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USSR SADYKOVA, E. M., et al. Izvestiya Akadewdi Nauk. SSSR, Seriya Khi-'alchaskaya, No 4, Apr 72. PP 786-790 tion, and a reaction of the complex with the bydroxyl group oxygen in presenc's of,air; this leads to a reduction of the number of bydroiWl groups in tho re- inforced product and banding of the air oxygen, so that the dogradation is slowed down and the transparency of the product is,improVc4. 2/2 69 USSR 541,10"M116#547.11118 spn,syN, vixT. i., X0111- T. D. 0SADYMAj So Me# and MTEMNKO# R, G.f Moscow State Univexisity imeni H. V. Loxonorsov "A Study of Certain Adducts of Box*n Trifluoride with Trialkyl(aryl)-phosph1was" Hoacowl Izvestiya Akad, Nauk SSSRp Seriya nimicheskaya, No 1p Jan 72, pp 45-50 Abstracts Published data on the halogenic borophosphanes are still very scant. The few compounds thus far obtained axe recommended as antinock additives for engLne fuels# hydxau]Lic fluids, dielectAce wa catalysts for polymerization. In additiont bDrophosphones containing a fluorine aton with the boron have gone almost entirely unstaudied, Using triaWj(phenyl) phosphinas in combination,with etherate of biron trifluorider the authors obtained a number of fluorine-derivative borophos- phaneop for which chemical analyses weromade for thow of type F 3B-HY infrared spectra were obtained for those of type F B-PR , and both thermal 3 3 and chemical analyses for the products of decomposition Of thDSO Of type Y3BP(06H heated in nitrogen azd air were mAe, Decompo3ition was found to 3 occur at 180-2000C la the case of air, and 200-2200 in the cane of nitrogen, Conplete graphic summary of data obtained acconpanies tba paper. 46 -541.572.8 USSR UDC 54L572.51 ROMM, I. P., SADYKOVA, E. M., GUR'YXN0VA,'Ye. N., JWLLr 1. D., and KOCHESKOV, K..A., Academician, Physical Chemistry Institute imeni t'."Y_a'.'.Karpov, Moscow, and Noscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov, Moscow p, n-Conjugation in Triphenylphosphine" Moscow, Dcklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 195, No 2, 1970~ pp 372-375 Abstract: The p w-conjugaLion (interaction of the undivided electron pair at P with the i,-electrons of the aromatic system) Of Ph3P was studied on the basis of the dipole moments (d. m.) of complexes R PXIC (R - Bu, hexyl, 3 3 octyl, Ph) of phosphines, which are active n-donors, with a number of ac- ceptors (MX3 = AlBr , GaC13, BC13) and of the heats of.formation of R3F.~LX3 M3 = Al]'Br3, CaC13~ The thermal effects involved in the sWoStituLion of R3P with dimethylcyclohexylamine in R3P.DF3 (R - Bu, heN-/l, ?h) and of Ph3P 3P'BC'3 were also considered. The d. m. of complexes i kY13- 'th Bu3P in Ph U P.AlBr3 were close to each other, but the heat of formation of the second was much lower than that of the first because of energy losses associated with breaking of tha p n-conjugation in R P d amplex-foLmation. On uring c the basis of this difference and simila f ferences for complaxes with other 1/2 USSR Rrj,.qm, I. P., Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol 195, No 2, 1970, pp 372- 375 acceptors (those for complexes with BF3 and BM were ceAculated from the 3 thermal effects in the substitution reactions), the p n-conjugation energy EC in Ph P was estimated at 11.7 + 2 kcal/mole as an average of values 3 based on data for complexes with Zie four acceptors MX3. E, for Ph P-Was 3 lower than that for N-methyldiphetylamine (E. 14.9 kcal/mala) and much lower than that for Ph N,. 3 2/2 56 - ----------- UNCLASSI FIE0 PR(jCES5 MG IIATE--OctDEC70 EFFECTS ON THE KINETICS.Of BUTYRALDEWDE OXIDATION BY AOLECULAR OXYGEN -U- AUTHOR-(02)-USHKALOVA, V.N.t KOLMAKIVAr E.F. -,,:~'.G0VNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~:'...SOURCE-NEFTEKH1141YA 1970, 10(2)t 246-50 .',DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-CHEMISTRY OPIC TAGS--OXIDATION, ALDEHYDEr ORGANIC:$OLVENTP REACTION KINETICS, T -PEROXIDEv OXYGEN CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :,--.PROXY REEL/FRAME--3006/0961 STEP NO--UR/0204/'tO/0101002/024610250 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0134679 UNCLASSIFIED 2/2 021 UNCLASSI FIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0134679 ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE OXION. KINETICS OF BUTYRALDEHYOE IN SOLN, VARIED ACCORDINGITO THE SOLVENT USED (C SUB6 H SUB6, C SUB6 H SUB 14t CCL SUB49 CHCL SUB3, S SUB2 H SUa4 SL SU82t ME SUB2 CO). THE MOST CLEAR EFFECT OF THE SOLVENT APPEARED AT 30DEGREES~ -CHCL SUa3, C SUB2 H SUB4 CL SUB2, AND C SUB6 H SUB61HAD A STABILIZING EFFECT ON THE INTERMEDIATE OXIDN. PRODUCT OF WHICH 60-70PERGENT, BASED ON,THE ALDEHYDE-i WAS ACCUMULATED AND AN,INSIGNIFICANT A T. WAS SPENT FOR -ACID.FORMATION* THE STABILIZATJON OF THE PEROXIDIZED P ODUCT IN THE 3 SOLVENTS WAS DUE TO INTERMOL. REACTION WITH THEM. FACILITY: 7TYUMEN. 1N0. INST., TYUMENP USSR, UNCLASSIFIED jp-qs 59775 10 August 1973 MCC 621,039.51 APPLICATION OF A MOM OF A POROUS BODY FOR CALCULATION OF TRE FIELD OF VELOCITIES AND TF"ERATURES IN A REACTOR CORE tArtlcle by Obninsk, Publi- *414P. Irl oyvi cation FEI-21 s ca and Ener~fj Institute, RuSlia,n, 1971, 111 pages] In this work a system of differential equations of hydraulics and heat transfer for a reactor core is t-onsidered, an a "porous body' with aninotropic properties, which is solved in a linenr nop, xi=tion for a care of small devi- ation of the geometry of the channels. ZA, In the calculation.of the hydraulIc and thermal charac- teristics of heat exchangers and cores of reactors. which ai-e a system of rod-shaped TVVL (fuel clexants) and parallel cnannels connected between each other. it in inadequate to consider only one or a few channels. The presence of regular and random devia- tLons In the geometry of the system and in the distribution of heat liberation leads to a redistribution of the flow rate of the coolant throughout the cross-section of the core and to an irregular preheating of the coolant jlJjj2j_ As a consequence of tho large number of connected chan- nels, the problen stated in a general form turns out to be quite cumbersome. The methodology of statistical calculation of t1io effect of deviations of the geometry on the scattering of tha flow rate and temperature of the coolant in a case of connected channels gives characteristics of scattering that are comrion for the entire system, without local variations, without a consider&- tion of the mixing of jets of the coolant and the ap7eading o f heat from the 'hot'. point (3). In this work, a system of difCerential equations of hydraulics in solved for the system &a a whole. which makes it possIble to perform the ajalysis in a common form and to obtain USSR '*4/ USSR UDC: 534 K01MMOV, V. A., STAL'TSEV, A. S. ----------------------- "An Ultrasonic Method of Measuiring the Parameters of a Low-Frequency Acoustic Wave.11 Tr. Taganrog radiotekhn. in-ta (Works of Taganrog Radio Ergineering Insti- tute). 1973, vyp. 34, pp 156-163 (from RZh-Fizika, No 5, May 73, abstract No 5Zh532 by Ye. B. Kudashev) Translation: The article discusses an instrument foi measuring sonic pres- sure and the oscillatory velocity of a planeYlow-frequency acoustic wwre. The method is based on using frequency as an informative parameter. It is shown that at a distance of less than the ultrasonic wavelength in the Meditm the parameters of the acoustic field can be determined from the relative fre- quency change by using a high-frequency detector. Frequency is measured by an analogous method, using a frequency detector to conirert frequency to voltage. In this instance it is necessary to inteo:ate the useful signal. The parameters of the instrument are examined. Estimates are made of the measurement errors due to deviation of the temperature of the medium from the initial value and the high-frequency error of prensare averaging 1/2 USSR KOIWXOV, V. A., STAL-TSEV, A. S., Tr. Taganrog. radiotekhn. in-ta, 1973, VYP. 34, PP 156-163 in the acoustic channel. A schematic diagram of the instru-ment is given. The lower limits of measureable acoustic pressure and oscillatory velocity are 1.5_104 N/m2 and 0.01 m/sec-The-upper limits are determined by the caVitation threshold. The total measurement error does not exceed 1.5'5'. It is shown that by forming the signals of the sum and difference of the output voltages of the measurement channels of pressure and velocity and squaring these signals with respect to their rum, it is possible to deter- mine the total energy of an acoustic Me error In measurement of acoustic energy (potential, kineti,c,ead total) of an acoustic wave is inde- pendent of whether it is a tri%,;eling wave or a standing wave, and amounts to 4%. 2/2 USSR uDc: 621.396.9:527.629.78 CHEBaTAREV, R. P., SIDORIN, V. N., POLUSHKIN, G. A. , BIBAF307 R, Mi. JB9 IUTDINOV,, Sh. 0. , 2~", "A Set of Equipment for Radar Studies of Meteors in Dushanbe" ByU. Tn-ta-antrofi-.. X1 TDdzh. SSR (Bulletin or the fntititute of Astro- physics of the Academy of Sciencea of Tadzhik SSR), 1970, ITO 55, pp 24-28 (from RM-Radiotekbnika, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract ITO 1,2G%))1) Translation: The authors describe a set of equipment Pir mensuring the wind in the upper atmosphere in the 1QSY program tit the ins, titute of k;trophysics of the AcadeW of Sciences of the Tadzhik- MR. The equipirient', is dcsigned for determining ccordinates, altitudes,radiants and velocitlen ')r M-Avorr-, and for studying the physics of meteorn and or the upper atwsphere. Data are given in brief for operation of the equipment complex. ReGuM6. USSR uDc. 621.~86.6.002(088.8) NE VASINA, N. T. , RAS, ETSOVA, B. Ye. ,KOLMAK2,YdL. "A Method of Frosting the Surface of quart~ztl USSR Author's Certificate No 261"1045, filed 22 Mar 68, published 9 Jun 70 (from RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No 12V31"i) Translation: The invention deals with treating the surface of quartz used in the electronics industry for making thin-film photoelectric beam receivers. The treatment consists in frosting the surface of, tie quartz in a mixture of saturated solutions of potassium fluoride in n-tric acid and ammonium fluoride in nitric acid taken in the ratio of 1:1.2. Ye. IM. USSR UDC: :537-312..62 VASINA, N. T.,, RASNETSOVA, B. Ye., KQI MOTUA.Ya. "A Method of Photoengraving Lead Films" USSR Author's Certificate No 261498, file&15 jui 68, published 27 May 70 (from BZh-Radiotekhnika, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No 11D643 P) Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a method of photoengraving lead.films deposited on a dielectric substrate. The protedure is based on coating the lead film with acid resist, forming the copy layer and subsequent etching. As a distinguishing feature of the patent, packing density is in- creased and circuit quality is improved by placing the substrate in an etchant comprised of a formic acid solution at a distance of 3-4 = from the -ace of the substrate etchant reflector and blowing compressed air an the surf through a layer of etchant, alternating the action of the compressed air vith the action of the etchant. ZHMMH~I Ace. Nr: Abstracting Seirvic Ref. Code: AP0053379' CHEMICAL ABST. 'O.O."P 82386d Use of potentlometric method for t1trating ralcrocion- that resutance to water cantrations of bases for datenuww loathing of glasses. - BaMin, V. Y.; A; (UningjA. Tekhnol. Inst. im. LensovetA. Lenihkra& USSR). No Ker4m. 1970, 27(l), 42-3 (Russ [ng procedure i~- proposed ). The fopowi for the detn. of water-so 1. b4ses in gl"s.~ Wash them powd. glass (particules 0.5-0.8 mm) with EtOH to removi the fin6st povraex~ dry 5-10 mia, at 100-110!, take 1~2.5 g sample inta an Erlen- r may -r fiXk ml water and cl6se with a plastic'61. Stir s] g y while heating1he flask I hrat 1000. Filter G~ the g theaoln-to2WmlvdthA-ater., Aliquotsof 100 ml are taken for titm. with 140. Visual indicators do:uot give Ptisfactory result$' A potexitiornetric titra. with qui~hy- drone electrode is found more useful, A correction f6~ the hJ4nk is necessarv. M. bartus& -T -1 USSR UDC: 621.391.81 KOLMAKOVA, S. A., TERPUGOV, A. F. "Optimum Linear Systems for Determining the Moment of Appearance of Poisson- Signals" Tr. Sib. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta Dri Tomsk. un-te (Works of the Siberian Physico- technical Institute Associated With Tomsk University), 1970, vYP. 51, pp 179-189 (from BZh-Radiotekbnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6A69) Translation: 'The authors solve the problem of constructing a linear system in which variance is minimized for the estimate of the time of ar- rival of a useful signal of the type of a Poisson floir of events of variable intensity against a background of a Poisson flow ofelrents of constant intensity. It is assumed that the signal-to-noise ratio is fairly higti. Cases of coherent and co=letely incoherent signals are considered. 7he effectiveness of optimum and matched signals is comared. Two illustra- tions, bibliography of one title. N. S. mop . .... qIPPOlipw USSR UDC: 51942:621.391 KO,UMKOVA, S. A., TERPUGOV, A. F. ..Optimum Linear Systems for Determining the Time of Appearance of Pois- son Signalsyl Tr. Sib. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta Dri Tomsk. un-te (Works of the Siberian Phys i cote dhn-i cal Institute Affiliated With Tomsk University), 1970, VY-p. 51, PP 179-189 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9. Sep T11 Abstract No 9V280) Translation: Against a background of a Poisson stream of events of con- stant. intensity, a pulse signal may appear which generates a Poisson stream of variable inten ity pp(t), where u(t) is a given -f%mction of time determined by the shape of the sioaal, and p is an unknmrn constant with known a priori distribution. It is required to estimate the time of arrival of the useful- signal. It is assumed that the signal-to-noise "y large. The transient response of a filter -which mini- ratio is fair- mizes the variance of the estimate is sought for a coherent. signal and for a completely incohercnt signal in the class of liAear tr&ns formations. V. Brikker. ------------- t- USSR UDC: 519, 2: 621. 391 KOLMAKOVA, S. A., TERPUGOV, A. F. "Optimum Linear Systems for Determining the Time of Appearance of Pois- son Signals" 'ibei -e (Works of the S ian Tr. Sib. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta -Dri Tomsk. un-t Physicotechnical Institute Affiliated Wit1i Tomsk University), 19705 VYP- 51, PP 179-189 (from RZh-Kibernetika, No 9, Sep 71, Abstract No 9V2&0) Translation; Against a background of a Poissorl stream of events of can- stant intensity, a pulse sloial may appear which genaratei3 a Poisson stream of variable intensity pli(t), where p(t) is a briven function of time determined by the -shape of the signal, and P is an tun),nown constant with known a priori distribution. It is required to estimate the tine of arrival of the useful signal. It is assumed that the s~gnal-to-noisl:! ratio is fairly large. The transient response of a filter which m~ni- mizes thevariance of the estimate is sought for a coherent signal and for a completely incoherent signal in the class of 11inear transformations. V. Brikker. 12 USSR UDO 621.~82.5 KKOMOGG--R~Ir,_R2_P,, ChUIRCOV, V.P. "Analysis Of The Effect Of The Parameters Of Epitaxial Films And The Structural Parameters Cf Transistors On The Electrical Properties Cf The Devices" (Elortranir, Technics. Elektron.tekhnika. Nauch-teWin. ab. Folunrovodn.jA~L~w Scientific-Technical Collection. Sonliconductor Devicen), 197-,Iufj,,Ao 4(61),p.-,, 11-16 (from RZh:Elektronika i monaniX21 i1o 4, APril 1572, Abstract No e e pri 4B259) Translation: The effect is studied of the parameters of epltaxial films and the structural parew-atern of trBnBistors on the electri,cgl proDertiee of, V11v de- vices, the reliobility ii3 owiluated, and the phydoul n'-fure ef ti,.c effecto acknowledged to be nignificant io ann)yzod. Begreatifid -1,1-a Aj tho electrical parameters of the tranziutorn wit -parna~vtcrc of tho film u rid the structural parameters of the dovices are presented. Sumia-.ry. USSR UDO 621. 7/,82. KOL. -_ OV G.R., CHULKOV, V.P. "Study Of The Effect Of The Parameters Of Spitaxial. Filins On The Structural Parameters Of Tranaistors" Elehtron. takhnika. 17auch.-tekhn-eb. PoluDrovodn. pribcarr, (Electronic Technics. Scientific-Technical Oollection. Semiconductor Devices), 1971, issue 4(61`,pp ~-10 (from RZ7h.-Elaktronika I yeye primeneni-ye, No 4, April 1972, Abstract 'No 4B243) Translatior: The paper studies t~a effect of the par~=,3tero of opitaxiel Iiizms on the successive diffusion of boron and phosphorcus In the proce-jr, of =inufLict- uring epitaxial-plenar non-eased transistors of n-u-n type. Th,~ analyrjitj ;,n c-,n- ducted ~y experimental methods with ntutiaticel prccewiinr, of tho dota by a program of regression analy~-jis developed for the "loimik-22" 00.1jputer,- "AKI-4CO" language. Linear regreenion equationa are olittlincil -nilich connect tflc* film parametero with the structmr,91 parametero of the trawzi.!!tura; zu conll5rativc evaluation is made of the extont of inOuence of the N.1m p,,~raneterc and an i-nter,-~retaticn of thr; rem-A.ta obtained is given. Suitntiry. USSR UDC 621.382.002-30.001.57:519.2 KOLMOGOROV G. D. IIUSMEKOV, T. Y-U. "Som Problems of Mathematical Siiiiulation and Statistics as Applied to the Problem of Controlling the Technological Production Processes of Semiconductor Devices (Survey) Elektron. te'-hnilza. Nauch.-tekhn. sb. llolmEoAndtL. riL)c,,S~ (Electronic Ensineer- __p ing. Scientific and Technical Collection. Semiconductor Deviceri) , 1971, vyp. 4 (61), pp 17-30 (from R71i-Avtomatika, Telemokhanika i vychislitel'nava teklinilra, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract 1,11o 4A610) Translation: A study war, mde of the basic rrathernatical juethods of statistical jcal TiFocess- processing of data oil the states of a large system for a tuchnoloF Inle geneeral allgorithn for finding, and inpleiiianting the Optimal 112,0'1C for the technological process in written. An heuristic cri'Wrion is proposed for cal- -he initial and corjtr:)I. p,--.xwreter~~ Of pro- culating the "corrected" W11110B Of 1, cesses. There are 2 illustrations, 3 tables, and a P3-elltry I)ibliograpny- ~777'--USSR' M-0 621.7-011-001-571539:385 BOGATOV, A. A.,and KOILIOGOROV, V. L., Ural Polytechnic Institute *Condition for the Failure of Metals During Alte rnating Deforzation With an Arbi- tzary Cycle Form" Moscow, I2vestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy, Chernaya lktallurgiya, No 4, 1973, pp 102-105 Abstract: The authors propose a model for using the plasticity resource during cyclic deformation. The model takes into consideration the possibility of correcting a part of the defects, cracks, pores, et--. This model made it possible to determine the condition for the failure of metals during plastic deformation. The condition can be used for studying some complex types of pressure metal processing. The re- salts show that the value for the degree of using the plasticity resource can fall between 0.79 and 1.17 in 95 out of 100 cases. The validity of the proposed model was verified by a series of cyclic tortion experiments wit1i a random cycle form. 1A 56 'USSR UDC. 539.2i4462o.175 BWATQVI A. A., KM.WV,, G. D., KODWOHOV$ V. L... MMMOIrp R.~P... and PLAKEEOTINp V. S. "Plasticity of Metals with Sign-Changing Deformation" Izv, VUZJ, Chernaya, Metallurgiya, No 6, 1970) pp 83-86 Abstract: Experimental investigations and analytical imthois were used to estab- lish the regularity of the growth of plasticity of a number of types of steels and nonferzNms a.Uoys under alternating deformation (twisting) vith symmetrical and pulsating cycles. The value of the Coffin factcar was determined, and the method of determining constant C in Coffin's formula was clarified. DELta were obtained on the plastic-fty of steel and nonferrous 'alloys with alternating defor.- vhich can be used for the calculation..'of cracking unFler cyclical loading. one illustration; oix biblio. refs& Vi ..-Atz .040 UNCLASSI.FIED i PKUtt5ZiL0lQ UAlt--U4UtLlU 'zTITLE--STRESSES, STRAINSip FRACTURE _Ul_ -'..4UTHOR--KOLMf)GOR0V, ,COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ri m.SOURCE-STRESSES, STRAINSt FRACTURE (NAPRYAZHENIYA OEV RMATSII RAZRUSHENIYE) MOSCOW,, METALLURGIYAt 1970, 23L PP 0 A.T'E PUBLISHEO ------- 70 AREAS--MATERIALSt MECH.t IND*# CIVIL AND MARINE ENGR TOPIC TAGS-PLASTICITYf MECHANICAL FRACTURCr MATERIAL FRACTUREt METAL ...-:,DRAWING, METAL EXTRUSION, STRESS STRAIN.DIAGRAMy METALWORM.ING, STRESS ANALYSIS CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS .-.-DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED :-PRIOXY REEL/FRAME--300811506 STEP NO--UR/0000/701000./1)00/0001/()2'31 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AM0138507 kii-golm Ila 1. ii wlc-.S~3- 212 040 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING 0ATE--0k0EC_10 -_C:IP.C ACCESSION NO--AM0138507 ~-~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. TABLE OF CONTENI'S: PR E F A C 7. CHAPTER I CERTAIN PRINCIPLES OF THE THEORY OF STRESS: STRIIN CoNDlf[0!1j'i A,110 THE-THEORY OF FRACTURE 9. 2 FRACTURE THEORY A140 PLASTICITY OF METALS 32. 3 COMMENTS WITH REGARD TO DETERMINATION GF~SrRESS AND -STRAIN CONDITIONS 74. 4 STRESS STRAIN: CONDITIONS AND FRACTURE 114 -FORGING AND ROLLING 102. 5 STRESS STRAIN CONOrriONS AND UTILIZATION ,-..-OF METAL PLASTICITY IN COLD DRAWING AND ROLLING OF TUBES: 158. 6 STRESS STRAIN CONDITIONS AND FRACTURE IN EXTRUSION AND DIRAWING 193. .BIBLIOGRAPHY 223. THE BOOK CONTAINS RESULTS OF INVESTIGATIONS CONDUCTED BY THE AUTHOR AND HIS CO WORKERS, AS 14ELL AS LITEAAUTRE DATA ON STRESS STRAIN CONDITIONS OF METALS AND THEIR FRACTURE UN PRESSURE WO RX I NG THE BOOK WAS WRITTEN FOR ENGI:NEERING TECHNICAL PERSONNEL OF -..~i~',THE METALLURGICAL AND THE MACHINE CONSTRUCT:ING INDUSTRY, SPECIALISTS IN ~.~'..METALVORKING BY PRESSUREt AND COLLEGE STUDENTS. UNCLASSIFIED Analys !J:~ c :-.e sea. ch T-,;, S Ferrous e t ra s "tzr,~, Con'Ziltions Ur.,,er xrer Chernaya ,,jetalAtiri;iya, \~o d, 70, -oscow, llzvest 1-ya Vysshikh TkTc"ebrY?.l zavei-:i"ni pp 76-80 Abztract: e-x.pern-ment in"rolvea Of SLuli,~l -1.)0 ~!ld P.And 0.01% S) cut frcm. v. :;,ell wi-.h ay T. 'I k~,/--ri2 tensile strerrth. 0-t, 111.8 to 118.2 kir/mm,-p and reduction of f Pp.-t lu-e WaG 40 t,G 52.5i09. The Condition 0 wn. e r e K is the state 04' otvess ind is the fracturin., wlue - ex, I ip metal 1-iasticit'-, at a i7,iven state ot stress, and b is thu CCaZf:LCi.)il4l C0,17'ro., "l-nig A./2 A e a 1 izvestiya Vysshikh Uchabnykh Zavedeniy, C liaraaya MetalliurgiYa. No 8, 70, PP 76-80 yS-C7.s the vec-zor pro,-,.e.-ties of f.racturing accumulat-~cr. tx.-der v--r 4 C. -'~ 3 1 Op. d of de--Pormable rietals. It was found that the ass-=ea conr,;.-.ion of -friLlur- valid for 13oth const~Lrlt and variable 'ralues of K in the process of loadinr.n the event that (on deformation) the main stresc; termor ccrmonents are connected *wIth the matiteriall fibers, then coefficient 3 :ItKr be tWkPn (,,r--th $uf f ic ient accuracy) to be equal to unity. in the case that in tile nroce:~:3 of loading there appears considerable dev-atiori of Lbe n,~ir stress tensor components from the initially connected naterial fibers, then 5 is less tbn~, 1 and its value depends on the loading systm. 2/2 UDC 576.858. USSR gwinu&- - U- W-, and PUTILOVA, G. I., Institute of Pharmacology, Academy o Sclences USSR "Effect of Indole Derivatives on the Adanovirus Cell System" Moscow, Voprosy Virusologii, No 5, 1971, pp 576-579 Abstract: The following four indole derivatives were tested as possible anti-adenovirus agents: (i) 0-dimethylaminoethyl ester of 1-(~-dimethyl- aminoethyl)-2,3-dimetliylindolecarboxylic-5 acid (ALA-3066) dichlaride (ALA- 306); (ii) B-dimethylaminoethyl ester of 2,3-dimethylindolecarboxylic-5 acid hydrochloride (ALA-251); (iii) 8-amino-1,2,3;4-tetraliydrothiopyrane [4,3-b]- indole hydrochloride (K-191); (iv) P-diriethylandnoethyl. oster of l-benzyl 2,3-dimethylindolecarboxylic-5 acid hydrochloride (K-281). Adenovirus types 5 and 7 were used in cell cultures of testicular (CaOy) ind gastric (CaYe) carcinomas. ALA-306 a-nd K-191 did not inhibit viral reproduction or exert any protectIve action regardless of the method used. K-281 did not have any direct .rffect on viral replicatlon but it partly pre~,ented the viral particAes from untering the cell. ~LA-251. (500 to 1000 1~fj/ml) inhibited viral replication, regardless of the binthoti ui4od, and thiis celli; conLinued 1/2 USSR KOIMYKOVA, V. X., and PUTILOVA, G. I., Voprosy Virusologii, No 5, 1971, pp 576-579 to Ikve and multiply. However, there was no true cytopathic effect on the cells nor was any complement-fixing antigen found., The complement-fixation reaction was negative. The culture fluid vas not infectious. 2/2 C-1-1 USSR UDC 669.71.053-1.214088-8) IN S . 1 . , G!-, ix, m - I . , V11COLOV , "C . A. , -K'.1! KHI . V IC I Ul..-N -&-.1 POMM, A. NT., IkGUNOV, YU. V., POLONSKIIA", S. VA., M-WANNOV,%t 2. A. 44ALYS"'IEW, V. I., YE2,11LIN, B., 1. ICASKKUL' , V. V., V. P. TSEYM,"UMI N . L., YI-X, A. P G-HERNIx'SH, F. I and KOLNOGU- Z ENUX0 )L.-A-., Dnepropetrovsk Metallurgical Institute of Smelting Abrasive Electrolytically Prod"ced Corundum" USSR Author's Certificate No 263635, filed 15 Oct 65, publ-shed 10 jun 70 (from M-Metallurgiya, No 11, Nov 70, Abstract No LI G101 P) Translatio"; A mct4od ia proposed for srojtjnr -hrzL!-,jv-- trolyt-imlly Fircduccd corundum in a 'Cher.1al fuvriacc. w"-.iC7'. irvolves deep fus-Lan oz: charge with rcducim~ agent-S. To increase tl-e abra--ive propertie." of corundu=i and to obt--in in it -,. T-; o:,udc contcnt of -:~~ 1'L, s~aeltingr, is carried out or-I kzaolin Prasl.ntared with 7e-ora additive or scal,e in the a"aount o;1- 20-30 wt % G-t' the charae. 30 IT ff" 5", R mi M". "m ma mi, am, n z In 1.91 USSR UDC 681.327.66.002.72 ATOVM'YAN, A. E., ANFIMOV, M. A., V1YUGIN, V. A., KOL04ASHKIN, N. I., LITVAN, A. B., MAZAN'KO, B. P., AND SOLOWYEV,' V. A. "Device for Checking Bunched Conductors" 'USSR Author's Certificate No 277858, filed 27 May 69, published 6 Nov 70 (from RZh-Avtomatika, Telemakhanika i Vychislitel'naya Tekhnika, No 6, Jun 71, Abstract No 6 B153 P) Translatioa: A testing device containing a memory, coincidence circuit, and a display circuit is well known. This device does not provide for automatio.T-l of control of bunched conductors during the manufacturing process. The pro- posed device for similar purpose is distinguished by the fact that it con- tains two ferrite cores with an open magnetic conductor, into one of which wires corresponding to the code "I" are introduced, and into the other, wires corresponcling to the code "0." These are the primary coils of transformers the secondary windings of which are connected to the first input of each of two wincidence circuits respectively. The second input of each coincidence circuit is Connected to the memory output, and their outputs are connected to the interrogation device connected to the conductors of the tested bunched conductors and the interrogation current control circuit. The control of the bunched conductors during the production process is automated in this way. There is 1 illustration. 69 ..... ......... . WSR UDC 5 3. 0V .084-5 3.001.5 ZAKWOV, 0. V, , KOVALEEINT-K-0, V. V. , KOWBASINDI Xr. 14. "Calculating the Gam,=.a Radiation Lose RLte of a Gas Jet Pro-na.-ating in the Ground Layer of the Atmosphere" N rb. Vopr. dozitietrii.i zashchity ot,-h. (Problems of tosim-etry and Radiation Shielding collection of works), vyp. 12, Mczicov, Atornindat, 1971, pp 9h-97 (from RZh-Fizika, vo 4, A~r 72, Abstract No hA696) Trainslation- 91ie gamma radiation dose rate of a gas jet is calculated using data on d-iztributlon of the concentration of activity in the gromd layer of the atmosr'llere. 'Me restilts of the coT-mutatien are presented in the form of the reduced dose rate created by the garmia ra-diation of a jet escaping from a source with a rate of I curie/s at a vInd speed of I m/s for a Icing-Eved isotone with K -Y =I r-m2/hr- curie. Thi,:! redmcod dose rate depends weakly on the goirma radiation enprnr: in the enerny range fmm 0.1 to 2.5 Mav it changes bY t3(3% from the vtaue at E= 11 VeN. Accounting for the ra-11or-ative decay of izotopr.-s with. T~.-'3'20 min A '5 c-. carrectior. to the dose rate ca-IciLlated for long-livcd Isotope's of no mcm-o than The position of the -,I 4ri,= for U it! ground~lavcr (lose i1eto In the case of MoR ZAKMOV, 0. V. et al., Vopr. dozimetrii i zashchity tit iziuch. vyp. 12, Mosco-W, Atomizdat, 2971, pp 94-97 a source raised above the surface does not coincide vith tbe tosition of the maximum for the ground-layer concentration of an isoto-pe for all in- yestigcted gating radiation energies and meteorological par=eter5. The maximum. for the ground-level concentration of gases is located nuch fux- ther from the source than the maximum for the ground-level dose rate. A. A. Smetanin. 2/2 USSR UDC: 53-07/.08+53-CO1.5 GUDKOV, A N GRESHILOV, A. A. , MINAYFV, Ye. M. "Using 'Xenon-133' Gas to Calibrate Scintillation G~wu-,a Spectrom~eterz" V sb. Vopr. dozimetrii i- 7--shchity ot izluch. (Problems of Dosimetry azd Radiation Shieldir'--coilection of works), -rfp. 12, Moscow, AtQmizdat, 1-971, pp 163-170 (froti RZh-Fizika, No 4, Apr 72, Abstract No hA688) Translation: The paper deals with the peculiarities cf using v %enon-1,31, gas source to calibrate scintl spectrometers for detevrmining tbe content of 133Xe alld 131mXc isotopes in gas mixtures. Ilibliography of 6 titios. M. L. USSR UDC: 53-07/.08+53-001.5 SERBULOV, Yu. A., KOLOBABIUM, V. M. "A Method of Radiometric Anabrsis of Noble Gazes Under Conditions of a 222p n Background" V sb. Vopr. dozimetrii i zaslichityot izluch. (Problems of mid Radiation Shielding-CoLlection of works), vyp. 12, Moscow, Atomazdat, 2971, Pp 72-76 (from RZh-Pizika, No 4, APr 72, fibstract No 1*561) Translation: The authors discuss the difficulties of re~-asLirilng the rldic- activity of noble gases in the presence of 222Rn background activity. A nethod is proposed for reducing the activity of backgroiLnd emitters, constant segregation of the products of decay of 222Rn,Retj.-*rtr cn the walls of the neasureyanit space and extrartion of the diteny products be."Ond the shieldin,3. it is shourn that one way to do this is to ut;e! a chamber with moving walls. 7h,~, optimum p&rarneters of nuch a chrr,.i.her axe cit.1cu- lated. It is concluded that tht.! activity of buckgroiuid xadin-tions frcm emitters in a 1~ajrly large sensing space my bo raduced by jwre than two orders. M. L. 1/1 USSR LyDr,.621.039 GMKOV, A. N., MOLMASMIN, NEKRAscm., v,.. r., and. HOZYAINOV, -M. S. "Certain Characteristics of the Deve-topmenc Rate- of Nuclear Power Engineering" V sb. Vopr. dozime tri i L zasfrchity- ot. izIucIi6. (Frob lems in Dos imetry and Radiation Shielding Collection; of Warks)-l-mir.11., Maszow, Atomizdat,.J970 fd~.:A; --- -A- V515 ild -0 the basl&- of ~amm had 'd-ata, duthor estab3lshed that in the periua 196L-1971- reactor- power in the world increased exponentially with a rate of growth a - O~..28:+.0.03 year-1, corresponding to doubling of power in approximately 2.5 years.. Data is presented on the See- graphical distribution of the capacitIm of. atomit- power stations. USSR UIY,' 621.373-5531-1088-8) KOLOBAYEV, L. P., KUL7KDV, S. V. "A Controlled Multivibrator" Author's Certificate No 228379, File& 3 Jul 68, Published 24 Apr 70 (fren RM-Radiotekhnika, No 10, Oct 70, Abstract 13, oIOG176 P) Translattion: This Authcrlz~ Certificete n. contrall-e-d. contains two PNP transistors with a collector circuit connected to tho bast-,- each, and with additional NPN transistors connected to these collector circi.uits. 'ne muiti- vibrator also includes semiconductor isolating diodes and add~tiont-l z-:eM-ic0n.-_--Ictor diodes, the anode of each of these diodes being connected to the middle lead of the corresponding resistive divider, which has one lead connected ~o the suppl-l To raise the upper limit of' the frequency range under mild sel!~-(!xcitation condlitions, the other lead of each resistive divider is: connected thmi~gln a time-inark ca-pacitor to the base of a multivibrator transistor, and the cathode of each auxiliit.[~,, t3eirdcon- ductor diode is connected to the collector of the correspond-ing auxiliary tranGistor. 94 USSR UDC 576.8.093.1;576.858.8 KOZLOV, L. P., KOLOBAY V,_V. A., and USPENSKAYA, R. S. "Isolation and Purification of Potato Virus K for Serologicgl Investigations" Moscow, Biologicheskiye Nauki, No 10(94), 1971, pp 123-125 Abstract: A new method of isolating the pure potato virus K is described. Juice pressed from young leaves of the De Barao strain, which had been :Lnfected with virus K, was mixed with ether and centrifuged to separate most of the host proteins. The virus and the remaining plant proteins in the aqueous phase were precipitated with polyethylene glycol. The sediment was dissolved in a phosphate buffer, dialyzed against the same buffer, and filtered through granulated agar columns, The various fractions were col- 3-ected separately and analyzed by means of ultraviolet mpectrophotometry and serological tests. Fractions with an absorption pea-k at 2,600 angstroms contains virus K but no host proteins. This new method is reccc-Lmended for industrial production of the pure virus for the purpose of investigating the antigen and manufacturing an antiserum that is specific again8t potato virus Ace,.:, Nr:~. Abstracting -SOrvice: 1 R~f Code: ABST. AP00497!jr ""AL 01588q CompatibIlity of an athylene-propylene-diene ipoly- r UJIr with general-purpose rubbeirs. Boguslavska K_ V. . KD- lobenin V I.,Bb&usIavskii, D. B.:'E_vstrat5v_v.. XIN e )8-09-mmw- ----V -E. i t c Pezfn~ 100. Ee~ t e USM, Kau Ii strength of BSK, BSK + SKDII SKI-3 + 'SKD ~ulcaniaates contg. ethylene-propylene-unconjugated diene copolymers (IJ de- pended on the nature of the vulcanizing system. Vulcanizing agents cortg. no S (e.g., alkylphenDl-HCHO resins) brought about crosslinking with the double ~bonds leh intacti The',vul- canizatei obtained were more compatible with 1. and exhibited go?d physicamech. properties. Addii. of 10-30'parts Lto the fort. going vulcanizates improve*d their 01 reHistance and vientheribil. itv. CKJII ~_J REEL/FUME 19801712 USSR UDC: 669.715.018.44(62) KOLORNEV, I.F. "Heat Resistance of Cast Aluminum Alloys (Structure and Properties)" Zharoprochnost' Liteynykh Alyuminiyevykh Splavov. (Struktura i Svoystva) jEnglish version above], Second Edition, Revised and Supplemented, Moscow, Metallurgiya Press, 1973, 320 pp (Translated from Referativnyy Zhurnal Metallurgiya, No 8, 1973, Abstract No 81688K, from the resume). Translation; A review of literature data on problems of the theory of the heat resistance of metal materials. in particular problems of the thermo- dynamic state of the structure of alloys, influence of physical and chemical factors (diffusion and self-diffusicn), grain size, grain boundaries and technological factors an the heat resistance of alloys. Problems of the kin.. etics of phase conversions in alloys and the influence of temperature, stress and time of application are studied. An analysis is presented of the deperidence of heat resistance of Al alloys on their chemical and phase compo- sition, as well as the type of the state diagram. Reference data on tile heat resistance of the basic standard Al foundry alloys are presented, An atlas of Microstructures is included. 169 figures, 119 tables, 211 biblio. refs. USSR UDC 629.78.002.3 KOLOBNEV, I. F. Ways of Raising the Strength Characteristics of Heat-Resistant and High- Strength Cast Aluminum Alloys" V sb. Splavy tsvet. met. (Alloys of Nonferrous Metals -- Collection of "Nauk - Works), Moscow, a", 1972, pp 205~210 (from RZh-41. Raketostroyeniye, No 11, Nov 72, Abstract No 11.41.176) Translation: Theoretical problems in the development of heat-resistant and high-strength cast aluminum alloys are discussed. A large number of heat- resistant, high-strength and hermetic cast aluminum alloys were produced on the basis of the proposition of A. A. Bochvar. The strength characteristics of domestic and foreign alloys are given. It Is sboum that high-strength domestic alloys (VAL10, etc.) developed under the direction of the author have crB, 0`02, a_, and c~, 10-15% higher than foreign alloys and also alloys such as VALl and ATsRl 30-40% more heat-resistant than foreign alloys. Methods are indicated for raising the strength characteristics of heat-resist- ant and high-strength cast aluminum alloys. 2 ill., 3 tables, 8 ref. Resume. 1/1 - 103 1/2 021 UNCLAssfr-00' PIIOCES~-SING DATE--040ECTO ~TITLE-HEATING OF SEMI FINISHED PARTS OF ALUMINIUM ALLOYS IN A PAP3v -'RECIRCULATION9 FURNACE -U- .',AUTHOR-(02)-KOLOBNEVv Nol.t KUSHNER* LoSe .'.~COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR '~-SOURCE-METALLOVEOENIE I TEf(M. 013RABor. METALLOV, 1970, (3)v 61-6Z PUBL ISHE0------70 UBJECT AREAS--MATERfALS# MECH., IND.r CIVIL AND HAMNE E'NG11 OPIC TAGS--ALUMINUM ALLOY, COBALT CONTAINING ALLOY, CGPPER CONTAU-11ING ~,'._;ALLOY*.METALLURGIC FURNACEt ALLOY DESIGNATIONt METAL ~QUENCHING/(U)DURALUMIN ALU14INUM COPPER:ALLOYi MPAP3 "RECIRCULATING FURNACE ;~_CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ':~DQCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED REEL/FRAME--3005/0925 STEP NO.--UR/01*,~.r;,/70/000/003/0061/0062 ..__*ClRC ACCESSION NO--AP0133014 UNCtASSIFIED 2/2 021 UNCLASSIFIEO PROCESSING DATE-04DEC70 C I R. CACCESSION NO--AP0133014 ~~ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. THE ADVANTAG,--'; OF SCME NEkl RECIRCULATING FURNACES OF THE PAP3 CLASS IN THE I)R,.-- QUENCH HEAT ING, OF SEMI F-IN[SHEO AL ALLOY PARTS ARE OISCUSSEU IN THE CEGHT OF PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. THESE FURNACES GIVE A HEATING RATE 1-$-2.5 TIMES GRf:Arer'\ THAN THE CONVENTIONAL AIR FURNACES HITHERTO EMPLOY0.) FOR THIS PURPOSE, TESTS WITH DURALUMIN AND AN AL-CO ALLOY INDICATED TqAT THE PRE QUENG -HOLDING.PERIOD COULD BE REDUCED BY A FACTOR OR 1.5 13N Us ING PAP3 ":-.o,"FURNACES. UNCLASSIFIED 02d UNCLASSIFIED P k 0 C E'S I N;"' f)ATL--I3'l0V70 'TlT_LE--i3i0CHE41CAL INDEXES OF SHEEP MEAT DURIN,;*, FXPER IMEN rAl. :'-~'-'F_lJSARI'JTOXIC0SlS -U- "~AUTliOR-(02)-,,,CLLI,3,JLOTSKIY, G.V., KURMANDVt I*Aop -r_0U4rRY OF INFO--USSR _'S0URCE--VETERINARIYAj MOSCOW 1970~ 46(l), 100-1 ~OAITE PUBL I SHIE ri ------- 70 ,SUBJECT AKE'A5--31'3L(l',GICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ISEA3E -TOPIC TA"'--r0XlCITY-, FJOIJ CJNrAMINATIO-N, F UN U 5D I SE AS F I A L -NO RESTRIVIONS CONTROL 18 4KK I NG- DOCUMENT CLASS--UP)CLASSIFIED STE P -T "7777 "77 212 028 UNCLASSIFIE0 PROCESSPIG t)ATE--l3NiJV70 -j:jRC ACCESSION NO-AP01Z7958 ~ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(J) GP-0- AGSrRACT. FURS4Rf0TCXJ(.()SIS WAS PRIOLWCEO IN -SHEEP BY If'4TRAf,;ASrRI(; ADI-If-14STRATION OF CUL"rURLS OF 1:US4RIUM SPOROTRICHOWES VREP0. ON STERILIZED BARLEYs OF MEAT 'AT 010 OF. SHEEP i4ITH EXPTL- FUSARicraxicoscs 9ERE NGT CHANGED. SUCH mlE -NOT SHOW TOXIC PROPERTIES. F Ji mu-Axx zivuxk;b; Izvestlya Akademii Nauk,SSSR, Sariyij Biolosicheakaya, 1970# Mr 1, pp Rybakov, N. I.; Guberniv v, M. B DLq&hannikov: Y. A.; Arliskin Y D ~Iabov~A. 'Kozlov- V. INFLUENCE OF -SOME HADIOPRarECTORS ON THE PROCESSES CONNLCTED WITH LYSOGENIZATION OF THE BACTERIA AND INDUCTION OF 1,14TERCELLULAR)/-EXONUCLEAsr The ~nflue.-jce (it Ine radioprolector finam on the processes of lysogenizaltion of the t,acteria with file A plia-ye and induction of X-exonucleaSe waS St'Jditfl in file course of experiments with E, coli SF-14 (X- try-S"). It was shown that this preparation langibly supomws the frtquen~y of E. cjli lysageniza"fon and oppTessesses Synthesis of the induced toexonucleise. The results concerning activity o, this enzyme definitely correlate Will-, 111he data related to the influence of finam on the lys9i;tnizotion prams of 11he 5nme bactulal Araim REEL/YRMZ Cnr-d iovascular Di~;Cns'.Zs USSR V- IT and V. 1. 1 U, e !N:%. T Z =UZ lil Z I- - - - L.. ~ of Cardiology ~~-Jyn-lriikov, ACadc---.iy ol~' S c c- ti c c,-, s USSR va-Lue 0t i o o,", C,: v -a n i d our, K-ardfolo-ilya, '.-"o 1970, pp 124-1-2,3 MLOSC Abstract: -,7.ose's s:taadard aill-estiotina-re flor th,B pectoris resultin,f from exer-4-1-on was mailed to a Yrouo, of 500 males, 30-59 years of Livin~- in. Ccrtr;nI was dia!llniosed in 5 oE k:I-L(r accor(~-dr,- t OlE XG;;Corl. A. V critez-2-1 and 1-11 1-2,: Of the Ca8es -o strict" criteria. Some CO`,-'~ of the positive responses aclcor("illi' Z-0 filldin'-.ts of a phyal-Cal in- criteria corresDoneled to the L (,-ludinrt ZKG, per-f-'o-maed by ~L DLIYSi ian. ,%.-,lOn,, 1.74.los(~ oo s crit eri. a , e . , ndiv id ua I s wi t;-L a t yp c,-I I o,--- i-~ 0; 1 ing, to "I - I- , 4- . . of the pain, s~rnpicofnm of all-4aaa cakised by ex-e~-Lion ZOu*7.";- in 27.51 of the cases. MK.G signs of ischemic h.eoirt. wev~., ob- served in 23.5,71 o -2 t'he individuals:who respomli.-! pa-itivc:ly to il-lhe q t:.e 4-' 'o lls~rictll criteria. amonRaire. accordir.5 USSR UDC 576.8 RYBAKOV, N. I., GUBERNIYEV, M. A., CHIMIROV, 0. B. :W4'GZ1==Vj_V_" , KDLOBOV, A. V,, ANISKIN, Ye. D., and KOZLOV., V. A., Institute of Experimental rf MEW, y of Medical Sciences USSR "The Effect of Some Radioprotectors on.Processea Associated With Lysogeniza- tion of Bacteria and Induction of Intracellular A -Exonucleasell Moscow, Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Biologicheskaya, No 1, 1970, pp 38-42 Abstract: The radioprotector finam (an aminochiol inhLbited the frequency of lysogenization of E. coli SF-14 (IL-try-Sr) by A-phage and inhibited the synthesis of induced A -exonuclease at different times after infection. The effect was most pronounced in early stages of infection. After thirty minutes the inhibiting effect of the radioprotector on -exonuclease activity de- creased sharply. Results of determination of the activity of A -exonuclease are consistent with data on the effect of finam on lysogenization of the same bacterial strain. This suggests that enzyme systems play a part in the de- velopment of lysogenicity in bacterial,cells. These enzymes may be DNAses of the endonuclease type. 52 USSR UDC 621.793.-669.8 ANDREYEV, YU. YA., LYSOV, B. S., and RYCILKOVA, N S., Moscow Institute-of,Steel and Alloys, Department of High-Temperature Materials "Process of Producing Electrolytic Coatings by Ti'tanium-Vanadium Alloys" Ordzhonikidze, Tsvetnaya Metallurgiya, No 6, 1970, pp 82-86 -Abstract: An investigation of the process of obtaining TIL-Va alloy coatings was conducted on the basis of the results obtained by the authors in a study of the precipitation of dense titanium and vanadium deposits. A new procedure for obtaining electroly- tic titanium-vanadium coatings is suggested. 1z consists in maintaining in an argon atmosphere at 9000 for 10-12 hours a melt baned on an equimolecular KCI.-NaCl composition contaA_ning approximately 5 wt 7/'o Ti in the form of chlorides. Electrolysis using ferrous, molybdenum, and titanium-vana:dium cathodes, was conducted at 800 and 9000 in order to obtain Ti-Va coatings at various current densities. A comparison of resulta shows the effect of temperature on the rate of coating'growth. The results also show that the high rate of coating growth with significant 1/2 vanadium content (22 wt %) is obtained by using the Ti + 25% Va alloy as the anode at 800' C with a 0.2 a/cm2 current density. The vanadium content decreases rapidly with 4--urrent density, and the dependence of coating growth rate on current density represents an extremum characteristic. A 100-micron coating can be obtained on an Fe cathodeat 8000 and 0.2 a/cm2 current density in 15 minutes. USSR UDG 069.271 KOLO G. A., '-WKS E-11 EINKO, V. M. , A. I., IF. d DOBRUNOV, Yu. V. "Use of Titanium Equipment in Magnesium Production" Moscow, Tsvetnyye Metally, No 6, Jun 70, pp 39-40 Abstract: An account is given of investigations conducted 04 Soll-kamask Xagnesium Plant and the Titanium Institute an t1te ust~ of t! caniu-,zi alloys in equipment inLended for nagnesium. productir-1. The corrosi.orl r4.- sistance of the VTI, W14, and W5-1 tiLaniul.11 nllOys was 111VU-St, fil,14LOd. TI W results of teats conducted at chlorine and clectrolysis plants aro Ln a table. The Vf1 alloy was found to be uore corrosiorl-- VT14 and VT5-1 alloys. A brief history of the use uE equ`paien~- Of L, taniuim alloys at the Solikamsk plant is given. An inventory o: various equip- meat, such as valves, pumps, gas-pu-mps, calorizaLors, gas scrub jers, CLC.,js presented, and the planned installation of new titanium alloy equipment is described. it is stated that the use of such equipment in Elie plant has '11- ready resulted in savings of 60,000 rubles. USSR UDC;621.,762+620,194.3+.661.322 KOLOBOV, YU. M., LYALIN, YE. V. and MEL'NIKOV, V, G., Ivanova Insti- tute of Chemical Technology "Study of the Wear Resistance of Metal-Glass Materials in Friction in Aqueous Solutions of Caustic Soda" Kiev, Porosbkovaya Metallurgiya, No 12, Dec 73, pp 81-84 Abstract: The wear resistance of iron-based sintered materials with 1-10 wt.10 BBC glass, graphite and molybdenum disulfide was studied in 5-3S% aqueous solutions of caustic soda. The possibility is shown of using metal-glass materials as antifriction materials for friction bearings operating in aqueous solutions of caustic "da. The optimal content of glass is determined, corresponding to the minimum wear and coefficient of friction for the test conditions selected. 1/1 --040EC70 1/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE :,,~.-TITLE-AN EXPERIMENT WITH ION EXCHANGERS~-U- K.V.t KOLOBpV, YU.T. ~~_.-:COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SHK. 19709 25(2)v 87 PUBLISHED ------- 70 -"..:SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TAGS--ION EXCHANGE RESINt SUCROSEI ACED CATALYSTS ,:CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED PROXY FICHE NO---FD70/605012/E07 STEP NO--UR/0509/'70/025/002/0037/0087 _C F-S-S-1 Q-_A It 0 - __AwP 0140 '11A~__ N t i &,f i A C i: T 1T T T fli 2/2 007 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0140314 CATION ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0-- ABSTRACT. AN EXPT. IN WHICH A ,~,,.:.EXCHANGE RESIN IS SUBSTITUTED FOR THE ACID CATALYST IN THE INVERSION OF w AND SUCROSE IS'DESCRIBED. THIS ELIMINATE&THE NEUTRALIZATION STEP ~WRMITS IMMEDIATE DETECTION OF maNOSACCHARIDES FROM THE REACTION MIXTs FACILITY: PEDINST.t KU[BYSHE-Vt USSR* UNCLASSIF X-9 SOME OIARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF TIIE DISTRIOUTION OF JrHC0NTKQLLLti CENTERS th ;URL EMIAMAL, LAYERS OF GALLLUH ARSWLVL OBTAMED MOM NONSTOICHIM4LI Ric, snpmasr, [Arttcle by H. G. ?III'vidaki1r, L. D. Sa amov Yq_V._SqISy~y!m r, A, Kpjo- PC ao.'. 1. S%ntexx rol-up- rovodnlkn~jkf% Yr,,t Ali.. 12-17 31ine 1972, p Jill 6 etu-jr vas =d2 of the dc=r- =Ld-=cepznr - titstrIbut ton v;tm ra4p4jq to dqrLh. of. Lhe of SaIlLum aramal4a. 4bWo*4 by C4* qetha4 of Uquid epitary In a "Lli- solution. The tftVtltl**Led dlatributim profiles were compared wIth the,xxvvLh canditions. the matert&i and heat treatment of the substrate. A study was do of the affect of various conditions of etching the substrate an tka ."Itctrophysical Propettlem, of the layers. ?W8000416 WQXA me" regarding the nature of the observed deeate and acceptors. "M USSR VINOGRADOVA, S. V., KORSHAK, V. V., MOGRADOVA) 0. V. , POLYaMCOVA, A. M. AIMIN.OV) K. IT., and KOLOBOVA, 11. YE., Listitute of Yetai Organ'ic Covipounds, Acad. Se. USSR "Synthesis of Mlanganese Polydibutylphosphinate" Moscow, V,,,so','-,oirolek-iLly--i-nyyc Soyedineniya, Vel 15; 110 3) lfwir 7.3, PP 516-520 Abstract: Manganese wlydibutylphosphinate his been syn-Unezized by oxidative decarbonylation of mangancse carbonyl with dibutylphosp'llinic acid u-nder Ull ir- radiation, and by polycondensation of dibutylphosphinic acid with mam- ganase ard a manganic acetates. The effect of the type of solvent used., the tempcmture ana duration of the reaction, as we.U as the effect of concentration an(i reLation- ship of starting mterials on the polycoordination process of dibutylphoqlhinic acid and manganese acetate has been investigated. mic process of the polycmnden- sation of manganese acetate vith dibutylphospilinic acid is an equilibrium process. U= UDC: 542.957+547*0241- ZWTIM, I. B., KOIDBOVA,~ N.~ aia,'ANISMOV, K. It., InstitUte.of-Element- `TM - Organic CompoudTF, MEF `of3cionaes-. U3SR "Reaction of Tr:Lfluaroacetylcyclapentaciiienylmanganese Tricarbanyl -with Triethyl Phosphiteu Koscow, Izvestiya Akademii Hauk SSSR,.Sdriya Khimicheskaya,,No.I,,Jan.70, pp i5o_l6o Abstract:, A solution of trifluo---oacetylayclopentadienylmanganese tricarbonyl in P(M) yielded after 2 days at room temperature 65;'b yellow crysLalline adduct (63),--InC H WIF 21 F(oEt) ~ihich decomposes at 100-10)o. The adduc'., dissolved 11 C ' " d of axgon, gave 60,., grey 06 an' ~ iuxai wIth H90 for )hr. urrier crystalline product, which decomposes at 1720, A cyclic pent=vphosphorare struiture (1) was attributed to the product. The I structure was confjxned by the 9? Ni-iR spectrum which indicated ruivalence of all F atems and the pros- once of only one stereoisomer- The 3 Aiji.spectrum could not, be otained, be- cause of the existence of I in a bipolar,,oponring form:ijith-a tetravalent P atom. The unprecedented resistance of I to 20hr-long h~,dro4sis remains Uri- -explained. 1/1 008 UNCLASSIFIED: PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 --,T-.ITLE--ORIENTING ACTION OF THE SULFO GROUP 0-1 ACYCLUPFNTAOIENYLAANGANESE SYSTEM IN THE PROTOPHILIC JSOTOPIC EXCHANGr- OF HYDROGEN -U- VoN., KISLYAKOVAt N,.V.t PETRUVSKIY, P.V., KOLOBOVAj --NIYE.t. KURSANQVv DYN* !.,-~COUNTRY OF tNFO--USSR ._.,SOURCE--tZVv AKAD* NAUK SSSRv SER, KHIM- 1970P (3)v 698-9 _.0ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ~.SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRYP NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY U ~JGPIC TAGS--MANGANESE COMPO ND, CARRONYL COMPOUNOt CYCLIC GROUvr ISOTOPE EXCHANGEt SODIUM COMPOUND$ SULFUNIC ACIOw ESTER CONTROL MARKING--NO RES TR ICT I DNS :,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIE0 ~OROXY REEL/FRAME--1999/1905 STEP NO--UR/0062/TO/0001003/0698/0699 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123689 L Afi~ I F I F 1) 2/2 008 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0123689 A8STRACT/EXTkACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. O-H EXCHANGE WAS RJN dITH ETUD CONTG. A CATALYTIC AMT. OF ETONAI AND ('.YCLOPENTADIE-NYL4ANGANESE TRICARBONYL AS THE NA SULFONATE 1,4.THE.ALPHA AND FIETA POSITIONS. THE PROTOPHILIC VALUES (PARTIAL REACrION ISOTOPE EXCHANGE REACTION HAD F RATES) OF 4.Z AND 1.81 RESP.v FOR THE 2'.ISOMERS& FACILITY: ~INST. ELEMENTOORG. SOEDIN., MOSCOW# USSR. UNCLASSIFIED z4 -iF PROC'ESSING DATE-11- P70 UNCLASstr o' E .TITL E--R E ACT OIN OF TRIFLUOROACETYLC,YCLOPEN'TAOfENYLmA.4GANESE TPICAR801NYL nVITH TRIETHYL PHOSPHITF -U- WUTfi()R-ZLQTtNA, I.a., KOL13130VA, N.YE., ANISNOV, K.INI. OF INFO--USSR ,SO0RCE-'IZ_V. AKAD..NAUK SSSR, SER. K41M. 1970, (1), 1$9-60 -70 ,QATE PUBLISHEO SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY, NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 10FIC TAGS--ALKYL PHOSPHITF* FLUORINATED ORGANIC C0,MPOUND, H~TEVICYCLIC BASE COMPOUND, MANGANESE COMPOUNDr COMPLEX:COMPOUND ISOTDDE# FLUW4IN,::, SPECTRUM-r PHOSPHORUS# ISOMFR, STEREOCHEMISTRY CONTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS 'DOCUMENT CLASS--U%ICLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRA-ME--1984/1611 STEP NO--UR/OOS2/7,)/000~001/01'-"~/0160 CIRC ACCESSION N13--AP0100221 vr F I ~ 11 IS C070 212 024 UNCLASSIFIED PR0CFSSIN5" DATE ~ClRC ACCESSION;NO--AP0100221 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. KEEPING P(OETISUB3 WITH TAD I ENYL MANG ANESF TRICARSONYL 2 DAYS GAVc- TRIPLUOROACETYLCYCLOPEN 65PERCENT, YELLOW i(CO)SUB3 MNC SU85 H SU84 COCF S083)SU82 P(0FT)S'_)'3* DECOMPO. 100-5DEGREES, WHICH WITH H Sim 0 IN C SU96 H SU116 REFLUXFD UNDER ARGON 3 HR GAVE 60PERCENT GREY ((CO)SUB3 MNC SUB5 H SUB4 FXF SU03)SUR2 POSU82 H (1), DECOMPD. 172DEGRE.ES. I SHOWED RFMI~RKARLF RESrSTANCE-TO HYDROLYSIS, AS SHOWfl ABOVE90WING TO ITS srpUCTUREj ~.PDSSIBLY AUGMENTED BY CONTRIBUTION OF A.BIPOLAR OPt-N RINI~ FORM. THE PR717ME19 F NMR SPECTRUM-INDICATED THE PRESENCE OF BUT ONE.STEQpnjSomER, -,.ABUT THE PRAME31 P SPECTRUM WAS NOT OBTAINED OWING rO LOW S9LY. OF THE THE PRIME19 F SPECTRUM SHOWED EQUIVALENCE OF: ALL F ATOMS. Sir- 12 01.I UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSiNG DATE--2304CT70 TLE--CYCLOPENTADIENYLDICARBONYL,PI-CYCLL)PENTADIENE#NIGBIUM -U- %UTH,0R-(04)-NESP'lEYANOV, A.N., f.-AoA* -06UNTRY OF INFO-.-USSR ;DURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRP )ATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 ANISIMOV, K.Nor N.YE.t PASYNSKIYr SER, KHIM. 1970t (3)P,727 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC,TAGS--CYCLIC GROUP9 NIOBIUM COMPOUND, COMPLEX COMPOUND# DIENEv BUTADIENE, ISOPRENE t:CNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS ,DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFfED PROXY REEL/FRAME--2000/0*166 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0124436 STEP NO--Ult/0062/7O/OOO/O(j3/0727/072'7 1-2/2 Oil UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 CIRC ACCESSION N(J--AP0124436- ABSTRACT/EXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. UV IRRADN- OF '-.~'CYCLOPENTADIENYLNIOBIU4 TETRACARBONYL AND CYCLOPENTADIENE MONOMER IN PENTANF Z HR AT REFLUX GAVE 77PERCENT CYCLOPENTADIENYLDICARBONYL,(PI,CYCLOPENTADIENYL)NIOOIUMt M. 77-80EGREES. WERE PREO. C SU85 H SUU~- NB(CO) SUB21DIENE COMPLEXES FROM BUTAOI.ENE, ISOPRENE AND CYCLOHEXADIENEr AS WELL AS CYCLOHEPrATRIENE '-,.(WtiCIH CORROINATED LIKE THE DIENE). FACILITY: INST. '~,~--ELEMENTOORG. SOEDIN. t MOSCOWv USSR, VI-4. STVVT OF THZ CV04TH PROCZSS OIP STRORMY QZDYCD GALLIUM AXSMiIDZ CRYSTALr [Article b7 M. Is. Omehavskiy. L. M. Kolabro4ov, Y. A. Suskina, Moscow; Xovaslbli*4~, Roack i Sinttza ?=~SpiE_mad ni kavykh IL ri stallov I tusai&n' 1.2-17 June. Lqn. P 69T- A study "do ~4* of the problems of obtaloAnx single crystain strac4ly amd dendritamt =! a at =8 A1113T type. Locluding tha.pzablam of cht-4-2 cry*c&la with maximum electron concentration. 2. Stn*I* eryJ4410 of Xslli= arsculds war* ch-tainod with an electron concentratios of 2-10 co -3. The gallLuim are"ide doodrit" Alloyed with tel- Iurlua with an electron content:ration of 1.9.1019 co-1 ()GOIV and 2.4-1019 W-3 (77'K) and olloyod with selenium with an ale_~traa cc=amtr&tL*n of 3.9-2019 cs-3 (300-9 W 9.6-1019 .-3 (WK) are obtots".' In the works of other suthoTa CK. G. Mll'vidlokly 0. V. Pelwvin. L. ViaLmod). GaAs crystals were obtainS4 in which the $reate2t "tron ccnc&ntrsti= was cW-3 (300*X). 3. A procedure is prw*atod for obtalsiag single crystals strongly alloyed with selenium. AM tellurium arA gallium or*-mddo dandr1tee from melts of atoichiosetric and nonatoichlosetric compo"tioss. A model In propasod of the "try or &tons of V1 a elements into the Lattice of A11111V Cleposade 1~soed as as Investigation of the phase. "uWbrlume Is the AIIX-RV-Cv a-"ters, the dagr" ri of davIation of the crystallized phass'freas tbe stafichfamettLe cospe"tion and the p*V&IbI4 atnwwe of the mat (dolutiew. 1AIr L--C) la ee~, 'NoO OON JPO04358C Acc. Nr*. Psw UR PRI14ARY SOURCE: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoretichaskoy Fiziki, 1970~ Vol- 58, Nr 2. PP INVESTIGATION OF THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE ANTIMONY AND BIS31UTH HIGH PRESSrJRE PHASES S. S. KabalAina, T. N. Kolobyanina, L. F. Vereshchagin On basis of the similarity of the behaviour of A'vB'vx compounds and that of elements of the Vth aroup at high and normal pressures it is suggested that the SbIll and -'Billl high pressure states crystallize in a monocliaally distorted SnS structural ty-pe. For p equal to 130-160 kbars the Sbl1I unit cell paramaters are a - 5.56 A, b = 4.04 A, c == 4.22 )L, 0 = 86", Z 4, V == 93.8A'. For p 35.5 kbars the parameters of the Billl monoclinal cell are a 6.65 A, b - 4.20 A, c 4.65 A, Z - 4, A = 85*W. ==AMB A3. T'%vo symetrically independent Sbj and Sbj atoms are in the m plane of the CZh - P29, / m space group. The SbIll (Bil1l) structure is assumed to be lamellar. Tho,layers consW of two covalent - bound, sllghLly go-ftered, plones. The interatomic distances correspond to a conrdinate number of seven. REEWPAM 2056 1/2 :~~038 UNCLASSt FIE0 'PROCESSING DATE--04DEC70 TITLE --LOW FREQUENCY INSTABILITY OF.AN INHO,4o'ENEOUS PLASMA FORMEU BY A JUBULAR ION BEAM -U- _~,,-AUTHOR-04)-GABOVICHt M.D., PROTSENKO, I.M.p f0VMACHENK0, V.M., Kf"OC V . M . .......COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -UKRAINS-KII FIZICHNII ZHUR OURCE NALt VOL* 151 APR* 1970p P. 648, ------- 70 ~TE PUBLISHED -.-..-,SUBJECT AREAS--PHYSICS OPIC TAGS--LOW FREQUENCY, BEAM PLASMA INSTA61LITY? INHILMOGENEOUS PLASMAr FIELDi NATURAL GAS* LOW,FREQUENCY ISCILLATIONt ELECTRIC FIELD na, --i. ;.t_-x0-4TROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS M E IN TCLASS--UNCLASSIFIED _:-,PRQXY REEL/FRAME--3001/071') StEP NU---UR/01,85/701OL4,)/000/0648/0648 ~.tIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126431 UNCLASS I.FIED 038 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--040EC70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0126431 ~-_'ABSTRACT/EXTRACT-IU) GP-0- ABSTRACT. ~EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS FOR rHE LOW FREQUENCY INSTABILITY OF A PLASMA FORMED BY A TUBULAR [ON BEAM WHICH TRAVELS ALONG A MAGNETIC FIELD THROUGH.THE NATURAL GAS. A CHARACTERISTIC FEATURE OF THIS PLASMA IS THAT IT HAS INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL BOUNDARIES WITH 14UTUALLY OPPOSED DENSITY:GRADIENTS ALONG THE RADIUS AND AN UNCHANGED ORIENTATION OFiTHE ELECTRIC FIELD ARISING FROM INCOMPLETE COMPENSATION OF THE ION BEAMIS SPACE CHARGE. LOW FREQuE'Nr_Y OSCILLATIONS ARE DETECTED IN THE PLASMA, WITH THEIAMPLITUDE MAXIMA LOCALIZED IN REGIONS OF BOTH THE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE RADIAL DENSITY GRADIENTS,. THE RESULTS OBTAINED ARE IN AGREEMENTlilTil THE THEORY FOR THE-STABILITY OF AN INHOMOGENEOUS PLASM.AAN CROSSED ELECTRIC AND -MAGNET'IC - F IELDS FACILITY: AKADEMIIA NAUK UKRAINScKOI RSRt :.-..INSTITUT FIZIKIt KIEVt UKRAINIAN SSR. IJ N C L A c S I F I E 0 USSR UDC 533-9j08.561 -GABOVICH* H. D.1 SOLOSIENX0j. I. A4 t PROTSE1,K00 1. TOVKA V. I?. arid "Low-Ftequency Oscillations in Plasma Formed by an I on Dead' Minsk-, Kolelt,~uiiya 1, Voiny Y Plazme. (Oscillations and Waves in a Plasm,~.), "Hauka i Tekhni1ka," 1971, pp 61-64 Abstractt in a plasma formed by an ion beans passing through a neutral _-as alons the r-a'~nAic field, the :,eaa energy of the ions is hlFher than Ili Ordinary C-as disc~,irgcs, conpriziz~.-, approxiinately 1 eV. The authora exa:,Are the case Ill which t)-;a i).Lax= vias forat-A. by an ion bean. 1I-iav1r4,3 an enerij-~ of approxi-r-n-Lialy 20 1-eV and a current of about I rA. Thcy di--cu--s in cstl- ption carried out on thi exclt~,%-tioa of ion-cyclotrou in plasna formed by a evii-rd,--ical ~tamj they are also con-ceincd id'~Ih "'ho Anwast'17-iltion A' O~L osel-11-at-ions a-. lowor f--re3tiellcles 111 the Plasma of a tu'--ular ion Cn the "~is o-" the data they obtained, tte authors coLo to Ue cor-c-lusion that the is lar~:ely d--'a to th eexlste-~Ce a eac~ric f~-Id c-ozised u4th a. toil C7ij*1:d1;-';d racnetic C101A. 741.0 arLic"Lo conta-Ina 2. illuntrations wid 6 biblio-r-,%plAc USSR UDC 535.581.3 KOLODEYEV, 1. D., KALININ, V. YA., SUDOVTSOV, A. I., SHEVCHENKJ, T. G. "Setup for Studying Cryogenic Electromechanical Instruments and Devices" Moscow, Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No 5, 1972, pp 247-248 Abstract: An experimental device with a metal laboratory cryostat designed for studying superconducting electromechanical devices in liquid helium is described. The arrangement differs from those already known in the apparatus for operation of the investigated instruments and the cryostat in the neck of which them is a container with liquid N acting as a heat shield over a helium bath. The application of this shielg has permitted a significant reduction in the heat flux to the coolant and a 3 to fourfold increase In the possible time of the experiment without increasing the liquid helium flow rate. Prolonged operation of the device demonstrated that the germanium photodiodes and optical fiberglass light guides remain reliable for multiple repetitions of the filling of the cryostat with liquid helium and evaporation of it after completion of the ex- periment. The liquid helium level is signalled electxonically by a light in- dicator. An audio signal is also used for the emergebcy level. The cryostat characteristics are as follows: helium tank volume 7 liters, volume of helium 1/2 135 - $USSR KOIAXEYEV, I. D., et al., Pribory i TlDkbnika Ekoperi;T4nta, Ito 5, 1972, pp 247- 248 admitted to the cryostat 4.5 liter inslA~-'diametej"Oi'the helium taak 130 mm aporation of the He in the reservoir for liquid N holds 1 5 liters, and the ev the device the static mode is 0.45-o.i liters/~our. A complete section view of included. 2/2 E Z RVIW4~ 1-4, 1 i i V94 H V 4 ~I A 1; l' V '%!I! I Im -,III P. ;I I! I I It If Id 111 h11 11 ILI I U I 1 :101111 'S;I I 1111111111: M 1h I I I I 14 111 Mil I I I (a i I fit I'm A 1114 Ita a 4 11 It, 111 !M 11 FA 1:1.1 IF UJI I j AH M W "MMINT, Instruments and~Yeasuremaents ~USSR UDC: 537-312.62 SHrFCHENKO, T. G. "A Method of Making Electromagnetic Systems of Sup-arccMductive Regulated and Controlled Suspensions for Cryogenic Electrical. Equipr:!-nt" USSR Author's Certificate Ho 265279, filed 27 Oct 67, publi;shed 23 Jun 70 (from,RZh-Radiotekhnika, No 1, Jan 71, Abstract go ID515 P)~ Translation: This Author's Certificate introduces a nethod of making the electromagnetic systems of superconductive reegulatable- and controllable suspensions for cryogenic electrical instruments by winding wire on a form with subsequent connection of the ends of the winding in a predetermined circuit. As a distinguishing feature-of the patent, the method provides for regulation of undamped current, and for rigidity of the suspension end the position of the movable elements. The coils of the electromaagneti2 system for each support are wound on the same form with two or more super- conductors simultaneously and the initial ends of the windings on one support are then connected by som-a such method ~- wel(Ling using supercon- ducting contacts to the vindings of the other support. The windings are connected in tvo series circuits which are connected in turra by the same kinds of contacts to each other in parallel, and also in parallel with the shunt of a superconducting switch, forming a closed superconductive circuit with several inputs. 1/1 1 USSR VDC 669.01039-43 KWHYAWSUp 1. V., T 0 G. V.v BURIUSTROVAl L. N.l Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Bachinery Manufacturel, and TMI (expansion unknown) "Effeativeness of the Cold Hardening of Stool with Impact-Cyclic Loading Under Low-Texperature Condltionz" Kiev# Problemy Prochnosti# No 1g Jan ?2p pp 84-89 Abstractt Here are presented the results of an InvestiCation of three kinds of steel, with and without hardening by surface plastic defomationg for resist- ance again t Ikmete-fatigue fallure at temperatures of 4-20 and -500 C, The spread of Patigue cracks ms etWiod in order to provide informtion on the meehanlnm of faUgue-impact failure, It is shown that the effect Imparted by eold hardening becomes more pronounced as the strew level dtb=_-jP_s. Decreaeing tho test temperature increases the resistence to fatiffue fa.Uure, but the incrementatior. of longevity its considembly greater for haWened speci- mans. Tests of tho s=e steals for impact viscosity at various temperatures showed that the presence of hardening had an adverse aftect only if the cold- hawdened layer is quite deep. Two tablesp figures,, U reforen ces. 1/1 1111111MMISOMM. ~11_1_11 P USSR UDC 533.697 BORSHCHEVSKIY, Yu. T., KOLODIN, A. M., and*SHHAYDF_R,.V. E. "Motion of a Circular Film Formed of Drops of Sprayed LiquiV Tr..Novosib. in-ta inzh. voda. transp. (Transactions of the Novosibirsk institute of Water Transport Engineers),,Vypusk (Issue) 44, 1970, pp 153- 159 (f rom RZh-?11ekhanika, No 12, Dec 70, Abstract No- InIM, by Yu. F. Dityakin) Translation: The motion of a liquid filin formed on the walls of a circular vertical tube by drops of liquid falling on its surfaces from a sprayer is examined. It is assumed that a steady turbulent gas Upw is passing through the tube, that the gravitational force acting on the gas is small, and that the fIcKi in the tube is xxisymmetric and one-dimensional. The mass balance equation for this flow is derived. A solution is obtained for the differen- tial equation under the corresponding boundary value conditLons. This solu- tion consists of change in the flow of the drop masses due to turbulent diffusion and settling of the drops ant0 tube walls. Factors affecting drop saturation of the flo%4 along the sides of the- tube are determined; 'here momentum transport equations for two-phase flry.,rs are craployed. The bulk concentration of liquid drops at the tube surface is shGwn to be USSR BORSHCREVSKIY, Yu. T., et al., Tr. Novosib. i-n-ta- iivh. vodn. transp. .(Transactions of the Novosibirsk InstitUte of Water.Transport Fngineers), Vypusk (Issue) 44, 1970, pp, 153-159 (from '.M-Mekhanika, No 12, Dee 70, '-Abstract No 12B411, by Yu. F. Dityakin) determined by the field of gas velocities along the tube walls. Formulas are derived for calculating the velocity:field for-the case of small drops. 2/2 USSR UDC 003.14:628.165 KOLODIN) M. V., Institute of Deserts, Academy of Sciences, Turkmen SSR "Comparison of the Net Cost of Local Salt Water Desalination With the Net Cost of Transporting Fresh Water by Channels and Pipe Lines" Moscow, Vodosnabzheniye i Sanitarnaya Tekhnika, No 7, 1973, pp 4-8 Abstract: Currently the cheapest water can be obtained by transportation from neighboring regions rich in free waEer resources by means of open, free-flowing channels. The net cost of water transportation by mechanized channels is about as expensive or slightly more so than transportation by pipe lines. Transportation of natural water by pipe Hnes iii cheaper than local desalination when a common fuel system is used, but it requires larger initial investment and more metal consumption, when nuclear energy can be used, local water desalination is more convenient thmi the transportation by pipe lines over a long distance. 1/1 70 USSR UDC 628.165:542.65 KOLODIN, M. V., SEYITKURBANOV, S., and MILONOV, V. V. "Washing of Ice Crystals in a Washing Column During Desslination of Salt Water by Freezing" Moscow, Vodosuabzheniye i Sanitarnaya Tekhnika, No 6, 1971, pp 20-22 Abstract: It has been established experimentally that the effectiveness of ice crystal washing in a countercurrent wash column depends principally on the height of the washing zone Hk, the rate of ascension of ice in the column vj, consumption of fresh water for the washing,of ice crystals f and on the dimensions of the crystals being treated drr- A nomograph has been plotted from which these parameters could be determined for given salinity of the water being treated. Consumption of fresh water for Vash- ing the crystals in a countercurrent dolumn is much lower than in a centri- fugal apparatus. Furthermore, the trea.tment of a suspension in a field Pf centrifugal forces requires a very complicated apparatus, adding to the overall cost of the process. 1/1 014. UNCLAS:~IFZEP! PRcCESS~lNG OATE--160CT70 5-',,TITLE--CONDITIONS FOR A N A PRODucTION AND ISOLATIUN OF V LINOMYClit REGULATOR. CF'~ CELL MEMBRANE PERMEABILITY -U- t.AUTHOR-(04)-SMIRN0VAv G.M.i BLINOVAP I.Not KOLCIDITSKAYAP T-A-9 KHOKHLOV, :A. S . ~-~-~-'CCUNTRY OF INFO--USSR SO URCE--ANTI 8IOTIKIt 19701 VOL 15f NR 5, PP 387-392 DATE PUBLISHED ------- 70 AREAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES ,.TOPIC:TAGS--ANTIBIOTIC DRUG EFFECT# STREPTOMYCES, CELL MEMBRANEr FLUID PERt45ABILITYP DRUG PRODUCTION, CONTINUOUS CULTUREr CHEMICAL PURIFICATION/W)VAL[NOMYCIN ANUDIOTIC ~-_CCNTROL MARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS LOOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED :--PROXY REEL/FRAME--1994/1362 STEP NO--UR/0297[70/015/OU5/038'1/0392 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115332 UNCLASSIFIED d........... ...... PROCESSING DATE--160CT70 :2/3 024 UNCLAS:S~I~lEb ;-~CJRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115332 GP-0- ABSTRACT. CONUITIONS FOR BIOSYNTHESIS OF VALINOMYCIN BY STREPTOMYCES SPECIES PRL 1642 UNDER PILOT PLANT CONDITIONS WERE DEVELOPED. A METHOD OF SERIAL TITRATION AGAINST CANDIDA ALSICANS WAS PROPOSED FOR DETERMINATION OF VALINORYCIN CONTENT IN 'o rHE ANTIBIOTIC ISOLATIOP4. SAMPLES TAKEN OURING THE CULTURE GROWTHAN SAMPLES OF THE FERMENTATION OROTH WERE ACIUIFIED wITH HYURUCHLOPNIC ACID TO PH 2.3-2.5s THE PRECIPITATE WAS WASHED AND EXTRACTED TWICE WITH ETHANOL, THE VOLUME OF THE EXTRACT WAS A0JUSTeD.WLTH DISTILLED WATER TO 70 PER CENT. THE COMPOSITION OF THE F6RMENTATION REUIUM WAS THE FOLLOWING (IN PER CENT), CORN STEEP LIQUOR 0,5 tORY WEIGHT)i AMMONIUM :SULFATE 0,4, GLUCOSE 1, STARCH 1.5, SODIUM CHLORIDE 0.5, CALCIUM CARBONATE 0.5. THE TIME OF FERMENTATION IN 45-v 100- AND 500-LITER FERMENTORS WAS 4 TO 5 DAYS* THE AVERAGE CONTENT OF THE ANTIBIOTIC IN I IE MEDIUM WAS ABOUT 40 MG. DEVELOPMENT LITER OF T1 THE ACTIND14YCEYL PROCEEOEO IN 2 STAGES. THE ANTIBIOTIC PRODUCTION viAS OBSERVEO IN THE 2N0 STAGE, WHEN FRAGMENTATION OF THE MYCELIUM TOOK PLACE. VALINOMYCIN WAS ISOLATED BY 3-4 FOLD EXTRACTION OF THE MYCELIUll WITH ETHANOL, FOLLOWED BY PURIFICATION WITH OUTYLACETATE, SATURATEU SOLUTION OF SUOIUM -BICARBUNATE AND CARBON TETRACHLGRIDE. AFTER T14AT THE SUBSTANCE 4AS ELUTED IN AN ALUMINA COLUMN BY CARBON TEIRACHLORIDE AND THEN BY ITS MIXTURE WITH ABSOLUTE ETHANOL. ACTIVE FRACTIONS 4jRE EVAPORATED, DISSOLVED IN ETHER AND THE SOLUT1014 WAS P45SED TH40UGH A CoLU(IN WITH ACTIVATm) CHARCOAL AND CE:tITE 545. VALINOMYCIN WAS CRYSTALLIZED FRO-4 HEXANE. UNCLASSIFIED -LASSIFIED 3/3 024 UNc PAOCESSING DATE -160CT70 CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0115332 ABST-RACTIEXTRACT--A COLOURLESS CRYSTALLINE SUBSTANCE WITH A MEL-TING POINT OF 185-186DEGREES, ACTIVE AGAINST CANDIDA ALBICANS IN A DOSE UF 0.1 MUG-ML WAS OBTAINED. FACILITY: INSTITUTE FOP, CHEMISTRY OF NATURAL SUBSHTANCES OF ACADEMY OF TCIENCES UF THE USSRv MOSCOWa. UNCLASSIFIED 7--n- 02C UNCLASSIFIED :PROCESSING DATE--0'90CT?O ~-.'T.ITLE-FREQUENCY DEPENDENCE OF TAN.SIGMA.(OIELECTRIC LOSS MODULUS) OF SYNTHETIC MICA -U- *Not ANIKINP I.N. ~GUNTRY::OF INF(J-USSR a -R* 1970, 6(2)t 402 _5vURC E- I ZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, NEURG. MATL -DATE PUbLLSHED-70 PHYSICS, EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY (";LJOPIC 4AGS--J4ICAv DIELECTRIC MATERIALP DIELECTRIC LOSS,.SYNTHETIC MATE'RIALe MINERAL :,.i GUNTROL MARKING-NO RESIRICTIONS DUCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME--1995/0212 STEP NO--UR/0363/70/006/002/0402/0402 -CIRC ACCESSION NU--AP0115916 ___Wl~LASS tFIE 0 2/2 020 UNCLASSIFIEL) PROCESSING DATE--09OCT7O GIRC ACCESSION NO-AP01154;16 AUSTRACT/EXTRACT--(Ul (;P-0- ABSTRACT. SYNTHETIC MICA (OR FLU0aGPHLQGOPiTE) IS AN IMPOkTANT.HEAT AND ELEC. INSULATING MAFERIAL. THERE ARE NO DATA IN THE LITERATURE ON THE FREQUERCY OEPENDENCE OF DIELEC. LOSSES IN SINGLC CRYSTALS OF THIS MINERAL' WITHIN THE Sw41C FREQUENCIES REGION. IT WAS POSSIBLE TO TRACE Ttl~ -DISPERSIUN OF TAN SIGMA OF SYNTHETIC MICA AT 296DEGREESK BY MEANS OF A L620-A GENERAL RADIO COMPANY HIGH FREW"'UENCY PRECISION ORIDGE. THE MEASUREMENTS OF TAN SIGMA IN-THE 1001) UII~ELTIUN OF THE CRYSTAL WERE PERFORMED, WITHIN THE 60 HZ-10.KHZ FREQUENCY RANGE. THE'COMPN. OF THE INVESTIGATEa MICA, AS SYNTHESIZED BY CRYSTN. FROM THE MELT IN FE CRUCIBLESs COULD BE EXPRESSED BY THE FORMULA: (K SUBO.96 NA SU80.04) SUB1,00 PIG SU63 (SI SURZ.96 AL SUBI'.03 FE SUBO.Ol PRIME 3PUSITIVE) SUB4.00-0 SU8LO.IF SU81.07 0 SUBO'#03)-SUB2.00. T-HE' THICKNESS-OF THE -S'AMP'LES MEASURED WA5 TO' MU, AND THEIR,OIAM. WAS 10-30 MM. THE ELECT9ODkS WERE MOUNTEU TO THE SAM?LES IN THE FORM OF SILVER PASTE AT 723DEGREESK. RESULIS SHOh T14AT TAN SIGMA OF THE OIELLC. LOSSES FUR SYNTHETIC MICA IS UNUSUALLY,SMALL AS COMPARED TO THE TAN SIGMA FOR NATURAL MICA, AND ACCORDING 1*0 THE ORDER OF MAGNITUDE IT AHTS. TO 10 PRIME NEGATIVEb-10 PRIMLi NEGATIVE5. FREQUENCY MAX. OF TAN SIGMA WERE OBSERVED FOR BOTH THE sYN*rHETl,C AND THE NATURAL MICA WITHIN THE RANGE INVESTLGATEU. :IT 15 PROPO.SED TUAT THESE MAX. ON THE SONIC FREQUENCIES ARE CAUSED BY THE POLAR ORIENTATION OF THE MOLS. OF THE ADSORBED WATERo FACILITY: VSES. PIAUCH.-ISSLED. INST. SIN, MINER. SYROYA, ALEKSANDROVv USSR* USSR UDC f537-226 + 537-311-33J [53 7 + 535] FOTCHMMOV, A. A., KHADZHI, V. Ye. paviz Monocrys- "Anomalous Dielectrical Dispersion in Synthetic Q Kharikov, V sb. Monokristally i tekhnika (Monocrystals and En- ginearing -- collection of works) Ito 4,71971, PP 149-155 (from RZh-Pizika, No 11, 1971, Abstract 110 11E881) Translation: It is shovm experimentally that the relaxation pio- ceases. in lionocrystals of synthetic quartz cannot be considered as-purely Debye processes. The observable anon,,Llies of the di- electric disDersion are considered from the position of the in- teraction of-the electrically active impurity detects of the Al/R type of P centers (R-Li, Na, K) with the electrically inactive complexes of the nonstructured phaze,, the extent of which is de- termined in the crystal by its growth conditions. 7 '014: UNCLASSIFIeO PROCESSING DATC-30OCTIG --TLTLE--KINETICS OF ETHYLENE HYDROGENATIQN ON COBALT X ZEOLIYE -U- __~:AUTH0R-102)-GRYAZN0VA, Z.V.t KQLODIYEVAt YE*V., -USSR _(;CUNTRY OF INFU -S OURCE-DUKL. AKA0. NAUK SSSR 1970, l9Ot6)p 1383-6 .f.::~',VATE PUPL 15 HE 0--7 0 SUBJE-CT AREAS-CHEMISTRY TAGS-COBALT COMPOUND, ZEOLITEs HYDRCGENATION, BENZENE, ETHYLENEw REIACTION K INET ICS C&ITROL MARKING-NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED PROXY REEL/FRAME-2000/1088 STEP CIRC ACCESSION NO--AT0124745 UNCLASSI-FIED 72/2 -014 UNCLASSIFIED PAOCESSIN'vi DATE-30OCTIO C[RC ACCESSICN NO--AT0124745 ABSTRACTt'EXTRACT-(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. HYDROGENATION OF C SUB6 H SU~S6 AS WELL AS C SUB2 H SUB4 WAS SHOWN TO TAKE PLACE ON THE METALLIC ACTIVE CENTERS OF THE TITLE CATALYSTS. ALTHOUGH X TYPE ZEOLITES HAVE RATHER OPEN STRUCTURE, THE ACTIVE CENTERS FOR THESE HYDACCARSONS MAY BE ACCESSIBLE TO DIFFERENT DEGREES, DEPENDING ON THE CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC LOCATION OF THE ION THAT UNDERGOES REDN. HYDROGENATION OF C SUBb H SUB6 IN ADON. IS A PROCESS WITH A GREATER CAPACITY FUR ENERGY UPTAKE THAN THE PROCESS OF HYDROGENATION OF C. SUD2 H SUB4. KINETIC CURVES WERE SHOWN ~FQR THE ABOVE REACTIONS AT TEMPS. FROM.30DEGREES TO 32.0DEGREES USING A FEED OF H AND HYDROCARBON IN PASSAGE OVER A NACOX SUB& ZEOLITE CATALYST .-...THAT HAD BEEN SUBJECTED TO EXCHANGE OF NA IONS FOlk CO TO THE EXTENT OF .61*9PERCENTo FACILITY: MOSK. GUS. UNIV. IM. LOMONDSOVAl MOSCOW# -USSRS S I F orrcS ING DATE--30OCT70 L/2 035 UPIC L A I E b PR ,:.TITLE--POWER PLANT USE OF SULFUR CONTAINING PETROLEUM RESIDUES -U- _~AUTH0R-(05)-KOLGDIYEVAv YE.V.t KUROCHKIN,: A.I.w ZHAROVAw M.N.t 1-: --- - __ KA SHUR I C H EV-v-"A-a 717 -q-VRVK7VA*QV o Z.F. COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR ~SGURCE-IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSR, ENERG. TRANS/17~1910v tl)t 85-93 DATE PUISL I SHED----- 70 SUBJECT AREAS-MATERIALSt PROPULSION AND FUELSr EARTH SCIENCES AND OCEANOGRAPHY ",.JOPIC TAGS-PYROLYSft, PETROLEUM DEPOSIT# GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONt CHE11CAL C04POSITION, ECONOMICSt FUEL CONSUMPTIONo STEAM BOILERt BENIENC-P TOLUENE# NAPHTHALENEi ETHYLENEv COKEs SULFURP POWER PLANT CIGNTROLMARKING--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED ,.::PROXY REEL/FRA.4E--1996/1544 STEP NU--UR/0281/'70/000/001/OU85/0093 CIRC ACC ESSION NO--AP0118527 UiNl(; LASS I F 1E 0 `2/2 035 UNICLASSIFIEO~ PR~OCESSING DATE--30OCTTO -CIRC ACCESSION NO--AP0118527 ABSTRACTIEXTRACT--(U) GP-0- ABSTRACT. POWER PLANT PYROLYSIS OF S CONTG. MAZUT (PETROLEUM RESIDUES) FROM ROMANSHKINO AND ARLANSI, CRUDE OILS AT RATES OF 1.3-4.7 G-SEC YIELDED ACCORDING TO CALCNS,* bASEU UN A SINGLE PYROLYSIS CYCLE 57-78 AND 55-78PERCENT~ GAS AND 31--4-O AND V-38PERCENT LIQ. PAODUCTS, OF WHICH 7-11 AND 9-12PERCENT B. SMALLER THAN 09 EQUAL TO Z30DEGkEES WERE RECOVERED BEFORE RECYCLING. OPTIMAL CONDITiONS FOR MAX. C SUS2 H SUB4 YIELDS 422.8 AND 17.5PERCENT) WERE 0.02 AND 0.03 SEC AT 945 AND 930DEGREGS WITH ST-EAA# MAZUT RATIOS 6 OF D.66 AND 0.49 KG-KGr RESP. FOR ARLAN 14AZUT-C SU86 H SUa6v PHME, ME SUB2 C SUB6 H SUB4 PLUS PHETP AND NAPHTHALENEr YIELDS WERE.14AX'. (6.0, 1.6, 0.2, AND 1.4PERCENT, RESP.) AT AN C SUB2 H SU64 YIELD OF 13-SPERCENT WHEN THE CONDITIONS WERE .0.24 SEC AT 96GOEGREES WITH 8 EQUALS 0:.51j. WHEREAS THESE YIELDS WERE 3.5, 2.1, 0.5, AND 0.5PERCENT AT AN CL SUB2 H SUB~- YIELD OF 17.5PERCENT WHEN THE CONDITIONS WERE 0.07-0.09 SEC' AT 920-50DEGREES WITH 8 EQUALS ~0.5 AND THE FRACTION OF THE ORIGINAL S LEFT IN THE COKE wAS SIMILAR TO 30PERCENT. THIS FRACTION 4AS MIN* (SIMILAR TO 11 ANS 25PERCENT) AND C SU82 H SUS4 YIELDS WERE HIGH 127.6 AND-17.6PEaCErIT) WHEN THE RE5Pa MAZUTS, WERE PYROLYZED FOR 0.03 AND 0.06iSEC AT 915 AND 945DEGREES WITH B EQUALS Oo75 AND 1.0, BUT AROMATIC HYDROCARBON YIELDS WERE REDUCED BY SIMILAR TO 33PSRCENT AND POWER EFFICIENCY.BY SIMILAR TO 3.5-4.0PERCENTO IN COMPARISON WITH SEP. PRODUCTION OF POWER AND PElROLCUM PRODUCTS, POWER PLANT PYAOLYSIS UNDER OPTIMAL CONDITIONS REDUCED BOILER FUEL CONSUMPTION BY SIMILAR TO 20PERCENT AND POWER COSTS BY S1141LAR TO 50PERCENT. UNCLASSIFIED 112 022 UNCLASSIFIED PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 ;T.ITLE--DETERMINATION OF THE BASICITY OF N SUBSTITUTED LACTAMS BY AN IR --,SPECTROSCOPIC METHOD -U- AUTHO.9-05 I-GORSHKOVA T G !SWwQQUNt F.L.v POLISHCHUKi V. V.. I V.A.9 SIML"';Om_KAYAt _~F.P* COUNTRY OF INFO--USSR -SOURCE--IZV. AKAD. NAUK SSSRt SERD KHIM. 1970# 13)t 550-4 QATE PUBLISHED------70 SUBJECT AREAS--CHEMISTRY TOPIC TAGS--LACTAM, IR SPECTRUMt PHENOLt DEUrERIU4 C014POUNOr HYOROXYL "~.:lRADICALV OETONE, PYRROLES9 HETEROCYCLIC NITROGEN COMPOUND, :CYCLOMEXANONEP SOLUTIO.N ALKALINITY CONTROL MARKtNG--NO RESTRICTIONS DOCUMENT CLASS--UNCLASSIFIED WOXY REEL/FRAME,--2000/0741 STEP NO--VR/0062/TQ/0001003/0550/0554 CIRC ACCESSION N10--AP0124411 2/2 GZ2 U NiC L A S S I F I E 0, PROCESSING DATE--230CT70 .."l!(C ACCESSION N-0-AP0124411 ~48STRAC TlCik TRACT--( U I GR-0- ABSTRACT. IR SPECTRA WERS U$ED TO ASSESS THE --...,VALUES OF THE ASSOCN. 'CONSTS. 3F THE FOLLOWING CLIMPDS. WITH 4)H0Hr FRO14 ..,,THE VALUES OF SPECTRAL SHIFTS OF OH A'40 00 BANDS lVALUES OF K SUR-ASS (N. SHOWN): PYR-10LIDONE 160, NtMETHYLPYRROLIUONE 175, ~it(213,EPOXYPROPYL)PYRROLIOC-NE 1409 NiALLYLPYRROLEDONE L35,- NiVINYLPYRROLIDIONE 48r PIPERIDONE 225, ?4,ALLYLPIPERIDONE 180, Ni,VfNYL?lPERIDGNE 52, CAPROLACTAM 185, N9ALLYLCAPROLACTAM 1459 PIPERIDINE A70s CYCLOPENTANONE ..NtVINYLCAPRCLACTAM 49t PYIROLIDINE 185, .11, AND CYCLOHEXANONE 12. -THUSq A RELATION OF BASKITY OF THESE COMPOS. TO THE NATURE OF THE N SUBSTITUTENT WAS DEMONSTRATED. THE ASSOCN. OF PHOH WITH THESE RING SYSTEMS AT THE CARaONYL GROUP UUES NOT EXCLUDED THE POSSIBLITY OF.:ASSOCN. AT THE N ATOM. FACILITY: [NST. ORG. KHIM. '_lMs ZELINSKOGOt MOSCOW- USSR'19 MOCE SS I iNG, OAT 3NOV7 0 112 0 28 UNC L AS* I F 1 t7i~ T I T L E - - El F F F C TbF LIGHT SOLUrl-,TS OF --l P -1 I,'-Ai. wril`T~~:NING -!J- J.4 -.AUTH(-lR-(J4)-0AR.VINA, V.V.r KOLVJO~')"Rp 0.1,11 V AN01 V AL.S. r :~-COUNTRY OF INFO-USSR SOU-RCF--KliIt',i* W'.'jL()-KNA 1910, (2) '35-7 ::.DATE PUBLISHED - - - - - - -70 SUBJECT A-:~EAS--'-IATERIALS, PHYSICS -SCEN JOPIC T',,S--PH0T()EFFECTt LUIMIM ICEj, UV LIGHTt OPTIC BRfGHTNESS/W)UF015 LAMP T 1 ON S CONTROL 4 AR K I N G- - N Ll P L S T R I (I .00CUMENT CLASS--U%Cl-.l;SS!FlE3' PROXY REEL/FRAIE-20-012009 STEP N(j--lJk/JL83f CIRC ACCESSIO-% 0 "no rim d'C' C E S S P6 fjATE--l3l%ljV70 Cl 13 UINC L A S S I F I ED p C I FZC A C(; E S S I GiNi -NO--AP 0) 12 5 5 97 GP-0- ABST~;ACT. -~ABSTRACT/ A SCLNS OF THE F L 1) 171 r~ E 3 C EN T W 4 1 T Ell I N' IV AG,-'4T ~..Hl TE 5 14ERE EX.OuSED TO. DAYLIGJ-IT OR U V I K, L 1) J- UFO-15) ANO THEIR LUM11"iESUNCE iirEwsITIES WizkE ,)E*, .3 TH,- LW T IM L --D 0 1 I'll THE 'wli I T f: C 0.1 Ul THE LUMINESCE"CE IINTENSI FY WITH - DECREASL E.G.t SUNS. C ON' T G - 0.1 G-L. U i: I'HE WH]JENER LOST T~IiE 111 LU"'ll NE SCENC E -AFTEP 24 HR WHILE THE LWMINESCENCE- OF ;SUINS. CONTG. 25M.61 G-L. OF THE AGENT WAS UNCriANGED SMALLER THAN OR E%WAL: TO 20 W',YS. THE ST-WILITY OF -1-THE w'HITENER WAS HIGHER IN ALK. SOL PIS FACILITY: LENINGRAD. FILIAL9 VNI Ivt LENINGRADt- USSR. UN't" LA S S I F I F - :, .: , , 1. - ~ I, lit. , : ~~i ... . "- . 1, , I -~ ZWER In, Go 141. ~OLODNIYT, G. Ya. OMSHCHENKO,* A, M, "Nonradiative Transitions between Levels of Trivalent Rare Earth Ions in Yttrium-Aluminum Garnet Crystals". Moscow, Zhurnal Eksperimentaltnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fizilci; March, 1971; pp 920-7 3+ 3+ 3+ ABSI-RACT: Nonradiative trarzitions between levels in Ird Sr Ho and 3+ 'Lu ions in yttriwn-aliirairnm garnet crystals are studied. The variation with terniperature of the probabilities for nonridiative trahsitions are studied, and it is shotm that in the sin1gle-frequency model approximation optical phonons with an epergy - 700 cm-1 play the predominant role in nonradiative relaxation. The snorAtaneous nonradiative transition probabilities for various energy gaps between the levels and the dependence of the nonradiative trnnBition probabil- ity on the energy gap are determined by measuring the quantini yield, Lif etin. e, 1 and kinetics of luminesc once at 77*X. For gaps 34ying,, Vetween 1200-5000 em' . proximated by an exponeintial law. The the dependence can be satisfactorily an rel,=ation times from the major excitation levels to the 'qF3/, level are mea- 1/2 USSR ZVERFV, G. M., et al., Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheakoy Fiziki, Mar 71, pp 920-927 sured f or NTd3+ ions excited by radiation from a ruby or rhodamine 6G laser or by the second harmonic from a neodymium lasecr; the measurements are based on the kinetics of luminescence emitted by IId3+ ions from the'4F level. The relaxation time from levels with an energy - 18800 cm is 5*10- see. For levels lower than 18800 cm-1 the time does not exceed 51410 -8 see. On the basis of the dependence of the nonradiative transition probabilities on the energy gap between the levels, the relaxation time between th and levels 0 411). 41Y _ 5. 10~,7 of TTd34- ions is evaluated at seco 2/2 W4C L A 5 S I F If-,) SJ'IE S PPOPE&I I L AIN b EFFECT UF LMINES Wi _",AUTHfu:9-(()5)-YA5l-UNS&lYr V.G-i MA5fl&bV5KIYj ljod.r ALTSHULERt R.A. -,-C CuISTRY UF INFO--USSR _SUjRCE--FAHHAKuL. TCKSIK(IL. (MLJSCfji) 1970t 3313)t 297 - 302 ~~OATE PbbLISHEC-----70 -:.,SUiJJECT ARLAS--BIOLOGICAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCES TEPIL TAGS--CEN'IRAL NERVUUS SYSTEM STIMULANTi CHEIMICAL SVI';Tl-,tSIS, DRUG EFFEU, GX10ASE Mt~KING-NU REST,UCTIONS DGCUMEi',,T CLASS-UNCLASSIFIED -PROXY FICUIL NU ---- F07C/605COL/F10 STEP NU--UR/0390/701033/()C~-i/0297/G30Z _.-CiRCACCESSICIN NC--AP01395f)',6 7-0 P Min-- 2/2 015 UNCL ASS IF I ED PRIJCES~WiG DATE-11DIEC70 CIRL ACCESSIC,% tio-AP013958b I "S- J- ~AbSTRACWEXNACT--(U) GP-o- ABSTKACT. A )4i~, GF 31tPHENYl. LKYL JE.~[ C~ -N 1) THE tr[-.N0%AL NEkVUuS SYS]-LI'll SYUNCNE IMINEY WHL civFt4 To miCE, STIMULATEt % ~ il I- f -INLIM.11 THEY ALSO 100t[bITC-0 ALTED AS PERIPHERAL ADRE 1 -It-rICS- N OXI L)A SE Ik VITRO* FACILITY: VSES, NAUGH Rf3ZHGNIKfDl-Ej MOSCOW# USSR.: "IN-ST. -IM. 01 Li USSR UDC 577.3t612.744:612.03-5.32 A., and YEVTUSHENKO, G. I., Khar'kov Scientific Research Insti- tute of the Hygiene of Labor and of Occupational Diseases, Khar'kov "Characteristics of Metabolism in the Skeletal Muscles of Rats Under the Effect of a Pulsed Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field" Kiev, Ukrayinsk'kiy Biokhimichniy Zhurnal, Vol 45, No 3, MayJJun 73, pp 356-361 Abstract: Rats were exposed to a pulsed electromagnetic field with a fre- quency of 7 kilocycles, pulse duration of 3-30 microsec, a 10 sec interval between pulses, and an intensity of 72 kA/m for 3 hra per day during 15 Jays, or to a field with the same characteristics but an inteasity of 24 kA/m for 1.5 hrs per day during 1.5, 3, or 6 mos. The results of the experiments indicated that the action of the electromagnetic field reduced the content of ATP and creatine phosphate in skeletal muscles because of a disturbance in the conjugation between oxidation and phosphorylation. Glycolysis was -Intensified with the result that the content of glycogea decreased and that of lactate increased. Simultaneously the deamidation of protein was in- tem';ified (the content of protein amido N decreased) and the deamination, of adeiiasine, adenylic acid, and glutamic acid increased in the absence, 1/2 USSR KOLODUB F. A., and YEVTUSHENKO, G. I., Ukrayins'kiy Biukhimichniy Zhurnal, o 3, May/Jun 73, pp 356-361 Vol 45, N because of the ATP deficiency, of a corresponding inteasification of gluta- mine synthesis. The adenosine and adenylate deaminases were activated. There was an increase in the content of ammonia in the skeletal muscles, which reached a level of 76.3% above normal. It was shown in earlier work by the authors that electromagnetic fields of low frequency produce spasms and muscular dystrophy. 2/2 USSR UDC 577.1-.632.015.--3:538.6 KOLODUB F. A. YEVTUSHENKO, G. I.., Kharkov Scientific Institute of Hygiene of tNQo6;:2m&n cut'Pational. Diseases "Characteristic Features of the Carbohydrate-Energy Metaboliaol of the Brain of Rats Under the Effect of a Low-Prequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Field" C, Kiev, Ukrainslkiy Biokhir4chniy Zhurnal, Vol k4, No 4, 1972, pp 492-496 Abstract: It was established that for multiple (15 sessions) and chronic (1, 5, 3 and 6 months) effects of the low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic field (7 kilohertz) at an intensity of 72 and 24 kiloamps/meter, respectively, the processes of oxidation and phosphorylation separate in the brain of the rats as a result of attenuation of the inorganic phosphate eriterification. Siirrul- taneously with this, the glycoGen and glucose contents in the brain tissue drop, and lactate acawaulates. The disturbance of acid. phosphorylation pro- ceases and partial switching of carbohydrate decampouitI.on to the glycolyLic process lead to a reduction in the amount of macroergic cc=aiinds (creatine phosphate and ATP) in the brain tissue and a si=- altaneous accunralation. of the dephosphorylated ATTI derivatives -- ADP and MfP. 1/1 Radi6biolog~, USSR uDc! .577.1:612-015-33:612.80015 KOLODUB F. A. and WTUSMIKO, G. I., Kharkov Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases "Nitrogen Metabolism in the Brains of Rats Exposed to a Pulsed Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field" Kiev, Uk-rains-kiy Biokhimicheskiy Zhurnal, No 3, 1972, P 311 Abstx-act: Some aspects of nitrogen metabolism (formation and removal of ammonia) were investigated in the brains of rats exposed to a pulsed lou- frequency (7 kHz) electromagnetic field of different intensities (24 and 72 kA/m) and durations. Repeated (15 sessions) and chronic (6 months) exposures were found to impair nitrogen metabolism in nervous tissue. After exposure to an Intensity ot ',72 kA/m, the amount of ammonia and gluta--dc acid decreased, the amide nitrogen content of the proteins rerainea unchanged while the deamination of adenylic acid and synthesis of glutamine. were inhibitild owing to an Insuf - ficiency of AV. After chronic exposure (21; kA/m), tlie chanvs in Pinount of ammonia were phasic; they occurred in the absence or slight i=ease in the level of glutamine disproportionate to the increase in m=unt of arimonia. 1/1 Public Health, Hygiene and Sanitation USSR ux 615.847.6-o7".61.6a5-o74 KOLODUB F. A. and YEVTIJSIEE.ITKO, G. 1. Kharkov Scientific P&search Institute of Labor Hygiene and Occupational Diseases "Value of Som Biochemical Blood Pamreters for the Early Dlagtiosis of Disorders Caused by Low-Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields" Kiev Vrachebnoye Delo, No 6, 1972, PP 131-135 Abstract: Exposure of rats to chronic) low-intensity pulsed ei.ectrora-Enetic fields for 6 months resulted in metabolic disturbances in the li-.rer, kidneys, heart., skeletal nmscles, and brain tissue of animals manifeste(I by changes of varying duration in glucose, pyruvic and lactic acids, armnonia, glutamine, urea, total protein and protein fractions, and pseudcholinestei-,se, catalase, and peroxidase activities. The changes were particularly pronounced in the blood lactic acid and ammonia levels within two weeks. Unlike the other bio- chemical indices however they did not return to normal even as long as a,) .1 ? ta uo 60 days after the end of the experiment. Thus, a detenmination of blood lactic acid and aiumonia -would seem to be a worthwhile clinical ir&thod of detecting incipient pathology in humans exposed to low-fr-i-quency p-talsed alectro- magnetic fields. USSR UDC 612.014.426.015.3 USHENKO, G, I., Institute of Labor Hygiene 91&12U F. A., and YEVT "Biochemical Aspects of the Biological Effect of a Low-Frequency Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (LFPEF)" Moscow, Gigiyena Truda i Professional'nyye Zabolevaniya, No 6, 1972, pp 13-17 Abstract: Pronounced metabolic disturbances in the brain, heart, liver, and skeletal muscles were produced by LFPEF. ATP, creatinine phosphate, and glycogen became deficient and lactic acid and ammonia compoundu accumulated. A study.of amidation and deamidation elucidated the nature of the disorders observed in the various organs. ...... Wag'