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Card Card Of p- anc, 0- f-) r rnlnophln- ll J-,. 1j. K. R, a j J. SUEMITTED: AUTHORS: Rafikov, S. R., Sorokina, R. A. 88724 311901611005100110031020 B119/B216 TITLE: Chemical changes in polymers. IV. ThermoaxLdativs changes of' Polyamides PERIODICAL: Vysokomclekulyarnyye soyediaeniya, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, 21-29 TEXT: The authcrs point out the extremely small number Gf publicaticns on the influence of oxygen on rolyamides. The present work was undertaken with a view to eluridating the polymer changes produced b- the action of oxygen all etevated temreratures. The following sucsrances -sere used for the experiments: Anid (polyhexamethylenp adipamide), granulated and in fibrcus form; rr-- ~polycaproamide) in the form of granulate, fibera and films (type fik--4 (PK-4)); granulated and fibrous (polyeran-~hamide) and Anid r-6r)g (G.-669), a vcpolymer maue -rom ca-pro- lac,tam ard thp hexamethylene-diamine salts of adipi.c acid (salt AP (LG)) rf experim,nts 1. The ind a,.,~Iaic as~d. Two series - were performed: abo,.--Tenticnl~d polyamides (fi'-_er3 an6 films) were plac--~,i in a weak air Card 1/3 88724 3/190/61/003/001/003/'020 Chemical. changes in prlymers... B!19/B210'- stream tind mair.tained at elevated tempera~,-res belnei ftL--- polrt ef the polymer for 8 hr. 2. Dried air or nitrogeA, respectively. was bIcwn thrcugh the polymer melt at vario,,s temperat-ares. The first test series 0 showed "hat the -,,hanges of the phy-sicachemical polymer properties increase with --zoreased testing temperature: the -pe-~iflic vis!,,7.s,-*ty of the so]--tlors drops, ths Huggins ccnstant incrat-,ases. These changei are insigrilfl-c-ant at T:Pmperat.~res below 1400C. At temperaturps above 200~~'C, infusible, but swell-able products are formeJ (branched, or rather three-dimensionally cross-linked mole,,ules with reduced mnc;hanioal propert.;'e5). At yet higher temperatures, the substan~,-e~; decomp-:,se (spldtl~,--Ing cff :,f vc1at]-le compound,5, blacke.-ting of the polyamide which loses its ability to swell ir, cresol, increase of oxygen content and decrease of zarbon- and hydrogen content of the substance). The chemical structure (in cantrast tr; the degree of molecular orientation) of the polyamide has practically no irfluence on the type and extent of c~angp during thermooxI;&tI,.--.-, ir the solid state. The second teat Seri -S showed that passing N2 through the polyamide melt causes no chan6e in t~7e 4n:fial prcduct, even at temperatures above 2600C. When air is passed Card 2/3 88724 S/I 90/611/00311001//003/,1,20 Chemical -,hanges in polymers... B11q/'B216 through the melt, black, insoluble and infusible products which have an increased oxygen content'ana are nonswell'abl~ in cresol are formed 1ccally at the points where polyamide comes into contact with 02. The authors assurne "lie f3llowing reactions: pIr imar~ addition of 02 in the fcrm of uer~xidH at corresponding points of the polyamide chain, which initiates a radical chain reaction. High temperature, however, lead to decompGsition of the initial 3UbStarce, of type and extent deper-ding on its oh-,mical structure (he,terolysis, slubstitutior.) . Hexamethylene-diamine ~!ontain!-,g polyamidp~; split cff pyrrcAl, amcr,g othex substances. Me nt i on is made c'L a vv,.,rk "he fir~-t-ment i-ored au'Thcr quarried out in ~.,ollaboration with B. A. There ari I figure, 2 tables, and 15 refere-tces- 9 Sc,,-i et -bI c.1-1 and ~~j non-S,-viet--~--c:~. SS 0,, rAT TO N: D.stitut c-.-Iemgrt,~orgar,-L,,.!haz;k4kh -jcyeJinr--'nf AN SSSR Y t'Insti-,.-te of Elemer.tal Organic Compounds of the AS USSR) I 3UBMITTED: Mij 19, 1960 Card 88728 M7 S/190/61/003/001/008/020 B119/B216 AUTHORS: Rafikov, S. R., Syuy Tozi-pin TITLE: Chemical transformations of polymers. V. Photochemical transformations of polycaproamide in 7acuo under the influence of ultraviolet light PE:'RIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, 56-65 TEXT: The authors draw attention to the known fact that polyamide fibers and films ra7)idly lose their valuable properties under the combined influence oil air, moisture and light. The Dresent work was undertaken for the nurnose of studyin.- the effect of UV light unde--- conditions excluding all other possibly active factors. 0.06 to 0.08 mm thick unidirectionally oriented Ca-irone fil:ns (type 11 K-4 (PY-4)) of molecular wdig t under vacuum (io-5 - 109 approxi-mately 1`~ OOJ were irradiated mm Hg) in a quartz -z:olybd enum vessel by means of a rercury-quartz lamp (type nPV-2 MI-.e `41=.~ :,ere %-irapped immediately round the cylindrical lamp nlaced in the center of the irradiation vessel. Irradiation 88728 S/190/61/003/001/008/020 Chemical transformations of polymers... B119/B216 time: 2 - 140 hr; temperature: 30�20C. After irradiation, the films were examined by the following methods: Gas-chromatographic analysis of the volatile decomDosition Droducts in the XT-2111(KhT-214) chromatograph over MCr-j(MSM) silica gel; viscosity measurement of the Caprone in cresol solution, and from this, calculation of the molecular weight; end-group determ.ination by conductometric titration with 11C1 and KOH, respectively; determination of solubility and ability to swell in cresol; by taking thermomechanical and strain curves (Polyani instrument); and, in some cases, by recordin- the UV-, IR and epr (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectra. These investigations showed that UV irradiation of Caprone films leads both to synthetic and destructive processes in the molecule. Irradiation with. light of the near ultraviolet promotes particularly the latter processes. Decomposition occurs by homolytic photolysi3 of amide bonds with subsequent cleavage of CO and secondary transformations of the radicals Droduced. During this process, C-C bonds of the initial molecule are freauently ruptured with formation of lower hydrocarbons (C2 - C4)' The occurrence of synthetic and cross-linking reactions (similarly as in cross-linking of polyethylene under the influence of radiative irradiation) Card 2/13 88728 S/190/61/003/001/008/020 Chemical transformations of polymers ... B119/B216 is mainly due to the cleavage of H atoms and recombination of the macro- radicals. In the absence of oxygen, UV irradiation, even in high doses, reduces the mechanical strength of Caprone by less than 30%. The material does not turn brittle. The author thanks V. V. Voyevodskiy and I. V. Obreimov for their cooDeration in the spectroscopic studies (the former placed a magnetic radiosnectrometer type 3nP-2 (epr-2) developed at the laboratory of the IKhF !-". S3'SR (Inctitute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) at the authors' disposal. This apparatus enables epr spectra to be taken during sample irradiation with a UV high-pressure burner of the type CBAW-250 (SVDSh-250). -in electromagnetic stabilizer of the type CH9 -220-0.5 (SJE-220-0-5) vas used in the studies. There are 7 figures, 4 tables, and 21 references: Soviet-bloc and 11 non-Soviet-bloc. .~SSOCIATIOIJ: Tnstitut eiementoor~anicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR 6 U 0 (Tnotitut.,e of Elemental Organic Compounds, AS USSR) SUBI"ITTED: 30, 1960 Uard 3/3 Ib 120~ 22562 s/190/61/003,/005/005/014 B1011/B218 AUTHORS: Rafikov, S. R., Zhubanov, B. A., Khasanova, R. N., Guffiargariye-Va-, K. Z., Sagintayeva, K. D. TITLE: Studies in the field of polymer synthesis. I. Synthesis of polyamides on the basis of xylylene diamines PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 5, 1961, 0699-705 TEXT: Proceeding from the fact that heat-resistant polyamides suitable for fiber and glass production are formed by symmetric, aliphatic-aromatic di- amines, a study has been made of the reactions of m-xylylene diamine (A) and n-xylylene diamine (B) with adipic acid (1), azelaic acid (2), sebacic acid (3), o-phthalic acid (4), isophthalic acid (5), and terephthalic acid (6). The synthesis of esters of A with 1, 2, 4, and 5, and of B with 1 and 3 was performed by mixing diamine solutions and acid in 95~o alcohol. B was synthesized with 2, 4, and 5 at the boiling temperature of the alcoholic solution. The resulting ester was filtered off. The precipitate was form- ed not before 24 hr. Since terephthalic acid is hardly soluble in organic solvents, synthesis A + 6 was effected b., addition of the acid to the Card 1/ 7 Studies in ... 22562 S/1~ 61/003/005/005/014 B1 c)1 Y321 8 aqu eous diamine solution and by subsequent boiling. Alcohol + benzene (1 : 1) -were used as solvent for the synthesis of A + 3 because the ester did not precipitate from 95% alcohol. Table I contains the yields ard melting points of the esters synthesized. Polymerization occurred either in the melt or in a cresol solution. The ester B + 6 could not be polymer- ized this way on account of its insolubility in cresol and its high melting point. In this case, the polyamide was obtained from an equimolar mixture of dimethyl terephthalate and p-xylylene diamide. Tables 2 and 3 list data and properties of the polymers. Polycondensation of xylylene diamines with o-phthalic acid failed- 501~. of a substance melting at 237-237-50C was iso- lated. It was identified as diphthalyl xylylene diamine.. The authors assume a rupture of the reaction chain by formation of a cyclic imide, owing to the neighboring position of the carboxyl groups. The intrinsic viscosity of polyamides indicates that their molecular weieht varies between 10,000 and 20,000. The authors thank D. V. Sol:ollskiy and B. V. Suvorov for the diamine put at their disposal. B. A. Poray-Koshits is mentioned. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 13 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 7 non- Soviet-bloc. The 3 moot important references to English-language publica- tions read as follows: 0. B. Edgar, E. Ellery, J. Chem. Soc., 1,052, 2633; Card 2/7 S/i J. Foiy-~er Sc-* I r! c 'tl,-n nd,. -. s a, n 7,1-n--. rv"r e m :L, 1232, 1 q~7 C:' - 1 t i t L i t i i m -' c ~ o s ~ .: i I - I i n a i i k A ~~T L 7 S S R (Institot,~, of s i c 71 c c 3 S K a Zak 11 r~ a 5 s z 3'~* 172 D 2 1 1 C) RUCAG'ra ) U 111 C0 *C co 111 . , . , 03,0 186-187 L'i'vo ;ice 86,3 15G-t5S a-OTanenafi(D 95,0 205-206 01130~Tunenan ' 76,3 219-220 . .. ...... ;) D Z4. Qjcpc[~Tfl'1eD3fl 40, () .270 - 92,3 232-233 LOTO me Q~,Aac.7a "Ilona 1 ce6a Ittmoll4id 93 0 95:0 200 228 . 9~5 n 203-206 98:0 262-264 87 0 340 KAGARLITS"M 3A.D.; SUVOROV,, D.V., RAFIKOV, S.R. (bddation of organic compounds. Report 116.25: Oxidative amonolysis of some monoalkylbenzenes. Trudy Inst.khim.nauk All' Kazakh.SSR 7:57-67 161. (MIRA 15:8) (Benzene) (Ammonolysis) )R TITLE- 25~--66 H, , 31adyshev, Rafikov, Studies in the field of the activation ultraviolct librh~ G. P. synt,nesis of polymers. 11. of m-etinyl met"lacrylate by 11~:itIOACAL: Vysoko:7olek-ulyarnyye soyedineniya. v. 3, no. 7, TEXT: The pnotopelymerizbt ion by mneans of UV light is made difficult by the fact that the exoosuri- la.~:f-, lon- and special quartz vessels are U needed. T;- aiui of' tl-.e ;)resent study was to utilize the post effect of ylate initiated by U li,-rht and to effec, m e t hy I m e t i ia,-! r, - the polymerization of' seDarated from it.; inltiatin6. distilled at 100-120 min Hj ,-.,as irradiated in a quartz cell by means ~)f a rrPA -I' mercury lla,:!~, (C~jaC4~ty 57~ w). The irradiLLtJOE intensity was found to be, by usinl- uranyt oxalate. The amount of -Fcr t-e frjrma~ ion of peroxid,-s i;as determine] volu- 7 metre I -cal u r o r e , t Ia a L 1, a u r. t ~ D fz-aroxide.; formed %v-~s d-:~~ermnined 7 25266 iodorne-.rically. T'hese operations were perforz:iel in pure argon. e i I s . 1) The con-tum-A'on of' dees nol. differ 1rom t~-,at mez~sured on t~,.Orzla~ oxidal-in'tt, (.If, .,xi-j~tfjcn 1-ate with LIV irradiation is, .7 at 1eaqT nn,~ or,k!r !.A' magnitudi-I, The al sorption of no t -i-her b , ,: The Cul'Ves of oxygen absor~~tion Ilk! J1011111~.: becocitt ""'ith ktimporature. Th~! appitrent activii~icn ener-y was -~liLcu,,ated tc, re 1,") kcal/11[nole. if' 1 3 r Cad ia t od immediately after i.e., if it does not contain any traces of pj~nxi,i-os, tl-Le for":-'a- in-r: of peroxile-~ occurs mort? slowly under tne effect o~' Vie quantity of peroxides formpd is directly propor-:icnal to th~~ doze of irradiation. 4) 711he titanium reanjent Jave nt!,~;-ttive reactions v,,-i'.- H oxyal'-yl hydrogen poroxides, and ac,-,,!- e 1- 4 t, 1 .,as 111-O.-ated from oxygen Jr. a peroxi~ies. 1 L~i~n t ,, e d i I a L o:.; e t e r r e e e j Preezin- and evacu-~tian to 2-3 MAM t".e d 4- 1 a t e " f i I I e d i t T:r, anJ t,,.e 1)o1ymeri::---tion eiffec~ed in t',-.e 11,~,L~riiduci'L--- ;-- d a I a were orly obtained if -~-.e was effected -frer i,-radiation, tl-.e nD ccrtac-. air. ,e i n e c of "he ~-olymerizution f S; 1 9J/6 1 /003/007i*010;"C~21 5_66 77_1~322CD -in F14. The o.- ape o cur ve s is sim 1 7. a r j r a' ~c'-,,--riz-.~ion by peroxides. The ''gel effect" U 1- 7- r d . ne *.,.'eve r , on I Y zi i -he r 3, e -ire e s c on T'-, x a r:,2 d by ad d i I i o n. 11 b r,- a n.7 c c,-~ a s c:-. 1 1' () 17 0 mnvacvt~r, '--v t.)a f~lct tic" _.e r-3, e 0' o i: L 0 7) 1 1 lrel' " Z! e ) -11 a u e rradiat4on dcs.~S o ; C r _ e :3 1 7 y c r) n cr: ~ f - t i ~Dn o f _,_'roxidus ine reas c o, IL maci-cradicals react L: 7, cu n d s i -a i r f r a r e s !) e c r a a k er i n e I a b o r a t o r i,,r, mole'kulv~~..rnc.:.. ln~3tituta khimicheskik~-. nau?. Kazj.]~ ('i,a'nnr,,f.rrv -o7 r)-',--i1nr :,rFr-rn..qoo,)v of the Institute of Chemica. 'L' Ka-zakhs',aya --,.v(--d tne existence of sr-cond-try decom~.osi- Sciences , tion, pro~,uc-s cf the -erox_4des. o_-rbonyl, carboxyl, and hydroxy-3 .groups. O,,Ucfl compoan(k arf~ chavactoris~tic. also for the. thermal decom-,,osition of peroxides. T,~e total activation energ./ vao found tQ be 11.2 kcal/ -ole. It, i.-- lcv;or :-,L.-,n on .clymorizz..:tion -.)f in t':ie pre8ence of benzoyl o e or nti:,-v initiatei-Li- From E init e r (I -ho ictivation enercry, L t total init , E' ~~:e a~-.tiv-arion -nergy of t h e a c t i v % c c 2 n (--, r JY f t e i-itiation . incr C.-- r 51- 7, J 2 1 "266 2 u nc rea se. c I-i n~,; 1:--a 1 /mol o'~ . E .-.e a-2tivation enarT breal, -Y of ti-ip ~real.-JnE~ of wr.,.s foun,-'. to be ini. t t'nus t-an the activation energ-j during tnermal cxid-~'icn cf :.2-:, in :-:r-ience of ~)eroxides "'2211 ?ca'-,,/.,nole I r de~Ereeo- (7~f .~-onverz;-Jon :L' a break Cf the kinetic curveswas observed., which i.-I due to the acreleration of the polymerization at tile in-erface 'rono-ler-mercury. T~.,:~ -;?3u! ?-F show 'hat "ne UV irradiation of can be usad for the su~3equont cclympriz-41-ion at low tempe-ratures, rqnkr i o mentioned. 'Niare arp S f rU,leS and 8 re,'ererces: 7.Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. Aj,;GC'LmTIUN . Instirut elenentoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AT, SOSEt (Inst-;tufa of Elemental- organic Compounds, AS US-;,R~ Institut '~-Nimii AN KazISSR (Tnq'rihlhR nf F a z a K i.. q'f-. a v. i)' SU7-,'..ITTED., SeLte:-,ber -7, j-,'() Card 4/n UTI!ORS: B-Ol/B230 TDet:ir- B, L Medved', T. Ya Ch'k'.shev, Yu G_ Poli- kcrp:IV, T"; Rafl~ov' S R xLbacnp'-"-' M 1, iia! i a t cf, 1-ulymer LZ lit I On of ter t bury mor,L'iin. 'lpho3pY,-. r, ox i - L the er to :h- i t,~-.- rk-por t s 'he Or: !.i~5 L)" t'r- -.Uri i Y,, kLr Duk: AN 335,71 ~4-. 1960i m r. T i.abixix-' T I" e t k Dc k. -)SS:i. ~r' . t.'o 96c) t' tu I I,: e t(, ti,k- h the. r. a. Li, to s t ub: 1 1. ty r 1 1) C Mk~ I : 3 1-- t. MQ G 'Zq'- Z by L. V p '. y i ng VI i tL, f t io~ : ad a. pr yrr pr x z c r. b ri z r a bu ty r i c fa 1 , ed !v '- r .1 a 3 f; e tri . Oxidei of the t r t r y d i at.l. d . Lte ly pl,(,3phmL~ aerp. t, -.'L preoense ,f Ci;:-d 1/5 r; t 1. r r r: I" z 7 e. ( d ~ r r 1; ;r Y,~ r za c n tt on 1. r t t X Z h IL 11 J P PtO WL0' r i ii n ,,I ~:uwm. In f t? ~n . r r ad L t I on a r .1 c. Y...~7 Wit, ;bta;,.t-d hav,.n6 mcni:111-?., w U:; 1 3 114 a , u u m 6 r , E, -00 "', rivi -~r. ~a~ 20 .~f the -acncm,,r rc-r o, Ti,e p-~*,:~-mcr is WE u r ;u v r ',i a i,,-) i r, al b ! r. ,, e n T:,. 11 the I -W,~ s 1,2 f~:~r ;, ti=e of IT hr t "6 A ":a '~3 C t , L % e i na r.6 r--:e:u:ar wt-ic;ht of of ~cavers4on ~a i i~ y :f. mollecu!-~s per ev TkLe p~~lymer is soluble in bvr;-,,:;t h-iated, gnd may b- prec;p,.ta*.ed from alcohol 'by a q-.;antity c' water, Vi*rilfca!~,)r *.,-mperature or the C,~rd 21/5 :15171 T S/190/61/003/007/021/021 Of .... B101/B230 re;;recippitated polymer (11) 49 about 1600C (determined by thermomechanical Z' k: z hod, iief. 3: B. L. Tsellin, V. 1. Gavrilov, N. A. Velikovskaya, V. V. Kochkia, Zavodsk. lab., 22, 352, 1956). It has been proved hereby that t~e radi2ti-)n t,3-_ymmerizzation Is an efficient method to obtain polymers on the basis of oxides of monovinylphoophines. Mechanism of the process 1 4. s being atudied all present. [Abstracter's notat Complete tran Blatior, ,:here ar6 3 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Sovist-bloc. The ref- erence to English-lane-su2ge publication reads as follows: Ref. 21 X, D. Berlin, G. B. Butler, J. 0r6. Chen 3_~, 2oo6, ig6ol x. D. Berlin, G. B. Butler, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 82, 2i,12, 1960 SUBMITTED: February 23, 1961 Card 3/3 r,LALY--!i'-,,-V, G.F., RAFIKOV, S.R. Synt-~~esis of polyrers. Part 3; Photooxidative activation of methyl methacr-ylatp in tYe visible region of the spectrum. ',ySOI:Dr-.Soed. no.~~-n87 -ilge Ag 161. (YJRA 14:9) 3. Ins-,itut khimicheskikh nauk A-4 KazSSR i Institut elementoorgani- chezskikY~ soyedineniy A~; SSSR. (Methacrylic acid) (Padiation) 20324 -1 'D, Ll S/02 61 / 13 7/G 0 1 /0 1610 2 1 22oci 1 11155 B101YB204 ,,UTHORS: Gladyshev, G. P. and Rafikov, S. R. TITLE: Initiation of polymerization by means of electric charges formed on the interface PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 1, 1961, 1171-115 TEXT: After giving a survey of published data concerning interface polymerization, the authors presume that here the potential drop of the interface might play an important part, which causes an orientation of the molecules. Proceeding from the Arrhenius equation for the reaction rate V: V = A 1 exp(-E,/RT) (1), the following is written down for the reac- tion on the interface: V = A2 exp(-F,2/RT) (2), where A 2 > Al; E Ec~ = n23060(y - Tdy/dT). The potential drop thus may 2 ~ '1 - increase the factor A, and decrease the activation energy. This assump- tion was checked by initiation of various polymerization processes on the interface at normal temperature and absence of the usual initiators and Card 1/4 20324 Initiation of polymerization... S/020/61/1 37/100 1 /C 16,1'021 B101/B204 catalysts, and the results were compared with control tests (polymeriza- tion in a homogeneous system with benzoyl peroxide). The following ex- periments are described: A 1 - 2 cm thick layer of acrylonitrile(AN) on glycerin, containing 1 - 2go water, after 10 to 12 hr, gave noticeable flakes of polymer at 20-22 C, whose molecular weight was found viscosi- metrically to be equal to 100,000 - 200,000. The air oxygen inhibiting the radical polymerization of AN produced no effect upon this process. On the interface AN - H 0, a noticeable polymerization rate was observed only in CO2 atmosphere. Aethylmethacrylate (MIA) formed a polymer film on the interface with water or mercury after 30-40 hr. On the interface 1XMA - paraffin or 1ALIA - glycerin, polymerization occurred after 4-5 hr. This reaction is accelerated in a CO2 atmosphere. As the admixture of scme substances increases the potential drop on the interface, the effect of 0.01% CH3COOH, CH2ClCOOH, and HC1 was tested. In the system AN - glycerin (with 1~'. H20), this addition at 200C led to a polymerization of from 25-30~c' after 15-20 hr. In AN - H20 (1:1) the additional acid in nitrogen Card 2/4 20324 nitiation of polymerization... 020/61/137/001 1016/021 S/ B W I IB2C4 atmosphere after 100 hr gave 1.5~ polymer with a molecular weight of 6,000,000. In the system AN - glycerin - acid, the polymerization rate was accelerated by water. Experiments, to electrify INA by shaking (4"-'0-600 vibrations per minute), in the absence of all initiators led to an increase of viscosity and the forming of 5 - 10';Jo polymer after 3 hr. The authors thus find their assumption concerning the effect of the potential drop on the interface to be confirmed, They assume that in this way also other non-saturated compounds may be polymerized. LlthouEh the data hitherto available permit no conclusion to be drawn as to the mechan- 4sm of the reaction, a radical mechanism is assumed to exist because of UL, reaction being inhibited by inhibitors. Mention is made of A. D. Alkin, V. A. Kargin, V. A. Kabanov, 11. A. Plate, S. S. Medvedev, and N. N. 'S'emenov. There are 14 references: 13 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCI-'TION: Institut khimiche3kikh nauk Akademii nauk KazSSR (Institute of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences Kazakhskaya SSR) PRESENITED- October 11j, 1060, by N. 11. Semenov, Academician 1, 'lard 3/4 20324 initiation of polyrr.,erization ... 5/020/61/137/'01/016/021 Bl 011'B204 I ,iU, Bal I TT-,-,'D: October 15, 1960 Card 4/4 MATJA-'.C.,IVS'vkIA, L~ G". 2(oUT'I", A, V,; SUIIMVJI B. V'; IFUTIOV, S. Conf.inuouj3 method of production of temphthalic acid b.'f the liquid ph.-.-se oxidntion of M-Xylene. Ilefte.chimia 2 no.4:531-5'~5 JI.-Ag '62~ (MITu ic~~10) I., gosudarswem3r)r se12skojrjozyaystvennyy institut T-f~~ ~ -.ut khin-Licheskil-h naul, All KazSSR, Alma.-Ata. (Terephthalic acid) (Xylene) 3), e?9 z;O '62 C,,13 14"' T; J i U -3 of 00~ d c o n t h e b as 1 o Y', n S x am, e t na d i a,-- i n s an a a a c ac: d sc--edi --. c-n 7 e- i CL E, S C:i ri ~t" u t s tu iud T..~ xe~ U X L T n S d i a;;-, _4 n e s a, Li/o h, tax a:T. Li Li::. n us '2he ther.-nal r"s- st' o~ ~~d t, -f C i TT ~~.I:-,ic a -,o' 1 m d t o 6 1 n c i - es L, d b tht~ inz rD due ion 0 f a rc,--.-~ tc .M4 ~jC C;~a_* r C f 1I f c z- n z a a I ioh,_-Ilc 730:ya t ru, c f i-i f 0 rt4 0 f U iu I f u I r, ~_ s sin Lric chant o f the,.,,~fii studied. T. -D o i y c on d er, s, to r. o f c o r.~-e s po rd-; n: - d i am i ri,~: s als:n i x L- d 's i I . 1.) E'O: 20, 01-: r, t~ OS 0 Z aM4 nes :;,:~re: 7, '-,o- acueous-alcoholic ,n e me t-' ;-..- -_,)i-,tF of' salts obtai ned tj o 44 2'~ 3 C, 2o c cn:; n --at n ao c ur 071, n strea.-. :~.t _ra~ e t in -,oi nt. T- 1 d t I n fr, - or r a t u s h y 3 s e t I i n e t 1 Z v o . . t n t r ne d ac c o rd i r. t 0 -~101,-;, %,-S CoSjt4__:S i n cre sc; I or hi Ch, y conc en L:- Z'u %i So 7 1 4 l ' ' Z--- - mixed :I! Po ya- des iirr= t- horn 4nsc';,u':)Ie 4n the usual -o,v~nts. Tr&ir me7ts ,-Je7 c n cold ;c' . t i n,7 -,3-4nts c ,:,n nuo n t C) f 7. 1 u s v 0 0 c, ~s 7n he c-- I I n re,:f C:-.. 4 nC j :i _~n in 3 o i rI t C o m c F, t I* c n C T + TT 6~~ n. 'd 4 du;- o a a r - - a:: cu n .3 f a.-. o r C u S r ~r.,4 e:_en, on 5 4 - 4 - - -- CC: _.,on of 7. 3' ixed i s; a r,-, -z Ob .1~z _o: ~:reat di~fere.-ce in linear ona 4 4 ' , 4 f e 3 , _ ax- a- d s rb c a a f L o ca : _-, f 744 ~3 C 0 3i ty A"2 C) rm L I C D.': % LT c an :-T ra 0 Ll 0 '~' , " 64 - ", .'-' -. u nd CH CiCOCII.I. ar e 2 s0vieL -2" 3 non-Soviet. _e pub Ii cat 4 or ;s j Flory, J_ 0 11 o'.'; 3 .."0. Chum. soc., 1-2, C) C I I C 1 tut chc sk i k h r F_uk ~~n_Stitz':te of C h em. -.' c al S~c; ences 'S Kazakhskaya SSE) S U _6:-I I E. D 2, S/081/62/000/005/090/112 B166/B101 AUTHORSt Gutsalyuk, V. G., Samsonova, N. S. Rafikov, S. R. TITLEi Eff2ct of certain factors on the physicomeahanical properties of polyvinyl chloride plastics PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 5, 1962, 607, abstract 5P30 (Izv. AN KazSSR. Ser. khim., no. 2(18), 1960, 100-107) TEM In order to improve the corrosion-resisting plastics coatings of underground pipelines a study has been made of the effect of the main external factors (contact with petroleum and petroleum products, contact with mineralized water, the effect of ultraviolet irradiation) oil the physicochemical properties of polyvinyl chloride plastics (PVC plastics). It is shown that prolonged contact (up to 20 months) between PVC plastics and petroleum and gasoline increases the tensile strength of the plastic but lowers its elasticity as a result of elution of the plasticizers; analogous changes occur under the effect of ultraviolet light and heat, In addition to whicht for PVC plastics based on dibutyl phthalate the percent elongation decreases more sharply, which is due to its high Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/005/098/112 Effect of certain factors on the ... B166/B101 volatility; the partial elution of plasticizers which occurs when PVC plastics come in contact with ground water does not lead to deterioration in the insulating propertios of the plastios. [Abstracterla notet Complete translation.1 Card 2/2 6/ I')O/6._'/UO4/006 /C 11102 6 j" 1 10/ !ji 151) p lit, cil, VI. ff,~Ct of ultra- ic, -t ra(~ i*:j t ion Oil pc Iya"ili(;C-3 in t ht.-, ol and 7 scyeci 1o . 1 b 2, 8 c; 9 if'o V,-iDc)r) The ~!,C;2ct or' ul t I-A v i k.) I i-- t r.a I! i a - tior, -.~ns Lst~d on a trann:~-rent fil;.-i '-)C 40/0 of f'-6-9 fG-669) poly- o- ~Oiich :.cjlycoricicrist~d from ca. ac _u-,i, arid' L; r0 I, t - .1e Salts L, (AG) and zc, ) at a ratio of 2:1:1. The -2 (Plti:-2) quartz lamp was U3ed. with and without pyrex glas.9 filt;jr (0") and H 0 vapor 3tmosphf~-re). C 2 2 c f h If the C;, partial pre.-.-Lire 111 111' V.'%S U30d for collec'ir- tile -,,asecius . a 6 . i;roducts of the :ihoto-oxidation. %fter irradiation at 30 and 70r,~,' the decoimpo3ition :~rcducts riere chromato-raphically analyzed with the X7-21'-'~, apparatus. Aftt~r 100 hr irradiation, 1,ri.! increased from 0.'84 .ard 1/5 Ch c,,m i,,:~A it rLi n:3 Co r:vi t i r, ns r, f. 156 to C."OJI. Since GO 3 (,-pa- ra t i I) ri w, ---A q me rt~, intens f ve at 700C thrAn the H2 - U-.L~ r~_,t ir'n , ~re it'Cr,: a z;" 0.1 (IS e 3 rupt ure of I. he poly-amide in. Aft er 1-0 1, r it i0 n ~, t 700C , photo-oxid,i t ion uf:,?3 to dec rease 1 to u . 270 . The moleclilar rose f rom I 01CC. to 21 A. yi-,:m~_trically branched molecul 4nce s es were formed o,.,;izi,3 to tht- si,-,,ultanuous processes of destruction and structure forimation. This is indicated by the abrupt fall in percent-1,ge, elongation and total inability to cryst-Illize durim- extei.sion. C-separ-ation durim, photo-oxidation i:; t~~n timus hi~~hcr than photoljsis, -uhich indicates the appearance of carbcnyi-containin-7 com-pouriLs in the molecule. The COOH content remain-, co.,l--t -.-,t uL~rin, for 100 hr at 300C, at 700C it increases b 'H ,y 2C),,j ov;in~ to -,-lrtial oyid-'. tion oC the c-iArbon"l jjroups formed. The It 2 con-cnt ises rapialy a-ft&-.r 20 hr at 5010C an(i then drops continuo-usly, S 1 .1 1 C t2 L iIN" I'roups are 'randed v- ith CHO ones . Photo-oxidation is 2 P r 0b ab 1 Y ra 2/5 S/ l -9c/62/004/006/01 1/026 t c n3 C.I., chemical r'rur' If, if - (;Ilz 0 c1l, % --i-Al-CO -Nil 011 C0 N I! --- (Af C112 10 CHI, c ciI2 C11,00. C['2 - C1120011 (7,113 CHO It T. 'I. ll'+ If - 112~ W+ Off - 1110 Card ~/j,)0/6-/QG4/C)06,,'C. 111020' 1 '. ra ns f,~ ions of B1 10/B138 rc,"._ al'so ~t C C 0.1, L: r.:: .7 0 CO-Nii C 1 th full, 2 s c t ru:-.. .42raciation ~it 500C, phof.olyLic proces~;e:3 are aloo i!zoort3nt. viscosity- first cucreajuu sli,-htly ana Lhen increase-, rapidly. After 2 hr "121 4, fu hr cross _ i -;. f . and after nk. 1 n -is more intenF:ive . n,-- , ho r o ly s i s i n v a c u um, .~_Ph e-ate ot' str-uct,,tre forn-r--tion rises L ~.a C 4 are aCCU;4U'Irt~_O, b.Y th(! chain. i.Iccordin6ly, the molecular decre:~je~; from 15,00C to 12,100 7ifter 50 irlliz,. irz-adiation. A s w i t h I C) t 0 1 S , r 1~rav;o, eL scectra sho-,-,ed an ab-orption band at 2870 corr=sponuinj- La heterocyclic pyrrole rompounds and the turn eilo-,~ish-brrj~.n. Durin- irradiation in tne presence of 0 and _H 0 vapor, Y 9 - c,r,k,- one t hiW C6 j~ s e pa ra- t t- d a n c, a, 1 -_~s s o 1 uo I e ~- e I i :3 1, o r.-.1(- d .Tile proi!t-rt_;-_s -were not -as ~-ood as with vacu-um irradi--lion, but better than *.,.it~i irradiation )hLtl C- fh~_ inhibiting efl-ecL of H-0 va:)or M1 - yop- Gue to -6he reaction of J.O with 12,e radicals ... CII 2- NE ... and ... CH 2- CO . . .developing by hjc.~olysio oil the aarmide bonds. To test this Card -`t/ !5 S/19V-/62/OC4/0G6/Gll/G26 irradiatiun carrif-d out in If20 vapor (12 -,,,1 H", 50OC; 234 ;ma H.Fs 700C), "h(" U G 6,; UN C Yilt' pl'o(luct!; *,~;el,t-, ~ls ijut in oiiialler (;w.-nLities. In the of If 20 t i cham,c, inLo methylol derivativi;3 v.-hich decampost! linto amide anc! aldeh de. These zinu -'roups and distort their analysi:5. There arf- ~ -ig ure A S 5 C, C 1AT I,)!,; elementoorganicheskilch soyedineniy AN 33SR (Institute of Llemental-oi.,.;~anlc Compounds AS USSR) 3 U B 4-"' IT T -;, DApril 26, 1961 Card 7-)/ ~-) 2/85o/62/008/000/0031/004 Blig/.-Pici U T ". C R, SSuvorov, B. V., Hafikov, S.R., Kagarlitskiy, L. D., Sabirova, A.. "'ITLE: Oxidation of oreanic compounds. Communication XKXIII. Gxidizin.- aazonolysis of p- and rn-xylene mixtures SCU2c": Akazemiya nauk Xazakhsicoy SSR. Institut khimicheskikh nauk. Trudy. v. 8. Alma-Ata, 1962. Kataliticheskiy sintez monomerov. 109-114 ' T--Y'-': Tne synth---sis of terepththalic dinitrile (I) and isophtralic dinitrile (II) was investij~:ated by reaction of mixtures of p- and molar ratios in amounts of 40-70 with 120-175 of .n-xylena of var 4 OU3 of 111,0, and 200-4800 liters of air per hour and per liter oi, catalyst, witn c8ntact tillds of C.2 - 0.5 sec, at 350-1100C. '~,.olten lead vanadate served as catalyst. The contents of I and H in the reaction -oroduct were determtined by polarography. Results: The yields of A' and II were only slijhtly affected by a chan.-e in "he contact time ~_rd in the rate of adding the reaction mixture. 'Uhen !he reaction bard 1/2 S /6 5 2 "3 0 1/0 4 ,oxidation of or,,~anic co:;Dounds ... BI 1573101 te;.-.p&ratura is raised th, yi,31-a of 1 -t- II reaches a -maximum 46c and 3900C, %-;hiLc~ t~.,~ yield of aseous substances incrcaa&-c steadily. T?.a formation of I and 1-7 depends esz;entially on tha molar ratio of tee xylene isomners used; lunder omhe!r,.-.ise equal raictior. conditions, -.he y4elC:S Of T -.;ere 79, "X, and --52r~., wl'-.ilst t.-.-:)se of 11 xere J ~-35 1 and over 6&1- res-pectively, ~-t t.-.e ratios m-xylere : p-xylene 4:1, 1:1, and lig (r~f(-.rring to the -cheore-Lical maximum yield). There are 5 fi,-ures. Cb.rd 2/2 S/19 62/004/009/008/014 B101YB144 T1,11ORS: Gladyshev, G. P., Rafikov, S. R. IITLI!-,-. investiCation into polymer synthesis. VII. Photooxidative activation of the polyacrylate ester oligomer by the visible spectral re.-ion -!~E'~~ I OD I CA L soyedineniya, V. 4, no. 9, 1962, 1351-1353 T-'-* I(T :The oliGoner of MAJ-2 (IL-LDF-2) poly-(diethylene glycol) phtl~ala te- dimethac-.ylate with the structure H C=C(Cll 3 )-cOOC,12CH20CH2C1120[OC-C,H 4- COOC112CH20CH2CH20]2-OC-C(CF 5 )-C-12; n20 .1.")118 -.-:as irradiated -ith 4358 101 lii~ht in the presence of 0.064~'7 by D Volume of diacetyl. Polymerization was then conducted in a dilatome-~er. Results: (1) Photopolymerization of !,W-2) activated in an inert at;io:3phere is very rapid. The apparent activation energy is 11.4 kcal. (2) 'Uhen air is bubbied through the oli gomer during irradiation peroxide compounds accumulate rhich initiate the polymerization after 02 has been removed. Card 112 S/1 90ji-S-2/J04100910081014. lnveztip~ation into polymer synthesis... B101/B144 (5) At 200C the kinetics of tile polymerization of :,'.-TjF-2 activate(! by irradiation is similar to that of the olieomer activated by benzoyl peroxide. The polymerization rate increases ra;-Adly with tile 2 _ tertiperature at a peroxide concentration of 18.8-10- ' equ/1. At this concentration tile polymerization de~,ree was appr8ximatelY 30P after 250 -in at 200C, 65,; at 300C and 90~.') after -80 aiin at '00 C. (5) dualitative experiments showed that other acrylate polyesters also are activated by irradiation in the presence of diac-tyl. The polymerization of these substances may also be �nitiated by 1 _ 5L",; methyl methacrylate.activated, by photooxidation. Conclusion: the photooxidative activation with visible lijht is suited for the polymerization of polyacrylatD esters at low temperatures. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATIO!"; Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN KazSSi (Institute 6f Chemical Sciences AS KazSSR) J~ U B:. T T'11,: 1) IJ~ay 24, 1961 Card 21121 c S/190/62/004/009/007/014 B101/B144 MiCHS: Raf ik-ov, S. R. , Gladyshev, G. P. I'IL*-:: Study of polymer synthesis. VI. Polymerization of methyl methaerylate activated by photooxidation in the presence of sensitizers i? Lti-JDICAL: Ilysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 9, 1962, 1345-135) TIXT: Th eactivation of met-.,yl methacrylate in the presenctew of d 'acetyl (1) or benzyl (n) by exposure to the li.1-ht of the 4356 *L fig line --p studied, and also 14A in an Hg the polymerization of activated L~ di~atometer. Results; (1) ..I,;A becomes activated by i7rradiat-ion in the presence of I or II in an argon atmosphere. In the prezience of 0.18'i'o of I, the molecular weight was 76 500 and the degree of polymerization 22.6',0' after a 4-hr irradiation at 20 C. In the presence of II, the values obtained under the same conditions were 331,000 and 1-54-i~a', respectively. .(2) Bulk polymerization of 1411"A is possible with I. After irradiation for 18 - 20 hrs, t4e degree of polymerization was 75 The activaticn entrgy was 11.Lj kcal. (3) When oxygen is bubbled through KMA in the Uard 1/2 S/190/612/004/009/007/014 Study of polymer synthesis ... B101/B144 presence of I or II, peroxide compoinds are formed and the polymerization is accelerated. A polymerization of almost 100' ;.-as reached after d`* lirs 0 "2 11 at. ijO C with a peroxide concentration of 5.1.10- g-equ/1. The molecular weil-Ifit of the polymer -,,.as 36-4,C,100 at 05-1-10-2 g-equ/1 and 1,01"0,OGO at 1.3.10-2 a--equ/1. Between 20 and 10 C it was independent of the te4iperature. (4) The linear function vo . f(f-c), where v 0- is the initial polymerization rate, and c is the concentration of peroxide compounds, confirms the radical nature of the reaction. (5) The concentration of free radicals determined by diphenyl picry! hydrazyl .-,as 1016 radicals per gram after 30 min in an argon atmosphere, and 1o15 radicals per ~;ram after 500 - 1000 min. (6) AS the "gel effect" is diminished as co:7:,-,arC-d with that during polymerization in the presence of benzoyl, large bulk polymer products can be got. There are 6 fi6-ures. "S30CIATION: Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN KazSSR (Institute of Chemical Sciences A3 XazSSR) SUBI-~IT',L:,D: May 24, 1IQ61 Card 212 r) 7 S/062/62/000/009/005/009 B119/B186 U 7' 1, Raf i, -a '"trianov K. A., Pavlova,'S..A. )vq: I. I., an~ Pichkhadze, Sh. V. "3 Ji'll'i", of .)oLy.)ril-iin(,)tititnosil()xaneo -in solutions nrui? S-~S.R. 'Izvestiya. Ot'deleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 9, 1~162, f581 - 1584. TEXT: i-oly-bis-(acetyl acetonate)titanophenyl methyl siloxane was produced b, cI)hytIvoIy;,.ing T!ieth:.,l phenyl dichl oros i lane with bi3-(acetyl acptom.,te) acconiint; to the reaction sch em e CH'A C H C6H5j O-C, i 6 '5\,-, + Cl _C:'~CH 411 H I) I ~ Tiko 0 O-bi- O-Ti~~ CF J* + CH 2 1__O=Yx 2 Wridine bH O=C CH ~2 3 3 H3 6 N' FCI. "'nu, rD!Lction )r,.),iuct .,,as obtained by fr-ctiont~l preC_;_jiLa*-4,1-, a solution in rjenzene n-heptane (1:1). The ind.4Avidual frac t -.)ns Card 1/2 3/06 2/6 2/ '~-" C in Blll~~-/B166 .vore -.nil iys,~d inL,~ Lhr-ir eLe!:,ents; their 'iiolecuiar -~veit~-ht and visn-oc-i formamide, benzene, chlorobenzen~, Re~;ul ts : 'Ji~h :.minimum deviations, all the fractions sh.)"'t reLM~iv,-- hoi::om-oneity, ani differ only in molecular viei-ht. Ila), -i-Muin molecuiav L found: 11,200j; deE~ree of polymeri:vition n-of this fr,;4,- 17; charact.eristic %iscosity (depending on the solvent used and th~-- throu,rh the ca-pillar- tube of the viscosimeter): 0.01 There are 6 fiWares and 1 table. 66C I A Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii n-iuk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the -k3a-ier.,~yr of Sciences USSR) 3TTB"""~71ED: February 17, 19062 (I ~Tlrd -2/9 L1420 s/iqo~62/004/010/004/OiO 3144/Bla6 AIUTIIOR,":t HsU Chi-pling, Rafikov, S. R. TITLEs Chemical conversion of polymers. Rate of gas evolution and quantum yield in the photolysis of polycaproamide ?ERTODIC.*.L% 'Iysokom3lekulyarnyyp soyedineniya,. v.,4, no. 10, 1962, 1474-1475 Mris The rate of gas evolution was studied from 0.04 mm F4-4 (PK-4) films exposed in vacuo to light of 2537 R from 6 6V8-15 (BUV-15) lamps symmetrically arranged at a distance of 50 mm round the sample tube; total viattages 90 w. After irradiation the gas volume was measured and the cas was chromatographically analyzed.. then the sample was again exposed and the energy absorption determined actinometrically with uranyl oxalate. The test was repeated with a one-layer film wrapped )from the difference around the tube. The energy absorption was founA between the H2C204 contents ii, the actinometer. 4Whereas H evolution is constant, CO evolution drops sharply at the beginning and becomes almost constant after 20 hrs of irradiation. This phenomenon has been Card 112 S/19 62/004/010/004/010 Ch~,mical conversion of p9lymers. Rate ... B144Y31a6 previou~-,Iy explaine-1. by ~he authors (Vysokomolek~isoyed. 3, 56, 1961-0 -bid. # 1962). Thq,absence of branching from the linear. L A 4, 851, couroe of' ibe 11 and CO evolution curves. The qjupLntum yield equals -j.~ine the initial period, ani 6.1-10-41 lution 4 at a constant evo rate. This is in good agr`eement e,,ith the authon'l data on the exposure of polycaproamide to the total spectrum of nPV -2. 4PRY,-2) lamps (making all-Dwance for the differ&Xxe between the spectra,9f the 2 types of lamp) and with da ta on polyethylene terephthalate by K. 1. Osborn (J. Polymer Sci., ~8, 357, 1959) and on polymethyl methacrylate by It. I. Frolova, A. It. R-,abov (Vysokomolek. soyedot 1, 1953, 1959)~ The'quantum yield obtained by photolysis of polycaproamide is by two orders of magnitude lower than that obtainediby hard radiation. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONs Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute.of Elemental Organic Com6ounds AS USSR) SUB*11ITTEDi May 26, 1961 Card 212 S/10 62/'004/011/003/014 B1 19'YB1 86 'UTHORSi Rafikov, S. R., Chelnokova, G. N,q Sorokina, R. A. TITLE: Chemical reactions of polymers. VIII. Degradation of polyhexamethylone adipamide at high temperatures P-ERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 11, 1962, 1639 - 1646 TEXT: Polyhexamethylene adipamide of molecular weight23,500 was subjected to heat treatments at 3500C (in N 2 current) and at 380 and 4000C (in an autoclave and N2 atmosphere) tor several hours each, and the resulting de- composition products were investigated. *At 3500C, a steric (three- dimensional) crosslinking of the polymer occurs with cleavage of NE . and 3 CO 20 At 3600C and over, a primary hydrolytic cleavage of the amide bonds sets in, followed by a separation of CO 2' cyclopentanone, amines, and KH 3* The presence of CO and low hydrocarbons in the decomposition product points to an additional homolytic cleavage of the -CO-NH- bonds. The Card 1/2 S/190/62/004/011/003/01A Chemical reactions of polymers ... B119/B186 hydrolysis of the polymer is initiated by the presence of minimum amounts of moisture in the dried initial product. It is maintained by the forma- tion of H20 in the self-condensation of cyclopentanone and its condensa- tion with amines and NH 3' The end product of this condensation is an in- soluble and nonfusible polymeric substance. There are 3 figures and 3 tables. The most important Engliah-language references are: B. G. Achhammer, J. Appl. Chem., 1, 301, 1951; J. Research NBS, 46, 389, 1951; S. Straus, L. A. Wall. J. Research NBS, 60, ';39, 1958; 63A,.269, 1959; B. Kamerbeek, G. H. Kroes, W. Gralle, Thermal degradation of some polyamides. Report delivered at the Conference on Heat-resisting Polymers, September 1960, London. ASSOCIAITIO'Ni Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Insti- tute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUB1ii!TTF,Di june 9, 1961 Card 2/2 D423/D307 jo,"ThuRo: T-eUin, B. L., Rafikov, S. R., Plotnikova, L. i. aad P. YI.I. Audiation grafting of poiymeri,~ chains to the ;url'oe J. mineral particles U i i C Trudy Ii Vsesoyuzno,,6 soveshchaniya po r-adiatsixi-noy r .,iii. .6d. b0 L. 6. 2olak. Moscow, lzd--io iN 3.33R, --j6", -500 7 -(T Thi,~ worjr- carried out with a view to forming and ~,rafting pji ,,mer ciiaino to the ourfuce of mineral powders for u3e in e.-I. The uxn:riments were carried out' %%,ith ZnO, NgO and Be() pC,%.i,Aers exposed to the vapor of methyimethacrylate at a tfempera7~ure ,iF 1000C, in thin-walled glass ampoules wrhilst thj entire apparatUc rotated by an electric motcr. The radiation sou.--ce .,;af, a 700 k-., ,L~-,c~ron accelerator. There was no evidence for the foi-nation or I)jlyri,?rs in th.-, control, nonirradiated experiment, but witi-i i rudiation intensity of 1.2 x 1018 ev/cm3.sec and an exposure time r d I /-':) 41,3L, ojoi 000/ 0 ~i-, (I ia t ion ..'r"i f0 i),1 2_5 / iJ3 07 I.-**),, by (I i.;ilt 01i 11,,10 of '60ta I pol- m,:r j -,,i th _;0 . Y'lof -AL; _r;A'_`te(_[ polymer. Results f or Bek) wi th 6 x 10 0!.L._.: ) iiin irrtdiation time yieided of thu Th.,, bet%:een total qu,mtitf of pol L.,I, r~;.dia cion waii ohown to corresdond to ,,, bimolt ~~izi 1 0 1' r It u r (-- o f k i n e t i c c i ua i n,3 d u Q t o I, ~_, C m 1) 1! 1 -1 1 ) 1 ;.;;icrov.-idic_u1s, --Lnd confir;.,ed tlie radi(-,:tl process. Ex,,orimQ.,its carried owt -o,-,~tii ,'ziO did tiot, :,o6it_~v-,! veouits. Thio io expiailled .1,; y of electron semiconduction, uo that the Tj",,-ied is ~Ln acceptor of free electrons u,id it,3 t III in ~.nO. There are 3 figures and 1 1'IN1' In-;titu'u elementoorganicheskikh A.' Institut fizicheskoy khimii 1111N Organic Compounds, A3 U,-3311),; 1jistitutt-, )r _1111,vsical hemistry, AS US-OR) RAFIKOV, S.R.; SEMBAYEV, D.Kh.; SUVOROV, B.V. Oxidation of organic compounds. Part 28: Oxidative arnmonolysis of acrolein. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3:839-841 Yx 162. (~aRA 15:3) 1. Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN Kazakhskoy SSR. (Acrolein) (Acrylonitrile) PROKOF'YEVA, M.V.; RkFIKOV, S.R.; SUVOROV, B.V, Interaction of aromatic acid nitriles with alcohols in the presence of hydrogen chloride. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.4:1318-1323 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN Kazakhskoy SSR. (Nitriles) (Alcohols) 38110 S/02 62/144/002/02-1/028 B101%110 AM-'ORS: Vlasov, A. V., Glazunov, P. Ya., Mikhaylov, N. V.,. Rafikov S. R., Tokareva, L. G.,Tsetlin, B. L., and Shablygin, M. V. Formation of oriented structures in radiation-induced poly- i :,-,erization of vinyl monomers on fibers ?3':,:3D_7CAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 2, 1962, 382 - 383 TEXT: An attempt was made to obtain oriented polymers by polymerizing the' mono,-_er from the gas phase on orlented macromolecules of fibers acting as 11:-:atrices". The ex-jeri..-.ents were made aith a two-chamber apparatus as used lor jrafc poly-merization of vinyl monomers on mineral particles (Cf. B. I. Tsezlin et a!., Tr. 2--o Vsesoyuzn. soveshch. po radiatsionnoy khimii, Izd. SS S - 0 H, 1962). One chamber contained caprone cord fiber heated to 600C, and the other contained completely anhydrous acrylonitrile (4000. Irradi- ation was made with X-rays (dose rate, 3'101 5 ev/cm 3. sec) for 3 - 6 hrs at -5 '10 10 =1 Fg. The weight of the fiber increased*by 15 - 33 %. The -3eroendicular dichroism in the -C'--:N stretching vibrations (2235 cm-1), Card 1/2 S/020/62/144/002/023/02-6 Tor:.-,ation of oriented structures in ... B101/B110 .detected b~,.spectroscopy, proved the orientation of the polymer. Experi- zents -,.,ith acrylonitrile and non-oriented fiber as well as with liquid acrylonitrile and oriented fiber showed no dichroism. The liquid monomer molecules are assumed to prevent orientation. Further experiments with polymers, man-made and natural fibers used as "matrices" are under way. There is 1 figure. I . U ASSOCIATION; Tnstitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR). VsesoYuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy inatitut iskusstvennogo volokna (All-Union' Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Fibers) January 19, 1962, by V. A. Kargin, Academician SUB,-.:_7TT3D: January 12, 1962 U_ I 2/2 RAFIKOV, S.R.- ANDRUNOV, K.A.; PAVLOVA, S.A.; TVERDOKMT. BOVA, I.I. - 1. Folyorganotitanosiloxanes in solutions. Izv..AJI SSSR,Otd.khim.nauk no.9:1581-1584 S 162. OMMA 15:10) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Titanium organic compounds) (Siloxanes) L 11?1:46-65 EWT(M)/EPF(c)/EP-1q/BWP(j)/T Pc-4/Pr-4/ps-4 A,XESSION NR: AR4049275 S/0081/6470001015/SO217SO21 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Kh1mlya, Abs. 15SI19 AUT110a.- Zhubanov, B.A., Rafikov, S.R., Gumargallyeva, K.Z., Pavlitenko, L.V. TITLE: Research in the field of polymer synthesis Article 10. Mixed polyamides- based on m-xylylene diamine, lsophthalic and terephthalic acid CITED SOURCE: Izv. AN KazSSR. Ser. khim., vy*p. 2(22), 1912, 88-91 TOPIC TAGS: polymer synthesis, polyamide synthesis, mixed polyamide, xylylene diamine, isophthalic acid, terephthalic acid, polyamide solubility, polyamide mechanical property TRANSLATION: The authors investigated the properties of mixed polyamides based on m-xylylene diamine (1) and a mixture of lsopbtlialic (11) and terephthalic (IM acids, which made. it possible to obtain more heat-resistant and transparent golymeric glassesqhan are possible with homopolymers of I and H. The mixed polyamides were syn sized by heating a mixture of salts of I with 11 or M for 5-6 hours in an argon now, then for 30- 60 minutes at low vacuum to complete the reaction. The mixed polyamides were character- Ized in terms of melting temperatures and thermomechanical curves When the Cord 1/2 L 17146-65 kCCESSION NR: AR4049275 concentration of HI in a mixture with 11 is increased to an equimolecular ratio, the mixed polyamides formed were transparent and slightly tinted solid substances. A further increase in the content of III In the reactive mixture resulted in the formation of an opaque and horny polymer. Most mixed polyamideg are insoluble In organic solvents or In concentrated sulfuric acid. Analysis of the thermomechanical curves indicates that the mixed polyarnides obtained have an amorphous structure. See abstract 158111 for Article 9. B. Englin ASSOCIATION: none SUB CODE: OC, MT ENCL: 00 C,,d 2/2 TSYANI ZHENI-YUAN' (Chlien J'bn-ytlan]., prof.;-RAFIKOVO -S.R,, -prof.., red.; DU13RCVSKAYA, N.A., red.; IAVROU, I.N., red.; KHONYAKOV, A.D., [Determination of the molecular weights of polymers] Oprede- lenie molekaliarnykh vesov polimerov. Pod red. S.R.Rafikova. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1962. 234 p. Translated from the Chinese. (MIRA 15:5) (Polymers) (Molecular weights) KORSFAKY Vasiliy Vladimirovich; ~RUNZE, Tatlyana Mikhaylovna, ALIK _ QV,-- doktor khim. nauk, otv. red.; ZHULN', V.M., red.; LCSKUTOVA, I.P., red.; TIKHCMIROVA, S.G., tekhn. red. [Synthetic heterochain polyamides] Sinteticheskie geterotsepnye poliamidy. Moskva, Izd-v,) Akad. nauk WSR, 1962. 523 p. (I-JRA 15:7) (Polyamides) (Ilacromolecular compounds) ARKIIIPOVAY I.A.; RAFIKOV.? S.R.; SUVOROV, B.V. Production of nicotinic and isonicotinic acids and their amides by the hydrolysis of nitriles. Ziar.priki.khim. 35 no.2:38~- 393 F 1620. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut k1limicheskildi nauk AN KazSSR. (Nicotinic acid) (Isonicotinic acid) (Nitriles) IZELISCN, Ya.Z.; ~L'AFIKOV, S.R.~ SUVOROV, B.v. Ozidaluion of orgaric com.oolmds. Renort ri: .34~ Dissociatilon of -:!Wi:~ .11- - "5,11, ..;. kid, k I - . -1 :2 Lz, r ~., , 1 -~ I L I , I ", (. KII RA 17 z 3 ) EFEL'BAUM, Kh.l.; GUTSALYYUK, V.G., RAFIKOV, S.R. Effect of crackt-d stocks of the 'hermal cracking process on t-he rheological -3+ Izv.AN Kazaleh. SSR. Se,-,.tdkh.'4 !-rl'um.nauk, (Y-',RA 17-0) GUTSALYUK, V.G. ; EPFI,'BAITM, Kh.l.; RAFIKOV, S.R. y residues from petroleum refining. Depression properties of tarr, Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. tekh. i khim. nauk no.2:26-31, 163. (MIRA 17:2) r) Z7 -S-16~2V63160010'0'3106~1618---- B101/B1e6 AUTHORSj Tverdokh'~ebova, 1. I.t Paylova, So A., and RaflkovL S_ R. TITLE- Dependence of the properties of solutions on polymer struo- tures. Communication 4-- Solutions of polyphenylalumino- siloxane PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheoikh nauk, no. 3, 1963, 488 - 493 TEXT: Polyphenyl-alumino-siloxane was synthesized by reaction of phenyl-j'~ sodium-oxy-dihydroxy-silane with aluminum salfate. The substance showedi an intramolecular cyclic-network structure, softening point 1600C, By fractionated precipitation with petroleum ether from benzene solution fractions of,the polymer were precipitated which had the same composi- tion; intrinsic viscosity was determined in chlorobenzeneand in benzene, and the exponent a in the function [TL] - k-Ms' was calculated. At-200G.4,wasl 0.17 in chlorobenzeng,0-345 in benzene. This slight dependence of the intrinsic viscosity on the molecular weight confirms the dense network structure of the polymer. There are 8 figures and 5 tables. Card 1/Z S/062 63/000/003/005/018-71 Dependence of the properties of BlOlYB186 ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh.soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDt May 22, 1962 Card, 2/2 L 1o625-63- EPR/EPF(C)/EWP(j)/EWr(m)/BDS--ASD--Ps-h/Pr-4/Pe-4--M/WW ACCESSION NR:- AP3000696 S/0190/63/005/005/070OZO702 AUTHOR: Glady*shev, G. P-, Rafikov. S. R. TITLE: Investigations in the field of polymer synthesis. VIII. 'Methyl methaerylateipolymerization in the presence of 2,3-butanedione under the influence of visible light SOURCE- Vy't-dtarolekuly.arrU-xye soyedineniya, V. 5, no. 5, 1963, 7,00-702 TOPIC TAGS: photopolymerization, initiator, kinetics, methyl methacrylate ABSTRACT:' The photopolymerization kinetics of methyl methacrylate (YN) in the presence of 1,3-butanedione as initiator has been studied. Lic-ht of X = 436 m4 '3 x 1017 2 from a mercury are IZ and intonsity 0. L quantum/min cm amp was used. The reaction was conducted at 30, 0, and -50C in the presence of 0.03 to 0.01i% of the dione in the absence of oxygen to a degree of conversion of 2 to 3%. The reaction ra'Le (,:) was determined dilatometrically. The mean free radical lifetime (T) was determined by the rotatinly sector method to be 2.5 sec. From T, V, and the M concentration the kI~Vkt .ratiol where k- and kt are rate cons ants of propagation and termination, res~pectively, was calculated to be I/+ x 10- at 30C, 6.5 X 10-6 at OC, and 1.3 x 10-6 at -50C. The value of Ep-Et, where Ep and_Et are the Card 1/2 i. lo625-63 ACCESSION 11,Tj: AP3000690' appropriate activation energies, was calculated to be 4.3 kcal/mol in the 0 to 113C 'Determination of the intrinsic viscosity of the polymer in benzene indicated, ,range. U ,that, in agreement with Semenov's (11. N. Somenov.. Khimiya i tekhnologiya polimerov, No. 7-8, 196, 1960) collective interaction concept, the mol. wt. of the polymer prepared at -50C exceeds that of the polymer synthesized at 0 or 30C. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas and 2 figures. ASSOCIATIO11: Institut Rhimicheskikh nauk- AN Kaz SS1q (Institute of Chemical Sciences, AN Kaz -qqR); Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedeneniy AN SSSR (Institute of Organoelemental Compounds, fill SSSR) 28Oct61 DATE AGQ: 17Jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 001 ch Cary, L 10513-63' EFF ( C )/E'O!,PWEWT(m)/BDS -ASD-Fb .-4 6j-((59F0r/67(0OVVW 5/0703/0705 ACCESSION NR: AF3ooo697 5/00 ? AUTHOR: Rgikov, s. R.; Sechkovskaya, V. A.; Glady*shev, G. P. TITLE: Investigation in the field of polymer synthesis.- IX. Pbjn2rization~ i KiLzation of acrylonitril;qunder the influence of the visible region of the spectrum in the preaence ordfilorine SOURCE: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 5, no. 5, 1963o 703-705 TOPIC TAGS: phoLopolymerization, acrylonitrile, polyacrylonitrile, chlorinep initiator wet spinning ABSTRACT: Photopolymerization of acrylonitrile (AN) in the presence of chlorine as Tne initiator has been studied. The polymerization was carried out in a dimethylformamide (DMF) solution irradiated with the visible region of the spectrum, rom a mercury are lamp. The intensity of the 436-m tL line was 0.4 x 10`5 quantumy~min x cm2. Prior to the addition of chlorine, argon was blown through the mixture. The reaction was also carried out in a ZnC12 or CaC12 aqueous solution. It was found that the polyacrylonitrile (PAN) yield increased linearly with AN concentration in DMF. The effect of irradiation time Card 1/2 L 10513-6) ACCESSION XR: AP3000697 IC121and reaction temperature on PAN yield was studied iii 10% AN solutions in DIV. It was found that with a proper selection of~[CJ2) and irradiation time considerable yields could be obtained, Thus, With 2.2 mol % C12 on AN and 7-hr irradiation the yield was - 33% at 20C. The optimum conditions with regard to yield were'10C and 3 mol % C12,' PAN with the highest mol. wt. was also obtained at 50C. Solution polymerization can yield polymer solutions suitable for wet spinning. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 4 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN KazSSR (Institute of Chemical Sci- dncesAN KazakhSSR); Institut elementoorganicheskik-h soyedeneniy AN SSSR; ~Tnstitute~of Organoelemental Compounds,AN SSSR SUBNJ.TTED: 280ct61 DATE ACQ: 17Jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 002 (YTHM: 001 Ca,d 2/2 V LEO , A. V, !KHAYU V N. 7. KOV , L'. R G B.L.; '1-AZUNOV, Radiation-induced graft polymerization from the gas phase. Khim.volok no. 6:24-28 163. (,MIRA 17;1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno--issiedovatellskiy institut iskusstvennogo volokna (for Vlasov,, Mikhaylov, Tokareva). 2. Institut elemento- orga.nicheskikh soyed-ineniy AN SSSR (for Rafikov, TiSetlin). 3. Institut fizicheskoy khimii All SSSR (for Glazunov). -r. 19790-AA FPF(c) /Z-VrPQ)'/EWT(m)./BDS Pr-h/Pc-h RWW 16CESSION NR- AP3002296" S/0062/63/000/006/lUB/1120 AUTHOR: Buchachenko, A. L.; Sdobnov, Ye. I.; ~afikov, S. R.; Neyman, M. B. TITLE: Reactivity of diethyl pho~phite radical reactions with tritertiary li~i pheno SOURCEYY~~N SSSR. Izv. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1963, u18-11W TOPIC TAGS: diethyl phosphite, tritertiary butyl pheno.V1, dimerization, kinetic method, degree of solvation ABSTRACT: The reaction of tertiary butyl phenoxyl with diethyl phosphite proceeds with abstraction of the phosphine hydrogen from monomeric tautomer containing pentavalent phosphorous. The rate constant in benzene at 20 degrees was found to be k sub 1 = 1.2 x 10 sup -25 cc/see and the equilibrium constant for the dimeriza- tion of diethyl phosphite, K = 7.5 x 10 sup -21 an SUP -3. The procedure developed provides a general kinetic method for determining degree of solvation of the reac- tion center. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemi- cal. Physics); Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR Card 11h ~~rl::,ANC.,V, 3.11., S~A~ - 3 0:' j)O!;(mer3. par-, I' - t,,!.x9J ie:3 ca~ell on nv-xlVlene- , I 1 -3 . -- - - - rl I ami ne. ,adlpi--~, rimlnc,~nantlran, ani aminou-mJ:eca:-,0112 aclis. Vvsokux. 5 no.q .-1325--1328 1.3 163. (~gRA 171l) 1. Tr,ntltut khlal-ahas~lkh ni,.iik '.-N K~Z-SSR~ KORSHAK, V.V.; BEKAS(ATA, N.L; CHIKISHEV, YU.G.; ZPYYATINA, V.A.; TISETLIN, B.L.; ',:IFIKGVp S.R. L Radiation sin-L--s4s of borazole-based po'ymers, T%~ysokom. oaed. 5 no.IC-1447-11,50 0 163. (MIRA 17- a) 1. Institut -ia~,m~tr,!-,.~3-rganinheskikh soyedir-eniy AN SSSR. S,/048/63/027/00i/037/043 B125/B102 AUTHORSt Yatsenk6, E. A., Gutsalyuk, V. G., and Rafikov, S.._R'._ TITLE: Investigation of the tarry substances in mineral oils from their infrared absorption spectra PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 27, no. 1, 1965, 107 - i1O TEXT: The relationship between the tarry substances in different types of crude oil from the Ural deposition Munayl;y and Karaton and their infrared IjI absorption spectra is described. Such spectra were taken of 5% solutions of these mineral oils in CC1 on plates 30 thick, using anWKC-14 (Ii(S-14) 41 /111 1 spectroscope. Strong absorption bands exist at 2861, 2926, 2956 cm- in the region of the stretching vibrations of the C-H bands in the spectra of the tarry fractions-. The fractions precipitated from solutions in carbon tetra- chloride show more intense absorption bands than those precipitated from alcohol-benzene solutions. The aliphatic chains of the tar fractions pre- cipitated with acetone have the highest degree of ramification, the tars of Card 112 -5/048/65/027/001/Olz7/043 Investigation of the tarry B125/B102 the alcohol-benzene fraction.the lowest. The narrow band at 1050 cm- 1 is probably due to the components-with saturated cycles. Other bands indicate the existence of arylalkyl ketone, diaryl ether, and substituted mono and polycyclic aromatic structures. The most important structural elements bf the tar molecules are and polycondenak*d' aromatic groups. Various tar fractions differ by the amount and th6 structure of their aroma-'. tic structures. There are 3 figures and 1ntableiLl-.1c. A) Card 212 3/079 ,/63/033/002/007/009 D204/.D307 AUTHORSi Arkhipovat I*A,- RafikovA S,R. and Suvorov2 B.V. TITLEt Hydrolysis of terephtbalodinitrile with aqueous ammonia under pressure PERIODICAM Zhurnal obahchey khimii, V. 33, no. 2, 1963, 637 - 641 TEXT: The above reaction was studied to determine the possibility of selectively preparing the desired intermediate products. Terephthalodinitrile (TDV), prepared by the oxidative ammonolysis or p-xylene of Pb vanadate, was reacted with agueous ammonia (taken in Various TDN: ammoniatwater molar ratios, n) at 200-3000C, in a stain. less steel autoclave under pressures from 5 to 40atm., over 3 hours. For n = 1:14s210, the yields of the diammonium salt of terephthalic acid (I) increased fk6m r- 30 % at 2000C to - 100 % at 3000C# whilst the yields of NH COOC H CONK 4 6 4 2 (11) fell from ^J50 % at 2000C to -10% at 25000. At 2000C, with TDN%H20 - 1:210, increasing the molar ratio of NH :TDN to 38 favored the formation of I and II, whilst 50-40 % of 3 Card 112 S/079/ 631033 /00 2/007/009 Hydrolysis of terephthalodin1trile D2o4/D307 each of NH COC H CN and NH COC CONH was formed at M MW 1.2. 2 6 41 2 A 2 3 A small amount of ammonium p-cyanobenzoate was also formed with low concentrations At 2500C, increased concentrations of water of NH3 0 i promoted the rate of reaction and favored the formation of the final products of hydrolysis. During the formation of - COHH2 from - CWj the ammonia behaved only as a catalyst; in the conversion of - COINH2 to COOM 4 however, considerably higher concentrations of KH 3 were required. There are 3 figures. ASliOCIATIONt Institut khimicheakikh nauk Akademii nauk Kazakhakoy 35R (Institute of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR) SUBMITTEDs makch 14, 1962 Card 2/2 BUCHACHENKO, A.L.; SDOBNO", Ye.l.; RAFIKOV, S.R.; NEYMAN, M.B. Reactivity of diethyl phosphite in radical reactions with tritert- butylphenoxyl. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.o:1118-1120 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut kbimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Institut elemento- orgqnicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Phosphorous acid) (Radicals (Chemistry)) SUVOROV, B.V.; RAFIKOV, S.R.; ZHUBANOV, B.A.; KOSTROMIN, A.S.; KUDINOVAf V.S.; KAGARLITSKIY, A.D.; KHMURA, M.I. Catalytic synthesis of the dinitrile of terephthalic acid. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.8:1837-1847 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) KAGARLITSKIIYY A.D.; SEUVOROV, b.V.; RAFIKOV, S.h.; KOSTROMIN, A.S. Catalytic synthesis of benzonitrile by means of the oxidative ammonolysis of aromatic compounds. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.8:1848-1852 Ag 163. (MIRA 16;11) ACCESSION NR Ai-,016117 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Rafikov, Sagid Raufovich; Favlova, Sillviya Aleksandrovna; Tverdokhlebova Traida Ivanovna Mzthods of deterrining molecular weights and the polydispersion of high nolecular weight compounds (Matody* opredeleniya molekulyarny-*kh vesov i polidispersnosti v)r~isokomolekulyarny-,kh soyedineniy)', Moscaw, T~d--6vo AN SSSR" 1963., 334 P. ill'is., biblio. Errata slip inserted. 5,000'6opies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut elen%intoorg4iiicheskikh soyedineniy. TOPIC TAGS: high molecular compound, molecular we'ght,.diffusion, light diffusion, sedimentation, osmometry, ebullioscopy, crioscopy., 6n'd gioup, viscosimetry TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged): Foreword 3 Ch. I. Concept of the molecule and the molecular weight of high-molecular carpounds - - 5 .Ch H. Dividing the high-molecular compounds into fractions 21 Ch. III. The light diffusion method 81 RAFTKMI, .3.R.; CHEEL110YOVA, G.M.; aODE, V.V.; ZHUFAVLEVA, I.V.; SOROKINA, R.A. Chemical transformations of polymers. Part D,-- Specific features of the thermal degradation of polyenanthamide. Vysokom. soed. 6 no.4.652-654 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:6) L. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. ACCESSION NRt APW32571 3/0190/64/006/004/0710/OW AUTHORS: Chelnokova, G. U.; Rafikov., S.-R. TITLEt Ghemical transformations of polymers. 16. High temperature destruction of polyenanthamide and polycapramide in a closed system 13OURCE: Vy*sokomolek, soyeane.9 ve 69 no, 4., 1964, 710-W T TOPIC TAGS: polymer, polyenantliamide, polycapramide,, polyamide, thermal polyenanthamide decomposition, thermal polycapramide decomposition, amide bond hydrolysis, polyamide depolymerization, homolytic bond rupture,, decomposition roduct,chromathermograph KhT 2M ,P ABSTRACT: A 45-60 g aliquot of semitechnical grade polyenanths-ide (PEA) (mole wt, 20 000) or of commerical grade polycapramide (PCA) (mole wte 18 000) contained. in a test tube was placed in a Oe5-liter aatoclave filled with nitrogen, and was heated for h4 hours at various temperatures* After cooling, the gaseousp liquidp and solid decomposition products were analyzed with the chromathermograph KbT -2H.p the infrared spectrophotometer) by conduatometric and potentiometric titrations etc* Heating the PFA at 35OG yielded practically no gaseous productsq but did Card AGGESSION NRs AP4032571 produce depolymerization from an initial viscosity (in cresol) of 1*5 to 0~4, the product remaining fully soluble. Heating the PEA at 370-38M brought, about mainly the liberation of KH and CO and the formation of a polyamide with a molecular 3 2 weight of 2600 of some lactams, nitrilesp and pyrroles. Heating of either PEA or PCA at 39OZ20C resulted in a complete decomposition of the polyamide macromolecule., yielding 6-13% of ammonium carbonate and carbamines, a larger anount of gaseous products.. some water (3%-). other fluid deutrfiction products,, and 10-12% of a solid insoluble black mass. The latter was presumably a polycondew sation product of earlier decomposition compoundso Infrared analysis of the liquid fraction showed the presence of ON and NH units. In the opinion of the authors ,, hydrolysis seams to be the dominant trend in thermal destruction of the polyamidess most of the water originating from secondary reactionse Ihe desamina- tion and decarboxilation of the end groups, and the homolytic rupture of various bonds are also involved in the processes of thermal destruction of the polymerse t V, 1. Yermakova participated in the Werimental work arA N. A. Chumayevaldy conducted the infrared analysis* Origo art* hass I tablep 2 chartas and 2 for- Card 2a_ ACCESSION NRi AP4032571 "ASSOCIATIONt Institut el--witoorganicheskikh sayedinenir AN asm (Iwtitute ~ of 'OrOwelemental Compoundeq 'AN'SUg) smKETTsD i o7may63 DATE ACQl llNvf4 JMLt 00 SUB cost Out HK NOW SOV 1 003 OTHKR OD1 -313- FAVLOV, A.V.; BTUW,"Iq.. S. Ye.; RAFIKOV, S.R. r-* bu"cr, of poly- --apr eu-,i I 5r we t d i prc,dir-t of anioni--- polymerizatim. I~vsckom. sc-d. 210'12 N 164 18:2) -1 elementoorganicheskikh s,)- d1nanly Z SESR i Distitut In s t i tu4 ye vysoV-)m,)Iek.u',yarrly~h scyedLneniy MI SSSR. 1.1%; RODE, V.V.; SyrithesiS of* pyrocatec.-inl phoarh.-Ite. Izv. 0' SS-:,'~ Er-r. kh*m'. I 115 1. 164 (I-IRA 19:1) 1. Irl-titub soyedinerily 1,11 SMOR. L 21210-65 Pc-VPeb/Pi-4 .1,SD(!D)/ AFTG(a)/ESD(gs)/ESD(t) IM/RM NR: AP5001481 6/0190/64/006/012/2168/2173 AUTHOR: Rode, V. V.; ~arov, A. S.; Rafikov, S.~R. 00"""W" oal-'7 TITLE: Chemical transformations of polymers 20. The photochemical decompositi of selected P2.1-Yarylat!-$ SOURCE: VysokomolekulyArAyye soyedinehiya, v. 6, no. 12, 1964, 2168-2173 TOPIC TAGS: polyester stability polyarylate stability, polymer film, thermal stability, ultraviolet irradiation, ph otochemical decomposition, phenolphthalein polycondensation, terephthalic acid, isophthalic acid, infrared spectrum, polymer crosslinking, chain transfer ABSTRACT: Polyesters of high thermal stability, prepared by polycondensation of phenolphthalein with terephthalic or isophthalic acid by the method of V. V. , Korshak et al., were studied for their stability in a vacuum under ultraviolet light. Thin fi1M3 were deposited from chloroform solution, dried, exposad for up- to 120 hrs. to the light of a mercury vapor lamp (6.3 quanta/sec-cm aad analy- 2), zed by infrared spectroscopy. The gaseous products were identified as carbon mono- xide and dioxide by gas chromatographic analysis. The coloration of the films increased and both tensile strength and relative elongation decreased with increa Cin &neters was wlWadiation time, but decomposition as indicated by the studidd par 2 L 21210-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001481 shown to take place primarily during the first 50-60 hrs. of irradiation., Ame- chanism for crosslinking, chain transfer., and cbaiii termination by photochemical reactions is proposed, and crosslinking was-shown to be favored by the cleavage of lactone ringsjn the studied polymers. The decrease in decomposition rates with irradiationl~time was related to the formation of quinoid compounds and their stabilizing ic-tivity.'! The authors thank V. V. Korshak, S. V. Vinogradovit and S. N. Salazkin for supplying the specimens7 Grig. art. has: 3-tables, 5 figures. and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineuiy ANSSSR.(Xnstitute for Heteroorganic C6mpounds, AN SSSR) SUBNITTED: 19Feb64 ENCL: 00- SUB CODE; 14T NO RHF-SOV: 006 arm: 005 Card 2/2 lt'AFIOV, S.R. I I~f 'I~fi- ~: -, cri . - . j. . . I, . J~ I- -, -, - . . T! l'Aly I .. - " ; --:- I -- I- I 'I; :, - I "; ~ I J, riot. o- ~ -!,. " I RAF1 KOV, S.h.; SECHKOVSKAYA, V.A.; GLADYSIFEN, G.!-. ~ .1 1 ho%opl~merizatiorj of acrylon-urile ir solutions of zinc chloride an,i cal(tium chiciricle. Trudy Inst. khim. naj;, ;azak-. SSR 111:16- 13 1 t-4. 17:11) N V n e. 1.7 L 2133 -65 EPA(a)-2/LWT(m)/Epp(c)/Bpa/LW(j)/ T -Pe-4/Pr... ACCESSION NR: AT5001006 6/2850/64/011/000/0036/0041 AUTHOR: Zhubanov, B.A. I Rafikov, S.R., Pavletenko, L.V., MoshkeAch, S.A., A.k.imova, N. 1. 0741 TITLE: Studies in the field of pol or synthesis, Paurt 15. Synthesis of polyamides pre- pared from m- and 12-xylyle As nedfamine. adipic, sebacic and Isophthalic aciff-' SOURCE: AN KazSSR. Institut khimicheskikh juk. . Trudy, v. 11, 1964. lintez I issledovanlye vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy (Synthesis and research of high-molecular compounds), 36-41 TOPIC TAGS: polycondensation, polyamide synthesis, )WIfAenedramine, adipic acicl, sebacic acid, isophthalic acid, intrinsic viscosity, thermal stability &BSTRACT: Poly-m-xylylene-adipamide, poly-p-xylylene-sebacamide, and pdly-m-xyly- lene-Isophthalamide were prepared from the diamines, acids, salts and acid chlorie'.es, and also from dimethylsebacate, by solution; melt; or mixed-phase polymerization, and tested for intrinsic viscodity in cresol or sulfuric acid solution (deciliter/gram, Ubollodo) and for thermal stabiliW Maximum yields of 98% poly-m-xylylene-adipamide with a maxinitun viscosity of 1. 1 were obtained by solution polymerization In m-cresol and subsequerit melt Card 1/2 --L 21337-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5001006 polymerization at 260-265C. Thermal stability at 237-287C and the typical behavior of a crystalline polymer were indicated by thermal analysis. Solution polymerization and subse- quent melt polymerization at 280-290C gave a 98% yield of poly-p-xylylenesebacamide with B. viscosity of 1. 36 in sulfuric acid; polycondensation yields with dimethylsebacate at 260- 270C were 98% with a viscosity of 1. 17 In sulfuric acid; mixed phase condensation In water- carbon tetrachloride, gave a yield of 81. 1% and viscosity of 0. 3 in. cresol. Thermalde- composition of poly-p-xylylene-sebacamide started at 340C, and this polymer wan shown to be less crystalline than poly-m-xylylene-adipamide. The maximum yield of pply-ni- xylylene-isophthalamide was 90%, the maximum measured viscosity 0. 17., a6d severe con- ditions produced crosslinked and insoluble polymers. Decomposition of the amorphous polyamide started at 350C. OrIg. art. has: 3 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut Khimicheskikh nauk, Akademiya Nauk KazakhAoy SSR qn!~4tute of Che'mical Sciences, AcadeMy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC, 14T Ito REF BOV- 001 OTHER: 004 Card L 2i338-65 EWT(M)/EPF(c)/LWQ)/T. ,Pc._4/Pr_VPa_4 RPL jwlRm ACCESSION NR: AT5001007 8/2850/64/011/000/0042/00V AUTHOR: Zhubanov, B.A., Derg3yanchenko, Y.P., Raffitov, S.R. 6/1 TITLE: Studies of the field of polymer synthesis. Part 16. A study of the polycandensa- tion reaction of m-xylylenedlamin with phthalic acid v\. SOURCE: AN KazSSR. Institut kWIcheakikh nauk. Trudy, v. 11, 1964. Sintex I issledovanlye vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy (Synthesis and research of high-molecular, compounds), 42-47 TOPIC TAGS- polycondensation, phthalic acid, xylylenediamine, pqjjamIde synthesis. cyclization A13STRACT: Polycondensation of m-xylylenediamine with a-phthalic acid at 212-280C in an inert atmosphere did not yield polyamides of high molecidar weight but linear and cyclic oligomers; the amount of cyclic polymer increased and that of linear polymer decreased with an Increase in temperature, and the amount of ammonia liberated was simultaneously increased whereas that of recovered m-xylylene-diamine was decreased. The polymers, which were light-yellow to dark brown In color, were fractionated by extraction w1th ethyl ether, ethyl alcohol, benzene, and acetone, and the benzene-soluble fraction was identified 'Card 1/2 21338-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5001007 as m-xylylenediamine diphthdylimide, Formation of ammonia may involve both. the re-- action of terminal aminogroups of polymer. chains and the formation of a secondary amine from nonreacted m-xylylenediamine. The soluble fractions were shown to contain low- molecular and cyclic oligomers, and various paths and structures are proposed for the mechanism of cyclization. Orig. art. has.- 3 tables and 9 chemical formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimichesldkh nauk, Akademiya, nauk Kazalch skoy SSR (Institute of Chemical Sciences, Academy oi Sciences of the Kaz!!L~SR) SUBMTTED: 00 tNCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC, MT NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 004 Card 2/2 Card Card Of p- anc, 0- f-) r rnlnophln- ll J-,. 1j. K. R, a j J. SUEMITTED: AUTHORS: Rafikov, S. R., Sorokina, R. A. 88724 311901611005100110031020 B119/B216 TITLE: Chemical changes in polymers. IV. ThermoaxLdativs changes of' Polyamides PERIODICAL: Vysokomclekulyarnyye soyediaeniya, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, 21-29 TEXT: The authcrs point out the extremely small number Gf publicaticns on the influence of oxygen on rolyamides. The present work was undertaken with a view to eluridating the polymer changes produced b- the action of oxygen all etevated temreratures. The following sucsrances -sere used for the experiments: Anid (polyhexamethylenp adipamide), granulated and in fibrcus form; rr-- ~polycaproamide) in the form of granulate, fibera and films (type fik--4 (PK-4)); granulated and fibrous (polyeran-~hamide) and Anid r-6r)g (G.-669), a vcpolymer maue -rom ca-pro- lac,tam ard thp hexamethylene-diamine salts of adipi.c acid (salt AP (LG)) rf experim,nts 1. The ind a,.,~Iaic as~d. Two series - were performed: abo,.--Tenticnl~d polyamides (fi'-_er3 an6 films) were plac--~,i in a weak air Card 1/3 88724 3/190/61/003/001/003/'020 Chemical. changes in prlymers... B!19/B210'- stream tind mair.tained at elevated tempera~,-res belnei ftL--- polrt ef the polymer for 8 hr. 2. Dried air or nitrogeA, respectively. was bIcwn thrcugh the polymer melt at vario,,s temperat-ares. The first test series 0 showed "hat the -,,hanges of the phy-sicachemical polymer properties increase with --zoreased testing temperature: the -pe-~iflic vis!,,7.s,-*ty of the so]--tlors drops, ths Huggins ccnstant incrat-,ases. These changei are insigrilfl-c-ant at T:Pmperat.~res below 1400C. At temperaturps above 200~~'C, infusible, but swell-able products are formeJ (branched, or rather three-dimensionally cross-linked mole,,ules with reduced mnc;hanioal propert.;'e5). At yet higher temperatures, the substan~,-e~; decomp-:,se (spldtl~,--Ing cff :,f vc1at]-le compound,5, blacke.-ting of the polyamide which loses its ability to swell ir, cresol, increase of oxygen content and decrease of zarbon- and hydrogen content of the substance). The chemical structure (in cantrast tr; the degree of molecular orientation) of the polyamide has practically no irfluence on the type and extent of c~angp during thermooxI;&tI,.--.-, ir the solid state. The second teat Seri -S showed that passing N2 through the polyamide melt causes no chan6e in t~7e 4n:fial prcduct, even at temperatures above 2600C. When air is passed Card 2/3 88724 S/I 90/611/00311001//003/,1,20 Chemical -,hanges in polymers... B11q/'B216 through the melt, black, insoluble and infusible products which have an increased oxygen content'ana are nonswell'abl~ in cresol are formed 1ccally at the points where polyamide comes into contact with 02. The authors assurne "lie f3llowing reactions: pIr imar~ addition of 02 in the fcrm of uer~xidH at corresponding points of the polyamide chain, which initiates a radical chain reaction. High temperature, however, lead to decompGsition of the initial 3UbStarce, of type and extent deper-ding on its oh-,mical structure (he,terolysis, slubstitutior.) . Hexamethylene-diamine ~!ontain!-,g polyamidp~; split cff pyrrcAl, amcr,g othex substances. Me nt i on is made c'L a vv,.,rk "he fir~-t-ment i-ored au'Thcr quarried out in ~.,ollaboration with B. A. There ari I figure, 2 tables, and 15 refere-tces- 9 Sc,,-i et -bI c.1-1 and ~~j non-S,-viet--~--c:~. SS 0,, rAT TO N: D.stitut c-.-Iemgrt,~orgar,-L,,.!haz;k4kh -jcyeJinr--'nf AN SSSR Y t'Insti-,.-te of Elemer.tal Organic Compounds of the AS USSR) I 3UBMITTED: Mij 19, 1960 Card 88728 M7 S/190/61/003/001/008/020 B119/B216 AUTHORS: Rafikov, S. R., Syuy Tozi-pin TITLE: Chemical transformations of polymers. V. Photochemical transformations of polycaproamide in 7acuo under the influence of ultraviolet light PE:'RIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, 56-65 TEXT: The authors draw attention to the known fact that polyamide fibers and films ra7)idly lose their valuable properties under the combined influence oil air, moisture and light. The Dresent work was undertaken for the nurnose of studyin.- the effect of UV light unde--- conditions excluding all other possibly active factors. 0.06 to 0.08 mm thick unidirectionally oriented Ca-irone fil:ns (type 11 K-4 (PY-4)) of molecular wdig t under vacuum (io-5 - 109 approxi-mately 1`~ OOJ were irradiated mm Hg) in a quartz -z:olybd enum vessel by means of a rercury-quartz lamp (type nPV-2 MI-.e `41=.~ :,ere %-irapped immediately round the cylindrical lamp nlaced in the center of the irradiation vessel. Irradiation 88728 S/190/61/003/001/008/020 Chemical transformations of polymers... B119/B216 time: 2 - 140 hr; temperature: 30�20C. After irradiation, the films were examined by the following methods: Gas-chromatographic analysis of the volatile decomDosition Droducts in the XT-2111(KhT-214) chromatograph over MCr-j(MSM) silica gel; viscosity measurement of the Caprone in cresol solution, and from this, calculation of the molecular weight; end-group determ.ination by conductometric titration with 11C1 and KOH, respectively; determination of solubility and ability to swell in cresol; by taking thermomechanical and strain curves (Polyani instrument); and, in some cases, by recordin- the UV-, IR and epr (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectra. These investigations showed that UV irradiation of Caprone films leads both to synthetic and destructive processes in the molecule. Irradiation with. light of the near ultraviolet promotes particularly the latter processes. Decomposition occurs by homolytic photolysi3 of amide bonds with subsequent cleavage of CO and secondary transformations of the radicals Droduced. During this process, C-C bonds of the initial molecule are freauently ruptured with formation of lower hydrocarbons (C2 - C4)' The occurrence of synthetic and cross-linking reactions (similarly as in cross-linking of polyethylene under the influence of radiative irradiation) Card 2/13 88728 S/190/61/003/001/008/020 Chemical transformations of polymers ... B119/B216 is mainly due to the cleavage of H atoms and recombination of the macro- radicals. In the absence of oxygen, UV irradiation, even in high doses, reduces the mechanical strength of Caprone by less than 30%. The material does not turn brittle. The author thanks V. V. Voyevodskiy and I. V. Obreimov for their cooDeration in the spectroscopic studies (the former placed a magnetic radiosnectrometer type 3nP-2 (epr-2) developed at the laboratory of the IKhF !-". S3'SR (Inctitute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) at the authors' disposal. This apparatus enables epr spectra to be taken during sample irradiation with a UV high-pressure burner of the type CBAW-250 (SVDSh-250). -in electromagnetic stabilizer of the type CH9 -220-0.5 (SJE-220-0-5) vas used in the studies. There are 7 figures, 4 tables, and 21 references: Soviet-bloc and 11 non-Soviet-bloc. .~SSOCIATIOIJ: Tnstitut eiementoor~anicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR 6 U 0 (Tnotitut.,e of Elemental Organic Compounds, AS USSR) SUBI"ITTED: 30, 1960 Uard 3/3 Ib 120~ 22562 s/190/61/003,/005/005/014 B1011/B218 AUTHORS: Rafikov, S. R., Zhubanov, B. A., Khasanova, R. N., Guffiargariye-Va-, K. Z., Sagintayeva, K. D. TITLE: Studies in the field of polymer synthesis. I. Synthesis of polyamides on the basis of xylylene diamines PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 5, 1961, 0699-705 TEXT: Proceeding from the fact that heat-resistant polyamides suitable for fiber and glass production are formed by symmetric, aliphatic-aromatic di- amines, a study has been made of the reactions of m-xylylene diamine (A) and n-xylylene diamine (B) with adipic acid (1), azelaic acid (2), sebacic acid (3), o-phthalic acid (4), isophthalic acid (5), and terephthalic acid (6). The synthesis of esters of A with 1, 2, 4, and 5, and of B with 1 and 3 was performed by mixing diamine solutions and acid in 95~o alcohol. B was synthesized with 2, 4, and 5 at the boiling temperature of the alcoholic solution. The resulting ester was filtered off. The precipitate was form- ed not before 24 hr. Since terephthalic acid is hardly soluble in organic solvents, synthesis A + 6 was effected b., addition of the acid to the Card 1/ 7 Studies in ... 22562 S/1~ 61/003/005/005/014 B1 c)1 Y321 8 aqu eous diamine solution and by subsequent boiling. Alcohol + benzene (1 : 1) -were used as solvent for the synthesis of A + 3 because the ester did not precipitate from 95% alcohol. Table I contains the yields ard melting points of the esters synthesized. Polymerization occurred either in the melt or in a cresol solution. The ester B + 6 could not be polymer- ized this way on account of its insolubility in cresol and its high melting point. In this case, the polyamide was obtained from an equimolar mixture of dimethyl terephthalate and p-xylylene diamide. Tables 2 and 3 list data and properties of the polymers. Polycondensation of xylylene diamines with o-phthalic acid failed- 501~. of a substance melting at 237-237-50C was iso- lated. It was identified as diphthalyl xylylene diamine.. The authors assume a rupture of the reaction chain by formation of a cyclic imide, owing to the neighboring position of the carboxyl groups. The intrinsic viscosity of polyamides indicates that their molecular weieht varies between 10,000 and 20,000. The authors thank D. V. Sol:ollskiy and B. V. Suvorov for the diamine put at their disposal. B. A. Poray-Koshits is mentioned. There are 2 figures, 3 tables, and 13 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 7 non- Soviet-bloc. The 3 moot important references to English-language publica- tions read as follows: 0. B. Edgar, E. Ellery, J. Chem. Soc., 1,052, 2633; Card 2/7 S/i J. Foiy-~er Sc-* I r! c 'tl,-n nd,. -. s a, n 7,1-n--. rv"r e m :L, 1232, 1 q~7 C:' - 1 t i t L i t i i m -' c ~ o s ~ .: i I - I i n a i i k A ~~T L 7 S S R (Institot,~, of s i c 71 c c 3 S K a Zak 11 r~ a 5 s z 3'~* 172 D 2 1 1 C) RUCAG'ra ) U 111 C0 *C co 111 . , . , 03,0 186-187 L'i'vo ;ice 86,3 15G-t5S a-OTanenafi(D 95,0 205-206 01130~Tunenan ' 76,3 219-220 . .. ...... ;) D Z4. Qjcpc[~Tfl'1eD3fl 40, () .270 - 92,3 232-233 LOTO me Q~,Aac.7a "Ilona 1 ce6a Ittmoll4id 93 0 95:0 200 228 . 9~5 n 203-206 98:0 262-264 87 0 340 KAGARLITS"M 3A.D.; SUVOROV,, D.V., RAFIKOV, S.R. (bddation of organic compounds. Report 116.25: Oxidative amonolysis of some monoalkylbenzenes. Trudy Inst.khim.nauk All' Kazakh.SSR 7:57-67 161. (MIRA 15:8) (Benzene) (Ammonolysis) )R TITLE- 25~--66 H, , 31adyshev, Rafikov, Studies in the field of the activation ultraviolct librh~ G. P. synt,nesis of polymers. 11. of m-etinyl met"lacrylate by 11~:itIOACAL: Vysoko:7olek-ulyarnyye soyedineniya. v. 3, no. 7, TEXT: The pnotopelymerizbt ion by mneans of UV light is made difficult by the fact that the exoosuri- la.~:f-, lon- and special quartz vessels are U needed. T;- aiui of' tl-.e ;)resent study was to utilize the post effect of ylate initiated by U li,-rht and to effec, m e t hy I m e t i ia,-! r, - the polymerization of' seDarated from it.; inltiatin6. distilled at 100-120 min Hj ,-.,as irradiated in a quartz cell by means ~)f a rrPA -I' mercury lla,:!~, (C~jaC4~ty 57~ w). The irradiLLtJOE intensity was found to be, by usinl- uranyt oxalate. The amount of -Fcr t-e frjrma~ ion of peroxid,-s i;as determine] volu- 7 metre I -cal u r o r e , t Ia a L 1, a u r. t ~ D fz-aroxide.; formed %v-~s d-:~~ermnined 7 25266 iodorne-.rically. T'hese operations were perforz:iel in pure argon. e i I s . 1) The con-tum-A'on of' dees nol. differ 1rom t~-,at mez~sured on t~,.Orzla~ oxidal-in'tt, (.If, .,xi-j~tfjcn 1-ate with LIV irradiation is, .7 at 1eaqT nn,~ or,k!r !.A' magnitudi-I, The al sorption of no t -i-her b , ,: The Cul'Ves of oxygen absor~~tion Ilk! J1011111~.: becocitt ""'ith ktimporature. Th~! appitrent activii~icn ener-y was -~liLcu,,ated tc, re 1,") kcal/11[nole. if' 1 3 r Cad ia t od immediately after i.e., if it does not contain any traces of pj~nxi,i-os, tl-Le for":-'a- in-r: of peroxile-~ occurs mort? slowly under tne effect o~' Vie quantity of peroxides formpd is directly propor-:icnal to th~~ doze of irradiation. 4) 711he titanium reanjent Jave nt!,~;-ttive reactions v,,-i'.- H oxyal'-yl hydrogen poroxides, and ac,-,,!- e 1- 4 t, 1 .,as 111-O.-ated from oxygen Jr. a peroxi~ies. 1 L~i~n t ,, e d i I a L o:.; e t e r r e e e j Preezin- and evacu-~tian to 2-3 MAM t".e d 4- 1 a t e " f i I I e d i t T:r, anJ t,,.e 1)o1ymeri::---tion eiffec~ed in t',-.e 11,~,L~riiduci'L--- ;-- d a I a were orly obtained if -~-.e was effected -frer i,-radiation, tl-.e nD ccrtac-. air. ,e i n e c of "he ~-olymerizution f S; 1 9J/6 1 /003/007i*010;"C~21 5_66 77_1~322CD -in F14. The o.- ape o cur ve s is sim 1 7. a r j r a' ~c'-,,--riz-.~ion by peroxides. The ''gel effect" U 1- 7- r d . ne *.,.'eve r , on I Y zi i -he r 3, e -ire e s c on T'-, x a r:,2 d by ad d i I i o n. 11 b r,- a n.7 c c,-~ a s c:-. 1 1' () 17 0 mnvacvt~r, '--v t.)a f~lct tic" _.e r-3, e 0' o i: L 0 7) 1 1 lrel' " Z! e ) -11 a u e rradiat4on dcs.~S o ; C r _ e :3 1 7 y c r) n cr: ~ f - t i ~Dn o f _,_'roxidus ine reas c o, IL maci-cradicals react L: 7, cu n d s i -a i r f r a r e s !) e c r a a k er i n e I a b o r a t o r i,,r, mole'kulv~~..rnc.:.. ln~3tituta khimicheskik~-. nau?. Kazj.]~ ('i,a'nnr,,f.rrv -o7 r)-',--i1nr :,rFr-rn..qoo,)v of the Institute of Chemica. 'L' Ka-zakhs',aya --,.v(--d tne existence of sr-cond-try decom~.osi- Sciences , tion, pro~,uc-s cf the -erox_4des. o_-rbonyl, carboxyl, and hydroxy-3 .groups. O,,Ucfl compoan(k arf~ chavactoris~tic. also for the. thermal decom-,,osition of peroxides. T,~e total activation energ./ vao found tQ be 11.2 kcal/ -ole. It, i.-- lcv;or :-,L.-,n on .clymorizz..:tion -.)f in t':ie pre8ence of benzoyl o e or nti:,-v initiatei-Li- From E init e r (I -ho ictivation enercry, L t total init , E' ~~:e a~-.tiv-arion -nergy of t h e a c t i v % c c 2 n (--, r JY f t e i-itiation . incr C.-- r 51- 7, J 2 1 "266 2 u nc rea se. c I-i n~,; 1:--a 1 /mol o'~ . E .-.e a-2tivation enarT breal, -Y of ti-ip ~real.-JnE~ of wr.,.s foun,-'. to be ini. t t'nus t-an the activation energ-j during tnermal cxid-~'icn cf :.2-:, in :-:r-ience of ~)eroxides "'2211 ?ca'-,,/.,nole I r de~Ereeo- (7~f .~-onverz;-Jon :L' a break Cf the kinetic curveswas observed., which i.-I due to the acreleration of the polymerization at tile in-erface 'rono-ler-mercury. T~.,:~ -;?3u! ?-F show 'hat "ne UV irradiation of can be usad for the su~3equont cclympriz-41-ion at low tempe-ratures, rqnkr i o mentioned. 'Niare arp S f rU,leS and 8 re,'ererces: 7.Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. Aj,;GC'LmTIUN . Instirut elenentoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AT, SOSEt (Inst-;tufa of Elemental- organic Compounds, AS US-;,R~ Institut '~-Nimii AN KazISSR (Tnq'rihlhR nf F a z a K i.. q'f-. a v. i)' SU7-,'..ITTED., SeLte:-,ber -7, j-,'() Card 4/n UTI!ORS: B-Ol/B230 TDet:ir- B, L Medved', T. Ya Ch'k'.shev, Yu G_ Poli- kcrp:IV, T"; Rafl~ov' S R xLbacnp'-"-' M 1, iia! i a t cf, 1-ulymer LZ lit I On of ter t bury mor,L'iin. 'lpho3pY,-. r, ox i - L the er to :h- i t,~-.- rk-por t s 'he Or: !.i~5 L)" t'r- -.Uri i Y,, kLr Duk: AN 335,71 ~4-. 1960i m r. T i.abixix-' T I" e t k Dc k. -)SS:i. ~r' . t.'o 96c) t' tu I I,: e t(, ti,k- h the. r. a. Li, to s t ub: 1 1. ty r 1 1) C Mk~ I : 3 1-- t. MQ G 'Zq'- Z by L. V p '. y i ng VI i tL, f t io~ : ad a. pr yrr pr x z c r. b ri z r a bu ty r i c fa 1 , ed !v '- r .1 a 3 f; e tri . Oxidei of the t r t r y d i at.l. d . Lte ly pl,(,3phmL~ aerp. t, -.'L preoense ,f Ci;:-d 1/5 r; t 1. r r r: I" z 7 e. ( d ~ r r 1; ;r Y,~ r za c n tt on 1. r t t X Z h IL 11 J P PtO WL0' r i ii n ,,I ~:uwm. In f t? ~n . r r ad L t I on a r .1 c. Y...~7 Wit, ;bta;,.t-d hav,.n6 mcni:111-?., w U:; 1 3 114 a , u u m 6 r , E, -00 "', rivi -~r. ~a~ 20 .~f the -acncm,,r rc-r o, Ti,e p-~*,:~-mcr is WE u r ;u v r ',i a i,,-) i r, al b ! r. ,, e n T:,. 11 the I -W,~ s 1,2 f~:~r ;, ti=e of IT hr t "6 A ":a '~3 C t , L % e i na r.6 r--:e:u:ar wt-ic;ht of of ~cavers4on ~a i i~ y :f. mollecu!-~s per ev TkLe p~~lymer is soluble in bvr;-,,:;t h-iated, gnd may b- prec;p,.ta*.ed from alcohol 'by a q-.;antity c' water, Vi*rilfca!~,)r *.,-mperature or the C,~rd 21/5 :15171 T S/190/61/003/007/021/021 Of .... B101/B230 re;;recippitated polymer (11) 49 about 1600C (determined by thermomechanical Z' k: z hod, iief. 3: B. L. Tsellin, V. 1. Gavrilov, N. A. Velikovskaya, V. V. Kochkia, Zavodsk. lab., 22, 352, 1956). It has been proved hereby that t~e radi2ti-)n t,3-_ymmerizzation Is an efficient method to obtain polymers on the basis of oxides of monovinylphoophines. Mechanism of the process 1 4. s being atudied all present. [Abstracter's notat Complete tran Blatior, ,:here ar6 3 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Sovist-bloc. The ref- erence to English-lane-su2ge publication reads as follows: Ref. 21 X, D. Berlin, G. B. Butler, J. 0r6. Chen 3_~, 2oo6, ig6ol x. D. Berlin, G. B. Butler, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 82, 2i,12, 1960 SUBMITTED: February 23, 1961 Card 3/3 r,LALY--!i'-,,-V, G.F., RAFIKOV, S.R. Synt-~~esis of polyrers. Part 3; Photooxidative activation of methyl methacr-ylatp in tYe visible region of the spectrum. ',ySOI:Dr-.Soed. no.~~-n87 -ilge Ag 161. (YJRA 14:9) 3. Ins-,itut khimicheskikh nauk A-4 KazSSR i Institut elementoorgani- chezskikY~ soyedineniy A~; SSSR. (Methacrylic acid) (Padiation) 20324 -1 'D, Ll S/02 61 / 13 7/G 0 1 /0 1610 2 1 22oci 1 11155 B101YB204 ,,UTHORS: Gladyshev, G. P. and Rafikov, S. R. TITLE: Initiation of polymerization by means of electric charges formed on the interface PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 137, no. 1, 1961, 1171-115 TEXT: After giving a survey of published data concerning interface polymerization, the authors presume that here the potential drop of the interface might play an important part, which causes an orientation of the molecules. Proceeding from the Arrhenius equation for the reaction rate V: V = A 1 exp(-E,/RT) (1), the following is written down for the reac- tion on the interface: V = A2 exp(-F,2/RT) (2), where A 2 > Al; E Ec~ = n23060(y - Tdy/dT). The potential drop thus may 2 ~ '1 - increase the factor A, and decrease the activation energy. This assump- tion was checked by initiation of various polymerization processes on the interface at normal temperature and absence of the usual initiators and Card 1/4 20324 Initiation of polymerization... S/020/61/1 37/100 1 /C 16,1'021 B101/B204 catalysts, and the results were compared with control tests (polymeriza- tion in a homogeneous system with benzoyl peroxide). The following ex- periments are described: A 1 - 2 cm thick layer of acrylonitrile(AN) on glycerin, containing 1 - 2go water, after 10 to 12 hr, gave noticeable flakes of polymer at 20-22 C, whose molecular weight was found viscosi- metrically to be equal to 100,000 - 200,000. The air oxygen inhibiting the radical polymerization of AN produced no effect upon this process. On the interface AN - H 0, a noticeable polymerization rate was observed only in CO2 atmosphere. Aethylmethacrylate (MIA) formed a polymer film on the interface with water or mercury after 30-40 hr. On the interface 1XMA - paraffin or 1ALIA - glycerin, polymerization occurred after 4-5 hr. This reaction is accelerated in a CO2 atmosphere. As the admixture of scme substances increases the potential drop on the interface, the effect of 0.01% CH3COOH, CH2ClCOOH, and HC1 was tested. In the system AN - glycerin (with 1~'. H20), this addition at 200C led to a polymerization of from 25-30~c' after 15-20 hr. In AN - H20 (1:1) the additional acid in nitrogen Card 2/4 20324 nitiation of polymerization... 020/61/137/001 1016/021 S/ B W I IB2C4 atmosphere after 100 hr gave 1.5~ polymer with a molecular weight of 6,000,000. In the system AN - glycerin - acid, the polymerization rate was accelerated by water. Experiments, to electrify INA by shaking (4"-'0-600 vibrations per minute), in the absence of all initiators led to an increase of viscosity and the forming of 5 - 10';Jo polymer after 3 hr. The authors thus find their assumption concerning the effect of the potential drop on the interface to be confirmed, They assume that in this way also other non-saturated compounds may be polymerized. LlthouEh the data hitherto available permit no conclusion to be drawn as to the mechan- 4sm of the reaction, a radical mechanism is assumed to exist because of UL, reaction being inhibited by inhibitors. Mention is made of A. D. Alkin, V. A. Kargin, V. A. Kabanov, 11. A. Plate, S. S. Medvedev, and N. N. 'S'emenov. There are 14 references: 13 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCI-'TION: Institut khimiche3kikh nauk Akademii nauk KazSSR (Institute of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences Kazakhskaya SSR) PRESENITED- October 11j, 1060, by N. 11. Semenov, Academician 1, 'lard 3/4 20324 initiation of polyrr.,erization ... 5/020/61/137/'01/016/021 Bl 011'B204 I ,iU, Bal I TT-,-,'D: October 15, 1960 Card 4/4 MATJA-'.C.,IVS'vkIA, L~ G". 2(oUT'I", A, V,; SUIIMVJI B. V'; IFUTIOV, S. Conf.inuouj3 method of production of temphthalic acid b.'f the liquid ph.-.-se oxidntion of M-Xylene. Ilefte.chimia 2 no.4:531-5'~5 JI.-Ag '62~ (MITu ic~~10) I., gosudarswem3r)r se12skojrjozyaystvennyy institut T-f~~ ~ -.ut khin-Licheskil-h naul, All KazSSR, Alma.-Ata. (Terephthalic acid) (Xylene) 3), e?9 z;O '62 C,,13 14"' T; J i U -3 of 00~ d c o n t h e b as 1 o Y', n S x am, e t na d i a,-- i n s an a a a c ac: d sc--edi --. c-n 7 e- i CL E, S C:i ri ~t" u t s tu iud T..~ xe~ U X L T n S d i a;;-, _4 n e s a, Li/o h, tax a:T. Li Li::. n us '2he ther.-nal r"s- st' o~ ~~d t, -f C i TT ~~.I:-,ic a -,o' 1 m d t o 6 1 n c i - es L, d b tht~ inz rD due ion 0 f a rc,--.-~ tc .M4 ~jC C;~a_* r C f 1I f c z- n z a a I ioh,_-Ilc 730:ya t ru, c f i-i f 0 rt4 0 f U iu I f u I r, ~_ s sin Lric chant o f the,.,,~fii studied. T. -D o i y c on d er, s, to r. o f c o r.~-e s po rd-; n: - d i am i ri,~: s als:n i x L- d 's i I . 1.) E'O: 20, 01-: r, t~ OS 0 Z aM4 nes :;,:~re: 7, '-,o- acueous-alcoholic ,n e me t-' ;-..- -_,)i-,tF of' salts obtai ned tj o 44 2'~ 3 C, 2o c cn:; n --at n ao c ur 071, n strea.-. :~.t _ra~ e t in -,oi nt. T- 1 d t I n fr, - or r a t u s h y 3 s e t I i n e t 1 Z v o . . t n t r ne d ac c o rd i r. t 0 -~101,-;, %,-S CoSjt4__:S i n cre sc; I or hi Ch, y conc en L:- Z'u %i So 7 1 4 l ' ' Z--- - mixed :I! Po ya- des iirr= t- horn 4nsc';,u':)Ie 4n the usual -o,v~nts. Tr&ir me7ts ,-Je7 c n cold ;c' . t i n,7 -,3-4nts c ,:,n nuo n t C) f 7. 1 u s v 0 0 c, ~s 7n he c-- I I n re,:f C:-.. 4 nC j :i _~n in 3 o i rI t C o m c F, t I* c n C T + TT 6~~ n. 'd 4 du;- o a a r - - a:: cu n .3 f a.-. o r C u S r ~r.,4 e:_en, on 5 4 - 4 - - -- CC: _.,on of 7. 3' ixed i s; a r,-, -z Ob .1~z _o: ~:reat di~fere.-ce in linear ona 4 4 ' , 4 f e 3 , _ ax- a- d s rb c a a f L o ca : _-, f 744 ~3 C 0 3i ty A"2 C) rm L I C D.': % LT c an :-T ra 0 Ll 0 '~' , " 64 - ", .'-' -. u nd CH CiCOCII.I. ar e 2 s0vieL -2" 3 non-Soviet. _e pub Ii cat 4 or ;s j Flory, J_ 0 11 o'.'; 3 .."0. Chum. soc., 1-2, C) C I I C 1 tut chc sk i k h r F_uk ~~n_Stitz':te of C h em. -.' c al S~c; ences 'S Kazakhskaya SSE) S U _6:-I I E. D 2, S/081/62/000/005/090/112 B166/B101 AUTHORSt Gutsalyuk, V. G., Samsonova, N. S. Rafikov, S. R. TITLEi Eff2ct of certain factors on the physicomeahanical properties of polyvinyl chloride plastics PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 5, 1962, 607, abstract 5P30 (Izv. AN KazSSR. Ser. khim., no. 2(18), 1960, 100-107) TEM In order to improve the corrosion-resisting plastics coatings of underground pipelines a study has been made of the effect of the main external factors (contact with petroleum and petroleum products, contact with mineralized water, the effect of ultraviolet irradiation) oil the physicochemical properties of polyvinyl chloride plastics (PVC plastics). It is shown that prolonged contact (up to 20 months) between PVC plastics and petroleum and gasoline increases the tensile strength of the plastic but lowers its elasticity as a result of elution of the plasticizers; analogous changes occur under the effect of ultraviolet light and heat, In addition to whicht for PVC plastics based on dibutyl phthalate the percent elongation decreases more sharply, which is due to its high Card 1/2 S/081/62/000/005/098/112 Effect of certain factors on the ... B166/B101 volatility; the partial elution of plasticizers which occurs when PVC plastics come in contact with ground water does not lead to deterioration in the insulating propertios of the plastios. [Abstracterla notet Complete translation.1 Card 2/2 6/ I')O/6._'/UO4/006 /C 11102 6 j" 1 10/ !ji 151) p lit, cil, VI. ff,~Ct of ultra- ic, -t ra(~ i*:j t ion Oil pc Iya"ili(;C-3 in t ht.-, ol and 7 scyeci 1o . 1 b 2, 8 c; 9 if'o V,-iDc)r) The ~!,C;2ct or' ul t I-A v i k.) I i-- t r.a I! i a - tior, -.~ns Lst~d on a trann:~-rent fil;.-i '-)C 40/0 of f'-6-9 fG-669) poly- o- ~Oiich :.cjlycoricicrist~d from ca. ac _u-,i, arid' L; r0 I, t - .1e Salts L, (AG) and zc, ) at a ratio of 2:1:1. The -2 (Plti:-2) quartz lamp was U3ed. with and without pyrex glas.9 filt;jr (0") and H 0 vapor 3tmosphf~-re). C 2 2 c f h If the C;, partial pre.-.-Lire 111 111' V.'%S U30d for collec'ir- tile -,,asecius . a 6 . i;roducts of the :ihoto-oxidation. %fter irradiation at 30 and 70r,~,' the decoimpo3ition :~rcducts riere chromato-raphically analyzed with the X7-21'-'~, apparatus. Aftt~r 100 hr irradiation, 1,ri.! increased from 0.'84 .ard 1/5 Ch c,,m i,,:~A it rLi n:3 Co r:vi t i r, ns r, f. 156 to C."OJI. Since GO 3 (,-pa- ra t i I) ri w, ---A q me rt~, intens f ve at 700C thrAn the H2 - U-.L~ r~_,t ir'n , ~re it'Cr,: a z;" 0.1 (IS e 3 rupt ure of I. he poly-amide in. Aft er 1-0 1, r it i0 n ~, t 700C , photo-oxid,i t ion uf:,?3 to dec rease 1 to u . 270 . The moleclilar rose f rom I 01CC. to 21 A. yi-,:m~_trically branched molecul 4nce s es were formed o,.,;izi,3 to tht- si,-,,ultanuous processes of destruction and structure forimation. This is indicated by the abrupt fall in percent-1,ge, elongation and total inability to cryst-Illize durim- extei.sion. C-separ-ation durim, photo-oxidation i:; t~~n timus hi~~hcr than photoljsis, -uhich indicates the appearance of carbcnyi-containin-7 com-pouriLs in the molecule. The COOH content remain-, co.,l--t -.-,t uL~rin, for 100 hr at 300C, at 700C it increases b 'H ,y 2C),,j ov;in~ to -,-lrtial oyid-'. tion oC the c-iArbon"l jjroups formed. The It 2 con-cnt ises rapialy a-ft&-.r 20 hr at 5010C an(i then drops continuo-usly, S 1 .1 1 C t2 L iIN" I'roups are 'randed v- ith CHO ones . Photo-oxidation is 2 P r 0b ab 1 Y ra 2/5 S/ l -9c/62/004/006/01 1/026 t c n3 C.I., chemical r'rur' If, if - (;Ilz 0 c1l, % --i-Al-CO -Nil 011 C0 N I! --- (Af C112 10 CHI, c ciI2 C11,00. C['2 - C1120011 (7,113 CHO It T. 'I. ll'+ If - 112~ W+ Off - 1110 Card ~/j,)0/6-/QG4/C)06,,'C. 111020' 1 '. ra ns f,~ ions of B1 10/B138 rc,"._ al'so ~t C C 0.1, L: r.:: .7 0 CO-Nii C 1 th full, 2 s c t ru:-.. .42raciation ~it 500C, phof.olyLic proces~;e:3 are aloo i!zoort3nt. viscosity- first cucreajuu sli,-htly ana Lhen increase-, rapidly. After 2 hr "121 4, fu hr cross _ i -;. f . and after nk. 1 n -is more intenF:ive . n,-- , ho r o ly s i s i n v a c u um, .~_Ph e-ate ot' str-uct,,tre forn-r--tion rises L ~.a C 4 are aCCU;4U'Irt~_O, b.Y th(! chain. i.Iccordin6ly, the molecular decre:~je~; from 15,00C to 12,100 7ifter 50 irlliz,. irz-adiation. A s w i t h I C) t 0 1 S , r 1~rav;o, eL scectra sho-,-,ed an ab-orption band at 2870 corr=sponuinj- La heterocyclic pyrrole rompounds and the turn eilo-,~ish-brrj~.n. Durin- irradiation in tne presence of 0 and _H 0 vapor, Y 9 - c,r,k,- one t hiW C6 j~ s e pa ra- t t- d a n c, a, 1 -_~s s o 1 uo I e ~- e I i :3 1, o r.-.1(- d .Tile proi!t-rt_;-_s -were not -as ~-ood as with vacu-um irradi--lion, but better than *.,.it~i irradiation )hLtl C- fh~_ inhibiting efl-ecL of H-0 va:)or M1 - yop- Gue to -6he reaction of J.O with 12,e radicals ... CII 2- NE ... and ... CH 2- CO . . .developing by hjc.~olysio oil the aarmide bonds. To test this Card -`t/ !5 S/19V-/62/OC4/0G6/Gll/G26 irradiatiun carrif-d out in If20 vapor (12 -,,,1 H", 50OC; 234 ;ma H.Fs 700C), "h(" U G 6,; UN C Yilt' pl'o(luct!; *,~;el,t-, ~ls ijut in oiiialler (;w.-nLities. In the of If 20 t i cham,c, inLo methylol derivativi;3 v.-hich decampost! linto amide anc! aldeh de. These zinu -'roups and distort their analysi:5. There arf- ~ -ig ure A S 5 C, C 1AT I,)!,; elementoorganicheskilch soyedineniy AN 33SR (Institute of Llemental-oi.,.;~anlc Compounds AS USSR) 3 U B 4-"' IT T -;, DApril 26, 1961 Card 7-)/ ~-) 2/85o/62/008/000/0031/004 Blig/.-Pici U T ". C R, SSuvorov, B. V., Hafikov, S.R., Kagarlitskiy, L. D., Sabirova, A.. "'ITLE: Oxidation of oreanic compounds. Communication XKXIII. Gxidizin.- aazonolysis of p- and rn-xylene mixtures SCU2c": Akazemiya nauk Xazakhsicoy SSR. Institut khimicheskikh nauk. Trudy. v. 8. Alma-Ata, 1962. Kataliticheskiy sintez monomerov. 109-114 ' T--Y'-': Tne synth---sis of terepththalic dinitrile (I) and isophtralic dinitrile (II) was investij~:ated by reaction of mixtures of p- and molar ratios in amounts of 40-70 with 120-175 of .n-xylena of var 4 OU3 of 111,0, and 200-4800 liters of air per hour and per liter oi, catalyst, witn c8ntact tillds of C.2 - 0.5 sec, at 350-1100C. '~,.olten lead vanadate served as catalyst. The contents of I and H in the reaction -oroduct were determtined by polarography. Results: The yields of A' and II were only slijhtly affected by a chan.-e in "he contact time ~_rd in the rate of adding the reaction mixture. 'Uhen !he reaction bard 1/2 S /6 5 2 "3 0 1/0 4 ,oxidation of or,,~anic co:;Dounds ... BI 1573101 te;.-.p&ratura is raised th, yi,31-a of 1 -t- II reaches a -maximum 46c and 3900C, %-;hiLc~ t~.,~ yield of aseous substances incrcaa&-c steadily. T?.a formation of I and 1-7 depends esz;entially on tha molar ratio of tee xylene isomners used; lunder omhe!r,.-.ise equal raictior. conditions, -.he y4elC:S Of T -.;ere 79, "X, and --52r~., wl'-.ilst t.-.-:)se of 11 xere J ~-35 1 and over 6&1- res-pectively, ~-t t.-.e ratios m-xylere : p-xylene 4:1, 1:1, and lig (r~f(-.rring to the -cheore-Lical maximum yield). There are 5 fi,-ures. Cb.rd 2/2 S/19 62/004/009/008/014 B101YB144 T1,11ORS: Gladyshev, G. P., Rafikov, S. R. IITLI!-,-. investiCation into polymer synthesis. VII. Photooxidative activation of the polyacrylate ester oligomer by the visible spectral re.-ion -!~E'~~ I OD I CA L soyedineniya, V. 4, no. 9, 1962, 1351-1353 T-'-* I(T :The oliGoner of MAJ-2 (IL-LDF-2) poly-(diethylene glycol) phtl~ala te- dimethac-.ylate with the structure H C=C(Cll 3 )-cOOC,12CH20CH2C1120[OC-C,H 4- COOC112CH20CH2CH20]2-OC-C(CF 5 )-C-12; n20 .1.")118 -.-:as irradiated -ith 4358 101 lii~ht in the presence of 0.064~'7 by D Volume of diacetyl. Polymerization was then conducted in a dilatome-~er. Results: (1) Photopolymerization of !,W-2) activated in an inert at;io:3phere is very rapid. The apparent activation energy is 11.4 kcal. (2) 'Uhen air is bubbied through the oli gomer during irradiation peroxide compounds accumulate rhich initiate the polymerization after 02 has been removed. Card 112 S/1 90ji-S-2/J04100910081014. lnveztip~ation into polymer synthesis... B101/B144 (5) At 200C the kinetics of tile polymerization of :,'.-TjF-2 activate(! by irradiation is similar to that of the olieomer activated by benzoyl peroxide. The polymerization rate increases ra;-Adly with tile 2 _ tertiperature at a peroxide concentration of 18.8-10- ' equ/1. At this concentration tile polymerization de~,ree was appr8ximatelY 30P after 250 -in at 200C, 65,; at 300C and 90~.') after -80 aiin at '00 C. (5) dualitative experiments showed that other acrylate polyesters also are activated by irradiation in the presence of diac-tyl. The polymerization of these substances may also be �nitiated by 1 _ 5L",; methyl methacrylate.activated, by photooxidation. Conclusion: the photooxidative activation with visible lijht is suited for the polymerization of polyacrylatD esters at low temperatures. There are 3 figures. ASSOCIATIO!"; Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN KazSSi (Institute 6f Chemical Sciences AS KazSSR) J~ U B:. T T'11,: 1) IJ~ay 24, 1961 Card 21121 c S/190/62/004/009/007/014 B101/B144 MiCHS: Raf ik-ov, S. R. , Gladyshev, G. P. I'IL*-:: Study of polymer synthesis. VI. Polymerization of methyl methaerylate activated by photooxidation in the presence of sensitizers i? Lti-JDICAL: Ilysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 9, 1962, 1345-135) TIXT: Th eactivation of met-.,yl methacrylate in the presenctew of d 'acetyl (1) or benzyl (n) by exposure to the li.1-ht of the 4356 *L fig line --p studied, and also 14A in an Hg the polymerization of activated L~ di~atometer. Results; (1) ..I,;A becomes activated by i7rradiat-ion in the presence of I or II in an argon atmosphere. In the prezience of 0.18'i'o of I, the molecular weight was 76 500 and the degree of polymerization 22.6',0' after a 4-hr irradiation at 20 C. In the presence of II, the values obtained under the same conditions were 331,000 and 1-54-i~a', respectively. .(2) Bulk polymerization of 1411"A is possible with I. After irradiation for 18 - 20 hrs, t4e degree of polymerization was 75 The activaticn entrgy was 11.Lj kcal. (3) When oxygen is bubbled through KMA in the Uard 1/2 S/190/612/004/009/007/014 Study of polymer synthesis ... B101/B144 presence of I or II, peroxide compoinds are formed and the polymerization is accelerated. A polymerization of almost 100' ;.-as reached after d`* lirs 0 "2 11 at. ijO C with a peroxide concentration of 5.1.10- g-equ/1. The molecular weil-Ifit of the polymer -,,.as 36-4,C,100 at 05-1-10-2 g-equ/1 and 1,01"0,OGO at 1.3.10-2 a--equ/1. Between 20 and 10 C it was independent of the te4iperature. (4) The linear function vo . f(f-c), where v 0- is the initial polymerization rate, and c is the concentration of peroxide compounds, confirms the radical nature of the reaction. (5) The concentration of free radicals determined by diphenyl picry! hydrazyl .-,as 1016 radicals per gram after 30 min in an argon atmosphere, and 1o15 radicals per ~;ram after 500 - 1000 min. (6) AS the "gel effect" is diminished as co:7:,-,arC-d with that during polymerization in the presence of benzoyl, large bulk polymer products can be got. There are 6 fi6-ures. "S30CIATION: Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN KazSSR (Institute of Chemical Sciences A3 XazSSR) SUBI-~IT',L:,D: May 24, 1IQ61 Card 212 r) 7 S/062/62/000/009/005/009 B119/B186 U 7' 1, Raf i, -a '"trianov K. A., Pavlova,'S..A. )vq: I. I., an~ Pichkhadze, Sh. V. "3 Ji'll'i", of .)oLy.)ril-iin(,)tititnosil()xaneo -in solutions nrui? S-~S.R. 'Izvestiya. Ot'deleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 9, 1~162, f581 - 1584. TEXT: i-oly-bis-(acetyl acetonate)titanophenyl methyl siloxane was produced b, cI)hytIvoIy;,.ing T!ieth:.,l phenyl dichl oros i lane with bi3-(acetyl acptom.,te) acconiint; to the reaction sch em e CH'A C H C6H5j O-C, i 6 '5\,-, + Cl _C:'~CH 411 H I) I ~ Tiko 0 O-bi- O-Ti~~ CF J* + CH 2 1__O=Yx 2 Wridine bH O=C CH ~2 3 3 H3 6 N' FCI. "'nu, rD!Lction )r,.),iuct .,,as obtained by fr-ctiont~l preC_;_jiLa*-4,1-, a solution in rjenzene n-heptane (1:1). The ind.4Avidual frac t -.)ns Card 1/2 3/06 2/6 2/ '~-" C in Blll~~-/B166 .vore -.nil iys,~d inL,~ Lhr-ir eLe!:,ents; their 'iiolecuiar -~veit~-ht and visn-oc-i formamide, benzene, chlorobenzen~, Re~;ul ts : 'Ji~h :.minimum deviations, all the fractions sh.)"'t reLM~iv,-- hoi::om-oneity, ani differ only in molecular viei-ht. Ila), -i-Muin molecuiav L found: 11,200j; deE~ree of polymeri:vition n-of this fr,;4,- 17; charact.eristic %iscosity (depending on the solvent used and th~-- throu,rh the ca-pillar- tube of the viscosimeter): 0.01 There are 6 fiWares and 1 table. 66C I A Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii n-iuk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the -k3a-ier.,~yr of Sciences USSR) 3TTB"""~71ED: February 17, 19062 (I ~Tlrd -2/9 L1420 s/iqo~62/004/010/004/OiO 3144/Bla6 AIUTIIOR,":t HsU Chi-pling, Rafikov, S. R. TITLEs Chemical conversion of polymers. Rate of gas evolution and quantum yield in the photolysis of polycaproamide ?ERTODIC.*.L% 'Iysokom3lekulyarnyyp soyedineniya,. v.,4, no. 10, 1962, 1474-1475 Mris The rate of gas evolution was studied from 0.04 mm F4-4 (PK-4) films exposed in vacuo to light of 2537 R from 6 6V8-15 (BUV-15) lamps symmetrically arranged at a distance of 50 mm round the sample tube; total viattages 90 w. After irradiation the gas volume was measured and the cas was chromatographically analyzed.. then the sample was again exposed and the energy absorption determined actinometrically with uranyl oxalate. The test was repeated with a one-layer film wrapped )from the difference around the tube. The energy absorption was founA between the H2C204 contents ii, the actinometer. 4Whereas H evolution is constant, CO evolution drops sharply at the beginning and becomes almost constant after 20 hrs of irradiation. This phenomenon has been Card 112 S/19 62/004/010/004/010 Ch~,mical conversion of p9lymers. Rate ... B144Y31a6 previou~-,Iy explaine-1. by ~he authors (Vysokomolek~isoyed. 3, 56, 1961-0 -bid. # 1962). Thq,absence of branching from the linear. L A 4, 851, couroe of' ibe 11 and CO evolution curves. The qjupLntum yield equals -j.~ine the initial period, ani 6.1-10-41 lution 4 at a constant evo rate. This is in good agr`eement e,,ith the authon'l data on the exposure of polycaproamide to the total spectrum of nPV -2. 4PRY,-2) lamps (making all-Dwance for the differ&Xxe between the spectra,9f the 2 types of lamp) and with da ta on polyethylene terephthalate by K. 1. Osborn (J. Polymer Sci., ~8, 357, 1959) and on polymethyl methacrylate by It. I. Frolova, A. It. R-,abov (Vysokomolek. soyedot 1, 1953, 1959)~ The'quantum yield obtained by photolysis of polycaproamide is by two orders of magnitude lower than that obtainediby hard radiation. There are 1 figure and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONs Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Institute.of Elemental Organic Com6ounds AS USSR) SUB*11ITTEDi May 26, 1961 Card 212 S/10 62/'004/011/003/014 B1 19'YB1 86 'UTHORSi Rafikov, S. R., Chelnokova, G. N,q Sorokina, R. A. TITLE: Chemical reactions of polymers. VIII. Degradation of polyhexamethylone adipamide at high temperatures P-ERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 11, 1962, 1639 - 1646 TEXT: Polyhexamethylene adipamide of molecular weight23,500 was subjected to heat treatments at 3500C (in N 2 current) and at 380 and 4000C (in an autoclave and N2 atmosphere) tor several hours each, and the resulting de- composition products were investigated. *At 3500C, a steric (three- dimensional) crosslinking of the polymer occurs with cleavage of NE . and 3 CO 20 At 3600C and over, a primary hydrolytic cleavage of the amide bonds sets in, followed by a separation of CO 2' cyclopentanone, amines, and KH 3* The presence of CO and low hydrocarbons in the decomposition product points to an additional homolytic cleavage of the -CO-NH- bonds. The Card 1/2 S/190/62/004/011/003/01A Chemical reactions of polymers ... B119/B186 hydrolysis of the polymer is initiated by the presence of minimum amounts of moisture in the dried initial product. It is maintained by the forma- tion of H20 in the self-condensation of cyclopentanone and its condensa- tion with amines and NH 3' The end product of this condensation is an in- soluble and nonfusible polymeric substance. There are 3 figures and 3 tables. The most important Engliah-language references are: B. G. Achhammer, J. Appl. Chem., 1, 301, 1951; J. Research NBS, 46, 389, 1951; S. Straus, L. A. Wall. J. Research NBS, 60, ';39, 1958; 63A,.269, 1959; B. Kamerbeek, G. H. Kroes, W. Gralle, Thermal degradation of some polyamides. Report delivered at the Conference on Heat-resisting Polymers, September 1960, London. ASSOCIAITIO'Ni Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR (Insti- tute of Elemental Organic Compounds AS USSR) SUB1ii!TTF,Di june 9, 1961 Card 2/2 D423/D307 jo,"ThuRo: T-eUin, B. L., Rafikov, S. R., Plotnikova, L. i. aad P. YI.I. Audiation grafting of poiymeri,~ chains to the ;url'oe J. mineral particles U i i C Trudy Ii Vsesoyuzno,,6 soveshchaniya po r-adiatsixi-noy r .,iii. .6d. b0 L. 6. 2olak. Moscow, lzd--io iN 3.33R, --j6", -500 7 -(T Thi,~ worjr- carried out with a view to forming and ~,rafting pji ,,mer ciiaino to the ourfuce of mineral powders for u3e in e.-I. The uxn:riments were carried out' %%,ith ZnO, NgO and Be() pC,%.i,Aers exposed to the vapor of methyimethacrylate at a tfempera7~ure ,iF 1000C, in thin-walled glass ampoules wrhilst thj entire apparatUc rotated by an electric motcr. The radiation sou.--ce .,;af, a 700 k-., ,L~-,c~ron accelerator. There was no evidence for the foi-nation or I)jlyri,?rs in th.-, control, nonirradiated experiment, but witi-i i rudiation intensity of 1.2 x 1018 ev/cm3.sec and an exposure time r d I /-':) 41,3L, ojoi 000/ 0 ~i-, (I ia t ion ..'r"i f0 i),1 2_5 / iJ3 07 I.-**),, by (I i.;ilt 01i 11,,10 of '60ta I pol- m,:r j -,,i th _;0 . Y'lof -AL; _r;A'_`te(_[ polymer. Results f or Bek) wi th 6 x 10 0!.L._.: ) iiin irrtdiation time yieided of thu Th.,, bet%:een total qu,mtitf of pol L.,I, r~;.dia cion waii ohown to corresdond to ,,, bimolt ~~izi 1 0 1' r It u r (-- o f k i n e t i c c i ua i n,3 d u Q t o I, ~_, C m 1) 1! 1 -1 1 ) 1 ;.;;icrov.-idic_u1s, --Lnd confir;.,ed tlie radi(-,:tl process. Ex,,orimQ.,its carried owt -o,-,~tii ,'ziO did tiot, :,o6it_~v-,! veouits. Thio io expiailled .1,; y of electron semiconduction, uo that the Tj",,-ied is ~Ln acceptor of free electrons u,id it,3 t III in ~.nO. There are 3 figures and 1 1'IN1' In-;titu'u elementoorganicheskikh A.' Institut fizicheskoy khimii 1111N Organic Compounds, A3 U,-3311),; 1jistitutt-, )r _1111,vsical hemistry, AS US-OR) RAFIKOV, S.R.; SEMBAYEV, D.Kh.; SUVOROV, B.V. Oxidation of organic compounds. Part 28: Oxidative arnmonolysis of acrolein. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.3:839-841 Yx 162. (~aRA 15:3) 1. Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN Kazakhskoy SSR. (Acrolein) (Acrylonitrile) PROKOF'YEVA, M.V.; RkFIKOV, S.R.; SUVOROV, B.V, Interaction of aromatic acid nitriles with alcohols in the presence of hydrogen chloride. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.4:1318-1323 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN Kazakhskoy SSR. (Nitriles) (Alcohols) 38110 S/02 62/144/002/02-1/028 B101%110 AM-'ORS: Vlasov, A. V., Glazunov, P. Ya., Mikhaylov, N. V.,. Rafikov S. R., Tokareva, L. G.,Tsetlin, B. L., and Shablygin, M. V. Formation of oriented structures in radiation-induced poly- i :,-,erization of vinyl monomers on fibers ?3':,:3D_7CAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 2, 1962, 382 - 383 TEXT: An attempt was made to obtain oriented polymers by polymerizing the' mono,-_er from the gas phase on orlented macromolecules of fibers acting as 11:-:atrices". The ex-jeri..-.ents were made aith a two-chamber apparatus as used lor jrafc poly-merization of vinyl monomers on mineral particles (Cf. B. I. Tsezlin et a!., Tr. 2--o Vsesoyuzn. soveshch. po radiatsionnoy khimii, Izd. SS S - 0 H, 1962). One chamber contained caprone cord fiber heated to 600C, and the other contained completely anhydrous acrylonitrile (4000. Irradi- ation was made with X-rays (dose rate, 3'101 5 ev/cm 3. sec) for 3 - 6 hrs at -5 '10 10 =1 Fg. The weight of the fiber increased*by 15 - 33 %. The -3eroendicular dichroism in the -C'--:N stretching vibrations (2235 cm-1), Card 1/2 S/020/62/144/002/023/02-6 Tor:.-,ation of oriented structures in ... B101/B110 .detected b~,.spectroscopy, proved the orientation of the polymer. Experi- zents -,.,ith acrylonitrile and non-oriented fiber as well as with liquid acrylonitrile and oriented fiber showed no dichroism. The liquid monomer molecules are assumed to prevent orientation. Further experiments with polymers, man-made and natural fibers used as "matrices" are under way. There is 1 figure. I . U ASSOCIATION; Tnstitut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR). VsesoYuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy inatitut iskusstvennogo volokna (All-Union' Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Fibers) January 19, 1962, by V. A. Kargin, Academician SUB,-.:_7TT3D: January 12, 1962 U_ I 2/2 RAFIKOV, S.R.- ANDRUNOV, K.A.; PAVLOVA, S.A.; TVERDOKMT. BOVA, I.I. - 1. Folyorganotitanosiloxanes in solutions. Izv..AJI SSSR,Otd.khim.nauk no.9:1581-1584 S 162. OMMA 15:10) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Titanium organic compounds) (Siloxanes) L 11?1:46-65 EWT(M)/EPF(c)/EP-1q/BWP(j)/T Pc-4/Pr-4/ps-4 A,XESSION NR: AR4049275 S/0081/6470001015/SO217SO21 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Kh1mlya, Abs. 15SI19 AUT110a.- Zhubanov, B.A., Rafikov, S.R., Gumargallyeva, K.Z., Pavlitenko, L.V. TITLE: Research in the field of polymer synthesis Article 10. Mixed polyamides- based on m-xylylene diamine, lsophthalic and terephthalic acid CITED SOURCE: Izv. AN KazSSR. Ser. khim., vy*p. 2(22), 1912, 88-91 TOPIC TAGS: polymer synthesis, polyamide synthesis, mixed polyamide, xylylene diamine, isophthalic acid, terephthalic acid, polyamide solubility, polyamide mechanical property TRANSLATION: The authors investigated the properties of mixed polyamides based on m-xylylene diamine (1) and a mixture of lsopbtlialic (11) and terephthalic (IM acids, which made. it possible to obtain more heat-resistant and transparent golymeric glassesqhan are possible with homopolymers of I and H. The mixed polyamides were syn sized by heating a mixture of salts of I with 11 or M for 5-6 hours in an argon now, then for 30- 60 minutes at low vacuum to complete the reaction. The mixed polyamides were character- Ized in terms of melting temperatures and thermomechanical curves When the Cord 1/2 L 17146-65 kCCESSION NR: AR4049275 concentration of HI in a mixture with 11 is increased to an equimolecular ratio, the mixed polyamides formed were transparent and slightly tinted solid substances. A further increase in the content of III In the reactive mixture resulted in the formation of an opaque and horny polymer. Most mixed polyamideg are insoluble In organic solvents or In concentrated sulfuric acid. Analysis of the thermomechanical curves indicates that the mixed polyarnides obtained have an amorphous structure. See abstract 158111 for Article 9. B. Englin ASSOCIATION: none SUB CODE: OC, MT ENCL: 00 C,,d 2/2 TSYANI ZHENI-YUAN' (Chlien J'bn-ytlan]., prof.;-RAFIKOVO -S.R,, -prof.., red.; DU13RCVSKAYA, N.A., red.; IAVROU, I.N., red.; KHONYAKOV, A.D., [Determination of the molecular weights of polymers] Oprede- lenie molekaliarnykh vesov polimerov. Pod red. S.R.Rafikova. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1962. 234 p. Translated from the Chinese. (MIRA 15:5) (Polymers) (Molecular weights) KORSFAKY Vasiliy Vladimirovich; ~RUNZE, Tatlyana Mikhaylovna, ALIK _ QV,-- doktor khim. nauk, otv. red.; ZHULN', V.M., red.; LCSKUTOVA, I.P., red.; TIKHCMIROVA, S.G., tekhn. red. [Synthetic heterochain polyamides] Sinteticheskie geterotsepnye poliamidy. Moskva, Izd-v,) Akad. nauk WSR, 1962. 523 p. (I-JRA 15:7) (Polyamides) (Ilacromolecular compounds) ARKIIIPOVAY I.A.; RAFIKOV.? S.R.; SUVOROV, B.V. Production of nicotinic and isonicotinic acids and their amides by the hydrolysis of nitriles. Ziar.priki.khim. 35 no.2:38~- 393 F 1620. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Institut k1limicheskildi nauk AN KazSSR. (Nicotinic acid) (Isonicotinic acid) (Nitriles) IZELISCN, Ya.Z.; ~L'AFIKOV, S.R.~ SUVOROV, B.v. Ozidaluion of orgaric com.oolmds. Renort ri: .34~ Dissociatilon of -:!Wi:~ .11- - "5,11, ..;. kid, k I - . -1 :2 Lz, r ~., , 1 -~ I L I , I ", (. KII RA 17 z 3 ) EFEL'BAUM, Kh.l.; GUTSALYYUK, V.G., RAFIKOV, S.R. Effect of crackt-d stocks of the 'hermal cracking process on t-he rheological -3+ Izv.AN Kazaleh. SSR. Se,-,.tdkh.'4 !-rl'um.nauk, (Y-',RA 17-0) GUTSALYUK, V.G. ; EPFI,'BAITM, Kh.l.; RAFIKOV, S.R. y residues from petroleum refining. Depression properties of tarr, Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. tekh. i khim. nauk no.2:26-31, 163. (MIRA 17:2) r) Z7 -S-16~2V63160010'0'3106~1618---- B101/B1e6 AUTHORSj Tverdokh'~ebova, 1. I.t Paylova, So A., and RaflkovL S_ R. TITLE- Dependence of the properties of solutions on polymer struo- tures. Communication 4-- Solutions of polyphenylalumino- siloxane PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye khimicheoikh nauk, no. 3, 1963, 488 - 493 TEXT: Polyphenyl-alumino-siloxane was synthesized by reaction of phenyl-j'~ sodium-oxy-dihydroxy-silane with aluminum salfate. The substance showedi an intramolecular cyclic-network structure, softening point 1600C, By fractionated precipitation with petroleum ether from benzene solution fractions of,the polymer were precipitated which had the same composi- tion; intrinsic viscosity was determined in chlorobenzeneand in benzene, and the exponent a in the function [TL] - k-Ms' was calculated. At-200G.4,wasl 0.17 in chlorobenzeng,0-345 in benzene. This slight dependence of the intrinsic viscosity on the molecular weight confirms the dense network structure of the polymer. There are 8 figures and 5 tables. Card 1/Z S/062 63/000/003/005/018-71 Dependence of the properties of BlOlYB186 ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh.soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental Organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDt May 22, 1962 Card, 2/2 L 1o625-63- EPR/EPF(C)/EWP(j)/EWr(m)/BDS--ASD--Ps-h/Pr-4/Pe-4--M/WW ACCESSION NR:- AP3000696 S/0190/63/005/005/070OZO702 AUTHOR: Glady*shev, G. P-, Rafikov. S. R. TITLE: Investigations in the field of polymer synthesis. VIII. 'Methyl methaerylateipolymerization in the presence of 2,3-butanedione under the influence of visible light SOURCE- Vy't-dtarolekuly.arrU-xye soyedineniya, V. 5, no. 5, 1963, 7,00-702 TOPIC TAGS: photopolymerization, initiator, kinetics, methyl methacrylate ABSTRACT:' The photopolymerization kinetics of methyl methacrylate (YN) in the presence of 1,3-butanedione as initiator has been studied. Lic-ht of X = 436 m4 '3 x 1017 2 from a mercury are IZ and intonsity 0. L quantum/min cm amp was used. The reaction was conducted at 30, 0, and -50C in the presence of 0.03 to 0.01i% of the dione in the absence of oxygen to a degree of conversion of 2 to 3%. The reaction ra'Le (,:) was determined dilatometrically. The mean free radical lifetime (T) was determined by the rotatinly sector method to be 2.5 sec. From T, V, and the M concentration the kI~Vkt .ratiol where k- and kt are rate cons ants of propagation and termination, res~pectively, was calculated to be I/+ x 10- at 30C, 6.5 X 10-6 at OC, and 1.3 x 10-6 at -50C. The value of Ep-Et, where Ep and_Et are the Card 1/2 i. lo625-63 ACCESSION 11,Tj: AP3000690' appropriate activation energies, was calculated to be 4.3 kcal/mol in the 0 to 113C 'Determination of the intrinsic viscosity of the polymer in benzene indicated, ,range. U ,that, in agreement with Semenov's (11. N. Somenov.. Khimiya i tekhnologiya polimerov, No. 7-8, 196, 1960) collective interaction concept, the mol. wt. of the polymer prepared at -50C exceeds that of the polymer synthesized at 0 or 30C. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas and 2 figures. ASSOCIATIO11: Institut Rhimicheskikh nauk- AN Kaz SS1q (Institute of Chemical Sciences, AN Kaz -qqR); Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedeneniy AN SSSR (Institute of Organoelemental Compounds, fill SSSR) 28Oct61 DATE AGQ: 17Jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 001 ch Cary, L 10513-63' EFF ( C )/E'O!,PWEWT(m)/BDS -ASD-Fb .-4 6j-((59F0r/67(0OVVW 5/0703/0705 ACCESSION NR: AF3ooo697 5/00 ? AUTHOR: Rgikov, s. R.; Sechkovskaya, V. A.; Glady*shev, G. P. TITLE: Investigation in the field of polymer synthesis.- IX. Pbjn2rization~ i KiLzation of acrylonitril;qunder the influence of the visible region of the spectrum in the preaence ordfilorine SOURCE: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 5, no. 5, 1963o 703-705 TOPIC TAGS: phoLopolymerization, acrylonitrile, polyacrylonitrile, chlorinep initiator wet spinning ABSTRACT: Photopolymerization of acrylonitrile (AN) in the presence of chlorine as Tne initiator has been studied. The polymerization was carried out in a dimethylformamide (DMF) solution irradiated with the visible region of the spectrum, rom a mercury are lamp. The intensity of the 436-m tL line was 0.4 x 10`5 quantumy~min x cm2. Prior to the addition of chlorine, argon was blown through the mixture. The reaction was also carried out in a ZnC12 or CaC12 aqueous solution. It was found that the polyacrylonitrile (PAN) yield increased linearly with AN concentration in DMF. The effect of irradiation time Card 1/2 L 10513-6) ACCESSION XR: AP3000697 IC121and reaction temperature on PAN yield was studied iii 10% AN solutions in DIV. It was found that with a proper selection of~[CJ2) and irradiation time considerable yields could be obtained, Thus, With 2.2 mol % C12 on AN and 7-hr irradiation the yield was - 33% at 20C. The optimum conditions with regard to yield were'10C and 3 mol % C12,' PAN with the highest mol. wt. was also obtained at 50C. Solution polymerization can yield polymer solutions suitable for wet spinning. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 4 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskikh nauk AN KazSSR (Institute of Chemical Sci- dncesAN KazakhSSR); Institut elementoorganicheskik-h soyedeneniy AN SSSR; ~Tnstitute~of Organoelemental Compounds,AN SSSR SUBNJ.TTED: 280ct61 DATE ACQ: 17Jun63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CH NO REF SOV: 002 (YTHM: 001 Ca,d 2/2 V LEO , A. V, !KHAYU V N. 7. KOV , L'. R G B.L.; '1-AZUNOV, Radiation-induced graft polymerization from the gas phase. Khim.volok no. 6:24-28 163. (,MIRA 17;1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno--issiedovatellskiy institut iskusstvennogo volokna (for Vlasov,, Mikhaylov, Tokareva). 2. Institut elemento- orga.nicheskikh soyed-ineniy AN SSSR (for Rafikov, TiSetlin). 3. Institut fizicheskoy khimii All SSSR (for Glazunov). -r. 19790-AA FPF(c) /Z-VrPQ)'/EWT(m)./BDS Pr-h/Pc-h RWW 16CESSION NR- AP3002296" S/0062/63/000/006/lUB/1120 AUTHOR: Buchachenko, A. L.; Sdobnov, Ye. I.; ~afikov, S. R.; Neyman, M. B. TITLE: Reactivity of diethyl pho~phite radical reactions with tritertiary li~i pheno SOURCEYY~~N SSSR. Izv. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, no. 6, 1963, u18-11W TOPIC TAGS: diethyl phosphite, tritertiary butyl pheno.V1, dimerization, kinetic method, degree of solvation ABSTRACT: The reaction of tertiary butyl phenoxyl with diethyl phosphite proceeds with abstraction of the phosphine hydrogen from monomeric tautomer containing pentavalent phosphorous. The rate constant in benzene at 20 degrees was found to be k sub 1 = 1.2 x 10 sup -25 cc/see and the equilibrium constant for the dimeriza- tion of diethyl phosphite, K = 7.5 x 10 sup -21 an SUP -3. The procedure developed provides a general kinetic method for determining degree of solvation of the reac- tion center. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemi- cal. Physics); Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR Card 11h ~~rl::,ANC.,V, 3.11., S~A~ - 3 0:' j)O!;(mer3. par-, I' - t,,!.x9J ie:3 ca~ell on nv-xlVlene- , I 1 -3 . -- - - - rl I ami ne. ,adlpi--~, rimlnc,~nantlran, ani aminou-mJ:eca:-,0112 aclis. Vvsokux. 5 no.q .-1325--1328 1.3 163. (~gRA 171l) 1. Tr,ntltut khlal-ahas~lkh ni,.iik '.-N K~Z-SSR~ KORSHAK, V.V.; BEKAS(ATA, N.L; CHIKISHEV, YU.G.; ZPYYATINA, V.A.; TISETLIN, B.L.; ',:IFIKGVp S.R. L Radiation sin-L--s4s of borazole-based po'ymers, T%~ysokom. oaed. 5 no.IC-1447-11,50 0 163. (MIRA 17- a) 1. Institut -ia~,m~tr,!-,.~3-rganinheskikh soyedir-eniy AN SSSR. S,/048/63/027/00i/037/043 B125/B102 AUTHORSt Yatsenk6, E. A., Gutsalyuk, V. G., and Rafikov, S.._R'._ TITLE: Investigation of the tarry substances in mineral oils from their infrared absorption spectra PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 27, no. 1, 1965, 107 - i1O TEXT: The relationship between the tarry substances in different types of crude oil from the Ural deposition Munayl;y and Karaton and their infrared IjI absorption spectra is described. Such spectra were taken of 5% solutions of these mineral oils in CC1 on plates 30 thick, using anWKC-14 (Ii(S-14) 41 /111 1 spectroscope. Strong absorption bands exist at 2861, 2926, 2956 cm- in the region of the stretching vibrations of the C-H bands in the spectra of the tarry fractions-. The fractions precipitated from solutions in carbon tetra- chloride show more intense absorption bands than those precipitated from alcohol-benzene solutions. The aliphatic chains of the tar fractions pre- cipitated with acetone have the highest degree of ramification, the tars of Card 112 -5/048/65/027/001/Olz7/043 Investigation of the tarry B125/B102 the alcohol-benzene fraction.the lowest. The narrow band at 1050 cm- 1 is probably due to the components-with saturated cycles. Other bands indicate the existence of arylalkyl ketone, diaryl ether, and substituted mono and polycyclic aromatic structures. The most important structural elements bf the tar molecules are and polycondenak*d' aromatic groups. Various tar fractions differ by the amount and th6 structure of their aroma-'. tic structures. There are 3 figures and 1ntableiLl-.1c. A) Card 212 3/079 ,/63/033/002/007/009 D204/.D307 AUTHORSi Arkhipovat I*A,- RafikovA S,R. and Suvorov2 B.V. TITLEt Hydrolysis of terephtbalodinitrile with aqueous ammonia under pressure PERIODICAM Zhurnal obahchey khimii, V. 33, no. 2, 1963, 637 - 641 TEXT: The above reaction was studied to determine the possibility of selectively preparing the desired intermediate products. Terephthalodinitrile (TDV), prepared by the oxidative ammonolysis or p-xylene of Pb vanadate, was reacted with agueous ammonia (taken in Various TDN: ammoniatwater molar ratios, n) at 200-3000C, in a stain. less steel autoclave under pressures from 5 to 40atm., over 3 hours. For n = 1:14s210, the yields of the diammonium salt of terephthalic acid (I) increased fk6m r- 30 % at 2000C to - 100 % at 3000C# whilst the yields of NH COOC H CONK 4 6 4 2 (11) fell from ^J50 % at 2000C to -10% at 25000. At 2000C, with TDN%H20 - 1:210, increasing the molar ratio of NH :TDN to 38 favored the formation of I and II, whilst 50-40 % of 3 Card 112 S/079/ 631033 /00 2/007/009 Hydrolysis of terephthalodin1trile D2o4/D307 each of NH COC H CN and NH COC CONH was formed at M MW 1.2. 2 6 41 2 A 2 3 A small amount of ammonium p-cyanobenzoate was also formed with low concentrations At 2500C, increased concentrations of water of NH3 0 i promoted the rate of reaction and favored the formation of the final products of hydrolysis. During the formation of - COHH2 from - CWj the ammonia behaved only as a catalyst; in the conversion of - COINH2 to COOM 4 however, considerably higher concentrations of KH 3 were required. There are 3 figures. ASliOCIATIONt Institut khimicheakikh nauk Akademii nauk Kazakhakoy 35R (Institute of Chemical Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR) SUBMITTEDs makch 14, 1962 Card 2/2 BUCHACHENKO, A.L.; SDOBNO", Ye.l.; RAFIKOV, S.R.; NEYMAN, M.B. Reactivity of diethyl phosphite in radical reactions with tritert- butylphenoxyl. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.o:1118-1120 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut kbimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR i Institut elemento- orgqnicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Phosphorous acid) (Radicals (Chemistry)) SUVOROV, B.V.; RAFIKOV, S.R.; ZHUBANOV, B.A.; KOSTROMIN, A.S.; KUDINOVAf V.S.; KAGARLITSKIY, A.D.; KHMURA, M.I. Catalytic synthesis of the dinitrile of terephthalic acid. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.8:1837-1847 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:11) KAGARLITSKIIYY A.D.; SEUVOROV, b.V.; RAFIKOV, S.h.; KOSTROMIN, A.S. Catalytic synthesis of benzonitrile by means of the oxidative ammonolysis of aromatic compounds. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.8:1848-1852 Ag 163. (MIRA 16;11) ACCESSION NR Ai-,016117 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Rafikov, Sagid Raufovich; Favlova, Sillviya Aleksandrovna; Tverdokhlebova Traida Ivanovna Mzthods of deterrining molecular weights and the polydispersion of high nolecular weight compounds (Matody* opredeleniya molekulyarny-*kh vesov i polidispersnosti v)r~isokomolekulyarny-,kh soyedineniy)', Moscaw, T~d--6vo AN SSSR" 1963., 334 P. ill'is., biblio. Errata slip inserted. 5,000'6opies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut elen%intoorg4iiicheskikh soyedineniy. TOPIC TAGS: high molecular compound, molecular we'ght,.diffusion, light diffusion, sedimentation, osmometry, ebullioscopy, crioscopy., 6n'd gioup, viscosimetry TABLE OF CONTENTS [abridged): Foreword 3 Ch. I. Concept of the molecule and the molecular weight of high-molecular carpounds - - 5 .Ch H. Dividing the high-molecular compounds into fractions 21 Ch. III. The light diffusion method 81 RAFTKMI, .3.R.; CHEEL110YOVA, G.M.; aODE, V.V.; ZHUFAVLEVA, I.V.; SOROKINA, R.A. Chemical transformations of polymers. Part D,-- Specific features of the thermal degradation of polyenanthamide. Vysokom. soed. 6 no.4.652-654 Ap 164. (MIRA 17:6) L. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. ACCESSION NRt APW32571 3/0190/64/006/004/0710/OW AUTHORS: Chelnokova, G. U.; Rafikov., S.-R. TITLEt Ghemical transformations of polymers. 16. High temperature destruction of polyenanthamide and polycapramide in a closed system 13OURCE: Vy*sokomolek, soyeane.9 ve 69 no, 4., 1964, 710-W T TOPIC TAGS: polymer, polyenantliamide, polycapramide,, polyamide, thermal polyenanthamide decomposition, thermal polycapramide decomposition, amide bond hydrolysis, polyamide depolymerization, homolytic bond rupture,, decomposition roduct,chromathermograph KhT 2M ,P ABSTRACT: A 45-60 g aliquot of semitechnical grade polyenanths-ide (PEA) (mole wt, 20 000) or of commerical grade polycapramide (PCA) (mole wte 18 000) contained. in a test tube was placed in a Oe5-liter aatoclave filled with nitrogen, and was heated for h4 hours at various temperatures* After cooling, the gaseousp liquidp and solid decomposition products were analyzed with the chromathermograph KbT -2H.p the infrared spectrophotometer) by conduatometric and potentiometric titrations etc* Heating the PFA at 35OG yielded practically no gaseous productsq but did Card AGGESSION NRs AP4032571 produce depolymerization from an initial viscosity (in cresol) of 1*5 to 0~4, the product remaining fully soluble. Heating the PEA at 370-38M brought, about mainly the liberation of KH and CO and the formation of a polyamide with a molecular 3 2 weight of 2600 of some lactams, nitrilesp and pyrroles. Heating of either PEA or PCA at 39OZ20C resulted in a complete decomposition of the polyamide macromolecule., yielding 6-13% of ammonium carbonate and carbamines, a larger anount of gaseous products.. some water (3%-). other fluid deutrfiction products,, and 10-12% of a solid insoluble black mass. The latter was presumably a polycondew sation product of earlier decomposition compoundso Infrared analysis of the liquid fraction showed the presence of ON and NH units. In the opinion of the authors ,, hydrolysis seams to be the dominant trend in thermal destruction of the polyamidess most of the water originating from secondary reactionse Ihe desamina- tion and decarboxilation of the end groups, and the homolytic rupture of various bonds are also involved in the processes of thermal destruction of the polymerse t V, 1. Yermakova participated in the Werimental work arA N. A. Chumayevaldy conducted the infrared analysis* Origo art* hass I tablep 2 chartas and 2 for- Card 2a_ ACCESSION NRi AP4032571 "ASSOCIATIONt Institut el--witoorganicheskikh sayedinenir AN asm (Iwtitute ~ of 'OrOwelemental Compoundeq 'AN'SUg) smKETTsD i o7may63 DATE ACQl llNvf4 JMLt 00 SUB cost Out HK NOW SOV 1 003 OTHKR OD1 -313- FAVLOV, A.V.; BTUW,"Iq.. S. Ye.; RAFIKOV, S.R. r-* bu"cr, of poly- --apr eu-,i I 5r we t d i prc,dir-t of anioni--- polymerizatim. I~vsckom. sc-d. 210'12 N 164 18:2) -1 elementoorganicheskikh s,)- d1nanly Z SESR i Distitut In s t i tu4 ye vysoV-)m,)Iek.u',yarrly~h scyedLneniy MI SSSR. 1.1%; RODE, V.V.; SyrithesiS of* pyrocatec.-inl phoarh.-Ite. Izv. 0' SS-:,'~ Er-r. kh*m'. I 115 1. 164 (I-IRA 19:1) 1. Irl-titub soyedinerily 1,11 SMOR. L 21210-65 Pc-VPeb/Pi-4 .1,SD(!D)/ AFTG(a)/ESD(gs)/ESD(t) IM/RM NR: AP5001481 6/0190/64/006/012/2168/2173 AUTHOR: Rode, V. V.; ~arov, A. S.; Rafikov, S.~R. 00"""W" oal-'7 TITLE: Chemical transformations of polymers 20. The photochemical decompositi of selected P2.1-Yarylat!-$ SOURCE: VysokomolekulyArAyye soyedinehiya, v. 6, no. 12, 1964, 2168-2173 TOPIC TAGS: polyester stability polyarylate stability, polymer film, thermal stability, ultraviolet irradiation, ph otochemical decomposition, phenolphthalein polycondensation, terephthalic acid, isophthalic acid, infrared spectrum, polymer crosslinking, chain transfer ABSTRACT: Polyesters of high thermal stability, prepared by polycondensation of phenolphthalein with terephthalic or isophthalic acid by the method of V. V. , Korshak et al., were studied for their stability in a vacuum under ultraviolet light. Thin fi1M3 were deposited from chloroform solution, dried, exposad for up- to 120 hrs. to the light of a mercury vapor lamp (6.3 quanta/sec-cm aad analy- 2), zed by infrared spectroscopy. The gaseous products were identified as carbon mono- xide and dioxide by gas chromatographic analysis. The coloration of the films increased and both tensile strength and relative elongation decreased with increa Cin &neters was wlWadiation time, but decomposition as indicated by the studidd par 2 L 21210-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001481 shown to take place primarily during the first 50-60 hrs. of irradiation., Ame- chanism for crosslinking, chain transfer., and cbaiii termination by photochemical reactions is proposed, and crosslinking was-shown to be favored by the cleavage of lactone ringsjn the studied polymers. The decrease in decomposition rates with irradiationl~time was related to the formation of quinoid compounds and their stabilizing ic-tivity.'! The authors thank V. V. Korshak, S. V. Vinogradovit and S. N. Salazkin for supplying the specimens7 Grig. art. has: 3-tables, 5 figures. and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineuiy ANSSSR.(Xnstitute for Heteroorganic C6mpounds, AN SSSR) SUBNITTED: 19Feb64 ENCL: 00- SUB CODE; 14T NO RHF-SOV: 006 arm: 005 Card 2/2 lt'AFIOV, S.R. I I~f 'I~fi- ~: -, cri . - . j. . . I, . J~ I- -, -, - . . T! l'Aly I .. - " ; --:- I -- I- I 'I; :, - I "; ~ I J, riot. o- ~ -!,. " I RAF1 KOV, S.h.; SECHKOVSKAYA, V.A.; GLADYSIFEN, G.!-. ~ .1 1 ho%opl~merizatiorj of acrylon-urile ir solutions of zinc chloride an,i cal(tium chiciricle. Trudy Inst. khim. naj;, ;azak-. SSR 111:16- 13 1 t-4. 17:11) N V n e. 1.7 L 2133 -65 EPA(a)-2/LWT(m)/Epp(c)/Bpa/LW(j)/ T -Pe-4/Pr... ACCESSION NR: AT5001006 6/2850/64/011/000/0036/0041 AUTHOR: Zhubanov, B.A. I Rafikov, S.R., Pavletenko, L.V., MoshkeAch, S.A., A.k.imova, N. 1. 0741 TITLE: Studies in the field of pol or synthesis, Paurt 15. Synthesis of polyamides pre- pared from m- and 12-xylyle As nedfamine. adipic, sebacic and Isophthalic aciff-' SOURCE: AN KazSSR. Institut khimicheskikh juk. . Trudy, v. 11, 1964. lintez I issledovanlye vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy (Synthesis and research of high-molecular compounds), 36-41 TOPIC TAGS: polycondensation, polyamide synthesis, )WIfAenedramine, adipic acicl, sebacic acid, isophthalic acid, intrinsic viscosity, thermal stability &BSTRACT: Poly-m-xylylene-adipamide, poly-p-xylylene-sebacamide, and pdly-m-xyly- lene-Isophthalamide were prepared from the diamines, acids, salts and acid chlorie'.es, and also from dimethylsebacate, by solution; melt; or mixed-phase polymerization, and tested for intrinsic viscodity in cresol or sulfuric acid solution (deciliter/gram, Ubollodo) and for thermal stabiliW Maximum yields of 98% poly-m-xylylene-adipamide with a maxinitun viscosity of 1. 1 were obtained by solution polymerization In m-cresol and subsequerit melt Card 1/2 --L 21337-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5001006 polymerization at 260-265C. Thermal stability at 237-287C and the typical behavior of a crystalline polymer were indicated by thermal analysis. Solution polymerization and subse- quent melt polymerization at 280-290C gave a 98% yield of poly-p-xylylenesebacamide with B. viscosity of 1. 36 in sulfuric acid; polycondensation yields with dimethylsebacate at 260- 270C were 98% with a viscosity of 1. 17 In sulfuric acid; mixed phase condensation In water- carbon tetrachloride, gave a yield of 81. 1% and viscosity of 0. 3 in. cresol. Thermalde- composition of poly-p-xylylene-sebacamide started at 340C, and this polymer wan shown to be less crystalline than poly-m-xylylene-adipamide. The maximum yield of pply-ni- xylylene-isophthalamide was 90%, the maximum measured viscosity 0. 17., a6d severe con- ditions produced crosslinked and insoluble polymers. Decomposition of the amorphous polyamide started at 350C. OrIg. art. has: 3 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut Khimicheskikh nauk, Akademiya Nauk KazakhAoy SSR qn!~4tute of Che'mical Sciences, AcadeMy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC, 14T Ito REF BOV- 001 OTHER: 004 Card L 2i338-65 EWT(M)/EPF(c)/LWQ)/T. ,Pc._4/Pr_VPa_4 RPL jwlRm ACCESSION NR: AT5001007 8/2850/64/011/000/0042/00V AUTHOR: Zhubanov, B.A., Derg3yanchenko, Y.P., Raffitov, S.R. 6/1 TITLE: Studies of the field of polymer synthesis. Part 16. A study of the polycandensa- tion reaction of m-xylylenedlamin with phthalic acid v\. SOURCE: AN KazSSR. Institut kWIcheakikh nauk. Trudy, v. 11, 1964. Sintex I issledovanlye vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy (Synthesis and research of high-molecular, compounds), 42-47 TOPIC TAGS- polycondensation, phthalic acid, xylylenediamine, pqjjamIde synthesis. cyclization A13STRACT: Polycondensation of m-xylylenediamine with a-phthalic acid at 212-280C in an inert atmosphere did not yield polyamides of high molecidar weight but linear and cyclic oligomers; the amount of cyclic polymer increased and that of linear polymer decreased with an Increase in temperature, and the amount of ammonia liberated was simultaneously increased whereas that of recovered m-xylylene-diamine was decreased. The polymers, which were light-yellow to dark brown In color, were fractionated by extraction w1th ethyl ether, ethyl alcohol, benzene, and acetone, and the benzene-soluble fraction was identified 'Card 1/2 21338-65 ACCESSION NR: AT5001007 as m-xylylenediamine diphthdylimide, Formation of ammonia may involve both. the re-- action of terminal aminogroups of polymer. chains and the formation of a secondary amine from nonreacted m-xylylenediamine. The soluble fractions were shown to contain low- molecular and cyclic oligomers, and various paths and structures are proposed for the mechanism of cyclization. Orig. art. has.- 3 tables and 9 chemical formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimichesldkh nauk, Akademiya, nauk Kazalch skoy SSR (Institute of Chemical Sciences, Academy oi Sciences of the Kaz!!L~SR) SUBMTTED: 00 tNCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC, MT NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 004 Card 2/2