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S/103/62/023/007/005/009 St4 stati Lcal method ... D201/D308 onerat-ors. This solution shows that the r.m.s. output has two ier,ms: one due to the random character of the input at a fixed value of random oDerator and the other allowing for the error due to the substilution of the real value of the oDerator with its evaluated value. The theory is applied to the problem. of the Drocess described by the slightly non-linear operator with ~wo i- U. nDuts and two outDuts and finally to the practical deter- mina-tion o,;L:' the characteristics of centerless, ?,,tomatic grirdi-rr, of -oiler bearing rings. There are 2 figures and 1 table. SUBM.ITTED: November 25, 1961 V~ Card 3/3 VIATKOVIC,Gojko,dr.; RAIC,j"edor,dr. Nephrotic syndrome and its therapy in children. Lijec. vjes. 81 no.9-10:625-635 '59. 1. Iz Klinike za djecja bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (NEPHROTIC SMROME in inf. & child) RAIC, I-Iilivoj, inz. First graduates from the H-J'aher Technical School at ~~ribor, and their responsibilities in production. Nova proizv 13 no.6:410-414 D 162. SIJSKOVIC, Teofil; PAPES., Josip; IC, Vid,--LUBURIC., Pero _~A _ ____ Stratigraphy and tectonics of Southern Hercegovina. Geol glas BEH no.6:IU-.L40 162. MICU,D., dr.; RUFCAF,V., conf.; MIHAILESCU, Eugenia.. dr.- MAXIMMAY., Stefania, dr.; MIRT', C., dr.; MOITER,C., dr.; RAICA,, Izadora, asistent tehnAe. The value of some new methods of study of megakaryopoiesis in chronic hepatitis. Med. intern. 15 no.12:1457-1464 D'63- 1. lucrare efectuata in Institutul de medicine. interns. al Academiai R.P.R. si M.S.P.S. (director: acad. F.Gh.Lupu). -r DURIC, Dusan, dr., ing.; RAICEVIC, Petar, dipl. hem.; KONSTANTINOVIC, Ivan, dr. Urinary cyanides and thiocyanates in smokers. Vojnosanit. pregl. 19 no.3:210-212 Mr 162. 1. Institut za medicinu rada NR Srbje. (THIOCYANATES) (SMOKING) (GYMIDES) RAICEVICP Svetozar V. (Titograd) Tha Gusar sheep pen in the eastern part of Sinjajavina. Geogr hor 7 no.1/2:45-47 .161. ~ - ~'. , , ~: - -I -,~ i . w . ,-~ - - 1 7~~ --:I-.- -. - ~~ --- ~ ~ -~117 '- =-.. -,~- r I ~ -~' I. 5~, 1 1 RAICHER, i. 1. I 'diad:Ldrtzev I. F., KassikhLna, "Production of enantilidene-a-cetone".. 'Essa"ov, V. I.) 0 N. S.3 Lisina), Z. "., Pronina, Z. S., and Raicher, I. I. (p. 6114) SO: Journal of General Cherdsti-y (Zhurnal Obshchei Fhinxi) 1943, Volume 13, no. 11-12. 1. 1. Studont ILA, "On the character of a, B-wrisa turate ketones. II.11 Essafov, V. I., wid Halcher, 1. 1. (P. 809) Student. SO: Jouiiial of General Chell-listry (Zhurnal Obshchei Miraii) 1943., Volume 13, no. 11-12. WJCHEH) I. i. "On the sy--ithesis of nL--,; -,,rit*- a cenjugAed system of double boncis, Part IV". Essafov V. I., and students: TIL-idi-rairtzev., I. F., Kassikhina, E. S., and Raicher, 1. 1. (p. 818~ SO: Jotu-nalof Gencral Chemistx-r tZhurrizLl Obshchei kaLlnai) 1943, Volume 13, no. 11-12. RAICHEV., Andrei, inzh., asistent Heat losses in drying roomB. Durvomebel prom 5 no.5:3-6 S-0 162. 1. Vissh Lesotekhnicheski institut. RAICHEV, Andrei, in.,,b., asistent Drying of wood ,V overheated steam. Durvombel prom 0' no.4:3-5 Jl-Ag 163. 1. Vissh lesoteklinichaski Instit'it. PAICIIEV, Dimitur, inzh. High-power and high-voltage transformers made at tfze V. Kolarov Electric Plant for High-Voltage Equipment. Elektroenergiia 14 no. 12: 23-24 D 163. 1. Silno tokov zavod 'IV. Kolarov." PIAMEV, 3'.; TMIEV, L; KHINTO"SKI, TS. RAICHEV, B.; T.V-~'EV, L; HINKOVSKI, TS. Fine-wool and senifine-wool sheep breeding is economically advantageous. p.?3. Vol. 11, no. 7, July 1956 KOOPERATITI"O ~'._!"IIDILTIE AGRIcnTURE Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: East Furorean Accession, Vol. 6, No. 3, "Arch 1957 ai'ICH-wy, 13. "Productive Ten-Jency in Some Agricultural Cooperatives in SofiysA'a ukollya." p. 3, (Kwi-E-RATIMU Z&LEUELIE, Vol, 9, No. 10, 1954, ;OftYa, bulari;i) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (KIL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. RAIGHISVY D., inzh. The riicrl-~power and high-voltage tre-naformare for the distribution 0 substations and plants. Mashinostroene 12 n0.2:35 F 163. 1. Silno tokov zavod OV. Kolaravu., Sofiia. RAICHEVI D., inzh. Stamdardization in transforwr construction, Ratsionalizataiia no.9.-36-38 162. Transformers "-rmevc~lriall electxicc~;rre..t rectifiers T., -i,ii, na tezh~,,,ta prc-md~,I!Ienost.) Soffla, "x1raria. LC, Vol. 9 *:o. 2, Feb. 196, ,-',oi-,'thly List cf EIst European Accessions (E~Alj UCL 11"ethods for ulet,,n ili;ri,~ LI-e moisture of the insul--tior, of electric-power p. 21 (7,',TeI-:troF----ner-:riia, Vol. 8, no. h/5, ,'~-)r./'fay Soffiia, Buh,a--ia.) ln(,c-N: n- -as' Zurov,,~an Accessions (rH,'I) L", Vol. 7, '11o. b i " m e Z) -~ Tr. ', j -, --,D -- . - .1 , T'--'C'T.: -, L 0 G Y Periodical: Vol. 8., no. 6, June 1953. ilti"HE'." D. ~',O-J."Cnts oil L"IC, classification o~ insulatint; naterial. p. 28. :.Ionthlv List of East European Accession (EEAI), ir-, Vol. 8. no. 2, -Ffl-bruary 10,59, Unclass. s(-:,.e ccrl~, en C-n 4L,,- c ;, :34 Of t":E f r',jr.'01. C.JCCtj~4,Ci. r3ns erss . p 3'~ Cc-'ricid." -lr-.-s f--r fci dc-S4 r-*-i7 Mc,st suit a: le U T-cs ~f jr~- i'-.c f: r s f - r cf f-C r c - --. --n r ce ac7, c ratcrials. 7). 37. 14 i'.. L an ationa ~zcr cci-netitims in t) e 3talin etaill r, ic and -qc!.i-re-Prc6,i --licn F1 t v aticnalizatsii Vol. No. 4, Apr., ~~cfiia, DulLpria. Ii--'cx E AccEssicris Uct. LAZAROV, B.; RAICHEV, Iv.; MITOV, G.; NINOV, N. A case of encephalopolyTwdiculaneuritis following live polio vaccination. Suvr. med. 12 no.10:97-105 '61. 1. Iz Katedrata po patologichna anatomiia - Sofiia (Rukoy. na katedrata prof. B. Kurdzhiev) i Katedrata po mikrobiologiia i virusologila (Rukov. na katedrata prof. Sv. Burdarov). (ENCEPHALITIS POST VACCINAL) (POLYNEURITIS) (POLIOVACCINE ORAL) L 2, C': v L 5 :1 L10- C c i 0 Z: 0 u L L- r ;"C: va r e Li i 1p c - ia -:05S C; i, I S t'D C"; lc ita 10 :,S; 9 Sov- C,2rrl re:71s. a!-,L J ..CS NOVACHN, D. ; PAICHEV, Iv. Apropos of a case of congenital toxoplasmosis with visceral changes in a newborn infant. Akush.Ginek-3 no.3:74-78 164. M. RAICII--,V,M, Preparation for repairs in the machine-tractor stations and storing the machines during the autumn and winter seasons. p. 1. Vol. 7 no. 10 Oct. 1956. MASHINEZIRANO ZD-4EDELIE. Sofiia, Bulgaria. SOURCE: East European Accessions Jist (L-FAL) Vol. 6 No. 4 April 1957 RAICHF,V., Mikhail Rilski Monastir, national museum. Nauka i tekh z mladezh no.10:22-23 ,61. (Bulgaria-Monasteries) RAICHEN, N.; DkIU.KCFIr-,V, B. "New type of floor under parquetry." p.18 (Stroitelstvo, Vol. 5, no. 3, 1958, Sofiia2 Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 13, August 1958 Rai-c"ev, N. I' FC JILI 'I C)Tkkjy 1. ) Vaslle-l) D.; Raicbev, N. Production of thin iron sheets by electrolytic method. p. 26. Vol. 7, no. 10, 1~!58 RAICHEV, P. ; GAMAKOV, St. The riddle of gra-vitation. Nauka i tekh aladezh 14 no.7:23-24 J1 162. LO y dots; RAICTIEV 1* What the futas val abAw,- ~aaia i takh aladeah 15 to.9t2IC-22 S163. RAICIEV, P.; GABRAKOV, St. The riddle of gravitation. 1. Nauka i tekh mladezh 11+ no.6: 19-21 Je 162. 10'~JCHEV , JI. , asistent L. li. landau, winr~er of t*,,Fj ;;,riz--i of Physics for 1962. Priroda BuIg 12 no. 11: 1733-114 ia-F '63. MITRANI, L~, dots.) RAICHEV, P, Field, matter, antii -. '-. Pt. 1. Nauka i tekh m1adezh 15 no.?/~-.25-28 Jl-Ag' RAICHEV, V. Atoric models. %uka i tekhn mladezh 14 no.3:6-7j X !'-- 162. PAICREV, P. Rebuilding the MoskvIch radio receiver for short, long, and intermediate waves. p.47. (Radio Vol. 4, no. 1. 1955. Sofiya) SO: Monthly List of Yast Maropean Accessions. (MAL). LC, Vol. 4. No. 11, Nov. 1q55, Uncl. - - - >, . ~-~ -~, -!-~,,~~.L-r . ~'. ! 1~ - - -I ~ RAICHEV, P., dots. (Sofila) A morphological study of carcinoma of the stomach with reference to its course. Izv.Inst.morf.BAN 3:257-270 159. (MUI 9:5) 1. Nauchno izeledovatelski onkologichen institut, Sofiia. (STOMACH) e 'r) -i n r- d; re c,~v r -,r 7 n' r- :L'11C. Sofi~ra. Vc-1. 1, 105 ~.onth'l 7 i3t of --'ast luropean -'.ccessions, Vol. -0. 11, ,:0v. Uncl. RAICHEII, F. RAICHEV, P. Computing the electric current group of receivers and low fi-equency amplifiers. p. 23. Vol. 5, no. 8, 1956 ELEKTROEMIGIIA. Sofiia, Bulgaria East Eixc-De~an Accessions List (FLEAL) Vol C,, ',,Io. 4--April 1957 TENCHOV, G., prof.; BAICHMV, P.; KFdJSTEV, B.; KHADZHIDEKOV, G. Case of ma illar7 fibrosarcoma with massive calcifications. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8 no.2:183-185 1955. (FI13ROSARCOMA, maxilla, calcified) ('tAXILLA, neoplasms, fibrosarcoma, calcified) RAIGHEV, Petur Physical ideas of the nonlinear theory of elementary particles. Fiz mat spisanie BAN 5 no-3:176-182 162. TRAU, E. (Bukuresht); RAICHEV, R. inzh. (translator] f -... - -.9 An algorism for the derivation of Heron triangles. Mat i fiz Ruig 5 no.3:4-9 MY-Je 162. TENCHEV, G., Prof.; RAICFEW, R., Dots. Problem of 1pontiasis ossium. Khirurgiis, Sofia 9 no.9: 1931-834 1956. 1. (Iz NauchnoizeledovatmInklia onkologichmn inntitut). (LEDNTIASIS OSSIUM, case reports (Bul)) IVANOV, R. ; qAICMV, It. Parosteal sarcoma with description of a case with imusual localization. airargiia, Sofia no.3:259-262 Mar 58. 1. Institut %a spetsializatsiia i usuvur s hens t vuvane na lekarite- Sofiia klinika. po ortopediia. i travmatologiia. Direktor: prof. B. Boichev Nauchnoizsledovatelski onkologichen institut Direktor: prof. V. Mikhallov. (FOOT, neoplasms Parodteal sarcoma (Bul)) (FIBIRWARG014A, case reports nnronteal, of foot (Bul)) RAIGHEV, R.; KIROV, S. Considerations on tumors of the glomus caroticum with a report of a case. Khirurgiia, Sofia 11 no.2:134-138 1958- 1. llauchnoizsledovatelski onkologichen institut. Direktor: Prof. V. Mikhailov. (PARAGANGLIOMA, case reports, (Bul)) RAICHEV, R,, Dot.; AITDRKEV, V., Dot., kand. med. nauki ------- Pseudo-epitheliomatous diseases. Suvr-m. med., Sofia 9 n -8:52-58 19 . 0 58 1. Iz Nauchnoizsledovatelskiia onkologich6n institut (Birektor: prof. Ves. Mikhailov). (CARCINOMA, differ. diag. spindle-call carcinoma from pseudo-e-Atheliomatous dis. (Bul)) TENCHOV, GAdeceased]; KRUSTEV, B.; ANDREEV, VL ~ymphangiosarcoma developing in lymphedema after mastectomy (Stewart-Treves syndrome), 'Khirurgiia (Sofia) 16 no.3:231-237 163. 1. Institut za spetaializataiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite - Sofiia Katedra po rentgenologiia i radiologiia Zav. katedrata prof. G. Tenchov(deceased]. Nauchno-izoledo- vatelski onkologichen insti'-" Direktor: prof. V. Mikhailov. (LYMPROGIOSARCOMA (LYMPHEDEMA) (MASTECTOMY) ANCHEV, N., d6its.; ~kTqW,&-, dots.; NIKOLOVAy D. I On the problem of lymphogranuloma of the lungs. Khirurgiia (Sofia) 16 no.2:125-132 163. (HODGKIN'S DISEASE) (LUNG NEOPLASMS) RAICIEV, H., dots.; EPIDE'lOV, V. On late recurn~ncc a.-J ::.etast mua:-~:.ary . (sofiia) 16 no.11:995-1,98 163. 1. Nauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut, Softia. iii- rektor: prof. Ves.14ikhailov. RAICHEV, R.,-dots..; VASILEV, N.; KOMITOVSKI, D. On the problem of benign osteoblastomas. Khirurgiia (Sofia) 14 no.10. 883-887 161. 1. Vissh meditainski institut, Sofiia, klinika po ortopediia I travmatologiia.Direktor: prof. B. Boichev.Institut za spetsializataiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite, SoMa, katedra po nevrokhirurgiia Zav. katedrata: prof. F. Filinov. (sncom osTEormic) RAICHEV, R. dots.; LAZAROV, R. %','n the problem .)f implantation metastases. Khirurgiia, Sofia 13 no.7/13:648-653 160. 1. Nauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut. Direktor: prof. V.Mikhai-lov. (NEOPLASMS compl.) RAICHEV, R.; IAZAROV, R. On the problem of mycosis fungoides with special reference to a case transfcrmed to reticulosarcoma.,Sofia no.8:105- 112 159. 1. Iz Nauchnoizcledovatelskiia prof. Ves. Mikhailov. (MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES (SARCOMA RETIGUI;JM onkologichen institut. Direk-tor: pathol.) CELL etiol.) MIKHAIWV, Ves.; RAICRIV, R.; IURUKOV, Kr. Diagnostic difficulties in adeno=7osis of the cervis uteri. Khirurgiia, Sofia 10 no.1:7740 1957. 1. (Iz Nauchnoizaledovatelskiia onkologichen institut). (3NDOMETRIOSIS, diagnoBia cervical adenomyosis, difficulties (Bul)) RAICHST, R. ---'--"-"A"i*VJ;;~ of nerve anclinga in tumors. Savrm ze&#(SCaLfLL&25:3) 4 no 903-38 3-953- 1. ()f the Oncologiml Solantifio-Research Institute for the Republic (Director -- Prof. G. T8UChO'F)- NIKnI/)V, if. , dotnent; J?J,,ICIIZ-V, R. ; SUFVA, G. Granulosa cell tumor of the ovary. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8 no-3: 273-276 1955. 1. Institut za spetsializataiia i usuvurshAstvuvane na lekarite klinika po akusherstvo i ginekologiia. Direktor: dots. 11. Nikolov Onkolngicben nauchno-issledovatelski institut. direktor: prof. G. Tenchov. (GRJURUSA CEV, TUROR, ovaries) TENCHOV, G.; RAICHEV, R.; KRUSTEV, B.; KIROV, St. Case of pulmonary sarcoma. KhirLirgiia, Sofia 8 no.8:738-742 1955. (LUNGS, neoplasms, sarcoma, case report) (SARCOMA, lung, case report) TENCHOV, G., Prof.; t%UCHNV, R.. dots.; KMJSTEV, B. ; STRATEV, Il. KIROV, St. '"mm"m Combinmd pre- and postoperative radiothmrapy in breast cancer in woman. Khirurgiia, Sofia 9 no.4:296-305 1956. 1. Institut za spetsializatstia I usuyur shenstvuvane na lakarite-- Sofiia; naucbnoizsledovatelski onkolog. inst. (BREAST NR)PLASMS. surgery. praop. & postop. radiother. (Bul)) (RADIOTHEMAPY, In various diseases. cancer of breast, preop. & postop. (Bul)) RAICHEY, R., st. nauchen sutrudnik; ANDRMW, VI., ml. nauchen outrudnik. Cancer of the oral mucosa. Stomatologiia, Sofia no-5:296-306 1953. 1. Iz Repudlikanskiis, nauchno-issledovatelski onkologichen institut. Direktor: prof. G.Tenchov. (114OUTH. neoplasms) RAICHEV, R.; KRUSTEV, B. (St.H.Sutrudnitsi), SAMCHINY, A. (MI.I.outrudnik) 3pithelial tumors of the salivary glands. Stomatologiia, Sofia no.2:22-32 1955. 1. Iz Mauchno-12sladovatelskiia onkologichen institut. Direktor; prof. G.Tenchov. (SALIVART GLANDS, neoplasms, epithelioma) SIITPKOV~;NSKI, Nikola prof. d-r; Kill-)V, Iviin, d-r. asistent. JUMM. R; Si.; DiVIIA';DV, It. student ot kruzhoka po neVIr-OrO-9Tr9---- Porainfinectious ancephalitis according tnneuro-psychiatric and nediatric clinic material observed during 194L-1950. Izv.ried. inst.Snfia 11-12:581-606 1955. (ENCZPHALITIS, parainfectious, hosp.statist.) RAICION, R.; IURUKOV, Kr. Case of endonetriosis of Sofia 8 no-5:454-456 '55. (POWMETRIOSI S, %rectovaginal) (RECTUM, neoplasms, andometriosis, (VAGINA, neoplasms, andonetriosis, I the r6ctovaginal region. Kbirurgiia, reqt-ovaginal) rectovaginal) RAICHXV, R.; ANDMOT, Tl. Juvenile melanomas., Sofia 6 no.9:102-106 1955. 1. Iz nauchnoizeleda7atelski onkologichen institut Sofiii (direktor: prof. G.Tenchov) (MRIANOMA, in infant and child (Bul)) MILEV, L.; RAICHEV, R. Problem of uterine adenomyoma. Khirurgiia, Sofia 9 no.2: 154-158 1956. 1. 1 Gradaka Bolnitsa. Gl. lekar: M. Iosifov. Nauchnoizsledoratelski onkologichei Institut. Direktor: prof. G. Tenchov. (ENDOMETRIOSIS, case reports. (BUM NIKOLOV, N.; RAICHEV, R. ; KOITOVA, L. ; GEORGIEVA, M. - I - ~- I Two cases of Brenner tiimor. Khirurgiia, Sofia 9 n0-3: 272-274 1956. (BRENITER TUMOR, case reports (Bul)) (OVARIES, neoplasms, Brenner tumor, case reports (Bul)) VASILEV. I.; RAICIIEV, R. Clinical aspects, differential diagnosis and modern therapy of glioma retinae, retinoblastoma. Kh1rurgiia, Sofia 9 no,3:219- 225 1956. 1. Institut za spetsializatsila i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekartie, Softie, ninika po ocbni bolesti. Dots. Iv. VaBileV, Inatit. po Onkologiia, Direktor: prof. V. Mikhailov. (NBURDEPITHELIORA, retina (Bul)) (RETINA, neoplasms, neuroepithelioma (Bul)) NIKOLOV, N., dots.; SUEVA, G.; RAICHEV, R. Vaginal sarcoma in children. Khirurgiia, SOfi2 3 no-1:58-60 1955. 1. Xlinika po akusherstvo t ginakologiia pri ISUL.Z--vezhdashch-. dots. N. Nikolov. Institut po onkoloriia. Direktor: prof. G. Tenchov. (VAGINAL, neoDlasms, sarcoma. in child.) SARCOMA, vagina, in child.) RAICHEV, R.; ANDREEV, VI. Case of giant chondrome of the costal cartilage vith clinical malignant course. Suvrem. mad., Sofia 5 no.6:94-96 1954. 1. Iz ReiAiblikanskiia nailchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut (direktor: prof. G.Tenchov) (CHONMOMk' costal cartilage, giant) (RIBS, neoplasms. chondroma, giant) RAICHEV, R.; SLAVCnV, N. Problem of mola destruens. Xhirargiia, Sofia 7 no.7:407-413 1954. 1. 1 Gr&dskii rodilen dom Tina liecova, Sofila. Glaven lekar: prof. G.Boiadshiev. (HMATIFORK MOIX.) RAICHEV, R., n. sutrudnik fformonotherapy of cancer of the broast. Xhirurgiia, Sofia 7 no-7: 426-430 1954. 1. Republikanski nauchno-izaledovatelski onkologichen institut. Direktor: prof. G. Techov. (BRICAST, neoplasms. ther.. hormones) (HORMONES.therapeutic use. cancer of breast) RAICHEV, R., a. Sutrudnik Biopsy and its possibilities in oncology. Xhirargiia, Sofia 7 no.7:431-438 1954. 1. Republikanski nauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichan Institut. Direktor: prof. G.Tenchov. (NEOPLASMS, diagnosis, biopsy) (BIOPSY, diag. of cancer) RAICHEV. R.; ANMEV, 71. Gingival cancer and its therapy. Stomatologiia, Sofia no.4:?25- 232 1954. 1. Is nauchno-izaledovatelskiia onkologichan institut (Dir. Prof. G.Tenchov) (GINGUA. neoplasms, the r'. ) RAICHEV, R.; BALEVSKI, M. On alveolar cellular (bronchiolar) tumors (on a report of a single case). Suvrem med., Sofia no.1:107-112 161. 1. Ilauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut. (Direktor: prof. V. Mikhailov) (CARCINOMA BRONCHIOLAR case reports) (LUNG NEOPLASMS case reports) RAICHEV, R.1, dots, Pathologist's role in the diagnosis of bone tumors. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.2/3:270-273 161. 1. tlauchno-izsledovatealski onkologichen institut. (BONE MID BONES neopl) RAIGREV, R. dots~ Malignant neurinomas of the bone. Khirargiia, Sofia 14 no.4:411-414 161. 1. Ilauchnoizeledovatelski onkologichen institut. Direktor: prof. V. Mikhailov. (BONE AND BONES neopl) (SCHWANNOMA case reports) RAICHEV, R.; ALEXANDROV, Kr. Oestrogenic substanoes contained in the fatty tissue of a mammary gland affected by carcinoma, compared with the morphological changes in its parenchyma. Neoplasm 8 no.3:247-252 161. 1. Oncological Scientific Research Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria. (BREAST NEOPLASMS metab) (ESTROGENS metab) RAICHEV, R,, dots.,; BELINOV, V1. Primary scleroma of the trachea in the differential diagnosis of tumors of the respiratory tract. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no-5~469-470 1613, 1. Ilauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut - Sofiia. Direktor4 dots. N. Anchev, (TRACHEA) (RESPIRATORY DISEASES) (RESPIRATORY TRACT NEOPLASMS) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) (TRACHEAL NEOPLASMS) CHOKANOV, K., dots.; RAICHEV, R., dots, A case of a benign chondroblastoma bone with a rare localiza- tion. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no.43387-392 163. 1. 1z Katedrata po ortopediia i travmatologiia pri ISUL [Institut za spetsializatsiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite] i Mauchno-izaledovatelskiia institut po onkologiia. (CHONDROBLASTOMA) (HIP) (BONE NEOPLASMS) BOICHEV, B., prof.;- RAICHEV, JR,,, dots.; KOMITOVSKI, D. On the problem of atypical forms of F44ing's sarcoma. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.7:573-582 161. 1. Vissh meditsinski institut, Sofiia Klinika po ortopediia i travmatologiia. Direktor: prof. B. Doichev. (SARCOMA EWING'S case reports) r I 'I~t / " /I _"~--"&I. BABINOV. L.. i, P.-, DAVIDOVA, Z.,-RAICHNV, R. --"- i'-' Two cases of primary cancer of the extrahapatic bile ducts. Suvrom. med.. Sofia 5 no.6:90-93 1954. 1. Iz Purva gradska obedinana bolnitea (Sofiia) Gl. lekar: L.Radoslavov. (BILE DUCTS, neoplasms.) RAICHIV, R.; AIMREEV, Vl. Irythema nodosum in a patient with cancer of the cervix uteri. Suvrem. mad., So-fla 5 no.4:86-88 1954. 1. Iz Republikanskiia nAil hno-izzledervatelski onkologichan institut (direktor: Prof. G.Tenchov) (CARVIX, UTIRINX, neoplasms, with erythems, uodosum) (ERYTHEMA NODOSUM, complications, cancer of uterine cervix) RAIGHEV, R.v. IITDRAIV,V-1. Malignant tumors of the hard palate. Stomatologiia no 1:27-33 154. 60AL 3:7) 1. 1z Republilcanskiia nauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen instizut. Direk-tor: prof. G.Tenchov. (PAIATE, neoplasms. ) -,,-RAICHEV, R.; TSANEV9 K.; NINOV, Iv. On the problem of thrombosis in cancer. Suvrem med., Sofia no.9: 36-41 160. L. Iz Nauchno-izsledovatelskiia onkologichen institut (Dir. prof. Ves. Mikhailov) (NEOPLASMS pathol.) (THROMBOSIS etiol.) RAICIIEV, R., dots.; ANDREEV, V1. On the problem of trauma and metastatic spreading with report of a case. Khlrurgiia, Sofia 13 no.12:1045-1047 160. 1. Nauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut, Sofia. Direktor: prof. Ves. Mikhai-lov. (MELANOMA etiol) -,.en t If ic F~C-Ze a rc h C, I 13~-i c ir, --- Li Pro'. IN. nd ~:,-,-, -n P] -c Ret-,n:,2h 7! 1., " I "i ~ z 0 f i D-i re c .- -, r- -. Prof 'P, Kvir 1 r, *,,o v -Vl 1L11' Za U t U.~ a a~ ,u ne! i--~ V i~ ov Wi. .~ I . ; - ".I " I , ".: , , ',:~!P, ~~ y . . :,. v711 Y~ ;'I, ; , i , 1~ ~re,-~ , ', ~ , -I , -,, - --,.: - :3 3 ! . . 1 q-,i ~-_- "i .,: 'A", T. At A ", 7, , g , r. - . I.-. ~~. f .- ~ a) " ll~.,- RAICHEV, R.; BOBC11-FV, T.; ATATIASOV~ G.; IORDANOV, G. Gur experience in amnioscopy~-a new method for the early detection of conditions hazardous to the fetus in an intact amniotic sac. Akush. ginek. (Sofiia) 4 no-4:266-270 165. 1. Institutzaspetsiializatsiia i usuvurshenstvuvane ria lekarite, Sofiia, Kateara po akusherstvo i ginekologiia (rukov.: prof. a N. Nikolov); Baza III gradska obedinena bolnitsa, Sofiia (g1. lekar: dr. M. Kutov). RAICIMV, &i. Skin grafting in surgery of primary and recurrent hernias. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8 no.2:131-138 1955. 1. Obedinena, gradska bolnits-Nll-.hovo. Glaven lekar i zavezh- dashch kbirurgichnogootdelenie: Zh.Raichev. (IMITIA, surgery, skin grafting) (SKIN TRANSPLOLMON, in various diseases, hernia) M14WHIVI, M.; DIULGIROV, I.; DZ!iX[IWV, L.; RAICIMV, Zh. Courvisar's syndrome. nirurgiia, Sofia 10 no.4:36 62 1957. (TSTRAIOGY OF FALLOT, compl. arcus nortae dexter, case report (Bul)) (AOIRTA, abnorm. dextroposition nf rkortic arch with tetralogy of Y'allot, case report (Bul)) RAICIMV, Zh. nilmonAry reaection. hlirurgiia, Sofia 11 lio.5-6:523-525 1958. 1. 1z Khirurgichnoto otdelenle na Okruzhnata bolnitea--Burgas. (PN3UMO' Irs GTOMY, (Bul)) R&ICHEV,Zh. Surgical diseases of the liver and intrahepatic bile dcLcts according to oaterial of the surgical -ward of the Okurzhnata bolaitsa of the city of Burgas during the period of lq52- August,1959. Khiru-rgiia,Sofia 13 no.2-3:182-185 160. 1. Iz khirurgichnoto otdelenie pri Okruzhnata bolnitsa, 13urgas. (LIVER dis.) (HEPATIC DUCT dis.) " - " i- - -- - - -1 -., - I .-- -t-,t . 7~.' ~, :~ - -. : ~;, --- RAIGHF.V,Zh. Two cases of ppolapse of the rectum with incontinence corrected by means of fascio-mascular repa:ir. Khirurgiia,Sofia 13 no.2-3: 298-299 160. 1. Iz khirurgichnoto otdelenie pri Okruzhnata bolnites. - Burgas. (REGTUM dis.) RAICHEVY Zh. Surgical treatment of a case of broncholithiasis. Ehir-irgiia, Sofia 14 no.2/3:344-346 161. 1. Khirurgichno otdelenie na Okruzhnata bolnitsa, Burgas. (BRONCHI dis) RAIGIIEVA,L.; DIMITHOV,N. On cardiovascular changes in allergic shock, with report of 2 cases. Suvrem. med.,Sofiall no.2-3:163-181 160. 1. Iz Katedrata po Bolnichna Teraplia pri VMI - Sofiia, Rukov. na Katedrata : prof. Al. Pukhlev. (AIJAMY compl. ) (CORONARY DISM~SE etiol.) (MYOCARDITIS btiol. ) RAIGHEVA, L.; MAIAMOV, IC. ~ntr~-arterial navocaine in the treatment of hypertension. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.8:58-61 1958. 1. Iz Klinikata oo bolnichnn teraT)iia ori VMI - Sofiia (Zav. katedrata: prof. A. I. Pukhlev) (HvMTETISIOTT, ther. procaine, intra-arterial admin. (Bul)) (PROCAINN, ther. use, ky-nertension. intra-arterinl admin. (Bul)) U,IC117VA., L. PLUCHEVA, L. Silicic bacteria. p. 22. Vol. 1-1, nO. 12, Dec. 1956 KOOPERATIVNo ZE14EDELIE. Sofiia, Bulgaria SOURC71: East European Accessions Mist MAT) Vol. 6 No. 4 April 1957 MALA'40V, E.; RAICHFIV A case of secondary tunor of the heart simulating myocardial Infarction. Suvrem. med., Sofia 7 no.9;86-90 1956. 1. Iz Katedrata po bolnichna terapiia pri WII - SoMa (Zav. katedrata: prof. A. L. Pukhlev). (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT, differ. diag. tumor of heart) (HEART, neoplasms metastatic, differ. diag. from myocardial infarct.) ., :: :,,- ~,, - !;- -11'."''t. o , VAN C11*1111 THIN JWnn), Chih-t'imy 11FAW. L., starnhi nauchen sutrudnik ,ji PAIC I Effect of nodular bacteria rin the content of frt.,e amir;o acids and the photosynthesis intensity in vetch. Izv. Inst "Nikola Fushkarov" 7:89-100 163. 4e- -~ 7- ': If:,-,, -, ~', ~ 'I , -. -, I; : ~- -tt; " ~,. ~ , - RAICIIIEVA, 1, Distrlibu~io, and virulence of vatch nodule bacl-ria in Bulgaria. .1 i lzv -:nst "I.-Aola. Fu5hkarov" 4:167-185 16-9. S/103/62/023/007/005/009 St4 stati Lcal method ... D201/D308 onerat-ors. This solution shows that the r.m.s. output has two ier,ms: one due to the random character of the input at a fixed value of random oDerator and the other allowing for the error due to the substilution of the real value of the oDerator with its evaluated value. The theory is applied to the problem. of the Drocess described by the slightly non-linear operator with ~wo i- U. nDuts and two outDuts and finally to the practical deter- mina-tion o,;L:' the characteristics of centerless, ?,,tomatic grirdi-rr, of -oiler bearing rings. There are 2 figures and 1 table. SUBM.ITTED: November 25, 1961 V~ Card 3/3 VIATKOVIC,Gojko,dr.; RAIC,j"edor,dr. Nephrotic syndrome and its therapy in children. Lijec. vjes. 81 no.9-10:625-635 '59. 1. Iz Klinike za djecja bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (NEPHROTIC SMROME in inf. & child) RAIC, I-Iilivoj, inz. First graduates from the H-J'aher Technical School at ~~ribor, and their responsibilities in production. Nova proizv 13 no.6:410-414 D 162. SIJSKOVIC, Teofil; PAPES., Josip; IC, Vid,--LUBURIC., Pero _~A _ ____ Stratigraphy and tectonics of Southern Hercegovina. Geol glas BEH no.6:IU-.L40 162. MICU,D., dr.; RUFCAF,V., conf.; MIHAILESCU, Eugenia.. dr.- MAXIMMAY., Stefania, dr.; MIRT', C., dr.; MOITER,C., dr.; RAICA,, Izadora, asistent tehnAe. The value of some new methods of study of megakaryopoiesis in chronic hepatitis. Med. intern. 15 no.12:1457-1464 D'63- 1. lucrare efectuata in Institutul de medicine. interns. al Academiai R.P.R. si M.S.P.S. (director: acad. F.Gh.Lupu). -r DURIC, Dusan, dr., ing.; RAICEVIC, Petar, dipl. hem.; KONSTANTINOVIC, Ivan, dr. Urinary cyanides and thiocyanates in smokers. Vojnosanit. pregl. 19 no.3:210-212 Mr 162. 1. Institut za medicinu rada NR Srbje. (THIOCYANATES) (SMOKING) (GYMIDES) RAICEVICP Svetozar V. (Titograd) Tha Gusar sheep pen in the eastern part of Sinjajavina. Geogr hor 7 no.1/2:45-47 .161. ~ - ~'. , , ~: - -I -,~ i . w . ,-~ - - 1 7~~ --:I-.- -. - ~~ --- ~ ~ -~117 '- =-.. -,~- r I ~ -~' I. 5~, 1 1 RAICHER, i. 1. I 'diad:Ldrtzev I. F., KassikhLna, "Production of enantilidene-a-cetone".. 'Essa"ov, V. I.) 0 N. S.3 Lisina), Z. "., Pronina, Z. S., and Raicher, I. I. (p. 6114) SO: Journal of General Cherdsti-y (Zhurnal Obshchei Fhinxi) 1943, Volume 13, no. 11-12. 1. 1. Studont ILA, "On the character of a, B-wrisa turate ketones. II.11 Essafov, V. I., wid Halcher, 1. 1. (P. 809) Student. SO: Jouiiial of General Chell-listry (Zhurnal Obshchei Miraii) 1943., Volume 13, no. 11-12. WJCHEH) I. i. "On the sy--ithesis of nL--,; -,,rit*- a cenjugAed system of double boncis, Part IV". Essafov V. I., and students: TIL-idi-rairtzev., I. F., Kassikhina, E. S., and Raicher, 1. 1. (p. 818~ SO: Jotu-nalof Gencral Chemistx-r tZhurrizLl Obshchei kaLlnai) 1943, Volume 13, no. 11-12. RAICHEV., Andrei, inzh., asistent Heat losses in drying roomB. Durvomebel prom 5 no.5:3-6 S-0 162. 1. Vissh Lesotekhnicheski institut. RAICHEV, Andrei, in.,,b., asistent Drying of wood ,V overheated steam. Durvombel prom 0' no.4:3-5 Jl-Ag 163. 1. Vissh lesoteklinichaski Instit'it. PAICIIEV, Dimitur, inzh. High-power and high-voltage transformers made at tfze V. Kolarov Electric Plant for High-Voltage Equipment. Elektroenergiia 14 no. 12: 23-24 D 163. 1. Silno tokov zavod 'IV. Kolarov." PIAMEV, 3'.; TMIEV, L; KHINTO"SKI, TS. RAICHEV, B.; T.V-~'EV, L; HINKOVSKI, TS. Fine-wool and senifine-wool sheep breeding is economically advantageous. p.?3. Vol. 11, no. 7, July 1956 KOOPERATITI"O ~'._!"IIDILTIE AGRIcnTURE Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: East Furorean Accession, Vol. 6, No. 3, "Arch 1957 ai'ICH-wy, 13. "Productive Ten-Jency in Some Agricultural Cooperatives in SofiysA'a ukollya." p. 3, (Kwi-E-RATIMU Z&LEUELIE, Vol, 9, No. 10, 1954, ;OftYa, bulari;i) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (KIL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. RAIGHISVY D., inzh. The riicrl-~power and high-voltage tre-naformare for the distribution 0 substations and plants. Mashinostroene 12 n0.2:35 F 163. 1. Silno tokov zavod OV. Kolaravu., Sofiia. RAICHEVI D., inzh. Stamdardization in transforwr construction, Ratsionalizataiia no.9.-36-38 162. Transformers "-rmevc~lriall electxicc~;rre..t rectifiers T., -i,ii, na tezh~,,,ta prc-md~,I!Ienost.) Soffla, "x1raria. LC, Vol. 9 *:o. 2, Feb. 196, ,-',oi-,'thly List cf EIst European Accessions (E~Alj UCL 11"ethods for ulet,,n ili;ri,~ LI-e moisture of the insul--tior, of electric-power p. 21 (7,',TeI-:troF----ner-:riia, Vol. 8, no. h/5, ,'~-)r./'fay Soffiia, Buh,a--ia.) ln(,c-N: n- -as' Zurov,,~an Accessions (rH,'I) L", Vol. 7, '11o. b i " m e Z) -~ Tr. ', j -, --,D -- . - .1 , T'--'C'T.: -, L 0 G Y Periodical: Vol. 8., no. 6, June 1953. ilti"HE'." D. ~',O-J."Cnts oil L"IC, classification o~ insulatint; naterial. p. 28. :.Ionthlv List of East European Accession (EEAI), ir-, Vol. 8. no. 2, -Ffl-bruary 10,59, Unclass. s(-:,.e ccrl~, en C-n 4L,,- c ;, :34 Of t":E f r',jr.'01. C.JCCtj~4,Ci. r3ns erss . p 3'~ Cc-'ricid." -lr-.-s f--r fci dc-S4 r-*-i7 Mc,st suit a: le U T-cs ~f jr~- i'-.c f: r s f - r cf f-C r c - --. --n r ce ac7, c ratcrials. 7). 37. 14 i'.. L an ationa ~zcr cci-netitims in t) e 3talin etaill r, ic and -qc!.i-re-Prc6,i --licn F1 t v aticnalizatsii Vol. No. 4, Apr., ~~cfiia, DulLpria. Ii--'cx E AccEssicris Uct. LAZAROV, B.; RAICHEV, Iv.; MITOV, G.; NINOV, N. A case of encephalopolyTwdiculaneuritis following live polio vaccination. Suvr. med. 12 no.10:97-105 '61. 1. Iz Katedrata po patologichna anatomiia - Sofiia (Rukoy. na katedrata prof. B. Kurdzhiev) i Katedrata po mikrobiologiia i virusologila (Rukov. na katedrata prof. Sv. Burdarov). (ENCEPHALITIS POST VACCINAL) (POLYNEURITIS) (POLIOVACCINE ORAL) L 2, C': v L 5 :1 L10- C c i 0 Z: 0 u L L- r ;"C: va r e Li i 1p c - ia -:05S C; i, I S t'D C"; lc ita 10 :,S; 9 Sov- C,2rrl re:71s. a!-,L J ..CS NOVACHN, D. ; PAICHEV, Iv. Apropos of a case of congenital toxoplasmosis with visceral changes in a newborn infant. Akush.Ginek-3 no.3:74-78 164. M. RAICII--,V,M, Preparation for repairs in the machine-tractor stations and storing the machines during the autumn and winter seasons. p. 1. Vol. 7 no. 10 Oct. 1956. MASHINEZIRANO ZD-4EDELIE. Sofiia, Bulgaria. SOURCE: East European Accessions Jist (L-FAL) Vol. 6 No. 4 April 1957 RAICHF,V., Mikhail Rilski Monastir, national museum. Nauka i tekh z mladezh no.10:22-23 ,61. (Bulgaria-Monasteries) RAICHEN, N.; DkIU.KCFIr-,V, B. "New type of floor under parquetry." p.18 (Stroitelstvo, Vol. 5, no. 3, 1958, Sofiia2 Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 13, August 1958 Rai-c"ev, N. I' FC JILI 'I C)Tkkjy 1. ) Vaslle-l) D.; Raicbev, N. Production of thin iron sheets by electrolytic method. p. 26. Vol. 7, no. 10, 1~!58 RAICHEV, P. ; GAMAKOV, St. The riddle of gra-vitation. Nauka i tekh aladezh 14 no.7:23-24 J1 162. LO y dots; RAICTIEV 1* What the futas val abAw,- ~aaia i takh aladeah 15 to.9t2IC-22 S163. RAICIEV, P.; GABRAKOV, St. The riddle of gravitation. 1. Nauka i tekh mladezh 11+ no.6: 19-21 Je 162. 10'~JCHEV , JI. , asistent L. li. landau, winr~er of t*,,Fj ;;,riz--i of Physics for 1962. Priroda BuIg 12 no. 11: 1733-114 ia-F '63. MITRANI, L~, dots.) RAICHEV, P, Field, matter, antii -. '-. Pt. 1. Nauka i tekh m1adezh 15 no.?/~-.25-28 Jl-Ag' RAICHEV, V. Atoric models. %uka i tekhn mladezh 14 no.3:6-7j X !'-- 162. PAICREV, P. Rebuilding the MoskvIch radio receiver for short, long, and intermediate waves. p.47. (Radio Vol. 4, no. 1. 1955. Sofiya) SO: Monthly List of Yast Maropean Accessions. (MAL). LC, Vol. 4. No. 11, Nov. 1q55, Uncl. - - - >, . ~-~ -~, -!-~,,~~.L-r . ~'. ! 1~ - - -I ~ RAICHEV, P., dots. (Sofila) A morphological study of carcinoma of the stomach with reference to its course. Izv.Inst.morf.BAN 3:257-270 159. (MUI 9:5) 1. Nauchno izeledovatelski onkologichen institut, Sofiia. (STOMACH) e 'r) -i n r- d; re c,~v r -,r 7 n' r- :L'11C. Sofi~ra. Vc-1. 1, 105 ~.onth'l 7 i3t of --'ast luropean -'.ccessions, Vol. -0. 11, ,:0v. Uncl. RAICHEII, F. RAICHEV, P. Computing the electric current group of receivers and low fi-equency amplifiers. p. 23. Vol. 5, no. 8, 1956 ELEKTROEMIGIIA. Sofiia, Bulgaria East Eixc-De~an Accessions List (FLEAL) Vol C,, ',,Io. 4--April 1957 TENCHOV, G., prof.; BAICHMV, P.; KFdJSTEV, B.; KHADZHIDEKOV, G. Case of ma illar7 fibrosarcoma with massive calcifications. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8 no.2:183-185 1955. (FI13ROSARCOMA, maxilla, calcified) ('tAXILLA, neoplasms, fibrosarcoma, calcified) RAIGHEV, Petur Physical ideas of the nonlinear theory of elementary particles. Fiz mat spisanie BAN 5 no-3:176-182 162. TRAU, E. (Bukuresht); RAICHEV, R. inzh. (translator] f -... - -.9 An algorism for the derivation of Heron triangles. Mat i fiz Ruig 5 no.3:4-9 MY-Je 162. TENCHEV, G., Prof.; RAICFEW, R., Dots. Problem of 1pontiasis ossium. Khirurgiis, Sofia 9 no.9: 1931-834 1956. 1. (Iz NauchnoizeledovatmInklia onkologichmn inntitut). (LEDNTIASIS OSSIUM, case reports (Bul)) IVANOV, R. ; qAICMV, It. Parosteal sarcoma with description of a case with imusual localization. airargiia, Sofia no.3:259-262 Mar 58. 1. Institut %a spetsializatsiia i usuvur s hens t vuvane na lekarite- Sofiia klinika. po ortopediia. i travmatologiia. Direktor: prof. B. Boichev Nauchnoizsledovatelski onkologichen institut Direktor: prof. V. Mikhallov. (FOOT, neoplasms Parodteal sarcoma (Bul)) (FIBIRWARG014A, case reports nnronteal, of foot (Bul)) RAIGHEV, R.; KIROV, S. Considerations on tumors of the glomus caroticum with a report of a case. Khirurgiia, Sofia 11 no.2:134-138 1958- 1. llauchnoizsledovatelski onkologichen institut. Direktor: Prof. V. Mikhailov. (PARAGANGLIOMA, case reports, (Bul)) RAICHEV, R,, Dot.; AITDRKEV, V., Dot., kand. med. nauki ------- Pseudo-epitheliomatous diseases. Suvr-m. med., Sofia 9 n -8:52-58 19 . 0 58 1. Iz Nauchnoizsledovatelskiia onkologich6n institut (Birektor: prof. Ves. Mikhailov). (CARCINOMA, differ. diag. spindle-call carcinoma from pseudo-e-Atheliomatous dis. (Bul)) TENCHOV, GAdeceased]; KRUSTEV, B.; ANDREEV, VL ~ymphangiosarcoma developing in lymphedema after mastectomy (Stewart-Treves syndrome), 'Khirurgiia (Sofia) 16 no.3:231-237 163. 1. Institut za spetaializataiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite - Sofiia Katedra po rentgenologiia i radiologiia Zav. katedrata prof. G. Tenchov(deceased]. Nauchno-izoledo- vatelski onkologichen insti'-" Direktor: prof. V. Mikhailov. (LYMPROGIOSARCOMA (LYMPHEDEMA) (MASTECTOMY) ANCHEV, N., d6its.; ~kTqW,&-, dots.; NIKOLOVAy D. I On the problem of lymphogranuloma of the lungs. Khirurgiia (Sofia) 16 no.2:125-132 163. (HODGKIN'S DISEASE) (LUNG NEOPLASMS) RAICIEV, H., dots.; EPIDE'lOV, V. On late recurn~ncc a.-J ::.etast mua:-~:.ary . (sofiia) 16 no.11:995-1,98 163. 1. Nauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut, Softia. iii- rektor: prof. Ves.14ikhailov. RAICHEV, R.,-dots..; VASILEV, N.; KOMITOVSKI, D. On the problem of benign osteoblastomas. Khirurgiia (Sofia) 14 no.10. 883-887 161. 1. Vissh meditainski institut, Sofiia, klinika po ortopediia I travmatologiia.Direktor: prof. B. Boichev.Institut za spetsializataiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite, SoMa, katedra po nevrokhirurgiia Zav. katedrata: prof. F. Filinov. (sncom osTEormic) RAICHEV, R. dots.; LAZAROV, R. %','n the problem .)f implantation metastases. Khirurgiia, Sofia 13 no.7/13:648-653 160. 1. Nauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut. Direktor: prof. V.Mikhai-lov. (NEOPLASMS compl.) RAICHEV, R.; IAZAROV, R. On the problem of mycosis fungoides with special reference to a case transfcrmed to reticulosarcoma.,Sofia no.8:105- 112 159. 1. Iz Nauchnoizcledovatelskiia prof. Ves. Mikhailov. (MYCOSIS FUNGOIDES (SARCOMA RETIGUI;JM onkologichen institut. Direk-tor: pathol.) CELL etiol.) MIKHAIWV, Ves.; RAICRIV, R.; IURUKOV, Kr. Diagnostic difficulties in adeno=7osis of the cervis uteri. Khirurgiia, Sofia 10 no.1:7740 1957. 1. (Iz Nauchnoizaledovatelskiia onkologichen institut). (3NDOMETRIOSIS, diagnoBia cervical adenomyosis, difficulties (Bul)) RAICHST, R. ---'--"-"A"i*VJ;;~ of nerve anclinga in tumors. Savrm ze&#(SCaLfLL&25:3) 4 no 903-38 3-953- 1. ()f the Oncologiml Solantifio-Research Institute for the Republic (Director -- Prof. G. T8UChO'F)- NIKnI/)V, if. , dotnent; J?J,,ICIIZ-V, R. ; SUFVA, G. Granulosa cell tumor of the ovary. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8 no-3: 273-276 1955. 1. Institut za spetsializataiia i usuvurshAstvuvane na lekarite klinika po akusherstvo i ginekologiia. Direktor: dots. 11. Nikolov Onkolngicben nauchno-issledovatelski institut. direktor: prof. G. Tenchov. (GRJURUSA CEV, TUROR, ovaries) TENCHOV, G.; RAICHEV, R.; KRUSTEV, B.; KIROV, St. Case of pulmonary sarcoma. KhirLirgiia, Sofia 8 no.8:738-742 1955. (LUNGS, neoplasms, sarcoma, case report) (SARCOMA, lung, case report) TENCHOV, G., Prof.; t%UCHNV, R.. dots.; KMJSTEV, B. ; STRATEV, Il. KIROV, St. '"mm"m Combinmd pre- and postoperative radiothmrapy in breast cancer in woman. Khirurgiia, Sofia 9 no.4:296-305 1956. 1. Institut za spetsializatstia I usuyur shenstvuvane na lakarite-- Sofiia; naucbnoizsledovatelski onkolog. inst. (BREAST NR)PLASMS. surgery. praop. & postop. radiother. (Bul)) (RADIOTHEMAPY, In various diseases. cancer of breast, preop. & postop. (Bul)) RAICHEY, R., st. nauchen sutrudnik; ANDRMW, VI., ml. nauchen outrudnik. Cancer of the oral mucosa. Stomatologiia, Sofia no-5:296-306 1953. 1. Iz Repudlikanskiis, nauchno-issledovatelski onkologichen institut. Direktor: prof. G.Tenchov. (114OUTH. neoplasms) RAICHEV, R.; KRUSTEV, B. (St.H.Sutrudnitsi), SAMCHINY, A. (MI.I.outrudnik) 3pithelial tumors of the salivary glands. Stomatologiia, Sofia no.2:22-32 1955. 1. Iz Mauchno-12sladovatelskiia onkologichen institut. Direktor; prof. G.Tenchov. (SALIVART GLANDS, neoplasms, epithelioma) SIITPKOV~;NSKI, Nikola prof. d-r; Kill-)V, Iviin, d-r. asistent. JUMM. R; Si.; DiVIIA';DV, It. student ot kruzhoka po neVIr-OrO-9Tr9---- Porainfinectious ancephalitis according tnneuro-psychiatric and nediatric clinic material observed during 194L-1950. Izv.ried. inst.Snfia 11-12:581-606 1955. (ENCZPHALITIS, parainfectious, hosp.statist.) RAICION, R.; IURUKOV, Kr. Case of endonetriosis of Sofia 8 no-5:454-456 '55. (POWMETRIOSI S, %rectovaginal) (RECTUM, neoplasms, andometriosis, (VAGINA, neoplasms, andonetriosis, I the r6ctovaginal region. Kbirurgiia, reqt-ovaginal) rectovaginal) RAICHXV, R.; ANDMOT, Tl. Juvenile melanomas., Sofia 6 no.9:102-106 1955. 1. Iz nauchnoizeleda7atelski onkologichen institut Sofiii (direktor: prof. G.Tenchov) (MRIANOMA, in infant and child (Bul)) MILEV, L.; RAICHEV, R. Problem of uterine adenomyoma. Khirurgiia, Sofia 9 no.2: 154-158 1956. 1. 1 Gradaka Bolnitsa. Gl. lekar: M. Iosifov. Nauchnoizsledoratelski onkologichei Institut. Direktor: prof. G. Tenchov. (ENDOMETRIOSIS, case reports. (BUM NIKOLOV, N.; RAICHEV, R. ; KOITOVA, L. ; GEORGIEVA, M. - I - ~- I Two cases of Brenner tiimor. Khirurgiia, Sofia 9 n0-3: 272-274 1956. (BRENITER TUMOR, case reports (Bul)) (OVARIES, neoplasms, Brenner tumor, case reports (Bul)) VASILEV. I.; RAICIIEV, R. Clinical aspects, differential diagnosis and modern therapy of glioma retinae, retinoblastoma. Kh1rurgiia, Sofia 9 no,3:219- 225 1956. 1. Institut za spetsializatsila i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekartie, Softie, ninika po ocbni bolesti. Dots. Iv. VaBileV, Inatit. po Onkologiia, Direktor: prof. V. Mikhailov. (NBURDEPITHELIORA, retina (Bul)) (RETINA, neoplasms, neuroepithelioma (Bul)) NIKOLOV, N., dots.; SUEVA, G.; RAICHEV, R. Vaginal sarcoma in children. Khirurgiia, SOfi2 3 no-1:58-60 1955. 1. Xlinika po akusherstvo t ginakologiia pri ISUL.Z--vezhdashch-. dots. N. Nikolov. Institut po onkoloriia. Direktor: prof. G. Tenchov. (VAGINAL, neoDlasms, sarcoma. in child.) SARCOMA, vagina, in child.) RAICHEV, R.; ANDREEV, VI. Case of giant chondrome of the costal cartilage vith clinical malignant course. Suvrem. mad., Sofia 5 no.6:94-96 1954. 1. Iz ReiAiblikanskiia nailchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut (direktor: prof. G.Tenchov) (CHONMOMk' costal cartilage, giant) (RIBS, neoplasms. chondroma, giant) RAICHEV, R.; SLAVCnV, N. Problem of mola destruens. Xhirargiia, Sofia 7 no.7:407-413 1954. 1. 1 Gr&dskii rodilen dom Tina liecova, Sofila. Glaven lekar: prof. G.Boiadshiev. (HMATIFORK MOIX.) RAICHEV, R., n. sutrudnik fformonotherapy of cancer of the broast. Xhirurgiia, Sofia 7 no-7: 426-430 1954. 1. Republikanski nauchno-izaledovatelski onkologichen institut. Direktor: prof. G. Techov. (BRICAST, neoplasms. ther.. hormones) (HORMONES.therapeutic use. cancer of breast) RAICHEV, R., a. Sutrudnik Biopsy and its possibilities in oncology. Xhirargiia, Sofia 7 no.7:431-438 1954. 1. Republikanski nauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichan Institut. Direktor: prof. G.Tenchov. (NEOPLASMS, diagnosis, biopsy) (BIOPSY, diag. of cancer) RAICHEV. R.; ANMEV, 71. Gingival cancer and its therapy. Stomatologiia, Sofia no.4:?25- 232 1954. 1. Is nauchno-izaledovatelskiia onkologichan institut (Dir. Prof. G.Tenchov) (GINGUA. neoplasms, the r'. ) RAICHEV, R.; BALEVSKI, M. On alveolar cellular (bronchiolar) tumors (on a report of a single case). Suvrem med., Sofia no.1:107-112 161. 1. Ilauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut. (Direktor: prof. V. Mikhailov) (CARCINOMA BRONCHIOLAR case reports) (LUNG NEOPLASMS case reports) RAICHEV, R.1, dots, Pathologist's role in the diagnosis of bone tumors. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.2/3:270-273 161. 1. tlauchno-izsledovatealski onkologichen institut. (BONE MID BONES neopl) RAIGREV, R. dots~ Malignant neurinomas of the bone. Khirargiia, Sofia 14 no.4:411-414 161. 1. Ilauchnoizeledovatelski onkologichen institut. Direktor: prof. V. Mikhailov. (BONE AND BONES neopl) (SCHWANNOMA case reports) RAICHEV, R.; ALEXANDROV, Kr. Oestrogenic substanoes contained in the fatty tissue of a mammary gland affected by carcinoma, compared with the morphological changes in its parenchyma. Neoplasm 8 no.3:247-252 161. 1. Oncological Scientific Research Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria. (BREAST NEOPLASMS metab) (ESTROGENS metab) RAICHEV, R,, dots.,; BELINOV, V1. Primary scleroma of the trachea in the differential diagnosis of tumors of the respiratory tract. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no-5~469-470 1613, 1. Ilauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut - Sofiia. Direktor4 dots. N. Anchev, (TRACHEA) (RESPIRATORY DISEASES) (RESPIRATORY TRACT NEOPLASMS) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) (TRACHEAL NEOPLASMS) CHOKANOV, K., dots.; RAICHEV, R., dots, A case of a benign chondroblastoma bone with a rare localiza- tion. Khirurgiia (Sofiia) 16 no.43387-392 163. 1. 1z Katedrata po ortopediia i travmatologiia pri ISUL [Institut za spetsializatsiia i usuvurshenstvuvane na lekarite] i Mauchno-izaledovatelskiia institut po onkologiia. (CHONDROBLASTOMA) (HIP) (BONE NEOPLASMS) BOICHEV, B., prof.;- RAICHEV, JR,,, dots.; KOMITOVSKI, D. On the problem of atypical forms of F44ing's sarcoma. Khirurgiia, Sofia 14 no.7:573-582 161. 1. Vissh meditsinski institut, Sofiia Klinika po ortopediia i travmatologiia. Direktor: prof. B. Doichev. (SARCOMA EWING'S case reports) r I 'I~t / " /I _"~--"&I. BABINOV. L.. i, P.-, DAVIDOVA, Z.,-RAICHNV, R. --"- i'-' Two cases of primary cancer of the extrahapatic bile ducts. Suvrom. med.. Sofia 5 no.6:90-93 1954. 1. Iz Purva gradska obedinana bolnitea (Sofiia) Gl. lekar: L.Radoslavov. (BILE DUCTS, neoplasms.) RAICHIV, R.; AIMREEV, Vl. Irythema nodosum in a patient with cancer of the cervix uteri. Suvrem. mad., So-fla 5 no.4:86-88 1954. 1. Iz Republikanskiia nAil hno-izzledervatelski onkologichan institut (direktor: Prof. G.Tenchov) (CARVIX, UTIRINX, neoplasms, with erythems, uodosum) (ERYTHEMA NODOSUM, complications, cancer of uterine cervix) RAIGHEV, R.v. IITDRAIV,V-1. Malignant tumors of the hard palate. Stomatologiia no 1:27-33 154. 60AL 3:7) 1. 1z Republilcanskiia nauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen instizut. Direk-tor: prof. G.Tenchov. (PAIATE, neoplasms. ) -,,-RAICHEV, R.; TSANEV9 K.; NINOV, Iv. On the problem of thrombosis in cancer. Suvrem med., Sofia no.9: 36-41 160. L. Iz Nauchno-izsledovatelskiia onkologichen institut (Dir. prof. Ves. Mikhailov) (NEOPLASMS pathol.) (THROMBOSIS etiol.) RAICIIEV, R., dots.; ANDREEV, V1. On the problem of trauma and metastatic spreading with report of a case. Khlrurgiia, Sofia 13 no.12:1045-1047 160. 1. Nauchno-izsledovatelski onkologichen institut, Sofia. Direktor: prof. Ves. Mikhai-lov. (MELANOMA etiol) -,.en t If ic F~C-Ze a rc h C, I 13~-i c ir, --- Li Pro'. IN. nd ~:,-,-, -n P] -c Ret-,n:,2h 7! 1., " I "i ~ z 0 f i D-i re c .- -, r- -. Prof 'P, Kvir 1 r, *,,o v -Vl 1L11' Za U t U.~ a a~ ,u ne! i--~ V i~ ov Wi. .~ I . ; - ".I " I , ".: , , ',:~!P, ~~ y . . :,. v711 Y~ ;'I, ; , i , 1~ ~re,-~ , ', ~ , -I , -,, - --,.: - :3 3 ! . . 1 q-,i ~-_- "i .,: 'A", T. At A ", 7, , g , r. - . I.-. ~~. f .- ~ a) " ll~.,- RAICHEV, R.; BOBC11-FV, T.; ATATIASOV~ G.; IORDANOV, G. Gur experience in amnioscopy~-a new method for the early detection of conditions hazardous to the fetus in an intact amniotic sac. Akush. ginek. (Sofiia) 4 no-4:266-270 165. 1. Institutzaspetsiializatsiia i usuvurshenstvuvane ria lekarite, Sofiia, Kateara po akusherstvo i ginekologiia (rukov.: prof. a N. Nikolov); Baza III gradska obedinena bolnitsa, Sofiia (g1. lekar: dr. M. Kutov). RAICIMV, &i. Skin grafting in surgery of primary and recurrent hernias. Khirurgiia, Sofia 8 no.2:131-138 1955. 1. Obedinena, gradska bolnits-Nll-.hovo. Glaven lekar i zavezh- dashch kbirurgichnogootdelenie: Zh.Raichev. (IMITIA, surgery, skin grafting) (SKIN TRANSPLOLMON, in various diseases, hernia) M14WHIVI, M.; DIULGIROV, I.; DZ!iX[IWV, L.; RAICIMV, Zh. Courvisar's syndrome. nirurgiia, Sofia 10 no.4:36 62 1957. (TSTRAIOGY OF FALLOT, compl. arcus nortae dexter, case report (Bul)) (AOIRTA, abnorm. dextroposition nf rkortic arch with tetralogy of Y'allot, case report (Bul)) RAICIMV, Zh. nilmonAry reaection. hlirurgiia, Sofia 11 lio.5-6:523-525 1958. 1. 1z Khirurgichnoto otdelenle na Okruzhnata bolnitea--Burgas. (PN3UMO' Irs GTOMY, (Bul)) R&ICHEV,Zh. Surgical diseases of the liver and intrahepatic bile dcLcts according to oaterial of the surgical -ward of the Okurzhnata bolaitsa of the city of Burgas during the period of lq52- August,1959. Khiru-rgiia,Sofia 13 no.2-3:182-185 160. 1. Iz khirurgichnoto otdelenie pri Okruzhnata bolnitsa, 13urgas. (LIVER dis.) (HEPATIC DUCT dis.) " - " i- - -- - - -1 -., - I .-- -t-,t . 7~.' ~, :~ - -. : ~;, --- RAIGHF.V,Zh. Two cases of ppolapse of the rectum with incontinence corrected by means of fascio-mascular repa:ir. Khirurgiia,Sofia 13 no.2-3: 298-299 160. 1. Iz khirurgichnoto otdelenie pri Okruzhnata bolnites. - Burgas. (REGTUM dis.) RAICHEVY Zh. Surgical treatment of a case of broncholithiasis. Ehir-irgiia, Sofia 14 no.2/3:344-346 161. 1. Khirurgichno otdelenie na Okruzhnata bolnitsa, Burgas. (BRONCHI dis) RAIGIIEVA,L.; DIMITHOV,N. On cardiovascular changes in allergic shock, with report of 2 cases. Suvrem. med.,Sofiall no.2-3:163-181 160. 1. Iz Katedrata po Bolnichna Teraplia pri VMI - Sofiia, Rukov. na Katedrata : prof. Al. Pukhlev. (AIJAMY compl. ) (CORONARY DISM~SE etiol.) (MYOCARDITIS btiol. ) RAIGHEVA, L.; MAIAMOV, IC. ~ntr~-arterial navocaine in the treatment of hypertension. Suvrem. med., Sofia 9 no.8:58-61 1958. 1. Iz Klinikata oo bolnichnn teraT)iia ori VMI - Sofiia (Zav. katedrata: prof. A. I. Pukhlev) (HvMTETISIOTT, ther. procaine, intra-arterial admin. (Bul)) (PROCAINN, ther. use, ky-nertension. intra-arterinl admin. (Bul)) U,IC117VA., L. PLUCHEVA, L. Silicic bacteria. p. 22. Vol. 1-1, nO. 12, Dec. 1956 KOOPERATIVNo ZE14EDELIE. Sofiia, Bulgaria SOURC71: East European Accessions Mist MAT) Vol. 6 No. 4 April 1957 MALA'40V, E.; RAICHFIV A case of secondary tunor of the heart simulating myocardial Infarction. Suvrem. med., Sofia 7 no.9;86-90 1956. 1. Iz Katedrata po bolnichna terapiia pri WII - SoMa (Zav. katedrata: prof. A. L. Pukhlev). (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT, differ. diag. tumor of heart) (HEART, neoplasms metastatic, differ. diag. from myocardial infarct.) ., :: :,,- ~,, - !;- -11'."''t. o , VAN C11*1111 THIN JWnn), Chih-t'imy 11FAW. L., starnhi nauchen sutrudnik ,ji PAIC I Effect of nodular bacteria rin the content of frt.,e amir;o acids and the photosynthesis intensity in vetch. Izv. Inst "Nikola Fushkarov" 7:89-100 163. 4e- -~ 7- ': If:,-,, -, ~', ~ 'I , -. -, I; : ~- -tt; " ~,. ~ , - RAICIIIEVA, 1, Distrlibu~io, and virulence of vatch nodule bacl-ria in Bulgaria. .1 i lzv -:nst "I.-Aola. Fu5hkarov" 4:167-185 16-9.