P-184 Vol. 9. no. 4/,, kpr./May 1956 ELEKTFJDPRIVERDA TECOOLOGY Be-grad Sot East Eurouean Accession, Vol. 6, no.3, March, 1957 R~BAREV, Bozhidar Method and system for automatic stopping of circular and linear knit-ting machines in case of'the so-called stitch failure. Tekstilna prom 11 no.5:31-33 162. 1. Sektsionen maistor, Durzhavno industrialno predpriiatie "Proletarii". B~'LECZKI, lajos, dr.; RIBAPI Otto dr. Tmrestigatlon of hearing reduction in noisy iron industry shops. VlunkavedElem 9 no. 10/12:40-43 163. 1. Ganz-l'-!avag Polyclinic and the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic P 0~ the Budapest 1"edical University, Budapest. VATHY, Istvan, dr.;-RIBARI, Otto, dr; ORAWETZ, Otto, dr. Clinical aspects and treatment of benign tumors of tle nasal sinuses based or 15-years' experience. Orv. hetil. 205--no.2l: 968-971 24 My'64 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Ful-orr-gegeklinika. it, ROZSA, Imre, dr.; RIBARI, Otto, dr. Local cortisone therapy in otorhinolaryngology. Fulorrgegegyogyaszat 8 no.1:18-21 Mr 162. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Ful-, Orr-, Gegaklinikajanak (Igazgato: Varga Gyula dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (CORTISONE ther) (OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY ther) RIBARI, Otto, dr.; VARGA, Gyula, dr. Comparative studies on the various examinations of the. inner ear. Fulorrgegegyogyaszat. 9 no. 2:60-63 Je 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Ful-orr-gegeklimikajanak (Igazgato: Varga Gyula dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemeny--. (IU,'ARING DISORDERS) (WARING TESTS) (EAR, MIDDLE) ALLERAMP Rezsc, dr.,---9jAW,-,Otto,-dr. Usefulness and Drescription of hearing aids 'Terta". FulorTgegegyo- gyaszat 7 no.4:181-188' D 161. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Ful-orr-gege Klinika (Igazgato: Varga Gyula dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (HEARING AIDS) ALLERV, Rezso, dr.; RIBARI, Otto, dr. A rare case of bulldog nose with co-existing dermoid cyst. Orv. hetil. 103 no.20:945-11,6 20 My4662. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Ful-orr-gegeklinika. (NOSE abnorm) (TERATOID TUMOR case reports) VARGA, Gyula, dr.; RIBAid, Otto dr.; FORGAUS) Pal, dr. Correction of hearing deficiency by stapes mobilization. Orv. hetil. 103 no.19:876-879 i3 IMY 162. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, -Fall-orr-gegeklinika. (OTOSGUIOSIS surg ALLERAM, Rezso., dr.; RIBARI, Otto, dr. Clinical experiences with a transistorized Hungarian hearing aid. Orv. hetil. 102 no.42:1993-1995 15-0 161. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Ful-orr-gegeklinika. (HEARING AIDS) RIBARI, Otto, Dr. Effect of reser-pine on atrophic processes of the nasal micosa. Ful orr gegep-vogy no.4:184-186 Dee 57. 1. A Budspesti Orvostudomanyi 3gyetem Ful-orr-gegeklinikajanak (Igazgato: Varga Gyula dr. egyet. tanar) k-ozlemenye. (RIIINITIS, ATROPHIC, ther. reserpine (Hun)) (RESBRPINE, ther. use rhinitis, atrophic (Ifuu)) YUGOSL~iVL~/Ohemical Technolou-,y - Chunical Products and Their H-35 Application. Leather. Mechanical Gelatirs. Tanning ~Iaterials. Technical Albumins. AIbs jour Ref a-ur - KhimiYa, No 17, 1958, 59692 Author Ribaric Ivo Inst Title OilinE Leathers by Anion- and Cation-Active Lubricating ~hter'.als. Ori(7 PUI.1 Koza i obuca, 1957, 6, No 12, 441-446 1 Abstract ConterTorary vievs on the mechanism of the process of oilin(; are cited and practical riethods of oilirG leathers are reviewed. Card 1/1 - 113 - RIBARIC, J. RIBARIG,, J. Reconstruction of the Zagorje-Plomin highway. p.226. Vol- 3, No. 6, June 1955 CESTE I MOSTOVI Zagrebj Yugoslavia SO: Month2y List of East European Accessions, (EFAL), M, Vol.5, No-3 March,, 1956 SUSTIC, Vladimir, dr.; KUSER, Josip, dr.; RIBARIC, Ljubomir, dr. Emergency surgery in injuries of the abdomen and retroperitoneal space. lied. g-lasn. 15 no.7/8:319-332 Ji-Ag 161. 1. Kirurski odjel Opce boinice "Brace dr Sobol" u Rijeci (Sefs' doc. dr Ante Medanic). (ABDOMI wds & inj) (RETROPERITODJEAL SPACE wds & inj) L 1268-66 ACCES NR: AP502540 m/0015/64/00CA10/03M/03M f AUTHOR: Korin, Nikola. (Doctor) (Rijeka) iR JJabopi r Sustio, Vladipir (Doctor) (RUska) ~k,(Deator) (Rijeka) I TITM First aid in drowning SOURCEt Nedicinskiglasnik, noe 10, 1964o 322--VS TOPIC TAGSs first aid. JLnJ*r7 ABSTRACT: Brief discussion of the different tMa of drowningi apparent drownIM .(where drowning was not the cause of death), Nh7" drowning. drowningin sweet water and drowning in sea water* Data from 15 patients. 9 treated tr classical methods and 6 by newer methods including anth-to-muth breathing, tracbsotoor if :needed, bronchoscopic aspiration, evacuation of gastric oontente Orig. art. bass -2 figures and I tables ASSOCIATIONs now SUBMTEDS 00 gyms 00 sui CM: is MR RKF SOVs 000 nv 'Is (e4 im cam 1/1 - --- ------ FORENSIC 1EEDICINE YLJGOSD'iVL% RIBARIC, Dr. Ljubomir [Affiliation not Siven] , Rijeka "Responsibility of the Anesthetist in Deaths on the Operating Table" Belgrade, 1-fedicinski Glasnik, Vol 20, No 5-6. May-June 1966, p. 201-202 Abstract: Discussion of various types of death on the operating table, suggesting that for forensic purposes even a death of up to 8 days later should be considered a death on the operating table if the patient did not recover consciousness in the meantime; the need to legislate minimal qualifications for anesthetists is stressed, as the average medical garad- uate knows very little about even the science let alone the art of -ivin- anesthesia; there are many types of minor operations but no minor systuaic anesthesias. q 1/1 YUGOSLAVIA/tTuclocr Fhysics - Fenotrrtion of Charged and Neutral C-6 Particles Through Mrttor. Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizike, No 12, 1958i No 27024 Author -,_2Lb_qric M., Strn-.d J. In5t Not Given Title Albodo of Non-stntioncry Neutron Currents (RS-3) OHE Fub Ropts. "J. Stefen" Inst., 1956, 31 31-38 Abstract An investign-tion is nndo of the olbodo of neutron diffusion currents thct depend on time. The calcuIntions are nrde in the diffusion approximation for the spherical boundary of vn infinite reflector. The results are extended to include the cose of a cylindrical boundary. Three special cases are considered: slow, oscillating, and step-like change in the neutron current from the active zone into the reflector. Practical estimptes nre nedo and the possibility of replacing the dyr-mic elbodo by a stationary one is investigated. The innecurecy of such a roplneoment is astincted. Cerd 1/1 YUGOSLAVIA/NUclear Physics - Instruments and Installations C-2 Methods of Measurement and Investigation Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 26o Author : Ribaric, M. Inst Title Three-Stage Radio-Frequency Mass Spectrometer. Orig Pub Repts "J. Stefan" Inst., 1956, 3, 105-134 Abstract A detailed analysis is given of the operation of the three- stage radio-frequency mass spectrometer. It is shown that the greatest influence on the resolving power of the ins- trument is the choice of the distances between the succes- sive stages; the influence of the variation of the magni- tude and the shape of the voltage on the grids is quite small. The author considers the change in the resolving power as a function of the 9tructure of the grids and di- mensions of the cells. A calculation of the inhomogenei- ty of the retarding field of the analyzing syatem. of the Card 1/2 Cara 2/2 Distr: 4E3c/4E3d KI o group Ip a bomogeneous reflector. M. Ribari& T, ~trnad, and A. Peterlin. " Stefan" InJT.7MPff'7Ljubljana) 4. 15Z9Ur57T_-_Ifa'th. ;Lnalysis is made of spatial distributions of the '~Igroup neu- (10 tron flux in a hatuagencous reflector. Various types of ti LO dependence of the flux at the reflector boundary are exa mde ra M. HouiL- YUGOSLAVIA/Nuclear Physics - Penetration of Charged ani C. Neutral Particles Throi:g-h Matter Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No T, 1959, 15025 Author Peterlin, A., Ribaric, M., Hert= n, F. Inst Title Albedo of Non-Homogeneous One-Group Neutron Currents (RS 11). Orig PWO Repts. "J. Stefan" Inst., 1957, 4, 43-55 Abstract Use is made of one-group diffusion theory for the study of the albedo operator of a layer and of a hollow cylin- der (non-multiplying) in the case of an inhomogeneous neutron current. Using double Fourier transformations (direct and reverse) the authors obtain an expression re- lating the outgoing neutron current (Jout) and the in- coming one Pin) for a layer of thickness d. Since the calculations are in general very complicated, several particular examples are considered. For a "thin jet" Card 1/3 YUGOSLAVIA/Nuclear Physics - Penetration of Charged and C. Neutral Particles Through Matter Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1959, 15-025 Graphs are given for MO (R,)(R - and 2 '~')(P'2) (RI (R2 )/MC)(R2) (R1 =- 0) and M2(Rj_)/MOI%Rl) (R2 for H20, Be, C, and D20. B.A. Levin Card 3/3 YUGOSLAVTA/fluclear Physics - Penetration of Charged and C. Neutral Particles Matter Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 7, 1959; 15026 slowly varying J. J. that satisfies the wave equation Jin (x). 5'(,) t~thin jet" of incoming current). Equations are derived for the moments of the distribution of Jout (d) in the case of a "thin jet". A graph is gi- ven for MO (d) (the passage of a homogenous thermal neu- tron current at J. (0) 7:-const) for D20, C, and H ?0. An approximation iormula is derived for J t in thick slabs (d --,> L) from which the curve Joutord) is callcula- ted for C and H20. An expression is obtained for Jout in general form for the case of a time-dependent incoming neutron CLrrent. For a step-like change in Jin in tirae, the authors calculate the delay time tD (the time that JO, goes to 50% of its final value) and the rise time tR ~from 10 to 90% of the final value of Jout) for d ->> L. The value of J,,t is calculated for oscillating Jin. Card 2/3 YUGOSIAVIA/Nuclear Physics - Nuclear Technology and Power. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 6, 1959, 12636 Author Ribaric, M. Inst Title On the Method of Calculating the Critical Condition for a Prismatic and Cylindrical Reactor with Reflector. Orig Pub Repts "J. Stefan" Inst., 1957, 4, 67-75. Abstract The author describes a method of determining the critica- lity of a prismatic and cylindrical reactor, fully sur- rounded by a reflector, in the single-group diffusion theory. The boundary condition is expressed in terms of the albedo operator. By way of first approximation one assumes the same distribution of the neutron flux in the active zone, as in the bear reactor j~ (x,y,z) -::;.cor, .-,~x. cos (I y, cos j- z. If one uses ai the same time the corresponding approximation for the calculation of the albedo operator, the resultant distribution satisfies Card l/ 3 24 current f the 'I." I P) S/044/W600/0o6/023/1~7 B158/B112 A 1.ibarig Marjan TI'7'j-,:',; A for.zal consideration of the equation (,J-L 0 in a medium with short length L Referativnyy zhurnal. ii'latematika, no. 6, 1962, 67,' abstract '03280 (Glasnik miat.-fiz. i astron., v. 15, no. 4, 19609 265,- 278) For the equation given in the title, the first external boundary pro' in sl,ace is considered, the solution being required-to vanish at in:inity. U-;in,,- a Fourier transformation in the plane tangent to the :,u_~face j with the boundary condition, and formal expansions in'power S'~-.ries, an asymptotic expansion (apn) S is obtained in powers of L. This ey_:--nsion starts :,ith the term 4/L, while further terms with integral .on-naEative Do,.,. -ers of L (written explicitly up to and including L4) con- t;iin thle -eometric characteristics of the surface S and derivatives of L, Q alo-36- 3. Also briefly considered is the problem in which a linear combina- tion (vith constant coefficients) Of ~ anda"YOU is* given on S. The ex- ~ard 1/2 for::,al consideration of ... 5/044/0'2/Ooo/oo6/023/127 B158/3112 l'-.nzionsob-'ai-ned strictly are not substantiated; however, for particular cL,;es .%'here S is a circular cylinder or a sphere, these expansions agree -;.,ell-known t h substantiating tr-:2nsiation _j results. Problems are formulated, including-that of the expansions obtained. [Abstracter's note; Complete C,,:rd 2/2 7 77: %PRibarM M,; and Suhadolc A On the completeness ofI3 ortbo I polyno intervals. Glasnik I low l~Flltl--~01-In-al~POII!no~rMTU,Tglt vi Mat. Fiz. Hrvatske. Ser. 11. kill 13~1958),165-168. (Serbo-Croatian summary) The authors discuss the closure problem for {x"q(x)jT4 in L2(0, ool and L2[-oo, oo] by recasting this in terms of the determinacy of a Stieltjes or Hamburger moment problem, and applying known criteria. Application to q(_v),=j_xjIx exp(-clxlP)- R. C. Buck (Stanford, C M.; zifitNa-J, J. Albedo of nonstationare two-group meutrons cu-reats (RS 6). Ln English P. 3 LJUBLJ.AiW-. INSTITUT IIJOZEF STEFAN." Ri~PURTS. Ijubljana, Yugoslavia vol. 4, oct. 1957 Monthly List of East Europe2n Accessions, (MAI) LC, Vol. 5, no. 6, June 19_59 Uncl. R13AAIC, M.; PET&R-LUI, A .; STRNAD, J. AXoado and transparency of reflectors in one-di:%ensional two-group diffusion theory (RS 10). In English p. 29 LJUBLJANA. IN6TrrUT 11701,,~F STEFAN." MPORTS. Ljtxblj*an.-a, Yugoslavia Ijol. 4, Oct. 1957 Monthly List of East European Accessions, (ESAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 6. June 1959 Uncl. IT '.j 'L; M.; 7M _D, J.; PLTZRLIN, The time-dependent two-l-roup meutron flux in a homogeneous reflector (R-5 7). In Lnglish p. 15 LJUBLJANA. INSTLTUT "JOSEF REPORTS Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, Vol. 4. Oct. 1957 Monthly U;it, of ~a..t European Accessions, (ErAI) LC, Vol. 8. no. 6, J-e 1951'~t Uncl. RIB ARIC, M. ; HSiiM,4N, F.; PI~T~,RLIN, A. Albedo of nonhomogeneous ona-group neutron currents (RS 11). In English P. 43 L.JUBL.JPNtI. INSTITUT IIJOZ'ja;F STEFAN." REPORTS. Qubljana, Yugoslavia Vol. 4, Oct. 195? Monthly List of East European Accessions, (ESAI)LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. FIBARIC, M.; SUHADOIC, A. On -the completeness of orthogonal polynomials in infinite intervals. In English. p. 165. GLASNIK MATEMATICKO-FIZICKI I ASTRONOMSKI. PFRIODICUM MATEEHATICO-PHISICUM ET ASTROPIOMICUM. (Drustvo matematicara i fizicara Hrvatske i Frirodoslovno- m- no .ttematicki fakultet Sveucilista u Zagrebu) Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Vol. 13, 3, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, 1960. Uncl. HIBARL;, :-I.; HE~N, F. Transparency of a plane slab of non -multiplying material for time- dependent n3nhomogeneous currents (RS 12). In Ehglish. P- 57 Wubljana, Institut lljozef Stefan." REPOiUS LjUblj2na. Yugoslavia Vol. 4. Oct. 1959 Monthly List of East zuropean Accessions, (FIE'.4 ) LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jime 195--) Uncl. ('M thf 'Iethod Of cale-ilating the critical condition for a prismatic a r4 '_j !An t I ir iif,-.? I I-ev"tjr WILUI v~-Fvs'A-jr It,` L.MWANA, IMMM "JO."EF .5TEFAN." REPiRTS' Ljubljana, Yugoaiavik Vol. 4, Oct. 1959 e Monthly List of East European Accessions, (R-RAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 6. June 1959 Uncl. RIBARIC, V. OTheories on microseismic eaAh up-rest" by Rnrin Hardtvig. RgViewed by V. Rilbaric. Rud 'met zbor no.3:267 162. 5/035/62/000/007/041/083 A001/A101 AUTHOR: Ribari6, Vlado TIT"'~': Insolation and air temperature during a solar eclipse PERIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 'T, 1962, 66, Abstract 7A458 ("Proteus", 1960 - 1961, v. 23, no. 9 - 10,,245 246, Slovenian) TE(T: An expedition of the Geophysical Institute of the Zagreby University observed the solar eclipse of February 15, 1961, on the Khvar island. Variations of temperature in shadow and intensity of solar radiation during eclipse (up to the maximum phase 0.98) are presented. V. B. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 p t i t-,,, r'Ic Pub 1 i c Uni -si Y. o,e,,a Kol~ir-E-:o- un, -.-erzl ~e ta , -ro 21 9 r!3 -3 RIBARIG, Vladimir. The vertical short-period seismograph Hiller "Stuttgart." Obz mat fiz 7 no.3.100-107 160. (EEAI 10-5) 1. Astronomsko-geofizikalni Institut v Ljubljani (Seismometers) F7 4 v,; esr,. 11 c . 7-6C)C) '!y 61'. .3C "'ar-'It .94; STOICHEV, St.; RIBAROY, B. Studies on the qualities of the Aujeszky virus, Bucharest strain, adapted to chick embryos. Pt. 1. Izv Tet inst 2zaraz Parazit 8:81-80, 1.4 RIBAROV, Bozhidar Production of paper knitted fabrics. Tekad no.4:16-17 163. 1. Nauchnoizsledovatelski institut po tekstilnapro~~' RIBKROV, S. ttDetermining the center of a lost triangulation point by intersecting backwards." p.-40 (Tekhn4ka, Vol. 6, no. 6, 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of Fast Furopean Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, August 1958 FA- -.uov, S. The best corbined intereseticn. p. 23. TEXI-Fi-YA, Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. t:, no. 3., 1959. 10, Oct. Montl~iy last of East -Turopean Accessions (Ehild) LG, Vol. L) NO. /1959 Uncl. S/035/62/000/005/076/098 A'O 5 5/A 10 1 RS', eneddkov, V., Ribarov, S., Zhelyazkov, I. ~7-am-lnation of the precision of the trigonometric levelliW of points of t..eodolite steps traverses E:7 TC~7: 21aferativrTj zlurna'. Pstronomiya i Geodezziya, no. 5, 1962, 14, D 4' ab3tract 5G75 ("Nauchn. tr. Vissh.lesoteklhn M-t", 19'61, 9, 273- 284, BLDrarian; German surr-naxj), C, T ----'-":T - THe leve2lingwas effected with the aid of an optical theodolite lac-Q:7eter Zelss '_7 !V. The main source of the elevation error are *the errors In :1~ of distances. Random errors amount to 6 - 8 cm at, s < 125 m, and U A systemat.-C positive error of 7 - 25 cm at 1C 11; c,-. -` s = 150 - -250 m. 250 ;,,as found out and ascribed the inaccuracy of the range-finder c_=stp~,t. I-e measurements of positive tilt-angles contaln a systematic error, ~z; ascribed by t e aut ors to the imperfection of the optical reading th th system k t- e authors extend this asser-~iRn -,Yo all Zeiss T IV-' ype theqdo~ ites) .-.asnitude of this error was 30 - 50 "' at S - 50 - 150 m -and 70' cc at Card 1/2 3/035/62/000/005/076/098 7-va.,r:1nation of the precision ... A055/AI0I s 2C~D - 2`0 m. The random errors decrease noliceabl,,r with d4stance. For cc the random errors are 25 '35 a' s = 75 - 250 m and at s 5C r.-.. An accuracy estimate for various tilt-angles and distances is given (tables and formulae) 0. Sheynin FAbstr,~,czer's note: Complete translation] C,~~ rd 2/2 L 4~ooo-66 E-iiP(t)/:v:,Ti ACC NR. AP6031796 SOURCE CODE: Bu/boilMP1009/am AUTHOR: Kashukeyev, N.. Ribarov, S. ORG: Physics Institute:-M TITIE: Distribution of electrical charges in photoelectrets made of polycrystLrie sulfur 1 SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Doklady, v. 18, no. 9, 1965, 797-800 TOPIC TAGS: photoelectret, polycrystal, sulfur, electron charge ABSTRACT: The question of the spacial distribution of the electrical charges in photoelectrets is one of the basic problems of the photoolectrot state. While the authors begun the study of photoelectrets in polycrystalline sulfur in 1956 using a movable electrode probe, they switched later to the method of vibrating electrode probe. The experimental device consists of a compact unit comprising the chamber for photoelectret formation and the chamber for the study of charge distribution (for details see St. R. Ribarov,, Diploma Work, Sofia State University, Sofia, 1963). Results show that 1) positive charges are accumulated in the vicinity of the negative forming electrode, and vice versa; 2) the thicknesses of the accumulated photoelectret charges are approximately equal (-5 mm); and 3) the observed asymmetry in the distribution of the positive and regative charges was traced to the influence of electrons injected from the cathode, Presented by Academician G. Nadzhakov on 8 may 1965. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. [JPRS: 340253 SUB CODE: 20, 07 SUBM DATE: 08May(.,- OhiG REF: 003 SOV REF.- 004 OTH REF: 002 Ti -':z t7 ACC NR. AP60'1?62'-- A 11, "J rv, J- nu ni ll"It'v. OoIC s On 09~ C- VC -ono Sep 1947 LMIPS Mine Mines and Mining - Equilwant "Safagwirde Against 11ploalons of Electric Torches vith Filament Bulbs," Yu. M. Ribas, Senior 1natruc- tion Collaborator MakNU, 21 pp *Ugoll" No 9 (258) Aimmg the main rmsens vhy a filament bulb electric -4-Ang torch W wMlode Is breakage of the lane permitting entry of wMlosive gwes,, the generation of a spark betvaen the ocrAtacts of the source of the eloctrical energy and the bulb, or excess heating of me of the outside surfaces to the critical tenW. ature, or one of the games present in the mine. Me 24TU U80/31sotricity (Contd) Sep 194T- author presents several mathematical for=Llae for calculating the time required for such torch parts to became heated to the critical temperature. 24TU RIBASP YU. m. USO/Mining Equipment Oct 48 Lamps, Mine "Modern Explosion-Prcof Mining Lamps," Yu. M. Ribas, Read Sci Collaborator, Ma-VIIN, 3-1 pp "Ugol No 10 Describes four safety lamps for use in mines, vith six sketches. JIM I.-- - 132/49T75 PA 32/4()T75 RIBA.S, Yu. ~j Automatized lamp house. Mast.ugi.4 no.9:21-22 S'55- (KLU 9:1) 1. Nachallnik otdela lampovykh Donetskogo nauchno-issledovatell- akogo ugollnogo instituta. (Blectric lamps, Portable) SOV/ 112-59-1--2208 Autc,rmitic Lamp Sh-;p a' a Ccal M.-ime handle differe!xt qaazntiti*~-s oflamps. Ar. economlc comparisons of an a-.,itomatic larnp shop with a. conve --). t 4 -- f. (-.a shoxxrs that, despi -e the higher cost of e-,:j;-Hpmer.t of the fo:rmer, tl-..e aut-~xnstir- shoD viel " -ds a considerable economy e-ven d,--.r;lrg the first year of its opesation- because of cuts in Service pe:rsonnel. A 1---'..gher %: al;tv c-f lamp ~.-andling and checking and replacing of hard a-ad labor- cons--,ming work by rnechanismE is --,--.),ed. Tests of the experimental automatic i.arnp 511io'p sliowe~t an a-~eqq7zatle rel-labil-y and correct -ft,.-nctionung of aR meci~anismxs that er.sured acceu--'-;----g and deliver--ag up to 600 lamps per hour !.A. K. Card 212 KHORUNZHIY. V.A.i red.; RIBAS, Yu.M., red.; BORISLVICH, Z.S.. red.; VEHTYACHIKH, V.G.~red.~-,KO VYEV, H.K., red.; MOVSESOV, N.S.. red.; ZffIGULIK, Yu.9., red.; RAKOVICH, I.I., red.; RUTINSKIY, V.A., red.; TULIN, V.S.. red.; FWISOV, P.A., red.; FILIMONOV, P.V., red.; IGLITSYN, I.L., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye.. [Rulen for the manufacture of explosion-proof electric equipment] Pravila iz,-,otovleniia vzryvozashchishchenno,-,o elektrooborudovanlia. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1960. 54 p. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po avtoma- tizatsii i mashinostroyeniyu. (Electric apparatus and appliances) KHORMPZHIY, V.A.; RIBAS, Yu.M. Course oil investigation and approval of explosion-proof, electric equipment. Prom.energ. 15 no.6:50-51 je '60. (MIRA 13:7) 1. "Giproniselektroshalcht." (Rectric apparatus and appliane" ) KHORUNZHIY, Valentin Alekseyevich; RIBAS,.Yu'riy- Mikhaylovich; NEDOSEKOV, Svyatoolav Semenovich; BOWSHAM, Ya.M., retsenzent; BERSHITSKIY, M.D., red.; BULIDYAYEV, N.A., tekhn. red. (Explosionproof electrical equipment] Vzryvozashchishchen- noe elektrooborudovanie. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 319 p. (MIRA 16;8) (Electric apparatus and appliances-Safety measures) RIBAS, Yu.; FILIMONOV, P. New explosionproof electric equipment.. Pozh.delo 8 no.1:11-12 Ja 162. (MIRAI lr:l) (Electric apparatus and appliances--Safety measures) RIBAS, YU.11.1 ix ~ -I mv~ ,rw of explosion-proof no.52-37-43 My 1630- RIBAS, Yuriy Mikhavlovich [deceased]; AKMCAN, Fridrikh Markovich; FYATETSKIY, G-,-i-Roriy vuzefovich; k11,10POLIE, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich; STESHRIKO, N.N., red. rExplosionproof electrical eauipmeit for the petroleum, gas, and chezdcal industries; a ha.-dbook-eatalogi Vzr-yvo- zashchishchennoe elektrooborudovanLe dlia neftianoi, gazo- voi i khiTdcheskoi promyshlennosti; sprajochnik-katalog. Moskva, Nedra., 1964. 158 p. (MLLA 17:12) KHOo'UNIZ1111, Valentin Alekseyevich; -IJIBAS, Yuriy Ilikhaylovich [deceased '1; AtIM110, Fridrikh Markovich; AHNOPOLIN, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich; FIATETSKIY, Grigoriy Yuzefovich; OZM1110Y, prof., retsenzent [Explosionproof, electrical mine equipment; a handbook) Rudnichnoe vzryvobezopasnoe elektrooborudovanie; spra- 7ochnik. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 289 P. (MIRA 17:12) RIBRS, YII-V-, sion and exF 1csionproof electrical eTl iF- lianger olt' acetylene exl;lo , , ment. Prom.energ. 19 no. 4:31-115, Ap 164. (MiRA 1?;5" ~A Jk-'-Aff Am I I-L-sXf -A- A lowwii~ Is ANC, Illepter-Ii War. 1060 0. &ss L u f m iQ . ,. . It f. o -a -mimllil -.-.A as ON@" 00stain. J darumd with ing Owmw md of AM Hoo and *w al , M" 6, ft B Ok 00 J! -i di 'n , a 0 --"hIb- va A. G. og a b or g y so-Al S L A &I TALLUPGK At LITERATUNE CLASSIFKATION .10.1 111.1tv". tall .0.1n. ~Jfta.' .1, j.t JLIJI CK An L s a PW 0 0 a I Iff -3 a a 3 1 1 IL 11 It 1. 'It 1. n, I I"M 10 coo at 0* 1`00 We 0 too coo V-ur",U, Op-Ar. M-D. FORRGACS, Pal IM; and s ? ~Yj--,Ofttv im, of tl,~~ Z- o IM Cl, f tho Buda-'ast Col-lage of dan'ti"I Oryostsdcrcunyl 4gyettm). i i, V02 103 * ~O 49j. 9 Dec 62-, op trw---t: rAlithorel Yinrigarizn ammaryl A thor rep rt or, 104 f6n*sL-r j u 0 1 ate, vl'-',Y!~s obs-srved! avor prolonged perio-J of ',Lme. In t-h-At. opicnion V. -rnti -v trs~ti ogrt,, a 6016 ti'rec"vo iCnc t an U, ir. %in c na a M t de-jr-ite qe- tbLf EVI,i arzk ,f 'r Of d'-v ivel-stion ha~ 3hru&.. -,,17 roferoii--~-334 of VsAoh 5 SAPG,ZHNIKOV, A.P.; RIBBE A I - PALKIN, A.P.; KISEIEVA, N.P., inzh., red.; NEDVE~iii, ~T~'~-~Itekhn. red. [Eliminating the failures of the TU2 diesel locowtIv4 Ustrane- nie neispravnostei teplovoza TU2. Moskva, Transzheldorisdat, 1963. 118 P. (KRA 16:7) (Diesel locomotives-Maintenance and repair) red "1R ami T113 dieziel I~v!cmc:'!-vas Y-i'Al S/081/62/000/017/022/102 7 B166/B180 AUTHORS: Hachman, M., Glanz, G., Ribco, L. TITLE: Oxidation of silver induced by nuclear radiation PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, Po' 1962, 66, abstract 17, . 17B451 (Rev. phys. Ac*ad, RPR, 1961: v. 6, no. 3, 1961, 403-409 [Eng.1 TEXT: The pro.cess studied was the oxidation of Ag foil and wire by gaseous 0 under ra 2 diation from a reactor.. The weight increase of the specimens was measure d and 8hotomicrographs of the surface were'studied. It was ' 20-.:; found that, at 50 C, when o nly a monomolecular layer of oxide forms 6n the surface in of the absence irradiation, Ag oxidation does take place Ath radiation, and moreover, the oxidation rate apparently increases with the -dose. The oxidation is induced by the action of d-pile radiation which gives rise nd 0 in the 0 which to the formation of negative ions 0 a 2 29 oxidize the Ag. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation '.bard 1/1 30 RIMELI, N.Tee, inzhener. I Relay protection of bus bars. Zlektrichestvo no.5:77-79 My 1550 (Electric bus bars) (MIak *8:6) BERKOVICII, Mikhail Arnolldovich; VAVIN, Viktor Nikolayevich; GOLUBEV, Mikhail Llvovich; NAZAFUV, Yuriy Grigorlyevich- RIBELI Normund Yevgenlyevich; SAVOSTIYANOV, Aleksey Ivanovich; SEI-ENOrl Vra-SINI-r-KreVis and rovi ch; DOHOFEYEV, V.I., inzh., retsenzent; PESOCHIN) M.I., inzh., retsenzent; PERSHIN, V.I., inzh., retsenzent; ARTSISHEVSKIY, L,I., red.; GEFU~ , A.D., red.; BORUNCV, N.L, tekhn. red. (Manual on relay protection systems] Spravochnik po releinoi zashchite, (By] M.A.Berkovich i dr. Moskya, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 512 p. (KRA 16:9) (Electric relays) (Electric protection) kl~ t Y~:' AID P - 2357 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 21/30 Author Ribell, N. Ye., Eng. Title Relay protection of bus bavs (Review of foreign periodicals) Periodical Elektrichestvol 5, 77-79,. my 1955 Abstract On the basis of report No. 325 of the 1954 Meeting of the International Conference of the Principal High Teselon Electrical Systems (CIGRE), the author summarizes the latest progress in the field of relay protection. One diagram, 2 tables. Institution: None Submitted : No date RIO~M~f Andras Integrated, ser1conl-Auctor bassd logic&-L circults. Finominechanika 4 no.3-72-76 Mr 165- for TjSlrumen'S, RUdapest, u MATSMAIM, Arpad, oklevoles vill.mernok; M-ERE, Judit, okleveles I;__5IIE Yl, Andras okleveles vi-Il.msrnok; 1i - VI2ER, jeno, okleveles vill.mernok Voltage corupled Bemiconducting logical circuits. Meres automat 10 no.8:238-247 1629 1. Elektronikus Meromuszerok Gytra. RIBIA--3ZKYY, M. IlDrying Green Fodder", P. 166, (AGRARTUDOMANY, Vol. 6, No. 6, June 1954, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. I-77~- 77, 71. USS R 4 Z' 6 3 "11 ft ,11 1weall't" Eft tqwtm- of-ep de threads! ... g lx 4m9 M - - l and that of T11cose iid J1. .6NOT Jar= AM,! .. - 1954, 7, 417-426 weyffew 1- - Is eTTa some ~ detafl,! of i-n1-*rcb- 4 Black Y; appl. rAys., 1944,,, -and of 3 64) Hess and Mewig (Z. hys. C kem..: 1944. 193 196) : r E conclusion3 are given in detai It is now found. at in going1rom a hot-stretchedsu -stretcbrid gerpolyanxidp tbread to a cold d f i l id b b i d i d ront. ~axn erive t e threa e nocapro c e rpo yani ng ( imilar -t i ti i th i t th t i i th d f e ncreme n e or en a on s s o a egree o n discre cle al fibrils of superpolyantides the", fibrils an - to obtained by tilt6qnnir diginto of thathread.- Jka'diffr-mce., in thickneis. between 3aFerpot mide. fibrils and. ~Polyethylene- d t fib it diff i d t hi ij l d b 00 r s s erri ne o be a s erence so ax o ou 1 A. : t s for viscose silk fibrils.and librils of native wood ceUulooe,-. native 1 and mercerised n Rle&-n-" cr!sT'photo- c r ~ 23 f d eren re es.) reKoduce . ( g ~p)~~ ~Lre 7, . VAMOS, Rezso; ZSOLT, Janos; iJBIAITSZKY,.I-liklos Waterbloom and fish decay. iiidrologia-11 kozlenY 43 no.6:528- 533 D 163. 1. Aidomanyegyetem Novenyelettani Intezete,, Szeged (for Vamos and Zsolt). 2. Orszagos Halaszati Felugyeloseg, Budapest (for Ribianszky). ITOCSIK, Lajos, dr. RIBLOSZKY. biLld:gs. Kossuth-dijas Fish ponds witJi,peAt sofl. Elet t4d 16 -no.2:55-~58 8 A 161. ?. I B i II.P., s Z F "' I '*~ . For mcre -*ntAr!sivf- "' --ing. P. 1. (All;imi Gazd2s;ic~, Vol. C, No. 1, JAn 1'57, -L Iz - Budancest, Hung;iry) C40: I'onthly of --;"ast Euroo-an Accession!; LC. Vol- 6. No. 8. Aug 195?. Uncl. hi J LA143ZE'll It I%LL!~ --I I jIZ' (lof-,,jir forage dinjing. Elet tud 17 no.39:1201--1210 23 S 162. RIBIC , B. "Fifty years of the electric industries of Zagreb." P. 335 (Ener&-ija) Vol. 6, no. 11112, Nov./Dec. 1957 Zagreb, Yugoslavia 0 30: Monthly Index of East Euronean Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 RIBIC p B. Role of electric power in the development of Zagreb. P. 346. ENFRGIJA. (Zajednica elektroprivrednih poduzeca lirvatske i.Institut za elek- troprivredu u Zagrebu) Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Vol. 7, no. 10, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959. Unel. e I f - c o,, i 't'-J di e., c, e a i, safetY. 3igUl'110S P. s5t-.,. 6 U 7 -tecfL-,ojog-- :-Z - -U 111~ j (Drus,vo keyracara Sept. 1 Acces~icns --'~J LC Vol. 9, UILCI. RIBIC, Bozidar, dr. Qagreb) Technical regulatdcns for fi-rst aid given to the victims of electric current accidents. anergi-a Hrv 10 no. 91111-12-6 -42' "1. ,r " -~., -0- 1. Glavni elektroenergetski inspektorat Narcdne Republike drvaAske, Zagreb. Rip I I", o:;,. eezt!e-icnces In Q',7 cperaticn of -'Ul,-? A~,VJFX-l t--le-~Dri:lter station. 1D., 7c-1- 3, no. 10, Cc'- 1955. D', Vol. !S-59- N List c' '-Fast `:uro,)ean Accession-s no. uncl. RIBICIC, M. Yugoslavia (430) General - Serials Six months of courpetition In celo'bration of the 10th anniversary of our aruT. p. 4. 1JUDSKA PRAVICA. (Komunistiena Partija Slovenije) Ljubljana. (Weekly illustrated organ of the Communist Party of Slovenia). Vol. 2. no. 17?, December 22. 1951. East European Accessions List. Library of Congress, Vol. 1, no. 13, November 1952. UNCLASSIfied. RIBITI, 0. '.'. and K;'S(-,V, N. T-. "evi t.,)rpe of calorimetrr for ejeterminin:- heat cons'ants.1t Re:-ort presented at the lst, All-Union Conference on Heat- and Mass- Fxchange, 7-L MS.R, 5-9 June 1961 linsk, I ~ . - ~~ t ~ ' - T If. P W-mr-w-w-w-w-wr~- IF N 0 7 box ;IT** n uuva~o j L I w p a 1-1 L -j-A--m 0 J-t- -140! PIOCCUO A10 PICOMItt 0-091 .1~`'V. A.' 7- 00a AM CO 0 Oo A.G. P- wee 41 Igs-ILA ATILLUff"AL UTIIIATWW CL"WOCAIM 1"m IIVINJL" Ijam Sam 00 -a fmj~uw Q*v an Imunwil I o 0 *so q o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 040 0 0 01: 0 0 0 0 0 i" 0_0 O"!V04 r -00 0 0 f, a 0 6 0060 AA 000OLOO 000000.000000 - -n 000 0 OLO 0 ( j s .0 110 0 0 A: Gi ASA lit 10 OAV #-6- -4--e-a 4 A T - VMS Fol U U id JS J, U n j'V 4,1 Q IT I M M-ACAL L-A J7,fL_ _ _ d__ ~- I..o 1,. (.:11.1 00 'T*k*PW P'"14 Of 1*44 t0" "aced by % it. HININ VINS ~H'lt 24. Wiwn approx. half of the U U of Ma 12-16 am. h MOUrri.14-1 q. tvichicine igh am im 1 I-In I : I = :: 0 Ot 2D-2-1* for IS hr. growth !,, greatly retanjej if ter t-fitn"i OW the stems thicken in a chamilterimtip GO towar4a dw tip. The pollen of tho llowerm 1.,4 globtibir coo or lumpy and the wedit give riso to mm~dlirig* whirb have 24 somatic chsomosoomes im4tesd of the n l coo orma 12. Tbw tompkAb differ from dipUd "llings * f th zoo o e atme ap by thicker, W litly lleohy leaf b6d". bros4kil wid blunter leatkt r 1:: s o ompotnui leavps. aliti W6n&r growth. J. N. A. L A ALIALLURGXAL UYINATUNIE CLASSIFKATION kid., o3 n. 3 A FW D It A I B. dft4 is IS P ,y I? K S, A, s it it K Kw n *0000 Gil 0 0 GS 0 0 0 0 GO 0 0 0 Gi 0 0 0 * 0 0 A A 09 00 ox g: 00 --ko-In-9-tPal cobbichw4swumd seueploldy in mommuthum L. V. A. Ruum (Clocupt. rmd. A-d. of 0-03 10-1 0,,s malutions at oolehichm am applW daily for tdaystothoUpo(Ow ka- of this sunflower-, the lanim dower normally mml no hmp poilen Frains art, ImuNrI&M of the young plante in 0-05*/'0 001thlOinS for 24 hr. At 30--25* COMpietAy WTOM44 growth durfr4l She fc0owinp 2-4 weeks. The flowers whiok fam am mainky deformAd and many contain pollen grain& 2-4 times as larp as thow of oontrols. Maqy weds obtained fimm these als- normal flowers give rise to teimploid sssedliqp. P. G. M 4'j I L SITALLUSIGiCAL LiTfNATURC CtAIJOKATIOIJ OSIS), U IL A' K~ It A PC It at X4 04 1000 411, Oto .-go 'go -00 -00 .00 i" doe =09 9*0 00 logo goo RIBB, Ye.I.; PRATUSEVICH, R.M-; BULIKANOV, A.A. ------- Dynamic loads in machine-tool drives due to cutting. Stan.i instr. 31 no.3:16-18 Mr 160. WRA 13:6) (Machine tools--Vibration) RIBINOV, A.D. 'Using the method of girding for measuring large diameters. Izmtekh. no-8:4-6 Ag 16o. (KEA 13:9) (Length measurement) fall 3414 to 11011111 90 -A 9 f r__A_j_A_I_AL_j 040 0 0 A a W-3 go# 0O.E 00 .3 U;J! **a .3 ps"llits Apo plopl-I V. VisoonADoy (7AYad. lAb., 1937, 6, 564_4M)._3jeLho& of skehiag wsUed joinu are R. T A I a - I L A04TALLUPGKAL UTINATUOV CLAIWK&TWO X? 0Al X 31 V X v a di a a a a 0 "-A _-L-s -A--IkA_j 100 AND via.. V1.111V -00 6-Rrr =00 zoo zoo see zoo zoo u s AT go AS 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 or-* OT440 0o! so 28 :Ou 00 11 u Boom Plu- R NOW- JIM u XF S Of of Ll.-j W%b but Iva Otbw UMMIL a lit s.-sL. "TALLUR64CAL Ltlllt&TVM CLASWWATOM L %Dow 11"all" laftaso .4 2aj**O .1, amw a" u AV It 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00, 0 0 Am (p) 000000000 A mallAll @a a" Ot 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 Doi -00 -00 -941 -90 0 coo, 500 000 coo so* 400 we* =00 be* C11 0 fil oo 0 it 11 is a 1 31 u a A is a v t A I L J3 ~L-f A. -.L k it P. I M--L -Y J~ AA 14 CC P I If Sodium thiosuLtate anaph y1sixis. , "'Pidept'gol. 4621 (Ictulan SS4j(jjA:I.-,#. (*.utgl4 00 It olized aud its Allaphirlarift. 41.wk plo If wit 11 N 0 A IIIIIIIAII c-Alk At., 1. -11,jill, "-.",m hvll the -111. J~twt,at I tic kv 'Lln 4.1.1 hwill. a I1,11)PIC, W.111 I lf~ ....W A., u4j"I-1 vh.h.- .1. h- qw?fi, I- .11"Imin, 1. III the a4c ut I With tothri Iflotrill, with which thr ammAl wa, ~nomz~~I. 0 o. a 1 46 - *6 0 04 4vw Iv 6 it IS 0 .1 It #1 s j J9 jb 0 u j4 l 0 I~ t 1 U4 IL-J~ f j I V Riblu'Llf. s. . i I 1q: -S: RT 14, ' call tic "=- pig. It cd by I hi~ uw A 00 salbuinji). J.-T :J I. I ' - hi-I Is lymph I I m .."It -, i ....... 9- .4 1 -h At, I.- pi-I'l ... I 09 1vo,til 1-111 111- S. A. K~JA6 zoo 00 of 4 -1 it a rt., n I I. 0 0 0 0 0 4b 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 40 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 so Of 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0// TSUKKRNIK,, L.V.;RIBINSIKIY, V*Ye..:.,, Automatic excitation controller for generators in low and medium duty electric power plants. Avtonatyka no.3:58-63 156. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Institut elelctrotekhniki Akademii nauk URSR. (Electric generators) (Automatic control) A A I-L-L-r-A-L-L L F. Q_IL 0 :0 0 4 0 0 W-W-W-W-W-w CIE 0 1 Tba Fodnifty (Altunivii, It OY AP U: F. 0. Itilikin (TeAniku Vowliuth- wivp Ybda (TerAnol(W of the Aerial Nuiv). 11111S.-IJ) In Itussian.1 0 13 The lirt-lanition. casting, %working. heat-treatnient. plivoical and mcclinnienj 0 0: Pnipertied and tnicrontructure of the alloy art- clescril-1. The munju-iii.m I* copfer 4.2-4.5, titanium 0 al&uinium the n-niainder.-N. A. :0 0 :0 A S a - I L ASETALLURGPCAL LITERATURE CL&ISWICATIGN SI It C.. Q.1 0-4 n Ar a) is U ip D (I it gig xj wig plitst a IIII 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~i2 0 &1o 0 0 0 W-W-wr- -W 0 610 41 41 As 41 As X1 .3-2 1 00 '00 '00 -00 -00 a* 0 :;9 0 r* 0 =0 0 r0 0 r0 0 re 0 -00 300 0 =go T5 I t$ -I An L S 4 rW 0 N a I it IM -3 a 3 2 v POG;IEBNYAK, P.S.[Pohrebniak, P.S.1, akademik; GAYDUCHOK, AjHaiduchok, 0.1, red.;-RIBKA, V.B.[-Rybka, VB.], red.; KLOKOVA, S.M., tekhn. red. [Let rustling forests cover our land] Khai shu=,ft' zemla haiem7. Kyiv, I.-Iolodt, 1961. 98 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Akademiya nauk USSR, predsedatell Ukrainskogo obshchestva po okhrane prirody (for Pogrebnyak). (Ukraine-Forests and forestry) RIBKIN., G. Proobrrizowit#-Inyo. Untanov:cl Bolshol Moschriontl (Ilfleh-Vf~.Itage Transformers) 255 -~) - L. 25 SO: Your Continent Book List, A-pril 1954