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PhISHKOVSKIY. N.G., inzhener; ZABOLOTIIYY, I.Ye., inzhener. Scraping grab buckets GShU-2. Nekh.trad.rab. 7 no-9:39-W 6 153. (MLRA 6. 9 ) (Granes, derricks, etc.) ACC NR, AP7005848 &i-.- _Iblo 18 V66/ooS/612/3 5 96/3 5 9L; AUTHOR., Naumov, A. N.; Ptashnik A_X_ __ ORG: Physicotechnical institute im. A. F. loffe AN SSSRp Leningrad (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITIX: Methods of determining the isotopic effect of diffusion in the case of elec- tron transport in solids SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8p no. 12, 1966P 3590-3594 TOPIC TAGS: plWsical diffusion,, transport phenomenon, isotope., electric field ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (FTT v. T, 67, 1965) where formulA.1 were derived to determine the ratio of diffusion coefficients of two isotopes with different masses in a solid, In the case of diffusion in a solid without application of an electric field. The present article presents a graphic and an approximate analytic method for determining the diffusion of Isotopes from one semi-infinite body to another when a constant electric field in applied. quantitative relations are derived by this method between the magnitude of the field and the magnitude of the measured effect, in the form of forarilas relating the experimentally determined separation factor of the I&Aopes and the ristio of the diffusion coefficients of the isotopes. The results show that the use of a constant electric field in experiments on diffusion from one body to another makes it possible to increase by a factor of several times the measured separution factor and by the same token increase the ac- Cmd 1/2 'ACC'NR,- AP7005848 curacy with which the ratio of the diffusion coefficients is determined. This in turn, makes it possible to determine the isotopic effect of diffusion for those elements for which the diffusion ratio has been too small to investigate until now. The authors thank G. Ya. Forskin for useful rem& ks. OrIg. art& has: 3 figures and 7 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SM DAM a6MAI OMG Wt 001/ .0ni MT-. 007 PTASHNDCOV. S.Y. I. Traumatism in rural areas. KbIrargiia, Sofia 6 noo7;388-395 1953. (CIMI 25:5) 1. Head of Surgical Division of Provadiya *1nicipal Hospital. PTASHNIKOV, V. Make way for technical progress in inland water transportation. Rech.transp. 19 no.9:1-4 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Zamestitel' ministra rechnogo flota. (Inland water transll;ortation) PTASHNIKOV, V. Striving for technical progress means striving for the seven-year plan. Rech. transp. 19 no.3:1-4 Mr 160. (FJRA 14-5) 1. Zamestitell ministra rechnogo flota RSFSR. (Inland water transportation) KONEV, V.N.; KRUSHATINA, N.A.; AGAPOVA, V.A.; OSOKINA, L.I.; PTASHIIIKOV.A, M.O. Studying-the reaction diffusion in systems binary alloy - gas. Part 3: Sulfuration of copper-aluminum and copper-manganese a_Uoys. Fiz.-met. i metalloved. 20 no.5.,790-793 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Urallskiy gosudarstvenny3r universitet imeni A.M.Gorlkogo. Submitted January 4, 1965. PTASHNTY, L.K., inzh.; LRPBSHINSKAYA, Ye.V.. red.; GAVRILOV , S.S., tekha.recl. CEaglish-Russian dictionary on automation and instruments] Anglo- rusakii slovarl po avtometike i kontro1'no-izmeritO,1'nym priboram. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo tokhniko-teoret. lit-ry, 1957. 3r?Q, P. (MIRA 11:2) (English language--Dictionsries--Itussian) (Automatic control-Oictionaries) Y2AShOK,S.; ZATOKOVL14KO, A.; PMFRBARG,S. --------- - In the 11,1edical Council of Floreshty District. Zd-ravookhranenify-e 6 no.l-.62-63 j-F'63. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Glavnyy vrach Floresliskogo rayone., 1,161daviya (for Ftashok). 2. Zamestitell glavnogo vracha po, sanitarno-epidemiologichesko- go chasti Floreshtskogo rayona, 1~bldaviya (for Zatokovenko). 3. Predsedatell Floreshtskogo rayonnogo komiteta Krasnogo K,-esta,- Eoldaviya (for Peyterbarg). (FLORSHTY DISTRICT--PUBLIC HEALTH, RUAL) PTASHOK, S.; ZATOKOVMKO, V.; SHCHELOCHEK, A. Carrying out measure@ for the improvement of sanitation in medical institutions. Zdravookhranotie 3 no.2t62-64 Mr-Ap 16o. (MIRA '13t7) 1. GlavW vrach Floreahthakogo rayona (for Ptashok). 2. Zame- stitall glaynogo vraeba po sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy chasti (for Zatokovenko). (YLORBSHTY--KEDICAL GEaMS--SOITATION) Lf-~m s r,3 f) ,~2 - -I-. n. 3,-- r 7 c A- ne~ 5 Li '~6 n nc-' a' cn I -, , . -, rl~z ~ -, .1 .! ,4 - -- :.:- - - 1 an:3 c" PTASIIISKA--~'LI,7i-bA',IS-(,,'I, Xaria V6.-iat-ion of the structure of the tarsal plates in mn. Folia morph. (Warsz.) 24 no.3:299-306 165. 1. Z "flakladu Anatomii Prawidlowej AM w Warszawie (Kierownik Zakladu: prof. dr. W. Sylwanolwicz). PTASIN3K.-URBANSKA, Maria Further study on the heredity of sight anomlies in man. Folia morphol 21 no.1-51-61 162 1. Zaklad Anatomii Prawidlowej w Warszawie, kierownik: prof. dr. w. Sylwanowicz -,I- CI01:EKJ, Antoni, inz.; PTASIJISRI, Zbigniew, inz.; SLUSARCZYK, Stanislaw, inz. Teofil' inz.; ADA"O'-.1'SKI, flenryk, mistrz. Increase of the masimum power of UK-150-1 turbines decreasing simultaneously the consumption of steam per unit. Gosp paliw 11 Special issue no.(95):12-13 Ja 16-3. 1. Elektrownia Javiorzno II. CICLEK., Antoni, iAz.; PTASINSKI, Zbigniew, inz.; SLUSARCZYK, Stanislaw, inz.; MICHALOLWSKI, Teofil, inz.; ADAMOWSKI, Henryk, mistrz Increase of the maximum power"of WK-50-1 turAvAo decreasing aimultww- ously the consumption of steai per unit. Gosp paliw 11 Special issue no., (95):12-13 Ja 163. 1. Elektrownia Jaworzno II. 71,Cie zakow krai-owsktch. OraTrzl prseCmol,;-S i orracm;a-l Mecz-;slaw Ptasnitz. warsz;;wa., -;1eaza I-owszcchna., 1957. 1~ b P. (Life of Krakow students. 31-lus.) 'clot in DIX SO: Monthly Index ot' EasL European Acessions (AE-,-I) ~~oj- 6. No. 11, i:ovembe-r 1957. PTASZEK. Jan, m9r. Poland's participation in the specialization of the industries of the member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance. Przegl techn 85 no.8:3,4 23 F 164. PTASZEK, Jan, mgr. In a good wa7. P-T-zegl techn 84 nc-51:3.4 22 D'63. PTASZEK~ Jan, n~p, i, (" I , I h --f ~ -- ~-. ~-, t '! " An en-I tr,,~hnulog y. I Pvzi-gl tF--,~hn - ~4 12 Apl~l.. PTASZEK, -Tan, R~r Cooperation with great possibilities. Przegl techn a4 no.46:7. 8 17 N 163. PTASZEK,Jan,-zgj~._ -rends-of Polish-Bulgarian economic cooperation. Przegl t4chn 84 .L Q no.20:4 19 MY 163. ""TASZEK, Jan, mgr Polish-Ruman--ar collaboration. Przegl techn 86 no.14:2,5 4 Ap t65. PTASZEK, Jar, mEr Fc.lish-Soviet exchange of gocde and its structure. PrzeL---- techn 86 r-o.!6:2j,8 1.8 AP '65, POLAND PODLEVISKA, Danuta; PTASZEK, Janusz; and WACHNIK, Zenon, Chair of Epizootiol- ogy of Veterinary Cafteje-of-Arlldul'tural University (Katedra Epizootiologii 14ydz. Wet. WSR) Head (Kierownik) Prof. Dr. T. SOBIECH, Wroclaw; Cepartment of Poultry Diseases, Wroclaw (Zaklad Chorob Drobiu) Head (Kierownik) Docent Dr. Z. WACHNIK "Diathesis Urica in New Hampshire Chicks and Chick Embryos" Lublin, Mledycyna WeteryqA_aLna, Vol 22, No 11, Nov 66; p. 687-689 Abstract (English summiary modified]: "Uric diathesis" was diagrosed as the Z-ause of low hatchability of New Hampshire chicks in a large hatchery (61.2 to 64.5'/Y. hatched out of around 1500) as opposed to Sussex chicks (67.8 or 69% out of about 3000) during the month of February, Runts were 5 to 13% in New Hampshire's, 2.5% in Sussex. Serum uric acid in the New Hampshire was 28 mg/100cc, fecal uric acid 70 r,,,g/100 cc; bone and joint changes were also present. Probable cause was hypovitaminosis A. Table; 2 photographs of patient-, I Hungarian, 2 Polish, 2 Czech references. 1/1 PTASZYNSKA, Irona Composition of arterial elastic tissuea of Anura. Part 1. Ann. Univ. Lublin sect. D 19:399-408 1 64. Composition of arterial elastic tissues in Anura. Part 2. Ibid.: 419-427 1 64. 1. Katedra i Zaklad Histologii i Embriologii, 'Jydzial Le- karski AMI w Lublinie (Kierouailk: prof. dr. med. Stanislaw Grzycki). 3/081/63,/000/002/057/086 IB171/B102 AUTHORS: Ptaszyn'ski, Leezek, Gni -1ka, Jerzy, Chmielewska, Zofia TITLE: Preparation of cyclohexyl bromide PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 2, 1963, 405, abstract 2N47 (Polish patent 44699, July 20, 1961) TE,XT: 400 ml of water are stirred and 700 g of NaBr are added to it. At 300C, 700 g of concentrated H 2so4 are poured in, and, finally, 550 9 of cyclohexanol are admixed. The mixture is heated during 30 min at 70-800C, cooled to 400C, then 1200 g of concentrated H 2 so4 are added drop by drop, and the heating is resumed during -2 hrs at 70-800C. After cooling to 30-400C, the mixture is poured into water; oil is separated, washed with water and dried with Na2SO 4* A pure cyclohexyl bromide is separated by distillation. Its yield is 85-950%6, its boiling point: 52-53OC/13 mm, 61-630C/20 mm, 71-73OC/32 mm. The advantages of the method are: the possibility of use of a technically'pure NaBr, instead of 48~- HBr; the short duration of the reaction, and the ease with which the Ca~rd 1/2 S/081/63/000/002/057/088 Preparation of cyclohexyl ... B171/B102 process can be carried out on an industrial scale. [Abstracter's note; Complete translation.] ,e~ w-, Card 2/2 PTASZYCKI,- T. 01 .Ptlaszycki T. "Nowa Huta" -Nowa Huia~.-'-Architektura, No. 3, 1953'. pp. 71-74, 12 figs. The Nowa Huta urban unit comprises industrial establishements connected with the combine, a tcwn of 100,000 inhabitants, a river port and its ramifications on the Vistula ' a network of transport lines, a network of service lines (gas, electricity, telecommunication), iiater and sewage installations, plant for auxiliary production and material necessary for the construction. The use of prefabricated elements in 'building Nowa Huta town. In order fully to mechanise and autamatise production processes, the Now-a Huta plant will have technical equip- me-at of the most up-to-date kind. PTASZYNSKA, Irena Refractametric exam-:,imtions of the golgi elements in the epithelial cells of the intestine of a frog (Rana esculenta L.). Ann. univ. Lublin sec. D 15-51-57 1(0. L Z Katedry i Zakl-adu Histologii i Emb:~,iologii Wydzialu Lekarskiego Akadeivii Medycznej w Lablinie Kierownik: prof. dr med. Stanislaw Grzycki. (GOLGI APPARATUS anat & histol) (INTESTINES anat & histol) IERIIAl'. Alojz,,, inz.; KOLIS, Jan, inz.; P-MMISKI, Zbigniew, inz., Zenon, inz.; U." IMIMSKI, Antoni, TULIS211i.- technik; F-T-_LSZ~ ~IS:j Stefan technik; 14PAU. Stanislaw., technik; TOBIASZ, Szczepan, =:I-- ti~-ch iik Rotation furnace for burning vinasse. Gosp paliw 11 Special issue no.(95):8 Ja 163. 1. Sieradzira Gorzelnia Frzemyslowa, Sieradz. ?-j' C! T~ LE'i,*,11 Ili, ~Icbioid ~,,--.~;inatin;-, in a Sait I~nke of the A-braou 11 Dol~. AN, 23, ~", . 6, 1939- Perlinsula (-711-ack, 3,ea Dasin) , Io ILD-r., Lab.) -D-jojo,~:-ical Sta. in V..'-'. --*,rnoldi, Novorossisk; -c1939-- Ptic-Borkowski M. Ptic- Borkowski IT., Eng. Arch. "Ibe Architecture of Warped Surfaces." (Architektura powierzchni wichrowatych.) Architektura, No 3, 1949, pp. 90-93, 17 figs. The author discusses at length warped thin constructions about which prof. Hacar, of Czechoslovakia, lectured to the Society of Polish Architects in Warsaw. The pro- fessor threw light on the problem of applying warped concrete constructions. bome pictures representing models of those constructions (taken from the Research Labora- tory of the Polytechnic School in Prague) together with architectural projects of great functional value and which have just been executed were displayed during the lecture. According to the author's opinion, the use of such constructions constitutes an important step.-on the way to new architectural forms, conspicuous for their plastic beauty, functional value andeconomy. SO: Polish technical Abstracts No. 2. 1951 PTICEK) M. "A rapid and correct method in determining the strength of ropes." p. .020 (Vojno-Tehnica Glasnik) Vol. 5, no. 12, Dec. 1957 Belgrade, Yugosla,.ria SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) Ec. Vol. 7, no. 4, -April 1,058 KONDRAVYVI, V.N.; PTICHKIN, LL Gas phase interaction bet-wean carbon monoxide and ozonized oxygen. Kin.i kat. 2 no-4:492-496 JI-Ag 16-1. OMPA 14:10) 1. Inatitut khimichei3koy fiziki AN SSSR. (Carbon monoxide) (ozone) 1;03 (.1/ E Zi 8ri .JITHORS Korldrat'vev. V'N~ arld PtJchkin F - I F LTU, Reaction or carbon uiono\-.jd,- wi-t-h ozoll;et.e(i n rh'-, gas phase 9 L) CAI, Kinetika i ka ta I i z, v. L, no .4. -1 b I; o'j _-_ !ic)t) I)r*evjotjs works ort the tormal.ion of carbort dio~.jd'~ h\ oNcidation ot' cat-bon monoxide in t.he preserict- of ozons, hav.. ;Issulned a reaction of the forln~ CO s 0 3 = C02, .1. 02* bu t the results have never been in sa t i s Fac tory agreemen t. W1 Th experiment The presen t: work mor,e ~)Ccljril t 1% ex 1)et- i Int.?, i measuring the relative Auminescencf~ in the 'il;kjo-~;9otl k I rom 100- 2500 C. 'me ozone was me-asured iodotrtetricalJy. ;iitl' C;) rh o n di o x i d e b y a 0 , 0 1 N 13--t ( OH s o I u t i o n ; b Y ca r r v J ng (I (I t 11 u n-/one determination nrior to the Farbon dioxide determillat jon till- tzrrors in the previons wur'ks ivere minimized. convontion,,] "lo"aratils I'm's used, with tr-quitnolar mixtures o!' carbou dioNi4it. e.,vttl ozonated oxygen containing 3,26,,! ozone initi.allv 1-h(! re-ti I t ( a r d 1. / -) t tmi o!' carbon mono,-Ode with S/t 99/b 1/002/0(l4/M-,-,.; I It -.6 obtained itre shown in Figs, 2 and shoi.-ing~. yield of carbon dioxide and the relative concentration of vi/oiit~ de-composed, as functions of temnerature. Fn both figurp~~ t'thcniii,z' type lawn- ar(- ofleved with acl:rtatiorl ene-t- -1111-irl dt?).N.Cdc Ot, -I~? hv low 1 (it, and J,'~ :-) kc:11 lim' strove 19(l and for ozorv of' -22, 11 kcaL/mole in tile I O~,(-T- titre regiori SimiLarlv, the intensity of I fnmer;itlirk- deoenden(:e wi th all octivai ion of resul c;, ti h va c ell ra t. ec n I c u 1.1 t r?d t o --wk I i ST 17 1 - mt-- !it --ill (.0 - o CO.'I And CO 0 C i f qvinI k c /mo I c and V- t'( ;.If i! 1. vhere oniv .1 in 25 of the CO- in the cNi: F- d state, I t - s Found imnnsai 1) 1 to V, i o F .1 t,, l)e v mo Lecu I ar reac t ionz~ Previcki-sly c6n- t th-z t, i-gu r i- s -mc! v f t-r one h I ,tld -,11 - E,nglistl- I Card 2/-3 Reaction of carbon monoxide with ... s/195/61/002/004/003/oo8 E030/E585 J.Amer.Chem.Soc., 76, 1523, 1954; Ref-3: S.W.Benson, A.E.Axworthy, J.Chem.[Ihys., 26, 1718, 1957. ASSOCIATTON: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics, AS USSR) SUMMED: June 2, 1961 Fig.2 N Fig-3 Card 3/3 PTICHKIN,-. 1-1. A powerful accelerator of economic progressw Vnesh. torg. 43 no.10:3-5 163. (MIRA 16:11) PTICHKIN, N. The 1-2th Session of the Mutual Economic Assistance Council. Vnesh. torg. 30 no.2:6--q 16o. (14IU 13:2) (Russia-Foreign economic relations) PTICIam, 11. The great commonwealth of socialist countries. Vnesh.torg. 28 [i.e. 291 ao-1:5-10 '59. (MIRA. 12,:2) (Russia--Foreign economic reLations) PTI~CHKIN Cooperative development within the framework of the Phtual Economic Assistance Council; on the l4th anniversary of the Hatual Economic Assistance Council. Vhesh.torg. 42 no.1.3-8 263. (MIRA 16t2) Nitual Economic Assistance Council) PETROV, N.; PTICHKIN, N. Plant fund and increasing the role of group material incentivesw. Sots.trud 8 no.3:123-128 Mr,-163. (MIRA 160r) 1. Zaveduywhchiy otdelom proizvodstvennoy rabo -platy Leningrads4go'oblastnogo soveta professionalInA '..ySuazo"v(fo-rv.P"")- 2-~ Starshly instruktor otdela proiWftdstvennoy raboty i zaraboiWoj' platy IAningradskogo oblastnogo soveta professionallnykh soyusov (for Ftichkin). (Leningrad Provinco Industrial mAnA ement) (Leningrad Prov,.nee-Bqnus dyateml LARINA, II.(Mosk-va); PTICffKIN, N.(Moskva) Closer contact among competing enterprises. Prom.koop. 12 no.4:15 AP 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Predsedatel' pravleniya arteli "Elektroizdeliya. (for Larina). 2. Zamestitell Dredsedqtelya pravleniya arteli po "Xlektroizdeliya" po orgmassovoy rabote i kadram. (Moscow--Electric industries) PTICHKIN-, N. N. ;,Tj 4 4 R "ScleWlflc aryl Techni-cal :progress and Frospects in thr: Develor ent ~,f Zin- ;Tyl I al Metallurg,,7,11 Iz. Ak. lfniuk SSSR, Otdel. Tekh. Nauk, No. 5, 1,941. Report U-1530, 25 Oct 1951 PTICHKIN, Petr Nikoql!iyevich. Prinimal uchastlye GUTMAN, Yu.M.; AFANASIYEV, V.-V., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; ZHITNIKOVA, O.S., tekhn. red. (Valve dischargers] 4ptil-nye razriadniki. Moskva, Gosenergo- izdat, 1963. 145 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Eleatric protection) (Electric discharges) ---- -- ---- - ----- --- ZALESSKIY, A.M.. professor; XOGAN. R.I.. inzhener; PTICHKIN. P.N., inzhener; TAYTSRL', G.B., inzhoner. Series of small-size support insulators for Inside installation. Vest.olaktroprom. 27 no-12:31-33 D 056. (MIRA 10:1) 1. leningradskiy politekhnichookiv institut, (Itlectric insulators and insulation) AKH"YAN , Arininak Misakovich;, PTICHKD, P.N.,inzh.~ red.,- ZHITNIKOVA, O.S.) tekhn. red. [Manufacture of porcelain insulators for high-voltage apparatus] Proizvodstvo farforovykh izoliatorov dlia apparatov vysokogo nap- riazheniia. Moskva., Gos. energ. izd-vo, 1961. -278 p. (MIRA 14:11) (Electric insulators and insalation) 41 between the method of thelheoi7pf riance e autho statistical,optimizatloi a~d, tfi rs ted:by a, cations Of. 'Ut. Orig. art.:.-,, P-1--sy s temc L~ pertutbAt -On.- o - 4e- te i~lich;~Jii d 41ji PTIKfFfOVU1KOV, H.V.; ZAVIYALOVA, V.I.; NAVAGO, Yu.S., inzh., retserii6nt; MARKIZ, Yu.L., inzh., red. [Sheet-metal work by explosion] Shtampovka listovogo metalla vzi:7,-vom. Moskva, Izd-vo "Vashinostroenie," 1964. 173 P. (MIRA 17:6) ROZF,NTSVAYG. A.M-, dote., TKACROKO, Ye.T.. PTIOTROVICH, Ye.H* vrach. Effectiveness of antibacterial and tissue therapy in neyromyelitis optica. Oft.zhur. 13 no.4:232-235 158 OgRA 11:8) 1. Iz kliniki nervnykh bolezuey i glnznogo otdaleniya OdeBskoy oblestnoy kainicheakoy balluitty. (OPTIC NERM-DISEASES) NOVIKOV, B.G. [Novykov, B.H.]; CHEPINOGA, O.P. [Chepynoha, O.P.J; LYUBAIMAYA, M.A. [Liubars'ka, O.M.); SERBA, R.M.; PTITSA,_A.N. [Pty-tsia, 0.1-1.) Some specific features of the desoxyribonucleic acid of erythrocytes and somatic characteristics of ducks during cross treatment with desoxyribonucleic acid preparations. Ukr. biokhim. zhur. 33 no-5: 633-645 '61. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Inatitutw of Physiology of Kiyev State University and Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R., Kiyev. (DESOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID) -PTITSA., A.N. LPtytsia.9 O.M.] Analysis of the mechanism of compensatory gonad hypertrophy in birds. Dop. AN URSR no.5:671-673 '64. OMJRA 17:6) 1. -Kiyevskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR V.P.Komissarenko [Komisarenko, V.P.I. KULISKIY, L.A. [Kultstkyi, L.A.]; SOTNIKOVA, Ye.V. [Satnikova., O.V.]; PTITSAI, R.P. (Ptytsia, R.P.] Biochemical oxidation of chlorophenols. Dop. AN UPSR no.10: 13?3-13?5 164. (KRA 1?:12) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khim-ii AN UkrSSR. 2. Chlen-l,orrespondent AN UkrSSR (for Kullskiy). MOGILEVSYLIY, Dmitrty Aleksandrovioh, dotsent, BABKOV, Valeri7 Fedorovich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SMIRNOV, Andrey Sargeyevich, kand.tekhn. nalik; ABRAHOV, Leonid Tikhonovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; ZAYTSKV, Fi- lipp Yakovlevicch, kand.tekhn.nauk; ZAMAKHAW, Mitrofan Semenovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; NIKITIN, Sergey Mikhaylovich, inzh.; BIMYA, A.K., prof., retsenzent; DUDKIN, P.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; AVERUV, V.N., retsenzent; KARTASHEY, V.A., retsenzent; PALOCM, A.G., re- tsenzent; POPOV, A.R., retsenzent; PT-I-TSIN, I.G., retBenzent; ROKA- NENKO, I.A., prof., retsenzent; BARATS, L.A., prepodavatell, re- tsenzent; B.ASKUICH#.N.1.9 prepodevatell, retsenzent; BELISKIY, A.Ye., prepodavatell, rateefizent; KALUZHMT, Ya.A., prepodavatell, retsen- zent; CHVANOV, V.G., red.; MALIKOVA, N.V., El~ocating and designing airfields] Izyskaniia i proeictirovanie aerodromov. Pod -red. V.P.Babkovs. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo M-va avtomobillnogo transporta i shosseinykh dorog WSR, 1959. 566 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Kharlkovskiy avtomobillno-dorozhny7 institut (for Romanenko, Barats, Baskevich, Bel'skiy. Kaluzhskiy,). (Airporta-Planning) BARTENEV, L.S.; GLEBOVICH, G.V,.,- PTITSIN, K.N. Super-high speed pulse oscillograpk,- Prib. i tekh.eksp. 6 no.6:80-83 N-D 261. (min 14:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy ilidtitut Gorlkovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Cathode ray oscillograph) i Yc. AM. GLrv:lc*,., -1. PL4Lsina, N. G. oil tl-ie warming up of the charge carrier in Ge at cyclotron CE: Re-'. zh. rizika, Abs. 6E722 S C), -L 1, C-Cr. I - L y Njozhv-Liz. konferentsii ped. in-ov po radiofiz. i -205 M. , !Dd5, 187 T 0 P: CAGS: cyclotron resonator, microwave spectroscope, shf spectrometer,. C-,--e carrici,, ff c~ n-ianium, hot electron S" C" The cyclotron resonance of hot electrons in Ge is investigated both .A Zinc 0-.*k2'L -,U- ~aii- expe,.-imentally. Theo r ctic ally, it is shown that, in the case of and st-1-ang electric fields, the isotopic part of the distribution function :)C,-Ic;s On Z.10 incident radiation frequency. in the case of strong fields, an c-xorossion is der ived for the shape of the resonant line. The investigations were CarriCCI O-L-t On Go specimens at a frequency of 9. 7 cps at T = 4. 2K. An auLodyne TWTI microwave spectroscope using a reflecting operating resonator, Carci -1/2 0~' ACC NR: Ai"60031,8)(35 Wi-.-*4C'.-' is conn~Cted in t*&.-e ex-.ez-al -leedback circuit of 'the oscillazor by -means of a c~ouble 7 -bi-I'd~re, is used as -Lilc SHF-spectrol-ne"Ler. The curves of -'he depen- de'-ce 01f Value (a3r) (where (0 is 'the frequency, v - the mean time of Pulse relaxation) on incident power have -the following three peculiarities: 'L) sn-iailer is tile effective mass) have a smaller . Nr)- at smaller ;nnali m* tile curves have a areater incline; 3) for large m*, the P016ve" lor 2 curvos dlivo-r--o considerably. For smaller m", 'the curves virtually coincide. An interpre-Lation o-i ziioso peculiarities, which ta'XIcs into consideration the power energy zone structure in p-Ge, is given. F. -L\-,ad'. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 20 ~E:'.GlISH-1Y , A ."!. ; Prinimaii -u;hasLiye-. SHE .,(,;I , "i.-. I irzh. I '7 Tj *?,T ,12; r, I- . I I.. i. . ; r C,. ,inzh. t.rofli.ctlon of in:iulator r-,a Ps. Lit. no.",:7--") ftp ('lip'A 18:7) GUREVICHJP I.S.; PTITSYN, A.G. Efficient laying-out of metals. Mashinostroitell no.6:25 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (laying out (Machine-shop practice)) ZOLUFAVINA.1 M.L.; KITSYN, A.I. Diagnosis and thera~i of necrotic phlegmon in neonates. Vest. khir. no.1.113-118163. (141RA 16:7) 1. Iz kliniki detskoy khirurgii (zav.-dotsent M.L.Zolotavina) Voronezhsko.wo meditsinskogo institutp. (INFANIS (NEWBORN) -DISFASES) (CONNECTIVE TISSIE-DISFASES) (IIECROSIS) 7o r FTITSYN, A.R. Use of the.'moments method for calculating the space and energ7 distribution of neutron density for neutrons emitted from a two- dimension$l and point sotwce tn an unbounded medium. Atom. energ. 10 no.2:W-126 1P 61. (MM 14:1) (Neutrons) I;. ~,,I -j it FTITSYN _&.R, Determination of the space-enera distribution of neutrons from a plane source in an infinite medium. iLtom.energ. 9 no..3:216-217 3 160. (M LILL 13: 8) (Neutrons) S/081/204009/003/007/014 B006/bO63 AUTHOR: TITLE: The Problem of Determining the Spatial and Energy Distributior.sof Neutrons From a Plane Source in an Unbounded Medium 7Y PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 216-217 TEXT: The Dresent "Letter to the Editor" is a contribution to an American publication (Ref. 1) in which a method is given for determining the densi- t y J(x,u) and the flux Y1,x,u) of neutrons whose spatial momenta +00 +00 *n(u) = Yn I(x,u)dx and Tn(u) - x T(X,U)dx are known. Foi- the -co lo q case of symmetry with respect to the planes of the sources, a solution was obtained in the form of (1): Vx,u) = pe-PIXI E a n(U)Un (0jxj); T(x,u) = y(yx)e-ylxl z bn(U)V n(71x))- n n In practice, it is necessary to confine oneself to an approximation in Card 7/3 82956 The Problem of Determining the Spatial and S/089/60/009/003/()r)7/014 Energy Distributions of Neutrons From a Plane B006/BO63 Source in an Unbounded Medium which the series of ( I ) have a finite number of terms. This means, how- ever, that (e.g,, at a given distance x ) a given accuracy is not attaina- ble for all values of the energy variab?e u if 0 and y are independent of u. Here, the author gives a method of determining suitable functions of O(u) and y(u). As V(x,u) is an even and T(x,u) an odd function of x, T(x) has only even and "T(x) only odd non-vanishing momenta. Assuming that. N+1 even momenta of ~(x,u) be known, the following relation is found zn the N-th approximation: T N(X,U) - Pe-PIX) t a r, (U)U n(PIxi). From this n=0 and 4 2(N)(0) = V2n (u) an equation is obtained for the determination of P(u). The equation of N-th order for 0 2 (u) reads 2 N N-) 2 1) n-1 _V2N(u) (P > 'I A (u) (P where A (u Z V Id N) = T2N(u) _~ qnvjnY . From 1) =0 n=)) the N roots of this equation one takes the suitable real, positive Card 2/3 The Problem of Determining the Spatial and S/0 B'CP00091003100 7/014 Energy Distributions of Neutrons From a Plane B0061BO63 Source in an Unbounded Medium PO (u). For y2(u) the procedure is analogous. For N+1 ~ 4., one 2 3 _ 45V4(u) (p2)2 + 54012 (u)p2 - 7204 obtains 16(u)(O ) O(u) = 0. To give a practical example, the author calculates the neutron density distribu- tion in hydrogen at a constant path length (X=1) by using the approxima- tion N+1 - 4, and compares the results of tLs approximation with the exact results published by Wick in Ref. 2 (Table). This approximation is satisfactory up to 20 path lengths. There are 1 table and 3 references: 2 Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 17, 1960 Card 3/3 89351 S/089/61/010/002/001/018 B102/B209 AUT90R.- ..Ptitsyn, A. R. TITLE; The application of the method of moments in the calculation of the spatial and energy distribution of the neutron density from plane and point sources in an infinite medium PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 10, no. 2, 1961, 117-126 TEM The present paper describes a method of calculating the neutron density distribution, which, above all, is suited for weakly moderating media and short distances from the source (15 - 20 free paths). The so- called method of polynomials is based on expanding the required distribu- tion function into a series according to a known polynomial Ui(x).- '(x,E) = e-Ox Y7Ai(E)Ui(Ax); the coefficients Ai(E) are ascertained from a system of integral equations. The sought function is assumed in the form Card 1/ -7 89351 S/089/61/010/002/001/018 The a,',-)I-LccLtion of the method of ... B102/B209 N ,11"(x,E) ai(E)K[bi(E)Xll This form of approximation offers the advan- tage that the approximation can be obtained in any order and that the systems of equations for the coefficients a. and b, are analytically ex- 1 1 actly solvable. Two terms of this expansion are enough to calculate the neutron energy for any E at distances x of up to 20 free paths. Now, the system of integral equations for the spatial moments of electron density is sought for the case of a plane monochromatic source. With M ln(u) -4- C~ (p+ 1/n!) 11 xu,!, (X,U)dx, the expressions -00 Card 2/7 The application of the method Card 3/7 of... B102/B209 IL Cti ('/1 - u + 1") x 0 x e-(u-u') P, dit' X V ~1) M,+,, n- i 4~ /Aft- i,,,- i + tit ajuj(0)Pj(pv)O(qj-u); (1.H) 0, 2 tL i !'i (it - U') C (it - u U, 0, qj 1 (L 12) 89)51 s 010/002/001/018 89351 S/089/61/010/002/001/018 The application of the method of... B102/B209 are finally obtained. The system (1.11) for the M is exactly solvable In and fundamental for the following considerations. The initial valu6 of M is ascertained, resulting in M (0) = (n+l)m in In In 1n:_ I I S I J order to solve (1.11), the coefficients m have still to be determined In t explicitly. First, this is done generally, viz. separately for even and odd m For an isotropic source, the relatively simple expression! ln' �n+j M'. P, (it) e-U (0) X/tt X nj- 41(1 - - X 0 (PZ)Xn dX=yn "Xin, n lo for odd (n-1) or n(1 (1.23) with K In u Pi nt(n+')l /(n (n+1+1)!when (n-1) is nega- 2 2 2 tive and even (1.23). Card ~,/7 85351 -SIOB91611010100210011018 The application of the method of ... B102/B209 The following important conclusions result from (1.23) and 41.11): ;.4 in (u) = 0 if (1~n) is oddt and Min (u) - 0 if nQ. point(u) n point 2 n+1 o:o y (r,U)4-~-r (u) -77 ' dxx Min /n!) r 1 dr and M in 2 n 0 * -00 0.0 point Mpoint i. drv~ (r,u)pl(x/r) -K, obtained for a point source. Now, in in the method of approximating a function according to its moments is p,;re- N sented with the simple function g(x)z E7a K(b x), of which 2N spatiAl 00 ( n moments gn X g(x)dx are known, as an example. The moments' C;p 0 K = i. XnK(x)dx of the function K(x) are assumed to exist. n 0 Card 5/7 89351 S/089/61/010/002/001/018 The application of the method of ... B102/B209 The following solution is found: g(x) K(,,Ix)3!-a xn + n-1 n If the moments M n+1 /n1) 00xn 1n pl(x,u)dx are known, -CO ip. (x) = Me sit) sill 2 [A'c,s - i~ ,) +Bsin X) x b1/4 b'14 x exp Cos; X) (3.29) rile tg.= 6= j4b-a2 a A Cos.!! - Vsin 5 B (3.30) 77-4 7 Card 6/7 893~51 S/069/61/010/002/001/018 The application of the method of... B102/B209 is obtained for the original problem. The solution of the system (1.11) for water and hydrogen is discussed as an example of applying this method. For hydrogen, the neutron density is calculated under the assumption of a plane isotropic source and constant mean free paths of the neutrons. On this occasion, ten integral equations (mentioned here) have to be solved. After voluminous calculations the following result is obtainedt 4' (x) = e-0-41725,dx ~X In a 10 [0.07196 cos(O.1267i )+0,51450 sin(0.1267~x)j. table the numerical values of loge 0(x) (as calculated according to this last formula) for 9 different ~x values are comDared with the results of Wick. Agreement is satisfactory. Analogous steps are followed for the case of a Doint source in water. Finally, the author thanks Yu. A. Romanov and- L. P. Peoktistov for their discussions and L. S. Bychenkova and M. N. Kopylova for numerical computations; I. S. Pogrebov is -mentioned. There are 2 tables and 6 referencest 1 Soviet-bloc and 5 nan-Soviet-bloc. SUBMITTED: April 6, 1959 Card 7/7 9*00 Goo*@* a a 0 a 1" 4 1 UG"103i mum obull JeC41U4 sT cm AT u n a C D EF C .4 JR L A 1- x-1- 1101,M3111 :Z r rA 60 SIMMS *d 1 , '""'Put"244 M JO MOM Bw J*w mum m" -Zasdft )v am adAi I : 00 'q~11303 APNO P S39n NIng -0I "! DILYMNAII Asp Joi -dwai '.061 IN -tulu Cl I - - . so :2 P .(Vl IV mtu #9 =IJBIM -'.lm IT oil p1m. A - ' Ev M :(:11N) 1-00 PPP JudVA *.A(I"Pnl=S pa 8`14, J aIwtntA301qI M!"Isamm Asp it, *-mo- ( ps) : r H q on at "IM + 1OW M)MI *-- 14MOS)IT"M salt 00 XbWA- PW 91 P- Sauum am[ iq SAIII Pw U! C, 00 , ,! f :02 IMO 03M IFUMMI303 JVNW APPIM -1 " AMM J0 -Usasonp fon"V 2U `HMf 4- i7so v of. I'XVHN)MI - 'XITHMAll 01 91010kOX)f IRK JO MPFIrMa Rijn nmpwd 31vj 1 .:40401 pmtuoj an Alm -aim -to al NIO 1I . )t" r 14 so , ! N ImITm -1 , !'Lodi P _413II(*jjN)14jI 10 vdams, fousM mp III -* I ' is* .Lit P- Sri g*1 .qPj .RLI .11: '.= an 'sdum uo9jims; aU &(NOS) < ol < spo A < Q ' < 45 < O'S < '06 :-P- *q-M) M" M ---P WTHX)ldI MRMMJ MMUM Mn 2ajAWq too -OpduKa 10 A'S"'j"1% lvuumP;wU~(9W0W1WG'0N SUN* -ins 'empr-10M -"pop M"m A 01 P PMAK& J I 00 aid." "I 6't I%, .00 iv 09 5 J Is IT ?v it at 61 K it e( ct" UZI Ito( $tsffz III it a III tj ri it it (14 - - I 1 sk .00000 -0 go 9 0 0 0 of~_* 1~ 7W 9 V -.q - W T 9 7 0 W 9 0 a -A 0 & a m a . a -'Cm - - -gy-r-g-tv r -T -1 -To I)T It Is r. 11~1 AL L a it 4 A r .4 *V01mmaj& Dgiwilaishm SM&W of this PWWom Gmup. A- A. .00 0 Criliberg Find B. V. ptiXiP (AA-I'sli A bukiviii.Vauk S.S.S.R. rrmL Arad. ago 00 Id).2M-290).-Jln Rumhut and Fmich.) Putrik. in pure timuctric titmtion of Irl" salts with KMnO, can be applied not onlyi Ir", mdutiong. but Moo in th I Ithill. Irly. lvtlv. Fess', awl Fell -it.. P"Ientimnetric Old ve(so )I i.11--ful in fit, I " Zee 00 to 11111 % i;1. " ..Nt i'"I of In I R1. fitil't-1 by'llit.-milial ptavolsol".4 it,- 1-., zoo go "I'll Own -jilt K.11no, in a vurmit,-f CO. In tit.. Im-lic of.MmSO'. 1't" and IF$" may he driernainett "imultanvously kv titruti'm zoo 9 jih K.%1110'; the f It" in the m4utimi hi's Ho influenm an ill(- goo, ml,utt.-N. A. 41 ZO 0 :=06 000, Ni"LLU96k-L WIN'tL41 CLASSIPK&110. LIK iti ~g r v 'W 0 P ; i ' IT P at Ill a It If 111 a n It a n I JU ble 0 * 0 0 00 so 0 * 00 a 000 0 so 0 0 **see 0 a eo'O' :16 0 00090 go 09 * 0 1 : 0 00 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 ~ =~~Mw*mw Immmw~~ I I U a" J611 123336 1536 v31 "A: .1043 " lam- a c c to G w a t 0 - - p I- AS' t- -&T - - - 00f: *or 0 Or i 00 Oz 00= j~qjo qj!ta put jaqjtvuvauoqj~mwujzjtupvujpuv auolv to 11141wupuJopp 041 J") lwq!x)wp WV )alq P~m ul)--.(Nvl 0 412 * I ' -H *UVI SWI " WiPA~rIYUMM ' w ) 11 = C, 0.0 1"W 014 o A V I -Cvl ( M.1 l (911) Vol -am PHI smam P 1109111M OPPEOPWJ 00 00, 00. 00 00 so 00 09 - - , 1700 A 06 of The q " 41 0 0 -- Q-A A-1 1 if 1 f I-v 1 w-? 0 It 0 9 a 91 8 IF vv 9 4-0-0 j 140 `W W W-Wvliff~a ale S a a a 00 0 0 so* 000 0 0 10 9 P A H L It a Iff."t 4 A- P L-it. I T -k- I I T 2, 1, Is A I? a IV U I a C is . r., A A."-rZ_jW a 1:0 IV- !~.v J.0 011-., 1 - 4., 4, 6 t_ 1. & .of. Loo The ftadW of pwftum a8d of bival"t Uidium at difts t lignpipaplitures. A, A. Grinbvrv gold It v. ptitsuin., CoMP41. rfxd. acad. ici. U. R. S. ! N. s' C. A. 29. 9 S.I. 2, 17-1909NIOn CIA't"Isol; c- .00 :162.51 - of II.S().. K.Ncl. Is oxillized 1:11 ill a (fit. Poll, kIlIO. still Killcl. is oxidit"I 1 .00 K.I,tC[.(Oli). Ily K! a illixt. of lite -I ion. is oxidliett at trati(m curve until both intli are there is no lyreek in the ti taxitfizcd. But when the titration I% carried out fit '4) IN' x, =00 itine is a short) ri%c in POtnitial when all the Pt is nNidif"L te pt in tile pres"itv tit Ir. 0 so thtLq making It ptmible to titrs tinx 00 Thr end point can he d0d. visuallY IlY QdI Zoe until the reddish brown IrC4- starts 10 form ant' Ill"% 0 0 1 1, 60 back-titrating with Mohr's tialt, If care 6 takei to that all the KMnO, is reduced by IrCI4-. Similar r".Ws art, obtained with KBrO. in IIICI soln. but lite rnd-points age out 644 sharl, as Willi Khtilo.. Jt-Jtll F. Mill.rry I too L CLASSWK&ItC. U a IV '7_1 too ---v I I IV 4.s J~. j, al a ___ - 4 6 4 0 -~---- It . I at a 0. 00 0 0 0 0 go 0 0 0 0 09 90 000 0900 o gone 0 e 00 Ill a IN a III jib 111 5 a im A, e a Ci A It 12 11 14 IS 16 It 11 30 It L F " I I L It 1, F Q it I U T It Z? Z3 24 25 .6 17 3 .9 JU 11 1; if )A 13 16 li, m m C it U #I A u .1 -- -- - - -- - -, ~J_ Is? .-v . k till CC W EE,~-L A I -t IL ~k A I P At `9 0 otentials of the com"411 Of ,duction r sidallon -00 - i u p the platintins inicials. 1. oxidation -rilductlod potentials 6 -00 r, of the Ilyalent 114 X.1- 1 A 114 X-1 11 1 11,111I.fil. It V I'lit-111 nod V. NL 1.41vtrelt'r, 00 0 S It 1 11). 6011 'JI(IM, I I, I's - 0 * -lit, If,-n 1-1, 1111.11 ,f slit, V41i'l very 'llialgly A -fit, 1, II-ns;I,l N, I- :W-41 A ith Ibe natill'of III, "'hildill'iting X- ioll. Withrv~j--t (ofuld to IK A stmt. A 2C~0-i:,,(h M-4 --1- 00 00 ;7 1.. f1w 11, I's l1w two Ill '411, firlitinic S-mAn ml M,mio I C A. 10. 267.31. A ming-1. -00 00 aml I N NaX, fit.- E~ %alu-at tile h'At .-tTvvI, Cut)-st 1A 4.2. Fv,(). A." 7NIt X, i 0 I Cl 1 i i .00 06 on,V at ~: . - %m I'm, . t v- in-,I~Flv - 114 r-nol-Irt, int- billiv "fill mp, - 1 " , I - 't h. - IA 0 3 WN . m V.; Witril lo.11"I 11141 Cal.; Its , o n13 v , it .1tconst" 00 "AiLs v. -1111tr1lit vallies Ale Attributed til 111t, lWing 4111ong ill,, ploilo'. 1, 1 "ned, fit 11 P B K ;00 00 0,1 rj tras t tliacrrilt stainlitit-s of tile L-mplex loss%. , by tile aetimi of an rx~~% of hot Mir soln. on Kv prrN 00 . And thm cooling. Kjpljlr~ in pr--vive ~s( ill water Pt6 t I , II h h l l i f K i go e v3 c4 . t I,,- rr.loct ma o r, w t ,PI ' l ttvtv%ltt. t black unit fina atilt. if( K,C,il, fit Ivit-wit-of I so ftool Vtoll. K,11(1. ao$$ prrd. by I-ilivittl K,I'tC[. ~ilh Vm- KI. K,PtI. uNty ebmined hv slightly warming , Pt(S(*A') Pl- ap d K f I X KI K i .-00 . v n an ~%cv- o . ICI, o , K,I 00 u,"e p,epl. lo, cite action of warm I N KSCN Rachni-trin F It rr-p and Y Pfch W(Cl . . . . , , systent CAO-AlMr-Fe.0j. limaventura 'ravmi. use 27, -Thesystem CA0 waA stat(lit'll hY IN11-411. 11111willittillet al"I , 4*0 . I. zz. win, lirnicM thernm4m. to file pogor (( inall. high in Cat). in ritentling tile stuily T. rtituitiLA ilmdvr~,l W- .1. 30.112V-10. 31, SI 171). tee lo' pe-,, f -opd. -lCaO.A1,00'~P. wu% 00 Is 1, .-opIrlds, wilb "4110 , 0 1 :1 go v 0 if A, As I 4 , to A 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 -B 0 4 0 00 1 ?f--, s T..-~Y""13 :11. 'V. co'.entlals c-~ th- 6omp x ~.-rzionia~c of 1, 1(,- L Plaltinl.lm," Jok. An, 'No. 1, 19110. 0000 0_07 Iv4v4_v_w_,__ 4,76-Irl 0 0 w 0 0 I j IA 0 m 11 Is at 22 is 34 b 14 V a ?p i III It U U U a 11 U 0 CC W A 1-1 A _r. --7L 00 u 1~p v-~I- -00 0 00 Mcchanis"n -'of the reliction of sodiun, thiustillate with halo-iridates. and the oxidation -feduction potentials of 00 ha 4~0,1,x~ 8- 1'. (1 1 ,!o u go L,_. 7 u ;liml of th'i-lilf2t, fly *0 1--- 211:0 2AWIJI,i) 2 LI an-I 211iC1.1 + :it [:I I 0o 2,111C1,11,01 N), I- N I ~.,j I' :k'I . lh~ I I,j~ I pm ..I 00 fr,,- fulk~grl- Th, r"llict i-11 .)Tidal ime I.n.'rillal, 'I.q'I. .~FvhwlrCh -.-:NCI. - . * I, It, 400 0.9 17 v.. And fri. -00 so V ire o :,so lies Ire ties ASM-SLA ~ITALLLFIICIL LITERITURE CLA$SIFICATICN ;.v 4irt oil 110,14 C.1 a., ill An I A IN! 0 14 a I w _AQ 3 0 1 ;00 _T, ;1- 0 1 "pt?Irft6(KA9l S, K a it It a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 010 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *see 0 0 0 * 0 00 900 00 e1 I k 1 .0 1i q lj~ is lill vil Pisa 30 R V 1) A 4 36 A, n 11- &F-U-x;-w A S-L L.-I I -k A, ~L. 0 -k ?-Q- M-Af-cx, w,tL[A--A- t il-m-, L- k- V - f I -I --L- 0 0j !.. POINatlorrittric Invoinidgetion of the ox(dittim of thia_ ifillivatell by 2 clmngr of )-i'lltO E, d it..- .44ri -4 144, 1 6 suffate by hyp"ites. E. A. NInkibuyuk wid 13. V. mv. An initial shight ri~ Of F. m-1011kittilff fly cvollituml 00 Ptit"Y11. J. GM. Ckem. (U 16, I7Vt-4S(IV4M(fiC-- of Cj,. obcri-rd'il. flit- lit-gooliox of stir 111rati.-Il oI t Rwisfanl.~--Potentimnctric titration of N;tsSA (0-3 slightly alk. M-M S cx~4) ~In. .4 KCIO with Na.-S-j h, 0: ruillimok) with 0-M54 JI KC10 cousu 0 Ined OAT "11. 1e" is due to incmv~irig acillityallecting the "AiiNtion-frolucton th"" the 11"44"tie"I "Jot- (01i'LitioU to sulfate), the deficit potencialo(KC10; 0 m heine dlue it, part of the S ormwing o"tion in the (*nn whet below Stir th,,oreticalanit. (11~32 fill, 010.1015M N.11 11~ of 11,S: the latter w.ts not tictectcd in the reversol, t1tratillort Tttm: 00 1 ;~ !',, of KCIO -111, Sulfur funning initially redis. 00 in the eou~, of thl, titration. The "d point is uj~t jjjtj N) ivith NA,,$0, curistimcd all Unit. fairly clnc to the-tic.&I 17.2*j itil, 11,14115 At soln. 1~-r 2-1,05 milli- molc KOH) ift,teall (it 7-111 mi.): rhmocr 4 E .,( the end point is 3i)il mv. The rewr,c titi-mioo fly low a colmilliption of 113P miditer. Formation of -o)yjw 00 ffS on aildn. of an oxidizer to mdns. of Na.S201 prove I to 00 occur with a large no). of mop-mi, K-.IrCil, I NalhO, XMO, KCHI, s IICI, K I?rt to 4- 11CI. + 1 .60 Ink 11,0,, 1:, .-wo %ith (fit. IICI or II'SO, 1 000 V III* 1011S); likrwi-, INS i, l0wrAted frool olus. of NaCIO, %4140. NAO, KCI(h + IICI, KRrO, -f- IM, KNInO, + IUSth. fit olt-der to reli-dily cictluck 4A! the ~hfe reaction of forimilion of HiS, axidiiingsolri-. fin- IF S eluding 13) should prufmably be titrAt"I With ML.~~Oj, not ISO C!, conversely. jamir~on's proo-cilum of titrating Nalsf)l and NarS.04 in aci,( oln. with NAOJ is objVtionable. S. TEent too to 46, A S L *(TALLuFCICAL LITEraTURE CLASUFKATiClo ol .11, Clot 0-1 lit U Is AT PO AS 0 0 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 P,ITITZTN B. V. 1155. Lotent,jumetric i~iaUiod for detemination of total platimull and -iridiu.Tf,. A. A. Grin~erg, E. .1. 1-11aximiuk, and j. 111, Ptitzin. rend. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.5., 1946, 51) me'ric t`tratiu-.-.~. with le'Lr'04 -L and a I electrode i;ives vals. within 41% for the Pt + Ir content of solutions containinL 0.19 - 0.28 in,C. atom of Pt and 0.09 - 0.35 i.C. atom of Ir. after reduction of I KgPtGl6 and 0fI02IrCl6 with Gu2C19 in hot H01 solution and keeping for 15 - lF, hr. in contact iith ai-:;. L.J.J. 31 17 It u IS h v M is a 4t di 43 m 4 1: 0 I s s I Ic 11 U I= ODE!, k..L L 1. k L L r G a I K L a N ,voctists ..a ectr-,,ts -ol The oXW&tipa Cffi~ j tb, ~yVfqM thio- 17 _reds W po jo =a &a Utlits of the tetrathioaste regim of ddo"&W ozidadon. -1t.-V. ft rut V. A. Kozlov. Zhur. And. KAim. I _;. -,j.-Tlje purtome of this investigation -s t~p study the putentio- metric titration of XasSA witb I .,nj I with X~~j-h at 0 varitus concris. of the titrAted aipt titrAting soln~. by uAnic vArious electrcstes. Another purl t~v was to dct. the region of potentials within which thaou fAte issmoothly oxidized -00 to letrathionate. This region is referred to as the tetr;t- thtotLate area. The electrodes used in this invv~tigutwn -00 were. bright I't. platinfimed Pt. and a An clectrude. A, the concts. of Svoo-- increased from to 1) 1:1 31, 0 0 oo the by .-Wo, j; *49 mv. Tb6 is attributed to the (ormatimi of li~i (cf. 0 410 %Uk~inyuk and Ptitsyn. C.A. 41. which is 00 13 stronger reducing agent than thiosulfAte. The jump in =00 Potcutial coffesponding to the oxidation of lhio~ulfjte by =00 00 1 to tetrathkmate, i.e., the letrathiocate arrA was.;Ak)-5:.Nj 00 mv. with a bright Pt electrode. The same value in vwatl numben was obtained also for the Au ciectru&. For the o 0 oo platinixed electrode it was somewhAt highcr. In titratioc 0 t! I with VaESqO,. the jump for the Pt electrode %a% LAIIALNI roo mv. and for the Au electrode 510-Vil) mv. The fs,tenud 00 11 -for the "sient thitmulfate-tetrathiona- ~.xs F~ 300 00 1 omv. with the bright I't electrode. * -c pLitinized clec- trfxle*4 behavior was mom complicated. v.hich f.&ct i% AM- 00 buted to occluded 0. With the An electrode Es - L71; t f1mv. The rrwvm for thisdiscrepar. y isas yvt unkn-u 00 M. 00 00 A a L A nITALLbRGXAL LITEM&TLAF CLASSWICATION 1=00 woo 00 too a.. as( " a I An L I Md 0 I V st ~Ka 0 1000 0 0 0400000 ooooo::::::ioooooooeoooooooooe W/ 000000000000::Ooooe 40*060000600000000Z Drtermislatioll of tolvolollf fool) with Ascorbic Add it t f Lit'. Till.."C"ll.u. bv di".4vilix a ,,~ix It!, 'llmll't In. I. 2. I:rtt,r 1,, likely w re,alt (mrit atin. -Wmi .... .. I tit, aciti. 'ny avoia thi. treat 2D ml. of FrO, tit 1) 1 N IIC1 with a known wt. of acwhir jcid jml tilt.ste the with I ..Ill. to a 'urch old Point. NL Hos,h 'J~~he effectIof the thd on th on-reduction voten a Olt- 4dation mechinjo ~Uur old By courdMlion bon73F7- R v P V A. GorVnkhfnn,,and ~, A. Khoduno - I Fr aliny i Drug. Btajoiod. Metal, MO. ob- shchd ilVeorg, Kkin, Ala. Nook S.S;S.R.: 25i 67-75 (1950).-Thr 5tarting potentiah of oxidation with 11 of %0%-- to S and SO,-- ( of S40h (8w mV.) and of free S (700 mv.) appear to indicate a relation -between strength of coordination fbond f S comixis. and the pa-, 0 tential. Other data from ibe 1 itenture confirm, this con- W..M. $4ernbem_ PTITSYN,13.V.- VINOGRADOVA,L.I. Determination of instability constants of individual complexes by the method of equilibrium shift. Zhur.ob.khim. 25 no.2:217-223 F '55. (HLRA 8:6) (Compounds, Complox) .:v Pti fi;!? 44, Thii h&mi be the ~eber -WC-Ro' g---tn -111 . ; ;~ 4 : 46 4)',.but synthes.-s mnniierislinposs - Si pd bW*, doed not exqt.~ 4Mtn PM Ii2 tb' iie-sar~t 060~14:qons mn idim*ii~ Z' tit ib6 th ut "ttuo-.-- turp, of,'ilie 7th pefiod'd: th~ P~fipdl- Bkmeno al, AC. ti6s.'80-103 OouM iixhpy -s" re ti plositmus. ve -,L dont"doi.~ t he F" O"Upy.- -- e x atlvk! Fositionvulreh, raw a eliiy :4A ts were K17, NIM u.( yo3lic-o'm-16HO.-~ `of C 4 iz~ aaalyze4 by 2 met s. voi metric ditfi. l(UN04as uf~ itl the I mulp sa~ue &W.-Of CA7~ dild. f U UO Watir detn; o a re tiveloiv teinp-. amhydratis h11t'14fAW all water t tay let -~!Moveck uranylill at 6f cc; n was. mp rjo th 3 ri~ of he l7luthod ofiepeat6d wash' at 230 3rd ~ ti' r eu tiloti ev&y curlio; Ifthiiutl td tifici - d -pnists but f a Elux In water soln4 t.,Is presmti- UOiCsOOH20 dissoc~ + UOIC-04 ;i.-, M ~ + ~CIO" ln. Ig a wtak e1 iridyte. - The dis~ai. mast. is ap- ec 7-1 oil of doinetrid titmd ..... .... NOVOSELOV, R.I.; MUZYKANTOVA, Z.A.; �T~TS ~~B.-V. Determination of the instability constants of complexes mastable, in time. Zhur.neorg.khim. 9 no.4.-799-802 Ap 164. (WRA 17:4) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. 'Z 7 6' s Ic v 1".W Mutiply. P_ !on tions., be.. redd OM con of di ' wittL t -for C;k wiv a 0 ;k~-stepiv~ OA'pdilnt~djAate.'v ed r. . % moil: tct ff f b fz~ e e t odAhe b q~:Pqte~' .o th6 6xidati oteutW of of ~]R b a, od p - 7 ael&4 Th6 premnce,d-aiffemt. U - - ' ' id - HCtO the'to 'wingo e -0%l auou pow atercasts ta I Wj~ > of .1ne am HNO bAd of, ~L.C'A u DR." L L4 PTITSYN, B.V.; TRKSM , Ye.N.; VINOGRADOVA, L.I.; MORACHEVSKAYA, M.D. Using the oxalate-silver electrode for determining the instabilit.V constants of complex oxalates. Zhur.neorg.khim. 2 no.9:2025-2030 S 157. (MIRA 10:12) l.Leningradakiy takhnologicheakiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti, Kafedra obahchey i analiticheskoy khimii. (Blectrodes) (Oxalates) GRINBERG, A.A.- PETRZH&K, G.I.; NIKOL'SKAYk, L.Ye.; PTITSYN, 3.V.; FILINOV, F.M. Edeceased] New means of preparing tetravalent uranium derivatives. Trudy Radiev.inst.AN SSSR. 8:166-169 '58. (MIRA 12:2) (Uranium compounds) SOV/78-3-11-4/23 'AU7HORS: P+4'-ynj 3. 7., Sheronov, L. N., V. P. TITLE: The Deteir-ination of the Solubility Products of Silver Citrate at Different ionic Strength of the Solut-Jon (Opredeleniye proiz-redeniy-- --astvorImcsti- tsit-rata serebra pri raznoy ionnoy sile rastvora) PERIODICAL: Zhilrnal neorgan--cheskoy U-4mi-J, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 11, pp 2450-2452 (U S S'-R) ABSTRACT: Tr U- the present paper the oplimam conditions for the production of silver citrate of the composition A H, 07 were investigated, g3C6 and the solubility products of silver citrate were determined by means of the radioacti-i-e indicator Ag110. The solubility product of silver cit-rate was dete=;~ned as function of the ionic strength of the solution at 250C. Sodium citrate solution was added to a silver nitrate sclu+ion in order to produce silver citrate. This sequence of addition of reagents leads to crystalline si2ver citrate which precipitates easily. In the case of an inverse addition of silver nitrate to sodium citrate a firie dispezsion is produced which can be scarcely filtered.. bard 1/2