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137-58-2-2809 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, N-r 2, p 87 (USSR) AUTHORS. Kurilekh, D. G., Psarev, V. '1, TITLE- The Nature of the Drop in Yield Point in the Finishing of Sheet Steel (0 prirode ponizheniya predela tekuchesti pri otdelke stal I nykh listov) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. Dnepropetr. un-ta, 1956, Vol 45, pp 69-71 ABSTRACT: A study was made of the mechanical properties of annealed, and leveled sheet steel, and an attempt was made to determine the cause of the drop in the rrc value after leveling. Used in the tests were sheets of steel 08KP, annealed at 680-7101 for 8 hours - The sheets, 2000-2500 mm in length, were cut in half. From the one half samples were cut to be tensile-tested to destruction at angles to the direction of rolling of 0, 30, 45, 60, and 900; the other half was sent on for leveling, then for mechanical testing. Reduction amounted to 0 - 85-1. 0 percent. Tested were 6 sheets, 120 samples; the thickness of the samples was 0.82 mm. Chemical composition and test-result tables are included. The penetration depth of the leveling de- Card 1/2 formation was studied by X-ray. It was found that the solid 13 7- 58- 2 - 2809 The Nature of the Drop in Yield Point (cont background of the line (110) receded from the surface to a depth of up to 0. 05-0. 07 mm in sheets reduced by 1. 0 percent, and to a depth of up to 0. 08-0. 12 nim in sheets reduced by 1. 8 percent. In the leveled sheets the (7s value dropped from 24.05-26.7 kg/mm?- to 19-35-2075 kg/mm?, with a different value for each direction tested. Changes in Cyand were insig- nificant. It is assumed that the increase in the surface area of a sheet re- sulting from a plastic flow of the ferrite grains in the surface layers of the sheet should lead to an elastic deformation of the individual grains not only on the surface but throughout the thickness of the sheet. The effect of level- ing on the sheet steel was such that the elastic tensile deformation of the inner ferrite grains was balanced out by the elastic compression deforma- tion of the surface layers. When the samples were tensile-tested, the pre- existing elastic deformation of the grains was made evident by its absorp- tion of sorne of the stress --- which was apparent from the drop ;in the (7s va lue D. M. 1. Sheets-Properties 2. Sheets--Steel-Analysis Card Z/,_' 002/022/033 AUTHOR: Psarev, V.I. TITLE.: Coagulation of the carbide phase dur:Lng tempering o:C a molybdenum steel 1-1PRIODICAL: Fizilca metallov i m etallovedeniye, v. 15,, no.. 2 i 1963, 234-238 'T: has b en ~TEX The coagulation of carbides e studied in tWo* molybdenum steels: 1) 0 - 0 40f; C, 0.34 Din, -0-17 Si, 1.39 Mo and 2) 1. 27% C, o. 4 6 DI-n, 0. 2 1 S i and 1.04 Mo. -, Specimens with a suitable carbide structure were-s.elected.from batches tempered at .the 600 9C. Coagulation-was studied at 600, 650. and 700 *C by microscopical examination of specimeps-after quenching and surface-w.: stripping. Coagulation during-continuous-'heating at 10, 50 and- 100 OC/hour was also studied cr- steel .(I). Crystal-structure changes wer-e studied by X-ray diffraction on carbides isolated electrolytically, the structure obtained under the test condItIon-s beln- that of cementite.. Redistribution of molybdenum -,between the'l., crystal lattices of alpha-iron and. cementite -leads to breaks on-~ the curves correlating average -carbide-particle radius and Card 1/3 J, S/126/63/015/002/012/033,~ Coagulation of the carbide phase... E111IL151 '65 C; at.70( isothermal holdin time at 600 and 0 *C coagulation. dies away, virtually ceasing ~.fterabout- 80 hours, The. hardness. changes correspond' . to the changes in, the dispersion- of. the carbide phase and in the state of the alpha-solid,solution. Comparison of these results and those with-carbon steel indicate s n ase and that molybdenum. increases the disper io ofthe carbide ph, at the same time greatly retards the coagulation. Theresults show" that carbide coagulation is governed.,by diffusion of carbon, but also that the state of the matvlx crystal lattice greatly, affects both the dispersion of the carbide.particles and their coagulation. The kno-rrn fact that alloying stee 1- with a very smal 1: amount of Mo. does not lead to a large.change in the carbon diffusion.coefficient.. althoul-h the carbide phase.~is considerably more dispersed and the" carbide coagulation parameters.greatly ahanged,.is explicable in. terms of the,equilibrium co' a :simpl~lf ied model. Similar. results should be obtained with steels alloyed-with other carbide.- forming elements in quantities insufficient to form.speclal ,-carbides. There are 4 figures and 1 table. ar C d 2/3 PSAREV, V.I.; MAKOVIYCHUK, Yu.I.; STEFANOVSKAYA, N.D. Coagulation of the carbide phase in molybdenum and vanadium steels-at temperatures 1wer than the Al point. Izv uaheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.8:120-127 163. ~KvYRA9*16:11) 1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. ...... ... ACCESSION NR: AR4014151 S/0137/63/000/012/IO34/IO34. SOURCEt RZh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 121211 AUMORt Psarevp Vo Io3 Galichukp Yao Do; Dobrv*dent,, Ka Ae TIVEs On the intergrowth of crystals of the compounds CdSb and Zn3Sb2 in alloys CITED SOURM Nauchn. yazhegodnik za 1959 go Chernovitsk. un-to Piz~-xatema fak. Chernovtsy*l 196os 617-619 TOPIC TAGSs Cadmium antimonide crystal, Zinc antimonide,crystal, crystal aggregation, crystal intergrowth, centrifugal crystallization TRANSLATIONi An investigation was made into the feasibility of consolidating crystals of CdSb and Zn 3Sb2 in binary alloys of Cd with 25%*Sb and Zn with 35% 5b by the mechanical eflect of centrifugal forces on a crystallizing casting. The alloys were prepared from c.p. Zn,, Sb of grade Su-Op and Cd of grade Kd-O,, further purified by triple vacuum distillation. The q ystallization was carried Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR3 AR4o14151 out in evacu4ted pyrex ampoules, which were cooled together with the furnace after the metal had melted, at rest and with rotation, During the rotatio4 and in the c6urse of the solidification, the CdSb and Zn3Sb2 crystals, which differ considerably in density from the adjoining liquids grow together into large aggregates* This is illustrated by a comparison of the microstructures of the specimens cooled with and without rotation. V. Zolotorev6kiy. DATE ACQs o9jan64 SUB CODE.- ML, PH, CH ENCL.- 00 Card 2/2 '7f 1 KOSTUR) N.L.; PSAREV, V.I. Methods of doPJLng the crystals of CdSb compounds through alloys of the system Cd - Sb. Fiz. met. JL metalloved. 16 no.1:71-79 J1 163. (MLRA 16:9) 1. Chernovitskdy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Netal crystals) (Cadmium-antimony alloys) FSARXV. T.I. Methodology involved in heating and cooling according to a previously given law, Inzho-fizozhur. no.1:98-102 Ja 160. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Gosudaratvenny7 universitet, g.Chernovtoy. (Furnaces) BIYUMENFEELID, V.N.; LYLIFUR, S.L.; LIVSHITS, B.S.; PARILOV, V.P.; V.Ye.; GOLUBTSOV, I.Ye., otv. red.; KIaILLOV, L,I-',. red.; SLUTSKB-I, A.A., tekhn. red. [1-Ifethodology for designing the equipment of crossbar automatic telephone exchanges] Metodika rascheta oborudovaniia ATS koordi- natnyk-h sistem; informatsionrjyi sbornik. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam sviazi i radio, 1961. 130 P. (MIRA 15:4) (Telephone, Automatic-Equipment and supplies) AUTHOR: Psarev,.V. SOV/78-3-10-36/38 TITLE: Computation of the Line of Cementite-Austenite Equilibrium ir. Fe-C Alloys (Raschet linii tsementitno-austenitnogo ravncves--Iya Fe-C splavov) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal necrganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 9, pp 2217-2218 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The paper under review is an attempt at computing the line of cementite-austenite equilibrium in Fe-C alloys with consideration to the mathematical dependqnce of the n-grain size of the Fe 3C particle on temperature and concentration. The deper-aence of than n-Erain size of the Fe 3C particle on temperature and concentration is given in the equations 1 and 2: r r2 C - C11 r, [n 0 (T T )+T 1n 17 a c 2- 1 1 c Card 1/3 SOV/78-3-9-36/38 ComptitatJon of thc Line of Comeritito-Aunteni to Equilibrium in Fe-C Alloyn r r r 0 c (2) 0 i_ 0 T (-a In these equations r represents the n-grain size of the Fe 3 G particle at the temperature Tif Z' 2 the medium grain size of Fe3 C at T2, and c2 the respective concentratiorn at the limits of the particle with the radii r I and r2- The above formulae were tested in numerous experiments with highly disperse Fe-C alloys. The dependence obtained between the solubility of the compound Fe 3C at different temperatures is used for the computation of carbon concentrations in Fe-C system!i. There are 2 tables and 3 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Chernovtsy State University) Card 2/3 .-IOTH01i llsarc-"' V-1, SOV-21-53-1-11/29 TTTLE: Comr)utation of the Activation Enerjy wf the 77a-rbide Criagul - ation Process in Steel f%Ras,;hgt energili aktivats,-i prot-sessa, koagulyallsii karbidov v stali) PERIODICAL Dopovidi Akademii nauk Ukrainslkoi RSR, 1958; Dr 4" PP 386-389 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The diffusion character of coagulation of various fine-dis- persed carbide particles in ste-21s makes it possible to cal- culate the activation energy of this process, The euthor derives a formula for this activation energy.- V, T, are two where R is a universal gas constant; v and v 1 2 values of the linear growth rate for temperatures T I and T2 at the same size of the particles. The author carried out exDerimental investigations for a series of carbon steels, Ir om 1.2 to 1.7% C, at a wide range of temperatures, from 750 to 9500C, and treated the results by the least-square Card 112 method, The final result was 32,000 cal/g-at, and the SOV-21-58-4-7/29 Computation of the _!ctivation Energy of the Carbide Coagulation Process in Steel activation energy (above the critical point A,) closely agreed with that of carbon diffusion in austehite determ- ined by M.Ye. Blanter f-Ref. 2_7 and others. Similar com- putations were also performed by the author for various steel alloys. There is 1 graph and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Dneprope- trovsk State University) PRESENTED: By Member of the AS UkrSSR, V.N. Svechnikov SUBTV'ITTED: July 5, 1957 NOTE: Russian title and Russian names of individuals and insti- tutions appearing in this article have been used in the transliteration. 1. Carbides--Dif-Lusion 2. Diflousion--Mathematical analysis 3. Steel Card 2/2 S/l4k$/62/000/0l2/OE)3juo8 E07JL/El5i AUTtIORS Psa re v,.' VO If and: Kurobiy. 0. 1. T IT LE: Infiu.ence of the*.state of the solid solution on the kinetics of -coagulation and dispersion of the carbide phase in 'steels PERIODICAL: Izves .ti.y.avysshikh uchebnykh zave'deniyo 'Chernaya Meta-llurgiya, do.-12.' 1962, 103._~ 109 TLX.r: The influerice of the state of the.matrix phase, the groin boundaries.and of -grain size -ou the '_66ogulation .-of -carbides; - was investigated.for-the st,eels' LL) X 15 (ShKhl5,) '(1:0 IM- C, i.5y;*.Cr, u. 44to- Vn) \1 17 (U-17) (1.-6751, C),.,'and ~Vor,a nickel Stee'l (I. 175a Ce AL.. 5,'.. Ni) -made- from - Armco- :iron in a high frequency furnace in -argon atillosphere'. rhe..'s-pec-itn4ens were water-qM Ie.Rictied -from-. 1100 OC% an..nea.1.ed.- at - 620-650 "..C 'And''xiven isothermal treatm,en .to at various .tempexa tu res *,*, itt add i.tion they'were re,heated-and quenched from varl Ious. temp,rira tvres -between -950 and 1150 0 c.. from the number.'and tueAn radii of the carbide particIes, calculations wer.e. made of the liue~ar velocity of their growth and of ~thel~ ,two parameters- of the codgialation procesla: parameter characterIsIng the slowing, card',1/3 S/148/bZ/OW/0121003/008 Influence of1the**3t&te of the solid... ,down of the. coagulatio .n in the later 'stages of the process;. and P. - parameter chara.cterislng the acceleration *of the' coagulation in the early stag6s. 'It was shown that the' velocity 'of cdagulatigne t.h,e' 46~gree of -dispersion of the carbide phase and the degree of slowing down,of the process largely depend on the state of the. (x and solid solutions. The' higher-the.hardening temperature, Ahe.larger will be the grain, size 'ofthe solid soiu ,fion, -the more dispersed -will he the carbide'-pha .se 'and. the higher will be the hard.nessi of the steel throughout the course of -the coagulation proceso and vice verma. The.-.valueb of parameter 0 are higherfox..speciuiens hardened from 'lower tem~peratures,'an_d - those of are- higher for 8pecimens 'hardened 'frona higher tentperatureab .--Conclusions; 7 -:th*. procesi of Cioagulation of carbides along gra'ih boundaries and o.ther weak places- is determined not,onl-~,by the.-diffusIon coefficient,. but al:so,by*-.- Y changes 'in, the* solid. solution, it is necessary to conisider-the influenc~e of'ah alloying element on the.state of the matrix,of the solid solution, (,bond.forces presence of defects, grain gize-s etc) as well as an chdriges,of the,latter.(intensity of healing- Card 2/3 Influence of the state of the solid... s/148/b2/000/012/003/008 E071/E151 of lattice defects, mobility of matrix grain boundaries, etc) during the process of heating. There are 5 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy itniversitet (Chernovitsy State University) SUBMITTED: January 23, 19b2 Card 3/3 FSAREV, V.I.; SALLI, I.V. --- Coalescence of finely dispersed particles and determining surface tension on solid phase boundaries. Fiz. met. i metalloved 5 no.2: 268-278 157. (MIRA 11:3) l.Dnepropetrovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Surface tension) (Alloys--Metallography) AUTHORS: Psarev, V. I., and Salli, I. V. 126-2-12/35 TITLE: Coalescence of finely dispersed particles and determination of the surface tension at the boundary of solid phases. (Koalestsentsiya melkodispersnykh chastits i opredeleniye poverkhnostnogo natyazheniya na granitse tverdykh faz). PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov I Metallovedeniye, 1957, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 268-278 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Coalescence is a process of coarsening of the particles (grains or crystals) of the disperse phase brought about by displacement of matter from the small particles to the larger ones. This process is of great importance during tempering of hardened steels, during heat treatment of etching alloys, etc. An attempt to describe quantitatively this process has been made in earlier work of the authors of this paper and also of other authors (Refs. 4-7,9). It Is known from thermo- dynamics that, in the case of coalescence, the change in the free energy of the system AF is proportional to the change of the total surface of division between the phases and AF 8 As, whereby the coefficient Crrepresents the specific free energy on the surface of division of two phases. Thefunda- Card 1/7 mental relations of the molecular-kinetic theory of phase 126-2-12/~;~5 Coalescence of finely disperst~d particles and determinati3n oFthe surface tension at the boundary of solid phases. transformations include this important thermodynamic maunitude but so 'Lar no reliable data are available even oil the order of maGnitude of a for solid phase boundaries. In this paDer a calculation is presented with the aim of determinin.- the order of maE;nitude of the surface tension at the boundary of the solid phases usinG experimental data on the kinetics of coalescence. During coalescence all the particles of the disperse phase can be sub-divided into the following two classes: large, growing paxticles, i.e., particles which continue to -row all the time until the process is stopped; dissolving particles, i.e. smaller particles, the smallest of which dissolve during -~~ie first stages of coalescence whilst the larger ones may even grow in the initial stage and still dissolve late--. Bokshteyn, S. Z. (Ref.3) has found that during coalescence the average dimensions of the particles of both classes increase all the time. Konobeyevskiy, S. T. (Ref.1) proposed a formula for the Erowth of the average particle size of the disperse phase as a function of time during isothermal annealing in which Card 2/7 the rate of growth is expressed by a linear relation; for 126-2-12/35 Coalescence of finely dispersed particles and determination of the surface tension at the boundary of solid phases. a better agreement between this formula and the experi- mental results, the authors of this paper introduce a decelerating term of the rate of growth thus obtaining Eq.(l), p.269. The deviation of the coaGulatinF system from the equilibrium position can be characterized by a linear speed of Growth of the average dimension of coarsening particles at a given instant of time. However, with the progress of time the particles grow big.-er and the speed of growth will decrease and tend to become zeio In earlier viork of one of the authors (Ref.7), a iormula was proposed for calculating the average dimension of the particles which contains a term with an exponential deDendence on time. An equation is also derived for calculating the surface tension c at the boundary of solid phases, Eq.(7), p.271. If e-~:perimental data are available enabling plotting the dependence of the average radius of the disperse phase particles on the duration of isothermal annealing (Fig.1, P.70), it is possible on the basis of the here derived relation to evaluate the surface tension at the boundary of solid Card 3/7 phases. For verifying the proposed formula the authors 126-2-12/35 Coalescence of finely dispersed particles and determination of the surface tension at the boundary of solid phases. used the experimental data of Bokshteyn , S.Z. (Ref-3), Schimura, S. et alii (Ref.8); the basic data extracted from the experimental results of these authors, which are necessary for calculating the surface tension, are entered in Table 1, p.272. In addition, the method of calculation is verified on extensive exDerimental data which permit-s determining the surface tension at the boundaries graphite-austenite, carbide-austenite and carbide-ferrite. The process of coalescence of graphite Darticles in iron was investigated on two groups of specimens, the first consisting of iron with a nearly eutectoidal content of admixtures, i.e, 19- Si, 0.3% Un, 0.15~1o' P and 0.1% S, the second was prepared from pure synthetic iron with the same C and Si contents as for the first 6roup but having a minimum content of the other admixtures. The experimental technique was described in an earlier paper (Ref.6). Tables 2 and 3 Give the data on the dependence of the numbers of grains -oer unit of volume on the time and temperature of annealing of various specimens of malleable iron. The Card 4/7results are entered into tables and they are discussed 126-2-12/3~ Coalescence of finely dispersed particles and determination of the surface tension at the boundary of solid phases. in some detail. The data contained in the paper justify 0 u the assumption that the presented method for determining the order of masnitude of surface tension at the boundary of the solid phases is fully satisfactory and this view is supported by a number of facts. The same value was obtained for the surface tension of cementite at the boundary with ferrite by determininG it from t ee different sources. For the steel Y-8 at 65PCr 0 cr = 15 dyn/cm, for beloiv-eutectoidal steel at 630 0 Bokshteyn (Ref-3) obtained a = 13.2 dyn/cm. 0 whilst for steels with various carbon contents at 720 C Schimura et alii (Ref.8) quoted the value cr = 7.5 dyn/cm. If the temperature is taken into consideration these values can be considered as being fully in agreement. According to Schimura et alii (Ref.8) the surface tension of cementite at the bounda:r-y vilth ferr:Lte remaIns constant when changing the carbon concentration. For all the investi- gated alloys the magnitude of the surface tension decreases with increasing -temperature, whereby the decrease is almost inversely proportional with the solubility of the Card 5/7 disperse phase in the T:1other phase (in the temperature 126-2-12/35 Coalescence of finely dispersed particles and determination of the surface tension at the boundary of solid phases. range where no phase transformations occur). The surface tension of cementite at the boundary with austenite is almost five times lower than the surface tension of graphite at the boundary mrith austenite. This fact is confirmed by phenomena which accompany solidification of iron. InvestiGation of alloy steels showed that for a relatively small content of -the alloying element, of the order of 2yo, the order of magnitude of the surface tension does not change. However, a definite tendency towards increasin- can be observed i n the surface tension of carbide bounding on ferrite on introducing carbide forming elements (Cr,Ti) emd a tendency can be observed towards lowering of the surface tension on introducing non-carbide forming elements? cobalt for instance. The obtained values of suvface tension appear reasonable also as regards the determined size of the critical germination nucleus durine; phase transformation, for in8tance for steel containing 1.2% C and super-cooled to 50 C below the A, point, thg critical size of the cementite germ is about 10-( cm, which is a fully Card 6/7 realistic value for such -Lmdercooling. 126-2-12/35 Coalescence of fine.1y dispersed particles and determination of the surface tension at the boundary of solid phases. There are 4 figures, 10 tables and 10 references, 8 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: October 11, 1955 (Initially), April 10, 1957 (after revision.) ASSOCIATION: Dnepropetrovsk State University. (Dnepropetrovskiy Gosudarstvennyy Universitet). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 7/7 ;V, _ ~;Yqu,, - V.I. StreDgthening of crystals of chemical compounds in alloys of the systems Zn - Sb, Cd - Sb, In - Sb. Kriatallografiia 5 no-3: 479-481 My--,Te 160. (MIR-6, 13: 8) 1. Ghernovitskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. (Zinc antimouide) (Caclmium antimonide) (Indium antimonide) PSARzV, v. i. 'I On Caluulation of Kinetics Curves of Heating and Cooling.: Report submitted for the Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer, Minsk, BSSR, june 1961. S/M/60/005/03/00/oO AUTHOR: