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- .1 0 ., *d a a tt * I--. Val I , go . April 19 2. r=n -Dot4roln,stion of' the Global Artificla.1 Radloactirit; note in the Banos of Slaughter AnL=als in 1949 and 1960,' X^roln 3;Vh of the C7sa.1Lr-fOx-j1rzL411s-!qJr An1jo%I Products JLatodra Mi-i-ony Produktow Zviorso- of Yeterinary Saimaa atlS'AIV at warsuse (Directors Prof. Dr. Jm kUY): pl, 2 2-215 1 Wish suessa"). 9. alkLe Polish Portable Trichinoscape 8M. Ts,' for nald Work." Vaol&w2qnL3tAXj p 216. 20. -3.1..*.d of' Di ...... . f Calv.s,' xai. VISLOCLIs vp 216-219. 11. *A Case of Parturient Par*sis in a Goo In the lighth Stenth of Pregnmay," Jars KRZY4kVOkSK1. pp 219-2,10. 12. "T. Cases of Cary&& gerigraonasa bov%su," Antoni CHOL24A BUIZYX3r ,I of the ILICRY dj-&-Irvf-sr-.~ TW-Imax Haspi 1) at Mil.sna; P AiLO. 13, varanahlegonlo Cyst In a Dop.," 1yozard M%D"kA and Ibleniow XLCUALUI of the Ch4k"f SUr-rF"sr-y-TTAtodra I QL1rurglL) of the Faculty of Veterinary *a** at tais Righor School of Agriculture (WSR) at Wroclaw (Directors Docent Dr. LA and of the ftj_j '_" , ~szard 11,1'11P ~r!~.PAV;sjoj tboaA_-sa&La=y- (K todra Anst,sait Pa- -Z-61-06 agns.) of Is.culty of T:tar1nsxy Saimaa at the W3R at Vro*IA. (Dirootort Prof. Dr. Alsksar- der UJMZgWSLX)t pp 221-2.22. Ih, 1TAssesination in Pawl," Tranalsaka OLBRYCHTOWAI pp oJiff F."A" an the S.'u'al Cycle of 1. AL!A ANDHO;.~:A Z. GLADKI. go IGGZDCIK. V. OLBCH-. -!M. -1.C OL r 39;4i~- . vILK(R-.and -=I 7iWd=2-aC IhW-W-Fulty af-r.-Ea-rinarr X.dr-aKa-sand asa.b.rx of the ScUR-co -kvvglVf the Chair or ob 7--i-Cre- it.trics Lf-od-ra Polocnia. two) of the WSR at Vroolow (Directors Pror. Dr. A. S5LZV1 pp 227-229. 16. "Attasapto to Food Horses with Surrogates.* Zbigniev 2/3 I UCZZ-K) OV Use of Soviet exTerience in rollinv with rdnir:um tolerance in the 11. 1". 11,~clotov Ironworks. P. 310 (Hutnil-, Vol. 7, n(-. 10, Oct. 1~57, Prah,-, CzechoslovalrCia) Monthly Index of E-ast European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1,056 POLARD Chemical Technology. Chemical Products ard Their H Application, (Part 1) Conditionine of Water, Waste Water. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 10, 1959, No- 35325 Author : Puczko, Mtkolaj; Borejko, Witold Inst : Electrotectinical Institute Title : Salinometer fcw Determination of the Salt Content of the Condensate and Distillate Orig Pub : Prace hist. elekbrotechn., 1958, 7, No 21, 130-139 Abstract : The construction of a salinometer developed by the Electrotechnical Institute (Warsaw) is described. The range of measurenents of the device is from 0 to 10 and from 0 to )0 mg/1 of NaCl. The feeder of the device is either mounted on the piping system or in a separate casing. The measuring system represents an unbalanced bridge of alternating current with somicozxluctive recti- fiers connected in series. The apparatus has devices Card 1/2 H- FUCZKO., Ilikolaj, doc. inz. - - 'n --urnoses. Salt meters 4"~~r - I Przegl elek-trotechn 38 no~5.,21E,-,'1~2C. ! 612. 1. Zaklad Automatyki i Mierbictwa F-lektrycznego, Instytut -61ektro- . techniki, Warszawa. PUCZYNSKI. KELzimierz, mgr inz. Walerian Kujawa; obituary. Gosp wodna 23 no.3:124 Mr 163. PUCZYNSKI. KazimierzP mgr inz. Economic development of the central course of the Ingur River in Georgia. Gosp wodna ~2 no.12:51+9-552 D 162. FUCZYMK.I, Kazimierz, mgr. ins. Activities of the Water Economy Board. Gosp wodna 22 no-4:158-159 Ap 162. PUCZYNSKIY K. .!Y.NSKI K; CHUDZYNSKI, M. PUC;7 " of the foundations of constructions." p. 142 (Gospodarka Wodna, Vol 13 No 4 Apr 53 Waeszawa) i SO: MontUy List of East Euroi)ean Accessions, Vol 2 No 9 Library of Congress Sept $3 Uncl Puczynski) K.; Chudzynski, M. An interview with E. CzetwertynBki, acting chairman of the Water Management Committee of the Polish Academy of Scienaes. p. 93 GOSPODARKA WODNA. Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 18, no. 3, 1958 Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAI) L-C, Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 196r) Uncl. PUCZYNSKI' T. "Directives of the technical education of water-supply engineers." u.. 5 (Gospodarka Wodna, Vol 13 No 1 Jan 53 Warszawa) SO: Month2a List of East EuroRgan Accessions, Vol 2 No 9 Lilwary of Congress Sept 53 Uncl '00~~/Y 1234 dis, I I I Puezynski K. The Sinking of Roinfore" Concrete Unit, (Retention Tanks etc-) behm Subsoll Water%. .Zapus7=4nie zelbetolarych konstrukeit tzbicmikow. osadniliba :tp.t ponize; wody gruntowej-. Gospodarka W(xina. No. 4-5. 1931. pp 159-173. 5 figs Deta.-led review of a number of typical instances of sinking tanks vdl containing underground waters. The units In such instances are prefabricated. either in parts or complete (without bottom), in the excavation Above the subsoil waters and then sunk to th-low the iubsntl water level. Next follow the succesisive stages of completinr. -he upp-r structural parts above the water line, and the setting of :ht- ecinplete unit in concrete below the water line represents th, final phase ot the work Methods of sinking the tanks. It Is essential. grit by the SM-Year in view of the extensive scope of work envW, L, Plan. to complete as early as possible the designs of types adapted to Vertain of the more typical conditions prevalent at working sites I (, /-t So / I The kineti" of polYcoudeaffiatim' ~, I'in' . "Uslorl 1%. Finelluell arld Ira K. -thidilivilsom.' Chrmif j I'mpte) 3, tul-, 411(1114.4 1; cf. C.I. 42, 407b. I Frank M="h M L 18489-63 EWT(1)AWG(k)/BDsAS(w)-2 amAsDAsD-31mjVssD1 IjFCCT Pz-4/M-00-4/Pab-4 AT ACCESSION NR: AP3007087 S/0056/631045/00~310647/0655 19~ AUTHOR: Galeyev, A. A.: -Pudakov. L. 1. 15'9 TITLE: Nonlinear theory of drift instabi'lity of inhomogeneous n1asna in a magnetic field SOURC~ Zh. eksper. i teoret. fiziki, v. . 45, no. 3, 1963, 647-655 TOPIC TAGS: plasma drift instability, turbulent diffusion coef- ficient, r)lasma escape, plasma instability, turbulent plasma, in- homogeneous plasma, magnetic field confined plasma A3STRACT: A weakly turbulent plasma, with.turbulence due to the essential instability of inhonogeneous plasma, has been investi- gated. In an unstable plasma the level of electric-field fluctu- ations can exceed the thermal background, thus causing an increase in plasma flow across the confining magnetic field. The boundary instabilitV Of Dlasma corafincd by a magnetic field rapidly damps out, i" collisions between Darticles can be neglecteil. otherwise, a tendenc% to,~-.a~d an unstable Maxwell distribution oJ velocities Card. -1/2 L 1"-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3007087 arises. The qualitative,evaluation of this phenomenon was based an the instability increment obtained from the linear theory of the Maxwell distribution function for electrons. A stationary snectrum of oscillations was calculated from the kinetic enuation for waves. By means of this spectrum the turbulent flow,oi j3lasma across the confining magnetic field was evaluated. Although the. computed turbulent diffusion coefficient was found to be greater.-~ .than the classical value for this coefficient, it is nevertheless small in comparison with the Bohm coefficient. "In conclusion the authors exr)ress their sincere gratitude to R. Z. Sagdeyev for fruitful discussion and remarks." Orig. art. has: 27 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Novosibirskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet (Novosibirsk State University) SUBMITTED: 28Feb63 DATE ACQ: 08Oct63 ENCL: 00 SU3 CODE: PH NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 002 Card 2/2 PEJDALOV., A. That is called creative activity. NTO 1. SpetsialInyy korrespondent zhurnala obshchestva SSSR". no.6:32-34 Je 164. (MIRA 17:8) ONauchno-tekhnichooki7e LAVEROV, N.P.; TARASHCHAT~ &.N.; VIASGVY Ye.P.;___,PUDAN, G.F. Use of thermoluminescence for determining the relative age of granitoids. Geol.rud.mestorozh. no.6:91-101 11-D 161, (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, minera.logii i geokhindi All SSSR. (Rocks) (GRological time) (Luminescence) 39989 S/035/62/000/008/001/090. A001/A101 AUTHORS: Shteyns, K. A., Pud TITLE: Determining the average change in the Inverse magnitude of major semi-axis of a comet orbit due to perturbations by planets PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I GeodeziyA, no. 8. 1962, 9, abstract 8A9O ("Uch. zap. Latv. un-t", 1961, v. 41, io':), '-.1o6, Latvian summary) TEXT: In the theory of diffusion of almost parabolicccmi~ts, the magnitude of the following quantity should be Imown: F1 'j,(D(g)g2ag-l !l D = I - =' -7 1 2 where (S )dE is probability of changing of the major semi-axis inverse mag- nitude, du to planetary perturbations, by a magnitude being within the--limits from S to ~ + dS . Various authors haVe calculated planetary perturbations in the; range v (-1800; +1800) for 16 comets. The results of these calculations corrobora- Card 1/2 S/035/62/000/008/00 110910 Determining the average change in the... A0011A101 ted Oort's hypothesis that function(P satisfies the normal distribution law.' There are 5 references Makover [Abstracter's note: Complete translatJon] Card 2/2 RE-LOFF, L. ; PUIS ISKI, J. Sensitivity to tuberculin & to BOG test in 'patients treated with anti- microbial drugs. Gruzlica 26 no.8:641-654 Aug 58. 1. Z Kliniki Ptyzjatrycznej Slankiej A. M. Kierownik: prof. dr. L. Deloff. Adres: Klinilca Ftyzjatryczna Sl. Am. (TU3MRCUWSIS, ther. antibiotics & chemother.. eff. on BOG test & tuberculin sensitivity (Pol)) (BCG VACCINATION sensitivity, eff. of antibiotics & chemother. in tuberc. patients (Pol)) (TU33RCULIN RM-CTION eff. of antibiotics & chemother. on sensitivity in tuberc. patients (Pol)) PLJDELSKI, Jozef Role of bronchospirometry in respiraterr function tests. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no-37tl373-1377 9 S 163. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatrycznei SI. AM v Zabrzu; kierownik: prof. dr med. Leonard Deloff. (SPIROMETRY) PUDELSKI., Jozef Respiratory function in patients with malignant pulmonary tumors. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.17:585-588 22 Ap 1~3. 1. Z Kiiniki Fty-zjatrycznej S1. AM w Zabrzu; kierownik prof. dr med. Leonard Deloff. (LUNG NEOPLASMS) (RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS) S'-I , Jo z 8 f Pla thi s 4 -- tr i c C 1 J ni c1 J n i ka F ty z i an tryc zn a) -i c7-paska -":'adc~.mia Madyc7,na, Silesian Medical Academy] (Director: Prof. Dr. med. Leonard DEELOFF) ol- Bronchospirometry in Evaluating Function of the Tract." p Ici Tygodr.41~ LoIcarski, Vol 18, No 37, 9 so-D 63, 1.37.3-1377 .-Wstract: rAL:-,;-Ior's English summary modificd] Author, who I-L-s boan mckin.- bronchospiromotric studies for Z" years, dis- cus-'js zhe method and finds it invaluable for disclosure of u:-:deteclued dz-,mago to each lun-, detormination of of vc~:~zilat-iari and oxygen absor.ot-ion in it;, det-ennin- :;-- ---'visabllit-y or scope of proposed pulmonary opera- tion. both lungs are affected, and for follow-up of ef- iec, and detection of emphysema of remaining parenchyma ooerations. There are 25 references: 8 Polish --id 17 "Ostorn. PUDELSKI, -Jozef A bloodless method in the determination of partial carbon dioxide pressure in mixed venous and arterial blood. Grazlica 31 no.9:965-972 163. 1. Z Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej Slaskiej AM w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. dr med. L. Deloff. (RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS) (CARBON DIOXIDE) (BLOOD GAS ANALYSIS) (MANOMETRY) DELOFF, Leonard; PUDELSKI, Jozef The effort test in the evaluation of the respiratory and circulatory system. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.34:1256-1260 19 Ag !63. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Plucnych Sl. AM w Zabrzu; kierownik: prof. dr med. Leonard Deloff. (EXERTION) (RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS) (CARDIOVASCUT.kR SYSTDI) (PHYSIOLOGY) WOLANSKI, Adam; PUDELSKI, Jozef; PALIWODA, Tadeusz Contribution to the pathogenesis of respiratory insufficiency in excessive obesity. Pol. arch. mad. wewn. 32 no.9:1183-1188 162. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Sl. P14 w Katowicach Kierownik: prof. dr mad. J.Japa z Kliniki Ftyzjatrycznej Sl. AM w Katuovicach Kierownik: prof. dr mad. L. Deloff i z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej Sl. AM w Katowicach Kierownik: prof. dr mad. S. Szyszko. (OBESITY) (RESPIRATORY INSUFFICIENCY) L'26573-66 EViT(m)/EWP(j) ROW /003/0582/0-565 ACC NR: V6016976 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/65A65 AUTHOR:. Ptitsyna, 0. A.; Pudeyeva, M. Ye.; Reutov, 0. A. (Academician) ORG: Moscow State University"ime X. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstv ennyy universitii TITLE Reactions between triphenylphosphine and:Cluoborides,of nonsymmetrical diaryliodium salts SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, Y. 165, no. 3, 1965, 582-585 TOPIC TAGS: chromatography, organic phosphorus pompoundt photoo',temistij-,~;,boron compound, fluorinated organic compound 1% Fluoborides of nonsymmetrIcal diarlioaonium salts:' -m nitrophenyl ABSTRACT. p-anisylpbenyliodoniump p-anisyl-m-nitrophenyliodouium, m- :carbetboxypbenyl~-pbenyliodoniumI o-ultropbenyl-pbenylioaonium,*and p-chloropbetql- lphen~liodonium. salts, vere'reacted with triphenylphosphine in acetone for six to eight hours at 1:1 ratios of the Initial reagents. After the reactionf-the'......1 ~acetone was evaporated, and the residue repeatedly washed with ether to remove iodides end unreacted triphenylphosphine. Then the tetroary1pbosphonium fludborldes were separated from the diaryliodonium fludboride(lby thin-layer .-chrovatogrepby*' A substantial influence of polV factors 'Wealobserved in the. .photochemical reaction-between diaryllodonium ny -fludborides and iripbe 1- ,;phosphine: in-most cases phosphoniua salts were obtained only with the more !electron acceptor subdtituent. Only in the decomposition of the P-cblorophenyl-, i ~pbenyliodonlum salt, In vhI& the radicals are close In electronegativity, a" 1,the,phosphortium salts obtained in almost equivalent amounts. The data obtainerl Card 1/2 L 26573-66 Q-~Im L 17628-66 E14T(m)/EWP(J)/T/9T(;(m)-6 DS&J/P1 I ACC NRt AP6001729 SWRCE CODEs UR/0020/65/165/00ii/0038/0841 , 0. A.; pudeygvg,, m. re.;. Reutovp 0. A. (Acadmiclan) AUTHORS p ORGZ Moscow State University in. M. V. Lmonosoy (Mookovskly gosudarstronnff univeraii-et) 0c al 4tion between tE!kh ho hind MA TLEa Investigation of the phot heodc iodanium, dipherulfluoboride WUPLE.- AN SSM. Dukladys, a 165, no. hp 1965g 838-6U TOPIG TAGS: chomical kinetics, solution kineticsp oxidation kineticst Cheldcal reaction kinetics , photochemistx7, mercury L3mp ABsTjUcT.- The mechanism or the phatocheadeal reaction between tr1phenylphospbins, and iodonium dipherWIflu0b0ride was investigated- The Investigation is an qMtensiou, or previoua-y publisbed vwk of 0. A. ptitsyns,, Pg. 1. TurobInsk1y i 4r, (izv. Aii sssa, cEm, 1963, 1527). The effect. of various solvents aM reagent waxture ratios an the product yield was deterolned. The radiation source In OU tXP"iAeMt* was & AlGrUM7 IaIW FM-4. A XvwtUW a0CINWIM JA YmPosed, VrJ4- art. ham% 2 tablou and 9 equations. so cwra W 29towW4 am we a*/ ma wx oa. PUDDUJI Vittorio; MASINI, Vincenzo; BIFFAMI, Giorgio Clinical development and prognosig-of infarction of the posterior wall of the myocardium in the electrocardiographic picture. Cas.lek. cesk 100 no.41:1289-1291 13 0 161. 1. Service de Cariologie "A Cesalpino" des Hopitaux de Rome.~ (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT physiol) (ELEGTROCARDIOGRA.PHY) PtJDDIJBNE p V q, tali qtelc~i~ conductLop rock-salt'cr under Y~, sikal. Z, Sovietunion, an I) aN Ph) RED -6,407 '12- 36, 137). f -The. depolar, to U u etirront ba~ been' inve6figated ~ of i N a laft LO ry es and polarLsed In. str.] auntaining U centr c ation by an Al spark. After the depolarisation correa in ultra-violot light hns fallen tn a small val, a larp. current is again observed on Blurnination with visi A with visible I' -light. The dopo)arisation current ht 81193ws max. at 4550 an([ 4750 A. It is deduced No the electrons form~ijg the space, charge are bound in the fich coincides with the F two levels I 6. T.), Z,; level. -A I iMwM__ photochenitc-, "'-Photo-clectric elasticity lirnit of f,;2alji r stab. M po oure- JAq, _ jLj_ FUDELSKI, Jozef; O=, Kazimierz Lowered pulmonary function consecutive to resection of the lung tissue. Gruzlica 28 no-11:873-885 N 160. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatryeanej Sl.A.M. w Zabrzu, Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr med. L.Deloff. (PHEUMONECTOMT) PUDDUSNt Y I., v w 11 17 13 14 11 11 q . ,g vL, 2, . T 25 16 z7 n z, )o it iz it rr r, j6 v -v j; v 41 4, K L Y I _Akm i,'I I . ..I I-c- "Ile, 41" '~U;;I; Pollcts"" ANV OperEarsts 1PIDEO Internal pho(oeffect in deformed crystals due to.ultra- Violet iffadrMw-M-Mi q1* l1ruin lbeir expli. da!a, 0. mul 11. coneltidi: Owl it, It, roritim crysints the cluctrous are livIll i'mr, fifilil): licite . file F :in([ F' lint alqo Ili the dvviwr I" lt-vi-Is. Ev 1 U1, like the P level, seems to lie relalrd In a destrue(ion of tire crystal lattice. 'I'll(: grealvir (lie crystal deforma- tion, (lie stronger iq (lie increase of the reviv:e pholn- Current miller (lie action of ulfraviolot irradiation. Cf. also 11od(hibiVyl, C. A. 33, -18661, r)2872,1; Fcolencv, C. 33, 52871. F. IL Raillillarill 2. DEL.- Ca -t - g ~- -T PlLAilTD/Mag-.n,:tJz-,,, Pr -.,blle-ms F- -; Abs Jorr Ref Zhur - Flzika,.. ilc 2, 1957, DIC, 4006 Aut ho Ja-,; PAeleweC7, Alleksan&-a Title Magretac So;.4:,~.d ff-ecord:i:ng Or -.jv 1~,b W-- od-m , te zvo 4 i.954:, 23, 74-81 Abstract N.-:, abstract Card PUDEIM4TICZ, A.; LUBEK, J. "Yagnetic Sound Registration." P. 74. (WJALDOT~OSCI TEISXCFUjIjKACYj--JE, Vol. 23, No. 4, Apr. 1954, Tdarszawa, Poland) SO; Monthly List of East European Accessions. (EEA.L), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1955 Unal, PUDEL94ICZ, MIMC7,YSIXW. Matematyka wyzsza dla szkol inzynierskich. Poznan, Nakl. Pansitwowego Tdydawn. Naukowego, 1951. v. (1) fHigher mathematics for schools of engineering. Part 1. Differential calculus and supplement to elamentaxy mathematics. Dia;-Irs.-7 2 9 Sept 53 SO: Mon Aut AuroMM Igoggiong, Vol JE No X Library of Congress JUM Uncl .Ihlv List of F PUDEL11:0.1 J. "Improving the Exchange Of Packings In A Hydraulic Press" P. 53. (Przeglad., Papiernic . Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1953, Lodz) SO: I-Ionthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Library of Congress, Feb. 1954 :-I-:-,DICA Sec.15 Vol.10/3 Chest Disease 1-~Ir57 800. PUDELSKI J. *Wyniki skojarzonego leczenia przeciwpr4tkowego chorych z _T-___IS_F4_Truflicap',uc. Results of combined antimicrobial , therapy in yatients with cavernous pulmonary tb GRUZ- LICA 1956 24 6 (4G1-472) Tables 12 147 tuberculous patients with cavernous pulmonary tb have been treated with anti- microbial agents in the tuberculosis hospitalof the Slask I'viedical College. Group I. was given INII combined with streptomyc:...i, group H was given IINII combined with PAS, both within 3 to 7 months. The com'.,)ination MH + PAS yielded better results than IINH -+ streptomycin as to general symp-,oms - Sputum conversion (lid not differ in both groups: it was obtained in 7&% of thc- -a-ents with recent lesions, and in 50% of the patients with the long-standing lesions, on the average in 70%. RadiOlOgiCal improvement was qimilar in both groups. The percentage of radiological improve- mc,,111 was much higher In recent lesions than in the old ones, regardless of the therapeutic regimen. In both groups, the percentage of radiological improvement in recent lesions Nvas as follows: marked improvement: 401,~) of the cases; con- siderable improvinnent: 27%; slight improvement: 190;0; no improvement: 14%. In the treatment of long-standing lesions, marked radiological improvement was obtained in 956 of th,2 cases; considerable improvement in 9%; slight improvement in 441io, and no improvement in 3876 of the cases. The highest percentage of ra- diological improvement was reached after the first 3 months of treatment. Clos- ure of cavity, as seen on radiograms, was related to its character, time of du- ration and size. The therapeutic regimen had no influence here, while the dura- tion of cavity before treatment had a considerable influence on its closure: re- cent cavities (tip to 2 yr. ) in both groups closed in 40%. of the cases, and decreas- ed considcrably in 27% of the cases. In 33116 of the cases there was no change il the size of the cavity. Long-standing cavities did not close in 26 caws, they de- creased considerably in 3 cases. and closed in 3 cases. Good results obtained in hospitalized cases with recent lesions treated with antimicrobial agents empha- size the importance of early diagnosis and prompt treatment. According to the experience of this hospital, in the majority of cases the decision as to surgical treatment should not be undertaken before the first four months of antimicrobial therapy, conducted either in sanatorium or in hospital. PUL)FU,KI, JIM Functional r-li Or.-d~:-5 s.713~ rF- -I -,.~AmonaTy' sarcoidosis chrnnic lntc:rstitial pulmor,,~,.,- fiiz-sis. Gruz,!'C-fl 32 no.7:";01-5!C- Je 164. 1. Z Kliniki Ftj.zjatrycziiej SIRS'K' f Akt-doinii '.,',,.--dycznej w Zab-rzu le~. .,. - (Kierownik: Drof. nr med. L. Deloff DELOFF, Leonard; PUDELSKI, Jozef Functional disorders of certain organs in pulmonary tuberculosis. Gruzlica 29 no-4:31*3-314 Ap 161. 1. Z K11niki Ghorob P1ucnycb:,Slaskjj!j AM w Zabrzu Kierownik: prof. dr med. L. Deloff. - (TUBERCULOSIS PULMONARY compl) PUDELSKI, J.ozef Results of associated chemical therapy of cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis. Gruslica 24 no.6:461-472 June 56. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatrycznej Slasklej A.M. Kierownik: prof. dr. L. Deloff, Zabrze-Biskupice, u1. Koziolka 1. (TUBERCUTPSIS, PULMONART, onthology, cavitation, ther., assoc. ctf4. methods (Vol)) DELOFF, Leonard; PUDELSKI, Jozef Therapeutic value of artificial pneumothorax in the era of antituberculosis drugs. Palski tygod. lek. 12 no.2: 66-71 7 Jan 57. 1. (Z Kliniki Ftyzjatrycznej S1. Ak. Med. v Zabrtu; kierownik: prof. dr. L. Delo(f). Adress: Zabrze, Dworcowa 9. (PNEMTHORAX, ARTIECIAL comparison with chemother. in pulm. tuberc. (Pol)) (TUBERCUWSIS,.PULNDIIARY, ther. chemother.. comparison with artif. pneumotborax kPol)) iPOLAND !!_UDI,;L5XI_, - J-o-zef, Phthisiatric Clinic (Klinika Ftyzjatryczna), S1.X-I [Slaska Akidemia Medyczna, Silesian Medical Academy] in Zabrze (Director: Prof. Dr. med. Leonard DELOFF) 11 Ninction of the Respiratory Tract in Patients with Malig- nant Tumors of the Lungs." I-I'arsaw, Polsici Tygodnik Lelcarski, Vol 18, No 17, 22 Apr 63, pp 585-57F. Abstract: [Author's English summary modified] The function of the respiratory tract in patients with pulmonary cancer was studied by means of both spirographic and bronchospiro- metric tests. Ivhereas in cases of central cancer with no changes of the lungs general examinations showed normal va- lues, bronchospirometric tests revealed defective function of the damaged lung, proportional to the degree of constric- tion of the bronchus and extent of the tumor. Marked mal- function was noted in pulmonary cancer patients with coexist- ing emphysema and bronchitis, as well as in cases of general- ized pulmonary cancer. Author finds bronchospirometric tests most useful for the purpose. Mere is one Russian land nine Western references. i;zyszi,.O, SLcmJsl,-iw-, I)OBFGdOL-')KI, Josef; FUDELSKI, Jozef Functfonal rastarati3n of the lung following traumatfe -rupture of the main bronchun treated surgJcally. Pol. typ,. lek. 19 nn.52:U-4-5-1246 10 Ag 164. I. Z I KlinikL ChirurgJczncj Slasklej Akudemli fleOycznpj w Oi~--rownikq Kllniki- Prof. Ir Stani--lav Szyszko). P C) _1 _LN D DELOFF, Leonard and_PXBZLSKI, Jo--of, Clinic of Pulmonary Dis- eases (KI-ini-ka Chorob Pl~_cni-yc'h, S~T.A_xf [Slaska ,Ikademia Me- dyczna, Silesian Medical Academy] in Zabrze (Director: Prof. Dr. med. Leonard DELOFF) "E-ert-ion Tests in Evaluation of the Circulatory-Respiratory System." Po'-ski '1)~Podni _Lekarski. Vol 18, No 34, 19 Aug 63, op 1256-Y_mS:~o !bstract: FAuthors' English summary mod-ified] Latent circulatory-rospiratory failuro is better detected follow- ina exertion than at rest. The authors describe the pro- cedure employed at their clinic and report on the findings in five cases. There are six (6) Western references. 1/1 DELOFF, Leonard; PUDELSKI, Jozef Our modification of the effort step test an a simple method far the evaluation of cardio-r~Bpirator7 function. Gruzliea 29 no.s: 685-697 Ag 161. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Pluezych Slaskiej AM Kierownik: prof. dr mod. L. Dtloff. (RESPIRATION physiol) (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM physiol) PUIOLSKI, Jozef Determination of the residual volume by means of a bronchospi- rometric method. Evaluation of an original method. Gruslica 28 no.1:29-40 Ja 160. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatryezuej Slaskiej A.M. w Zabrzu. Kierownik: prof.dr L. Deloff. (SPIROMMY) FUDELSKI, 'Tozef Ef-167 c;t of implantation of crystalline testosterone into the testes on -~-.-6 testis and on the adrenal cortex in white rate. Fol. biol. I no.4:254-264 1953. 1. Zaklad Biologil Akademii Medycznej v Krakovie. (TESTOSTARONA, effects, *on adrenal cortex & testes in white rat, Implantation into testes) (ADRIMA CORTA"K. effect of drugs on, *testosterone, implantation into testes in white rate) (TE=S, effect of drugs on, *testosterone, implantation into testes in white rate) DELOFF, Leonard; NIEPOL01,3KI, Witold; PUDELSKI, Jozef A case of alveolar cancer of the lung (pulmonary alveolar or bronchiolar carcinoma). PQlski tygod. lek. 16 no.48:1864-1868 27 U 161. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatrycanoj 31. A.M. w Zabrzu; kierownix': prof. dr L. Deloff i Zakledu Anatomii Patologiczziej Sl. A.M.; kierownik: prof. dr W. Niepolomski. '~CARGINOMA BRONCHIOLAR case reports) ROMANENKO, I.N., prof.; CHAYKOVSKIY, A.F.[Chaikovslkyi, A.F.1, kand. ekon. nauk; MELINIK, O.K.[Mellnyk, O.K.], st. nauehuyy sotr.; USTINOVSKAYA, L.T.[Ustynovslka, L.Tj, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SERIDKO, A.M., kand. biol. nauk; ZHADAN, I.I.., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; SEREDENKO, B.M., kand. tekhn.nauk; NIZHNIY, M.I., kand. ekon. nauk; OBZHELYANSKIY S Ya.(Obzhelianslkyi, SJA.], kand. ekon. nauk;,EUDE U. B. NKQ,G-J- Pudenko, H. I.]; LYMY, I (Lysyi, IU.B.1, red.; POTOTSKAYA, L.A.[Pototska, L.A.], tekhn. red. (Intensified specialization of farm production within a district as qxemplified by Khorol District, Poltava Province]-Ukrainslkyi na4ovo-doslidnyi instytut ekonomiky i organizatsii sills1koho hosp6darstva. Vnutriraionna pohlyblena spetsializataiia sillal- kohospodars1koho vyrobnytstva; na prykladi Khorolrulk6ho raionu, Poltavslkoi oblasti. Kyiv, Vyd-vo UASHN, 1962. 222 p. Om& 16-5) 1, Kiev. Ukrains1ka Akademiya pillskohos~odarsl naU. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Vsesbyuznoy akademii sel'skokhozyaystven- nykh nauk i.m. V.I.Lenina (for Romanenko). 3. Nachallnik Khorollskogo tpritoriallnogo proizvodstvannogo kolkhozno- sovkhoznogo upravlwniya, Poltavskaya oblast' (for Pudenko). (Khorol District--Agriculture) nizats -r:b,~*; -111ya prodol'hrmnen'-Va T 7 -T~'Y VO I FhySiCS __ j7 Category : USSR/Nucle-ar luclear Engineering end Fower c-8 Abs Jour ; Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 3, 1957, No 61'-2 Aluthor tFcvin, V.V., Xarushova, F.Ye. Title :Decomposition of Flutonium- Oxal er -6 etion of Their Own -Radiation Orig Fub iAtor-. energiya, 1956, No 3, 117-121 Abstract iNo abstract Card : 1/1 PUDLMGKI, Fel~Lks, =-r inz. Oboavrations of Lho opfrration of railvay traffic saf6tV imetallatior, tmder --dritor ccmdIt-iLoiis. R.2. Przegl kolej., elektrote,~h 1.0 [I-e-151 no-1.1'.305-3(YI 11103. PUDERLCKI, Feliks, mgr inz. Observations on the operation of the signaling arrangements in winter conditiors. Pt.l. Przegl kolej elelctrotach 1 ''.e. 151 no.10: 0 L- - 278-283 0 '63. PUDERECKI, Feliks, mgr. inz. Electric insulation of concrete crossties of the INBK3 and IlSi4a type. Przegl kolej drog 14 no-4:68-76 Ap 162. 11. 11cdcvcoin ,Z~m �01tertico of ~cl=wiu to M3 Solutt= of Several (~L -- - ,;Ormulaa Cc AM12~w --4,qnIto--.ry- lcnfrg~rA Soi. Rwearch of Tha TerrostrAll flapetlslo_ 524-9 :7z=j kloaMy liat or RussIza Aacersiong QL,.,cozb. :-,T 195.11, Vol* 4p No* 9; po 30 PTITSYNA9 O.A.3 PUDEYEVA M.Ye.; BELIKEVICH, N.A~; REUTOV, O.A., akademik --l- Photochemical reaction of triphenylphosphine ary-lation by diary-l iodonium fluoborides. Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.2s383-385 11 165. (MIRA 18-.7) L Moskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. . ~.~; F-LiTsym, ln:-InL4.15 tt e as a ro b-'.tw~.,eY. &317ametnin !le;.t;; CX 42-aX'71 N pir of5plni lie a-r,;J 'we II jon,,.um f? k,,j v 1 g s!j 3 9 tv a n 5 L 06533-67 EWT(m)/E.WP( j) RM ACC NR, AP7000493-- Lff -6g6166-1j6&-16() /Ci~9 0 05 PTITSYKA, 0. A., FLJDE-YLVA 14. Ye., REWOV, 0. A.,(Acadeemician) Y,06eow Utate University imeni R- V- t~~660v__(Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) "Thermal Reaction between Triphenyl Phosphine~nd Diphenyliodonium Fluordboride Moscow, Doklady Akademli Nauk SSSR, Vol 168, No 3, 1966, PP 595-598 -Abstract: A radical mechanism is proposed for the homolytic decompositionlof diphenyliodonium fluoroboride in the reaction with nucleophille--r-e-a-g-e-RE-E7. The applicability of this mechanism to the formation of tetraphenylphosphonium fluoroboride during heating of triphenyl phosphine with tetraphenyliodonium fluoroboride was verified. The reaction conditions were varied to conduct each of the two processes, photochemical and thermal, separately. Approxi- mate"t.Y 50% yields were obtained for the separate reactions, as compared with a 90% yield for the reaction under normal conditions of the Makarova-Nesmeya- i nov reaction. The thermal and photochemical reactions were found to proceed E.Ccording to a radical chain iriechanism, not a heterolytic mechanism. In both of the separate reactions, the diphenyliodonium salt decomposes entirely, al- though tetraphenylphosphonium fluoroboride is obtained in only an approximately 50% yield. There is consequently a substantial "useless" decomposition of the i diphenyliodonium salt, evidently due to a side reaction leading to benzene formation..., Oricr. art. has: 1 forEmla and 1 table. 5PRS: 37,02ff TOPIC TAGS'- chemical decomposition, r M phosphorus compound SUB COD~~: 07 SUBM DATE: 28oct65 ORIG REF: 003 Card 1/1 UDIC: 547-539.4 + 547-558.1 CODE: AUTHOR: Pudovik, A. N.; Pudakova, T. M. ORG: Kazan? Sial~~Jiniversity im. V. I. Ultyanov-Lenin (Kazan5kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Reactivity of incomplete esters of phosphorus acidslin reactions of addition to acrylonitrile SOURCE: Zhurnal n chey khim ii, v. 36, no. 6, 1966, 1113-1118 TOPIC TAGS: acrylonitrile, organic phosphorus compound ABSTRACT: The comparative reactivities of a number of phosphorus -containing reagents with a labile hydrogen atom: dialkylphosphorous and dialkylthiophos- phorOUG acids, incomplete esters of phosphorous acids, diethyldithiophosphoric. acid., cyanophosphonemethane, and phosphoneacetic ester were investigated in the reactions of addition to acrylonitrile. Two methods of investigation were used; the method of "competitive" addition and the construction of kinetic curves, reflecting the dependence of the degree of completion of the reaction upon the time. In the first method, acrylonitrile and two of the phosphorus- containing components tested were brought together in equimolar ratios in the absence of a solvent, using a saturated solution of sodium ethylate in anhy- drous alcohol as the catalyst. On completion of the reactions, the reaction mixtures were distilled under-vacuum, and the amounts of addition products formed were determined. Kinetic curves of the reactions with acrylonitri-le were taken in ter-butanol:dioxane (10:1) solution at constant temperature, Card 1 UDC: 54 L 0651-3----67 ACC NR: ji~~1600479 irith potassium ter-butylate as the catalyst. The reaction was monitored by determining the unreacted acid or unreacted acrylonitrile. The following order of decreasing reactivity of dialkylphosphorous acids in addition to acryloni- trile was determined: (CH30),POH '-,-(C2H50)2POH > (n_C3H70)2POH > ('so-C3H70)2 POH > (n-C4HqO)2POH '> ('so-C4H90)2FOH, indicating a substantial influence of .the steric factor, shielding of the phosphorus atom, leading to a decrease in its reactivity. A further investigation with various types of incomplete esters of phosphorus atoms, containing only ethyl radicals, eliminated the influence of steric factors. Diethylthiophosphorous acid was found to be the most reac- tive, followed by the ethyl ester of ethylphosphinous acid, diethylphosphorous acid, and finally di-(beta-chloroethyl)phosphorous acid. The reactivity of -Whese acid esters was determined by the basicity of the trivalent phosphorus atom, inturn directly-dependent upon the inductive.influence of the groups surrounding it. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table. [JPRS: 37,0231 SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: 2lJun65 ORIG REF: 016 OTH REF: 001 Li ACC NR: AP7000746 TUDOVIK, A. N.,. GAZIZOV,, T. Kh., PASHINKIN, 'Phvsical ChenliGtrv imeni A. Ye. Arbuzov. A.,adgmy S,C-*1!.',C-1.1' C00--*: t~R/0,079//66/036/(10510951/0951 A. P., Institute of Orizanic and of 5ciqp=o__M0 (Institut Thermal Isorrierizatl-on of Diethylacetylphosphite" Moscow, Zhurnal Gb:`~hey Maimii, Vol 36, No 5, 1966, P 951 Abstract: Heating f diethylacetylphosphite at 160-1700 for five to six hours' ;resulted in a 54, ~.Leld of methyldi(diethylphosphone)carbinol acetate. This roduct was found to be identical to the acetate synthesized from methyldi ethylphosphone)carbinol and acetyl chloride. A two-step reaction mechanism M is proposed: when diethylacetylphosphite is heated, it is first isomerized to the diethyl ester of acetophosphinic acid, which then reacts further with-di.-_ ethylacet-y1phosphite, leading to the formation of the ace�A so -t-e- ZJPRS: 37 2~) TOPIC TAGS: isomnerization, organic phosphorus compound SUB CODE: 07 / SUD11.1 DAM 29Nov65 / ORIG REF: 005 Card 1/1 vmb UDC: 547.261 11t ----------- -es the ~~cto,-v --nterc-a:-~,aun C-t'On "'Oresent ex,~e-riences nt r th e m. pro ic-s ue'rived, Uhli, Vol 3, -70 11, "O-v- : ons List, o 1C), ()ct Lib. C ongreSs 7,Lstern -uronean Accessi u PUDICH, Alois, inz.; HOMY, Svatopluk, irls. Tntroduction of the complex mechan-ization iry using Mo-wablee supports in mine galleries. Uhli 5 no.9:301-305 S163. 1. Sdru,-eni Ostravsko-Karyinskych dolu, Ostrava (for Pudich) 2. Vyzkumne pracoviste ekonomiky paliv, Ostrava (for Horky). TOCHOWICZ, Loon; KROL, Wlady8law; STYLO, Dzierzykraj; PUDIK, Zbigniew Upper limits of normal arterial pressure and frequency of hypertension in the Krakow region. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 26 no.4:483-4q6 1956. 1. Z I Klin. Cborob Wewn. A.M. w Krakowie. Kier. prof. dr. med. L. Tochowicz. I Klinike Chorob Wewn. A.M. w Krakowie u1. Kopernika 17. (BLOOD PRESSURE, upper limit of normal pressure in Poland (Pol)) (HYPERTEITS1011, epidemiology, in Poland (Pol)) PUDIKOV, D. Increase control over the use of long-term credits. Fin. S55R 22 no.11:45-48 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Nachal'nik otdela dolgosrochnogo kreditovaniya kapital'nykh r, vlozheniy Stroybanka SSSR. (&inks and banking) (Construction industry--Finance) YUDIKOV, D -- Important factor in the development of local industry. Fi,_.SWR 23 no.1100-341 F 1626 (MIRA 150-2) . I (Gredit) PUDIKOT, D. - ----------------------------- Group construction is more advantageous and quicker. Sov. profsoiuzy 16 no-17:34-35 S 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Direktor otdela dolgosrochnogo kreditovaniya kapitallnykh vlozheuiy stroybanka SSSR. (Housing) (Construction industry) FUDIKOV. D. Important methods for improving qualifications. Fin.SSSR 20 no.2-. 48-50 F '59. (KM 12:4) 1. Nachallnik otdola kadrov Pravlenlya Prombanks, SSSR. Crinance) rUDIKOV, D.; FILIMOITOT, A. Solve problems in issuing credit for the construction of private dwellings correctly. Fin. SSSR 21 no.3:67-70 Mr 160. (14IRA 13:3) (Housing-finance) MARUSOV, A.Ya., inzhener-podpolkovnik, glavnyy red.; WERMTSEV, M.K., general-loytenant tekhnicheskikh voyek, otvetstvennyy red.; DEMIN, L.A., inzhener-kontr-admiral. red.; SHCHMAKOT. A.N., general-mayor, red.; FIKOLAYEV. A.S., polkovnik. red.; KOLOKIYETS. A.D., polkovnik, red.; NAZAROV, P.V.. polkovaik. red.. PAROTIKIN, I.V.. polkovnik, red.- PUDIKOY , polkovnik. red.; SISELIN, S.V., polkovnik, red.; BARAiO4v7- ml-~-,inzhener-polkovnik, red.; XCHKOV. A.M.P inzhener-polkoynik, red.; SHATUNOV. S.G., inzhoner-pollr-ovnik, red.; KORGLEV, V.G., oolkavnik, tekhn ' red.; UJKIYANOV, B.I., polkovaik.; ROUNOV, M.K., podpolkovnik, tekhn.rede; IVANOV. V.V., inzbener-podpolkovnik,; LYUBKOV, A.H., inzhener-podpolicovnik. tekhnered.; laffSH, P.N., podpolkovnik tekhnicheskoy sluzhby.; VASKUT. A.S., kapitan. tekhne red.; KOSTIN.- A.G.,,- MAKUKHINA, G.F., tekhnereds [World atlas] Atlas mira. Koskva. Voen.izd-vo M-va obor. SSSR. 1958. 459 P. (MIR4 11:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Armlya. Generallnyy shtab. Voyenno- topograficheakoye upravleniye. 2. Tekhnicheekaya redalctsiya Voyenno'topogreficheekogo uDravleniya Generallnogo Shtaba (for Korolev, Luklyanov, Romanov, Ivanov. Irubkov. Xnysh, Tesmut) (Atlases) PUDIKOV.. - D.. . 0 Answers to questions on issuing credit for housing construction. Fin.SSSR 37 no.4:82-83 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Construction industry-Finance) PUDIKOV D. -. ---- Develop cooperative housing constnaction. &Al. stroi. no.1;6 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Nachallnik Otdela dolgosrochnogo kreditovaniya Stroybanka. SSSR. (Apartnent houses, Cooperative) PUDIKOV, D. .-.- ~,.: ~ , ~- t .- " Work with personnel in the Industrial Bank system. Fin.SSSR 15 Tio-10:70-73 0154. (RIBA 8:2) (Bank employees) PUDIKOV., D.V., inzh. Effect of the basicity of slag on the desulfuration of metal in the oxygen-blown converter smelting process. Stall 24 no.7-610-6.11 J1 164. (MIRA 18-1) PtFL~IKOVY inzh. Ass-, m-latfon of lime 6ur-'ng top avyv7in of za-st -'ron. - - U - - 1. 3rall 245 nc.3,214-217 %1-. 265. (Mlpl 19,41 yiy V--evolodovich; RUBINSKIY, Petr Samoylovich; FUDIKOV,___Prrdt -- BELIMAITI, Mikhail L"vovinh; ZAY-Y.OV, S.T.J. otv, red.; LIBERI-M, S.S,. red.izd-va; fil-IDPOEM, S.P,; tekhn. red, [Operation of steel pourin.g ladles vith rammed lining]Ek- spluatatsiia stalerazlivochnylr-h kovshei s nabivnoi futerov- koi. Kharlkov, Mletallurgizdat, 1962. 6? p. (MMA 15:7) (Opon-hearth furnacov-Scluipmont and supplios) PUDIKOV,G.N. ~~- lacreasing the prodaction of soda smeltixg fursaces. Bum.prom. 30 -io.4:21-22 Ap '55. (MLRA 8:6) 1. Nacballnik khi-nicheskogo teekha Mariyokogo teellyulossi- bumazhnogo kombinats. (Soda Iudustry) PUDIXOT. G.N. Two-stage atttling basin. Bum.prom. 29 no.3:28 Kr-Ap 154. (MTWA 7:6) 1. lachallnik teekha rageneratsii Kariyokogo tsally-alosno-bumashnogo kombinata. (Papermaking machinery) PUDIKOV, G.N.; VUSATOVA, T.I.0 red. [New equipment arA the technoloFy of the rz~genaration of sulfite liquors] Novoe oborudovanie i tek~mologiia rege- neratsii sullfatnykh shchelokov. Moskva, TSentr. nauchno- issl. in-t informatsii i tekhnikc-ekon. issledovanii po lesnoi, tselliulozro-bumazhnoi, derevoobrabaty-vaiushchei promyshl. i lesnoinu khoz., 1964. 52 p. (MIRA 18:5) ;:D, !:: C 7 Foundat-'.ons 113 -tlw fc)l:, d, -L 110 13r 3C' no. Lio:, cf rary of Congress, Ru S,-, il Ll. S, Aut ust 1952 ullclass-`X! eel ffL ") .1, - 5 (4) AUTHOR: Pudikov, V. V. SOV/32-25-6-39/53 TITLE: Device for the Thermal Analysis (Ustanovka dlya termicheskogo analiza) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, 1fr 6, PP 746-749 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A device for the thermal analysis is described which is distinguished from that by Kurnakov by the fact that both the photographic process and the gauging of the thermocouples are unnecessary. The device requires the application of the electron potentiometer EPP-09 at three points and contains a differential thermocouple, an optical intensifier, the electron potentiometer and a heating arrangement (Fig 1). The differential heating curve in the coordinates "time - difference in temperature between sample and standard sample" and the simple heating curve in the coordinates "time - temperature" are simultaneously plotted within the temperature interval of from 0 to 16000. The differential thermocouple consists of two platinum-platinum rhodium thermocouples. The optical intensifier contains a mirror galvanometer M21 and Card 1/2 the selenium photo cell API-20. The schematical. drawing of Device for the Thermal Analysis SOV/32-25-6-39/53 the device shows that resistances ICAS-4 and a voltage stabilizer STN-35 are also used. The mode of operation of the device is described and a thermogram of quartz given as example (Fig 2). There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Tikhvinskiy glinozemnyy zavod (Tikhvin Alumina Works) Card 2/2 CZECHOSLOVAKL1/Ch(!mica-1 Technology. Ch(mical Products and Their H-3 Application. Instruments and Automation Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Rhim., 1958, No 24, No 81915 ,ALuthor Pudil E. Inst Title Control of Firing of the Industrial Cras Fixed Heaters Orig Pub Automatisacc, 1958, No 1, 8-15 Abstract Description of schemes dealing with automation and with char- acteristics of control instruments employed in controllina operation of certain type fixed heaters. A properly in- stalled control instrumient insures smooth operation of heaters, increases their productivities, improves the quality of products, saves fuel, and improves an overall economy of production. -- Ma. Stefanovskiy Card 1/1 7 KREN, V.; CERNOCH, Z.; STEINHART, L.; ENDRYS, J.; SLEZAK, P.; FUDIL, V.; PRIBORSKY, J.; HODAN, J. Venography of the liver and kidneys -with slowed-down circulation by means of intrabronchial hypertension in animal experiments. Cesk. radiol. 19 n0-4/5:285-288 Ag 165. 1. Radiologicks. a chirurgicka klinika lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove, CSSR. KRE'N, Vitezslav; GERNOCH, Zdenek; STEINHART, Leo; MIDRYS, Jiri ; SLEZAK, Premysl; FUDIL, Vratislav; PRIBORSKY, Jaromir; HODAN, Jiri Liver and kidney venography bi animal experiments during delayed circulation by intrabronchial hypertension. Sborn. ved. prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 8 no.2:179-182 165 1. Radioloo ,,ika klinika (prednostat prof. MUDr. J. Bastecky, DrSc.) a Chirurgicka klinika (prednosta: prof. MUDr. J. Prochazka, DrSc.) Lekarske fakulty Karlovy University v Fradci Kralove. NETTIL, Sasa; STEINRART, Leo; SLEZAK, Premysl; DITE, Bobumil; PUDIL, Vladimir. Deep brain phlebogram in anterioposterior projection in ex- pansive intracranial processes@ Sborne vede prac. lek. fak. Karlov. Univ. 8 no.2:199-205 165. 1. Neurologicka klinika (prednosta: prof. MUDr. M. Sercl, DrSc.); Hadiologicka klinika (prodnosta: prof. MUDr. J. BELs- tecky, DrSc.) Lekarake fakulty Karlovy University v Hradci Kralove. FUDIN, N. General long excursion of students of Saratovts secondary school no.70. Geog. v shkole 18 no-1:55-57 J&-F '55. (MLRA 8:3) (School excursions) YANUKYAN, A.A.; WIDVADJOV, N.F.; BELOUS, T.Ya.L SVIRIDOVA, Z.P.; CHEBOTAREVA, Ye.A,; SHIP4IiIN, V,I.; PUDINA,,.K.V.; LUTSKAYA, Ye.Ye.; BRAGINA, N.M.; SAOAKOV, V.A.; MU8~0 S.; ZABLOT-SKAYA, A.I.; IIDOVICHENKO, D.I.; T'IRKINA, I.Z.; MORENO, I.; "SIDOROV, V.F.; VOKLYARSHY, B.I.; GRECHIKHIN, A.A.; KCSOVA, V.A.; KULIKOV, N.I.; ZHDANOVA, L.P.; ROZENTAL', Ye.I.; PETRANOVICH, I.M. [Economic conditions of capitalist countries; survey of eepnomic trends in 1961 and the beginnJ-ng of 1962] Ekonomicheskoe Polo- zhenie kapitalisticheskikh stran; konliunkturnyl obzor za 1961 g. i nachalo 1962. g. Moskva, Izd-vo "Pravda," 1962. 157 p. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Sotrudniki kon'Iyunkturnogo sektora Instituta mirovoy eko- nomiki i mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy AN SSSR . (Economic history) MANn'YAN, A.A.; GLUSHKOV, V.P.; SHVEDKOVA, V.M.; SVIRIDOVA, Z.P.; CHEBOTA- REVA, Ye.A.; SHUMILIN, V.I.; BRAGINA, N.M.; LUTSKAYA, Ye.Ye.; KODA019,11KO, A.S.; KOSOVA, V.A.; MOKLYAR IY, B.I.; GRECHUHIN. A.A.; KULIKOV, N.I.; RYDVANOV, N.F.; BELICHUK, A.I.; VINTSER, Yu.I.; ROZENTAL', Ye.I.; BELO(JS, T.Ya.; SIDOROV, V.F.; ZEEDANOVA, L.P.; ALEKSANDROVSKAYA, L.I.; KOVAL', V.V.; KKAVIIISON, Ya.S., glevnyy red.; SOKOLOV, I.A., zam.glavnogo red.; ALRKSEYEV. A.M., red.; ARZUMAYYAN, A.A., red.; BELYAKOV, A.S.. red.; BECHIN, A.I., red.; VARGA, Ye.S., red.; LEMIN, I.M., red.; LYUBIMOVA, V.V., red.; SKOROV, G.Ye.. red. V redal.-tirovanii uchistvovali: SHAPIRO, A.I., red.; TATISHCHEV, S.I.. KOVRIGINA, Ye., [Economic conditions of capitalistic countries; review of business conditions for 1958 and the beginning of 1959) Ekonomicheskoe polo- zhenie kapitalisticheskikh stran; kon"iunkturnyi obzor za 1958 g. i nachalo 1959 g. Moskva, Izd-vo "Pravda," 1959. 127 P. (~rilo- zhenie k zhurnalu "Mirovaia ekonomika i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia,' no.8, avgust 1959 g-) (MIRA 12:9) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut mirovoy ekonomiki i mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy. 2. Kollektiv sotrudnikov kon*yunktiirnogo sektora Insti- tuta mirovoy ekonomiki i mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniy AN SSSR (for Glush1cov. Shvedkova, Svirldova, Chebotareva, Shumiliu. Pudina. Bra-gina, Lutsk.aya, Kodachenko, Kosova, Moklyarskiy. Grechikhin, Kulikov, Rydva- nov. Bellchuk, Vintser, Rozentalt, Belous, Sidorov, thdanova. Alek- sandrovskaya, Koval'). (Economic conditions) SLINIKO, A.A.; PUDINOV, V.V. Effect of the shape of the groove on metal pressure on the rolls. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.11:89-92 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallov. ZA YK OV ~N~A..~ l=vestigatirig temperature c4anges djarin~-; the rolling of plain and shaped 5ections. Izv.,jys.ucheb.sav., chern.met. 5 no.6.;81-010 t62~ OUR& 15.--1) 1. S~tbi_XBI..y institut i Ki;.znetskiy metalliw- gj.:'hc-.q_ki_y -kou?b-ina'. (M8+,alwork)) (Heat.- -Trans misaion) PUMVOK. A.B.; SURIPOVA, N.B. Addition of a hydrogen halides to piperylene and reactions of peutene halides. Zhur.ob.khim. 25 no.3:589-594 mr 135. (MLVA 8: 6 ) 1. Kazanekly Gasudaretvennyy universitet. (Ha 1 L de 9 ) (Piperyl ene ) (Pen t en e ) Yugoslavia C CATZ'ZORY KIM. JOUR. RZ n%im., NO. 21 1959, No. 74449 AUT-iOR SPasic, M., Vucurovic, D., and Pudja, L. Yot given T IT Some Ekperiments'Carried Out for the Purpose of Extracting Germanium from Yugoslav Raw Materials ORIG. PUB. :Tehnika, 13, No 10 (1958); Rud i Metalurg, 9, 1,110 10, 24o-24oa (1958) ABSTRACT :Germanium has been extracted from copper concen- trates containing 0.01% Ge or from flue dust from copper-smelting furnaces containing 0.08?% Ge by melting down copper buttons and by volatiliz- ing the sulfides. The high S content made it im- possible to obtain satisfactory enrichment of the buttonsin germanium. Volitilization of the sul- fides at 1,000' in a stream of H. from copper concentrates Dermitted the achievement of a twenty-fold enrichment of the germanium.- Under CA?D. 112 63. _I -'UDICOV, G.Ya.~ REVENYO, V.S. Contactless measurement of the linear dimensions of bodies using television. Vych. tekh. i vop. prog. no.2:62-71 163. (WR-A 17.- 8) FUDKOVY G.Ya.; MI-MAYLOVAl ljlv~ Some features of using tralevision In measurements. V7ch. tekh. i vop. pprog. no.2,.72-78 163. (KIRA 1738) SHAUMAN, A.M.; BEREZNAYA, I.Ya.; FUDKOV, G.Ya.; CHIRKOV, m.K. Display systems-using digital ghw-discharge tubes. Vych. tekh. i vop. prog. no.2:79-88 163. (MIRA 17:8) 4 I P.LjD,", ov, 1. 1. "Developmeut and llnalyses o-' the Rethod for Continuous Hillin-t-I of Deep Grooves in Disks. Sub 12 Feb 51, Mloscow Order of Lenin -Wiation Inst imeni SerFo Ordzhon-i'Kidze Dissertations presented for science and eneineering degrees in Moscow durinf-. 19-51. SC: Sw4. No. 480, 9 MaY 55 BERKANSIKY, Frantisek, MUDr; PUDIAK, Pavel, MUDr; DIENST-BIER, Zdanek, MUDr Iffect of urethane anesthesia on leukocyte response following glucose stress. Gas. lek. ceek. 93 no-36-37:983-988 10 Sept 54. 1. Z I. kliniky chorob vautrnich, precinosta prof. Dr. Milos Netousek. Statistike zpracovani: HgMat Vladimir Maly. 2. Z ustavu-pro organisaci sdravotaietvi, prednosta prof. Dr. Prosek. NEXTHANE, effects, on leukocyte count response to glucose stress) (I~IUIOC-m COUNT, aff. of urethane on leukocy-te response to glucose stress) (STRESS, experimental, eff. of urethane an leukocyto response to glucose stress)