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Approved For Release 2006/03/177;;~~11 R003300160007-6 TOP SECRET FEB 8 - 1952 boar Osm, be ninth t-ieg tr teg .*awrd, bald m t" of >eesess s for c +etttcn. r to expedite Roam business, torn, your written approna is requested, required betwe itbsr action eon papers approved this awting, NSC review(s) completed. J,2OP SECRET Approved For Release 2006/03/-t7 CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300160007-6 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300160007-6 Copy No. .4 0 PSB M-9 MINUTES Ninth Meeting of the PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD January 31, 1952 2--45 p.m. Director's Conference Room Administration Building Central Intelligence Agency General Walter B. Smith, Director of Central Intelligence, Chairman Honorable William C. Foster, Deputy Secretary of Defense Honorable James E, Webb, Under Secretary of State Honorable W. Averill Harriman, Director for Mutual Security, Executive Office of the President Dr. Raymond B. Allen, Director, Psychological Strategy Board OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Department of State "w''Mr, Edward J': Barrett, Ass1t Secretary of State for Public Affairs Department of Defense Br rig. Gen. John Magruder, USA (Retid) Joint Chiefs of Staff Brig: C n. Jesmond D. Balmer, USA Central Intell_ enee Agency Office of Director for Mutual Security Executive Office of The Presiden"'_,_.___ ~..,_ ....~.,...__,......._ ...~._.._m._ Mr. Samuel Berger, Asst to Mr, Harriman (Agenda Item 2 only) Psychological Strategy Board Mr, C. Tracy T3arnes, Deputy Director Mr. Edmond Taylor Col, Charles W, McCarthy, Executive Officer Major Edmund J. Bennett, Secretary U. S. Senate Senator Brien McMahon (for Agenda Items 1 through 3) r.~ .:r Charles W. McCarthy Colonel, U.S.A. Executive Officer TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Page 1 of Pages Approved For Releasc 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300160 / i' 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300160007-6 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300160007-6 A'pproveVdpoCse 20Q@NPn~MM 731 R003300160007-6 PSB M-9 "It therefore becomes obvious that each of the courses of action suggested must be weighed in relation to political factors re- quiring the most acute exercise of political judgment and timing. We cannot enter into them uncritically and unreservedly without taking into account both the negative and the positive implications bearing upon our political interests. Ultimately the question becomes not one of effecting reforias in the French system but of developing and maintaining in power elements of sufficient strength and desirable orientation to accomplish the reforms and at the same time to con- tinue French collaboration with is toward our common security objec- tives. There is no easy formula or quick attainment of a political undertaking of this magnitude, "If the foregoing considerations are kept constantly in mind by both the planners and the officials who will. be responsible for implementation, the courses of action flowing from this paper should lead us in the right direction and should enhance our security." The other Board members asked that they be given an opportunity to study these observations and then discuss them at the next meeting before formal incorporation in the minutes. Agenda Item No. 1. - Plan for Conducti Psycholo .cal Operations Mr.. nura,n ; General' Iigsti,li i.es SB D-6a) " Action: To be considered at the next meeting at which time the views of the_ Department of Ac e`nse will b e presented: Mr, Foster advised that Defense's views were being cleared. These views had been discussed informally by the alternates, but certain points are still unsettled. General Smith indicated his concern over the Joint Chiefs' proposal to use "theatre of war" instead of "theatre of operations". He observed that the "theatre of war" definition would probably mean "global" which, in relation to the paper at hand, would give the Joint Chiefs of Staff responsibility for virtually the entire job. Such a definition would not be acceptable, General Smith declared, since, in his opinion, the military responsibility should, generally speaking, be limited to areas where fighting is occurring or about to occur. Agenda Item No. 3. - Terms of Reference for PSB Weapons Information Guidance Committee PSB-D-17dv1; previously unnumbered, but dtedl7 anuary T9_57- Action; AApproved as amended. TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Page .,.. of Pages Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R0l731 R003300160007-6 Approved FoToll 806/03/SA1Ci l'1' qPN PSB M-9 Discussion: General Magruder proposed and the Board accepted the following changes: a, omit "for the National Security Council", page 1, par. la under "Problem". b. In second sentence of par. 3 "Procedure", change the phrase "the NSC may issue" to "may be issued". c. In par. 4, insert after the word "chairman", "Depart- ment of Defense", in parentheses. General Smith proposed, and the Board concurred in a suggestion that the phrase "in the United States" at the end of par. 2c be inserted after "understandingtt in the same sentence. Agenda Item No. L.. - Program for Soviet Orbit Escapees - Phase "B" PSB D-l' Ta)~ National PsJYcholo -cal Strategy man Prescribing Specific Courses of Action with respecatq Defectors, Escapees Refu ees, and Po entiaTGuerrilas from and in the Soviet Orbit Approved. The Board stiRulated that the Panel should initiate narrow the scope uf`The actual study'toimme- a ee ly proTaRe -U. S. capan~.~~.ties Discussion: Dr. Allen reported the PSB staff view that the terms of reference for Phase "B" were essentially an extension of the terms of reference for Phase "A"" and were not an elaboration. Mr. Webb observed that the proposed terms of reference were some- what broad and should be more restrictive. He cautioned against a study that would develop plans for mass defections. Mr. Foster and General Smith replied that they did not construe the terms of reference as in any way inferring a plan for mass defections, General Smith reported his staff's view that the terms ware rather general and therefore the panel should establish definite limits within the context of the problem from which a feasible and phased plan can be evolved, The panel, General Smith suggested, should care- fully formulate, as a first order of business, its concepts and outline the immediate practical limits around which a study can be built. Dr. Allen suggested that rather than attempt to rewrite the terms of reference, the panel be requested to review them and develop neces- sary modifications to keep the study within manageable and realistic limits. Mr. Harriman urged early action to implement the Defector- Escapee Program, since he had to account to Congress shortly on the $100,000,000 of'MSA funds from which support will be drawn for this Program, TOP SECRET T SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP8 6473.f8,00 3U0 6A0W@s Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300160007-6 TOP SECRET. - SECURITY INFORMATION Agenda Item No. 5. Terms of Reference for Sub-Panel BBl (Inventory - '~ Second Stage Approved, The Board directed that a PSB panel: (a undertake the stratep;ic a.s ec e of t ii s job and b delineate the specific tactie~+l ta.sks~ acid , .nd.3.cateit~ie r allocation to operating agencies. Mr. Webb approved the paper and suggested that the PSB panel make use of the studies and information on this subject and on economic warfare which are available in State and other agencies. General Smith suggested that since the study to be undertaken involved opera- tions and tactics, consideration should be givexi to transferring it to the POCC. Dr. Allen also favored considering such a move. General Magruder and Mr, Barrett, members of POCC, reported that POCC is concerned primarily with propaganda. There is a good deal of international covert work and strategy involved in the subject study which POCC is not equipped to handle, they said, Mr. Webb said since covert work was involved in the study a PSB panel should be used for it, Mr. Barrett suggested the job of develop- ing detailed tactics could be given to POCC and CIA. General Smith commented that since the problem states "to recom- mend concrete steps which the United States (and its Allies) can take in the Future to frustrate Soviet blackmail tactics," it is out of the realm of strategy, General Magruder and Dr. Allen suggested the phrase "concrete steps" be omitted and the Board agreed. Dr. Allen offered to have the PSB staff aid in developing the specific tasks under this problem, The Board accepted this offer. Agenda Item No, 6, - Guidance for the Director in Dealin with Congressional7ommittees Mr. Webb was designated to give guidance to the Director on Congressional rela.ons. General Smith reported that this item had been discussed at the luncheon preceding the meeting, Mr. Webb offered to develop some guide lines for the Director to follow in dealing with Congressional committees. Dr. Allen said he would like very much to have such guidance. TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION Page 6_ of __7 Pages Approved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80RO1731 R003300160007- Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300160007-6 TOP SECRET - SECURITY INFORMATION PSB M-9 Agenda Item No, 7. - Effectiveness of the US-UK-French Disarmament ~'~' ~.. _ roposal"iri the Un ted NV t ores PSB 'D-20 TRAFT) ) Action: A.cceted the papex? for its information. Discussion: The Board members epmplimented the PSB staff on the fine job they had. done on this paper and expressed the hope that similar evaluation papers would be forthcoming from the PSB staff in the future. Mr. Webb reported that Mr. Phillips had some comments on the paper which he would pass on to the PS13 staff, Page of __L Pages Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300160007r6 , ~ 6 ApproVh For e ease - SIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE B PSB CIA CONTROL NO. 63105 DOC. NO. PSB M-9 DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED Doc. DATE - 8 Feb 52 COPY NO. , 41, ..)J 2 LOGGED BY NUMBER OF Oteg 7 mss NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS - ATTENTION: This form will be attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency or classified Top Secret within the CIA and will remain attached to the document until such time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. Access to Top Secret material is limited to those individuals whose official duties relate to the material. Each alternate or assist- ant Top Secret Control Officer who receives and/or releases the attached Top Secret material will sign this form and indicate period of custody in the left-hand columns provided. The name of each individual who has seen the Top Secret document and the date of han- dling should be indicated in the right-hand columns. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME NAME AND OFFICE SYMBOL DATE ER 2/8 1530 J /, AA Jr yr` 2 za r" L __ 7 NOTICE OF DETACHMENT: When this form is detached from Top Secret material it shall be completed in the appropriate spaces below and transmitted to Central Top Secret Control for record. THE TOP SECRET MATERIAL DETACHED FROM THIS FORM WAS: BY (Signature) DOWNGRADED ^ DESTROYED DISPATCHED (OUTSIDE CIA) TO OFFICE DATE FORM NO. 38-13 MAR 1951 v+ X1 TOP SECRET 25X1 25X1 SIGNATURE RECORD AND COVER SHEET DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY SOURCE CIA CONTROL NO. 6 1 DOC. NO. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. DATE 8 Feb 52 COPY NO. LOGGED BY NUMBER OF PAGES Mae NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS 63105 ATTENTION: This form will be attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency or classified Top Secret within the CIA and will remain attached to the document until such time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. Access to Top Secret material is limited to those individuals whose official duties relate to the material. Each alternate or assist- ant Top Secret Control Officer who receives and/or releases the. attached Top Secret material will sign this form and indicate period of custody in the left-hand columns provided. The name of each individual who has seen the Top Secret document and the date of han- dling should be indicated in the right-hand columns. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN DY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME NAME AND OFFICE SYMBOL DATE ER 2/8 530 xel, sr ~ , 01 ry _ 2 NOTICE OF DETAC HMENT' When this form is detached from Top Secret material it shall be completed in the appropriate spaces below and 1 Approved For Release 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80R01731 R003300160007-6