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RAIKOV, I.B. The nuclear apparatus of Remanella rraltinucleata Kahl (Giliata., Holotricha). Acta biol Hung 14 no.3:221-220, 163. 1. Laboratory of Protozoan Cytology, Institute of Cytology of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad (Head: G. Poljansky)(Polzhanskiy) G.I. GERASIMOV., M.; RUSCIEV, D.; RAIKGV, Kr.; BRANIAKOV, L. Preparation of bitumen emulsions for road construction. Godishnik khim tekh 8 no.1:183-qO3 $61 (publ. t62]. MIKHAILOV, K., inzh.; INI-CIIEV, St., inzh.; STAWT, St., arkh.; TSVFTKOV, V., inzh.; 'IFLKOV, As., ikcn.; GUDEVA, Zh., Inzh.; 30TIROV, Iv., inzh.; TSONEV, D., inzti. ; KIMISTOVA, S., inzh.; RAIKOV, Il., inzh.; KOSTADINOV, V., inzh. Current problems of urban electrical engineering. Elektroenergiia 16 no.1:3-7 Ja 165. Rkruw, Kh.: RAGEMVA. R.1 IVANOVA, S. Our care for calves. p.22. For a larger namber of healthy calves. Tr. from the Rassian p.23- (Kooperatlyno Zemedelie Vol. 10, no. 8, Aug, 1955, SoflYa) SO:Monthly List of last A2,ropean Accessions, (37AL). LO, Vol. 4. No. 11, NOT. 1955, Uncl. HAIKOV, L. The one-piece flexible girder fastened in a pressed chain in railroad bridges. A fifty-meter chimney made from prefabricated reinforced-Concrete blocks. Tr. from the Russian. p&ges 4-7 (STHOITELSTV0) Vol. 4, no. 6, 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEDW LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 TESHOV, D.., inzh.; I~AIK07, Kr.,. inzh. On the scientific application of bitumen in highway construction. Stroitelstvo 9 n0-4:27-20 J1-Ag '62. MIMNEVA, M.; RAIKOV, L. Extant of the P32 phosphorus secondary fixation determined in the process of preparing soil extracts. Iav Inst "Nikola Pushkarov" 6:85-91 163. -u r r n.- e s ~.ry -r-vA na a,, L e s - a r ns agrotekh,-,.Jka INApolla. ilu.-~.kqmv BE009 A.; FAIKOV, L. Clay minerals and general chemical comosItion of s&li-ne and nonsaline soils. Izv Inst "Nikola Pushkarov" 7:115-12-4 163. 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia,, "Izvestiia na Instituta za pochvoznunie i agrotekhnika INikola Fushkarov'" (for Raikov). PAJUVI L.VBt. n. sutr.; EEKIUUI, A. Saline soil a--,- the village Belozem, district of Plovd.-tv. 1zv Inot "Nikola Pushkarov" no.3:25-58 162. 1. GUen na Redaktsionnata. kolegiia, "Izvesti-ia na Tsentralniia nauchnoizaledovatelskd institut po pochvoznanie i Wotekhnika 'Nikola Pushkarov"I (for Raikov). F'~'-IKC,V, L. * st. n. sutr. I A symposium on the use of marked atoms in Priroda 3-ulg 11 no. 6:95-96 N-D 163. 1. ':sentralen nauchnoizsledovate Iski institut po pochvo-_!_anie i agrotekhnika I'll. Piishkarovll. F'."T'-~17.', L. "Suid .--A' irri~ati,--!!" (~~.23) jRTjw.O~J.4, ( 7~ -.- - ~ ~ i r -a :, ~ ~ -a A: - ~ er - 4 " -, , 11 - F -a '..adzite) Sofl~i-a '17~il .) . .1 - - - I . I . 1 -D 1 J4n/,- eb !~'j3 -(- : T I,.._ ~. 71, Iro ~ - C _. 11 1 C. f, ~ _;, -. 7 i S t - , 1 -1 1_. . I ,- '. .1 - I- Vol 2 70 ~ Aul--- 1:~54 J 1',:. 7. -Okuchnev, _dYl So. Lorithly List of ~~ast :European 01. 3, lio. 3 1954 Russian Xecessions, Library of Congressi, Uncl. RAIKOV, P. Content of copper in the products of confectionary enterprises. p. 11. (Leka Promishlenost, Vol. 5, no. 12, 1956, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl. 7-~CIIUIOLCIGY Periodlic.-Il: KIII,,',IIA i 1:". )1 ST ;IiA. Vol - 30, no. 5, 191-8 11.07. One of "he ~'ounders r)--' t.~~e Sofia State University. P. 155. List of I-ast Luronear Accession I), LIC., Vol. ";, no. 2, ar, 1~,-'~9, 'Umclass. -lebrL -1 m TSENOVA, A., inzh.~ FAVLOL, P... inzh.; RAIXCI, R-, inzh. The Doepat-Kri-Mim wateT-faLl,, Zllellctr~--iiergila 14 no.2-1-7 F 163. .,"-opean Acce-~-iions v01. 7, no, -RAIKOV, R... Prof. Surgical therapy of Cardlospasm. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.2/3:354-355 161. (CARDIOSPASM surg) ticn cf wrrk Jr; low-vrdt.---~,e industx.y. Vol. 4.0. '-.uro,-e-n STOMIOV, Marko, inzh.; FtIIKGV-., Mikol ilizil. Th~, Sandanska Bistritsa Rapids. Elektroenergiia 15 no.5t2-6 RY r64 MIMAIWV, Mikhail; RAIKOV, Raiko Possibilities for auto=atic adjustment of the position of tractor-mounted plows "o the relief in the vertically longitudinal plans. Izv mekh selsko stop BAN 4 97-106 163. T .1es.,j, s fro:n 3t., it a nt 5 5 Fr,avy ill eci.osiovaki~i .-Iarin.,- tho "'Lve--ear 7,larl. in ~unr, :urintr Ui,~ ;ec mti Wive-7--ar i-lan. iry ill Y-1 !0.,ilavia. o. S F! :7 Ia 1, '' e:. I* ca i.,, u 3 t ry 7 ;.-cccess -~nz List (Elil) Librarv )f Congres.7;, 'T-)1. "o. 1, January 1957 RAIKOV, S. Overexpenditure must not be allowed with the *working wages" fund of the Mining Enterprise for Nonmetallic Minerals. P. 78. Vol. 10, No- 3. May/June 1955. MINNO DEM. Sofiya, Bulgaria. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1956. DIMITROV, R., d-r; RAIKOV, Ts.; PETKOV, Iv. Methods of testing and computing the noble and rare-metals and dispersed elements in the nonferrous-metal ores in Bulgaria. Min delo 17 no.7%22-21+ J1 162. I- 1. Upravlenie "GeolozW prouchvaniia i okhranalia zemnite nedra". -. ; 111 ~ iz I . I - " -j , -T ~ : ~ -- -~ ~' 'u~ -. -T. T , ~~ 1, -1 ~. - - - - . I ; - i_ - , , . . - , " [U,IKUV , Irihabitant= Df Zempoalteepetl Mountain in Mexico. F. 16, (Geografiia) Vol 7 no. 6, 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Inde/ of East European Acessions (EE-Al) Vol. 6, No.11 November 1957 RAIKJV, V. Lifesaving of the drcrdning. The road of Mikhail Margolin, a revolver con- ctructer. pages 22-23 (ZA RODINATA) Vol. 7, no. 7, July 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of' East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, Karch 1958 li,UK.-,VA, bl~ Tollution of the air cmr, JoCia with sulf;jr c/lie. Khidro i meteorolog 11, no, 2~45-50 161,, RAIKOVA, D* I Neu hypotheses on tba solar activities. Nauka i tekh mladesh 16 no.11 41-44 Jaf64. ZIDAROV, D.; RAIKOVA, D. Eliminating disturbing effect of the waIls in electrolytic baths. Doklady BAN 15 no.3:261-264 162. 1. Note pr6sentde par L. Krastanov (Krustanov, L.], membre de l'Acaddmie, membre du Comitd de, r6daction et r4dacteur responsable, "Doklady Bolgarskoy Akademii Nauk. " RAIKOVA, D. Celestial omens. Nauka i tekh mladezh 16 no.12,19-24 164. .., ; '- ~ ~-m'~!,' -Jj, .." !~ 1, .7-1, ." . -- , , I- , . . ~ ---1 -,. , RkIXCVA, Donka, d-r The star path, Nauka i tekh mladezh 14 no*12:22-23 162o 1, Astronomichaska sektaiia bri Bulgarskata akELdemiia na nukite. - - !.. ~ V . i~ . -. -:~ j t T~ ~' - - - i ' ' ' 1'~~ 1- W ~ . , .' -. . - ~ 1- ~ - -'; - z- 1, . -~ - ;1 MANOLACHE, Mircea, conf. ing.; BODEA, Ion, asistent ing.; RAUZOU, Dumitru, asistent ing.; SAS, Ion, aSiBtent - Corrosion of aluminum and its alloys. Metalurgia constr mas 8 no.11: 937-950 N 161. (Corrosion and anticorrosives) (Aluminum alloys) R/009/61/000/011/001/oc)l D282/D303 AUTHORS! Manolaclie, blircea, Instructor, Engineer, Bodea, Ion, Assistant, Engineer, R*6ileanu. Dumitru~ Assistant, En6ineer, and Sas, Ion, A.'~sistun -21TLEt On the corrosion of alum-inu:a and its alloys PER! 01)i (J AL Uetalur&ia si constructia de masini, no. 11, 1961, ") j7--950 1 $ T XT~ Tlie article presents the results of experiments by the authors on tiie corrosion of aluminum and alu~aiinum-ailoy sheets in the various conditions of the Galati and Constanta harbors. The aut*fiors used in their experiments'com-aercial allminum of the foilowin6 composition3 0-05~a' Fe, 0.31~ Zn, 0.03% 1g, a-rid the rest aluminum, as well as aluminum alloyed with 5~ Cu and 3~b Zn. Co.,i.-aercial aluminum was rolled into 1.5 - 2 mm thick sheets, while aluminuin alloy into 4 - 6 mm thick sheets. The folloviing Card '!//5 On the corrosion R/UO9/61/000/011/oot/001 D282/D,303 ,~:-r-csicn :.qedia were selected~(1) Danube water; (2) Danube LLt- mospnere; (5) Black Sea water; (4) Black Sea atmosphere; (5) town atmosphere of Galati; and (6) Sea water brou6ht into the labora- tcry. Jince in said or harbor constructionsthe uluLiinum E;eneral- ly ~c.~nes into contact with otlier materials, the authors selected t'ne followin6 contact hypotheses,, (1) without any contact to Oti-ler 1.1ateriul; (2) in con-t.ct with OL 38 steel; (3) in contact ,,-iit.,i cop.)er; (4) Jn contact with bronze mixed with tin; (5) in contact with fir-wood; (6) in contact with. zinc; and (7) in con- ta,3t with Oak-wood. The samples were tested with or without pro- tection I.e. (,.) without any protection; (2) anodically oxida- .tled; 13~ painted, and (4) anodically oxidated and )ainted. The 11 rEsults obtained by the authors completely verified the modern -3crrosion theories. Thus, in case of commercial aluminum, an anodic dissolution was produced on the samples. This anodic dis- sol.,Lition wus increasin6ly reduced due to a passivity process. In ,base cf sampies made from aluminum alloyed with Cu and Zn, the _crros~on_ velocity permanently increased due to the action. of Czarl 2/5 R/009/61/000/01'Aol/ool On th-e --crrosion D282/D303 the cathodic inclosures. A general passivity of the faetal or alloy is only produced if there are some conditions of an anodic -assivity of the anodic coMponents. Knowin6 the apjearance me- chunism of t~ie anodic )assivity, the )otential up to whic-h the Linode to be polarized, can be calculated. Preliminarily exidated aluminum samples were more electrone6ative; the poten- tials tended towards a stability, i.e. passivity; and the disso- lution current had an increasin6 tendency. In case of aluminum samples ulloyed with Ou and Zn, the potential and the current ~iad a continuously i-cfeasing tendency. The powerful corrosion L ef tne ulloyed samples which in some c,.Ises even led to pitting, ;v--s especially due to an increa6e of the number and size of tke cathodic inclosures. The corrosion of tlie com.-iercial aluminum samples was characterized by a surface corrosion, while that of the aluminum-ailoy smples by an intercrystalline corrosion. 2~je most powerful. corrosion effect on co..i.~iurcial --Iu;ainuM- samples was exerted by 31-ick-Sea-water, -ahile on uiuminum alloy su:,iples Cari '~/~ R/009 1/000/011/001 /GGI Or.. -tne corrosion ... D26 2YD3 03 ~e corrosion. dept' by Black-3ea ~~nd D-nube waters, Tile averur tas in tile case of alu-idnum sa:-,idles was 60 while in .-ase c-f aluminuma alloy su~aiples it was almost 0.5 -am. However, the ccrrosa-on process did not vary propcrtionally with the time. The corrosion velocity increased the longer the aluminum alloy samagles were kept in the corroding, iiedia, and decreased the .--n&er tile co.:!Mercial aluminum samples were subjected to 'u-ile acti~.rity of the ccrrodingmedia. The authors draw tile following preliminary conciusionst a) Cc?..,i:..ercJ_a1 aluminum is less corro- ded than --luminum alloyed with Cu and Zn. (b) The most power- ful cerrusion is produced by Black-Sea water, followed by Da- nube water. Sea water in the laboratory produced corrosionisi- milar to corrosions produced by the sea-atLaosphere. (c) Prote-1- tin6 layers have only delayed tile corrosion of all samples sub- mmer6ed in natural. aaters, but proved to be more efficient in the case of samples subjected to atmospheric corrosion. (d) Ge- nerally, the contact materials increased tile corrosion effects Card !/" R/009/61/000/01i./ool/uol On, the -orros ion D2621 '303 e~,n the s";nples. ~e) powerful corrcsions were found on samp- le'- in contact with co,)i)er and bronze. (f) Tile decreasing ordcr of the influence of the contact material Cn aluminum and :~,.lumi- nu-m-alloy s,;L:.'iples, independently of tile corroding aedia, Wast cop,~er, bronze, fir-wood, oak-wood, steel und zinc.(6) Zinc de- layed ine corut.)sion of alulminum and aluia-inum-alloys. The corrc- sion of all. sa:aples in tile at.nosphere was Leneraily weak, super- ficial LL-nd Lnifor-,i, beinl--,- 7.~Iore powerful under a cont-Lct -material. ?ed-lead oroved to be a ;-ood jrotectin6 layer. Anodically cxi- d~~-r,ed and pain~led samples were not at all corroded, while pain- ted sumples were slightly corroded especiaily when being in con- ta,~t with cooper and bronze. There are 21 fi,~ures, 5 tables and 15 references 11 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The refe- ,-ence +1c tu'r Ii -la. t, ie 1,n,lish -1,~uaLe publication reads as follows; J. Sundarjan and T.L. -Rama Char. " inhibition of the Corrosion of Allj.-2inu.,,i in Alkaline Solutions", Corrosion prevention and Control, ]~)5zj~ no~ 55 55-56, C a r d 5/5 CIORANESCII , Er!;! '(1", --- i n 1:21-29 '6 3. u harest. ln,ii 1,h,3mi3t?-y of Af-J~--,M-; 13 2. Corresp,;ntll.'J,~,, M,~Ulh (for Cioranes(,u) . ICI:, Uie; D. (Bucuresti/N -- L - , - -U. .T'! by Gr. ~, c s ea ,Ve , c~ a :. .--o ccaz "Geor.orrhGloL;- j Reviewed by Ilic Ion, D. Eaileanu. 'Hatura Gcografie 15 no.6:91 1.'-D 163. RAIIEL-Jil D.; MMITESGU, :3-li~,----.114 ~ C~ Synthesis of oome 5,6,7-trLmethoxyv-irdole derivatives. Stulii cerc chim 2.1 no.1:101-36 163. 1. Sectia de organilon, a Gentrului de cercetari chimice al Acadentiei R.P.R., Bacures4ui. X. ~Raiieanu, D. NENITSESKUP K.;. ANGELIDE, N. Ww synthesis Of th-* eSter Of UI 1-C! I acid. Rev chimle 9 no,1:59-63 163. 1. TSertr --aii qNR Otdel organicheskoy khimii, BtAharest. HAR~.h!ill, G. ; i~61DALUTh, It. 3t..idy of the fauna of kptychas in the calcaria of the saj:eriar vlarassic of the Svinita-Svinicea Mare zone. p. 223. (AIUV.LE. 3SRIA STIINTELOR NATIRKI, Rumania. Vol. 5, no. 11, 1956) 3LD: Monthly List of East European AccesAons (&-AL) LC, 1&0 6, no-?, July 1957, Incl. liAILEANU, Gr.; RUSU, A. Contributions to,the knowledge of the L6wer Carbonifez~ous fTom the Drencova area (Ranat). Studii cere gaol 7 no.3/4,401-408 162. 6. r ii!*..' . L y of the Resita Lew data on the wesLern teetor-ic houndar- '03. u-nat) aroa. Rav gool goog Furn 7 no. 2: 19Q-2CO .7 .: 7, , 7r~-q~ 1-1~ - ; -, ~ ', ~ - - 1~ - RAIL,,ANU,,-Gr.; NAiTAS&ANU, S.; BOLDUR, c. llew data on the west tectonic limit of the P.-sits. zcn-- (PA--at). Studii cerc geol 9 no.1:7-11 163. 1. Cominicare prezentata de academician G. Murgeanu. 1.', 1 * - " r . - IM S T, I SS 1% 1 1! -J, ISo - I -- I On the presence of a form, of e*_rthrophycus al-leghaniensis (Harlan) in the Transylvanian Alps. Commumicarile AIR 13 no. 5:439-4-43 !,v 163. 1. Comunricare Frezentata de acEtdemician M.G. Filipescu. RAILE~HIU Gr.; ~',!agjaiana I Sjt,w~y on t~ie Mu---ic brv-c.,:ioforjs in the S'vinita region. Studii c E) r c g c o 1 91 : 3- 2 1, 164 -1 1 ~ . Chair of Geolofy of the Faculty of Goology and Geography of the Bucharest Univarsity. !lUl I I J., A NG , Gr.; iyCl; Y , 6i I. P.,propahontuologic. 5Tudy of' the Lower ~;retaceu3 at Svlnita (Southern ?znat), Studj4 cerc geol 9 no.!:'- -60 161, 11 1. Institute of Geology and Geography of the Rumanian ,.cade,--.I, Bucharest. RAILEANIJ, Gr.; NEGULESCU, V. Comparative study of the Burdigalian flaung in the Transylvania Basin and the Petroseni Basin. Anuarul Comit geol 34 Pt.1:159- 189 164. 1. Submitted Janurary 1964. J :17 I J-_ NICULv-SCU, Ion T.; GAHGI-PARSC.TIIV, A.; 0111CZSCUO Doina; RAILRANU, Iona; GIWARIU, D.; D3DITJ, St.; OPRMGU-LISSIVIEVICI, Elena; TRM, P. Contribution to the study of nerve ending3s in the pancreas. -lhu3anian M. Rev. I no.2:5-10 Anr-June 57. (PANCREAS. innervation anat. of nerve endings) md Aninrl Morrhology (Nor--nI id Norvous Systr:T- 1998, No 31227 AbE Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1 Author Nicuiescu Ion T, Enr.chescu lurclic-, BroO.cLcu -Rux,-n-17, Rrilc-nu Io-nn. Inct : C7i-.rcn ------ Titlu : Ccncerninr the Ncrvu En,~;n;7s of the DiEcstive ,pj-.rrtur: the Stoi-~-ch rri the Duolontr,. Orir Pub : Bul. stiint. Sec. ned., 1956, 8, No 1, 101-15C Abstrret The sta.,.f-ch rn~ intcstinc of doi-:,, crts, r-bbi-.s, rrts -n('. T-lico vorc Afined with rothylono *Zluc; r1ro uEed wore -Jr- propprtion trith silver, Nissle body st-in in different cytolo- ~-ic~-l vathoelz. In the Auorbrch system, the networks poEsoss C.-ngli~- w1hich lie un-ler the sorouo L:c7n1U-rcnc. E'spocirIly _ 7li- in the rusclulrturc cf Oddi's sphincter. nix-arous -rc ~-Pn, The E-nnEli- are rich in blood vosr-els. GmFlictic calls of the 310issnor plexus rro sn7..rllcr; they possess thinner syvirptic f,pp7rntuses. In the .-uvcle layer, ~~t ~Uffercnt T)9 vnlucs, the Crrd 1/2 f IJAGI-PAWHIV, A., Assit. Prof.; FNACHESCU, A.; ONICESCU, Doina; SHOLENSCHI-FMIN, Ladmila; BOCIRbM, C.; LLSSIEVICI-OPRESCU, Elena; IRDIU, St.; R&ILIM, Ioana: RAW. Sorina Contributions to the study of terminal nerve structures in the peritoneum. Rumanian M. Rev. 2 no.2:9-10 Apr-June 58. (PERITONEUM, innerv. terminal nerve structures) NICULESCU, I.T.,; PAHASCHIV, Hagi, A..; NNACHNSCU. Aurelia,; BORSO, Ruxandra,; RAILRAW. Ioanna. Study of the nerve endings of the liver and bile ducts. Bul. stiint. meet. med. 7 no.2:609-620 Apr-June 55 (LIVER, innervation nerve endings, in exper. animals, histol.) (GALL'BLADMM. innervation nerve endings, in exper. animals, histal.) MIX DUCTS, innervation nerve andinga in exper. animals, histol.) NICnr1_'SCU, Ion, T., membru corespondent al Acadeniei R.P.R.; ffAGI-PARASqIV, A.; BRACHY.SCU, Aurolla; BADESCU, Ruxanda; Rfi.!T,EAiNU, Inana The nerve Pndinps of the digestive tract: stomach and duodenum. Rul. stiint. sect. mod. 8 no.1:101-150 Jan-Mar 56. (NERVE wMINGS of stomach & duodenum, in various animals) (STO40q, Innervation nerve endings, in various animals) (DUODENUM, innervation neve endings, in various animals) BERCEANUM ', St. 1-1 GOCIU, Mariana; RAILEAVIU, loana Studies of the behavior of hematopoietic cells in tissue culture. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 6 no.1:25-29 165. c,f rvo-lucis ;..-i st~l-e :ai-.d coopera-tive con.erce. L). 20. Vol. sy no. 1, Jan 1956 -!--,.ro ccess,*-on List. Libr-ry of' Conji-ess Dource t ol. :~~, '~,. *m :ijst 1)-')6 iparation of phenothlazine S-oxide. C. Bodes, *and ' -- - - - - - Acad. - . Rofi afi . AcaR. YX7, Mu m) P. awne, Fffiala chij, SAdii ar"Idii chim. 11. 129-33(1960).-Optimal conditions for Frcpg. h = e thiazine ~Ia) 5-oxide (1) from N-benzoyphenot (H) were investigated, and a synthesis of I was achieved. H, obtained from 50 g. Ia and 32.5 cc. BzCl, was treated in 500 cc. AcH with 62.5 cc. HNO, (d 1.5), the mixt. agi- tated 10 min., and poured into HIO to yield N-benzoyj- phenothiazine 5-oxide (HI). 1U, recrystd. from PhMe was refluxed in 750 cc. EtOH 5 mia., 150 cc. 10% aq. NaOH soln. added, the whole refluxed again 16 min., and cooled to give I, m. 257-80. The yield (on Is) was 84%. Zgp,,,w tr.,Tv& n, m0 S te y T. r,ol.'ia PhMe. ,~U~IAN'111 / Organic 71heraistry--,'.yntne~,ic Organic G-2 Chemastr-,,- Abs Jour: Ref ZhuY-.:*-,hiniya, No 8, lq~~q, 2751G Author : Bodea, G. and Raileanu Inst : ;Rumanian Academy of "Sciences Title - The Nitration of ?henothiazine Orig Pub: S"Lidil zi Cercetari. Chim Acad RPR, Fil Cluj, ~, No 3-4, 301-313 (1957) (in Rumanian with French and Russian suminaries) Abstract - 7or the ~,~ur-pose of study-ing the biological prop- ei.~ties of nitrodepivativos of phenothiazine M, the authors have investigatec' the nitra- tion of I aind of the 5,5-dioxide of I (H). 3,7-dinitrophenothia-zine (III) was pre - )ared and oxiCized to the 5,5-dioxide (IV)' with H202; IV was also prepared by the nitration of II and Card Y e4- je L,3tM.lAD47Tr, / organic Cheimistry---Synth Organic G-2 U Abs Jour: Ref Zhur--Itliinlya, No 8, 1059, 27510 1 -1 Abstractt 90,~, mP 172-).'(30 (from alo). A boiling solu- ti~n Of 10, gins IX in 85 r111 CH3COOH is treated with 10 nil 30,1_-'202, heated for 1.5 hrs (add- ing 10 M-L,portions Of' H202 every 30 min for a total 0i 0 ml), and the solution is allowed to stand 14-16 hrs; the 5,5-dioxide of IvM is obtaine.f, yield 921,7,a, mp 246-24-0 (f'ro,n benzene~ Dy0rolysis of the -oroduct obtained i~.rith 10% alcoholic 1~.OH Gives II, yield 78,/~j', mp 255-25060 (from CK-:~COOH'. AS L, S pensio-_-, of 5 gr.-is III in 0.1 litei, GH3COOH in treated dropwise with a (d !.42' in Ch-COOH (1:1~ until Solution 01" H"03 I D 1-1 j the solution of III is comi-lete end the solution is diluted with water, V IS obtained, yield 65%, rlil'~ 309 5 gms V are oxidized -3100 (from aniline) Card 3/5 RUMA14IA / Organic Chemistry--Synthetic Organic G-2 Abs Jour: 7.hur-K;iimiya, No 8, 1959, 27510 Abstract: vrlt~i H20' /see IX) and IV is obtained, yield ",5", 7- -0 ~fr= C6HpMO~ or- aniline). ~3 33C 2 grs of powdered II are a de gradually to a Solution of 50 ml H`103 (d 1.5) in 150 ml water, the solution is stirred for 15-20 m4M, and allowed 4~_ Uo stand for 8 hrs with periodic Stirring; V1 is /_7 I C N02)- obtained, yield 70"', m.0 344-3,1150(nrom -H5 0 5 91flS I are fradually added to a mixtui~e of 30 ID1 IIN03 (d 1.5~ and 15 ml 2(Yj~ oleum (fuming H2SO41, the mi-tvre isjheated for 20 min at 1000, and ice water is added to precipitate VII, yield 85' '_', r, 1 P 354-3550 WOM C6115F'02). A similar urocedure is _~'oilo,vied in pzeparlng VIII from II, yield 9a%, mp ,46-31170 (fr= C6H51"_`O~))' VIII is obtained in I equal yield by the ox.2dation of VII with E202 or Cari 4/5 RAIKOV, I.B. The nuclear apparatus of Remanella rraltinucleata Kahl (Giliata., Holotricha). Acta biol Hung 14 no.3:221-220, 163. 1. Laboratory of Protozoan Cytology, Institute of Cytology of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad (Head: G. Poljansky)(Polzhanskiy) G.I. GERASIMOV., M.; RUSCIEV, D.; RAIKGV, Kr.; BRANIAKOV, L. Preparation of bitumen emulsions for road construction. Godishnik khim tekh 8 no.1:183-qO3 $61 (publ. t62]. MIKHAILOV, K., inzh.; INI-CIIEV, St., inzh.; STAWT, St., arkh.; TSVFTKOV, V., inzh.; 'IFLKOV, As., ikcn.; GUDEVA, Zh., Inzh.; 30TIROV, Iv., inzh.; TSONEV, D., inzti. ; KIMISTOVA, S., inzh.; RAIKOV, Il., inzh.; KOSTADINOV, V., inzh. Current problems of urban electrical engineering. Elektroenergiia 16 no.1:3-7 Ja 165. Rkruw, Kh.: RAGEMVA. R.1 IVANOVA, S. Our care for calves. p.22. For a larger namber of healthy calves. Tr. from the Rassian p.23- (Kooperatlyno Zemedelie Vol. 10, no. 8, Aug, 1955, SoflYa) SO:Monthly List of last A2,ropean Accessions, (37AL). LO, Vol. 4. No. 11, NOT. 1955, Uncl. HAIKOV, L. The one-piece flexible girder fastened in a pressed chain in railroad bridges. A fifty-meter chimney made from prefabricated reinforced-Concrete blocks. Tr. from the Russian. p&ges 4-7 (STHOITELSTV0) Vol. 4, no. 6, 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEDW LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 TESHOV, D.., inzh.; I~AIK07, Kr.,. inzh. On the scientific application of bitumen in highway construction. Stroitelstvo 9 n0-4:27-20 J1-Ag '62. MIMNEVA, M.; RAIKOV, L. Extant of the P32 phosphorus secondary fixation determined in the process of preparing soil extracts. Iav Inst "Nikola Pushkarov" 6:85-91 163. -u r r n.- e s ~.ry -r-vA na a,, L e s - a r ns agrotekh,-,.Jka INApolla. ilu.-~.kqmv BE009 A.; FAIKOV, L. Clay minerals and general chemical comosItion of s&li-ne and nonsaline soils. Izv Inst "Nikola Pushkarov" 7:115-12-4 163. 1. Chlen na Redaktsionnata kolegiia,, "Izvestiia na Instituta za pochvoznunie i agrotekhnika INikola Fushkarov'" (for Raikov). PAJUVI L.VBt. n. sutr.; EEKIUUI, A. Saline soil a--,- the village Belozem, district of Plovd.-tv. 1zv Inot "Nikola Pushkarov" no.3:25-58 162. 1. GUen na Redaktsionnata. kolegiia, "Izvesti-ia na Tsentralniia nauchnoizaledovatelskd institut po pochvoznanie i Wotekhnika 'Nikola Pushkarov"I (for Raikov). F'~'-IKC,V, L. * st. n. sutr. I A symposium on the use of marked atoms in Priroda 3-ulg 11 no. 6:95-96 N-D 163. 1. ':sentralen nauchnoizsledovate Iski institut po pochvo-_!_anie i agrotekhnika I'll. Piishkarovll. F'."T'-~17.', L. "Suid .--A' irri~ati,--!!" (~~.23) jRTjw.O~J.4, ( 7~ -.- - ~ ~ i r -a :, ~ ~ -a A: - ~ er - 4 " -, , 11 - F -a '..adzite) Sofl~i-a '17~il .) . .1 - - - I . I . 1 -D 1 J4n/,- eb !~'j3 -(- : T I,.._ ~. 71, Iro ~ - C _. 11 1 C. f, ~ _;, -. 7 i S t - , 1 -1 1_. . I ,- '. .1 - I- Vol 2 70 ~ Aul--- 1:~54 J 1',:. 7. -Okuchnev, _dYl So. Lorithly List of ~~ast :European 01. 3, lio. 3 1954 Russian Xecessions, Library of Congressi, Uncl. RAIKOV, P. Content of copper in the products of confectionary enterprises. p. 11. (Leka Promishlenost, Vol. 5, no. 12, 1956, Bulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl. 7-~CIIUIOLCIGY Periodlic.-Il: KIII,,',IIA i 1:". )1 ST ;IiA. Vol - 30, no. 5, 191-8 11.07. One of "he ~'ounders r)--' t.~~e Sofia State University. P. 155. List of I-ast Luronear Accession I), LIC., Vol. ";, no. 2, ar, 1~,-'~9, 'Umclass. -lebrL -1 m TSENOVA, A., inzh.~ FAVLOL, P... inzh.; RAIXCI, R-, inzh. The Doepat-Kri-Mim wateT-faLl,, Zllellctr~--iiergila 14 no.2-1-7 F 163. .,"-opean Acce-~-iions v01. 7, no, -RAIKOV, R... Prof. Surgical therapy of Cardlospasm. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.2/3:354-355 161. (CARDIOSPASM surg) ticn cf wrrk Jr; low-vrdt.---~,e industx.y. Vol. 4.0. '-.uro,-e-n STOMIOV, Marko, inzh.; FtIIKGV-., Mikol ilizil. Th~, Sandanska Bistritsa Rapids. Elektroenergiia 15 no.5t2-6 RY r64 MIMAIWV, Mikhail; RAIKOV, Raiko Possibilities for auto=atic adjustment of the position of tractor-mounted plows "o the relief in the vertically longitudinal plans. Izv mekh selsko stop BAN 4 97-106 163. T .1es.,j, s fro:n 3t., it a nt 5 5 Fr,avy ill eci.osiovaki~i .-Iarin.,- tho "'Lve--ear 7,larl. in ~unr, :urintr Ui,~ ;ec mti Wive-7--ar i-lan. iry ill Y-1 !0.,ilavia. o. S F! :7 Ia 1, '' e:. I* ca i.,, u 3 t ry 7 ;.-cccess -~nz List (Elil) Librarv )f Congres.7;, 'T-)1. "o. 1, January 1957 RAIKOV, S. Overexpenditure must not be allowed with the *working wages" fund of the Mining Enterprise for Nonmetallic Minerals. P. 78. Vol. 10, No- 3. May/June 1955. MINNO DEM. Sofiya, Bulgaria. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1956. DIMITROV, R., d-r; RAIKOV, Ts.; PETKOV, Iv. Methods of testing and computing the noble and rare-metals and dispersed elements in the nonferrous-metal ores in Bulgaria. Min delo 17 no.7%22-21+ J1 162. I- 1. Upravlenie "GeolozW prouchvaniia i okhranalia zemnite nedra". -. ; 111 ~ iz I . I - " -j , -T ~ : ~ -- -~ ~' 'u~ -. -T. T , ~~ 1, -1 ~. - - - - . I ; - i_ - , , . . - , " [U,IKUV , Irihabitant= Df Zempoalteepetl Mountain in Mexico. F. 16, (Geografiia) Vol 7 no. 6, 1957, Sofia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Inde/ of East European Acessions (EE-Al) Vol. 6, No.11 November 1957 RAIKJV, V. Lifesaving of the drcrdning. The road of Mikhail Margolin, a revolver con- ctructer. pages 22-23 (ZA RODINATA) Vol. 7, no. 7, July 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: Monthly Index of' East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, Karch 1958 li,UK.-,VA, bl~ Tollution of the air cmr, JoCia with sulf;jr c/lie. Khidro i meteorolog 11, no, 2~45-50 161,, RAIKOVA, D* I Neu hypotheses on tba solar activities. Nauka i tekh mladesh 16 no.11 41-44 Jaf64. ZIDAROV, D.; RAIKOVA, D. Eliminating disturbing effect of the waIls in electrolytic baths. Doklady BAN 15 no.3:261-264 162. 1. Note pr6sentde par L. Krastanov (Krustanov, L.], membre de l'Acaddmie, membre du Comitd de, r6daction et r4dacteur responsable, "Doklady Bolgarskoy Akademii Nauk. " RAIKOVA, D. Celestial omens. Nauka i tekh mladezh 16 no.12,19-24 164. .., ; '- ~ ~-m'~!,' -Jj, .." !~ 1, .7-1, ." . -- , , I- , . . ~ ---1 -,. , RkIXCVA, Donka, d-r The star path, Nauka i tekh mladezh 14 no*12:22-23 162o 1, Astronomichaska sektaiia bri Bulgarskata akELdemiia na nukite. - - !.. ~ V . i~ . -. -:~ j t T~ ~' - - - i ' ' ' 1'~~ 1- W ~ . , .' -. . - ~ 1- ~ - -'; - z- 1, . -~ - ;1 MANOLACHE, Mircea, conf. ing.; BODEA, Ion, asistent ing.; RAUZOU, Dumitru, asistent ing.; SAS, Ion, aSiBtent - Corrosion of aluminum and its alloys. Metalurgia constr mas 8 no.11: 937-950 N 161. (Corrosion and anticorrosives) (Aluminum alloys) R/009/61/000/011/001/oc)l D282/D303 AUTHORS! Manolaclie, blircea, Instructor, Engineer, Bodea, Ion, Assistant, Engineer, R*6ileanu. Dumitru~ Assistant, En6ineer, and Sas, Ion, A.'~sistun -21TLEt On the corrosion of alum-inu:a and its alloys PER! 01)i (J AL Uetalur&ia si constructia de masini, no. 11, 1961, ") j7--950 1 $ T XT~ Tlie article presents the results of experiments by the authors on tiie corrosion of aluminum and alu~aiinum-ailoy sheets in the various conditions of the Galati and Constanta harbors. The aut*fiors used in their experiments'com-aercial allminum of the foilowin6 composition3 0-05~a' Fe, 0.31~ Zn, 0.03% 1g, a-rid the rest aluminum, as well as aluminum alloyed with 5~ Cu and 3~b Zn. Co.,i.-aercial aluminum was rolled into 1.5 - 2 mm thick sheets, while aluminuin alloy into 4 - 6 mm thick sheets. The folloviing Card '!//5 On the corrosion R/UO9/61/000/011/oot/001 D282/D,303 ,~:-r-csicn :.qedia were selected~(1) Danube water; (2) Danube LLt- mospnere; (5) Black Sea water; (4) Black Sea atmosphere; (5) town atmosphere of Galati; and (6) Sea water brou6ht into the labora- tcry. Jince in said or harbor constructionsthe uluLiinum E;eneral- ly ~c.~nes into contact with otlier materials, the authors selected t'ne followin6 contact hypotheses,, (1) without any contact to Oti-ler 1.1ateriul; (2) in con-t.ct with OL 38 steel; (3) in contact ,,-iit.,i cop.)er; (4) Jn contact with bronze mixed with tin; (5) in contact with fir-wood; (6) in contact with. zinc; and (7) in con- ta,3t with Oak-wood. The samples were tested with or without pro- tection I.e. (,.) without any protection; (2) anodically oxida- .tled; 13~ painted, and (4) anodically oxidated and )ainted. The 11 rEsults obtained by the authors completely verified the modern -3crrosion theories. Thus, in case of commercial aluminum, an anodic dissolution was produced on the samples. This anodic dis- sol.,Lition wus increasin6ly reduced due to a passivity process. In ,base cf sampies made from aluminum alloyed with Cu and Zn, the _crros~on_ velocity permanently increased due to the action. of Czarl 2/5 R/009/61/000/01'Aol/ool On th-e --crrosion D282/D303 the cathodic inclosures. A general passivity of the faetal or alloy is only produced if there are some conditions of an anodic -assivity of the anodic coMponents. Knowin6 the apjearance me- chunism of t~ie anodic )assivity, the )otential up to whic-h the Linode to be polarized, can be calculated. Preliminarily exidated aluminum samples were more electrone6ative; the poten- tials tended towards a stability, i.e. passivity; and the disso- lution current had an increasin6 tendency. In case of aluminum samples ulloyed with Ou and Zn, the potential and the current ~iad a continuously i-cfeasing tendency. The powerful corrosion L ef tne ulloyed samples which in some c,.Ises even led to pitting, ;v--s especially due to an increa6e of the number and size of tke cathodic inclosures. The corrosion of tlie com.-iercial aluminum samples was characterized by a surface corrosion, while that of the aluminum-ailoy smples by an intercrystalline corrosion. 2~je most powerful. corrosion effect on co..i.~iurcial --Iu;ainuM- samples was exerted by 31-ick-Sea-water, -ahile on uiuminum alloy su:,iples Cari '~/~ R/009 1/000/011/001 /GGI Or.. -tne corrosion ... D26 2YD3 03 ~e corrosion. dept' by Black-3ea ~~nd D-nube waters, Tile averur tas in tile case of alu-idnum sa:-,idles was 60 while in .-ase c-f aluminuma alloy su~aiples it was almost 0.5 -am. However, the ccrrosa-on process did not vary propcrtionally with the time. The corrosion velocity increased the longer the aluminum alloy samagles were kept in the corroding, iiedia, and decreased the .--n&er tile co.:!Mercial aluminum samples were subjected to 'u-ile acti~.rity of the ccrrodingmedia. The authors draw tile following preliminary conciusionst a) Cc?..,i:..ercJ_a1 aluminum is less corro- ded than --luminum alloyed with Cu and Zn. (b) The most power- ful cerrusion is produced by Black-Sea water, followed by Da- nube water. Sea water in the laboratory produced corrosionisi- milar to corrosions produced by the sea-atLaosphere. (c) Prote-1- tin6 layers have only delayed tile corrosion of all samples sub- mmer6ed in natural. aaters, but proved to be more efficient in the case of samples subjected to atmospheric corrosion. (d) Ge- nerally, the contact materials increased tile corrosion effects Card !/" R/009/61/000/01i./ool/uol On, the -orros ion D2621 '303 e~,n the s";nples. ~e) powerful corrcsions were found on samp- le'- in contact with co,)i)er and bronze. (f) Tile decreasing ordcr of the influence of the contact material Cn aluminum and :~,.lumi- nu-m-alloy s,;L:.'iples, independently of tile corroding aedia, Wast cop,~er, bronze, fir-wood, oak-wood, steel und zinc.(6) Zinc de- layed ine corut.)sion of alulminum and aluia-inum-alloys. The corrc- sion of all. sa:aples in tile at.nosphere was Leneraily weak, super- ficial LL-nd Lnifor-,i, beinl--,- 7.~Iore powerful under a cont-Lct -material. ?ed-lead oroved to be a ;-ood jrotectin6 layer. Anodically cxi- d~~-r,ed and pain~led samples were not at all corroded, while pain- ted sumples were slightly corroded especiaily when being in con- ta,~t with cooper and bronze. There are 21 fi,~ures, 5 tables and 15 references 11 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The refe- ,-ence +1c tu'r Ii -la. t, ie 1,n,lish -1,~uaLe publication reads as follows; J. Sundarjan and T.L. -Rama Char. " inhibition of the Corrosion of Allj.-2inu.,,i in Alkaline Solutions", Corrosion prevention and Control, ]~)5zj~ no~ 55 55-56, C a r d 5/5 CIORANESCII , Er!;! '(1", --- i n 1:21-29 '6 3. u harest. ln,ii 1,h,3mi3t?-y of Af-J~--,M-; 13 2. Corresp,;ntll.'J,~,, M,~Ulh (for Cioranes(,u) . ICI:, Uie; D. (Bucuresti/N -- L - , - -U. .T'! by Gr. ~, c s ea ,Ve , c~ a :. .--o ccaz "Geor.orrhGloL;- j Reviewed by Ilic Ion, D. Eaileanu. 'Hatura Gcografie 15 no.6:91 1.'-D 163. RAIIEL-Jil D.; MMITESGU, :3-li~,----.114 ~ C~ Synthesis of oome 5,6,7-trLmethoxyv-irdole derivatives. Stulii cerc chim 2.1 no.1:101-36 163. 1. Sectia de organilon, a Gentrului de cercetari chimice al Acadentiei R.P.R., Bacures4ui. X. ~Raiieanu, D. NENITSESKUP K.;. ANGELIDE, N. Ww synthesis Of th-* eSter Of UI 1-C! I acid. Rev chimle 9 no,1:59-63 163. 1. TSertr --aii qNR Otdel organicheskoy khimii, BtAharest. HAR~.h!ill, G. ; i~61DALUTh, It. 3t..idy of the fauna of kptychas in the calcaria of the saj:eriar vlarassic of the Svinita-Svinicea Mare zone. p. 223. (AIUV.LE. 3SRIA STIINTELOR NATIRKI, Rumania. Vol. 5, no. 11, 1956) 3LD: Monthly List of East European AccesAons (&-AL) LC, 1&0 6, no-?, July 1957, Incl. liAILEANU, Gr.; RUSU, A. Contributions to,the knowledge of the L6wer Carbonifez~ous fTom the Drencova area (Ranat). Studii cere gaol 7 no.3/4,401-408 162. 6. r ii!*..' . L y of the Resita Lew data on the wesLern teetor-ic houndar- '03. u-nat) aroa. Rav gool goog Furn 7 no. 2: 19Q-2CO .7 .: 7, , 7r~-q~ 1-1~ - ; -, ~ ', ~ - - 1~ - RAIL,,ANU,,-Gr.; NAiTAS&ANU, S.; BOLDUR, c. llew data on the west tectonic limit of the P.-sits. zcn-- (PA--at). Studii cerc geol 9 no.1:7-11 163. 1. Cominicare prezentata de academician G. Murgeanu. 1.', 1 * - " r . - IM S T, I SS 1% 1 1! -J, ISo - I -- I On the presence of a form, of e*_rthrophycus al-leghaniensis (Harlan) in the Transylvanian Alps. Commumicarile AIR 13 no. 5:439-4-43 !,v 163. 1. Comunricare Frezentata de acEtdemician M.G. Filipescu. RAILE~HIU Gr.; ~',!agjaiana I Sjt,w~y on t~ie Mu---ic brv-c.,:ioforjs in the S'vinita region. Studii c E) r c g c o 1 91 : 3- 2 1, 164 -1 1 ~ . Chair of Geolofy of the Faculty of Goology and Geography of the Bucharest Univarsity. !lUl I I J., A NG , Gr.; iyCl; Y , 6i I. P.,propahontuologic. 5Tudy of' the Lower ~;retaceu3 at Svlnita (Southern ?znat), Studj4 cerc geol 9 no.!:'- -60 161, 11 1. Institute of Geology and Geography of the Rumanian ,.cade,--.I, Bucharest. RAILEANIJ, Gr.; NEGULESCU, V. Comparative study of the Burdigalian flaung in the Transylvania Basin and the Petroseni Basin. Anuarul Comit geol 34 Pt.1:159- 189 164. 1. Submitted Janurary 1964. J :17 I J-_ NICULv-SCU, Ion T.; GAHGI-PARSC.TIIV, A.; 0111CZSCUO Doina; RAILRANU, Iona; GIWARIU, D.; D3DITJ, St.; OPRMGU-LISSIVIEVICI, Elena; TRM, P. Contribution to the study of nerve ending3s in the pancreas. -lhu3anian M. Rev. I no.2:5-10 Anr-June 57. (PANCREAS. innervation anat. of nerve endings) md Aninrl Morrhology (Nor--nI id Norvous Systr:T- 1998, No 31227 AbE Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1 Author Nicuiescu Ion T, Enr.chescu lurclic-, BroO.cLcu -Rux,-n-17, Rrilc-nu Io-nn. Inct : C7i-.rcn ------ Titlu : Ccncerninr the Ncrvu En,~;n;7s of the DiEcstive ,pj-.rrtur: the Stoi-~-ch rri the Duolontr,. Orir Pub : Bul. stiint. Sec. ned., 1956, 8, No 1, 101-15C Abstrret The sta.,.f-ch rn~ intcstinc of doi-:,, crts, r-bbi-.s, rrts -n('. T-lico vorc Afined with rothylono *Zluc; r1ro uEed wore -Jr- propprtion trith silver, Nissle body st-in in different cytolo- ~-ic~-l vathoelz. In the Auorbrch system, the networks poEsoss C.-ngli~- w1hich lie un-ler the sorouo L:c7n1U-rcnc. E'spocirIly _ 7li- in the rusclulrturc cf Oddi's sphincter. nix-arous -rc ~-Pn, The E-nnEli- are rich in blood vosr-els. GmFlictic calls of the 310issnor plexus rro sn7..rllcr; they possess thinner syvirptic f,pp7rntuses. In the .-uvcle layer, ~~t ~Uffercnt T)9 vnlucs, the Crrd 1/2 f IJAGI-PAWHIV, A., Assit. Prof.; FNACHESCU, A.; ONICESCU, Doina; SHOLENSCHI-FMIN, Ladmila; BOCIRbM, C.; LLSSIEVICI-OPRESCU, Elena; IRDIU, St.; R&ILIM, Ioana: RAW. Sorina Contributions to the study of terminal nerve structures in the peritoneum. Rumanian M. Rev. 2 no.2:9-10 Apr-June 58. (PERITONEUM, innerv. terminal nerve structures) NICULESCU, I.T.,; PAHASCHIV, Hagi, A..; NNACHNSCU. Aurelia,; BORSO, Ruxandra,; RAILRAW. Ioanna. Study of the nerve endings of the liver and bile ducts. Bul. stiint. meet. med. 7 no.2:609-620 Apr-June 55 (LIVER, innervation nerve endings, in exper. animals, histol.) (GALL'BLADMM. innervation nerve endings, in exper. animals, histal.) MIX DUCTS, innervation nerve andinga in exper. animals, histol.) NICnr1_'SCU, Ion, T., membru corespondent al Acadeniei R.P.R.; ffAGI-PARASqIV, A.; BRACHY.SCU, Aurolla; BADESCU, Ruxanda; Rfi.!T,EAiNU, Inana The nerve Pndinps of the digestive tract: stomach and duodenum. Rul. stiint. sect. mod. 8 no.1:101-150 Jan-Mar 56. (NERVE wMINGS of stomach & duodenum, in various animals) (STO40q, Innervation nerve endings, in various animals) (DUODENUM, innervation neve endings, in various animals) BERCEANUM ', St. 1-1 GOCIU, Mariana; RAILEAVIU, loana Studies of the behavior of hematopoietic cells in tissue culture. Stud. cercet. med. intern. 6 no.1:25-29 165. c,f rvo-lucis ;..-i st~l-e :ai-.d coopera-tive con.erce. L). 20. Vol. sy no. 1, Jan 1956 -!--,.ro ccess,*-on List. Libr-ry of' Conji-ess Dource t ol. :~~, '~,. *m :ijst 1)-')6 iparation of phenothlazine S-oxide. C. Bodes, *and ' -- - - - - - Acad. - . Rofi afi . AcaR. YX7, Mu m) P. awne, Fffiala chij, SAdii ar"Idii chim. 11. 129-33(1960).-Optimal conditions for Frcpg. h = e thiazine ~Ia) 5-oxide (1) from N-benzoyphenot (H) were investigated, and a synthesis of I was achieved. H, obtained from 50 g. Ia and 32.5 cc. BzCl, was treated in 500 cc. AcH with 62.5 cc. HNO, (d 1.5), the mixt. agi- tated 10 min., and poured into HIO to yield N-benzoyj- phenothiazine 5-oxide (HI). 1U, recrystd. from PhMe was refluxed in 750 cc. EtOH 5 mia., 150 cc. 10% aq. NaOH soln. added, the whole refluxed again 16 min., and cooled to give I, m. 257-80. The yield (on Is) was 84%. Zgp,,,w tr.,Tv& n, m0 S te y T. r,ol.'ia PhMe. ,~U~IAN'111 / Organic 71heraistry--,'.yntne~,ic Organic G-2 Chemastr-,,- Abs Jour: Ref ZhuY-.:*-,hiniya, No 8, lq~~q, 2751G Author : Bodea, G. and Raileanu Inst : ;Rumanian Academy of "Sciences Title - The Nitration of ?henothiazine Orig Pub: S"Lidil zi Cercetari. Chim Acad RPR, Fil Cluj, ~, No 3-4, 301-313 (1957) (in Rumanian with French and Russian suminaries) Abstract - 7or the ~,~ur-pose of study-ing the biological prop- ei.~ties of nitrodepivativos of phenothiazine M, the authors have investigatec' the nitra- tion of I aind of the 5,5-dioxide of I (H). 3,7-dinitrophenothia-zine (III) was pre - )ared and oxiCized to the 5,5-dioxide (IV)' with H202; IV was also prepared by the nitration of II and Card Y e4- je L,3tM.lAD47Tr, / organic Cheimistry---Synth Organic G-2 U Abs Jour: Ref Zhur--Itliinlya, No 8, 1059, 27510 1 -1 Abstractt 90,~, mP 172-).'(30 (from alo). A boiling solu- ti~n Of 10, gins IX in 85 r111 CH3COOH is treated with 10 nil 30,1_-'202, heated for 1.5 hrs (add- ing 10 M-L,portions Of' H202 every 30 min for a total 0i 0 ml), and the solution is allowed to stand 14-16 hrs; the 5,5-dioxide of IvM is obtaine.f, yield 921,7,a, mp 246-24-0 (f'ro,n benzene~ Dy0rolysis of the -oroduct obtained i~.rith 10% alcoholic 1~.OH Gives II, yield 78,/~j', mp 255-25060 (from CK-:~COOH'. AS L, S pensio-_-, of 5 gr.-is III in 0.1 litei, GH3COOH in treated dropwise with a (d !.42' in Ch-COOH (1:1~ until Solution 01" H"03 I D 1-1 j the solution of III is comi-lete end the solution is diluted with water, V IS obtained, yield 65%, rlil'~ 309 5 gms V are oxidized -3100 (from aniline) Card 3/5 RUMA14IA / Organic Chemistry--Synthetic Organic G-2 Abs Jour: 7.hur-K;iimiya, No 8, 1959, 27510 Abstract: vrlt~i H20' /see IX) and IV is obtained, yield ",5", 7- -0 ~fr= C6HpMO~ or- aniline). ~3 33C 2 grs of powdered II are a de gradually to a Solution of 50 ml H`103 (d 1.5) in 150 ml water, the solution is stirred for 15-20 m4M, and allowed 4~_ Uo stand for 8 hrs with periodic Stirring; V1 is /_7 I C N02)- obtained, yield 70"', m.0 344-3,1150(nrom -H5 0 5 91flS I are fradually added to a mixtui~e of 30 ID1 IIN03 (d 1.5~ and 15 ml 2(Yj~ oleum (fuming H2SO41, the mi-tvre isjheated for 20 min at 1000, and ice water is added to precipitate VII, yield 85' '_', r, 1 P 354-3550 WOM C6115F'02). A similar urocedure is _~'oilo,vied in pzeparlng VIII from II, yield 9a%, mp ,46-31170 (fr= C6H51"_`O~))' VIII is obtained in I equal yield by the ox.2dation of VII with E202 or Cari 4/5 d Di t 4E s r: 3 (Acad. re uj P0 tlstudy of the (1957).-Thmugh a systema nitration of phenotblazine (1) and phenothiazine 5,Wlexide ib d l i d d l f I d a e vs. o tr er aKr l n te 7 (11) it was shown that ofa Ionly 3-altrophenothiazine 5-oxide (M) corresponded to a %' btr4- oduced 3-nitro dd of IU H d oa n. uct. pr pure pro t p ' rV 11 2 V l d f . rom was a thiazine IiXi-dloxide (I so prtp j.) ). ( 1.50) and HiO added slowly to a soln. of HNOI (50 ml. d. . (150 nil.). After 8 hrs. with intermittent stirring, filtration, and washing with H*O and a1c., 70% rV ~ was obtained, w. 344-40 (PhN0j. 3 7-Dialtrapheno- YCHOW prisiml , , thi-Ane (V) was prepd. from 5 g. I by dWolving In CHC4 and 10 mi. - AcOli and adding to 5 g. N&NOI, and at I-hr. intervals adding two 5-m1. portions of AcOH. The brown ppt. wa3 filtered off,-washtd with glacial AcOHial%-, 11.0 1 b d: V " rown nee e$, In and finally with a1c. to gin , % 70 42)ir2 ith 1:IHN0 1 fli O id fV 2 6 (4 ) - . . x n.o w ne . 8 (an * glacW AcOH produced 65% of 3,*Y-dinitrophenothiaiine oxide (VI), yellow needles in $09-100 (anitini). Rio. 3 iZnitroph~~i. B.& oxidn. of VI yielded 95f. VU was also. dioxide (VID, m. 377-8* (AN6; o, PhNHj. PreM. In 35% yield from direct nitration of U.- 1.3,7 9- ' ;: Tetrunitrophe.notbiazitie b-oxide (VIM was prepd. from 6 1. introduced in small 14% (d. 1.50, 30 tat.) and 20% ofeum (15 mQ and then heated on a Water. bath2Omin. neullit. was theupouredou fecand the t Wtired Off wash d ith UO d h 1 t i 9 e w . an t en a c. ve o g 5% Tellow-orange needles m 35"* (PhNN O I f . . x . o , VUI with 3075 Ha0z produced 907, 1 3.7.9-teiranitro 4 pheno- ' thiazine 5.5-dioxide UX), su. 348-7 (PbN%). Nitration 'With HNOs-oleum (as for VM) produced gogir IX from 11 and 75% IX from VII cl - . L RUMANIA / Organic Chemistry--Synthetic organic G-2 Chemistry Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 8, 1959, 27510 Author : Bodea, C. and ~Iaileanu, M. Enst :Rumanian Academy -of'--Sciences litle :The Nitration of Phenothiazine Oxig Pub: Studil si Cercetari Chim Acad RPR, Fil Cluj,.q, No 3-4, 301-313 (1957) (in Rumanian with French and Russian summaries) Abstract: For the purpose of studying the biological prop- erties of nitroderivatives of phenothiazine M, the authors have investigated the nitra- tion of I and of the 5,5-dioxide of I (II). 3,7-dinitrophenothiazine (III) wasV~repared and oxidized to the 5,5-dioxide (I with H202; IV was also prepared by the nitration of II and Card 1/5 RUMANIA / Organic Chemistry--Synthetic Organic G-2 Chemistry Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 8, 1959, 2751C Abstract: 90%, mP 172-1730 (from a1c). A boiling solu- tion of 10 Sms IX in 85 ml CH3COOH is treated with 10 ml 30% H202) heated for 1.5 hrs (add- ing ~O ml portions of H202 every 30 min for a total of 30 ml), and the solution is allowed to stand 14-16 hrs; the 5,5-dioxide of IX is obtained, yield 92%, mp 246-2470 (from benzene); hydrolysis of the product obtained with 10% alcoholic XOH gives II, yield 78%, mp 255-2560 (from CH3COOH). A suspension of 5 gms III in 0.1 liter CH3COOH is treated dropwise with a solution of HN03 (d 1.42/1 in CH3C00H (1:1) until the solution of III is complete and the solution is diluted with water; V is obtained, yield 65%, mp 309-3100 (from aniline). 5 gms V are oxidized Card 3/5 RUMANIA / Organic Chemistry--Synthetic Organic G-2 Chemistry 0 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 8, 1959, 27510 iltbatract: or by the nitration of IV. -- A. Marin Card 5/5 // G Ccu~-,t_?-Y -RUM,N L"_ G C~~tc.-'-cxy: Orl-CL-I'de Cs~ry. Ort-l'anic Syi-_~'i~.:s%s Abs Jour: PZ'110~4 ,., 17) 3.959., LNc. 60901 Author Bodea, C.; M. Inst Titlu C111cro -Ni tr(, -D-,r- v.-.tives of P!~.c!nthiazi_-..'~ Synthesized by t'.c Direct Chlorinatio',7 and NitraLiu.l. Oriz Pub. Studii s-L c,:rc,,_~ri chi-.i. Acad. RPR Pi.l. Cluj, 1.958, 9, %) 1-4, i,cg-166 :,bstract: 'Me dir,2ck; of phent'iazioQ (I) in, C:7 .C'3 Yilds 3, 7-dic-,loro-I (II) alid 1., 3, 7 q-tetrac,A,1-,--T (ITI)- t:,.,~ pr;-~ducts -,' tl.'creby, :~XO f-r LLI. Card 1/7 c-1L--rY : -D ul "; .0 1, 1, -, Cat,.;Lcry: 131*L'- ~jc G 'a C s - 1:-~' - 0, _- -1 i c Cyn L" .: 0 i S Abs j--ur: I'$", '-~59, No. 00901 tr,-) L -7--c i~ -I'--'-jaz-*ics (VI, M), :-.A fro-.-, aru 1_'--0X.Ldvs of 1J i.. nitro-3, 7- (Lc 1_(-,rc.))ient,,,iaz4..ics (vFcT_, IN-). VT mid WI.-i- ~:.r,.; cx l.dizcd w n -1202 re- Spective ~jd,s (via, viia~ - In t- 0 nitratir, I ;):C 5--cli(_ 1xidu of 3; 7-dic'l.crc-T W 5, 5-.d,,;-:i0L;s cf VIII and IX arL: Qbtf~inud (VIII a, i-,, a). t,,c nitration of IV, 9-ilitro- -IV (XI) ~-s sy--v~-lesizcd. V is oxiclLzurl 5-oxidc of v (XII, XIII). To a weiL;hed 2.1 .r 1 0 .5 liter C': 3COO~"'- zu-c addud ' drop by dr,-.,p tL;!,-uracture < 2o , 2..J0 ;-,l C,;3cr1-0,_, CI-2, t: c: :--ixtur,:: is ~"L C11.1 3/7 cow.try RLIKU, IA 609-ji- --,,bs Ti-,Ur-. cr!,,anic C- 6 1-Y G`L~_A"'c Synt"f~s's p,,)ured :L;.~c L'~c residuu is U23 -111'.-( ~~ j.5 t! ell aceton._:, -,us _UaininG III. Th,.: sc, dilutcd 'T L~r and II Is suilar'"C, 331,', yi,Ad 22, -2271D j-,ultinb poi-,-L (Tl~ '0-1--- 5 .-T u.1 f onv in 280 C COO,, C3-2 is paSBUOL ~US j I 1 2 C1 sizilic IV, 54P, Mlti'16 PO' " (fro,-.,, bc;lz-_,~ ~. I - rv is 6radual-'LY .,i.,Lmc1uccd at 15 k-, . - 11103 ('-1 = -42), 1)ourinc -20 1:1LO iLl t1ju solu~-_,- -L!1ti_` water c-nd sup-nn-t-i-IL, Vj" c,f 253-2540 (from~ C-' COO,7); *j,.-!10Ci L. - -_ cailly fr:yi 2 fIr I! and 50 MI --'1'-1;3 (~ - 1 *1*) 1:~ is Y:~_iAd 72~, 299-300 (f !;Y t"c r 4/7 G-25 CoLL:try : 1ALIMM I:, G Cr~tu,,~c)ry: Org7mic C'!L i.s~ry. 0j,L;vjjjc SyjjL cs,s. Abs Jcur: RZhMi..i., -",. ).~J, ~..c,'59, No. 6ogol a1c.) . 11-1 t.it_ ~11,,.,,ration of X wit!, ':iG, (a = 1 .42) VjIIa is vith yiold of 8(11:, 2d :.x1tille; Point Of Y~2--'O~~` I (fro" C713COO"') - T"y "Y"C' !U103 (d = I IX,-. is obtained f r,).,i ~[ i ~ yiulding 82r,., joi~it 247-2480 (from C-- COO'), and XI is JorLved fron IV, yicld A', racitiaC; point 277-278" (fro , C -NO Into a wam, solution of '8, t 2 .6 cr V 1.2, 50 COO11, 1 1 Ll -1202 is 0 added, follow,ud by 3)-5 ~.diidcs pour- ing into wc~t,.:r, and producin[; XII, yicld J Lie.1tin!, 27:'..2760 (froTi C-7 COO-.T) pr, 4oo ra CH3COO-f is a solution I- rr V in 60 -..LL -,f c,-.-,,c. :2SO4, followQd by 11L,_1GinC, additiOn ~-_L' I0 I cS 3U; 'T W. j. 1c; 202, boilA.-nl C-2,rd 6/7 G-26 Syntheses of be, 0 tryptamine, and qMtoa M R E leap-A L Cosiin D. Neiiitzc!.Fc. .". JAkad. RomauLan Meou 5a are-M-AMMMS). am .-Powd. NaOAc (80 g.) added with stirring to 500 cc. Ac3O, the mixt. treated rapidly with 10D S. o.- HOsCCANAcClisCOsH, at. 211% refluxcd 5 udn. (C% ivolution), distd. to remove the excess AcO, the residue heated fifth stirring with 760 cc. HjO to boiling. -led fil(ered, the crude l."Iscetylladoxyl (about 85 g.) adQ :to 120 g. XabSOa.M20 In 1.6 1. HjO at 70', the mixt. *stIrrtd 1.5 hrs. at 70* and cooled, and the product filtered off yielded 44 g. 1-=t indoxy) (1). tn. 138% oxime, m. .1770 (decompn.) (50 VtOH)- 2 4-dinitropheny1hydraxone, In. W_** (decompaTlipyridine5. 'NTH.OAc (4 g.) In 75 9- ThOH warmed, treated with 15 g. NCCHsC0jH, 50 cc. .iylcnc, and 16 g. 1, refluxed 5 firs. with the azeatropic re-, ninval of the HA the mixt. steam distd. to remove the k-1, - -d n distn. residue allowed to stand over- uricue, an the stew ght and recrystd. from aq. EtOff gave 10.5 g. I-aceqf-j- indalylaceratiarile (11), m. 112* (CC4). Crude U (20 g.) :tMd 300 cc. 30% aq. NaOH refluxed 6-7 firs. and acidified g 13.5 g. 3-indolylacelic acid (heteruauxin) (11.1), tn. lgT!51 (decompti.). 11 (1.2 g. xtd. into 1.0 s. LM14 In 80 cc. abs. EtgO and the sle of the product In EtjO treated with 1 g. tryst. (COSH h in 6 cc. EtOH yielded 1. 1 W. Xindolyklkylandne (trytiamine)-(COsHN, tn. 147*. 2,5-' C )Cj1sMH (20 X.) dissolved tn 800 cc. 12.5% 'H,SO,j with warming, cooled, diazatized with 8 g. NaNOI, . added to 11. H%O of 80*, and the product Isolated with Et.0 yielded t6 s. z,s-q(HO)C.HX0W (IV), m. 172' IV it0q, g.) and 8 g. NaOH In 100 cc. HzO and 3W cc. ,(34 _. #f1axed 2 firs, with 70 ce. PhCH*Cl,.treated dropwise with tirring at reflux during 2 hn. with 200 cr- 17% &q. MOH,1 refluxed I hr., freed of the EtOH, dild. with OW cc, HIO,' 'washed with C.1i,. treated with C, a dified with coned. HCI, and the cryst. ppt. recrystd. at - 10' from 200 cc. MOH and 100 cc. MiD gave 38 g. 2,5-QPACH,0X4Hr- 'COSH (V), M. 122* (EtOH). V (5 s.) and 2,5 g. HsNCHr C0,11 dissolved with wartning in a soln. of 2.5 g. KOH and 2.6 g. KCO, in 40 cc. HO, the sola. refluxed 4 hrs. with it, little Cu powder, filtered, dild. with 400 cc. HtO, and acidified with coned. FICI yielded h1g. 2,4wH0;QPhCHj0)- W1,N11CHCO21I (VI), m. 221 (decompn.) (UtOH with 1130). V1 (15 x.) and 27 g. Nai('03.10HSO in 300 cc. HtO treated dropwise with shaking with 5.7 g. AcO, shaken I hr., and acidified with coned. HCI to Congo red yielded 15.5 g. JV-Ac tkriv. (VII) of V1, m. 110* with previous sintexhig. VIE J5 j.) treated in -the usual manner with 25 cc. AcsO and 7 g. NaOAc yielded 4 g. 1.3-didedyl-S-(bensyl~ =Y)indoxyl VIU), m. 110' MOM. VU1 (6 g.) added to 9.0 s. Nav.7H.0 in 180 cc. 11.0 and 180 cc. EtOH at jjff-U~x 7j~'r ~p ., rejuxLd I hr., anti allowed to stand over:, night yielded 3.6 g. "ce1y"-(1vnsy1oxy)Mdazyi (IX), m. 170* (EtOH). NCCHCAH (4.5 g.), 13.5 cc. xylerm, and, 1,5 g. IX added to 22.5 g. PhOll and " S. NH4OAc and' processed in the usual manner gave 1.25 g. &.PhCffrQ (X) .4 H. .. M- (L.PrOH). X (0.92 g.) treated with 0.5 K. LiALH4 in Et.0 and the EtiO soln. of the crude Pmd,ct treated with I c. (CO%H), in 5 cc. FLOR yielded 076 xeW a, oxalas of the S-P);CH30 tferiv. (XI) of In. m. i6lja (EtOH); acid ozakws, m. 191* (decompm). F-Fie'l sak 799,' virli m. 255* RtOH_Rt1O) , (clioxane NeutraI""te(0.2`g.)JA76cc.aba . tOH i;44 I Ya c C, with 0.1 g. (C%H), in EtOH, enated over 0.1 g. 10% Pd-C, and filtered, and Oe =dild. with dry EtjO td. 0.13 g. acid oxalair of irrolomin, sn. IDS* (decompn.) .Pb.. MOH-M20). X (I g.) in 50 cc. MeICO treated with F 40 cc. 2% aq. NaOH and 10 cc. 30% llCh, kept 24 brs. at cc- room temp., reAuxed 5 min., evapd. in vacue, and the residue cooled deposited 0.50 g. 5-bensylo indolyl- aretamide, ru. 148*. F W. W.Amann 0.: Vff*0 -6.6- ir Pif' E;~ d---,,'~ FARGAS, Gh... dr.; ~,Y- OR., 71or'-coe. ~:L:. G33--C-lc POLY-pa. `17'~ Ag '63- Luc--are ef,-~tuata in SpitRlll MTTC din Oradea. kSTOMAGH NEOPLASM--" POLYPI'; RAILEOU, Valentin, ing. Influence of limestone granulation on -.he physicochendcal properties of self-founding agglomerates. Metalurgia constr mas 14 no.4:289-293 Ap 162. 1. Combinatul siderurgilc Hunedoara. IFTRIE, P,, ing.; ROSGA, F., inE;.: RAIMALU.. V., ing. Devices for protection from dangerous axial move in steam turbines. Energotica Rm 11 no.12:593-~M D163. F613ICSKA, Maria,, ing.; RAILEA111), Vasile, ing.; Increasing the productivity of the agglomerating machines and widening of the fuel basis. Metalurgia Rum 15 no.5: 35;,--354 My 163. TOLUBINSKIY, V.I. [Tolubynalkyi, V.I.]; VOROBIMN, P~I. [Vorobiov, P,I.]; WdLY10) G.A. (Railko, H.O.]; KOZLYUK, V.N. (f:ozliuk, V.M.] Pilot plant in Aleksandriya for studying the utilization of lignite for power fuel production. Zbir.prats' Inst.tepl.AN URSR no.23.49-56 161, (1,11RA 15:2) (Aleksandriya--Coke) (Lignite) RAILKO, G.A.; BAZEYEV, Ye.T. Industrial cyclone furnace. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. nc,.l: 18-20 Ja-Mr 163. (VJRA 16:5) (Furnaces) FML:f~, A. -rib,., Rod:~. Yl~~n r ( -7i"-r 1 u--. Muz-,`,.rooms ) I'lo n. q . .-. 0 SO; F-r-ir ^,nntlnprt Boo< List, Aiirll 1Q54 RAILLO, A - I - Fungi of the Genus Fusariun, State Publishers of Agricultural Literature, Moscow, 1950 415 pages. IT67-07 R13. SO: SIM SI 90-53, 15 Dec 1953 RAII10, A. 1. "Taxonomy of the Genus Fusarium and a Method for the Determination of the Species BElonging to It", Trudy Botanicheskogo Instituta Akademii Nauk SSSR., Seriia 2: Sporovye Rasteniia, no 3, 1936, PP b03-657 541 Sa 21P. SO: SIRA SI-90-53, 15 Dec 1953 I - :11 ~ i V~ -~ I' - ~ ~ x P --I- - - - I RAILLO, A. I. "Diagnostical Estimation of Morphological and Cultural Characters of Species in the Genus Fusarium" TrudX po Zashchite Rastenii, Seriia 2, P, 1935, pp ~-99) 423 92. SO: SIRA SI 90-53, 15 Dec 1953 o o 0 0 6.41 0; Ili 11 is P 4 41 a 411 U is I . 8 11 tu- 1.1, ",,- 1. 11, 1 - t V I AI L A L-1 HAILIJ) (Mine A. 1.). Inartific-TRmnicim otteum isopiftuoruw-ma It Hyal.TYPO-11'Hux 11pliamantin y BUA(IO POAA Fourim [Diagnostic evaluation of the ruorpWogical and cultural characters in the genim Fumrimsn. ]-Bad]. P1. Prof. Leningr., 19M, Ser. ii (Phytopath.). 7, of C, lip. r~- IM, I I pl., 7 figs., 19M. [English summaries, pp. 37, 78-79. R,,cf'lV(4l Junt" 14311.1 In Off, firl-I lWrt #if Illin papt-r 1118. aulligir ili'livalm 1110 flifficultiox 7 inikerent in W-41enwelier's x. ji~ W2161 itud Wollviiiiielie'r's still l1rinking's libid.. iv, 1). 3211 clamification of Ole grulls PelAwsriolf". claiming that these are chi-efly due to the fact that most of the charac- tem uscd bv them in estal4ishing their systcu) are maual anil in- sufficient fo; diagnostic purpolim She then gives a detailed and fully tabulated account of lier own studies of the morphological and cultural coo 00 properties of 17 species of Fusarium. Ali the fungi were studied under .00 0 00 standardized conditions on ordinary potato (var. Centifolist) or 41 ;- "' to 23' C. in diffuse fight, and their pigmentation on 60 potato agar at 22 to ~* It" 9 rice or potato slices. The records were made according to a stantluxi method anti the results, which were tested statistically, indicated that see the only morphological character of diagnostic value distinguishing the 1,00 species is the shape of the #piea] cell of the conidis derived from !ago fie. pionnotes, pseudopionnotes. or sporodochis, as the conidia bome on ~Wr- I mycelium am too variable to be of any use. Such characters as the aeria curvaturt, of the conidia, the number of septa, width of the conidis. and #*sift am P., at, It ., ! 7-," 1.. 1 .11. .1 - . % U v ;; -. - r. - - -i- -;~_ . --I i . jTj sit is a 0 a A( K It R of a It ft Of n I MA iss' o 0 o * o * 0 * 0 a 9 0 WO 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ON 7_01; 0 at of Al o 0 0 4 4 0 0140 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 IN 0 IF 0 000 0 00 * ~100` - __ 0 * 0~* aaffmwnam~ . . , , a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the 6ngth of the gpical cell can only serve to diwtinguish subspecies, varictim. or subvaAeties, while cult--A characters such as pigment presence of sclerotia, and mods of spore formation an only indicative of forms. The data thus obtained are used in an attempt to outline a theoretical structure of the species in the genus Funpium comparable with that already introduced into the classification of the phaneropuns 0 by Va%rilov and other Russian authors, and which in the authoes opinion shoWd considerably simplify the present clandcation of the genus. In the second part, the author describes her studies on the variabdity of the morphological and cultural behaviour of difierent aingle-spore isolates from single-spore cultures of the different species, the results of which showed that the shape of the apical conidial cell, the preysifing number of septa, and the shape of the curvature of the conidis constant in all the isolates derived from single-spore cultures. 7U 0 length and width of the conidis, an the other hand, as well " the cultural characters, varied considembly in the ischma. On the whok. theme results am considered to confirm the relative taxonomic value of the different characters as indicated in the first part of the paper. 09 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 a 0is 12 14 M it ft 1) to it is I t? AI- Pa itU id is M M a do a 40 a a a sk I a L -]L-8 CA* at, -00 -"X41441 A-C "COIST-4% a (Taxonomy of the genus Fusarium and a method for the determination of the species belonging to it. I .-Ada lniw. 9w. A"1. M-. If SAr. 11 (Pi. CrypMqamte), 1.936. 3. pp. 803- 857. 6 pl., 5 figs., 1936. [Kngtish summary.] In thin paix-r the author gives a detailed description of the standard- iml rueth(A suggested by her for the aystematic study of the fungi .00 19-IOnging tk' the genus )Ptwrium [R.A.M., xv. p. W4). as well as i&tructionx for the preparation of the standard cult ore tnedia, (potato agar and acidified potato agar) which she considers as best adapted to nuLintain a typical development of the organisms. She further recom- nientla that the measurement of macroconidia be made at regular intervaliq of 15 days from the inception of the cultures to ensure that ZOO 00 1 none is over 15 jays old, since her observAtions showetl that them zoo organs are inost characteristic of the given species on the 15th day of .M . 8*0 00 growth. . In the second part dichotomous keys am given for the determination of the sections and species of the genus, based on the work of %VoUen- welwr, though the recent joint monograph of this awbor and Reinking X44 610 0 libid., xiv, p. 7081 was received by the writer too late to be taken into consideration in this paper. too A$*-%LA &EIALLLINCKAL 071114101 CLA1110KAT1001 0 all An L a ado W"Iit" I a a 3 4 V a a aa of x a x W of U it u a OW a I X4 i,~Oo 0 :0 0 0 40 0 0 o a 10 Is 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 P SOURCE CODE: Hzfoo -,6101 ()TOO f[663516004 -?ay Raiman, J.-:.. man, Yu. (Engineer) C'-7 'Victorious February Works, Hradec Kralovo (Zavody vitemoho unora) -L, U i '2TT- ~': Fo-rritic structural steels for high-pressure vessels operating at low L'onparat turos Strojironstvi, v. 16, no. 1, 1906, 35-JM TOPIC TAGS: structural steel, forritic steel, welding technology 1,733T,:,~ACT: '~?merionca is reported on the mnufacture of large hidi-prossuro vessels for chortical plants unore they are exposod to low temperature. Czochoslovalcia has 3 brands of forritic stool suitable for this purpose (11 368 for tomporatures to -500C; 11 413, to -1,1OOC; and 16 222, -to -700C) and each brand requires special technology and troatri)-i-it. Particular attention is devoted to welding problems, composition of oloctrodos, heat treatiwnt of wolds, and the reliability of to tin Mthods-. Orig. art. has: tables. jiasod on author's Eng. abst. fTFRS 15 figures and 4 7 SUB C09il,': 11, 13 / SUBM DAZEt none / ORIF REF- 005 / OTH R&F: 002 " q Q ', -194 Card 1/1 N UM 620,165:669-15 -57t669.14.M-41 I L The Second All-Union Conference on Rhenium, sponsored by the Institute of Metallurgy imcni A. A. Baykov, Academy of Sc:ence6 USSR. and the State Instftute of Rare Metals~ Was held in Moscow 19-21 November 1962. A total of 335 representatives from 83 scientific institutions and industrial estab- i lishments participated. Among the reports presented were the following: autoclave extraction of Re from Cu concentrates (A. P. Zelikman and A. A. Peredereyev); Re extraction from the gaseous ph a a 6 AV. P. Savraycv and N. L. Peysakhov); recovery of Re by sorption and ion in- terchange (V. I. Bibikova, V. V._Illichenko, K~ B. Lebedev, G,_Sh. 2T:ryt~iLr~~, V. V. Yermilov, Ye, S. Raimbekov, and M. 1. Filimonov); production of carbonyl Re (A. A, Ginzburg); electrolytic produqtion of high-purity Re and electroplating with Re (Z. M. Sominska a and Re coatings on refractory metals produced ~Iym~ther:a dissociation of Re chlorides *(A. N. Zelikman and._~L 'L_Paushnikov); plas- Tic deformation and thermonTe`chanii~al -treatment of Re W. 1. Karava tse,~ y and Yu. A. Sokolov); growth of Re single crystals and effect Of 0 2 on their properties (Ye. M. Savitskiy and G. Ye. Ch rikov); Re-Wb, Re-W, and ~nu - - Re-precious -metal alloys (Ye. M1. Savitskiy, M. A. Tylkina, and K. B. Povarova) synthesis of Re -nitrid-es-,pilicid-es, phosphides, and selenides r (G !!S?v, V. A. Obolonchik, and YL-P, Nesh or); weldability of ~~. ~VV.Sa n,,, ._M e -Mo and Re-W alloys (V. V. D'Xa.~henko, B. P,.-Morozov, and Q.1-N. Klabano ); now fiolds of a5_ltoation to-r f~o and -Reallo-ya(M. A, _TXL)gna aM Ye 'tat,;A and Re-Mo alloy for thermocouples cs__ic_ Danishevskiy, YH. A.__Kochrr~ La ~hi skiy. andG,._~p). IWW] Is-toM Met&Uy, no. 4, A;r 1963, pp 92-93 Z_ L 23876-65 EWT(m)/EPR/EWP(t)/EWP(b) Psr4 IJPW JD/HLt ACCESSION NR: AT5002755 S/OOOO/64/OOO/OOO/OO4O/;X*3 AVOOR: Lebeddy, X, B.; Ageyev.--S.-A.; Okhotnikova, N. A ; Yermilov,, V. V.; Raimbekov, Ye. S&; Filimonov, M. 1. TITLE: Recovery of Xhenium from copper concentrates by alkaline Lleaching_ SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye sovesh haniye po Rrobleme reniVa. 2d.. Moscow,-1962. Reniy (Rhenium); trudy soveshchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1964i 40-43 TOPIC TAGS: rhenium, rhenium extraction, copper concentrate, alkaline leaching, rhenium cementation, potassium perrhenate ABSTRACT: The authors propose a method for recovering rhenium in which the con- centrate (about 30% copper, 3% lead, 23% zinc, and 0.003% rhenium) is leached with sodium hydroxide, rhenium and lead go into solution, and their cementation is then carried out on zinc. A complete flow diagram of the process is given, and the procedure is described in detail. The method is applicable to both copper and copper-lead rhanium-containing concentrates. The final recovery of the metals is tentatively estimated as follows: rhenium in potassium perrhenat, 50-55%; lead in crude lead, 20-25%; zinc in sheet zinc, up to 2%. Orig. art. has: 1 figure Card 1/2 L 23876-65 . ACCESSION NR.- AT5002755 and I formula. ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 05Au&64 VO REF SOV: Oll Card 2/2 .-I..... - ~ I U ARMIiODZHAYFV-, S.A.; RAIMBITOV, Z. Using electronic digital computers in construction management. Izv. P11 Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 9 no.6:14-18 165 (MIM 19:1) 1. ThatItut mek-ho~n4k-i-i VychislitelInyy tsentr AN UzSSR. Sub- mitted Ju:-e'251, 1965. RAIMOV, Kh.S. -Biological characteristics of the grain leaf beetle. Zashch. rast. 0t vred. i bol. 3 no.3:57 S-0 158. (KIRA 11:10) (Baqtles) (Grain--Diseasse and pests) VMTENNIKOVp leonid Forfirlyevicbs kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; RLIMOV, Mjkbqjj Mikhay:Lovich, kand. tekhn. nauk, starshiy nauchn~7-RoMMftl*- ity Of a syn-- Use of an analog computer in studying the stabil- chronous generator in the small, Jzv, vyso ucheb* zav :1 elektromekh. 5 no.7:796-809 962. (MIRA 15-10) (Electric generators) (Electronic analog computers) VL,'-',i E'I !,I,. I, I ElA V nauk, Frof., j,,rin:Ikcy 1:- Ye.'-., nauc'w-. red. V: v i ~,e e r. fl~, ra-d computer techniques, %t, in electric ship 1--ropulsion sys!,c--- Vj- chislitellmaia tekhnika 1 V v,kh dr -Lroenie, 19"4. 3 F 3 sov'/ t1,4--5Q--2-2/19 AUTHORS, 2yab ir~i late of Technic-al Sciences. Lecturer I A.. Cand.L, and RF-,imo-. M.M. , Senior S~ientific Worker TITLF,, The Use of Ele-Aronia Simulators for Investigating the Stability -f Parallel Operation of Alternators of Comparable Pct-re.r PERIODICAL. Izirestiya vysshikh uc-.Iipbnylcl-. za-,;-edeniy, Elektromekhanika, 1959~ Nr 2: pp 1i - 26 (USSRi ABSTRACR% Th~ trart.-3a-en-L bchaviour of coupled alternators is des--~ribed by non-linear differential equations urh,ich &:~-e riot solvable in their most general form. Even if the -i-Impler problem of so-caj.16d static stability is resorted to. 1~he high --rder of the system is a great di s advant a- ~~ ~It as, hnw~-iver, necess-ary to make a ~:omplf:-t--- aiissssment of static stability in connection with presEnt C-11olraiopments on the voltage- and frequency.- c,,~-vntirol ).'L' alternator-i taking hunting into account. Refs Ik, 0 end 1.0 de5iribe how ele.:.trenic computers, both anal-OgLe and digit&l, have been u.=-ed to solve simila pr ob] ems. The part i~ular exompLe ~-tudiad is shotm i so%,/_o.44 -5 9-2-2/t9 Chi~_ Ume of El~ctroniz Simulators for Iwestigating the -tability of 1-1irailel Operation of Alternators of Comparable Power Figure 1 as two coupled alternators feeding a load. The equations used were first proposed by A.A. Gorev (Ref 2). They are the set of icen denoted by (A) . The power balance equations (active and reactive) are (G) and t.he voltarre-regulator equations for a plvs e -compounded inar-hine are (B). The -.~omplc-te system is tenth order and has 22 non-.linearities. If the influence of transient os,:;illations of current on the rotor motion is neglected the order may be reduced to 6 and the non-linearities to 14. The number of function generators necessary for a conventional solution was not available and the investi- gation was thus limited to "szmall" scale. The equation system must first be linearized as Eq (1). This process 'akes Into azcount- I - losses in the stator circuit; 1) - the mliene-y of the alternator poles, 3 - transient electrowagnt-fi-_ processes in the field and stator windings; 4 - the torqu&-speed me,,-hanical characteristic of the prime mcvers- 5 .. the static characteristics of the t ,call for voltage and frequerl,:,yi; 6 - the automatic vol (7r SOV/ 1-44-59-2-2/19 The Use of E!~--,~tronic Simulators for Investigating the Stability cf Paralle]. Operation of Alternators of Comparable Power regulator. On the other hand, the influence of: a) the dynami,! characteristics of the load; b) the dynamic characteristi(:s of the prime mover speed regulator - are ignored. If it is supposed that each alternator is rated at 30 kVA and is loaded 500.0', the insertion of numerical values givee Eq (2). The ~~omnuter chosen is the MPT-9 containing 48 operational amplifiers with automatic zero setting. Each amplifier can sum up to 12 quantities. 48 constants and 48 variable coefficients can be set irL. The variable is a direz-t voltage in the oir ipating range + 100 V. The maximum computing error does not exceed + 0-5~,-.'. Drift is less than 100 IN over 10 minutes. The form of the equaiions as fed to the machine is Eq (55.). The scale is chosen from a consideration cf the peak values likely to be obtained. Each "machine" second reps-esents 10 sfnchronous "alternator" seconds. Two coordinates, and LU , have been excluded as less important. As writtc-n- Eq (5) would require 70 voll,3ge Ca r' (155 SOV/ 1q,"t- -59-.?_..2./J_9 'Ji-le Use of Elz--frortic Simulators for Investigating the Stability Cf Parallel Operation of Alternators of Comparable Power dividers but the block diagram adopted (Figure 2) reduees this requix'ement to 64. Besides these, 11 summing, 10 integrating and 1.0 inverting amplifiers are used. The spe.;:--ific topics examined are,~ stability in the absence of vr.-Itage control, stability with voltage control the effe.7-t of -the slope of the torque-speed characteristic of -the prime mover on the transient res- ponse-- thf, effe,_:( of stator resistance on system behaviour. 'In each eiperiment, the :constants have the Eame -1ralues and the distjjr':an,_,e is a unit function. Figure 3 wa5 taken without voltage controls Fi-ure 4 :31iows the etfe~:t of the ex--.:itatiorL parameter K on parallel working. With K~'I the system is unstable. Fi-gure 5 sho-ws Ilie effe.-.A of damping torque when K = 1.2. The features !ipc-Aally --tressed in this study are: relative .3implicity of the method; comparatively little difficulty en,,ountered; the direct, graphic appeal of the result---; possibility of introducing non-linear_ effei-ts. The dj~,advantage of relatTve inaccuracy is SOV/144 -59-e,.12/19 T'aa Use of Electronic Simulatc7,s for Investigating the 5 abi Ity of Parallel Operation ef AlrFrnators of Comparable Power not important in this application. . 9 of which There are 8 f-tgures and 10 references, are Soviet and I Engli-sh. ASSOCIATION- Vuyenno--MorFk(,y akademii korablestroyeiiiya i -v*oc,ruzheni,ya imc-ni A.N. Krylova (The A.N. Krylov Naval Ac~adeiwy cf Ship Bu.ildxngand A--maments.s SUBMITTED,. De,;ember 15, 19:~6 Car,:', 5/5 ce kent fS an Ceo,~raphy nc. Tash(U PY, 17 st r ~ r. r,: pa:~ f; ~J otd. ~~eog. fall. no-3:10-17 16/,. GOLUBEVA, Z., strakhovoy delegat; RAIMOVA, N., strakhovoy delegat Help for sick co-workers. Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 5 no.9: 19 S 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Chulochno-trikotazhnaya fabrika, Smolensk. (SMOLENSK-KNIT GOODS INDUSTRY-HYGIENIC ASPECTS) RLIMOVA, N.I., aseistent Scalp forceps in individual forms of obstetrical patholog7. raz. med.zhw. 40 no.6t76-78 Iff-D 159. (MIR& 13:5) 1. Iz kafedr7 akusherstva i ginekologii Nav. - prof. A.B. Gillerson) Omskogo meditsinskogo institute, Im. M.I. Kalinina. (-VORCBPS, OBSTEMIG) T- -t- -,,r, "'eA -c-i (diss,' "l0eai-f.;E-c (in tim-) a onernlion on the no~-,ition of obstetrical force-,is." Fazr!-..' ic-e' 18 r--r; (!-,iriSztry of Pu,,"--ic Health IR~'3F,~:,R, Kazan ~Arnte Ned Inst); 7 C 0 r l f 2CC, -rep-; (KI., 7-61 slur, 261) LF. t r i z TIS SHUMANOVA, A.%; 60KOLOV, B.S.; CIERKASIUINA, Ye.F.; GARSKOVA, Cliu:-~"Gvy M.P.; BORISENOK, V.G.; RAIVIOVA,_ S.S.; KULIK, O.A.; UDjX.I'%, L.I.; KAZACHKOV, S.S., otv. red.; ZHIANOVA, L. P. , red. [Agroclimatic manual on Omsk Province] Agroklimaticheskii spravochnik po Omskoi oblasti. Leningrad, Gidrou:eteoizdat, 1959. 227 p. (IMIRA 17:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeo- rologicheskoy sluzhby. Omskoye upravleniye. 2. Gidrometeoro- loilicheskaya observatoriya Omskogo upravlenlya gidrometeorologiclieskoy sluzhLr y (for all except Kazachkov, Zhdanova).