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BEYDET&AN, Irina Ilikolayevna; BFSPALOVA, Zoya Goorgiyevna,, RAMMIU4- - -Aleksa--dra Timofeyevna. YLM-ATOV. A.A., doktor; IF~-- Vhd~, �~.D., red.izd-va,- KRUGLIKOVA, N.A., (Studies on ecology, geobotanyi agriculture, and drainage in the Xura-Aras Lowland of Transcaucasia; natural and anthropogenio changes of plant communities# water conditions and root systems of plants] Ikologo-goobotanichaskis I agromeliorativnye iseledovanila v lura- Araksinskoi nizmennouti Zakavkazlia; estestvaunye i antropogennye smeny rastitellnykh soobshchestv, vodayi rezhim I kornavye sistemy rastenil. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR, 1962. 464 p. (KIRA 15z2) (Kura Lowland-Bo tany) L 33660-66 EWT(1) SCTB DD ACC NR. ATW13448 SOURCE CODE: UR/3179/65/007/000/0133/OIL.l AUTHOR: Nasyrovo_Yu. S.; Rekbmanine, K. Pe 2,7 ORG: none. Photooynthesis and transpiration of Gis,sar Range plants SOURCE: Vaesoyuznoye botenicheskoys obsbebestvo. Problemy botanikip v.,7, 1965. Voprosy biologli I fiziologli restaniy v usloviyakh vysokoEoriy (Problems.of biology and physiology of plants at bleb ~altlitudes)v 133-141 TOPIC TAGS: plant ecology, photosynthesis, plant morphology# climatic. influence ABSTRACT: Photosynthesis Intensity and transpiration rote of p1snts growing at a 3500 m altitude in the Gisser,Range were Investigated In 1956 57 by the Botanical Institute of Ahe AWT&dzhSSR. The climate of the area cberacterl;ed by cons Ideroble daily and seasonal temperature shifts,, dryness of Ir high Insulation., and little precipitation Is classified 69 a mod:rat'ely humid high altitude'subtropic zone,, Findings show that photosyntheals.Intensity and tIranspirstion.activity of high. altitude plants is relatively low. The photosynthesis apparatus of Card 112 inn-63 EWT(I)/EWP(q)/EWT(m)/FCS/BDS/ES(V) AFFTC/ASD/gSD-3 Pe='t._TF_____ ACCWSrCR NRt 03005489 8/0030/63/000/008 ~"~-' AuTHORs, Rakhmininov U -6j') Git I., TITLR$ Friendship between WSR and ftban scientists. ftban solentinta in the Soviet Union ntk;~" S' 2963 8 _M SMRCZs AR, SWR. - VON 01 4 j TOFIO TAOSt Sawlet, solentimt*., Ca once ban scientist confer ident of the'MR Aca ABSTRACTs At the Invitation or V.'Y. lcei"h -pros demy or, Sciences,'a delegation of the Nban Academy of Sciences visited the Soviet Academy during the period of May 9-30th. It,was headed-by Dr. Antonio Nvies Jimentez dent of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, and had among Its members. Professor Julio 1e Riverend, Director of the Historical Inatitutev and Olejo Lggsr Valdes, a member ii, of the National Condssion of the Academy. A brief biography of Dr. Rim'Onez is given. Today I M 000 childrert are enrolled In Cuban schools and 70 000 students in colleges. The Cuban Academy of Sciences operates the Institutes of Biology, or ComplexNerve Activityp of Geograpby, Cartograpby, EthnograptW, Folklore, and His- Institutes of Meteorolo -and Scientific Information are being organized. tory The departments of Havana University are enumerated. During their visit# the CubanJ tcord-1/3- -7313-6 3 ACCEMCK NRi AP3005489 a number of scientifie Institutions In Moscow delegates became acquainted with ng workers from the Soviet and Ukr&Lnbn Academies Leningrad, and Kiev and met leadi rsitievas well. Nufies Jimenes Owed tuch interest of Science And from the.Xdve in studies dealing withlifolar energy'and the enerpy of the windlyand devoted much attentl-on to the performance of the All-Union Institute of Scientific Technical Inf6imation. There followed visits to the Institute of Ethnology.and to the Zoological Inatitute of the Academy, where the delegates became interested in marine biology. IIn Leningrad the delegates had consultations with the aeademIcian YostenW' and the rector of Leningrad Univeral on the orgnnizi:tion of education and the treining of scientists. They also pvrticipated In a session of the Geographic Society. In Kiev the delegates were received by the president of the Ukrainian. Academy, B, E# Peto , as well as by the rector of the 'UniveridW of F4 . Upon their return to Woscow the delegates participated in a session of the Acadeffly's- ents PO Presidium, where speeches were exchanged, praising the achieven ~snd litioal, orgard2ptions of their respective countries. The visit culminated in a pre3entatim to Dr. Jimenez of a model space satellite that took the picture of the other side the moon and the siganIng agreement for future cooperation between the two Acederd ea. This Agreement includes coordinn-tion of ingestigntionq and exchm"ges of emlipment, literature, and scientific workers. -A joint project of ocesnoprapVA n investigations ip general and of marine biology i particular was arrangedi Help LCard via- . 's ' 2.A3_A_A ACCESSTCWNRt AP30054" Wa idsed In the establiabsent in' 6abs of an Tnotituto of Scientific Informtion apro and In the training of selentiflo 7jw]~elj ASSOCTA?T Of s-none SUM T?EDs bA" ACQt OfiSsO3 ZRCLv ~'00 t,,1~1- 2 SUB COMs AD NO RIP. Sort 000 O?m I.- f Card NAMTROV, Yu.-S.: otv. red.P SAFCZ.*4'.'IJKCV'V, 5.1,,. read.; A.-A., red.; ZALMISHY, O.V., red.; VAK51-ri"', A.116.1 rea.; KIRB'~~OV, KhAh.,' red.; LOGINOV, M.A., red.; GILLEA, Yu.Ye red.; U. I OV, P.D., red.; KASIYANUM, A.G.., red.; RAWANINA, K.F.y rod. [Contribution of plant physiology to agriculture; problems of photasynthosis ard rrotnbollsm] Flziol,grila raotenii sellskomu khozlalstvu~~ voprovy fotoolintczli Io`awnn voshchostv. Dushanbe, Izd-voIN Tadzhikskoi.SSR, 1905, 131 P. (11II"RA 18:4) .1, Akaderdya nauk Tadzhikrkoy M, Dushanbe. Institut fizio- logillibiofiziki rastenii. m GAMIYELIYANTS, G.A., glav. red.; AZIZKIIAY-OV, D.A., red.; VEIMERSHY, V.V.., red.; YEREIMIKO, V.Ye., red.; YEHSHOVA, Ye.M., red.; ZRIIN, T.G., red.; NOTIN-EV, N.P., red.; red.; SLIVAIII, U., red.; TIMIGMUROV, A.I., red.; YUIIJMV, F. Yu. garoy Sotsialisticheekogo Truda, red.; AKIWtOVj A.., red., BAKMIYAR.OVp As, tekhn. red, ftateriala of the Conferenco of Agricultural Workero of Central -Asia, Azerbaijan, and Southern Areas of Kazakhstan] Materialy So.veshchanlya rabotnikov sellskogo khozyaystva respublik Sredney~ Azii, Azerbaidzhana i IuzhrWkh oblastei Kazakbstanap Tashkent,, 1961, Tashkent, Gos. izd-vo Uzbekskoi SSR, 1962. 358 p4Za rabotu, tovarishchi khlopl-oroby!) (MMA 15:3) 1. Soveshchanlye rabo,tnikov sel'skogo khozyayBtva respublik Sredney Azii, Azarbwjdzhana i yuzhnykh oblestey Kazakhstana, T"hkentp 1961. 2. Predsedatell kolkhoza imeni Karla Marksa Oshskogo rayons. Kirgizskoy SSR (for Yunusov). (Soviet Central Asia-Agricultural workers) (Azerbaijax3.-Agricultural workers) (Kazakhstan-Agricultural workers) RAKHW0IIMk, A.T. The developmental rh7thm of plants in some phytoconnoses of the Tersk-Kum Plain and the ecological factors of their tin- vironment. Dot.zhur.. 45 no-1:34-47 Ja 160 .(H;RA 13'5) 1. Dotanicboskiy Institut irs. T.L.Komarova Akadnmii taut. SSSJI, leningrad. (Torok Valley-Botany-Rcology) (KIIm4 Yalley-Botany-Baolojor) Rmlymuvov, n. 0- &,.kandidat sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk. Vitamin C content of the milk of the main cow breads proposed for the Ukraine. Sbor.trud.]Charl.vot.inst. 20:89-100 149, (Ukraine-Milk-Analysis and exmination) (KLRA 9;11) (Ascorbic acid) I'vof. 'T 41~ RAK" ANE-l' TVI. CV 111!A#,,.rl- de-,,ejoptx.-nt Of tra .. ~ I ,Ways for thki - '. .4 statel. tran Ijt)va - ~T.. rizv-1 t'1 la k 'kc 'a t lif 0 r'7: ii t .0, Voolvaj TSentr. ji.,tj nv ani -1 jlO v 's ILY [A e 51) te i4j U KII-inva (for K r, --L 0 a Country : 'USSR Catogory : Farm Aiilmal~'. T Abs. Jour Ii e f i-c-1 .7'o I Author _RakJ!m:,nR-.1L1Iov, F. 1,1I. Institut, en -~'ri institu-~-,) o"' Apicial"are, w~ .7 ~searc. to Tltlo~ -A. "easuro of lncrea_v~*n-z R. e d Ca, o v or Poll ion by Bees OrIS Pub* Byul., nal~chno-tekhn, inform, 'Ai.-i. in-t1a 'pche- lovodsi- e wa, 1957, No 2, 20 Ab8tract was establis"ied by experi:.ieets -.-iere carried out on 21 bee colonies that by crea- Vino a bee-bre.-.d.1mF, hwiger in t (by '_n- ener) creasing free breeding an(~. rsducing bee bree- dim, reserves) combined with '4,raining bees wklk aromatized syrup, tha freque-i-Acv- with -ohich -IV-he bees visited red clover.(being good. bsa-bree~* din~~ carrier) increased b 24 perceit aad th l parcent. as compa- s eed yi-ald increased by Yo red to bees which received 'Che aromatized sy- rup orly without a bee-breedin hunve.- hav i ng been created for them. Card: m 005 (Broad) m PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4099 'Tarkhov, Nikolay'Alekseyevich, and Aleksandr Dmitriyevich Rakhmanov Elektrody-dlya dugovoy svarki i naplavki. (Ilectrodes for Ara Welding and Surfacing) Mosiow, Mashgiz, 1959. 63 P.- (Series: Biblio- teka. evarshchika) .10,000 copies printed, 'Editorial Board: A.Ye. Asnis, A.A. Kazimirov,.B.1. Medovar, B.Ye. Paton (Resp..Ed.) ' and V.V. Podgayetskiy; Eds,: V,V. Mayevsk-ly and A.Yea. Asnis; Chief Rd (Soubhern Division, Mashg~z)-. V.K. Serdyak.0 Engineer,_ PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for welders, COVERAGE: The booklet deals with processes taking place in manual arc welding. The main cause3 for the formation of defects on deposited metaland theeffeet of electrode coating and coating components on the quality of deposited metal are discusse4., General information on modern methoda of.making electrodes are presented. -The problem of electrode classification and selection for varioua Card 1/3 T-~A : ~04) * 'r . ; to .." RAIMIANOV, A. M.: "Pneumoaerocystitis and ArlyloidoSis of Ducks on Poultr7 Farms ~j 1.1 aiia"m 5 7 - 4 7 8 so"71 Tratislation frony Referativityy zhurnal. lvlvkhalii~il, 19 5 7: N r it, i,4 (USS R AUTFIOR- Raklirnanov A. N. T'TL E- Oil TWO Regin-leb of an Unsubrnvrged and a Submerged D-1v",no-jet Hydraulc Jun n -ip and on the Le gths of f,-,s Eddy Area or Whi r lpool (0 (1vukh rezhiniakh nezatoplennogo i zatoplennogo donnogo gidrav. licheskogo pryzhka i o dlinakh vodovorotnogo uchastka eltogo pryzlikal PERITODICAL., LeV. WSUS, tt.-t. in-ta gidrotekhri 14 5 6 V o 1% .5 5pp 3 7 - 74 A BSTq A C I'. The pa pe r a d d U r V.-i the results of experimental hidrwalic inv#,,~tigauolls conducted by 'he author during*.the period of 19481951. The author, riotes- the presence in both the unsubmerged and the submerged di, ~TIO jet, hydraulic Jumps of two basic regirnes - the.diving -jet regs.,me and the s -jet/ urface-jel. regime -- as -weil ai of mtermediate regime-- between them which the author de6ignates as imperfect dvAng- jet and di ving-jet/su rface -jet regimes, The experimental invcsfiga~ tions made po.;sible (within the condition-l- under Which the ~nvestiga- ' ot t 1011S %Vtl*'C C -iducted) the establishment of the following: Enip~ri(al relationships for determining the length of the _nurface eddy area -vith -n a I -n e r g edi%"ng- iet'hydrauli ' -lip ancl Ca r d I i 2 a submerged jl;t and unsi;bz c Jul SOV/1 2-1- 5-1-4 On Two Regimes (if an Unslibmerged and a Subnnwrged Diving-Jet Hydraulic (cont -1 of tile boundarv of tile fort-nation of an imperfect and a tully-devfloped (pe Heal &vittg-jet/surface-jet regimes of a diving-jet jump; tile extent of a bottom eddy area w:th a diving -Jet/surface -jet regime of tile jump and experim~!ntal data on the vertical dimensions of the bottom eddy area of the jump. Experimental data on the pulsation of the length of the surface eddy area of a diving-jet jump and the length of the zone of bottort- W.rbulence of a diving-jet/surface -jet jump are-ob.-ained. A, N, AkhuEin Card 212 di 'P fj' mtl Jumr r J r i n aS I II ~g bW~7; I G !ZV4 VI -6 5-34 64 B--*t 14(10) n f Technictl AUTHORi khna ov, A.11. Do tor o Prof OS'Sor "'t 0 t ir, n C;-.I - ~a i? 1; _4 0 ra 3,,~Jdcr_ 111, T I y t draulil~,, Bcttom Water Pressure lo - ~;Orl Of 'erlutlka vozd eyot v iya donno~ro, a "~roarii (Kharakt gidravlicheskogo pryzhl,.411 na dno. t)ot,dka) PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye strote1'stvo, 1959, Nr 2, p, -43-46 USSR -in the Labo- -ABSTRAM, s a result of ex-;eriment:2 made a r chnoy gidravliki VNIIG im.B.Ye. ratoriy e Vedeneyeva (the .1,aborat;ory of Fluvial Hy- draulics of, the TNIIG imen! B.Ye-Vedeneyev), author. prop -hic solution of the r a 'the o s e:; a F the problem for determin.1n(;* the ch", ancUer cf wn ,action ofa stre- on the bottom of the ,,a race an(,', Jit.- washing-o-i-t- strength. There -are 2 Frapl-s and 1 ,t of dlag~anns. Card 1/1 Wl i 11 14( 1 C, v 'TUnHS; ivahits, L. S., R:,khmanov. A TI L'Iechanic-il Tc.,, tin.- *~`ethods I i 1! ki icpytani~ the Low Tempc-r.-,iture Henilierice Dot -!r-inrOu- ion -Ln,l the On , Tendency of Metalr to Form and D-2-velop Cr-,%11~i~ (Oh opre-dele-nii udarnoy vyazk(-),,jti pri nizI-ikh 1 --1- 1 on-, o!: t i metalln k,zarozhdcniyu i razviti,,,u Zavodskaya Laboratoi-iya) 13',q, 701 1),) 190 192 (USSri) A T R T D S he causes :hlch th d es t ru c t i on of a 5 0 cylindrical zteel container ware inv.c.,!ti.~--nted, nunl.~er of peculiarities were observed which 7.--g 'be tu-, e If-ird termining the brittlenes'S tLftor resilience 01) :-,t Jort temperatures. The article explains Vie of he described method for the detertaink: ,tior, cf~ the ~(--.for:ratior and tearing process in impact-hendin- tecta as c~-itoriu for the brittleness. The containei, '-entiori,-d nbove cori,,-.4--,ted of dead melt steel V3r.;z 'O.20'~'~ C, 0.19-0.20j, , 0-35-0-36i~ " , I Si l S and 0. 0 P The air t(,,-.ipP-ra -(! -' the Mn, 0,042" u x .1 chanical Teztin~T Met'-ojs. On the Low Tem,_er.-_~,ture /7P Resilience Determination tind the Tendency of 'Yetals to -7 o rm a n De-,elr,-, 0 0 moment of destruction was -27 boil te:,.,perature -31 . The netal properties were as folloyis:qe 45.9 k&/MM2, 161 - 2 B = 27 kg/mm 27.., and 61.4;'. Seri 1 (R) te S i, sts at Afferent temperatures of the two *container rin.-s furnished vnryina reLults. (FiC 1); of the first containerring, how- ever# only lonCitudinal, while of the -econd ring only transversal namplescould be produced. Investi~-ations of thesanples of the first container, ring (Fil; 2) _,?.ho"-ted th-t the main component of the deformation proces57 i3 the pla,~tic deformation proce.-is, while th,:~,.-hare. of elastic lef or-,.-ation, is small. Investi-at ions re-mlirdinZ th,,. 11open,lenc(I if the tearing process of the temper~tmre prevailini., ~rinC~ the test :(FiC 3) point to the fact t~iat the containcr destroyed by de.composition clue to brittlenesc. A high (R) value of a motal in in such cases nothing but . proof of mr--:at t on, z i 1 e itrength, if the values of the defor--iation and tearinj; process -are al no hiCh. Otherwire$ there ,.nay be-little Card, 2;/3~ rouistance to cracking (high tearing proc~,ss but little han i- cal r, I o r a n, I D e, en Crt~ .0 'n,q n c rr,)C(-V"q), Or- 'x 0 c r t r, i h f I t~ Ifo t r Vwr~, i3xe f proces ro i t; 1. 'JU ov, e1 Ilrecoy--m- v;.Vlch"0-iSF-' c es e a h i tut e for thu Con~;tfl ct Or, 0 f T S/135/60/000/010/007/015 1A ~00 L,,Jl 2 2 0 t 0 8 Arjo6/Awt, AUTHORS. Brodskly, A. Ya., (.1andidate of, TectinIcal Sciences, Rakhmanov, A. S.1~1_ Engineer 'ITLE. Two-Electrode Semi-Automatic Argon-Are Weldin of Llumlnuefi PERIOD16AL- Sva-rochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No. 10, pp. 22-24 TEXT: A method of two-electrode semi-aut6matic argon are welding of aluminum,alloys from one.feed source was developed with the participation of -L. S. Livshits,.Candidate of Technical Sciences, from VNIIST, It was intended to attali thFr_e an increase in the crystallization time of fhe seam metal and a higherwelding efficiency. For this purpose the,%~-9 (PShP-9)semi-automatle machi elding _.n, ~Iin for one-phase two-electrode welding was redesigned at t1he w- laboratbry of the department of metal structures at TsNIISK. The electric cir-' cult,of the machine remained the same, bu the electrode feed was modiffed'as follows; the wires are fed through a flexible hose from two.contalners to the pistol. From the hose thy are supplied to a pulling device consisting of a roll with two semi-alroular grooves and a pinion gear. Through a hollow pipe the wirezenter a copper current-conducting tip with t~lo eccentric apertures and are --d 1/3 83685 S/135/60/000/010/007/015 A006/AOOI Two-Eleetrode Semi-Automatic Argon-Are Welding of Aluminum Alloys then supplied through -the tip to the welding area. The gap between the electrode wires and their arrangement in respect to,the symmetrical axis of the pistol may be va-ried by turning the tip. The optimum gap between.the wires was found to be 2 mm. It was estab lished by further experiments that the possibility of regulation was of great impor-~ance in,developing the welding technology'. since It affected the crystallization time of the welding poolp the width of the seam and the penetration depth. Tests performed with ti4alloy pipes of 377 mT externaldiameter proved the good quality of one-pass two-electrode argon-are welding-under.the following conditions: V-shaped unblunted chamfer of the pipe angles of tap Ier oU30 - 50 0; assembly of the pip es without. a gap on a backing ring with a shaping groove; welding with 380 - 400 amps curren'.; 12 13 m/hour speed; 12 - 15 11min argon consumption; 300 m1hr electrode feed and 1.5 mm AMg wire diameter. The wire Is degreased and undergoes a special etching-treatment prior to welding. The ultimate strength of Welds produced byIthe described method is 19 - 22 kg/mai 2. The developed technology provides for an extended welding current limit and increased coefficient of tuilld-app raising the efficiency of the process. Investigations showel that. me~7haxileal Card,2/3 ACC NR9 AP5027462 SUB CODE: UR/0032/65/031/011/1368/1371 AUTHOR., Livshits L. S.;,Rakhmn oVs A* -ply ORG:-'All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Trunk Pipeline Constructi"- r- esoyuznyy nauchno-isoledova 7- Vs tollskiy inatitut po stroitol stvu magistralinykh tru- ( TITLE: Criteria and methods for evaluating the proneness of steel to brittle frac- ture S0UKCK:, Zavodakays laborstoriya,_v. 31, no. 11, 1368-1371 ~TOPIC TAGS: brittle fracture, rupture strength, steel, metal test, Cyclic test, test- motbod ABSTRACT: The existence of a largo numbtr of hod f testi g and a h ~v lusting the proneness of metals to brittle fracture,( dlYfelolitng i: Othe mann:r of.application of load and the type of specimens tested, complicates,.the selection of the optinal,type of test. A general consideration of.the problm,,however,-indicates that fundamental- ly,the process of the deformationand fracture of a loaded specimenconsists ofJour basic stages: 1) elastic deformation-, 2) plastic (elasto-pleatic) deformation, accom- 'panied by the genesis or development of the existing fracture nuclei to a stage at which the 1~naln line" of the fracture is determined, i.e. transition to the trans- '~cri_tical stage of crack development; 3) deformation of metal at the base of the do- Cord IMC. 62 -Us 2 ACC NR, AP5027462 veloping crack; 4) separation of the met al of the specimen into two parts. The loading rate of the specimen is a decisive factor in brittle frecturee Hence, dynamic (cyclic) loading should be employed in lieu of static loading in brittle fracture tests. Whatever the method of testing steel for proneness to brittle fracture, the following two'indicators ar2alic: Ag (work of generation of fracture -- total 'work of the elasticity of p at c deformation) and A (work of fracture, character- izing the resisItance to the development of the I'maing crack). Since the proneness of steel to brittlefracture increases with decreasing temperature, it is important. to determine the temperature of the.transition of steel to brittle state in the pre- sence of minimal A and A -These considerations,argue in favor of the superiority of the method of diterminfng A and Af by m 9 t(eans of a determination of the individual components of the impact strength of steel,(cf. Zavodsksys laboratoriya, XXVII, 7P .1961 and XXV, 2, 1959 . This method makes it possible to combine cyclic loading, with various test temperatures, to determine A. and Af, to compare types of fracture with the magnitude of Af and !rcr.f (critical temperature of fracture), and to dater- mine.suaceptibility to the action of stress concentrators. Such an approach has led to*the solution of,various practical problems: the elucidotion of the causes of fracture of-certain structural elements in cases where other methods and criteria for evaluating proneness to fracture were,fruitless;.the determination of certain principles of the effect of heat treatment an the brittleness of steel (to the case .of 3.g. low-alloy was established that the role of best tr"twat lies in 213 Card 23281 00 /a S/135/61/0()0/007/004/012 A006/A.M I IS DO AUTHORS: Brodskly. A. Ya., Candidate of,rechnical Sciences, Baryshev, V. M., Rakhmanov, A. S., Engineers TITLE: On the weldabllity of B92P(V92T) grade aluminum alloy PERIODICAL.- Svaroc~moye proizvodstvo, no. 7,-1961, 13-17 TEXT: Results are oresented from the first stage of.investigations on the weldability of thermally strengthened V92T aluminum alloy. ~The work was carried out with the partlilpatIon of L. S. LIvshits, Candidate of Technical Sciences- from VNIIST, for the purpo3e of evaluating the applicability of this alloy In welded struoture3. The tests were made with 10 mm thick V92T-alloy sheets welded by."gon-are process with non-consumable electrode and by automatic and semiv- automatic process with consumable electrode. Plates of 130 x 130 mm dimensions with V-shaped beveling of edges were welded on dismountable steel backing lates. p The filler and electrode wires were of the same composition as the base metal The content of the basic alloying components in the alloy was 3.9% Mg, 2.7% Zn, 0.8% Mn. From two chemical methods of cleaning,thetdre, etching In 30% ortho- phosphoric acid solution with small additions of potassium b1chromate, for 20 min, Card 1/3 21) 0'3 1 S1 135/6 1 /V-'Q/C/0/:,C4/012 On the weldability Aoo6/Alo6 0 at 45 C, assured reliable surface treatment of the wire.. Manual argon-are welding was performed on. a 9AAP-3oo (uDAR-3oo) machine. The seams were applied in 2 and 3 layers at 280-300 amps ourrent,.15 1/min argon consum8tion, 6 mm tungsten elec- trode diameter, It an diameter of the filler wire and 70 chamfering angle. Semi- automatic and automatic welding was made on the GIU 41-10 (PShP-10) semi-automatic and the APK-l (ARK-1) automatic machines. The semi-automatic welding conditions 0 were: :270-280 amp current, 22-24 v are voltage, 20 1/min argon consumption, 70 chamfering angle. Conditions for automatic welding were: 300-320 amps current intensity In single-layer welding and 280-300 amps In double-layer welding; 22-24 v are voltage 20 1/min argon consumption, speed of welding single-layer joints 17-19 m/h; for welding the first layer of double-layer jointn 28-30 min/h, and for welding the second layer 22-24 m1h; total chamfering angle 600. The ~electrode was located vertically. Mechanical properties of the welded joints were determined on standard specimens with reinforced welds. Toughness of the weld metal, of the fusion zone metal and of'the heat-affected zone were determined. The experiments showed that the mechanical properties of welded butt joints on 10 mm, thi&V92T specimens, performed by argon-are method with consumable electrode. were below those of joints argon-are welded with non-consumable electrodes. The strength of welded butt- jointz of medium thickness is 90-95% of the base.metal Card 2/3 23 28 1 S/135/61/000/007/004/012 On the.weldability A006/A 106 strength after three-month natural aging. T erefore man ~h ual argon-aro welding with tungsten electrode can be recommended for important medium-thick V92T alloy parts. This alloy Is somewhat more prone,to pore formation than AMg6 alloy in particular when welded with consumable electrode. The relative strength of joints produced by argon are welding with,consumable electrode Is 80%, Conse- quently, thismethod for weldIng V92T alloy must presently be limited. Natural aging of the weld metal &nd the heat-affected zone of welded butt joints lasts for 3 months and proceeds par!,laularly Intensively during the first month after welding. As a result of three-month natural aging the properties of the weld produced by argon-are welding with non-consumable electrode and of the heat affected zone, approach the properties of the base metal in its initial state. The process of natural aging of weld joints Is practically completed within three months, The V92T alloy Is sensitive to"stress concentration. For this reason the surface of the weld j3int should pass smoothly Into the base metal. There are 9 figures. ASSOCIATIONS: TsN11 stroltel'nykh konstruktsly AS I A SSSR TsNII of Building Constructions of AS and A SSSR7 (Brodskly and Baryshev); VNIIST ~(Rakhmanov) Card 3/3 AUTHORS-. sh 1 Raki~man.~j7.A, S, TITLE: A -,i r In %I r,i .,ni 7~n PERI ODI CAL: XXT TEXT: A~,!~flrd4n~- 6~1-, erk -a 10 (1957) Y---. 1; 1 rc 4,~, rovarinyky, between the brittlfmess A Khrupkost' st~llli i k, -t'emperaturo fracture a r 4- ~J 1 1* Fridman (Rfif. 711 "'n - n n't y k ns f. ru k tz i on the fl brrIJ3 r3f r- u1 r.-2 Static belld Card tile appeanun,,.; standard 0 S i o 7 rh 6 32 .6~11a; K SI 0 52~0~ Mr; 0, as 33,2 TI)- A 650rG, r 0, C CI C in Water at 'c0 mponen uniform mixturc, o f'jru ti; 71~1 Besides, the b fi ri dI fti' S S sectional tr" lower part to -nd t h, ~,jj 'I n -1 a i t L. plasticity. 'ne at, i n r, e re o n I vmae jamb u M~ The relative w Card 2/8 (A According tc T' U1) y a I the rk c' It ci 3 '1 !-~"4i ~i z'-4sp:l which waL; t"b a i rl (~d f'.1; r I-,.'h su bi ec te:(I 'w j f tile not chant;e in a t differed rIi;ItI--! in d e 1) e nd c. n (;I arv, e r1 h c m ay b s~ s Fj t' -1 Th Fj consid'~J-;O pl~ as 1 ~3 015 jJU I' 1, A., re s to reci i d f r ma I T (A) tile librolji; t 17ea s t rue m r--, may 6 d i ff -'i~ :--n t z3 r ru C,I, 1, A SOCI '.T I C~' ; V I 1a 2097 19-92-00 S10:52 61/027/012/010/015 B104/B102 AUTHORSs Rakhmanov, A. S., and Livshits, L, TITLEi Simplification 0 the determination of the resilience components PERIODICALt Zavodskaya '4aboratoriya# v. 279 rlo~ 12, 1961.4 1510,-.15113 TEXT: The number of samples required fordetermining the resilience of a material could be reduced substantially by repeated impact tests of one and-the same sample with equal or increasing impact energy. The bending angle of the sample as a function of the impact energy of the pendulum 'was determined for 1 - ? samples in tests in which the samples were not completely destroyed~ Two or three samples are required for determining the resilience and the bending angle of breaking samples,, The followinV IP(19G) (with low viscosity after deformati. n and s4,eels were tested: 0 aging); 40F.2 (10G2,) (hot-rolled, medium viscosity); 42MX(1^. MKh) (heat-treated, high viscosity)j -I/,VHMIKhI8N9T) and the Al alloy AM.1-1 (AMg) medium viscosit., and high plasticity), For samples tested Isithout- Card 112 21397 3/032/61/027/012/010/015 Simplification of the determination B104/BI02 destruction it is possible to find stresses at which the bending anplea are equal at equal loads, no matter whether the*sample-is loaded once or several times. This;equality was found for a pendulum energy of.1 kgM for low-alloy pearlitic steels, (19G,.10G2, 12YKh) or.even if is increased.successively, This value is ~ 2 kgm in austenitic CrNi steels-, and kLvm in the above-mentioned Al alloy, The resilience-of samples subjected to several impact.tests diverges from the value obtained by one test, Destruction and deformation energies can be-determined from a plot of bending angle versus consumed impact energy's There'are 5 figures I table. and 5 references; 4 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows W.J. Harria, 1. A, Rinebolt and:R. Raring. The Welding, J., No~ 9 (1951), ASSOCI ATION; Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy-institu,t po stroitell- stvu magistrallnykh truboprovodov (All-Union Scientific Research Institutefor the Construction of Main Pipelines) Card 2/2 FALIKEVI'llf, A,S.; 7-IFSHITS, V.S,; RAK11,MANOV, A.3,; "W-FUN, (,.S. Ing electric con-,act wlifilng In 1,hn crnstr,.tr',!rn of Advantages oll" us,( 9 Ja 165. (PIPA 13s0- oil-fteld p1pellnes. Stroi. truboprov. 10 ro.1-5.- 1. Vasso tl4- L .111 znyy nauchno-issledrvatall9kiy ins tut pa .3 trole s tvu magi s tr 111 nyk4 truboprovodov. P A:,.'.-LI-I "' I i C, v , A - V - (pipe, Steel) (Xlectric welding) 7V7 ~7- )v B [Rahn=( , . N. Ott the theoly d UnIVILlent functlong, 1: l3oklady-Mr-Wauk SSSR (N.S.) 78, 209-211 (1951). (Russian) Let K be the class of functions J(s) x+ - - - which are rep-far, univalent, and convex lemma which thei author states is obvious it is p4bVed that, if f(S)x, -4r6a;91r then C(s) U(s) + CleSPSWO +6 -Z.4~0,0+0 40 is univalent in I xj < 1. Theauthor notes that if a jr and then 120s-w-POJ>2, so that x1(1-x)' does not furnish the maximum kr an expression of this sort in the family of* univalent functions. Bounds are stated for the j radius of convexity nnd, the radius of starlikenew of 4"(s), if f(z)eK. Let F(s) - be regular and univalent, and u s ppose Jarg(sF(z)/J1(s))j-jr in jzJ