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L 29699-66 ACC NRt AP6020849 SOURCE CODE: BU/0016/65/000[1008 A U P U'. L`@ I i o-,)v CL:@'- Sofia (1,,at(!f-' TITL@: of ci--nic i;. G Astrw A.; Dqc ey horaFOutics I eaded by Professor AxjP-uk-hlov./, WII, h r@--ariya, W-11) rcnal inslifficiency with Lospedoza capitata extract (proparati.on SOITRCZ: Suvromf@nna moditsina, no. 8, 1965, 471-476 TOPIC TACS -. Iru,-, troa@nontu, uroioi7, gFenitourinary system disease, gonitourinary drug A],3 of tl-Li:3 Frenci-, prcparation in 69 patients with azatemia: treatment (averago 23.---) Ui average dose 195-3 "drops" daily; laboratory and for 6 `inica@ -@a-a Lidicate resLdts in 8, fair in 25, nil in 21, worse in 15- Possi- c L bly poor .-u-, co.-.-parod to published data are duo to chronicity; othe: authors troatod mostly ac -t;- Orig. art. has: 1 table. /,-Based on author's Ljl-.qS -ng. abstj SUE CODE,- C16 SURII -,;A.-,-. 00,'-'.ar('-)5 / OTH REF: 008 LC.Ld i@U@GkRIA//Gont@ral Piolo,,y - Genotics. Genetics of Man. B Abs Jour : Ref Y-hur Biol., tio 6, 1959, 236go Author : Pukh1ev, A!, Raycheva, L.Il. List . - Title : A Special Type of Familial Malie-@iant Anemia. Orig Pub : Sovrem. med., 1957, 8, No 11, 118-125 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 PUKHLEV, Al.; GEMINOV, Mir.; ATANA OVA, L. Therapeutic considerations on hypertension. Suvrem. med.. Sofia 8 no.10: 8-25 1957- 1. Iz Khtedrata po bolnichna terapiia Dri VMI-Sofiia (Zab. katedrata: prof. Al. Pukhlev). (=MTMION, therapy, (Bul)) PUKHLEV, Al.,_ Prof.; TIKFfOIDV, K. Results of the treatment of diabetes with new sulfonamide- urea preparations. Suvrom. mad.. Sofia 8 no.1:21-35 1957. 1. Iz katedrata po bolnichna terapiia pri VMI -- Sofiia (zav. katedrata: Prof. A.L. Pukhlev). (DIABMS MELLITUS, therapy carbutamide & tolbutamide (Bul)) (UREA, related compounds, carbutamide & tolbutamide, ther. of diabetes mellitus (Bul)) (SULKNAMIDES, therapeutic use, carbutamide & tolbutamide in diabetes mellitue (Bul)) PUKHLT-1, -U-elk@ i . / -- ze-ch@-.@Pathy in Bulgaria. @;rpski arh. 01) -721 -1 no.7:713 J -Ag 164. 1. Visi medicinski inatitut Terapeytske klinlke u Sofijia AULGARIA F-0120V an", V. DMIEV, Dopartment of Internal Medicime and Th,@rapeutlcs, Medical School (Utedrata po %rutresh-n! bolesci i terapiia pri VMI) Head (Rukovoditel) Prof A. PUKHLEV. Sofia of Hypertension witb Two New .1-fedications. 11 S o F ip , Suvrara enRs Mr, di, t s ina , Ve, 1 13 , No 1C), 1962i pp 3-8. Ai.-Stract Mnglish sunrzjar,@ modified'!. Favorable reporr on creatment: of 21 Flai@i-erlts wit'a essential and 3 with renal form of rttpertension .2sIng reserpiTie-tj,,drc;thlorothiazide and seme r1us hydralayine ir. Cablet form (S-wiss CIBA products.) PotausItto loss should be counteracttd bv dtlstarv me-ens. No side effects in authors' series. Twetve tables., 17 Western refe,renco-a. J Al. yed:-s rezoar@:h -a) 15 a is To a 0 a 4 6 0 4 0 0 0 6 0 a a 14 m A V .1, DI.$lVII.Dm 1) w P, A L- L a h F Q R I I U _I T.1 @A N IX VP Et of Oe -00 go li! d,ffUljOG jUiCe. I'VK111 I% t f i O ct Measurigig dev 00 00 fe 00 1 =0* 00 zoo 00 I I A of I AL 1 0 wk At LIT[ SAILME @LASIIFICA FION =00 , l r ' - , - , - 1' It '14 tA 3 It ; " i , 1, v bc III it #I a n It it itm a n I I. g 4 : * 0 0 0 0 0 0 OT 0 0 0 Is * 9 0 0.0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 o * 0 0 IS 0 0 0. BOG UE I-AIJIS )Q'Y;: 4.rlzh. I . . I - - - 'j y (-,' s@:;-np-',he:@!ng 4,,fa@n3 .n h--j-,-dened g.-asn made of - t1lei - - - - I i be it 8V 'I!, C)"Llr,0fli -,Ytek@ --' ker, 20 s ' 63. ( 1. 7 8 6 1 L 15688-63 tV[P(q)/E@T(m)/BDS AMC/ASD @,Pq-4 WH ACCESSION NR: AR3003593 S/0081/6)/'000/008/0"9/0499''-".. SOURCE: RZh. Khimiya, Abs. AUMOR: Boguslavskiy, I Puk@LUk, 0. I.@*-,', TITLE: Some data concerning the -nalture'ofthe strengthenin of glass by 9 a thermochemical method CITED SOURCE% Steklo. Byul' Gos. n.-ii dn-@ta stekla,-.noi@@A (113), 1961, 24-2?, TOPIC TAGS: glass strengthening glass anhea,ling TRANSLATION OF ASSTRACT: For thev erification of the effect of the structure of glass on its strength in the process of.tfiernochemical treatinent, "thods were investigated by us for the determination of micro-Arength and midro- hardness of glass, and also of the effect of'additional thermal treatai6nt to remove !3tressez created in the glass'on its strength-properties. The' 'samples studied were polarized glass of vertical extraction of-thickness 5 rifit, which had been treated by a thermachomical method in liquids wilth various cooling capacities. It was determined that with an increase of the intensity of cooling, the resistance to bonding inereas es, and micro-hardness is reduced. The Card 1/?- 7 L 15688-6 ACCESSION NR: AR3003593@ micro-strength of the treated.samples"of glass was 300-320 kglsq'- mm (of the initial glass, 184 kg/sq vuj). Upon cleansing theosurface layers of glass after @:udden cooling, a gradual.rise in micio-hardness was obpived. Annealing:.` of glasses strengthened by the thermochemical method was carried out at tempera-1 tures of 6300 (1 hr) and 4000 (150 hr);'in this a structural'factor also appeared;upon high-tomperature.annealing, considerably deeper structural chan es 9 occur. It was suggested that the considerable strengthening of glass in the process of thermochemical treatment is explained both by the creation of higher compressing stresses and the elimination of surface defects during cleansing and also by structural changas in the glass. Bibliography of 9 titles.. See, alno R. Zh. Khim., 1963, 5M70. So 10fe DATE ACQ: 12Jun63 SUB CODE: CH,MA ENCL% 00 Card 2/2 j 'ACCESSION NR: AP4043404 S/0072/64/000/008/0006/0009 4MIOR: Boguslavskiy, I.A.(Candidate of technical a-ciences); Khalizeys, 0. X. tEn&ineer); Pukhlik, 0. 1. (Engineer) TITLF. Tnvestigation of strength and beat resistance of reinforced glasses GWRCF Steklo t keram'knj @ef, @4, F, ;"TOPIC TAGS: reinforced glaue, viscoun tempering, etching, heat reatatant ?!ai,;, 'thermo-physical method !ABSTRACT: In this paper are given the results of an investigation of the relation !between the strength of glasses and their thickness. The glasses used for testing iwere of a thickness from 3 to.25 mm. The tested glasses were reinforced by two imethods' viscous tempering and a thermo-physical method (viscous tempering plus ;etching). The strength of the glasses vas evaluated by the method of central flex-i !ure taking into consideration necessary requirements toward the Poisson diameter !and support, magnitude of sagging and the dimensions of the tested glass plate. jDased on the'experimental data the authors raise a question in regard to substi- I ituting defective glasses of a heat resistant content with reinforced glasses of a @standard content. In conclusion the authors claim that it is pos6ible to increase@ in ich @the exploitation temperature of reinforced glasses by using compc,-tnds Wh 2 It :ACCESSION NR: AP4043404 ;relaxation begins at a higher temperature, and which do not contain expensive and !deficient components. In many cases such glasses will be competitive with quartz glasses. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and 4 figures !ASSOCIATION: none :SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 00 1SUB CODE: MT NO REF SOV: 005 OTBER: 001 'Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4041407 AUTHOR: B o g u s I av s k i y , I . A. ; Pukhlik, 0. 1. S/0020/64/156/006/1424/1427 TITLE: Development and investigation of ultrahigh-strength glasses SOURCE: AN SSSR. Daklady*, v. 15.6, no.,6, 1964, 1424-1427 TOPTC TAGS: silicate glass, heat resistant glass, glass heat treat- men.:,,. glass quench temperi'ng, glass leaching, glass surface hardening. ultzahigh strength glass ABSTRACT: A new thermophysical method recently developed for common ca-l,:ium-sodium silicate glass has been applied to several commercial heaz-resistant glasses[composition unspecified) to obtain ultrahigh- strength glasses with a low coefficient of thermal expansion. The method is a combination of quench-tempering in a liquid [unspecified) acid. Bending med-_um with subsequent leaching with hydrofluoric strength and surface hardening greater than that found in common glass lierit achieved in silicate glasses of various chemical composition by selqcting an appropriate quenching medium-for each glass composition. Cord 1/2 ;XCESSION NR: AP4041407 LxD,.!rimental data showed that strurturaland to a lesser degree, me- surface hardening resulting cha,,iical factors contribute to'the overall .:roja quench-tempering of glass. The dependence of the increase in com- nre-;sive stress and surface hardening on the degree of cohesion of the silicon-oxygen skeleton is shown. A further study is expec@ed to es- zablish the heat-treatment conditions necessary for obtaining maximum strangth in glasses of a given composition. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. ASS-)CIATION: no rLe SUBMITTED: 28Feb64 SUB CODE: IMT NO REP SOV: 013 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 --ard 2/2 7 :.. BOGUSLAVSKIY, I,A.; 0,11 Devi-sing the methods of reseax,@h on s.i- I I ,,Ie, @ r, Fisses. Do-U. Ail SSSH 156 no.6:11,24-1427 ja I - - 4. : - -_ -;. - r ; -. . @/ -Y 1. Predstavleno akademikom 11.1i. Sernenovyirl. I Y , I. A.. ; VIAMMI, F. F. ; PUTI-11111, , 0. 1. L-i -li--n :,7 4fying the quenchin- stresses in glass for the purpose ' 6 1; --'iz -her hardan:Lng. Dok-,. Ui SSSR 157 no.i.-K-W j! 164 (M, IRA 171 - 9 ) 1. Predstavleno akademikom rt.?:. Sernencv@rm. ACCESSION NR: AP4042020 S/0020/64/157/001/0087/0090 AUTHORS: BogUglavskiy, 1. K.; Vitman, F. F.; Pukhlik, 0. N. TITLE: Increase of quenching stresses in glass for additional strengthening SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 157, no. 1, 1964, 87-90 TOPIC TAGS: glass processing, glass annealing, heat treatment, strengthening, prestraining ABSTRACT: A direct measurement was made of residual stresses in glasses with a wide range of thickness, quenched at different cool- ing rates, in order to compare the resultant data with the theory in the range of Biot numbers hitherto uninvestigated (Bi > 5). This research was set up as a check on the hitherto prevalent opinion tha*L-. quenching stresses cannot contribute much to further strengthen- ing of glass. Glass plates 160 mm square and 5-25 mm, thick were Card IPPOLITOV, N.V.; PUKHLIK., Yu.A, Device for regulating temper-dLure corditions in presses. Priborostroenie no.5.--27-28 @@r '63. (MIRA 16-.8) -PUn'LIKY Yu. , iTlzh. Automatic temperature control.- Radio no.11-50-51 N 163. (MIRA 16.-12) ACCESSION IqRz AP3000249 S101191631000160511=710M AUTHOR: IppoUtov,, N. V.; PukhM.-YU A TITLE: Device for controllimg temperature of a press SOURM Priborostroyeniye TOPIC TAGS; temperature controller,, KHT-1 thermistor P23 transistor ontroller@,, and ABSTRACT.- A device consisting.of a primary temperature elment, a a a power suppl@ unit is described., It is intended for keeping constant the temperam. ture of a compression mold at a point within 140-1800. A KHT-1 thermistor is used :as a temperature elementj,,three P23 transistors are employed in the amplifier, and a MKU-48 relay serves as control element. Sensitivity, 0.50; power con- @sumption, under 10w; power supply, 220 v., 50 cps. [Abstracter's zotet it is ,not clear from the Russian original.whather an actual device or a blueprint is .described]. Orig. art. has: l.figure. ASSOCIATION: none SUMMED:. 00 DATS ACQ: W=63. ENCL: 00 :Card 3/2 MIn:HYV,V,A.P.; PUKTLIKOVA, R.V..-YOOSLAV, T.T&-. , , .. , -11, @14@ ` - RvAlunting enlid fuel As raw material for gAsification. Gaz.prom- no.2!11-15 F 156. (KIRA 10:1) (Fuel) (Gas manufacture and works) PUKELOV, N. USSR "Reorganization of Agriculture in the People's Democracies., 10,49, Voprosik Ekonomiki Current Digest of the Soviet Press, Vol. 2, No. 4, page 6. (in IM Library) 0 IFUHLYAKOV, L.A. Rols of demidatic-n in the formation of salt lzr.. ucheb. za-r.; neft' i gaz, 8 no.,5:50 165. (@URA 18:7) 1. Tomskiy politekhmicheskiy institut. XHODASIVIGH, B. (LeningreA); VASMITEVA, R. (liyev); PUXHLTAKOV P. I (Voronezh) From practice of economics departments of institutions of higher learzo- ir.g. Vop. ekon. no-1:130-133 A 161. (MI" 13:12) (loonomica-Study ard teaching) FUKHLYAKOV, P, (Voronezh) Calculating the economic efficiency of corn production and utilization. Vop.ekon. no-5:131-136 Itr 161. (MULA 14:5) (Voronezh Province--.Corn (m%ize)) AITVLMIT, Moyya Yurlyevich; GY-RASIMOV, Viktor Grigorlyevich; ZAYDELI. Khristina Ediiqrdovna; KOGEEN-DALIN, Vladimir Viktorovich; LYSOV, Nikolay Yegorovich; MOROZOV, Dmitriy Nikolayevich; Nlq-qJSOV, Yevgeniy Vasillyewich; PANTYUSHIN, Vasiliy Sergeyevich. prof.; PUK-UYAKOV, Y-ariy Kharlwapiyevich; SMIITTOV, Vladinir Aleksandro- vich; UTKIN, Ivan Vasillyevich-. SID.R0191IN, Grieoriy Ivanovich; KASAWIN, A.S., reteanzent, red.; BORUNOV, N.I., tekhn.ree.. [Blectrical on.-ineering; goneral course] Elektrotak@miks; obshchii kars. Pod red. V.S.Pantiushina. Moskva, Goe.energ. izd-vo, 1959. 632 p. (MIRA 13:1) (Electricity) ANVEL'T, M.Yu. (Mosk-ia)i PUKHLYAKOV, Yu.Kh. (Mosl@va); IUSHAKOV, M.A. (Moskva) New textbook on electrical engineering for students. Fiz. v shkole 23 no.4:49-52 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) PUKRIAAKOV, Yii.Kh. "he tor-,c "Industrial electric meters anI electric measurement3l' in the electrical engineering course. Fiz. v shkole 23 no.4,52-57 Jl-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:1) CHAUSOV, Nikita Semenovich, kand.Lekhn.nauk; Prinimali uchastiye: GVOZDIKOV, B.F.Y inzh.-elektr@ik; KUIAKOV, B.F., inzh.-elektrik; SBOF.SHCHTKOTI I S.G., inzh.-elek--rik; FU inz1h.-elaktrik; KORNEYEVA, V.P., z;ekhnik-elekTrik; A)PIUMFZ, V.D., progra.-mist; IHE,'NIKOVA, M.G., progra-mmist; KOZLOVA, R.Ya., programmist; ARIMIPOVA, A.A., programmist VILKOV, G.N.J. red.izd-va; MOCHALINA, Z.S., [Using electronic computers in calculating engineering constructions (progra.vaing the calculation of shallow shells and beams for the electronic digital computer "Ural-111)] Primenenie elektronnykh vychislitellny@ mashin pri raschete inzhenernykh sooruzhenii (programmirovanie rascheta pologikh obolochek i sterzhnei dlia KsVIV'Ural-111). Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit.i stroit. materialam, 1962. 135 P. (Akademiia stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut stroite:Llnykh konstruktsii. Trudy, no.9). (MIRA 15:8) (Electronic digital computers) (Elastic plates and shells) (Beams and girders) PUKHLYAPIKO, @. K. M. 11. VOLAROVICH, Kolloid aur, 3, 621-4(1937) S/02.C/63/149/004/006/025 B104/.0186 V AUTHOR: Pukhnachev, V TITLE: On the stabilit of a Chapman-Jouguet detonation @y PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 149, no. 4, 1%63, 798 --; 801 TEXT: The following mathematical'model of a detonation is investigatedt an ideal gas flows along the z axis (z '< 0) with constant supersonic speed. A strone detonation occurs in the neighborhood of the-plane z = 0. A region of burning follows behind it in which the equation of- M M-1 chemical kinetics.dp/dt - -Lp p exp(-Ap/lip) is satisfied. Here, p is the mass concentration of the unreacted molecules, p is the pressure p the density, A the activation'energy, m the order of reaction, IL the mean molecular weight of the mixture, L an arbitrary positive constant, whereby m !@ 1. The chemical reaction is finished when p reaches zero. If 0 and the flow velocity is equal to the local sound velocity this detonation-is called a Chapman-Jouguet detonation. The stability of the --Card -1/2 S/020/63/149/004/006/025 On the stability of a Chapman-Jouguet... B104/Ble6 fundamental solution of the equations of hydrodynamics and chemical kinetics to small disturbances is investigated. A common linearization of the equations reduces the determination of disturbances to a boundary problem in common linear differential equations. It is shown that the eigenvalues X of the problem are symmetrically distributed about the axis ImX = 0. An investigation of the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions as X ---koo shows that when,@n and k are fixed all eigenvalues are ..concentrated in a@finite range of the X-plane. Numerical results obtained in the Vychislitel'nyy tsentr Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (Computing Center of the Siberian Department of the AS USSR) are presented. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut gidrodinamiki Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Hydrodynaihics.of-the Siberian Department o@ the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: August 3,1962, by M. A. Lavrentlyev,-Academician SUBMITTED: July 29, 1962 Car@d 2-/2 PUKHNACHEV, V.V._.- Stability of a Chapman-Jouget detonation. Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no.4:798-801 Ap 163. (@ni 16.3) 1. Institut gidrodinamiki Sibirskogo otdeleniya =R. Predstavleno akademikom M.A.Lavrentlyewfm. (Detonation-Mathematical modis) =7 I -@@M2 9 7 Xft'tSS1:O1Y OR, 1 0 UR/0207/65/000/004/0079/0085 'AUTHOR: Pukhnachev, V. V.. (Novosibirsk) ITITLE: Investigation of the stability of a plane steady-state @-6-t- onation wave ISOURCE: Zhurnal pri.kladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 4, 1965, 79-85 ;TOPIC TAGS: combustion research, detonation wave, supersonic com- !bustion, combustion gas dynamics, combustion kinetics, combustion itheory A13STRACT: A stability analysis of a steady-state plane d-e-unatlon _iy_ax@vaa made using the following detonation model: a supersonic iflow of an ideal gas propagates at a constant velocity along an axis t z at z< 0,1 a strong explosion occurs near the plane z = 0, which is .followed by a combuation zone in which the reaction kinetici is idescribed by the following equation: 'dp A -LorApIn-1 exp IIPV f Card L r - ACCESSION NR: AP502 1907 whnre 0 is the. mass concentration of unreacted molecules; p, pressure, T, specific volume; A, the activation energy; U, the average molec- ,a I a rweight of the gas; m, the reaction order; and L, the positive conitint at m >, 1. The following steady-state solution of the hydr (3- Idynamic and kinetics equations exists for this model-. P P0 (t + 5 (yA11 4- 1)-') 1where w is the f low velneity; 1.1 the Mach- number in the z < 0 region-' Iand * denotes values at the Jouguet point. The function x - x(z) is determined by the@-relation: V-t", 0 - CV) (I + tY)t- 14 etp [a 0 + YeW, 0ey)-, I dy A* P4 Card 2/y L amo-.66 i :ACCESSION NR: AP5021907 :The stnbility of the solution of the main hydrodynamic and i iequations with respect to small perturbations is analyzed. !case, the surface perturbation discontinuity equation is: to ere 0XP(Xro-'W*J + (nT) Jn(Enk"O-11 v kinetic In this 1 where A is a complex parameter, @.n is the natural number, and C nk is tile kth root of the eq'uation It is assumed that the ;gas flows in a cylindrical pipe With a@.rRd a lus ro and that small perturbations are located within the area z> 0 and are superimiposed harmonics. The behavior of the individual harmonics is analyzed to !yield a series of equations for the perturbed discontinuity. The 1equations are solved by an asymptotic method in the form of an :,eigenvalue problem. The stability of the main solution was established.- to a linear approximation for the case when dEnkro 4 co @for c < 1/2. The results of this analysis of the detonation stability were compared with published experimental data on the spin detonation, '-Orig.-art". has* 19 formulas. [PS] Card 3 ' @-! 3(,-,o -66 .ACCESSION NR: AP5021907 !ASSOCIATION! none SUBMITTED: 27Jan64 ENCL: 00 NO REFISOV: 003 OTHER: 000 SUB CODE:WAFP ATU PRESS: -- I lNc'.csibl.'sK; 1 , @@ab- lity of a Chapman - Jougur-. on, PYTF no, 6@66-7-1 N-D '61 1 'j @- 4 l7i7' . . . - - - . i FUY.HNACHEV, V.V. (Novosibirsk) Group characteristics of the Navier-Stokes eauations in the case of laminar flow. PMTF no.1:83-90 My-Je '66. (YJRA 14:8) 1. Moskovskiy f17iko-tekhnicheBkiy institiit. (Differential equations, Partial) Maminar Plow) L 2-2022-66 EWT(d) IJP(c) ACC NR: A.P6005015 AUTHOR: Pukhnachev, V. V, Novosibirsk) ORG., SOURCE CODE: UR/0208/66/006/001/0178/0183 none rITLE: Differential equation ith -two small parameters SOUJACE: 'Zhurnal vychislitellnoy matematUd i matematicheskoy fiziki, v. 6P no* 11 1966, 178-183 rOPIG TAGS: differential equation2 plasma stability, small parameter ABSTRACT: The author constructs i1ni orm, with respect to x for x 2 0 (x < 0), asymptotic representations of four linearly independent solutions of as6--> 0, which is related to an equation in plasma at-ability theory. His partic- ular goal is to obtain representations in neAg@borhoods of branch points. His representation also yields the derivatives up to fourth order, The author thanks i._MII&sI9Y&IyI 1. S-.14oisey-ey, and R. Z. Sagdey2v for thair discussions. Orig. art. has: 32 formulas. SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATE: 03JU164/ ORIG REFz 001/ OTE REF: 002 Card 1A@V UDGt 518017.91/44 -PUMNACHEV, Yu.: POPOV., YU. Today's air fleet; interview with B.M.Evteev. -TUn.tekh.7 no.2:3--4 (I@JV A F 163. 16% 16:4) (Aeronautics, Commercial) L 16648-65 EWT(d)/EWT(m)/EWP(w)/~rYP(-;-"j-/E~VP(k)/tWA(h) Eif-4/Peb AEDC(a)/ASD(a)-5 -EM [".--ACCESSION NRt AP4045712 ~.S/0208/.64/00k/005/O8-8O/o-i95T Petrov, A. A. (Hoicow); PoAovj,,1fu.:-P (Moscow);-Pukhnac 4UTHORt A TITLE: Calculation of natural oscillations of 'liquid,in f Ixed containers by the variational method SOURCEt -Zhufnal vy*chislitellnoy matematiki i matematichaskoy fizLIci, ve 4j no* 5, 1964, 880-895 TOPIC TAGSt natural oscillationst Ritz method, eigenvaluo problemq!@..-@ boundary value problem, Laplace equation, liquid oscill'ation, coordinate function ABSTRAM A method is presented for calculating the natural oscillations of an ideal fluid in fixed containers for a wide class'.... of domains T. (T is the volume oftheliquid in equilibrium.) The solution-,9f this reduced to the solution-of the variational problem which consists in determining the function minimizing a certain functicnal@P(#),,- The use of Ritz method to;-- Card L 16648-65 @ACCZSSION NRi AP4045712 solve this variational problem makes it possible to determine the minimizing function 0 in the form N where the coefficients am are determined from a certain homogeneous-_--@,- system of equations providing that the system of coardinate,func- tions (fn)'in the domain Tis known. The method of co ustructing. (fn) is presented 6aged on simple domains (parallelepiped, right cylindi6r, and others)enveloping the domain T for which solutions of the problem are known. After the simple enveloping domain with a form ciosest'to the form of the domain T is choseng the problem of determining the natural oscillations of the liquid is duced to the evaluation of certain integrals and the solution of I r he t e system of homogeneous equations. The evaluations of the in- tagrals and the solution of:'the system were*carriad'out on elec- tronic computers.. The-numaiical solution of the problem on natural!--- oscillations of?iiquids in containers is presented-in detail for I containers in the shape of 4 cylinder, with a horizontal generatrix,' of a right cylinder with a:apherical bottom and 4 spherical upper and cover, and of a torus* Orig art*- hags 19 foraulas,*arA 15 figurtso .Card 2 / 3, 'S . I BELOV A) A.F.; y in day riurse--ies. prophylaxis of e F-7 I lwiun. 42 no.9.iZ@--125 S 165. (FIRA otants-'Ya Kalininskogo ravona Subrlitted June 301, 21964. TOPOLYANSKAYA, S.I.; PUKIGIAREVIC@@,, A.?.; BELOVA, N.D.; GRINBEIT3Y TIS.B.; LEV., L-bED--6AV.G-; OGIRMKAYA, N.S. Effectiveness of pertussis vaccinations. Zhur. taikrobiol., epid. i irom-un. 40 r-o.9:18-22 S163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Iz Sari.itrtrno-epid(-.miol.ogiel-io.,jkoy sLantsli Kalinskogo rayona moo,yy, KAZACHKOV, I.P.; PUKHNAREVICh, G.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; UL'YANOVJ, D.P., inzh. Deoxidation of Bessemer rail steel by means of a complex Mn-Fe-Al liquid alloy. Met. i gonjorud. prom. no.6:68-69 N-D 162. - (MIRA 17:8) 1. Institut chernoy metallurgii Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po chernoy i tsvetnoy metallurgii (for Kazachkov, Pukhnarevich). PUKHN A hEV ICH, G @ P , , 'Kiumd . ',;elchm . ni..--a@ ; EC 7V IN @@KIIY , 7.' @Y;, . ;, F, z L. . i VOTIONOV, Yu.F. Studying the slag forvdng process d-ar:Ln,cF the melting period in high-capacity open-hearth furnaces. Met. i c7orrorud. prom, no.1;30-32 Ja-F 164. (MIRA l`LC) SHOSTAKOVSKIY, 1-11.F., KOMAHOVA, L.I.; PUENAREVIC11. V.B.; KOMAROV, N.V.; R014ANY V.K. 3,5-Dinitrobenzoylhydrazones of organosilicon carbonyl compounds. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.khim. no.2:382--384 "' 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Irkutskiy institut organicheskoy khim-ii AN SSSR. L-3-2719-66 E WP /EY r m F-AC-C NR, AP6021415 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/011/0020/0020 INVENTOR: Komarov, N. V.; Pukhnarevich, V. B. ORG: none TITLE: Preparation # vinylacetylenic alcoholiAcontaining organosiliconlgroups. Class 12, No. 182149V[announced by Irkutsk Institute of Organic Chemist!j (Irkutskiy institut organicheskoy khimii)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 11, 1966, 20 TOPIC TAGS: vinylacetylenic alcohol, organosilicon group, synthesis ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a preparative method of vinylacetylenic alcohols containing organosilicon groups of the general formula: R-jSIC@G-.C(0HYC-_C - Cti cal. The method involves the reaction of broma-3-buten-1-ynylmagnealus with triauwleilyl- substkuted triple bond-containing ketones in an organic solvent (e.g., In diethylether) [DO] SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 18May63/ ATD PRESS:::) /-2 CWd 1 1 Jss UDC: 547.362'345.07 SHOSTAKOVSKIY, M.F.; KOMAROV, N.V.; PUKHNAREVICH V.B.; SKLYANOVA, A.M. - Synthesis and transformations of unsaturated organosilicon com- pounds. Report No.5: Synthesis and some transformations of 4-trimethylsilyl- and 4-triethylsilfl-3-butyn-2-ols. Izv.AN SSSR.Otd.khim.nauk no.6:1019-1024 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Irkutskiy institut organicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR. (Silicon organic compounds) (Unsaturated compounds) W!49 talcuIlation of thetephan diculth with any n"r of shwt_c Ircults and phase lattnapflot". V. N, RORKOVSXAVA AND G. E. PUXHOV. Eirk- tricheilyo, 1955, Nh. 5, 404-Tff7WM.- It is shown that a reduction of the numbef'of 6n equations to be solved for a cast with n points of asymmetry to it is possib't if certain relatively simple principles are considered and observed in setting up ft. system of theoretical equations. One, of th=' principles -is that in analysing the relations between currents and voltages of the various phase sequenc2s In the-can of asymmetries, cach form of asyoun-Ary is characterized by one group or quantities to be summed. and by one general quantity. The first of these groups consists of currents and voltages of the individual sequences to be summed -in the point of asymmetry; the gencral quantities are currents and voltages equal for all three sequences. -A table shows that the result of the addition of the quantities to be summed is either zero or expressible by the general quantities. The prin- -iit circuits ,plo followed is to consider the equivak as 2n.poles (where n numbcr'iA POints Or and to simplify them accordinV to well-known Prin- pies of the theory of MuldWerminal networks. c i B. F. X3tAEJ3 PUKHOVI G.Ye. Reversible computing &n-` uxd@s. x-Od. cek. tzer` no.1:3-7 163. Possibility of constructing a controll', matheioct 4_ng jeal machine using reversible computing and solving:units. @,-@lj Use of quasi-negative r*sisturs for improving the operation of amplifiers in a reversible model of linear equations. 26-111-7 Modeling of differential equations with boundary conditiopq by kx,* means of electronic analog computers. 37-39 (MM,A 16.-11) PIUKEOV, Georgly Yevaenlyevich; @ASILIYEV, Vsevolod Viktorovich; STEF.OOV . k7;,adiy Yev;7F-,n 'yevich; TOKAREVA, 011 ga Nikolayevna; red.iza-va; RAMLINA, N.P., tekhn. red.; REKES, D.'.AS, @,. L.JI I.I.A., tekhn. red. [Electric modeling of problems in structural mechanics] Elek- tricheskoe modeli-rovanie zadach stroitellnoi mekhaniki. lltTl G.E.Pwkhov i dr. Kiev, Izd-vo AN USSR, 1963. 2S5 P. QMIRA 17-3) 1. Chlen-korrespondent A14 Ukr.SSR (for Pukhov). T'j"" lovc@--i*--ir@i!:) , . , I r ir. (7, 1 1- .- - ;- I. I "-;h;,, iffvestiga-ticr of of Cha-[=r. - Jouget detonation" Rc-ort rresented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 1-11oscow -29 Jan - 5 :Feb 64- -07 , , , C, FG7, 'Y-c . 1 . ;---- I---. G-,-zl YU.V. (Ilo-cow) I'An "Im"lly-io Of Crec, 0:--cillations of a liquid in imovable tanks an(i Zhoukovskyts otcntials th(@ lrariati---n! Xll -oi --,:c a 1 a _-,_i -'u T,r(. L;tc,(, -it the 2nd All-Union Congri@ss on Theoretic. md Applicd Mechanics, cot'! 29 Jan - 5 Fe, 64. 0010 '0" 0 15 9 1611F m V- W =01 @ 0 0 @01 @6 @ _ I A j4j5 31M XPt a 1 00 it It ($ to It 4 It it Is At it a a is Is A a a aid) 410CO A :0 V -A I jL_ 1, 1 if I Q- I 1 1, 1, Y, I_.A__1 -1-0,111 U 0 U A.!Ij t , 101-0 4 t- 0 01 0 0-11_ 1@6 4 GOOD* -- - __ -_ - _. - _@! ! 7 [ o0j The deadWas of killed sftal. V. Karindazin *ad G. 11. 9 0 S"Cirkh.-I'mriya Prall. Me. Ia. No. 1. 221% 7 _1 417 ' -F t l i b V i ltin d d -00 ' ee n or me ense s t ). g pure an ( Lrgc= ' id t i t f th d h f i i h -00 oe or a m s e cox ya eart urnace, t mportan ' 00 A; bath to heat the metal to a temp. of above th rial i wh d th l f m lti nd -00 . ' ur e o e proccu o e in. p. ng a pou ng l; -so -' oo �! to produce a normal q of the slag before the achia. of ore; to van t the preliminary deuxidation in the furnace z r i .00 ih a t4ur"S" s lkotnaagAnese by adding U.Go- l 1 o. tor Si to the bath and the remaining St to the Ladle; e . O it) frgulale The rate of pouring by u4na receptacles with 00 CI diffrrtnt diams.. depending on the temp. of the metal. zoo f 0 in the %Ierl can be drtd, front 101 r , ` T @ T L- , P , I where (01 and [C I are the prrventag" r:/ (C (% - - is th va or te (O d C r nd P f CU C: 00 s, o t e ure o .p., a en , p p inatint The amt of Mn burned doring Inciting is given r9o . . either by Mn",_4 - ArV44 Ma (1) or by Mts@ - 62- 0 0 a 1401 Mn t21 where Mn is the perLentage of Sin in the bath 2 dro* 90S b6pre droxidAtion and Nfn,, the percentage of the burned Mrs. ( 1) is mktl for ranall furnacest with a %hallow 00 bath (50) mm.) and] 12) fur furnace% with a deep bath 00 (10K) mm.). The max. perm6sible amt. of S in the : inching of killed btecl d@xidized with Al doei not exceed T i f h S 00 t content can be accom - his reduct on o e OAM%. plished by dcsullurizing the starting material and fuel and by proper slag control. Twenty-eight referent". 0 W. R. licna A I M . I t A at ?ALL UPGK&L LITIMAY64t CLASSIFICA11CM .10- 1,I)CII .41 C-1 O.C __ _ _ i 1U. 1.1 .1 P6 ti T f T f d a* wall Ito Ant taiwo Nei V to 0 A s. MW A I a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 Wo 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o : o *1 0 0 0 411 40 0 0 00 : 0 0 0 * as 0 0 0 0 & 0 010-0 0 0 0 0 18-5000 Y 5 AUTHORS: Fulihnarevich, G. P., Kobeza, I. I. (Candidates of ) , T a rim, P . I., Go z I -iiy , G . P . , Bembinek, Ye. I., Smirnov, V. M., ZelensklyV. D. (En'gineeps) TITLE: Fiz-ing Open-Hearth Furnace With Natural Gas PERIODICAL: Metallurg, 1959, Nr, 10, [q) 141-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The'Seven Year Plan provides for an increased production of Cas.In this connection a metliod of @ir-ing open-hearth furnaces with cold natural sLelf- carbUrating gas was developed unde.@ the supervision of Academician Dobrokhotov, N. N. Before i'ut-nace co-ribus- tion, gas is pveheated by the heat (1) generated during gas combustion in the port, and accumulated by uhe lining of the port. In the foundry shop of the Plant imeni Karl Liebicnecht (zavod Imen! K. Libkhnekhta) an open-hearth furnace was redesigned accord'.n-rgly (see Cal-d 1/1 F io- Gas intrcduced throueh a ve.-tical oy Ft Lng Open-fteacth Fu@_-nace With Natm-al Gas 7 5 5 7 S 0 V/1 0 -5!y- I G - '1', /2 o low-pressure bucnec, yields a luminous flame which CCILials that produced by natural gas aLth _-50 to iru.tzut addition. Research Is being continued to :,1mp111*y the de3LIri of' furnace ports Vo- natural self- and ell.minate vMt(2i-c0rj1Cd1 Thel.'e at"-' t'1j@L1N_'J ;itld t-11)[00. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Ferrous Me"Lallm-gy AS U1,CVSSR, Ukt-alnlan Branch of State Institute fo- the Desifm and Planning of Metallur-i-rical Plat-its, Plant 13rienll Ka--! Lieb'lmech-, (Institut chernoy metallurgii AN USSR, U1v1-r1-1p.-omeZ, zavod imeni K. Libknelkhta) Card 2/1--l 1"Urnate Wlt,h Natlm-@Al Gao ;;Z!2 sov/1 -,o-55-i o-8/2o U," cl Fig. 2. Desi,rn of port frw l'utmaces L"Lved nith selr- u cai-buratIng natui-al Card FUMNAREVICH, G.F. Effect of thermal conditions on hydrogen content in steel In the process of smelting. Vop.proizv.stali no-3:116-119 '56. (nu 9:11) (Steel--Hydrogen content) FUKHNARIIVIGH @ . N-U--Aell ". - @'.- @ " @. I Flame jet of an open-hearth furnace. Trudy Inst. chern. met. AN URSR 6:46-65 153. WRA 11W (Open-hearth furnaces) "Teiri0orit4i'toritrol'of U uid stiel'as thi-Casibig 'I " M4 11 pro'; rev c . TrIldy In-17CUFAF-4 J-t , re sea M#j? gA*ad Jrkim. 19S4, No. 31373.-:-Description Is given of 6i device for defg. the temp. of liquid -steel under production colidi, 7 dons.- The temp. Isdetd. Irvm Vub firne it Likes foru inetal rod inserted into the molten steel to nielt. The device con-'I sist3 of asteel rod having a maclaed neck and a fi-eclay ti screwed onto it. The melting of the machined neck is dicated by the floating up of die tip. This derice is brated-against a Pt-PtRh imirenron thermocouple: The 4cca-mey of this method decremes Lq the temp. increwwaand depends on the thickne-- cf.the ucvk. M. lioseh--- 7A I- ; I - ;;I R.Wl. -1,. .1 1 1 @ .. : , -@ , , '. .116 . naul, @ . r- "I , ! L , @ 5@Tl' 1 , ,: Y a.; , m - -( ) @ @ "; - -,T , @; - Vl-L u , I'.. . ; 1; -- .-., yl, @ F@ @@ iylrogon during Lhe rnel@,-4rr on@rat-iLw'. in tr-n ofen y , furriacr-. Mt?'- i (--OT-ncri!ef. nool@' .1 , T, I . ( M-1 'i-A IF, @ , '@, 3r, JJ. @ 65 @ 11 ACCESSION NR: AP4019017 S/0062/64/000/002/0->82/0384 AUTHORS: Shostakovskiyo M.F.; Komarovap L.I.; Pukhharevich, V.B.; Komarov, N.Va; Roman, V.K. TITLE: 3,5-dinitrobenzoylhydrazones of organo silicon carbonyl'com- pounds SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv- Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 2, 1964, 382-384 TOPIC TAGS: dinitrobenzoyl hydrazone, dinitrobenzoyl hydrazide, organo silicon carbonyl re@Lgent, hydrozone, carbonyl ABSTRACT: In the search for a reagent able to identify organo sili- con carbonyl compounds, the authors found that 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl- hydrazide readily forms good crystallizing 3,-5-dinitrobenzoyl- hydrazones with organo silicon aldehydes and ketones. In this re- spect, the reagent is different from 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine, semi-carbazide and hydroxylamine. The tendency of organo silicon aldehydes and ketones to form these compounds and yields greatly depends on their structure* Thirteen compounds were investigated from this point of view and their behavior recorded in a comprehen- Card -1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4019017 sive table. The analytical method consists in dissolving approxi- mately 0,001 M 3,5-dinitrob*enzoylhydrazide in 10 ml ethanol, adding to it 0.0015 M silicoorganic carbonyl compound. The mixture is heated for half an hour to 50-60C and left standing to crystallize. Hydrazones so obtained are recrystallized from ethanol. They are white crystalline substances with a definite melting point and melt without decomposing. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas, 1 table. ASSOCIATION; Irkutskiy institut organicheakoy khimii, AN SSSR (Irkutsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 05Aug63 DATE ACQ: 27M&r64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE:OC NR REF SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 SHOSTAKOVSU9 M.F. KWAROV, H.Vq PUKHNARNICH, VqB. Synthesis and some conversions of secondary T-si-licon-contigini acetulenic alcohols. Dokl. AR SSSR 136 no-4:84&-848 F 161. (MIU 24: 1) le Irkutskiy institut orgenicheskoy I-Ibi-ii Sibirskogo otdo3eniya AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSM (for ShostakowAk1j) (Pentynol) (Silicon organic compounds) 88407 S/020/61/136/004/016/026 B016/BO75 AUTHORS: Shostakovskiy, M. F., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Komarov, N. V., and Pukhnarevicht V. B. TITLE: Synthesis and Some Conversions of Secondary I-Silicon- containing Acetylene Alcohols PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 4, PP. 846-848 TEXT: Proceeding from the reaction of chlorosilanes with dimagnesium bromine derivatives of secondary acetylene alcohols the authors elaborated a synthesis method of secondary y-silioon-containing acetylene alcohols: R3SiCl + RICH - C = CMgBr PR 3SiCi-- C - CHOH -RI, where R and RI I OMgBr denote CH,, C 2H5f and other organic radicals. Furthermore, the reaction of the synthesized alcohols has been studied 1) with thionyl chloride Card 1/3 88407 Synthesis and Some Conversions of Secondary S/02 6111361004101051026 7-Silicon-containing Acetylene Alcohols B016YB075 and 2) with vinyl ethers. To 1): Substitution of hydroxyl by a chlorine atom proceeds under relatively mild conditions and results in the corresponding siliconacetylene chlorides. The Si-C bond is not ruptured. R3SiC-mvC -CHORC 2H 5 + Socl 2 R3sic IM C - CHCI C2H5 + SO 2 + RCI, where R = CH 3 and C 2H 5' To 2): Reaction with vinyl ethors proceeds easily and leads to the corresponding acetals: OC4H9 R3Sic @ C - CHOHC 2H 5 + CH 2 - CHOC4H9 ---@-CH 3 - CH 0 CH - C M! CS iR 3 2H5 where R = CH 3 and C 2H5* The following compounds were synthesized according to (1): 5-trimethyl-ailyl-pentin-4-01-3, 5-triethyl-silyl- pentin-4-01-3, 3-chloro 5-trimethyl-silyl-pentine-4, and 3-chloro 5-triethyl-silyl-pentine-4; reaction 2 led to: butyl-(3-trimethyl-silyl- Card 2/3 88407 Synthesis and Some Conversions of Secondary 3/020/61/136/004/016/026 y-Silicon-containing Acetylene Alcohols B016/BO75 1-ethyl-propine-2)-acetal and butyl-(3-triethyl-silyl-l-ethyl-propine-2)- acetal. There are 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Irkutskiy institut organicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Irkutsk Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: October 12, 1960 Card 3/3 PUKHNAMICH, V.I. Some observations on an investigation of the corpses of persons frozen to death. Sud.-med. ekspert. 3 no-3:48-50 JI-S 160. (HIRA 13:9) 1. Kafedra sudebnoy meditsiny (zav. - prof. V.M.Smollyaninov) IT Moskovskogo maditsinskogo institute, im. N.I.Firogova. (COLD--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (AUTOPSY) PUIC-DIAREVICH, V. I., Physician, Cand. Mied. Sci. Dissertation: "The DeteripInation- of the Reproductive Capacity of Men from the Viewpoint of Forensic Medicine." Second Eoscaw State Medical inst. imen-i 1. V. Stalin, 17 Mar 47. SO: Vechernyaya IvIoskva, Mar 1947 (Project #17836) BELOV, N.S.; BIRYUKOV, I.V.; VERBLYUDOV, N.N.; GORBUNOVA, M.N.; YEESIROVA, M.M.; ILIICHEV, A.I.; IGNATIYEVA, N.Ya.-, KOVACHEVICH, P.M.; LYTKIN, A.M.; LOSKUTOV, V.G.@@ZMYOV. A.S.: FIRCOH2HCHM-70, MFEDOV, '.Y,.; OSIPOV, K.V.; OSIPOV, P.M.; PETROV, N.G.. F-RITRACH-A07, M.I.; PUTEVICH, K.M.: POPOV, B.B.; POTAPOV, P.V., P=IN, F.Ye.; PUKHOVI A.F.; CUUSOVITINA, Ye.l.; ANGELISKIY. N., [The Kuznetsk Basin in the sixth five-yenr Dlan] Kuzbnas v oliontol piatiletke. [Kemerovo] Kemerovskoe knizhnoe lzd-vo. 1956. 125 p. (m iRA 16: 12) (Kuznetsk Basin) PUMNER. A. F. PUKMR, A. F. "On the dislocation and degeneration of the lachrym 1 gland(', Sbornik nauch. trudov vrachey Mordov. ASSR, Saransk, 1948, XharIkov, 1948, p. 114-21. SC- U-3261, 10 April 53 (Letopis - Zhurnal Inykh STatey no. 11, 1949) PUERRMt A. F. HPigment CAAC@r of the Tear Duct," Vest. Oftalmol., 28, Ho. 3, 1949. Hbr., Eye Clinic, Kazan Med. Inst., -cl949-. 7 ,qjj, j)wju3,)p:;j,,@j,jt .111d Testing of "larli-ous Soviet 'i%ethods of Frenarim-7- ani,iLli-C-tics for the Treatment of Traclicnitail.- Undor tho ConditicTlf; Of Hural Pnicticc." Cand :-ed Sci, AcEzd "ed Sci USSR, 13' "Ov 54- ("Z:, Surve@ of Scientific and Teclmical Dissertations 3.-'-: 5im. '-:o. @21, 2 A"i 15 MI110110VA, L.L.; PUMIRR, A.F. Obtnining tissue cultures of humnn malignprit tumors (cancer, sprcoma) and their use in the isoIntion of the voliomyelitis areliminnry report. You.virus. 1 no.6:15-20 ij-D 156 (MDU 11:3) 1. Institut no izucheniyu. poliomielita A?1N SSSR, Moskva. (POLIOMYELITIS VIRUS isolation on tissue cultures of cancer ?A sarcomn) (NEOPLASMS cancer & sarcoca tissue culture, use for isolation of nolio, virus) AKWTAM, A.T.;, PUKHM. A.Y. Effect of synthomypin. levoaqcetia. and bioaVcin on superiafection associated with thi trachomatous process. Zhmr.mikrobiol.spid. i immun. 28 no.3:114-117 Mr '57. (MIRA 10:6) 1. Iz Instituta virusologii imeni D.I.Ivanovsk6go Akademii maditainskikh nauk SSSR. (TRACHOMA, -.omplicatique superinfect.. thar. chloramphenicol & oxytetracycliae (Rus)) (OXYTETRACYCLIKE, therapeutic use. trachoma with superinfect. (Run)) (CHIMAMPHNNICOL. tbgivnpeutic use, eaxq) 12i@,@!u of 1-i,u h,.e.;ar; d4iold cell c,- zicr.;-evn to come i`LruBz-s in Vop. V4@,US. 10 of medilm. (IMIRA 18-10) -:@O T, U M c;7--ches" r ri ki b c :l,-,i p-.sra atov PUKHNER, A.F. Virology and microbiology centers in India. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid.i immun. 33 no.4:165-166 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:10) (INDIA-MICROBIOLOGY) (INDTA--VIROLOGY) PUKHNER.-A,,F,-- - --- Comparative morphological study of the cytopathic action in a kidney and heart tissue cell culture infected with poliomyelitis, ECHO and Coxsackie viruses. Vop.virus 7 no.4:74-78 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15;8) 1. Institut po izueheniyu polioraiyelita AM SSSR, Mskva. (TISSUE CULTURE) (POLIOMYELITIS VIRUSES) (COXSACKIE VIRUSES) (ECHO VIRUSES) PUKHNSR, A.F. Production and investigation of vitro tissue cultures taken from various hurruan malignant timors and sensitive to the poliomyelitis virus. Vop. virus. 5 no. 2:1897193@MY-S 160. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Institut po izucheniyu poliomiyelita, AMN SSSR, MOSKVA. (TLJMORS) (POLIONYPnitis) i U K I I G NT 0 , V -1 'I'l I AVC!' 1 CINI K OV A A Y,i MO I 3i", 7 i'-VA yr@ St'fl'@ I"C'V .il'iltyl sf' Lut 7r.-ur. anai. Verca',nq when r khiT.. 20 no.3:372 (@URA 18:5) PUKHOV, A. @ Raise the auditing standard in insurance organs. no-3:51-53 Kr 154. (lusurance) (Auditing) lin.i kred. SSSR (MLRA 7:4) PUKHOV, A., podpolkovnik March of a company at night. Voen. vest. 41 no.3:20-23 Mr 162. (YJRA 15:4) (Tanks (Military science)) LOSEV, lzraill Aleksandrovich;--ElUaQV-s-AnaID)Ay -A1ekagn4Kqvich- GLUSHKOV, Yu.M., nauchnyy red.; ZAVELISMA, V.M., red. izd-va; KOVTOROVICH, A.I., tekhn. red. [Electrical equipment of workboats and floating cranes] Elektroobmw&. dovanie sudov i plavuchikh kranoy tekbnicheskogo flota. Leningrad, Gos. soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit. promyshl.j 1961. 326 p. (MIRA 14:8) (Workboats-Electric equipment) (Floating apanes-Electric equipmut) L 36494-65 ACCESSION NR: AT500,46391 r ne =41 anal sis -of the,unbaiLancec y 1. col nen- t*' m--e, tho -hd@wifi a kid Lppesented-*'-'------ npo, i V7 -&@ , f2 t --Wrwvir@. lam all IWA ,VIA A A Pulaic;v, A. H. N'cjisLuro exchungo betw(.-on i,jinber nnd environment in the process of convective drying. Der, prom. 13 no,8:12-14 Ag 164. (MIPI 17:il" "UHNk 'A.F., J,nzh. Fffect of the ciiculating speed of the drying agent or, 1@he length and quality of liunber drying. Der. prom. 14 no.8- 12-14 Ag 1651 (MIRA 18:10) -2, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut derevoobrabatyvayushchey promyshlennosti. S/147/61/ooo/ooi/ol6/ulo1 '032/E314 AUTHORS: Reshetnikova, A.D. arid Pulchov, A.L.- Tr-rLL: Determination of the Coefficient of Volume Hx1jansion of Liquids HAZIUDICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobny1rch zavedeniy, Av.-Latsionnaya telchiiilra, 1961, No. 1, PP. 133 - 138 IIEXT: rhe present paper reports the determination of the thernal expansion of the Amr-io@' (ANG-10F) oil, waich is the principal working substaiice of hydvauli.c systems in aero- platies. The volume-expansion coefficient of the heat-resistant liquids A arid U has also beeii investigated. The aPparatus employed i!:; illustrated in Fig. 1. It consists of a glass "frame" havii-ig two vertical sections 1 and 2 arid two horizontal tubes 3 . as well as a differential manometer 4 If tiie teii.-Ijurature of the liquid in the arm1 is t and t.,iat iiL the arm 2 is 0 , while the corresponding densities are ( t arid @--0. then 11t/ho = j1-0/@t where h is the height of the liquid at the appropriate temperature. Since Card 1/6 . . . . S/147/61/ooo/ool/olG/oib- E032/E314 t 00 it fOIIOWS that a a (ht h0 )/hot, This is basic formula foi- computing a In practice, the worl, arm I is placed in a thermostat 7 equipped with tilt 10 while the standard arm 2 is surrounded by nielting ice. When the two arins 1 and 2 are at a diflerviii; temperature, the differential manometer indicates a pre!ic@ure difference h j- h 2 and this cari be read to within"-,. + 0. 2j 111111. In this case the working formula is t h2-h,+ho t ho-(h, - th) The quantity h 1 - h 2 can be expressed in terms of the manometer indications by the formula h h2 a0)/2 Card 2/6 S/147/61/000/ou 1/016/010" OcLerij;iivitiun of . . . . E03-/L3111' i. e. tht! mariorzieter is at an angle ol 300 to the horizoritai. A typical result obtained for the AMG-10F oil i5 :,hown in Fig. 3, it, which the volume-expnrisioll coefficient a is plotted its Ck fLInCLiOlI Of temperature in. 0C. Fig. IL shows the specific weight of this oil as a function of temperature. The specific weight. was uilculaLed from the formula Tt T-0 + - -(t- 20-) j arld 7 shows the volume-expansion coefficients of oils A it nd D , reNpectively. Figs. 6 and 8 show the corresponding specific gravities. There are 8 figures, I table and I -@ovict ref C.-re lice. A6.SOCIATION: Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Moscow Aviation Institute) SUBMITTED: October 3, 1960 C;trd 3/6 Determination -)C .... L, 1 00 11 0 1 49 1 60 CC S/147/61/ooo/ool/ol6/016 E032/E314 4 11 17- I&V Card 4/6 Determination of .... Fig. ri Ox S/ 147/6 1/000/00 IA) 10/0 16 L032/E314 Fig. 6: T. I IIII IIJ- -rT- 7- ti 1 -71 Car(l 5/6