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M RADOWISKI., Bohdan; TOIMIK, Zdzislaw; WRZYSZCZ, Jozef Evaluation of the activities of catalysts used in reformiing and hydrorefinement by peroxidative oxidation of indigo carmine. Chemia stoBow 5 no.4:599-603 161. 1. Katedra Technologii Nafty i Paliw Flynnych, Politechnika, Wroclaw. RAD014YSKIP Bohdan; TOMASIK, Zdzislaw Hydrorefining of gasoline from low-temperature coking. Chemia stosow 4 no.3A:501-518 160. (EEAI 10:9) 1. Katedra Technologii Nafty i Paliw Plynnych Politechniki Wroclawakiej. (Gasoline) (Coke) L 16797-66 Giff(d)/W(1) IJP(c) BB/GG/JXT(CZ) ACC NR: AT6005078 SOURCE CODE: UR/2563/65/000/256/0094/0101 AUTHOR: Kolosov, V. G.; Milovidov. B, A.; Radom ysl skilva, N. I. ORG: TITLE: The prospects of digital circuits based on the principle of current distribution in circuits with increased speed and temperature stability SOURCE: Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy institut. Trudy, no. 256, 1965. Tsifrovyye izmeritelInyye i upravlyayushchiye ustroystva (Digital measuring and control devices), 94-101 TOPIC TAGS: digital system, computer component, logic element, circuit reliability ABSTRACT: The authors analyze theoretically the various types of circuits based on the principle of current distribution (PCD) and establish the basic pertinent relationships. Methods for circuit calculations (temperature dependence, maximum speed, minimum pulse duration, maximum frequency) of transistorized and ferrite-core containing units are developed and applied to a specific example of a standard fast, reliable unit and a PCD transmitting cell in four-cycle operation. This four-cycle cell operates with useful Card 1/2 L 16M-66 ACC NR: AT6005078 loads which are only one quarter of the load found under two-cycle operating conditions. This leads to a decrease in the number of triodes used, and the intensity of currents. The resulting digital elements are thus more reliable. Orig. art. has: 14 formulas, 6 figures, and 3 tables. SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATE: none 65:1 Card 2/2 AE-?0O4Wt'? ')60H'_6 UR/2-531/66/000/199/0117/0135 :,UTHC]Rt Kolosav. V. G.1 Radomysl'skaya, N. I. CRG: none TITLE: Procedure and results of calculation of circuits based on the principle of current distribution in a wide temperature range SOURCE: Leningrad. Glavnaya geofitichoskayn observatorlya. Trudy, no. 199, 1966, Neteorologichaskiye pribory i avtomatizatsiya moteorologloheskikh i=ereniy (Meteorological instruments and the automation of meteorological measurements), 117-135 TOPIC TAGSi circuit theory, computer circuit, ferrite core memory ABSFRACT: E,cperlence has shown that the circuitry for digital systems can be presented! as consistinE of two circuit typest series connections of the elemental cells and connections of the pyramidal type. This is called the principle of current distribution. The authors analyze circuits based on this principle and show that ,circuits using four-cycle pulse systems instead of the commonly used two-cycle systems have certain advantages (such as a reduction of turns in the coils of the ,electromagnets and of the pulse amplitude. A calculation procedure is given for a ferrite core in the temperature range between -60 and +50'C. Circuits are calculated :for the maximal. speed for both decimal and binary systems, and the duration of the -Card I/?- ACC NR: A170041d~7 pulses is calculated. The results of calculations were experimentally checked in the above temperature range and It was found that the circuits performed well even with ,variation of Uie current, pulse duration and voltage up to + 20%. Orige art. hasi figures and 15 equations. ;,SUB CODE-s 09/ SUBM DAM none YJ I I ii ~3 r . Ir e t e Y,!7,4 n-i trl 5 ill in h I e, 5 a VA e L t 13 5 r; e t -V ~ T ru dy VN I T RABUKHINY A.N.Y lnzh.; R.ADOMYSL'SKIY,_TeP., inzh.; VIJKULOV, V.I., inzh. lentthening furnace campaigns for making calcium silicon. Stall 21 no.6:523-524 Je 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Chelyabinskiy zavod ferrosplavov. (Calcium silicon) (Rotary"hearth fui-nac4 NIKLIBORC, J.; RADON, T.; ZEBROWSKI, J. Stqo,y of adsorption of germ&nium on tungsten with the aid of the field ezussion microscope. Acta physica Pol 23 no.l: 53-58 Ja 163. L 226ol-65 Dn (m)/T/aJP(t)/&1P(b) !JP(c)~ JD/JT.4/JG ACCESSION NR: AP5002359 F/0045/64/026/005/1023 Nikliborc, J.-- Radon T.; Zebrowskii J.; TITLE: Inyestigationof surface diffusiori-of ium and silicon on tungsten 7 SOURCE: Acts. pbysica polonica., v.~26 no. 5, 1964, 1023-1025 TOPIC TAGS: surface diffusion, germanium, silicon, activation ene= ABSTRACT: The authors present preliminary results.of measurement of the diffu- Sion of germanium and silicon on tungsten. An initially clean tungsten point was par#ally bon6arded (on one side) by germanium or silicon atoms. Surface diffu- Sion took place at higher temperatures (above 900K) and depended strongly on the''. initial degree of coverage of the.point. At.low degrees of coverage$ the diffu- Sion boundary had a tendency to:move in accordance with the direction. The parabolic law X2/t - Doexp(- q/kT)-(x -- distance traveled during the.time tj Do __ diffusivity., T -- temperature) was well fulfilled and made it possible to calculate the activation energy q. The results are listed in Table I of the"en closure and are compared with data by others. It is stressed thatthe results Card 1/3 RA-DOK&TS, AL Reduction of superfluous links is an urgent task. Sov. torg. no.6:45 Je '58. (KIRK 13.2) 1. Starshiy bukhgalter Xry-lovsk-ogo sel'skogo potrebitel- skogo obohchestva Stalinskogo raypatrebsoyuza Krasnodarskogo kraya. (Wholesale trade) POIAND/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 21, 1958, 7oft4. Auth6r Tseller, Leshchinsky, Radonevich, Teykhert. Inst Title Synthesis of Phenol and Acetone from Cumene. II. 'First Work in the Preparation of Synthetic Cumene by the Method of an Acid Alkylation of Benzene With Propylene on a Phosphoric Acid catalyst. Tseller. III. Oxidation of Cumene to Cumene Hydroperoxide in an Emulsion. Orig Pub: Przem. Chem., 1957, 13, No 12, 701-703, 703-708- Abstract: A study was conducted on a cumene (I) preparation by the gas phase alkylation of benzene (H) with propylene (III) aver a phosphoric acid catalyst (IV). In the first experiments the dehydration of Card V5 44 POLAND/organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G Abe Jour: Bef. Zhur-Xhimiya, 110 21, 1958, 70814. isopropyl alcohol (V) over a catalyst consisting cf 50~ Al_, 0 ,+ 50~.' kaolin (VI) at 390-4000c, (yield 970);'was carridd out in the same appara- tus simultaneously with the alkylation of II with the obtained.11I over IV. The lower part of the apparatus was charged with 1.9 liters of IV and the upper part with 800 ml of VI. The temperature in the upper part was 350-400~;C, and in the lawer Part 3WC. (30 atm.). The mixture of II and V was delivered at a rate of 600 ml/hour; the yield of the alkyl derivatives was v 20%. In subsequent experiments, both steps of the process were con- ducted over IV in the same apparatus with the tem- perature of the upper part being 39o-4oo6c, and that of the lower part being 300-340 0C, while main- Card 2/5 POLAVD/Organic Chemistry. Symthetic Organic Chemistry. G Abs Jour: Bef Zhur-Khimiya, No 21, 1958, 7oM. taining a rate of 850 ml per hour per 2 liters of catalyst, with a molar ratio of II : V being 3 ; 1 the yield of I was 90~', 0 , (in respect to the reacted II)) I-: D 1.4911, d"~'7 o.867 (after sulfuric acid purification and distillation). After ten days of operation the activity of IV did not change. III. A study was made on the oxidation of I with oxygen at 7'5-95"C (+ f C) to the hydroperoxide of I (VII) in a 50cp' aqueous emulsion in the presence of sodium carbonate and the stearates of Ca, Na, Ma, Co or Cu. The oxidation was carried out in a glass reactor (200 ml volume), equipped with a spiral condenser and a jacket through which preheated oil was continuously pumped. The following various samples of I were oxidized: Card 3/5 45 POIAND/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya) No a) 1958) 70814. 1) those obtained by a sulfate alkylation of II with V at normal pressUkep 2) those obtained by 41kulation in a gas phase under pressure (plant production), 3) a regenerated I after oxidation. The oxidation rate of I is affected by its purityp by the ratio of I to water, by the rate of oxygen delivery, and by temperature. The opt ir, conditions fop work on pure I (b.p. 152.40 c., n D 1.49o4, d"'t o.8615) are: 850C, ratio of I to water - 1:2, rate of oxygen supply is 20 liters per 100 ml of I per hour, the emulsifier is sodium Btearate. The concentration of VII in a reaction mixture Card 4/5 poLAND/Organic Chemistry. synthetic Organic Chemistry. G Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 22, 1958, 70814. reaches 62,o after 30 hours. Communication I, see: R. Zh. Khim-, 1958, 51190- Card : 5/5 46 DYACHKOV, I.A.; RLDOOZZHSKIT, N.K. Experience in year-round repair of communication lines b7 workers In pairs. Vest. eviazi 17 no-3:15-17 Mr '57. (KM io: 4) 1. GlavW inshener XMbaravskogo krayevogo upravlenlya svratt (f 0'. Dyachkov) - 2. Zamestitall nachallnika 11habarovskogo lineyno-tekhnicheakogo uzla (for Radonexhakly) (Electric lines--Nerhead) RADONIC. J. Tuggslavia (430) General - Serials International position of Serbia under the rule of the Imperor Stefan Disan. P. 344- Srpska adademija nauka. GLASNIK. Beograd. ((;~mrterly bulletin containing abstracts of transactions and proceedings of the Serbian Academy of Sciences). Vol. 1, no. 3, 1949. East 3uropean Accessions jLiLst. Library of Congress, Vol. 1, no. 3, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. RADONIC, M.; DIMNIK, R. A case of non-fatal -ootassium cyanide poisoning. Arh.hig.rada 6 no.2:143-150 1955. 1. Interna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta, Zagreb) (GTA141DES. pois. potaosium cyanide pois.,tox.,diag. & ther. (Ser)) (POISONING, potassium cyanide, tox.,diag. & ther.(Ser)) 40- NIC, M, Clinical manifestations of kidney diseases in chronic myelosis. Acta med. lugoal. 10 no.1:122-135 1956. 1. Interne. klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (LL'LJKMIA, MYYWCYTIC, cnmpl. kidney dis., clin. aspects (Ser)) (KIDNEYS DISEASES, compl. myelocytic leukemia. clin. aspects (Ser)) RADONIC, Milovan; RADOSEVIC, Zdenko; KEI.ER, Mira; HAHN, Arpad Rerort on the continuation of the research on rLp-pholithiasis. Ljetopis JAZU 63:415-420 '56 (publ.159). RADOSIVIG,Zdanko,dr.; RADONIG,Kilovan,dr.; HORVAT,Zvonimir,dr. Clinical observations on "endemic naphropathyO in Croatia. Lijec. vies. 81 no.7-8:445-456 '59. 1. Iz Iaterne klinike Medicinksog fakulteta u Zagrebu. (FJWHRITlS epidemiol. ) RADONIC.Milovan,dr. Kidneys and potassium metabolism. Lijec. vjes. 82 no.4-.293- 305 160. 1. Iz Intern* klinike Medicinskog fakultsta Svencilisto n Zagrebu. (KIDIIBYS phys io 1. ) (POTASSIUM metab7.) IiADONIGY M.; BlAITIG, T. Current concepts of gastroduodenal ulcer. Lijecn. vjesn. 83 no..4: 387-390 161. (PEPTIC ULCER) .~ADOlj P, 1-.f. IC",fUll, (,I r),' wuttx-id,,tAroljte ]Yllfult--~- treal Iir;fj - Lijeen. vjeL;-,i. 84' no.7:679-60,t") 162. .,,,-LLllcta u Zagrebu. 11 Iz Interne Iclinike Medloinskog C.,' (TIATE;%. (!It!-'U3ION3 PAj-LM-,-'..PAL) (~tffjllatfor. no' -'ven) Post Aborttani .1' Vj 6nik, 'Vol 84, Vo 8, AIIS P~62; pp A.1C*!C T' S-L late-S Wit" I t,terest. ~,bout thc, reasuns why 3c 1~;v% ar~u reported in the US iv corar.Lt Ism With Laatir~ putbor ss,.,j R gron-at !:anv fatall c2ses ulcimat,~,Iy 0 0_)Scacles ~.C abortion fcr me(Ur:al rea:xas. en.-, cc unt rie:; , un-sk ed a borL ior, is dcn o mt; s r I -~, by Tj S e rlm.-_ rovt or For.-r- quill: in Latin cDuntr.~es soap liv- ro~ulsar- 'pr!nc greater 2el-s-in. C.-:!izrnenting roa azt~,.CLV * ~ r jr, sa-. e 0 n ma y r:. vital t~ ellimlnaLc; excesslIve but arlnitoxir Li r-.-_dtd a!" 1 1-.! 13 1ri t: n f c4, n s -, e 1. v. d o e 3 P. t- t aiva y 5 -~v r! I a s --, v I Iv a f-r t i vr: y r. t: s r. s wo u 1 d I e t .~ 5I t i C. a t~Zvcn FrenOi, 2, wA, 11. I%DONIC and Dr Z. cErELJA [Affiliation not qivcnl "Clinical Patholo3ic Conference. Case N' 14.1' _EELnik, Val 85, Fo 2, 1963; pp 183-166. Zagreb, jjj_~jc~I~kyj Abstract: Classical type of clinical patholo-ic conference. Woman aged SJF,,;ftY-chronic aortic-mitral endocarditis; discussion of course, treatment, pathologic changes. MOHACEK, Ivan, d--.; RADONIC,Milovan, dr. Myocardial in'tarction with rupture of the interventricular septum diagnosed intra vitam. T-,:Jem. vjesn. 85 no.12: 1371-1376 D163 1. Tz Interne klirike Medicinskog fakulteta u, Zagrebu. ltkDCJ!.-IC, Milovar., dr. Significance of urine ar~alysjs in clinical df-a[Tosis. Lijeen. vje.9n. 87 n0-5:543-550 My 165. ILI Clinic o internal :Iludicinc, :Iedical Faculty of University _MIIIZ~_Irzia 1,1 iniI44i Nedicinsko1r, fakulteLa Sveucilista,) Zagreb. "Tuberculin Disease as an Occupatiolial rUsk" ,~aj,rcb, Arhiv za HiSijanu 2ada i Toksiikolo3iju, Vol 16, No 2, 1965; pr.; 89-100. ,";)-stract rEnL;lisIi summary nodified]: Detailed reTort or, the occurrence of tuberc-,iLin disease in 14 emiployees of veterinary vaccine plant, who fell ill, aZter (or during) installation of a new Ini-speed centrifu_-e for ti0e producLion of tuberculin: symirtoms and case 11istories. The Eact that Ciantoux-) tuberculin-nega Live rersons may react very severely while tuberculin-positive ones may not react at all is puZzling althou3h some theoretical explanations can be found. Preventive measures such as masks and shields are essential. Two roentgeno,-,rartis, 2 tables; 21 Western and 3 Fersonal communication referen- ces; ms rec 22 Apr 65. 1/1 7 RADICNIC, i . Design of the Krupacka Jama dike. p. 40. IZGF.ADNJA. (Drustvo Fra2evinskih inzenjera i tehnicara Srbi.fe) Beograd. Vol. 9, no. 1-7/12, Nov./Dec. 1955. SOnCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 5. no. 12, Decenfoer 1156 F?Awr4lG' P. Injection-control gallery and injection at the Mavrovo Dam. p. 11L. IZCI-?ADNJA. (Drustvo gradevi-nskih inzenjera i technicara Srbije i Udruzenje rradevinskiii i gradevinsko zanatskih preduzeca Srbije) Beograd, Yugoslavia. Vol. 12, no. 9110, bept./Oct. 1958. MontILLy List of East European Access-ions (LES-1) LC, Vol. b, no. 62 June 1959 Uncl. STADIKOVIC, D., doe., dr.; BEUC, M~) dr.; RADONIC, S., dr. Contribution to the study of Kienboeckls disease. Med. arh. 16 no.2! 19-26 162. (OSTEOCHONDRITIS case reports) (SWILUNAR BOITE dis) L. STEFAN, M. MAKSIMOVIC and S. RADON IC, Department of Toxicologic ChcmisLrv, Faculty of Pharmacy (Institut -za toksikolosku hemiju Farmaceutskog fakulteta) Belgrade. "Determination of 5-Nitro-2-Furaldehyde Semicarbazonc in Organs." Belgrade, Arhiv za Farmaci ju, Vol 13, No 1, 1963; pr 5-7. Abstract [English summary modified] : Method for determination of nitrofurazone in chicken intestine, liver, kidney, lung, brain, heart and spleen: microextraction of macerated organs in 96% ethanol and spectrophotometry at 365 millimicrons comparing with drug-free specimen to deduct artefactual extinction due to pigments absorbinE in same wave region. Table, schematic drawing of device, standard curve; 2 USj 2 Yugoslav (I unpublished.) 1 Belgian reference. Y/002/60/000/005/ooi/ooi D250/D303 AUTHOR: Radoni6, V~era, Engineer TITLE: Rapid photometric determining of aluminum in steel PERIODICAL: Kemija u industriji, no, 5, 1960~ 131-132 TEXT: The article describes a fast method of determining aluminum in steel which is based on the direct photometric determination of aluminum in carbon and low-alloy steels by means of Eriochrome cya- nine R. Ascorbic acid forms a complex of iron and of the smaller auantities of other elements present in steel which interfere in ihe process of aluminum determination. Gravimetric and photometric methods of determining aluminum in steel (Ref. 1., Laboratorijsk-L priru(~nik Sabioncello (Laboratory Manual Sabioncello), Filipovic' II, Zagreb 1948, 132), (Ref. 2: Metallurgical analysis - F.W. Hay- wood and A.A, Wood Hilger - London 1957, 141), (Ref. 3: La Metal- largia 1taliana 8/1959, 355)-and (Ref. 4: La Metallurgia Italiana 8/1958, 372) are based on the separation of elements which inter- Card -i/-, Y/002/60/000/005/00',/001 i~apid photometric determining D250/D303 fere in the process of aluminum determination by precipitation, ex- tract-4on, electrolysis and ion exchangers which is impractical and slow, especially in plant analyses, In the direct photometric me- thod for determining aluminum in steel, as opposed to the methods mentioned above, it is not necessary to se -~:arate iron and other elements interfering in the formation of th~ aluminum complex with Eriochrome cyanine R which simplifies the work and reduces the mar- gin of error. Ascorbic acid is used to mask iron and the smaller quantities of other elements which interfere in the formation of the aluminum - Eriochrome cyanine R complex, since this acid forms a complex of these elements. The formation of aluminum - Erio- chrome cyanine R complex is extremely sensitive to pH. The optimum oli-valUe for the quanti'~ative formation of this complex ranges bet- ,ween 5.2 an6 5 6 (Ref ')-: Analytical chemistry 1959, 111, 429), but when ~~scorbi - acid the optimum value is 5,5~: To obtain the oprim~,'.-rr, arlity dL11'1r1',' color formation the buffer solution 3f pH 5,7 is u,~~ed Buffer is prepared from sodium and ammonium acetate Card 2/7 Y/002/60/000/005:/001/001 Rapid photometric determining D250/D303 by adding acetic acid and sodium hydroxide, as required. The pH- value of the btif-ler has to be determined exactly by the pH-meter. It is recommendt-A preparing several liters of buffer so that the working oonO too often. Fresh Eriochrome litins need not be changed cyanLne U htLO Lo be used, si_nce after 1") hours the SolUt.ion weakens and cannot be used. Reagents; 3n HN03, 2 % KMn04, 10 % KN02, 1 % ascorbic acid, 0.1 % Eriochrome cyanine R. Weigh 0.05 g of Erio- 4- chrome cyanine R, put it into a 50-milliliter flask and fill up Lo '7 the mark with water. Buffer solution with a pH of 5.7, Weigh 2f4 g of ammonium acetate and 109 g of sodium acetate, put it into a I-liter flask, dissolve in water, add 6 milliliter of acetic acid -and fill up with water to make 1 liter. This solution is then to be diluted in the Droportion I : 5, i.e. by adding 5 liters of water. Then measure th-e p-H. If the pH is adequate it has to be adjusted by adding sodium hydroxide or acetic acid. LIbstractor's note: This should read apparently: 11 if the pH is not adequate Procedure: Dissolve 0.2 g of steel in a 100-milliliter flask with 10 millili- Card 3/7 Y/00 60/000/005/001/00, Rapid photometric determining D2"--jOYD303 ter of 3n IIN03 'When steel is dissolved the solution is to be oxi- dized with 2% iMnO4 plus a small excess. Boil for 2-3 minutes, and remove the exress of potassium permanganate by adding 10 % KN02 by drops, plus an exce-ss of 2 drops. Boil again, cool, fill with water up to the mark and mix. By a pipette put 5 milliliter aliquot par-ts into a 25-milliliter flask, add 5 milliliter of ascorbic acidg 2 milliliter of 0.1 % Eriochrome 1-yanine R, let it stand for !-2 mi- nutes, then fill up to the mark with buffer of pH = 5.7, mix and wait 2-3 minutes till the color has quantitatively developed. The solution is then photometrically analyzed at 535 m,,u, or with green filter no. 4 with a Hilger photo:,",eter and a 0.5-cm --ell, The analy- sis is compared w-Ith the blank test. The blank test --s prepared si-- rriui,tane,-?u.sly with the actual test, only instead of 5 milliliter of steel solution, 5 milliliter of water is used. For the preparation of under these conditions, standard steels with the known p e r of a].'._~:riinum were used and the r'-sults obtained for the -e exti un wei--, n-, 71~full conformity with -~-he Lambert-Beer law. Th Card ",/(--u)2/60/000/005//rll01 /Q~~ I D250/D30" p id p -~i o4t re sult s "..'ere n foll Extinction 1 0.027 0.062 1 00a 0.040 0.108 5~d 0. 06 0 0 - 150: -pregenting t',lese result's in a graph, the following figure s C-1 cd E 02GG olool 0 gol Qo2 qt)3 Q04 Q05 QOS A I C a r d -7,/7 Y/010 2/6 0/000/005/00 1 AC 01 hapid photometric det-erminii~g ... :D250/D303 This ~.,iethod has an accuracy of � 0.002 cl'fo aluminum and can be used for steel with 0 - 0.1 cl'o aluminum. The analysis lasts 20 minutes. if steels contain greater amounts of aluminum, the same method can be used, but then the aliquot part has to be reduced. If steel con- tains greater amounts of chromium, it is dissolved in perchloric acid, followed by evaporation to perchloric vapors, thus eliminat- in,~; the interferences which way be caused by chromium. If steel contains greater amounts of vanadium, then vanadium will interfere just like iron and chromium. Therefore, in this case a correction has to be made, i.e. for everir percent of vanadium the aluminum re- ~ (1',e'. 5: OD.cit.). Then this me- sult has to be reduced by 0.12 _L - - thod can be applied to high-alloy steels. As can be seen from -he this is a very fast and simple method for determining alumi- nwn in carbon 9nd lo,.-!-alloy steels. The extremely practi- cal for plant laboratories, i.e. for ob-serving the technological process of quality steel production, in which the aluminum content, j varies within a determined range. r - 6 ".7-d '/_/ Y/00 60/000/005/001/001 Rapld photometri,_- 41.etermining D250YD703 There are 1 f1gUre and 5 non-Soviet-bloc references. The references to the English-language publications read as follows: Metallurgical analysis - F.W, Haywood and A.A. R. Wood Hilger - London 11957, 141; Anal.ytical Chemistry 1959 (111), 429. ASSOCIATION,- ~eljezara "Boris Kidri6l' ("Boris Kidri6" IrGn Works), N i k S"i IEZ. Card 7/7 I - - :' 7 , ,- , m ~ (~ - ',~ . . . I - : - . ' - C - : 'D:' - ~ I . - --, ~! I . :' - ' ~ .. -*.' 7=Z--'~-= '- - IS . !-~ e -; , ~ -, ~ rl 3:- .. .. .. I ~, " , ;. '! ~5 :, RADOWIPIC. B. An experiment in teaching physics at the Gymr--si- of Yugoslavia in cooperation with OEEG. Glas mat fiz Hrv 17 no.1/2:136 162 [publ. 9631. RADONICIC, S.; VAJIC, B. Determination of points of melting and solidification of lard. Glasn. Hig. Inst., Beogr. 5 no.1-2:85-89 Jan-June 56. (FATS, lard, determ. of points of melting & solidification (Ser)) 2 1-. 4 j -,,TLI Nc 3, lz5 Rad, t Not gi -tcp-. r;j t1c ~vnth-sis ol' mol and '.coton-, b- thc~ Curnene .ic';thod. V. i)ocorq,~osition o-1 Cuc,-,--ne Hydroperox- ide into Pi-,jnol .-,nd Acoton,-~. r I c,, P- u b 57, -,o _,UbStract: 0 0 - -:-~Z S t 4 D., uid, r r o x d Ll __;C ) of -;ne I b y t1a. a c t i 0 n C--;" r",.c T a is f'ol-Lied Dhcnol "tid acetorv! (I L-1) , yield ,about 75,,~. ~,r, unalorwus d,~co-m-Dos-ition tak,:,,-:l PlEcc !--- the rr:Dscnic.~~ ~,f cat,~,;Ortitas, -'r- Static L ~is aoll as in -lyn~u-n-- syste,:Is. 3,ast rosults wa.-e with ~,.,;fetit R ( I V k, L 0 9 5~,, R,,-- t e Cn-rd 1/-~ t ~L" 7-:,0 Tc)LLr: a-"L' -:IbstrPct: c f D'~ .1 XC, t ci ut c- E~ n e a c t-,,-. L", c 1 t 11) tioll Of T i s d c. I Sc;, - -.- --~c ', 53" ut4 C; it 07 t ~n ,;4 of CoL%,~--r -L .0 -. Ll a.4 r _,rT J.r t-i,:,n I'. ilt, in col~u a r d /12 ' 71, 1 ~ - - 7 7 C'n 1055 ,-,-an List, _j --ar ol- 4 o. C'7, n. r C, S. - , R.~,D -.' j T:, , ' . HAD j.7 C Deveic-rent of aut-Ilatic tele;~ho:)Y Jr Sweder, i~- 12 r V0.1 ro. G I J E Feograd SO: ?%~:t",,'HLY ITLIIS- CF ACCESbICIN'31 (LEAL)l nc. 01 Sept. 1955 R.kDONJ I C, R. Yugoslavia ("-'30) History and Description - Serials Nazism and denazification in last Germany. p. 11, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS. (Federation of Tugoslav Journalists) Zoograd. (Fortnightly journal on international problems. Published also in Serbo-Croatian as Medunarodna Politika, and Fhast European Accessions List. Library of Congress, Vol. 1, no. 13, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED "Card 1 of 20 RADONJIG, R. Tugoslavia (430) in rrench as Revue de la Politique Mondiale). Vol. ), no. 11, June 1, 1952. last European Accessions List. Library of Congress, Vol. 1, no. 13, November 1952. UNCLASSIFIED "Card 2 of 20 RADONDV, D. Eclampsia sine eclampsia puerperalis. Kbirurgiia, Sofia 8 no-3:282-283 1955. 1. Okruzhna bolnitsa-Turnovo Akushero-ginekologichno otdalenie Zab.otdelaninto; D,.Radonov. (ECLA"SIA sine eclapsia in peurperium) (PUMIRPMUM, conplications, aclampsia sine sclampola) a- Second City Hovpital (II Gradska bolnitsa), Sofia; Head Revident: Iv. Khadzhimitov, MD. Sofla, Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya, N05 & 6, 1965. pp 435-73--9. "On the Problem of Placentary Invufficiency.11 Co-authore: CHIPEV, kh. LAMBREVA, T. 0--0V Bulgaria Second. City Hospital (II Gradska bolnitoa) Sofia; Head Re~sident: Ivan Khadzhimitov. Sofia, Akusherstvo i Gintkologiya, No 5 & 6, 1965, pp 439-441. "Diagnosis of Placentary Insufficiency by Means of Intravenous Atropine Administration." Co-authorv: CHIPEV, Kh. LAI,LBREVA, T. . .' 7 C,! " -1 ~ - -. 1 t, - -kush. g',nek. (`~--fifaa) - nc..': - , 6 - -72 1 -L c c I a 1 4 o n, . P- ;~- r, , , , - 4 ") J4. general RAW19.y -mayor Army Day o- the Bulgarian People's Army. Voen. vast. 39 no.9:12-17 S '59. (MI-RA 12:12) 1.Zamestitell nauchallnika Glavnogo politicheskogo upravleniya bolgarskoy Narodnoy armii. (Bulgaria--Army) I 1-MAVUHAG, Boris, ch.; AL-L-AJ, Dora, dr; HAMM, Zdenka, ~Jr; !-!AT1'-', Ing. Dubravka; KOSUTIG, Zvonimir, dr--- Our preliminary experience with Lacto'bacillus bifidus containing food for children. Lijeen4 vjesn. 83 no.7:687-692 161. 1. Iz Bolnice za zarazae bolesti, Gentralnog higijenskog zavoda, Cantra za smjestaj djece u porodice in ustanove i Serova-kcinalnog zavoda u Zagrelbu. (LACTORACILLU3) (DIFANT NUTRITION) RADODIOVA, T.G. Hydromicaceous minerals in the Rhodope Mountains. Za Vass. min. ob-va 87 no.2:224-230 '58. ~MIIRA 11:9) (Rhodope Mountains-flydromica) -7 Sofia, D Vol- 1. Viat--lbution cf Tang,~nti~l to of th3 1; c iqht Lin n t.3 Co g S A. 2 2. '1t,3*cu-irj th5 A-tiv,%tion c! L~*,*~Is in LOAjSulfide, iv. "A~V 4.1d Z.. :4; n'j, Imh 3. 'A Now Precise rdfferontLal for Lzl~czttzry Purposes- L. aid r~:.O~CVJ pp :43-~-4s. 4. ldcroquantiltativo D2te=.Inat-1ca of Chlorine ail lcx!ino Ions" and K._E2_-V, ;p 247-:~O. S. 'Comparative X:mlno Acid Contcnt of the x-,ate cf So m3 Futt Stones, 3.1. yar.,=j pp :1~1-254. 6. one Method of A~mving Sulfur from -ha KramixovcL Lltrznitm Cre- pp 255-257. 7. -Ab3orptioc of Njtro-..,.n C:ddis In the Vilbrati-.-T,.~a of Sao4up Eye-rcxldo Paxt 11- :) Chr. UIARZ-4, L. B~~Xkr-IZV an! D F:~ S. 'On the Rate of AZ~--Orpticn 0: Pu.0 0-%~az- D. --VW, end C. (:-q Y.P 9. -Effect of S074 Inorganic A.'!Itlvas on thl Of Copp*.- 01"da by Carlv3n Diax~L--* at L,~-w M.S. KLMC!~,N-ICY? pp 207-270. wii4Fi-T" Ch a ad -a ~-Lna, Panagbr= rtain- ._~%; 27RI-2~ - T.G. ;UQ~, - 74 1-n7_11sh "r4t, fro-, A--dLn Bastn" T.- _:20011(LI~Ar pp 275-278 (I:agllzh S=2-ry). 13. litegarding tha,tx~.ari"mntal Variahility of Zscharichia coli- S. CALABOVy Vp 279- 291. 13. 'Studies on the ror-w%tion --f Capsule by C~rzain Strain of Bacillus anthracis in vl-trol 0. Iv. Hxr-17Vr ;p 293 -2~ 14. -Antibiatica and the Raticulo-::ndothnilal Cystmm Pixation Activity In 111ce Tai"d -.r-th Iron Sacchairate. As. T.0cmOv. G. SI~HSLXCVA and 0. S-'OYA.I:Ovf pp 2e7- 290. 15. -Slactron FI.croscopic Study of Lunge of snaxes' H. ARASMy pp,129~- 294. 16. -4uxtan Leptompirosis Due -1* Leptompira S&xvoabing in tulgarial 1. KUJM=Ev? pp 2~5- 299. - 112 - RADONOVA, T.G.; ATAIMSOV, At. Wurtzite from the lead-zinc deposit MadzharovO, Eastern Rhodope. Izv Geol inst BAII 10:49-56 162. RADONOVA., T.G.; BOIADZHIEVA, R. Geochemistry of selarLium and tellurium in the copper-pyrite deposits of tile Panagyurishte ore district. Izv Geol inst BAN 12:213-222 163. !7fi 1 17 z ;li` tip. E; field, V. 11,ze c.,,,j s im,,Li a t' Tub-:~rculosio *,,`;az-d of the eolirclinic OTT11 Y-oll-'na (Tuberl,.uldznf odd6ien! .olikiniky OTJIT Koilno); Direct,r: J. KTRIV.~',TLY,-, Dr; Institute of 'E"Uidemio- io !,-y and minicr~-)biology -- Prague (Ustav ep1demiolo,-,,-ie a ikrobiol,gie -- Praha); Director: K. IU~XA, Ini - C:> Pr,.jf. Dr. - (f~r all) 11-Ir"CLZO, Ito Illedy v tuberkul6se, i',o 10, lj106--7 p-,,; 707- 710 11-1,'v:t-lu-tion J-P tli,.; '21i,,~ra-eutic --'ffect of I-,L-okort Si,ofa Ointaunt on -~ullous ana Ulcer.--tive Reactions -'ub c! rcu lin. .~-o t1le :Lp_ -ic -.tion of D :~. HADOPULO, L.M.; GABRIY19LYAN, A.A. Age of the intrusion near the village of Taahlu in the Vedi District of the Armenian S.S.R. Izv.AN Arm.SSR.Ser.YW nauk 1 no.1:21-23 148. (VT.RA 9-8) 1. Institut geologicheakikh nauk Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR. (Vedi District--Rocks, Igneous) a' a p - 'Liirnal _RADOS, Endre A visit to the Warszawa Automobile Factory. Auto motor 11 no.22:7 1 D t58. 1. Mentoszolgalat fomernoke. Sourcet 4 On the Elementaz7:Divis rs of;Adjoint Formp of a Bilinearlom With Whole Cbefflicients. dos, Gustai. Ma die BlemoUbmteger der ad Vormen elner Maearea- Forin rult ganzafi tWL Math., Nat'Urwiss. Ant. Uogde.* Akad. Wits. 60 '333-351. (1941). :'(fluagarian.: German summaik) Suppose that B= E*jjE'jLjb,jxYj 14a bihnear tbrw :Whose coefficients are rgional , integers, and that'. 1;9k;9n. 'Any two combinations X Yi,. s*) and 'A U1. jb) of the integers (1, taken. k it a~ titue'.det6rmine. a minor BV of ~ B; tke adjoint forms of B -are defined by Adj(*)Q3)-r.,,E,. (t -set of num- e. is any bers and p sl~ is A combimoon of the integers (1, n) taken k at a time, a 4~ binitdiial, pioduct E( " is defined by A1.11=W t eq.,-The author's ~rlncipal result i is the assertion that if the determinant of B does not vanish,- and if the elementary dtviwrs of B are then there exist two unimodular foKins Fand Q such. that Adi(l)(PBQ)-Adi(III(P)Adj"(P)Adjlb)(Q)I The elementary divisors of MjW(R) are thew easily calcu. lable from the combihatorial produ* E~I.. Certain s I pecia cases and certain numeri6l examplest 4(e also studied. With I minor modifications the results exb!nd t4k the case in which- the determinant of B vani.4hes. P.R. Halmos. C ;;~, ~ Hathematioal Rnjews, val RAP)S GUMW: T _~ 0-0 - 0 - w I ~_ -, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - ' is Is ta U IS n is 17 a A f mV busses WIXII 3119 Ida aw AlmaAII a 43 Sl atelD ' 00 A _-L-A A CoOlmis ISO !m~tV. 00 tQl I . "D 1,111011,11111111. NDIA so 00 of istruchiril flicinbers ll, 00 A c I)y 161dol CTIJI&, - Ir 11411 VC ri -00 60 - Ir , A% ICIICI ICII hi III, N's, 7 if . . ...... .00 00 0 00 _010 00 jjtjcjjjr;Ij unt .0 0 00 t. 8*0 00 * 9=00 1A A, ss 0 00 'full 400 omclvle, I,- I.. 1~1 too 00-4 see the majilIdAllife 1.1 .;1, jii,~ see J& have Illot, 406 t r -Ur 'It f.4 tepl.kVilig goo 31 dw 1,1111.1sig see o 4.fll 11A, %1 40 0 ~ 1111.1tv. tsoo .100 00 Room 11"10111, boo so 11,11111480 -110 MIT OW 00 w 'w o b a4 ; a n An L % to 5 t to isms e o : 0 000000000000000000000ooo*OOOOOOO I A-061,009000 000000000:0:110 gal I 1 1. 11 10 It 4 0 Is t# 11 J1 11 u m is A it 1, 11 v Ll m 0 is v 16 P. it &j &I 0 L I G n - L L k r rd 11 00 BUILDING-ARCHITZCTURI i-se Tel. Ill. -1"I No. 1-2, Jav6-Fsb. :00 --og e 11w L'.5th jmvv--r,arv if,.- limigm-n zoo 0 1-1.1villy ..I hovis,,-, Jill.- zoo 1111,1.1.1IR A IL, 0q.."I see age Doe f 11 A, 1 -1 t tW1, A fill. - - -3 A] a 3 1 v f? it ofv K a 0 0 0 0 0o go 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 00 0 0 0001 1.-DC-)' I'-- Tasks of technical extension tmin-ng. P. 54. Vol. 11, N,. 17 Sept. 1956 MUSZAKI Budapest, Hung:-iry. SOURCE: East European List, (EEAL) Library of Congress V 1. 6, No. 1 January 1956. PJ,.DCjS3 K. 'TiE;her education in the construction industry in the Soviet Union." P. lb7 MAGYhR EIIITOIPAR (Epitoipari Tudomanyos Eryesulet) Budapest, Hunary, Vol. 8, No. 3, Mar. 1959 Monthly List of East Euro--ean Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, I-To. 6, June 1959 Uncl. RADOS, Kornel, dr. Questions of higher educational reform from the point of view of the training of architects and engineers. Epites szemle 5 no.1:6-8 '61. 1. Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi Muszaki Egyetem Ipari es Mezogazdasagi Epulettervezesi Tanszekenek vezetoje. RADOS, The International Conference on Technical Education of Cracow. MuBz elet 16 no.21:4 161. RADOS, Kornel, ruszaki tudormanyok doktora, egy.tanar Conference on Industrial Building. Magy tud 69 r0-1:44-46 ja 162. 1. Epitoripari e9 Kozlekedesi Muszaki Egyetem, Budapest RADOS, Kornel, a -ruszaki tudomanyok doktora, egyetemi tanar Conference on Agricultural Buildings. Magy tud 69-no.3:183- 184 Mr 162. 1. Epitoipari es Kozlekedesi Vuszaki Egyetem, Budapest. yorgy; FEHEH, Istvan; KERTA1, Gyorgy bAhTA, Isf-ran, prof.; (;SANADi, Cr Kossuth-dii'as, ciraetas agyetaml tariar; RADOS, Kornel, Prof.; VARGA, Jozsef, prof. What- technical ana sciF-.ntifIc achiavem6nts have impressed t you t~) the gn--atest extent? Musz ale', 18 no.26:5 19 D 163. 1. HiradastecLriflkat Tudumanyoq Egyesulat alnoke (for Barta). 2. Kozlekedes- as p,,staugyi minlazter; Kozlel-,edestudomanyi Egyesulet alnoka (for Caanadi). 3. Boripari Kutatointezat igazgatoja; Boriparl Tudomanyos Egyesulet e1noke (for Feher). 4. Magya--honi Foldtani Tarsulat e1noke (for Kertai). Zpit-oipari Tudomanyos Egyasulet eluoke; Muszaki es Termeszet- tudomanyi Egyasuletek Szovetsege Kozponti Oktatasi Bizottoaga- nak e-Inoke (for Rados). 6. Gepipari Tudomanyos Egyesulet elnoke (for Varga). ICADOS, Kornel, prot'. dr Inz. Importance of the reform in the educational system for university studies in Hungary. Przegl techn 85 no-35:6 30 Ag 161,. I qynthesis of blolo&lcally?ive new chrontone derivatives. 10a Ififitg. 3, -.iinM it% wrni it). Y-110(j[r0)-Cj11:CU'C11.Ic (1) obt 65% % i0d by treating 4.6 g. Na pomler Trith. I I g- Il0(Nle0).-C.I4tAc (11). 150 1:11. abq. 1-011, aild G I g. MeOll. m- 112-14" (from ale.). 1 0-8 R.) hi -50 mL ab,;. EtOll treated svith 2 nil. coacd. IICI ai)d Ilic product iiiirified in rartin gives 4 g. of a labile exoprimn w/1 (111), tit. I.-N-GO'. Ill j4 g.) Ticated 15 inin. in 1.50 nil. dio%aite gives 3.5 g. (IV), tit. 12(~-1101; oxi ine, in. 107-8.5'. 2,.7,*.I-tlO(41[cO),Cdf.-CII.C(-)CO:Et M, obtaitted in 26 g. yield by tre-atiti.- ID 13 g. 11 and 4:1.8 g. (C011-I't). with 6.0 g. Mi iti WHI ud. iih!4. HtOlf mid tri. turating the Na. %ait ivith 1.0% 11OAc. tit, 85-7* (front 1110). acid (VI) Ef-i-ster (VII), obtained in U001 yield by licating 29.0 g. V iii 1,50 int. glacial HOAc with 8 nil. concif. IICI, ni. 173-1* (from ale.). VI, obtained in 70% yield by heating 27.8 g. Vill 0 hr,,. in 1.50 mt. glacial TIOAc with 2206 nil. 4 N IITS0j, tn. 230--1 " (from HOAc), forms no oxime. Bu efter of VI obtained in 60% yield from 2.5 g. VI, 250 ml. BuOl-l. and 20 g. coned. H,S04 refluxed 6 lirs., dild. with 1101-1, and neutralized with NalICOs. m. 05-6* "- forms no -oxime. 6,7-Dirnethaxychro eT2,6.",%by'1'i(,20Tb (CA. 44, 7317a) (25 g.), in 400 nil. BuOH and 140 g. concil. HrSO4 refluxed 8 firs., dild. with JIM, and neutralized with NalIC01. gives 18.5 g. Bu ester, in. 131-2.5' (from 75% ale.). The presence of the McO groups enhances the harmacol. activity Of the C11TOMone derivs. similar to IV, ut has little effect if a carboxyl group is already pi-mcritt E the position of the McO groups seems to be unimportant. R. W . Rqja_f(2rjL- Fr ,ynthesis of biolo romcane derivativelal. gically a Ive new Ch 1-9r.-tr-Mp Iharm. Rr~carcfl LLjqj_ Soda. Hung. 3, In (1) oflusireff ill 65 ,yieldbyti-rating 4.6g. Xa l,u,%dcrTrithAI g. If0G%fvO):C.Ff-Ac (11), 150 vit. ab-;. rtOll, aml 64 IvO)I, an. I M-1-1* (frout ale.). 1 (.1.9 g.) ill 50 fill. Mii, E.1011 trcaled %vith 2 fail, coiled. 110 :fail$ the linythict purified ill ral-sia gives -1 g. of a latlih. oxi'lliff'st 5,111 (111), ill. 1-'R -W),; III j4 g.) heated 15 11611. ill NO fill. dioNalle gi...Cq 3.5 9. (IV), m~ 12il-W": oxhire, an. 107-8.5'. 2..7.-j-jjO(JlcO)S C411: ell! CO Co- El (V), fahtained in 26 g. N ichl by treating 11.) 0 g~ 11 and 43.8 g. (Coll-W. with 6.0 g. N1 ill 3W fail, alls. RtOlt laid tri- turating the Na stilt ivith 10% IIOA,. in S.-)-7* (from 11,0). acid (VI) D-r5ter (VII), obtained in 9017a yield by hearing 2M g. V in 150 fail, glacial HOAc with 8 nil. coned. IICI, ni. 173-4* (from nic.). VI, obtained in 70% yield by heating 27.8 g. VII 0 firs. in 150 mi. glacial IIOAc with 206 mL 4N II.-M, an. 230-1* (from 110M, forms no oxime. Bu exler of VI obtained in 00% 3-icld from 2.5 g. VI, 250 mi. BuOlf, and 20 g. coned. H2SO4 refluxed 6 firs., dild. with 11011, and neatralized with NaHCOj, an. 95-6" (from 60% WWI), forms no -oxiane. 6,7-Ditiseth(yxychrorisaise-2-carboxylic acid (C.A. 44. 73174) (215 g.), in 400 ml. BuOH and 140 K. concal. HrSO4 refluxed 8 firs., dild. with 11011, and neutralized with NalICOt, gives 18.5 g. Bu ester, an. 131-2.5' (from 75% a1c.). The prexiice of the MeO groups enhances the pluarmacol. activity of the chromone deriva. similar to IV, but has little effect if a carboxyl group4s already presentj the position of the MtO groups seems to be unimportant. R. W .RqLfqrfL_TX_ U- 45-61 11-L 1 11 - I . - i i I - 7777 p-f Clip .0 0 IV. * J 1 Pharmaiologictil tests with isolated rabbit and:cat hearts. cdnfimied the activating role of mothoxyl groups inasmuch ".tka b1ological-effect of compound !Al.was 5 to. 6 times Stronger'than methoxii-lVee'2-mithyl rothoni or khellin itself. The presence of methoxyli affected the biological ' ;ictd!s~dnly'~li~ht)y. activityiil.-the-,csters of citi)~xylic, The positiou of methoxyl &oups seenis to phty an ju-,qp-5- ficank lo 31ki (IV) and (V) were almost ~s.elfectjvi- am d i. c idad 3P-hIr..Y-5-pIpen- tHy O i f Yh:t ij~ L. and 111. 2 H 1111jui (Ilesearch 111%I. I'lultin. 111d, III., jn~ I ism. ( -ftYy-8r'InJusIry 19SS. HN-7.-Ale lkyodeoxycholate, (1), dituiylate, m. ICA-V (frons FIOAc-AIc0ff).-Jajj,4 9.7* (c 2.07. CHCIj), (10g.), 11) g. KOAc, and 100rnl. ActO "/ boiled 45 tnin. save 40 Me 30--keetoxy4-cholenate (11). 15", (f ClICl 2 14 MOA~~ ( 1 1 D c 1%1. rank . 0 s), . , V hydrolyzed with alkali to 30-hydroxy-5-cholenic add, M. 235'~ Analogous nectoly,;is of I dimesylate. ta. 118-19' (frorn H(Oll), fallO 5.88* (c O.IYJII. ClIC1.), gav6 11, and; 3&,Oa-4Jitosyltitypr,!gtiaii-tlj)~-iie IrAve 30-acetoxy-5-preg- nen-20-ont, in. 140-7'. The ineclianism of rmictinu in-' valves himol. acetulysL; With inversion at C-3 and clirni-* nation of p-I%lcC4llgSOjl front C-5 and -1-j- -'ed ~ ca orvostudomanyi EUE~ e, Y a i (B 'C' zc s -7 U a. .'n i8, 2/ ;ov 66, pa6es 2272-2275. Vol 107 -d --mrary] In 'mudap~ast, 21 ' An`zv~ uals d of ur-*ne -:'o t,", epaper 3t ck metho o fa mea- -fh carbohydr,'-,tes. The mnsur,.pLion of the sub*ec~s correspondec to that of -,he a--ult of --'he coum~ry. 2) 103 positive cases were found and it -.-az estab- _S' a n z.-.c 'oas Ls of 67lucose tole rance -,ests that, in addition o e 23 cases, an ad sub4ec-s were diabetic, of wn=.- --,:-cuired 'Jt -,:-.en7, . ;.n acc, :.-,--onal 20 diabetoid blood suz-ar curves were found. :~enai cases . No patholo.rical reaction was obtained ITI Ca -ub-ec-..3 did not =-ic::-;-0 ~-Lucose tolerance test. Or, baSis ol- t'-- Present screeninz- test. th2 incidence of diabete~~ u n - :rar-.r 00-fes-:)onds to that reported --n other countries. Hungarian, 15 J'A.. Orl pr0c-"hiy'fI S n c. 4U - 1 L' T-ludopest' orvcsLu,-Mrrmr,-j-i F.~,yeLon,, 11. Be'lklDnika Ogazg?,+,C~', Gomor-L. Pal, dr.). f Sv) V YUGOSLAVTA Farm Animals. Cattle. Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 40435. Author : Peyvich Obren lut., Dzhordzhevich Jovan. Stef- anovich Radosav. Inst : Nert -Me-n-. Title : The Changes of the Quality of Fat, Casein and Proteins in the Milk of Domestic -im-menthal Cows During a Period of Three Complete Lacta- tions. Orig Pub: Zb. radova Polloprivrednoe; fak. Un-t Beo- gradu, 1956, 4, No 1, 126-142. ~-bstract: On the basis of three years of ex-j)criinentation (1951-1953), it was established that the fat content in the milk of the Simmenthal cows ranged from 3.43% to 4.90% (the average amount was about 3.Vo). The fat content in the milk Card 1/2 24 'U"011" Ili Yic , '7 . ~ JA Calculating piles in Eroups. 0.59 FEULIP,~DE Hidrotehnicki institut "Inzenjer Jaroslp-v Cerni" 7)n*0F5TZNJA. T WiNSACT IONS. Eeograd, Yugoslavia No. 2, 1955 '3:-',U,RC E: &st European List (E~~AL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1957 ~'T ~.V-C;, j~ :','TC, M. A. JAK"D_'.7-10, M. M. cuartitative cciorimetric deterninatior of pyrocatechol. p. 203. Vol. 20, no. 2, 1955 GLAS,"'IK Leograd, Yugoslavia 3o: Lastern European Accession Vol. 5 No. 4 April 1956