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- 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 *I II U .1 .1 x 11 a a it b is 17 a .4 1, 11 W u hi 13 ft v Is III k 41 4j u III ago I 8"f _9 1 41 -1 1- 1 AA Of CC W it d I. 1_8 b Effea of inhibitors mi 4utoxidgition of linsted ml 00 0 7...". 7. lit 't I.. 1.1-f U-1 IN ..... .IV. t 4. Mladw-. -J III.,, 00 0 0 I M, 00 00 Awl \,I,- 1.1m. th, IA'I I.-Ilk ... ... I Ow .1 vI . ..... 1.1, roe 00 Ilk,- FIA~IWI.. A 1-19,11119111 !LOA! I 1 II I Ilk I--kI 1 1K 00 goo 00 400 00 00 00 0* f e 0 t; 00 '1[ ~'** 00 It I -0 a Ti 11 1. 2 a K ff q It 9 Ai a 3 0 v O q: 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 0 0~6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 09 0 0 St 0 0 # 0 0 00 0 0 4 ~ f J I W it 11 it 14 -S U It it 911 it 11 it N V 0 0 Mf cI A L L I r. A A A L a 1 If I I A AA Ill M 110 U fs.till . ' A /V -00 sea;, -00 10 0 * x, I..Amll.n of *0 1., slahlo Condithm. 'in lZu-taft I 1, M 11"j. %:A And %I F- M. -141111 1 00 ...... iVi'l.-ly " . 14. Mai MIX. 11 W.-I J, AplutrallIA filt JAI'latil-n '-f lilting. and th'. in table cond 00 : applicatwn 'If t.'"dard A-1, dill, 0 r"ntitill'.11 teap,val of tIt, Joe- 4~0 *0 -49 I d S 4. A Attati(IRrICAL LMNATURC CtAS11FOCATiCk 0 It ~ 1100 A, W An A I v 1w a I Ar 8. 1 i9 0 IP 11 71 it Wt It R U Of U .14 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 00*00#0000000 000*001000009000*400006000 -----L ,a a -A a 6 IV . . - - - `07M a 10 *To, 0 ; 0- 06 0 ~oo 1) h J, ft A 0 a N r 6 m I I A T 4 AA Al U M, cc tqOkIlm of CrbW* ph&$" in Stabk Canditiam (in .00 00 Russian.) V. M. Popova and N1, F. Rzoina- 7"Im, -00 k"Ift, Labol-W.Fig (Factory J.Klwatory~, v. July JP411, 1), 556- 61. Deacritm-P *ppMTAtUA CIT i..d&tI..n ,( varbi-h- In stable conditions. and d~rOws 0- ni-dil- 01,141- r standard xteek during "-tWoU,,U% t' ation of ynovxj of the precipitate. A 48 Joe SO !too to No 0 (1 It 6q( K 4M 01 Is K CE It Ot n I A2 a I It 417,00 OU 0" 06 0 0 40 0 00 0 0 o 0 a 0 o 0 0 go IS *-* 0 Is * o * 0 0 0 q 0 o go 916-0-640 0 06 66 see 0 00 SHEMYAKIII, M.14.; RANDEL'. G.A.; CHAWS, Ye.S., SHVETSOV, Tu..B.- VINOGRaOVA. YO. I. Synthesis of racemic sarkomycin.. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk no.8:1007 Ag '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Inatitut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii Akademii maditsin- skikh nauk SSSR. (Sarkovoin) Jrh-e (leterminatica of aid- pyr PIX04hate, caa(Wdi~om_ fc Cke*. Com- C-4. so..144,50t. U-4- _p__ I.r)-'.),FC, j CUTIR Vs ~4n -T -T -T T -T -T -T N -TI '* I'll-, -L- A - J. a A a - - - 7~ pwflgli AW W*081-10 C A L It for "bow" In 1~4--klv. S. I it.) is. 490 No i~ I INI'Irl :~':A Q.. buit (43 X W x 19 'so 9 M:)., imbom Omm mW back wa% we raway", Oftlalm o Opt-las GO&& of sperm cm. stnK-do maw 2 S' - somodma to 't 4 Yavkb Of. IC. A. JO. V WO;). -attacb-rd-lo the hwAmw by rubber betels 00 W with sub other by n&nr tubing. Omit 4MA=IWO Is connected to so *V. pulup, %vhkk twm sk ibtmgb &M The ob"ptkm &&,, Aura( lbit4adtacam be dismawed at ww. inqual. goo 09 k OWY I SbOWY" " is connected; " permits 7 re 9 00 an amwall -IrIllelli the Posed thcaugh tiw The 3blwd rdbWoommmoar is In the w7wesn only it 00 s itl to dow"Ism." tbo 4. at sk pawdm tbrumsh AA-! It S= X-c"Oll alt. cc p"Wal of The &WIC I - "t &4d. The alp. is Part" sad requirell little time the anstrok. W. R. Man goo see ve till Leo S L a SITALLUIMCAL 1.111111ATURE CLASISKATON via- .0-AAW j I ve vv~ logo" -A- 1--, -,- . T I r Irr' A 1 4 00 0 9 9 di 1i--, U is LT LAI;OPPOOM name W111151 iia bra f 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 *IV W t, It I A IL A 0 ~* :40 A C 14 A I , 1 00 ! It.) W, No. Wal"'AIRMI).-In the &pp. k i k va t l " polsom ma be dnected la food. 4 "t. WAS Air thmugh the ob Into a r" k It to the object the b 4 a" can e ; too. of eyck-s. The object 6 powed 4 COuls incr witb VOMA buWw NtrWft- TbE 0 emmected with a DnW jar conig. the rt- .1 meat. 04 I*k a spwW 4-way stopcoc . The Dreid mW both bldves of thm - tar am a m d eo 90 .3 m cam ecte Z It tW ' 9 P ' ' - The aspirstar is mode In the form of 0, hwApm with a stoprix* betwem the 2 ham by nwarm off wkkb the Sow of llg can he mgulated. The Anst. of He In do amOmfor 6 100 ad. As the HC &nn hvm t1w uppw % the kmw beg, the air (n)m the coutabw 1 ' In dmwu 10 the abombet wW the 4-way st g into the bw f h b t apper 4 e em steor mw the ak from the lowm bW k pund shoWtamausly into the 1% PWMOW MANaam an abourbed by dw obwbtr an thus i b thr air imle the cuslandimled di i d4w. L 0 1,$ the kvww bw I# the Amplestw IN " Alm & O 4 0 d 1 ~Pm M w -war *vpw6 r . b 10 twwW by 0% lail of the 20im or Fvvwwd J4 J lbst so H betwet the now of me -ed. 1'b& app. 6 portable. W. a. 71. - - --------- Mll~LLMKAL 0.111MATUlt CLAIWICAll" 13 slow 9'.Aftv 1-00 1 .164 -00 lee lee roe =0 0 C* r* see ISO me =*~-. ISO* 9.04" .4. a.. d.C "Ull~cl @$&All 4w 4m. its q 0 , MR A 1 0 FJd 0 0 0 3 Is " 5 A 6 3 1 1 It At 10 u mc it it Cc of , a I in 1 0 11 Q IS IS 1i to if v " a is a 11 a a )-I I L IL Y A A M At w -- - - - - - reaMM AND 090#1111.4% .off 00 cm A 4-10 ML (J. AnL Chleft Rm. 1*, 0, TIS-ft f- 180 d V a Af ojgtW 4wwWjWy mimma wM ffg-Zu) an dibitad 00 a 9 * to 50 a4.$ I imL d 2% Sq. CkmMotto - "w an KWW, ivm by uld : rth " em i d d d d 0 ll o ~ o m s am wo p f go F 0-001N.11 MIAM., - twA WA" isTam an am o - - 0.03% hg ~CmM at &--W ml. ot It pw IDD a1- 0: .3 IL T. a 0 0 '4 &ffdjtA "TALLURGICAL LITERITM CLASSWACAtTICAN &non% -A .19 a., visill Owl -00 -00 -00 a** ZOO Ce 0 goo see ZO: Igo tro 0 X, 0 01 at It 19, ~ In I = ,,Too UO : ,,oT "03 OL* 0 of 09:00099960WOO!00:9,6,6004, 0 00600040 Noel 0 be. 411 0 It I. kA 111111 LL IV Itb A L It Colarimiptnt: determinaUca ol titanium in Call, MR and s Itir, 0. A , 00 "A'. 0 it, ~,I, 00 ml . All and Ou., .)1,w will =go . livell by I 1 1 It I I , 1!14 nit, ,Iv.Iv_ all OO . I... "fir 11, 6e ! J so a 001. zoo off co -Zoe se'd 00, ties, *of AS. SLA FTALLUPGKAL LITEMATIAlf CLAWFKATIGN tz - - - - - - QNA 0 . I w se q '1 V-TA.AI to two to o 0 01, 0 0 0 0 3 0 .44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It le 0 0:// ~:ansjurgen; iobert Koch InstituLe (!,Robert Koch Institut' (chief: ;Z`:NE,7:E,;ERG, GeorL, professor', Berlin. ..-I I , - 4. Y - "Vaccina t-ion-Ca used "iegative Phase' and 'Provocation' , and TheIr ~Budapest, Orwasiljetilao, Vol 104, No 32, 11 Aug 1963, pages 1500-1.c'.C. Abst-act: The concepts of 'negative phase' and'orovocation' are defined ~ U I the author. A historical survey is made and experiments of Brie~er, and -1irlich, v. Dun-ern, de Gaspery, RAettin;r and Wolk, Gillert, and Seifert are discusse,i. E-...-Periments on mice infected by Breslau and poliomyelitis strains, respectively, were conducted by the author. Active Lmn-unization has beer. carried out alter the infection has taken place. The results are presented on several ~.raphs. Data on observations of the polio epidermic in Chicago, 1956 and the typhoid epidemic in Mlecklenburg, 1945/46, are also presem-.e_-4. The author attempts to show that the 'negative phase' is an ir.,rune_1-Uiolo7i- cal nhenomerion. It is concluded that initial vaccination should be done be- fore an epidemic outbreak. If this is not feasible, the use of decreased amounts of vaccine may be considered. Booster shots present no dan6er, pro- bably because of their ver-j rapid action. No references. 1/1 !7,Ar?f'frV A.S. 29596 ~-'J,j `;akt,.-erial"!cF I t-l,T-T-'r-'TFU,A A!7-17'~S!S ) Kak Kon,,on-ent '0 Plinktona. !, ik rdndolof!iya, 1949, v:.Y,).5 S.h42-V- - Biblior?r: 6 'Taev `r) - I I Ito 7h ~~ CT;k'! T FA . . tf,). RAEP-~.OVS?',IY ) E :? -3 4 V.V. pryeobraeoveniye prirody molyekal. (K irisuzhdyeniyu stalinskoy prjen-i'll ea --A-.a. kaenriskomu ea natich trudy F.-o on-an. n-ilaii). Friroda, 1?4':", No. 9, C. 3-7, c. t,orlx.--PH.bJ lo,,,r: 12 Nlaev. S0: Letcris' No. 3,' BULGARIA/Acoustics - Noise. J_ Xbs Jour Ref 22iur Fizika, No 3, ig6o, 6717 Aut'l-lor Raev, A., Popova, L. Inst Institute of Physics, Sofia University, Bulgaria Title On the Voltage-Tunable Operation of Magnetrons with Resistive External Circuit. Orrig Pub : Dokl. Bolg- AW, 1958, LL, 11o 6, 441-444 Abstract : An investigation was made of the dependence of the active component of the alternating voltage between aegments of a slotted magnetron V on the resistance and capacitance of the external circdt. A simple calculation shows that 2C2D2), where the quantity V. depends on R'= R/(l t LAJ R is the resistance of the external circuit, C the capaci- tance between the segments, and ti the circular frequency of oscillations. The experiments were carried out on Card 1/2 - 112 - or tit IM 5TATIONMY OSClLX4TIOHS UMEPEUDZNT - 7 . 1f, 12141 (1065). V awmades (2 ta asculoAtan b" The effect of heater c~rretA oo~tba conditions for bein fowA for two-! -and tWii-segment nitimatroia wUhl Purely, resistive Wernal circuits (ace C.R. Acad,-Bulg. Sci, Vol. 1. No. 1j 39, 1948 %W preceding abatracti. A.R*M Va, jC Bulgaria/ ophysics Superhigh Frequencies, I-11 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35396 Author: Raev, A., Uounov, I. Institution: J~hyaica Institute, Sofia University, Bulgaria Title: Stationary Electron Oscillations of a Two-Segment Magnetron in the Absence of an Oscillating Circuit Original Periodical: Dokl. Bolg. AN, 1955, 8, No 2, 1J+; German; Russian resum4 Abstract: Brief description of the fundamental properties of nonresonant osci-Ilations of a 2-segment magnetron, due to conneeting between its segments an active resistance of a definite value. The mecha- nism of this oscillation was analyzed previously by Raev (Raev, A.,, Annals of the Sofia University, 1945-1946, 42, No 1, 311). Emphasis is placed on the role of the space charge condensations occurring in the magnetron and inducing in the external circu..t a current that produces in turn the high frequency voltage batveen Card 1/2 Bulgaria/Radiophysics - Superhigh Frequencies., I-11 Abst Journal; Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35396 Abstract:. the segments, which maintain under certain conditions the occurrLig condensation. The frequency of the oscillations is entirely dependent on the values of the anode voltage and of the magnetic field, satis- fying the posthumus relation with another value of the constant. Experiments performed in the meter band confirm the qualitative ideas concerning the character of the variation of the oscillation and also the relationship between the optimum values of the act, ve resistance and those values of the resistance,, which correspcmds to the occurrence and to the I-nterruption of the oseillatic~ns. Card 2/2 R-'117",', Ai, (~;nfia) Lasers. Ft. 2. Mat i fiz Bulg 7 no. 2: 1-9 164- -C., R:t ., - .I ;! . ~,- z mp 1L s~- * san- BA 1" ' nu. 4: 2 0- -, ;,; (",.elaL-~ las~-rs. I ; -- -, I '-l. q4 j--tirir!!: in marj,.,~tr :-is 4 71! '--f '-I'ast E!iro-ean Ac,-,:ssion-, Lis' Vol. ':o. h Apri-3, 1957 w~' 1 71 A - Stationary electron oscillations Li two semental magnetrons without oscillatory circuits. In Geman vith Russian swnriary, p. 1. Vol. 8, no. 2, Apr./June 1955, DOM-TY, sofiya, Dulgaria. Source -!- 1.'onthly- L'st of East European Accessions, (EEAL), L; brary of Congress. Vol. 5, No. 10, Oct. 1956- c h y Mkiourave rathopbYSICS at the otrvic* Of DPOCLtWCDPY Ak ksAndur Ritcy. Awsludire Nophr. Sefi4, Faceill Ut.. Livii use of microwavcs in ~ the don. L4 mtructurc.4 (d mols. unit alostis Is diacuned. G. AlegueriAts RAEV j E. 1! Pure and Ilixed Rcws in TYPes of Forest Cultures," p. 108. (Gor5ko Stcoanstvo Vc1.8, Vc.3, Mar. 1952, Sofiya.) East European Vol.2, No.9 SO; 1-ionth List of Accessions/Library of Congress, September 1953, Uncl. I . R=I S. "How to Prepare the Soil for Afforestation." p.213 (GORSKO STOPANSTVO VOL. 9, no. 51, May 1953, Sofiya, Bulgaria) Sol Monthly List of East European Accessionsp Library of Congress., Vol. 2, No. 9, Oct. 1953s Uncl. I I x 11 12 it W 3) 4 11 if 11 &,P J2 a At 25 a# 1) 20 It x 11 Ij 1) )4 25 A. 11 to n a v 0) a J1 A A L 0 ?k P .9 It I I V V A T I CC W tZ I ' a I L A ., . 00 00 c 00 00 The 1mroduction of spring steel and the aunufacture of Go 00 Rae~. r'r-& Yet. 1937. No. it. 21 o: Zewtrl 1, 791.-T A re~it-w -1 the canpri. of IFin lum- l. th if m.11111 in m I .06 .00 oo - , c, m(me "Mnm w , . 4, g I -Sttncnl a".1 Shaping ( , tbt manilf. of cpirul ninitip. rir beat-Irralumnt an, the alilwarancr A Frarturrs in 00 o0 11"Ity %prin" M. G, M,.W~ z 00 =0 0 00 zoo 00 gote 00 !Zoo see 00 1 i 1 x40 00 :1 00 00 A$* iLA OFTALLUPWAL LIT111 4MURE CLAISIFICATICh z ts* 1 VILIJI 1- is, 1; 1W A- -0 0 An I I a ad Q at IM IJ D 0 3 9 OT 0 ; ; ; ; : : : : : : 0 0e 00 11 19 I ) 3 4 1 a ? A a L IL 1 4 # , . , , lf M 11 A A All]$ M~ N r I. it As p,&. 0.1 A AA N CC LV U A t Disinfection of malt by "tatiolt. E. Spul', theva l M M i - A . j%j. ljtvinoirs and Y mit & Ch i Prom. 16. No. 6, 9-14(1939); lirse 42, 1067-TreAtment of ritall fiv "lin- with a o.15% d Sol. in a vane rAtia "t I kills the -teria, (A nialt without decreasing Acklifir'nic lia& A3 diAstat', t~W~F. hi~% ttrAillicut is ul'ire effective than Owl with wild Licit, fi 6 t r nl oil lime, that has a weaker 4c .4, lei i4 file flialt A nipinraii-Oniture zoo zoo see 06 see so j wee so t:99 go I SI TALLbeC.KAL LtrEMAILRE L,%S1FiCAT1C% _ T -7 U a 1, 1 v K U -1 Soo 0 00 ct,%&j n 0 0 0 q0 0 0 dno , 0 0 0 0 0 : I : 0 0 0; 0 a 0 a a - - as 0 9 13 16 V If 0 At b 3. A is 11 Tj f) A A V a t 1=1 ce 0 Ig s 1.0 410 " coo( _ fl =M4 AMD 944ROMIA" Okb&4A 9 fatchadf ie ower of m lt -RAL i F : a Y lt p Z. Raev, Pro"t. 17, - - common "u-* of ti e b t l : / m se, r paji c %ten ina t g /0 ratings and tech. Prf(Mulistwe of jna&~ is tile quality .4 0# watcr u-ed in dttg. the sarchwifying power of mait. J.,e., i th,, water n the starch soln. Tbb is because &1k. water 00 it . -rakrni the activity o( malt diastase, Ile remedy is to 8 00 is- d6td. water. measuring the pH at intervals it) make c"isin there Is no excm alkv. :-;,h 00 00 X go 4141151 ; H 00 .3 , Kee 0011 00 4F Soo goo ties 69TALLURGOICAL LITINAT110111 CLASSIPSCATWO too 4. "".a 411131 as a- All U S AV 00 13 it ODIC KIM 11% 9 CC 99 St KW 0 1 OW so 0 'A Aft V ff N 9 a 0 0 e 9 4 o 0 0 0 SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p O-h o- 6 9 4 11 IS u t$ 11, IT a n" :7 a It 9 is Ad At 11 0 a Is a of a a 4 0 1 1 4 5 4 r 0 A' 00 A, ji- -Z-&& M_ MAP, It ___L__L -A--& r Op-M 00 so ir Accelerated malting process for distilleries, based on 00 natural aersdoc of germinating grain with shnompho c l' t Z i " N P so rlo- o ro". 16. ' o~ i . RACV-Sp Mayu Oxylea. . is-, %w 21(1(w). -The Inethod dewribed Ouvriem nuilling 00 a tiour t:y LLN-411)% anti Irescus the slatrh limm in inaltinX by f W 4417, The chief fraturrm tit the gjrqavsv dfr sitainirn. so once t4 optimuin trinp. (*21-22'1 anti intinoved tivni-t 00 the grain with atni. 0. InfiAn F. 40 06 3 go v 040 Z, TLAI CLAMPKATOGN S . - S L A SITALLURGKAL LITIN if Do., 51.14111. s AV it a a '0 41. . ff . (C K 6 0 0 *is * 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 40 0 C-zrrz-_%Ag= IF I FA a Ow I If Is 9 As a 3 0 I I 0 0 0 4 a 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 : : :1o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 o * a 0 * q 4 so :so .041 04119 -00 4141 -00 is A 040 0 c00 04040 ties 47 V 0 O-G-4v V-W- , IIIi it* Itallubma NVAIVAIII U11 JIM AMISM4 T .1 004dave A Of VS-B I Q it I- -T ~M T. A-L-A-AA 0 CC M 91~s k t A v. I it V j I of v P A N--- -1. ".9 Poi)tel , _ - - I -I, of. 41. Copts$,- Of I "Coger'll '-w. 09 : Disidection of mail by n1fitation. F. 1. KYA'SI'Luir b Na :1 4 1 R Mk U S S ) 8 -00 00 . ra s0 . . . ' . and Z. -A. Racy. 0ty ( , 479 90. Kkhm. Rooferal. Zkkf. 1939, No. 12,114; cl, C. A -00 09 34, 34XV,- -The effect oil Wh on pure culture4 oil Lzriir -00 and arelle bacteria. DrIbl-fick bacteria. butyiic driol hAy 00 or bacilli was Investigated. For all these cultums 4-%ttiw( flit 1-40 00 8 hay bjrilli, 0.1570 SO# was Imbal. A canvu 4 V i l b -00 00 te, t o Skh I-Aucest a nearly couiplett-ly sterile tua t and 6 not allect the diastatic proWity of analt. A 0.2',*~ -nen -00 00 S produces an absolutely sterile =It, but lower-, smicwhat -06 its sat rhatifying ability. of ale. Increases. with 0.027c the yield det-traws tightly. godl 00 a and with 0.04-0.013% a1c. fermentation mops ruturly. =06 The increvoic a( the achlity was const. and it was rivail Its 00 0.3* DrIltruck (Willi chlocinat"I inalt 0.4 WS, 1). And ze 0 00 %i(h unwashed imill 0-m 1.0' 1) W. It. 11,8111 00 ZIP 00 coo 0* is , zo 0 00 zoo roo .00 boo so U06 Alit ILJ &ITALLUP&K AL LiTIftAT&,Jfj CLAISIFICATICIt t:0 0 to k* 0 So il;.j " AN U so to or Piro ;i's wir wit AA I S 9 CW 0 4 1 if 84 5 A3 a I ZA I T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 Is 0 im ~0016 0 0 0 0 9,0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dooa~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014 0 a a 0 0 "i :~L% 7 _-'v S;,A IA y "Pronostic A la caDacitc de tra,,a-iI au cours de 11-ictere catarrheuy.." Raevskaia, G. (p. 612 SO: Journal of General Chemist (Zhumal Obshchei aWdl) 1940, Volune 18, no. 1. W W- 44,10 0 A. , ts U if to 11 11 is is V a it x $1 11 V, W 15 it is Q L-L- A it ~-I~ 80 CC A U I , 9 M.5, 9 A The role of phomphAtenila In cases of renal Insufficlency. ' 01, A. RairvAaja. Slin. 3fral. 11 . S. S. R.) 15. 610-21 1939,I.=3l.-tn"scs,,frcnaHtj- sufficiency as a rule there is an increase in the content of thelikiodininorX.P. This plienortienon is connecte4l with s a a increase in t lie reahlual S of the blood and an intrusificA- tion 0( the ittilthoptucciti reaction and other reactions which are tests [of residual N. In most cases there is a reduction in the alkAli reserve of the blood. A very urat inermat in the inorg. P has unfavorable prognastic &is- % a IrAuctiott itt thr Attic. (It 1, its the nifiCAU'V. luouvisvew. so a f-1 i. M. G. Nli.-It --0e ~** 0 -00 zoo too 0 Lao I L Al I % 0 r" a 4 1 a W I At I , it It 1. m x K it it n it n i ,., ,, 1. ; 0 0 0 0 * 0 * * a ~ 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 , t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , * 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 Mr. "Cn the mechanism of the narcotic acticn of certain substarces or the spermatozoaz of Rana Teirporaria.11 (p. 721) lzboratcry of the Physiology of Cells (Chief: Prof. D. N. 14!, Institute of Rhysiology, Leninf-Tad University. by Rativskaya, Mx, and Troshin, A. SC: Biological Journal (Biologicheskii Zhurval) Vol. VI, 1937, r!0- 4' 1, .6 .3 A A .4 ~ 1, 1: IJ J4 1% 16 ji 1. p .1 A A L L I. a 1, 4 1 T be CC w III., w A 0 0 A 0 0 00 The mechanism of the namotic action of certain sub. -00 stances on the spennstozoids of Race temporaria. M. kaev~kaya and A. rrc"hin. fliol. Zlour. V. A. S. R. 6, 721-114(itt French, rite narv,itic atwn atm the capAcily for 1.1,mking the injerlLit of I,A,l rinalwouls "I Mi".2 (emp~ia 4,e 1..-Iy all.1 for the hAlowing i-t-nwAls. are in the (wilt-r. gUvrvrol < MeOll < Etoll < UICA < lic,co < Flimiw < 1,1011 ur,than < '11111jille < S. A IZArjtl.t 00 j zoo zt oe 00 z 00 zoo of =00 00 e* it kof 75- 1 ' ~ Fee ZA AA L N a f~.# a 4 :r If w a If Ft it If n I , 1 If 3 Ail 3 1 T Qx "a Ole o 0 o v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 - 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 So 0 0 41 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 j 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 So 0 0 0 0 0 0 rf .1 A t " k, 1. 1.) lei uIsb%I a P, 0 %I cm .1 u n ~ -, .- - (-:n, ~ 1 'to. 00 4011vaill'! 11311~111111. T 1% .11 00 00 r 001 0 I 00 0 t0 E -0 002 oor -Wfisw"d P, lu'll"Iddu 441 114m 441 SUPJv4a 4%VjUV-%j.M!jW j)UV S.4010VAIM aqj p U,)jSoonjoqp V 04. UTOUO-ik-t 'It W W aVUAXqO-VUU" C, go s.,~V t"MA"X -V 'ejagnip 2atlim P2330,1 p aq3 p := o X J, 00 00 00 00 00 so go go :1 ' if T-T -r-T 1 0 n *1 73 08 VV 7 1 Ir if A M I I T 7 7 IF ii[ 1! ti 1`1 1 0 Z; to r, It a ISM Om twtlw Vortz alf,dril # , 1 . .1 M 6I 00 0 9 9 0 a a 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 9 41 0 0 0 4 0 0 Op V L 4-4 s a V M M U M t a to A 21 is a 19 x U 0 a a U V I A. I L A6A 06 OL 90 U A t I i re -00 of-Al ^00 go " Ail and U S Ti hi R o0 . . mos n. uss. 57=, June 30. 104(f. The raw It Is treated first ith i 00 w an acid fied dour pastv, then plez, and treated in the usual mann oo er. 0o oo 00 as 0 1300 boo =0 0 12700 C200 ;Woo too U fS K ft go 0 00 4' 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 s n f v r' DLP TA r FF 4 J. r ore, - 0 0 Z 4 90 00 00 t :100 so 00 00 00 Os JL,jj Ul Z1111i1j'Aft JJILlutilliv 10 J%1I 411.L 00 0 liltll[ it I; 0 6 0 0 0 *1* 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0-0 oe -*,b 11 1: a MA )6"ISM Nil dew SNUUM. P4 ei" 9 sFr . 00 a made to ex- thte bwV cram wction fur cWb&km .4 .00 atnalk nurW- witb mutt R. P. jtffrr), -00 06 = j j, Z.0 0 00 400 .,00 00 A%4 SL A WALLOILKAL L.Ifl&16&t CLASSWICAMN t:4 0 ' , u ts AT K) 0 11 v 3 w I or & #j -% I JW t Kutt 19% t . 0 0 0 0 t 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~~~-WT.mppq " 44 t Is w is Is it to I- a .7 a 16 1? .14 )v 14 It Sj u v a S. it Is 9 A, 11 61 a 4 . 't 1 4 2 IL it ..L, 00 00 0 0 go g .00 of it kxhe position of the lowr6f energy Urm 0( the cleuteron -00 .00 tmcf,"M CL~ 1'. A.. 00 I'd r1). 1"Moll ILt'.1d (4r,lull""Ill .00 00 Q00 00 j 00 00 06 0 o 600 wee 1"90 $a j L A .9 TALktA(,K.- k.rFX-TW*t CL'WFKATtC- so I 0 0 4 a RAEVSKIYY G.V. [Raievstk7i, H.V.], laureat leninskoy premii Welded constructions of the future. Znan. ta, pratsia no. 3:14-15 I-Ix 161. (MLRA 14:5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriye7 Instituts, elektrosvarki imerLi Z.O. Patona AN U~SR. (Electric welding) (Sheet metal work) FA-:,YE'gC, D.V. ?96(5 Eashchita vrashchayushchiElsya mashin, Fabolayushch"kh iva voedushnyye syetij ot atmosfrefnykh preryenaorvazhyeniy- Elvektrichvestvo, 19!~9, No. 9 s. b5-50 K: LETOPISI NO. W Wtocmdai-piivi~miz-"Ie On the aystallizatian and fusiz: of "idw pmw glus. III. V. 01,11utill, 1. V. Tykwlinskil, R. S. Leviua. G, S. Rugdzinovu, jud_2 Trsdy Virjoyms. Nauch.-IjilrJowieL ]wt. in a, r 4 No, 34, 3-9; R~frpal. Vtor.,KUm. 1955, No* 911- The puitability of the sixla-N-fash -idif obtailud Zia a 1,.V- product in AJ.0I plants kipkratim un iwphdinc iii gla- meltiag was inves0gatt'l. Ille mixt, ':'3111:dUCII Ktc(j~ 32.8 and NaXOs &U',Mv. well., uitmd. vimally. It was condudIA Illat Ow .1- of I tic glass Av4s rai'wd by 404W, jit v..o in It, crpiii. Wilh A Contg, ~~hly 16 '11 RAF, S. YA. "Preparation of Soda-wilfatn Melt and Its Use in Glnss Pelting," I. M. Boguslavskiy, V. V. Pollyak-, '~. Y. Nisuavich, and S. Ya. Raf, Stekollneya I Keran From 1945, No 4./5 pp 20 (M: Inst. Insect/Yung, in Ya. V. S-~-moylov) SO: U-237/49, 8 April 1949 Raf, S. Ya. TIT LE: influence of Packinr, and Storing Conditions of S':-.eet Upon the Leaching of Its Surface (Vliyaniye usloviy upakolr-'~i i khraneniya listovogo stekla na rasshc',nelachivaniye ye~-'- poverkhnosti) PERIODICAL: Ste'lo i keramika, 1958, Nr 9, pi) 17 - 19 (USSR) A-1--'STRACT: A special investio-ation of the influence of the Packing and storing conditions upon the qu'.Llity of the -las;- surface was carried out in the Glass Works Lislic-ans? and "Proletariy". In table 1 the chemic:11 compo.-ition of the glass produced by these aorks is presented. if the sheet glass is packed in boxes ahich were stored in the open for as long as 1 1/2 year a leachin.- was found to have occurred of about 3T,~b of t*ie glass shee-Us. This aas found in the Lisichansk Wor'.-s. In the Plant "Proletariy" the boxes were stored on board pl-atforms. Only of the glass sheets wei-e found as having been leached, the majority of them beinE from boxes 7,hich Nere .fiilly exposed to the sun. Further experin:ents were conduc7.ed Card 1i 2 by either packin- the sheet glass as it '-ct directly 0 Influence of P-acking and Storing Conditicns 6~ 3071-2 -::.8 -9 -7/2o Glass Upon the Leachine of Its 3ur-face from the machine or by packing it after cooling. The shavings used in packing were used partly with a humidity of 55-600io, and partly dried with a humidity of 0,5-3,00' The packed boxes were)e-ither stored in the op~.,n or shc1tered under a roof. The temperature and tile humidity of the air in the glass stora~res were measured daily (Table 2. The results obtained by checks after a fortni,ght of storage are given in table 3 and those obtained after a storage of two months in table 4. The information gained indicates that chippin.-s ,-.ith a humidity of 1-3~- are best suited for pack-ine. Hot glass should not be Dacked immediately, but only after cooling. Packed glass should not be stored in the open. There are " ta'i)1--s ASSOCTA'ION: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy in-titut stekla (State Scientific Research Institute of Glass) Card 2/2 a--tralc-,,anita stc.,lovarenild. t,~- I o T 7-? SD: LETOPIS 110. 30, 190 I r., tr f , ~.) 1- -.1 , , ; t ) I I . I ~t y .1 A~Iiil.).-) I kerrvi;'a, 1'~). (), S. ,-~: -'etor-is' statey NIo. 30, 1948 y 1. IVLtl. IS. T11 . 2. USSR (600) 4. GLass manufacture 7. NSodern methods of handling raw materials., Stek. i. ker, 9, no. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Feb--aarY -1953. Unclassified. S. YA. :Irv Ifum,111,11 I'll 11tv 0011 -)l Illo Vnlzi, m%it Ow vitv tit A-4r Mialti 411f I dr. -irt, Illrrf it ill t%1, it tit --tt"it-tis Sil't-tia. 9,11ft IT f ;t 11"liff, c"I'trul'if iml fit ;I, t v, It 'flit, v:, r i- ;i ~ PA I n-,, lr~. N I g.,;0 (i in Fz. NAJ 1 --1 (o I -fild H411 W it, 2:-1 . A f-HI fit if q n( r It %- is I vi k h i if i I r %t as ciscd tivi, r v 17- eh v perifid Ill a Imik rill gl T,q or 1 lir I.Alms ill;: com. lin,if iml : SiOj + (1 72 1, Cnfl TM-4, W.11 3.P. Irs.11, alm of r, Rif "r . '111v (-Iv:it ge rotinkl(A nF SW ;Wrak- hal)ifr elillrtm I'llf. in flie Writ toll(clif lit 'Nigo I lit MgO in Ifir whuit Ion in .1.751 NO ill asfroUrmilt. the Ifilal I'M ?,~Iflaiiwd wif-hollged by rediloil".1 of C,O Thr r-nnipil'ifirM nI flip glass cb;)pIpc4xratNAIy. I burr %%,rrc wt shirp cfi;mgc% ill flit, Rh%wictlitig pirivic I?"Ir (,f '60111r;lwall nf Ot~ zja~~ rcffoiw~fl itic, imile T111, 'in Hill n; i b r.). Nn sliffi-,tillirs tvcrr n!)scr%-rrI ill flic- riill;me apid I dw S. YA. .A I Methods ot Introil Into the compodddii~W sheet glass 16 ft~_ ion 140, It- The manufacture of Fourcault window slim containin jo 3.5% MgO and up to 211Q Ahos -was dlscohtIQuCV:' tRussia during the last war because of lack 61 - roAterw. 1but it Is now being resum In #be of materials, refractory clay is used as a meant of introd aluml=. The 4ay Is . =1"; driedt sorted, ~.of* IAI openings per qiL#.'. taixtcl wit%"dXOo=1t ad mixed it othW ftUjOP=t,. .1he uw of the da produz '4' culties In ;k tfidWj~nd w6rUn iglass; add lle'%Vd. Uk formattaii of such drfeq; as 2 ;Stones was n6t; noticed. It Is also propo-sed to use feld- siar. feldspar iands, pegmatitks, aftd "white slime" as; :sourm of alumina. White pliqte Is a by-product of the !aluminum Industry and consist of sodium sltjminosUmte;, It analyzed SIO~ 20 to 25, AIA 30 to 32v FejO, 15 to I andallmI126to25%. Vlhenqsigi.feld;p~Wit;iould'bSe' thoroughly dried sorted, and ground to Meqt of M opSaings.per cm. 1311.K. RAF, i. YA. kethod af adding the ro= j agent o W, ti., -'N,~ Stskel'"ayo $ tra 0 III all cases, re-frar the ty "lle, ""11-1 rd-, the method of adding th I Ifatt it t Is of decislys Importance In obtain I the reducing agent will be uniform y flish-11,1114-d aronlid the 'gulfate and In contact thertwit Tife bt,( resuhn are obtained by dividing the process Into twn.9tilps ~ ( 1) preliminary mixing of the sulfate with the reffuchig agrut ujily, and (2) adelition to this mixture of the ret"aining componcias of the charge. followed by mixing to afnitist tiniform0y. Both the sulfate and the reducing usetit (anthrache, mkr. etc.) Fire Unund prior to mixing to Iws, a sieve havilig 6 1 openinza per cm.l. When using won(I smomt ai the reducing agent, the size should be tiot over 5 to (I mm. The iulfate and reducing agent ftlimild ii(d lic if (fifIrmit grnin site. and the components of (111-' 01111 K~ 1111.M111 "Q.t IM Mixed A tOPOM A.Z.K. j V. 7- 0 0 a to al 21 A 6 11 12 1,1 14 la ;1 1; 1, 14 M 51 A 4t _AA i!a (~ JXI [C C ft I FAILI !11~ 1- V!4~f I k 1 0 f the culur of light- green glass I 1~rra"s 'Jilittill Silicate batchei Val yillg ill VUI1JV [10111 glLt-la it) ljhck %~vsv Int-patkil floll, tj~ty, .,III- fat,~, 111,1 c:40i'm (8, 1.), 10. 1,-,. .111,1 C .11 tile b."it of 'I lie -ilik.av. of .,If color, (viivrpt givvit) ~~cjc ii,v,l to io,lt gh~, of ';I SiO~, 10t ,',it), ;md 16'.,'1 N:,~O Tllv N,-O li:', ill Elio fumli: ZO L' C~ltc illit ;Aj`:; a, ~tilf,tte and ('-It 751 N.t.,(j ai ,ilic.itc uiid L'5' ~1~ ~Llli.JV. 'Flic ttiditiuti of brown %ificaw to givv 15W of the 14,!0 ill ill(- g1-- tlije-; out ljtudtw,-- any uutic~- libb: illip orlm-ot L'f ill, vuhl; of tile gh'i The additiull of to givt 7-'.:,, -1 tile N:t!o ill tile pro- dUcc-i .1 dQ1izliLV color.ttiu"li of the wile qualitity of th, I "Itwit'g ~V- IL I t T-j olit tin mit-olarcd gl.i~i %sh,ti 7,,,,':, ,f th, :~' ,0 ill it,, gk- a, to come irwil tile --ili. it i, uv~l-:,ry to 1,.kvc tit the ch:trgv -tit, at-6wi4r,c ~tllfzav, ill vAii, 11 it i, .1 y to r, dlic': tile :olloillit of tile c ab.11 to he ."Itled by -10 to Lill RAF, 3. Y.4. j 11 ~Jl it It it "I Paf)cessks .110 RVICFI. WNYM I Asiram. 9 4 EtM901fite Charge N140d it) give a glass Inel of BIRO, 72.5, RA 0.5, CaO A. MjtO 3, njid R, w." tt. to prepare brillirelleg wilit 2,' 3. 4, 6, S. 10, and 12% Witter tinfler prmotres of 20, to), Iffl, 21)(), 400, WO. TV), and 1000 kg.jctn.l. Brirlticttri of gond tnechimi. cat strey9th were ObWned with pre-smirci of hW to 750 kF./cm. . Optitntitit w-.kter content IN (I to 8%. , 'rhe use o 5pecirtl bluders h:id Ito notict.-Olle cffv(-L bit Strength. Grain size had no cfTtct oil inech;jn1c,if itr.-jig(fl. Cullet should not lie used to prepare the hri(jijettc-.%. The bri- quettes shmild heallowul to hardro for 2 to .1 rhys before Me. IJXK. J. YA. n- 1t firad iLs ul-,- in ~-iass:-ieltin-. 4'. 30T-_73LV,,S`Ij~1 -r. V. ~IOLTYJ'd: G andp"~~ Abstracte-1 in -;t-3:o-- lnays j rorl. No. it 1da:_- uroms~d to us, in ~~-llassmAtln- :o.-. ri-,-*M~,- 7,dXaG-,1,1---_~ Of SO~d-,_ 3111-at- was obtain--A by the in- 'ion :;L' --he sul`at!~ ~o 'Uh~ sul'ide -_a-i-7 I-I c-arb3nT za-, -,~ -h- 'a'fer 6~cc7-i osition ,)-' h- a.-I'do '~aC;~)_ In oontrast to th- L-_-&bL,.1c 7n it, th~~ =~H- t,,) '.If _ T ns ir hi-h they ar~~ u-d in normal I _IV.- -,a 0 an~i CaO Li ~he vourcau_u hur-~s,, ~EL~ ratio of to sulfate -,,as to be 1:1. h~ t 1-c:,-d on -u'hc,-: basis --f a 9'ass com-?Osition of ji_O~ 73. CaO 1_, a.i_` Iia G 1~_, 2" -'nO= i. Th,. .1ass mr_llt obtaLned di6 rio, diff-L- r_-o1o--,ar,;o;i 'rom th--t ob- ta:1-n--ad 'ro:- -nil-fam- char_:~~-. The -absolute contenr. of th.. sulf-Jues tl-~ -)_,-Or,.uce jar, 7 j~ --f caus-2 the .-s an] `,oes iiA by i~s-.L cari va.-Y ith; ri coio Th~_ _class, b~com-.-s o.~_!y --hen tl~~_- relation bet-..Te~a th.~ 3111fiies n G .,L c~n csA sulfa~--~- is s*r - j to -iv. an exccess of su7 ides -,ot oxi- :iz-:~J lty z,!~ of r ductL~;a of the sul-fat, ..~houldl n"t exc--_~d A ',io-;o - ~Lir_-olis unc-.), -D:- hi:;s i,; ~ o r,.-3d c'han~ as c ntaini.-Lg this a~, IT'DDO %4hLch is a lo-:-r '~~-:;-.,erature t-az for 3o1_-;a--su3f%--1-_ and soda - ity i- lo-.,_~r:~-a`, by inc!-eas-n- t~ .10. U:' OXL-33, f-Ut h 4,1, -- orr,3c -1 ra' -c of sul-fid, U c~2 an!] su-1-fat , in ~.h,-- 2-1~ Lhi_z -AIL. -US of ~h- sulfi,_,e c--loration. , -~. f:i. Y'alul'~wtlwu I.roble.,j. ccncerninc, the technoloc-3cal ; recess involved in the -.rc~duc7-i~~n o' :71:-;izs with soda suc'stitutesl 6Lak. i rkar., 9. No. 3, 1952. Monthly LioL of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Nov~-mber 1952 Unclassified. III 314111SUP'SIN Sol an its 4 L 06 ? tj I k I A 14,10, '413. Means of Improving tbe qualitY ad Glam BatebM SM of Glass. (in Rulast,45 a, is, ~afjtd#s and re, ago .8mir triff"Offm ( I.M A11.). no. - 1 47, 11. 1 3. 00 IN6.41111111pilds nwixtrulillf tho sawl Imforp nil%hid 000 the batch. to prevent orgrritAlloso. Aimp mithow. HOO the results of use of three types of mixing nis 0011 C*0 chinery. and reviews the action of iron oxides, 00. arx,nic oxide. fluorine compounds, manican " di- 00 00 n ouldr, and bliric anhydrido. as admixturroZ th.~ jr1mlin hatch. an rovonle4l by the literature and by rlwent Russian work. Fog '.9o W i;_ 1 -.00 A alTALLUS141CAL UUMATtAf CLASUPICATION Uz-, 11d.. wee t! 4; 104q .1. a.. ..I .815i *.I 'Al U a All 10 It AW-!--- i _ii;_7_ a 0 1 V DO I a a I v ' ; ; , . I In a, 11, de a; 0 IN V D Of a UZI 19KKIOM 114 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 *Iel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40*. 01(-, 46 Z-- ~ A&C~v , C-A,~&~ * " mob cd mbm" now@& d 0 kft wd d gm&w 40 W NOW d Anka d demprIMI-VAnd N. A. MjJ)aava (Stsh. Karrem.. 19"A No. 2.4. INS. A351),- The process cd fusion and fini" of pimms is &=Imtal whro The twitch in prvswd Into briquettes end when the gamidat oaass of the latter in Ransil R. It. CA~MVM to 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0-4 C 0-9 o-ww W-qvw- ll 0 - - 11 e3 1 1 30A jig J117,11, . I, u W to 4 11 a MU I - 1 la-, 1- ~- -M I ff- f .1 Uj U*jc* L r, L -1 - 1 1. C C 9 0 U .1-4 i M t A- A a I 4 X 4 A i 00 Decreasing the alkali content and increasing chemical 1-09 oduced according to the Four- stability of &beat guss Ir cault method. S. VA. R and I - V. Shapiro, Z - Proitni. is. No,. lic' 1-S-211 10:101 Th,- init-oolmlimi --F AW, in file li"Ill fit lift Ill I V1. N11-1191Y thIV and In All 21111 00 III&%. No a,l,lnl. dirfivii ri,14ted I,) th, ia- -( 41tv ,- ,itreaks ar ,tono-,ot ole-tir thit- qtial to 0 0 Z , mained tinchAngrA Ttior mclunt 4 itta- -4 ibir t-Tipli ' 1 0 0 o, %I KI - 3 - 1. --4), -;1(); 71.7. Alit), I.S, FrA it 1. CAO 9 - 4 anit NaAl 14.#1q and th~ Adn, 4 P'- Na:ll in thr r 1-4n% W -ulfato, timniAliv. Thi, Kla- X-1 winking jittilwirtiv%. It wit ti-nd to) coo .."itor that, III, Kia-4 Ill.. 0 j NA,0. L'hr- ol.bdily ,I Ith- 111.13 ihm coo 0 1." Xa.l) M I C"fid"id, so 66 zj 00 St 91 00 00 g o -Z. v- too u vi 11 10 11 C-1 j4( I a not a 5 a a 3 1 IM, ~ 1 0 ; no pipip gpif an olig pits F 0 0 0 1 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 , : 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 00 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 6 * 0 0 6 0 00 1 I 1 123L Nfols!"dialt Oat ithm b0clIL-S. YA. RAI (Atelt. Keras", 1k No. 10. 1, 19111. Vatious methods or moi%lesting the 1AWNWIFT6 avoid M setinegation are diicusitied. The Itsial nioislurv content in a sodal be" ready ror ube shcmid tv 21-3'~ in a sesda. sulptutc hallO 3 5'.. and in a pum sulphate batch 6-7- %arkl alonit shou4 Iv "!ited before it is mi%W %ilh other components reprilk-ws ol'the %ailinji; method used. 11 is .1phAsind that v-v(ting of 411 raw materials during their mixing is by no rrearis petmissible Som 3uthort ttuggnt that the batch should be *cited by steam at the lank (at it lea%vq The blinker in the dry state). The suggestion is lieverely critillucd. on thill Lvnirdry, to sioid clotting it is ilujitcoird IhAt the dr), s4nd. whk-h may he hot. should he in 35' 40' C. hc(oge %witinig. 0-0 9-0-0 0-6 wl,w_,;~u F ~ - 4 *l; I Ilist is faillifiNtsmilopts l. a DMAJOVAIR I. V a I 7 all un m a a v a v & I 41*A - a 0 a Ix 09t . a- I 1 4 1 1 1 % A I . I I I A lly ..D Valli&) . Subsdfttes in the gla" induStry. RAP.-Keram. jSkk1o k.Nm 1.3.3 6 ' ~ i%~-d m OWL11. Suintitut~ftjralkvli"ingLLw%MFdg V. Ko-4ix)tDv 00 00 0, 0 zoo 0 .- goe 0 I 00 2 0 zoo he LA 0 A S L ACTALLUR6KAL LITINATURI CLOSIFOCATION '00 0 s !use v, l 1 _ - I, I I aac a.. 's k - -- - q u so to rly p 1, v44 a a w v IT . E i AA 1 N I N 0 M I I N N 5 a a 3 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 9 O~q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0! 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0:6 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 6 4, 4 6 * 0 4 0 6 Ski Us* of mati-bkan'to to SIS" smAim, -8. V&. Rai %iAle i Kfrdm. S. No. 6. 7. 9(IM). -- C`bvm-.-MjK.-N --tmkhAnite (A(a6a.N&O)..4H#O) varies as follows: %A*SO. 22-M. 16txSC6 2D-34, C&SO, OA N&Cl L&4.5. 1110 10-2317a. A Luge tank furnace producing glass of SO,-RA 72.1. CaO 7.8. MCO 3.0. NmO 16.0. and 501 4WAtT ..% fed for 17 days with a cham of " &y astra. khanite and 20q cu!ltt: total consumption of dry astm- kharritr woo W tons. 11"ouwal high content of Mco In the astrakhAnite, the IstgO In the glass visa gradually In. vi-,e4 t.:1.75", by vamqxm4injt decrease at C%O; tho total unn of RO rrsnalned unchanged. Tbe Slams cimapti. chAnCr.1 grAdually. No marked changes In the prate" *err olmlyed. Pick-up it glass retuained the matut at Alwout w- 1(in m.Au. it w" not diffieult to cut or break the %I- R. Z. I(Lantich 0- 0- 0- *- -0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4i is W~~ - " W. 1 9 I ~o 0 j! ,I Slob 1. .jj " -piln, Is P 1 11 i Is It 2 a is 0 a V Is 0 a 0 As a 4 0 0 AA C 9 00 . . 11 it 101 00 - - 00 A a R to this, nadisid 01 a& ROLAAM of &0 a iiii fised, "d dw grab size W dw befth. 5 YA-R&Laad 00 .0.0 00 N.A.Milyse". .60 00 is. were conducted with Gas- and cosim-grained loose briquetted charges to giv* a Shus of &% + RA -40 0 73. C&0 S. MgO 3. and NasO 16%. . Briquets 23 mm. In -00 disim. and 34 mm. high were walk sith 1. 2. 3.4. and 61~ 0 water and the following materish: ) ; mist. of sand ~ -40 00 J; 7: 11.04 43.8. dulkmite, 7.5, lientstone 8.8, J, and sulfate 3 -00 3.4% which passed a sieve of 64 openings per sq. cm. and 040 11 (2) a mist of mod 42.0 dolomite 9J Umestow &G, which passed a sieve -A 49W ~ud sulfate 3 sods 39 2 4+ .00 00 . . v , . openings per sq. cm. With increasing - 2 and 0 0 a length, of storage the strenpb of the briquets Improw zoo Briquets nL&& (rum fine-grained inaterials with 2 and 379 goo water had a lower strength than thitise me& nom, cause- 00 '1 grained materials with the same amt. of water; with 4% r.0 0 . water the strength of the briquets was about the mine. Joe Briquets made train fine-grained materiab with 6% water had a much greater strength than those from cause- 00 z Vained materials with 6% water. Compared with loose 1 4100 charge. the briquets caused mcar rapid melting and coo fining. Z t for melting coarse-grained I briquets d Was charp was about the , z Et g M046 is wart rapid. Mehing and a, arum same but finin fining of fine-grained brklutis seem mose rapid than for Voo coarse-gramed briquets. Briquets made under In r" of over 500 kg.,'sq. cm. showed no sharp differencris in owlting and fining. A moisture content of over 4% in charze caused a slight increase in bad. B. Z. Vanrich too boo 0 tLigAir-Olt! 0 IF 00:::::~00 0 !00 I tt It it K 0000000000000 a 0000411160041001111 0 0 TAAAL 1 8 two a a 11111"9d32 21 1 9 n I 00000000000000'00000 ~00 00 *OLO--o 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O-Wo 0 ' *00-00000000000000 *000000*00000000* 8 C 5 V 6 0 X L I X 0 P49 A I I Wr IST AIO 30 Lt' 0 41k: 046 94L OOL 0 041- 0 4L o 416. *06 0 10 0 4 0 A q 00*000000000::: :060690009000 J, 9 A 10 41 U a 41 A-T IT 00 AT ;.OLE 0 ovc~.& Jim, iirq-wn U0113nPOW 10 Clllvnb pus 111jawnb aq, supvaiatj! PD funto -W " papu2mulaM 14 ammInj awls w 01 SIVIi so pnbli(I-*(Mt)Ze q g m#jl WPM DIS *-" we aqp-; jo poWm elp " amill P Ap" pn UGPMPOA P oilu P mpfloi ou if 00 jr, 00 12. 60 I1 1 .-IIas 09 00 00 00 00 r 00 f I -q- IF v if -ro 0 i 0 0 10 11 t2 it ?: ij C. r. 'L J - r. U v I r 040"S%ts Ate 040plat,ts -01, ReLatim betwvIlin I#W of gf!xuWdn& tairthad of fitted, and - 2v1 OM SOV& Cb&W C OEgP S Y Ya tk1a % Ktrast. 3 ! 4 8 RAr AND \ UILYAKV A 9 A ! 1 0 1; (IMR), -Experiments were conductet with fine- anti Ctkir~grainrd loose and Istiquettrd chargeii to lDvc &14~ W Sith + RAh 73, CAG K MgO 3. and Nato ItPt His tinvitit 25 min. in diameter and 34 min high tiele ta.Ldr under tarr-ur" of 41N). FAX). 761). and IINKI kg cat 3. using 1. 1. And 111.7 wairrand the following awlettsk (I la 4"-- Hutillar of and 43K dolarnisr 745, limrtutne Sx, -L, Anti malfAte which pa.srd A trvr tif Molsviiingti Ix-r cm 1. and (21 a ruiviture of mail 421). thilmutir 11:1. * luncOssur 5AmxIA 3112. anti %ulf4Ir:I 4t ;. %hk:ls lia-li ,,-v,- at 111111),veninr Per eta 1. With incrva'inx pr-ur'- and length tit l.viijiv. the titrength of the briquetl- I,,,. w,,wit rhe trength of lwiqurtt~ utAdv limu line. patin:41 atAt"Ld% with:!&nd3"; Wkitel wA,tI0,,' (FL%I1 thA(..( briquitit" front coarmtr-grained nt&trtW% with the -ane 00 amount of water; with 4% water the %trength t4 the bri. quett" was about the same. Briquettes made from fine. grained usateriAs with fic' water had a much Sreater c h coarve-grained nuirrial,, am tyrngth thin ttkvc made ith 111~ water Compurrd ith the I- chars,,. the more FaW Turiquettin, vaued melting and fintug~ The tirnir required for melting couse-grained briquetivi and fined-grained loose charge was about the same. but finitig rapid. %telling and fitting of fine- ot the fosuirr lvqvw-w W-W Is a jug IV? is 0 -00 roe wee *0 was mote Iiijined litiqur(trit were more rapid than for ruoric pained wee Initlurti- Ilriquettett made undri pre""irr, 44 Omer M41 Ls -in - hii%cl tits h4rp difirfruc" in nurlt it's aud fitting, A nio"turt, content of over 4"i in the chaigr vAu-d A nee AS. SLA -ITAkLt,FGICAL LIM 4itt inCt.eA to ..I.sisit. It ZX Cte a ILL T .31,11 am a.. It, 0 U a if so 1% #A L 1 0 fId 0 0 0 1 Is 94 Ai a 3 1 is P it 1. 30 it Ka K a 9 a It 19 0 : i0 0 0 00 00 0go 006 0 00 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 a 0 e 0 0 0,0 go 0 9 0 9: 0 0 0 * 0 0 a a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 . . . . . . i I ~ I - : :1 11 _,, : , 11 -1 1-, , I . . j - - --. :, , . . . , i - - RAFAILOVA. KII.Kh. Effect of the Arctic on the features of meridional circulation over Nurope and 'Western Siberia. Trudy TSIP no.49.-181-230 '57. (Arctic regions) (Europe--Atmosphere) (MLRA 10:8) (Siberia, Western-Atmosphere) U"s 00 0,411 0 o d -frz WWI! 0 0 a 0. 0 0 0 it it is is J6 T is jo P L 91 b v ii p AL If v it 0 ace it 'k- a t, 1- -1- it M.0 tl,4~ -00 0 o: use at "tralthavolls in melting. S ~'MRAV. 00 L11,111ile (Mast). Nal.W), 411,011 vIr livair, 001 I.Ikk (11 the %'olga. tjv;tr the city of A%trakfult. ottirt dr- jio~jll arr "ttered in ramern Rim-6. victefl, Sttwf:A. Alld 00 croilial Alin. The chrillical cmillmOtifilml 4 .-O0 2 t"36 %I 0A), -14) 1o:1 1, ca.~A I 0 N4.40.2. I it to 14. NaCl 1.6 to 4 S. and RIO III to 23"; A WUl of .W imm of dry aitrukhanite wuj uwd over is I 7-41slY POINI =*a in a tank furnace producing slals of the following cutn- p,,sition: SO, + R.O. 72-1. CaO 7.& Nfg(-) 3 to. 'Nart 00 coo hanite itod 211"-v cullet. Dur to the high conirtil I)( %Iltf) 00 its swiakhatille. the Mjflo in the xla%4 r4mov lo:1 751;. Wit 0 111C total 90 rVilimined uncluingrd fly reduclisill Ili CA) 'rhir --pomitim of thl, slm-l chAn" gradually. 11wir `9 0 0 ,rr~ oo.h.%wpvhA%IV~in the glawneffingtiroC14. R.Sle , I. lot Withdrawal fit lite Klal% relliabled 11w ~lllr 1. 1 1'. Ifill q* 0 ;:;.,hr.Y So difficidt irs wrtr ob~rmf in I he cm I ing ;I nil r ikilix W the 11.7 K aoO v 0 to 0 72, '00 too 0 40 eg. :;6 0 too r U is 0 IF it It SF of (T It 1, An I I a 1W 0 9 w I D I) a 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a o a 0 0 0 is 0 to 0 0 ;Ig 000000;00000000000000 10 : 06009006000*069*0 00000000000000000ii 00000, -- - - - - - - -_ - - - -- . - - -- - - a a a a a & TIT W W V j KIWTU-M a 1 4 1 1 1 to 10 U I is it 31 jobs 1.1 ;VU male* A , as A I , , 1 6 A L- A's 0 A A AI L- f (A It--J.-L A A. A F #kt. 1.100, ?w k-)IMI 7- -0 0 Resict of O"Unt sweet* C014"tialat on the color Of fight. green &Lr 8 'VA. RAY. Vkk,.I'xayu a Xrram 11r,,, 1945, , 4- J,. pp. 10:12-Sodiunt silicate lutches varying in color front green to black were prepared from cLy, qui- (AtC. and Carbon (8. 9. 10. 12, and IS- C on the tx&,i4 of .00 A;: total ulfates). The silicat" of all colors (except green) were u%cd to mcit glass of 74 SiCh. 10 C~O. And 16 -60 The SjrO was added in two form,: MNI- NA.0 a,~ fli- -00 rate and 50"~ as %WAte and (2) 75"t NArOas silicate and nj'~ a% ullAte. The addition of brown ~ificate to give .60 fal"; of the NAtO in the glass doft not produce any notice- see 00 aisle impairment of the cialsor of the glass. The addition of colored silicate to give 7S'V of the \'AT() in the SU4% pro. 00 dike% a definite colorAtion of the glass; some quantity of 400 0 0 the reducing agent was left, To obtAin uncolored XIA%4 when 73"Z of the NATO in the SlAm i, to come from the Qi- 00 a cate, it is nece-.-ciry to leave in the chirge mae ca-bun free goo 941- sulfate. in which caw it is necessary to reluce the Amount 00 002 of the carbon to be added by 40 to 510's. 112 K. goo .Wil: L r-. OW I ties, I S L A 11TALLt,RGKAL LITE*,TUME CLASSO&CIT10- 1.1-1 a. IN- 0 1 T 111 All L a FW a U 6 1 Al I U AT 00 At'; a, Cgig nil jrX pleget it KkLI)A I INS lose*** o o o o Nil alligaigu 111100411 41 It I a A A t a 4 i Q is &1 81.2 1 &I 0 9 A oe 4 1 it I S L,J L f . __ .. 10t, ANO It. _ 0t 0110CISIAS AkV POWINT-1 so 90 BdIleftft S YA RAP, V~ V, :_6o POLLVAIC. AMP 0 -99 PPOW.. INS, '40 S. pp. 1-3.---Sulfate charge bawd to f vv l It f SiO 72 5 R 5 I ib 00 ass me a g o - A 0. . Cao S. . f i s 3. an t, 1617c. was uwd to prepare briquettes with 2. 3. 4, 10, 1 ' and 12 water tilidler firmures of 20. So. ltk). 2()), 40), A! o * 5W. 750, and IOW kC./cm.l. Briquettes of good m-m-kini. 09 All c:d strength were obtained with limmurei of W) to 750 09 It ./cm.'. Optic water content is 6 to 8c;. The Low i l b -00 spec a inders had so noticeable cHect cm strength. r of Grain size had no effect an mechanical strength. CuRet 800 , o J! should not te used to prepare the bfiquetim. The bri- l h ld b l1 d h d f =60 09 quirt es s ou e a owe to ar er; or 2 to 3 days before u 11 z 00 0! se K. roo 00 J =Go 00. r 00 00 Zoe 0 A l, a. I L A MITALLIAEUKAL LIT CII&TUIVIE CLASSIF ICATWI, a., Q.C- C_ U- it AT WO as S" I 1 -4 9 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 9 CIS 0 _00~ I Z_ ola". 40.&n' 1 S a OW a is 6 1 W it -j 4-i T 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 9 0-90CIIIIII AND 111coter-111 .01. KUNS OF 1"OVING THI VJALITT OF THS CHARGE AND OF THZ GLASS * S. Ya. Raf. bLg&j 194?, - -so 00 No. - The followbq suggestions or* made for 41 i i'00 improving the quality of the *her&* and of the glases "00 a (1) A soda charge should have 1.5A moisture, a sulfate 9 , chargov 4 to 5$ and a mixed charge (15 to 20 sul-fate and *a X: 85 to 8016 sodal 3 to 0. The water should be added to the A 00 ~ , sand and not to the prepared char go. (2) Cullet should zoo oo " be cleaned, ipround, and sized with the charge prior to 00 j 'a feeding. (3) Fluorides used in glassmolting should not 4 4, V exceed 2 tn 3A. The use of &P3 14.4looks of '1 5% ro 0 00 caun* the glass to opolseco. &%rato area (asch;;itosl -00 X r f1ron the Inder deposits (cf. QLM. AkL&C&qjj6 1946, May, A p. 81), which analyze &201_32.2 " SIO 2 Of A1203 1.16, T0 0 0 G&O 12.0 and i are suitable AgP 16-3 l)& 3 . . , , , , 2 3 for use in glaosmalting. R. mentions that an Improved apparatus for moistening the charge correctly has been El designed for use with powerful mixing equipment, but no IN :I, -i details are given. a. 11. K. a S L A "TALL11116KAL LIT11411AI CLaStIVICATWO too 0 0 o U n AV PC 11 A91 I I rw 0 491 r l it It or 04 of a III It 9 it U it 49 "D n I e 1 $l "a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a - 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 a 0 0 a C 0 a 0 0 0 0 ?-2--X 1 7 a YTT I I Z Ad PROCCISIS AMC 0100141 atift the irsde o* YA. RAY, NeLl S 0 i.pp. 71-10:--ln all c V%. of miter employed. the method the reducing agent is of decisiv a charge in which the reducin d6tributed around the sulfate The best results are obtained b twostages: (1) preliminary mi reducing agent only. and (2) add remaining components of the c d to obtain unifortnity. Wit th agent (anthracite. coke. etc.) a to p4- a sieve baring 64 ogwnin go a woml -Awdust a. the reducing not over 5 to (I mm. The -u 00. sht,uld not be of different grain s A fill ft rawyn ases, e g y xing ition harge. e re gs lfatc ize. the charge should not be mixed oil r A ..I~ S L "TALLI)RGKAL LITEX47011 CLASSIFICATION 1.000.) .11 4.1 cat 41111" b u ---'i 67 -- - I ~ I I I S IF K a it 91 9 U 11 Ll K KM A 1111 CE-0 III . b M011 agat to the mulits i Kers. P,.,. regardless alibe type of &dding the sulfate and importance in obtaining agent will be uniformly -00 and in cmitact therewith. dividing the process into of the sulfAte with the to this cuixture of ch. followed by mixing see sulfate And the reducing ground inior to mixing per cm.' When u%ing roe agent, the size should be and reducing agent d an the components of all togri her. B Z K. roe see Cz WOO II&S11 '4 is. 0 1 1 10 is 11 M is Is --s I Is 1; rr. 0A 2.0 040TIR$ 0i f M~tbOft ad UstrOducing A160. Leto the compliditiose of Aeat glass; nuide In Foeirussit maillsinge. S. VA R". Z of K"dw- Plo,w.. 1946. No I I-N. p0 5 it The likAmifacturr oil Fourvault window Sla- c-ii4inisix up 0 1., 3 5", NISO Awl till 11) 21-, AbO. was diw-utimurd 111 RtMiA during the last war I;%;Ause oflack of raw inarro.&Ls. last it is now being resumed. In the Alosence of lietter 'itaterials. r4r.ciory cl.y 6 u-I " a invall'.4i'lit-luoing Jlu Mina. The clay is dried. sorted. grolind to pass it ~icve 0 of 121 olocning, per cm.t. inized with dolomite. anti then 0 sitioird with the other components. The use of the clay produced iso difficultics in the melting And working of the KIA%X: additional formation of such defects as cords and stqm" was not noticed. It Is also protoosed to uw fvld- qmr. frld%loar szondi, lie "litorot. aud "white %lime" an 0 0 11 -urrm of Alumina. White limor I. A toy -4 the Alumill"111 induAlry And of .%Iiutll Autalill-ificit,,. * ~Ibw` it analyzed Sio, 20 to 13. AJ.0.30 to 32. Frolos 1 5 to I M. aud Alkali 211 ta 25c~. When using frld%lior. it %hindif lir thorouShly dfit-il. .111.1 x1rouild I., Im.... ~iriv "I Ml olornifig. lort cill". It z K 14 .1 A S A S L A AFTALLUMOIC41. LITIM.11049 CLASIVICATION 1414.4 .1. .3.1 -T U U so, V-T-v .0 is cc a 99 19 4010000 616 00 '09 0 0 00 G so 00-9-0 W -00 -00 - 0 * are 0 z 0 0 coo 0 Me 0 9 Z- 1~ sills, 0. ,-,Ii 4`14 0 1 1 0000000 a 9 It 9 41 to e a 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11111 0 0 0 9 4 111111 0 0 1111 00 0 6 0 _ 0 93 1 11 d S . ? i # it 1112iJUIS16 eyes its 11 v B it b is v a it AD it M 13 id a is A) it a An is Al a ad are A Of AL -A I I _4 T A A 1 9 u V , V I I_L to I to )-A b _. 4 -2 ' 4 ..o 1-0 coot"11 lot' ..0 -it. coRtf~ O 0 '_ - -- 1 , Al l 0 it 1: et. Raf. Obtainin sodium sllkat* from sand and sulfate from 1bu! g s Zf i 9, N. :1, 24-e(ItKI3).- Alten pill to tilanui. Not, font swill Kett.; i k -00 (Jiot#417. Si(k) and stallator w5% Na.SO.) me driectiteird. The tortuRs shipwird that: (1) Not silkater of Ili,- conspit. niii% Nesso and Me% Seth was rA)t 1111t4illerd IK-Mullot of _0411111 Ils- litrwilcr tit dilivett-iii alliniettv Ili the sullitle which rrinveinni its the %diotter. (2) ' .00 , 13) Thr length oil Ili, ov lus,ing trinji of door mlicator its Istrievern died 1370 l l itill 111s, itictces- "( e littli-li il A 41 Ili-. t4) (itself I, ther isso-i .1alle rorfiescimy. (A) t, me* J: Ill.- it'. .I NA 'ilical, fil'i"ti., till- forfroict"ric, Mh-vtrd %fill thrif oeml-mcut i-Art 4. a% Sit). stood AIJ I.. ctimbins, wit It I let- -ilictele. M V. Koll'Willy 4.-11 T ] ~ A to is I L A a1TA1,LUllGKJ,s. LITIRAtUill CLASSIOKA110% IF . I ' 191C..s .1. 0.1 asit 611.11 Cote .11,11 door a.. is, - U96 AV -0 It i . let U K a it n 0 " " " 4 " Mi 1 4 8 1 v 0 9 a to I n v 0 * 0 0 0 4 0 T 0 0 '1 o 0 0 0 0 0 : 1 0 6 a 0 a 4 a t 0 0 A 9 6009i0 4 *9 0000 000 0: ollee 000 04.0 0:i '*_W_4vW-6- W- W-W-W- W-W-W-W-W ~-i- 0 4-iWe"Myl a 0 0 0 0 9 0 lists to ONUU13MIS 14 v Is _!1 __02093 -0 11 ~4~ A __X_ P Q. X_I, U P'.O~ 0 or~$ r P Noct S"Ut!5~2_*C1 L' o f jagallnuzu aftle alait of "n4 for &I Iti ; ----I '1 7 ~ -w :1 317 . 12 9 ica-Aeraw. i Mekto IS, No. 1 1 ;i t! melthis a found that (1) the highest rate Purifying 01 ordinary x" is obtained when medium-aitcd and small- hconi (2) Abat O l20 I d 0 5 3 sust - c mm-) x. . to . 8 ( sized sand is melted mom r*pWly; however, the purifying of the glass from bubbles uAlm loam time; so that the total dartation 4 mcMu It increased by I he. (3) The e lowering of the amt. of dust -like mud pan icka (0. 12 mm.) 0 does :W have any effec, on melting time. (3) Coarse- cmined saxid reatly iccreases the time of melting and 0 purifying. (4) When melting gim in pots, not more han 10 to 12 I % of the sand should be coarve-grained (0.5 mm.). M. V. C. ,S 0 - S L A RITALLURGKAL LOURATOE CLASSIFKATION 60 S11004 0-1 Q-( U 1% AV - At" t S' t". 0 OZ 9 40 0 0 0 0 0 e 0' a 0 a 0 oil 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 IS13431akt, 0 a a 6 0 a 0 0 0 *1* c 4 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 .00 -0 go -04 .00 2 so a zoo too zoo gs* U00 too e- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 O-W-4vo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 6 - - FO-W-W-W I i I 1 6 ? 1 9 19 11 u 11 W '1 14 ;a 11 U U 34 a U V a x a r! A? 43 a a C A lk, a L &.-,)L h .!! - t- - toil =lq 0 ;-G* 00 Al ! 00 i 'A' us III tile titAlultity Ill Cullet tutluaumd, adech d f i d i j .00 el- u o ntro tic- ng t and "&,a in WMA k is ftd J-7--t ic-dly do not change the omff. of expaminn, tuM. .0 ; I ! 0 rning. Chent. resistance and visrogity of the glamma. i i h I I : r , - n t e - - OWA are within Untits at per. :0 nron which coWd have occur"d during ibe =00 exPts- Ile WOMP. Of MAtemin of Slaft Is In"nel portional to the e f U b GA coo : r, o a m es. p m J. j K-ulAted cuLlet and cuUtt in lumps is mind with th* zoo batch Inelts Mon rapidly than dW in which the cWW zoo 00 is intrt)dtxvd wnGrxo,fv. U. V. Cond" 0*0 so -f so* so 9 use AJS~SLA AlITALLURIGICAL LIUMAILRE CLASUFKATION t-z- Goo see ms& t ,;-C 811131 W 4P., Ask 0 Is AV 0 1, t Is a It 9 K IT It K V, C. it 1, at 3 V j 1A An I S a a.0 a of a I W W 0 A a 3 a n I ; XIL Ole 0 0 0:6 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 49 0 0 0 0 Is a 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 te 0 0 0 0 Metbods of introduciag shavolim into 66 emapowam ee 9kM 81"d is Featteaft nuchien. & Y;~ Ad, Abstrarti IOU, 0$(bt J. Am. Coraw. See. 31 No. 5) - Refractory clay is used as a means of introducing altun". The clay is dried. wrlad, ground to pan a sieve of 121 Opentrip Per S4. cm.. mixed with dolomite. and then rnixrJ with the other components. The use of the clay fwcwfo~ed no ififficulties in the melting and working of the x6m; A&I. fornLition (4 such defects as cords and stones WA-1 not naticed. It *!! Also pr?powd to use feldspar, , white slime" as Pourers (OdspAr 4antU. pegnmtstcs. and 'w i.- of aluntinA. White shmL h a by-product of the Al indus- try And comists of Mi aluminosilicate. it analyzed SiOs :N) to 25, At^ M) to 32, FrA 1.5 to 1.8, and alkali 211 10 When ming feldspar. it should be thoroughly 11rivd, ~rlvd. and gTound to paw a %icvc of 81 opcninp prr %4. c1n. R. D. If. so A *0 .1 00 at ill oo 00 v 09 00 41 0 00 .3 *set e vowevewwwow pi Jay 0044" 44130 a 00 16"1 oil@ 080010fils aft"s Methods of 4"ing AkUUA" 0 Foucault lato 9". * / f lee aayv i irtram. Prow. 3. No. 11/12. jrn. Ral, SkkoI .1. SA(IM).-The manul. of Fourrault sheet Sim contg. .00 :1.517e MjjO and up to 2% Ah(h was resumed In thc.%vkt 010* Union after the war. Because of the lack of betttr mate- rials. refractory clay Is used as ns at adding alumina. -00 The clay is dried. ground to pass a sieve of 121 openings/ *00 sq. ctu., and then mixed with other components. Use of clay caused no difikvitits In mehing vW working the Iltass; 000 addul. formation of cor& wW at, , was not obeerved. see It 6 also proponed to use feldspar, feldspar sands, pegma- tites. and "white slim" as sources of AhO& ("white ZOO Aime" is a by-prcAuct of the Al industry and consists of U. Z. K-kh - 104141 =Go ago lee bee $&-ILA. M91ALILLOGWAL LITERATURE CLASSWCATION M;j It gd"** .6 1 %.1G*O .1. oat I'sA131CM9 434181 OK 0~ 1�1 ir I V ZA % a od It ; I a I a w a It U 90 00000000000000000 0000900000000 ,8 IS OT ,*a a goo 0 0 * go * 00 0 0 *.*-a- oooooooooooeo::::: * g ING - ------- ~1 W o I I vim W I - 7 T 1 4 A 1 6 A t it it U U w it t p . Ilb x id a :1 ii- L. -JL- a j A L p A I U a I A JI Q I A -, ,-- - - .012 A Prellualmary adAve at valtate actel reducing elect in - -9 - . . S., prow. 19" l 6 1 r3- .--4*IMUM it enn. 4 1-00 41crablLbetter quality I" we obtahmi by dividing the PI 0c to PITH"Niony Mizing of the sulfate with the re- -10* during agebt (without adding other componeub) and add- -00 ing the remialng ts of the batch to this milt. , 0 *rA mising until a MA mass 6 obWtw4. Both the h i * ) .00 0 0 are te CV V etc rac sulfarr sent reducing agent (ant ground baton tnialng to pass a %Wvo witi 64 nos 00 cm.(U.q.SrrksW). Different courseness nt thew com. pconents produces poacer results. W. R. Ifenet 'see go* :00 I L StlAtLUNCKAL 1,111RATURI CLASSIFKAV" S010.0 age I U w AT go "I., "1 04 a, I's 0* Olt IN a 4 a 19 r a It at Ise all (MI IIA VA I a N 9 N I I Iff o o : 4,0 0 11 11 at a n 30 a is v a' nil UnigabPaJONSI gnat 4 A of , **CKIIIf# AND PROORIVIII MOff 00 go. 0& jr , S !, "Vow% of ft Hate cls"ge. S. Ya. RAI. V. V. Poll- ~Z am o. m. %imekh. SkAW'sayu i Kerism. Prow. Am CA- t t948 6 (in J Ab d 3 0 . . re amm- s s l No. 6. 1- , ; s d to e a b ftl h i W S 3 t S . a e v e c u C,rra ac. 1. No. p- am g Class melt of SiOt o2.5, R^ OZ, CsO S. 34g0 3. anl RP j6:j was used to prep. briquets with 2,3, 4. 6. S. Ill, and IW ", 400. 50 water under pressures of 20 t2 , . . ,. .7.W,andlOWk9.jsq-Cm- BrkP'ctsof good lamb. strvneth cre obtained with pressures of WO to 73a kg./ sq. cm. Optimum water content is A to 8%. The use of special l hindm W no Wicrable effect an strength. Grain me goa hAd no cffcct on mcch. strength. Mict should not be ' he briquets should Im uwd to prep. the briquets. T 00 -W] Allowed to hartlem forV to 3 days befum use. M.F.R. --SLA CTALLUSUCALLIUMATWE CLASSWKATtOll I it I.JCA~ L, C". 2.C -04 99 :*4 600 =06 ? zoill god Z see Are* 300 age 10 UWATIOL11; I ~ a, 19, a, it YW no I 1"a L 1 8 nd 0 0 1 IN 0 5 a 4 2 S 0 te 6 10 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - t- - .. - ~ ' F-4" 77. MITVZ I a m a a a IS - a a A a I U W is 4 to It 4 , . , " 1= , P v a K t A T - - . . I lug p l _~ov Aug 410! - ro"JISSS &jW Pvtolso-fi$ -wt Clof /qF * colored" Go the caw of kht- 7 Yli. R,& Kemal. From. sea S IQ", I (in 00 T -N& silicate bafthes vat Am. Ceram-SOC-31, a I). music from cloy l k m 0 . . . "IV prr ac in "lo, ("I', green to Il 111. 12. and C as, the beals of total 2u1- 1 amt C 04 P Wrfe e ) S (txvpt ll A l i K -00 r ! l C- al - a ,~.tes U e sl lates). used I it Stan ol SiCh 74. C.0 I0. And N4,10 a n, .0* (orat.: (1) W -/a N-lo The NO -t- added in two 41,0e Call, MW &)c/; &S sulfate and (2) 75~ N;1P0 so "Cats and 00 a$ 25%*BMU&tc- =0 Nao in the xian does am PrOdwe &6Y 00tkesbic of the 00 ghegi.. The adds. ofealored impairment of the Color of I silkett to givi 78% of the NAL.0 In the ak" PrOdum a ; wess quantity of UK rv- definite Cola"U00 Of the !'i- 1 ' h l l d eas w en ore 01btain unco g 1 co discing Wnt was left' ome from the silicate 1 t h U 00 S . , o c M e S 75% of the M40 in t to leavv In the Charp WIOO C-Irce sulfate i be? cv,".Xy It s D The amt. of the w it is necessary to reduce bkb i ca n w Nt. P. R. to be add.] bY 40 to 50'-- see 1'.; a S a - L A ACTALLURCICAL L17111ATURE CLASUPICATION ~'49,; lit 1.1.&0 .6, dot ,AA W I Tr -a a w i or a a do a 3 a v no 0" 00 me : no ON no *" 00 no 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 00 184,60 ~100 0 0 A lee 0 0 methods of &"as SjunLina to Foureault sh4et g!&". lee 0 0 Va, Raf.~ jkkoj-na)u i Kerew. Prow. J, No. 11112, r, qmmo).-The manut. of Fourcault awet 16%x COME. lee 00 :I.h% MIIO anti up to 2% AIA was resmurd in the-Sovict 00 9~- Union after the war. Ilecutise of the Wit of twtter inale- -00 riAls, refractory clay Is used as means of adding alumiua. '06 GOO The cIjy is dried, ground to pan a sieve of 121 iVeninp/ -00 ee sq. cm., mid then mixed with other ponents. Uge of 00 clay caused no difficultirs in melting and working the glass; -00 addul. formation of cords and stones was not nbwrv%41. .00 00 It is a1w proposed to use feldspar. feldspar sund,. j*gn-A. filrs, and -white slime" as sourms, of A60. (--hite OS Iinw'* is u by-1w,mIuct 4 the At induitry KIM CtHLi't, 14 agoo U. Z. KAMiCh =00 fto 00 goo 06 40 goo woo woo A I L A &ITALLURGOCAL LITINATURt CLASSIPICATIC" ties r 43LA11 Out C". &11 2- U U AV -0 LI; An L I a fW 0 I jr 81 9 A 4 -3 LM o 0-0 a 00 Gie 0 0 0 as a ga AA RAFA P Effective cooperation. Pozh.delo 9 no.ls22 Ja 163. (MIPA 16:1) (Fire extinction) RAFA . P. What causes cooling tower fires? Pozh. delo 8 no.10:14 0 162. (MIRA 15910) (Cooling towers-Fires and fire prevention) RAyA, P. Skillful evacuation. Pozh.delo (") no.9:19 S 160. (MIRA 1): 9) (Hospitals-Fires and fire prevention) RAFACZ-KRZYZANOWSKA, Maria Omissions of labor establisknents in cancelling labor contracts. Praca zabezp spol 4 no.1:34-39 '62. RAFAC7,KRZYZANOWSKA, Maria Labor performance. Praca zabezp spol 5 no.1-7-12 Ja '63. RAFAGZ- KRZYZjU!(X4SKA, ...... Problffas of prh~cipie3 Of r-OPer relat orsh-I I I - Ip Irl labor legislation. Praca zal>szp sPol 5 no.12143-4/7 D'63. ,LAFA(;Z-y~AiZIZ;t!iCj*i4S,'L-~, Maria 'Jorkers' claims -~cr -,(jL--j-t-,noatory damage3 for M,~.-,-ul dij,3c,,,ttirn of a labor contract, ?raca zabezp sj~ol 3 no,10-.52--54 161, RAFAEL, E. "Dimensional Deternination Of Relay 11indingsn p. 25. (_Te1eka=njkaCije, Vol. 2 no. 3, July 1953, Beograd.) East European Vol. 3, No.2~ SO. L4onthly List of/ZUW= Accessions, /tibrary of CongressY Februar7, 1954 x-)53:, Uncl. GADZHIM B.; SHIRJTNOV, I.; RAGIKOV, G.; aZAELU I. .9 m ) w Pre-October pledge of the petroleum workers of the fleftyanyye Kamni field. *aftianik 7 no.lisg N 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Nachallnik Tmfteprom7slovogo upravieniya im. XXII 9"yezda Kamnunisticherkey partii Sovetskogo Soyuza, Neftyanyye Komi (for Gadzhiyev). 2. Zamestitell askretarya komiteta Laninskogo KommunisticheNkago soyuza molodezhi neftepromyslovogo upra*7- leniya imeni XXII s"yezda Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza, Neftyanyye Kamni (for Rafael'). 3. Neftepromyl3lovoye upravieniye imeni XXII s*yezda Kommunirttahesborpartti Sovetskogo Soyuza, Neftyanyye Yqumi (for Shirinov, Rajimv4. (Neftyanyye Kammi reglon_-Oil well drillin , Submwine) RAFAxr,I. P. Thoracic surgery at a district hospital. Mad. arh., Sarajevo 11 no.2:29-43 Mar-Apr 57. 1. Hirursko odjeljanje Opsts bolnice u Sibeniku Sef: dr. P. Rafasli. (THORAX. surg.- in smaller hosp., organiz. problems (Ser)) RAFAELI J- Perforation of echinococcosis cyst'of the liver into . tract. Acta chir. Iugosl. 9 no.2:154-2,58 162. 1. Kirurski odjel Medicinskog centra u Sibeniku (Sef dr F. Hafacli). (ECHINOCOCCOSIS compl) (LIM DISEASES compl) (BILIARY TRACT dis) AAFA~,'Lj, Potay- dr.. ZA:Jii-.--OIIIC;, Nirko, dr. ,-._; of tlh~- hSart, Lijecn.. vje-Sm. 84 1~ 1,.,, ;Ururskog i Internog odjela Madicinslkog centra u Sibenik-li. (1EART DISEAS-~S) (ECHINOCOCCIOSIS) RAFAILI, P. Present-day therapy of pulmonary echinococcosis. Acts, chir. iugoel. 2 no.4:341-353 1955. 1. Kirurski odjel Opce bolnice Sibenik (Sef dr. Peter Rafaeli) (ECHINOCOCCOSIS, lungs, diag. & surg. (Ser)) (LUNGS, die. echinococcosis, diag. & surg. (Ser)) RkFABLI, P. Case of massive bydropyonephrosis. Acta chir. iugosl. 3 no-2: 170-174 1956. 1. Kirurski odjel Opee bolnice u Sibeniku (sef. dr. Petar Rafaeli). (HYDRONEMMSIS, case report 11 hydropyonephrosis, (Ser)) RAFAMI, Petar Permonal experiences in the treatment of acute hematogeaous ostoonVelitis. Acta chir. lugosi. 4 no.2:16o-167 1957. 1. Kirurski odJel Opce bolnice u Sibeniku. (sef: Dr. Petar Rafaeli). (OSTEOWELITIS, tber. management of acute hematogenous osteorVelitis (Ser)) RAFABLI,Petar,d-r Urolithiasis in the surgical ward of Sibernik general hospital during recent 5 years. Med. arh.,Sarajevo 13 no.6:35-50 H-D 159. 1. Kirurski odjel OPce bolnice Sibenik, sef: d-r Peter Rafaeli. (URINARY CAJZULI stat iBt. ) RAFAR11. Petar, dr. Duplications of the alimentary tract. Mod. arh., Sarajevo 8 no.2: 49-53 Mar-Apr 54. 1. 1z Kirarsks, klinlks Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajara, sef. prof. dr. B.Kovacevic. (COLON, abnorm. duplication of sigmoid) (ABNORMLITIES colon duplication) LONGHINO, Andrija, dr.; RAFAELI, Petar, dr. Intestinal obstruction cauBed by a fruit. Lijecn. vJean. 84 n0.5: 455-460 '62. 1. Iz Kirurske klinike Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu i Kirurskog odJela Opce bolnice u Sibeniku. (INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION etiol) RAFAFJ,IAN, S.; KAIRAMANCHEV, S. "Using titanium in industry." P-33 (Tekhnika, Vol. 6, no. 6, 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LO, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 DI: 11, Vol. 3, a~ fibers I P. Bl Ll-~-aria) _jqt ~uropoan Af' A j-, l, of SC : . 'C' - 1 7 'C, Tj- Uncl. - y 11 --1,, 15, Ant~Aotjcq In emphrse!nat(;I_;s Carbuncl 'Jeter!na ii.. Ji 15,7. r t 1._[etPr1-arn.v3r vrac, A'~jjp~s'~- _Ogo vaterinarnogo uc t' I han sl-o~7c Grucins::oy SSR. (Penicillin) (Car'tuncle) (Cattle--Diseases and pert--,' USSR / Soil Science Tilling, Melioration. Erosion. Abs JoUr : Ref Zhur - Biologi-Yap NO ", 1958.. No. 48693 Author : Rafaqlyan, A.-S. -7 : ~Tot given Title : Subsurface Mole-DrSinegc- Irrigation Under the Conditions of Priaraksin Lowland orig Pub : Izv. ArMSSR. Byul_ J. .-kh. n., 1956, 9, No 12, 59-75 Abstract This article reports the results of the experi- ments with the subsurface mole-drainage irrigation of clayey soil with the content of 0.25 mm water-resistant aggregates to 85% and mole-drainage irrigation of slightly clayey soils with the content of these aggregates at about 5.21%. The experiments were conducted on wheat sowings, It was shown that subsurface Card 1/2 USSR / Soil Science Tilling. Melioration. Erosion. i Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 11, 1958, No. 48693 mole-drainage irrigation promotes a decrease in the irrigation rates and has a series of other advantages over furrow watering. In furrow watering 104 m3 of water were expended for 1 centner of the crop and with the sub- surface mole.-drainageirSigation the expenditure of water was only 3 - m S. A. Nikitin Card 212 58 - 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 *I II U .1 .1 x 11 a a it b is 17 a .4 1, 11 W u hi 13 ft v Is III k 41 4j u III ago I 8"f _9 1 41 -1 1- 1 AA Of CC W it d I. 1_8 b Effea of inhibitors mi 4utoxidgition of linsted ml 00 0 7...". 7. lit 't I.. 1.1-f U-1 IN ..... .IV. t 4. Mladw-. -J III.,, 00 0 0 I M, 00 00 Awl \,I,- 1.1m. th, IA'I I.-Ilk ... ... I Ow .1 vI . ..... 1.1, roe 00 Ilk,- FIA~IWI.. A 1-19,11119111 !LOA! I 1 II I Ilk I--kI 1 1K 00 goo 00 400 00 00 00 0* f e 0 t; 00 '1[ ~'** 00 It I -0 a Ti 11 1. 2 a K ff q It 9 Ai a 3 0 v O q: 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 0 0~6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 09 0 0 St 0 0 # 0 0 00 0 0 4 ~ f J I W it 11 it 14 -S U It it 911 it 11 it N V 0 0 Mf cI A L L I r. A A A L a 1 If I I A AA Ill M 110 U fs.till . ' A /V -00 sea;, -00 10 0 * x, I..Amll.n of *0 1., slahlo Condithm. 'in lZu-taft I 1, M 11"j. %:A And %I F- M. -141111 1 00 ...... iVi'l.-ly " . 14. Mai MIX. 11 W.-I J, AplutrallIA filt JAI'latil-n '-f lilting. and th'. in table cond 00 : applicatwn 'If t.'"dard A-1, dill, 0 r"ntitill'.11 teap,val of tIt, Joe- 4~0 *0 -49 I d S 4. A Attati(IRrICAL LMNATURC CtAS11FOCATiCk 0 It ~ 1100 A, W An A I v 1w a I Ar 8. 1 i9 0 IP 11 71 it Wt It R U Of U .14 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 00*00#0000000 000*001000009000*400006000 -----L ,a a -A a 6 IV . . - - - `07M a 10 *To, 0 ; 0- 06 0 ~oo 1) h J, ft A 0 a N r 6 m I I A T 4 AA Al U M, cc tqOkIlm of CrbW* ph&$" in Stabk Canditiam (in .00 00 Russian.) V. M. Popova and N1, F. Rzoina- 7"Im, -00 k"Ift, Labol-W.Fig (Factory J.Klwatory~, v. July JP411, 1), 556- 61. Deacritm-P *ppMTAtUA CIT i..d&tI..n ,( varbi-h- In stable conditions. and d~rOws 0- ni-dil- 01,141- r standard xteek during "-tWoU,,U% t' ation of ynovxj of the precipitate. A 48 Joe SO !too to No 0 (1 It 6q( K 4M 01 Is K CE It Ot n I A2 a I It 417,00 OU 0" 06 0 0 40 0 00 0 0 o 0 a 0 o 0 0 go IS *-* 0 Is * o * 0 0 0 q 0 o go 916-0-640 0 06 66 see 0 00 SHEMYAKIII, M.14.; RANDEL'. G.A.; CHAWS, Ye.S., SHVETSOV, Tu..B.- VINOGRaOVA. YO. I. Synthesis of racemic sarkomycin.. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk no.8:1007 Ag '57. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Inatitut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii Akademii maditsin- skikh nauk SSSR. (Sarkovoin) Jrh-e (leterminatica of aid- pyr PIX04hate, caa(Wdi~om_ fc Cke*. Com- C-4. so..144,50t. U-4- _p__ I.r)-'.),FC, j CUTIR Vs ~4n -T -T -T T -T -T -T N -TI '* I'll-, -L- A - J. a A a - - - 7~ pwflgli AW W*081-10 C A L It for "bow" In 1~4--klv. S. I it.) is. 490 No i~ I INI'Irl :~':A Q.. buit (43 X W x 19 'so 9 M:)., imbom Omm mW back wa% we raway", Oftlalm o Opt-las GO&& of sperm cm. stnK-do maw 2 S' - somodma to 't 4 Yavkb Of. IC. A. JO. V WO;). -attacb-rd-lo the hwAmw by rubber betels 00 W with sub other by n&nr tubing. Omit 4MA=IWO Is connected to so *V. pulup, %vhkk twm sk ibtmgb &M The ob"ptkm &&,, Aura( lbit4adtacam be dismawed at ww. inqual. goo 09 k OWY I SbOWY" " is connected; " permits 7 re 9 00 an amwall -IrIllelli the Posed thcaugh tiw The 3blwd rdbWoommmoar is In the w7wesn only it 00 s itl to dow"Ism." tbo 4. at sk pawdm tbrumsh AA-! It S= X-c"Oll alt. cc p"Wal of The &WIC I - "t &4d. The alp. is Part" sad requirell little time the anstrok. W. R. Man goo see ve till Leo S L a SITALLUIMCAL 1.111111ATURE CLASISKATON via- .0-AAW j I ve vv~ logo" -A- 1--, -,- . T I r Irr' A 1 4 00 0 9 9 di 1i--, U is LT LAI;OPPOOM name W111151 iia bra f 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 *IV W t, It I A IL A 0 ~* :40 A C 14 A I , 1 00 ! It.) W, No. Wal"'AIRMI).-In the &pp. k i k va t l " polsom ma be dnected la food. 4 "t. WAS Air thmugh the ob Into a r" k It to the object the b 4 a" can e ; too. of eyck-s. The object 6 powed 4 COuls incr witb VOMA buWw NtrWft- TbE 0 emmected with a DnW jar conig. the rt- .1 meat. 04 I*k a spwW 4-way stopcoc . The Dreid mW both bldves of thm - tar am a m d eo 90 .3 m cam ecte Z It tW ' 9 P ' ' - The aspirstar is mode In the form of 0, hwApm with a stoprix* betwem the 2 ham by nwarm off wkkb the Sow of llg can he mgulated. The Anst. of He In do amOmfor 6 100 ad. As the HC &nn hvm t1w uppw % the kmw beg, the air (n)m the coutabw 1 ' In dmwu 10 the abombet wW the 4-way st g into the bw f h b t apper 4 e em steor mw the ak from the lowm bW k pund shoWtamausly into the 1% PWMOW MANaam an abourbed by dw obwbtr an thus i b thr air imle the cuslandimled di i d4w. L 0 1,$ the kvww bw I# the Amplestw IN " Alm & O 4 0 d 1 ~Pm M w -war *vpw6 r . b 10 twwW by 0% lail of the 20im or Fvvwwd J4 J lbst so H betwet the now of me -ed. 1'b& app. 6 portable. W. a. 71. - - --------- Mll~LLMKAL 0.111MATUlt CLAIWICAll" 13 slow 9'.Aftv 1-00 1 .164 -00 lee lee roe =0 0 C* r* see ISO me =*~-. ISO* 9.04" .4. a.. d.C "Ull~cl @$&All 4w 4m. its q 0 , MR A 1 0 FJd 0 0 0 3 Is " 5 A 6 3 1 1 It At 10 u mc it it Cc of , a I in 1 0 11 Q IS IS 1i to if v " a is a 11 a a )-I I L IL Y A A M At w -- - - - - - reaMM AND 090#1111.4% .off 00 cm A 4-10 ML (J. AnL Chleft Rm. 1*, 0, TIS-ft f- 180 d V a Af ojgtW 4wwWjWy mimma wM ffg-Zu) an dibitad 00 a 9 * to 50 a4.$ I imL d 2% Sq. CkmMotto - "w an KWW, ivm by uld : rth " em i d d d d 0 ll o ~ o m s am wo p f go F 0-001N.11 MIAM., - twA WA" isTam an am o - - 0.03% hg ~CmM at &--W ml. ot It pw IDD a1- 0: .3 IL T. a 0 0 '4 &ffdjtA "TALLURGICAL LITERITM CLASSWACAtTICAN &non% -A .19 a., visill Owl -00 -00 -00 a** ZOO Ce 0 goo see ZO: Igo tro 0 X, 0 01 at It 19, ~ In I = ,,Too UO : ,,oT "03 OL* 0 of 09:00099960WOO!00:9,6,6004, 0 00600040 Noel 0 be. 411 0 It I. kA 111111 LL IV Itb A L It Colarimiptnt: determinaUca ol titanium in Call, MR and s Itir, 0. A , 00 "A'. 0 it, ~,I, 00 ml . All and Ou., .)1,w will =go . livell by I 1 1 It I I , 1!14 nit, ,Iv.Iv_ all OO . I... "fir 11, 6e ! J so a 001. zoo off co -Zoe se'd 00, ties, *of AS. SLA FTALLUPGKAL LITEMATIAlf CLAWFKATIGN tz - - - - - - QNA 0 . I w se q '1 V-TA.AI to two to o 0 01, 0 0 0 0 3 0 .44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 It le 0 0:// ~:ansjurgen; iobert Koch InstituLe (!,Robert Koch Institut' (chief: ;Z`:NE,7:E,;ERG, GeorL, professor', Berlin. ..-I I , - 4. Y - "Vaccina t-ion-Ca used "iegative Phase' and 'Provocation' , and TheIr ~Budapest, Orwasiljetilao, Vol 104, No 32, 11 Aug 1963, pages 1500-1.c'.C. Abst-act: The concepts of 'negative phase' and'orovocation' are defined ~ U I the author. A historical survey is made and experiments of Brie~er, and -1irlich, v. Dun-ern, de Gaspery, RAettin;r and Wolk, Gillert, and Seifert are discusse,i. E-...-Periments on mice infected by Breslau and poliomyelitis strains, respectively, were conducted by the author. Active Lmn-unization has beer. carried out alter the infection has taken place. The results are presented on several ~.raphs. Data on observations of the polio epidermic in Chicago, 1956 and the typhoid epidemic in Mlecklenburg, 1945/46, are also presem-.e_-4. The author attempts to show that the 'negative phase' is an ir.,rune_1-Uiolo7i- cal nhenomerion. It is concluded that initial vaccination should be done be- fore an epidemic outbreak. If this is not feasible, the use of decreased amounts of vaccine may be considered. Booster shots present no dan6er, pro- bably because of their ver-j rapid action. No references. 1/1 !7,Ar?f'frV A.S. 29596 ~-'J,j `;akt,.-erial"!cF I t-l,T-T-'r-'TFU,A A!7-17'~S!S ) Kak Kon,,on-ent '0 Plinktona. !, ik rdndolof!iya, 1949, v:.Y,).5 S.h42-V- - Biblior?r: 6 'Taev `r) - I I Ito 7h ~~ CT;k'! T FA . . tf,). RAEP-~.OVS?',IY ) E :? -3 4 V.V. pryeobraeoveniye prirody molyekal. (K irisuzhdyeniyu stalinskoy prjen-i'll ea --A-.a. kaenriskomu ea natich trudy F.-o on-an. n-ilaii). Friroda, 1?4':", No. 9, C. 3-7, c. t,orlx.--PH.bJ lo,,,r: 12 Nlaev. S0: Letcris' No. 3,' BULGARIA/Acoustics - Noise. J_ Xbs Jour Ref 22iur Fizika, No 3, ig6o, 6717 Aut'l-lor Raev, A., Popova, L. Inst Institute of Physics, Sofia University, Bulgaria Title On the Voltage-Tunable Operation of Magnetrons with Resistive External Circuit. Orrig Pub : Dokl. Bolg- AW, 1958, LL, 11o 6, 441-444 Abstract : An investigation was made of the dependence of the active component of the alternating voltage between aegments of a slotted magnetron V on the resistance and capacitance of the external circdt. A simple calculation shows that 2C2D2), where the quantity V. depends on R'= R/(l t LAJ R is the resistance of the external circuit, C the capaci- tance between the segments, and ti the circular frequency of oscillations. The experiments were carried out on Card 1/2 - 112 - or tit IM 5TATIONMY OSClLX4TIOHS UMEPEUDZNT - 7 . 1f, 12141 (1065). V awmades (2 ta asculoAtan b" The effect of heater c~rretA oo~tba conditions for bein fowA for two-! -and tWii-segment nitimatroia wUhl Purely, resistive Wernal circuits (ace C.R. Acad,-Bulg. Sci, Vol. 1. No. 1j 39, 1948 %W preceding abatracti. A.R*M Va, jC Bulgaria/ ophysics Superhigh Frequencies, I-11 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35396 Author: Raev, A., Uounov, I. Institution: J~hyaica Institute, Sofia University, Bulgaria Title: Stationary Electron Oscillations of a Two-Segment Magnetron in the Absence of an Oscillating Circuit Original Periodical: Dokl. Bolg. AN, 1955, 8, No 2, 1J+; German; Russian resum4 Abstract: Brief description of the fundamental properties of nonresonant osci-Ilations of a 2-segment magnetron, due to conneeting between its segments an active resistance of a definite value. The mecha- nism of this oscillation was analyzed previously by Raev (Raev, A.,, Annals of the Sofia University, 1945-1946, 42, No 1, 311). Emphasis is placed on the role of the space charge condensations occurring in the magnetron and inducing in the external circu..t a current that produces in turn the high frequency voltage batveen Card 1/2 Bulgaria/Radiophysics - Superhigh Frequencies., I-11 Abst Journal; Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35396 Abstract:. the segments, which maintain under certain conditions the occurrLig condensation. The frequency of the oscillations is entirely dependent on the values of the anode voltage and of the magnetic field, satis- fying the posthumus relation with another value of the constant. Experiments performed in the meter band confirm the qualitative ideas concerning the character of the variation of the oscillation and also the relationship between the optimum values of the act, ve resistance and those values of the resistance,, which correspcmds to the occurrence and to the I-nterruption of the oseillatic~ns. Card 2/2 R-'117",', Ai, (~;nfia) Lasers. Ft. 2. Mat i fiz Bulg 7 no. 2: 1-9 164- -C., R:t ., - .I ;! . ~,- z mp 1L s~- * san- BA 1" ' nu. 4: 2 0- -, ;,; (",.elaL-~ las~-rs. I ; -- -, I '-l. q4 j--tirir!!: in marj,.,~tr :-is 4 71! '--f '-I'ast E!iro-ean Ac,-,:ssion-, Lis' Vol. ':o. h Apri-3, 1957 w~' 1 71 A - Stationary electron oscillations Li two semental magnetrons without oscillatory circuits. In Geman vith Russian swnriary, p. 1. Vol. 8, no. 2, Apr./June 1955, DOM-TY, sofiya, Dulgaria. Source -!- 1.'onthly- L'st of East European Accessions, (EEAL), L; brary of Congress. Vol. 5, No. 10, Oct. 1956- c h y Mkiourave rathopbYSICS at the otrvic* Of DPOCLtWCDPY Ak ksAndur Ritcy. Awsludire Nophr. Sefi4, Faceill Ut.. Livii use of microwavcs in ~ the don. L4 mtructurc.4 (d mols. unit alostis Is diacuned. G. AlegueriAts RAEV j E. 1! Pure and Ilixed Rcws in TYPes of Forest Cultures," p. 108. (Gor5ko Stcoanstvo Vc1.8, Vc.3, Mar. 1952, Sofiya.) East European Vol.2, No.9 SO; 1-ionth List of Accessions/Library of Congress, September 1953, Uncl. I . R=I S. "How to Prepare the Soil for Afforestation." p.213 (GORSKO STOPANSTVO VOL. 9, no. 51, May 1953, Sofiya, Bulgaria) Sol Monthly List of East European Accessionsp Library of Congress., Vol. 2, No. 9, Oct. 1953s Uncl. I I x 11 12 it W 3) 4 11 if 11 &,P J2 a At 25 a# 1) 20 It x 11 Ij 1) )4 25 A. 11 to n a v 0) a J1 A A L 0 ?k P .9 It I I V V A T I CC W tZ I ' a I L A ., . 00 00 c 00 00 The 1mroduction of spring steel and the aunufacture of Go 00 Rae~. r'r-& Yet. 1937. No. it. 21 o: Zewtrl 1, 791.-T A re~it-w -1 the canpri. of IFin lum- l. th if m.11111 in m I .06 .00 oo - , c, m(me "Mnm w , . 4, g I -Sttncnl a".1 Shaping ( , tbt manilf. of cpirul ninitip. rir beat-Irralumnt an, the alilwarancr A Frarturrs in 00 o0 11"Ity %prin" M. G, M,.W~ z 00 =0 0 00 zoo 00 gote 00 !Zoo see 00 1 i 1 x40 00 :1 00 00 A$* iLA OFTALLUPWAL LIT111 4MURE CLAISIFICATICh z ts* 1 VILIJI 1- is, 1; 1W A- -0 0 An I I a ad Q at IM IJ D 0 3 9 OT 0 ; ; ; ; : : : : : : 0 0e 00 11 19 I ) 3 4 1 a ? A a L IL 1 4 # , . , , lf M 11 A A All]$ M~ N r I. it As p,&. 0.1 A AA N CC LV U A t Disinfection of malt by "tatiolt. E. Spul', theva l M M i - A . j%j. ljtvinoirs and Y mit & Ch i Prom. 16. No. 6, 9-14(1939); lirse 42, 1067-TreAtment of ritall fiv "lin- with a o.15% d Sol. in a vane rAtia "t I kills the -teria, (A nialt without decreasing Acklifir'nic lia& A3 diAstat', t~W~F. hi~% ttrAillicut is ul'ire effective than Owl with wild Licit, fi 6 t r nl oil lime, that has a weaker 4c .4, lei i4 file flialt A nipinraii-Oniture zoo zoo see 06 see so j wee so t:99 go I SI TALLbeC.KAL LtrEMAILRE L,%S1FiCAT1C% _ T -7 U a 1, 1 v K U -1 Soo 0 00 ct,%&j n 0 0 0 q0 0 0 dno , 0 0 0 0 0 : I : 0 0 0; 0 a 0 a a - - as 0 9 13 16 V If 0 At b 3. A is 11 Tj f) A A V a t 1=1 ce 0 Ig s 1.0 410 " coo( _ fl =M4 AMD 944ROMIA" Okb&4A 9 fatchadf ie ower of m lt -RAL i F : a Y lt p Z. Raev, Pro"t. 17, - - common "u-* of ti e b t l : / m se, r paji c %ten ina t g /0 ratings and tech. Prf(Mulistwe of jna&~ is tile quality .4 0# watcr u-ed in dttg. the sarchwifying power of mait. J.,e., i th,, water n the starch soln. Tbb is because &1k. water 00 it . -rakrni the activity o( malt diastase, Ile remedy is to 8 00 is- d6td. water. measuring the pH at intervals it) make c"isin there Is no excm alkv. :-;,h 00 00 X go 4141151 ; H 00 .3 , Kee 0011 00 4F Soo goo ties 69TALLURGOICAL LITINAT110111 CLASSIPSCATWO too 4. "".a 411131 as a- All U S AV 00 13 it ODIC KIM 11% 9 CC 99 St KW 0 1 OW so 0 'A Aft V ff N 9 a 0 0 e 9 4 o 0 0 0 SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 p O-h o- 6 9 4 11 IS u t$ 11, IT a n" :7 a It 9 is Ad At 11 0 a Is a of a a 4 0 1 1 4 5 4 r 0 A' 00 A, ji- -Z-&& M_ MAP, It ___L__L -A--& r Op-M 00 so ir Accelerated malting process for distilleries, based on 00 natural aersdoc of germinating grain with shnompho c l' t Z i " N P so rlo- o ro". 16. ' o~ i . RACV-Sp Mayu Oxylea. . is-, %w 21(1(w). -The Inethod dewribed Ouvriem nuilling 00 a tiour t:y LLN-411)% anti Irescus the slatrh limm in inaltinX by f W 4417, The chief fraturrm tit the gjrqavsv dfr sitainirn. so once t4 optimuin trinp. (*21-22'1 anti intinoved tivni-t 00 the grain with atni. 0. InfiAn F. 40 06 3 go v 040 Z, TLAI CLAMPKATOGN S . - S L A SITALLURGKAL LITIN if Do., 51.14111. s AV it a a '0 41. . ff . (C K 6 0 0 *is * 0 0 0 0 0 0 G 0 0 40 0 C-zrrz-_%Ag= IF I FA a Ow I If Is 9 As a 3 0 I I 0 0 0 4 a 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 : : :1o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 o * a 0 * q 4 so :so .041 04119 -00 4141 -00 is A 040 0 c00 04040 ties 47 V 0 O-G-4v V-W- , IIIi it* Itallubma NVAIVAIII U11 JIM AMISM4 T .1 004dave A Of VS-B I Q it I- -T ~M T. A-L-A-AA 0 CC M 91~s k t A v. I it V j I of v P A N--- -1. ".9 Poi)tel , _ - - I -I, of. 41. Copts$,- Of I "Coger'll '-w. 09 : Disidection of mail by n1fitation. F. 1. KYA'SI'Luir b Na :1 4 1 R Mk U S S ) 8 -00 00 . ra s0 . . . ' . and Z. -A. Racy. 0ty ( , 479 90. Kkhm. Rooferal. Zkkf. 1939, No. 12,114; cl, C. A -00 09 34, 34XV,- -The effect oil Wh on pure culture4 oil Lzriir -00 and arelle bacteria. DrIbl-fick bacteria. butyiic driol hAy 00 or bacilli was Investigated. For all these cultums 4-%ttiw( flit 1-40 00 8 hay bjrilli, 0.1570 SO# was Imbal. A canvu 4 V i l b -00 00 te, t o Skh I-Aucest a nearly couiplett-ly sterile tua t and 6 not allect the diastatic proWity of analt. A 0.2',*~ -nen -00 00 S produces an absolutely sterile =It, but lower-, smicwhat -06 its sat rhatifying ability. of ale. Increases. with 0.027c the yield det-traws tightly. godl 00 a and with 0.04-0.013% a1c. fermentation mops ruturly. =06 The increvoic a( the achlity was const. and it was rivail Its 00 0.3* DrIltruck (Willi chlocinat"I inalt 0.4 WS, 1). And ze 0 00 %i(h unwashed imill 0-m 1.0' 1) W. It. 11,8111 00 ZIP 00 coo 0* is , zo 0 00 zoo roo .00 boo so U06 Alit ILJ &ITALLUP&K AL LiTIftAT&,Jfj CLAISIFICATICIt t:0 0 to k* 0 So il;.j " AN U so to or Piro ;i's wir wit AA I S 9 CW 0 4 1 if 84 5 A3 a I ZA I T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 Is 0 im ~0016 0 0 0 0 9,0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dooa~ o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 014 0 a a 0 0 "i :~L% 7 _-'v S;,A IA y "Pronostic A la caDacitc de tra,,a-iI au cours de 11-ictere catarrheuy.." Raevskaia, G. (p. 612 SO: Journal of General Chemist (Zhumal Obshchei aWdl) 1940, Volune 18, no. 1. W W- 44,10 0 A. , ts U if to 11 11 is is V a it x $1 11 V, W 15 it is Q L-L- A it ~-I~ 80 CC A U I , 9 M.5, 9 A The role of phomphAtenila In cases of renal Insufficlency. ' 01, A. RairvAaja. Slin. 3fral. 11 . S. S. R.) 15. 610-21 1939,I.=3l.-tn"scs,,frcnaHtj- sufficiency as a rule there is an increase in the content of thelikiodininorX.P. This plienortienon is connecte4l with s a a increase in t lie reahlual S of the blood and an intrusificA- tion 0( the ittilthoptucciti reaction and other reactions which are tests [of residual N. In most cases there is a reduction in the alkAli reserve of the blood. A very urat inermat in the inorg. P has unfavorable prognastic &is- % a IrAuctiott itt thr Attic. (It 1, its the nifiCAU'V. luouvisvew. so a f-1 i. M. G. Nli.-It --0e ~** 0 -00 zoo too 0 Lao I L Al I % 0 r" a 4 1 a W I At I , it It 1. m x K it it n it n i ,., ,, 1. ; 0 0 0 0 * 0 * * a ~ 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 , t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , * 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 Mr. "Cn the mechanism of the narcotic acticn of certain substarces or the spermatozoaz of Rana Teirporaria.11 (p. 721) lzboratcry of the Physiology of Cells (Chief: Prof. D. N. 14!, Institute of Rhysiology, Leninf-Tad University. by Rativskaya, Mx, and Troshin, A. SC: Biological Journal (Biologicheskii Zhurval) Vol. VI, 1937, r!0- 4' 1, .6 .3 A A .4 ~ 1, 1: IJ J4 1% 16 ji 1. p .1 A A L L I. a 1, 4 1 T be CC w III., w A 0 0 A 0 0 00 The mechanism of the namotic action of certain sub. -00 stances on the spennstozoids of Race temporaria. M. kaev~kaya and A. rrc"hin. fliol. Zlour. V. A. S. R. 6, 721-114(itt French, rite narv,itic atwn atm the capAcily for 1.1,mking the injerlLit of I,A,l rinalwouls "I Mi".2 (emp~ia 4,e 1..-Iy all.1 for the hAlowing i-t-nwAls. are in the (wilt-r. gUvrvrol < MeOll < Etoll < UICA < lic,co < Flimiw < 1,1011 ur,than < '11111jille < S. A IZArjtl.t 00 j zoo zt oe 00 z 00 zoo of =00 00 e* it kof 75- 1 ' ~ Fee ZA AA L N a f~.# a 4 :r If w a If Ft it If n I , 1 If 3 Ail 3 1 T Qx "a Ole o 0 o v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 - 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 So 0 0 41 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 j 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 So 0 0 0 0 0 0 rf .1 A t " k, 1. 1.) lei uIsb%I a P, 0 %I cm .1 u n ~ -, .- - (-:n, ~ 1 'to. 00 4011vaill'! 11311~111111. T 1% .11 00 00 r 001 0 I 00 0 t0 E -0 002 oor -Wfisw"d P, lu'll"Iddu 441 114m 441 SUPJv4a 4%VjUV-%j.M!jW j)UV S.4010VAIM aqj p U,)jSoonjoqp V 04. UTOUO-ik-t 'It W W aVUAXqO-VUU" C, go s.,~V t"MA"X -V 'ejagnip 2atlim P2330,1 p aq3 p := o X J, 00 00 00 00 00 so go go :1 ' if T-T -r-T 1 0 n *1 73 08 VV 7 1 Ir if A M I I T 7 7 IF ii[ 1! ti 1`1 1 0 Z; to r, It a ISM Om twtlw Vortz alf,dril # , 1 . .1 M 6I 00 0 9 9 0 a a 0 9 0 0 0 a 0 9 41 0 0 0 4 0 0 Op V L 4-4 s a V M M U M t a to A 21 is a 19 x U 0 a a U V I A. I L A6A 06 OL 90 U A t I i re -00 of-Al ^00 go " Ail and U S Ti hi R o0 . . mos n. uss. 57=, June 30. 104(f. The raw It Is treated first ith i 00 w an acid fied dour pastv, then plez, and treated in the usual mann oo er. 0o oo 00 as 0 1300 boo =0 0 12700 C200 ;Woo too U fS K ft go 0 00 4' 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 s n f v r' DLP TA r FF 4 J. r ore, - 0 0 Z 4 90 00 00 t :100 so 00 00 00 Os JL,jj Ul Z1111i1j'Aft JJILlutilliv 10 J%1I 411.L 00 0 liltll[ it I; 0 6 0 0 0 *1* 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0-0 oe -*,b 11 1: a MA )6"ISM Nil dew SNUUM. P4 ei" 9 sFr . 00 a made to ex- thte bwV cram wction fur cWb&km .4 .00 atnalk nurW- witb mutt R. P. jtffrr), -00 06 = j j, Z.0 0 00 400 .,00 00 A%4 SL A WALLOILKAL L.Ifl&16&t CLASSWICAMN t:4 0 ' , u ts AT K) 0 11 v 3 w I or & #j -% I JW t Kutt 19% t . 0 0 0 0 t 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~~~~-WT.mppq " 44 t Is w is Is it to I- a .7 a 16 1? .14 )v 14 It Sj u v a S. it Is 9 A, 11 61 a 4 . 't 1 4 2 IL it ..L, 00 00 0 0 go g .00 of it kxhe position of the lowr6f energy Urm 0( the cleuteron -00 .00 tmcf,"M CL~ 1'. A.. 00 I'd r1). 1"Moll ILt'.1d (4r,lull""Ill .00 00 Q00 00 j 00 00 06 0 o 600 wee 1"90 $a j L A .9 TALktA(,K.- k.rFX-TW*t CL'WFKATtC- so I 0 0 4 a RAEVSKIYY G.V. [Raievstk7i, H.V.], laureat leninskoy premii Welded constructions of the future. Znan. ta, pratsia no. 3:14-15 I-Ix 161. (MLRA 14:5) 1. Zaveduyushchiy laboratoriye7 Instituts, elektrosvarki imerLi Z.O. Patona AN U~SR. (Electric welding) (Sheet metal work) FA-:,YE'gC, D.V. ?96(5 Eashchita vrashchayushchiElsya mashin, Fabolayushch"kh iva voedushnyye syetij ot atmosfrefnykh preryenaorvazhyeniy- Elvektrichvestvo, 19!~9, No. 9 s. b5-50 K: LETOPISI NO. W Wtocmdai-piivi~miz-"Ie On the aystallizatian and fusiz: of "idw pmw glus. III. V. 01,11utill, 1. V. Tykwlinskil, R. S. Leviua. G, S. Rugdzinovu, jud_2 Trsdy Virjoyms. Nauch.-IjilrJowieL ]wt. in a, r 4 No, 34, 3-9; R~frpal. Vtor.,KUm. 1955, No* 911- The puitability of the sixla-N-fash -idif obtailud Zia a 1,.V- product in AJ.0I plants kipkratim un iwphdinc iii gla- meltiag was inves0gatt'l. Ille mixt, ':'3111:dUCII Ktc(j~ 32.8 and NaXOs &U',Mv. well., uitmd. vimally. It was condudIA Illat Ow .1- of I tic glass Av4s rai'wd by 404W, jit v..o in It, crpiii. Wilh A Contg, ~~hly 16 '11 RAF, S. YA. "Preparation of Soda-wilfatn Melt and Its Use in Glnss Pelting," I. M. Boguslavskiy, V. V. Pollyak-, '~. Y. Nisuavich, and S. Ya. Raf, Stekollneya I Keran From 1945, No 4./5 pp 20 (M: Inst. Insect/Yung, in Ya. V. S-~-moylov) SO: U-237/49, 8 April 1949 Raf, S. Ya. TIT LE: influence of Packinr, and Storing Conditions of S':-.eet Upon the Leaching of Its Surface (Vliyaniye usloviy upakolr-'~i i khraneniya listovogo stekla na rasshc',nelachivaniye ye~-'- poverkhnosti) PERIODICAL: Ste'lo i keramika, 1958, Nr 9, pi) 17 - 19 (USSR) A-1--'STRACT: A special investio-ation of the influence of the Packing and storing conditions upon the qu'.Llity of the -las;- surface was carried out in the Glass Works Lislic-ans? and "Proletariy". In table 1 the chemic:11 compo.-ition of the glass produced by these aorks is presented. if the sheet glass is packed in boxes ahich were stored in the open for as long as 1 1/2 year a leachin.- was found to have occurred of about 3T,~b of t*ie glass shee-Us. This aas found in the Lisichansk Wor'.-s. In the Plant "Proletariy" the boxes were stored on board pl-atforms. Only of the glass sheets wei-e found as having been leached, the majority of them beinE from boxes 7,hich Nere .fiilly exposed to the sun. Further experin:ents were conduc7.ed Card 1i 2 by either packin- the sheet glass as it '-ct directly 0 Influence of P-acking and Storing Conditicns 6~ 3071-2 -::.8 -9 -7/2o Glass Upon the Leachine of Its 3ur-face from the machine or by packing it after cooling. The shavings used in packing were used partly with a humidity of 55-600io, and partly dried with a humidity of 0,5-3,00' The packed boxes were)e-ither stored in the op~.,n or shc1tered under a roof. The temperature and tile humidity of the air in the glass stora~res were measured daily (Table 2. The results obtained by checks after a fortni,ght of storage are given in table 3 and those obtained after a storage of two months in table 4. The information gained indicates that chippin.-s ,-.ith a humidity of 1-3~- are best suited for pack-ine. Hot glass should not be Dacked immediately, but only after cooling. Packed glass should not be stored in the open. There are " ta'i)1--s ASSOCTA'ION: Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy in-titut stekla (State Scientific Research Institute of Glass) Card 2/2 a--tralc-,,anita stc.,lovarenild. t,~- I o T 7-? SD: LETOPIS 110. 30, 190 I r., tr f , ~.) 1- -.1 , , ; t ) I I . I ~t y .1 A~Iiil.).-) I kerrvi;'a, 1'~). (), S. ,-~: -'etor-is' statey NIo. 30, 1948 y 1. IVLtl. IS. T11 . 2. USSR (600) 4. GLass manufacture 7. NSodern methods of handling raw materials., Stek. i. ker, 9, no. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Feb--aarY -1953. Unclassified. S. YA. :Irv Ifum,111,11 I'll 11tv 0011 -)l Illo Vnlzi, m%it Ow vitv tit A-4r Mialti 411f I dr. -irt, Illrrf it ill t%1, it tit --tt"it-tis Sil't-tia. 9,11ft IT f ;t 11"liff, c"I'trul'if iml fit ;I, t v, It 'flit, v:, r i- ;i ~ PA I n-,, lr~. N I g.,;0 (i in Fz. NAJ 1 --1 (o I -fild H411 W it, 2:-1 . A f-HI fit if q n( r It %- is I vi k h i if i I r %t as ciscd tivi, r v 17- eh v perifid Ill a Imik rill gl T,q or 1 lir I.Alms ill;: com. lin,if iml : SiOj + (1 72 1, Cnfl TM-4, W.11 3.P. Irs.11, alm of r, Rif "r . '111v (-Iv:it ge rotinkl(A nF SW ;Wrak- hal)ifr elillrtm I'llf. in flie Writ toll(clif lit 'Nigo I lit MgO in Ifir whuit Ion in .1.751 NO ill asfroUrmilt. the Ifilal I'M ?,~Iflaiiwd wif-hollged by rediloil".1 of C,O Thr r-nnipil'ifirM nI flip glass cb;)pIpc4xratNAIy. I burr %%,rrc wt shirp cfi;mgc% ill flit, Rh%wictlitig pirivic I?"Ir (,f '60111r;lwall nf Ot~ zja~~ rcffoiw~fl itic, imile T111, 'in Hill n; i b r.). Nn sliffi-,tillirs tvcrr n!)scr%-rrI ill flic- riill;me apid I dw S. YA. .A I Methods ot Introil Into the compodddii~W sheet glass 16 ft~_ ion 140, It- The manufacture of Fourcault window slim containin jo 3.5% MgO and up to 211Q Ahos -was dlscohtIQuCV:' tRussia during the last war because of lack 61 - roAterw. 1but it Is now being resum In #be of materials, refractory clay is used as a meant of introd aluml=. The 4ay Is . =1"; driedt sorted, ~.of* IAI openings per qiL#.'. taixtcl wit%"dXOo=1t ad mixed it othW ftUjOP=t,. .1he uw of the da produz '4' culties In ;k tfidWj~nd w6rUn iglass; add lle'%Vd. Uk formattaii of such drfeq; as 2 ;Stones was n6t; noticed. It Is also propo-sed to use feld- siar. feldspar iands, pegmatitks, aftd "white slime" as; :sourm of alumina. White pliqte Is a by-product of the !aluminum Industry and consist of sodium sltjminosUmte;, It analyzed SIO~ 20 to 25, AIA 30 to 32v FejO, 15 to I andallmI126to25%. Vlhenqsigi.feld;p~Wit;iould'bSe' thoroughly dried sorted, and ground to Meqt of M opSaings.per cm. 1311.K. RAF, i. YA. kethod af adding the ro= j agent o W, ti., -'N,~ Stskel'"ayo $ tra 0 III all cases, re-frar the ty "lle, ""11-1 rd-, the method of adding th I Ifatt it t Is of decislys Importance In obtain I the reducing agent will be uniform y flish-11,1114-d aronlid the 'gulfate and In contact thertwit Tife bt,( resuhn are obtained by dividing the process Into twn.9tilps ~ ( 1) preliminary mixing of the sulfate with the reffuchig agrut ujily, and (2) adelition to this mixture of the ret"aining componcias of the charge. followed by mixing to afnitist tiniform0y. Both the sulfate and the reducing usetit (anthrache, mkr. etc.) Fire Unund prior to mixing to Iws, a sieve havilig 6 1 openinza per cm.l. When using won(I smomt ai the reducing agent, the size should be tiot over 5 to (I mm. The iulfate and reducing agent ftlimild ii(d lic if (fifIrmit grnin site. and the components of (111-' 01111 K~ 1111.M111 "Q.t IM Mixed A tOPOM A.Z.K. j V. 7- 0 0 a to al 21 A 6 11 12 1,1 14 la ;1 1; 1, 14 M 51 A 4t _AA i!a (~ JXI [C C ft I FAILI !11~ 1- V!4~f I k 1 0 f the culur of light- green glass I 1~rra"s 'Jilittill Silicate batchei Val yillg ill VUI1JV [10111 glLt-la it) ljhck %~vsv Int-patkil floll, tj~ty, .,III- fat,~, 111,1 c:40i'm (8, 1.), 10. 1,-,. .111,1 C .11 tile b."it of 'I lie -ilik.av. of .,If color, (viivrpt givvit) ~~cjc ii,v,l to io,lt gh~, of ';I SiO~, 10t ,',it), ;md 16'.,'1 N:,~O Tllv N,-O li:', ill Elio fumli: ZO L' C~ltc illit ;Aj`:; a, ~tilf,tte and ('-It 751 N.t.,(j ai ,ilic.itc uiid L'5' ~1~ ~Llli.JV. 'Flic ttiditiuti of brown %ificaw to givv 15W of the 14,!0 ill ill(- g1-- tlije-; out ljtudtw,-- any uutic~- libb: illip orlm-ot L'f ill, vuhl; of tile gh'i The additiull of to givt 7-'.:,, -1 tile N:t!o ill tile pro- dUcc-i .1 dQ1izliLV color.ttiu"li of the wile qualitity of th, I "Itwit'g ~V- IL I t T-j olit tin mit-olarcd gl.i~i %sh,ti 7,,,,':, ,f th, :~' ,0 ill it,, gk- a, to come irwil tile --ili. it i, uv~l-:,ry to 1,.kvc tit the ch:trgv -tit, at-6wi4r,c ~tllfzav, ill vAii, 11 it i, .1 y to r, dlic': tile :olloillit of tile c ab.11 to he ."Itled by -10 to Lill RAF, 3. Y.4. j 11 ~Jl it It it "I Paf)cessks .110 RVICFI. WNYM I Asiram. 9 4 EtM901fite Charge N140d it) give a glass Inel of BIRO, 72.5, RA 0.5, CaO A. MjtO 3, njid R, w." tt. to prepare brillirelleg wilit 2,' 3. 4, 6, S. 10, and 12% Witter tinfler prmotres of 20, to), Iffl, 21)(), 400, WO. TV), and 1000 kg.jctn.l. Brirlticttri of gond tnechimi. cat strey9th were ObWned with pre-smirci of hW to 750 kF./cm. . Optitntitit w-.kter content IN (I to 8%. , 'rhe use o 5pecirtl bluders h:id Ito notict.-Olle cffv(-L bit Strength. Grain size had no cfTtct oil inech;jn1c,if itr.-jig(fl. Cullet should not lie used to prepare the hri(jijettc-.%. The bri- quettes shmild heallowul to hardro for 2 to .1 rhys before Me. IJXK. J. YA. n- 1t firad iLs ul-,- in ~-iass:-ieltin-. 4'. 30T-_73LV,,S`Ij~1 -r. V. ~IOLTYJ'd: G andp"~~ Abstracte-1 in -;t-3:o-- lnays j rorl. No. it 1da:_- uroms~d to us, in ~~-llassmAtln- :o.-. ri-,-*M~,- 7,dXaG-,1,1---_~ Of SO~d-,_ 3111-at- was obtain--A by the in- 'ion :;L' --he sul`at!~ ~o 'Uh~ sul'ide -_a-i-7 I-I c-arb3nT za-, -,~ -h- 'a'fer 6~cc7-i osition ,)-' h- a.-I'do '~aC;~)_ In oontrast to th- L-_-&bL,.1c 7n it, th~~ =~H- t,,) '.If _ T ns ir hi-h they ar~~ u-d in normal I _IV.- -,a 0 an~i CaO Li ~he vourcau_u hur-~s,, ~EL~ ratio of to sulfate -,,as to be 1:1. h~ t 1-c:,-d on -u'hc,-: basis --f a 9'ass com-?Osition of ji_O~ 73. CaO 1_, a.i_` Iia G 1~_, 2" -'nO= i. Th,. .1ass mr_llt obtaLned di6 rio, diff-L- r_-o1o--,ar,;o;i 'rom th--t ob- ta:1-n--ad 'ro:- -nil-fam- char_:~~-. The -absolute contenr. of th.. sulf-Jues tl-~ -)_,-Or,.uce jar, 7 j~ --f caus-2 the .-s an] `,oes iiA by i~s-.L cari va.-Y ith; ri coio Th~_ _class, b~com-.-s o.~_!y --hen tl~~_- relation bet-..Te~a th.~ 3111fiies n G .,L c~n csA sulfa~--~- is s*r - j to -iv. an exccess of su7 ides -,ot oxi- :iz-:~J lty z,!~ of r ductL~;a of the sul-fat, ..~houldl n"t exc--_~d A ',io-;o - ~Lir_-olis unc-.), -D:- hi:;s i,; ~ o r,.-3d c'han~ as c ntaini.-Lg this a~, IT'DDO %4hLch is a lo-:-r '~~-:;-.,erature t-az for 3o1_-;a--su3f%--1-_ and soda - ity i- lo-.,_~r:~-a`, by inc!-eas-n- t~ .10. U:' OXL-33, f-Ut h 4,1, -- orr,3c -1 ra' -c of sul-fid, U c~2 an!] su-1-fat , in ~.h,-- 2-1~ Lhi_z -AIL. -US of ~h- sulfi,_,e c--loration. , -~. f:i. Y'alul'~wtlwu I.roble.,j. ccncerninc, the technoloc-3cal ; recess involved in the -.rc~duc7-i~~n o' :71:-;izs with soda suc'stitutesl 6Lak. i rkar., 9. No. 3, 1952. Monthly LioL of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Nov~-mber 1952 Unclassified. III 314111SUP'SIN Sol an its 4 L 06 ? tj I k I A 14,10, '413. Means of Improving tbe qualitY ad Glam BatebM SM of Glass. (in Rulast,45 a, is, ~afjtd#s and re, ago .8mir triff"Offm ( I.M A11.). no. - 1 47, 11. 1 3. 00 IN6.41111111pilds nwixtrulillf tho sawl Imforp nil%hid 000 the batch. to prevent orgrritAlloso. Aimp mithow. HOO the results of use of three types of mixing nis 0011 C*0 chinery. and reviews the action of iron oxides, 00. arx,nic oxide. fluorine compounds, manican " di- 00 00 n ouldr, and bliric anhydrido. as admixturroZ th.~ jr1mlin hatch. an rovonle4l by the literature and by rlwent Russian work. Fog '.9o W i;_ 1 -.00 A alTALLUS141CAL UUMATtAf CLASUPICATION Uz-, 11d.. wee t! 4; 104q .1. a.. ..I .815i *.I 'Al U a All 10 It AW-!--- i _ii;_7_ a 0 1 V DO I a a I v ' ; ; , . I In a, 11, de a; 0 IN V D Of a UZI 19KKIOM 114 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 *Iel 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40*. 01(-, 46 Z-- ~ A&C~v , C-A,~&~ * " mob cd mbm" now@& d 0 kft wd d gm&w 40 W NOW d Anka d demprIMI-VAnd N. A. MjJ)aava (Stsh. Karrem.. 19"A No. 2.4. INS. A351),- The process cd fusion and fini" of pimms is &=Imtal whro The twitch in prvswd Into briquettes end when the gamidat oaass of the latter in Ransil R. It. CA~MVM to 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0-4 C 0-9 o-ww W-qvw- ll 0 - - 11 e3 1 1 30A jig J117,11, . I, u W to 4 11 a MU I - 1 la-, 1- ~- -M I ff- f .1 Uj U*jc* L r, L -1 - 1 1. C C 9 0 U .1-4 i M t A- A a I 4 X 4 A i 00 Decreasing the alkali content and increasing chemical 1-09 oduced according to the Four- stability of &beat guss Ir cault method. S. VA. R and I - V. Shapiro, Z - Proitni. is. No,. lic' 1-S-211 10:101 Th,- init-oolmlimi --F AW, in file li"Ill fit lift Ill I V1. N11-1191Y thIV and In All 21111 00 III&%. No a,l,lnl. dirfivii ri,14ted I,) th, ia- -( 41tv ,- ,itreaks ar ,tono-,ot ole-tir thit- qtial to 0 0 Z , mained tinchAngrA Ttior mclunt 4 itta- -4 ibir t-Tipli ' 1 0 0 o, %I KI - 3 - 1. --4), -;1(); 71.7. Alit), I.S, FrA it 1. CAO 9 - 4 anit NaAl 14.#1q and th~ Adn, 4 P'- Na:ll in thr r 1-4n% W -ulfato, timniAliv. Thi, Kla- X-1 winking jittilwirtiv%. It wit ti-nd to) coo .."itor that, III, Kia-4 Ill.. 0 j NA,0. L'hr- ol.bdily ,I Ith- 111.13 ihm coo 0 1." Xa.l) M I C"fid"id, so 66 zj 00 St 91 00 00 g o -Z. v- too u vi 11 10 11 C-1 j4( I a not a 5 a a 3 1 IM, ~ 1 0 ; no pipip gpif an olig pits F 0 0 0 1 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 , : 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 00 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 6 * 0 0 6 0 00 1 I 1 123L Nfols!"dialt Oat ithm b0clIL-S. YA. RAI (Atelt. Keras", 1k No. 10. 1, 19111. Vatious methods or moi%lesting the 1AWNWIFT6 avoid M setinegation are diicusitied. The Itsial nioislurv content in a sodal be" ready ror ube shcmid tv 21-3'~ in a sesda. sulptutc hallO 3 5'.. and in a pum sulphate batch 6-7- %arkl alonit shou4 Iv "!ited before it is mi%W %ilh other components reprilk-ws ol'the %ailinji; method used. 11 is .1phAsind that v-v(ting of 411 raw materials during their mixing is by no rrearis petmissible Som 3uthort ttuggnt that the batch should be *cited by steam at the lank (at it lea%vq The blinker in the dry state). The suggestion is lieverely critillucd. on thill Lvnirdry, to sioid clotting it is ilujitcoird IhAt the dr), s4nd. whk-h may he hot. should he in 35' 40' C. hc(oge %witinig. 0-0 9-0-0 0-6 wl,w_,;~u F ~ - 4 *l; I Ilist is faillifiNtsmilopts l. a DMAJOVAIR I. V a I 7 all un m a a v a v & I 41*A - a 0 a Ix 09t . a- I 1 4 1 1 1 % A I . I I I A lly ..D Valli&) . Subsdfttes in the gla" induStry. RAP.-Keram. jSkk1o k.Nm 1.3.3 6 ' ~ i%~-d m OWL11. Suintitut~ftjralkvli"ingLLw%MFdg V. Ko-4ix)tDv 00 00 0, 0 zoo 0 .- goe 0 I 00 2 0 zoo he LA 0 A S L ACTALLUR6KAL LITINATURI CLOSIFOCATION '00 0 s !use v, l 1 _ - I, I I aac a.. 's k - -- - q u so to rly p 1, v44 a a w v IT . E i AA 1 N I N 0 M I I N N 5 a a 3 i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 9 O~q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0! 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0:6 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 6 4, 4 6 * 0 4 0 6 Ski Us* of mati-bkan'to to SIS" smAim, -8. V&. Rai %iAle i Kfrdm. S. No. 6. 7. 9(IM). -- C`bvm-.-MjK.-N --tmkhAnite (A(a6a.N&O)..4H#O) varies as follows: %A*SO. 22-M. 16txSC6 2D-34, C&SO, OA N&Cl L&4.5. 1110 10-2317a. A Luge tank furnace producing glass of SO,-RA 72.1. CaO 7.8. MCO 3.0. NmO 16.0. and 501 4WAtT ..% fed for 17 days with a cham of " &y astra. khanite and 20q cu!ltt: total consumption of dry astm- kharritr woo W tons. 11"ouwal high content of Mco In the astrakhAnite, the IstgO In the glass visa gradually In. vi-,e4 t.:1.75", by vamqxm4injt decrease at C%O; tho total unn of RO rrsnalned unchanged. Tbe Slams cimapti. chAnCr.1 grAdually. No marked changes In the prate" *err olmlyed. Pick-up it glass retuained the matut at Alwout w- 1(in m.Au. it w" not diffieult to cut or break the %I- R. Z. I(Lantich 0- 0- 0- *- -0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4i is W~~ - " W. 1 9 I ~o 0 j! ,I Slob 1. .jj " -piln, Is P 1 11 i Is It 2 a is 0 a V Is 0 a 0 As a 4 0 0 AA C 9 00 . . 11 it 101 00 - - 00 A a R to this, nadisid 01 a& ROLAAM of &0 a iiii fised, "d dw grab size W dw befth. 5 YA-R&Laad 00 .0.0 00 N.A.Milyse". .60 00 is. were conducted with Gas- and cosim-grained loose briquetted charges to giv* a Shus of &% + RA -40 0 73. C&0 S. MgO 3. and NasO 16%. . Briquets 23 mm. In -00 disim. and 34 mm. high were walk sith 1. 2. 3.4. and 61~ 0 water and the following materish: ) ; mist. of sand ~ -40 00 J; 7: 11.04 43.8. dulkmite, 7.5, lientstone 8.8, J, and sulfate 3 -00 3.4% which passed a sieve of 64 openings per sq. cm. and 040 11 (2) a mist of mod 42.0 dolomite 9J Umestow &G, which passed a sieve -A 49W ~ud sulfate 3 sods 39 2 4+ .00 00 . . v , . openings per sq. cm. With increasing - 2 and 0 0 a length, of storage the strenpb of the briquets Improw zoo Briquets nL&& (rum fine-grained inaterials with 2 and 379 goo water had a lower strength than thitise me& nom, cause- 00 '1 grained materials with the same amt. of water; with 4% r.0 0 . water the strength of the briquets was about the mine. Joe Briquets made train fine-grained materiab with 6% water had a much greater strength than those from cause- 00 z Vained materials with 6% water. Compared with loose 1 4100 charge. the briquets caused mcar rapid melting and coo fining. Z t for melting coarse-grained I briquets d Was charp was about the , z Et g M046 is wart rapid. Mehing and a, arum same but finin fining of fine-grained brklutis seem mose rapid than for Voo coarse-gramed briquets. Briquets made under In r" of over 500 kg.,'sq. cm. showed no sharp differencris in owlting and fining. A moisture content of over 4% in charze caused a slight increase in bad. B. Z. Vanrich too boo 0 tLigAir-Olt! 0 IF 00:::::~00 0 !00 I tt It it K 0000000000000 a 0000411160041001111 0 0 TAAAL 1 8 two a a 11111"9d32 21 1 9 n I 00000000000000'00000 ~00 00 *OLO--o 0 0 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O-Wo 0 ' *00-00000000000000 *000000*00000000* 8 C 5 V 6 0 X L I X 0 P49 A I I Wr IST AIO 30 Lt' 0 41k: 046 94L OOL 0 041- 0 4L o 416. *06 0 10 0 4 0 A q 00*000000000::: :060690009000 J, 9 A 10 41 U a 41 A-T IT 00 AT ;.OLE 0 ovc~.& Jim, iirq-wn U0113nPOW 10 Clllvnb pus 111jawnb aq, supvaiatj! PD funto -W " papu2mulaM 14 ammInj awls w 01 SIVIi so pnbli(I-*(Mt)Ze q g m#jl WPM DIS *-" we aqp-; jo poWm elp " amill P Ap" pn UGPMPOA P oilu P mpfloi ou if 00 jr, 00 12. 60 I1 1 .-IIas 09 00 00 00 00 r 00 f I -q- IF v if -ro 0 i 0 0 10 11 t2 it ?: ij C. r. 'L J - r. U v I r 040"S%ts Ate 040plat,ts -01, ReLatim betwvIlin I#W of gf!xuWdn& tairthad of fitted, and - 2v1 OM SOV& Cb&W C OEgP S Y Ya tk1a % Ktrast. 3 ! 4 8 RAr AND \ UILYAKV A 9 A ! 1 0 1; (IMR), -Experiments were conductet with fine- anti Ctkir~grainrd loose and Istiquettrd chargeii to lDvc &14~ W Sith + RAh 73, CAG K MgO 3. and Nato ItPt His tinvitit 25 min. in diameter and 34 min high tiele ta.Ldr under tarr-ur" of 41N). FAX). 761). and IINKI kg cat 3. using 1. 1. And 111.7 wairrand the following awlettsk (I la 4"-- Hutillar of and 43K dolarnisr 745, limrtutne Sx, -L, Anti malfAte which pa.srd A trvr tif Molsviiingti Ix-r cm 1. and (21 a ruiviture of mail 421). thilmutir 11:1. * luncOssur 5AmxIA 3112. anti %ulf4Ir:I 4t ;. %hk:ls lia-li ,,-v,- at 111111),veninr Per eta 1. With incrva'inx pr-ur'- and length tit l.viijiv. the titrength of the briquetl- I,,,. w,,wit rhe trength of lwiqurtt~ utAdv limu line. patin:41 atAt"Ld% with:!&nd3"; Wkitel wA,tI0,,' (FL%I1 thA(..( briquitit" front coarmtr-grained nt&trtW% with the -ane 00 amount of water; with 4% water the %trength t4 the bri. quett" was about the same. Briquettes made from fine. grained usateriAs with fic' water had a much Sreater c h coarve-grained nuirrial,, am tyrngth thin ttkvc made ith 111~ water Compurrd ith the I- chars,,. the more FaW Turiquettin, vaued melting and fintug~ The tirnir required for melting couse-grained briquetivi and fined-grained loose charge was about the same. but finitig rapid. %telling and fitting of fine- ot the fosuirr lvqvw-w W-W Is a jug IV? is 0 -00 roe wee *0 was mote Iiijined litiqur(trit were more rapid than for ruoric pained wee Initlurti- Ilriquettett made undri pre""irr, 44 Omer M41 Ls -in - hii%cl tits h4rp difirfruc" in nurlt it's aud fitting, A nio"turt, content of over 4"i in the chaigr vAu-d A nee AS. SLA -ITAkLt,FGICAL LIM 4itt inCt.eA to ..I.sisit. It ZX Cte a ILL T .31,11 am a.. It, 0 U a if so 1% #A L 1 0 fId 0 0 0 1 Is 94 Ai a 3 1 is P it 1. 30 it Ka K a 9 a It 19 0 : i0 0 0 00 00 0go 006 0 00 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 a 0 e 0 0 0,0 go 0 9 0 9: 0 0 0 * 0 0 a a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 . . . . . . i I ~ I - : :1 11 _,, : , 11 -1 1-, , I . . j - - --. :, , . . . , i - - RAFAILOVA. KII.Kh. Effect of the Arctic on the features of meridional circulation over Nurope and 'Western Siberia. Trudy TSIP no.49.-181-230 '57. (Arctic regions) (Europe--Atmosphere) (MLRA 10:8) (Siberia, Western-Atmosphere) U"s 00 0,411 0 o d -frz WWI! 0 0 a 0. 0 0 0 it it is is J6 T is jo P L 91 b v ii p AL If v it 0 ace it 'k- a t, 1- -1- it M.0 tl,4~ -00 0 o: use at "tralthavolls in melting. S ~'MRAV. 00 L11,111ile (Mast). Nal.W), 411,011 vIr livair, 001 I.Ikk (11 the %'olga. tjv;tr the city of A%trakfult. ottirt dr- jio~jll arr "ttered in ramern Rim-6. victefl, Sttwf:A. Alld 00 croilial Alin. The chrillical cmillmOtifilml 4 .-O0 2 t"36 %I 0A), -14) 1o:1 1, ca.~A I 0 N4.40.2. I it to 14. NaCl 1.6 to 4 S. and RIO III to 23"; A WUl of .W imm of dry aitrukhanite wuj uwd over is I 7-41slY POINI =*a in a tank furnace producing slals of the following cutn- p,,sition: SO, + R.O. 72-1. CaO 7.& Nfg(-) 3 to. 'Nart 00 coo hanite itod 211"-v cullet. Dur to the high conirtil I)( %Iltf) 00 its swiakhatille. the Mjflo in the xla%4 r4mov lo:1 751;. Wit 0 111C total 90 rVilimined uncluingrd fly reduclisill Ili CA) 'rhir --pomitim of thl, slm-l chAn" gradually. 11wir `9 0 0 ,rr~ oo.h.%wpvhA%IV~in the glawneffingtiroC14. R.Sle , I. lot Withdrawal fit lite Klal% relliabled 11w ~lllr 1. 1 1'. Ifill q* 0 ;:;.,hr.Y So difficidt irs wrtr ob~rmf in I he cm I ing ;I nil r ikilix W the 11.7 K aoO v 0 to 0 72, '00 too 0 40 eg. :;6 0 too r U is 0 IF it It SF of (T It 1, An I I a 1W 0 9 w I D I) a 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 a o a 0 0 0 is 0 to 0 0 ;Ig 000000;00000000000000 10 : 06009006000*069*0 00000000000000000ii 00000, -- - - - - - - -_ - - - -- . - - -- - - a a a a a & TIT W W V j KIWTU-M a 1 4 1 1 1 to 10 U I is it 31 jobs 1.1 ;VU male* A , as A I , , 1 6 A L- A's 0 A A AI L- f (A It--J.-L A A. A F #kt. 1.100, ?w k-)IMI 7- -0 0 Resict of O"Unt sweet* C014"tialat on the color Of fight. green &Lr 8 'VA. RAY. Vkk,.I'xayu a Xrram 11r,,, 1945, , 4- J,. pp. 10:12-Sodiunt silicate lutches varying in color front green to black were prepared from cLy, qui- (AtC. and Carbon (8. 9. 10. 12, and IS- C on the tx&,i4 of .00 A;: total ulfates). The silicat" of all colors (except green) were u%cd to mcit glass of 74 SiCh. 10 C~O. And 16 -60 The SjrO was added in two form,: MNI- NA.0 a,~ fli- -00 rate and 50"~ as %WAte and (2) 75"t NArOas silicate and nj'~ a% ullAte. The addition of brown ~ificate to give .60 fal"; of the NAtO in the glass doft not produce any notice- see 00 aisle impairment of the cialsor of the glass. The addition of colored silicate to give 7S'V of the \'AT() in the SU4% pro. 00 dike% a definite colorAtion of the glass; some quantity of 400 0 0 the reducing agent was left, To obtAin uncolored XIA%4 when 73"Z of the NATO in the SlAm i, to come from the Qi- 00 a cate, it is nece-.-ciry to leave in the chirge mae ca-bun free goo 941- sulfate. in which caw it is necessary to reluce the Amount 00 002 of the carbon to be added by 40 to 510's. 112 K. goo .Wil: L r-. OW I ties, I S L A 11TALLt,RGKAL LITE*,TUME CLASSO&CIT10- 1.1-1 a. IN- 0 1 T 111 All L a FW a U 6 1 Al I U AT 00 At'; a, Cgig nil jrX pleget it KkLI)A I INS lose*** o o o o Nil alligaigu 111100411 41 It I a A A t a 4 i Q is &1 81.2 1 &I 0 9 A oe 4 1 it I S L,J L f . __ .. 10t, ANO It. _ 0t 0110CISIAS AkV POWINT-1 so 90 BdIleftft S YA RAP, V~ V, :_6o POLLVAIC. AMP 0 -99 PPOW.. INS, '40 S. pp. 1-3.---Sulfate charge bawd to f vv l It f SiO 72 5 R 5 I ib 00 ass me a g o - A 0. . Cao S. . f i s 3. an t, 1617c. was uwd to prepare briquettes with 2. 3. 4, 10, 1 ' and 12 water tilidler firmures of 20. So. ltk). 2()), 40), A! o * 5W. 750, and IOW kC./cm.l. Briquettes of good m-m-kini. 09 All c:d strength were obtained with limmurei of W) to 750 09 It ./cm.'. Optic water content is 6 to 8c;. The Low i l b -00 spec a inders had so noticeable cHect cm strength. r of Grain size had no effect an mechanical strength. CuRet 800 , o J! should not te used to prepare the bfiquetim. The bri- l h ld b l1 d h d f =60 09 quirt es s ou e a owe to ar er; or 2 to 3 days before u 11 z 00 0! se K. roo 00 J =Go 00. r 00 00 Zoe 0 A l, a. I L A MITALLIAEUKAL LIT CII&TUIVIE CLASSIF ICATWI, a., Q.C- C_ U- it AT WO as S" I 1 -4 9 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 9 CIS 0 _00~ I Z_ ola". 40.&n' 1 S a OW a is 6 1 W it -j 4-i T 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 9 0-90CIIIIII AND 111coter-111 .01. KUNS OF 1"OVING THI VJALITT OF THS CHARGE AND OF THZ GLASS * S. Ya. Raf. bLg&j 194?, - -so 00 No. - The followbq suggestions or* made for 41 i i'00 improving the quality of the *her&* and of the glases "00 a (1) A soda charge should have 1.5A moisture, a sulfate 9 , chargov 4 to 5$ and a mixed charge (15 to 20 sul-fate and *a X: 85 to 8016 sodal 3 to 0. The water should be added to the A 00 ~ , sand and not to the prepared char go. (2) Cullet should zoo oo " be cleaned, ipround, and sized with the charge prior to 00 j 'a feeding. (3) Fluorides used in glassmolting should not 4 4, V exceed 2 tn 3A. The use of &P3 14.4looks of '1 5% ro 0 00 caun* the glass to opolseco. &%rato area (asch;;itosl -00 X r f1ron the Inder deposits (cf. QLM. AkL&C&qjj6 1946, May, A p. 81), which analyze &201_32.2 " SIO 2 Of A1203 1.16, T0 0 0 G&O 12.0 and i are suitable AgP 16-3 l)& 3 . . , , , , 2 3 for use in glaosmalting. R. mentions that an Improved apparatus for moistening the charge correctly has been El designed for use with powerful mixing equipment, but no IN :I, -i details are given. a. 11. K. a S L A "TALL11116KAL LIT11411AI CLaStIVICATWO too 0 0 o U n AV PC 11 A91 I I rw 0 491 r l it It or 04 of a III It 9 it U it 49 "D n I e 1 $l "a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a - 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 a 0 0 a C 0 a 0 0 0 0 ?-2--X 1 7 a YTT I I Z Ad PROCCISIS AMC 0100141 atift the irsde o* YA. RAY, NeLl S 0 i.pp. 71-10:--ln all c V%. of miter employed. the method the reducing agent is of decisiv a charge in which the reducin d6tributed around the sulfate The best results are obtained b twostages: (1) preliminary mi reducing agent only. and (2) add remaining components of the c d to obtain unifortnity. Wit th agent (anthracite. coke. etc.) a to p4- a sieve baring 64 ogwnin go a woml -Awdust a. the reducing not over 5 to (I mm. The -u 00. sht,uld not be of different grain s A fill ft rawyn ases, e g y xing ition harge. e re gs lfatc ize. the charge should not be mixed oil r A ..I~ S L "TALLI)RGKAL LITEX47011 CLASSIFICATION 1.000.) .11 4.1 cat 41111" b u ---'i 67 -- - I ~ I I I S IF K a it 91 9 U 11 Ll K KM A 1111 CE-0 III . b M011 agat to the mulits i Kers. P,.,. regardless alibe type of &dding the sulfate and importance in obtaining agent will be uniformly -00 and in cmitact therewith. dividing the process into of the sulfAte with the to this cuixture of ch. followed by mixing see sulfate And the reducing ground inior to mixing per cm.' When u%ing roe agent, the size should be and reducing agent d an the components of all togri her. B Z K. roe see Cz WOO II&S11 '4 is. 0 1 1 10 is 11 M is Is --s I Is 1; rr. 0A 2.0 040TIR$ 0i f M~tbOft ad UstrOducing A160. Leto the compliditiose of Aeat glass; nuide In Foeirussit maillsinge. S. VA R". Z of K"dw- Plo,w.. 1946. No I I-N. p0 5 it The likAmifacturr oil Fourvault window Sla- c-ii4inisix up 0 1., 3 5", NISO Awl till 11) 21-, AbO. was diw-utimurd 111 RtMiA during the last war I;%;Ause oflack of raw inarro.&Ls. last it is now being resumed. In the Alosence of lietter 'itaterials. r4r.ciory cl.y 6 u-I " a invall'.4i'lit-luoing Jlu Mina. The clay is dried. sorted. grolind to pass it ~icve 0 of 121 olocning, per cm.t. inized with dolomite. anti then 0 sitioird with the other components. The use of the clay produced iso difficultics in the melting And working of the KIA%X: additional formation of such defects as cords and stqm" was not noticed. It Is also protoosed to uw fvld- qmr. frld%loar szondi, lie "litorot. aud "white %lime" an 0 0 11 -urrm of Alumina. White limor I. A toy -4 the Alumill"111 induAlry And of .%Iiutll Autalill-ificit,,. * ~Ibw` it analyzed Sio, 20 to 13. AJ.0.30 to 32. Frolos 1 5 to I M. aud Alkali 211 ta 25c~. When using frld%lior. it %hindif lir thorouShly dfit-il. .111.1 x1rouild I., Im.... ~iriv "I Ml olornifig. lort cill". It z K 14 .1 A S A S L A AFTALLUMOIC41. LITIM.11049 CLASIVICATION 1414.4 .1. .3.1 -T U U so, V-T-v .0 is cc a 99 19 4010000 616 00 '09 0 0 00 G so 00-9-0 W -00 -00 - 0 * are 0 z 0 0 coo 0 Me 0 9 Z- 1~ sills, 0. ,-,Ii 4`14 0 1 1 0000000 a 9 It 9 41 to e a 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11111 0 0 0 9 4 111111 0 0 1111 00 0 6 0 _ 0 93 1 11 d S . ? i # it 1112iJUIS16 eyes its 11 v B it b is v a it AD it M 13 id a is A) it a An is Al a ad are A Of AL -A I I _4 T A A 1 9 u V , V I I_L to I to )-A b _. 4 -2 ' 4 ..o 1-0 coot"11 lot' ..0 -it. coRtf~ O 0 '_ - -- 1 , Al l 0 it 1: et. Raf. Obtainin sodium sllkat* from sand and sulfate from 1bu! g s Zf i 9, N. :1, 24-e(ItKI3).- Alten pill to tilanui. Not, font swill Kett.; i k -00 (Jiot#417. Si(k) and stallator w5% Na.SO.) me driectiteird. The tortuRs shipwird that: (1) Not silkater of Ili,- conspit. niii% Nesso and Me% Seth was rA)t 1111t4illerd IK-Mullot of _0411111 Ils- litrwilcr tit dilivett-iii alliniettv Ili the sullitle which rrinveinni its the %diotter. (2) ' .00 , 13) Thr length oil Ili, ov lus,ing trinji of door mlicator its Istrievern died 1370 l l itill 111s, itictces- "( e littli-li il A 41 Ili-. t4) (itself I, ther isso-i .1alle rorfiescimy. (A) t, me* J: Ill.- it'. .I NA 'ilical, fil'i"ti., till- forfroict"ric, Mh-vtrd %fill thrif oeml-mcut i-Art 4. a% Sit). stood AIJ I.. ctimbins, wit It I let- -ilictele. M V. Koll'Willy 4.-11 T ] ~ A to is I L A a1TA1,LUllGKJ,s. LITIRAtUill CLASSIOKA110% IF . I ' 191C..s .1. 0.1 asit 611.11 Cote .11,11 door a.. is, - U96 AV -0 It i . let U K a it n 0 " " " 4 " Mi 1 4 8 1 v 0 9 a to I n v 0 * 0 0 0 4 0 T 0 0 '1 o 0 0 0 0 0 : 1 0 6 a 0 a 4 a t 0 0 A 9 6009i0 4 *9 0000 000 0: ollee 000 04.0 0:i '*_W_4vW-6- W- W-W-W- W-W-W-W-W ~-i- 0 4-iWe"Myl a 0 0 0 0 9 0 lists to ONUU13MIS 14 v Is _!1 __02093 -0 11 ~4~ A __X_ P Q. X_I, U P'.O~ 0 or~$ r P Noct S"Ut!5~2_*C1 L' o f jagallnuzu aftle alait of "n4 for &I Iti ; ----I '1 7 ~ -w :1 317 . 12 9 ica-Aeraw. i Mekto IS, No. 1 1 ;i t! melthis a found that (1) the highest rate Purifying 01 ordinary x" is obtained when medium-aitcd and small- hconi (2) Abat O l20 I d 0 5 3 sust - c mm-) x. . to . 8 ( sized sand is melted mom r*pWly; however, the purifying of the glass from bubbles uAlm loam time; so that the total dartation 4 mcMu It increased by I he. (3) The e lowering of the amt. of dust -like mud pan icka (0. 12 mm.) 0 does :W have any effec, on melting time. (3) Coarse- cmined saxid reatly iccreases the time of melting and 0 purifying. (4) When melting gim in pots, not more han 10 to 12 I % of the sand should be coarve-grained (0.5 mm.). M. V. C. ,S 0 - S L A RITALLURGKAL LOURATOE CLASSIFKATION 60 S11004 0-1 Q-( U 1% AV - At" t S' t". 0 OZ 9 40 0 0 0 0 0 e 0' a 0 a 0 oil 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 IS13431akt, 0 a a 6 0 a 0 0 0 *1* c 4 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 .00 -0 go -04 .00 2 so a zoo too zoo gs* U00 too e- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 O-W-4vo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 6 - - FO-W-W-W I i I 1 6 ? 1 9 19 11 u 11 W '1 14 ;a 11 U U 34 a U V a x a r! A? 43 a a C A lk, a L &.-,)L h .!! - t- - toil =lq 0 ;-G* 00 Al ! 00 i 'A' us III tile titAlultity Ill Cullet tutluaumd, adech d f i d i j .00 el- u o ntro tic- ng t and "&,a in WMA k is ftd J-7--t ic-dly do not change the omff. of expaminn, tuM. .0 ; I ! 0 rning. Chent. resistance and visrogity of the glamma. i i h I I : r , - n t e - - OWA are within Untits at per. :0 nron which coWd have occur"d during ibe =00 exPts- Ile WOMP. Of MAtemin of Slaft Is In"nel portional to the e f U b GA coo : r, o a m es. p m J. j K-ulAted cuLlet and cuUtt in lumps is mind with th* zoo batch Inelts Mon rapidly than dW in which the cWW zoo 00 is intrt)dtxvd wnGrxo,fv. U. V. Cond" 0*0 so -f so* so 9 use AJS~SLA AlITALLURIGICAL LIUMAILRE CLASUFKATION t-z- Goo see ms& t ,;-C 811131 W 4P., Ask 0 Is AV 0 1, t Is a It 9 K IT It K V, C. it 1, at 3 V j 1A An I S a a.0 a of a I W W 0 A a 3 a n I ; XIL Ole 0 0 0:6 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 49 0 0 0 0 Is a 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 te 0 0 0 0 Metbods of introduciag shavolim into 66 emapowam ee 9kM 81"d is Featteaft nuchien. & Y;~ Ad, Abstrarti IOU, 0$(bt J. Am. Coraw. See. 31 No. 5) - Refractory clay is used as a means of introducing altun". The clay is dried. wrlad, ground to pan a sieve of 121 Opentrip Per S4. cm.. mixed with dolomite. and then rnixrJ with the other components. The use of the clay fwcwfo~ed no ififficulties in the melting and working of the x6m; A&I. fornLition (4 such defects as cords and stones WA-1 not naticed. It *!! Also pr?powd to use feldspar, , white slime" as Pourers (OdspAr 4antU. pegnmtstcs. and 'w i.- of aluntinA. White shmL h a by-product of the Al indus- try And comists of Mi aluminosilicate. it analyzed SiOs :N) to 25, At^ M) to 32, FrA 1.5 to 1.8, and alkali 211 10 When ming feldspar. it should be thoroughly 11rivd, ~rlvd. and gTound to paw a %icvc of 81 opcninp prr %4. c1n. R. D. If. so A *0 .1 00 at ill oo 00 v 09 00 41 0 00 .3 *set e vowevewwwow pi Jay 0044" 44130 a 00 16"1 oil@ 080010fils aft"s Methods of 4"ing AkUUA" 0 Foucault lato 9". * / f lee aayv i irtram. Prow. 3. No. 11/12. jrn. Ral, SkkoI .1. SA(IM).-The manul. of Fourrault sheet Sim contg. .00 :1.517e MjjO and up to 2% Ah(h was resumed In thc.%vkt 010* Union after the war. Because of the lack of betttr mate- rials. refractory clay Is used as ns at adding alumina. -00 The clay is dried. ground to pass a sieve of 121 openings/ *00 sq. ctu., and then mixed with other components. Use of clay caused no difikvitits In mehing vW working the Iltass; 000 addul. formation of cor& wW at, , was not obeerved. see It 6 also proponed to use feldspar, feldspar sands, pegma- tites. and "white slim" as sources of AhO& ("white ZOO Aime" is a by-prcAuct of the Al industry and consists of U. Z. K-kh - 104141 =Go ago lee bee $&-ILA. M91ALILLOGWAL LITERATURE CLASSWCATION M;j It gd"** .6 1 %.1G*O .1. oat I'sA131CM9 434181 OK 0~ 1�1 ir I V ZA % a od It ; I a I a w a It U 90 00000000000000000 0000900000000 ,8 IS OT ,*a a goo 0 0 * go * 00 0 0 *.*-a- oooooooooooeo::::: * g ING - ------- ~1 W o I I vim W I - 7 T 1 4 A 1 6 A t it it U U w it t p . Ilb x id a :1 ii- L. -JL- a j A L p A I U a I A JI Q I A -, ,-- - - .012 A Prellualmary adAve at valtate actel reducing elect in - -9 - . . S., prow. 19" l 6 1 r3- .--4*IMUM it enn. 4 1-00 41crablLbetter quality I" we obtahmi by dividing the PI 0c to PITH"Niony Mizing of the sulfate with the re- -10* during agebt (without adding other componeub) and add- -00 ing the remialng ts of the batch to this milt. , 0 *rA mising until a MA mass 6 obWtw4. Both the h i * ) .00 0 0 are te CV V etc rac sulfarr sent reducing agent (ant ground baton tnialng to pass a %Wvo witi 64 nos 00 cm.(U.q.SrrksW). Different courseness nt thew com. pconents produces poacer results. W. R. Ifenet 'see go* :00 I L StlAtLUNCKAL 1,111RATURI CLASSIFKAV" S010.0 age I U w AT go "I., "1 04 a, I's 0* Olt IN a 4 a 19 r a It at Ise all (MI IIA VA I a N 9 N I I Iff o o : 4,0 0 11 11 at a n 30 a is v a' nil UnigabPaJONSI gnat 4 A of , **CKIIIf# AND PROORIVIII MOff 00 go. 0& jr , S !, "Vow% of ft Hate cls"ge. S. Ya. RAI. V. V. Poll- ~Z am o. m. %imekh. SkAW'sayu i Kerism. Prow. Am CA- t t948 6 (in J Ab d 3 0 . . re amm- s s l No. 6. 1- , ; s d to e a b ftl h i W S 3 t S . a e v e c u C,rra ac. 1. No. p- am g Class melt of SiOt o2.5, R^ OZ, CsO S. 34g0 3. anl RP j6:j was used to prep. briquets with 2,3, 4. 6. S. Ill, and IW ", 400. 50 water under pressures of 20 t2 , . . ,. .7.W,andlOWk9.jsq-Cm- BrkP'ctsof good lamb. strvneth cre obtained with pressures of WO to 73a kg./ sq. cm. Optimum water content is A to 8%. The use of special l hindm W no Wicrable effect an strength. Grain me goa hAd no cffcct on mcch. strength. Mict should not be ' he briquets should Im uwd to prep. the briquets. T 00 -W] Allowed to hartlem forV to 3 days befum use. M.F.R. --SLA CTALLUSUCALLIUMATWE CLASSWKATtOll I it I.JCA~ L, C". 2.C -04 99 :*4 600 =06 ? zoill god Z see Are* 300 age 10 UWATIOL11; I ~ a, 19, a, it YW no I 1"a L 1 8 nd 0 0 1 IN 0 5 a 4 2 S 0 te 6 10 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - t- - .. - ~ ' F-4" 77. MITVZ I a m a a a IS - a a A a I U W is 4 to It 4 , . , " 1= , P v a K t A T - - . . I lug p l _~ov Aug 410! - ro"JISSS &jW Pvtolso-fi$ -wt Clof /qF * colored" Go the caw of kht- 7 Yli. R,& Kemal. From. sea S IQ", I (in 00 T -N& silicate bafthes vat Am. Ceram-SOC-31, a I). music from cloy l k m 0 . . . "IV prr ac in "lo, ("I', green to Il 111. 12. and C as, the beals of total 2u1- 1 amt C 04 P Wrfe e ) S (txvpt ll A l i K -00 r ! l C- al - a ,~.tes U e sl lates). used I it Stan ol SiCh 74. C.0 I0. And N4,10 a n, .0* (orat.: (1) W -/a N-lo The NO -t- added in two 41,0e Call, MW &)c/; &S sulfate and (2) 75~ N;1P0 so "Cats and 00 a$ 25%*BMU&tc- =0 Nao in the xian does am PrOdwe &6Y 00tkesbic of the 00 ghegi.. The adds. ofealored impairment of the Color of I silkett to givi 78% of the NAL.0 In the ak" PrOdum a ; wess quantity of UK rv- definite Cola"U00 Of the !'i- 1 ' h l l d eas w en ore 01btain unco g 1 co discing Wnt was left' ome from the silicate 1 t h U 00 S . , o c M e S 75% of the M40 in t to leavv In the Charp WIOO C-Irce sulfate i be? cv,".Xy It s D The amt. of the w it is necessary to reduce bkb i ca n w Nt. P. R. to be add.] bY 40 to 50'-- see 1'.; a S a - L A ACTALLURCICAL L17111ATURE CLASUPICATION ~'49,; lit 1.1.&0 .6, dot ,AA W I Tr -a a w i or a a do a 3 a v no 0" 00 me : no ON no *" 00 no 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 00 184,60 ~100 0 0 A lee 0 0 methods of &"as SjunLina to Foureault sh4et g!&". lee 0 0 Va, Raf.~ jkkoj-na)u i Kerew. Prow. J, No. 11112, r, qmmo).-The manut. of Fourcault awet 16%x COME. lee 00 :I.h% MIIO anti up to 2% AIA was resmurd in the-Sovict 00 9~- Union after the war. Ilecutise of the Wit of twtter inale- -00 riAls, refractory clay Is used as means of adding alumiua. '06 GOO The cIjy is dried, ground to pan a sieve of 121 iVeninp/ -00 ee sq. cm., mid then mixed with other ponents. Uge of 00 clay caused no difficultirs in melting and working the glass; -00 addul. formation of cords and stones was not nbwrv%41. .00 00 It is a1w proposed to use feldspar. feldspar sund,. j*gn-A. filrs, and -white slime" as sourms, of A60. (--hite OS Iinw'* is u by-1w,mIuct 4 the At induitry KIM CtHLi't, 14 agoo U. Z. KAMiCh =00 fto 00 goo 06 40 goo woo woo A I L A &ITALLURGOCAL LITINATURt CLASSIPICATIC" ties r 43LA11 Out C". &11 2- U U AV -0 LI; An L I a fW 0 I jr 81 9 A 4 -3 LM o 0-0 a 00 Gie 0 0 0 as a ga AA RAFA P Effective cooperation. Pozh.delo 9 no.ls22 Ja 163. (MIPA 16:1) (Fire extinction) RAFA . P. What causes cooling tower fires? Pozh. delo 8 no.10:14 0 162. (MIRA 15910) (Cooling towers-Fires and fire prevention) RAyA, P. Skillful evacuation. Pozh.delo (") no.9:19 S 160. (MIRA 1): 9) (Hospitals-Fires and fire prevention) RAFACZ-KRZYZANOWSKA, Maria Omissions of labor establisknents in cancelling labor contracts. Praca zabezp spol 4 no.1:34-39 '62. RAFAC7,KRZYZANOWSKA, Maria Labor performance. Praca zabezp spol 5 no.1-7-12 Ja '63. RAFAGZ- KRZYZjU!(X4SKA, ...... Problffas of prh~cipie3 Of r-OPer relat orsh-I I I - Ip Irl labor legislation. Praca zal>szp sPol 5 no.12143-4/7 D'63. ,LAFA(;Z-y~AiZIZ;t!iCj*i4S,'L-~, Maria 'Jorkers' claims -~cr -,(jL--j-t-,noatory damage3 for M,~.-,-ul dij,3c,,,ttirn of a labor contract, ?raca zabezp sj~ol 3 no,10-.52--54 161, RAFAEL, E. "Dimensional Deternination Of Relay 11indingsn p. 25. (_Te1eka=njkaCije, Vol. 2 no. 3, July 1953, Beograd.) East European Vol. 3, No.2~ SO. L4onthly List of/ZUW= Accessions, /tibrary of CongressY Februar7, 1954 x-)53:, Uncl. GADZHIM B.; SHIRJTNOV, I.; RAGIKOV, G.; aZAELU I. .9 m ) w Pre-October pledge of the petroleum workers of the fleftyanyye Kamni field. *aftianik 7 no.lisg N 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Nachallnik Tmfteprom7slovogo upravieniya im. XXII 9"yezda Kamnunisticherkey partii Sovetskogo Soyuza, Neftyanyye Komi (for Gadzhiyev). 2. Zamestitell askretarya komiteta Laninskogo KommunisticheNkago soyuza molodezhi neftepromyslovogo upra*7- leniya imeni XXII s"yezda Kommunisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza, Neftyanyye Kamni (for Rafael'). 3. Neftepromyl3lovoye upravieniye imeni XXII s*yezda Kommunirttahesborpartti Sovetskogo Soyuza, Neftyanyye Yqumi (for Shirinov, Rajimv4. (Neftyanyye Kammi reglon_-Oil well drillin , Submwine) RAFAxr,I. P. Thoracic surgery at a district hospital. Mad. arh., Sarajevo 11 no.2:29-43 Mar-Apr 57. 1. Hirursko odjeljanje Opsts bolnice u Sibeniku Sef: dr. P. Rafasli. (THORAX. surg.- in smaller hosp., organiz. problems (Ser)) RAFAELI J- Perforation of echinococcosis cyst'of the liver into . tract. Acta chir. Iugosl. 9 no.2:154-2,58 162. 1. Kirurski odjel Medicinskog centra u Sibeniku (Sef dr F. Hafacli). (ECHINOCOCCOSIS compl) (LIM DISEASES compl) (BILIARY TRACT dis) AAFA~,'Lj, Potay- dr.. ZA:Jii-.--OIIIC;, Nirko, dr. ,-._; of tlh~- hSart, Lijecn.. vje-Sm. 84 1~ 1,.,, ;Ururskog i Internog odjela Madicinslkog centra u Sibenik-li. (1EART DISEAS-~S) (ECHINOCOCCIOSIS) RAFAILI, P. Present-day therapy of pulmonary echinococcosis. Acts, chir. iugoel. 2 no.4:341-353 1955. 1. Kirurski odjel Opce bolnice Sibenik (Sef dr. Peter Rafaeli) (ECHINOCOCCOSIS, lungs, diag. & surg. (Ser)) (LUNGS, die. echinococcosis, diag. & surg. (Ser)) RkFABLI, P. Case of massive bydropyonephrosis. Acta chir. iugosl. 3 no-2: 170-174 1956. 1. Kirurski odjel Opee bolnice u Sibeniku (sef. dr. Petar Rafaeli). (HYDRONEMMSIS, case report 11 hydropyonephrosis, (Ser)) RAFAMI, Petar Permonal experiences in the treatment of acute hematogeaous ostoonVelitis. Acta chir. lugosi. 4 no.2:16o-167 1957. 1. Kirurski odJel Opce bolnice u Sibeniku. (sef: Dr. Petar Rafaeli). (OSTEOWELITIS, tber. management of acute hematogenous osteorVelitis (Ser)) RAFABLI,Petar,d-r Urolithiasis in the surgical ward of Sibernik general hospital during recent 5 years. Med. arh.,Sarajevo 13 no.6:35-50 H-D 159. 1. Kirurski odjel OPce bolnice Sibenik, sef: d-r Peter Rafaeli. (URINARY CAJZULI stat iBt. ) RAFAR11. Petar, dr. Duplications of the alimentary tract. Mod. arh., Sarajevo 8 no.2: 49-53 Mar-Apr 54. 1. 1z Kirarsks, klinlks Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajara, sef. prof. dr. B.Kovacevic. (COLON, abnorm. duplication of sigmoid) (ABNORMLITIES colon duplication) LONGHINO, Andrija, dr.; RAFAELI, Petar, dr. Intestinal obstruction cauBed by a fruit. Lijecn. vJean. 84 n0.5: 455-460 '62. 1. Iz Kirurske klinike Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu i Kirurskog odJela Opce bolnice u Sibeniku. (INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION etiol) RAFAFJ,IAN, S.; KAIRAMANCHEV, S. "Using titanium in industry." P-33 (Tekhnika, Vol. 6, no. 6, 1957, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LO, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 DI: 11, Vol. 3, a~ fibers I P. Bl Ll-~-aria) _jqt ~uropoan Af' A j-, l, of SC : . 'C' - 1 7 'C, Tj- Uncl. - y 11 --1,, 15, Ant~Aotjcq In emphrse!nat(;I_;s Carbuncl 'Jeter!na ii.. Ji 15,7. r t 1._[etPr1-arn.v3r vrac, A'~jjp~s'~- _Ogo vaterinarnogo uc t' I han sl-o~7c Grucins::oy SSR. (Penicillin) (Car'tuncle) (Cattle--Diseases and pert--,' USSR / Soil Science Tilling, Melioration. Erosion. Abs JoUr : Ref Zhur - Biologi-Yap NO ", 1958.. No. 48693 Author : Rafaqlyan, A.-S. -7 : ~Tot given Title : Subsurface Mole-DrSinegc- Irrigation Under the Conditions of Priaraksin Lowland orig Pub : Izv. ArMSSR. Byul_ J. .-kh. n., 1956, 9, No 12, 59-75 Abstract This article reports the results of the experi- ments with the subsurface mole-drainage irrigation of clayey soil with the content of 0.25 mm water-resistant aggregates to 85% and mole-drainage irrigation of slightly clayey soils with the content of these aggregates at about 5.21%. The experiments were conducted on wheat sowings, It was shown that subsurface Card 1/2 USSR / Soil Science Tilling. Melioration. Erosion. i Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 11, 1958, No. 48693 mole-drainage irrigation promotes a decrease in the irrigation rates and has a series of other advantages over furrow watering. In furrow watering 104 m3 of water were expended for 1 centner of the crop and with the sub- surface mole.-drainageirSigation the expenditure of water was only 3 - m S. A. Nikitin Card 212 58